Price 25 Cents
PH: 842-2611
briefly weather Fair; high in the mid 60s; low near 40; sunrise 6:55; sunset 4: 38. Page 14.
local extension wanted Attorneys representing a group of Tupelo restaurant and lounge owners plan to ask the Board of Aldermen for an extension of the existing midnight deadline on the serving of alcoholic beverages · until 1 a.m . Page 4.
28 page·s, 2 sections
Tupelo, Mississippi, Tuesday Morning, November 24, 1981
Vol. 108 No. 203
© 1981 Journal Publlahln& Co.
1655 S. Green St.
Brezhnev Offers Europe Missile Reduction .
BONN, West Germany (UPI)Soviet President Leonid Brezhnev offered Monday to reduce the number of Russian missiles targeted at Europe as "a new, substantial eleme nt in our position" for next week's SovietAmerican disarmament talks in Geneva. "As a gesture of good will," · Brezhnev said at a dinner hosted by Chancellor Helmut Schmidt, "we could reduce unilaterally a certain part of our nuclear weapons of medium range in the European part of the Soviet Union," which are targeted at Europe.
"We could make a reduction so to speak in advance, in the process of moving ourselves toward a lower level, about which the Soviet Union and the United States could agree as a result of negotiations. "This is a new , substantial element in our position." The offer was Brezhnev's reply to President Reagan's proposal last week to rid Europe entirely of intermediate-range nuclear missiles. Brezhnev rejected lhe proposal. " We are being asked to disarm unilaterally while hundreds of land and sea-based missiles,
aircraft with atomic bombs on board, this whole threatening arsenal of the United States and other NATO countries directed against our country and our allies remain untouched," Brezhnev said. "It is clear that the Soviet Union will never agree" to Reagan's proposal, Brezhnev said at the dinner on his second day in West Germany. Schmidt earlier called for a Brezhnev-Reagan summit meeting and urged the Soviet leader to accept Reagan's proposal to rid Europe of inte rm ediate-range . nuclear
missiles. Schmidt said, "It would be especially significant if you, Mr. general-secretary, were to meet with the president of the United States. Such a meeting could set a clear sign of hope and trust. Schmidt said he was convinced "President Reagan is entering the negotiations in Geneva with the serious will to reduce the nuclear threat by means of arms limitation." Earlier, in a more than three· hour rt!view of the international situation, Schmidt urged t he visiting Brezhnev to accept Reagan's missile plan.
Schmidt told Br ezhnev, according to a spokesman, " I can understand that you consider American missiles a strategic threat to the Soviet Union, but we consider your missiles to be a strategic threat to us. "If you do not want U.S. missiles in Europe, then you must withdraw all your medium-range missiles." Leonid Zamyatin, Brezhnev's spokesman, however, repeated the Soviet argument that nuclear parity exists in Europe already, and that the introduction of Continued on Page 14
garbage schedules Tupelo residents are reminded that garbage normally . collected on Thursday will be picked up Wednesday this week because of the Thanksgiving holiday. Normal collection schedules will be resumed Friday.
Budget Bill After Veto
big band show Tupelo Community Concert Association will open its season with the Big Band Show al 8 p . m . today at Civic Auditorium. Johnny Desmond, Connie Haines, the New Ink Spots, and Alvino Rey and his or chestra are featured performers. No tickets are available.
fashion show A Yves Saint Laurent benefit fashion show will be brought to Mississippi Dec . 3 at the Greenwood-Leflore Civic Center in Greenwood. The Garden Club of Tupelo hopes to make transportation available. Page 8. •
UPI Telephoto
BRADY GOES HOME - White House press secretary James Brady is welcomed home by a Washington policeman after spending eight
months in George Washington University Hospital. At right, a neighbor holds Brady's son, James Scott Jr. (Story on Page 12.)
deadline nears Any counties that have not completed property reappraisal by 1983 will risk having their tax rolls rejected by the state Tax Commission and several may find themselves in that tenuous position. Page 3.
millionaire bandit A bearded part-time Brink's guard hunted for 15 months acted entirely alone in pulling off a near-record $1.85 mill ion heist by driving away in a company armored car, the FBI said Monday. Page 2.
governors warned The nation 's Republican governors were warned Monday that high unemploym ent rates could threaten their hopes for dramatic victories in the 36 statehouse races in 1982. Page 11.
car quotas fail Japanese import quotas have backfired because of the foreign automakers' ability to adjust sales allocations to meet American market demands, a leading economic forecasting firm said Monday. Page 16.
index About People ........ . . . .... 12 Around Dixie ................ 3 Classified ................ 22-25 Comics ..... .. .............. 21 Editorial ........ ..... . ...... 6 Local/Area . ......... .. . .. ... 4 Look At Lee ................. 7 Look Of America . ......... . 13 Markets .................... 27 Mississippi Living .......... 8-9 Movies . ..... . ........ ...... 26 Obituaries ... ..... . . . .. . . .. . 14 Sports ................... 17-20 What's Happening ........... 7 World Briefs . ................ 2
City Thanksgiving Service Set Tupelo's fourth annual Community Thanksgiving Service will be at 9:30 a .m. Thursday at St. James Catholic Church. The communitywide service, sponsored jointly by the Greater Tupelo Ministerial Association and the Lee County Biracial Committee, will bring together mem hers of a II area churches for the joint Thanksgiving observance. A fellowship hour will follow in the church's parish hall. The church is on U.S. 45North. Four lay persons - Searcy
Jamison, Margaret Carnathan, volunteer in numerous c1v1c Dr. Cecil Weeks and Debra organizations, is president of the Whitworth - will speak at the Tupelo Garde n Club, senior service, which has "Giving president of the Children of the American Revolution and past Thanks" as its theme. Miss Jamison is a graduate of president of the Northeast Tupelo High School and a Mississippi Art Association. Mrs. candidate for a master 's degree Carnathan, a former state in health administration from Outstanding Young Woman of North Texas State University in America, is a mem ber of the First Denton, Texas. She is employed Presbyterian Church. Weeks, principal of Church by Cedars Health Center. Miss Jamison is the daughter of Mr. Street Elementary School, is past and Mrs. Robert Jamison and a president of the Luncheon Civitan member of Rising Star Baptist Club and governor-elect of the Church. Mrs. Carnathan, an active Continued on Page 14
WASHINGTON (UP I ) President Reagan, wielding the veto for the first time, Monday blocked what he called a " budgetbuster" emergency money bill and won congressional approval of a stopgap measure delaying the spending battle for nearly a month. Reagan signed the revised $400 billion stopgap spending program into law less than 12 hours after using his first presidential veto to derail a $427.9 billion congress ion al compromise worked out over the weekend. The president also made the dramatic gesture of beginning lo shut down the government on grounds there was no money for anything but essential services .a move that threw the bureaucracy into confusion. ' The impasse arose because Congress has yet to approve any of the major appropriations to keep the government running through this fisca l year. Reagan won a key victory in the long-running battle of the budget by persuading both the House and Senate to continue government funding at existing levels through Dec . 15, instead of Feb. 3 as House Democrats had sought as an alternative to the vetoed measure, which would have run through July 15. Several members of Congress said approval of the three-week stopgap was as much a sign of Congress' desire to go home for the Thanksgiving holiday as it was a major win for Reagan. But in wielding his veto against
the "continuing resolution," Reagan raised the stakes in the spending stuggle. Announcing his veto in a televisied appearance Monday morning, the president declared "these so-called stopgap (resolutions) are budgetbusters." Reagan signed the law just after 5:30 p.m . CST and promptly began his Thanksgiving holiday. He had delayed his scheduled Sunday departure for his California ranch to challenge Congress in what he described as a battle over "fiscal sanity." Speaking to reporters as he left the White House, Reagan made clear what was already known that the budget conflict was only taking a holiday break . "We must go back and do the work all over again," he said, adding he was glad the holiday would not be disrupted for everyone. Now, he said, " We are going to try to negotiate a (final ) bill I can sign." Tens of thousands of federal workers across the country were sent home Monday after Reagan announced .the shutdown of "nonessential" functions. The shutdown even hit the Washington Monument and Statue of Liberty. But with final approval of the emergency funding bill, it turned out the " furloughs " were shortlived. A spokesman for the Office of Management and Budget said all federal workers were to report Continued on Page 14
Statement Flied
Waterway Engineers Favor Completion Of Proiect By JOE RUTHERFORD Editorial Research Staff Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway engineers, in a preliminary suppleme nt al environmental impact statement released Friday, conclude that completing the 233-mile project is the only sensible option among five alternatives studied . The draft report said, "Because of the amount of construction that has been completed or is well
under way, and the extensive environmental alterations that have already occurred , the alternative evaluation, from a practical viewpoint, are limited." The statement, to be revised after two months of public and official comment, was ordered July 13 by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans. The court, reversing Mississippi's Northern District Court in a 5· year-old anti-waterway suit,
ruled that the report must be prepared for the project to continue. District Judge William Keady has ordered the supplemental statement filed by June 1, 1982. Plaintiffs in the case claimed that design changes made since 1971 will adversely affect natural habitats in the project corridor. The massive, two-volume draft statement, prepared by almost 50 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
officials and consultants, says the $2 billion project has passed the point of greatest environmental impact and potential damage. Sixty-nine percent of navigation work and 61 percent of total construction activity, it says, is complete. Design changes, the statement says, were made under authority of the original 1971 impact statement, approved by federal district and appeals courts.
The earlier report, the supplement says, allows design changes "to increase the (e nvironmen tal) gains and mitigate the losses." The July court order required re-study of estimated traffic levels, increases in the amount of land required, the chain-of-lakes construction design used between Bay Springs and Amory and Continued on Page 14
_______________extra •••_______________
Future In U.S. Job Market Bright For SkiUed Craftsmen King Features Syndicate By the start of the 21st century , skilled craftspeople in this country are going to be in dangerously short supply if present trends continue. For example, the Department of Labor predicts that there will be an average of 31,000 new openings for skilled machinists and machine operators and then gloomily adds that right now we're only turning out 2,390 qualified workers a year for such jobs.
Machinists Union President William W. Winpisinger, not a man to mince words, bluntly sums up the problem in this choice manner: "The most highly industrialized nation on earth is in danger of becoming a nation of industrial illiterates who do not know how to stop a running toilet, replace a burned out fuse or identify anyth i ng on a car more complicated than the gas-tank cap." Winpisinger may be
overstating his case a bit, but there is still a strong element of truth in his observations about the shortage of craftspeople. The question is why? Why, indeed, considering the fact that today a skilled tool-and-die worker can earn up to $40,000 a year, which is as much as any middle-management corporate executive can expect. Years ago · that wasn't true . Then the pay of skilled artisans like machinists was far below that of the average white collar
worker, and there was no shortage. So why are Americans shunning the highly skilled trades? One reason is that nowadays there are literally thousands of career options open to young people, options that simply didn't exist a century ago. Apparently it seems more attractive to wear a suit and tie and work in a clean, wellventilated office than it docs to stand in front of a hot, noisy
metalworking machine. The thought of a five-year apprenticeship before you 're qualified to earn a journeyman's pay doesn't turn on millions of high school graduates either. Bank t r/lining programs do. To make ma tte rs worse , experienced metalworkers who retire every year aren't being replaced because of this lack of interest. While Winpi inger may have Continued on Page 14.