Wednesday, July 25, 2018
Pontotoc Progress •
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Wednesday, July 25, 2018
e m o c l We To Our CAMPUSES
North & South Pontotoc
Pontotoc City
Career Center
Welcome to the 2018-19 school year! It is a great pleasure to welcome both our returning families and those who are new to our system. We are excited that you have chosen to allow us in the Pontotoc County School District to teach and care for your child. We consider it our greatest honor to serve you and your child. I cannot express the excitement from me and our staff about the upcoming opportunity we will have with you and your child to develop a community of lifelong learners that supports one another for the betterment of Pontotoc County. I cannot commend our administration, teachers, and maintenance staff enough for the work that they have completed this summer to make our schools better learning environments! We strive to ensure that your children have the best learning environments that are comfortable, welcoming, and conducive to student learning. To that end many hours have been spent cleaning, painting, repairing, rethinking, and reimagining to make your child’s workspace the most productive it can be. Summer is also a time for our faculty members to focus on their own learning – something they do not have as much time for during the school year, when the emphasis is on teaching our students. We are fortunate to have a very professional cohort of teachers and administrators within PCSD that take their own professional learning seriously and have spent their time in workshops and planning in order to increase student achievement and foster new and innovative ways to engage their students. August is a very exciting time for those of us involved in education because it allows us to develop new goals, build new relationships and embark upon new challenges. Our Systemwide Goals this year highlight academic, social, and emotional learning. While improving student achievement is an important part of our mission, we know it is essential to focus on the social and emotional needs of our students as well. As parents, you can “help us help you” develop your student into the most well rounded person they can possibly be with equal attention given to their academic and social development. One of the most important parts of my job is to be in the schools on a regular basis connecting with teachers and students. I also look forward to engaging with parents in the coming year. Our Teacher Advisory Committee members will again join me to hold meetings each month over the course of the year to provide feedback on how we can improve our schools. We welcome the chance to both share our opportunities and challenges and to address any questions or concerns that you may have. We believe in transparency and addressing the needs of all of our stakeholders. Again, thank you for the opportunity to serve you and we excitedly look forward to a great school year, in which, we will “relentlessly pursue the exceptional”!
How is it possible that the school year passes so slowly and summer flies by so quickly? It seems like yesterday that the buses took the children home for summer. Yet, here we are counting down the days until school starts again. We start counting months, then weeks, and finally are counting down the days. It never seems like summer is long enough. Regardless of the speed with which summer passes, I am always ready for the beginning of August. I love the looks of excitement on the faces of our employees as they prepare their classrooms. I look forward to seeing the students and employees whom I missed over the summer. I love meeting the new employees and new students who are just learning what it means to “Be a Warrior.” August means a fresh start, a clean slate, and a new beginning for all of us. We get an opportunity to be better than we were last school year. Each year, we, as a district, strive to be better than we were the previous year. We have added new programs and expanded programs at most of our campuses so that our students have every opportunity to be successful. This year, we added a school nurse who is shared between DT Cox and Pontotoc Middle School. We expanded the Bible program so that there is a Bible teacher on every campus, every day. We were able to hire a full time choral music teacher shared between Pontotoc Middle, Junior High, and High School. Pontotoc City School District has prioritized the safety and well-being of our students and employees this year. We hired an additional School Resource Officer who is shared between Pontotoc Middle and Pontotoc Junior High School. We have begun some security upgrades including access controlled doors at all sights. More upgrades are planned during this school year as we continually improve our ability to protect your children. In addition to these additions, we have expanded the ACT Prep program at Pontotoc High School. As part of that program, students will prepare for and take the ACT in the spring of their 10th grade year, the fall of their 11th grade year, and in the spring of their 11th grade year. The district pays for the first two assessments while the State of Mississippi pays for the last one. We recognize that success on the ACT helps students and their parents alleviate the expenses associated with attending college. While academics are important, Pontotoc City School District and our Board of Trustees focus on the whole student. We endeavor to teach, but also to help students explore and grow any talents they possess. We know that fully developed, well-rounded students will be an asset to our community for years to come. As always, I appreciate that you are trusting us with your most prized possessions, your children. I cannot express to you how seriously I take that responsibility. I will continue to do my best to help all our students grow and pray that the 2018-2019 school year is the best year yet.
During the 2018-19 school year, we will continue to build upon and refine our proven foundation of good work, honored traditions, and continued excellence in education. Our vision remains… Relentlessly Pursuing the Exceptional! Our staff of highly qualified professional educators and support personnel is committed to providing our students many opportunities both inside and outside of the classroom. We invite and encourage students and parents to work in partnership with us to seize opportunities that are available to all. We look forward to a very positive and productive year together! We extend a special, yearlong invitation to our families to join us at school events whenever possible. We want, and value your involvement and support in your child’s education! Your active participation is key to the success of your child! At Pontotoc Ridge Career & Technology Center, we are more than just a school; we are a FAMILY. It’s not just a place to teach and learn, it’s a place to build relationships, to build character, to build a bright future. We recognize that teenagers do not have all the answers to life’s hard questions, but we give you our pledge that we will guide them developmentally, academically and socially so that no matter where they go after high school, they will leave us with a strong set of skills that will serve them well into the future. Again, we welcome you to “The Ridge” and to our wonderful learning community. Our school is a place alive with much energy, enthusiasm, and a high standard of excellence! It is, indeed, a place where opportunities abound! Here’s to an AWESOME new school year as we work together to make our school a great place to work and learn each day!
Brock Puckett Superintendent
Dr. Michelle Bivens Superintendent
Patricia Ellison Director
Wednesday, July 25, 2018
Pontotoc Progress •
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h t r o N PONTOTOC Elementary School
North Pontotoc Elementary Staff 2018-19 Kindergarten Teachers and Assistant Teachers
Heather Mitchell, Ashley Watts (AT), Amanda Simmons, Kim Stokes (AT), Tera Spears, Sinnamon Lopez (AT), Brandy Hamilton, Mellanie McWhirter (AT), Katlyn Thomas, Donna Bailey (AT), Angie McDonald, Jan Robbins (AT), Veronica Minier, Nia Brown (AT)
First Grade Teachers
Kristy McCord, Emily Russell, Shelly Rogers, Selena McGregor, Leticia Jackson, Tonya Graham, Mallory Moss, Becky Malone
Second Grade Teachers
Brittany McGreger, Gaye Ellis, Ashley Moore, Katie Robbins, Kacie Sewel, Heather Parman
Third Grade Teachers
Cindy Coker, Keedah Hayles, Summer Coltharp, Evelyn Ferguson, Pam Simmons, Beth Panes
Fourth Grade Teachers
Lisa Kidd, Martina Moore, Marcia Russell, Cassie Cooper, Amanda Little, Nikki Yarbrough, Kimberly Ball
Reading Coaches and Assistant Teachers
Reta Reeder, Karen Anderson, Cindy Stegall, Vickey Gray, Debra Sappington, Charlene Tallant, BJ Moore, Sonya McLaughlin, Michelle Herring (Teacher Substitute)
Speech Therapist
McCord (AT), Mary Margaret Carnes, Brooklyn Jones, Ashley Sappington
EL Teachers and Assistant Teacher
Letty Ruiz, Cristina Hernandez (AT), Elhabib Kamal
Gifted and Talented Teacher
Jennifer Wardlaw, Amanda Puckett
New Student Registration for North Pontotoc Elementary & Upper Elementary Students: Monday, July 16 & Tuesday, July 17 (10-6) at the North Pontotoc Elementary Building
New Students to NP must provide:
Rotation (Special Classes) – Library/Music/BHME/ Character Education/Art/PE
• Withdrawal Form or Current Report Card • Completed MS Shot Record (If moving to MS) • 2 Proofs of Residency within the North Pontotoc School District
Literacy Coach
NPE Kindergarten Students must provide:
Traci McCord, Kim Wilson, Thea Davis, Cathy Werner, Nita Caldwell, Crystal Matthews, Brandon Murphree, Ginnell Scott Natalie Akers, Delisa White
Academic Coach Jamie Rakestraw
Americorp Reading Tutors Laken Putt, Taylor Brown
School Nurse Shelia Snyder
Guidance Counselor Michelle Bailey
Custodian Linda Scott
Sherl Rogers
Melissa Cox, Kristin Lauderdale, Julie Morris
Elementary Assistant Principal
Special Education Teachers and Assistant Teachers
Elementary Principal
Tisha Wallace, Emily Flora, Aleshia
North Pontotoc Elementary Information
Tami Harrell Terri Smith
• Birth Certificate • Completed MS Shot Record • 2 Proofs of Residency within the North Pontotoc School District Current Student Proofs of Residency – North Pontotoc Elementary -Office open (9-5) Wednesday, July 18 & Thursday, July 19. NPE offices will be open Tuesday, July 31 & Thursday, August 2 (8-6) and Wednesday, August 1 & Friday, August 3 (8-4). ALL NPE students must provide two new proofs of residency at the beginning of each school year. Proofs of residency can be turned in during the “Proofs of Residency Days” (July 18 & 19/ July 31-August 3) or sent
with students on the first day of school. Proofs of residency must include the 911 address within the North Pontotoc School District. Items that are accepted: • Current MS Driver’s License • Current Year Lease Agreement • Filed Homestead Exemption Form • Utility Bill – Must be less than 60 Days Old • Current Year Voter Precinct Card • Current Year Automobile Registration • Current Year Mortgage Documents • Affidavit of Residency
NPE Schedule:
• Monday & Tuesday, July 16-17 (10-6) – New Student Registration. • Wednesday & Thursday, July 18-19 (9-5) – Current Student Proofs of Residency Accepted. • Friday, July 27 – Student Classroom Assignments Posted on Front Doors – 5:00. • Tuesday, July 31/Thursday, August 2 – Elementary Office open 8-6. • Tuesday, July 31 - Kindergarten Student Visit Day, Letters will be sent to parents assigning visit times; Kindergarten Parent Meeting –
5:45-6:15 – Cafeteria. • Thursday, August 2 (4:30-7:00), Grades 1-4 Meet the Teacher/Visit Day, (Meet your teacher and drop off supplies); Open Visit Times for all grades 1-4 classrooms – 4:305:00/5:45-6:00/6:45-7:00, Please attend your child’s Classroom Parent Meeting for new school year information - 5:00-5:45 or 6:00-6:45, Grades 1-4 - There will be no classroom visits or supply drop-off before 4:30, Grades 1-4 New Student Parent Meeting – 6:45-7:15 – HS Library. • Wednesday, August 1/ Friday, August 3 – Elementary Office open 8-4. • Monday, August 6 – All Students (Grades 1-12) report to school – Regular School Day (7:40-3:15), Buses will run routes, Kindergarten Students will have staggered entry days (August 6-8) and will be contacted by teacher with this information. • Elementary Bell – 7:45.
• Breakfast will be served daily - 7:20-7:45, Car riders participating in the breakfast program will need to arrive no later than 7:35. • Afternoon Buses will leave at 3:20.
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Wednesday, July 25, 2018
h t r o N PONTOTOC
Upper Elementary School
North Pontotoc Upper Elementary Staff 2018-19 Office
Libby Young, principal; Dawn Cooper, counselor; Jennifer Horton, secretary; Roger Houpt, custodian; Sandy Kelley, librarian
English/language arts
Fifth grade, Tonya Wilbanks and Lori Beth Watts; sixth grade, Brittany Malone, Melissa Terry-interventionist; Ashley Coleman fifth and six grades interventionist.
Fifth grade, Hillery Wiselead teacher and interventionist, Amber Richardson and Taylor Kelly; sixth grade, Jennifer Tutor and Jose Ruedas
Fifth and sixth grades, Nicole Comstock and Lindsey Barnett
Student services and support teachers
Charles Eldridge and Angela Brown, fifth inclusion; Morgain Baird fifth and sixth grade special education self-contained; Abigail McMillen, gifted; Jason Terry, computer lab and math interventionist; Ashley Gillespie, computer lab; Jeannie Hill, sped assistant; Bob Rainer, PE; Dianne Todd, sixth grade inlcusion; Beth Coghlan, EL student services
North Pontotoc Upper Elementary Information
School supplies available with one charge
Meet the Teacher Night August 2, 2018 from 3:006:00. Come to Upper and get your schedule, meet your teachers, pay fees/supplies, provide proofs of residency, tour the building and sign up for PTO. This is a “come and go” event. First day of school is August 6, 2018. NPUE begins school at 7:40 and dismisses at 3:05 daily.
School supplies
If you have a child at North Pontotoc Upper Elementary and would like to prepay for your school supplies through August 10, the fee is $60 per child which will cover all subject area fees, home-
room fees, a class t-shirt and necessary supplies for the classroom. The only thing you will have to purchase for your child is a back pack and a lunch box. You have a couple of ways you can pay. You can pay by writing a check made payable to NPUE PTO, please include a phone number on the check; or you may use PayPal. If you wish to pay through PayPal go to and follow the prompts. You MUST put your child’s name and grade in the comments when you send the payment so it will be applied correctly. If you choose to prepay, the supplies will be ready to be picked up on August 2 from 3-6 p.m. or the first day of school. If you pay after school starts, the sup-
plies will be passed out when eh fee is paid. Please call 662489-2295 if you have questions.
Stay in touch
There are several ways you can stay in touch with your child’s school activities at North Pontotoc Upper Elementary. Go to the website at, like and follow on facebook at Northpontotoc Upper Elementaryschool, instagram at np_upper_elem, twitter @NPUEvikings, or by remind by downloading the Remind App from the App Store and join class code @ npuep. To receive messages via text text to 662-553-4029 and put @npuep in the message bar; if you prefer receiving messages via email, send an email to npuep@mail. and you can leave the subject blank. Medical supplies needed The Upper Elementary school is seeking donations of new, unopened medical supplies. Our school does not have a nurse, and we need to replenish items in our cabinet. If you would like to donate any item, please drop them off at the school office or call to arrange pick up. Please call us at 489-2295 for more information. Supplies needed include: ibuprofen, Tylenol® liquid and pills, cough drops, tums, abnesol, bandaids of all sizes, anti-itch cream, Neosporin, genedryl, pesto bismuth liquid and pills, hydrocortisone, thermometer tip covers, quart sized zip lock bags for ice.
Middle School
• ELA, Megan Cooper, Dena Holley, Michelle Sutton • History, Dustin Baldwin, Matt Rayburn, Diana Wells • Math, Chasey Guerin, Kyle Robbins, Ashley Stubblefield • Science, Ann Adams, Nicole Carter, Tabitha Franklin • Tech, Justin Dorris, John Harlow, April Lindsey • PE, Trae Smith (Athletic Director) and Sam Cruse (Assistant) • BMHE, Felecia Haulcomb • Student Services, Mary Margaret Carnes,
North Pontotoc Middle School staff 2018-19
Deborah Chism, Ashley Hendrix, Joy Beth Turner and assistants Cindy Swords and Martha Middlebrooks • EL, Dr. Beth Coghlan • GT/Art Dr Larry Yager • SLP, Melissa Cox and DristinLauderdale • Librarian, Jeannie Thompson • Band, Melissa Reeves (Director); Barrett Gray
Support Services
• Acc. Health, Lori Mize, FNP and Nurse Shelia Snyder • LifeCore, Will Ruff
• SRO, Officer Shermila McKinney and Officer Wade Sutton • ISS, Debbie Wright • Counselor, Beth McCuller
Jim Matthews, Principal; Nickie Sanders, MSIS Clerk; Linda McKell, Business Manager; Grace Hooper, Records Clerk; Becky Sullivan, Secretary • Custodial Staff, Jimmy and Pam Lessel
Coaching Staff
basketball (B); CeeCee Cavenaugh, softball; Ivan Collier, football and baseball; Sam Cruse and Josh Harlow, baseball; Matt Lindsey, archery and powerlifting; Jeremy legal, tennis; Beth McCuller, cheer; Chris Marman, golf; Tabitha Quillian, cross country; Bob Rainer, football; Melissa Reevers, color guard; Kyle Robbins, softball; Donnie Sellers, soccer; Trae Smith, Athletic Director and football; Amanda Stark, cross country; Michelle Sutton, cheer; Matt Waldrop, basketball (G); Bob Wingo, bowling
Andrew Aldridge, football; Brad Brown,
North Pontotoc Middle School Information North Pontotoc Middle School Registration hours are 8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. from Wednesday, July 25 through Friday July 27. Eighth graders will register Wednesday, July 25 [TODAY], seventh graders on Thursday, July 26 and sixth graders on Friday, July 27. Students must bring 2 proofs of residency to register. 7th graders must also bring proof of TDAP vaccination
please register Thursday, July 26, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. at the North Pontotoc High offices. This is only for students transferring into the district from any other school in the county or the nation. Please bring: 2 Proofs of Residency, Birth Certificate, Updated Form 121 shot record and withdrawal or report card from previous school.
New students
Students and parents please come to the North
If you are a new student,
Schedule pick up
Pontotoc Middle School on Thursday, Aug. 2, 5-8 p.m. to pick up schedules and meet. Please note the times for the different grades. Seventh grade parents and students will begin at 5 p.m. in the cafeteria while the eighth graders will begin at 6:15 in the cafeteria. If you have not turned in your two proofs of residency or the required seventh grade vaccination form THIS IS THE TIME TO DO IT. Students first day will be Monday, August 6, 7:40.
North Pontotoc Middle Bell Schedule 2018-2019 • 1st Bell 7:40 am • 1st Period - 7:45 a.m. - 8:32 a.m. • 2nd Period - 8:35 a.m. - 9:22 a.m. • CLUB - 9:25 a.m. - 9:46 am [HOMEROOM] • BREAK - 9:46 am - 9:54 am • 3rd Period - 9:57 am - 10:44 am • 4th Period - 10:47 am - 11:34 am
• 5th Period - 11:37 am - 12:44 pm [LUNCH] 1st Lunch - 11:50 am - 12:15 pm 2nd Lunch - 12:20 pm - 12:44 pm • 6th Period - 12:47 pm - 1:34 pm [VIKING ZONE] • 7th Period - 1:37 pm - 2:24 pm • 8th Period - 2:27 pm - 3:14 pm
Wednesday, July 25, 2018
Pontotoc Progress •
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h t r o N PONTOTOC North Pontotoc High School Staff 2018-19 Office
Roger Smith, Principal; Brian Sutton, 9-12 Assistant Principal; Chad Anthony 7-8 Assistant Principal; Mary Ann Quillian, Secretary; Beth McCuller, Counselor; Grace Hooper, Records; Nickie Sanders, MSIS; Pam Simmons, Business Manager; Heather Uithoven, Counselor; Chad Stubblefield, Maintenance;
Seventh grade teachers
Ann Adams, Science; Cee Cee Austin, Family Dynamics/Child Development/PE; Dustin Baldwin, History; Angela Boisseau, Math; Debra Chism, English; Trae Smith, Mississippi Studies/ Geography (for eighth grade also);
Eighth grade teachers
Erin Hall, English; Robin Haygood, Science; Kimberly Lott, Math/Foundations Algebra; Ashley Stubblefield, Math; Michelle Sutton, English;
Ninth through twelfth grade teachers
Anna Caldwell, English/ Journalism/Theater; Mandy Carr, Graphic Design/ICT1/ ICT 2; Beth Coghlan, ELL; Rich Dilling, Chemistry/ Physical Science; Shani Earnest, World History; Vivian Flamenco, English/Spanish; LaDonna Griggs, Learning Strategies; John Harlow,
ICT 2; Felicia Haulcomb, BHAME/Local Culture; Trey Hill, Government/ Economics/Advanced World Geography; Cindy Hunsucker, Algebra II and III; Joe Hunsucker, Algebra 1; April Lindsey, ICT 1; Brian Lindsey, Assistant Band Director; Matt Lindsey, PE/Psychology/Sociology; Jeremy Lytal, Geography/Mississippi Studies/World History; Lydia Lytal, A&P/Earth Science; Kelly Matthews, Algebra 2/ Geometry/Physics; Traci McCord, Ninth English; Cliff Moore, Band Director; Chris Parman, Health; Ava Smith, Cynthia Swords, Tabitha Quillian, Jim Varnon, Teacher Assistants; Christopher Stevens, English 2 and 4; Jeanne Thompson, Librarian; Kim Waldrop, U.S. History; Matt Waldrop, Physical Education/Oral Communications; Jason Warren, Drivers’ Education; Anne Wells, Biology 1; Bob Wingo, computer Science/ STEM; Christy Wise, Art; Larry Yager, Gifted
Support staff
Special Services staff include Joe Bergeron, Brad Brown, Ali Carnes, Tabitaha Franklin, Debbie Norwood, Shelia Ryan, Joy Beth Turner,
Other staff members:
Jimmy and Pam Lessel, Tim Sanders,
High School
North Pontotoc High School Grades 7-12 Information
Student schedule pick-up and registration
• Two approved proofs of residency are required to pick up student schedules* • Monday, July 25th New Student Registration, 10:00 – 6:00 • Tuesday, July 26th - Seniors/Juniors Schedule Pickup, 10:00 – 6:00 • Tuesday, July 26th - 7th Grade Parent Night, 5:00 – 6:00, 7th Grade Student Schedules may be picked up with two approved proofs of residency.
• Tuesday, July 26th - 8th Grade Parent Night, 6:00 – 7:00, 8th Grade Student Schedules may be picked up with two approved proofs of residency. • Wednesday, July 27th Soph./Freshman Schedule Pick-up, 10:00 – 6:00 • Thursday, August 4th All students that have provided two approved proofs of residency report for classes. 1st block tardy bell rings at 7:45. • 1st Block Vo-Tech bus leaves at 7:40.
North Pontotoc High School Bell Schedule 2018-19 • 7:20 - Open Campus • 7:40 - First Bell • 7:45-9:28 - First Block (103 minutes) • 9:28-9:36 - Break • 9:39-11:22 - Second Block (103 minutes) • 11:25-1:28 - Third Block (123 minutes) • 11:59-12:19 - 7th Grade Lunch • 12:22-12:42 - 9th-12th Grade Lunch • 12:45-1:05 - 8th Grade Lunch • 1:08-1:28 - 9th-12th Grade Lunch • 1:31-3:14 - Fourth Block (103 minutes)
• 7:40 - Career Center bus departs NPHS Campus • 7:45-9:28 - First Career Center Block • 9:39-11:22 - Second Career Center Block • 1:31-3:14 - Third Career Center Block
NPHS Cafeteria Information
$2.75 Student Lunch $3.25 Adult Lunch
$1.30 Student Breakfast Reduced prices: $.40 for lunch and $.30 for breakfast
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Wednesday, July 25, 2018
h t u o S PONTOTOC Elementary School South Pontotoc Elementary Staff 2018-19 Office staff
Lisa Williamson, principal; Doug Gentry, assistant;
Becky Wages, secretary; Julie Moore, record keeper; Pat McCord, book keeper; Lori
Keith, MSIS secretary; Shona Burk, guidance counselor
Rackley are assistants
Anita Bailey, Holly Brown, Brittany Finn, Johnie Franks, Meaghan Owen, Deana Tryon; Gloria Phillips is assistant
Chanda Ferguson, Missy Hoing assistant; Brooke Franks, Laci Bain assistant; Janet Sartin, Tammy Austin assistant; Nicole Walls, Lisa Turpin assistant; Stephanie Ward, Jean Matthews assistant; Kara Beth Winter, Joni Finley assistant
First Grade
Stephanie Austin, Amy Davis, Andria Keith, Katie McKnight, Amy Stone, Crystal Williams; Sharon Fauver, Heather Hall and Denise
Second Grade
Charity Vandiver is assistant
Fifth Grade
Third Grade
Deidre Brown, Jessica Cox, Faith Johnson, Susan Kimmett, April Phillps, Destiny Wade; John Hickey and Amanda Montgomery are assistants
Fourth Grade
Leigh Barnett, Tiffany Bowen, Paige Cook, Christi Cowsert, Sherrye Irby, Autumn Ritchie, Michelle Roye; Dianne Baker and Tonya Smith are assistants
Johnna Flake, Gina Morgan, Angela Russell, Lori Pennington, Kayleigh Sims, Christie Smith; Patricia Fernandez and Natalie Fleming are assistants Shunda Gillespie, Lori Harrison, Merilee Jaggers, Melissa Kitchens, Deanna Reynolds;
Special services
Brittany Mathis and Courtney Stieffel, speech; Jennifer
Duncan, reading coach; Angie Kitchens, Stacy McNatt and Amber Warren are academic coaches; Melinda Shields, parent center/ISS assistant. Collin McGregor, physical education; Darla Grubbs assistant; Lisa Bost, art; Annie Bost, computer lab; Michael Holcomb and Mae Treloar, Bible; Jennifer Wright, ELL; Nancy Cossey Hollaway, Mary Harmon and Amanda Hays, gifted; Mitzi Ward, librarian; Brandi Rakestraw, music; Lee Ann Wilson, nurse; Gary Cobb, custodian
Middle School South Pontotoc Middle School Staff 2018-19 6th Grade
Vickie Kitchens, Science; Amanda Grubbs, ELA; Chelsey Hussey, ELA; Lance Carter, Social Studies; Mandy Gaspard, Mathematics; Blake Lovell, Mathematics
7th Grade
Mary Hudson, ELA; Regina Hall, Science; Connie Baker, Mathematics; Kelly Clark, Social Studies; Marcy Brown, Cyber Foundations 1 (School Test Coordinator)
8th Grade
John Roberts, ELA/Science Jeff Cook, Science/PE; Maegan Smith, Mathematics; Hank Harmon, Social Studies (Asst. School Test Coordinator); Mason Luther, Social Studies; Stephanie Burnett, ELA/Mathematics
Special Services
Dawn Hester (Gifted); Dana Roberts; Kelly McClain; Tammy Swords; Regenia Foster; Linda Tackett
Bret Freeman. PE/Assistant Football; Dale Wigginton, Assistant Band Director; John Roberts, Archery and Cross Country; Lance Carter, Assistant Baseball/Football; Mason Luther, Assistant Football; Jeff Harmon, Baseball Head Coach/Assistant Football/Basketball
Administration and Staff
Ben Moore, Principal; Lisa Taylor, Secretary; Michael Bradley, Asst. Principal; Holly Morgan, Counselor; Cheryl Williams, Custodian; Sarah Crudup, Custodian; Barry Mathews, Study Hall; Helen Bowen, Asst. Teacher; James Farr, Custodian
Pontotoc Progress •
Wednesday, July 25, 2018
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h t u o S PONTOTOC High School South Pontotoc High School Staff 2018-19 Office
Jimmy Flake and Brant Puckett, Co-Principals; Farra Criswell, Counselor; Pat McCord, Book Keeper; Julie Moore, Registrar; Donna Morgan, Administrative Assistant; Lori Keith, MSIS
Courtney Allen, English 2 and 4; Lisa Buckner, Englich 2; Missy Belcher, Special Services; Michael Bradley, Football Coach; Andrea Brown, Geometry/Algebra 2; Bryan Buckner, World History/Government/Economics; Cynthia Chambers, Anatomy and Physiology/Biology 1; Brandy Clingan, Librarian/ Yearbook; Sheree Collins, Algebra 2, 3 and AP Calcu-
lus; Rod Cook, Geometry and Algebra 2; James Franks, Biology and AP Biology; Hannah Gregory, English 1; Jeff Harmon, Government and Economics; Brandy Higgason, Algebra 1; Michael Holcomb, Biblical History; Laura Howard, U.S. History and Yearbook; Cheryl Malone, Personal Finance, STEM, AP Computer Science; Cage Mills, U.S. History, World History, Miss. Studies; Shane Murphree, Foundations of Algebra and Algebra 1; Adam Patterson, Drivers Education and Health; Martin Rodgers, English 3, AP Language and Oral Communications; Bill Russell, Drivers Ed, PE; Sharon Schaefer, Chemistry and AP Physics; Mark Vandiver,
Mississippi Studies, World Geography and Debate; Jeremy White, Earth and Space Science, Physical Science, Foundations of Biology; Vance Wigginton, Band; Sandra Wise, Art 1 and 2.
Teachers assistants
Rhonda Florez, Sonia Hoing, Sherhanda Johnson, Cynthia McCullough, Lori Parker, Kim Robertson, Tammy Zamarippa
Special services staff
Megan Franks, Susan Gillespie, Sarah Manning, Valerie Pitcher, Leslie Warren
Maintenance staff
Steve Henderson, Lynn Sartin and W.C. Vance
South Pontotoc High School Information New students may begin registering July 16th at the main office at South Pontotoc Campus. Current students may pick up schedules at the main office beginning July 16th pro-
vided that they submit to acceptable proofs of residency. Students will be notified at a later date when they may begin requesting schedule changes. Online lunch applications
will be available on July 16th on the Pontotoc County School District Website ( Parking permits will be available in the high school office beginning July 23rd.
South Pontotoc High School Bell Schedule 2018-19 • 1st Block 7:45 – 9:19 • VoTech 1st Block 7:45 – 9:19 • Morning Break 9:20 – 9:28 • 2nd Block 9:29 – 11:03 • VoTech 2nd Block 9:29 – 11:03 • 3rd Block 11:06 – 12:40
• 4th “Flex” Block 12:43 – 1:33 • 1st Lunch 12:43 – 1:08 • 2nd Lunch 1:08 – 1:33 • VoTech 3rd Block 1:36 – 3:10 • 5th Block 1:36 – 3:10
Middle School
South Pontotoc Middle School Bell Schedule 2018-19
• 1st Period 7:45-8:35 (50 mins) • 2nd Pd Break/Flex 8:35-9:15 (40 mins) • 3rd Period 9:15-10:05 (50 mins) • 4th Period 10:08-10:58 (50 mins) • 5th Period 11:01-12:11 (70 mins) Lunch A 11:01-11:21
Lunch B 11:25-11:45 Lunch C 11:51-12:11 • 6th Period 12:14-1:24 (70 mins) Athletic Lunch 1:04-1:24 • 7th Period 1:28-2:18 (50 mins) • 8th Period 2:21-3:11 (50 mins)
South Pontotoc Middle School Information Registration days
8a-3p Registration (2 proofs of residency needed. tdap needed for 7th
grade) Students will pick up schedule at registration. • July 25 - 8th Grade • July 26 - 7th Grade
• July 27 - 6th Grade Open House August 2, 4-630 p.m.
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c o t o Pont
Pontotoc City School District Information
Professional Development will begin on Wednesday, August 1 at 8:00 in the PJHS auditorium. District-wide Meet and Greet for students and parents will be Thursday, August 2 from 4:00-7:00. Students who have complet-
ed the registration process will be given their schedules at open house. Students first school day is Monday, August 6. The high school tardy bell will ring at 7:35, with other school tardy bells ringing at 7:45.
Elementary School
Pontotoc Elementary School Staff 2018-19 Office Staff
Principal, Dr. Avence Pittman, Assistant Principal-Sherron Horton, Counselor-Penny Kidd, Secretaries-Lynette Sappington and Tiffany Ashcraft, Custodians- Michelle Gates, Librarian-Micha Russell, Sarah Burrell-Interventionist
Maurie Cother, Leslie
Hillard, Penny Spears, Melissa Parmer, Diana Fuqua, Mandy Maffett, Krista McCreight, Ashley Heatherly, Jennifer Tutor
First Grade
Jill Buchanan, Kellon Duff, Lori Hamill, Sonya Hobson, Melissa Roberson, Lorena Tucker, Leslie Ward, Jessica Perkins and Ginger Bethune
Second Grade
Cindy Calvert, April Pettit, Tiffany Russell, Alex Buckner, Nathan Bailey, Zach Gory, Tina Browning, Christian McRaney and Kim Homan
D.T. Cox Elementary School Staff 2018-19 Office Staff
Cynthia Matinez-Pimentel Gifted: Courtney Foster
Learning Associates
Charquitta Stalnaker, Ashley Huddleston, Lizete Tzib, Bethany Stoop, Kawana Wade, Mary Helen Lyons, Amelia Robbins, Tammy Browning, Temeca Shepard, Christie Gory, Melina Randolph, Lisa Westmoreland, Bridget Taylor, Sandra Williams, Paige Enis and Rita Farr
Stephanie Ball-Computer, Michelle Purdon-PE, Sherry Donaldson-Art, Megan Brown-Music, LaDonna Hutchinson and Kim Wilson-Bible
Kathy Laughery, Hillary Parrish, Becky Butts, Amelia Bailey, Lauren Haney and Alayna Keeton
4th grade teachers
Principal, Dr. Niki Peel, Assistant Principal-Kassi Mask, Counselor-Kelli Warren, Secretary-Kristy Owen, Custodian-Marcus Hurd, Librarian-Kristy Dowdy, Nurse-Brandi Chrestman
Brenda Whitworth, Ginger Heatherly, Haylee Collums, Kathy Whiteside and Allison Clingan, Emily Vandiver, Ty Denham, Pakita King, Anna Holmes and Beth Wray
3rd grade teachers
Susan Brown
Rachel Chrestman
Jessica Luther, Haley Franks, Karen Foster, Becky Jennings, Jessica Nichols, Laurie Bishop and Sarah McCharen
Special Education
Evelyn Biffle, Angela Cooley, April Jarrett, Curt Sparks, Veronica Palmer, Jessica Kelly and Avery Lorick
Wednesday, July 25, 2018
Activity Teachers
Brandy Ball, Janet Farr, Kalista Stanford, LaDonna Hutchinson
Special Education
Nan Anderson, Lesia Holley and Vickie Westmoreland
Misty Vineyard and Jenna Patterson
Learning Associates
Middle School
Pontotoc Middle School Staff 2018-19 Office Staff
Principal, Marshal Johnson, Assistant Principal-Janet Barefoot, Counselor-Nikki Hester, Secretary-Milena Nesbit, Custodian-Jason Collins, Librarian-Kourtney Matthews, Nurse-Brandi Chrestman, SRO-Shad Long
5th Grade
Ashley Allen and Laverne Richardson-Science, Valerie Crawford and Shanna Dan-
iel-English/Language Arts, Carol Jaggers and Debra Vaughn-Social Studies and Reading, Hope Wingo and Kari Anna Davis-Math,
and Social Studies Special Education: Alison Corley, Hannah Mims, Amanda Glover and Murray Collum
6th Grade
Angel Borland and Jacob Kent-English /Language Arts, Nathan Young and Mallory Emison-Math, Lori Hitt and Conlee Walker-Science, Charlotte Whitworth and Maggie Arnold-Reading
Jonathan Beard-PE, Jennifer Alexander-PE, Kim Koon-Local Culture and PE, Matt Strickland-Chorus/Music, Kevin Morrow-Bible Gifted-Betsy Ritchie and Monica Baldwin
Junior High School
Pontotoc Junior High School Staff 2018-19 and Rachel Beasley, Christy Murray; English/Language Arts: Dr. Tina Fitts, Shelby McKnight, Gina Bramlitt; Math: Monica Lorick, Annie McGregor, Kelsey Russell, Katy Witt, MS Studies, World Geography: Richie Chrestman and Jordan Thompson Social Studies: Kyle Walker; ELL/Spanish 1: Joy Chunn; Computer Science: Hallie Frenn, Amy
Office Staff
Phil Webb-Principal, Marsha Hillhouse-Assistant Principal, Counselor-Kelsie Cruse, Secretary-Jennifer Mansfield, Custodians-LaTonya White and Dee Scott, Librarian-Jessica Moore, SRO: Shad Long, Nurse-Mitzi Russell
Science: Kaitlyn Anderson
Holladay, Teresa Keys; Learning Associate: Kim Hall; Health/Nutrition: Wanda Hatcher; PE: Brian Morgan; Art: Tessa Ruth; Choir: Matt Strickland; Band: Sarah Todd; Bible: Jared Wilson; Special Education: Neal Hobson, LaRose Hunter, Alisha Jackson, Joanna Manning, Greta Morgan
High School
Pontotoc High School Staff 2018-19 Office Staff
Kenneth McGaha, Principal, Dustin Payne-Assistant Principal, Counselors-Brittany Rowe and Blair Finley, Secretaries-Tonya Smith and Alisa Ferguson, Nurse-Mitzi Russell, SRO- Kevin Rodgers, Custodians-Steve Johnson, Tracy Boland and Alberta Catledge, Librarian-Camille Rodgers
English Department
Darby Knight, Rachel Davis, Colleen Parman, Allison Armstrong, Kayla Hutcheson, Christy Simpson and Leanna Walker
Math Department
Sam James, Tyler Moore,
Melanie Bean, Dorothy Thomas, Catherine Robinson, Jennifer Bass, and Matthew Young
Science Department
Crystal Bigham, Caroline Smith, Tyler Arnold, Jarrett Alford, Rachel Sneed, and Carol Wilgus
History/Government Department
Melinda Pittman, Justin Jensen, Justin Varnon, Adam Gentry, Rolanda Tipler, Chase Clark and Slate Collier
Jared Wilson, Trey Ward, Marty Warren, Angie Davis,
Missy Griffith, Onika Chaffin, Michelle Turonek, Hannah Gersh, Reed McRaney, Corey Armstrong, Michael Wildmon, Kyle Heard, Matt Strickland, Sara Todd, Keith Morgan and Richie Watson Special Education: Aubrey Little, Christy Warren, Donna Akers, Elizabeth Whitten, Kathy Tackitt
Angie Gillen
Alternative School
Christy Suggs-Principal,
Mickey Mapp, Laynne Martin and James Barnes
Central Office Staff 2018-19
Dr. Michelle Bivens, Superintendent; Dr. Angie Quinn, Director of Curriculum and Instruction; Dr. Charles Garrett, Assistant Superintendent and Human Resources; Tracye Crane, Director of Federal Programs; Josh
Dowdy, Director of Athletics; Courtney Beard, Director of Special Education, Testing Coordinator; Dana Harlow, Business Manager; Michelle Martin, Administrative Assistant to Superintendent; Kim Moore,
Athletic Administrative Assistant, Accounts Payable; Janet Hanna, Payroll Clerk; Suzanne Owens, Assistant Special Education Supervisor; Jessie Jones, Technology Director; Jayme Bennett, Systems Administrator
Cafeteria and Maintenance Staff 2018-19 Cafeteria
Diane Newsom-Director of Food Services, Nicole Benson, Jonathan Butler, Twila Butler, Steve Carnes, Irenda Collier, Marty Collins, Quple Dunlap, Patricia Edwards, Brenda Foster, Jennifer Gomez, Jennifer
Hannah, Lajean Heatherly, Brenda Johnson, Becky Long, Linda McEwen, Pat McGowen, Kelli McGregor, Terri McGregor, Ranea Montgomery, Felicia Pegues, Nefrita Quince, Patsy Russell, Sharon Stewart, Janice Stewart , Andy Topp, Shun
Williams and Paula White
Wally Windham-Maintenance Director Ben Russell, Jason Chrestman, Mike Gregory, Jerry Palmer, Chuck Patrick
Pontotoc Progress •
Wednesday, July 25, 2018
c o t o Pont
Pontotoc City School District Bell Schedule Pontotoc High School will modify the existing block schedule for the 2018-2019 school year. The schedule will still contain four 94-minute course blocks, with an additional “flex” period of 50 minutes added after first block. The “flex” period is opportunity for students to participate in year-round courses such as advanced placement, tutorials, remediation and ACT prep. “This will provide AP students all year instruction to prepare for the AP test only offered in the spring” stated Dr. Bivens, “This will also increase remediation time for students to prepare for the state tests without depriving them of instructional time in the course.” Block classes will remain semester long. The new schedule will create a need a district-wide extension of the school day from 3:07 to 3:15 in the afternoon. The high school bell schedule
School Car Rider Drop Off Time PES 7:10 DTC 7:15 PMS 7:20 PJHS 7:15 PHS 7:10 will begin at 7:30 with the tardy bell ringing at 7:35. The cafeteria will serve a “grab and go” style breakfast from 7:10 until 7:30, similar to other districts in the area. Although the existing 15-minute morning break will be dissolved, students will have an opportunity to purchase snacks at an allotted time during the “flex” period. The “flex” period allows us to offer yearlong Learning Strategies and Resource classes for English Language Learners and students receiving Special Education services. These classes will review and strengthen skills that are taught in core classes: En-
Tardy Bell 7:45 7:45 7:45 7:45 7:35
glish, Math, Science, and Social Studies. The “flex” period also allows two semesters of remediation for those students preparing to retake Mississippi Academic Assessment Program, End of Course exams (Algebra I, Biology, English II, and U.S. History) and the implementation of a school-wide ACT preparatory initiative. “We are committed to achieving excellence and hold very high expectations in academics and extra-curricular activities. We will continue to provide your student with every opportunity to be successful in his/her classes, MAAP-EOC, and ACT exams,” stated Mr. Ken McGa-
Dismissal Times 2:50 3:10 3:15 3:15 3:15
ha, PHS principal. In addition to providing a year-long opportunity for remediation, test prep and advanced placement, “flex” scheduling will offer a credit opportunity for the upcoming freshman class. Graduation requirements for the Class of 2022 demands students earn more credits to graduate. This was a consideration for the new schedule and the chance for students to participate in, for instance, band and sports, not choosing between extracurricular courses. Much consideration was taken to ensure students are successful in the classroom and also have an enjoyable high school experience.
r e e r Ca CENTER
Career Center Staff 2018-19 Caytee Barkley, Engineering; Amanda Bray, Business Manager; Dennis Bray, Building Superintendent/Maintenance; Heather Crotwell, Counselor; Roger Dillard, Construction/Carpentry; Patricia Ellison, Director; Dionne Gunter, Teacher Academy; Missy
Griggs, Student Services Coordinator; Sonya Holcomb, Health Sciences II; Judy Mills, Furniture Manufacturing; Matt Powell, Ag Power and Machinery; Barry Reeder, Architecture/Drafting; Phillip Robbins, Industrial Maintenance Engineering; Bridgett Robinson, Early
Childhood Development; Rumae Stroup, Career Pathway Coach; Leslie Timmons, Administrative Assistant; Shelly Varnon, Health Sciences I; Chad Whisenant, Welding; Sonnie Williams, Mail Courier/Bus Driver; Clint Young, Agricultural Science
Alternative School Staff
Dr. Loretta Hartfield: Co-Director Jason Varnon: Co-Director Kim Lilly: Lead Teacher/Math/ Science Robin Haygood: English/History Regina Austin: Special Services Marylyn Roberts: Assistant
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Progress •
Pontotoc County Central Office Staff
Dr. Brock Puckett Superintendent
Dr. Lynnice Carter Federal Programs Coordinator
Melanie Kidd Technology Director
Mellanie Ferguson Superintendent’s Secretary
Kristin Spears Federal Programs Secretary
Sheila Pannell Human Resources/Personnel Staci Lewis Business Manager
Sonya Gilley SPED Director
Lisa Roye Technology Assistant/MSIS Coordinator
Kathy Barnett Business Assistant
Ellen Hill Case Manager Lawanda Raines SPED Secretary
Dan Bailey District Maintenance Supervisor, Testing/504 Coordinator
Prudence Hatchett Behavioral Intervention
Chad Stubblefield Head Maintenance
Linda Coggins Psychometric/Homebound
John Garrett Technology Support Lee Williams Technology Support Dr. Loretta Hartifield Curriculum Director/Alternative Director
Jason Varnon Instructional Technology Specialist/Curriculum/Alternative Director Marylyn Roberts Alternative/Curriculum Secretary Heather Corder Data Coach Shane Long Transportation Director Kevin Foster Mechanic
Wednesday, July 25, 2018
Dan Hester Mechanic Sylvia Massey Food Service Director Amanda New Food Service Assistant
School Board Members:
Mr. Danny Robbins, 1st District Mr. Allan Roye, 5th District (Secretary) Mr. Rodney Robbins, 2nd District (President) Mrs. Ann Carter, 3rd District Mr. Randy Tutor, 4th District
County School cafeteria employees North Pontotoc
Karen Angle, Flo Berry, Ashley Cheney, Lolita Dalton, Brenda Graham, Ashley Hess, Dianne Littlejohn, Melissa Stahl, Sue Sutton, Kayla Swords, Tammy Tutor, Ambee Villarreal, Jennifer Williams, Melissa Scott, Brandi Hamblin
South Pontotoc
Donece Bland, Sharon Bramlett, Sylvia Cobb, Suzy Collins, Marilyn Foote, Kasi Giompoletti, Sylvia Henderson, Mary Martin, Sherry Reynolds, Julius Stahl, Kristen Stegall, Michelle Stuto, Teresa Taylor, Wanda Taylor, Melinda Smith, Melissa Hester