140th Anniversary 7182010

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Sunday, July 18, 2010 â– Section I

A special section of the Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal


PAGE 2I ■ SUNDAY, JULY 18, 2010



■ Over the last 140 years, Tupelo has grown from an undeveloped area covered by hardwoods to the nationally recognized focal point of Northeast Mississippi. Three times chosen an All-America city, Tupelo is often held up as a model of success for its community and economic development efforts. Its civic life is built on an expectation that everyone contributes in ways both large and small. Its public education system has enjoyed a level of support that other cities look to emulate. And its public-private leadership has kept the city moving forward with an attitude of “Nobody else is going to do it for us.” Tupelo’s progress is all the more notable because of the obstacles it has overcome – its location in an area of few natural resources, a devastating tornado in 1936 and the current economic strife, to name a few. This section celebrates the city’s 140-year journey, which coincides with that of the Daily Journal. While there’s much more to the Tupelo story than these 24 pages can accommodate, our coverage is meant to hit the high points, giving readers a sense of the city’s progress from then until now. In 1995, the Daily Journal produced an expansive 125th anniversary section detailing the city’s growth. And you can expect the same on the 150th anniversary in 10 years. So in some ways, this is an appetizer. But like a single Elvis album, it also can be a satisfying main course just by itself. – Michael Tonos, Managing editor Contributing to this section: Editorial Page Editor Joe Rutherford; Staff Writers Emily Le Coz and Chris Kieffer; Business Editor Dennis Seid; Neighbors Editor Bobby Pepper; Copy Editor/Designer Josh Hanna; and Photographers Thomas Wells, Deste Lee and Todd Sherman. Non-staff photos provided by Marty Ramage, Oren Dunn Museum and the Lee County Library.

he simultaneous 140th anniversaries of the Daily Journal and Tupelo have a double impact for me because the newspaper and the city have been an important part of my life – all 62 years. I am not a Tupelo native; I was born in Corinth and spent my childhood in Kossuth and, later, Ripley for high school. But sometime within about a month of my birth my parents made the first of hundreds of weekly trips to Tupelo because it was the epicenter of my small family on both sides. The Rutherfords (Mike, Mary Alice, Mevelyn, and Mickey) lived in a house in what’s now the west parking lot of the Crosstown Walgreen’s. The Heards (Mitts, Violet, and Ann) lived on Heardtown Road, now Road 1740, just beyond Belden. My paternal grandmothers were here, too. Lillian Wallis Rutherford Clark, lived with her husband, David Clark Sr., in the Kinney Hotel, which they owned and operated in downtown Tupelo. My maternal grandmother, Berta Malone Sims, lived on Highway 6 west of Zion Presbyterian Church, just across the line in Pontotoc County. Mother was a proud alumna of Tupelo High School, then Delta State. My Dad was a graduate of Baldwyn, where he had been a basketball star on Baldwyn’s first state championship team; then, he played at and graduated from Union University, and later went to Ole Miss for graduate school. They were teachers and they started at what was then East Tupelo High School. A rotation of visits, family



the determination to make desegregation a peaceful and successful sea-change event, and willingness to look outward – instead of inward as did so many Mississippi towns that today are mere shadows of past glory – were a magnet for me and offered a compelling reason to live in Mississippi. The Journal and Tupelo played a big role in shaping my views of the world. The city’s community accomplishments – the outspoken advocacy for change voiced by leaders as diverse as gifted, progressive clergy, civicspirited industrialists and determined members of longtime Tupelo families who understood that there’s no standing still while moving forward – formed Tupelo’s story and inTHOMAS WELLS spired the Tupelo Spirit. Visitors along West Main Street get an “All America City!” greeting near Ballard Park. The Journal, in my personal experience and view, has been holiday meals and shopping myself the stories Bill Ross had he knew that Tupelo was the a consistent and persuasive for all kinds of things were part written about all the big games education bellwether in North- voice seeking substantial and of the ritual of life. – and little ones, too. east Mississippi. tangible benefit for everyone. We subscribed to the Tupelo It became apparent to me This is the gist of education Few significant developJournal and read it every day it and to everyone else who paid and development in Tupelo: ments in my lifetime in Northwas published, and whatever attention that people in Tupelo, Innovation wasn’t feared, it was east Mississippi have not been interest in politics and civic life because of the way history had embraced, and consistent supported by the Journal – and I developed in adolescence shaped their community, came progress showed that change by Tupelo’s leadership. grew from the coverage and the to expect a lot as a city, as a usually was for the good. The most important lesson opinions in the Journal’s pages public school system, as a Tupelo also discovered early Tupelo learned in its first 140 – routinely and energetically commercial center, and as the that embracing new people years is that it and the region reinforced by my parents’ usu- center of regional influence. who moved here with the rapid prosper best together. Tupelo ally identical views. Some people came to deindustrial growth in the ’50s, has become the center for I also read the Journal bespise Tupelo because of its suc- ’60s and ’70s meant people business, banking, retailing, cause of its sports coverage: cess and because Tupelo peofrom other parts of the country manufacturing, transportaEvery high school the Ripley ple were never shy about would put their ideas and taltion, communication and Tigers played was covered, plus telling the world what they had ent to work for Tupelo’s better- technology but only with the the Tupelo Golden Wave, and accomplished. ment. collaboration and participathe Big Eight, Little Ten and The dislike probably was Those people came to be tion of the region’s people Tombigbee conferences. more about envy, but it was fre- called “Tupelo Yankees,” and and leaders. On Saturday mornings in the quently palpable. they, with their children and Joe Rutherford is editor of the Daily fall, when I was in high school, In particular, Tupelo had a grandchildren, have become Journal’s editorial page. He has been my parents were not allowed to fine public school system, and long-time families who are as on the Journal staff for 38 years. Contact tell me anything about who it seemed never to lack for any- much establishment as the him at joe.rutherford@djournal.com, won or lost across the region thing. My Dad was a principal founders’ families from 1870. because I wanted to read for and former coach-teacher, and The acceptance of diversity, or call (6662) 678-1597.

FOUNDING OF TOWN . . . 3 ECONOMY . . . . . . . . . . 8-9 TORNADO/FDR . . . . . . 13 AROUND THE TOWN . . . 16 TUPELO SCHOOLS . . . . . . 4 JOURNAL’S GROWTH . . . 10 THE KING . . . . . . . . . . . 14 TIMELINE . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 GOVERNMENT . . . . . . . 6-7 ‘TUPELO SPIRIT’ . . . . . . 11 TRANSPORTATION . . . . . 15 TUPELO QUIZ . . . . . . . . 18



SUNDAY, JULY 18, 2010 ■ PAGE 3I



Daily Journal

upelo didn’t happen by chance. From its very beginnings it has been a planned enterprise intended to foster growth and prosperity for its builders and its residents. And, despite numerous setbacks, it has emerged from the hardwood forests to become a model for economic development in the state and the nation. In the early 1800s, the only settlement near the present site of Tupelo belonged to the Chickasaw Indians who called the area Tupelo, which in their language meant “a place of lodging.” “There were a large number of heavy forests, hardwood trees, but no town at all, no settlement in Tupelo itself,” said Vaughn Grisham, head of the McLean Institute for Community Development at the University of Mississippi and author of two books on Tupelo. That began to change around 1830 when white settlements began to invade Indian territory. Pontotoc was the first town to spring up followed by others, including Aberdeen, Amory, Oxford and Holly Springs, but still no settlers around Tupelo. “There was no transportation in or out of the Tupelo area,” Grisham said. “But you could take flatboats down Town Creek to the Tombigbee River.” Then, in 1832, the Chickasaws signed the Treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek as part of the Chickasaw Cession, giving the state all of the Indian land in north Mississippi. In exchange, the Indians were to receive the proceeds from the sale of the land. The agreement opened up vast tracts of cheap land that attracted speculators from the Northeast such as Henry Anderson, Richard Edward Orne and Christopher Orr who jointly owned the land where Tupelo eventually would be built. Orr created Palmetto. Developers William Harris and George Thomason started Harrisburg. Both were towns near the present site of Tupelo. Land sold quickly in the area. The state’s population grew by 175 percent in the decade of the 1830s and by 1838, only 24 sections of land in Pontotoc County had not been sold at least once. “The people came from the upper South – Virginia, North


Traffic, such as it was in 1907, heads west on Main Street. Carolina and South Carolina,” Grisham said. “They moved here primarily because of soil exhaustion. They had been farming tobacco without fertilizer and, after 20 years, the land just kind of wears out.” Cotton replaced tobacco as the crop of choice for the immigrants to Mississippi but the 50 inches of annual rainfall that made the cotton grow also made travel a problem over the few dirt roads and trails leading to markets. The land rush that marked the decade of the 1830s quickly subsided in the 1840s when a depression hit after cotton prices fell. Speculators and land owners began to leave the state in the 1850s when Texas and Arkansas land opened up. But it was also the period when the first railroads were being planned for the region. M.F.D. Baldwyn of Mobile was planning a Mobile to Ohio route that would cut through the former Chickasaw territory. The proposed route would take the railroad somewhere near either Harrisburg or Palmetto. Christopher Orr and William

Harris teamed up to ensure that neither missed a golden opportunity and bought up the land between their two towns. Their gamble paid off in 1859 when the tracks were laid through what would quickly become Tupelo. Orr and Harris platted the town in 1860 and at first planned to call it Gum Pond after a pond that had formed when the railroad levee backed up water from artesian springs. But they changed their minds and decided to call their new venture Tupelo after the Tupelo gum trees that grew in and around the pond. Within a week of recording the town’s plat, 62 lots were offered that were quickly bought and Tupelo soon developed a reputation as a rowdy, frontier town. “This was the Southwest U.S.,” Grisham said. “Mississippi was about as far west as you could go. You couldn’t cross the (Mississippi) river. So you had a lot of young males seeking a quick fortune and shooting up the town. It got pretty rowdy. “The early businesses were saloons, gambling halls and houses of prostitution. A lot of the early

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residents had guns and there were about as many killings in Tupelo as in Dodge City.” Lee County had eight sheriffs in its first 13 years. The Civil War brought many changes to the Tupelo area. Almost every manmade structure within 180 miles of the town was destroyed in the conflict. “It was pretty devastating,” Grisham said. “They destroyed some of the rail lines and pulled up the track so it set transportation back.” Tupelo itself tried to remain neutral during the war since most of its settlers did not own slaves and many were pro-Union. “The (area’s legislative) representatives split their vote,” Grisham said. “Half wanted to stay in the union and half wanted to stay out. The Confederacy was told that it better not expect any help from north Mississippi.” After the war, the towns surrounding Tupelo voted to form a county out of Pontotoc and Itawamba counties in which the town was located. In 1866, Lee County was formed and Saltillo was chosen as the county seat.

At that time, most of the towns in the county were of about the same size. But in 1867, a countywide vote was taken and the county seat was moved to Tupelo because of its location near the center of the new county. Tupelo already had more roads than most other towns in the area because of its location near the old Indian trails but becoming the county seat meant that all new roads would lead to Tupelo. By 1870, three-fourths of all men in the area worked in cotton production and Tupelo had became the market town for the area. On July 20 of that same year, the town incorporated and elected its first mayor. “There was nothing dramatic about the incorporation,” Grisham said. “The land speculators were trying to sell property and they were eager to have it incorporated.” Land inside the corporate limits of a town could be subdivided into smaller lots than farmland and developers could reap more profit per acre. The town’s first mayor was Henry Clay Medford who was

called a major even though he never rose above the rank of private during the war. After the war, all prominent men in the community took military titles even though some, like Tupelo Journal publisher Capt. John Miller, never served in the war. It was Miller, along with the influential U.S. Rep. Private John M. Allen, who led the fight to bring a second railroad to Tupelo before the turn of the century. The Kansas City, Memphis and Birmingham Railroad originally was planned to pass through Verona. But Tupelo lobbied hard and, in the end, it was state Rep. John Blair who is credited with convincing the owners to relocate the line to Tupelo. In October of 1886, Allen drove the final spike to open the line. The crossing rail lines through the city became a magnet for the region and soon businesses and individuals were leaving other towns and moving to Tupelo to take advantage of the transportation the railroad provided. Fifty new buildings were constructed in the town in the year after the second railroad arrived. When the 20th century dawned, Tupelo had gone from a population of 618 in 1870 to 2,118. In 1893, a group of businessmen formed the North Mississippi Immigration Union in a plan to lure even more people to the area. In the 1890s, there were already storm clouds on the horizon. Cotton prices were falling again and the soil was beginning to be depleted from overwork and lack of fertilization. The area’s hardwoods also were being depleted, which would doom the wood products industries early in the 1900s. But the town continued to grow and began to enter a period where its government would begin to take responsibility for guiding the infrastructure developments and the path the town would take in the future. The original speculators who started the town had drifted away. Grisham said only about four families from the original founding era of the city remained when he began his research in the early 1970s.

Marty Russell, who teaches journalism at the University of Mississippi, wrote this story as a reporter for the Daily Journal. It originally appeared in the 125th commemorative edition on May 21, 1995.

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PAGE 4I ■ SUNDAY, JULY 18, 2010


TUPELO SCHOOL DISTRICT GROWS INTO STATE LEADER ■ Strong community support has been key to the successes. BY CHRIS KIEFFER


Daily Journal

ne hundred and thirty years after the Tupelo Separate School District was created, the city’s school system has blossomed as one of the best in the state. Thanks to a strong history of community support, the district has had its schools receive National Blue Ribbon awards from the U.S. Department of Education seven times. This year, the district will roll out the most extensive computer initiative in the state when it provides laptops to all sixth- to 12th-grade students to use during the school year. Now known as the Tupelo Public School District, the local school system has come a long way since its founding in 1880 and the construction of its first school in 1890. That school was built at “Freeman’s Grove,” the

present site of Milam Elementary, despite complaints that the $10,800 11-room building was too expensive and too far out of town, according to a history compiled by the district. Prior to 1890, students attended different academies and schools, none of which were supported by public funds. Students attended those schools for free for four months and had to pay tuition for the remainder of the year. A Male Academy, located at 524 Jefferson St., and The Tupelo Female Seminary, situated just south of the present Church Street Elementary School, both opened in 1870. In 1894, Nettie Armstrong and Clarence Rugg were the first two students to receive diplomas from Tupelo High School. That graduation must have gone much quicker than the 2010 version, when the school produced 356 graduates. By 1913, the Tupelo Public School District had 596 students and needed a new building, according to an article in the Daily

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Daily Journal


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Journal. That building was completed to house the high school and was located next to the original school. The Tupelo Separate School District operated its first 12grade school in 1917 and earned accreditation from the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools in 1918. The district has maintained that accreditation. Several schools were added during the 1920s: the first Church Street Primary School (1923), the original East Tupelo (Lawhon) School building (1926) and a new Tupelo High School (1927). The new high school cost $125,000 and is now part of Milam Elementary School. President Franklin D. Roosevelt visited Church Street Elementary in 1934, the same year that East Tupelo High School produced its first four graduates. When a tornado destroyed Tupelo on April 5, 1936, it also did extensive damages to the district’s school buildings. Classes resumed eight days later using Ledyard Primary School, the only usable school, as well as temporary classrooms in churches, the Masonic hall and the former Tupelo Military Institute, according to the district’s history. Federal funds helped to rebuild the high school and construct Milam Junior High for students in seventh and eighth grades. The high school was rebuilt by September of that year and the junior high was completed by September 1937. Repairs at East Tupelo High School were also completed in 1936. That school was annexed by the city school district in 1947, and students in grades 11 and 12 were sent to Tupelo High School. For a short time after the consolidation, the school housed students up to the 10th grade, but those students were later moved to the high school and then to Carver. East Tupelo, which was renamed Lawhon School after its late Superintendent Ross Lawhon, then housed students in grades one to eight. George Washington Carver School was constructed in 1938, the same year the new Church

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Large photo: The current Tupelo Middle School was built and dedicated as the high school in 1961 (North Mississippi Community Hospital is in the top right background). Inset: The 1914 Tupelo High football team consisted of front row, from left, Laney Weaver, Preston Gardner, Louis Christian, Dennis Moore, Turner Baldwyn, Ben McWhorter and Henry Robinson; back row, from left, Coach Fred Rawls, Carl Smith, Welfer F. Riley, Clayton Mitchenor, Keith Murff, Jim Murff, Robert St. John and Fritz the mascot. Street Elementary School opened. Carver began as the district’s school for black students. Longtime principal Harry Grayson told the Daily Journal in 1992 that while operating as a high school before integration, Carver averaged about 750 students a year and offered an arts program, band and chorus. Students, Grayson said, would participate in many afterschool activities at Carver. It was not uncommon, he said, for the school to be open until 8 p.m. for students and teachers. It was also a central part of the community. In 1970, Carver High School students were sent to Tupelo High School as the result of integration that was much more peaceful than in other Southern cities. The effort began in 1968 when Rachel Holloman became the first African-American student to graduate from Tupelo High School under the Freedom of Choice Desegregation plan, according to the district history.

After desegregation, Carver became a 10th grade school for a year and later was made a ninth-grade school. Today, it serves kindergarten to secondgrade students. Tupelo continued to build schools during the 1950s and ’60s, adding Rankin and Joyner elementaries in 1952, a new Tupelo High School in 1961 (now Tupelo Middle School), Green Street Elementary (now the King Early Childhood Education Center) in 1961, Thomas Street Elementary in 1964 and Pierce Street Elementary in 1967. The jewel of the school system was built in 1992 after the community passed a $17 million bond issue to allow for the construction of a new Tupelo High School, at its current site on Cliff Gookin Boulevard. At the time, it was the largest single bond issue for local education facilities to be passed in the state of Mississippi, according to the district history. Seven years later, the commu-

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anniversary, we extend our warmest congratulations to Tupelo and to the Daily Journal.

This story includes information from a Sept. 6, 1992, story in the Daily Journal.

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nity approved a $29.5 million bond issue to build Parkway and Lawndale elementary schools, as well as a ninth-grade building at Tupelo High School, the Tupelo High School Performing Arts Center and the Career-Technical Center at THS, as well as extensive renovations throughout the district. Today, the district has 12 K-12 schools to serve roughly 7,200 students. It also boasts approximately 110 National Board Certified Teachers, the most per capita in the state, and is the fourthlargest employer in Lee County. Five Tupelo teachers have won the national Milken Foundation Award. Tupelo High School is one of 24 public high schools in the country to have a Cum Laude Society chapter and was named by Sports Illustrated as the No. 3 high school athletic program in the nation.


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SUNDAY, JULY 18, 2010 ■ PAGE 5I

PAGE 6I ■ SUNDAY, JULY 18, 2010




City changed from weak-mayor to strong-mayor after 123 years BY EMILY LE COZ

Tupelo mayors



Tupelo is the seat of Lee County government, and when this photo was taken on March 1, 1907, the courthouse was surrounded by a fence that might have been erected to keep horses off the lawn.

Daily Journal

TUPELO – Seventeen years have passed since Tupelo broke more than 10 decades of tradition and shifted to the mayorcouncil form of government. Structured like the federal government with a clear separation of powers, this form gives the mayor executive privileges and the council legislative ones. The two act independently of each other but must cooperate to accomplish city business – not always an easy task. In the time since the switch, five mayors and five councils have had their turn at City Hall. And despite their many accomplishments, few have escaped the squabbles and power struggles inherent in this form of government. In mayor-council – also called strong mayor – the mayor oversees personnel and daily operations, while the council sets policy and handles the purse strings. That division of power in an unstable relationship can be toxic. For example, the council can’t appoint people to positions, but it can reject the mayor’s appointments. Likewise, the mayor can refuse to fire an unpopular department head, but the council can undermine that decision by stripping the position’s salary from the budget. For 123 years before the switch, Tupelo operated under the mayor-alderman form of government, sometimes referred to as the weak-mayor form of government. The mayor and aldermen shared many of the same responsibilities, and city employees had to answer to both. Although the form worked well for many years, it became cumbersome as Tupelo continued to grow from a small town to a thriving regional hub.

Turn to GOVERN on Page 7I

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1. Harvey Clay Medford (1870-1874) 2. John C. Williams (1874-1877) 3. W.H. Mabry (1877-1879) 4. T.J. Smith (1879-1881) 5. W.A. McCauless (1881-1886) 6. H.W. Waldrop (1886-1886) – died in office 7. T.E. Gardner (1886-1886) – interim until special election 8. C.D. Clark (1886-1888) 9. W.C. Baskin (1888-1890) 10. W.A. McCauless (1890-1891) 11. H.E. Porter (1891-1892) 12. W.C. Baskin (1892-1898) – died in office 13. J.R. Frazer (1898-1899) – appointed by governor 14. William Dozier Anderson (1899-1907) 15. E.C. St. Clair (1907-1909) 16. D.W. “Will” Robins (1909-1929) 17. J.P. “Phil” Nanney (1929-1949) 18. George F. Maynard (19491953) 19. James L. Ballard (1953-1973) 20. Clyde Whitaker (1973-1981) 21. Jimmy Caldwell (1981-1985) 22. Jack Marshall (1985-1997) 23. Glenn McCullough Jr. (1997-1999) 24. Paul Eason (1999-2000) – interim until special election 25. Larry Otis (2000-2005) 26. Ed Neelly (2005-2009) 27. Jack Reed Jr. (2009-


SUNDAY, JULY 18, 2010 ■ PAGE 7I

Top: Mayors preceding Jack Reed Jr., who took office in 2009, were, from left, Glenn McCullough Jr., Larry Otis and Ed Neelly. Above: Reed speaks at a recent meeting of the City Council, including member, from left, Willie Jennings of Ward 7; Market Whittington, Ward 1; Jim Newell, Ward 3; Jonny Davis, Ward 5; Fred Pitts, council president, Ward 2; Council Clerk Glenda Muse; Mike Bryan, Ward 6; Nettie Davis, Ward 4; and council attorney John Hill. Left: City Hall, which opened in 2002, holds a commanding presence in the downtown Fairpark District.

Govern Continued from Page 6I Residents began to complain and, in 1980, Mayor Clyde Whitaker called for the formation of a 10-member Charter Commission. It studied the city’s form of government, the effectiveness of city departments and interviewed current and former aldermen and mayors. In its final report, the commission said interference by aldermen in the day-to-day activities of the city was hampering the effectiveness and efficiency of city departments. “The mayor does not have adequate authority and responsibility to effectively manage all

city government functions,” the report stated. “Aldermen often duplicate and exercise functions that complicate and confuse the operation of city government. During the past three administrations, there are numerous examples of interference by policy-making officials into the operation of city departments and city employees. “There are a few examples of some aldermen telling a department head who to hire, fire, promote or demote. All this makes it almost impossible for any chief executive to manage the city on a day-today basis.” The commission recommended the city switch its form of government. While that didn’t immediately happen, other changes did

take place: Tupelo switched from elected department heads to appointed ones; it hired a personnel director and developed a uniform personnel policy; the Parks and Recreation Commission was abolished and replaced with a citizens advisory board; and a Planning Department was created. In 1989, the Charter Commission was reconvened and came back with the same recommendation: Change the city’s form of government.

istered voters, or about 3,860 signatures, were needed to bring the matter to a vote. All three of Tupelo’s mayors who were still living at that time endorsed the change, and former Mayor James Ballard was the first to sign the petition. On May 9, 1989, the petition organizers presented the Board of Aldermen with 4,637 signatures, and the issue was placed on that year’s general election ballot. It was approved by 70 percent of the voters and passed Implementation in each of the city’s six wards. Based on the commission’s However, a provision of the recommendation, a group of statute governing the mayorcitizens began circulating peti- council form requires the tions in 1989 to put the change change be implemented of government on the ballot. when the next administration Twenty percent of the city’s reg- takes office.

Since municipal elections also were held in 1989, that meant the change would not take place for four more years, until 1993. But before it could happen, the city had to redistrict its wards and decide which statutory scenario it wanted. The city had several options: five wards with a councilman from each ward; four wards with one at-large councilman; seven wards with no at-large members; five wards with two at-large members; nine wards with no at-large members; or seven wards with two at-large members. The commission recommended seven wards with two at-large members. The new ward, Ward 7, was carved

out of the southwestern part of the city. It didn’t last long, however. A federal judge in 2007 ruled that Tupelo’s at-large seats violated the 1965 Voting Right’s Act because it made it nearly impossible for minorities to win them. Tupelo had to eliminate those seats and redistrict its wards to boost minority chances, the judge ruled. It went into effect at the debut of the next municipal term, in July 2009. And for the first time that year, two minorities won council seats. Previously, the most minorities to serve at one time was one.

Contact Emily Le Coz at (662) 678-1588 or emily.lecoz@djournal.com.


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TUPELO r Anniversary!

u o Y n O

(left to right) Beth Long, Stacey Ligon, Philip Demoran, Shelia Miller, Malise Jones. Abby Horn (not pictured)

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PAGE 8I ■ SUNDAY, JULY 18, 2010


■ The history of working together came into full fruition during the Depression Era.

viable through the 1950s and 1960s, but that economic era transitioned into manufacturing, including textile and apparel makers. But furniture manufacturing blossomed. The furniture industry today continues to employ some 20,000 people directly and thousands more indirectly. It has grown to a $5 billion industry, according to the Franklin Furniture Institute at Mississippi State University. But like the dairy industry before it, the furniture industry is going through a transition of its own. With globalization comes the realization that cheap labor can be found far off the shores of the U.S., and manufacturers of all types, including furniture, have followed that route. “If you look at the sheer raw numbers, furniture manufacturing and employment reached its peak in the late 1990s,” said Rumbarger, who followed Martin at the helm of the CDF 10 years ago. “It’s been a windingdown effort since then. However, I think furniture will sustain and survive in the region, and depending on how the national economy recovers, there will be some strong furniture compaCOURTESY PHOTO nies that will remain here.”

BY DENNIS SEID Daily Journal

The region in the past has adapted to change – not always willingly, not always easily – but its people have learned to work together. That sense of regionalism was never more evident than in the formation of the Pontotoc, Union and Lee Alliance, or PUL Alliance, which set the stage for the recruitment of Toyota to Northeast Mississippi in 2007. But having landed what many referred to as the “crown jewel of economic development” more than three years ago, much work remains. “Landing Toyota was just a first step,” said Randy Kelley, executive director of Three Rivers Planning and Development District, which is the administrative overseer of PUL Alliance. “We have to be prepared to take advantage of this opportunity.” The opportunities – and challenges – are many, and they are both long term and short term. But Northeast Mississippi leaders say they are prepared to work together as the region stands at the threshold of a new economic era. In a difficult economic environment already, the region will be facing issues in transportation, water, work force, education, land use, social and cultural changes and future economic development. And what brought together PUL Alliance – a spirit of cooperation and a common idea – must continue, all the principal players agree. “The beauty of PUL was that there was a definite goal and objective to be obtained, and people bought into that idea as a strategy,” said David Rumbarger, president of the Tupelo-based Community Development Foundation. “I remember talking to the state Legislature and asking, ‘If not this strategy, then what?’ Nobody could give me a better strategy than what PUL was doing for the region.

The groundbreaking for the Carnation plant on Carnation Street took place on Jan. 31, 1927. Its opening is considered a milestone in the evolution of Tupelo’s economy. “But now that we’ve landed Toyota, the goals aren’t quite as clear, except in the recruitment of suppliers. I think the biggest challenge is maintaining the existing industry and the generation of new jobs in existing industry, along with maintaining the quality of life in all of our communities. And to do that, we have to maximize our cooperation and coordination.” Cooperation was the key more than 60 years ago, when the economy of Northeast Mississippi was transformed. Slammed by the Great Depression and the devastating tornado of 1936, the region had held the unenviable tag of being one of the poorest areas in the poorest state in the nation. Then came the dairy cow. In the aftermath of the Great

Depression, cotton was still king. Corn and soybeans were in the mix, too. And it wasn’t uncommon to see farmers have dairy cows, too. The nascent dairy industry got a boost when longtime Daily Journal publisher George McLean and other business leaders went on an extended trip to several university schools of agriculture. What they learned, wrote University of Mississippi sociologist and Tupelo historian Vaughn Grisham, is that switching to dairy farming would give farmers a constant stream of income. McLean and those business leaders – including 16 who went into debt – pooled their money together to buy a prize bull from England. They also hired a dairy expert and began a program to

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inseminate cows within a 33mile radius of Tupelo, Grisham wrote. Their goal was to introduce the bull to Northeast Mississippi dairy farmers, who would breed better dairy cows than they had. They did just that. In fact, the region became known as the “Jersey Cattle Capital” of the world in the 1940s as the industry boomed. Without question, agriculture got a boost from dairy. And with it, the economy in the region slowly but surely improved. “Cotton paid the mortgage,” said Harry Martin, who led the Community Development Foundation from 1948 to 2000. “But with dairy, you got paid every two weeks ... it was supplemental income.” About the same time that

farmers literally were developing a cash cow, the region got another boost from an unlikely source – a Ukrainian immigrant named Morris Futorian. Frustrated in his difficulty to find workers in his Chicago furniture plant, Futorian looked for a better way to assemble furniture. Hand-built furniture was standard operation, but was labor-intensive. He found inspiration in mass production, a la the auto industry. Futorian then found his way – with some prodding – to the South. And on Sept. 13, 1948, Futorian opened a furniture plant in New Albany, ushering in an industry that would turn the region into the “upholstered furniture capital of the world.” The dairy industry remained

Diversified economy

Cheap labor in the South has long been the drawing card for businesses. With organized labor having little foothold in the South, and cheap, unskilled workers readily available in the agriculture-heavy economy of the mid-20th century, companies flocked here. Manufacturing found a place in the South, and still hangs on to it. However, the post-World War II effort in Tupelo and Northeast Mississippi, while touting the area’s non-union work force, sought a different path from many communities in the South by staying away from companies with reputations for running “sweatshops.” McLean and others wanted to attract industry that treated employees decently and that con-

Turn to ECONOMY on Page 9I

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SUNDAY, JULY 18, 2010 ■ PAGE 9I

Rockwell/Delta International moved to Tupelo in the 1950s, becoming one of the city’s first major manufacturers in the transition from the agriculture-based economy. Bob Houston, right, stands at the Fairgrounds with businessman Rex Reed and Victory, the son of the famous Elsie the Cow, in 1942. Houston won the cow by gathering the most signatures in a nationwide contest to show support for Jersey cattle.


“Even though we were mostly agriculture-based when I started with CDF, diversity was aggresContinued from Page 8I sively pursued,” he said. Companies like Rockwell, tributed to the community Day-Brite, Tecumseh, Sara Lee, rather than simply taking from it. MTD, FMC, Norbord, Cooper In Northeast Mississippi, man- Tire and Stanley joined the furniufacturing accounts for nearly a ture and apparel companies that third of all jobs. Some would say dotted the area. a dependence on such a volatile In fact, Rockwell was the first sector, especially in today’s econ- post-World War II industry to omy, is risky. land in Tupelo, when the comBut the Northeast Mississippi munity raised $150,000 to build a economy also includes defense plant and the infrastructure for contractors, software developers, the hand tools manufacturer. service companies, financial inThat paved the way for other stitutions and hundreds of other industry to come to the region, businesses and industries that helping fulfill McLean’s vision of employ the other two-thirds of providing jobs for more people the region’s workers. and thus serving “the mutual inAnd the region also is home to terest of town and country.” the country’s largest rural hospiBy the early 1960s, Lee had tal system, North Mississippi become one of the first counHealth Services. ties in the state in which inMartin said that mix shows the come from industry exceeded region’s economic diversity. agricultural income, according

to Appalachia magazine. That helped transform Tupelo and Lee County today into the financial, retail and medical hub of Northeast Mississippi. But while Tupelo may be the hub, communities like Oxford, Corinth, New Albany, Starkville, Ripley, Pontotoc and Amory also have become key spokes of the economic wheel. As Tupelo businessman Jack Reed Sr. has long said, “A rising tide lifts all ships.” And as the region’s economy has adapted in the past, so comes another change with the advent of the automotive industry. That era began on Feb. 27, 2007, when Toyota announced it was building a $1.3 billion plant near Blue Springs, in Union County, with an expected work force of 2,000 people. The original opening date was late 2009early 2010.

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But with the economic downturn, Toyota put production plans on hold before announcing earlier this year it would indeed roll out cars starting in fall 2011. After the first announcement in 2007, at least seven suppliers planned to build in North Mississippi, bringing another $375 million in investment and 1,800 jobs. Toyota’s delay put some of those plans on hold as well, although recently some suppliers have confirmed plans to move forward. Despite the expected impact of Toyota, little thought was put into attracting an automaker to Northeast Mississippi – until earlier this decade. Seeing a slow shift away from furniture manufacturing, the region’s leaders gathered to talk about the kinds of business and industry it needed to attract to maintain a viable economy.

One of the “hot” industries identified was automotive. It may have been far-fetched for some, but for others, the idea made sense. The state had already attracted one company – Nissan, which opened in Canton in 2003 – and more than a dozen manufacturers had filled in what is called the “Southern Automotive Corridor” from West Virginia to Texas. When the PUL Alliance was formed in 2001, its goal was to identify and market a suitable site for an automaker. That site was a 1,700-acre tract the PUL Alliance decided to call the Wellspring Project. Six years later, Toyota came calling, choosing Blue Springs over Marion, Ark., and Chattanooga, Tenn. Now, Northeast Mississippi looks to the future with high expectations. But, cautioned Rumbarger, “We can’t snap our fingers and

see Toyota as a panacea. It’s not going to happen overnight. “But you do have to look at the multiplier effect that the automobile industry brings. It’s like putting money in the bank. You know you’re going to get interest, and you know you’re going to compound that $10. You’re going to have to wait for five years or longer before it gets to $100. “But once it gets there, that multiplier effect becomes a flywheel effect, and as it grows bigger and bigger, that compound interest on $100 grows a lot faster than that $10. “So if we can stay the course and take advantage of our opportunities and grow and survive in a tough economy ... then we can see that flywheel effect come five or seven years from now.”

Parts of this story originally ran in 2008. Contact Dennis Seid at (662) 678-1578 or dennis.seid@djournal.com.

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After a snowy groundbreaking ceremony, the Tupelo Furniture Market rose from the ground for its first show in 1987.


PAGE 10I ■ SUNDAY, JULY 18, 2010




Daily Journal

s Tupelo has grown, so has the Daily Journal. From its roots as a weekly newspaper started in 1870, the current Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal has evolved into the region’s largest full-fledged multimedia operation while maintaining its commitment to improve the communities it serves. “We are in the business of building community in Northeast Mississippi, and local news and advertising are critical to building community and to the success of businesses and citizens throughout our region,” said Billy Crews, chairman and CEO of Journal Inc. “This was true in 1870, 1970 and will be of even greater importance and value in 2070.” Today’s Daily Journal is only one part of the portfolio of Journal Inc. Its family of newspapers now includes the Itawamba County Times, the Monroe Journal, the New Albany News-Exchange, the Southern Sentinel in Ripley, the Southern Advocate in Ashland, the Chickasaw Journal and the Pontotoc Progress. Online, the company reaches a worldwide audience through its websites – NEMS360.com and five affiliated with the weekly newspapers – while Journal Logistics provides third-party property leasing and management services. “It’s all about serving customers – readers and advertisers – in ways that are helpful and convenient to them,” said

Publisher and President Clay Foster. “Our audiences are large and growing with our newspapers and online sites McLEAN reaching more than 80 percent of the households in our primary market area.” For the last several years, the Journal has bucked the industry trend of falling circulation. For seven of the last nine years, circulation has grown for the daily to a steady 35,000 copies, and for the weekies, 23,000. And the company has committed to a new press, anticipating a continued strength in the print operation while building the digital side of its business. “We’re excited about our present and future challenges and opportunities,” said Foster. Added Crews: “We are a successful company because of the growth and success of Tupelo, Lee County and Northeast Mississippi. And we think we have contributed to the community’s success by setting a positive tone and pursuing a progressive agenda of improving the quality of life for all people.” The newspaper dates back to 1870 and the Lee County Journal, from which today’s newspaper is a direct descendant. It was two years later that the named changed to the Tupelo Journal. Then, as now, the newspaper

congratulations on your

W e a r e g l a d t o b e a p a r t o f Tu p e l o ’s

War I. The Journal editorialized in support of Woodrow Wilson’s decision to go to war. “We must win,” the newspaper said in an Aug. 3, 1917, editorial. From 1921 to 1945, Tupelo underwent several changes that altered the course of its history, and that of the Journal: CREWS FOSTER the coming of electricity from the Tennessee Valley Authority in 1933, the purchase of the displayed a spirit for building newspaper by George McLean the community. Supported by the editorial leadership of Capt. in 1934 and the deadly tornado John Miller, who ran the paper of April 1936. It was under McLean, a socifrom 1877 until 1892, Tupelo ologist and former professor, won a spirited competition to that the Journal became interbecome a two-railroad town. Miller’s regular columns ad- twined with the city. McLean saw the newspaper as a tool vocating the addition of a for building community in all Memphis-Birmingham line, areas, and he used it that way. said historian Vaughn Gr“The good newspaper,” he isham, had “the trappings of a wrote, “adopts as one of its religious crusade.” In 1898, Capt. James Kincan- major objectives the unobtrusive establishment of a definon became editor and, like nite tone in its community those before and after him, used the newspaper to prime built around high ethical stanthe pump of self-development. dards, a cooperative spirit, a The town’s economy had not broadly based tolerance met expectations for agriculamong all groups, a yearning tural growth, and Kincannon for personal and community sounded the call for a diversigrowth, a belief in God, service fied economy. to man and hope for a better When his son, F.L. Kincantomorrow.” non, took over, another familBut McLean was more than iar theme emerged in editorial just a newspaper owner; he coverage: roads. Backed by the was a community leader, an Journal’s support and coveradvocate for regional developage, Lee County in March 1910 ment, education and economapproved a bond issue that al- ic growth. Among his legacies lowed construction of Missisare the Community Developsippi’s first hard-surfaced road. ment Foundation, which he Two years later, the city of helped found, and the CREATE Tupelo issued $50,000 to pave Foundation, which he set up to its streets with a rock-asphalt become the owner of Journal mixture known as macadam. stock so the newspaper would The other major news of the remain in local hands. decade was the start of World He and the newspaper were also instrumental in successfully pushing for improved highways in the state, and in ensuring a relatively troublefree desegregation of the city’s schools in 1970. Upon his death in 1983, his wife, Anna Keirsey McLean became chairman of the board of thriving community! the newspaper, and in 1989, Crews became publisher of the newspaper that identifies itself as “dedicated to the service of God and mankind.”

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Some information for this story came from a story by Joe Rutherford for the 125th anniversary edition on May 21, 1995.

Happy Anniversary to the City of Tupelo and the Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal

Journal timeline

1972 – CREATE, the community foundation, is launched by George 1870 – Lee County Journal is estab- McLean and will become the newslished with George Herndon as the paper’s owner upon his death. first owner-editor. 1973 – Tupelo Daily Journal becomes 1872 – Lee County Journal is rethe Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal. named Tupelo Standard. 1979 – Daily Journal donates $1 mil1873 – Renamed the Mississippi lion for a Reading Aide Program for Journal. Lee County schools. The concept was 1877 – George Herndon sells what is later incorporated into the 1982 Edunow the Tupelo Journal to his brother, cation Reform Act. John G Herndon. Later that same 1983 – George McLean dies; his year, Herndon sells the paper to widow Anna Keirsey McLean becomes Capt. John Miller. chairman of the newspaper board as 1886 – Miller’s editorial leadership CREATE Foundation assumes ownerfuels the competition to become a ship. town where two railroads cross 1988 – Journal promotes a water which would be a huge economic shortage solution, leading to the apweapon. proval of a $23 million bond issue to 1887 – First train on the Kansas City, build a system tapping water from Memphis and Birmingham Railroad the Tombigbee River. passes through Tupelo. Banks and 1988 – The Journal now publishes other businesses begin to relocate to every day of the week with the addiTupelo from nearby communities. tion of a Sunday paper. 1892 – J. B. Ballard buys the paper 1989 – Billy Crews named publisher. from Miller. 1991 – The Journal purchases the Ab1898 – Capt. James Kincannon buys erdeen Examiner and the Amory Adthe Tupelo Journal. vertiser. 1905 – James Kincannon dies and 1995 – Journal becomes the first his son, F.L. Kincannon, takes over as Mississippi newspaper to launch a editor. website, djournal.com. 1914 – With heavy coverage by the 1995 – Journal purchases the Journal, the first concrete road south Itawamba County Times. of the Mason Dixon is constructed in 1996 – Journal purchases Pontotoc Lee County. Progress. 1923 – Journal editorials preach di- 1997 – Journal invests $1 million in versification in industry with a weekly historic downtown neighborhood revicolumn on dairy farming. talization project. 1925 – After acquiring the Tupelo Re- 1997 – Journal invests $750,000 in view, the Journal is briefly renamed regional community development. the Journal-Review (1925 until 1998 – Publisher Billy Crews named 6/9/26). Journal chairman of the board upon 1926 – Newspaper goes back to the Anna Keirsey McLean’s retirement. Tupelo Journal. 2000 – Anna Keirsey McLean dies. 1934 – George McLean purchases 2000 – Journal provides editorial and the Tupelo Journal. corporate support in the formation of 1936 – The Journal goes daily and is the regional PUL Alliance. renamed the Tupelo Daily Journal. 2005 – The Journal purchases the 1936 – George McLean’s editorials Houston Times-Post and The Monitor call for a plan for rural development Herald of Calhoun City. in Lee County. 2008 – Journal buys New Albany News1941 – Area Artificial Insemination Exchange, Southern Advocate (Ashland) Association begins with strong Jourand Southern Sentinel (Ripley) nal editorial support. 2009 – Newspaper’s parent company 1948 – McLean is a founding mem- Journal Publishing renamed Journal ber of the Community Development Inc. with three subsidiaries: Journal Foundation. Publishing, Journal Logistics and 1954 – The first weekend edition is Journal Interactive. published. 2009 – Journal launches new web1960 – George McLean and the Jour- site, NEMS360.com. nal address a lack of affordable ‘in2009 – Clay Foster named publisher; cubator’ warehousing space with the Billy Crews remains chairman and creation of Community Enterprises. chief executive officer of Journal Inc.

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‘Tupelo Spirit’ touted for success

■ Residents say a driving force is at the core of the city’s economic development progress.

the Tupelo Spirit through his vast and varied community and economic development efforts. McLean believed that building a healthy community would deBY EMILY LE COZ liver a healthy economy, instead Daily Journal of vice versa. It worked. TUPELO – Tupelo’s rise from It’s “an understanding that a rural railroad stop to a thriving we have to accomplish things urban hub took decades of effor ourselves – not depending fort by a succession of strong on others to do it for us,” leaders. Clayborne said, “an expectaThe city was founded in 1870, tion that everyone will put just four years after Lee County aside differences or competiwas carved out as a new entity. tion to work together in the For most of the years since, Tubest interest of the communipelo and its Lee County neighty, and that we expect to bors have unachieve at the highest level in derstood more everything we do.” than most their According to author and economic inter- scholar Vaughn Grisham in his dependence. book “Tupelo – Evolution of a The railroads Community,” McLean inspired that gave Tupe- others to believe in the Tupelo lo its beginSpirit and achieve greatness. nings were It started during the late complemented 1930s, when the area’s ailing cotton industry thrust residents Mike Clayborne by the South’s into extreme poverty and hurt is the president first concrete farm-to-market businesses as a result. McLean of the CREATE roads in the persuaded business leaders to Foundation early 20th cenpool their resources and buy a in Tupelo. tury, and innostud bull. vative agriculWith the bull, they could help tural and business efforts were farmers transition from cotton part of Tupelo and Lee County’s to dairy so they could earn first 60 years. more profits. Then the farmers Since then, many people have would have money to spend loworked together to propel the cally, Grisham wrote. city and county to a level of ecoThe tactic not only succeednomic success that has served ed, it made Lee County the as a national model for rural de- country’s top dairy producer for velopment. several years during the 1940s. Working through each one Later, the Tupelo Spirit helped of them was a driving force shift the economy to a strong commonly called the “Tupelo manufacturing base, and Lee Spirit.” County remains Mississippi’s “My definition of the Tupelo leader in manufacturing jobs. Spirit is a deep sense of pride in Meanwhile, McLean also our community,” said Mike transformed the Daily Journal Clayborne, president of the from a small bi-weekly newspaCREATE Foundation. per into a regional daily, helped CREATE itself is a product of found the Community Develthe Tupelo Spirit, having been opment Foundation and established by the late Daily strengthened the area’s staunch Journal Publisher George support of its public schools. McLean and his wife, Anna The Community DevelopKeirsey McLean, as a nonprofit ment Foundation acts as a recharitable organization dedicat- gional chamber of commerce ed to community building and and business recruitment agenphilanthropy. cy. The CDF in 2007 helped in McLean, who bought the efforts to lure Toyota to the reJournal at the height of the gion. Great Depression in the 1930s, The Japanese automaker has is largely credited for sparking built a new manufacturing

plant near Blue Springs in adjacent Union County that will employ 2,000 people when it opens. CDF President David Rumbarger was instrumental in wooing Toyota, and the fact that a Lee County agency helped lure a plant to a neighboring county reflects an underlying element of the “Tupelo Spirit” – the recognition of regional interdependence. The Toyota coup signals the next wave of industry into the area, which has seen a steady decline in furniture manufacturing over the years. “When problems or challenges face the community, we’re ... progressive in our thoughts, actions and deeds in solving those challenges,” said Barbara Smith, vice president of the Chamber of Commerce Division of the Community Development Foundation.

This story originally appeared in the June 2010 issue of The Source.

CONGRATS! Let’s Continue To Grow. Come Shake Your Booty! Lee County & City of Tupelo Diversity Choir

SUNDAY, JULY 18, 2010 ■ PAGE 11I

A locally owned newspaper dedicated to the service of God and mankind. 140 years ago, a newspaper and a community were born. In 1934 George and Anna K. McLean bought the bankrupt newspaper with fewer than 500 subscribers. In 1972 they helped form a non-profit charitable corporation, CREATE (Christian, Research, Education, Action, Technical, Enterprises) to stimulate private giving and improve the quality of life throughout Northeast Mississippi. In 1983 the McLeans gave the newspaper to the community through CREATE rather than selling it for millions of dollars to a national newspaper corporation. Today we are the largest Mississippi-owned newspaper, read every day by more than 85,000 adults throughout Northeast Mississippi. A lot has changed and improved throughout our history. One thing has not changed. We are a “locally owned newspaper dedicated to the service of God and mankind.” In his history of Tupelo, sociologist Vaughn Grisham wrote about the Daily Journal: “The local newspaper has been a beacon assisting the community with its vision and helping to maintain focus. There are few newspapers in the nation which can match it for community concern and involvement. It keeps the primary issues before the reading public. It has promoted some projects for half a century ... The newspaper has also been the model for community involvement. It has been the catalyst for a majority of the most innovative projects. It has invested a greater share of its wealth than any other business in town. It has been a reservoir and disseminator of ideas for development. It has been the champion for the common man.” In 2010 on the 140th anniversary of our birth as a newspaper and as a community, we reaffirm our commitment to serve God and mankind through our newspaper and in partnership with all people throughout Northeast Mississippi.

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PAGE 12I ■ SUNDAY, JULY 18, 2010




SUNDAY, JULY 18, 2010 ■ PAGE 13I



Watershed moments: Tupelo’s history was forever changed by the tornado of 1936 and, three years earlier, the arrival of electricity from the Tennessee Valley Authority. The tornado pummeled the First Baptist Church, bottom right, and the Episcopal Church, bottom left. Immediately after the storm, members of the Red Cross Local Advisory Committee, above, met to develop recovery plans. In 1934, President Franklin D. Roosevelt spoke to 75,000 people to celebrate Tupelo’s becoming the first TVA city.


PAGE 14I ■ SUNDAY, JULY 18, 2010


THE KING Elvis, at right in his trademark jumpsuit, moved to Memphis when he was 13, but that doesn’t matter to the city that still claims him as its favorite son.When he came back for a homecoming performance in 1956, below, he received a banner welcome.Today, his memory stays alive in the guitars scattered throughout the city, right. A vintage photo of Tupelo Hardware, bottom right, shows the store where Elvis bought his first guitar and, from left, L.E. Bobo,Tom H. Booth, George Booth and Lester Wright.



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SUNDAY, JULY 18, 2010 ■ PAGE 15I


Highways and railroads have figured prominently in Tupelo’s growth. The ribbon-cutting for the four-lane U.S. Highway 78 in 1994, left, had traffic backed up for miles; now the highway is in line for designation as Interstate 22, below. The Tupelo Railroad Depot went from an isolated structure in the early 1900s, above, to a more distinguished building on Spring Street, near the Southern Hotel, in 1935, middle.

PAGE 16I ■ SUNDAY, JULY 18, 2010




Now and then: Looking north on Spring Street today, top, and in 1928, middle. The First United Methodist Church, built in 1899, left, is the city’s oldest brick building. Its tower was damaged and altered by the 1936 tornado. In 1972, signs pointed tourists to the Natchez Trace Visitor’s Center, Tupelo Battlefield and the Elvis Presley Birthplace.



SUNDAY, JULY 18, 2010 ■ PAGE 17I

Tupelo timeline

■ Some of the key events in Tupelo’s development 1870 – Tupelo is incorporated, four years after Lee County was carved out of Itawamba and Pontotoc counties. 1870 – Lee County Journal is established with George Herndon as the first owner-editor. 1887 – First train on the Kansas City, Memphis and Birmingham Railroad passes through Tupelo. Banks and other business begin to relocate to Tupelo from nearby communities. 1899 – Electricity comes to Tupelo and by the end of the year a cotton mill opens, employing 200 people. 1914 – The first concrete road south of the Mason-Dixon line is constructed in Lee County. 1933 – Tupelo becomes the first TVA city. 1934 – President Franklin D. Roosevelt speaks to a crowd of 75,000 in Tupelo. 1934 – George A. McLean purchases the Tupelo Journal. 1935 – Elvis Aron Presley is born in a tworoom house in East Tupelo. 1936 – Tornado kills more than 200 and injuring thousands. 1941 – Area Artificial Insemination Association begins. 1945 – Doane Agricultural Service is hired to help create a comprehensive plan for community development. 1946 – Rural Community Development Councils are begun in three communities in three different counties. 1946 – DayBrite, the town’s first new industry under the new community development program, agrees to locate in Tupelo. 1946 – East Tupelo is annexed into Tupelo. 1948 – Morris Futorian builds the first upholstered furniture factory in Northeast Mississippi. 1955 – Super Sagless builds the first furniture supplier business in Tupelo. 1956 – Harry Martin becomes the president of the Community Development Foundation. 1956 – Elvis Presley returns to perform at the Tupelo fairgrounds. 1959 – Community Relations Agency is established to help improve and maintain good employee-employer relations. 1962 – The first business is located in Lee County’s first true industrial park, seven miles south of town. 1963 – Vocational-Technical Education Program is launched; shortly thereafter it becomes the Tupelo branch of Itawamba Community College. 1967 – Tupelo is selected as an All America City by the National Civic League. 1970 – Tupelo makes a smooth transition to fully integrated schools. 1970 – The town celebrates its centennial by focusing on “the Second Hundred Years” and deciding to strengthen the community’s education system. 1972 – CREATE, the community foundation, is launched by George McLean and will become the newspaper’s owner upon his death. 1972 – Planning begins to build a

Drawing regional, national and international attention to Tupelo: top, the Toyota project, which was announced by Gov. Haley Barbour and others at Tupelo High School in 2007; the bustling Mall at Barnes Crossing, above; and North Mississippi Medical Center, the nation’s largest non-urban hospital system and winner of the prestigious Malcolm Baldrige Quality Award in 2006.

branch of the University of Mississippi using local money. 1979 – Daily Journal donates $1 million for a Reading Aide Program for Lee County schools. The concept was later incorporated into the 1982 Education Reform Act. 1983 – Local leaders begin the Association for Excellence in Education to secure private funds for public education. 1983 – Tupelo is included in the book “Best Towns in America” by Hugh Bayless. 1986 – Partners for Literacy, a program to eliminate adult illiteracy, is begun. 1986 – The CDF is selected by Site Magazine as one of the nation’s top 10 industrial development agencies. 1987 – The first Tupelo Furniture Market is held in the fall. 1987 – The AHEAD Highway Construction program overrides a gubernatorial veto, paving the way for quicker completion of U.S. Highways 78 and 45. 1988 – $23 million bond issue approved to build a system tapping water from the Tombigbee River. 1989 – Tupelo is selected an All America City for the second time. 1989 – The Mall at Barnes Crossing opens. 1991 – The citizen-driven Tupelo Major Thoroughfare Program is launched through a tax levy approved by the city’s voters. 1992 – New Tupelo High School opens on Cliff Gookin Boulevard. 1993 – Tupelo Coliseum, later to become the BancorpSouth Arena, opens downtown. 1994 – A four-lane U.S. Highway 78 is completed and opened from the Alabama state line to the Tennessee state line. 1999 – Tupelo is selected an All America City for the third time. 1999 – Tupelo City Council issues $22.7 million in bonds to jump-start the Fairpark downtown redevelopment project. 2000 – The Advanced Education Center opens on the Itawamba Community College/University of Mississippi Tupelo campus. 2001 – Lawndale and Parkway elementary schools open, along with the new Performing Arts Center at Tupelo High School. 2002 – New Tupelo City Hall opens downtown as the centerpiece of the Fairpark District. 2006 – Sports Illustrated names Tupelo High School’s athletic program third best in the nation. 2007 – At Tupelo High School, Toyota announces plans to build a manufacturing plant at the Wellspring megasite in nearby Blue Springs. 2007 – North Mississippi Medical Center receives the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award for performance excellence in health care. 2008 – Cooper Tire announces it will retain and expand its Tupelo plant. 2010 – Toyota reaffirms its commitment to the region, announcing the Blue Springs plant will begin producing Corollas in the fall of 2011.

Daily Journal

& CITY OF TUPELO on We’re celebrating our

140 years.



this year!

American Red Ball, 1961

United, 1995

K&W Transfer, 1947

American Red Ball, 1950

Mr. John Williams with his first truck, 1940


2010 marks our 70th year in Tupelo and we look forward to serving this area for many more years!

Williams Transfer & Storage “The Quality Shows In Every Move We Make”

621 East President Street • Tupelo, MS • 842-4836

© JPC - ‘10




a. 1991 b. 1992 c. 1993


TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE BY TAKING THIS TRIVIA QUIZ ON THE CITY’S PAST AND PRESENT: was the city of Tupelo’s 1 What original name before it was incorporated? a. Gum Tree b. Gum Pond c. Gum Town

2 According to the 2000 Census, Tupelo’s population was ... a. 36,223 b. 36,322 c. 36,000

In what year was the Battle 3 of Tupelo fought? a. 1863 b. 1864 c. 1865

4 Who was the first mayor of Tupelo? a. Harvey Clay Medford b. John C. Williams c. W.H. Mabry

many times has the city 5 How of Tupelo won the “All-America

9 Tupelo is home of the world’s largest club of which service organization? a. Rotary b. Kiwanis c. Civitan

City” Award? a. One b. Two c. Three

6 The Tupelo Tornado of 1936 took place in which month? a. March b. April c. May

7 Whose likeness is featured on

the statue in front of City Hall? a. Chief Piomingo b. Elvis Presley c. Robert E. Lee

8 What was the last school Elvis

attended before leaving Tupelo? a. Milam b. Lawhon c. Joyner

10 The Tupelo Automobile Museum houses the personal car collection of ... a. Frank Spain b. Jack Cristil c. Harry Martin Which congressman from Tupe11 lo co-authored a bill to create the Tennessee Valley Authority? a. Roger Wicker b. John Allen c. John E. Rankin


Which gangster committed his last bank robbery in Tupelo? a. Machine Gun Kelly

b. Pretty Boy Floyd c. Clyde Barrow


What former Tupelo High athlete played in the Super Bowl for the NFL’s Buffalo Bills? a. Jarious Jackson b. Russell Copeland c. Frank Dowsing

14 What’s the annual fundraiser for the Junior Auxiliary of Tupelo? a. Charity Ball b. Father-Daughter Ball c. WalkAmerica 15 What Tupelo church was organized in 1850? a. Springhill Missionary Baptist b. St. James Catholic c. First Baptist 16 The current Tupelo High School opened in what year?

b. Metrocast c. AOL Time-Warner

Who was the first Miss Tupelo Pageant titleholder to be crowned Miss Mississippi? a. Kandace Williams b. Cherry Busby c. Sara Ann Topp


What was the original name of Ballard Park? a. Westwood b. City Park c. Westside Park


North Mississippi Medical Center has how many beds? a. 620 b. 650 c. 670

Tupelo’s Sam Lumpkin held what 20 state office from 1948-1952? a. Governor b. Lieutenant governor c. Attorney general Tupelo Community Antenna, a 21 1,200-subscriber cable system, later became what TV giant? a. Comcast

From the staff and shareholders of Holland, Ray, Upchurch & Hillen, P.A.



to be a part of your History & Future

What school was high school 22 for Tupelo’s black community until integration in the late ’60s? a. Lawhon b. Church c. Carver Who was the co-founder of The 23 Peoples Bank and Trust Co.? a. L.D. Hancock b. S.J. High c. Felix Black


What political figure visited Tupelo in 1987 in support of Jack Reed’s gubernatorial bid? a. Vice President George Bush b. President Ronald Reagan c. Former President Gerald Ford

25 What bankrupt Tupelo business did George McLean buy in 1934? a. Furniture factory b. Chicken processing plant c. Newspaper ANSWERS: 1) B; 2) A; 3) B; 4) A; 5) C; 6) B; 7) A; 8) A; 9) C; 10) A; 11) C; 12) A; 13) B; 14) A; 15) C; 16) B; 17) C; 18) A; 19) B; 20) B; 21) A; 22) C; 23) B; 24) A; 25) C.

PAGE 18I ■ SUNDAY, JULY 18, 2010


Dress Better Than You Have To

to our All America City & the Daily Journal from the office of Mayor Jack Reed, Jr. & the Tupelo City Council


Holland Ray Upchurch & Hillen Practicing Law in North Mississippi & the Region Since 1931.




your hometown source for quality jewelry since 1948


Stop by the City of Tupelo’s birthday party for a piece of cake on Tuesday, July 20th • 7:00 pm at Fairpark


322 Jefferson Street • Historic Downtown Tupelo (662) 842-1721 • www.hruhpa.com

from the




1125 WEST MAIN TUPELO • 844-2427


B & B Concrete, 61 Years Of Serving And Growing With North Mississippi. Since 1949 B & B Concrete has been serving the concrete needs of customers in our area. We are proud to have been a part of the growth of our area for the past 61 years. B & B outgrew its original plant location on Carnation Street in Tupelo and moved to its larger, present Industrial Road site in 1962. A new high-capacity readymix concrete plant was put into operation on Industrial Road in 1962. In 1994, B & B completed the installation of a new fully computerized plant at this Tupelo location. Including the Tupelo offices, B & B has now grown to eleven locations throughout North Mississippi. From homes and driveways to industries and highways B & B Concrete’s quality, then and now, is withstanding the test of time. Corinth Rienzi

Holly Springs Ripley


New Albany



Blue Springs


Saltillo Tupelo Verona

130 North Industrial Rd. • Tupelo





City of Verona

P.O. Box 420 • Verona • 566-2211


Blue Mountain College

201 W. Main • Blue Mountain • 685-4771


BNA Bank (Bank of New Albany)

SUNDAY, JULY 18, 2010 • PAGE 19I


Ross & Yerger Insurance Co.

412 W. Main • Tupelo • 690-8100


City of Nettleton

Town of Sherman


Leake & Goodlett, Inc. 105 E. Main St. • Tupelo • 842-7241



CB & S Bank

United Funeral Service

86 S. Thomas St. • Tupelo • 620-1120

700 Hwy 15 S. • New Albany • 534-5071


Malco 10

Mississippi Land Bank

3088 Tupelo Commons • Tupelo 841-2575

3517 Tom Watson Dr. • Saltillo • 842-1202



Newell Paper Company

Cockrell Banana

1616 Seventh, Ave. • Columbus 800-844-1467

405 Elizabeth St. • Tupelo • 842-2638



Henson Distributing Corp. (formerly Harwell Distributing)

211 W. Bankhead St. • New Albany 534-4831


Mitchell Distributing Co.

545 Commerce St. • Tupelo • 842-3030


First United Methodist Church

204 S. Broadway St. Tupelo • 844-0222

New Albany • Tupelo 534-8171 • 842-8005



Holland, Ray, Upchurch & Hillen, P.A.

322 W. Jefferson St. • Tupelo • 842-1721


Comfort Engineering Co.

824 N. Gloster St. • Tupelo • 842-1602



124 Short Ave. • Nettleton • 963-2605


Mitchell, McNutt & Sams, P.A. 105 S. Front St. • Tupelo • 842-3871

1912 Baptist Hospital

MS - TN - AR • 1-800-4-Baptist


Tupelo Coca-Cola Bottling Works

1 Hadley • Tupelo • 842-1753


Tupelo Hardware Co., Inc. 114 W. Main St. • Tupelo • 842-4637


Harrisburg Baptist Church 4675 Cliff Gookin Blvd. • Tupelo 842-6917


Dillard Enterprises

P.O. Box 876 • Tupelo • 841-0901



First Presbyterian Church

400 W. Jefferson • Tupelo • 842-5681


Woodmen of the World North MS State Office 208 N. Gloster • Tupelo • 842-9233


Renasant Bank

(Originally People Bank & Trust Co.)

209 Troy St. • Tupelo 1-800-680-1601


Lyric Theatre

(Home of Tupelo Community Theatre)

201 N. Broadway St. • Tupelo • 844-1935


Weatherall Printing Co., Inc. 1349 Cliff Gookin Blvd. • Tupelo 842-5284


MMC Materials, Inc. 999 N. 3rd Ave. • Saltillo • 869-7080


M.M. Winkler & Associates 221 E. Franklin St. • Tupelo • 844-0270


Kenney’s Picture Framing 810 W. Allen • Tupelo • 842-5005


Williams Transfer & Storage

Farmers & Merchants Bank

F. L. Crane & Sons, Inc.

Hickory Springs Mfg. Co.

P.O. Box 908 • Tupelo • 842-4836

111 W. Clayton St. • Baldwyn • 365-1200

508 S. Spring St. • Fulton • 862-2172

234 CDF Blvd. • Verona • 566-2322





Johnnie’s Drive In

908 E. Main St. • Tupelo • 842-6748


Monts Paper and Packaging Tupelo • 842-7407


Kirksey Brothers Furniture Co.

308 S. Spring St. • Tupelo • 842-4061


Community Development Foundation

Gillentine Realty & Auction Co.

Way-Fil Jewelry

300 W. Main St. • Tupelo • 842-4521

207 N. Church St. • Tupelo • 842-6328

1125 W. Main St. • Tupelo • 844-2427




Bankhead Flowers New Albany • 534-4891


Nail McKinney P. A. 110 N. Madison St. • Tupelo • 842-6475


Tupelo Park & Recreation Tupelo • 841-6440



2020 McCullough Blvd. • Tupelo 842-3240

West Main Laundry W. Main St. • Tupelo • 680-7194

2763 W. Jackson St. Ext. • Tupelo 680-9482

201 5th S. • Columbus • 327-4444





Van Atkins

Mr. William A. Sheffield, CPA

100 W. Bankhead • New Albany 534-5012

499 Gloster Creek Village, Suite I-7 Tupelo • 842-1664




603 W. Main • Tupelo • 842-4261 1196 W. Main Shopping Center • Tupelo • 842-4252

P.O. Box 901 • Tupelo • 844-3609



Mississippi Paper Co. 330 S. Church St. • Tupelo • 620-7377


16310 Hwy 15 N. • Ripley • 837-9119

615 Pegram Dr. • Tupelo • 842-1891




1202 N. Gloster • Tupelo • 844-5226

Larry’s Barber Shop

700 Southside Drive •Tupelo • 841-2276


One Hour Martinizing

United Way of Northeast MS

Franks, Franks & Jarrell, P.A.

O’Reilly Auto Parts

2535 Hwy 145 • Saltillo • 869-5102

Stan White & Associates, Inc.

Regional Rehabilitation Center




4811 Cliff Gookin Blvd. • Tupelo 842-3431

499 Gloster Creek Village, Suite D7 Tupelo • 842-7471

Tupelo • 680-9787

3099 International Dr. • Tupelo 620-8858


2103 S. Gloster • Tupelo • 842-6175


Junior Auxiliary of Tupelo

P.O. Drawer B • Tupelo • 842-8283

TRI Realty & Appraisal Co.


Land Sonnier, P.A.

130 N. Industrial Rd. • Tupelo • 842-6312

Ferguson Enterprises, Inc.

Hertz Rental Car


1949 B & B Concrete Co., Inc.


Ivy Fence Co.

Sunshine Mills

Philips Day-Brite Group

576 S. Green St. • Tupelo • 842-7212

P.O. Box 334 • Tupelo • 841-9133


P.O. Box 1427 • Tupelo • 842-2252

Belk Ford 447 Hwy 6 West • Oxford • 234-4661


Horne, CPA & Business Advisors P.O. Box 22964 • Jackson 871-7184 or 601-326-1032


LIFT, Inc.

2577 McCullough Blvd. • Belden 842-9511



SUNDAY, JULY 18, 2010 ■ PAGE 20I




Methodist Senior Services

Urology P.A.

Tommy Brooks Oil Company

Tupelo • 844-7272

109 S. Broadway St. • Tupelo 844-8977

830 S. Gloster • East Tower, 4th Floor Tupelo • 377-7100

1400 S. Gloster St. • Tupelo 842-1135





Litco Petroleum Company, Inc.

Wheel Estate Mobile Homes

AbilityWorks, Inc.

Graham Roofing Company

208 North Spring St. • Tupelo 842-5051

1503 S. Gloster St. • Tupelo 842-1024

613 Pegram Dr. • Tupelo 842-2144

136 Bauhaus Drive • Saltillo 869-0012




Shelton Law Firm

Nostalgia Alley 214 West Main St. • Tupelo 842-2757



Ear, Nose & Throat Physicians of North MS, P.A.

Rags of Tupelo

Bud Coley Trucking, Inc.

807 Harrison Street • Tupelo 842-3061

279 North Coley Road • Tupelo 841-1410

618 Pegram Drive, Tupelo • 844-6513




JBHM Architects, P.A.

Lane Furniture Industries

Murphree Paving Company, Inc.

Tupelo Tool & Die / TTD Ind.

105 Court Street • Tupelo 844-1822

Tupelo • 566-7211

1211 Nelle Street • Tupelo 844-2331

1233 S. Veterans Blvd. • Tupelo 844-2138





Mike Guyton Appraisal Co. 1908 W. Main Street • Tupelo 842-2800


(Action Industries)

Alpha House Home for Boys, Inc.

Baldwyn Discount Drugs

Bonanza Steakhouse

302 Franklin Street • Tupelo 841-9009

P.O. Box B • Baldwyn 365-5294

550 N. Gloster Street • Tupelo 844-5643




Fred H. Page & Company

Friendly City Tire

213 West Main Street • Tupelo 844-8989

Renfroe Insulation

5221-A Cliff Gookin Blvd. • Tupelo 842-1093

1004 Munsford Drive • New Albany 534-7671

3166 West Jackson St. • Tupelo 844-1306





Sonic Drive-In 1197 S. Gloster • Tupelo 842-0813



Tupelo Eye Center Optical

Crump Body & Paint, Inc.

Holland Funeral Directors

610 Brunson Drive • Tupelo 844-3814

1457 Cliff Gookin Blvd. • Tupelo 844-7938

5281 Cliff Gookin Blvd. • Tupelo 840-5000




Lavastone Industries, Mid-South, Inc.

McDonald’s Hudson Management

Rebel Electric, Inc.

Senter Transit Mix

4115 W. Main Street • Tupelo 844-5178

144 S. Thomas St. Ste. 208 • Tupelo 841-7770

P.O. Box 2394 • Tupelo 844-3198

401 Elizabeth Street • Tupelo 842-7305





Riddle Heating & Air

Shoe Country

1806 E. Main Street • Tupelo 840-9301

Johnny Bishop RV 8971 Highway 45 North • Columbus 800-569-9847

120 Snyder • New Albany 534-9611

West Main Shopping Center • Tupelo 844-8400





Tupelo Wrecker

ITT Engineered Valves

MS Guttering Supply, Inc.

1110 Bankhead Avenue • Amory 256-7185

402 Airpark Road • Tupelo 844-6165



Patterson Engineering & Development, Inc.

Sullivan Insurance

North Mississippi Oral & Maxilofacial Surgery Associates 1043 S. Madison St. Ext. • Tupelo • 842-8200

2300 South Gloster • Tupelo 844-6409



Tupelo Engraving & Rubber Stamp, Inc.

P.O. Box 2066, Tupelo • 844-7922

2531 S. President Street • Tupelo 844-4065

1746 Cliff Gookin Blvd. • Tupelo • 842-0574




Vanelli’s 1302 N. Gloster • Tupelo 844-4410


United Blood Services 4326 S. Eason Blvd. • Tupelo 842-8871


Golden Living Center

Home Décor Innovations,

702 East President Street, Tupelo • 842-4000

2273 S. Eason Blvd., Tupelo • 842-2461

1141 Ryder Street, Tupelo • 844-7191




Adair Carpet Sales & Cleaning

Eason Boulevard

Staggs Interior, Inc.

Stone’s Jewelry

Tecumseh Products Company

903 Varsity Drive • Tupelo 842-1292

709 West Main Street • Tupelo 844-9444

5424 Highway 145 S. • Verona 566-2231




Danver’s Restaurant

Honda of Tupelo

1101 West Main Street • Tupelo 842-3774

529 Daybrite Drive • Tupelo 842-5523



Marvin Hoard Construction

A Division of Renin Corp.

American Family Association P.O. Drawer 2440 • Tupelo 844-5036


Robert Crosswhite’s

Sports Country

Tupelo • 213-0782

121 S. Industrial • Tupelo • 842-3209



Shoney’s Restaurant

Dr. William Dickerson, Jr.

Fulton Auction

706 Hillcrest Drive • Tupelo 844-3416

322 Main Street • Tupelo 842-6634

458 Pine Grove Road • Fulton 862-2835




Paradise Mobile Homes

Independent Furniture Supply Co, Inc. 3609 W. Jackson, Tupelo • 844-8411


L.D. Hancock Family, LLC

Sanders Clinic For Women

Stouts Carpet ~ Oxford

Tupelo Transfer, Inc.

144 S. Thomas, Suite 207 • Tupelo 840-7665

1041 South Madison Street • Tupelo 844-8754

02 PR 2050 • Oxford 234-5227

545 Daybrite Dr. • Tupelo 680-3315


Wal-Mart Super Center #0258 3929 North Gloster St • Tupelo 840-8401



917 South Gloster St. • Tupelo 844-5297


Denham Tractor & Equipment 2731 Hwy 145 S • Saltillo • 869-5959


Hankins Service Center, Inc. 629 East President St. • Tupelo 842-8733



Dossett Big 4

Franklin Collection Service, Inc.

628 South Gloster • Tupelo 842-4162

2978 West Jackson • Tupelo 844-7776



Barkley Travel Service

Kiddie Kastle Preschool Center

141 W. Bankhead Street • New Albany 534-5203

122 South Madison St. • Tupelo 841-1709



Tupelo Stone and Masonry 3050 McCullough Blvd. • Belden 840-6800


The Woman’s Clinic

1512 Medical Park Circle • Tupelo 844-0867


J.R. Hunter Construction, Inc. PO Box 915 • Tupelo 841-1557


Pizza Factory

709 S. 4th St. • Baldwyn 365-7059


SUNDAY, JULY 18, 2010 ■ PAGE 21I


Electric and Machine Service PO Box 2243 • Tupelo 842-2807


Copywrite of North MS


Lackey’s Electrical, Inc. 532 S. Green Street • Tupelo 841-2846


Domino’s Pizza

2625 Traceland Dr. #A • Tupelo 841-1345

1221 South Gloster • Tupelo 841-0733



BassCo Foam Inc. 108 Airpark Rd. • Tupelo 842-4321


Southern Diversified Industries 1154 N. 2nd St. • Baldwyn 365-7322


Cooper Tire & Rubber Co. 1804 S. Green St. • Tupelo 842-2200


Steven’s Auction

609 Meridian St. • Aberdeen 369-2200



State Beauty Supply of Northeast MS

826 Blair Street • Tupelo • 841-2163


E Fire Inc.

2075 McCullough Blvd. • Tupelo 842-7201


Friends of the Oren Dunn Museum at Ballard Park Tupelo • 841-6438


The Cotton Bolt

1727 McCullough Blvd. • Tupelo 841-2621


The George McLean Institute for Community Development

Tupelo Fun World

Tupelo Trophy & Gifts

Allen Heating and Cooling





University of Mississippi • University 915-7326

505 S. Green St. • Tupelo 844-3866

612 Robert E. Lee Dr. • Tupelo 844-2733

477 Wells Rd. • Thaxton 489-7273

Inter-Pac, Inc.

Gum Tree Museum of Art

Henson Sleep Relief, Inc. 321 Industrial Park Rd. • Saltillo 869-1333

222 Laney Rd. • Shannon 690-8190

1867 S. Veterans Blvd. • Tupelo 690-6500





211 West Main • Tupelo 844-2787

Hunter Douglas

1626 N. Veterans Blvd. • Tupelo 844-1704

1050 North Eason Blvd. • Tupelo 841-0162

Dabbs Engineering

J&B Services, Inc.

MTD Consumer Products - Tupelo





Kay’s Kreations Bridal & Formal

8308 Hwy 6 E. • Pontotoc 844-1611

332 N. Spring St. • Tupelo 842-7324

3900 Westgate Dr. • Tupelo 842-0226

Duncan Signs, Inc.

Eaton, Babb, & Smith, P.A.




Waide & Associates

Fulgham’s Inc. / National Tree Preservation, Inc.

600 Smokey Mt. Dr. • Tupelo • 844-6191


Security Alarms of Tupelo, Inc. PO Box 1425 • Tupelo 842-7221


Car Credit, Inc.

2015 South Gloster St. • Tupelo 844-2912


Womack Sales Co., Inc. PO Box 1771 • Tupelo 401-0774


Kid Stuff & Mom’s Best 512 South Gloster • Tupelo 844-2407


Furniture Factors, Inc. 2609D Traceland Dr. • Tupelo 680-4600


Tupelo • 844-4433

152 Hwy 15 N • Pontotoc 489-8176






Donald Allred Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc.

1696 Cliff Gookin • Tupelo • 842-7426


Becker Hearing Center 2601 W. Main St., Ste. C • Tupelo 842-6325


Shipley Donut Shops

920 S. Gloster St. • Tupelo • 844-4602 5143 Cliff Gookin Blvd. • Tupelo • 620-7244




KC’s School of Hair Design

Tupelo Furniture Market


420 Magazine St. • Tupelo 844-3733


Gardner-Simmons Home for Girls, Inc.

Tupelo Flea Market

214 West Main St. • Tupelo 842-9617

Larry Clark Chevrolet

Good Samaritan Health Services

Deaton Appraisal Company, Inc.

685A Birmingham Ridge Rd. • Saltillo 869-7281

The Main Attraction

Judson L. Vance & Company 205 W. Main St. • Tupelo 841-0650

316 South Thomas • Tupelo 620-1892

5484 Hwy 145 South • Verona 566-2332

533 Hwy 278 West • Amory 256-9609

Home Changes Vinyl Siding Tupelo • 840-6262


1879 N. Coley Rd. • Tupelo 842-4442

Gum Tree Fabrics, Inc.

1879 N. Coley Rd. • Tupelo 842-4442

Sue Gardner Realty

4002 South Eason Blvd. • Tupelo 844-9329

1720 McCullough Blvd. • Tupelo 842-7878




908 Barnes Crossing Rd. • Tupelo 844-1270


Billie’s Catering, Inc. 477 Hwy. 348 • Guntown 869-1346


The Hair Company 131 West Main St. • Tupelo 841-6834


Learning Skills Center

3725 Cliff Gookin Blvd. • Tupelo 844-7327


Days Inn

1015 North Gloster • Tupelo 842-0088


Express Employment Professionals 709 Robert E. Lee Dr. • Tupelo 842-5500



334 Whitaker Dr. • Tupelo 840-7201


North MS Periodontal Clinic 103 Parkgate Extended • Tupelo 842-2448


Express Care South / Center for Medical Weight Loss

North Mississippi Pediatrics, P.A.

The PACE Group

a1423 Palmetto Rd. • Verona • 566-5593

1573 Medical Park Circle • Tupelo 844-9885

Signs First of North MS





Tyrone’s Electric, Inc. PO Box 456 • Plantersville 422-1745


MCH Transportation Co. 108 CR 713 • Shannon 767-3845

Hampton Inn

510 S. Gloster St. • Tupelo 840-2300

J.T. Ray Company

499 S. Gloster St. • Tupelo 842-1818

Little Angels Learning & Child Care

1516 McCullough Blvd. • Tupelo 840-8300

1382 Cliff Gookin Blvd. • Tupelo 842-9410

1246 Boggan Dr. • Tupelo • 840-2555


Pro Graphics



Preferred Plumbing, Inc. Tupelo • 401-8180

414a S. Gloster • Tupelo • 844-5572 1112 Main St. • Columbus • 329-3341 602 Hwy 12 E. • Starkville • 324-3838


2199 Hwy 72 E • Corinth 287-8829



SUNDAY, JULY 18, 2010 ■ PAGE 22I


Tupelo Small Animal Hospital, P.A

Affordable Used Cars, Inc.

2096 S. Thomas St. • Tupelo • 840-0210

5442 Cliff Gookin Blvd. • Tupelo 844-9565



Fireline, Inc. 3905 RC Lane • Tupelo • 841-2595


Eubank Construction Company, Inc.

2011 N. Second St. • Booneville 728-2046


Margarete’s Fine Chocolates “For those who deserve the very best” Tupelo • 844-8447


Resourceful Environmental Services

Hawkeye Industries, Inc.


Carpenter Electric, Inc. 795 Cardsville Church Rd. Nettleton • 862-3272 • 871-9249




Dillard Richardson Realty & Appraisal

1359 Rd. 811 • Saltillo • 842-6531


The DJ - Mr. Scott Burns

1126 North Eason Blvd. Tupeo • 842-3333

1194 Hwy 145 • Guntown • 348 -2800

3189 McCullough Blvd. • Tupelo 401-3349




Harden House Adoption/Foster Care Program

Heritage OB/Gyn Clinic of North MS

Little’s Jewelers

1800 N. Gloster St., Ste A • Tupelo 680-9191

606 Brunson Dr. • Tupelo • 840-4010

Barnes Crossing Mall • Tupelo 840-4653




Century Construction & Realty, Inc. 705 Robert E. Lee Dr. • Tupelo 844-3331


Snelling Staffing Service

Courtyard by Marriott 1320 N. Gloster St. • Tupelo 841-9960


H. M. Richards, Inc.

414 Rd. 2790 • Guntown • 365-9485


Southern Automation & Controls

Tupelo Consignment Music

1041 CR 549 • Ripley • 888-839-2830

499 Gloster Creek Village, Ste. D4-S Tupelo • 842-1045

3195 McCullough Blvd. • Belden 841-1141

1213 E. Main St. • Tupelo • 942-1530





AAA Body & Glass, Inc. 1204 1⁄2 S. Gloster St. • Tupelo 690-6775


Oreck Floor Care

4340 Mall Dr. • Tupelo • 840-0006


Avonlea Assisted Living

CATCH Kids, Inc. P.O. Box 796 • Tupelo • 377-2194




2270 McCullough Blvd. • Tupelo 844-1944

Carlock Nissan




Fire Guard of MS, Inc. 615 Robert E. Lee Dr. • Tupelo 844-7344


Shabby Chic Consignment Boutique

4847 Stonebridge • Tupelo • 840-8100


Pryor & Morrrow Architects and Engineers, P.A

RSC Equipment Rental 1948 Cliff Gookin Blvd. • Tupelo 620-0999


Harvey Russell Auto World 1210 S. Gloster St. • Tupelo 690-9477


Sonic Drive In

2608 W. Main St. • Tupelo • 841-0073


Servpro of Tupelo

1150 S. Green St. • Tupelo • 840-8062

2984 Cliff Gookin Blvd. • Tupelo 690-6502



The Link Centre

1800 W. Main St. • Tupelo 690-4011


Elite Gymnastics II, LLC

586 Daybrite Dr. • Tupelo • 840-9228


Advanced Innovations East, LLC 976 Hwy 45 N. • Baldwyn • 365-1640



A United Methodist Congregation

3969 N. Gloster St. • Tupelo 844-3113

1014 N. Gloster St., Ste C • Tupelo 844-9007

868 Mississippi Dr. • Tupelo 690-5800

The Nowell Agency Nationwide Insurance

2429 Lawndale Dr. • Tupelo 840-6163

Red Magnet

Golf First

Tupelo Buffalo Park & Zoo 2272 N. Coley Rd. • Tupelo • 844-8709


The Orchard

1379 N. Coley Rd. • Tupelo www.theorchard.net

Engineering Solutions, Inc. 1324 N. Veterans Blvd. • Tupelo 840-9063


Wells Fargo Home Mortgage 1413 W. Main St., Ste A • Tupelo 407-2251


Innovatiove Landscape, Inc. Plantersville • 401-8832


Crye-Leike Realtors

1289 N. Gloster St., Ste A • Tupelo 680-9355



235 Third Ave. • Sherman • 690-9966


KDM Custom Coatings, Inc. 2036 S. Green St. • Tupelo 842-9725


Townhouse Motel

931 S. Gloster St. • Tupelo • 842-5411


Gibson Corrugated, LLC 1920 E. Main St. • Tupelo • 842-1862


Baldwyn Termite & Pest Control

403 Industrial Park Rd. • Saltillo 869-2593


Saltillo Small Animal Hospital, P.A.

106 Flynt Dr. • Saltillo • 869-7301

2001 Economy Inn

708 N. Gloster St. • Tupelo • 842-1213


Tellini’s Pasta Market

504 S. Gloster St. • Tupelo • 620-9955


Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Tupelo

1808 N. Green St. • Tupelo • 842-3222



1301 Marshal St. • Tupelo

Car Credit, Inc.

Holliday Land Surveying, LLC

Lynn Bryan Construction Tupelo • 840-2081

1493 Hwy 363 • Guntown • 869-2277




605 W. Main St., Ste 7 • Tupelo 840-5905

Exit Realty

605 W. Main St., Ste. 1 • Tupelo 842-7653


Firm Foundation Counseling Center

345 N. Church St. • Tupelo • 620-9876


Mississippi Door, LLC

Holiday Inn Express

1612 McClure Cove • Tupelo 620-8184


KC Construction Specialty Painters

Murphy Engineering, LLC

Room to Room Furniture

401 Access Rd. • Fulton • 862-9255

606 Euclatubba Rd. • Guntown 869-3172

R&D Marketing, LLC





Sweet Peppers Deli Express

The Imaging Center

4110 Westside Dr. • Tupelo 620-2828

AmeriSpec Home Inspection

3651 Cliff Gookin Bldv. • Tupelo 844-5378

Carlock Toyota

10001 Barnes Crossing Rd. • Tupelo 844-0865

499 Gloster Creek Village, Ste. G1 Tupelo • 841-7880

1945 Hwy 30 E. • New Albany 534-6226

Cross Creek Dr. • Saltillo • 842-6478





DB’s Floral Designs N’ More Saltillo • 869-3620

Carr’s Guns & Ammo 594 CR 811 • Saltillo • 842-1999

Gentiva Hospice 1140 W. Main St. • Tupelo • 844-2417


“New Expectations for Women in MS” 823-4336 • www.newms.info



Pain Management Center of North Mississippi 2089 Southridge Dr. • Tupelo 407-0801



SUNDAY, JULY 18, 2010 • PAGE 23I


Sleep Inn and Suites 1721 N. Gloster St. • Tupelo 840-7737


General Atomics

1150 S. Green St., Bldg. 1, Ste. E Tupelo • 821-2500

112 Bryan Blvd. • Shannon 566-3000



La Vino Wine And Spirits

Olive Garden

1204 N. Gloster St. • Tupelo 842-4298

3242 N. Gloster St. • Tupelo 840-8450



Warehouse 605

605 Daybrite Dr. • Tupelo 372-3201


Cafe 212

212 W. Main St. • Tupelo 844-6323


Lit’l Sprouts

Taylor/Arnold Insurance

4847 Stonebridge • Tupelo 840-8100

Kim Arnold - Agent 129-A Town Creek Dr. • Saltillo 869-0760



WLM Insurance, LLC Bill McNutt 1601-B W. Main St. • Tupelo 401-4495


Dollar Market, LLC 3889 N. Gloster • Tupelo 844-3049


Atlanta Bread

312 S. Gloster • Tupelo 844-8353


Main Street Mini Storage

B&C Consulting Services, Inc. P.O. Box 4496 • Tupelo 322-8207


Eli’s BBQ Grill

1100 W. Main • Tupelo 844-6868



Abby Farm Supply 1521 Hwy. 45 • Saltillo 869-3439


JG Logistics, Inc.

157 Kirksey Road • Mantachie 282-4246


Southwest Funding Mortgage Co. 813 Varsity Dr. #8 • Tupelo 842-5525


Deas & Deas, LLC 353 N. Green • Tupelo 842-4546


Window World

223 Franklin St. • Tupelo 842-5201


Clark Ford

589 N. Coley Rd. • Tupelo 680-4693




Mooreville 401-9159

Snap Fitness 24-7

Saltillo / Tupelo Locations 869-3181





Elegant Events by Emily 912 W. Jackson St. • Tupelo 790-4910


Get It There Auto Transportation, LLC

Amedisys Hospice

144 S. Thomas St. Ste. 105 • Tupelo 620-1050


Elvis Presley Heights Museum 100 Briar Ridge Rd. • Tupelo 491-1185



Tupelo Plastic Surgery Clinic Longtown Medical Park • 4381 S. Eason Blvd. Suite 101 • Tupelo • 377-6630


Glenn McCullough, Jr. GLM Associates, LLC 2012 Nancy Dr. • Tupelo 842-6657


Wingate by Wyndham 186 Stone Creek Blvd. • Tupelo 680-8887


Deco Direct, LLC


106 Mulberry Drive • Tupelo 871-7474

Allen Law Firm

P.O. Box 931 • Tupelo 231-9300


N.E.W. Customer Service Companies

627-A W. Main St. • Tupelo 842-0553

2610 Beasley Dr. • Tupelo 810-7206


J.W. Smith

2725-B Old Belden Circle • Tupelo 407-0707

Hooper Flooring, LLC

My Elegant Clutter

280 S. Thomas Suite 101 • Tupelo 840-3434

1410 Hwy. 23 S. • Amory 257-1999

Echelon Value Consulting, LLC 134 CR 793 • Saltillo 401-5303


Asera Care Hospice

Custom Engineered Wheels 735-A Eason Blvd. • Tupelo 690-5302


Express Care West

2885 McCullough Blvd. • Belden 269-2230


Sonny’s T’s Plumbing 1020 N. Gloster • Tupelo 871-5693


Little Caesar’s Pizza 2434 W. Main St. • Tupelo 844-7182



209 Court St. • Tupelo 791-7822


Dyson Insurance Agency, Inc. - Allstate 704 Hillcrest Ste. B • Tupelo 269-2117


Faith Bible Church

5433 Cliff Gookin Blvd. • Tupelo 842-5688


La Quinta Inn & Suites

Little Leap Academy

2108 Crabapple Dr. • Tupelo 871-3613

Grand Ole Oak Apartment Homes

111 Grand Oak Dr. • Belden 823-1470





Mommy & Me Consignment 1003 E. Main St. • Tupelo 841-7747

ServiceMASTER Clean 3019 Hwy. 178 • Tupelo 841-7773


Virtual Marketing/ Office Assistant sfyke@comcast.net 401-6774

1013 N. Gloster • Tupelo 847-8000

The Dance Studio 108 N. Spring St. • Tupelo 842-2242

109 Adams St. • Tupelo 690-3980

The Ugly Chair Furniture Outlet

248 S. Green St. • Tupelo 840-0402


Big Time Tee’s 690-0912

1 8 7 0 • N O R T H E A S T M I S S I S S I P P I D A I LY J O U R N A L • 2 0 1 0

Tupelo Daily Journal was located on the south side of Magazine Street facing present day Renasant Bank. May, 1966.

Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal present location at 1242 South Green. Moved here in 1969.

PAGE 24I ■ SUNDAY, JULY 18, 2010


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