1980, November 3 - Hostages

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at y PH: 842-2611

Price 25 Cents

36 pages, 2 sections

Tupelo, Mississippi, Monday Morning, November 3, 1980

Vol. 107 No. 185

S. Green St., East of Hospital

Iran Sets Terms For Hostages' Release By United Press International I r an 's Par liamen t v ote d Sunday to free the 52 Am er ican hostages - possibly in stages - if the United St ates m eets four cond itions set by Ay a tollah Ruhollah Khomeini. P resident Carter called the move " positive" and said the adm inistration is purs uing it thr oug h diplomatic channels. In Tehran , P ars News Agency ' reported the Moslem students holding t h e occup ie d U. S . Embassy will meet Khomeini Monda y t o rec ei ve h is instru ction s on t he hostage question. One of the students said that after the meeting the students will issue their own statement about the hostages. While labeling the Parlia m ent action 's a "positive basis" in the cr1s1s, Carter in a s pecial broadcast Sunday night said Washington will take no action that does not preserve " our

national honor and national integrity.'' He a lso gave no hope that the hostages, who were seized in the U.S. Em ba ssy a year ago Tuesday, would be free before the first anniversary of their captivity. "I wish l could say when the hostages will be home," he told reporters at the White House. " I cannot." Secretary of State Edmund Muskie said no decision will be made "until we understand the fine print" of Parliament's dem ands to end the crisis, now in its 365th day . Families of the hostages held their breath . The next move, Iran said, is up to the United States. It appeared that all factions were in general agreement, including militant Moslems who seized the U.S. Embassy in Tehran in a dramatic takeover a year ago Tuesday.

i' WITH COUNTLESS yellow ribbons bleached with age, the fa milies of many hostages were talking tough about the conditions laid down Sunday by Iran for the release of the 52 Americans. Page 8.

Carter's pre sidential challengers considered the situation too grave for comment. They said their prayers for the release of the hostages. After being awakened by an early-morning call in Chicago, Carter flew back to the White House a board Air Force One to talk with advisers. White House news secretary Jody Powell said the administration would "consider appropriate American steps in

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.( Old-Timey / Barber Cuts Inflation By MIKE TAP SCOTT St aff Writer NETTLETON Alfred Hinson trims more than just h air a t his Nettleton barbershop. The 76-year-old barber also tries to cut inflation with his low-cost haircuts. Hinson, whose shop has been a fixture on Nettleton's main business street for almost half a century, charges $2 for a good, old-fashioned hair cut. While $2 is a lot more than the 25 cents he charged in 1935 when he opened his shop, it's still a cheaper haircut than today's hair stylists will give you. "I just charge what I want to as long as I can make a go at it," Hinson explained, resting in his big, swivel barber chair. "But when the supplies go up, you have to go up, too. I just want to live and let live." Perhaps Hinson can charge less than his contemporaries because he never encountered the expenses of attending barber college. The self-styled "old-timey, country barber" taught himself to cut hair by making friends sit down on a stump at his Palestine community home and

Photo by Klke Tapscott

OLD TIMEY BARBER - Alfred Hinson, who has been barbering in Nettleton since 1935, cuts the hair of one of his long-time customers, Arnold Cooper. practicing on them . After a few years of honing his skills at his horn e, Hinson in the heart of the Depression bought the dingy-brown shop on Front Street for $500. The sparsely furnished shop looks as if its proprietor has been as reluctant to change its interior as he has to increase the pric·e of haircuts. A wooden bench, with farm· magazines and catalogs stacked at one end, is backed against one wall. A folding card table and chairs are in one corner and calendars advertising local businesses are tacked to the walls. The focal points of the shop, though, are two big porcelain and leather barber c hairs and Hinson's clippers, scissors and bottles of hair tonic . The permanence of Hinson's

prices and shop design is matched only by the longevity of some of his customers. "I got Curtis Pettigrew coming in here to get haircuts, and I learned how to cut hair on him up at Palestine. I cut his hair while he sat on a stump," he said. And then there is retired merchant Lee Coggin, who has been shaved by Hinson every Monday through Saturday since the shop opened 45 years ago. Hinson estimates he has used his straight razor on Coggin more than 12,000 times. "Since I have been shaving Lee Coggin, I had my eyes operated on once, and he took one vacation when he went down to Florida for two weeks. Continued on Page 22

A native of Brooklyn, N.Y., she earned a bachelor of arts degree from Barnard College of Columbia University i'l New York. She wrote " Man 's World, Woman's Place," a non-fiction exploration of the social change of wome n's roles publis hed in 1971. It was followed in 1974 by

Elizabeth Janeway

the state game

death sentence given

Coach Emory Bellard and hjs Mis siss ippi State Bulldogs ended Coach Bear Bryant's 28game winning streak by beating the Alabama Crimson Tide 6-3 Saturday in.Jackson. Page 25 .

SEOUL, South Korea (UPI) A military tribun al sentenced opposition South Koren leader Kim Dae-jung to death Monday for plot ti n g the violent overthrow of the government. The five-member appeals court a l so found Kim's • 23 c odefendants g uilty of sedition and gave the m pris on terms ranging from two to 20 years. Kim was th e n ation's foremost presidential ca ndidate before his arrest May 17 when the military expanded martial law.

pressure seen The pressure on housing markets caused by the post World War II baby boom· for the next 25 years will prompt more families to move to less developed areas, a research said. Page 14.

Emory Bellard

response to action by the Iranian Parliament. We are continuing to assess information from a variety of sources relating to this action." An unofficial text of the Iranian Parliament decision said in part: "The Iranian government shall release all the 52 U.S. criminals in

we~e paraded blindfolded in front of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran a year ago.

return for the fulfillment of these (Khomei ni's) conditions by the U.S. government. Should some of these conditions require more time, however, then once all the conditions are accepted by the U.S. government, a number of criminals shall be released with

the approval of the Islamic government. " "This is obviously going to be time-consuming," Muskie said . While the U.S. government can Continued on Page 22

Cynicism In Iran Crisis May Blunt Carter Hopes Knight-Ridder News WASHINGTON - With his reelection in apparent danger, Jimmy Carter may have gotten last-minute help once again from the suspense surrounding the fate of the American hostages in Iran and from the opportunity to act presidential in confronting the .issue. Political strategists for the president and his Republican challe nger, Ronald Regan, suggest that cynicism may be so prevalent in the nation that the hostage issue, which helped Carter politically in the past, could now contribute to his defeat . The president , at least

it WHILE THE presidential race has dominate d t he headlines the Republican Party has conducted the first national campaign to gain seats in state legislature and loosen t he Democrat hold on redistricting next year. Page 7. temporarily , canceled his campaigning Sunday and returned to the White House, the better to deal with the hostage issue, his aides said. Pollsters who have b een keeping day-to-day track of voters in key states report that the cynicism is based not simply on the belief that the president

Election Countdown



V?\an\ I~ O naDay has manipulated events, but also on the feeling that the nation is again being humiliated and that Iran is calling the shots in the American election . Republican pollster Robert Teeter, who has been probing for Continued on page 22

Hot State Contest Nears Climax By NORMA FIELDS Capitol Correspondent JACKSON Mississippians are expected to turn out more than 700,000 strong Tuesday to vote in one of the most hotlycontested presidential races of the last decade. Coming down to the wire - and depending on voter turnout - the state's seven electoral votes could go either way : for the re-election of Democratic President Jimmy Carter or for Republican

challenger Ronald Reagan. At the weekend , pollsters were reporting it close. The vote will climax an acrimonious campaign in the state - one that has seen c harges of racism followed by demands for apologies by workers for both Carter and Reagan . Reagan held an early, overwhelming lead in Mississippi right after he won the Republican nomination and a ppeared before an overflow crowd at the Neshoba County Fair near Philadelphia .

Crowds turning out to see him in Columbus two weeks ago were smaller than Reagan's GOP backers had anticipated, but no less enthusiastic. The Carter campaign received its biggest boost Friday when the president came to Jackson, his first trip to the state during the campaign but his third since being elected . Carter spoke from a platform in

Continued on page 22

God's Art Work Superb This Fall

Foster Guest Lecturer

Continue~ on page 22

HOSTAGES - Iran Sunday revealed its conditions for the release of the hostages who

Seems To Nie

Author Janeway 2nd Author Elizabeth Janeway will be the second guest lecturer for the 1980 Helen Foster lecture series sponsored by the Lee Co unty Library at 8 p . m . Thursday ,at the library. Tickets are not necessary for admission. An author, social historian, critic a nd lecturer, Mrs. Janeway has written 13 books and is widely known for her book reviews and magazine articles.

UPI Telephoto

By PHYLLIS HARPER I spent a great deal of time on the road during the past week, and decided once again that we live amidst some of God's greatest art work . South on the Natchez Trace, north to Memphis, east to Fawn Grove no matter which direction one travels the variety of landscape never ceases. And Northeast Mississippi's hills have never been dressed more richly than they are this fall, despite the fact that the past summer was unusually dry .

Perhaps there was just enough fall rain to revive them. The beauty of beech, birch, maple , hickory, gum , chestnut and other trees has hardly been diminishe d. They run the full gamut of color - brilliant scarlet, bright burnt orange, deep purple, muted pastel yellow ...... mixed with the bright green of pine and deep blue-green of cedar. While driving through it, I realized once again that the topography of our corner of the state adds to its beauty. Crest any one of the rolling hills and you see

a new arrangement of pastures, fields, houses, hills, streams, ponds and lakes. You don't have to drive far. Get out and walk among the leaves. Pick a few branches and put them in water at home as a reminder of all you've seen. A recent card from a reader reminded me of a conversation not long ago with Miss Hattie Comer, my first grade teacher at Fawn Grove, who said the old Continued on page 22

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1980, November 3 - Hostages by Journal Inc - Issuu