
Page 1

INSIDE — PSC sets schedule for resolution of Kemper case — Page 3 MBJ DOUBLE FOCUS

Energy, Gas & Utilities {Section begins P9} » Entergy investing $136M in advanced metering » ‘Hire Rule’ hopes to keep it in state


September 15, 2017 • Vo. 39. No. 37 • 28 pages


{The Lists P12-13} » Electric Power Companies » Environmental Consulting Firms

Trucking & Transportation {Section begins P14} » Passenger train talk continues along Gulf Coast » Online sales, shortage of drivers have trucking industry re-evaluating

{The List P17} » Trucking Companies


Baptist to bring 250 jobs to downtown Jackson PAGE 2

Rock publicist finds home in rolling hills of Mississippi — Page 2


The Regions Plaza will be the home of Baptist Memorial Health Care’s business operations.


2 Q Mississippi Business Journal Q September 15, 2017 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT


Joe Dera and one of his six rescue dogs, Doc, visit on the porch of Dera’s 1857 house near Bentonia.

Rock publicist finds home in rolling hills of Mississippi

Jack Weatherly


oe Dera spends his spare time tending to six rescue dogs at his antebellum manse near Bentonia these days. That’s a contrast from the days when he was herding cats – such as Paul McCartney, David Bowie and Billy Joel. But he has answered the call in his new community by forming Joseph Dera Media Consulting LLC. His client list is short thus far and he has no long-term goals, Dera said in an interview in the 1857 two-story house in the rolling hills of Yazoo County where he and Suzanne Case have lived since March 2016. A native of The Netherlands, he grew up in Pennsylvania after his father, Frank, who had worked in coal mines till he was 15, including two years as a forced laborer in Nazi Germany, immigrated to America. As a college student, he started writing album reviews and landed a job working for the firm that managed The Who. He parlayed that into a job with Rogers and Cowan, the world’s largest public relations firm for the entertainment industry. Starting as an office boy, he rose to manager of the firm’s New York office. After 13 years there, he started his own firm, modeled after Rogers and Cowan. From Rogers and Cowan, he brought with him McCartney, Bowie, UB 40, Robert Palmer and Billy Joel. He was McCartney’s North American spokesman from from 1976 till 1999. The former Beatle was quite the professional and could “work a room” with the best, Dera said. Dera retired at the end of 2011 and Dera, Roslan and Campion continues, sans Dera. Dera was witness to the inside dealings of the industry as it stood then. Such as the game of tug-of-war played with the Beatles song catalog, ownership of which McCartney is still seeking. And the guidance of Paul’s wife, Linda, whose father, Lee Eastman, “made Paul a very wealthy man” by encouraging him to buy

Courtesy of Joe Dera/For the MBJ

Joe Dera (right) with electric-guitar pioneer Les Paul and Paul McCartney, former Beatle, in 1988.

music catalogues, including college fight songs, Broadway shows and Buddy Holly’s music. The music industry as Dera knew it started dying off. (It made the mistake of ignoring the advent of the digital age, though it has been shored up in recent years by streaming.) As music downsized, the firm conducted campaigns for National Geographic Television, Scripps Digital Network (HGTV, DIY, etc.) and other media companies. Dera met his longtime companion, Suzanne Case, through a dating service when both lived in the Philadelphia area. Case is a native of Jackson, and when Dera decided to retire they weighed where they would live. “I hate winter. There’s no winter here,” Dera said. » Contact Mississippi Business Journal staff writer Jack Weatherly at jack. weatherly@msbusiness.com or (601) 364-1016.

Baptist to bring 250 jobs to downtown Jackson By JACK WEATHERLY jack.weatherly@msbusiness.com

Baptist Memorial Health Care will move 250 jobs to downtown Jackson, the hospital announced last week. Sixty of those jobs will be new and all of them will comprise the hospital system’s business operations center. Baptist will lease four floors, 41,000 square feet, of the Regions Plaza building at 210 E. Capitol St. “This new office will centralize the business office operations of nine of our 10 Mississippi hospitals,” Chris Anderson, vice president of Mississippi operations for the system, said in a release. Mississippi Baptist Health Systems merged with Memphis-based Baptist Memorial Health Care on May 1. Robby Channell, manager of media relations for the system, said operations will commence in the fall. Open positions will be posted at baptistonline. org/careers. Jim Ingram, executive vice president and chief investment officer for Santa Monica, Calif.-based Hertz Investment, said Baptist has an option for another 20,000 square feet in Regions Plaza. The Baptist move marks the second major occupant this year to move into Regions Plaza, a 22-story building built in the mid-1970s and now owned by Hertz Investment, the dominant landlord in the Central Business District. Hertz landed law firm Forman Watkins & Krutz after the firm’s lease at the downtown City Centre expired at the end of 2016. Forman Watkins occupies the upper four floors and some space on another for a total of 60,000 square feet, of Regions Plaza. Add the fact that the Gibbs Travis law firm has leased 7,000 to 8,000 square feet in the building and Regions Plaza is approaching full, Ingram said in an interview. Downtown was shaken a few years ago with the departure of the Butler Snow law firm and Horne CPA for Ridgeland’s Renaissance at Colony Park. “Great, great addition to our downtown market,” said Ben Allen, president of Jackson Downtown Partners. “Real synergy is evolving . . . . The rebirth is continuing,” Allen said in an email.


PSC sets schedule for resolution of Kemper case By JACK WEATHERLY jack.weatherly@msbusiness.com

The Mississippi Power Commission on Tuesday set Mississippi Power Co. and the Public Utilities Staff on a course that could allow the regulators to decide by January the rate case related to the troubled Kemper County power plant. A hearing was set for Dec. 4. The PSC on June 21 said that it would order the utility not to operate

the plant on nor charge customers for costs associated with electricity produced by gasified lignite coal. A week later Mississippi Power said it would halt its gasification efforts. The commission on July 6 gave the power company 45 days, till Aug. 21, to work out with the staff, which is independent of the commission, a settlement with no rate increase for customers. No agreement was reached by then, and so the regulators extended the deadline till Sept. 8. The company and staff disagreed by at least $250 million on assets the utility would be allowed to charge its 187,000 customers in 23 counties.

September 15, 2017


Mississippi Business Journal

State revenue collections off to strong start State revenue collections, which have been sluggish for the previous two fiscal years, are off to a strong start for the first two months of the new fiscal year. For July and August, revenue collections are $68.4 million, or 10.5 percent above the amount collected during the same period last year, according to the monthly revenue report released by the Legislative Budget Committee office. Total revenue for the two months is $719.2 million. On social media, Gov. Phil Bryant called the collections “a very good trend.” The revenue report includes taxes collected by the Department of Revenue, such as the sales tax, personal income tax, casino gambling tax and others. These tax collections account for the bulk of state funds, but the report also includes other sources of revenue, such as earnings on state investments and lawsuit settlement funds from the office of Attorney General. Most tax collection sources increased for the first two months of the fiscal year with personal income tax collections being particularly strong – up $23.6 million, or 9.5 percent. Sales tax collections, the largest single revenue source for the state, were up $5.3 million or 2.2 percent. The tax on insurance premiums continues to be a strong revenue source – up $14 million or 51.4 percent. The state garnered $6.6 million or 21.9 percent more in use tax collections than it did during the same period last year. The use tax is the 7 percent levy on items purchased out of state. Corporate tax collections continue to be sluggish – down $7.2 million or 22.4 percent from the same period last year. The Legislature has passed multiple cuts in corporate taxes in recent years – many of which are still being phased in. Corporate taxes have declined $150 million during the two years. In terms of providing funds for the state budget, the key is whether revenue collections met the estimate legislators used in building the budget. For the month of August, revenue collections were $16 million or 4.1 percent above the estimate. For the two month period, collections were $28 million or 4 percent above the estimate. If revenue collections do not meet the estimate, Bryant could be forced to make budget cuts as he has done multiple times during the past two fiscal years.


Breaking News: Financial Literacy is for EVERYONE!

Kicking off the most impactful project in the history of MCEE










Mississippi Power is the third-largest electric utility in Mississippi behind Entergy and and Cooperative Electric. Efforts to perfect the first-of-its-kind “syngas” power plant were plagued from the beginning, pushing costs from the original $2.9 billion estimate to $7.5 billion. Mississippi Power issued a statement Tuesday, saying that it had complied with the order, stating that its proposal “would not raise customers’ rates to pay for the costs of the new natural gas. . . . Southern Company and Mississippi Power have shielded customers and kept rates stable by paying more than $6 billion for the costs associated with the gasification portion of the project.” The plant was more than three years behind schedule. It has been producing electricity by using natural gas for three years and sporadically on syngas.






4 Q Mississippi Business Journal Q September 15, 2017 GOVERNMENT/POLITICS

Legislators consider limits on new health-care facilities By BOBBY HARRISON DAILY JOURNAL

The chairmen of the House and Senate public health committees would not say whether they would support efforts to repeal the process where certain health-care facilities must obtain a certificate of need to operate in the state. But Rep. Sam Mims, R-McComb, chairman of the House committee, and Sen. Dean Kirby, R-Pearl, chairman of the Senate panel, and members of their committees held a three-hour hearing on the issue Monday. “We are just interested in getting the best health care we can get for the dollars we are allotted,” Kirby said after the meeting. Mims simply said “it is a big issue” that deserved the attention of his committee. Both said they would continue to study the issue.

Russ Latino, the state director for Americans for Prosperity, told legislators they should repeal the certificate of need (CON) process and allow “market driven forces” to determine the number of hospitals and other health care facilities in the state. That, he said, would lead to lower costs and better care. “More competition tends to lead to higher quality,” agreed Matthew Mitchell, an economist at George Mason University, who has studied the issue and said most economists view CON laws as “anti-competition.” But others disagreed. “The free market forces are not working in health care,” said physician John Fitzpatrick, chairman of the board of the Hattiesburg Clinic. For instance, a person suffering a heart attack does not shop for the lowest-priced hospital. Mississippi, like all states with the ex-

ception of Louisiana, adopted CON laws in the 1970s at the insistence of the federal government. The thought was to develop health-care facilities with a plan to ensure that all hospitals, for instance, did not try to locate in more populous and more affluent areas and to ensure medical providers did not overbuild, forcing prices to be increased to help pay for the new equipment or buildings. But in the 1980s, the federal law was repealed and about 15 states have scraped their CON requirements. Efforts have been underway for years to ease the restrictions of the Mississippi law or to fully repeal it as some at Monday’s meeting supported. As is often the case, the meeting dealing with health care issues attracted scores of lobbyists whose medical clients are dependent on state and federal dollars to support their operations. Ashley Noble, policy specialist with the National Conference of State Legislatures,

testified that Mississippi has one of the nation’s more restrictive CON laws. A medical provider must obtain a CON from the state health office: • For the installation of major medical equipment costing more than $1.5 million. • For clinical health services costing more than $5 million. • For non-clinical health services costing more than $10 million. It would take a CON to build a new hospital, to add beds to an existing hospital or to install a magnetic resonance imaging machine. An office for a new doctor would not require a CON. The decisions on whether to grant a CON is supposed to be based on the state health plan developed by the Board of Health. The plan determines the medial needs of the areas of the state. For instance, the state health plan would determine whether there are regions of the state in need of more hospital beds. Asked if he thought eliminating the CON process in Mississippi would hold down costs, Kirby said “no,” but by the same token he said all laws need to be tweaked on occasion. Whether the CON law will be tweaked in the 2018 legislative session or completely eliminated as some at Monday’s meeting advocated will likely be debated more in the coming months.


Stuart Whitaker: In the swing of things


few years back, Stuart Whitaker was bitten by the entrepreneurial bug, and has never recovered. After growing up in Garland, Texas, and graduating from Baylor, “I married a Mississippi girl, and here I am,” he said in a recent conversation. Stuart built a successful career in technology, working for a variety of tech companies and finally working for Mossy Oak for several years before becoming an entrepreneur. “I suppose it was what I always wanted, at heart,” he said. The desire led him to found the Whit Group 7 years ago, and he’s never looked back. Today, his firm provides a range of technology services, including web development, software consulting, mobile apps, staff augmentation, e-commerce, and SEO services. The firm today serves the needs of a broad range of clients including Neel-Schaffer, First Choice, Forman Watkins, Mossy Oak, and others. As pleased as Stuart is with his success in technology, his entrepreneurial journey has not stopped there. “There are four things I really love,” he told me. “Golf, hunting, tennis, and fishing. Well, I got thinking that it might be fun to develop a vertical marketplace for at least one of these, sort of like Swappa.com, or Reverb.com”. That desire to have “fun” led him to develop a site called Golfing-Exchange.com, dedicated to bringing buy-

Whitaker and family.

ers and sellers of golf equipment together. “I was really pleased with our ‘soft launch’,” he said. “We soon had 2,000 accounts and 600 listings on the

site, and things have been going pretty well.” Obviously, Stuart’s expertise in web Alan Turner marketing was a powerful asset in starting a site of this type, and he’s content with where that’s going. It wouldn’t be surprising to see him branch out into other vertical marketplaces, perhaps one associated with tennis, hunting, or fishing. “I believe it’s important to do the things you love,” he said. Asked whether he sees major growth on the horizon for the Whit Group, he said “I’m very pleased with where we are at this point in time. We maintain an active client base of 20-30 businesses, and we’ve worked for more than 100 different clients through the years.” Stuart has come to love life in Mississippi. He and his wife live in Fondren with their two children, a daughter in high school and a son in college. Stuart fits the model perfectly of a successful entrepreneur….someone who thrives on challenge, who loves new ideas and opportunities, and finds it all to be more fun than any one person should be allowed to have. Contact Mississippi Business Journal publisher Alan Turner at alan. turner@msbusiness.com or (601) 364-1021.

New Businesses

September 15, 2017


Mississippi Business Journal



RAPID OIL CHANGE CAR WASH: The Chamber of Flowood recently held a ribbon-cutting for Rapid Oil Change Car Wash, 4208 Lakeland Drive, in Flowood.

Courtesy of Chamber of Flowood

Courtesy of Jackson Eye Associates

JACKSON EYE ASSOCIATES: Jackson Eye Associates recently held a ribbon-cutting for its move to Suite 201 at 401 Baptist Drive in Madison. The relocation was to allow for an enlarged Optical Boutique and new physician, Dr. Alex C. Whittington.

Courtesy of The Alliance

J.R.’s WINE & SPIRITS The Alliance recently held a ribbon-cutting for J.R.’s Wine & Spirits, 2015 U.S. 72 E. in Corinth. Owners Jimmy Don and Rodney Manahan, cut the ribbon along with Mayor Tommy Irwin, other city and county officials, and the ambassadors and staff of The Alliance. Not pictured were Billie Sue and Jean Manahan.

Courtesy of Clinton Chamber of Commerce

PROFILE ART 116: The Clinton Chamber of Commerce recently held a ribbon-cutting for Profile Art 116. Owner David Jackson was joined by Chamber board members, chamber ambassadors, city officials, family and friends.

Courtesy of The Chamber of Flowood

THE HIGHLAND AT CHAR: The Chamber of Flowood recently held a ribbon-cutting for The Highland at Char Restaurant expansion , 4500 I-55 North in Jackson.

Courtesy of Clinton Chamber of Commerce

KIDZ 1st LEVEL LEARNING CENTER II: The Clinton Chamber of Commerce recently held a ribbon-cutting for Kidz 1st Level Learning Center ll. Owner Kalandria Archie was joined by Chamber board members, chamber ambassadors, city officials, family and friends.

Courtesy of Chamber of Flowood

WILLIAMSON REAL ESTATE: The Chamber of Flowood recently held a ribbon-cutting for Williamson Real Estate, Inc.

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MBJPERSPECTIVE September 15, 2017 • www.msbusiness.com • Page 7



Generosity reappears to help the needy

Website: www.msbusiness.com September 15, 2017 Volume 39, Number 37

ALAN TURNER Publisher alan.turner@msbusiness.com • 364-1021 TAMI JONES Associate Publisher tami.jones@msbusiness.com • 364-1011 ROSS REILY Editor ross.reily@msbusiness.com • 364-1018 FRANK BROWN Staff Writer/Special Projects frank.brown@msbusiness.com • 364-1022


JACK WEATHERLY Staff Writer jack.weatherly@msbusiness.com • 364-1016 TED CARTER Contributing Writer mbj@msbusiness.com • 364-1018 BECKY GILLETTE Contributing Writer mbj@msbusiness.com • 364-1018 NASH NUNNERY Contributing Writer mbj@msbusiness.com • 364-1018 LISA MONTI Contributing Writer mbj@msbusiness.com • 364-1018 VIRGINIA HODGES Account Executive virginia.hodges@msbusiness.com • 364-1012 TACY RAYBURN Production Manager tacy.rayburn@msbusiness.com • 364-1019 CHARINA RHODES Circulation Manager charina.rhodes@msbusiness.com • 364-1045 MARCIA THOMPSON-KELLY Business Assistant marcia.kelly@msbusiness.com • 364-1044 SUBSCRIPTION SERVICES (601) 364-1000 subscriptions@msbusiness.com Mississippi Business Journal (USPS 000-222) is published weekly with one annual issue by MSBJ 200 N. Congress St., Suite 400, Jackson, MS 39201. Periodicals postage paid at Jackson, MS. Subscription rates: 1 year $109; 2 years $168; and 3 years $214. To place orders, temporarily stop service, change your address or inquire about billing: Phone: (601) 364-1000, Fax: (601) 364-1035, Email: charina.rhodes@msbusiness.com, Mail: MS Business Journal Subscription Services, 200 N.Congress Street, Suite 400, Jackson, MS 39201 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Mississippi Business Journal, Circulation Manager, 200 North Congress Street, Suite 400, Jackson, MS 39201 To submit subscription payments: Mail: MS Business Journal Subscriptions Services, 200 North Congress Street, Suite 400, Jackson, MS 39201. No material in this publication may be reproduced in any form without the written consent. Editorial and advertising material contained in this publication is derived from sources considered to be reliable, but the publication cannot guarantee their accuracy. Nothing contained herein should be construed as a solicitation for the sale or purchase of any securities. It is the policy of this newspaper to employ people on the basis of their qualifications and with assurance of equal opportunity and treatment regardless of race, color, creed, sex, age, sexual orientation, religion, national origin or handicap. The Mississippi Business Journal, is an affiliate of Journal Publishing Company (JPC), Inc.: Clay Foster, president and chief executive officer. Entire contents copyrighted © 2017 by Journal Inc. All rights reserved.


Fear, hate messaging makes government the enemy


he first principle is that everyone is scared,” said Mike. “The second principle is that everyone hates.” Wondering what drives our politics these days? Read Eugene Burdick’s powerful 1956 novel, The Ninth Wave. “A prescient and still relevant story,” opined one critic. The opening quotations come from the book’s lead character, Mike Freesmith, who harnessed the power of fear and hate to control an election. Today, big money and big data have taken these principles to new heights to manipulate and control voters to enhance their political power. “Everybody worries about something,” Mike said. “Up in an office on the top floor of the Golden State Building, we’ve got a research staff picking out every group, every locality, every organization that’s got something to worry about.” Operations today are much more sophisticated as algorithms mine the Internet and social media for gigabytes of data on individual voters; fear and hate messages are tested through blogs, emails and texts and responses measured; and incessant telephone and email surveys gather and analyze opinions on a daily basis. “They exploit decades of behavioral

Bill Crawford

science research into the flawed, often irrational ways human beings make decisions to subtly ‘nudge’ us—without our noticing it—toward one candidate,” reported Newsweek in June. In the book, once people’s worries were identified and characterized into broad categories, “I tell them what to be scared of,” Mike said. “It’s as simple as that.” Nowadays, once the operators hone effective messages, dissemination begins through sponsored radio and TV talk shows, blogs, social networks, and advertising. The dissemination goals are to tell people what to fear and to stir up hateful emotions. The real purpose behind these machinations, however, is to get large blocks of people to rely on the message moguls as trustworthy, real authorities. “There is one thing the masses know,” said Mike, “real authority. And a real authority is someone who can satisfy their desire to hate and their fear. A good authority works the two of them together. “He plays ’em like they’re an organ,” Mike continued. “He sits at the console and gives ’em what he thinks they need; a little fear today, a little hate tomorrow.” See CRAWFORD, Page 7

s the most recent catastrophic natural disaster, Hurricane Irma, took aim at Florida, most Northeast Mississippians stood by watching and waiting to see just what the extent of the damage would be. The storm is already being called one of the most destructive in the state’s history, leaving behind 12 dead as of Tuesday, including some in Georgia and South Carolina. Irma battered the Florida Keys and wreaked havoc along the length of the Florida peninsula, according to on-the-ground reports from the Associated Press. It flooded streets and coasts, swamped homes, uprooted massive trees, cast boats ashore, snapped power lines and toppled construction cranes. The Florida cities of Jacksonville and Orlando were especially hard-hit by floodwaters. Storm surges also swamped some coastal areas in Georgia and South Carolina. And even as many from our region had just given time, supplies or money to assist those devastated by Hurricane Harvey in Texas, the philanthropic nature that surrounds this community and makes it truly one of a kind appeared once again. On Monday, as the storm was still active, members of the Salvation Army in Tupelo were loading one of the Army’s canteen trucks with bottled water and other supplies to provide relief to Floridians in need. A team of volunteers will head to Florida to assist in recovery efforts there, while another team will head to Texas to help with Hurricane Harvey recovery. The Salvation Army is taking donations such as water, sports drinks and cleaning supplies, but clothes are not needed. Donations will continue to be needed for recovery and can be sent to the affected areas at any time, not just when then the canteen is deployed. The most effective way to help, Salvation Army leaders said, is to give money, which provides the Army flexibility in buying whatever is needed. To make a monetary donation, call 1-800-SALARMY, visit HelpSalvationArmy.org or text STORM to 51555. In addition to the Salvation Army sending volunteers to the Sunshine State, the Tupelo Fire Department has two of its firefighters, Cpts. Brad Robinson and Jesse Clock, in the Jacksonville area, where they’re members of the Mississippi Urban Search & Rescue Team, also known as Mississippi Task Force 1. They’ll be working 72-hour shifts and could be in Florida for up to two weeks. Northeast Mississippians have been the recipients of such kindness and generosity in the past when natural disasters have wreaked havoc in our backyards. As so many across our country are dealing with the same unfortunate realities of being displaced or facing destroyed property or, even worse, loss of life, let’s dig deep to remember them and help out any way possible. Donating to the organizations that are providing support on the ground can go a long way to helping those impacted by these storms get their feet back on the ground.

— Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal


8 I Mississippi Business Journal I September 15 2017 » RICKY NOBILE


Continued from Page 7

The organmeisters today don’t speak directly to the masses, but communicate by multiple means through the vast message operations they fund and control. One diabolical technique described by Burdick thrives today — pick out something people have, then persuade them someone is trying to take it away. “Try and take something away from people and all of a sudden that’s the thing they want,” Mike said. Consider the various freedom movements. Those behind them have convinced blocks of people that government is trying to take away some freedom. As a result, more and more Americans now alternatively fear and hate government. Once most Americans took pride in our unique Constitution and the representative form of government it empowers, a “government of the people, by the people, and for the people.” The powerful manipulators who utilize Burdick’s “fear + hate = power” formula have turned cherished government into the enemy. Beware of fear and hate. Pray for all hurricane victims. Bill Crawford (crawfolk@gmail.com) is a syndicated columnist from Meridian.


Become involved in serving your community


ooner or later, successful business persons will be asked to serve on a nonprofit board of directors. Such service can be rewarding, but the outcome can be miserable if there is a bad match between board member and organization. To help avoid a potential bad experience and to help you evaluate whether you and the organization are a good match, the questions below might be useful to ask before making the commitment to serve on a nonprofit board. (1) Who is asking you to serve? If you receive a call out of the blue from someone you don’t know asking you to serve on a board you have never heard of then you might want to do some investigating. Typically, people are asked to serve on nonprofit boards because they have contributed to the organization or been involved with it in some way. Sometimes, nominating committees will just identify prominent or successful people and ask them to serve in hopes that the answer will be yes. (2) Why are you being asked? This is the first question you should ask if you are not told by whomever contacts you. Some boards will want your influence or your expertise. Others might just want to use your name. (3) How much is it going to cost? Board members of nonprofit organizations are expected to give their time, talent and money, unless the organization has some special form of funding. Ask how much board members are expected to contribute financially. If you feel that you aren’t getting a straight answer, ask how much other board members are contributing. It may not be that each board member is expected to make the same financial commitment, but it should be a red flag warning if this subject is difficult to discuss. (4) Where was the money spent last year? Ask for a copy of last year’s financial statement before

making a commitment to serve. (5) What is the budget for the coming year? The annual budget will and last year’s financial statement will reveal where the real priorities of the organization are found. (6) How is the organization funded? Look to see whether there are just a few contributors or if the funding broad-based. You will also want to know what would happen if the largest contributor decided to stop making that donation. Some nonprofits are formed because of the wealth and passion of an individual. If the organization cannot be sustained without that individual’s support then the organization will probably die out after that person stops contributing. (7) What is the mission and strategic plan of the organization? You will want to make certain that the organization stands for the same things that you do. After all, your identity with the organization will affect its image just as the organization’s identity will affect your image. Also, investigate whether the organization is mission-driven or funding-driven. Some organizations will alter their missions to receive funding, especially when there is a funding shortfall. You might want to ask how the organization’s mission has evolved over time. I’ve lost track of how many organizations I’ve known that started out being proud of the fact that they were independent and would not accept government grants only to evolve into government grant recipients. (8) What are the duties of the board members? These should be in writing. It’s hard to find a successful nonprofit that does not have active board members. You’ll want to know what committees are available and which appeal to you. (9) Who are the other members? All board members do not have to be on same level pro-

fessionally, financially, socially and culturally. Indeed, diversity is a good thing for nonprofits boards, which can be enPhil Hardwick riched by having board members from a variety of backgrounds. Nevertheless, you need to know on the front end if you are compatible with fellow board members. (10) What will happen if the executive director departs? The effective organization will have structures and systems in place that do not rely inordinately on the charisma and skills of the executive director. Be wary if the staff does so much that board members don’t have to do anything except show up at meetings and approve things that the staff has already done. (11) Is errors and omission insurance provided for Board members? It seems like a minor point, but in today’s litigious world this is necessary. Don’t think that just because an organization is nonprofit that its board members have no personal liability. (12) Who audits the financials? Don’t even think about serving on a nonprofit board that does not have its financial records audited every year. Here’s hoping that you will become involved in serving your community or profession through a nonprofit organization and that it will be one of the most gratifying things you have ever done. » Phil Hardwick is a regular Mississippi Business Journal columnist and owner of Hardwick & Associates, LLC, which provides strategic planning facilitation and leadership training services. His email is phil@philhardwick. com and he’s on the web at www.philhardwick.com.

September 15, 2017 • MISSISSIPPI BUSINESS JOURNAL • www.msbusiness.com


It’s Smart & Electric » Entergy investing $136M in advanced metering By BECKY GILLETTE mbj@msbusiness.com

It is a big investment installing new advanced metering infrastructure for every customer of Entergy Mississippi. The Mississippi Public Service Commission approved Entergy’s plan for AMI in homes and businesses in May. The total cost of the system to be installed between 2019 and 2021 is $136 million, with Entergy Mississippi estimating a long-term cost savings to customers of $496 million. “Our analysis shows that the benefits will far outweigh the costs of the meters and with these new technologies customers will have access to new money saving opportu-

nities,” said Entergy spokeswoman Mara Hartmann. “Advanced meters will provide access to more detailed information about energy usage, designed to help customers understand and manage their energy use more effectively. While customers will pay the costs to deploy this new technology, the benefits will more than offset those costs over time.” The AMI allows two-way communication between Entergy Mississippi and its customers. Hartmann said the company is investing in technology that will help them build a smarter energy future for their customers and the communities in which they live. “As a result of advanced metering, we’ll have a stronger and ‘smarter’ localized elec-

trical infrastructure to help improve system resiliency by helping us identify outages and restore electricity in homes and businesses more quickly after outages and potentially spot problems before they occur,” Hartmann said. “We’ll be armed with better information that will allow us to answer customers’ billing and service questions more quickly and effectively.” Hartmann said short-term benefits can include: » Customer access to their detailed, near real-time energy use information. » Online tools that help customers understand their energy usage and empower See METERING, Page 12

10 Q Mississippi Business Journal Q September 15, 2017

Energy, Gas & Utilities

‘Hire Rule’ hopes to keep it in state » PSC’s Presley: Only 30% of state utility spending went to Mississippi firms By JULIA MILLER mbj@msbusiness.com

The origin of Public Service Commission’s new “Hire Mississippi” rule is simple. “I drive all over the state, and I was driving by construction sites and kept seeing out-of-state car tags,” Northern District Commissioner Brandon Presley said. It frustrated him because he knew these sites were funded by taxpayers. He decided to research the numbers, and his office found that last year $810 million was spent by utilities on contractors for operations and maintenance. Only 30 percent of that went to Mississippi businesses. “That’s a shame and disgrace,” he said. That adds up to $560 million flowing outside the state lines. That number doesn’t include construction or other contracting needs.

Courtesy of Entergy Mississippi/Grand Gulf Nuclear Plant

Utility companies like Entergy will be subject to the Hire Rule, which is an effort by the Public Commissioner’s office to improve hire rates for Mississippi Companies by increasing transparency and education.


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“The more work, the more money we keep in state businesses, that’s more dollars that are helping our people,” he said. “That’s economic development in its purest form.” Entergy Mississippi spokesperson Mara Hartmann said they support the rule wholeheartedly. “It will enhance job growth and economic development,” she said. “The more business in state, the customers we have.” Hartmann said Entergy always strives to hire in-state businesses when possible. She said the exception is generally when specialized needs cannot be met by Mississippi-based businesses. For example, the Grand Gulf Plant requires contractors to be familiar with nuclear needs. There are few contractors available for their needs across the nation. So what is the “Hire Mississippi” rule? It targets rate regulated, investor-owned utilities and creates regulations to improve the utilities’ bidding process. “It’s a robust effort of transparency, awareness and accountability,” he said. “We’re trying to put Mississippi first.” The rule creates a Hire Mississippi list that contractors can opt into. At least four times a year, the utilities will be required to publish notice in newspapers throughout their territory and request contractors submit their business to be on the list. These companies will receive notification of any upcoming bids for contracts over $200,000 within the scope of goods or

services they provide. After the bidding process has been completed, the utilities will be required to answer two questions. Did you hire a Mississippi business? If no, why not? This will create a way for the Mississippi businesses to then learn why they didn’t win the bid. Two common reasons will likely be too much money or not possessing the right certifications. The businesses can then use that information to improve their future bids. Entergy already does a lot of what the rule requires. They currently provide business forums and are looking to increase training opportunities as there is demand. They have always published notices in the paper, but they are working to redesign these ads in a more eye-catching way throughout their 45-county service area. Presley said the utilities have an obligation to choose the lowest and best bids, and this rule does not influence that. What it does is to grow the bid pool and to make sure Mississippi businesses have the correct information to provide the best bid possible. “This is really aimed at the guy and gal with a backhoe, who wants to get into construction, knows how,” he said. Presley said the Mississippi Public Service Commission is one of the first, if not the first, commission to take something like this own. “I am unabashedly helping Mississippi businesses with this rule,” he said.

Empowering Mississippi’s future leaders. $1 million to workforce development.

At Entergy Mississippi, we know smarter solutions today will lead to a brighter tomorrow. So we’re investing in the next generation – donating over $1 million in grants to develop our education system and workforce development.

- $630,000 in college scholarships. - $510,000 to build STEM and career prep programs. - $75,000 to MEC’s Mississippi Scholars Tech Master Program. - Empowering over 22,000 students. Entergy Mississippi has also partnered with Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAG) to help equip at-risk students to stay in school and graduate on time. There is no more important investment than Mississippi’s future leaders.

Learn more at entergybrightfuture.com.

A message from Entergy Mississippi, Inc. ©2017 Entergy Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Energy, Gas & Utilities

12 Q Mississippi Business Journal Q September 15, 2017


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METERING Continued from Page 9

customers to make decisions that will save money on monthly bills. Âť Quicker response to power outages and faster service restoration. Âť Automated outage notiďŹ cation. Âť Improved customer service. Âť Remote connect and disconnect when customers move or build a new home, which leads to lower costs that will be reected in their electric rates. Long-term beneďŹ ts can include: Âť Greener communities due to reduced carbon emissions stemming from lower energy usage. Âť Potential future new energy and money-saving programs. Âť Long-term improved reliability, particularly after challenging weather. It is estimated that about half of the electric utilities in the country have installed advanced metering infrastructure, some of which are sometimes referred to

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as “smart metersâ€? because they allow twoway communication between the meter and utility via a wireless network. Across the country, there have some consumers who have opposed “smart metersâ€? on the grounds of invasion of privacy, ďŹ re hazards and creating wireless pollution that some people believe can cause health problems. But Hartmann said none of their customers opposed the AMI deployment plan at the PSC. However, the PSC approved Entergy Mississippi’s proposal that there be an opt-out option for customers who may not want to have a smart meter installed at their home. “While the speciďŹ cs of the opt-out option have not been ďŹ nalized, generally, customers who opt out would be expected to pay the costs associated with the operation and maintenance of additional infrastructure and manual processes that are required to serve them and read the meter manually each month,â€? Hartmann said. “This would avoid having other customers bear the additional costs caused by

customers who may opt-out. In addition, opt-out customers would not have access to their detailed energy use (via the online tools) or be eligible to participate in some future money saving programs.â€? Hartmann said the Food and Drug Administration, the Federal Communications Commission and the World Health Organization (WHO) have all veriďŹ ed the safety and security of radio frequency (RF) technology used in advanced meters. However, the WHO International Agency for Research on Cancer has classiďŹ ed radio frequency radiation as “possibly carcinogenic to humansâ€? and has announced it is conducting further research. The American Academy of Environmental Medicine has passed a resolution calling for a halt to smart meter installation due to potentially harmful RF exposure. Hartmann said advanced meters use the same wireless technology currently found in items around your most people’s homes, including cellphones, baby monitors and laptops. “However, radio frequency tech-



nology used in advanced meters is actually way below levels emitted by such common household appliances,â€? she said. Hartmann said Entergy Mississippi customers will beneďŹ t from advanced metering by getting help managing energy use through the available online account tools. “Entergy Mississippi is developing an education plan to ensure that customers are educated about the beneďŹ ts of AMI and understand how to take advantage of those beneďŹ ts, particularly those that require speciďŹ c customer action, such as to reduce energy consumption,â€? Hartmann said. “AMI is a multi-year deployment, which will allow Entergy Mississippi a number of opportunities to educate, communicate, and engage with its customers. Education messages will be used to inform customers that advanced meters are coming, to inform businesses how to schedule convenient installation times, to introduce and explain the beneďŹ ts of AMI, and to explain how customers can take advantage of those beneďŹ ts.â€?

Energy, Gas & Utilities

September 15, 2017


Mississippi Business Journal




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September 15, 2017 • MISSISSIPPI BUSINESS JOURNAL • www.msbusiness.com

MBJ FOCUS: TRUCKING & TRANSPORTATION Passenger train talk continues along Gulf Coast


By CALLIE DANIELS BRYANT mbj@msbusiness.com

welve years after Hurricane Katrina, the Gulf Coast has restored all transportations except a passenger rail system. Now, the Mississippi Gulf Coast appears ready to welcome a restored passenger rail service that could make stops in Biloxi, Gulfport, Bay St. Louis and Pascagoula. From 1993 to 2005, the Sunset Limited serviced the Mississippi Coast as part of its route from Los Angeles to New Orleans to Miami. It was suspended in 2005 after Hurricane Katrina hit the coast, but before the storm, the 2,764-mile route faced challenges with on-time performance, often running several hours late. Since then, Amtrak has not yet restored service, but federal and state government officials and local city officials along the route have discussed it. The earliest possible year is 2019. Mississippi Sen. Roger Wicker has been vocal in federal government on restoring the passenger rail system. “Restoring passenger rail to the Gulf Coast – after more than 12 years – could open up opportunities for economic growth and job creation,” Wicker said. “In other parts of the country, this particular mode of transportation has been a resource for business and tourism. I believe we can replicate that same success in Mississippi with on-time, profitable passenger rail that works for residents and for taxpayers.” In 2015, the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee approved the Passenger Rail Reform and Investment Act, which began action to evaluate and eventually restore the passenger rail system along the Gulf Coast. The Gulf Coast Working Group (GCWG), created by the Congress as part of Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act, spent the past 18 months analyzing the probability of restoring and renovating the passenger rail service. In July, GCWG submitted its final report


See TRAIN, Page 16

Trucking & Transportation

September 15, 2017


Mississippi Business Journal



Tomorrow’s problems are today » Online sales, shortage of drivers have trucking industry re-evaluating By JULIA MILLER mbj@msbusiness.com

Today there are innumerable ways to buy goods, and more and more consumers are turning online. This change is prompting the freighting industry to re-evaluate its model. Over the next 30 years, the U.S. Department of Transportation forecasts a 40 percent increase in the market, a statistic that Mississippi Trucking Association President Hal Miller reinforces. “We’re looking at a 3 percent growth rate per year,” Miller affirmed, explaining that adds up to the US DOT’s number. But the problem isn’t a future one. The impact has already taken effect. “Our industry has been dealing with a significant shortage,” he said. “There’s a 30,000 to 40,000 shortage (in personnel) nationally.” By 2022, just five years from now, that shortage is expected to jump to between 180,000 and 225,000. “This could mean a significant impact in the way the economy flows,” he said. “Seventy-five percent of products have got to go solely by truck.” The issue is not solely based in the amount of goods being shipped but also the increase in destinations. In the past, Miller said a truck would be loaded down to maximum capacity and drive to WalMart once a week. Now, with companies like Amazon on the rise, the goods are being dropped directly at homes. The result is not only more deliveries, but an inefficiency caused by trucks not being full. “The whole dynamic is changing,” he said. The trucking industry’s approach to the dilemma is three-fold. It must increase in intermodal transportation, improve recruitment practices and address infrastructure. Intermodal transportation is when products move by some combination of road, rail, air and water. Mostly, Miller said they are partnering with rail industries to improve the efficiency of their intermodal systems. “How can we work together to solve these problems?” he said. “We used to not like each other. Now we have to work together.” Recruitment is an integral part of their plan. Truckers are working to attract more drivers, and they are doing it with pay increases and better benefits. They also are

Courtesy of Mississippi Trucking Association

Mississippi Trucking Association, which held its annual truck driving championship in Gulfport this April, is working to make sure trucking companies are equipped to handle the expected 40 percent increase in freight traffic over the next 30 years.

working to make sure trucks are loaded down with technologies, such as anti-collision systems, to improve the quality of driving. Miller, who says he was born into the industry with a trucking father and grandfather, said some of the biggest industry changes have been some of these technology improvements, especially in regards to safety. The trucks are able to connect with each other and caravan in a way to help eliminate human error. “Hop into any brand-new car, and anything you see in there is in these trucks,” he said. “In 1984, most didn’t have A/C, power steering, if there was a radio it was AM. Now you get in one, and it’s just short of a spaceship.” An improvement in infrastructure can make the whole system flow better because congestion costs the trucking industry a lot of money. Each year, more than 996 million hours are wasted by truck drivers trapped in congestion. This equates to the workload of approximately 362,000 drivers. For the most part, funding for roads comes from gas taxes. Many industries in Mississippi, particularly the Mississippi Economic Council, have spent the last few years pushing for a increase on the basis that as vehicles become more fuel efficient less money is raised to support the roads. As for now, all efforts at the state level have failed. The Mississippi Department of Transportation spokesman Jarrod Ravencraft said most of the freight traffic





impacts the interstate system in Mississippi. “It is MDOT’s priority to ensure all state maintained freight corridors run are efficiently to facilitate future truck freight movements, he said. “MDOT has worked to ensure maximum flexibility with freight funding by meeting several new federal requirements.” These requirements include the development of a FAST (Fixing America’s Surface Transportation) Act compliant statewide freight plan; establishment of a freight advisory committee; designation of Critical Urban Freight Corridors in coordination with Metropolitan Planning Organizations; and designation of Critical Rural Freight Corridor. President Donald Trump said in May that he’d consider a federal hike in the gas tax to fund his own $1 trillion infrastructure package. The federal gas tax has not been increased since 1993. What does that mean for the consumer? Miller said freighting costs could increase in the future, but he does not anticipate a drastic change. While the way products move may change, the individual consumer isn’t likely to notice.

72 25

16 Q Mississippi Business Journal Q September 15, 2017

Trucking & Transportation

TRAIN Continued from Page 14

to the Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation of the Senate and Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the House of Representatives. The lawmakers are currently reviewing the report in consultation with the Federal Railway Administration and the Southern Rail Commission, and also with Amtrak and CSX. In the report, GCWG recommends two routes: a daily long-distance route from New Orleans to Orlando and a daily regional route from New Orleans to Mobile to help with daytime congestion on railroads. This proposal cuts down the number of stops which increases on-time performance that the previous rail system failed on. Biloxi’s Chief of Civic Innovation and Development, F. Cliff Kirkland, was a part of the GCWG. “The most obvious benefit is the opportunity to increase tourism across the corridor, especially for Biloxi.” Kirkland said. “We are predominantly a drivein market attracting about six million visitors a year. Regularly scheduled and on-time passenger rail service will provide new tourists who prefer traveling by train.” Although the group does not have a

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The tracks behind the historic L&N Train Depot in Bay St. Louis could again see passenger rail service if the decision is rendered to resume service, which could happen in 2019 at the earliest. The depot was built about 1928 and served as the centerpiece of the film, “This Property is Condemned” starring Robert Redford and Natalie Wood. The historic L&N Train Depot is designated a “Mississippi Landmark,” and houses the Hancock County Tourism, Bay St Louis Mardi Gras Museum, and Alice Moseley Folk Art Museum.

study that projects a precise increase, Kirkland said that everyone agrees that regular, on-time passenger rail service will encourage day trips from the New Orleans and Mobile areas and over time the rail system could have a significant impact on increased tourism.

Other benefits listed in the report include potential reduction of vehicle traffic in cities along the passenger rail, increased access to jobs, education and healthcare along the coast as well as provided support for weather emergencies or natural disasters along the coast. The Southern Rail Commission has worked with Amtrak, which may operate the passenger rail system if restored, on trial runs and providing statistics. In a 2015 report which can be found on Commission website, Amtrak said the route from New Orleans to Orlando would have annual ridership of 153,900 passengers while the route from New Orleans to Mobile would generate annual ridership of 138,300 passengers. The capital cost is anticipated by GCWG as below $112 million plus an estimated $5 million for project development and planning. GCWG included a capital cost of $7.8 million in the total cost for station repair and improvement. GCWG identified nine sources that could provide funding, proceeds from the 2010 BP oil spill. Federal and state funding are among the nine sources. “Mississippi will certainly be expected to share in the costs of subsidizing the Amtrak return,” Kirkland said, “and has publicly expressed its willingness to do so. Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama have pledged financial support, and Florida may yet contribute to the annual subsidy cost which is estimated to be nine million. Although it is not reported what Mississippi’s share in the annual subsidy would be, Kirkland added that Biloxi and other Mississippi cities scheduled to receive service are working with Federal

Railroad Administration and Southern Rail Commission to access grants they’ve been awarded with to help with the cost of creating new train platforms. For example, Biloxi received a grant for $250,000 and has pledged a matching $250,000 to cover the cost of constructing a new platform to the immediate east of Reynoir Street, which will tie it to the existing multi-modern station already in place. Its sister cities along the track (Gulfport, Bay St. Louis and Pascagoula) all received grants from the Federal Railway Administration too to build new platforms for the Amtrak service. According to GCWG’s final report, Amtrak doesn’t need all stations to be open before operating. The largest challenge to passenger rail system: aligning the new routes with the freight traffic on CSX railroad. “The big issue as yet unresolved is the agreement from track owner CSX to assimilate the Amtrak service into its freight schedule that dominates the region,” Kirkland said. “The study completed by Work Group outlines ways and means for that assimilation, but the final commitment from CSX is needed before any service could begin.” CSX had proposed a $2.3 billion, including property acquisition, to improve certain routes on the passenger rail system and to install a second track in Pascagoula Yard, to name a few of its proposed projects. GCWG states that Amtrak has recognized the need to work with CSX to jointly access the intercity passenger rail service restoration and reach an agreement on the equitable distribution of costs for improvements to increase passenger service operating speed levels. However, Amtrak supports an approach providing improvements in phases after restoring the passenger rail system. There is work yet to be done, but Amtrak is ready to restore the passenger rail system on the Gulf Coast. Amtrak spokesman Marc Magliari said: “We were honored to be a part of the Southern Rail Commission’s original request in 2015, and we participated in the Gulf Coast Working Group’s report to the Congress which came out in July, and we’re continuing to work with members of the Congress along the route and the Southern Rail Commission to take this from report to reality. “There’s a distance to be covered from the report to reality but we’re standing to be the Southern Rail Commission’s partner in making this happen. We’re gratified that Congress continues to look into helping with this service.”

Trucking & Transportation

September 15, 2017


Mississippi Business Journal




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ƛƣ Q Mississippi Business Journal Q September 15, 2017 August 2017 This is the August 2017 list of the state’s newly incorporated businesses from the Secretary of State’s Office. Listings include business name, type, date formed and location. Addresses reflect legal entity for service of process, not necessarily the new business entities’ operating address.

Aberdeen Leigh Todd Educational Consulting, LLC LLC

8/2/2017 22546 Highway 45 North On Time Trucking, LLC LLC 8/2/2017 5003 Ridgeview RD Stockton DG Hattiesburg, LLC LLC 8/2/2017 22019 Highway 45 North SUPERIOR HEALTHCARE SOLUTIONS LLC LLC 8/14/2017 30005 ANDREWS ROAD

Ackerman Autonomous Industrial Solutions LLC LLC


1139 South Union Rd.

Bizop, LLC LLC 8/1/2017 201 9th St NORTH D & J Rentals, LLC LLC 8/23/2017 50322 South Harmony Road Foundation Strategies, LLC LLC 8/31/2017 901 Stratford Lane NetworkKing PLLC LLC 8/8/2017 403 10TH AVE N Owens Construction, LLC LLC 8/8/2017 60383 Hatley Detroit Rd. R&L Senior Marketing LLC LLC 8/29/2017 121 N. Main St Workplace Safety Consulting LLC LLC 8/14/2017 5 Short Circle

8/27/2017 112 Beverly Drive Ole Rooster Holdings LLC LLC 8/24/2017 248 Pine Driveway R&B 1, LLC LLC 8/7/2017 355 Main Street Sealand Properties LLC LLC 8/29/2017 114 Main Street SERAPHIM HOLDINGS, LLC LLC 8/30/2017 9028 LADNER ST South Bay Properties, LLC LLC 8/11/2017 499 Dan M Russell Dr Southern Roots Restoration LLC LLC 8/28/2017 104 Cheney Lane STAY COOL Heating & Air LLC LLC 8/22/2017 6015 W. Forrest St.

Longleaf Logistics, LLC LLC 8/28/2017 602 5th Street

Belden AED Staffing, LLC LLC 8/3/2017 2521 Greenridge Drive Columbia Healthcare Associates, LLC


8/16/2017 3130 Endville Road Paradox Challenge Rooms of Jackson, LLC LLC 8/1/2017 4610 Pine Cone Ln Steele Magnolia, LLC LLC 8/1/2017 2956 Old Belden Circle


Anguilla HALS TRUCKING LLC LLC 8/2/2017 112 EAST 2ND ST

Ashland BC 145 Baird Dr

Augusta NavCare, LLC 8/16/2017

NGA Strategies and Development, LLC LLC



Elise Transport, Inc 8/21/2017

Double D Crafts & More, LLC LLC 8/2/2017 312 Julia St. Ellis Anderson Media LLC LLC 8/4/2017 300 Third Street Maverick Investments, LLC LLC 8/17/2017 11041 Swan Street Nautical 1 Services LLC LLC 8/18/2017 4087 9th Street

LLC 1 10th Street

Baldwyn FULL MOON EXPRESS LLC LLC 8/23/2017 110 CARTER THOMAS RD G & E Logistics, LLC LLC 8/15/2017 870 CR 5011

Bassfield A 1 Logistics, LLC LLC 8/1/2017 258 Ridgeland Road B & B Consultant LLC LLC 8/16/2017 47 Jefferson Avenue JLC Construction LLC LLC 8/14/2017 330 McNease Road Ken Roberts Auctions, LLC LLC 8/7/2017 235 Gen Robert E Blount Iconic Medical Staffing,LLC LLC 8/21/2017 509 Bassfield Cemetery Rd

Batesville Clayton Trucking, LLC LLC 8/9/2017 132 Martinez Street ELR Greek & Masonic Apparel LLCLLC 8/1/2017 124 Shadow Ln ladybugs Detailing Service LLC LLC 8/28/2017 119 williams st Presidential Logistics, LLC LLC 8/1/2017 132 Martinez Street RAGON SERVICES LLC LLC 8/17/2017 9198 HWY 35 S Steven Ragon Farm LLC LLC 8/17/2017 9198 Hwy 35 S

Bay Springs REEDY TRUCKING LLC LLC 8/16/2017 187 CR 2341 Steve Chisholm, LLC LLC 8/25/2017 567 COUNTY ROAD 1537

Bay St. Louis Barre Theory LLC LLC 8/1/2017 300 South Second Street Christian Life Coaching Professionals, LLC LLC 8/17/2017 125 Main Street

A.L. RENTALS LLC LLC 8/15/2017 6 MOLLY STREET The Belmont Historic Hotel, LLC LLC 8/10/2017 121 Main St.

Belzoni Clean Fun Entertainment, LLC LLC 8/29/2017 137 Parsonage Road MZ PARTY PRODUCTION LLC LLC 8/25/2017 120 WINDSOR COURT PICTURE PERFECT CONSTRUCTION LLCLLC



Benoit HGS Hauling LLC 8/24/2017

LLC 136 Sayre

EAGLE RENTALS SOUTH, LLC LLC 8/21/2017 2594 Andover Court ELKER, LLC LLC 8/24/2017 1025 Howard Avenue EXCLUSIVE DINING & CATERING CO. LLCLLC

8/20/2017 831 CEDAR LAKE RD G-Nox Customs LLC LLC 8/4/2017 13303 Alpine Dr. Grace Faith, LLC LLC 8/8/2017 2355 Pass Road HandyMan House Services, LLC LLC 8/15/2017 651 Michelle Drive Home Sounds, LLC LLC 8/17/2017 316 Vandenberg Dr. JB Properties and Rentals LLC LLC 8/10/2017 362 Goose pointe blvd JOHNMARY INC BC 8/17/2017 7417 OAK COVE DR KPS Medical Services LLC LLC 8/2/2017 2472 Pass Rd Levins Pharmaceuticals LLC. LLC 8/9/2017 15121 Lemoyne Blvd. Levins Property Plus LLC LLC 8/10/2017 831 Cedar Lake Road love and compassion in home personal care NP 8/7/2017 274 mcdonnell ave #15 Main Event Trucking LLC LLC 8/9/2017 1955 Popps Ferry Rd Metalcrete, LLC LLC 8/30/2017 6519 Bridgeview Dr. Mr. Champ Charters LLC LLC 8/28/2017 288 Seal Street NEW THOUGHTS NEW STRATEGIES INCBC 8/30/2017 12535 VILLAGE AVENUE WEST

Nissan of South Mississippi, L.L.C.LLC 8/14/2017 759 Vieux Marche Mall Old Biloxi Library, L.L.C. LLC 8/24/2017 2781 Ct Switzer Sr Dr # 200 Paragon Realty LLC LLC 8/9/2017 2249 Rosewood Lane R & N Communications, LLC LLC 8/8/2017 2623 Pass Rd Ste A Rivers & Roots, LLC LLC 8/14/2017 453 Jordan Drive Rose S. Rider, D.M.D., P.L.L.C. LLC 8/29/2017 759 Vieux Marche Mall RSILEDS, LLC LLC 8/1/2017 155 Balmoral Ave Scianna411 LLC LLC 8/16/2017 18186 Fairway View Dr Seaside Assisted Living, LLC LLC 8/17/2017 1120 Beach Blvd. Singing River Kennel Club of Mississippi NP 8/17/2017 1686 Beach Blvd Spotlight Digital Advertising LLC LLC 8/2/2017 1577 Rachel Drive Superior Property Solutions L.L.C.LLC 8/7/2017 1850 Popps Ferry Road Tasty Tails Seafood House Gulfport, LLCLLC

Benton Wings Unlimited, LLC LLC 8/1/2017 200 WHISPERING PINES RD

Big Creek Legacy Farms and Landscapes, LLC



126 County Road 319

Biloxi 5719 North US 23, LLC LLC 8/15/2017 2355 Pass Road Allen and Savannah Currie Five Acres in Jones County, Mississippi, LLC LLC 8/7/2017 711 Martin Luther King Blvd. Antiques & More, LLC LLC 8/25/2017 13157 Lorraine Rd B-Lock-C LLC LLC 8/1/2017 14510 Lemoyne Blvd Barbara Lacoste, LLC LLC 8/15/2017 676 Waters View Drive BILOXI MAGNOLIA VINYL DESIGNS LLCLLC

8/3/2017 2526 ORLEANS RD Boogies, Inc. BC 8/9/2017 388 Big Lake Rd Boujee 21 Outfitters LLC LLC 8/16/2017 288 Eisenhower Dr Brandon Davis LLC LLC 8/16/2017 14801 Lemoyne Blvd CARROLL DISTRIBUTING, INC. BC 8/7/2017 1077 Tommy Munro Dr. CC & S Fencing LLC. LLC 8/1/2017 2540 Wilson Road Coale Real Estate & Appraisal, LLCLLC 8/18/2017 2218 Baywood Drive Darlene S. West, CCR, LLC LLC 8/28/2017 288 Seal Street Dina Properties, LLC LLC 8/18/2017 1 14705 Rue Mornay Drive DnT lawncare LLC LLC 8/28/2017 1766beach blvd

8/29/2017 16990 Palm Ridge Drive Tech Kame LLC LLC 8/27/2017 1724 Garden Park Dr The Beach Comber Bar & Grill LLCLLC 8/15/2017 11869 Bell Avenue Top it Off LLC LLC 8/1/2017 694 Michelle Drive Vung Tau LLC LLC 8/17/2017 156 Oak Street WM Thomas Group, LLC LLC 8/14/2017 2668 Beach Blvd B.G.I. Enterprises, LLC LLC 8/3/2017 15164 E. Shadow Creek Dr. K&H properties and custom homes llc LLC

8/7/2017 16435 Three Rivers Rd The Southern Blush LLC LLC 8/4/2017 630 bay cove drive

Blue Springs DYNAMIC STEEL SERVICES INC BC 8/7/2017 1077 CR 252 Inman International LLC LLC 8/6/2017 548 Whitten Tr Stray Dog Precision Inc BC 8/17/2017 1125 County Road 185 The Wash Tub LLC LLC 8/10/2017 146 Lem Lane

Bogue Chitto D&P Welding and ATV Repair, LLCLLC 8/28/2017 1213 Arlington Drive Pursuit BJJ and Fitness LLC LLC 8/26/2017 3129 Cole Dr SE

Bolton Robert’s Maintenance and Construction, LLC LLC 8/14/2017 1132 Noel Cove

Booneville A & J Transport LLC LLC 8/25/2017 405 W Colleg St American College of Health Care Administrators, Inc. NP 8/24/2017 201 West Market Street Diva’s Treasures, LLC LLC 8/11/2017 704 Highway 4 East DMC Transport LLC LLC 8/7/2017 405 W College St Ethridge Trucking LLC LLC 8/15/2017 405 W College St FOSTER ADOPTIVE SUPPORT TEAM


8/23/2017 287 HWY 364 J. Y. & Son Trucking LLC LLC 8/16/2017 405 W College St Milestone LLC LLC 8/22/2017 405 W College St R & M Transport LLC LLC 8/22/2017 405 W College St Reloaded Tranz LLC LLC 8/11/2017 405 W College St WFW Enterprises, LLC LLC 8/8/2017 201 W. Market St. Xpress Lane Transport LLC LLC 8/1/2017 405 W College St Zack LLC LLC 8/1/2017 405 W College St

Brandon 112 Ceatar Crest Apartments LLC LLC 8/3/2017 129 Sylvan Drive 601 Mopars Car Club, LLC LLC 8/8/2017 204 BEDFORD DR 625 Momentum LLC LLC 8/7/2017 2007 Brookstone Place A-1 Flooring & Drywall, LLC LLC 8/9/2017 100 Sweetgum Rd N ACADIAN CUSTOM WOODWORKS LLC LLC

8/18/2017 242 MALLARD DR Airborne Drone Services LLC LLC 8/2/2017 708 Brenmar St Apex Irrigation LLC LLC 8/1/2017 270 Lighthouse lane B & B Enterprise, LLC LLC 8/11/2017 121 Kelly Crescent B & K Properties LLC LLC 8/8/2017 20 Eastgate Dr Ste D Back Yard Outlaw Brewers NP 8/7/2017 103 Wellington Pl bjw trucking llc LLC 8/18/2017 5302 hwy 18 Brassinc LLC LLC 8/11/2017 144 Pine Meadows Lane Bright Horizons Academy, LLC LLC 8/31/2017 1303 Greentree Ct Brown & Gordon Agency, L.L.P. LLP 8/14/2017 508 Grants Ferry Road, Ste. C Burnham Forty, LLC LLC 8/23/2017 111 Office Park Drive Central Metal Supply, Inc. BC 8/24/2017 20 Eastgate Dr Ste D Chapter 37 LLC LLC 8/4/2017 1021 Halton Ct Chevron Byram Inc BC 8/25/2017 34101 Sir Charles Court Cold Bore Research, LLC LLC 8/18/2017 106 Red Oak Ridge COLVIN ENTERPRISES LLC LLC 8/25/2017 96 BELLEGROVE BLVD COREY LANN LLC LLC 8/16/2017 299 AZALEA CT Custom Rug Works “LLC” LLC 8/3/2017 203 Mt.Helm Rd. D&G PROPERTIES LLC LLC 8/1/2017 912 WILLOW GRANDE CIRCLE Dr. Debbie Breaux,LLC LLC 8/14/2017 352 Kings Ridge Circle Five Nil Futbol, LLC LLC 8/2/2017 226 Turtle Lane GetPhiredUpJSH,LLC LLC 8/17/2017 130 Ed Spann Rd GospelKids.TV, LLC LLC 8/14/2017 732 Chardonnay Circle Greentree Landscape and Maintenance LLC LLC 8/11/2017 104 Glenartney Street Griff Construction and Property Management, LLC LLC 8/24/2017 529 Brighton Cir Gulf States Aerial Solutions LLC LLC 8/24/2017 275 Ashton Way H & R Properties, LLC LLC 8/10/2017 107 Switchman Hill Hairsmith LLC LLC 8/28/2017 5 Brandy Village Cove Head Hunters Heads LLC LLC 8/31/2017 207 Lake Terrace Place Healing Hands Physical Therapy Center LLC LLC 8/5/2017 1547 Shell Oil Rd

Hidden Planet Productions LLC LLC 8/22/2017 536 Hollybush Rd Hobie’s Right Field Tiki, LLC LLC 8/16/2017 760 Whippoorwill Drive HuntR LLC LLC 8/4/2017 289 John Hill Rd iDropped Repairs LLC LLC 8/17/2017 300 Alicetowne Lndg Imaging Resources of MS LLC LLC 8/29/2017 110 Longhorn Drive Innovative Works of Mississippi, LLC


8/22/2017 128 Basswood Circle IRAD ENTERPRISES, LLC LLC 8/25/2017 539 Luckney Rd. J’s Enterprises, LLC LLC 8/2/2017 226 Tutor Circle Jackson Enneagram Institute NP 8/25/2017 303 Glen Cove Rd Jennifer O’Quinn, CPA PLLC LLC 8/1/2017 410 Fox Bay Drive Kane Squared 3D Technologies LLP


8/14/2017 139 Dogwood Cir KC Lane, LLC LLC 8/6/2017 269 Hidden Hills Pkwy Kennedy Lake, LLC LLC 8/17/2017 686 Shiloh Rd. KM ENTERPRISES GP 8/11/2017 133 FIRECREST DR Lindsay Buford Realty, LLC LLC 8/22/2017 506 Beacon Cove Little Homes, LLC LLC 8/15/2017 311 Kitty Hawk Cir Lolame LLC LLC 8/28/2017 5 Brandy Village Cove Magnolia Cleaning Solutions LLC LLC 8/8/2017 785 Westerly Dr Magnolia Credit Success LLC LLC 8/1/2017 832 ANDREW CHAPEL RD Mississippi Insurance Specialists, Inc


8/11/2017 105 Eastside Dr. Mr Sandless Gulf Shores LLC LLC 8/1/2017 317 Kings Ridge Circle MS Timber Investments, LLC LLC 8/14/2017 2151 Hwy 18, Suite E NorthSouth Investments, LLC LLC 8/14/2017 1490 West Government Street Performance Mobile Automotive LLC LLC

8/17/2017 155 Susan Dr PERKINS’ TRUCKING, LLC LLC 8/2/2017 290 Clark Creek Rd PhyT Wellness America NP 8/23/2017 54 TERRAPIN DRIVE Power Services, LLC LLC 8/23/2017 447 Abbey Woods Drive Racho Properties LLC LLC 8/28/2017 108 Meadow Pointe CV Rankin Property Advantage, LLC LLC 8/30/2017 501 East Government Street Redbone Investments LLC LLC 8/1/2017 201 Glen Cove Road Reliable Healthcare Services, LLC LLC 8/2/2017 102 Amethyst Lane Rivage Homeowner’s Association NP 8/22/2017 306 Maxey Drive Robert Allen Accounting Services, LLC LLC

8/1/2017 201 Glen Trail SEVEN SEALS EXPRESS INC. BC 8/23/2017 160 LONGHORN DRIVE Southern Heritage Homes, LLC LLC 8/24/2017 222 Bedford Dr. Southern Made Brands, LLC LLC 8/2/2017 351 Avalon Way Strands of Faith, LLC LLC 8/23/2017 104 Belle Oak Dr. The Propeller Group of MS, LLC LLC 8/8/2017 1411 ChapelRidge Way Tow Pros LLC LLC 8/9/2017 107 Meadow Pointe CV Vista Homes LLC LLC 8/2/2017 126 Cape Charles Walker & Company, CPAs, PC BC 8/5/2017 131 Pole Bridge Road WELCH LAWN & MAINTENANCE SERVICES LLC LLC 8/18/2017 375 N BRANDON BLVD WP Consulting, LLC LLC 8/23/2017 204 Overlook Drive Allen-Air Conditioning LLC. LLC 8/2/2017 68 sunline dr FJones LLC LLC 8/11/2017 811 Andrew Chapel Rd LLTB LLC LLC 8/16/2017 333 Lakeway Dr Synergy Therapy Services, Inc BC 8/11/2017 606 Belle Oak Lane

Braxton Karmanda Promotions, Inc BC 8/16/2017 136 St. John’s Road Vitality Body Sculpting, LLC LLC 8/1/2017 477 Robert Bush Rd

Brookfield Rausch, Sturm, Israel, Enerson & Hornik LLP LLP 8/17/2017 250 N. Sunnyslope Road

Brookhaven Brookway Village LLC LLC 8/16/2017 964 Brookway Buster’s Painting, LLC LLC 8/1/2017 2552 Turpin Rd NE Chain and Sprocket Solutions, LLCLLC 8/25/2017 486 Gill Drive SE Day Brothers Logging, LLC LLC 8/16/2017 500 Natchez Ave Defining Moment Events LLC LLC 8/22/2017 632 Jaywood Lane Howard Holdings, LLC LLC 8/17/2017 506 South Church St. I am medIa, Inc. BC 8/5/2017 505 McCormick Court Apt. A Lake Bruin House LLC LLC 8/24/2017 105 W. Meadowbrook Drive Moore Healthcare LLC LLC 8/4/2017 509 Storm Ave Prospects Training Academy, LLC LLC 8/23/2017 647 Gaston Trail NE Stone Crab Cottage, LLC LLC 8/29/2017 415 Highway 51 South The Lemon Stand NP 8/18/2017 207 S. Railroad Ave. NH3 LLC LLC 8/10/2017 1410 HWY 51 NE

Brooksville Williams Care Company,LLC LLC 8/19/2017 3695 Drake Hill Rd

Bruce Austin Ledbetter Trucking LLC LLC 8/21/2017 228 HWY 9 W

Bucktunna Nana & Paw Paws Christmas Tree Farm LLC LLC 8/16/2017 1052 CHASON ERET ROAD


Burnsville C & B Used Cars & Parts, LLC LLC 8/14/2017 34 CR 265

Byhalia Bargain Bin, LLC LLC 8/5/2017 200 Moore Loop Complete Comfort Heat & Air LLCLLC 8/15/2017 108 Warsaw Woods Rd Cool Storage Inc. BC 8/3/2017 498 Landen Circle Diamonds and Pearls NP 8/3/2017 3600 Old Pigeon Roost RD Ellis Battery Specialist LLC LLC 8/1/2017 3350 N. HWY 309 Grisham Flooring, LLC LLC 8/5/2017 1830 Victoria Rd. SDS ENTERPRISES LLC LLC 8/7/2017 3856 HIGHWAY 309 S Snowman Enterprises LLC LLC 8/16/2017 108 Warsaw Woods Rd The Thrift Shop, LLC LLC 8/5/2017 200 Moore loop UpWords Unlimited LLC LLC 8/2/2017 3600 Old Pigeon Roost RD SKAR AUTO SERVICES LLC LLC 8/25/2017 199 MYERS RD

Byram AB Electronics LLC LLC 8/11/2017 703 Meadow View Cove Ashmal Properties, LLC LLC 8/4/2017 160 Carl Cir Caney Creek Limestone, LLC LLC 8/18/2017 110 Byram Drive Chambliss Fresh Aroma LLC LLC 8/1/2017 618 Byram Meadows Dr. Exquisite Creations LLC LLC 8/3/2017 4030 Glennoak Drive Girls of H.O.P.E. NP 8/17/2017 1014 Spring Lake Blvd GOLD STANDARD RECOVERY LLCLLC 8/27/2017 120 South Pointe Dr Independent Data Agency,LLC LLC 8/3/2017 851 Bullrun Circle K Xpress Transport, LLC LLC 8/15/2017 325 Corral Cove

McGee’s cleaning and janitorial service llc LLC 8/31/2017 2111 cypress cove My4Aces NP 8/29/2017 108 Lawston Ct Reeds Enterprise LLC LLC 8/23/2017 121 Belle Chasse Dr Southview Autoplex LLC LLC 8/28/2017 323 Willow Bay Technics In Education, LLC LLC 8/8/2017 152 Forest Lake Drive The Transit Company, LLC LLC 8/11/2017 247 Charlene Drive

Caledonia Byars Plus, LLC 8/4/2017

LLC 290 Martin Road

Canton 52 Enterprises, LLC LLC 8/21/2017 191 Lake Stephens Road All Stars Tutoring Services LLC LLC 8/1/2017 111 Richmond Way Canton Square Christian Services, LLC LLC

8/30/2017 3352 North Liberty St. CES-SKS Investments, Inc. BC 8/22/2017 151 W. Peace Street CWN, LLC LLC 8/30/2017 328 East Center Streeet D SLAUGHTER TRUCKING LLC LLC 8/23/2017 154 Dampeer Road DDM Properties LLC LLC 8/10/2017 875 Robinson Road Gulf Disaster Recovery Group, LLCLLC 8/25/2017 114 West Center St Koko’s LLC LLC 8/7/2017 153 Jorn Circle Lauderdale Development, LLC LLC 8/24/2017 151 W. Peace Street M&K Transportation LLC LLC 8/10/2017 135 Channing Cir McMullan Solutions LLC LLC 8/23/2017 253 East Peace Street MnM Transport LLC LLC 8/8/2017 1854 Robinson Rd Moon Construction, LLC LLC 8/5/2017 151 W. Peace Street Novel Paper LLC LLC 8/24/2017 203 Sharon Rd Pana Giotis, LLC LLC 8/25/2017 204 Deerwood Crossing Perfect Shot, Inc. BC 8/22/2017 151 W. Peace Street R & S Holdings, LLC LLC 8/28/2017 1554 W Peace St RYUDE OR FLY SOCIAL CLUB NP 8/25/2017 2141 pat luckett rd Shalom Bundle of Joy, Inc. NP 8/1/2017 343 Smith Street T D EDWARDS TRUCKING LLC LLC 8/2/2017 AFFLUENT BUSINESS SOLUTIONS TOWNER TRANSPORTATION, LLCLLC 8/22/2017 928 JOHN DAY ROAD Travis Trucking LLC LLC 8/10/2017 1040 Sharon Road WINN MANAGEMENT COMPANY, LLC LLC

8/1/2017 113 BRIDGE PARK CIRCLE Queens LLC LLC 8/15/2017 659 John Day Road


Carriere AJ Services LLC LLC 8/4/2017 121 Tripp Lane BubbaCrockett, LLC LLC 8/21/2017 58 Ernest Mitchell Road Crow Love, LLC LLC 8/2/2017 3:32:16 PM38 Minnie Penton Rd Frank’s Farm, LLC LLC 8/7/2017 94 East Meadowlark Road HL&C-PHOENIX ASHER LLC LLC 8/10/2017 70 Magnolia Ridge Lane HL&C-PICAYUNE ARMS, LLC LLC 8/9/2017 70 Magnolia Ridge Lane NATIONAL AUTO WORKS LLC LLC 8/21/2017 254 GEORGE MITCHELL RD Newell Trucking & Dirtwork LLC LLC 8/24/2017 26 Harry Sones Rd Southern Wind Investments LLC LLC 8/21/2017 38 Preacher Sones Road

Carrollton Slim Chickens, Lake Harbour, LLC LLC 8/3/2017 15340 Hwy 82

Incorporations Carson Uncle Willies LLC 8/1/2017

LLC 4948 highway42

Carthage APOSTLE BISHOP DR CYNTHIA KING BOLDEN GARDNER LLC LLC 8/16/2017 209 Dr ML King Drive Bad Little Country Girl LLC LLC 8/29/2017 400 Red Dog Rd Great Interiors and Outdoors LLC LLC 8/1/2017 400 Red Dog Rd Les Courtney Ministries Inc NP 8/16/2017 400 Red Dog Rd Rewindz LLC LLC 8/25/2017 400 Red Dog Rd Square County Properties, LLC LLC 8/15/2017 104 Court Square Wooten’s Welding, Fabrication, and Metal Art LLC LLC 8/17/2017 3257 Coosa Rd

Cary Unique Bridal Apparel LLC LLC 8/25/2017 3:27:26 PM 96 Baconia Rd

Centreville EEZY Hauling LLC LLC 8/15/2017 12:14:32 PM 312 Church St HANDY JACKS ELECTRICAL SERVICES LLC LLC 8/14/2017 12:03:14 AM 1518 Lower Centerville Rd Wing Dings, LLC LLC 8/23/2017 1139 Whites School Road

CHARLESTON JG & ER LLC LLC 8/24/2017 409 WEST CYPRESS Mini Storage Solutions, LLC LLC 8/21/2017 409 WEST CYPRESS

Coahoma Walton Construction LLC LLC 8/13/2017 615 moon rd

Coffeeville Across 51 Productions, LLC. LLC 8/31/2017 344 County Road 194

Coila Heritage Cattle LLC 8/11/2017

Charlotte United Global Technologies Inc BC 8/15/2017 338 S Sharon Amity Road

Chunky Olmstead Enterprises, LLC LLC 8/22/2017 1031 Lisonbee Rd

Clarksdake MGBGR4 LLC 8/31/2017

Hall Girls, LLC LLC 8/9/2017 3 Legare Court Healing Home Investors, LLC LLC 8/4/2017 300 Monterey Dr Juju Inc. A-list Nail Bar and Spa BC 8/2/2017 111 Afton Way K&S Lee Inc BC 8/26/2017 5010 Hampstead Blvd Linder’s Carpet Care, LLC LLC 8/22/2017 114 Larado Dr Long Beach Breeze, LLC LLC 8/22/2017 310 Merganser Trail Marb’s House, LLC LLC 8/29/2017 1601 Melrose Place Masterfoam Insulation LLC LLC 8/18/2017 117 Germany Dr. McHann Properties, L.L.C. LLC 8/28/2017 604 LAKERIDGE LANE MR Flooring, LLC LLC 8/11/2017 1410 Post Road MS Wholesales 1 Inc BC 8/15/2017 407 concord Dr P & J Transportation LLC LLC 8/25/2017 128 Thornwood Dr Silas Assisted Living Inc BC 8/23/2017 307 Patio Place Tonya Hamby, LLC LLC 8/7/2017 1500 Beverly Drive Triple C Investments LLC LLC 8/3/2017 1219 Rockingham USA GAS, LLC LLC 8/28/2017 502 WOOD STONE RD

LLC 314 East Second St


8/10/2017 9 EAST 2ND ST Lia & Lia, LLC LLC 8/9/2017 336 Westover Drive McDonald Auto Sales LLC LLC 8/21/2017 844 Stilles Street DK CONSTRUCTION, LLC LLC 8/16/2017 35 Stanley Rd

Cleveland B & M Tire Service, LLC LLC 8/1/2017 496 Laughlin Road Bill Payment and Check Express Center, LLC LLC 8/16/2017 218 North Street Crosstown Fellowship Church, PCANP 8/25/2017 300 S. Bolivar Ave. Pat Baronet Lands, LLC LLC 8/11/2017 82 McCain Road Reed-Baronet Timber Lands, LLC LLC 8/11/2017 82 McCain Road T & H Services, LLC LLC 8/4/2017 1206 Avery Street

Clinton 634 Bellevue Rental LLC LLC 8/17/2017 1401 Pinehaven Road ABV CONSULTING LLC LLC 8/4/2017 103 OAKRIDGE COVE Allstar Ins Agency, LLC LLC 8/9/2017 117 Country Cove Drive B & B Achieve LLC LLC 8/24/2017 103 Montaigne Way Community Disability Advocates, LLC LLC

8/18/2017 608 C Hwy 80 East Darryl Dilmore Construction Management, LLC LLC 8/1/2017 106 Glen Hollow Drive DOM&Co., LLC LLC 8/2/2017 713 Lindale St Dr. Katherine Andersen MD, LLC LLC 8/10/2017 108 VICTORIA LANE GM Construction, LLC LLC 8/3/2017 105 LOFTY PINE LN

LLC 3254 CR 158

Coldwater Final Touch Wrecker Service, LLC LLC 8/7/2017 7684 Peyton Road Golden Hill Farms LLC LLC 8/29/2017 588 golden rd mayday house cleaning and minor repairs LLC LLC 8/18/2017 715 Smith Rd Belle of the South Pageant LLC LLC 8/4/20174439 Old Memphis Oxford Road Cash one stop L.L.C. LLC 8/3/2017 9670 Hwy 306

Collins James Properties LLC 8/1/2017

LLC 252 Hwy 589

Big Rivers Alumina, LLC LLC 8/14/2017 322 Main Street Car Clinic Inc. BC 8/14/2017 4782 Hwy 45 N Creative Pals Network, LLC LLC 8/4/2017 118 South McCary Road Dalrymple Law Firm, PLLC LLC 8/1/2017 508 2nd Avenue North DAT STUFF LLC LLC 8/9/2017 121 5th St S Apt 1 Downhome Entertainment LLC LLC 8/10/2017 2744 Yorkville Road East Eagle One Business Solutions, llc LLC 8/29/2017 1909 1/2 Hwy 45 N Fig Leaf, LLC LLC 8/21/2017 809 3rd Ave N Flat Out, LLC LLC 8/16/2017 Brunini Law Firm Frazier’s Up ‘N Smoke LLC LLC 8/21/2017 252 CEDAR DR Gum Tree Consultants, LLC LLC 8/16/2017 Brunini Law Firm


Jacqueline Stennis Consulting, Moving the Rubber Tree Plant, LLC LLC


8/14/2017 62 Chapman Cove Kut N Up Accessories LLC LLC 8/1/2017 1011 20th Street North Lone Oak Arms LLC LLC 8/23/2017 1610 Ridge Road Ma Verahi Inc. BC 8/1/2017 605 Leigh Drive Apt. L-107 Mira Mira LLC LLC 8/15/2017 31203 Second Ave N Murray Construction, LLC LLC 8/4/2017 501 7th Street North Next Step Hospitality LLC LLC 8/3/2017 3281 Yorkville rd east Open Arms Ministry Incorporated NP 8/1/2017 333 MADARIA DR Otaku Cultures LLC LLC 8/25/2017 36 N. Walnut Dr. Philtography LLC LLC 8/24/2017 2211 5th ST North Roger Shaw Plumbing LLC LLC 8/9/2017 2211 5th ST North Shaw Cabinets, LLC LLC 8/1/2017 1496 New Hope Road Silver Dollar Capital, Inc. BC 8/21/2017 809 3rd Avenue North Sims Holdings, LLC LLC 8/17/2017 809 3rd Avenue North Sims, LLC LLC 8/9/2017 809 3rd Avenue North Tee’s Bar & Grill LLC LLC 8/18/2017 1609 Taylor-Thurston Rd Weems Landscape Service, LLC LLC 8/17/2017 Brunini Law Firm Willow Pointe Homes, LLC LLC 8/30/2017 5716 Highway 182 East Distributor’s of Tomorrow LLC LLC 8/6/2017 106 Robin st Mississippi Reclaimed, LLC LLC 8/22/2017 809 3rd Avenue North

Albertos European Auto Service. LLC



Allie Cat LLP LLP 8/1/2017 331 BOB CALVERT ROAD Chuck Mathis Farms, LLC LLC 8/29/2017 12128 Ball Diamond Road Discounted Electrical LLC LLC 8/7/2017 11105 Martin Kemper County Rd J Mikels Transportation Inc BC 8/8/2017 9311 Collinsville Circle

Alexander & Pollard LLC LLC 8/28/2017 8 Lucille Ln C&R Tree Farm, LLC LLC 8/22/2017 511 Franklin Street CLIENT RELATION BUILDER, LLC LLC 8/29/2017 9 County Road 617 CTK TRUCKING, LLC LLC 8/16/2017 102 County Road 620 Jackson 1021 Properties, LLC LLC 8/9/2017 1021 CR 60 Kendrick & Associates LLC LLC 8/28/2017 216 County Road 512 MOBILE MENU’S L.L.C LLC 8/4/2017 2025 Hwy 72 East Annex Red Sea Tees LLC LLC 8/15/2017 2303 Chestnut Drive S & S MAM LLC LLC 8/18/2017 1407A HARPER RD Three Kings Corp BC 8/23/2017 602 East Waldron Street Trailer Sales, Inc. BC 8/17/2017 1441 Highway 72 West Tri State Repair Services LLC LLC 8/25/2017 16 County Road 110 Wright Life Choices, LLC LLC 8/29/2017 701 Confederate Street

Columbia A Window Affair LLC LLC 8/1/2017 251 A J Bond Rd APVA, LLC LLC 8/23/2017 49 Hasselwoods Drive B & M Express Towing llc LLC 8/15/2017 34 lazarra lane Davis Welding Fabrication, LLC LLC 8/11/2017 34 Seamon Bullock Rd Elton Wise Consulting, LLC LLC 8/17/2017 147 Rocky Branch Road Foxworth Carwash, LLC LLC 8/3/2017 74 Quail Run Landworx, LLC LLC 8/16/2017 709 E. Baylis Chapel Road Pops Properties, LLC LLC 8/17/2017 15 Stonewood Drive Southern Auto Maxx LLC LLC 8/14/2017 1518 Hwy 13 South Super Green LLC LLC 8/3/2017 907 Main St Life Services LLC LLC 8/17/2017 707 E street

550 Russell, LLC 8/11/2017

Cosby CandC Enterprises,LLC LLC 8/12/2017 4334 Crooked Creek Rd

Courtland Ausborn Trucking, LLC LLC 8/21/2017 25 Greenbriar Circle

Columbus LLC 410 Main Street

Blized LLC 8/3/2017

LLC 4020 Fairport rd.

September 15, 2017

JMac Ventures, LLC LLC 8/9/2017 103 N Calhoun Street Madison DeLoach & Associates, LLC



8/25/2017 9 Serenity Lane ReadyMix Solutions, LLC LLC 8/15/2017 525 Jessamine St.

King Crawfish Company, LLC LLC 8/4/2017 224 E. Missouri Ave.





Day One, LLC 8/24/2017

LLC 23 CR 249

Crystal Springs


BJK Properties, LLC LLC 8/21/2017 1126 Tanyard Road I Hustle Entertainment Group Llc LLC 8/11/2017 209 Purvis Dr NLiTEN logistics LLC LLC 8/11/2017 312 Liberty St.

Fishers Crossing LLC LLC 8/28/2017 167 McCain Estate West Summerfield Land LLC LLC 8/28/2017 167 McCain Estate West Thomas RH 1142 LLC LLC 8/28/2017 167 McCain Estate West Thomas RH 1386 LLC LLC 8/28/2017 167 McCain Estate West Thomas RH 984 LLC LLC 8/28/2017 167 McCain Estate West Thomas SS 2750 LLC LLC 8/28/2017 167 McCain Estate West Violet Valley Bookstore NP 8/21/2017 15 N. Dunn St.

Wisteria Inn Bed and Breakfast, LLC



106 West Railroad Ave South


8/8/2017 511 Springdale Avenue C. Ryan Bristol, PLLC LLC 8/1/2017 14675 Rue Merlot N10sive Outdoors, LLC LLC 8/7/2017 14041 Maddie Circle Seawave Poboy LLC LLC 8/22/2017 352 Annette Lane TSIR LV LLC LLC 8/22/2017 17073 Palm Ridge Dr TSIR RX LLC LLC 8/4/2017 17073 Palm Ridge Dr

LLC 3280 River Rd

Flora BayHill Services LLC LLC 8/13/2017 186 Pineview Cr Mississippi Property Management, LLC LLC

Decatur Shoe’s Auto Body Repair, LLC LLC 8/25/2017 1979 Chapel Hill Rd. This & That Sales, LLC LLC 8/27/2017 1388 Decatur Stratton

8/18/2017 241 Highland Hills Lane The Hanger LLC LLC 8/1/2017 5039 Highway 22

Florence 4 to 2 mx parts, sales & services , LLC LLC

Dennis Peyluke LLC 8/18/2017

LLC 340 Cnty Rd 864

Diamondhead 2BAmused, LLC LLC 8/4/2017 8812 Hana Pl Diamondhead B.J.J. LLC LLC 8/22/2017 7510 Pinehurst Court Filing Assistance LLC LLC 8/15/2017 7912 Ewa Court Financially Fit Services LLC LLC 8/10/2017 8 Live Oak Court Fluxfish LLC LLC 8/29/2017 6412 Apelehama Cir Golden Legacy Builders, LLC LLC 8/29/2017 1088 Lamaloa Court Kumo Kind LLC LLC 8/30/2017 7428 Mahalo Hui Dr Lisa Ladner Agency, LLC LLC 8/28/2017 5402 Aloha Drive NAPA-JD, INC. BC 8/1/2017 232 FAIRWAY VILLAS CIRCLE Williams Investments LLC LLC 8/9/2017 6830 Aupuni place

Drew TripleB’s Boutique, LLC. LLC 8/25/2017 105 Green Avenue

Dundee TRIPLE M FARM LLC LLC 8/24/2017 8092 DUNDEE RD

Durant Jus’ Relax Nail Care Therapy, LLC LLC 8/23/2017 14923 South Jackson Street



Ellisville Bear Kreek Farms, LLC LLC 8/15/2017 14 Kitchens Loop In Eden, LLC LLC 8/8/2017 County Home Road J and S Properties and Construction LLC.LLC

8/14/2017 31 Maudie Robinson Rd. J Parker Properties, LLC LLC 8/7/2017 25 Docs Lane

8/8/2017 272 Garrett Road North By God’s Grace NP 8/2/2017 175 Singleton Ln Fowl Addiction Outdoors, Inc. BC 8/23/2017 125 E. Main Street God Loves You So He Sent Me NP 8/15/2017 339 Seventh Day Rd. Home Pro Maintenance, LLC LLC 8/1/2017 115 Genesis Dr J&J Mobile Welding Services, LLC LLC 8/28/2017 129 Lloyd st Lulu Rayes Southern Boutique GP 8/4/2017 129 Arcon Dr Pro Law Enforcement Solutions, LLC


8/28/2017 110 Spell Cove Q’s Exotic Reptiles LLC LLC 8/1/2017 138 Clark Road THE MEADOWS GOLF DRIVING RANGE GP 8/11/2017 110 SPELL LANE The Picked Poppy LLC LLC 8/1/2017 2799 Hwy 49 S The Smokin Patty GP 8/23/2017 1489 Highway 469 S Wilson Family Property 7, LLC LLC 8/9/2017 143 Triple B Ranch Rd S & H UNDERGROUND LLC LLC 8/7/2017 2698 W MT CREEK RD

Flowood 1463 Development, LLC LLC 8/23/2017 113 Park Circle Drive 2GBTG Enterprises Inc. BC 8/24/2017645 Lakeland East Dr, Suite 101 662 Caseys Lane, LLC LLC 8/21/2017 662 Caseys Lane AG Bell Mississippi Chapter NP 8/15/2017 645 Lakeland East Dr, Suite 101 Brenaluvsu, LLC LLC 8/14/2017 1703 Old Fannin Road Byrd’s Innovative Solutions, LLC LLC 8/30/2017 955 Baytree Drive Castle Investments, LLC LLC 8/2/2017 320 Belle Meade Pointe CHARIOT TRANSPORT LLC LLC 8/3/2017 645 Lakeland East Drive Craig A. Watson, LPC, Counseling and Coaching Services, LLC LLC 8/1/2017 1722 Flowood Drive Cuppycake Kids, LLC LLC 8/18/2017 2206 Pinehaven Dr Disillusion 74 Studios LLC LLC 8/15/2017 645 Lakeland East Dr STE 101 HIJ Production II Inc BC 8/14/2017 246+ Bellamy Court Landmark at 1463 Apartments, LLC


Mississippi Business Journal

Landscape Perspectives LLC LLC 8/8/2017 340 Sherborne Place Laurel Park Plaza, LLC LLC 8/17/2017 720 Inheritance Place Lost 30 LLC LLC 8/23/2017 645 Lakeland East Dr STE 101 Lynwood Customs, Inc. BC 8/18/2017 4016 Bay Bridge MAOSA LLC LLC 8/16/2017 308 EMERALD CV Metric Lab Services LLC LLC 8/14/2017 4209 Lakeland Dr Nichols Outpatient Facial Surgery PLLC LLC

Fayette Lovell Trucking LLC 8/1/2017



113 Park Circle Drive

8/1/2017 266 Katherine Dr. NLA Yucca Valley, LLC LLC 8/3/2017 645 Lakeland East Drive OJ Promotions,LLC LLC 8/10/2017 232 Market Street Building K Premier Surgical Center, LLC LLC 8/9/2017 242 Market Street Sullivan Enterprise NP 8/4/2017 645 Lakeland East Drive SunQuatica Foundation NP 8/11/2017 690 LIBERTY RD Two G’s Logistic LLC LLC 8/22/2017 10 Canebrake Blvd. SUITE 200 Westminster Hotel Group Investor, LLC LLC

8/23/2017 10 Canebrake Blvd, Ste 200 Clayborn United Properties & Development LLC LLC 8/8/2017 10Canebrake blvd suit 200 EPI, Inc. BC 8/31/2017 645 Lakeland East Dr St 101 Pho Huong L.L.C. LLC 8/7/2017 125 belle Meade blvd

Forest DEARMAN FARMS LLC LLC 8/1/2017 494 SCR 504 Forest Auto Salvage, Inc. BC 8/3/2017 19207 Hwy 80 LMARR FARMS LLC LLC 8/1/2017 494 SCR 504 McClendon Trucking, LLC LLC 8/16/2017 96 Strong Rd

Foxworth City Market LLC LLC 8/4/2017 760 SHILOH FIRETOWER RD Cochran’s Christmas Tree Farm & Gift Shop, LLC LLC 8/7/2017 409 Hunt Road Johnson Services LLC LLC 8/24/2017 2154 Hwy 586 Wells Water Well, LLC LLC 8/7/2017 1148 Highway 587

Friars Point MLC Recovery Group, LLC LLC 8/30/2017 1500 Port Rd

Fulton Taylor Clothing, L.L.C. LLC 8/21/2017 2915 HIGHWAY 178 WEST YAMATO STEAK HOUSE OF JAPAN, INC.BC


1043 S ADAMS

Gautier Extreme Autos, LLC LLC 8/28/2017 2805 Hwy 90 FPD Inc. BC 8/30/2017 8105 Spanish Oak Dr Gasco Enterprises LLC LLC 8/23/2017 3017 Smith Drive TJB LLC LLC 8/24/2017 1421 Lewis Alexis Trail

Glen Allen Devine E & D LLC 8/30/2017

LLC 18 3rd Street

Gloster King Louis Chambers, LLC. LLC 8/16/2017 480 S. Captain Gloster Rd. Tee Tee Trucking, LLC LLC 8/9/2017 326 McLean Street

Golden Bosley Farms LLC LLC 8/11/2017 30 Highway 366 Insurance & Financial Services LLCLLC 8/4/2017 39 Patterson Chapel Road

Goodman X-Clusive Flaire Get-Up, LLC LLC 8/9/2017 163 Headstart Drive



Gore Springs W & D Trucking, LLC LLC 8/2/2017 648 Graysport Crossing

Greenville 1427 LEWIS STREET, LLC LLC 8/7/2017 1417 TRAILWOOD DR 328 W REED RD, LLC LLC 8/7/2017 1417 TRAILWOOD DR 330 W REED RD, LLC LLC 8/7/2017 1417 TRAILWOOD DR 449 JO ANN CIRCLE LLC LLC 8/24/2017 1417 TRAILWOOD DR STE A Armstead Electronics, LLC LLC 8/7/2017 212 Bayou Rd. ATM Logistics LLc LLC 8/22/2017 409 Stebbins St Baker Inspections LLC LLC 8/28/2017 2195 highway 1 North BRAR PROPERTIES, LLC LLC 8/11/2017 1417 TRAILWOOD DR BUC ATHLETICS TRAINING CENTER, INC. BC

8/7/2017 1434 REBECCA DRIVE Cantu & Cantu Investments, LLC LLC 8/2/2017 115 gamwyn park dr Drivers Leading Correctly LLC LLC 8/14/2017 325 Stockton Drive Ellsworth Investment, LLC LLC 8/7/2017 1021 Baskin Dr. GREENVILLE INSTITUTE FOR BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT LLC LLC 8/14/2017 2526 EAST ALEXANDER St Greenville Medical and E.N.T. PLLC


8/15/2017 2411 PRINCETON ST J&I Properties, LLC LLC 8/5/2017 449 S. Main Street Jefferson’s Trucking Company LLCLLC 8/13/2017 1526 South Theobald Street Johnson and Johnson Rentals LLC LLC 8/9/2017 240 Fava Drive Jones & Kelly Creative Arts School, LLC LLC

8/15/2017 611 E. McCorkle Circle KKB LLC LLC 8/7/2017 1417 TRAILWOOD DR Lakeisha Richardson, MD, PLLC LLC 8/12/2017 302 Arnold Avenue MAW’s wings and things, LLC LLC 8/21/2017 414 Orlando Our House of Mayersville Respite Care Services LLC LLC 8/4/2017 2537 Bobolink Pl Redbud’s Little Learners LLC LLC 8/30/2017 125 S. Walnut Street Remaliah Ministries NP 8/14/2017 952 SIDNEY STREET SOUTHERN BAZAAR ANTIQUES & GIFTS LLC LLC 8/18/2017 135 SIMPSON RD T-N-T Rental, LLC LLC 8/21/2017 225 Negus Street THOMAS WHITE TRUCKING LLC LLC 8/25/2017 1548 SMITH ST APT A7 V R LLC LLC 8/29/2017 1812 hwy 82 E William L. Dillard Lands, LLC LLC 8/28/2017 923 Washington Avenue JB Liquor Store LLC LLC 8/1/2017 1466 Hwy 1 S NB, LLC LLC 8/31/2017 923 Washington Avenue Our House of Mayersville Personal Care Services LLC LLC 8/4/2017 2537 Bobolink Pl WILLIAMS AUTO SALVAGE LLC LLC 8/25/2017 640 S POPLAR

Greenwood Bamboo Shooting Sticks, LLC LLC 8/15/2017 113 Mulberry Lane Daughter of a King LLC LLC 8/1/2017 1207 West Jefferson Ave DB Three, LLC LLC 8/28/2017 401 East Park Avenue DeLoach Insurance Services, LLC LLC 8/30/2017 104 Cotton Street Delta Devocean, LLC LLC 8/14/2017 1505 Highway 82 West Foreign Language Institute For Business, LLC LLC 8/1/2017 303 -B West Park Ave. Fortinberry Holdings, LLC LLC 8/2/2017 308 Fulton Street HJ Tree Farm, LLC LLC 8/18/2017 805 Poplar Street Kiddy Learning Center, Inc. NP 8/16/2017 1213 Glendale circle KLM Transportation LLC LLC 8/14/2017 13740 Hwy 7 N Money Empire, LLC LLC 8/30/2017 1019 McLean


20 Q Mississippi Business Journal Q September 15, 2017 Neal Enterprises, Inc. BC 8/1/2017 922 Highway 82 West, Rear Patricia Busby-Robinson, LLC LLC 8/28/2017 621 Cherokee Rd PTC Homemaker Services and Respite Care NP 8/12/2017 500 Highway 7 North Rear T H GANN FARMS LLC LLC 8/23/2017 105 West President Ave Upper Bear Creek Restoration, LLC


8/8/2017 105 West Market Street X-Factor Waterfowl, LLC LLC 8/28/2017 401 East Park Avenue

Grenada 332 Boat-Camper Storage, LLC LLC 8/2/2017 1223 Hwy. 332 amelia clark studio LLC LLC 8/17/2017 42 METHVIN DR Animals of Grenada Rescue NP 8/16/2017 318 Minga Drive Arron Sipp’s Trucking, LLC LLC 8/10/2017 534 4th Street Benson Properties, LLC LLC 8/4/2017 180 Lyon Drive Berry, Freelon, & Watt Logistics Corporation BC 8/30/2017 164 Elm St Coast to Coast Logistics GP 8/7/2017 195 Windmere Drive CreedJacksonIndustries LLC LLC 8/22/2017 376 South Levee GranthamChaseIndustries, LLC LLC 8/22/2017 376 South Levee GRENADA MARKET AND DELI INCBC 8/4/2017 800 Live, Love,Tan, LLC LLC 8/21/2017 809 Gillon Road My Mississippi Hope NP 8/9/2017 2000 Gateway Xtreme CLEAN Janitorial Services LLC LLC


114 Highway 332

QUARTER BOYZ M.C. - Grenada, Ms.



313 Carver Cir

Gulfport 11th St. De Cadeaux Gift Shop, LLC


8/11/2017 3306 11th Street 3M Assets, LLC LLC 8/11/2017 2500 14th Street Aarons Siding LLC LLC 8/3/2017 43 39TH ST Adult Product Reviews Online LLCLLC 8/19/2017 12153 Harmony Circle Bella property LLC LLC 8/11/2017 407 caribe pl Black Pearl Roofing, LLC LLC 8/28/2017 13012 Windcrest Lane Blazing Customs LLC LLC 8/16/2017 2020 47th ave Blu Ent LLC LLC 8/7/2017 10459 Coleman Road Boyz To Men Foundation Inc NP 8/17/2017 12342 White Oak Circle Bridge Management, LLC LLC 8/11/2017 2500 14th Street C & C REPAIR SERVICE & SALES INC


8/3/2017 20922 WILDFLOWER DR Carriere Dedeaux, LLC LLC 8/3/2017 13 Villa Cove Church Street Ministry. Inc. NP 8/23/2017 1336 20th Street CNC Ranch Road MS, L.L.C. LLC 8/23/2017 2200 25th Avenue COAST CHURCH NETWORK, INC. NP 8/9/2017 45 HARDY COURT Coastal Cleaning Solutions LLC LLC 8/4/2017 12317 Charwood Ave Common Wealth Realty LLC LLC 8/30/2017 13120 Three Rivers Road Cornerstone Memorial LLC LLC 8/1/2017 15053 Duckworth Road Corrected Mobility LLC LLC 8/21/2017 5114 Old Pass Rd Covenant Computer Solutions LLCLLC 8/16/2017 10225 Hutter Rd Crockett & Associates LLC LLC 8/22/2017 7 Greenbriar Dr CupCake Creations LLC LLC 8/4/2017 1803 41st Ave Dalead Properties, LLC LLC 8/21/2017 2200 25th Avenue DBKB Meridian LLC LLC 8/20/2017 12435 PLUNKETT ROAD Delta Striping, LLC LLC 8/10/2017 140 Southern Circle Dirty Side Down American Motorcycle Service LLC LLC 8/17/2017 11445 Landon Lake Blvd Dr. Raymond Monsour Scurfield, LLC



1403 43rd Ave

E.C.G. Transportation LLC LLC 8/23/2017 13658 Huntington Circle E&M Investments LLC LLC 8/1/2017 13236 Sandy Brook Drive Eaton wholesale LLC LLC 8/1/2017 15414 VICK RD Elliott Courtyards, LLC LLC 8/10/2017 1529 29th Ave Emma’s Pink Boutique LLC LLC 8/30/2017 5 Keyser Lane Gauge Investments LLC LLC 8/10/2017 16127 Orange Grove Road GC Angels 04 NP 8/24/2017 1116B Washington Ave Glory Gear LLC LLC 8/28/2017 108 Gahan Drive Goodfellas LLC LLC 8/8/2017 45 hardy court Gordon Self Storage Properties, LLC


8/7/2017 12287 Highway 49 Gray Dog, LLC LLC 8/8/2017 8:51:35 AM 45 Hardy Ct 120 GRT Productions, LLC LLC 8/8/2017 20108 Mulligan Cove Gulfport Amusements, LLC LLC 8/2/2017 2401 14th Street H & S Commercial and Industrial Construction LLC LLC 8/28/2017 1800 25th Avenue Haze Gray Advisors LLC LLC 8/12/2017 4 PINE HILL CIRCLE Healy Realty Group, LLC LLC 8/30/2017 902 38TH AVE Hopkins Cattle Company, LLC LLC 8/27/2017 2701 24th Avenue HPT Transportation, LLC LLC 8/22/2017 14336 Seaway Rd Integrity Truck Sales, LLC LLC 8/11/2017 2500 14th Street JAMES HERITAGE LLC LLC 8/1/2017 602 TANDY DRIVE JW Coastal Woodturning GP 8/1/2017 11461 Landon Lake Blvd Keri Manley Realty LLC LLC 8/4/2017 825 Woodward Ave Kuts & Kold 1’s, LLC LLC 8/21/2017 12435 Plunkett Road L.H. Fore construction LLC. LLC 8/28/2017 11603 Otto avenue Le Shack, LLC LLC 8/9/2017 18 Keyser Ln Legacy Lawn Services and More, LLC


8/28/2017 8118 Florida Ave Life Style Living LLC LLC 8/24/2017 12230 Ashley Drive Market Fresh Chicken, LLC LLC 8/18/2017 2409 14th Street Matrix Investments, LLC LLC 8/11/2017 2500 14th Street MDM GULFPORT PROPERTIES 2 LLC


8/9/2017 12206 FIVE OAKS DR Morning Star Outreach - The Block, Inc. NP 8/28/2017 1020 Lewis Avenue My Cottage Homes, LLC LLC 8/10/2017 1520 29th Ave No Smoke About It 2.1 LLC LLC 8/2/2017 11370 hwy 49 north O’Brian Properties, LLC LLC 8/28/2017 2409 14th Street O’Neal Sustainable Equity, LLC LLC 8/25/2017 16127 Orange Grove Road OLIVE BRANCH ADULT DAY CENTER L.L.C.LLC

8/23/2017 1631 BROAD AVENUE Ortho Innovations, LLC LLC 8/18/2017 4117 Franklin Ave Our Lord’s Hands NP 8/2/2017 1819 24th Avenue Outdoor Way Development, LLC LLC 8/29/2017 14231 Seaway Road Pathway Rentals, LLC LLC 8/16/2017 12410 Beau Forest Drive Perpetual Properties LLC LLC 8/30/2017 2205 John Hill Boulevard Pettis Properties, LLC LLC 8/8/2017 46 54th Street Phyllis L. Dickerson LCSW PLLC LLC 8/18/2017 8990 Lorraine Rd QUALITY MASONRY SOLUTIONS LLC LLC

8/22/2017 12230 Ashley Drive Randy Richardson LLC LLC 8/29/2017 13065 Jordan Place Rap In Box Entertainment LLC LLC 8/10/2017 12625 South Lake Forrest Drive RC Realty LLC LLC 8/14/2017 3112 pass rd Reese Janitorial Services, LLC LLC 8/17/2017 190 teagarden rd apt. 10 Rimfire Sports, LLC LLC 8/23/2017 13101 Tyler Circle Root 7 Wellness & Day Spa LLC LLC 8/10/2017 16127 Orange Grove Road

RTC LOGISTICS INC BC 8/4/2017 8335 TENNESSEE AVE Safe Haven Center for Domestic ViolenceNP

8/3/2017 10900 E taylor Rd Sally’s Restful Retreat, LLC LLC 8/8/2017 1215 36th Street South Mississippi Breastfeeding Coalition NP 8/22/2017 2340 Park Place Dr Southern Curb Appeal llc LLC 8/31/2017 14071 Gladys St Swimming to Survive NP 8/1/2017 17218 Doc Lizana Rd TBT IV Land, LLC LLC 8/16/2017 2909 13th Street TBT IV, LLC LLC 8/16/2017 2909 13th Street Terran Pictures Inc. BC 8/11/2017 14433 Dedeaux Rd The Rotary Club of Gulfport-Orange Grove NP 8/7/2017 15424 PARKWOOD DR NORTH The Treatment Group, LLC LLC 8/31/2017 13326 Carriage Circle Thorne Lake LLC LLC 8/3/2017 1111 Cecille St Transitions Incorporated-Long Beach


8/31/2017 3318 39th Ave. Apt D104 TravelwithFriends LLC LLC 8/31/2017 13261 Meadowland Ct Virtuous Homecare, LLC LLC 8/3/2017 15151 Mandarin Cove Wine Down gpt, LLC LLC 8/11/2017 500 2nd St. Zydeco LLC LLC 8/20/2017 9442 hwy 49 BLOW UP! Inflatable Rentals LLC LLC 8/26/2017 18202 cardinal ln Brad Lott Farms Corp BC 8/22/2017 12342 Ashley Drive Ste. A KLJ CRE Corp BC 8/19/2017 919 2nd Street

Guntown Hammer Fishing Rods LLC LLC 8/21/2017 154 CR2640

Hattiesburg Tobacco Shop Inc BC 8/11/2017 2610 A Hardy St Hogan Construction, LLC LLC 8/14/2017 516 Elks Lake Rd. Hope Energy Services, LLC LLC 8/7/2017 902 West Pine Street J-JAK’s LLC LLC 8/4/2017 211 S 29TH AVENUE, SUITE 201 Jackson Brothers Maintenance & Services LLC LLC 8/14/2017 418 S. 23rd Ave JMOSS-II LLC LLC 8/24/2017 140 Mayfair Road Johnny DuPree Consulting, LLC LLC 8/10/2017 1028 N Main Street Jowil Media LLC LLC 8/1/2017 2:40:57 PM 7 Gallo Street JSH Tree Farms LLC LLC 8/17/2017 61 Marais Ridge JTB Services, LLC LLC 8/1/2017 211 S 29TH AVENUE, SUITE 201 K&C Trucking, LLC LLC 8/7/2017 1205 Cherry St KAH Brothers, LLC LLC 8/18/2017 63 98 Place Boulevard Knight Hawk Recovery LLC LLC 8/21/2017 312 S 25th Avenue Kokobean LLC LLC 8/20/2017 44 Ambrose South KP Westwood, LLC LLC 8/16/2017 132 Westover Drive L & G Holdings, LLC LLC 8/14/2017 6635 Hwy 98, Suite 100 LADRE, LLC LLC 8/9/2017 204 W. Front Street Lafayette Landing, LLC LLC 8/16/2017 112 Sheffield Loop, Suite D Laginappe Trading Company LLC LLC 8/29/2017 122 Beechwood Drive Legacy Memorial Holdings LLC LLC 8/2/2017 1207 West Pine Street Lexington Auto Southeast LLC LLC 8/21/2017 15 Orleans Drive Lolita Books Travel LLc LLC 8/23/2017 38 Mill Creek Dr. Longleaf Finance of Petal, LLC LLC 8/7/2017 63 98 Place Boulevard Marathon Asset Management, LLC

Hattiesburg Compass Consulting MD LLC LLC 8/23/2017 72 Serene Meadow Dr Mississippi Property Solutions, LLC


8/28/2017 605a Rawls Springs Loop Rd. 25 Lures, LLC LLC 8/9/2017 204 West Front Street Affinity Retreat, LLC LLC 8/22/2017 2132 Oak Grove Road Al R. Jefferson Charitable Foundation NP 8/29/2017 204 West Front Street Andrea Carter NP 8/25/2017 59 Dover Trace AW EXCAVATION & LAND MANAGEMENT LLC LLC 8/4/2017 48 WOODLANDS TRACE Barbie’s Closet LLC LLC 8/29/2017 6 Yarding Pointe Be A Blessing LLC LLC 8/2/2017 211 S 29TH AVENUE, SUITE 201 BooCo LLC LLC 8/17/2017 311 Whitehaven St. Boone Enterprises, LLC LLC 8/10/2017 60 Landing Way Boston Francis, LLC LLC 8/21/2017 111 Fairfield Drive C & C Venture Capital LLC LLC 8/14/2017 72 Ellzey Lane Capital Equipment LLC LLC 8/21/2017 140 Mayfair Road CBS Development, LLC LLC 8/11/2017 110 Sheffield Loop Circle A Foodmart LLC LLC 8/23/2017 1011 Hardy Street Clay by Clayre, LLC LLC 8/24/2017 106 David Circle cornerstone granite and floors LLC


8/24/2017 211 S 29TH AVE, SUITE 201 DG Desoto 301 LLC LLC 8/1/2017 10 Lamar Blvd Dixie Aviation, LLC LLC 8/4/2017 131 Dubose Road Ely Trucking, LLC LLC 8/21/2017 1011 Hardy Street Evans Trucking and Delivery LLC LLC 8/18/2017 2749 Exquisite Services LLC LLC 8/21/2017 74 Burketts Creek, Dr GC Family Topco LLC LLC 8/1/2017 140 Mayfair Rd Genuine Care Adult Day Services, LLC LLC


1507 Hardy Street


8/1/2017 1011 Hardy Street Markkim Farms, LLC LLC 8/2/2017 31 Twin Lake Crossing Markkim Real Estate-Oxford, LLC LLC 8/1/2017 31 Twin Lake Crossing MCN, LLC LLC 8/16/2017 273 W. Canebrake Blvd. MIMO Investments, LLC LLC 8/10/2017 6635 US HWY 98, Suite 100 Moore’s Tree Farm LLC LLC 8/9/2017 106 Tidewater Rd MountainTop Printing,LLC LLC 8/6/2017 6555 US Highway 98 MY MORTGAGE COMPANY, LLC LLC 8/15/2017 618 Campbell Loop #9 No Good Deed LLC LLC 8/24/2017 525 Corinne Street Norwood Transportation, LLC LLC 8/1/2017 262 T Smith Rd OAK GROVE NAILS SPA, LLC LLC 8/1/2017 27 Sequatchie Okorie Inc. BC 8/30/2017 912 W. Pine Street Open Sourced LLC LLC 8/23/2017 2012 Mamie St Peach Fuzz LLC LLC 8/5/2017 215 N 20th Ave Picayune Finance co. BC 8/23/2017 #60 Sis Hobson Rd Point Blank Energy, LLC LLC 8/21/2017 112 W Canebrake BLVD PRO-FIX LLC LLC 8/20/2017 9 Pine Meadow Loop Progressive Consultants & Associates, PLLC LLC 8/8/2017 573 Nellwood PTM Consulting Group LLC LLC 8/16/2017 6068 US Hwy 98 W Rapid Mart, LLC LLC 8/21/2017 1507 Hardy Street RCB Enterprises, LLC LLC 8/17/2017 309 S. 40th Avenue RENT A CAR, LLC LLC 8/21/2017 6372-B US HWY 98 West RevFit Advanced Recovery LLC LLC 8/27/2017 14 Lamar Blvd Royalty Lounge & Bistro LLP LLP 8/28/2017 908 Broadway Drive Safety First Floor Coatings, LLC LLC 8/29/2017 40 Sandy Hook SD Tree Farm, LLC LLC 8/5/2017 162 Buccaneer Drive Side Line, LLC LLC 204 West Front Street 8/1/2017

Sleep Alabama, LLC LLC 8/1/2017 101 Danbury Ln SPL Records LLC LLC 8/7/2017 212 Sam Rayburn Stancle Marketing and Consulting L.L.C.LLC

8/29/2017 404 N 18th avenue Strick’s Snowballs LLC LLC 8/17/2017 3802 West 4th Street, Suite D Strick’s Specialty Meats LLC LLC 8/17/2017 3802 West 4th Street, Suite C The Add Agency LLC LLC 8/28/2017 27 CHARLESTON WAY The Bledsoe Group, LLC LLC 8/23/2017 49 Belletower Turn The Scrub Stop GP 8/19/2017 28 Market Court Suite 160 Three Sister’s Of Hattiesburg NP 8/2/2017 1505 East Hardy St Trinity Virtual Solutions LLC LLC 8/31/2017 509 Lemoyne Ave Vintage South Construction Company MS, LLC LLC 8/1/2017 1011 Hardy Street Vista 98 LLC LLC 8/21/2017 15 Orleans Drive Waterloo Properties, LLC LLC 8/28/2017 69 Madison Place Wells Realty, LLC LLC 8/1/2017 2015 Hardy St WJB Properties, LLC LLC 8/30/2017 2803 Jefferson Drive yates-yates investments, llc LLC 8/9/2017 100 auburn place Claws-N-Fin LLC LLC 8/10/2017 100 Perry Lee Dr Elusive Outdoors LLC LLC 8/15/2017 2 Village lane Grizzly Bear Leatherworks LLC LLC 8/8/2017 147 98 Place Blvd MLS Coding and Consulting, LLC LLC 8/14/2017 106 Manchester Road Truth Church NP 8/8/2017 155 Augustine Dr

Hollandale Cypress Row, LLC LLC 8/1/2017 111 Treadway Circle Sass and Stache Boutique LLC LLC 8/24/2017 55 Penny Drive

Holly Springs Countyline Auto Body LLC LLC 8/8/2017 3339 Hwy 72 Enhancements Makeup & Beauty, LLC LLC

8/16/2017 105 Tara Road May General & Mechanical LLC LLC 8/16/2017 1093 Valentine Rd New Albany Pharmacy and Solutions, LLCLLC

8/4/2017 145 East Van Dorn RODGERS INVESTMENTS LLC LLC 8/18/2017 2916 HWY 72

Horn Lake 3CMP LLC LLC 8/4/2017 1634 Goodman Road W Announce Divinely LLC LLC 8/19/2017 2623 Susie Ln C.H.A.N.G.E Inc. NP 8/1/2017 5168 Karen Dr Hand Up Cleaner Products & Services LLCLLC

8/21/2017 5932 Hwy 51 North 4C Jordan Party Bus LLC LLC 8/11/2017 3224 Scott Hill Circle K M S Enterprise LLC LLC 8/11/2017 6105 Cornwall Rd PEPPERCHASE HOSPITALITY LLC LLC 8/1/2017 7100 Sutton Pl. Purethirteen Tattoo Company, LLC

Melanie’s Fine Dining Restaurant L.L.C LLC




8/23/2017 1731 Dancy Blvd RD Investments, LLC LLC 8/9/2017 1670 Tissington Robinson Consulting, Inc. BC 8/14/2017 3450 EDENSHIRE LN vP Pumping Service LLC LLC 8/18/2017 4470 Shadow Hollow Dr. 5932 Richard Place Drive

Melanie’s Hair Studio-HornLake L.L.C LLC

DDZ Communications LLC LLC 8/1/2017 4110 Rocky Falls Rd Lowenkamp R&D Laboratories Ltd.BC 8/8/2017 1044 LOWENKAMP LANE

Heidelberg Dixon’s Cleaning Service Inc. BC 8/28/2017 20 C.R. 371B Kidd Properties, LLC LLC 8/2/2017 91 Jimmy Cook Road M&VB Trucking LLC LLC 8/1/2017 46 County Road

8/3/2017 5932 Richard Place Drive NEW GOLDEN DRAGON EAST INC.BC 8/16/2017 3025 GOODMAN RD Spoken Beauty Salon LLC LLC 8/9/2017 6917 Wrenwood Drive Westgate Equities LLC LLC 8/14/2017 6917 Wrenwood Drive Sanders Bail Bonds Services LLC LLC 8/11/2017 5932 HWY 51 N suite C1

Houlka Touched by Surrogacy LLC LLC 8/16/2017 3324 Redland Sarepta Rd



Bell IT Consulting, LLC LLC 8/28/2017 2404 Oak Woods Dr E EC Sports, LLC LLC 8/9/2017 2055 Bright Rd Fleur, LLC LLC 8/15/2017 95 Doe Creek Trail God’s Helpers NP 8/7/2017 3700 THORNRIDGE DR. W Hernando Group Training, LLC LLC 8/18/2017 598 Whitfield Drive Hernando Veteran’s Parade, Inc. NP 8/25/2017 2355 East St. JACKIE RYAN RENTALS LLC LLC 8/15/2017 135 BOONE DRIVE NORTH kf strategies, llc LLC 8/8/2017 429 E. COMMERCE ST. MB Squared Development, LLC LLC 8/28/2017 2635 Bluff Road

CCCWW Holdings, LLC LLC 8/28/2017 111 East Washington Street Houston Scout Foundation, Inc. NP 8/14/2017 108 North Jefferson Street PINNACLE OPERATING SERVICES COMPANY, LLC LLC

Mid South Nuclear Physics Services, LLCLLC

8/18/2017 203 Malone Road S. MRB Logistics LLC LLC 8/21/2017 2103 South Jefferson Loop Royal Mae Company, LLC LLC 8/20/2017 1325 Stone Gate Drive RSM Services LLC LLC 8/29/2017 1781 Weatherby Drive Rutledge Living, LLC LLC 8/24/2017 175 East Commerce Street Serenity City NP 8/7/2017 2266 Pine Tree Loop Southern Leasing, LLC LLC 8/30/2017 814 Crockett Loop North Sparky’s Green Solar LED Farm NP 8/4/2017 2266 Pine Tree Loop Sparky’s Green Solar LED Farming NP 8/7/2017 2266 Pine Tree Loop Starkey Motors NP 8/8/2017 2266 Pine Tree Loop Anderson Properties & Investments, LLC LLC


371 Laughter Rd.

8/25/2017 2103 Citywest Blvd Bldg 4 Suite 800


Indianiola Elise’s Place Adult Day Care, LP LP 8/22/2017 924 Broadmoor AUTOMOBILE MASTER LLC LLC 8/21/2017 129 CURTIS ST

Iuka A and M Mechanical LLc LLC 8/9/2017 1723 W Quitman St Bowen Carman, Attorneys at Law GP 8/30/2017 1723 West Quitman Street Carousel Creations, Inc. BC 8/9/2017 907B County Road 956 Couple CARES NP 8/25/2017 8 Rebecca Ridge Northeastern MS Reginonal National Day of Prayer NP 8/29/2017 1170 West Ash Street Wilson Distributing, Inc. BC 8/29/2017 66 CR 406

Jackson 13orBetter, LLC LLC 8/2/2017 6445 Northwood Place 2240 Foundation NP 8/30/2017 290 Woody dr

4P TRUCKING LLC LLC 8/8/2017 6055 HWY 18 WEST 4T LLC LLC 8/20/2017 460 Briarwood Dr STE 100 A-1 Trim, LLC LLC 8/28/2017 460 Briarwood, Ste 100 A.B.F. BandCamp,LLC LLC 8/11/2017 604 Kirkley Drive A&D ENTERTAINMENTS LLC LLC 8/20/2017 460 Briarwood Dr STE 100 Adaptive Branding LLC LLC 8/18/2017 1018 Pinehurst Street Adaptive Media LLC LLC 8/18/2017 1018 Pinehurst Street Airspeed Moving Freight LLC LLC 8/15/2017 460 Briarwood, Ste 100 AJ Investments LLC LLC 8/28/2017 460 Briarwood, Ste 100 AKC Marketing, Inc. BC 8/28/2017 2134 Brackenshire Circle All or Nothing Music Group LLC LLC 8/2/2017 117 Claude Dr Alluvial Ag Holdings, LLC LLC 8/24/2017 1520 N. State Street Ally Coatings, LLC LLC 8/3/2017 2727 Old Canton Road Alpha Taylor Road Properties, LLCLLC 8/7/2017 248 E CAPITOL ST, SUITE 840 Anton Taylor Tree Service LLC LLC 8/23/2017 5115 Old Canton rd APT G3 Artemis Futures, LLC LLC 8/14/2017

1400 Meadowbrook Rd Suite 102

Baby Girl Racing, LLC LLC 8/28/2017 460 Briarwood, Ste 100 Ballard Naturals, LLC LLC 8/29/2017 460 Briarwood, Ste 100 BarrelHouse Talent, LLC LLC 8/24/2017 460 Briarwood, Ste 100 BarrelHouse Talent, LLC LLC 8/24/2017 460 Briarwood, Ste 100 BB’s Transportation Services, LLC LLC 8/14/2017 2570 BAILEY AVENUE EXT Best of All Seasons LLC LLC 8/28/2017 4383 Redwood Circle Beyond Boundaries LLC LLC 8/2/2017 912 S Valley Falls Rd Big Brake Land Company, LLC LLC 8/14/2017

190 E Capitol Street, Suite 800

Bishop Houck New Hope Village NP 8/28/2017 237 E. Amite Street Blackston Consulting PLLC LLC 8/25/2017 1900 Petit Bois St N Blesse Construction Management, LLC LLC

8/23/2017 460 Briarwood, Ste 100 BlueMedical LLC LLC 8/25/2017 5535 Meadows Oaks Park Dr Bolden’s Dependable Private Sitting,LLC LLC 8/25/2017 2440 williamson ave Bowie’s Transport, LLC LLC 8/28/2017 460 Briarwood, Ste 100 Box Creek Farms, LLC LLC 8/6/2017 112 Chippewa Circle Boyd Luxury Transport, LLC LLC 8/28/2017 460 Briarwood, Ste 100 Bret Campbell trucking, LLC LLC 8/29/2017 460 Briarwood, Ste 100 BROADCAST MUSIC INCORPORATIONS GP 8/7/2017 BMI/Artist Development Burks Contractors LLC LLC 8/14/2017 3937 Parkway Ave Butterfly Patzhes LLC LLC 8/15/2017 1815 Camellia Lane Buyan Construction LLC LLC 8/6/2017 4006 Oakridge Drive buying mississippi LLC LLC 8/7/2017 1720 laurel street C.L.L.W. Industries Inc. BC 8/21/2017

460 Briarwood Dr Suite 400-25

C&H DISCOUNT AUTO SALES LLC LLC 8/25/2017 2073 Gaites Lane Caldwell Enterprises, LLC LLC 8/7/2017 4950 Willow Creek Dr Caldwell Trucking LLC LLC 8/24/2017 3558 MICHEAL CLAY DR Caldwells Cleaning Service, LLC LLC 8/24/2017 3558 Michael Clay Dr Camp Avenue, LLC LLC 8/1/2017 460 BRIARWOOD DR, STE 100 Casey LLC LLC 8/18/2017 139 Highland Circle CB Technical Services, LLC LLC 8/28/2017 460 Briarwood, Ste 100 CCE Corporate Shuttle and Transportation Services LLC LLC 8/19/2017 1817 Wisteria Drive Chi-Town Salads and Sandwiches LLC


8/3/2017 1935 MetroCenter Space 89 Choteau Lawn Care, LLC LLC 8/11/2017 3457 Forest Hill Road

Incorporations CJ Johnson, LLC LLC 8/10/2017 1542 Fairwood Drive Co.Creative LLC LLC 8/15/2017 716 Pennsylvania Ave COBROB LLC LLC 8/17/2017 460 Briarwood Dr STE 100 CODE BLUE WATER SPORTS LLC LLC 8/29/2017 460 Briarwood Dr STE 100 Cole Community Centers Inc. BC 8/10/2017

460 Briarwood Dr. Suite 400-12

Cole Import Export Inc. 8/21/2017

Cole Travel Agency Inc. 8/10/2017


460 Briarwood Dr Suite 400-30


460 Briarwood Dr. Suite 400-20

Common Ground Cuts LLC LLC 8/23/2017 720 W Amite Common Ground Lawn Care Services LLC LLC

8/23/2017 720 W Amite Compliments Of Christopher LLC LLC 8/1/2017 4227 Roxbury Rd Cooper’s Automotive & Collision LLC


8/21/2017 361 barbara st Cottonwood Public House, LLC LLC 8/22/2017 111 North State Street CSG Management Consulting LLC LLC 8/4/2017 5515 Melwood Drive Custom properties, LLC LLC 8/29/2017 460 Briarwood, Ste 100 D & T Property Management LLC LLC 8/22/2017 5744 brownlee dr DabDog&ShatterCat LLC LLC 8/14/2017 5556 Queen Christina Lane DARIL’S PET GROOMING LLC LLC 8/17/2017 460 Briarwood Dr STE 100 DAVIS DEVELOPMENT, LLC LLC 8/31/2017 1 WATERFORD PLACE Deluxe, LLC LLC 8/15/2017 460 Briarwood, Ste 100 Dependable Transportation LLC LLC 8/10/2017 832 Buena Vista Deus Aquila LLC LLC 8/7/2017 5113 Raymond rd. Devcor, LLC LLC 8/1/2017 190 East Capitol Street Deweese 4, LLC LLC 8/10/2017 400 East Capitol Street DHG Fondren, LLC LLC 8/28/2017 210 East Capitol Street DISASTER AMERICA OF MISSISSIPPI LLCLLC


460 Briarwood Dr STE 100

Diversified Property Solutions, LLC


8/7/2017 413 South President St, Suite 115 Divinity Community Living, LLC LLC 8/1/2017 231 William McKinley Circle DLC AUTO SALES, LLC LLC 8/10/2017


DMC-Madison, LLC LLC 8/23/2017 213 South Lamar Street Dogfish Investments, LLC LLC 8/16/2017 2253 Wild Valley Drive Dump and Haul LLC LLC 8/29/2017 160 Waxwing Pl Durastaff, Inc. BC 8/7/2017 168 Inez Owens Drive E Price Enterprises LLC LLC 8/15/2017 2833 Newport St. E&J Home Improvements LLC LLC 8/14/2017 460 Briarwood, Ste 100 ECLIPSE17 LLC LLC 8/18/2017 1437 Old Square Road EDF Energy Services, LLC LLC 8/7/2017 248 E Capitol St., Ste 840 Elim JXN, LLC LLC 8/9/2017 1818 Crane Ridge Drive Elim LA, LLC LLC 8/29/2017 1818 Crane Ridge Drive Encompassed Aerial, LLC LLC 8/29/2017 1050 Monroe St., Apt. A Enterprise Food for the Homeless Corp NP

8/9/2017 3218 Sears St EPIC LOGISTICS SERVICES, INC. BC 8/15/2017 1500 HWY 80 W Exell Water and Coffee, Inc. BC 8/9/2017 190 East Capitol St, Suite 800 Express Heating & Air LLC LLC 8/29/2017 460 Briarwood Dr., STE 400 F Tha Fame Entertainment, LLC LLC 8/14/2017 460 Briarwood, Ste 100 FAT Music Productions, LLC LLC 8/29/2017 460 Briarwood, Ste 100 FBN Services LLC LLC 8/7/2017 400 East Capitol Street FDSTransportation Corp BC 8/14/2017 2034 Gaites Lanes Friend 2 Me Fitness, LLC LLC 8/18/2017 460 Briarwood, Ste 100 Gilbert Building & Installation, LLC


8/8/2017 460 Briarwood, Suite 100 Gipson Memorial Church and Children’s Ranch NP 8/25/2017 879 Gore Road



Magnolia Hospitality Furnishings, LLC LLC


8/25/2017 318 Meadowoods Drive Maryjo and Son, LLC LLC 8/3/2017 460 Briarwood, Ste 100 MATTHEW DWIGHT YOUNG, INC BC 8/3/2017 225 W Mcdowell Rd Max Landing, LLC LLC 8/22/2017 4053 Boxwood Circle MCB Services L.L.C. LLC 8/25/2017 5840 ridgewood rd apt E1 Mcdonald Automotive service and repair, LLC LLC 8/17/2017 460 Briarwood, Ste 100 McIntyre Communications LLC LLC 8/8/2017 3514 Jackye Ln McNair Trucking LLC LLC 8/9/2017 312 East Davis Street Melissa H. Duncan, M.D., PLLC LLC

GLOBAL CAR SALES, LLC LLC 8/3/2017 5880 ridgewood rd apt u175 Great Gadget Company, LLC LLC 8/6/2017 1304 Hazel St. Griffin Deliveries, LLC LLC 8/11/2017 510 Alta Woods Blvd GULF OXFORD FARMS LLC LLC 8/2/2017 400 EAST CAPITOL STREET GULF OXFORD LLC LLC 8/3/2017 400 EAST CAPITOL STREET GulfGuard Cyber, Inc. BC 8/24/2017 4785 I-55 North H & B Capital, LLC LLC 8/4/2017 3100 Old Canton Rd, Suite 200 HA Timberlane, LLC LLC 8/2/2017 4 Old River Place, #A Hall Road Hunting LLC LLC 8/14/2017 460 Briarwood, Ste 100 Healthcare Labor Services, LLC LLC 8/3/2017 460 Briarwood, Ste 100 HINDS COUNTY LEGISLATORS REV. M. L. KING, JR., PRAYER BREAKFAST NP 8/16/2017 2307 REV. M. L. KING, JR., DRIVE

Hood Transport LLC LLC 8/11/2017 460 Briarwood Dr., STE 400 HT Reliable One, Inc. BC 8/12/2017 1021 Rondo Street Hunter’s For Mississippi Children Inc.


8/14/2017 460 Briarwood Dr., STE 400 ichurchmedia LLC LLC 8/3/2017 2659 Livingston Rd Inclusive Creations, LLC LLC 8/9/2017 455 Armour Drive J Construction, LLC LLC 8/4/2017 1449 Gibraltar Drive J. M. Jones Lawn Service, LLC LLC 8/3/2017 510 George St. James J. Brown, M.D., P.A. BC 8/7/2017 1200 N State Street, Suite 300 JBTA Holdings, LLC LLC 8/8/2017 460 Briarwood, Suite 100 Jones & Jordan Investments, LLC LLC 8/14/2017 460 Briarwood, Ste 100 Joseph Dera Media Consulting, LLC


8/17/2017 460 Briarwood, Ste 100 JPC Consulting LLC LLC 8/8/2017 1026 Northpointe Drive K & B Holdings LLC LLC 8/10/2017 385 Edgewood Terrace Drive Karam Jameel Mootre Juwy 24 1984 587498766 LLC LLC 8/19/2017 308 William Mckinley Circle Kathy Martin Images, LLC LLC 8/15/2017 460 Briarwood, Ste 100 Kaz ,LLC LLC 8/9/2017 346 Heritage Place KC International House of Hope LLC


8/24/2017 460 Briarwood Dr., STE 400 KCM Automotives Inc. BC 8/24/2017 974 Royal Oak Dr KEN WHITE COLLECTION LLC LLC 8/25/2017 460 Briarwood Dr STE 100 Key City Brewing Company, LLC LLC 8/22/2017 111 North State Street Kilbert Mobile Home Movers LLC LLC 8/21/2017 310 Colonial Circle KLJ, LLC LLC 8/4/2017 5 James River KMC Enterprise,LLC LLC 8/30/2017 5280 Medhurst Place KT HOMES LLC LLC 8/23/2017 460 Briarwood Dr STE 100 Kut Kreators salon&spa, LLC LLC 8/23/2017 460 Briarwood, Ste 100 L & L Awaken Nursing Facility LLC LLC 8/21/2017 850 Lindburgh Dr L.V. Williams Law, PLLC LLC 8/17/2017 4748 Kings Hwy Lakeapt, LLC LLC 8/9/2017 142 St Andrews Dr Learah’s Southern Gift Shop & Beyond, LLC LLC 8/14/2017 4901 McWillie Circle Apt 506 LEM Lighting LLC LLC 8/21/2017 1037 Whitworth Street Life Approaches Counseling LLC LLC 8/23/2017 139 Wildwood Blvd. Lilley’s Lawn Care LLC LLC 8/1/2017 4851 Sheridan Drive Livingston Properties - Building I, LLC LLC 8/25/2017 1400 Meadowbrook Rd Suite 102

Lost Sock, LLC LLC 8/18/2017 460 Briarwood, Ste 100 LYLES FARM LLC LLC 8/7/2017 460 Briarwood Dr., STE 400 Madison Centurions Inc BC 8/6/2017 2623 Utah St MAE’S EATERY LLC LLC 8/7/2017 3524 EXCHANGE DR


1400 Meadowbrook Rd, Suite 102

MERIDIAN HOUSE LLC LLC 8/25/2017 460 Briarwood Dr STE 100 MICHELLE ZISCHKE LLC LLC 8/25/2017 460 Briarwood Dr STE 100 Millennial Business Suites LLC LLC 8/23/2017 460 Briarwood Dr STE 100 Mississippi Niner Empire Chapter JacksonNP

8/15/2017 3318 rickay dr MORGAN VH INVESTMENTS LLC LLC 8/3/2017 460 Briarwood Dr STE 100 MS Hardware Developer, LLC LLC 8/14/2017 400 East Capitol Street MS Hardware Management, LLC LLC 8/11/2017 400 E Capitol Street MS OFFICE TECHNOLOGY SERVICES LLCLLC

8/3/2017 460 Briarwood Dr STE 100 MS PEARLS KITCHEN LLC LLC 8/6/2017 127 S SUNSET TERRACE Myers Podiatry, PLLC LLC 8/16/2017 460 Briarwood Dr STE 100 Mystery Cubed, LLC LLC 8/29/2017 460 Briarwood, Ste 100 MZM Mercantile LLC LLC 8/18/2017 460 Briarwood, Ste 100 Nelsons Enterprises LLC LLC 8/16/2017 1003 Rondo St New Earth Carrier,llc LLC 8/27/2017 1013 Bailey Ave New Life Fountain Of Blessings Church NP 8/23/2017 104 Barbara Ave NMG Properties, LLC LLC 8/3/2017 4251 Industrial Drive Northern Gulf Investments II, L.L.C.


8/20/2017 188 E. Capitol Street NOW DAT’S CAJUN LLC LLC 8/30/2017 460 Briarwood Dr STE 100 O’so Kreative LLC LLC 8/24/2017 1459 Wooddell Dr Odomes Heritage LLC LLC 8/14/2017 400 Stillwood Drive Overhaul LLC LLC 8/13/2017 5535 Meadow Oaks Park Dr. OXBOW EXTENSION, L.L.C. LLC 8/13/2017 190 E. Capitol Street OXFORD WINE AND SPIRITS, LLC LLC 8/15/2017 4785 Old Canton Road Pan Entertainment, LLC LLC 8/8/2017 1439 Riverwood Drive Path Company, LLC LLC 8/16/2017 2443 Lake Circle Percy Strothers Foundation, Inc. NP 8/29/2017 133 Colebrook Perry Creek Farm, LLC LLC 8/31/2017 1804 Saint Ann Street Pizza Shack, LLC LLC 8/2/2017 925 E Fortification Street Plan B Wholesale LLC LLC 8/15/2017 724 evergreen ave Pop-De-Licious Gourmet Popcorn, LLC LLC 8/1/2017 753 McCluer Road Positive Futures, LLC LLC 8/21/2017

1400 Meadowbrook Rd Suite 102

Positive Steps Fertility, PLLC 8/15/2017


1400 Meadowbrook Rd Suite 102

Preston Properties LLC LLC 8/3/2017 416 Decelle St PRINCE WILL EDUCATIONAL CONSULTANT SERVICES LLC LLC 8/2/2017 2643 MACLEAN RD Psi Theta Nu, Inc. NP 8/18/2017 460 Briarwood, Ste 100 PWS Network Inc BC 8/23/2017 460 Briarwood Dr., STE 400 Quality Customer Interactions, LLC


8/31/2017 107 Waywood Drive Real Meal Publishing, LLC LLC 8/8/2017 460 Briarwood, Suite 100 Redmond Design Service, LLC LLC 8/7/2017 1230 Raymond Road RGC Investments LLC LLC 8/4/2017 460 Briarwood Drive

RIG, LLC LLC 8/21/2017 2253 Wild Valley Drive ROYAL KATTY GLOBAL LLC LLC 8/10/2017 460 Briarwood Dr STE 100 RPS Enterprises, LLC LLC 8/17/2017 421 Edwina Circle RUSSELL’S ENTERPRISES LLC LLC 8/30/2017 431 COOPER RD RX FARMS LLC LLC 8/29/2017 460 Briarwood Dr STE 100 Saint 438 Realty, LLC LLC 8/17/2017 438 St Andrews Dr Sapient Properties LLC LLC 8/21/2017 832 Arlington Street SAVE A KID-SAVE A LIFE FOUNDATION NP 8/15/2017 817 East River Place STE 202 Scents by Shonye LLC LLC 8/18/2017 403 Rose Street Shepherd Family Properties, LLC LLC 8/21/2017 190 E. Capitol St. SHIVELIGHT PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES LLC LLC 8/30/2017 460 Briarwood Dr STE 100 Short Fire Protection, LLC LLC 8/17/2017 460 Briarwood, Ste 100 Simmons Properties, LLC LLC 8/29/2017 460 Briarwood, Ste 100 Simple Burger LLC LLC 8/14/2017 1755 Lelia Drive SKY WORK L.L.C. LLC 8/25/2017 460 Briarwood Dr STE 100 Snack Zone LLC LLC 8/3/2017 350 West Woodrow Wilson Soapsuds Company, LLC LLC 8/21/2017 5851B Medgar Evers Boulevard Soiree Entertainment GP 8/22/2017 PO Box 16031 Soul City Transport LLC LLC 8/1/2017 5060 Sedgwick Dr. Sound Zone LLC LLC 8/2/2017 5312 Runnymede Road Spencer Oil Painting, LLC LLC 8/21/2017 125 Royal Lytham Star Days, LLC LLC 8/1/2017 338 Mangum Dr., Star, MS 39167 Stilettos and Stethoscopes Enterprises LLC LLC 8/15/2017 5040 Clinton Blvd StockInc. Entertainment, LLC LLC 8/28/2017 330 Queen Marie Ln Studio 411, LLC LLC 8/17/2017 460 Briarwood, Ste 100 Super Limos, LLC LLC 8/28/2017 1521 St. Charles Street TaylorMark Consulting, LLC LLC 8/7/2017 49 Northtown Dr. Apt 26E TCA CONSULTING, LLC LLC 8/28/2017 460 Briarwood, Ste 100 Temple Infectious Diseases, PLLC LLC 8/28/2017

1400 Meadowbrook Rd Suite 102

TETRA SIX, LLC LLC 8/18/2017 460 Briarwood, Ste 100 THE DIAMOND FOOD GROUP of MISSISSIPPI INCORPORATED BC 8/10/2017 5938 Whitehall Drive The Flamingo, LLC LLC 8/1/2017 215 W Capitol Street The Green Team Coop, LLC LLC 8/2/2017 939 W. Capitol St. The McCoy Group, LLC LLC 8/25/2017 22 Watersview Drive The Quarters Assisted Living Inc. BC 8/11/2017 5380 I 55 North The Quilt Company LLC LLC 8/28/2017 15 Stanford Court The Serah Foundation Incorporated



1428 McCluer Road

The TOTSpot Childcare & Learning LLC LLC

8/15/2017 2324 TIMBERCROSSING Thornberry Development, LLC LLC 8/10/2017 400 East Capitol Street Thornberry Land, LLC LLC 8/10/2017 400 East Capitol Street TMC Construction ,LLC LLC 8/8/2017 213 River rd N TPM, Inc. BC 8/15/2017 4243 Brussels Drive Turner Investment Group”LLC LLC 8/7/2017 106 Green harbor Dr. Turner’s Cleaning Service, LLC LLC 8/21/2017 2023 E. Santa Clair St Twylight Dreams, Creations & Inspirations LLC LLC 8/1/2017 120 Colonial Cir U.S Trucking, LLC LLC 8/7/2017 3925 Miller Ave Unconventional Deliverance of Faith Minitries NP 8/22/2017 1810 Saint Charles Street Unique Heart Of Faith LLC. LLC 8/1/2017 1112 Randall St.

September 15, 2017

Universal Cultural Expressions and Network Force, LLC LLC 8/22/2017 2158 Morton Ave. USA cleaning service, LLC LLC 8/18/2017 460 Briarwood, Ste 100 USA TITLE INC BC 8/6/2017 4:43:58 AM 2623 Utah St VE DESIGNS LLC LLC 8/9/2017 460 Briarwood Dr STE 100 Velma Jackson High School 1998 NP 8/17/2017 751 Glencross Drive Apt E-18 Vertical Solutions LLC LLC 8/29/2017 1372 E Northside Dr Vet-Trans Jackson LLC LLC 8/3/2017 834 West capital VirtualCIO, LLC LLC 8/8/2017 460 Briarwood, Suite 100 Vriens Properties, LLC LLC 8/30/2017 460 Briarwood, Ste 100 Waggoner Resilience, Inc. BC 8/14/2017 One Eastover Center WEATHERS & COMPANY LLC LLC 8/14/2017 460 Briarwood Dr STE 100 Wells Cabinetry and Remodeling, LLC LLC

8/15/2017 460 Briarwood, Ste 100 Westlake Development, LLC LLC 8/10/2017 400 East Capitol Street Westlake Land, LLC LLC 8/10/2017 400 East Capitol Street What If Properties, LLC LLC 8/14/2017 1755 Lelia Drive Whirl, LLC LLC 8/25/2017 111 North State Street White’s Wellness Consultants, Inc.NP 8/4/2017 8 Autumn Cove Young’s Home Remodeling and Repairs, LLC LLC 8/18/2017 460 Briarwood, Ste 100 Your Pop Stop, LLC LLC 8/21/2017 460 Briarwood, Ste 100 Zemerson Integration Solutions LLC


8/16/2017 6204 Broad Oak Just Wingin It LLC LLC 8/3/2017 795 W County Line Rd No More Tears (NMT) NP 8/31/2017 5935 Sedgwick Dr Singh Enterprises LLC LLC 8/31/2017 2570 North Siwell Road COOL BRZE ICE, LLC LLC 8/31/2017 5760 I-55 North, Suite 150 MALANI WHOLESALE OLIVE BRANCH, INC. BC 8/10/2017 5760 I-55 North, Suite 150 MATHIS TRADING, LLC LLC 8/10/2017 5760 I-55 North, Suite 150 S&K JAY’S TRUCKING LLC LLC 8/21/2017 5760 I-55 North, Suite 150 Wayne Brothers Incorporated BC 8/24/2017 5760 I-55 North, Suite 150 WESSON THERAPY SERVICES, LLC


8/21/2017 5760 I-55 North, Suite 150 Late Post, LLC LLC 8/4/2017 5760 I-55 North, Suite 150 Libra Skills Healthcare, LLC LLC 8/28/2017 5760 I-55 North, Suite 150 MCDB Solution, LLC LLC 8/17/2017 5760 I-55 North, Suite 150 O.T. LOGISTICS, LLC LLC 8/18/2017 5760 I-55 North, Suite 150 On Point Services LLC LLC 8/4/2017 5760 I-55 North, Suite 150 PMO Consulting Services, LLC LLC 8/18/2017 5760 I-55 North, Suite 150 Iris Goddess Boutique, LLC LLC 8/22/2017 5571 Queen Mary Lane

Jayess Davis Consultant LLC LLC 8/28/2017 133 Robbins Road New Sonshine 2017 LLC LLC 8/9/2017 1684 Highway 583 N Yashua’s Farm, LLC LLC 8/2/2017 270 Hope Road Yashua’s Properties, LLC LLC 8/2/2017 270 Hope Road

Kiln All 4 Paws Transportation LLC LLC 8/3/2017 5500 Rockyhill Dedeaux Rd Brett’s Cornhole Boards, LLC LLC 8/4/2017 7482 Kiln Picayune Rd Elizabeth Mitchell and Associates, LLC LLC

8/22/2017 1140 Road 350 Serenity, LLC LLC 8/1/2017 24394 Standard Dedeaux Road The GB Station, LLC LLC 8/7/2017 22270 HWY 603

Kosciusko A & S Trucking, LLC LLC 8/21/2017 5131 Attala Road 3024


Mississippi Business Journal

AT Home Appliances, LLC LLC 8/30/2017 737 Veterans Memorial Drive Cummins Concrete Service LLC LLC 8/24/2017 15910 Hwy 43 North GLE LLC LLC 8/18/2017 2978 Attala Rd 3034 Jr. Trucking LLC LLC 8/2/2017 15677 Hwy 19 S Veasley Trucking LLC LLC 8/30/2017 3848 Attala Road 3034 Magnolia Road Boutique, LP LP 8/27/2017 2027 Attala Road 2213

Lake Jones-Coleston Enterprises, LLC LLC 8/1/2017 3127 Conehatta Rd

Lake Cormorant S.A.W. Sports LLC 8/25/2017

LLC 5415 Church Rd.

lamar Brooks Staffing Agency, Inc. BC 8/21/2017 1342 country church rd

Lauderdale AJ & KJ Trucking LLC LLC 8/9/2017 9561 HWY 45 North Faith Industries, LLC LLC 8/9/2017 3667 N Lake Dr J and A retired PROP LLC LLC 8/25/2017 8694 W Parkway N



Lena Leake Central Elementary Jr Beta NP 8/29/2017 2285 Cedar Grove Road M Spears Trucking LLC LLC 8/14/2017 4790 Utah road

Lexington Chic Her Boutique llc LLC 8/18/2017 3961 rathell rd Jennifer Sterling Brown Animal Rescue of Holmes County NP 8/2/2017 404 Court Square N

Liberty GM’s Custom Coatings, LLC LLC 8/2/2017 4580 Tower Hill RD GRACE HOME CARE LLC LLC 8/25/2017 3159 Peoria Rd LC Trucking LLC LLC 8/14/2017 4488 Spears Road Dixon Innovations, LLC LLC 8/24/2017 4704 SOUTH DIXON LANE

Long Beach Addie Hill LLC LLC 8/27/2017 20199 Lovers Lane Friday Night Under The Lights LLCLLC 8/15/2017 113 E Second St Gulf Coast Palm Tree Company LLC


8/1/2017 718 N Nicholson Ave JASawyer Imaging LLC LLC 8/11/2017 117 E AZALEA DR

Northeast Youth Football League LLC LLC



8/28/2017 908 Park Row Ave Lucid, LLC LLC 8/4/2017 7133 Beatline Road Nexus LARP LLC LLC 8/16/2017 8:14:41 AM 5142 Mitchell Rd. OneDiamondhead, LLC LLC 8/21/2017 5352 Red Creek Road Rolling Smokes Bar-B-Que & Catering “LLC” LLC 8/24/2017 104 1\2 North Burke Ave The Punch Kollins Company, LLC LLC 8/1/2017 213 ARBOR STATION DR

3681 Louise Drive

Laurel Tyler Sullivan Enterprises, LLC LLC 8/17/2017 9 Lake Shore Drive Brighter Tomorrows NP 8/8/2017 7 Country Club Drive Clar’s Food Inc BC 8/17/2017 1:04:18 PM1500 North 5th Ave. Gulf Transit LLC LLC 8/10/2017 12 Sasser Rd GULFPORT H.P., LLC LLC 8/29/2017 309 S. 16TH AVENUE Jefferson Neurology Clinic LLC LLC 8/11/2017 738 N SIX AVE KSB ConSol LLC LLC 8/23/2017 65 Rosemary Lane KSmith Holdings, LLC LLC 8/8/2017 107 South 15th Ave. Laurel Design Co. LLC LLC 8/21/2017 36 Iris Ln MagOak Operating, LLC LLC 8/16/2017 317 W Oak Street Suite 3 MAS Properties, LLC LLC 8/24/2017 2819 Highway 84 W MORTON, MORTON AND MURRAY LLC LLC

8/2/2017 2230 Hwy 184 Pine Belt Technology LLC LLC 8/8/2017 1036 Crescent Hill Dr PM Group, LLC LLC 8/29/2017 12 Wilshire Blvd Reddy Freddy Car Wash, LLC LLC 8/18/2017 515 North Magnolia Street RubyRoo Cleaning, LLC LLC 8/8/2017 595 Reid Road Savir C. Inc. BC 8/7/2017 3050 HWY 84E Smocked Mama, LLC LLC 8/9/2017 262 County Road 8 Sweet Home Properties LLC LLC 8/23/2017 738 N SIX AVE The Cooley Campbell Earth Angels Foundation NP 8/14/2017 281 Service Rd U.S. Outdoor Advertising Company, Inc. BC

8/28/2017 1730 Wansley Road WALLACE RX, LLC LLC 8/15/2017 520 N MAGNOLIA ST Your 24/7 Fitness Center & Tanning, LLCLLC

8/8/2017 1705 Parker Drive Grace Consultation LLC LLC 8/15/2017 221 Strengthford Pleasant Grove Road ProAct, LLC LLC 8/18/2017 1234 Karen

Leakesville Denmark & Smith Farms, LLC LLC 8/24/2017 410 Greene Ave

leland Rays’ Memorial Garden NP 8/11/2017 509 6th street


lorman lightning courier service small package transport llc LLC 8/23/2017 4083 stonington road

Louin Cattle Call Cowboy Church NP 8/24/2017 25 County Road 1816

Louise Belita’s Daycare and Learning Center, LLCLLC

8/1/2017 1454 Main Street DUCK HEAVEN L.L.C. LLC 8/24/2017 3812 DEER PARK RD

Louisville BB’s One Stop and Diner, LLC LLC 8/21/2017 18050 East Main St E and L Hot Spot LLC LLC 8/22/2017 41Sunset Drive Edwards Property Management & Maintenance LLC LLC 8/2/2017 3050 Young Crossing Rd. Taylor Defense Products, LLC LLC 8/8/2017 3690 North Church Ave. Strait and Strait Services, LLC LLC 8/14/2017 5196 Bond road

Lucedale Colby Parker Agency LLC LLC 8/28/2017 744 Winter Street Croom’s Nursery GP 8/4/2017 3200 Rocky Creek Rd Daley Properties LLC LLC 8/1/2017 911 Winborn Chapel Road JWP’s INSPECTIONS LLC LLC 8/1/2017 119 Tara Lane Lawrence & Co., LLC LLC 8/21/2017 145 John F. Kennedy Street New Leaf Ventures LLC LLC 8/15/2017 18156 Hwy 26 West

Lyon Liberty Missionary Baptist Church of Lyon NP 8/11/2017 104 Killebrew Street

Maben Douglastown Investments, LLC LLC 8/22/2017 3023 Douglastown Road


22 Q Mississippi Business Journal Q September 15, 2017 Mableton McKenzie Foundation Inc NP 8/31/2017 148 Cavan Way

Macon Deer Trail Property, LLC LLC 8/14/2017 1718 Koehn Road Noxubee High Alumni AssociationNP 8/23/2017 496 Washington St. Ultimate Possibilities LLC LLC 8/18/2017 2830 Sandyland Rd.

Madison 102 Republic, LLC LLC 8/7/2017 101 Webster Circle 120 Fountains Boulevard, LLC LLC 8/31/2017 212 Key Drive 1ST Choice Roofing and Construction, LLCLLC

8/24/2017 606 Clearwood cove 3 RIVERS PLANTATION LLC LLC 8/16/2017 2950 N. COUNTY LINE ROAD 30 Below, LLC LLC 8/23/2017 117 Woods Lake Drive 301 Issaquena Bar, Inc. BC 8/6/2017 1888 Main St. Academia After School, LLC LLC 8/21/2017 124 Deer Creek Cv American Transport Service, LLC LLC 8/8/2017 440 Madison Oaks Dr Ashley Ricotta Jewelry, LLC LLC 8/7/2017 1296 Highway 51 North B and G Linguistic Group LLC LLC 8/28/2017 164 N Pine Dr bando properties llc LLC 8/23/2017 425 treles dr BROTHER 4 ONE STOP LLC LLC 8/1/2017 104 Fontanelle Blvd Campbell Bulldog Foundation NP 8/10/2017 389 Kingsbridge RD Cannon Boat Lifts, LLC LLC 8/29/2017 99 Ingleside Road Creative Occasions, L.L.C. LLC 8/1/2017 128 Northwind Drive D28 Farms, LLC LLC 8/16/2017 9:49:25 PM 117 Northlake Dr Decade Coffee Bar, LLC LLC 8/1/2017 118 Whisper Lake Blvd. DREA DESIGNS LLC LLC 8/11/2017 107 THOMPSON LANE Dubard, LLC LLC 8/7/2017 745 Highway 51 Efstratiou Haddad LLC LLC 8/14/2017 119 Spotted Acres Ln Fowler Oil Company, LLC LLC 8/9/2017 367 St Augustine Drive Gamut Solutions LLC LLC 8/3/2017 101 Bristol Ln Gulf Park Plaza, LLC LLC 8/15/2017 1019 Gluckstadt Road Holloway Venture Capital, LLC LLC 8/29/2017 124 One Madison Plaza Innovative Sutures, LLC LLC 8/14/2017 115 Homestead Dr -- Suite B Ish & Jas, LLC LLC 8/4/2017 106 Fairfax Ct J & A Homes LLC LLC 8/7/2017 301 Calumet Dr JCL Investment Properties II, LLC LLC 8/11/2017 2045 Main Street JDRC, LLC LLC 8/10/2017 105 linden cv JEC Properties, LLC LLC 8/30/2017 118 Hidden Hills Drive Johns Shiloh Properties, LLC LLC 8/11/2017 16 Peach Tree Lane Jones Family Honey Farm LLC LLC 8/29/2017 109 Golden Pond Drive Just a Bite, LLC LLC 8/25/2017 108 Lakeview Court Kanaiya LLC LLC 8/15/2017 117 Klaas Blvd Karen L Livingston, LLC LLC 8/18/2017 101 Somerset Cove Kelly Holdings - Carthage, LLC LLC 8/17/2017 125 Fountains Blvd. L. Fairburn, LLC LLC 8/4/2017 169 Woodsong Way Laws REI LLC LLC 8/19/2017 146 Old Trace Rd Livingston Fellowship, Inc. NP 8/22/2017 457 Greenleaf Trail LKP Healthcare Risk Consulting, LLC


8/15/2017 440 Cherry Hill Drive LROSELLA, LLC LLC 8/1/2017 594 Bedford Circle LULU KABAB INC BC 8/24/2017 421 Jordan Ridge Place Lyndon Bridges, LLC LLC 8/28/2017 113 Executive Drive Madison Main, LLC LLC 412 Warren Place 8/1/2017

Madison Medical Associates, LLC LLC 8/2/2017 111 Fountains Blvd. Magnolia Travel Group LLC LLC 8/8/2017 102 Parkdale Place Malouf & Galeano, LLC LLC 8/1/2017 114 Esplanade Court Mannsdale Land Company, LLC LLC 8/22/2017 410 Johnstone Drive McDavid Ventures, LLC LLC 8/4/2017 105 Bridge Water Drive Mildred Scott, LLC LLC 8/1/2017 270 Brisage Blvd Murnane Consulting LLC LLC 8/24/2017 130 Claiborne Street Olde Maple Owners Association NP 8/15/2017 101 Webster Circle Olympus Drilling Fluid Consultants LLC LLC 8/8/2017 101 Olympus Ct Osok Arms LLC LLC 8/28/2017 118 Cherry Cove Payne Lawn Care LLC LLC 8/1/2017 118 Copper Ridge Ct. Pearl Riverkeeper NP 8/16/2017 810 Beaumont Dr Petroleum Development Group LLC


8/23/2017 668 Hazelton Drive Peyton Resources, LLC LLC 8/4/2017 3 Santa Clara Court Phil McCoy Real Estate, Inc. BC 8/16/2017 58 Moss Woods Dr. Posh 463, LLC LLC 8/3/2017 168 Reunion Blvd PPU LLC LLC 8/11/2017 108 Sugar Maple Lane PW Grove, LLC LLC 8/18/2017 137 SUNSET LN. Saik Rental Properties LLC LLC 8/31/2017 113 Dees Drive SEES, LLC LLC 8/1/2017 112 Hunt Circle SHOP FROLIC BOUTIQUE, LLC LLC 8/24/2017 212 CLARK FARMS RD SIMRANJOSAN, LLC LLC 8/25/2017 106 Wisper Lake Blvd. Starfire Pearl LLC LLC 8/30/2017 226 Clark Farms Road Sublime UAS LLC LLC 8/4/2017 111 Twin Oaks Dr SUPERIOR HOME INVESTMENTS LLC, LLC

8/14/2017 115 WINGTIP CV Sweetly Yours Company BC 8/8/2017 143 Seville Way SWM Songs, LLC LLC 8/15/2017 141 Woodland Hills Blvd TA&S Properties LLC LLC 8/23/2017 105 Burne Run Tapp Agency, LLC LLC 8/16/2017 109 Bridge Water Dr Tashley LLC LLC 8/21/2017 1062 Highland Colony Pkwy The Go Getters, LLC LLC 8/21/2017 124 Deer Creek Cv The Little Angels Spa LLC LLC 8/27/2017 109 StillHouse Creek The Online Money Store LLC LLC 8/17/2017 250 Ina Drive The Place at Harbour Pointe Crossing, LLC LLC 8/2/2017 1012 Madison Avenue Thor’s Eye In The Sky, LLC LLC 8/25/2017 112 Camden Way TRWMBW, LLC LLC

Proud Sportsman, Inc. BC 8/24/2017 113 Tutor Drive Russell Properties - Carthage, LLCLLC 8/7/2017 141 Hummingbird Road

Magnolia CHAIN AIR LLC LLC 8/2/2017 1032 Kennedy Rd Twisted Tree Ranch, LLC LLC 8/16/2017 4146 Middle Glading Road

Mantachie Hodges Holdings, LLC LLC 8/8/2017 2861 Highway 371 North McIntosh Real Estate, LLC LLC 8/8/2017 2861 Highway 371 North

Mantee Magnolia State Property Management LLC LLC 8/29/2017 3078 Old Dancy Road

Marion Koketa Boutique LLC LLC 8/17/2017 6051 Dale Dr Suite A

Mathiston Michael Box Construction LLC LLC 8/25/2017 875 E. Sherwood OCL RD SARAS FLOWERS LLC LLC 8/9/2017 1275 SPRING VALLEY RD

McComb 601 Telecom, LLC LLC 8/23/2017 715 James Avenue N Big Daddy Restaurant, LLC LLC 8/22/2017 519 Apache Drive Booker T. Washington School Monument Fund NP 8/18/2017 1024 Morgantown Road C & D Transport LLC LLC 8/23/2017 1007 Twin Oak Drive CMMH, LLC LLC 8/18/2017 1098 Schmidt Road D’Lodge Sports Bar and Grill, LLC LLC 8/2/2017 1140 Witterman Street Dynamic 6 transportation inc BC 8/28/2017 3007 Cole Thomas rd H & L Investments, LLC LLC 8/18/2017 209 Apache Drive Josan Food Mart, Inc. BC 8/23/2017 1051 Stonegate Drive JS Quick Stop LLC LLC 8/28/2017 108 Fox Loop Dr L&C Express LLC LLC 8/1/2017 610 W Presley Blvd LETS GO TRUCKING INC. BC 8/9/2017 1024 GERTMAN HILL ROAD MS Adopt A Hero NP 8/2/2017 112 Commerce Street PIKE COUNTY MISSISSIPPI SCHOLARS’, INC. NP 8/29/2017 213 MAIN STREET Plus One Medical Clinic, Inc. BC 8/1/2017 112 Commerce Street SHAMATIMILOH Inc NP 8/21/2017 1200 Laselle St #19

8/21/2017 124 One Madison Plaza, Suite 1500


V3, LLC LLC 8/9/2017 116 Hidden Hills Dr. Verano, LLC LLC 8/13/2017 206 Culpepper Blvd


Webley Educational Consulting LLC


8/9/2017 145 Brisage Drive William Sun Selfies LLC LLC 8/22/2017 662 Twin Harbor Place Ziglar Photography, LLC LLC 8/1/2017 156 Lorman Lane All Around Home and Lawn Maintenance LLC LLC 8/23/2017 137 Kaye Drive ETK III Development LLC LLC 8/21/2017 137 Claiborne Street safe Energy Management Consultant LlcLLC


107 Cherry Bluff Dr

Magee Beach Bound, LLC LLC 8/19/2017 201 Main Avenue N. Berry Brothers Farm, LLC LLC 8/14/2017 103 Lakeview Drive NW D & H Berry Brothers Farms Magee, LLC LLC

8/31/2017 115 Main Avenue North H.F.T. Florist, LLC LLC 8/30/2017 116 Willies Exit Ramp Road


Mendenhall 3 Brothers Food Mart, LLC LLC 8/1/2017 1588 Simpson Highway 149 A. Womack Properties, LLC LLC 8/24/2017 113 Riverview Drive Angel Lee Modeling LLC LLC 8/9/2017 486 Emmitt Brown Rd. B & B Glass Repair Plus, LLC. LLC 8/1/2017 500 Layton and Jones Road J&J Walker Investment Properties LLC LLC

8/27/2017 128 Lake Dr LCE Properties, LLC LLC 8/18/2017 115 Colson Pines Dr Rainey Corp. BC 8/7/2017 295 BILL SMITH RD

Meridian JK Home Improvement or Remodeling LLC LLC 8/12/2017 10850 Baylor RD A & A EXPRESS LANE 6, LLC LLC 8/14/2017 1400 24th Avenue A & A EXPRESS LANE 7, LLC LLC 8/14/2017 144 North Hills Street A & A EXPRESS LANE 8, LLC LLC 8/14/2017 2330 Highway 39 North BroFit LLC LLC 8/27/2017 1250 Leo Lockhart rd Butterfly kisses LLC LLC 8/7/2017 3251 Schanrock Rd. Conservative Investments, L.L.C. LLC 8/17/2017 2101 Fifth Street East Mississippi SSDI Law PLLC LLC 8/1/2017 6196 Pinedale Road Goforth Properties LLC LLC 8/11/2017 8712 Fellowship Road Greer Lane, LLC LLC 8/18/2017 7841 Timber Lane Heritage Investment Properties, L.L.C. LLC 8/17/2017 12:16:07 PM 1416 10th Avenue HP Construction, LLC LLC 8/11/2017 5674 Zero Road Intergrated Service LLC LLC 8/3/2017 2906 St. Paul Street JAV Artesian Water, LLC LLC 8/2/2017 5039 - 37nd Street JAZZY SMILES, PLLC LLC 8/25/2017 728 North Hills Street JB & KB Trucking LLC LLC 8/10/2017 2422 24th st JDM Drive It, LLC LLC 8/3/2017 3021 J Highway 45 North K & M QUICK STOP LLC LLC 8/3/2017 730 RONT ST. EXT Magnolia Media, LLC LLC 8/21/2017 210 24th Ave. South Maynor Mangum, LLC LLC 8/18/2017 428 Windover Circle MS Sippy Farms, LLC LLC 8/17/2017 8460 AC Brown Rd Patriot Properties LLC LLC 8/11/2017 8712 Fellowship Road Redd Works,LLC LLC 8/4/2017 2604 Poplar Springs Drive Sansing Global Marketing LLC LLC 8/2/2017 4084 Whippoorwill Ln The Insurance Center Flowood LLC


8/15/2017 1105 Country Club Place TLI Jackson llc LLC 8/21/2017 1733 38th St TLI Meridian LLC LLC 8/22/2017 1733 38th St Underway Recovery LLC LLC 8/15/2017 565 B dogwood lake road DCK Timber Harvesting Co. BC 8/3/2017 7516 hwy 493 Inspiring Innovation Consulting LLC


8/16/2017 2320 40th St Lion Express Service llc LLC 8/4/2017 4529 state blvd Moe’s BBQ LLC. LLC 8/31/2017 104 64th Ave

COLEMAN ANESTHESIA SERVICES, LLC LLC 8/10/2017 80 Horseshoe Drive Old River Design Co LLC LLC 8/2/2017 425 Cedar Road

Midnight Rayner Enterprises, LLC LLC 8/28/2017 225 Silver Creek Rd. Rayner Equipment, LLC LLC 8/28/2017 225 Silver Creek Rd.

Mize LLC 1365 SCR 64

Monticello Borgstede oil and gas consulting LLC


8/3/2017 303 Lee Hedgepeth rd Courtney Distribution, Inc BC 8/11/2017 310 W Broad Street Pass Time Performance and Tuning, LLCLLC

8/1/2017 100 Woodrow Lane Peak Performance Nutrition, LLC LLC 8/28/2017 6004 Highway 587

Morton CHINA KITCHEN LLC 8/11/2017

Moselle J.E. Ford, LLC LLC 8/1/2017 296 Guthrie Carter Road JOHN EARLS, LLC LLC 8/1/2017 25 Sumrall Road

Moss Point Chapter 31, LLC LLC 8/3/2017 3932 Charlie Hudson Rd CompTask Consulting, LLC LLC 8/1/2017 16224 Culbert RD Construction Site Services LLC LLC 8/10/2017 12815 Forts Lake Rd David M. Robinson, LLC LLC 8/28/2017 9700 Wilkerson Circle Gulf Monument LLC LLC 8/10/2017 4625 Larimore ST. Gulf Monument LLC LLC 8/11/2017 4625 Larimore ST. Natural Elements Cosmetics L.L.C LLC 8/14/2017 3625 Barnett Ave. Shady Lake, LLC LLC 8/24/2017 5608 Hwy 614 Sister2sister , LLC LLC 8/17/2017

4831 Dr Martin Luther King Blvd

Sydon Services LLC 8/17/2017 7901 Pecan Ridge Drive


Vito Janitorial & Lawn Services Llc


LLC 341 4TH ST

Michael Chapman Studios, LLC LLC 8/3/2017 219 Oakland Drive Moritz House Natchez LLC LLC 8/20/2017 304 Washington Street New Afrikan Investment Association Adams County, MS Inc BC 8/28/2017 722 N. Rankin Street Open Air Tours, LLC LLC 8/1/2017 4 Bingaman Lane Rachal Outdoor Solutions, LLC LLC 8/22/2017 109 Rollingwood Dr Terra Nova Land Management, LLC


8/28/2017 274 Seargent S Prentiss Dr Train A Child Learning Center, LLCLLC 8/3/2017 17 Seale Road Wish Pray Dream Big, LLC LLC 8/29/2017 503 Brooklyn Drive Zuccaro Consulting LLC LLC 8/7/2017 3709 Eastbrook Rd

Neely ABCD Consulting, LLC LLC 8/9/2017 6018 Neely Avera Rd COOLEY LOGISTICS LLC LLC 8/1/2017 7404 NEELY ROAD

Nesbit CRN LLC LLC 8/7/2017 3889 Robertson Rd. Ridgestone, LLC LLC 8/1/2017 190 Motor Scooter Cove v & h acoustics llc LLC 8/4/2017 1151 hwy 51 n. lot 152


8/27/2017 4937 Frederick St Youth Leadership Outreach Development NP 8/24/2017 3913 Macphelah Road Dr.Kratom llc. LLC 8/6/2017 4217 jamestown rd Wee Care Siiter2 LLC LLC 8/1/2017 3712 Donna Anna Dr

Big D Contractors LLC LLC 8/18/2017 32958 Highway 45 North Lawndale Drive Car Wash, LLC LLC 8/29/2017 4775 Carolina Road SHORT STREET BEER SHOP INC. BC 8/17/2017 108 County Road 1333

Mound Bayou

New Albany

JMC Renewable Energy Solutions, Inc. BC

8/7/2017 201 NW Main Avenue Royal Dy’mond Ink LLC LLC 8/1/2017 307 Banks Avenue S T F 17 Inc BC 8/22/2017 301 G Fortune Ave Voices for Education NP 8/30/2017 204 Grant St.

Tombigbee Valley Investments, LLC



4775 Carolina Road

American Tree Service and Stump Removal, LLC LLC 8/16/2017 743 CR 54 NA Food Dash, LLC LLC 8/14/2017 720 West Bankhead Trophy Point Farms LLC LLC 8/25/2017 112 East Bankhead St, Suite A

New Hebron


Windy Hills Enterprises, LLC LLC 8/21/2017 290 Berry Road


Myrtle core vapors llc LLC 8/1/2017 1023 North St S and G Backyard Oasis LLC LLC 8/16/2017 1875 CR 478

DROPPING HERTZ LLC LLC 8/30/2017 813 DOOLITTLE RD JV Holdings LLC LLC 8/21/2017 245 Old Hickory Rd

North Carrollton

Natchez 61 Auto Tech, LLC 8/9/2017


ReGenMD, LLC 8/13/2017

Gammage Ventures LLC LLC 8/30/2017 114 Boyd Loop Hutchinson Plumbing, LLC LLC 8/17/2017 7112 Hwy 13 S THE GINGERBREAD LLC LLC 8/1/2017 209 Seventh Ave

LLC 552A HWY 61 N

Abstract 2 Close Title Company LLC

County Barn Restaurant, LLC LLC 8/21/2017 1 509 George Street


8/17/2017 126 S Commerce Street Adams County Volunteer Firefighter Association NP 8/15/2017 117 Upper Kingston Road B & M AUTOMOTIVE LLC LLC 8/10/2017 509 S. CANAL STREET Chucks LLC LLC 8/10/2017 15 Benjamin Rd Commercial Cleaning Services LLCLLC 8/14/2017 55 Sgt Prentiss Drive Ste 4 Daco Consulting LLC LLC 8/8/2017 105 ST. CHARLES AVE Elevated Solutions LLC LLC 8/9/2017 110 Log Cabin Lane Fortitude Virtual Communications LLC LLC 8/8/2017 128 Hensley Road G & J Tire LLC LLC 8/22/2017 209 North Commerce Street H&G PREMIER TRUCKING, LLC LLC 8/1/2017125 Lower Woodville Rd Apt K181 iLive 365 NP 8/2/2017 2837 little street JB3 Transport, LLC LLC 8/16/2017 51 Roseland Forrest Road JML CONSULTING, LLC LLC 8/21/2017 52 OLD MEADVILLE RD Johnny’s Pizza LLC LLC 8/25/2017 104 Martin Luther King Dr. Lil T Trucking, Inc. BC 8/15/2017 126 Cherrybark Ln

Noxapater Central Timber Harvesters, LLC LLC 8/15/2017 2930 Mt. Pisgah Road Michael Horne Farms LLC LLC 8/30/2017 2334 Tuck Wilkes Road

Oakland Jackson Timber Trucking LLC LLC 8/3/2017 1806 county road 199 Rusty Nuts Chop Shop LLC. LLC 8/24/2017 8109 CR. 216



8/1/2017 429 PORTER AVE. App-roov LLC LLC 8/12/2017 7428 Saints Cir Bella’s Bounty, LLC LLC 8/15/2017 607 Catchot Place Black Pearl LLC LLC 8/11/2017 9 Sweetgrass Lane BR Real Estate Development, LLC LLC 8/24/2017 202 North Street Bridgette Helm Floral Design LLC LLC 8/3/2017 111 Sunhaven Drive Brigadoon Technology, LLC LLC 8/4/2017 3310 Nottingham Rd. Cutting It Close, LLC LLC 8/29/2017 3502 Cherry Blossom Lane

Daniel J. Payne CPA, PLLC LLC 8/30/2017 18 Fleetwood Place Elloitt Investments, LLC LLC 8/25/2017 3064-A BIENVILLE BLVD EVENTS UNLIMITED, LLC LLC 8/11/2017 5220 OLD SPANISH TRL F&C Custom Forgings LLC LLC 8/20/2017 1828 Burnt Oak Drive Food, Booze & Hiccups LLC LLC 8/7/2017 302 Hunter Dr Front Beach Dream, LLC LLC 8/28/2017 200 Washington Avenue Gautier Yacht Club LLC LLC 8/20/2017 996 N Halstead Road Gulf South Yacht Sales & Event Services, LLC. LLC 8/7/2017 14009 Solano Circle iBi Marketing Solutions, LLC LLC 8/1/2017 11:18:45 AM 120 Keri Cove Jerika’s Fashion Showcase LLC LLC 8/14/2017 1633 S 9th St Joleen’s Starz of the South, LLC LLC 8/16/2017 429 Porter Avenue Kien Giang LLC LLC 8/8/2017 2007 Tammy Street Lady Greyhound Soccer Boosters NP 8/18/2017 7601 Clamshell Avenue Light in August, LLC LLC 8/28/2017 1217 Government Street MS Property Pros LLC LLC 8/21/2017 2605 Shelby Lane PSPV LLC LLC 8/1/2017 6215 Washington Avenue Sea Pearl I, LLC LLC 8/16/2017 2021 S 7TH STREET SOMAWE LLC LLC 8/14/2017 12013 sugar maple dr South Mississippi Kayak Fishing Club


8/8/2017 1009 Loraine St. South Mississippi Savings LLC LLC 8/1/2017 1129 Gum Street Southern Charm Frenchies LLC LLC 8/1/2017 6304 Luckey Ln Southern Regional Chiropractic and Rehabilitation Center, LLC LLC 8/23/2017 10008 Shady Pine Striegel Financials, LLC LLC 8/11/2017 15 Marks Rd Sweet Enchantments Cakes LLC LLC 8/15/2017 302 Hunter Dr Teagarden-White, LLC LLC 8/23/2017 13841 Fairway Drive The Balancing Act, LLC LLC 8/15/2017 26`2 North 7th Street The Love Shack Bar & Grill, Inc. BC 8/22/2017 2953 Bienville Blvd #303 Triple Diamond Auto Sales, LLC LLC 8/14/2017 7401 Washington Avenue Unfazed Show & Band, LLC LLC 8/28/2017 3603 Reeves Lane Zoli’s Boutique LLC LLC 8/27/2017 7428 Saints Cir

Okolona O B Transport L.L.C. 8/31/2017

LLC 1287 cr 159

Olive Branch B & T Snack Sales, LLC LLC 8/9/2017 3338 High Bridge Road BLUE PARADISE PROPERTY SOLUTIONS, LLC LLC 8/4/2017 7706 STATELINE RD BORN AGAIN TRUCKING INC BC 8/23/2017 4540 ALEXANDER Brighter Day Family Relief Foundation NP 8/29/2017 4166 Lexi dr C & T Snack Sales, LLC LLC 8/9/2017 3338 High Bridge Road celeste jona, llc LLC 8/7/2017 14176 Knightsbridge Ln Daughters of Zion Global Empowerment Ministries NP 8/10/2017 8316 Westbrook Drive Diamond Travel, LLC LLC 8/1/2017 7430 Trellis Cove DIGNITY CONSULTING INC BC 8/16/2017 6515 goodman road Dixon Freight Solutions, LLC. LLC 8/7/2017 13304 Willow Nest Drive Grab-N-Go Portable Power Supply, LLC LLC

8/30/2017 9146 Pigeon Roost Road Hunnysuckle Rose Boutique LLC LLC 8/9/2017 6247 Spring Crossing J & A Ventures, LLC LLC 8/25/2017 4978 Graham Lake Drive JALLAB JANITORIAL, LLC LLC 8/11/2017 6692 Jessie Hoyt JBTC, LLC LLC 8/24/2017 1597 Wood Lane

Incorporations JJA Internet Marketing LLC LLC 8/14/2017 6292 Ivy Trails LNS Exteriors LLC LLC 8/20/2017 4153 Rebekah Drive Lowe’s Counseling Center, LLC LLC 8/23/2017 7708 Piney Ridge CV Magnolia Grace Care Management, LLC LLC


8459 Cross Point Dr

Melanie Melugin Photography, LLC


8/1/2017 6595 Aquila Cir W Mid South Chiropractic of Hernando, PLLC LLC 8/4/2017 6942 Autumn Oak Drive Mid South Culinary Alliance, Incorporated NP 8/15/2017 1:01:28 PM 10378 Loftin Drive New Boots NP 8/30/2017 6210 College Rd PMT Investments, LLC LLC 8/7/2017 7459 Aylesbury Ln pro-techs llc LLC 8/13/2017

6515 Goodman rd suite 4 box271

Project Fresh NP 8/25/2017 10629 College Rd Rigsby & Sons Trucking LLC LLC 8/2/2017 3836 Pleasant Hill Rd RivCo, LLC LLC 8/11/2017 6172 Sierra Dr. Seyer Contractors, LLC LLC 8/1/2017 8049 Montrose Drive Sticks and Stones Property Services LLCLLC

8/24/2017 7376 English Ivy W The Bear’s Den Prepraratory LLC LLC 8/22/2017 6127 Morgan Manor Dr West Veritas Senior Living LLC LLC 8/2/2017 6522 Shenandoah Lane Wound Care Solutions by Vanessa, LLC LLC

8/2/2017 9874 Stage Run Dr YKnot’s Hidden Treasures LLC LLC 8/17/2017 5691 Blocker Street



405 S. 11th St. Suite 104


8/22/2017 405 S. 11th St. Suite 104 FIVE WOODS LLC LLC 8/9/2017 2 495 OLD TAYLOR RD UNIT #1108 Gannon Charitable Organization, Inc. NP

8/16/2017 167 Private Road 3088 GC Enterprises LLC LLC 8/21/2017 302 Enterprise Dr. STE A Group Insight LLC LLC 8/20/2017 1603 University Avenue HairPort NailPort & Co., LLC LLC 8/30/2017 1903 University Ave Health Plus Global 1001, LLC LLC 8/15/2017 1200 Jefferson Avenue Health Plus Global 909, LLC LLC 8/1/2017 1200 Jefferson Avenue Hillman Commons, LLC LLC 8/24/2017 2330 University Avenue J & T TRANSPORT, LLC LLC 8/23/2017 3838 MAJESTIC OAKS DRIVE Khususiy, LLC LLC 8/28/2017 12 PR 3151 Lafayette Metals, LLC LLC 8/2/2017 704 Whispering Bend Levee Road Properties, LLC LLC 8/22/2017 1 1739 University Avenue Lovelady Photography LLC. LLC 8/16/2017 600 Shadow Creek Dr Magnolia Property Group LLC LLC 8/1/2017 1031 Augusta Drive Majure Properties, LLC LLC 8/14/2017 1300 Access Road Suite 100 MarleyG, LLC LLC 8/3/2017 164 County Road 105 McLaurin Law, PLLC LLC 8/16/2017 203 Quail Creek Drive Mississippi Commercial Solutions, LLC LLC


753 Shady Oaks Circle

Wrays Fins and Feathers Restaurant LLCLLC

Mississippi Majors Baseball Club, LLC LLC


8/1/2017 110 Rosemont Loop NHMSRE, LLC LLC 8/29/2017 404 Galleria Lane Nouveau Couture LLC LLC 8/2/2017 7011 Bluff Lane Ole Miss Esports NP 8/22/2017 900 Whirlpool Dr. APT 8201 OUB Wealth Management, Inc. BC 8/15/2017 1500 University Ave. Palo Alto Hosting LLC LLC 8/13/2017 302 Enterprise Dr. STE A Quail Coop Advertising LLC LLC 8/15/2017 624 Northwood Trail Quick Land & Timber, LLC LLC 8/10/2017 829 N. Lamar Blvd., Ste. 1 Quick Rentals, LLC LLC 8/10/2017 829 N. Lamar Blvd., Ste. 1 Rogers M&E LLC LLC 8/14/2017 612 County Road 102 Rooster’s Barn Cabin, LLC LLC 8/15/2017 114 Courthouse Sq. SDW Properties, LLC LLC 8/18/2017 829 North Lamar Blvd. South Lamar Court, LLC LLC 8/14/2017 265 N Lamar Blvd, Suite E Southern Geological Services, LLCLLC 8/7/2017 2409 South Lamar Boulevard Stella Oxford LLC LLC 8/1/2017 208 South Lamar Tee It Up For Teachers NP 8/9/2017 17 CR 287 Toby Tubby Storage, LLC LLC 8/2/2017 552 Highway 314 Trout & Suber, PLLC LLC 8/17/2017 2084 Old Taylor Road Twin Oaks Homes, LLC LLC 8/28/2017 829 N Lamar Blvd Ste 2 VOLUNTEERS FOR VETERANS OXFORD, INC. NP 8/15/2017 642 N. 14TH STREET Will H Poole Ins Agency Inc BC 8/1/2017 2026 BARRY CV Wink Tumbling Academy LLC LLC 8/25/2017 127B Heritage Drive Winn Oxford Property LLC LLC 8/22/2017 502 Thrasher Pt YG Investment Group, LLC LLC 8/18/2017 3628 LYLES DR SISTER SOAR NP 8/17/2017 600 McElroy Drive Apt 161

7664 Mistover Cove





Osyka Plinty Investments, LLC LLC 8/25/2017 7863 Ms Hwy 584

Ottawa LMK Technologies, LLC LLC 8/9/2017 1779 Chessie Lane

Ovett Farm and Field Solutions, LLC LLC 8/15/2017 42 Oil Well Rd SuSu Snowie LLC LLC 8/21/2017 3475 Hwy 15 S

Oxford 6’N Tubbs Pizza of Oxford, LLC LLC 8/14/2017 149 Hwy 334 Accu Reference Medical Lab LLC LLC 8/3/2017 302 Enterprise Drive Anderson Grove Apartments, LLC LLC 8/15/2017 2088 Old Taylor Rd. AnyTime Associates, LLC LLC 8/28/2017 1618 Oxford Place ARROW PROPERTY INVESTMENTS, LLCLLC

8/9/2017 302 Enterprise Dr. STE A Avery Road Properties, LLC LLC 8/11/2017 405 South 11th Street Bell Trucking LLC LLC 8/3/2017 1300 VAN BUREN, STE 112 BKJMS LLC LLC 8/17/2017 903 Battle Lane Boothe Street Properties, LLC LLC 8/11/2017 405 South 11th Street Boss Lady B, Inc. BC 8/8/2017 2084 B Old Taylor Road Bougainville Development, LLC LLC 8/10/2017 1501 W Jackson Ave Box and One Holdings, Inc. BC 8/9/2017 1801 W Jackson Ave Briscoe Construction Company, LLC


8/24/2017 68 County Road 327 C&DB Holdings LLC LLC 8/8/2017 265 N Lamar, Ste W Calculated Solutions, LLC LLC 8/23/2017 326 Ridgewood Manor Drive Chadwick & Company, LLC LLC 8/15/2017 322 Quail Creek Drive CHOW KING GRILL & BUFFET LI INC


8/30/2017 2142 JACKSON AVENUE W Creekstand Holdings, LLC LLC 8/28/2017 829 N Lamar Blvd Ste 2 CRRS, LLC LLC 8/21/2017 119 Heritage Drive ENDURANCE HEALTH, LLC LLC 8/22/2017 405 S. 11th St. Suite 104

Pachuta Mia Mac Foundation NP 8/1/2017 131 CR 289 MRMcCormick Transportation LLCLLC 8/30/2017 6027 hwy 18 west STRICKLAND ENTERPRISES LLC LLC 8/10/2017 358 CR 193

Pascagoula Easy Logistics JJ LLC LLC 8/28/2017 3200 HOSPITAL ST APT 17 HOT STONE THERAPY, LLC. LLC 8/10/2017 3606 14TH ST. Hummingbird Bay Properties, LLCLLC 8/25/2017 903 Tucker Ave LANAI PROPERTIES, LLC LLC 8/10/2017 3103 Pascagoula St Mark Holloway Roofing, LLC LLC 8/16/2017 525 Krebs Ave. MBM Holdings & Investments, LLC


8/14/2017 1103 Jackson Avenue Mimi Reinke Design, LLC LLC 8/10/2017 1619 Pascagoula Street Mississippi Sound Seafood Market LLC LLC

8/25/2017 2509 Forrest Morie Rental - 35, LLC LLC 8/18/2017 1708 Roswell Street Pascagoula Food Mart, LLC LLC 8/1/2017 3508 Old Mobile Hwy Pascagoula Youth Centers NP 8/16/2017 2105 Martin St SeaView Concepts, LLC LLC 8/1/2017 1126 Jackson Avenue The Menagerie on Market, LLC LLC 8/1/2017 1126 Jackson Avenue Trinity Barber & Style Center LLC LLC 8/24/2017 3111 Old Mobile Highway Kevins transmissions & parts LLC LLC 8/7/2017 3202 New York ave

Pass Christian Castaway Vacations LLC LLC 8/1/2017 125 Ridgewood dr Gulf South Investment, LLC LLC 8/25/2017 22300 Derrick RD Highland Baptist Inc. NP 8/6/2017 8400 Firetower Rd Lone Star Steakhouse and Saloon of Mississipp, LLC LLC 8/1/2017 113 Fairway Dr. Open Horizon NP 8/10/2017 416 Dawn Ave SONNY’S PALLETS LLC LLC 8/17/2017 22215 ABBEY ROAD The Gazebo Gazette, LLC LLC 8/7/2017 300 Davis Avenue Thrifty Used Cars & Tires L.L.C. LLC 8/28/2017 100 cypress point



8/21/2017 2708 OLD BRANDON RD Eats By K Elite, LLC LLC 8/7/2017 303 Silver Tree Lane EC Southern Boutique LLC LLC 8/10/2017 3429 Patterson Drive Equisite services & more, LLC LLC 8/18/2017 108 clearmont cir FLYROCKAZ LLC LLC 8/1/2017 427 Silver Hill Golden Moonstone LLC LLC 8/21/2017 222 Huckleberry Lane Hernandez concrete finisher ‘LLC’LLC 8/1/2017 2183 Old Brandon Rd. lot 81 MARCIEL ELECTRIC LLC LLC 8/4/2017 201 OAK PARK CROSSING Mississippi State USBC Association


8/1/2017 3110 Eastland Dr Monaco Nail & Spa, LLC LLC 8/20/2017 539 Springlake Dr. Mr Quick Pick Ms LLC LLC 8/21/2017 105 Hazel Ln National Association of Black Accountants, Inc. - Greater Jackson Chapter NP 8/25/2017 574 Oak Park Circle Phoenix Logistics LLC LLC 8/2/2017 1910 SUNRISE DR Ponderosa Ranch LLC LLC 8/10/2017 2511 Old Brandon Road Pro Pool Service LLC LLC 8/24/2017 401 Cross Park Drive Suite C Rusty Peacock, Inc. BC 8/11/2017 238 Bruin Street Tarver Land & Hunt Club, LLC LLC 8/15/2017 110 Cross Park Drive, Suite G THM Enterprises, LLC LLC 8/18/2017 4175 Old Brandon Road

Wealth Bridge Properties LLC LLC 8/22/2017 401 Cross Park Drive Suite C

Pearlington NOFuel, Inc. 8/28/2017 Splash Pools, LLC 8/1/2017

BC 6061 McArthur Ln LLC 6033 Dean Rd

Pelahatchie Renfroe Trucking LLC LLC 8/8/2017 139 Gardenia Dr

Perkinston ELITE RX LLC 8/9/2017


Happy Tails Grooming & Boarding LLC LLC


500 Ridge Road

Patriot Property Management, LLC


September 15, 2017

Raw Materials, LLC LLC 8/22/2017 20376 Road 258 SHG LLC LLC 8/17/2017 219 HICKORY NUT ROAD Shu’s Roost, LLC LLC 8/16/2017 26003 HWY 43 S The Sip Coffee Bar LLC LLC 8/6/2017 127 Twisted Oak Dr. Transcendence Inc. BC 8/29/2017 12 Nottoway Dr. WILLLIAMS ASPHALT REPAIR LLCLLC 8/14/2017 516 S HAUGH AVE Zero Gravity Trucking, LLC LLC 8/30/2017 100 Berry Lane TRICON COMMERICAL CONTRACTORS INC BC 8/25/2017 301 S CURRAN AVE

Pickens DMW LLC LLC 8/25/2017 124 OLD HIGHWAY 51 RD Garrett & Associates, LLC LLC 8/25/2017 1286 Adkins Lane



Charles Lamar Jones, D.D.S., L.L.C.


8/14/2017 223 North Main Street Clark’s Reality Executives LLC LLC 8/7/2017 63 Pumping Station Rd DEEP SOUTH TRANSPORT LLC LLC 8/18/2017 2 SUNNY VALE DR EMSM Properties, LLC LLC 8/21/2017 226 Broken Arrow Trail Grand Central Outfitters LLC LLC 8/28/2017 22 White Tail Rdg LMB Griffin Properties LLC LLC 8/9/2017 455 Lynn Ray Road Mississippi Points, Inc. BC 8/5/2017 112 Petal Village Drive Coltrain Custom Connection LLC LLC 8/9/2017 927 Morriston rd Southern Grace Foundation NP 8/11/2017 1208A Carterville Rd.

Philadelphia Foundational Management, LLC LLC 8/14/2017 10480 Rd 454 Infinity Hospice Care, Inc. BC 8/10/2017 312 Range Ave International Tribal Care NP 8/7/2017 522A Center Ave N Jeremy Moore Handyman Solutions, LLCLLC

8/16/2017 10840 Hwy 427 K.O.E. Kids Over Everything NP 8/25/2017 419 Clyde Avenue Sittin’ Pretty Dog Grooming, LLC LLC 8/17/2017 10400 Hwy 16 East Triple S Logging LLP LLP 8/24/2017 10171 Road 472 The Princess Closet GP 8/15/2017 432 Beacon St Stewart Transportation LLC LLC 8/18/2017 10580 Rd 155

Picayune A Plus Coding and QA LLC LLC 8/16/2017 72 Davis Dawsey Road Battle Diamond Sports LLC LLC 8/11/2017 803 Second Ave Carnival Transport, LLC LLC 8/9/2017 101 Harry Street CLP Bookkeeping LLC LLC 8/2/2017 1619A Cottage Creek Ln Coast Reliable Agency LLC LLC 8/18/2017 24207 Rester Road Diamond Club of Picayune NP 8/30/2017 2952 Burnt Bridge Road Friends of BSA Troop 351 NP 8/15/2017 969 Memorial Blvd Kent, LLC LLC 8/22/2017 68 magnolia dr KS EXPRESS LLC LLC 8/16/2017 26350 LEETOWN RD MBT LLC LLC 8/18/2017 101 Harry Street Mississippi Moccasins LLC LLC 8/10/2017 198 Boley Drive No Turning Back Inc NP 8/21/2017 116 Moeller Rd PRC Rentals LLC LLC 8/7/2017 2201 Adcox Rd

Mississippi Business Journal

Strong river transmission LLC LLC 8/21/2017 211 Barney Banks Rd

Plantersville 1441 Tactical LLC LLC 8/29/2017 619 County Road 1199

Pontotoc Amory Investments, LLC LLC 8/7/2017 292 Indusrial Rd. Artistic Taxidermy, LLC LLC 8/9/2017 1323 Peartree Road D.E. Sourcing, LLC LLC 8/11/2017 164 N Main Street Fair Park Counseling, PLLC LLC 8/29/2017 60 Dogwood Cove Kelly’s Rental Properties, LLC LLC 8/1/2017 114 E. Bolton St. Pontotoc Plumbing, LLC LLC 8/15/2017 207 Industrial Drive Romano Family Chiropractic, LLC LLC 8/9/2017 171 East Oxford St. S & S EQUIPMENT SALES LLC LLC 8/17/2017 9268 HWY 346 Tangled-N-Stitches, LLC. LLC 8/2/2017 424 Hwy 15 South The Journey Resource Center, LLCLLC 8/1/2017 114 E. Bolton St.

Poplarville Extreme motorsports llc LLC 8/7/2017 680b Old Camp Road MA AND PA’S SNOWBALLS & MORE, INC BC 8/4/2017 6675 HIGHWAY 43 N O M L RENTAL LLC LLC 8/29/2017 14 simon ln

Port Gibson Diva Luxury Hair Collection LLC LLC 8/14/2017 2036 Magnolia Lane Extension



A&A MINI MART LLC LLC 8/1/2017 709 NORTH ARCHUSA AVE TRIPLE E ENTERTAINMENT LLC LLC 8/21/2017 306 beckman st Tucker Enterprise , llc LLC 8/9/2017 216 EAST CHURCH ST APT 5

Raleigh Thompson Property Services, LLCLLC 8/10/2017 1521 Highway 37 Strong Spirit Enterprises, LLC LLC 8/10/2017 1832 SCR52


8/4/2017 1840 lincolnshire blvd First Germantown, Inc. NP 8/9/2017 302 West Jackson Street Gemstone Ventures Florence, LLCLLC 8/29/2017 141 Township Avenue, Ste 300 Griffin Tree Service, LLC LLC 8/18/2017 1062 Highland Colony Parkway, Suite 222 HARTNESS AND SHAW PROPERTY MANAGEMENT, LLC LLC

A & A Farms of Ms LLC LLC 8/31/2017 1987 Pardue Road Applied Safety Coatings, Inc. BC 8/21/2017 232 Wakeland Drive CB Fisher Family LLC LLC 8/31/2017 1987 Pardue Road

ITT Investments LLC LLC 8/18/2017 193B Business Park Drive KREATIVE CUSTOMS T-SHIRTS & ACCESSORIES, LLC LLC



8/1/2017 7770 JACKSON-RAYMOND RD Reamesco, LLC LLC 8/2/2017 8445 Midway Rd Rhett’s By Hand Painting and Maintenance LLC LLC 8/6/2017 1521 lake mimosa dr. Snickle Fritz GP 8/4/2017 4941 Ratliff Rd Y’all Know What’s Happen’n LLC LLC 8/15/2017 520 Clinton St B4

Richland 49 QUICK MART LLC LLC 8/1/2017 916 US 49 49 QUICK STOP LLC LLC 8/1/2017 916 US 49 Advantage Electric, LLC LLC 8/28/2017 124 Shady Lane Gilbert & Moore Enterprises, Inc. BC 8/15/2017 837 Windward Drive Girls Brunch Mississippi NP 8/1/2017 128 Bradford Place RRR Trucking LLC LLC 8/1/2017 627 Hwy 49S Suite A Twice As Nice Entertainment, LLC LLC 8/3/2017 1067 Cabbott Lane

The Gingerbread Kidz, LLC LLC 8/30/2017 1440 Smith Road

Purvis CC Nelson Construction LLC LLC 8/30/2017 109 Corinth Cut Off LS MASONRY LLC LLC 8/25/2017 44 E HILL RD Magnolia Home Services LLC LLC 8/10/2017 404 Sherlock Herring Rd Nash Co, LLC LLC 8/14/2017 9:26:51 AM98 Calvin Purvis Rd Purvis Middle School PTO NP 8/28/2017 106 Coaltown Rd


PEAR SEED AUCTIONS, LLP LLP 8/17/2017 91529 HWY 42 Re-Barr Farms, LLC LLC 8/14/2017 219-A Freewill Church Road Small Town Girls LLC LLC 8/23/2017 427 Camp 8 Rd


Leaf River Mobile I LLC LLC 8/22/2017 1022 Highland Colony Pkwy Leaf River Mobile II LLC LLC 8/21/2017 1022 Highland Colony Pkwy Lee Star, LLC LLC 8/3/2017 221 Richardson Rd. Magnola Charters, LLC LLC 8/21/2017 110 Pine Knoll Drive. Apt#245 McNally Drive Investors, L.L.C. LLC 8/15/2017 102 Business Park Dr, Suite A Meridian Sports Medicine, LLC LLC 8/3/2017 599B Steed Road Mid-South Asbestos and Lead Services LLC LLC 8/7/2017 1020 Highland Colony Pkwy Movers Who Care LLC LLC 8/7/2017 110 pine knoll drive apt. 205 North Mart Properties, LLC LLC 8/30/2017 605 Steed Road Notable Waxing LLC LLC 8/21/2017 676 S Pear Orchard Rd Ste A Nothing But The Facts USA, LLC LLC 8/28/2017 310 Maplewood Place PLATINUM PRODUCTS L.L.C. LLC 270 TRACE COLONY PARK STE B




Archangel Holdings, LLC LLC 8/24/2017 634 Highland Drive Around The Clock Security LLC LLC 8/4/2017 831 Rice Road Apt 258 Avery Truitt Designs, LLC LLC 8/1/2017 1018 Highland Colony Parkway B & A Farms, LLC LLC 8/15/2017 301 Highland Park Cove BENTLEY BLUE, LLC LLC 8/22/2017 270 TRACE COLONY PARK STE B Biblical Languages Vocabulary, LLC LLC

8/4/2017 1016 Camdenmill Dr Big Money Boys Ent LLC LLC 8/13/2017 700 Avignon Dr



Prodigy Sports, LLC LLC 8/25/2017 441 Northpark Drive, Suite C Rainy Rabbit LLC LLC 270 TRACE COLONY PARK, STE B

Robert Allen Properties, LLC

477 McNally Drive, L.L.C. LLC 8/15/2017 102 Business Park Dr, Suite A















Excel Alliance Group, Inc BC 8/18/2017 1172 Hwy 13 N.


Innovative Dreamers

North Mississippi Hill Country Booking, LLC LLC 8/28/2017 2080 Lebanon Raod



EWT Holdings LLC LLC 8/9/2017 996 Northpark Drive


Aesthetic Solutions MS LLC LLC 8/11/2017 906 Montrose Dr Al-Turk Charitable Foundation NP 8/21/2017 110 Carlton Blvd Americap Investments, LLC LLC



CANDA SOLUTIONS, LLC LLC 8/22/2017 270 Trace Colony Park CARS R US Auto Sales LLC. LLC


Potts Camp




8/14/2017 1414 Highway 53 Riley Electric LLC LLC 8/14/2017 846 City Bridge Road

10-40 Project NP 8/14/2017 62 Sweetbay Trl ADC ENTERPRISES LLC LLC 8/2/2017 103 Sherrill Dr. AMCO, LLC LLC 8/7/2017 52 NORTHFORK DRIVE BOWMAN, LLC LLC 8/28/2017 42 Bowman Rd.




300 Concourse Blvd, Suite 200

Sandra S. Hindsman Realtor , LLC LLC 8/7/2017 624 Highway 51 Suite F SEA TO SANDS PROPERTY MANAGEMENT, LLC LLC 8/25/2017


SG WELLNESS, LLC 8/15/2017



SJP CONSULTING LLC LLC 8/4/2017 584 BOARDWALK BLVD Spaces Group South, LLC LLC 8/11/2017 1060 East County Line Rd States United llc LLC 8/28/2017 270 trace colony park STE B Stern Stategic Marketing, LLC LLC 8/28/2017 310 Maplewood Place Sunbelt Real Estate Investors, LLCLLC 8/29/2017 141 Township Avenue, Ste 300 Superior Lawn Service & Maintenance ,LLC LLC 8/30/2017 614 Berridge DR Treatment Salon LLC LLC 8/21/2017 717 Rice Road Trunnell Towing Service LLC LLC 8/22/2017 310 Trunnell Rd TSSD MS, LLC LLC 8/17/2017





8/11/2017 300 Concourse Blvd, Suite 200 BMG Real Estate, LLC LLC

Victor’s Landscaping & Homes cleaning Services LLC LLC 8/21/2017 831 PINE TRAIL DR Victoria Everett Photogrpahy LLC LLC



BMG Hospitality, LLC-Steve’s No. 1

300 Concourse Blvd, Suite 200





Caballero Investments, LLC LLC 8/15/2017 713 Greenbrook Dr


Rienzi Corinth Vertical Church NP 8/21/2017 527 County Road 513


24 Q Mississippi Business Journal Q September 15, 2017 Ripley JEG Properties, LLC LLC 8/14/2017 908 City Avenue South T&T AUTOMOTIVE AND DIESEL SERVICE, LLC LLC 8/9/2017 1122 City Ave North

Rose Hill Trinity Trucking LLC 8/8/2017

LLC 205 cr 1828

Roxie G W I R Transport LLC LLC 8/18/2017 322 Old Roxie Rd Millers Automotove LLC LLC 8/15/2017 139 tennessee street

Morgans Fabricating & Welding, LLC


8/8/2017 3395 Daughdrill Trail McGraw Auto Services, LLC LLC 8/2/2017 3140 Pleasant Grove Rd SE

Sallis HARMON TRUCKING L.L.C. LLC 8/14/2017 2066 Attala Road 4983

Saltillo 3 Tear’s Ministries, Inc. NP 8/17/2017 171 County Road 1818 Anglin Holdings, LLC LLC 8/30/2017 376 County Road 395 Anglin Welding, LLC LLC 8/30/2017 376 County Road 395 CABS OVER TUPELO LLC LLC 8/18/2017 1586 Birmingham Ridge Road Cox Floors & Finishes, LLC LLC 8/23/2017 158 Old Payne Place FLIP FLOP GYMNASTICS OF SALTILLO LLC LLC 8/8/2017 111 UNION BELLE BLVD PAWS & CLAWS PET GROOMING LLC LLC

8/18/2017 629 A CR 811 Simmer Down, LLC LLC 8/23/2017 554 Birmingham Ridge Road Southern Charm Homes & Design, LLC LLC

8/9/2017 159 Caitlyn Drive HHH Real Estate, LLC LLC 8/18/2017 126 Highland Ridge

Sandhill PECAN ROW FARMS LLC LLC 8/31/2017 162 Honey Island Drive

Sarah Bent Tree Coffee LLC LLC 8/23/2017 268 Egypt Creek Cir RWJ TRUCKING LLC LLC 8/13/2017 563 suddoth rd

Sardis Dewees and Swearingen Roofing LLP LLP

25504 Hwy 6

Dewees and Swearingen Tree Service LLPLLP


Braveheart Trucking LLC LLC 8/21/2017 1975 Lyles Rd Lawrence Family LLC LLC 8/14/2017 311 W. Main Street Millennial Real Estate LLC LLC 8/14/2017 408 W. Main Street Preferred Auction Group LLC LLC 8/21/2017 116 Tate St Veazey Equipment Rental, LLC LLC 8/15/2017 4090 Hwy 51 S

Shaw Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church-ShawNP


415 Jackson




Noah Property, LLC LLC 8/29/2017 220 Goodman Road East


25504 Hwy 6

Satartia Clothed With Love LLC LLC 8/1/2017 5602 Highway 3

Saucier Ms. Trish’s Home Cookin’ LLC LLC 8/16/2017 18519 Lakewood Ct. ONSITE AUTO GLASS LLC LLC 8/30/2017 21313 SAUCIER LIZANA ROAD Precision Homes LLC LLC 8/10/2017 22431 Hwy 49 RAD TRUCKING, INC. BC 8/17/2017 18841 PALMER CREEK DR Spin Room & fitness, LLC LLC 8/1/2017 17581 Old highway 49 Varnado’s Lawn & Handyman Services, LLC LLC 8/10/2017 18410 Blaylock Road Archies Construction & Development IncBC

8/17/2017 18319 Lesli’s Lane Holder Construction LLC LLC 8/28/2017 18479 Early Wynn Drive W KJF, LLC LLC 8/29/2017 15163 KLA Enterprises LLC LLC 8/29/2017 17061 Henry House Road

Scooba J Hook Towing & Repair, LLC LLC 8/9/2017 484 Kemper St

Seminary Calvary Baptist Church of Seminary


8/9/2017 1205 Highway 590 Dykes Tank Surveying, L.L.C. LLC 8/17/2017 401 North Beech St Hood’s Remodeling LLC LLC 8/28/2017 7 Cherish Ln


928 Highway 448

Shelby NEW BREED TRANSPORT LLC LLC 8/15/2017 1422 Lake St NU BREED TRANSPORT LLC LLC 8/15/2017 1422 Lake St Reixarf Investment Group Corp BC 8/16/2017 1307 forest street



8/24/2017 1303 Shetland Dr Pickler & Associates LLC LLC 8/27/2017 5896 Stafford Drive RENAISSANCE SOLUTIONS LLC LLC 8/24/2017 7637 LILLY DR Roof & Nail LLC LLC 8/1/2017 2639 S. Cherry Cove Southaven Donuts, LLC LLC 8/22/2017 7140 Airways Blvd T C Carpet Doctor LLC LLC 8/10/2017 7896 Davis Pkwy Tactical One Process Services PLLC.


8/16/2017 1315 dorshire drive apt a Winter Enterprises LLC LLC 8/27/2017 5605 Tchulahoma Road ELC Directional Drilling inc BC 8/26/2017 3910 w state line rd lot 20

Starkville Bent River LLC LLC 8/1/2017 707 Ponderosa Drive BIL Management LLC LLC 8/1/2017 707 Ponderosa Drive BW Trucking LLC LLC 8/23/2017 502 Banyan Rd


Carly Lane Homeowners Association, Inc. NP

R&A Mobile Mechanic LLC LLC 8/17/2017 170 Hwy 178

Danny McCluskey Towing Company LLC LLC

Shubuta F & R Trucking LLC 8/21/2017

LLC 59 County Rd 119

Sidon Aviation Instruments & Maintenance, LLCLLC


6480 County Road 176



8/10/2017 6801 THOMPSON ROAD DCW Trucking LLC LLC 8/21/2017 5487 Horseshoe Rd SE K A W Trucking, LLC LLC 8/24/2017 4765 Farmer Road

Sontag Wooly Wolf Garage LLC LLC 8/28/2017 686 Sontag Nola RD

Soso Gaits of Grace NP 8/21/2017 391 Davis Hyatt Road Smith Property Maintenance LLC LLC 8/30/2017 50 Fred Ellzey Road

Southaven A Plus Home Inspections, LLC LLC 8/8/2017 2931 Summer Oaks Place A&D TRANSPORTATION LLC LLC 8/1/2017 5651 Truman Cove Addiction at Home, Inc NP 8/21/2017 2704 Greencliff Drive Angel Cleaning LLC LLC 8/15/2017 1504 Staunton Drive Boss Wings XXX, LLC LLC 8/4/2017 120 Guthrie Drive Clearview Home Services, LLC LLC 8/22/2017 5795 Garden Walk E. D & D Tile and Hardwood LLC LLC 8/30/2017 1420 Peppermill Drive Diamond Jubilee Properties, Inc., BC 8/23/2017 5847 Getwell Road Dream Team Movement Group, LLC


8/8/2017 163 Tackett Run G & S Catering, LLC LLC 8/16/2017 1596 Hickory Drive HARRISON TRUCKING LLC LLC 8/15/2017 1164 BRANDYWINE DR Inspiring Minds NP 8/4/2017 3161 Forest Bend Dr. JMOD Inc. BC 8/19/2017 5669 Steffani Drive JSD TRUCKING INC. BC 8/3/2017 4216 SWEET FLAG LOOP N Marion’s Mobile Detailing LLC LLC 8/1/2017 5740 Getwell Road MONTE’S EDUCATIONAL TUTIORING SERVICE LLC. LLC 8/3/2017 4216 SWEET FLAG LOOP N Move and Grow Studios LLC LLC 8/23/2017 5727 Carter Dr New Choice ll, LLC LLC 8/24/2017 710 Long street NM Franchise Operations, LLC LLC 8/23/2017 8680 Swinnea Road #103


2576-1 U.S. Hwy 82

8/12/2017 178 Bell Oaks Drive Fry Retool Company LLC LLC 8/8/2017 807 Pine Circle Gunga Galunga, LLC LLC 8/24/2017 200 S Montgomery St Ste 201 H&M Equine, LLC LLC 8/1/2017 9 Hickory Ridge Drive iQ5 consultancy LLC LLC 8/15/2017 21 Ace Avenue, 21 apartments, Flat 1-307 Jacob Bishop, LLC LLC 8/24/2017 216 Yeates Street JBS Marketing, Inc. BC 8/9/2017 1415 HWY 389 Justin Haire Trucking, LLC. LLC 8/3/2017 389 S. RIDGE ROAD KP TRANSPORTATION LLC LLC 8/1/2017 204 EVANS EXT Land of the Living Inc. NP 8/4/2017 535 Lincoln Drive Magnolia Amateur Radio Club NP 8/24/2017 211 North Montgomery Magnolia Film Festival NP 8/24/2017 117 Dover Ct. Mariah’s Voice NP 8/16/2017 123 chase Lane Max Properties, LLC LLC 8/6/2017 106 Turnberry Ln MSF Family Properties, LLC LLC 8/16/2017 102 Crossbow Drive NABORS & HARDIN WEALTH MANAGEMENT, PLLC LLC 8/2/2017 309 Walnut Road Preferred Development Services, LLC LLC

8/22/2017 404 Little Woods Drive S&N Flooring Removal LLC LLC 8/21/2017 802B university drive Southern Apparel & Serendipity, LLC



1 Professional Plaza

Tomlinson Long Lake Development LLC LLC

8/10/2017 104 Forest Hill Drive Whit Restaurant Group, LLC LLC 8/24/2017 304 Louisville Street Bulldog Behavioral Health, LLC LLC 8/17/2017 77 Champs Way Standard Dynamics LLC LLC 8/30/2017 2608 Pin Oak Dr

Steens Hazzlerigg Consulting, LLC LLC 8/11/2017 5020 Hwy 12 JHM Properties LLC LLC 8/15/2017 3346 Vaughn Robertson Rd

Stonewall A & A EXPRESS LANE 9, LLC LLC 8/14/2017 975 South Erwin Road

Storkville Healthy Mayture LLC LLC 8/28/2017 103 Eudora Welty Dr

Stringer North Star Enterprises Inc BC 8/29/2017 476 County Road 79

Summit Southern Cross LLC LLC 8/17/2017 2196 Martin Rd Southern Mississippi Titans Football and Cheer NP 8/16/2017 1049 summer oak lane

SUMMIT EXPRESS LLC LLC 8/10/2017 1804 Robb St Waterfowl Waypoint, LLC LLC 8/10/2017 1028 Lakefront Drive

Sumner Cheshier,LLC 8/15/2017

LLC 410 Jennings Street

Sumrall A Window Affair of Mississippi, LLC


8/22/2017 420 Center Street All The Pretty Houses LLC LLC 8/11/2017 115 Hickory Grove Rd Beach Gym, LLC LLC 8/29/2017 123 Higgins Road C. Bailey Properties, LLC LLC 8/23/2017 86 Big Hill Road Codaray Construction, LLC LLC 8/5/2017 54 Solo Christo Drive Crooked Horn Cattle Co, LLC LLC 8/3/2017 444 Foster Road JC Farms LLC LLC 8/16/2017 2600 Rocky Branch Road Kendale Lumpkins & Associates, LLC


8/21/2017 6 Katherine Ave. MAGNOLIA AUTO, LLC LLC 8/14/2017 225 DOC GORE RD The Sausage Factory, LLC LLC 8/30/2017 445 Seminary Sumrall Road

Taylor M. Shaun Lund DPM, P.C. BC 8/1/2017 495 County Road 303

TAG CRNA Management Services, LLC LLC

Taylorsville J Brown Marketing Group LLC LLC 8/22/2017 110 High Street


8/9/2017 913 Garfield Street Thiea Mingo Photo, LLC LLC 8/22/2017 723 A ROBINDALE DR TOP Properties LLC LLC 8/2/2017 106 Celebrity Drive Triple T Properties & Investments LLC LLC

Feli-Pay Snacks,LLC LLC 8/26/2017 1398 Front Street SuperiorGlamArtistry,LLC LLC 8/7/2017 2768 Dawson Road

Terry ADMedTrail, LLC LLC 8/18/2017 13711 Midway Road DXU, PLLC LLC 8/10/2017 18349 Midway Road EAT MOORE STEAK, LLC LLC 8/2/2017 218 TERRY BROOK DRIVE Independent Service Suppliers LLC


8/18/2017 302 seminole circle Marshall & Assoc LLC LLC 8/10/2017 1711 Crisler Rd Nichols deluxe painting company BC 8/10/2017 2345 Rosemary rd Rajdeep Wholesale LLC LLC 8/1/2017 405 West Cunningham Avenue Tris Therapeutics, LLC LLC 8/16/2017 1641 Davis Rd

Tishomingo Davis Spring Water, LLC 8/1/2017

LLC 9 Madison

Toomsuba B & E Ventures, LLC LLC 8/1/2017 5321 Arundel Rd Unite NP 8/8/2017 4861 Russell Topton Road

TUNICA JBG, LLC 8/25/2017

Forrest Hill Banquet Hall LLC LLC 8/14/2017 2059 Modeannia St. Greer & Associates, LLC LLC 8/22/2017 117 N Broadway St J&P Body Repair, LLC LLC 8/9/2017 135 CR 1350 Jitters Coffee Shop, LLC LLC 8/1/2017 427 County Road 1009 Just Run, LLC LLC 8/17/2017 209 N. Madison St KK Leasing, Inc. BC 8/15/2017 687 Palmetto Road LKF Properties, LLC LLC 8/21/2017 359 North Broadway Street Lost Creek Farm, LLC LLC 8/23/2017 5244 Frog Meadow Lane Moore Medical Billing, LLC LLC 8/1/2017 4100 N Gloster Street Apt H304 MS Dry Needling Education, LLC LLC 8/8/2017 204 West Main St. Nat Grubbs Construction, LLC LLC 8/11/2017 1481 Whitmoore Ln. NIUHI Capital, P.L.L.C. LLC 8/31/2017 113 Robins Street NMRC, LLC LLC 8/21/2017 336 N. Green Street Oxford Leasing, LLC LLC 8/8/2017 224 Bluebird Shoebox Properties, LLC LLC 8/11/2017 1903 Lakeshore Drive SOG Surgery Center, LLC LLC 8/7/2017 1211 S. Gloster Street Square One at Fairpark, LLC LLC 8/2/2017 103A Rankin Blvd


Tupelo ABST McCullough Farm, LLC LLC 8/8/2017 221 East Franklin St. Aero Services Group LLC LLC 8/30/2017 117 N Broadway St AKN Realty, LLC LLC 8/29/2017 1686 Sunflower Circle Alpha-Omega Gun Training LLC LLC 8/1/2017 4296 Sydney Lane BH Corner Properties, LLC LLC 8/10/2017 105 South Front Street Brushy Creek Investments, LLC LLC 8/24/2017 353 N. Green St. CNDOER Electrical Company, LLC LLC 8/16/2017 148 DRIVE 1756 Crossen Main, LLC LLC 8/4/2017 2137 Deer Run Road Divine Love Ministry Church NP 8/17/2017 127 Yon-O-Main Trail East Main Tire LLC LLC 8/30/2017 187 cr 1438 Elizabeth Monaghan Photographie LLC LLC

8/1/2017 1322 Morning Glory Circle ELLIS LAWN & LANDSCAPE, LLC LLC 8/1/2017 735 CR 1498

8/8/2017 167A Doe Run VWZ, LLC LLC 8/21/2017 699 Nation Hills Drive Yerger Media LLC LLC 8/15/2017 1207 Fletcher Street Ignite Boutique L.LC LLC 8/7/2017 634 West Main Street apt 12

Tylertown All About Helping Kids NP 8/1/2017 110 1/2 W WESTOVER DR Keep It Cool, LLC LLC 8/11/2017 313 Enochs Street LEXIE LAND RESIDENTIAL, LLC LLC 8/14/2017 1108 Beulah Avenue Steele Removal LLP LLP 8/22/2017 118 Lake Walthall Road The Naked Hog, LLC LLC 8/28/2017 233 Dillons Bridge Rd Godbody. Clothing company LLC LLC 8/15/2017 19 Quinn rd

Utica UNTANGLED LLC 8/1/2017


Vancleave Gemini Slick-It LLC LLC 8/21/2017 14200 Billie Rd Kozy Homes GP 8/8/2017 4605 Woodfield Rd Little Fitz Children’s Boutique LLCLLC 8/24/2017 1900 Van Dr Morrison Holding, LLC LLC 8/24/2017 5001 Jim Ramsay Rd. My Seymour Photography LLC LLC 8/1/2017 15419 Indian Fork Triple Leaf Handyman Services, LLC

8/17/2017 Unleashed LLC 8/27/2017


16300 Larue Road LLC 15312 Krohn Rd

Vardaman Born Again Thrift Shop LLC LLC 8/22/2017 15 CR 435

Verona Spectrum Label, Inc. BC 8/28/2017 100 quality lane

Vicksburg Alpha N Omega MS, LLC LLC 8/16/2017 15 Old Gibson Rd AMB Investments, LLC LLC 8/15/2017 10 Mill Wood Cir ANOINTED LIFE. LLC LLC 8/1/2017 5599 Nailor Road Big Wheelie Skaters, LLC LLC 8/24/2017 1729 Frontage Rd Bodock LLC LLC 8/5/2017 3211 Tucker Road Cocktails1o1, LLC LLC 8/22/2017 1007 Mission Park Drive

Greene Properties, LLC LLC 8/30/2017 7830 Hwy 27 H & L Contractors, LLC LLC 8/4/2017 33 Old Mount Alban Road Joe Lynn’s ATV Repair LLC LLC 8/16/2017 1007 Mission Park Dr KISHNA INC BC 8/15/2017 210 CHARLESTON DRIVE KT & J Enterprises, LLC LLC 8/2/2017 319 Evergreen Drive Learning With Liesl LLC LLC 8/24/2017 2901 Drummond St. Love Realty of MS, LLC LLC 8/28/2017 2043 Sky Farm Avenue MCALLISTER HOUSE NP 8/1/2017 1433 HARRISON STREET Micah’s Mission Homeschool, LLCLLC 8/21/2017 106 Laura Lake Road Mike’s Handy Services, LLC LLC 8/14/2017 145 Hometown Rd Mississippi Sweet Tea Tours LLC LLC 8/23/2017 128 Sherwood Drive Murry Properties, LLC LLC 8/29/2017 1109 Mission Park Drive Pap Paw’s Place, LLC LLC 8/18/2017 3428 Oakridge Road Patriot Motorsports LLC LLC 8/29/2017 1029 US HWY 61 North Phoenix Auto Sales LLC LLC 8/1/2017 611 Holly Ridge Dr Pure Perfection Floors LLC LLC 8/23/2017 3026 Second St Quality Utilities of Vicksburg, Inc.BC 8/22/2017 1114 Windy Lake Drive River City Garage Door Repair and Installation LLC LLC 8/25/2017 270 Backwoods Road Synchrony Health and Wellness NP 8/16/2017 1101 South Street Tiffintown Land Company, LLC LLC 8/3/2017 10 Mill Wood Cir VAAM, LLC LLC 8/21/2017 306 Skyview Lane Vicksburg Historic Properties LLCLLC 8/18/2017 2740 Fox Road Wood Flowers, LLC LLC 8/2/2017 308 Belize Ct Fitness Recreation Exercise Encouragement NP 8/23/2017 3461 Mt. Alban Rd. J.D. Stewart Properties, LLC. LLC 8/8/2017 4398 Mt. Alban rd. TwistedAxle llc LLC 8/29/2017 201 pecan blvd

Valiant Phoenix Translation & Notary Service LLC LLC 8/6/2017 109 Santiago St.

Waynesboro Cherbears Vinyl Blanks and More LLC LLC


508 Turner St

Eldritch Merchantile Company, Inc.


8/11/2017 2068 Dyess Bridge Road Elegant Evenings By Jalin, LLC LLC 8/15/2017 24 Robbie Lane Ole South Properties, LLC LLC 8/10/2017 607 Court St. RMBB LLC LLC 8/21/2017 1415A 2ND EAST FAIRVIEW DR



8/9/2017 2723 NORTON ASSINK RD NE John D. Smith Trucking, Inc. BC 8/16/2017 1026 Bondurant Street M 4 OILFIELD SERVICES, INC BC 8/14/2017 2643 MICHELLE LANE McKinley Construction,LLC LLC 8/2/2017 4120 Sylvarena Road S Henderson Transport LLC LLC 8/25/2017 2791 James Dr NW

West Point Gorham Safe Asset, LP LP 8/14/2017 1077 Waverly Drive KA Global, LLC LLC 8/24/2017 7299 Hwy 45 Alternate North Pruett Professional Services LLC LLC 8/7/2017 182 Meadowbrook Dr Remington High Risk Asset, LLC LLC 8/14/2017 1077 Waverly Drive Whites Trucking and Tas Inc. BC 8/9/2017 660 HIGHWAY 45 Start Smart Childcare LLC LLC 8/31/2017 25791 W. Main St.

Wiggins 10 Min. Bail Bonds LLC LLC 8/15/2017 92 Mill Rd M & M FORESTRY SERVICES LLC LLC 8/22/2017 600 HEATHERWOOD DRIVE


The Academy of Quitman NP 8/2/2017 42 County Road 2503

Ace Farms LLC LLC 8/3/2017 3275 County Road 212 B and B caring hands adult daycare LLC LLC 8/10/2017 720 Simpson Dr Chip Away, LLC LLC 8/15/2017 616 Hammond Road Happy Times Adult Daycare, LLC LLC 8/2/2017 111 Academy St S-H OF LAUREL, LLC LLC 8/1/2017 609 NORTH APPLEGATE ST Central MS Enterprises, Inc BC 8/30/2017 208 Shirley Ave



Beauti-FAUX Lash & Glam Bar, LLCLLC 8/8/2017 5845 Cedar Lake Dr. S. Delta Auto Group LLC LLC 8/7/2017 7065 Hickory Estates R S HOME SERVICES INC BC 8/29/2017 5730 DESOTO RD TIMELESS MEMORIES, LLC LLC 8/10/2017 7865 HIGHWAY 301 TIMELESSTOGO, LLC LLC 8/23/2017 7865 HIGHWAY 301

Woodland Adult Center, LLC LLC 8/30/2017 101 market street

Vidalia AMJ’s Distributor Inc. BC 8/18/2017 404 Mimosa St.


Walnut Grove Royal Transports, LLC LLC 8/29/2017 534 Sistrunk Road

Water Valley 330 Super Star LLC LLC 8/1/2017 700 Hwy 7 N DeVall Coverages LLC LLC 8/4/2017 26 CR 272 GREER’S CUSTOM CAMO . LLC LLC 8/16/2017 537 CR 284 Sew Fabulous by Leslie, LLC LLC 8/28/2017 102 county road 371 China Star Restaurant At Watervalley, Inc BC 8/1/2017 327 South Main Street, Suite A

Waveland Asian Delights LLC LLC 8/24/2017 314 Hwy 90 Gulf Coast Christian Women’s Job Corps, Inc. NP 8/4/2017 402 Necaise Street Jo-Jax Holdings, LLC LLC 8/24/2017 100 Mollere Drive Langlinais, LLC LLC 8/1/2017 129 Lakewood Drive Marsh Outfitters LLC LLC 8/6/2017 1001 herlihy st

Woodville Main Street Hair Salon, LLC LLC 8/28/2017 643B Main Street Scrape LLC LLC 8/3/2017 503 A Commercial Row Stateline Autoplex, LLC LLC 8/15/2017 2930 US Hwy 61 South The Vintage Cafe’ and Catering LLC



1348 Sligo Street

Yazoo City Central Holmes Cafeteria LLC LLC 8/8/2017 217 N Main St Dream Care LLC LLC 8/9/2017 154 Freeman Lane EVERETT, LLC LLC 8/28/2017 62 Anderson Drive Grand One Stop LLC LLC 8/16/2017 1440 Grand Ave Horizon Behavioral and Support Services, LLC LLC 8/8/2017 410 Webster ave. Mid-South Agronomics, Inc. BC 8/30/2017 533 Dogwood Dr. Medical Tech Training Program, LLC



2283 Azalea Street


September 15, 2017


Mississippi Business Journal



Top family doctor named Isaac Aultman, MD, of Jackson, was recently honored as Mississippi’s Family Physician of the Year at the Mississippi Academy of Family Physicians annual meeting. Aultman recently retired from a 40-year career in family medicine, most recently in private practice in Aultman Jackson’s Fondren neighborhood. The Seminary native graduated from Seminary High School, earned a bachelor’s degree from the University of Southern Mississippi in Hattiesburg, and went on to complete medical school at the University of Mississippi Medical Center in Jackson in 1971. He completed family practice residency at John Peter Smith Hospital in Fort Worth, Texas, before returning to Mississippi to practice medicine. After practicing in the Jackson area, Aultman took over Dr. Frank Wood’s practice in Jackson in 1989 and operated in the same Fondren location until December 2016. Aultman was awarded the Central Medical Society’s Exemplary Physician Award in 2006. He graduated magna cum laude from medical school and earned the Anatomy Award, the Roche Award and was part of the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society. Besides his membership in the MAFP, he has been a member of the Central Medical Society, the Mississippi State Medical Association, the American Medical Association, and the American Academy of Family Physicians. Aultman and his wife, Rachel, live in Flowood. They have three children, William Aultman of Cumming, Ga., Emily Aultman of Brandon and Daniel Aultman of Kochi, Japan.

Trustmark promotes 2

Trustmark recently made 2 promotions at its corporate headquarters in Jackson. Return Items Manager Jason McGee has been promoted to Vice President. McGee has eight years of banking experience and has completed the Mississippi School of Banking. McGee He earned a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Mississippi College. He is a board member for the Mississippi Fútbol Club soccer organization. Credit Analyst Jared Curtis has been promoted to Credit Analysis Officer. Curtis Curtis has three years of banking experience. He earned a Master of Business Administration from the University of Texas at Tyler and a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from the University of Texas at Austin. He has achieved the distinction of Eagle Scout with the Boy Scouts of America and has served as a volunteer with the Mississippi Blues Marathon.

Oxford firm on Inc 5000 R. J. Allen & Associates, an Oxford-based construction and real estate company, recently was named to the Inc. 5000, the magazine’s annual ranking of the

Blue Cross builds another for Habitat

Courtesy of Habitat for Humanity Mississippi Capital Area

Erika Brockington of Jackson and her daughter now have a home of their own thanks to the support of Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Mississippi and its Covenant Build partnership with Habitat for Humanity Mississippi Capital Area. The home, located at 2908 Smith Robinson St. in Jackson, was recently dedicated with BCBS of Mississippi employees, leaders from Habitat, and Brockington’s family members. Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Mississippi’s Team Blue volunteer program provided 100 percent of the volunteer labor for the project during the eight-week build process.

fastest-growing private companies in America. R.J. Allen is an affiliate of The Blackburn Group and sister company of Blackburn Communities, which is developing the 500-acre Oxford Commons master planned community. Inc. ranked R.J. Allen at 4,397 nationally. This represents the fifth consecutive year that Inc. selected R.J. Allen for the list, and with $41.4 million in annual revenues it is the largest Mississippi company honored. Inc. reported R.J. Allen’s three-year revenue growth of 58 percent. The company was formed in 1984 and currently employs 48 people. In addition to Oxford Commons, The Blackburn Group is currently developing several residential communities in the Starkville, Mississippi and Austin, Texas markets. On the commercial side, The Blackburn Group is a preferred developer for Dollar General Stores in the north Mississippi, northeast Tennessee and Memphis markets and a preferred contractor for CST Stores throughout Texas. It has constructed and developed retail, restaurant, convenient store, office and assisted living projects throughout the Southeast and currently operates several Anytime Fitness locations in Texas. Inc. will honor those recognized at a gala Oct. 12 in Palm Desert, California.

MAPE to honor Khayat The 2017 Winter-Reed Partnership Award will be presented to Dr. Robert C. Khayat during a tribute luncheon Oct. 17 at the Hilton of Jackson. Khayat was chancellor of the University of Mississippi from 1995 until his retirement in 2009 and has established a legacy of leadership in numerous fields throughout his career, including academics, law, sports and higher education. MAPE launched the Winter-Reed Partnership Award in 2007 to honor former Gov. William Winter

and the late Tupelo businessman Jack Reed Sr. for their lifelong contributions to public education and to provide ongoing recognition for Mississippi’s outstanding education leaders. During his tenure as Ole Miss chancellor, Khayat was credited with increasing enrollment by 43 percent and bringing more than $100 million in research and development grants to the university. In one of his first acts as chancellor, he arranged for a $5.4 million gift from Jim and Sally Barksdale to establish an honors college. He also established a Phi Beta Kappa chapter at Ole Miss and brought the 2008 national presidential debate to the campus. A 1956 graduate of Moss Point High School, Khayat earned undergraduate and law degrees from Ole Miss and joined the law faculty in 1969. A Sterling Fellowship enabled him to pursue a degree from the Yale Law School in 1980. He holds an honorary membership from Phi Beta Kappa and was selected as Law Alumnus of the Year in 2014. His book “The Education of a Lifetime” won a Silver IPPY award in 2013 for best memoir. Khayat excelled as an undergraduate history major at Ole Miss, where he was an Academic All- American football player and All-SEC catcher for the 1959 and 1960 SEC Champion baseball teams. He is a member of the Ole Miss Football Team of the Century, the Mississippi Sports Hall of Fame and the Student Hall of Fame at Ole Miss. He also is the recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award from the NFL, the Distinguished American Award from the National Football Foundation, and the 2017 Dick Enberg Award presented by the College Sports Information Directors of America.

Adams & Reese taps Jones Adams and Reese’s Jackson office will have a new leader as Scott Jones has been named Partner in Charge. The move comes in conjunction with the desig-

nation of former Jackson Partner in Charge Phil Buffington as Adams and Reese’s leader for the banking and financial services practice team. Jones joined Adams and Reese in 2008 and practices primarily in the areas of financial services, Jones construction and hospitality. He regularly advises banks across the country regarding treasury management agreements and practices. Jones also represents numerous banks and developers regarding hotel developments and lending agreements. Additionally, he regularly advises business owners, school districts, municipalities and contractors in construction matters, including deal negotiations and disputes. Before attending law school, Jones was a pricing and revenue analyst in the technology sector of a Fortune 500 company. Jones is involved with the Mississippi Associated Builders & Contractors, the Mississippi Bankers Association and the Mississippi Economics Counsel. He is a 2011 graduate of Leadership Mississippi, serves as Clerk of Sessions at Highland Presbyterian Church and sits on the board of directors for Reformed University Fellowship-Midsouth, which covers West Tennessee, Arkansas and Mississippi. Buffington had served as Partner in Charge of the Jackson office since 2013 and has served as co-leader of the banking and financial services team. For more than 30 years, Buffington has served as a trusted advisor to community, regional and national financial institutions, and routinely helps these institutions assess and analyze regulatory and litigation risks. He will remain active in the community as a member of the Board of Trustees of the Mississippi Economic Council and as chairman elect of the Madison County Business League and Foundation, among other positions.


26 Q Mississippi Business Journal Q September 15, 2017

Tooke to lead Forest Service

Tony Tooke, a 1983 alumnus of Mississippi State University, is the new chief of the U.S. Forest Service, the national agency responsible for the management and protection of 154 national forests throughout the nation. A Detroit, Ala., native, Tooke’s career with the U.S. Forest Service Tooke began at age 18 and continued through his collegiate days. He most recently served as regional forester for the Southern Region of the USDA Forest Service. Prior positions included associate deputy chief for the National Forest System, director of ecosystem management coordination, deputy director of economic recovery, and assistant director of forest management. Prior to 2006, Tooke held several positions throughout the South, including deputy forest supervisor for the National Forest in Florida, district ranger in Alabama, Georgia and Mississippi and forester in Kentucky.

Madison group adds chair Greg Hinkebein has been appointed Chairman of the Madison County Business League & Foundation (MCBL&F) Entrepreneurship Committee. Hinkebein, a Jackson, native, has both a BS degree in Computer Science and an MBA from Mississippi State University. He received Hinkebein his JD Degree from Mississippi College. Hinkebein has balanced a military career with a business career, beginning with receiving a commission as a First Lieutenant in the U.S. Army through the ROTC program at MSU and reaching the rank of Captain in the Mississippi National Guard. He has worked for both the public and private sectors, including a stint with the IBM Corporation in Jackson, before going to work as Assistant Legal Counsel with the Mississippi Economic Development Department. While there, he assisted in the formation of the Institute for Technology Development, Inc., a public/private partnership to commercialize technology from Mississippi’s universities. Hinkebein practiced law at Wells, Moore, Simmons, Stubblefield & Neeld. He continued to work with the ITD which led him to become associated with the Stennis Space Center where several ITD employees were located. Hinkebein was Legal Counsel in the office of Gov. Kirk Fordice from July 1993 to April 1997. He worked on various issues including legislation, economic development, corrections, general obligation bonds, higher education and litigation while continuing his work with ITD, the Stennis Space Center and the Mississippi Science and Technology Commission. In April 1997, Hinkebein was appointed judge on the Mississippi Court of Appeals where he assisted in reducing the backlog of appealed cases in the Mississippi Courts while continuing to work with ITD, the Mississippi Science and Technology Commission and the Mississippi Technology Alliance, the successor to ITD. In February 1999, Hinkebein was chosen as president & CEO of the Mississippi Enterprise for Technology, Inc. at the Stennis Space, a technology incubator that works with NASA, NOAA and the US

Forrest General honored

Scott marks 40 years at bank

Forrest General Hospital Among Nation’s Top Performing Hospitals for Treatment of Heart Attack Patients Forrest General Hospital has received the American College of Cardiology’s NCDR ACTION Registry Platinum Performance Achievement Award for 2017. Forrest General is one of only 193 hospitals nationwide to receive the honor. The award recognizes Forrest General’s commitment and success in implementing a higher standard of care for heart attack patients and signifies that Forrest General has reached an goal of treating these patients to standard levels of care as outlined by the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association clinical guidelines and recommendations.

Louisiana hires state native Courtesy of Trustmark

Mary Jo Scott, Senior Retail Support Teller at Trustmark’s corporate headquarters in Jackson, has been inducted into the 40-Year Club of the Mississippi Bankers Association. Scott is active in her community, where she has served in community projects associated with Habitat for Humanity, Trustmark’s A Gift of Time campaign and New Dimensions International Fellowship of Ministries. Pictured, from left, are Trustmark Jackson Metro Retail Market Manager Andrew Christian, Scott, Trustmark Jackson Metro Retail Support Supervisor Pam Jurgens and Trustmark South Metro President Hal Williams.

Navy as well as other federal agencies and private companies to create new products from government, university and private research. Hinkebein now serves as Chairman of the Board of Directors of MsET as well as working with Mississippi’s research universities to take advantage of the assets of NASA and the Stennis Space Center.

ican manufacturers compete in a global economy. In addition, votes in support of building the U.S. water infrastructure system, protecting intellectual property, and updating energy policy also factored into scoring. This is the 29th year that the U.S. Chamber has formally honored the accomplishments of this select group of members of Congress.

Sargent joins law firm

C Spire’s Bye recognized

Banking veteran Scott Sargent has joined Baker Donelson’s Financial Services Department. He has more than 20 years of experience in the financial and legal services. He also has extensive experience in financial technology and has structured numerous deals where FinTech companies have partnered with or incorporated their technology into traditional banking operations or payments systems. Before joining Baker Donelson, he spent more than 16 years in-house at an international bank as Assistant General Counsel, Senior Vice President and Assistant Secretary. Sargent is a registered lobbyist in Alabama and actively represents banking interests.

C Spire President Stephen Bye was recently named one of the U.S. wireless industry’s rising stars along with 10 other executives from major telecommunication firms. Fierce Wireless, an internationally recognized online publication and email newsletter that focuses Bye on the latest trends, analysis and news in the wireless industry, announced the selections on its website Joining Bye on the list are Durga Malladi at Qualcomm, Hans Vestberg and Toby Redshaw at Verizon, Karri Kuoppamaki and Jon Freier at T-Mobile, Victor Nilson and Val Vargas at AT&T, Roger Sole at Sprint, Leland Lai at Telecom Infra Project and OneWeb’s Greg Wyler. Bye, who was named president of C Spire by longtime CEO Hu Meena in December 2016 after an earlier stint as chief technology officer of the Mississippi-based diversified telecommunications and technology services company. Bye oversees operations for the company, which includes its wireless unit, the sixth largest in the U.S. with nearly 1 million customers, and several other subsidiaries that provide voice, data, Internet, television and phone services to consumers and businesses in parts of four states in the southeastern U.S. Bye served previous stints as CTO at Sprint, vice president of wireless at Cox Communications and executive director of converged services at AT&T.

Wicker, Harper honored The Madison County Business League & Foundation Government Affairs Committee recently presented the Spirit of Enterprise awards to Sen. Roger Wicker and Rep. Gregg Harper. The award is in recognition of their support for pro-growth policies in the second session of the 114th Congress. The Spirit of Enterprise Award is given annually to members of Congress based on their votes on critical business legislation as outlined in the US Chamber’s annual scorecard, How They Voted. Members who supported the Chamber’s position on at least 70 percent of those votes qualify to receive the award. During the second session of the 114th Congress, the Chamber scored members on 8 Senate votes and 14 House votes related to access to capital for small businesses, ensuring our workforce has the skills necessary for the jobs of tomorrow, and helping Amer-

Cleveland native Larkin Simpson, EDFP, IOM, has been name vice president of the major employers division at the Central Louisiana Economic Development Alliance (CLEDA). Simpson joins CLEDA from Jones County where he most Simpson recently led the Economic Development Authority of Jones County and Jones County Chamber of Commerce as a Vice President. Holding a Master’s degree in Economic Development with an emphasizes in Technology Led Economic Development from the University of Southern Mississippi and a Bachelor’s degree from Delta State University, Simpson has been recognized both on a state and southeastern regional level for his accomplishments in economic and community development, leadership development, marketing and advertising, and organizational management. In addition to his academic achievements, Larkin also received his Economic Development Finance Professional certification (EDFP) from the National Development Council as well as his Institute for Organizational Management (IOM) certification from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Simpson will be responsible for recruitment, retention, and expansion of businesses within the 10-parish region. Simpson and his wife, Rebekah, have two sons, Ethan, 8, and Noah, 4.

Young joins Neel-Schaffer Dishili Young, PE, has joined Neel-Schaffer, Inc., and will manage the company’s Louisiana transportation and civil design group. Young has more than 15 years of experience. She will be based in the firm’s Baton Rouge office, Young which she will help manage while also providing transportation and civil design services to clients in Louisiana and throughout Neel-Schaffer’s nine-state footprint. Young also has experience in program management, design-build, environmental assessments and impact statements, drainage design, bridge scour analysis, and hydraulics and hydrology. Young is a Registered Professional Engineer in Louisiana, Florida, and South Carolina. She holds a Bachelor of Science in civil engineering from Louisiana State University.

September 15, 2017


Mississippi Business Journal




Threat of fake news strengthens trust in traditional media


he rise in “fake news” has strengthened trust in traditional media, according to a recent survey of journalists worldwide. More than half of those surveyed (52 percent) find traditional media to be the most trusted news sources, followed by company websites and news releases (22 percent), according to the Ogilvy Media Influence’s annual global survey of 250plus reporters and producers across North American, Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia Pacific. Broken down by geography, in North America: traditional media, 59 percent; company websites and news releases, 15 percent; in EMEA: traditional media, 47 percent; company websites and news releases, 22 percent; and in Asia Pacific: Traditional media, 50 percent; company websites and news releases, 29 percent. The study also found the political climate has transformed the way journalists report stories in the past 12 months. In North America, 54 percent of journalists have altered their reporting methods; in EMEA, 41 percent of journalists have changed their reporting based on the political climate; and in Asia Pacific, 34 percent have adjusted their practices. Globally, journalists believe social media (25 percent), polarized media coverage (14 percent), and confirmation bias (14 percent) has contributed the most to the rise of fake news. Journalists in EMEA (14 percent) and Asia Pacific (17 percent) also believe money is a contributing factor to its rise. In North America, blame for advancing the phenomenon of fake news was pinned on social media by 24 percent, polarized media coverage by 17 percent, and confirmation bias by 14 percent of those surveyed. In EMEA, reporters believe fake news is amplified by social media (24 percent), polarized media coverage (16 percent), and money (14 percent); and in Asia Pacific, reporters attribute the rise of fake news to social media (26 percent), confirmation bias (17 percent), and money (17 percent). To combat fake news globally, reporters said better reporting (41 percent) is necessary, along with collaborations with social media platforms (24 percent) to verify the news. In North America, 35 percent said better reporting and 27 percent said social media platform collaborations are the best response to fake news. In addition, 16 percent of reporters believe that other practices, such as proper fact checking, credible sources, and transparency, can fight it. Meanwhile, 43 percent of EMEA journalists said that better reporting is required, followed by 19 percent who said collaborations with social media platforms is needed. In addition, 17 percent believe that marketing campaigns should be

launched to promote good reporting practices. And in Asia Pacific, 43 percent think that better reporting practices are needed in the era of fake news, and 27 percent of reporters support collaborations with social media platforms. New analysis shows how to maximize LinkedIn Marketing It’s well documented that visual content performs best on social media platforms. But there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to the types of content your audience prefers, and not a single answer, according to Social Media Examiner. BuzzSumo analyzed 228,000 LinkedIn articles and 136,000 shared articles from other websites that were posted between 2012 and 2017. Data showed that in 2014, users posted approximately 1,000 natively published articles (blog-length content) per month. In 2015, that number skyrocketed to 80,000, and 2016 saw 130,000 articles posted each month. In addition to the immersive year-overyear growth of the number of articles published, BuzzSumo learned that the most shared pieces of content were long-form articles of 1,000 to 3,000 words, even though most posts were fewer than 1,000 words. Out of the 80,884 posts they studied, only 13,886 (17 percent) were 1,000 words or more. BuzzSumo also discovered the subject matter of the best-performing articles centered around a set of specialized “5Ps”: personal, professional, practical, portraying (a path for change), and point (towards past experiences). In fact, LinkedIn was the primary platform for these topics. LinkedIn announced last quarter that they reached 500 million members worldwide. (Facebook has 2 billion.) While LinkedIn doesn’t release the number of users with specific account types (e.g., recruiter, job seeker), a search for the terms “recruiter,” “recruiting,” “recruitment,” “sourcer,” “sourcing,” “talent,” “executive search,” and “staffing” produced more than 9.9 million results, which is 2 percent of the total number of accounts. There were 3.98 million users using those search terms in their profiles in the U.S. alone. So out of the 138 million total U.S. account holders, 7 percent utilized those recruitment-related terms. Furthermore, LinkedIn boasts over 10 million job listings. LinkedIn makes their money through talent solutions, marketing solutions, and premium subscriptions. Their Q3 2016 earnings report states that talent solutions are responsible for nearly $623 million of the total $960 million in revenue (or about 65 percent). Marketing solutions account for a little over $175 million (18 percent) and premium subscriptions brought in nearly $162 million (17 percent).

Because talent solutions make up more than two-thirds of their revenue, LinkedIn will probably put most of their focus on cultivating that portion of the business. What this could mean for marketers is that LinkedIn likely won’t put much money toward research and development of marketing and advertising platforms as robust as those found on other social networks. While advertisers won’t be completely ignored, there could be limitations in what products and services they can choose from. And if they’re finding the available options aren’t working, they’ll essentially have no choice but to put their time and money elsewhere (eventually). Our 2017 Social Media Marketing Industry Report found that of the more than 5,700 marketers surveyed, 56 percent utilize LinkedIn as part of their social media marketing strategy, down from 67 percent in 2016. As expected, LinkedIn use is still heavily skewed toward B2B, with 81 percent of B2B marketers and 44 percent of B2C marketers reporting they use it. It’s interesting to note that social media marketers don’t seem to be loyal to any one social network when Facebook (62 percent) is taken out of the equation. In fact, only 16 percent of marketers who use LinkedIn say it’s their most important platform, while Twitter comes in at 9 percent and Instagram at 7 percent. However, because Facebook can never be taken out of the equation, it’s still huge competition for LinkedIn, even in the B2B market. In fact, for the first time in the history of our study, Facebook (37 percent to 43 percent) has surpassed LinkedIn (40 percent to 37 percent) as the platform of choice for B2B marketers. Silenced Mic: Tragedy strikes country music w/ deaths of Troy Gentry, Don Williams on same day Last Friday, country music stopped in a tragic twist of fate that took two of its icons – Troy Gentry and Don Williams. Gentry, 50, of country band Montgomery Gentry was killed in a helicopter crash

before a show in New Jersey. To make the story even more painful, band mate Eddie Montgomery was at the airport, waiting for Gentry to arrive when the crash happened. Todd Smith Not long before, we learned that Country Music Hall of Famer Don Williams, 78, died after a short illness. With his honey smooth vocals, mutton chops, soiled gray cowboy hat and soft-spoken nature, Williams was the “Gentle Giant” of country music. He ruled the airwaves in the 1970s and ‘80s, releasing 16 No. 1 songs between 1974 and 1985. Both singers were from different generations. Over the course of his solo career, Williams recorded numerous classics, including “Good Ole Boys Like Me,” “Tulsa Time,” “I Believe in You,” “Lord, I Hope This Day is Good” and “It Must Be Love.” The Montgomery Gentry duo hails from Kentucky, and plays a style of rowdy country and Southern rock. Somewhere, just beyond the Pearly Gates, there’s a Heavenly hoedown happening, with country rock tunes mixing with classic ballads – and lifting the wings of angels! Each week, The Spin Cycle will bestow a Golden Mic Award to the person, group or company in the court of public opinion that best exemplifies the tenets of solid PR, marketing and advertising – and those who don’t. Stay tuned – and step-up to the mic! And remember … Amplify Your Brand!

Todd Smith is president and chief communications officer of Deane, Smith & Partners, a full-service branding, PR, marketing and advertising firm with offices in Jackson. The firm — based in Nashville, Tenn. — is also affiliated with Mad Genius. Contact him at todd@deanesmithpartners.com, and follow him @ spinsurgeon.



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LAW FIRMS Q Victor W. Carmody, Jr. P.A........................................................................... www.mississippidui.com

PAYROLL Q People Lease.........................................................................................................www.peoplelease.com

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