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4 Fall Sports 2022

This has been perhaps the hottest summer on record. We didn’t have much of a winter, and the scorching temps the last two months made even glorious baseball seem, at times, like a chore. The boys getting ready for football have logged considerable hours as well, just as the mercury really threatened to burst the glass.So, we have the blessed arrival of Fall Sports.The MHSAA has shown wisdom (and mercy) bumping the kickoff time of all football games back to 7:30 p.m. through the end of September. I’m not sure that will make a great difference, but every little bit helps. On the gridiron, the Warriors welcome the return of quarterback, Conner Arm strong. Davion Sampson and Jayden Montgomery will provide deep-ball threats that contrast nicely with junior Andru Berry’s bruising running style. The Warriors will have standout Montavious Bell at noseguard, and Malachi Brown playing tough at linebacker. Senior Bryce Chrest man will be an imposing blocker on the offensive line. In Ecru, another senior quarterback will look to make his last season a memorable one. Reece Kentner played a lot of baseball this summer, so he’ll be lean and ready for his fourth year as a starter. Senior Winn Navarette and junior Tyler Pickens will provide Kentner experienced targets.
The South Pontotoc Cougars pride themselves in phys ical line play, and big boys like Austin Shempert, and senior center Larkin Gillespie, will look to muscle some running room for southpaw sophomore quarterback Jack son Harmon. Bennett Mayo and O’Bryan Ivy should give the Cougars experienced hands and eyes in the defensive secondary.Ourthree volleyball teams are in three, different divi sions this year. The Pontotoc Lady Warriors graduated a good nucleus of their starting six from the 2021 4A state champion vol leyball team. Still, solid veterans Mollie Rackley and Sadie Stegall return to lead the team, and along with Alayna Ball, the Women of the Tribe should have another great year in 2-4A. The South Pontotoc Lady Cougars find themselves in a similar position in 3-4A. Last year was the best in pro gram history, but almost all the starting six are gone. Three seniors will anchor the squad, including Maggie Caldwell, a starter last year who got good club ball experience over the offseason. Jada Washington has good instincts and a firey, team spirit, and newcomer Anna Brooke Sullivan will try to translate her height and athleticism to the volleyball court.InEcru, Cam Thomas, Gracie Corley and Bella Hayes will form the nucleus of a Lady Viking squad that looks to do well in 1-4A. Corley and Hayes are basketball standouts, and Thomas brings a precision and touch that she utilizes on the softball dia mond.Pontotoc Swim is a program on the rise, and second-year coach, Zach Gory, has justifiably high expectations. Ju niors Reannon Hicks and Kori Grace Ware will anchor a girls’ team that is building confidence, according to their coach. Junior swimmer Buddy Ferguson should be solid for the Warrior men. If space permitted, much could be said about our fine cross-country athletes, like Macey Bain and Slade Bost at South, or Caiden Ivy and Olivia Hamblin at Pontotoc. A whole chapter could be dedicated to the amazing bands and color guards that add so much excitement and joy to Friday nights. Football games wouldn’t be nearly as much fun without the thumping, rocking bands, or the dancing, cheering girls, or the countless other students, many of whom go unsung, all of whom make Fall Sports a great time of year. Thanks so much to all our young folks in Pon totoc who participate in any way, and thanks for reading the Pontotoc Progress. I’ll see ya’ll at the game!
6 Fall Sports 2022
letter from the SportS editor

7Fall Sports 2022 Affordable Employee Benefits...................4 Algoma Country Store.............................32 Ashley Johnson’sFriendshipFriendshipFriendshipFriendshipFirstFirstCrossroadsBoylesBlacksmithFurniture......................................47BBQ.......................................15Tire...............................................41Rehabilitation.......................45ChoiceBank.....................................48FranklinFinancial............................41Fitness......................................2MedicalClinic...........................3Pharmacy.................................3Travel.......................................4WreckerService.......................25 Lundi’s Comfort Co..................................45 Market PurePricePontotocPontotocPontotocPickensPhysicalPattyMossyMontgomeryMelindaBasket.........................................45Nowicki.....................................40Drugs.................................24OakProperties..............................25TurkProperties,LLC...........................5Therapy......................................41PestControl................................41AnimalClinic............................19FuelCenter...............................15ShellExpress.............................40Cutter..............................................44Bliss.................................................20 Renasant Bank........................................20 Ricky Young’sWoodWade.......................................................14TrueTrent’sTorranceTanglefootSouthernSnowShannonSeafoodFerguson........................................24Junction.....................................20&GrahamEyeClinic................15CreamCorner................................19GarageBody&Paint................44MarketatEcru..........................2SchoolPhotography..................20PortraitDesign.............................32Value................................................46EyeClinic......................................46TireStore....................................33 6 letter from the SportS editor 8 pontotoc Warrior football 10 South pontotoc cougar football 12 north pontotoc Viking football 16 pontotoc Warrior cheerleaderS 17 South pontotoc cougar cheerleaderS 18 north pontotoc Viking cheerleaderS 21 pontotoc Warrior marching band 22 South pontotoc cougar marching band 23 north pontotoc Viking marching band 26 pontotoc Warrior croSS country 28 South pontotoc c0ugar croSS country 30 north pontotoc Viking croSS country 34 pontotoc Warrior Volleyball 36 South pontotoc cougar Volleyball 38 north pontotoc Viking Volleyball 42 pontotoc Warrior SWimming 2022SPORTSFALLtable oncontentofSthecoVer On the cover is Reannon Hicks from Pontotoc’s swim team, Blake McGloflin from North Pontotoc’s football team, and Leanna Reeves from South Pontotoc’s volleyball team.adVertiSerSWriterS Galen Holley, Sports Editor; Jonathan Wise, Sports Writer; Whitney Robbins, Sports Writer; and Ryan Ray, Sports Writer a Special thankS to Trent’s Portrait Design and Torrance School Photography for the photos Advertising Consultant: Angie Quarles Graphic Designer: Chelsea Williams 7
CITYPONTOTOC 2022 footballWarrior2022pontotocWarriorfootball team
8 Fall Sports 2022
The 2022 Pontotoc Warrior football team includes: (First row, Left to right, kneeling) Hayden Kyle, Jakylen Jud on, Anndru Berry, Davion Sampson, Ethan Troupe, Carter Mann, Nic Towendsend, Jaxon dandridge, Marneiko Penrose, (second row) Asst. Coach Jonathan Beard, Asst. Coach Zach Matkins, Mason Byrd, Caden Clements, Markylan Boston, Marcale Bell, Martylan Boston, Malachi Brown, Conner Armstrong, Javier Cole, Jackson Wil liams, Mikey Depreist, Jaden Bradley, Jaden Dixon, Amare Young, Jaden Montgomery, Ky Simmons, Lavorite Mille, Ayden Chunn, Asst. Coach Mickey Mapp, Asst. Coach Adam Gentry (back) Brady Thomas, Benji Ross, Mason Ditto, Ben Jones, Colton Farley, Rylen Mounce, JR Carnes, John Paul Burton, Head Coach Jeff Carter, An thony Hurd, Hyrum Holmes, Luke Hammer, Bryce Chrestman, Montavious Bell, John Payne, Andrew Chaney, Asst. Coach Corey Armstrong (Not pictured Asst. Coach Matt Turner)
Photo by Trent’s Portrait Design

“That’s always the primary focus,” said Carter. “We play some very good teams, early, in 4A, 5A, and 6A, and that’s a tough, hard grind. The key is to stay healthy down that stretch, and to grow, and to focus on winning our division.”
nose-guard Montavi ous Bell will anchor the line, Carter said, along with tackle Jon Robert Carnes. Bryce Chrestman will move inside, from tight-end to tackle. Se nior Hayden Kyle should play at out side linebacker, and the well-respect ed leader of the Warrior D is senior Malachi Brown, “our bellcow,” as Carter called him. The Warriors have won their divi sion three times in Carter’s tenure.
Armstrong is completely recuper ated, as are a handful of others who got dinged up last year in the home stretch.“Conner will be a fourth-year start er for us, and he’s been All-Division for two years, so we’re expecting big things from him,” said Coach Jeff Carter, now entering his 10th year at theAhelm.big reason Pontotoc was able to circle the wagons and make the playoffs last season was the play of All-Division player Nic Townsend, a versatile athlete who took over under center for the injured Armstrong. In six games as a receiver last season, Townsend reeled in 30 catches for 462 yards and five touchdowns. That included a thrilling game-winner in the opener against Shannon. He’ll return as Armstrong’s primary target thisLikeseason.many, Townsend will play both offense and defense, what the old-timers call “ironman” football.
The Pontotoc Warriors are recu perated and healthy, and they hope to improve upon what, by their high standards, was a moderately success ful 2021 campaign. Even after losing starting quarter back Conner Armstrong to a shoulder injury (that was in the sixth game, on Oct. 1, a home, division win over 2-4A opponent New Albany), the Warriors gutted-out a 6-4 regular sea son record, and a second-round play off berth. (They defeated Gentry, then lost, at home, to Caledonia.)
9Fall Sports 2022 CITYPONTOTOC AUGUST 26 Shannon SEPTEMBER 2 @ Grenada SEPTEMBER 9 @ Choctaw County SEPTEMBER 16 Saltillo (Homecoming) SEPTEMBER 23 IAHS* SEPTEMBER 30 @ New Albany* OCTOBER 6 South Pontotoc* OCTOBER 14 @ Houston* OCTOBER 21 @ North Pontotoc* OCTOBER 28 Ripley* * Division game 2022 pontotoc Warrior football Schedule Galen Holley Sports Editor
Joining his teammates on both sides of the ball will be junior running back Andru Berry. He’ll play linebacker, and he carries the ball with power. Berry rushed for five touchdowns in the Warriors’ two, playoff games last year.“Andru is a big load, and he’s cer tainly apt to play on the defense as well,” said Carter. Carter said the offensive line has about six good, solid athletes who are versatile and can, as he put it, “play at thisAll-Divisionlevel.”
Seniors Davion Sampson and Jayden Montgomery will provide two more experienced sets of hands in both the offensive and defensive backfields.

10 Fall Sports 2022
The South Pontotoc Cougar football team includes: (Front row, from left) Shaw Prewitt, Dalton Kelly, OB Ivy, Trace Ash, Brooks Prewitt, Seth Bledsoe, Jason Harmon, Hadden Ward, Bennett Mayo, Braighlen Thompson, Jackson Rodgers, Tucker Patterson (second row) Noah Fleming, Hunter Bagwell, Reid Patterson, Ethan Patterson, Amad Wilbanks, Emery Tedder, Will Angle, Corder Buckner, Karl Jaggers, Tristan Bone, Michael Heatherly (third row) Ashton Matthews, Q Montgomery, Larkin Gillespie, Tommy Dunaway, Luke Fears, Lane Chunn, Mark Mu rillo, Caden Neff, Landon Pettit (fourth row) Brayden Holley, Tysen Criddle, Jaylin Slack, Cameron White, Colton Henderson, Kalyn Bramlitt, Gabe White, Cade Keith, Mason Stweard, Camden Brown, Marcos Chrestman, Ca dence Baker, Waylin Bramlitt, (not pictured) Braxton Morphis, Junior Cage, Tae Brown, Collin Stutsy, Shontavious McGregory, Drayden Way, Joseph Marroquin, Preson McCord (Coaches) Steve Henderson, Bryan Buckner, Jeff Harmon, Jacob Carpenter, Head Coach Rod Cook, Troy Bane, Mason Luther, Chris Vineyard, Lance Carter
Photo by Torrance Photography
footballcougar2022Southpontotoccougar football team

The boys have come consistently to the weight room for 5 a.m. workouts, Cook said. Those are designed for the fellas who hold jobs during the day. It was scorching hot this summer, but the boys laid it all out during 7-on-7 play, most recently at New Albany, as of the time of this article, according to Cook.The Cougars lost some experienced seniors at key spots, including versa tile backs Cody Stutsy and Mickelle Dawson, as well as starting quarter back Clayton Heaterly. Chase Long was a solid fullback and linebacker, and Gatlin Roye and Kenny Waters helped anchor the offensive line. Those guys will be missed, Cook said, but this year’s team will include sever al players who gained valuable experi ence playing behind and subbing for their older teammates.
Emery Tedder and Ashton Mat thews will be looked to as key players in a new line-backing crew, Cook said.
The 2022 South Pontotoc Cougars will try to play the gritty, straight forward style that has earned them success in 2-4A in the recent past, ac cording to Coach Rod Cook, and that includes good blocking up front, and stingy“We’vedefense.been putting in solid work in the weight room, and in 7-on-7, and I like the commitment and toughness I’m seeing from our kids this sum mer,” said Cook, who is entering his fifth year as the Cougars’ head coach.
Austin Shempert is a big, stout player, whose size and strength should help provide the needed push for the Cougars’ in their offensive line. He’ll play alongside experienced, senior center Larkin Gillepie. Senior Camer on White has shown grit and improve ment over the summer, and he should be a solid player on both the offensive and defensive line, Cook said.
11Fall Sports 2022 PONTOTOCSOUTH AUGUST 26 @ East Webster SEPTEMBER 2 @ Choctaw County SEPTEMBER 9 @ Marshall Academy SEPTEMBER 16 Bruce SEPTEMBER 23 Tishomingo County SEPTEMBER 30 Houston* OCTOBER 6 @ Pontotoc* OCTOBER 14 Ripley* OCTOBER 21 New Albany* OCTOBER 28 @ North Pontotoc* * Division game 2022 South pontotoc cougar football Schedule Galen Holley Sports Editor
“We’re expecting big things from both Larkin and Cameron, and they’ve put in the work to deliver,” said Cook.
Senior Bennett Mayo, also a baseball player, alsong with O’Bryan Ivy, will provide strength in the defensive secondary, Cook said.
Seniors Hunter Bagwell and Jackson Rodgers have proved their metal on the diamond, and Cook hopes their raw ability and will to win trans lates well to the gridiron. Bagwell has practiced most of the summer in the slot receiver position, but both he and Rodgers could be defensive backs and ball-carriers.
Among those taking the snaps un der center will be Jackson Harmon, a baseball standout and a southpaw tenth-grader who got a lot of playing time last season, particularly toward the end of the Cougars’ run; one that saw them advance to the first round of the MHSAA 4A playoffs, where they lost at Clarksdale. The Cougars hope to benefit from the athleticism of at least two boys who, until now, had only played base ball.
“Summer is when we toughen up, prepare, and get ourselves ready for the privilege of playing on Fridays,” said Cook. “I’ve been pleased with our work on the field and in the weight room, and we’re looking forward to putting another good Cougar football team on the field come fall.”
12 Fall Sports 2022 PONTOTOCNORTH 2022 footballViking AUGUST 26 Tupelo Christian Prep SEPTEMBER 2 @ Charleston SEPTEMBER 9 @ Itawamba AHS SEPTEMBER 16 @ Amory SEPTEMBER 23 Nettleton SEPTEMBER 30 Ripley* OCTOBER 7 @ Houston* OCTOBER 14 @ New Albany* OCTOBER 21 Pontotoc* OCTOBER 28 South Ponotoc* * Division game 2022 north pontotoc Viking football Schedule 2022 north pontotoc Viking football team The North Pontotoc Viking football team includes: Ayden Ellis, Blake McGloflin, Caleb Pitts, Clayton Redd, Coo per Warren, Christian Romero, Daniel Crotwell, Donovan Winfun, Dontez Cook, Drew Winfun, Eli Carwyle, Eli Patterson, Eli Sheffield, Frank Stark, Glenn Booth, Holden Little, Hunter Huffstatler, Isaiah Spratt, Jack Cum mings, Jaiden Yates, John Mendoza, Kason Moss, Kobie Doss, Landon Hill, Layeson Tutor, Levi Gooch, Luke Duagherty, Luke Hale, Micah Young, Miguel Garcia, Mike Wilbanks, Reece Kentner, Rhodes Anthony, Romeo Cornejo, Stevie Hicks, Tyler Pickens, Will Townsend, Winn Navarrete, Jonah Uithoven, Dez Jones, Will Peeples, Kenyon Randle, Khylun Jones, Langston Robertson, Ivan Collier, Ethan Terry, Joseph Spratt, Hunter Childers, Colby Dill, Dre Villareal, Austin George, Gavin Carter, Caleb Davis, Bryce Rainer, Cooper Armstrong, Taytum Orr, TJ Nash, Emon Lewis, Addison Bynum, Case Young, Hudson Smith, Caleb Todd, Kye Clowers, Jonah White Photo by Torrance Photography ALL GAMES THROUGH SEPTEMBER WILL START AT 7:30 P.M. FOR HEAT PRECAUTIONS

Kentner will have some proven playmakers to throw to with senior Winn Navarrette and junior Tyler Pickens returning at wideout. Navar rette was the Vikings’ top receiver with 41 catches for 834 yards (20.3 yards per catch) and 8 TDs last sea son. Pickens, a big 6’4, 202-pound target, caught 31 balls for 368 yards. “Winn has just progressed every year,” Crotwell said. “Every offsea son he gets a little bit bigger, stronger and faster; he does everything we ask him to do. Tyler has had a really good summer. He is a kid who just works nonstop. I’m excited to see that duo.”
Jonathan Wise Sports Writer North Pontotoc has a number of the foundational pieces for winning foot ball in 2-4A as kickoff for the 2022 season approaches, and the Vikings expect to put a formidable club on the field this fall.
The Vikings return two very pro ductive defenders at the inside line backer slots in Blake McGloflin and Ayden Ellis. “It will be Blake’s third year to play a lot for us,” Crotwell said. “He reads things well, moves well in space, and is a good, reliable tackler. We’re glad to have him. Ayden had a fantastic spring and summer, and he is read ing things quicker and better; I think he will be an even better player this year.”Dre Villarreal will start at outside linebacker and has continued to grow at the position, while there are few players competing for the other out side linebacker spot. Up front the Vikings have to replace two defensive ends. “We are probably going to move Frank Stark to end and have a rotation at nose guard,” Crotwell said. “Austin George, who played some snaps for us last year, we are expecting to anchor that other end spot.” Kentner, as he did earlier in his ca reer, will likely handle punting duties.
“I feel like we will be a competi tive football team,” said head coach Andy Crotwell. “I like the way we are throwing it and catching it. I like how our offensive line has progressed. Defensively I think some of our ques tions going into the spring have been answered. Of course you never know until you play several teams, but I feel good about where we are.”
Cristian Romero returns at placekick er.Limiting mistakes will be a key fac tor against the difficult slate of teams the Vikings face this season.
North has something critical that many teams wish they had- an ex perienced hand under center. Senior quarterback Reece Kentner, entering his fourth year as the starter, threw for 1,731 yards a year ago. He has contin ued to progress in understanding the offense and is leading his side of the ball.Another key to moving the ball offensively is to control the line of scrimmage, and coach Crotwell is confident about his experienced offen sive line- left tackle Kenyon Randle, left guard Bryce Rainer, center Caleb Davis, right guard Cooper Armstrong and right tackle Case Young. “I feel comfortable there,” he said. “We’ve got a little bit of depth. A lot of those guys have had really good offseasons as far as working out and preparingClaytonthemselves.”Redd,who started every game on the offensive line last season, moves into the H-back role. Freshman Drew Winfun will take over at run ning“Claytonback. moves well, and in many ways H-back is just a third guard for us at times, with some additional re sponsibilities in the passing game,” Crotwell said. “So he took to that pret ty quickly. Drew had a good spring. Of course he is still learning, and it will take some time to adjust to the speed of the game at the high school level. He is always wanting to get bet ter, so we are excited about him.”
“I think we have to protect the football and win the turnover battle,” Crotwell said. “That’s going to be a focus for us.”
Romeo Cornejo will man the Y-re ceiver spot. Cornejo played a good bit in 2021 and started several games, and the coaching staff feels good about his understanding of the offense and abil ity.“Defensively, we are still juggling some pieces around in the second ary,” Crotwell said. “We’ve decided to move Isaiah Spratt back to corner. You can tell he feels comfortable there. Holden Little is back at safety. He started every game last year and did a good job for us. We are still looking at a couple of guys at the oth er safety spot and corner spot. We feel like there are a number of people who can do the job; we just want to find the best fit.”
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Pontotoc High School cheerleaders for 2022 include: (front row, left to right) Katie Christian, Harlee Wilson (Co-Captain), Paris Vaughn, Kyla Mayes, Maggie Kimble (Co-Captain), Mariah Montgomery (Captain), Shelby Tigner, Ella Hill, Emma Kate Houser, Jasmier Coleman; (middle row) Carter Mann (Mascot), Alayna Ball, Faith Dabbs, Izzy Park, Rhylee Olsen, Josie Warren, Greta Huffstatler, Mary Margaret Deaton, Ethan Troupe (Mascot); (back row) Aubree Berry, Sailor Huey, Madi Collums, Cymbree Shettles, Caroline Kyle, Olivia Hamblin, Ruth-Ali Robinson, Jamya Sykes
2022 Warrior
16 Fall Sports 2022
Photo by Trent’s Portrait Design
CITYPONTOTOC cheerleaderS2022pontotocWarriorcheerleaderS

17Fall Sports 2022 PONTOTOCSOUTH2022 cougar cheerleaderS2022SouthpontotoccougarcheerleaderS South Pontotoc High School cheerleaders for 2022 include: (left to right) Lakyn Moody, Emaley Owen, Taylor Earnest, Macy Bain, Bailey Whitlock , Layla Kate Ward, Abbi Freeman, Jalynn Ward , Miley Ray, Olivia Crane, Emma Smith, Kylee Hatcher, Kathryn Higginbotham, Molly Chisholm
Photo by
Torrance Photography 17

2022 Viking cheerleaderS2022northpontotocVikingcheerleaderS
18 Fall Sports 2022
First row from left are seniors Abi Grace Warren, Mallory Robinson, Abby Horton, Annslee Rhea, Allie Hamil ton and Gracie Corley; Second row are Sophomores Laney Kate Clowers, Madi Bullard, Audrey McCuller, Layla Moore, Lacey Yarbrough and Madi Cotharp; Third row are freshmen Elise Tucker and Jaycee Wray, Junior Jenna Herring and Freshman Carol Anne Wise.
Photo by Trent’s Portrait Design

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2022 pontotoc Warrior marching band
The Pontotoc High School Warrior Band is under the direction of Sarah Todd. Band members include Daniel Alva rez, Jaina Barefoot, Anakin Barefoot, Gaby Bell, J.J. Berry, Cori Bowens, Chrishton Brown, Addi Brown, Cheridy Brown, Laura Beth Calvert, Hayden Caples, Jasmier Coleman, Nancy Cruz, Joel Diaz, Jacob Earnest, Kevin Espir icueta, Buddy Ferguson, Samantha Fleming, Austin Gasaway, Abby Gillespie, Kolson Gillespie, Adrianna Gonza lez, Evan Guin, Lily Hale, Savannah Hamilton, Luke Hammer, Lillian Harbin, Sarah Hays, Marilyn Holguin, Noah Holland, Emma Kate Houser, Alisea Johnson, Landon Johnson, Makyah Jones, Dorienne Lawrence, Emilie Little, Haley Lowe, Kyla Mayes, Tanner McCord, Emery McIntyre, Joryie McKnight, Jacob Mercer, Mariah Montgomery, Ava Kathryn Moore, Maddie Moorman, Emma Klaire Nichols, Presley Pennington, Marneiko Penrose, Jassmin Perez, Braylun Perkins, Carla Ramirez, Kasandra Ramirez, Jennifer Ramirez, Joselin Ramirez, Jeremy Ray, Alaina Riley, Ashlynn Roberson, Emeri Roberts, Matthew Rudasill, Cala Sanchez, Kris Smith, Chelsea Smith, Lawrence Spates, Khaleb Taliaferro, Nic Taylor, Heather Tedford, Christian Tirado, Zach Todd, Max Todd, Ethan Troupe, J.T. Tutor, Layla Tutor, Naomi Tzib, Samantha Vickery, Jonathan Vielmas, Kyndal Ware, Kiley Warren, Josie Warren, Tyler Wiliams, Maniyah Williams, Allison Wray, Jaidyn Wright and Leah Zinn.
Photo by Trent’s Portrait Design
21Fall Sports 2022
CITYPONTOTOCmarchingWarrior band

22 Fall Sports 2022
PONTOTOCSOUTH 2022 marchingcougar band
2022 South pontotoc cougar marching band
The South Pontotoc Cougar Band for the year 2022-23 is under the direction of Barrett Gray. The students are: Gracie Brown, Prisilla Martinez, Mallory Burcham, Kara Coleman, Kaitlyn Frazier, Serenity Hollingsworth, Eliza beth Long, Avery Martin, Audrie Montgomery, Rhiana Russell, Aly Sanchez, Dayra Almazan, Stephanie Barcenas, Tori Cochran, Jasmine Galloway, Maria Gonzalez, Analyse McMillen, Carina Marroquin, Dabria Mendoza, Ilce Velasquez, Leslie Vidana, Madison Waters, Abby Williams, Madisen Williams, Chris Figueroa, Kaelan Gillespie, Danna Gregory, Landon Horton, Isabella Lopez, Hunter Luby, Brayden Raines, Jackson Robinson, Cadye Weeks, Zada Bray, Preston Foster, Kenya Lopez, Trice McMichael, Christopher Marroquin, Faith Pannell, Lotah Pannell, Stephen Ramirez, Brennan Ratliff, Madison Wilson, Mackenzie Cheney, Joshua Fernandez, LaDarrius Fitzpatrick, Alexis Harlow, Tyler Lewis, Gabrielle Mault, Ethan Pate, Seth Peeples, Austin Sullivan, Zackary Black, Jason Brownlee, Isabella Camargo, Justin Carwile, Andrew Hancock, Joseph Marroquin, Becky Milner, Isaiah Pannell, Makayla Peeples, Gabi Reynolds, Alex Tovar, Anahi Tovar, Esteban Lopez, Preston Matthis, Braxton Ratliff, Noah Waters, Jacob Fletcher, Anthony Sanders, Mac Cossey, Lucy Ferguson, Jeannie Gonzalez, Landon Lee, Zach Mills, Chloe Moorman, Chloe Osterhout, Caleb Tuggle, Edward Fernandez, Lyandon Fitzpatrick, Dominic George, David Jimenez, Alex Long, Karson Pettit, Will Pickens, Garrett Weeks, Anniyah Berry, Jadyn Brown, Karina Fernandez, Alona Finley, Kendall Harrington, Laken Harlow, Sara Grace Jones, Jaycie Kelly, Katelin Lackey, Madison Mont gomery, Annalee Vernon, Lyndsey Vernon and Leanna Ward.
Photo by David Helms

2022 marchingViking band
23Fall Sports 2022
2022 north pontotoc Viking marching band North Pontotoc Band 2022-2023 band members include: Front Row Left to Right: Fatima Tovar, Gracie Turner, Karastan Gamble, Addison Clements, Lola Pankow, Serenity Carr, Zayra Almanza; Second Row Left to Right: Evelyn Tovar, Tana Foreman, Peighton Snider, Chloe Griffin, Jazz McLaughlin, Emma House, Jayli Nugent, Luis Chavez, Joe Dillard, Aubrey Holcomb; Third Row Left to Right: Emma Sorrells, Denia Edwards, Caleb Keith, Cheyenna Cable, Hailey Johnson, Coilee Boyd, Zain Matthews, Homero Nava, Sarah Gillen, Trae Kenney, Jenni fer Watson, Ashlyn Pham; Fourth Row Left to Right: Breanna Childers, Brittany Wilson, Philip Steele, Wes May, Ayden Holloway, Jade Corzine, Landon Foreman, Glen Adams, Haley Pipkin, Evan Brandon, Trey Johnson, Lily Bolton, Bella Meek; Fifth Row Left to Right: Mindy Carpenter, Alexis Nava, Adrian Hester, Nyla Smith, Lakelyn Lepard, Shay Howell, Kathryn Coghlan, Jalyn Gurner, Emma Hale, Erin Wise, John David Hanson, Naveah Kraut, Adrian Najera, Julia Gray, Kylee Snider; Sixth Row Left to Right: Caleb Crawson, Matthew Sorrells, TJ Harden, Brett White. (Not Pictured: JJ Ferguson, Mady McLaughlin)
Photo by David Helms

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26 Fall Sports 2022 CITYPONTOTOC 2022 pontotoc Warrior croSS country team The Pontotoc Warrior boys team this year includes: (Front, from left) Hoyte Butler, Adam Rogers, Noah Parmer, Beau Hunter (back) Luis Moreno, Jace Clingan, Austin Brown, Caiden Ivy, Andrew Chrestman Photo by Galen Holley 2022 croWarriorSScountry SEPTEMBER 1 TCPS Twilight SEPTEMBER 10 Mooreville SEPTEMBER 22 Tupelo OCTOBER 1 South Pontotoc OCTOBER 7 Pontotoc OCTOBER 18 Jr High State TBA OCTOBER 25 Regional @ Pontotoc, Cherry Creek Orchard NOVEMBER 5 State Meet TBA 2022 pontotoc Warrior croSS country Schedule

Coach Morgan agreed he has big shoes to fill with Coach Bain having retired, but he’s excited about the chal lenge and opportunity.
Photo by Galen Holley
“Olivia Hamblin had an outstanding track season,” said Morgan. “She ran with the high school track team as an eighth grader last year. We have two other outstanding freshmen in Sara Campos and Sami Bond. Junior Ava Robbins will be back, along with soph omore Haley Lowe and senior Ella Huey also.”
“Corinth and Mooreville will be strong again this year because they have most of those girls back,” said Morgan. “We have our work cut out forMorganus.” feels his team will be up to the challenge with five of last year’s top runners returning.
PHS cross country will run first meet will be September 1st at the TCPS Twilight Meet.
2022 pontotoc lady Warrior croSS country team
This year’s PHS cross country teams will be led by coaches Brian Morgan (girls) and Richie Crestman (boys). The two take over after long-time cross-country coach Mike Bain retired after 43 years with the program. Coach Bain won 37 state champion ships.“It’s a tall task considering the tradi tion Coach Bain has built at Pontotoc,” said Crestman, “But I’m excited.” Last season the boys finished as Re gional Champs and 3rd overall in the state while also featuring individual 4A champion Cooper Parmer. The War riors feel as if they have a great chance of repeating as Regional Champions being led by juniors Caiden Ivey and Jace Clingan, along with sophomores Austin Brown, Andrew Crestman, Jayce Culver, Kayson Newsome, and freshman Cameron Braxton.
The Pontotoc Cross Country girls include (Front, from left) Chloe Williams, Zoe Holland, MK Maffett, Kayleigh Armstrong, Sailor Payne (middle) Abby Gillespie, Carla Ramirez, Ella Huey, Ally Moore (back) Samantha Vickery, Mallie Maffett, Sara Campos, Olivia Hamblin
27Fall Sports 2022
Ryan Ray Sports Writer
“It’s natural to feel pressure follow ing someone as successful as Coach Bain, but I also learned a lot from him,” Morgan said. “I’m excited as well.”“Our expectation and goal is to win another state championship.”
The girls cross country team finished third in the state last year. Corinth won first and Mooreville placed second.

28 Fall Sports 2022 PONTOTOCSOUTH 2022 South pontotoc cougar croSS country team The South Pontotoc Cougar boys team this year includes: (Front, left to right) Manager Rivers Bowen, Manager Westyn Bowen, Noah Gregory, Max Moore, Ace Easterling, Karson Pettit, Traylen Bain, Jaylon Owens, Jaren Kel ly, Manager Blayze Bowen, Manager Hayden Dillard. (Back) Coach Judy Mills, Will McMurry, Grayson Hendon, Christopher Figueroa, Andres Martinez, Slade Bost, Gable Steward, Trey Riley, Kelby Collumns, Manager Juan Martinez, Coach Helen Bowen Photo by Galen Holley 2022 crocougarSScountry AUGUST 27 Eupora, Eagle-Claw SEPTEMBER 3 Clinton, Choctaw-Trail SEPTEMBER 8-11 Gulf Coast Pensacola,Stampede,Fl. SEPTEMBER 14 Saltillo OCTOBER 1 South Pontotoc Invt. OCTOBER 7 Pontotoc Invt. @ Cherry Creek Orchard OCTOBER 15 Batesville OCTOBER 18 Middle School StateClinton OCTOBER 22 Tupelo - End of Season OCTOBER 24 4A Division @ Cherry Creek Orchard NOVEMBER 5 State 2022 South pontotoc cougar croSS country Schedule

Each year, South Pontotoc’s cross-country program shows up, com petes hard, and grinds it out, and what they lack in numbers, they more than make up for in heart and hard work, according to Coach Helen Bowen.
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Freshman Kendall Young made big strides in the 2021 campaign, as well, according to Bowen. Among the younger girls, Harper Rush, a returning freshman, has good athleticism and works hard, Bowen said.“I absolutely love coaching these young runners,” said Bowen. “They have stuck it out with us. It takes a strong athlete to run cross country. It isn’t always about winning. It’s about finishing.
Photo by Galen Holley Galen Holley Sports Editor
2022 South pontotoc lady cougar croSS country team
The South Pontotoc Cougar girls team this year includes: (Front, left to right) Lyndsie Johnson, Ginnifer Holcomb, Manager Eden Doss, Manager Brooke Schwalenberg, Anna Newell, Chloe Rice, Harper Rush, Rayleigh Mooney ham. (Back) Coach Judy Mills, Leah Montgomery, Pricilla Martinez, Ella Easterling, Macy Bain, Kendall Adams, Yadhira Martinez, Coach Helen Bowen
“Coach Judy Mills and I are ready to see this group of runners running at the Saturday meets,” said Bowen, who doubles as tennis coach. “That’s when all the hard work and training pays off. To watch them compete and excel pushing through the heat, mud, sweat and tears is inspiring.”
Graduate and top male runner Colton Fouqua left big shoes to fill, but a couple of younger men should step up this year, Bowen said. As a junior, Slade Bost finished first at the Gulf Coast Stampede in Pensac ola, last year, and Gable Steward also had a strong showing. Bost should provide some senior leadership and winning experience for the Cougar XC boys this season, Bowen said. Junior Trey Riley is another kid who puts in hard miles in training, according to his coach.On the boys’ junior varsity, eighth-grader Karson Pettitt, and Traylen Bain should be strong compet itors, according to Bowen. On the girls’ side, returning soph omore Macy Bain had some strong showings last season, including a high finish in Saltillo in early August, as well as just missing the top 10 at a meet in Mooreville. Junior Ella Easter ling is a hard grinder and always keeps herself within competitive distance.

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2022 north pontotoc Viking croSS country team
The North Pontotoc Viking cross country team includes: (First row, left to right) Celeste Alban, Macy Harrison, Hope Carr, Keyla Garner, Olivia Blackburn, Bella Monts, Kore Belle Walker, (second row) Andrew Montgomery, Brody Crews, Aaron Akers, Evan Jernigan, Colton Lewis (back row) Jalil Jimenez, Weston Carwyle, Emmett Lott, Hayden Waldron, Gavin Horton, Logan Wilder
Photo by Galen Holley croVikingSScountry

31Fall Sports 2022 SEPTEMBER 1 TCPS SEPTEMBER 10 Hickory Flatt Invt. @ Blue Mountain SEPTEMBER 17 Saltillo SEPTEMBER 24 Tupelo OCTOBER 1 South Pontotoc OCTOBER 7 Pontotoc OCTOBER 18 MHSAA Middle School Classic (Clinton) OCTOBER 25 Regionals @ Cherry Creek Orchard NOVEMBER 5 State (Clinton) 2022 north pontotoc Viking croSS country Schedule PONTOTOCNORTH
Seniors Aaron Akers, Jalil Jimenez, and Brody Crews are expected to an chor a North Pontotoc cross-country team that is in a state of transition, but hopes to build a solid future.
In addition, freshman Will Townsend showed growth and prom ise toward the end of last season, and junior Emmett Lott is a determined, game competitor with experience, as well.On the girls’ side, Celeste Alban is a returning freshman, moving up into the varsity ranks, who is expected to bring valuable experience and grit.
Galen Holley Sports Editor
“This is a hardworking team, and we have a lot of enthusiasm,” said Lilly. “We’re going to achieve some good things this season.”
The team includes 10 eighth graders this season, which bodes well for the future of the program, Lilly said.
“We have high expectations, and we know we have a lot of talent on this team, and some good experience, so we’re excited about a good year,” said first-year coach Kim Lilly. The coach teaches eighth grade math at North Pontotoc, and she’s steeped in cross-country culture, having watched her children run under leg endary coach, Mike Bain. The three, senior boys have logged plenty of miles on the trail.
“They are ready to step up and push themselves to achieve high goals,” said Lilly.
The younger fellas, including sophomores Weston Carwyle, John Mendoza, and Caleb Pitts, have demonstrated commitment and en thusiasm for the future of the pro gram, Lilly said.

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Photo by Trent’s Portrait Design
2022 pontotoc lady Warrior Volleyball team
34 Fall Sports 2022
2022 Warrior Volleyball
Pontotoc Lady Warrior volleyball team includes: (top row, l-r) Victoria Knowles, Assistant Coach Kelsy Minga, Madi Collums, Ruth Ali Robinson, Mackenzie McGuirt, Alayna Ball, Ava Robbins, Head Coach Kate Osbirn, Rhylee Olsen, Mallie Maffett, Aubrey Robbins, Izzy Park, Assistant Coach Kawana Wade, Channing Lane, (bottom row) Ava Whiteside, Nakiyah Hoskins, Aubree Berry, Maggie Kimble, Sadie Stegall, Mollie Rackley, Katie Christian, Marissa White, Jakayla Foulks, Sara Campo

As the defending 4A state champi ons, excitement abounds surround ing the upcoming season for the Lady Warriors volleyball program. Coach Kate Osbirn will be leading the charge this year as she steps up to the head role, but she’s no stranger to the program. Osbirn has been work ing with her group of senior players since they began high school. Osbirn also served as an assistant to former head coach, Annie McGregor. Coach Osbirn has nothing but ex citement and utmost confidence in her girls as they once again look for a division title in 2-4A. She says that “the easiest part about stepping up is how much the girls love and support each other.” Every member of the team, from player to staff, believes that they have what it takes to win state again, and, according to Coach Osbirn, a huge part of that is the team’s lack of drama and commit ment to the cause and to one anoth er. They truly are a family and have spent the summer preparing hard to tackle this season. Division opponents for Pontotoc include Itawamba AHS, Mooreville, Caledonia and Shannon. Anytime a team wins it all, there’s a looming pressure the following season to see if they can replicate the formula, and Coach Osbirn rec ognizes“Obviously,this. anytime a team wins state, everyone is looking,” said Osbirn. “The pressure is definitely there to excel, but the girls want to take it on. The girls are excited about it!”Instead of intimidation, the Lady Warriors are embracing the chal lenge and using it to push them selves further and harder.
Last year’s graduating class has left this year’s team down four strong players. On the up side, this year’s senior players including MAC AllStar Sadie Stegall, along with Mollie Rackley, Maggie Kimble, and Katie Christian, have really stepped up to lead and rally their younger team mates, according to Osbirn. Coach is also very excited to see the new faces that have emerged. Some notables we can expect to see are juniors MacKenzie McGuirt, Izzy Park, and sophomore Channing Lane. Coach Osbirn feels that one of their strongest assets this year is that a lot of girls can play all three rows, giving their team a unique ability to sub and Coachrotate.Osbirn stated that “the team’s dedication this summer has put them in a great spot skill wise heading into this fall’s season, but we’re not settling, aiming to get bet ter by one percent every day.”
35Fall Sports 2022 CITYPONTOTOC AUGUST 23 Moorville* AUGUST 27 Pontotoc County Round Robin AUGUST 30 New Albany SEPTEMBER 1 @ Shannon* SEPTEMBER 6 @ Caledonia* SEPTEMBER 8 @ Itawamba AHS SEPTEMBER 10 TournamentBelmont SEPTEMBER 12 Mantachie SEPTEMBER 13 @ Mooreville SEPTEMBER 20 Shannon SEPTEMBER 22 @ Water Valley SEPTEMBER 27 Caledonia* SEPTEMBER 29 Itawamba AHS* OCTOBER 4 @ Belmont OCTOBER 6 Ripley (Senior night) OCTOBER 11 First Round Playoffs OCTOBER 13 SecondPlayoffsRound OCTOBER 18 North ChampionshipHalf OCTOBER 22 State Championship * Division game 2022 pontotoc lady Warrior Volleyball Schedule
Whitney Robbins Sports Writer
2022 cougar Volleyball
36 Fall Sports 2022 PONTOTOCSOUTH
Photo by Torrance Photography
2022 South pontotoc lady cougar Volleyball team
The South Pontotoc Lady Cougar volleyball teams includes: (first row, left to right) Jacee McClellan, Maggie Caldwell, Abbi Freeman, Bailey Whitlock, Anna Brooke Sullivan, Nyelle Smith; (second row) Chloe Layne Hollis, Katelyn Shannon, Anna Claire Allen, Anniston Wiggins, Jada Washington, Leanna Reeves and Ellie Ritchie.

The South Pontotoc Lady Cougar volleyball girls are coming off their best season in program history. They went from just three wins in 2020, to 13 wins in 2021. That included a first round playoff berth. They hope again this year to make a good run in divi sionThe3-4A.Lady Cougars will need all the energy and experience they can mus ter against division opponents Hous ton, Senatobia and Clarksdale.
37Fall Sports 2022 PONTOTOCSOUTH AUGUST 23 @ Pine Grove AUGUST 30 West Union SEPTEMBER 1 @ Clarksdale* SEPTEMBER 6 Houston* SEPTEMBER 8 Mooreille SEPTEMBER 10 @ North Pontotoc SEPTEMBER 13 Clarksdale* SEPTEMBER 15 @ Houston* SEPTEMBER 20 Senatobia* SEPTEMBER 22 @ Caledonia SEPTEMBER 27 @ Senatobia* OCTOBER 3 East Union OCTOBER 6 @ West Union * Division game 2022 South pontotoc lady cougar Volleyball Schedule Galen Holley Pontotoc Progress
Coach Blake Lovell returns three seniors this year, and he’s hoping to build on the success and mo mentum that the sport is gaining in Springville.“Maggie Caldwell is a good pass er, and she’s played a long time and has a lot of experience playing club ball,” said Lovell. “She knows the game and plays very smart.”
Seasoned veteran Jada Sullivan will help anchor the team. “She’s a high energy kid and brings a lot of hustle to the floor,” said Lovell. “She’s hard-nosed and hard-working, and a strong server.”
Anna Brooke Sullian is a versatile, athletic transfer and new to the vol leyball court, and she’ll look to par lay her height and strength from the basketball court to volleyball. “She hits the ball hard and plays strong in the middle,” said Lovell.
Junior outside hitter Leanna Reeves will help shore up a young squad, as will sophomore Jacee Mc Clellan.

The North Pontotoc Lady Viking volleyball teams includes: (first row, left to right) Bella Hayes, Kam Thomas, Gracie Corley; (second row) Madi Ballard, Laney Kate Clowers, Madi Coltharp, Carol Anne Wise, Lacie Simmons, Jaycee Wray; (third row) Alika Montufar, Layla Moore, Tatum Orr, Maggie McClain, Audrey McCullar and Jecelyn Acosta.
2022 Viking Volleyball
2022 north pontotoc lady Viking Volleyball team
38 Fall Sports 2022
Photo by Torrance Photography

“I think it is important for us to get out there and play,” she said. “What we are doing in practice is phenome nal, and it will be fun to see how we match up with our division and also those teams we play outside of our di vision. It’s just doing the little things right and being consistent in what we do.” FUNDAMENTALS
“Kam is our setter, and she is go ing to play an integral part to our success,” Reece said. “She is one of those players who has grit, and she has a lot of knowledge of the game and her “Bellaposition.isreally coming into her own. She is going to be one who is going to play all the way around for me. She has a strong service game and is a strong swinger, and she brings a good, positive energy to the team. Gracie is a very strong hitter and server. She is also a great encour ager, which is an important part of a team. She uplifts her teammates con stantly.”Other key cogs in the lineup in clude libero Laney Clowers, Madi Coltharp, Layla Moore and Taytum Orr.“Laney is going to be very active, as she is almost always going to be on the back row for us,” Reece said. “Madi is an all-around player. She is going to swing for us, play the back row, and she is our secondary setter; so she does a little bit of everything. Layla is going to be a powerful play er in the middle. Taytum has come in full force this summer and grown a ridiculous amount. She is going to be one to watch as we progress this sea son and in the future.”
“We have had excellent participa tion from the girls over the summer,” she said. “They have worked really hard as we have progressed to get game-ready for this season. What we have focused on has been the funda mentals. It’s important to be funda mentally sound in the little things. You need to be able to pass clean and consistently, serve consistently, and set the ball where it needs to be for the girls to swing at it. We have drilled those things all summer long. They have done a great job of taking everything in stride, the criticism and the guidance, and applying it every day.“I know our girls are going to give max effort on every single play. That’s always a big asset in volley ball. We also have some girls who have some pretty strong arms and can get up really high and swing really hard, so that’s going to be beneficial to us.”
The Lady Vikings will look to an experienced senior class- Kam Thom as, Bella Hayes and Gracie Corleyfor leadership and playmaking abili ty. North will match up against 1-4A foes New Albany, Tishomingo Coun ty, Ripley, and Corinth.
Jonathan Wise Sports Writer North Pontotoc volleyball has high hopes for the upcoming season un der the leadership of first-year head coach Bailey Reece. Reece, who was hired at the end of May, is excited about what she has seen from her team.
39Fall Sports 2022 PONTOTOCNORTH AUGUST 22 @ TishomingoCounty AUGUST 25 Ingomar AUGUST 30 South Panola SEPTEMBER 1 @ Ripley* SEPTEMBER 6 Myrtle SEPTEMBER 8 New Albany* SEPTEMBER 10 South Pontotoc SEPTEMBER 19 Corinth* SEPTEMBER 22 @ East Union* OCTOBER 3 @ Corinth* OCTOBER 4 @ New Albany* * Division game 2022 north pontotoc lady Viking Volleyball Schedule
Reece expects the team to get bet ter with game action, and the Lady Vikings hope all the work to be as fundamentally sound as possible will pay off in the tight, competitive matches which are sure to come.

40 Fall Sports 2022

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2022 pontotoc Warrior SWimming team
The Pontotoc Warriors swim team includes (front row, left to right), Jackson Mabus, Buddy Ferguson, Emily Stegall, Carson Poynor, Reannon Hicks, Tucker McDonald, Kori Ware, Walker Chrestman; (second row) Aniylah Hooper, Ali Larabee, Colton Fuller, Ruth Ann Burton, Hallie McDonald, Brooke Stegall, Thomas Jefcoat, Whitt Dabbs, Zoe Holland. Not pictured: Kylie Burchfield, Callie Anne Patrick, Brooklyn Kilpatrick, Embreleigh Crews, Brittney Morales, John Paul Burton
Photo by Galen Holley
42 Fall Sports 2022 2022 Warrior SWimming

SEPTEMBER 27 Tupelo Meet # 3, Tupelo Center,Aquatic3p.m.
Coach Zach Gory directs swimmers Kori Grace Ware, left, and Emily Stegall, at a meet in Oxford in 2021.
SEPTEMBER 20 Tupelo Meet #2, Tupelo Center,Aquatic3p.m.
Ryan Ray Sports Writer
OCTOBER 15 North Half, Delta Aquatic Center, 10 a.m. OCTOBER 21 StateCenter,TupeloChampionshipAquatic10a.m.
OCTOBER 4 Tupelo Meet #4, Tupelo Center,Aquatic3p.m.
2022 pontotoc Warrior SWimming Schedule
The PHS swim team is entering its fifth season and second season under head coach Zach Gory. Last season the Lady Warriors finished runners-up for North Half and won class one (1-5A), giving them their first trophy. “That was a big accomplishment for us,” said Coach Gory. This season the team is looking to stay competitive in the North Half with their “Respect all, fear none” mentality from Coach Gory. “We have a strong nucleus of kids, I preach transparency,” said Coach Gory, “Being able to take and give transparency.”Thegirlswill get a majority of their production back from juniors Rean non Hicks and Kori Ware. Along with sophomore Hallie McDonald, togeth er they finished third in the state in 200-yeard relay team in 2020. Freshmen swimmers include Ky lie Burchfield, Brooke Stegall, and Emily Stegall. Coach Gory will also lean on the production of 8th graders Callie Anne Patrick and Brooklyn Kilpatrick.Theboys team will be led by junior Buddy Ferguson, sophomores Jack son Mabus (who Coach Gory says is a “natural swimmer”) and John Paul Burton, and 8th grade backstroker Thomas Jefcoat. “The expectation is to not take a step back, maintaining the North Half competitiveness,” said Coach Gory. PHS swim will begin their season September 6 at a meet in Tupelo.
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Tupelo Meet # 1, Tupelo Center,Aquatic3p.m.
SEPTEMBER 17 OxfordSandersonInvitational,Center3p.m.

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