at y
) PH: 842-2611
Price 50 Cents
weather Fair; high in the upper 40s ; low in the upper 20s; sunrise 6:57; sunset 5:33. Page 22.
love's in the air Rom ance is alive and well in the Daily Journal area judging from the number of " Lovelines" appearing in today's Classified ad section. Page 33.
perfect couple Sunday has been proclaimed "We Believe In Marriage Day" in 41 states. A Dennis couple has been recognized as the area 's perfect sweethearts. Several area couples have attended marriage enrichment programs through the church. Pages 16-17.
another view Blackv iew, the new e st feature of the Daily Journal, focuses . on the black communities of Northeast Mississippi. Page 29.
mississippi considered The Republican governor of Wisconsin says he has a plan for finding out if President Reagan's New Federalism plan will work - use his state and one other, perhaps Mississippi, as test states for the economic program . Page 10.
Producer Price Index 'IE,
Percent Change From Previous Month
+1 .2
UP 0 .4 %
WASHINGTON (UPI) President Reagan Friday ordered a "full report" on why a team of American soldiers carried M-16 automatic r{fles into the field during a training mission in El Salvador. Guidelines issued by the State Department last year forbid U.S. troops in El Salvador to carry rifles or to be sent into areas that are not secure. A television camera crew from the Cable News Network filmed one of the advisers, wearing blue jeans a nd an olive drab T-shirt,
Vol. 108 No. 270
sticking a .45-caliber pistol into his belt and carrying an M-16 automatic rifle of the type used by American forces in Vietnam . " The only thing I can assume is that they (the rifles) were for personal protection and I think that's understandable. But I'm asking for a full report and we 'll have one from the Defense Department," Reagan said on leaving the White House for Camp David, Md. " The policy is we do not engage in combat. Nor were these gentlemen, as far as indicated,
doing that at all." Deputy White House press secretary Larry Speakes said U.S. officials want "to talk to the people " involved before re~easing an official report. The Defense Department issued a statement saying "some of the trainers were carrying M16 rifles " that were not authorized, but that th e Americans "were not and have not been involved in combat activities." It said the matter is under investigation. The U.S. troops assigned to the
Of Year' By PHYLLIS HARPER Feature Editor When Junior Auxiliary president Patsy West introduced this year's Outstanding Citizen at the annual Charity Ball Friday night, she started by saying that he was graduated from Cedar Hill High School and held an honorary degree in love and laughter from Wood Junior College. She had given all the clues most people needed, and few were surprised several minutes later when she called the name of Charles Ray Mullinnix as the 19th recipient of the award. Mullinnix was cited for many years of outstanding service and devotion to numerous church and civic projects, and for the generous use of his time as a speaker who has inspired people throughout the South. She pointed out that he has long been known as " Mr. Civitan" and " Mr. Methodist." " His gift of gab, quick wit, tremendous sense of humor and
Photo by Beth Anne Harper
Junior Auxiliary president Patsy West presents a plaque to Charles R. Mullinix after he was named Outstanding Citizen at the 19th annual Junior Auxiliary Charity Ball.
Auto Negotiators Seek Agreement
inflation rises A government report said Friday that inflation at the wholesale level - held down by lower prices for cars , gasoline and natural gas - r ose by only 0.4 percent in January for a projected annual rate of 5.3 percent - a relatively small gain. P age 2.
voting act supported The chief ci vil rights enforcer for form er President Jimmy Carter testified before Congress Friday that continued evasions of the 1965 Voting Rights Act show an overwhelming need to extend its expiring enforcemen t provision. Page 11.
force exhibited The Polish military regime staged roadblocks , and sent convoys of armored cars into the streets of Warsaw Friday, but church sources said that imprisoned Solidarity leader Lech Walesa may be allowed to attend the baptism of his seventh child, a daughter born two weeks ago. Page 30.
index About People ............... 30 Around Dixie ............... 11 Black View ... .... .. . . ...... 29 Chur ch Notices .......... 12-13 Classified .•. .. .. ... ...... 33-39 Comics ......... . .... ... .... 32 Editorial ....•....... . ....... 6 Look At Lee . ..... ......... .. 5 Look Of America ........... 19 Markets .. ....... .. .•....... 31 Mississippi Living . ....... 16-18 Movies ..... . ... .. .. .. ... 14-15 Obituaries ... . .. . . .......... 22 Sports . . ... . ...........•. 25-28 What's Happening ........... 9
The fact the men were even in the field rather than at a secure base seemed to bend the rules in the State Department background p aper released in May 19~1.
Southern Ally On '83 Budget
Talks Resume Today
made up of one warrant officei: and four enlisted men, was spending three days training Salvadorans in how to ·build " Bailey Bridges" - a type of small bridge. He said the men were "not part of the U.S. mission," referring to the normal U.S. military team in the country.
+.8 +.6
training force in the Central Am erican nation are forl1idden to be placed in a situation where co~bat is likely. The regulations specify they can carry only sidearms. The same rules require the U.S. forces to be stationed in a secure garrison and protected by Salvadoran troops. About 50 U.S. Army personnel are assigned to 'El Salvador to train the army. " They are trainers, not advisers," said a Pentagon spokesman. Speakes said the team filmed,
President Loses
Continued on Page 22
1655 S. Green St.
© 1911 JOUJ'llal Publlllllq Co.
In January
+1 .0
Tupelo, Mississippi, Weekend Edition, February 13-14, 1982
Reagan Orders El Salvador Probe
54 pages, 3 sections
DETROIT (UPI) United Auto Workers and Ford Motor Co. bargainers worked late into Friday night, reaching agreement on "many issues" but not yet on subcontracting - the main roadblock in the way of a contract settlement. Union President Douglas F r aser met reporters shortly before 10 p.m . CST and said negotiations would resume at 8 a .m . today. Fraser told reporters that -agreements have been reached "on many, many issues" but
more discussion was needed on subcontracting of work to nonunion and foreign sources . . Earlier in the day, both sides were hopeful an agreement could be reached before this morning. Chief UAW negotiator Donald Epphlin said outsourcing is the biggest stumbling block in the bargainers' path. "It's the cornerstone to a whole agreement and we don't have it yet," Epphlin said. "Either we make it or we don't have an agreement." He said the UAW wants to keep
at union plan ts all w ork traditionally performed and to halt all new subcontracting. The UAW and Ford bargainers agreed Thursday on the economic portion of the contract. The cuts in wages and benefits will save Ford a reported $1 billion-plus over the 31-month life of the proposed pact - an amount about equal to the automaker's 1981 losses. Ford workers now earn about $21.50 an hour in combined wages and benefits .
WASHINGTON (UPI) - Rep . P hil Gramm of Texas, the "Boll "'Running room' Weevil" who broke with his fellow Democrats to co-sponsor r equires that we define Pres ident Re agan's budget the width of the track. package last year, rejected the And the Reagan track is 1983 Reagan budget Friday and offered his own alternative. · not wide enough for tax Republican Sen. Slade Gorton increases or defense of Washington, a member of the cuts.,, Treasury .Senate Budget Committee, Secretary Donald Regan announced he also will submit an alternative budget proposal to the committee when Congress "There's no running room as r eturns from its Lincoln Day far as he's concerned on those two recess F eb. 22. · Both plans envisioned a nearly points," Baker said on ABC's ba lanced b udget by 1985. "Good Morning America" show . Gramm 's proposal included a Treasury Secretary Don ald limit on defense spending, while Gorton proposed slicing off half of Regari ·reinforced that position later at a news conference. Reagan' s income tax cuts. Gramm 's was at least the third Noting Reagan qtlked of giving alternative to Reagan 's proposal Congress "runn~ng room" to since the president sent his consider alternatlve budget spending plan to Congress proposals, the secretary said: ' "Running room ' requires that Monday, and the first by one of we define the width of the track. the "BoH Weev il s, " t he conservative Democrats who And the Reagan track is not wide helped give Rea gan his budget enough for tax increases or ,and t ax victories last year in the defense cuts, " Regan said. Democratic-controlled House. Gorton said his proposal would Many more alternatives are freeze spending for domestic expected from both ,Republicans programs, indexed entitlement and Democrats. programs and federal pay at 1982 The administration ruled out levels; reduce the income tax cut any tampering with Reagan 's by half, providing a 5 percent proposed $33 billion boost in chop next year and 5 percent in m ilita r y spending o r the 1984, and double excise taxes on individual income tax cut enacted liquor, cigarettes and gasoline. last year to reduce Reagan's The plan would lead to a balanced projected $91.5 billion budget budget by 1985, he said. · deficit. In a speech in Fort Worth, Whitf House chief of staff James Baker said Reagan is Texas, Gramm said Reagan's willing t o discuss some changes to projected $91.5 billion deficit is quiet the outcry that greeted his " tot ally unacceptable." He plan for $26 billion in . domestic offered an alternative to reduce spending cuts. But Baker said the the deficits by an additional $32. 7 defense budget and the tax cuts billion in fiscal 1983, $48.2 billion . slated for this July and J uly 1983 in 1984 and $61.5 billion in 1985, are 1'the heart and soul of the producing a near-balanced president's program." budget that year.
Legislators Wreck Winter Proposals, Reiect Pay Raises By NORMA FIELDS Capitol Correspondent JA CKSON Lawmakers wound up· the sixth week of the 1982 legislative session Friday leaving a shambles of Gov. William Winter's education and prisoi. reform packages and agreeing on no pay hikes for state employees . Along the way, the House also . killed a bill aimed at regulating credit life insurance while hiking cigarette taxes by five cents per
package to pay for a cancer research center. But despite the agreement that the state could not afford pay hikes for state employees the Senate - during a late night deadline session - approved a bill that would give the state's public school teachers a 3 percent pay hike. However, the pay raise would come only if there were enough money in the treasury to pay for it, which appropria tions and revenu·e experts say there
isn't . The week's biggest legislative story developed in the House where Speaker C.B. " Buddie" Newm an 's arbitrary action in adjourning the House Wednesday - preventing proponents from moving Winter's kindergarten bill up the calendar - set off resounding repercussions. The kindergarten measure , which was introduced by the governor on the deadline day, had beer\ reposing idly on the House
calendar for five legisiative days without action when its floor action deadline approached. Proponents sought to move the measure up on the calendar late Wednesday and then loudly demanded the House register a roll call vote on the adjournment motion - both actions ignored by Newman, who uncharacteristicly left the podium immediately-after gaveling the day's session closed. Had the bill been advanced on the calendar Wednesday its f~oor
handlers would not have run into the problem they did Thursday when they could gain more than enough votes to advance the bill, but fell nine votes shy of getting the two-thirds majority needed to suspend the rules for immediate consideration of the education proposal. Bitter feelings over the kindergarten measure were displayed all during the deadline Continued on Page 22
Coul"thouse Claims: Owner Of Moon Could Live In Area By PHYLLIS HARPER
Feature Editor A chancery clerk's office is a repository of public records, most of which are filed in separate books covering such legal matters as land deeds, court minutes a nd probated wills. There 's another classification: miscellaneous. These books cover entries that don't fit any other category.
Lee County records go back to suggestion written to the 1867, the year the county was Department of Defense, Office of formed, and during that time two . Civil Defense, Battle Creek , books have been filled with Mich., that Monroe and Lee miscellaneous entries that range counties be used as a site for from happy to sad, from atomic bomb testing. h u m o r o u s to· d o w n r i g h t The claims on the · moon and ridiculous. Saturn were filed quite some time 'I'.he subjects include claims on before the first United States' astronaut sped out into space for the moon and on Saturn and its a Qrief stay . satellites. A fe w recipes and songs have been filed. So has a One of these foresighted filing:5
declared , "In placing said claim, it is my desire to hold and to possess said title to the planet Moon and that I shall claim said title against all persons and governments and further, that I will defend said title and claim where ver same might be attacked." There follows a description of the moon and its orbit, its distance from the Earth and other
" studies of the moon leads us to believe that it is composed of pure rock ... in the daytime it gets much hotter than boiling water." The claim on Saturn is simila and includes its "nine or possibl 10 satellites." The meaning of copies o sever al piec es of 196 Continued on Page 22