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Research your college choices PREPARE Take the necessary classes in high school and prepare for the ACT 09 PAY
Apply for federal and state financial aid and calculate the cost of college
By the numbers: Public Universities Private Universitiesð Community & Junior Colleges
For some students, sports and activities are very important. Other students want a challenging academic environment. Some students want both. Answering questions like these will help you focus your college search and discover the right fit.
During your visit, read the student newspaper and other student publications and scan bulletin boards to see what daily student life is like. If you take a tour of the campus, ask your tour guide about why they chose this college, what they do in their free time and on the weekends and other questions about:
• Transportation if you don’t have a car
• Honors programs, study abroad, learning communities, freshman experience, and internship opportunities
• Career services opportunities
• Support services on campus like tutoring programs and writing centers
• What interests me?
• How do I spend my free time?
• What makes me feel passionate?
• How do I learn best?
• What do I think I want to do in the future?
• What type of degree am I seeking?
• Should I live at home and commute or live on campus?
• Public or private
• Community college or four-year institution
• Historically black college or university (HBCU)
• All male or female student body
• Religious affiliation
• Military academy
• What is the average class size for freshmen classes?
• How many students live on campus?
• What percentage are from in-state vs out-of-state?
• Is there diversity on campus (ethnic, geographic, family income)?
• A certificate or technical degree (Ex: Welding or Cosmetology)
• Associate – 2 year (Ex:Associate’sofArtsor Associate’sofAppliedSciences)
• Bachelor – 4 year (Ex: Computer Science, Biology or Journalism)
• Master degree (Ex:BusinessAdministrationor SchoolCounseling)
• Doctorate (Ex: Medical, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, History or Law)
ENGLISH ENGLISH I or equivalent ENGLISH II or equivalent
All must require substantial communications skills (i.e. reading, writing, listening, and speaking). Compensatory Reading and Writing may not be included.
ALGEBRA I or equivalent
SCIENCE BIOLOGY I or equivalent
Includes any one Carnegie unit (or two ½ units) of visual and performing arts course(s) meeting the requirements for high school graduation.
Option 1: Foreign Language I and II
Option 2: Foreign Language I & Advanced World Geography
Option 3: Any combination of English, Mathematics higher than Algebra I, Science higher than Biology I, Advanced Elective category, any AP course, any IB course
A course that emphasizes the use of technology as a productivity tool. Instruction should include utilizing various forms of technology to create, collaborate, organize, and publish information. The application of technology as a productivity tool, rather than specific hardware and/or software packages should be the focus of the course.
There are four ways to gain admission into any Mississippi public university. Choose your track.
2.5 GPA minimum or top50%ofclass 2.0 GPA minimum 3.2 GPA minimum
Complete CPC with a minimum 3.2 high school grade point average (GPA) on the CPC
Complete CPC with a minimum 2.50 high school GPA on the CPC or a class rank in the top 50% and a score of 16 or higher on the ACT* (Composite)
Complete CPC with a minimum 2.0 high school GPA on the CPC and a score of 18 or higher on the ACT* (Composite)
*In lieu of ACT scores, students may submit equivalent SAT scores.
Satisfy the NCAA standards for student athletes who are “full-qualifiers” under Division I guidelines
Students who do not meet the above criteria are still eligible for admission. Such students must participate, however, in an on-campus placement process at the university of their choice. The process will determine whether the student may be enrolled in regular freshman-level courses or be required to enroll in the summer semester with mandatory participation in the Summer Developmental Program. Successful completion of the summer semester entitles the student to continued enrollment in the fall semester at the university of his or her choice.
ACT or SAT scores are requested by most colleges and universities as a part of the admission process. Your results provide one way for colleges to measure your potential for:
ACT or SAT scores are requested by most colleges and universities as a part of the admission process. Your results provide one way for colleges to measure your potential for:
• Admissions
•Scholarship evaluation
• Scholarship evaluation
•State aid (MTAG, MESG and HELP Grant)
• State aid (MTAG, MESG and HELP Grant)
•Academic advising
• Academic advising
•Course placement (developmental classes)
• Course placement (developmental classes)
ACT offers free prep resources at academy.act.org.
resourcesat academy.act.org.
Test Info Release $40.00
Test Info Release$22.00
Late Fee $36.00
Late Fee $35.00
ACT, no writing $63.00 ACT, plus writing $88.00
ACT, no writing$55.00 ACT, plus writing$70.00 ACT FOR
Fee waivers are offered to help lower income students pay for the ACT and SAT. Ask your high school counselor if you qualify!
help lower income students pay for the ACT and SAT. Ask your high school counselor if you qualify!
Many scholarships are not posted until the fall of your senior year, but deadlines start popping up as early as December. See your high school counselor or career center manager for a list of scholarships.
Browse popular scholarship sites like:
• bigfuture.collegeboard.org
• getschooled.com
• fastweb.com
Most scholarships come directly from individual colleges. Complete applications for admission in the fall of your senior year. You must be accepted for admission in order to receive scholarships and financial aid. Most can be found online at each college’s website. Make sure you meet all deadlines!
If you attend a community college, join Phi Theta Kappa! When you transfer, there are great scholarships for PTK members.
The FAFSA is the Free Application for Federal Student Aid and is required to receive any federal funds. Federal funds include needbased and non-need-based grants, work-study programs, and student loans. The FAFSA may also be used for awarding some state aid, institutional aid, and even private scholarships.
You can file the FAFSA as early as October 1 of your senior year. Some state grants and college financial aid require FAFSA completion and have early deadlines.
If you have any special circumstances, contact the Financial Aid Office of the school you plan to attend.
Federal Student Aid launched the myStudentAid app that allows students and their families to fi ll out and submit the FAFSA from their phones and switch seamlessly between mobile and web.
Some schools may require the CSS/Financial Aid Profile® in addition to the FAFSA.
The Mississippi Office of Student Financial Aid offers grants based on merit and financial need to full-time (15 credit hours per semester) students attending eligible Mississippi colleges and
universities. The application is available at mississippi. edu/fi nancialaid or you can link to the Mississippi application after completing the FAFSA and most of your info will be prefi lled.
It is important to complete the FAFSA, and you can file as early as October 1 of your senior year. Make sure to file the FAFSA before your college’s priority filing deadline to qualify for the most money.
The FAFSA asks for basic information about the student and parent and about the family’s financial situation. Depending on your circumstances, you might need the following information or documents as you fill out the FAFSA.
Parent(s) & student’s:
•Legal names
•Social Security numbers
•Dates of birth
•Email addresses
• 2021 W-2 forms and otherð records of money earned
• 2021 Federal Income Tax Return (the 1040 form). If your parents or parent and step-parent file separately, bring copies
• Driver’s license numbers
Check with your counselor to see if your local community college is hosting a FAFSA Completion Day at your school.
If a website asks you to pay to fill it out, you’re not dealing with the official FAFSA site, fafsa.gov.
Provide information for parents with whom you live such as marriage date, divorce date, or separation date.
If you are in a legal guardianship, bring court papers for the guardianship.
Do not bring information on a grandparent, aunt, or anyone other than a parent unless you have been legally adopted (even if someone else claims you on the federal tax return).
Application deadline: Sept 15 Freshmen and sophomores receive up to $500/year, and juniors and seniors receive up to $1000/year. Eligible students meet the following criteria:
• Have cumulative GPA of at least 2.5
• Score a minimum of 15 on the national ACT or equivalent score on the national SAT
• Are not full Pell Grant eligible
Application deadline: Sept 15 Covers up to $2500/year. Eligible students meet the following criteria:
• Have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.5
• Score a minimum of 29 on the national ACT or equivalent score on the national SAT or are National Merit/National Achievement Finalists or Semi-Finalists
Application deadline: March 31 with supporting documents due by April 30
Covers full tuition and required fees for no more than eight semesters at a public institution. Participants attending a private institution in Mississippi will receive an award amount equal to the award of a student attending the nearest Mississippi university. Eligible students meet the following criteria:
• Have cumulative GPA of at least 2.5
• Score a minimum of 20 on the national ACT or equivalent score on the national SAT
• Take the College Prep Curriculum plus one advanced elective
• Meet income requirements ($39,500 for family with one dependent).
• Be Pell eligible
The processed FAFSA results will be sent to the colleges you listed on the FAFSA, and the college Financial Aid Office will determine the amount of financial aid you will receive.
If you provided an email on the FAFSA, in 1-3 days you will receive an email with a secure link to access your Student Aid Report (SAR) online. If you did not provide an email, you will receive the SAR in the mail. If the information is incorrect, it may be necessary to go back into fafsa.gov and make corrections to a processed FAFSA. Got questions about the FAFSA? Call 1.800.4FEDAID (1.800.433.3243).
Some financial aid applications will be selected for a federally required verifi cation process. This means that you will be expected to provide supporting documentation for the information on your FAFSA. You may be asked to verify numbers from your FAFSA such as household size, number in college, or untaxed income. You may be asked to upload your tax return directly from the IRS using the FAFSA IRS Data Retrieval tool, or you can provide an IRS Tax Return Transcript by requesting online at irs.gov or by calling 800.908.9946.
The information that the college requests must be sent to the financial aid office at the college. Most colleges will not make a financial aid award for you until verification is complete.
You will receive a financial aid award notification only from those colleges to which you have been offered admission. Some colleges may require additional forms for financial aid, and it will be your responsibility to complete and submit these documents. The award notifi cation will tell you what financial aid you are eligible to receive, how to accept and the next steps in the process.
Typically, schools will allow you to accept your award online. However, you may receive an award letter by mail. You should determine which of the awards you will accept and which you will decline. When it comes to student loans, you can choose the amount that you would like to accept. There may be a deadline for accepting financial aid.
If you accept federal student loans, you will need to follow the college’s process for completing the Master Promissory Note (MPN) and Loan Entrance Counseling.
Phone: 601-979-2121 Website: jsums.edu
Admissions E-mail: enrollment@jsums.edu
Founded: 1877
President: Thomas K. Hudson
Undergrad Enrollment: 7,000 Total Faculty: 549
Financial Aid: Federal and state grants, loans, work study, scholarships Satellite/ Annex Locations: Universities Center, Jackson Medical Mall, Mississippi eCenter@JSU, Holmes Community College, JSU Downtown
Annual Tuition and Fees: $8,445
Annual on-campus room and board: $10,066
Famous alumni: Walter Payton, NFL Hall of Famer; Vivian Brown, The Weather Channel meteorologist; Cornell William Brooks, president of NAACP; Cassandra Wilson; Grammy award-winning jazz vocalist; Rod Paige; former U.S. Secretary of Education; actress Tonea Stewart
The school says: A top-rated HBCU, Jackson State University is a high research activity institution that provides a challenging yet nurturing environment. It’s renowned for its comprehensive economic development, healthcare, technological and educational initiatives.
Address: 1000 ASU Drive, Lorman, MS 39096
Phone: 601-877-6100 Website: alcorn.edu
Admissions E-mail: admissions@alcorn.edu
Founded: 1871
President: Felicia M. Nave
Undergrad Enrollment: 2,533 Total Faculty: 175
Financial Aid: Grants, loans, work study, scholarships, federal aid Satellite/Annex Locations: Vicksburg and Natchez
Annual Tuition and Fees: $7,566 Annual on-campus room and board: $5,453 Famous alumni: Civil rights activist Medgar Wiley Evers and former NAACP Chairwoman Myrlie Evers-Williams, Pulitzer Prize-winning author Alex Haley, Academy Award nominee actor Michael Clarke Duncan, former NFL players Steve McNair and Donald Driver.
The school says: Celebrating 150 years of academic excellence, Alcorn offers bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees in 50 topdegree programs. Alcorn has earned national recognition in nursing, biology, music, technology, agricultural, and the liberal arts.
Address: 1003 W. Sunflower Rd., Cleveland, MS 38733
Phone: 662-846-3000 Website: deltastate.edu
Admissions E-mail: admissions@deltastate.edu
Founded: 1924 President: Dr. E.E. Caston
Undergrad Enrollment: 2,041 Total Faculty: 268
Financial Aid: Federal need-based aid, state, institutional, and external funds for non-need based aid available, on-campus paid job opportunities available. Academic, leadership and private scholarships are also available with required application.
Satellite/ Annex Locations: N/A
Annual Tuition and Fees: $8,435
Annual on-campus room and board: N/A Famous alumni: David “Boo” Ferriss - Boston Red Sox/DSU Head Baseball Coach; John GrishamWriter; Fred E. Carl, Jr. - Viking Range Corp. founder; Steve Azar - Country Music Star; David Abney - CEO of UPS; Walt Bettinger - CEO of Charles Schwab; Lucia Harris - Basketball Star
The school says: Delta State University combines tradition with innovation in its academic offerings. Located in Cleveland, Mississippi, DSU’s undergraduate curriculum encompasses a range of disciplines including the arts, education, humanities and sciences.
Address: P.O. Box 6334, Mississippi State, MS 39762
Phone: 662-325-2224 Website: msstate.edu
Admissions E-mail: admit@msstate.edu
Founded: 1878
President: Mark E. Keenum Undergrad Enrollment: 18,584
Total Faculty: 4,684
Financial Aid: Federal and state grants and loans, work study, scholarships
Satellite/ Annex Locations: Meridian Campus; MSU Extension Service offices in all 82 counties; 4 Research Centers in Biloxi, Raymond, Stoneville, Verona
Annual Tuition and Fees: $9,248
Annual on-campus room and board: $10,964
Famous alumni: Dak Prescott, John Grisham, Buck Showalter, Turner Catledge, John C. Stennis, Sonny Montgomery, Will Clark, Rafael Palmeiro, Jerry Clower, James Flanagan, Hartley Peavey, Janet Marie Smith, Richard Adkerson, Amy Tuck, James Worth Bagley
The school says: Mississippi State University is a comprehensive, doctoral degree-granting university enrolling about 23,000 students. It is a National Science Foundation Top 100 research university, serving students from all 50 states and 86 countries.
Address: 1100 College St., Columbus, MS 39701-5800
Phone: 877-462-8439 Website: muw.edu
Admissions E-mail: admissions@muw.edu
Founded: 1884
President: Nora Miller Undergrad Enrollment: 2,178
Total Faculty: 299
Financial Aid: Academic scholarships, loans, grants, and work-study employment from federal, state and institutional programs
Satellite/ Annex Locations: Tupelo
Annual Tuition and Fees: $7,766
On-campus room and board: $8,100
Famous alumni: Dr. Elizabeth Hazen, Valerie Jaudon, Linkie Marais, Hon. Lenore Prather, Toni Seawright, Dr. Doris Taylor, Eudora Welty, Blanche Colton Williams
The school says:We offer an affordable and quality higher education for both men and women around the world. An 11-to-1 student/ faculty ratio means a personalized learning environment. The W has majors in business, education, nursing and signature programs.
Address: 118 College Dr., Hattiesburg, MS 39406
Phone: 601-266-5000 Website: usm.edu
Admissions E-mail: admissions@usm.edu Founded: 1910
President: Joseph S. Paul Undergrad Enrollment: 10,693 Total Faculty: 843
Financial Aid: Merit-based scholarships for scholars; Federal student grants and loans; State financial aid for Mississippi residents; Part-time campus student jobs.
Satellite/ Annex Locations: N/A
Annual Tuition and Fees: N/A
On-campus room and board: N/A
Famous alumni: Jimmy Buffett, NFL Hall of Famers Brett Favre and Ray Guy; Retired astronaut Robert Stewart; Masterchef winner Whitney Miller; Iron Chef America’s Cat Cora; Gov. Phil Bryant.; U.S. Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith; U.S. Congressman Steven Palazzo.
The school says: Founded in 1910, The Univer-sity of Southern Mississippi opened its doors as a small teachers’ college. Today, the University has grown into a comprehensive doctoral and research-driven institution with a proud history and an eye on the future.
Address: P.O. Box 1848, University, MS 38677
Phone: 662-915-7211 Website: olemiss.edu
Admissions E-mail: admissions@olemiss.edu
Founded: 1848
President: Glenn Boyce Undergrad Enrollment: 16,092
Total Faculty: 2,221
Financial Aid: Federal and state grants and loans; work study; scholarships
Satellite/ Annex Locations: Booneville, DeSoto, Grenada, Rankin, Tupelo
Annual Tuition and Fees: $9,072
Annual on-campus room and board: $6,514
Famous alumni: NFL QBs Archie and Eli Manning, HGTV’s Ben and Erin Napier, Sen. Roger Wicker, Netscape CEO Jim Barksdale, authors John Grisham and Greg Iles, former Gov. Haley Barbour, actor Gerald McRaney, former WNBA coaches Jennifer Gillom and Carol Ross.
The school says: University of Mississippi, affectionately known as Ole Miss, is the state's flagship university and is known as one of the nation’s most beautiful campuses. It has a long history of producing leaders in public service, medicine, academics & business.
Address: 14000 Hwy. 82 West, Itta Bena, MS 38941
Phone: 662-254-9041 Website: mvsu.edu
Admissions E-mail: admsn@mvsu.edu
Founded: 1950
President: Jerryl Briggs Undergrad Enrollment: 1,714
Total Faculty: 128
Financial Aid: Federal and state grants and loans, work study, scholarships
Annual Tuition and Fees: $7,396
Annual on-campus room and board: $4,386 Famous alumni: Jerry Rice, Ashley Ambrose, Deacon Jones, Katie Hall
The school says: At MVSU, we prepare students to combine their broad and well-rounded general education with specialized training so they will be ready to enter into their respective careers or graduate schools.
Address: 1701 N. State St., Jackson, MS 39210
Address: 1500 Peachtree St., Jackson, MS 39202
Phone: 601-968-5940 Website: belhaven.edu
Admissions E-mail: admission@belhaven.edu
Founded: 1883
President: Roger Parrott
Undergrad Enrollment: 1,000 Financial Aid: Academic scholarships, grants, federal grants, loans are available Satellite/ Annex Locations: N/A
Annual Tuition and Fees: $27 980
Annual on-campus room & board: $9,100 Famous alumni: Marie Hull; Tramaine Brock; Andrew Camenicsh; Grant Callen; Elizabeth Spencer; Dr. Harrison Key; Joel Bomgar; Dan Marks; Dr. David O’Gwynn; Andrew Mattiace; Mel Hope; Winand Van Eeghen; George Widerquist. The school says: Belhaven University is a Christian liberal arts university dedicated to excellence in higher education. Belhaven has over 70 undergraduate programs and has received national recognition for its academic programs and affordability.
Address: 210 W. Main St., Blue Mountain, MS 38610
Phone: 662-685-4771 Website: bmc.edu
Admissions E-mail: admissions@bmc.edu
Founded: 1873
President: Barbara C. McMillin
Undergrad Enrollment: 900
Total Faculty: 33 Financial Aid: Federal, state, veteran assistance programs, scholarships. Annual Tuition and Fees: N/A
Annual on-campus room and board: N/A
Famous alumni: George Duke Humphrey, President of Mississippi State University (1934-45); Kandace Williams, Miss Mississip pi 1992; Natalie Talbert Garner, wife of Perry Mason creator Earle Stanley Garner
The school says: Blue Mountain College assists students in developing intellectual integrity, academic excellence, civility, and Christian character.
Phone: 601-974-1000 Website: millsaps.edu
Admissions E-mail: admissions@millsaps.edu
Founded: 1890 President: Robert Pearigen Undergrad Enrollment: 750 Total Faculty: 97
Financial Aid: Aid offered based on academic merit, special talents, and financial need. Annual Tuition and Fees: N/A
Annual on-campus room and board: N/A Famous alumni: Eudora Welty (author); Ellen Gilchrist (author); Alan Hunter (MTV VJ); Greg Miller (poet); Kevin Sessums (journalist, author); Cassandra Wilson (jazz vocalist); Tate Reeves (Lieutenant Governor, MS); Paul Ramsey (ethicist)
The school says: Millsaps is a privately supported liberal arts college. Millsaps is one of the few colleges in America to have both a Phi Beta Kappa chapter and business school accredited by the Association to Advance College Schools of Business.
Address: 150 Rust Ave., Holly Springs, MS 38635
Address: 200 S. Capitol St., Clinton, MS 39056
Phone: 601-925-3800 Website: mc.edu
Admissions E-mail: admissions@mc.edu
Founded: 1826
President: Blake Thompson Undergrad Enrollment: 3,909 Total Faculty: 235
Financial Aid: Federal aid; private & institutional scholarships; grants; loans; student employment; payment plans
Annual Tuition and Fees: $38,600
Annual on-campus room and board: $6,000
Famous alumni: Larry Myricks, Olympic bronze medalist and five-time NCAA Champion; Phil Bryant, former Governor of Mississippi; Lance Barksdale, Major League umpire; Barry Hannah, author; Gregg Harper, U.S. Congressman; Dayn Perry, writer; Lee Yancey, MS senator.
The school says: Governed by a Board of Trustees elected by the MS Baptist Convention, MC is a private, co-ed university of liberal arts, sciences, and professional studies dedicated to the pursuit of academic excellence and commitment to the cause of Christ.
Phone: 662-252-8000 Website: rustcollege.edu
Admissions E-mail: admissions@rustcollege.edu Founded: 1866
President: Ivy R. Taylor
Undergrad Enrollment: 575
Total Faculty: 46
Financial Aid: Academic scholarships, federal and state grants and loans, work study, scholarships
Annual Tuition and Fees: N/A
On-campus room and board: N/A
Famous alumni: Ida B. Wells-Barnett, Alvin Childress, Anita Ward, Ruby Elzy Lucie Campbell, Leslie B. McLemore, Clinton LeSuer
The school says: Rust College is a historically Black, co-educational, liberal arts college found-ed in 1866 by the Freedman’s Aid Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church to offer programs in business, education, humanities, science and math, and social sciences.
Address: 500 W. County Line Road, Tougaloo, MS 39174
Phone: 601-977-7768 Website: tougaloo.edu
Admissions E-mail: admissions@tougaloo.edu Founded: 1869
President: Carmen J. Walters
Undergrad Enrollment: 650
Total Faculty: 55
Financial Aid: Federal, state, and private
Annual Tuition and Fees: $10,000
Annual on-campus room and board: $5,000
Famous alumni: U.S. Rep. Bennie G. Thompson; Reuben V. Anderson, first African-American Mississippi Supreme Court Justice; Dr. Hakeem M. Oluseyi, astrophysicist, inventor, educator, author, TV personal-ity and Distinguished Research Professor.
The school says: Tougaloo provides a nurturing environment and encourages intellectual, social and character development. It is listed among the top 25 liberal arts institutions in the Washington Monthly’s listing of 256 best colleges in the nation.
Address: 710 William Carey Parkway, Hattiesburg, MS 39401
Phone: 601-318-6051 Website: wmcarey.edu
Admissions E-mail: admissions@wmcarey.edu
Founded: 1892
President: Ben Burnett Undergrad Enrollment: 5,300
Total Faculty: 300Financial Aid: Work-study programs, state and federal aid, loans, institutional scholarships (academic, talent, alumni, Mississippi Baptist student, church-related vocations, missionary dependent and endowed scholarship), external scholarships
Satellite/ Annex Locations: Tradition-Biloxi & Baton Rouge, La. Annual Tuition and Fees: $13,500
On-campus room and board: $3,000
Famous alumni: Dan Jennings, former manager of the Miami Marlins; John Stephenson, retired professional base-ball player; Louis Guirola Jr., U.S. federal judge; Mike Parker, former U.S. representative from Mississippi and former assistant secretary of the US Army
The school says: William Carey University is a private, faithbased university with locations in Hattiesburg, Tradition-Biloxi and Baton Rouge, La. Carey offers a friendly, Christian environment with strong campus life opportunities and many academic offerings.
Address: 3240 Friars Point Road, Clarksdale, MS 38614
Phone: 662-627-2571
Website: coahomacc.edu
Admissions E-mail: admissions@coahomacc.edu
Founded: 1949
President: Valmadge T. Towner
Undergrad Enrollment: 1,832
Total Faculty: 126
Financial Aid: Pell Grants, LEAP, SEOG, work study
Annual Tuition and Fees: $3,200
Annual on-campus room and board: $1,900
The school says: Coahoma Community College’s ninety-nine acre campus lies in an agrarian setting along Clarksdale-Friars Point Road near the Mississippi River.
Address: 1028 J.C. Redd Drive; P.O. Box 649, Wesson, MS 39191
Phone: 601-643-8306 Website: colin.edu
Admissions E-mail: jordan.stephens@colin.edu Founded: 1928
President: Jane G. Hulon Sims Undergrad Enrollment: 2,800
Total Faculty: 420
Financial Aid: Federal Student Aid, Pell Grant, Work-study, State Aid, Institutional Scholarships (Academic, Service, Athletic), Foundation Scholarships, and a NEW scholarship for ACT score of 19 & 20.
Satellite/ Annex Locations: Natchez, MS and Mendenhall, MS
Annual Tuition and Fees: N/A
Annual on-campus room and board: N/A Famous alumni: NFL players Montez Sweat, Alexander Hollins, De’Lance Turner; the late Dr. Ed Thompson (CDC), Boone Daughdrill of Band Perry; Randy Thomas, former NFL lineman.
Address: 275 W. Broad St., Decatur, MS 39327
Phone: 601-635-2111 Website: eccc.edu
Admissions E-mail: bhitt@eccc.edu
Founded: 1928
President: Brent Gregory
Undergrad Enrollment: 2,300
Total Faculty: 134
Financial Aid: All state and federal financial aid, work-study, college scholarships
Satellite/ Annex Locations: N/A
Annual Tuition and Fees: $2,860
Annual on-campus room and board: $1,600 Famous alumni: Randy Houser, Kendrick Clancy, Sue Gunter, Cyrus Ben, Dr. Clyde Muse, Michael Hardy, Randy Cleveland, Jordan Thomas, Tim Anderson, Sam Rutigliano
Address: 1512 Kemper St., Scooba, MS 39358
Phone: 662-476-5000 Website: eastms.edu Admissions E-mail: admissions@eastms.edu
Founded: 1927
President: Dr. Scott Alsobrooks Undergrad Enrollment: 4,300 Total Faculty: 198 Financial Aid: Pell Grant, FSEOG, College Work Study, Federal Direct Loans, State Aid (MTAG, MESG, HELP) and various EMCC Scholarships
Satellite/ Annex Locations: Scooba, Golden Triangle, Communiversity, Lion Hills Center, West Point Center, Macon Center, Columbus Air Force Base, Meridian Naval Air Station Annual Tuition and Fees: N/A
On-campus room and board: N/A Famous alumni: Billy Joe Cross, Eddie Briggs, Fred Adams, Antowain Smith, Beth Clay, Don-ald Simmons, Jr., LeGarrette Blount, Kortney Clemmons, Virgil Seay, Bill Buckner, Langston Rogers, Buster Orr, Jack Manly, Elbert “Lum” Wright, George Cummings, ZaDarius Smith The school says: EMCC takes your child’s future as seriously as you do. Our instructors are committed. They make time for each student and their doors are always open. Winners of five NJ-CAA national football championships since 2011!
The school says: Recently ranked #1 in the state for student success, Co-Lin offers 100 + programs of study, including 37 careertech options. We’re the only com-munity college with an international award-winning robotics team and the only competitive archery teams.
The school says: Guaranteed Transferability of Courses, Among Lowest Tuition in State, Recognized as Military Friendly, No. 1 in Mississippi in GPA of Students Who Transfer to 4-Year Public Universities in the State, Top 100 in Awarding Degrees to Minorities
Address: 608 Hinds Blvd., Raymond, MS 39154
Phone: 601-857-3536 Website: hindscc.edu
Admissions E-mail: info@hindscc.edu
Founded: 1917
President: Stephen Vacik Undergrad Enrollment: 9,000
Total Faculty: 400
Financial Aid: Institutional and Foundation Scholarships, federal aid, student loans, work study
Satellite/ Annex Locations: 6campuses in central Mississippi
Annual Tuition and Fees: $1,875
Annual on-campus room and board: $1,200
Famous alumni: Faith Hill, Zig Ziglar, Phil Bryant, Chad Bradford, Malcolm Butler, Tom Burnham The school says: You can get an excellent education at a very reasonable cost, which will transfer to any senior college in the state or prepare you for direct entry into a career -- and it is all located close to home.
Address: 1 Hill St., Goodman, MS 39079
Phone: 800-465-6374 Website: holmescc.edu Admissions E-mail: bmiller@holmescc.edu
Founded: 1925
President: Jim Haffey Undergrad Enrollment: 4,923
Total Faculty: 148
Financial Aid: Foundation and special scholarships, FAFSA, loans, grants, work study
Satellite/ Annex Locations: Ridgeland and Grenada campuses; The Attala Center in Kosciusko; and the Yazoo Center in Yazoo City.
Annual Tuition and Fees: $3,410
Annual on-campus room and board: $3,250 Famous alumni: Walter Jones, NFL; Roy Oswalt, MLB
The school says: A multi-campus institution, Holmes offers the Associate of Arts degree, Associate of Applied Science degree, technical and career certificates and workforce training. The college offers more than 50 academic majors and 30 professional programs.
Address: 602 W. Hill St., Fulton, MS 38843
Phone: 662-862-8000 Website: iccms.edu
Admissions E-mail: admissions@iccms.edu
Founded: 1948 President: Jay Allen
Undergrad Enrollment: 4,348
Total Faculty: 269
Financial Aid: Foundation Scholarships, Institutional Scholarships and Federal and State Aid Satellite/ Annex Locations: N/A
Annual Tuition and Fees: $2,900
Annual on-campus room and board: $1,700
Famous alumni: Pernell McPhee, Darius Slay, Duce Staley, Joe Horn, Desmond Jennings, Jonathan Van Every, Tim Dillard, Sergio Kerush, Kareem Moore, Jason Ferguson, Tim Bowens, Norman Hand, Ron Hill, Ron Dixon, Linkie Marais, Hassell Frankiln, Johnny Crane, Brandon Pres-ley, Hon. Mike Mills, Beth and John Cleveland
The school says: Itawamba Community College is an open admission, comprehensive, two-year public-supported institution dedicated to providing high quality educational opportunities that are accessible and affordable for the diverse needs of the area.
Address: 900 S. Court St., Ellisville, MS 39437
Phone: 601-477-4000 Website: jcjc.edu
Admissions E-mail: enrollmentservices@jcjc.edu
Founded: 1911
President: Jesse R. Smith
Undergrad Enrollment: 4,500
Total Faculty: 250
Financial Aid: Service scholarships, Miss Hospitality scholarship, Junior Miss scholar-ship, academic, career and technical excellence scholarships; honors college scholarship, presidential scholarship, ACT scholarships, foundation scholarships, Pell Grants, MTAG
Annual Tuition and Fees: N/A
Annual on-campus room and board: N/A Famous alumni: Deion Branch, Honorable Judge Charles Pickering, Dr. Robert Rob-binsCEO Texas Medical Center, Ben and Erin Napier-HGTV Home Town
The school says: Jones County Junior College is located on a single campus between Laurel & Hattiesburg, however Centers in Bay Springs, Leakesville, Stonewall and Waynesboro offer credit and non-credit courses & workforce training.
Address: 910 Hwy. 19 N., Meridian, MS 39307
Phone: 601-483-8241 Website: meridiancc.edu
Admissions E-mail: admissions@meridiancc.edu
Founded: 1937
President: Thomas M. Huebner
Undergrad Enrollment: 2,700
Total Faculty: 325
Financial Aid: Scholarships, grants, loans and part-time employment to eligible students
Annual Tuition and Fees: N/A
Annual on-campus room and board: N/A
Famous alumni: Tommy Dulaney, Sela Ward, Cliff Lee, Corey Dickerson, Tyler Moore
The school says: MCC offers an affordable and quality education where students seeking to earn a two-year degree or certificate can expect to learn in and outside the classroom, advanced skills that would make them competitive in their career field.
Address: Hwy. 3 & Cherry St., Moorhead, MS 38761
Phone: 662-246-6322
Website: msdelta.edu
Admissions E-mail: admissions@msdelta.edu
Founded: 1926
President: Tyrone Jackson
Undergrad Enrollment: 2,086
Total Faculty: 128
Financial Aid: Pell Grants, MDCC Foundation Scholarships, Federal Aid, State Aid Satellite/ Annex Locations: N/A
Annual Tuition and Fees: N/A
Annual on-campus room and board: N/A
Famous alumni: Matthew Duff, Mike DeJean
The school says: Whether it’s a traditional education that leads to a four-year college/ university or fast-track health science or career-technical training that gets fully qualified students into the workforce and making a difference - MDCC is where it all begins!
Address: 51 Main St., Perkinston, MS 39577
Phone: 228-896-2536
Website: mgccc.edu
Admissions E-mail: questions@mgccc.edu
Founded: 1912
President: Mary S. Graham Undergrad Enrollment: 8,208
Total Faculty: 310
Financial Aid: Federal and state aid, institutional scholarships, outside scholarships and aid. Satellite/ Annex Locations: 10 locations and centers: Harrison County Campus, Jackson County Campus, West Harrison County Center, The Bryant Center, Naval Construction Battalion Center, Keesler Center, George County Center, Haley Reeves Barbour Maritime Training Academy, Advanced Manufacturing & Technology Center, Perkinston Campus Annual
Tuition and Fees: $5,000
Annual on-campus room and board: $2,200
Famous alumni: Fred Haise, Vick Ballard, Brittney Reese, Terrence Cody, Matt Lawton, Boyce Holleman
The school says: Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College serves more than 25,000 individuals annually at 10 locations in South Mississippi. Offering online courses and degree programs, as well as hybrid flexible (HyFlex) classes, MGCCC courses fit every lifestyle.
Address: 101 Cunningham Blvd., Booneville, MS 38829
Phone: 800-555-2154 Website: nemcc.edu Admissions E-mail: admitme@nemcc.edu Founded: 1948 President: Ricky G. Ford
Undergrad Enrollment: 3,300
Total Faculty: 163
Financial Aid: Federal and State Financial Aid is available along with tuition guarantee for selected counties; institutional scholarships along with outside scholarships.
Satellite/ Annex Locations: Corinth, New Albany, Ripley, Iuka
Annual Tuition and Fees: $3,65
Annual on-campus room and board: $1,640
Famous alumni: Lester “Bubba” Carpenter, Travis Childers, Adrian “Odie” Smith, Jerome Woods, Mario Addison, Qyntel Woods, Billy McCoy, Stephanie McAfee, Dontae Jones, Dr. Jennifer H. Garrett, Johnathan Singleton, Sam Mosley, Maj. Gen Augustus (Leon) Collins. The school says: Steeped in academic tradition and anchored in student services, Northeast Mississippi Community College is the right place for any student. Northeast is also a primary source of workforce training and economic development in the area.
Address: 4975 Hwy. 51 N., Senatobia, MS 38668
Phone: 662-562-3200 Website: northwestms.edu
Admissions E-mail: admissions@northwestms.edu
Founded: 1927
President: Dr. Michael J. Heindl
Undergrad Enrollment: 7,500
Total Faculty: 279
Financial Aid: Institutional scholarships, grants, work study, loans, Foundation scholarships.
Satellite/ Annex Locations: N/A Annual Tuition and Fees: $3,200
On-campus room and board: $1,710
Famous alumni: John Grisham, Cortez Kennedy, Otis Sanford, John Avery, Jeff Blackshear, Willie Blade, Eddie Blake, Ricky Blake, Eldra Buckley, Len Burton, Wesley Carroll, Kory Chapman, Dan Footman, Roy Hart, Cletidus Hunt, Bryant Mix, Alton Montgomery, Gerald Perry, Gardner Minshew The school says: With convenient locations in Senatobia, Southaven, Oxford, Olive Branch, Batesville, Ashland or online, Northwest offers the first two years of your four-year education or the technical skills you need for the workforce.
Address: 101 Hwy. 11 N., Poplarville, MS 39470
Phone: 601-403-1000 Website: prcc.edu
Admissions E-mail: admissions@prcc.edu
Founded: 1909
President: Adam Breerwood
Undergrad Enrollment: 5,500 Total Faculty: 300
Financial Aid: Student scholarships, school loans, Pell Grants
Satellite/ Annex Locations: $1,625
Annual Tuition and Fees: $2,500
Annual on-campus room and board: N/A
Famous alumni: Jimmy Buff ett, Whitney Miller, Deanna Favre, Dr. Thomas Malone.
The school says: Pearl River offers quality instruction, small classroom sizes, new dorm facilities, a state-ofthe-art performing arts center, science building, basketball coliseum and competitive career and technical programs.
Address: 1156 College Dr., Summit, MS 39666
Phone: 601-276-2000 Website: smcc.edu
Admissions E-mail: admissions@smcc.edu
Founded: 1929
President: Steve Bishop
Undergrad Enrollment: 2,116
Total Faculty: 113
Financial Aid: Pell Grants, SEOG, LEAP, MTAG, performance, memorial and academic scholarships; work study
Annual Tuition and Fees: $3,200
Annual on-campus room and board: $4,350
Famous alumni: Jerry Clower, Paul Ott Carruth, Glover Quinn, Mary Cain, Dr. Steve Stogner, Glenn Moore, Kevin Mangum, members of the Roger Barrett family including: Dr. Gene Barrett, Dr. Pat Barrett, Mike Barrett, and Celia Barrett.
The school says: SMCC is an economical choice that provides its students an excellent quality education in a safe, aesthetically pleasing environment. Students enjoy sports, religious activities, tailgate parties, musical and drama productions, and leadership events.