1996, July 20 - Atlanta Olympics

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90s Lows


Partly sunny



OHS goes on line to track down parents delinquent on child support

A Russian Minister at Booneville

Clearwater leads in the DGGC

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And the games begin

FBI hunts for clues in TWA crash By Rick Hampson Tl,e As.wx:w1ed Press

NEW YORK- From the bottom of the continental shelf to the highest levels of Washington, Americans search ed Friday for evidence that the nation's second-deadliest aviation disaster was also its deadliest terrorist attack. The FBI stopped short of declaring the crash of TWA Flight 800 a crime, although the bureau announced a "massive" investigation to find out what caused the huge explosion tha t brought down the

FDA considers abortion drug RU-486



\\'atertoV1erjusttoo much of a challenge • The City Council in Archer City, Texas spent more than $13,000 to repaint its water tower silver, and another $1,000 installing flat steel bars around its legs to make it less inviting to graffiti artists. "Now, if any kids climb up there, we're going to give them a spanking," a councilman in this city 100 miles northwest of Fort Worth added jokingly. It apparently was too great a challenge to pass up, city manager L.B. Boren said. A message appeared on the 150-foot-tall water tower over the July 4 weekend: "You must give us a spanking." The Associated Press

Students get access computers, software • Students in at least 14 Northeast Mississippi school districts will have access to additional computers and software, thanks to about $26 million in state money earmarked this year for technological improvements. For more on the Education Enhancement Fund and the districts' long-range technology planning, please see Sunday's Daily J ournal.





"We really need to get something going. We're chomping at the bit. " Roger McMurtry


cluef<>fthe state bureau ofmental health 011 finding a memal hospital site

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FOR THE GOLD: Dancers' shadows are projected up onto large screens as they strike athletic poses during the opening ceremonies of the Summer Olympics Friday in Atlanta. For more on the summer games, please see Sports on page 1 D.

'We have a lot of things that look like accident, a lot of things that look like terrorism," said James Kallstrom, head of the FBI's New York office. Assuming the disaster may have been deliberate, agents began contacting informants in the terr:orist underworld, according to a federal investigator who spoke to The Associa te d Press on condition of anonymity. "It would be foolish not to be out there seeking every bit of information we can, from any corner," the source said. But Pentagon offidafs, speaking Friday on condition of anonymity, said that given the planes altitude and the range of hand-held missiles, the theory is highly unlikely. Also, they said government analysts have studied several radar reports of the area and found the blip to be false. The head of the Federal Aviation Administration said the government has been strengthening security at American airports since last summer and is prepared to upgrade it further if needed. 'The FAA's security program will be modified as needed to ensure the safety of the traveling public," David Hinson said Friday. Rain, wind and fog hampe r ed efforts to recover the wreckage that Kallstrom said might contain vital clues to what destroyed the plane Wednesday night and killed all 230 people aboard.

Tupelo/Lee County Jail work going well, officials say By Philip Moulden Daill' Jouma/

Work on the new Tupelo /Lee County Jail is progressing well and officials expect to have no trouble meeting a federal court deadline for opening the facility next July. At the same time, county officials say they are already deep into transition planning to assure the move to the $6 million, 202-bed facility goes as smoothly as possible.

Construction is running behind schedule 10 to 11 days, but the builde rs are expected to make up the lag time fairly soon, said Terry Beard, spokesman for the county's construction manager, JESCO Inc. Carothers Construction Co. of Water Valley is the prime contractor. Adverse weather last winte r slowed initial work on the project, set on a 14-acre site off Southern Belle Lane north of the Tupelo Coli-

seum. "They're working weekends to catch up," Beard said. 'Things seem to be going fairly good. "They've started on the second floor, the cell area," he said. "It's beginning to look like a building now."

Details, details County Administrator Ronnie Bell said members of the county transi-

tion learn met with a jail operations expert from Hinds County for two days this spring to begin changeover planning. ''We had to begin early to plan for transition to the new jail," Bell said, citing scores of details that must be tackled before the actual move. Personnel needs, training, policies and procedures, equipment needs, furnishings, and jail resources information are among issues that have

NM1\1C joins study to

Daily Joumal

Most of what doctors know about treating and preventing illnesses comes from research based primarily on white, middle-class men with little attention to diseases common in postmenopausal women. To remedy that, North Mississii:r pi Medical Center, in conjunction with the University of Tennessee in Memphis, is taking part in an extensive, national study that will span 12 years and attempt to answer some of the questions about why women, generally 50 and older, are more susceptible to cardiovascular disease, cancer and osteoporosis. "Hopefully, this will identify some of the risk factors that cause some of those diseases," said Cathy Bond, a registered nurse and clinical coordi-

By Marty Russell Dail,· Jmm,a/

FAST FACTS • Women between the ages of 50 and 79 interested in participating in a health study called the Women's Health Initiative are are asked to call 1-800-549-6636. nator of th e study at NMMC's Wome n's Center. "We believe we will find trends that will have local impact when we look at the data further." The $628 million study called the Women's Health Initiative is a project of the National Institutes of Health. Forty-fou r centers around the nation, including NMMC, are

Turn to NMMC on back page

Turn to JAIL 011 back page

State hopes to acquire site for Inental hospital

identify risk factors in postmenopausal women By Marty Russell

to be resolved, he said. Officials also have to delineate what duties will fall on what departments of the county. Bell's office, for instance, must be closely involved in budgeting, personnel policies, and procurements. "They (duties) h ave to be well understood. Everything must be ready before we open the doors," he

Karl Floyd

CHECK UP: Lucille Tomlinson of Tupelo has her blood pressure checked by registered nurse Cathy Bond of Verona at the North Mississippi Medical Center's Women's Center Friday. Tomlinson is participating in a national study to determine ri sk factors unique t o postmenopausal women.

State mental health officials hope to purchase property in August to begin construction of a new, regional mental hospital in Tupelo. "We really need to get so me thing going," said Roger McMurtry, chief of the state bureau of mental health. ''We're chomping at the bit. We've got virtually every bit of the architectural work done except for the final siting." The siting is what has delayed construction of the project, which state officials originally had hoped to start in June. Tupelo and Lee County had agreed to provide a site for the facility, but soil samples showed potential problems with the site originally offered. That site was located near the intersection of Green Street and Martin Luther King Drive. "It just wasn't going to work out for what we needed," McMurtry said. The city and county have offered a second site, but officials declined to say specifically where that site is located except to say it is within Tupelo's city limits. 'We're still in the process of securing that site," Tupelo Planning Director Fred Rogers said of the reason for not di& closing the location.

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