Wednesday, July 27, 2022 Pontotoc Progress • Page 5B "Education is not the learning of many facts, but the training of the mind to think." - Albert Einstein Welcome This whatcontainssectionyouneed to know to get prepared for the new school year. Thousands of students will be backheadingtoschoolAugust5
becomewouldcenter.supportcontinuedofourIfyouliketoanindustrypartner,pleasecontactusat662-489-1826oremail me at
Dr. Brock Puckett, Superintendent As we pre pare to wel come our staff and students for the es.ourtakingallamschool2022-2023year,IinaweoftheworkplaceoncampusEverywhereI look, I see progress and potential. I am excited to see the progress being made on our building projects, the Pre-K Collab orative Kick-off, the new E-Sports team, and building and classroom preparations. I have watched all summer as administrators and teach ers have taken steps to grow their professional knowledge and update their instructional plans based on that growth. Progress lets us see what has been done and what is being done. In all honesty though, I am far more excited about the potential I see in our Dis trict. When we focus on the potential, we open ourselves to dream about what can and will happen during the 20222023 school year. As I watch building proj ects inching closer to com pletion, I can already picture the teaching, learning, and growing that will take place in our newly remodeled spac es. I cannot wait for teachers to move into their new in structional spaces. That is the moment when a classroom becomes a vehicle to take stu dents from where they are to where they can be. I am excit ed for junior high students to have the opportunity to prac tice and host their sports in the remodeled PJH Gymnasium. In that space, the Warrior ath letes of our future will come face to face with the Warrior athletes of our proud history. These renovations will help us better serve our students and our community for years to Allcome. summer, I have watched as USPS, UPS, and FedEx have delivered a seemingly infinite number of boxes to our office. What started as a couple of boxes soon became a mountain of cardboard. Inside the boxes is everything from glue to tod dler play kitchens. While not all the boxes are for our Pre-K Collaborative, the vast major ity are. For the last couple of years, we have served 20 fouryear-olds at PES and provided space for two Headstart class es. During the 2022-2023 school year, we will serve up to 80 four-year-olds at PES. Half of those students will be in Pontotoc City Pre-K class rooms while the other half will be in two Headstart class rooms. We will serve as many as 140 four-yearolds in child care allowinggrantCollaborativethesoDistrict.throughoutfacilitiestheWearegratefulforMDEPre-Kwhichisusto provide teachers, furniture, supplies, and technology to our upcoming pre-k students whether they are at PES, in Headstart, or in one of our town’s outstanding childcare facilities.Because we always strive to offer our students new op portunities, we decided in the Spring to add a new sport or activity. We left the decision in the hands of the students who would be at PJH and PHS during the upcoming school year. They were asked to complete a survey to rank the available options. At the end of the survey process, the students highest rated sport/ activity to add was E-Sports. E-Sports is online video game competitions. We are excited to offer E-Sports for students in grades 7-12 for the 20222023 school year. In a world that is increasingly technolog ical, we hope that E-Sports will offer our students oppor tunities today and create new career pathways for them in theInfuture.early July, we begin to see new teachers in their first classrooms with excited faces preparing for their first groups of students. What starts as blank walls and empty bulle tin boards quickly becomes an inviting space for stu dents to learn and grow in a safe environment. Students and teachers will enter those classrooms in August ready to learn and teach. During the year spent together, they will experience the full range of human emotions. I can al ready hear the laughter that will erupt inside those walls. I know that children will be challenged to set lofty goals and reach their highest poten tial. In the end, students will have taught the teachers as much as the teacher taught the students.Soon,school buses and cars full of eager Warriors will be gin unloading on our cam puses. Students and staff will excitedly start the school year. All the progress made through the summer will give way to the potential successes of our Warriors this year. We cannot wait to see what we achieve. Enjoy the last few days of summer. Fill them with fun, sunshine and back-to-school shopping. Then, send us your children. We cannot wait to love and teach them.
North & South Pontotoc
Welcome to the 2022-23 school year! It is a great pleasure to wel come both our returning fam ilies and those who are new to our system. We are excited that you have chosen to allow us in the Pontotoc County School District to teach and care for your child. We con sider it our greatest honor to serve you and your child. I cannot express the excite ment we here at PCSD have about the upcoming oppor tunity we will have to devel op a community of lifelong learners that supports one another for the betterment of PontotocAugustCounty.isavery exciting time for those of us involved in education because it al lows us to develop new goals, build new relationships and embark upon new challeng es. Let me assure you our staff will rise to the known and
Pontotoc City Dr. Michelle Bivens, Superintendent
These ladies bring much en thusiasm and knowledge to ourParentscenter. and students can stay informed about all things PRCTC by visiting our website at www.pcsd. ms and click on Pontotoc Ridge Career & Technology Page under select a school. We would also love for you to check us out on facebook (Pontotoc Ridge Career & Technology Center). Please stop by and say hello. Together, I know we will make this school year one of growth for all stu dents. Career Center Patricia Ellison, Director
While im proving student achievement is an important part of our mission, we know it is essen tial to focus on the social and emotional needs of our stu dents as well. As parents, you can “help us help you” devel op your student into the most well rounded person they can possibly be with equal atten tion given to their academic and social development. We want our students to have a positive learning and grow ing experience in our class rooms, hallways, gyms, ath letic fields, and performing arts classrooms and bandhalls.Oneof the most import ant parts of my job is to be in the schools on a regular ba sis connecting with teachers and students. I also look forward to en gaging with parents in the coming year. Our Teacher Advisory Committee mem bers will again join me to hold meetings each month over the course of the year to provide feedback on how we can improve our schools. Our Student Advisory Board will provide us with valuable feedback to make their learn ing experience more positive and impactful. As a district we welcome the chance to both share our opportunities and challenges and to ad dress any questions or con cerns that you may have. We believe in transparency and addressing the needs of all of ourThisstakeholders.goeswithout saying, but you are welcome and encouraged to come to our campuses, our activities, and athletic events at any time. We encourage you to get in volved at your child’s school with the PTA or a Band/Ath letic Booster Club etc.. It is a great way to connect with your school, our staff, and to model to our kids that giving back to our school/communi ty is worthwhile and benefi cial.Again, thank you for the opportunity to serve you and we excitedly look forward to seeing each one of you and to a great school year, in which we will “relentlessly pursue the exceptional”!
Page 6B Pontotoc Progress • Wednesday, July 27, 2022
Welcometoour Campus
On behalf of the entire faculty and staff, I hope that you have enjoyed a rest ful and relaxing summer! Personally, I am grateful to continue this journey with you as your Director. It is a true privilege to work in a community where parents, teachers, and students care for each other and strive to build positive relationships that support academic/CTE success and social growth. As we enter this new school year, we will contin ue to strive towards our mis sion which is to transform today’s students into tomor row’s work force, highertoallowingtherebythemcompeteforpaying, more fulfilling jobs and have a safer work place. We work towards this mission by providing each student with a hands-on ed ucation experience, creating knowledge by application in a safe environment, and expecting a strong work ethic. Our industry partners invest time and resources to help make this happen. We thank you for your

Wednesday, July 27, 2022 Pontotoc Progress • Page 7B CountySchool Information SchoolCity Information County cafeteria staff 2022-2023 City cafeteria staff 2022-2023 Pontotoc County School District Central Office Staff 2022-2023 Pontotoc City School District Central Office Staff 2022-2023 Sylvia Massey - Food Service Director Amanda New - Food ServiceAssistantAdministrative North Pontotoc Melissa Scott - Manager Ambee Villarreal - Assistant MirandaShawandaMalloryKarenManagerAngleFloBerryJanetBrownBurgessCharlesClarkDonnaDavisWandaDixonGreenAnitaMcMillenRobinson Melissa Stahl Kayla TammySwordsTutor South Pontotoc Kristen Stegall - Manager Melissa HesterSylviaCherrylynMarilynDoneceManagerAssistantBlandFooteHantzHendersonHeatherKeithPamelaRidgeKimSmithAngieStacyMichelleStutoWandaTaylorCrystalFletcherKatherineScott Dianne NewsomLaJeanDirectorHeatherlyJenniferAssistantsHannah Elementary Dee StewartPatriciaManagerEdwardsRanaeAssistantMontgomeryWillieHerronChrystalDavisJackiePriceSarahAnderson D.T. Cox Cynthia ThomasJonathanManagerButlerAllisonSteveAssistantCarnesPaulaWhiteDandridge Middle and Jr. High Nefrita QuinceDinahManagerMooreAssistant Barbara Watkins Renee Dunlap High Twila ButlerAngieManagerBunchSidiraAssistantTownsendAndyToppMichelleGatesPaulaHarkness Dr. Brock (SuperintendentMellanie(Superintendent)PuckettWilliamsAssistant)SheilaPannell(PersonalManager)StaciLewis(BusinessManager)KathieBarnett(BusinessManagerAssistant)SylviaMassey(FoodServiceDirector)AmandaNew(FoodServiceAssistant) Dan Bailey Supervisor/Safety(MaintenanceCoordinator/504Coordinator Dr. Loretta Hartfield (FederalDirector)Programs Kristin Spears (Federal Programs Assistant) Tami Harrell Director)(SPED Ellen Hill (SPED LawandaDirector)AssistantRaines(SPEDAssistant) Lindsey Wilson(Homebound/Alternative)Ashley(Psychometry)AbbottPfahler(BehaviorTherapist)LindaCogginsSpeck(AlternativeDirector)StevenNewell(Alternative)JohnGarrett(TechnologyDirector)LisaRoye(TechnologyAssistant/MSISCoordinator) Lee WilliamsSupport)(Technology Jeffrey Farris Ashley(InstructionalJasonSupport)(TechnologyRitchieTechnology)JimmyFlake(CurriculumDirector)Coleman(AssistantCurriculumDirector)MarylynRoberts(CurriculumAssistant)LibbyYoung(DataCoach/TestingCoordinator) Dr. Michelle BivensBonnieAssistantSuperindentPhilWebb-SuperindentDr.AngieQuinnDr.FeleciaPollardCourtneyBeardTracyCraneMichelleMartinMichelleRussellKimMoore Jennifer Masfield Beverly Williams IT Department Jessie JeremyJonesMask PontotocSupportAcademicSchool Jeff Carter Lori Hamill Alyce LeeannaChristyMickeyJenningsMappMurrayWalker Principal: Christy Suggs Maintenance Wally Windham Ben Russell Brad Horton Jerry ChuckParmerPatrick SRO Kevin DanShadRodgersLongTreadway

Page 8B Pontotoc Progress • Wednesday, July 27, 2022 North Pontotoc North Pontotoc Elementary Staff 2022-2023 Principal Brad Parker Assistant Principal Haley Stewart Secretary Sherl Rogers Kindergarten Teachers Tera Spears Katlyn Thomas Angie AmandaVeronicaMcDonaldMinierSimmonsBrandyHamiltonHeatherMitchell Assistants S. BridgettDonnaLopezBaileyJanRobbinsAshleySelfKimStokesJessicaMossMoses First Grade Brittany Boisseau Leticia Jackson Bobi BeckyShellyEmilyColemanRussellRogersBethPanesMaloneEmilyJackson Assistant Vickey Gray Second Grade Jennifer Murphy Heather Parman Brittany McGreger Katie Beth Tallant Pam BrittneySimmonsCokerKeriPotts Assistants Mary TaylorTroupeBrown Third Grade Keedah Hayles Evelyn SummerFergusonColtharpNiaBrownCarolTutorKristyMcCord Assistant K. Anderson Fourth Grade Lisa NikkiMartinaAmandaKiddLittleMooreYarbroughMarciaRussellKimBall Assistant C. Tallant Special Education Tisha AshleyHeatherWallacePeeplesBrooklynJonesSappington Jennifer Parks Regina Porter Charles Eldridge Assistants A. McCord M. Herring Speech Therapist Melissa Cox KristinAnnaJulieLauderdaleMorrisArcher Talented and Gifted Gaye Ellis Catherine Fitzgerald EL SusanLettyRussellRuiz Assistant Cristina Hernandez Librarian Traci McCord Guidance Counselor Michelle Bailey Bookkeeper Shelley Townsend School Nurse Amber Hall Support Therapist Samantha Strickland ISS/Substitute Ashley Hess Neva GravesCoach)(Behavioral Music NitaCaldwell Computer Lab/STEM Thea Hamilton Art Crystal Matthews Character Education Cathy Warner BHME Kim Wilson PE/Coaches Brian GinnellBrownScott Reading Coaches DebraLolitaRetaSappingtonReederDalton Instructional Coaches: Delisa White Karen Sheffield VickiTashaVarnonLong Academic Coach Tonya Graham Custodians Linda Scott Eric Hollings North Pontotoc Upper Elementary Staff 2022-2023 Principal Hillery Wise Counselor Dawn Cooper Librarian Donna Brown Secretary Jennifer Horton Custodian Roger Houpt ELAFifthDepartmentGrade Morgan Baird HarleyInterventionistGonzales-MelissaTerry Sixth Grade AmyMaryFoosheeHunt MathFifthDepartmentGrade Katelyn Hester Taylor KellyMath Interventionist Lead Teacher Abigail McMillen Sixth Grade Theresa Carter Jennifer Tutor ScienceFifthDepartmentGrade LindseyMelissaBarnettHill Sixth Grade Kelsey McCluskey StudentDepartmentServicesFifthGrade SmithDianeBondsTodd Sixth Grade Angela Brown 5-6 Grades Aleana Homan Darlene Johnson SupportEnrichment/Staff Ronda Osterhout Physical Education Drew Richardson Gifted Amber Richardson EL Tracy Harden Sixth ComputerGradeLab Jason Terry Sixth Grade Bible Lewis Harrell Sixth Grade Band Cody CalebTaylorRobertsRileyMooneyham

Emily WorldHumanities/U.S.ShaniBiologyFieldsEarnestHistoryBrielleCruseSpecialServicesAndyCrotwellHistory;Psychology;FootballIvanCollierDriversEd.;Health;Football;BaseballBethCoglinELLLauraChismEnglishII;D.C.-Comp.IAmyChrestmanAlgebraII;A.P.CalculusC.C.CavenaughFamily/ChildDevelopment
Nicole Carter Special Biology;World;CCR;ECS;MandyServicesCarrA.P.ComputerAliCarnesSpecialServicesRobBrowningBoysandGirlsBasketballBradBrownSpecialServicesJoeyBairdEconomics-Govt.;MSGirls;AssistantHighSchoolShaneAdamsHighSchoolBoysBasketball
Wednesday, July 27, 2022 Pontotoc Progress • Page 9B North Pontotoc North Pontotoc Middle School Staff 2022-2023 Principal Jim Matthews Secretary Becky Sullivan Counselor Beth McCuller Custodial Frank Wilder Band Director Cody Roberts Band Assistants CalebTaylorMooneyhamRiley Physical Education Athletic Director Trae Smith Student Services Kelsea CatherineEptingMoxleyMichelleFarley BibleMiddleHistory/East Lewis Harrell English Learners Dr. Beth Coghlan PhysicalAssistantEducation Chelsea Parker TECH April Lindsey Matt AnthonyRayburnWhite History DustinBobColbyBaldwinDillRainer Science Ann Adams Lisa Nichols Brandy Stubblefield Math Kim Lilly Ashley Stubblefield Eli Tate Michael Vierheller English Language Arts Gina Bramlitt Mary Margaret Carnes Dena Holley Kelly Oakes North Pontotoc High Staff 2022-2023 Principal Brian Sutton Assistant Principal, Ath leticBasketballDirector, Chad Anthony Secretary Mallory Trentham Bookkeeper Lori Bennett Counselor Heather Uithoven Heather Crotwell Librarian Jeannie Thompson Maintenance/HVAC Chad Stubblefield Tim Sanders MSIS, Elem. Records Nickie Sanders Custodians Matthew Swords Tab Quillian ISS Cindy Corley Teaching Staff Christy CCR/Finance-Law;ArcheryClintArtWiseYoungCoachBobWingoBowlingAmyWilkinsAlgebra1and2AnneWellsPhysicalScience;A&PKimWaldropU.S.History;A.P.USCindySwordsAssist.SpecialServicesMichelleSuttonEnglishIIIChristopherStevensEnglishIV;Essentials Whitney Smith Asst. Study Hall Marley Russell Geometry; Algebra III; Geometry;EnglishPaulaCalculusRuizI;SpanishKyleRobbinsSREB;SoftballCodyRobertsMusic;BandRileyTaylorMusic;BandDanaRheaHealth;Phys.Ed.;SoftballBaileyReeceEnglishI;Oral;Debate;volleyballCalebMooneyhamMusic;Band Martha Middlebrooks Assist. Special Services Elizabeth Medlin Earth Science; A.P. Biology Kelly Chemistry;MatthewsA.P.PhysicsJeremyLytalSpecialServicesKimLottAlgebraI;EssentialsMattLindseyPhys.Ed.;Psychology;Powerlift;FootballGraceHooperHS/MSRecordsAshleyHendrixSpecialServicesFeliciaHaulcombBiblicalHistoryAlyshaFletcherEnglishII

Debate, PE Page 10B Pontotoc Progress • Wednesday, July 27, 2022 South Pontotoc South Pontotoc Elementary Staff 2022-2023 South Pontotoc High School Staff 2022-2023
Adam Patterson - Drivers Education, Health, PE Martin Rodgers - English 3, AP Language, Essential of Language
Matt Waldrop
Sharon Schaefer - Chemistry, Physics,
Emily Speck Assistant Principal Doug Gentry Kindergarten Teachers Kristen Young Andria Keith Nicole Walls Brooke StephanieFranksWardTiffanyBowen First Grade Teachers Heather Corder Katie CrystalMcKnightStapletonAmberBagwellAmyStoneStephanieAustin Second Grade Teachers Chanda Ferguson Jessica Puckett Kayleigh Hodum Holly HaileyDeannaBrownTryonHolcomb Third Grade Teachers Patricia Fernandez Gina LoriKatieBrittanyMorganFinnDodsonPenningtonAshleyMoore Fourth Grade Teachers Shunda MerileeAshleyGillespieAllenJaggersLoriHarrisonMonicaRossJanetSartin Fifth Grade Teachers Jessica Cox Mackenzie Wheeler Faith Johnson Deirdre Brown April Phillips Susan Kimmett Gifted Mary AmandaHarmonHayes Special Services Anna Onsby Sara Ross Valerie Pilcher Autumn Ritchie Leigh BridgetBarnettIsabellTraceyBailey Speech Carissa Wages Cortney Stiefell Paige Roye Interventionist Anita Bailey Johnie Franks Christi Cowsert Angie TerrennaKitchensKyleI ELL Teacher Jennifer Wright STEM Melissa Kitchens Music Jacee Hopkins Physical Education Collin McGregor Bible Mae Treloar Library Meaghan Owen Art Lisa Bost Custodian Gary Peak SRO Joseph Maher MSIS Clerk Lori Parker Registrar Melinda Shields Tech Lee Williams Bookkeeper Darla Grubbs Secretary Becky Wages Counselor Laurie Britt Assistant Teachers Missy ElizabethMichelleJenniferDeniseLindseyTammyHoingAustinLisaTurpinLaciBainMaherJoniFinleyLorenLongRackleyJeanMatthewsHeatherHallKristenShieldsKimRobertsonDuncanJameyHeathGloriaPhillipsWaltressCrawfordChasityLoveStephaniePriceReeseDuncan In School[ISS]Suspension Sharon Fauver South Middle School Staff 2022-2023 Principal Ben Moore Assistant TestingAssistantPrincipal/SchoolCoordinator Jason Varnon Secretary Lisa Taylor Counselor Holly Morgan Science Tara NaomiAustinNeff Science/ School CoordinatorTesting Vickie Kitchens Math Mandy JonathanChaseyGaspardGuerinBlakeLovellMaeganSmithWeeks English Language Arts Cassie MaddisonStephanieBrentnerBurnettClaytonAmandaGrubbsKristiGann Social Studies Mason Luther Social Studies Social Studies/Tech ChrisChrisVineyardWalls Inclusion McKinley Nickels Sixth Grade Inclusion Missy Griggs SeventhInclusionGrade Kristen Treadaway Eighth Grade Inclusion Kelly McClain Technology Marcy Brown Physical Education Lance Carter Band Dana Gray Gifted Dawn Hester Speech Paige Roye Self Contained Tammy Swords Assistant Teacher Kasi Giompoletti ELA Interventionist Sandra Ward Math Interventionist Debbie Stepp Welcome Back to School!
Chris Vandiver - Algebra PE -
AP Physics
Principal Brant Puckett Assistant Principal Mark Vandiver Counselors Michelle Roye Whitney Crank Administrative Assistant Donna Morgan Bookkeeper TBA MSIS Lori Parker Records Clerk Melinda Shields Librarian Brandy Clingan Study Hall Annie Bost Student Services Regina Austin Missy Belcher Ethan Donaldson Katie SharonSarahMeganDonaldsonFranksManningTownsend HayleyLeslieTranthamWarren StudentAssistantServices Helen Bowen Tammy Zamarippa ISS Natasha Collums Assistant Teacher Laci Bain Maintenance SteveJasonHendersonChismW.C.Vance Teaching Staff Courtney Allen - English 4, English Comp 1, English Comp 2 Paul Austin - Art, German 1, German 2 Andrea Brown - Geometry Bryan Buckner - World History,EconomicsGovernment, Lisa Buckner - English 3, English 2, CommunicationsOral Abigail Burcham - English 2, English 1 Jacob Carpenter - World History Cynthia Chambers - Biology, Earth Science, Anatomy & RodFoundations,ShereePhysiologyCollins-AlgebraCalculus,APCalculus,AdvanceMathPlus,Algebra3Cook-EssentialMath,DriversEducation,PE Amanda Fliflet - Music James Franks - Biology, AP BarrettBiologyGray- Music Mackenzie Gunter - English 1 Jeff HarmonGovernmentEconomics, Brandy Higgason - Algebra 1 Michael Holcomb - Biblical History of the Ancient Middle East Laura Howard - U.S. History Jacob Kidd - ACT Prep, Computer Science, World History Cheryl Malone - College and Career Readiness Zachary McDonaldFoundations of Biology, Earth and Space Science

Wednesday, July 27, 2022 Pontotoc Progress • Page 11B CityPontotoc Pontotoc City Elementary School Staff 2022-2023 Principal Marsha Hillhouse Assistant Principal Janet Barefoot Counselor Tobi Bowen Secretary Asia Williams StudentOfficerResource Dan Treadaway Nurse Sonya Holcomb Pre-K/HeadStartTeachers Hannah Huey KristaAbbyChloeMcCreightWhiteHeeringa Assistants Rebekah Calvert Kelli White Teachers-daycare Kacey KaraJoannaCarsonFlakeBethWinterMalloryMossJessieJohnsonKimberlyPowell KindergartenTeachers Bethany Aaron Maurie Cother Diana Fuqua AshleyMelissaMeganHeatherlyLowreyMandyMaffettParmerHaleyPetersonPennySpears Assistants Eden MilicynTammyCaberellaBrowningChrisieGoryErickaHallToriPateHeatherSparksKawanaWadeWestmorelandReaganWright FirstTeachersGrade Jill KellonStephanieBuchananBallKaraKellyShackelfordJessicaSteeleLorenaTuckerAnnaWallaceAnaGraceWarrenLaurenWhitenton Assistants Melina Randolph SecondTeachersGrade Cindy Calvert Kim ChristianSummerHomanJensenJessicaNicholsMcRaneyAprilPettitJordanRedmonAlexReederCharityTedford Assistants Paige Enis Rita Farr Stem Reed McRaney Tiffany Ashcraft-assistant Art Sherry Donaldson UFO Courtney Foster Speech Alex Henry Evelyn Biffle Veronica Palmer Mallory Ragon Music Meghan Hickey SPED Beth AmeliaJessicaWray-Pre-KKelly-KBailey-1st Angela Cooley-2nd Self RamonaAmandaLaurenContainedHaneyLuciusAssistantsKaylaTuckerZamarripa EnglishLearnersLanguage Gaby MirnaGlendaAssistantsMartinezTzibLizetteTzib Physical Education Michelle Purdon Neal Hobson-adaptive Media Specialist Tiffany Russell Lifecore Counselor Raven Traylor Reading Interventionist Emily Vandiver Charquita Stalnaker-assistant Bible Kim Wilson Custodians Cody Carson Belinda Montgomery D.T. Cox Elementary Staff 2022-2023 Principal Kassi Mask Assistant Principal Sherron Horton Secretary Sandra Williams Nurse Brandi Chrestman Counselor LaToya Kinnard Student Resource Officer Dan Treadaway Art Kalista Stanford Bible Nathan Bailey Custodian Marcus Hurd Digital Citizenship/Typing Brandy Ball ELL Rachel Chrestman Intervenionists Lesia Holley Nancy Simmons Librarian Kristy Dowdy LifeCore Patty Cruse Modified Resource Dee Mutch Music Susan Brown Physical Education Laurie Bishop SPED Case Manager Ashley Jarrett Speech Lydia Short STEM Anna Holmes Third Grade Teachers Alison Lumsden SarahLeShaeStaceyMcLaughlinMcNattBeckyRaySarahBurrellSarahCliftonCollumsJessicaLuther SPED Clarissa McCain-inclusion Haylee Collums-resource UFO Leslie Hilliard Fourth Grade Teachers Kaitlyn GingerAllisonMakenzieBooneHallAnahLewisTySpicerClinganKarinFosterHeatherlyEmmaWaldrop SPED AndreaJordanTrainor-inclusionOwen-resource UFO Misty VineyardPontotoc Middle School Staff 2022-2023 Principal Marshal Johnson Assistant Principal Suzanne Owens Secretary Milena Nesbit Nurse Ashley Dowdy Academic Advisor Haley Franks Counselor Betsey Richie Fifth GradeMathTeachers Kim Brumley Kyle Bramlett Beth Wooley Science Lori Hitt Laverne Richardson English Language Arts Destiny Wade Brittany Scott James ‘Jay’ Henderson Sixth GradeMathTeachers Hope CourtneyMonicaWingoLorickMason Science Amber Swain Charlotte Whitworth English Language Arts Hannah AustinRebeccaGregoryRossAnderson Health Jonathan Beard EnglishLearnersLanguage Taylor Corder Art/Sixth Gifted-UFO Monica Baldwin Bible/Fifth Gifted-UFO Lori Johnson Music/Chorus Matt Strickland Custodian Wesley Swan SPED Drew Bass Alison AmandaCorleyGloverDebraVaughnAdamBaker Intervention/Elective Conlee Walker Library/Media Kourtney Mathews Physical Education Kim JonathanKoonBeard In School Suspension Kim Hall Welcome Back to School!

Page 12B Pontotoc Progress • Wednesday, July 27, 2022 CityPontotoc Career Center Patricia AdministrativeLeslieAmandaDirectorEllisonBrayBookkeeperTimmonsAssistantBlairCullumCTECounselorAmandaWoodWorkBasedLearning Dana Roberts Student Services Coordinator Barry TeacherDionneDraftingReederGunterAcademyBridgetRobinsonEarlyChildhoodMarleyJamisonEngineering Shelly Varnon Health Science I Sonya Russell Health Science II Jay Allen Law & Public Safety Matt Powell Ag Power & Machinery Clint AgricultureYoung Phillip Robbins AdvancedGreysonManufacturingCampbellConstructionSteveMorganWeldingMaryMartinCustodian Pontotoc Ridge Career & Technology Center Staff 2022-2023 Pontotoc Junior High 2022-2023Staff Principal Niki Peel Assistant Principal Josh Dowdy Secretary Keshia Buchanan Librarian Cassie Cooper Counselor Kelsi Cruse Nurse Ashley Dowdy SchoolOfficerResource Shad Long Interventionist Haley Franks Science Kelsey Minga - 7th Kaitlyn Anderson - 8th Dabnee Slay- 8th Math Chelsea Butler- 7th Zach Gory- 7th Jullianna Fulghum- 8th Kelsey Russell- 8th Social Studies Richie Chrestman- 8th Shelbie McKnight Jordan Thompson English Carley Gusmus- 7th Parish Hali-AnaTinaWadkins-7thFitts-8thHarvey-8th EL; Spanish Stephen Winter Health Wanda A. Hatcher Technology Amy TeresaHolladayL.KeysJordanWatts Bible Jared D. Wilson Art Tessa Morrison Ruth Physical Education Brian Morgan Band Bre Hamblin Music Matthew Strickland SPED Jesse HillaryJessicaClaytonMooreParrishKirstenSloanLoriWalker SPED Assistants Grace Kimbrell Amy Redden In School Detention Kim Hall Custodian Lynn LaTonyaSartinWhite Pontotoc High School Staff 2022-2023 Principal Dustin Payne Assistant Principal Dorothy Thomas Secretaries Rayanne Adams Heather Wooley Tonya Smith Lead Teacher Allison Armstrong Teaching Assistants James Barnes Angie Gillen School Resource Officer Kevin Rodgers Nurse Mitze Russell Career Counselor Jennifer Dale Counselors Kim Austin Kelli Warren Custodians Jason Collins Steve JohnnyJohnsonMoore Teachers Cory Armstrong Phys. Ed.; Driver’s Ed.; SREBFoundationChemistryTylerFootballArnold(andA.P.);PhysicsRhandiBallofBiology,Biology1JenniferBassMath,ACTWorkKeysPrep Melanie Bean Algebra 2-3; A.P. Calculous Rachel Boothe Biology 1; A.P. Biology Allison Bramlett English I; Creative Writing, MS SpanishSpeech-LanguageBeckyWritersButtsJoyChunn1/EnglishLanguageLearnersMichelleClarkEnglishLanguageLearners;Spanish2SamuelCollierGovernment,EconomicsGaryDixonCollegeCareerReadiness;BasketballAdamGentryWorldHistory(andA.P.);FootballHannahGershArt1and2;YearbookCharlesHamelinSpecialEducationInclusionKyleHeardP.E.BasketballReneaHintonSpecialEducationTeresaHugyaSpecialEducationLaRoseHunterSpecialEducationInclusion Kayla AcceleratedHutchesonEnglish I; English I Sam James Geometry; College Algebra Alyce Jennings Special EnglishSpecialSpecialEnglishAmandaEducationKelly4;SREBLiteratureJessicaKissingerJonasKingAudreyLittleEducationInclusionZachMatkinsWorldHistory;MississippiStudiesAshleyMcDanielAbbyMooreEducationInclusionPrestonMooreKeithMorganBandCatherineNaborsKateOsbornColleenParmanCompositionI;DualCreditEnglishMelindaPittmanProblemsInAmericanDemocracy;U.S.CullenPollardAnatomyandPhysiology;SoccerSarahRussell Whitney Robbins Camille ExploringCollegeGeometery;JessicaLibrarianRogersSmithACTPrepRachelSneedSTEMRolandaTiplerCareerReadiness;BasketballSarahToddBandMattTurnerHealth,DrugEducation;SafetyEducationJustinVernonU.S.History;Law,LocalCulture;PersonalKyleWalkerTinaWannerComputerScience;A.P.LoganWilbanksEarthandSpaceScience;GeologyMichaelWildmonDriversEducation;SoftballNitaWilgusFoundationsofBiology,EarthandSpace