1989, November 15 - West Point Voters

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Tupelo Golden Wave takes Div. 3-5A win over Grenada - See

Northeast Mississippi

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Wednesday, November 15, 1989

A Locally Owned Newspaper Dedicated to the Service of God and Mankind


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Clay County

Daily Journal

WEST POINT - Teachers and city officials were ecstatic Tuesday night when 61 percent of West Point's voters approved a $4.5 million bond issue to build a issue to pass in Mississippi. new junior high school and fund other capital projects About 52 percent of the 8,000 registered voters in the in the school system. city cast ballots in the election. "We were surprised at the heavy voter turnout be- . West Point Superintendent' Dr. Tom Lott said the cause it was raining · part of t~e d~y, '' said: Genie proposed new junior high school will be built near the Lawson, who head~d a c~?1~umty-w~de committee to • West Point High School and house grades eight and promote the bond issue. Its very difficult to pass a nine. The high school will continue to house grades 10 through 12. bond issue by 61 percent." Clay County Circuit Clerk Joyce Aycock said 2,466 Construction of the school likely will begin in late voted for the bond issue and 1,576 voted against it.Sixty percent of the total vote is required for a bond spring or early summer of 1991 and be completed in

1992 or early 1993, he said. Currently, junior high students who participate in athletics and marching band must travel to practice facilities at the high school. The new school will solve those transportation problems, Lott said. The community-wide committee also has been studying possibilities for renovating parts of Central School, he said. About $42,'000 of the funds will be used to renovate the school for administrative offices, and the rest of the building, including a large auditorium, may be used as a community center. Central School currently houses 650 fifth and sixth graders it was not equipped to handle, Lott said. To remedy the overcrowding problem, Fifth Street





West Point voters narrowly approve school bont ,:·; By KRISTIE ALLEY



6 No. 229


School wiil be converted into a school for grades five through seven, he said . It currently houses 969 students in grades seven through nine. After paying construction costs; the remaining bond money will be l sed to add classrooms to the high school and Fifth Street SchMl and to install air conditioning in schools not equipped with cooling systems, Lott said. The last bond issue passed for West Point Schools was in 1983 for $2.9 million, he said. The money raised then was used to add on to West Point High School and Fifth Street School and renovate parts of other schools. In 1983, 3,250 students lived in the school district, Lott said. Currently about 4,000 students live in the district.

W. Germany offers massive

Consultant offers 3 plans for schools

financial aid to E. Germany • By NESHA STARCEVIC Auociated Preu


A Georgia-based consultant offered three alternatives to the Tupelo Public School Board Tuesday that would meet the needs of the students in the district within the next five years. Dr. Steve Salmon, director of public services at the Facility Group in Smyrna, Ga ., presented the more than 200-page document with the results of his study of the Tupelo Public School District. Salmon said it was his responsibility to look at three main areas within the school district. He was asked to study and give a projected population growth for the school district, inspect the current facilities and sites,. and give the school board a recommendation on what they could do to meet the needs of students in the future. The alternatives could lead to a bond issue ' to fund the recommended changes the board agrees with plus the cost of a new football staA11ocleted PrHs dium . Unaware of West Germany's offer of financial aid to the East on The first alternative board members will look at has a price rag of Tuesday, Hanry Avila, left, steals a look into East Berlin while more than $ 13 million. The alterna- visiting Potsdamer Platz border passage on his wav. from school. tive includes $3 million for upgrading existing facilities, more than $6 mHlion for two additional elementary schools and additional classrooms to existing buildings , $400,000 to move the transportation and maintenance facility from the Joyner Street location to the old Bissell school , more than $600,000 for By JANE CLARK SUMMERS professional fees, $500,000 for fur- Daily Journal Corinth Bureau Alcorn County niture and equipment, and $1.4 milCORINTH - State Department lion for the football stadium. of Economic and Community DeThe governor had been expected The second alternative has a price velopment officials met heated retag of more than $ 17 .2 million. This sistance to a forced timetable for to make an announcement of grants alternative includes the construction consolidation of Alcorn and Corinth from the $20 million impact program by Nov. 1. of a new ninth through 12 grade school districts. Impact funds were approved by school for 2,100 students with exSchool officials told DECO Dipansion capability to 2,350 at a cost rector J. Mac Holladay that a for- the state Legislature this year for of $10.7 million. It also includes mal commitment to consolidate by communities within a 50-mile radius of an economic investment pro$1.4 million for the football stadi- Nov . 30 is politically impossible . ject of $300 million or more. Five um, $400,000 for a new mainteTo receive a $4 million grant nance and transportation facility , from the state Major Economic Im- counties in Northeast Mississippi, $3.2 million for the upgrading of pact Authority, the two school dis- including Alcorn, qualify because existing facilities, $450,000 for fur- tri c ts must m e r ge, h a ve an of their proximity to the National niture and equipment, and $837,800 appointed superintendent with one Aeronautics Space Administration for professional fees. · new magnet high school in Corinth rocket motor plant site at Yellow In addition, the second alterna- and a second high school in the Creek. The $1. 3 billion Tishomingo tive calls for the existing high county, Holladay said. County plant is expected to employ school to become a j unior high and Configuration of the consolidated 1,QOO construction workers and up house all seventh and eighth grade district' s school board and the exact to 1,500 permanent employees. Imstudents, the Carver facility would location of the schools are optional , pact money is being pumped into b ecome a n A lt e rnative Hi g h Holladay said. But funding will not the area to help lure space industry School , King Street School would be approved for two separate disworkers to live in Mississippi . 1 become exclusively a pre-kindertricts and a commitment and timeta. garten school, Milam would house Stating that the city board resentble for a merger must be submitted grades five and six, and all remainwithout additional delay, Holladay ed the arbitrary nature of grant retold school officials at a joint meet- quirements, Corinth school board Turn to SCHOOLS on Page 15A ing Tuesday . chairman Jimmy Fisher started a

BERLIN - West Germany said Tuesday it was willing to give East Germany massive financial aid in the style of the postwar U.S. Marshall Plan, but demanded political and economic reforms the Communists have so far rejected. East Germany's new premier said the Berlin Wall must remain, to keep AIDS, crime and other Western problems out of his country. He promised a coalition government but did not say whether the opposition could join it. After a week of dramatic developments in East European countries, President Mikhail S. Gorbachev of the Soviet Union said in Moscow: ''They have a common direction, which fosters the building of a European home , for it makes the countries closer, more open and creates new opportunities for human contact and an equal exchange. '' The Liberal Democrats, an East German party that is allied with the €:c~unists , ~ ~ · s of independence, said pro-democracy groups should be invited in "round-table" talks about East Germany's future . Discussions this spring between Polish authorities and Solidarity, which were given that name, led to a non-Communist government in Poland. Mayor Walter -~1omper o(West Berlin sail the sud: den opening of East Germany's borders was creating traffic j ams, currency problems and other economic difficulties the two governments must resolve.

Officials meet resistance at Corinth-Alcorn meet


• U.S. Army aids refugees from East. -See Page 11 A • Czechoslovakian premier . lifts maj_o r travel restrictions. -See Page 16A Economics Minister Helmut Haussmann of West Germany announced a six-point aid plan including investments, j oint ventures and modernizing East Germany's dilapidated communications and transport systems. Haussmann did not name a figure for the aid and said East Gerrriany must achieve ''thorough change '' in its centrally directed economy. Reforms promised so far by Communist Party leader Egon Krenz, who took over last month from hard-liner Erich. Honecker, have resulted in more questions than answers , Haussmann said in Bonn. He compared his proposal to the MarshaJJ Plan devised by Secretary of State George C. Marshall, which provided more than $12 billion in American aid in 1948-51 to help Europe recover from the war. East German authorities have rejected the idea of adopting a complete free-market system and new Premier Hans Mod row , a leading reformer, says he wants "step by step" economic changes. Modrow appears to want a streamlining of the bureaucracy , but has given no indication he will urge sweeping changes such as those ,in Hungary and Poland. "ln our country there is little criminal activity .. . cases of AIDS and drugs are virtually 11nknown," he was quoted as saying. AON, the official news agency, aid the government might open a part of the wall near the Brandenburg Gate as yet another passage between East and West Berlin .

Industrial production is down


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By JOHN D. McCLAIN Associated Press

J. Mac Holl~day heated discussion about the length of time allowed to reach targeted consolidation. "We have made a genuine effort to comply with what you have set forth, " Fisher said. " We would hate to see DECD and M ississippi lose its best chance to attract thesJ N;\SA people with this arbitrary stance," Fisher said. The sentiment that most families moving to the area wil\ choose Alcorn County and Cprinth, the largest city in the immediate area, was Turn to MEETING on Page 15A


WASHI NGTON - Industri al production for October dropped O. 7 percent in its steepest fall in more than three years and retail sales fell a full I percent, dr'Pten down by a slumping auto market. But.some analysts sa id the reports were not as pessimistic as they would appear. They noted that except for autos, most other sales categories rose and that the drop in industrial output was due largely to an aircraft strike and factory disrupti o ns after the C a l ifornia earthquake. The Federal Reserve reported industrial production fell O. 7 percent in October, largely because of the Boeing strike and the California earthquake. It was the sharpest drop since a 1.3 percent fall in March 1986 . In the other report, the Commerce Department reported that re-

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tail sales dropped to a seasonally adjusted $144.5 billion, the first decline since a 0.4 percent drop last February. Sales had rise 0. 7 percent in September and 0.9 percent in August.

Did you hear?

Make holiday feast delectable ............. 1C

Funding announcement postponed ... 4A It was a nose-holding f ield trip

Thunderstorms rubble on .................... 14A

Don't let last-minute hass le s take the "thanks" out of your family's Thanksgiving dinner. By t aking the guesswork out of entertaining, you can carry on the tradition of serving roasted turkey with all the trimmings with a minimum of effort. Follow a Thanksgiving holiday co untdown to guarantee success for your holiday meal.

Today, thunderstorms likely, some possibly severe w ith highs 70 to 75. Tonight, mostly cloudy with a 40 percent chance of rain early and lows 35 to 40.

Fighting intensifies in El Salvado~........ 16A

County negotiations are holding up the dispersement Fifth-graders who got a whiff of the cit y's waste of money to update educational facilities in four coun- water t rea tment plant said they preferred touring it to t ies near the proposed NASA solid rocket booster plant. spending the day in the classroom. "This w as better than going to reading class any day," said Megan Russell, 10. Nation The visit was arranged after 25 students in Sue KelAccidents plague Navy ........................... 7A lerman's class at Hampton Elementa ry School in Saginaw, Mich., wrote Mayor Delbert Schrems to say they The Navy, which is suspending . wanted Saginaw to stop raw-sewage discharges. activities for 48 hours over the Many pupils held their noses during much of the tour next three days to revi~.-v safety, W ednesday, but most agreed they learned a lot about has experienced seven st ....us acSaginaw 's dum ~ ng of untreated sewage into the Sagicidents in less than three w eeks, naw River. the most recent being a fire TuesAbout 600 million to 800 million gallons of raw sewday that injured at least 29 people. age and storm w ater f inds its w ay into the Saginaw The Navy said the "safety standRiver annually. Saginaw Assist ant City Manager Robert down" order requires every ship, Dust t c :d t he students that the city will spend $72 squadron and shore training facilimillion to stop most of its raw-sewage discharges by ty to interrupt normal operations u.s. NAVY 1994 by building six retention basins. and review basic safety and operat ing procedures.

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© 1989 Journal Publishing Co.


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