THE WEATHER Nort h east Mississippi -Cloudy with a chance of showers and a f ew thunderstorms likely today diminishing tonight and Wednesday.
Telephone 842-2611 Price 15 Cents
Tupelo, Mississippi, Tuesday Morning, Aprll 8, 1975
S. Green St .. East of Hospital
Vol. 102 No.·7
Viet Babylift Resumes After Brief Embargo~
UPI T,1,plloto
FACE OF JOY -Carole Sheridan has a big hug and a big smile as she holds her new son Jay, a Vietnamese orphan, following the arrival of 65 refugee children here. The children will be distributed to adopting parents in 11 states. A senior American refugee worker in Saigon said Monday the South Vietnamese Government has refused to issue any more exit permits for war orphans. putting a stop to President Ford's "Operation Babylift."
United Press lnternationaJ An Air Force plane with 65 Vietnamese orphans flew tow a rd California Monday, and the lifting of Saigon 's brief embargo on " Operation Babylift" reopened the air bridge that was expected to bring thousands more to the United States. I n Sou th Vietnam authoriti es said children were b eing processed for adoption in the United States and other countries. The Saigon government. under pressure from abroad, reversed an earlier decision to stop the airlift which already had brought more than l,2UU infants and small children out of Saigon. The next plane scheduled to arrive in the United States was a Cl41 due at Travis Air Force base northeast of San Francisco Monday night with 59 infants. six children and 30 escorts. In addition to the mi litary l'li gh t. Overseas ational Airways reported it was loading a DClO with 287 ehildren for a flight from the Philippine to the united States . That planr was expected at Travis Tuesday morning. Resumption of ··Operation Babylift" ' brought joy to µrosµective new µarents in America and speeded preparations for th e
370,000 Acres In State ·c overed By Floodwaters VICKSBURG. Miss. (UPI ) park to accomodate fleeing The Mississippi River victims. The roiling river reached a crept relentlessly across thousands of acres of rich c rest of more than six feet farm land .Monday and above flood stage at officials said they are having Memphis. Tenn. . but the trouble finding enough dry city. protected by high land to establish a trailer bluffs. was in no danger. The
Tickets Ready For Free A ir Force Band Concert ,,
·· About the best musical group of its kind in the world." That was the verdict of the music critic of the London Daily Mail after a performance by the U.S. Air Force Band in England. The ippon Times of Kokyo reported, ' 'Seldom has a visiting musical organization received such spontaneous and prolonged applause as did the U.S. Air Force Band." The Corriere Di Napoli of Naples, Italy, commented : "The U.S. Air Force Band literally electrified the immense audience that gave its unqualified approval to the director, the soloist, the singers, and to the entire exceptional group." And even in Cairo, Egypt, the critic of Progress Dimanche wrote: "It is one of the best bands in the world. From the very beginning the audience was literally conquered by the U.S. Air Force Band." Such are comments from around the world regarding the talents and entertainment qualities of the 63-piece Air Force Band and the 23member "Singing Sergeants•· who will give a concert in the Tupelo High School Auditorium at 7:30 p.m. on Thursc!ay, April 17, under sponsorship of the Daily Journal. Individuals or school bands may obtain free tickets for the concert by sending a stamped , self-addressed envelope to the Tupelo Daily Journal, P.O. Box 909, Tupelo. Just fill out and return the coupon below today. Name_____________________....,_______ Address.________________ umber of tickets desired_____________
water is expected to rise several more feet before it crests at Vicksburg Saturday. The Army Corps of Engineers estimated that about 370,000 acres of land were covered in the lower Mississippi Delta counties of Issaquena. Sharkey, Yazoo and Warren. By the lime of the crest at Vicksburg, about 595,0UU acres were expected to be inundated. An emergency declaration signed by President Ford Frid&y made house trailers available for us by victims in the four counties. but official3 said they were having trouble finding both
land and money necessary to make use of the emergency housing units. "The only thing we'll have left out of water in my complete district is (U.S.) Hig hway 61," said W.E. F l ee man , an Issequena Co unty sup ervisor . " We don 't ha ve the parking space to hook these trailers up.' ' In addition, he said, there is t he problem of paying the e xpe nse of moving t he trailers from a storage area in Greenville and hooking them up to water, sewer lines and electricity. State regulations require Conti nued on page 10
reception of the children. A spokesman in San Francisco for one adoption ageney said : ··we will need more parents if we get more children. But we hope the people "ill listen to appeals and get their paperwork done through local and stale agencies before trying to contac·t the baby centers" . Those not knowing of an ageney can write the American Council of Voluntary Agenc ies. 2UU Park Ave., South. New York.
SAIGON (UPI> - A South Vietnam ese warplane attacked President Nguyen Van Thieu's palace early Tuesday and dropped two bombs. Both missed the palace but three persons were kill ed and four wounded. police said. Authorities ordered a 24· hour curfew. Military police sealed off Saigon's Tan Son Nhut airport and arrested Brig. Gen. Phan Phung Tien, air force commander at the base which adjoins the airport. The American radio . station. as well as Saigon Radio, told residents to get off the streets. and by noon Saigon time. streets were deserted . Thieu's whereabouts could not be lear n ed, but government sources said he was not at t he palace when the attack-came. One of the bombs failed to explode. The other struck an office building behind the palace, damaging the office of Col. Vo Van Cam, the president 's chief of staff. The American · radio told all Americans to get off the stre et and " please remain calm ."
an i nj un ction against "continuing racial dualism" in the institutions and that defendants be required to develop . sub m it and implement detailed plans "whic h compromise realistically and promptly to eliminate all vestigates of a dual syste m of hi gher education existing within the state of Mississippi." Defendants in the suit include Gov. Bill Waller, the State College Board. the State Department of Education , State School Su pe rin tendent Gar vi n Johnston and the Mississippi Junior College Commission. A motion to include the two black junior colleges. Coahoma and Utica. was filed in the government complaint. They were left out of the original lawsuit. The Justice Department ha d filed a petition in Continued on page 10
l l P.risoners Surrender To Authorities
Three of the hostages-one coun selor and two prisoners- were released at midafternoon and a couple of hours later the convicts freed the rest and surrendered themselves. Corrections Commissioner Heman Yeatman said a committee of inqu iry , including inmates, would be , set up to look into their
grievances. He promised ~he ll convicts they would not be prosecuted for the uprising. "I think there are some legitimate complaints here. t>nd these·wm be looked into. We hope to make it an ongoing process.' ' · atman said. Chief among the demands were an end to alleged harassment by guards and a review of the prisoners kept in isolation. Prison officials immediately made good on one promise- they allowed the 11 convicts, most of them from Memphis. to hold a news conference. "Weren't nobody gonna get hurt." said Dock Walker, serving HIO years for armed
robbery . " We weren't trying to take the prison over . We were just trying to get some consideration." Walker said the plan had been discussed for some time and was set into motion hurriedly Monday morning upon hearing a rumor that one of the 11 was about to be placed in isolation because a guard had found a hatchet among his belongings. " We wanted to be treated like men.'' said Gabe Sims, 22, serving 75 years for robber y and murder . " Every day we lose what little bit of respect we have for ourselves.'' The co unselors were rushed out of the prison without being allowed to
speak with newsmen. The si tua tio n ne ver grew especially tense while the hostages were being held in the counseling offices ben eat h the prison auditorium. " They want an end to it," said Jim Gilchrist. prison information officer. " They don't want to hurt anyone. but they want reassurance that their grievances will be considered." Apparently at no time did the convicts threaten to harm their hostages. Knobby Carr, 28, leader of the " Prison Activist Group for Reform," was in isolation and was unable to join the rest of the band, although he was apparently in on the
"We know our little daughter is in San Francisco because all of the children in the whole orphanage rve been working with arrived there yesterday." he said. " We're overjoyed !" It was an eye-popping new world of a tame rabbit and horses for Tam, 7, and Hung. 4. staying temporarily at the rural Lin eoln, eb., home of
l r . and Mrs. Dwain Myers. They will be picked up by their adoptive parents. state Sen . and Mrs. John DeCamµ as soon as Mrs. Dec amp reeovers from surgery. Thuy. an 11-year-old blind Vi t• tnames e g i rl wh o su rv ived last week "s disastrous C5 crash near Saigon was adjusting to her new hfe with the remarka ble family of Robert and Dorothy De Bolt in their east Continued on page 10
"Stay tuned to American Radio for information on the situation," an announcer said , bul gave no hint as to what the situation was or the cause of the curfew. Police and military police cordoned off Tan Son Nhut airbase and allowed no one in or out. It was not immediately known whether Thieu was in the palace at the time of the attack.
Radio Saigon urged the residents of the capital city, jittery over reports of a new Communist offensive in the Mekong delta south of Saigon that could threaten the city's food supply , to remain calm. The plane wa s a n American built F5 supersonic Freedom Fighter which is a mainstay of the South Vietnamese air force. It a ppeared suddenly over Saigon, swooping low over
the presidential palace and then returning a second time through anti-aircraft fire thrown up by palace guards. On the second pass. the plane dropped two bombs and then sped away toward the northwest. There was no immediate indication where the plane came from or whether lhe lone a ttack was part of an Continued on page 10
U.S. spokesmen. through American radio, said so far a s could be determined by the U.S. Embassy. no coup was underway . " All available information indica tes this (bombing ) is a single isolated incident ," the broadcast said .
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (UPIJ - Eleven black maximum security prisoners looking for "some consideration" seized four counselors and eigh t other prisoners Monday at the Tennessee state prison and held them at knifepoint for eight hours until authorities agreed to study their grievances.
Vietnamese girl they are adoµting and will name Melody.
South Viet Warplane Bombs Thieu's Pa lace
Federal Intervention Sol.Jght In Racial Suit OXFORD ( Pl) - The d e fendant " white" Justi ce Department filed a institutions ever admitted petition in Federal District black students until James Court here Monday seeking Meredith entered Ole Miss in to intervene in a lawsuit 1962; seeking further - That the defendants desegregation of perpetuated racial dualism Mississippi's public by putting "white" colleges uni versities and junior or branches near " black" colleges and by allowing the college . The governmen t support counties of two bla ck intervention along with junior colleges (Utica and several black students and Coahoma) to overlap with other plaintiffs in the the support counties of the five -year-old suit would ne arby w h ite junior require a hearing by a coll eges; three-judge federal panel. That the governing The governmen t boards of the institutions of complaint reiterated higher lea rni ng are all charges of racial white ; discrimination against the That curricula, State College Board and said programs a nd allocated federal funding of the state resources at the institutions insti tution s would be are discriminatory ; threatened if an accepta ble - That the desegregation desegregation plan was not plan s ubmitted by t he formulated for junio r in s titution s of higher colleges. learn ing have been The complaint charged : unacceptable. That none of the The compla int asked for
N. Y .. 1UUU3. he said. During the weekend 75u homeless children were brought into Northern Californ ia and 407 were delivered to authorities in Seattle. They brought j oy everywhere. "l 'm going to be a father once again," exulted actor Yul Brynner in Boston. Brynner and his wife. Jaequeline. had been up half of Sunday night, telephoning authorities about the infant
plot. He was brought in to help with the negotiations and tolct the convicts in the windowless counseling area to " stay cool and don't hurt anybody." Authori t ies said t he y thought at first there were only three convicts involved in the takeover because they only dealt with three in the telephone negotiations. The coTlvicts burst into the .counseling area at about 8:30 a .m . with handmade knives and lead-pipe clubs. There were five civilian counselors in the a rea at the time but one managed to slip away unnoticed. At midafternoon, one of the counselors and two prisoners were released as "an act of good faith.· •
MINER CONVOY - A convoy of coal trucks passes through Marion, Va . Monday enroute to Washington, D.C. from Wise, Va . The convoy, containing more than 400 trucks and stretching 30 miles are going to the nation's capital to protest proposed strip mining legislation, which the miners say could force hundreds of independent operators out of business.
Miners Move O n Capital To Protest Legislation WISE, Va. (UPI ) - A convov of about 4UU coal trucks moved out of the m oun tains of southwest Virginia Monday en route to Washington where miners planned to protest pending strip m ining legislation . State police said nearly 400 trucks left the Wise County Fairgrounds at 7 a.m . More trucks. including some from Kentuck y and Tennessee. joined the caravan along its line of march .
who runs a children·s home in Wise. went in the lead tru ck of the cara van and broadcast blessings. asking God to be with and give s t r e n g th lo th e demonstrators. " If this bill beC'omes law it would become a depression out here ." Russell said. ·· It'll be like it w a:, 10 years ago. People w1.1 be out of work. Store:, will be d osed." Jim Brown. one of the Continued on page 10
A cademy Awards Tonight
Inside Todo,y 's Journal ...,_- - IN DEX- ·-- ..,. About People ... . ..... . 11 Ann Lander . .. . . . .. . .. 8 Around Dixie . .... . ... . 12 Around Mlsslsslppl .. ... 2 At Wit's End .. .. .. ..... 6 Classified .. . ..... 19,29,21 Comics ... . ..... .. . . .. 17
Spectators stood at roadside cheering and held signs encouraging the miners and indeµendent strip mine operators. The protestors charged that the bill , now in conference committee, would foree the shutdown of mines and I a\'e. Two school girls held a white she et bearing the words , ··Good luck. miners." Another banner said. ··Honk if you love coal. " The Rev . Paul Russell.
·1~ I
Editorial .. .. .... .. .. .. 18 : Horoscope ...... .... .. 17 Look Of America ... .. . 16 Movies .. . ........ .. . . . 21 Obituaries . ... . .. . ... . 10 : Sharing Shortcuts . . ... 17 Society .. .. . . ....... 6,7,8 Sports . '" .. . .. . .. 13,H,15 Weather ........... . . .. 3
The 47th Annual Academy Awards are scheduled tonight. In the running for the "Best Picture of the Year" are "Chinatown, " " The Godfather Part II," "The Towering Inferno," " Lenny," and " The Conversation.. " Please turn to page 2.
Chemical Form ulas Sought The Consumer Product Safety Commission said Monday it will order several thousand companies to surrender chemical formulas to 21,000. products ranging from detergents to rust removers -so it can determine if they are dangerous. Pl~ase turn to page 9.
Indochina Aid Asked Senate Democratic Leader Mike Mansfield called on the United States Monday to provide speedy humanitarian aid through international organizations for South Vietnamese and Cambodian refu gees. Please r,urn to oaie 3.