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Letters to ...
A special supplement to the Daily Journal | Monday, December 18, 2017 | Section C
2C | MONDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2017
Tupelo Small Animal Hospital
2096 S. Thomas St. • Tupelo • 662-840-0210 Stephen K. King, D.V.M; Glenn S. Thomas, D.V.M;
Safe & Lock Service, Inc.
1219 1/2 Nelle St. • Tupelo, MS
Here For The Holidays
127 Town Square • Calhoun City, MS 38915
628-5177 (tel) • 628-4977 (fax)
121 S. Church St. Okolona, MS 662-447-2888 Hours: Monday-Friday 7:00 a.m.- 6:00 p.m Saturday 7:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m
We also have plumbing supplies
P.O. Box 788 Pontotoc, MS 38863
Patrick and Lisa Linton There’s no place we’d rather be, Than here in the community - To celebrate from begining to end The holiday season with all of our family!
Merry Christmas and many thanks for advertising with the Northeast MS Daily Journal
2690 McCullough Blvd. Belden, MS, 38826
Tupelo Upholstery 2520 PRESIDENT AVE. TUPELO, MS 38801
1073 Co. Rd 833 Guntown, MS 38849
from W
(662) 348-2259
“A Family Business Since 1946”
1457 Cliff Gookin Blvd. Tupelo, MS
Guntown LP Gas Co.
Insurance Claims Welcome
Residential • Commercial Industrial References Available 411 CLARK ST. TUPELO MS • 844-4481
Bill Benson
1317 N Gloster Street Tupelo, MS 38804
669 Westmoreland Drive Tupelo MS 38801
1596 North Veteran Blvd. Tupelo, MS 38804
TUTOR PROPERTIES 2000 North Gloster St. Tupelo, MS 38804
from P.O. Box 29 Pontotoc, MS 38863
Phone 662-841-9100
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 am–5:00 pm Passports Prior Year Property Tax Recording Deeds
For Information Concerning
Recording UCC’s County Financial Info. Recording Deeds to Trust
2197 Jackson Ave. • West Oxford, MS
208 Prairie St. • Okolona, MS 38860
662-447-5822 We Honor All Burial Insurance
2605 West Main St #4 Tupelo, MS 38801
Family Financial Services, Inc. 101 North Cass St., • Corinth, MS 38834
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Wishing Everyone Holiday Cheer
MONDAY, DeceMbeR 18, 2017
| 3C
Dear Santa, I have been really good. May I have a PJ Mask set, a dragon, a bow and arrow, a Porg from Star Wars, a doll from Walgreens, a Playdoh bucket and a Batman and Superman set. I love you, Santa. Daniel Kieffer, 5 Tupelo
Dear Santa, This year is my first Christmas and I am so excited for Santa to come and see me. I would like more toys that light up and make sounds. A Little Tikes Cozy Coupe, and a Minnie Mouse Playland. A few dollies would be good too! I’m going to be honest, though, I will get most joy out of the wrapping paper and boxes so be sure to wrap my gifts up, please! I have been a good girl, giving smiles to everyone I see. Cookies and milk will be by the tree! Love, Lilly Lillian Knotts, 9 months Amory Dear Santa, My name is Sawyer Mann. I go to Rainbow Preschool in Ripley. I am 4 years old. Please bring me a red kid truck, some building blocks and a calculator. I’m a good boy sometimes, especially when I’m asleep. Please bring some games to my cousins, Mia and
year. I have 5 things that hugging, and slime. Taylor Tucker, 4 I want for Christmas this New Albany year. Here are the things I want this year. First, I want a video game and Dear Santa, PS3. Next, I want a douI want a big truck, a ble baby stroller. Then, boat, a guitar, cowboy I want a bb gun target. boots, Play Doh and Then I want a football Slime. I want a dog that outfit and crabtree on kisses. Will Tucker, 6 the back. Finally, I want New Albany pads to go with my football outfit. I hope you are doing well in the North Dear Santa, Pole. Happy Christmas. I Dear Santa, Love, I have been a good boy would like you to bring Maddie Taylor this year and I know you my elf, Bear, a little Tupelo Christmas tree and bring have to so I would like a Dear Santa, us 2 motorcycles. Please 3 DS XL. I’d like Mario cart Reese Whitaker bring me Grave Digger hot wheels, minecraft Amory car, and a Pete the Cat headphones, captin game. Have a safe trip. underpants movie, Love, Dear Santa, Cade Hampton charger, flash ridder 360, I want a baby that pokemon legos. Merry poops. And an Elsa Christmas and a happy Dear Santa, doll, guitar, a little van, new year. I am 8 years old and I picture of me and Will have been very good this Bud Herndon, “8 going Will. Thanks. I love you. Dear Santa, Bring me a basket goal, tennis table, round trampoline, Wheels L Quad Ride on, spy drone gun, size 4T football print, wood train set, North Pole Junction train set, Xbox with game race car, computer. Bring my brother a Xbox tablet. Carson T.
on 9” recliner, baby doll and Saltillo to win a lot of beauty pageants. Thank you. Kally Nicole Stokes, 5 Dear Santa, months My Christmas List: 1. Nettleton clothes – skirts, dresses, jegens, sweatpants, Dear Santa, dress shirts, just stuff I want these things like that. 2. shoes – heals, for Christmas. Promark boots, converses, flats, Sticks 20 pair without the pumpboots, slip ons, again, just stuff like that. white tips and a guitar 3. Laptop, prefrable with hero drums 3 and Zildpurple and blue pasiles jian cymbals, new snare or plain purple, plain drum, step peddle and blue or lime green. 4. Rolend drums. rubix race. 5. nickoloden Kai’son Harris slime – nick slime maker. 6. An apple watch – one Dear Santa, with a purple gold chane. I want an American Brice Ann Herndon, 10 Girl Doll. I also want the Saltillo Shopkins Airplane with accessories. I also want Dear Santa, LOL dolls Little Sister Big I have been a good Sister. baby girl. For Christmas, Lauren Gale I want a big teddy bear, Saltillo
Merry Christmas to our many wonderful customers. 662-842-7965 | 1140 W. Main Shopping Center | Tupelo, MS 38801 | SHOP US ONLINE @ WWW.CORNERSHOESTORETUPELO.COM
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Dear Santa, I love Santa Claus. I want a Superman and Batman thing. Also a firetruck. I want a train track that the trains can go on. And I want baseball pants and a baseball shirt. I want the baseball shirt to be red. Thank you. I love you. Joseph Kieffer, 3 Tupelo
4C |
Monday, deceMber 18, 2017
daILy JoUrnaL
Dear Santa, How are you doing? You want to know what I want for Christmas? I want a I phone 10 and a pogo stick. I hope I will get an elf on the shelf. Sincerely, Cayden
Dear Santa, How are you doing up there? Am I on the nice list? I hope I am. If I am, awesome! I want a Nintendo switch for Christmas and a rainbow bath bom. Hope everyone is on the nice list. Yours truly, Maya Dear Santa, How are you doing? Does Mrs. Claus still bake cookies for you? What kind of cookies do you like? I have been good at school and home. So this is what I want for Christmas. I really want accessories for Melissa, a MC square pixel purse and a MC square perfume maker. Thank you for everything you have done for me and my family. Yours truly, Jalyssa Dear Santa, Hey Santa. How are you doing? How is Mrs. Claus? This is my Christmas list. For Christmas may I have some Hot Wheels. I also will like a Nintendo Switch. I will give you some money if you bring me my toys. If you don’t, I owe you nothing! Sincerely, Ashton Thomas Street School Dear Santa, How are you? There are lots of things I want, but one thing I want the most is a dog. One thing I forgot to mention is I’ve been so good at school. I even gave my token to a girl at school. Sincerely, Georgia Kate Thomas Street School Dear Santa, Hi, Santa. How are you doing? I am good. How is Mrs. Claus? My elf came today. Her name is Snowflake. I love her very much. What I want for Christmas is an Easy Bake Oven. I also want a kids sewing machine. That’s all for now. Yours truly,
Mary Parker if I was good. Can you bring me a toy helicopter Dear Santa, with a remote like my Hi, Santa. How are other one? Also, can you you doing? How is Mrs. bring my brother a paw Claus doing? Do you still control headquarters. I like Christmas cookies think you for bringing because we are going to our stuff. give you three cookies Sincerely, this year! I want a pottery Katarina wheel and a baby sister. I also want a skateboard Dear Santa Claus, and new skates. Plus How are you doing? I have been good at You want to know what school. I want for Christmas. I Yours Truly, want Iphone 10. Lucy Thomas Street School Dear Santa, How are you Santa? Dear Santa, May I have a play station Hello Santa. How are 4, bike, pellet gun, colyou doing? How is Mrs. lege football game 2017, Claus? Santa this is my a baseball game, axe bat Christmas list. I want a and a scooter. I am ready Nintendo Switch, Legos, for Christmas! Are you? Ben Ten watch, an Elf on Sincerely, the Shelf, and a puppy. I Brycen have been good at school Thomas Street School too. Sincerely, Dear Santa, Jaevyn Hi. I am Daniela. How Thomas Street School are you doing? Am I doing good or bad? I want Dear Santa, a dog, a computer and a How are you doing? Is watch. My mom wants a Mrs. Claus doing well? phone and my dad wants How are your elves doa car. Love, ing? This is my Christmas Daniela list. I want a Nintendo Thomas Street School Switch. I will leave you cookies and milk. Dear Santa, Sincerely, My name is Angel. Spencer Thomas Street School I love you Santa. Can you give me a Nintendo Switch, some games for Dear Santa, my 3Ds and 3 games for How are you? May I the Nintendo Switch? have an electric scootThank you, Santa. er, every Junie B. Jones Love, book, three kittens, three Angel tickets to Lego Land Thomas Street School and wake me up to see Rudolph! Dear Santa, Sincerely, How are you doing up Lilly Eversole there? Am I on the nice list? I think I am. Can I Dear Santa, have a LOL surprise doll, My name is Katarina. bean boozled game, AG I want to know if I am dolls Tenney and Grace good or bad. I want to know if elves are real and and some clothes for my
Thanks to all our customers & friends for your patronage this year.
Tracey Adair Marshall
Hellen Adair
Nikki Gardner
Bettie Coniglio
Freddy Marshall
702 E. PRESIDENT, TUPELO • 842-4000 “SINCE 1976”
elf? I’ll leave you some Dear Santa, Can I please have a cookies and milk. elf that comes to my Yours truly, Milly house. can you please Thomas Street School tell me if I am on the nice list. If I am please let all my wishes come Dear S. Claus, true. Please let the poor How are you doing? people have food and For Christmas I want an shelter. And please can I Iphone 10, a few gumhave a Nintendo Switch. ball polks, a microscope And a hatchimal golden? so I can see germs, a I really want to raise the drone and some snow most money in my class skis and snow boots. I for Salvation Army so we do not know my size. I can have a pizza party. also want bean boozled, a big pencil, pen, erasers Also, can my whole class show growth so we can and colored pencils. I have a pizza and popsireally, really really want big boxing gloves. I hope cle party? Please write back Santa. to see you soon and I’ve Yours truly, been good this year! Julianna Sincerely yours, Thomas Street School Garrett Thomas Street School Dear Santa, How are you? How Dear Santa, are your elves? I’ve been How are you doing? I extra good this year. So want a xbox one, shoes I have a long list ... So I and a Nintendo Switch. Please. I have been good. want the whole Lego City Coast guard set badly. Yours truly, Nathan I also want axbox lego Thomas Street School worlds minecraft, just dance, lego city under cover, a race track with Dear Santa, loops, a crash station How are you doing? I and captain Underpants hope you’re doing well. the 8th book and the So, I hope your elf is 12th book. Thank you for coming to our school to reading my list. watch us. I want a NinFarewell, tendo Switch, a drone, Bryce H. Iphone, maire odessy, Thomas Street School tramperlen and monopoly. Dear Santa, Sincerely, My name is Andrew. Liam Thomas Street School Could you please send a message to me. I want the Super cool really cool Dear Santa, fidget spinners. Claw Hey! How are you domachine full of money, ing? Guess what I want. 100,999,999,999,999 I want a hip hop golden dollars and a pet puppy cross necklace. I also want an iphone 10. I also German Shepherd and all the Borderlan games. want a Rolex. I hope to see you on the 25th with I can’t wait for the toys. Sincerely, my presents. Andrew Sincerely, Thomas Street School Baron Thomas Street School
Dear Santa, How is it at the North pole? Can I get a bike, scooter, electric scooter, lego play set, new games for ps4, overwatch, dog, cat, hamster, horse, motorcycle, electric skateboard, hoverround, electric helicopter, Nerf guns, bb gun, lego set, and a Nintendo? I hope you have a good Christmas. Yours truly, TJ Thomas Street School Dear Santa, How are your elves doing? May I have a ticket for Lego World, a pink dirt bike, a kitten, a 3DS, a hover board, a sun and moon game, a TV, four tickets to go to Kosovo, a mattress, and a swimming pool. I hope I’m on your good list. And I hope I see you on Christmas day. Sincerely, Meredith Thomas Street School Dear Santa, I am Amyia. I have 2 wishes. 1. To get rid of my pacifier. 2 To throw my bottle away. Okay Santa please make my wishes come true. Love you, Amyia Nicole Bobo, 15 months Tupelo Dear Santa, Barbies, Play doh, phone, earrings, clothes. Julia, 5 Tupelo Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas are my teeth. Maya Guajardo, 10 months Tupelo
Customers and Friends! Barry Morris
May each day of the season bring you happiness. Thank you for letting us serve your needs in 2017, and we look forward to serving you in 2018. Eddie Sullivan
Jon Sullivan
Sullivan Insurance Solutions 2531 S. President Street (at Cliff Gookin Blvd.) • Tupelo • 844-4065
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Dear Santa, How are you doing? My name is Miles. How is my elf doing? Have I been good or bad? I hope Mrs. Claus has been good. This is what I want for Christmas. I want a motorcycle, toy cars and Serpent Strike. That is all. Bye for now. Love, Miles Thomas Street School
Dear Santa, I would love to get princes skates, Doc McStuffin toys and shoes. I’ve been good all year just so you could visit me. Thank you! Love, Ariel Battle, 1 1/2 Saltillo Dear Santa, Blue horse, stuffed. Stuffed turkey with Santa hat. Computer. I will leave you fruit cake and milk. Thank you Santa. Emma Kate, 6 Tupelo Santa, I want a drone, tumble bee. Chris, 6 Tupelo
| 5C
Lakiki, 8 Mississippi
Dear Santa, A lot of imagine next toys, a fidget spinner, light up shoes, a fhone, slime, a 4-wheeler, plenty of love for all my teachers and parents. Love, Antonio or AD, 9 Tupelo Dear Santa, A Spider Man costume, A Santa Claus costume with a hat, a little motorcycle, a toy, a Batman toy, a toy story, a big motorcycle. Ethan, 4 Tupelo Dear Santa, I want a Peppa Pig doll, Barbie car, colorful blocks. Mariah Ivory, 3 Tupelo Dear Santa, I want a LOL Doll, Barbie car, baby doll, skates. Love, Madeline Ivory, 5 Tupelo
Dear Santa, I want these gifts: Spiderman play set, Batman robot, cleaning dump truck, cleaning pupDear Santa, py, Bumblebee, a new I want some drums, Pokemon, toy farm. Gabe Wilson, 5 race car track, monster Tupelo truck. Josiah Ivory, 2 Tupelo Dear Santa, I want a Nintendo Dear Santa, Switch, three $100 google A police bike and a pj play gift cards, cosmo mask toy. I have tried and okey over drive. really hard to be super Levi, 8 good. I promise to leave Tupelo you and Rudolph your fav cookies (chocolate Dear Santa, chip cookies.) Please be good to me Love, for my 1st Christmas. Carter Mancill, 4 I would like for you to Tupelo bring me some learning toys and more clothes. Dear Santa, Love, 1. Laptop! Ali’ana, 8 months 2. Shoes! Tupelo 3. Clothes! 4. Art supplies! Dear Santa, Have a merry, merry Slime, imagine next Christmas. toys, a box of fidget Brice Ann Herndon, 10 spinners, phone, bike, Saltillo Rudolph pillow, scissors, box, crayons, markers, Dear Santa, sharpie, glue. Christmas List: 3
DS Pokemon, moon pokemon cars, also I am going to Japan. Kanna, 7 Belden
Dear Santa, A Barbie dream house and a camper. Alecsa Crawford, 6 Tupelo
Dear Santa, Dear Santa, What I like about you I would like a crane. Nicholas Lura, 5 is that you give presTupelo ents. So what I want for Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Christmas is a Iphone Dear Santa, I have been good. I want a remote conand a reborn baby doll. I please want one toy Please bring me Iron Charity Scott, 8 trol car. Santa and a toy phone. doom. Guntown Bryson Roby, 3 Loren Griggs, 4 Lane Sapp, 8 Tupelo
Happy Holidays & Happy New Year from Erica Ryan, Angelic Gordon, Kayla Ethridge, Julie McCrory, and from everyone at Comfort Keepers.
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From our family to yours...
Thanks for a great year! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from all of us at
Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! WHITAKER SALES, INC. VERONA, MISSISSIPPI
© DJ - 2017
2695 McCullough Blvd. ◆ Tupelo, MS 38801 (662) 407-0490 ◆ (662) 407-0410 Fax
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Dear Santa, Doc McStuffins toy set and roller skates. Brooklyn, 3 Saltillo
MONDAY, DeceMbeR 18, 2017
6C | MONDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2017
Senter Transit Mix
1122 CITY AVENUE RIPLEY • 837-3295
401 Elizabeth Street • Tupelo, MS
Bail Bonding • 24 Hours• 7 Days Credit Terms Available City, County and Statewide Service
Brian Corbett • Pam Robinson 231A Franklin St. • Tupelo,MS 662-680-3298 • 662-680-8072
Pat Kurtz
Blue Mountain Production
Bank of Okolona
P.O. Box 306 • Okolona, Ms. 38860
(662) 447-5403
Blue Mountain, MS
Bank of Mantee
54 1st Street • Mantee, Ms.
(662) 456-5341
Houston Banking Center 321 W. Madison St. • Houston, Ms.
(662) 456-3347
Calhoun Banking Center
Ripley, MS
200 S. Pontotoc Rd. • Bruce, Ms.
(662) 983-3700
Tutor Properties
2000 N. Gloster • Tupelo MS
5484 Hwy 145 South
Verona, MS 662-566-2332
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas from
662-841-1000 1000 Barnes Crossing Rd. Tupelo, MS 38804
City of
New Albany
Riley Fulton
501 W. Main St. Fulton
Building Supplies, Mantachie Inc. 3544 Hwy 371 Mantachie
LANDSCAPE SERVICES Tupelo, MS • 662-842-4245
700 Highway 15 South • New Albany • 534-5071
Merry Christmas Residential • Commericial Computer Design Free Estimates
All Types of Countertops & Cabinets • Kitchen • Bath • Mantles • Desk • Built-ins • Islands
Board Certified Obstetrics & Gynecology
Greg Mitchell, M.D. Amy Blossom, M.D. Katy Blassinggame FNPC 117 Fairfield Drive New Albany • 534-0029
Dan Moore • P.O. Box 266 3031 Hwy. 371 - Matachie, MS 38855 Phone: 662-282-7683 • Cell: 662-213-3415
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Williams. I am 9 years old and I live in Mooreville. Please for Christmas I would like a huge pot as big as a crockpot full of sparkly pink slime. Also I would like some earrings (unicorns, mermaids, princesses, pink diamonds and pearls). And the girl of the year doll Gabriella and the doll Dear Santa, Isabelle. Also a big pile My name is Taylor of winter, summer and Beth Canyon and I live pj doll clothes. A metal in Nettleton, MS. Please bring me a bicycle, some detector, please. And last, 7 puff balls for my Barbies, a dream tent, and Calico Critters. I will back pack (pink, purple, white, black, red, white, leave milk and cookies pink). P.S. I love you for you. Santa. Love, Love, Isabella Taylor Dear Santa, My name is Rilee Kate Canyon and I live in Nettleton, MS. Please bring me some books, a dream tent, a Calico critter house with critters. Have a Merry Christmas! Love, Rilee Kate
Dear Santa, My name is Addie Grace Canyon. I am 4 years old and I live in Nettleton MS with my mommy, daddy, and sisters. Please bring me Calico critters, a unicorn, a baby that cries tears and some surprises. I love you Santa! Love, Addie Dear Santa, I want a dinosaur remote control. Maxwell Roby, 4 Tupelo Dear Santa, Mickey Mouse, Paw Patrol, Sponge Bob. Cabe McCollum, 2 1/2 Mooreville Dear Santa, I want a dog, a basketball goal and a football. J’Sean Nash, 7 Verona Dear Santa, Paw Patrol tower, LOL doll, Evie doll. Kambryn Bell, 5 Saltillo
Dear Santa, My name is Emma Williams, I am four years old and I live in Mooreville. Santa I really would like to see your reindeer. I will leave him some food outside. I would like some new barbies for Christmas and games. P.S. Sometimes I have not been good but I will try to be better. Love, Emma
MONDAY, DeceMbeR 18, 2017
| 7C
Dear Santa, My name is Terrinisha. How are you doing? I am asking if you can give me a live doll, pink laptop, makeup and doll. Please give my mom some earrings and a necklace. Can you give me $10? I can’t wait to see my toys. Sincerely, Terrinisha Thomas Street School Dear Santa, Hi! I’m Sasilya. How are you? I’m doing good. I hope you are too. This is what I want for Christmas: a scary doll, a barbie doll house, and a neckless. I hope you can get it for me. My mom wants new clothes, new shoes and earrings. I really hope you can get it for her because she needs them. I love you. Sasilya Thomas Street School
Dear Santa, How are you doing? I don’t know if I am on your good or bad list. May I have a Play Station 4 with a game called Trails Fusion? I am not a really big fan of talking Dear Santa, I want skates. on the phone. May I have Elizabeth Conner, 5 an egg crate, pellet gun Shannon and the right kind of bullets. I hope you are ready Dear Santa, for Christmas. All I want for ChristSincerely, mas is a lego set and a Jacob Morgan race track and a lot of Thomas Street School video games and to elfs and one more sqooshe Dear Santa Clause, and a drone and a bazr My name is Lacy Kate costoom. Mims. I am 8 years old Scott Thompson, 6 and I am in 2nd grade Guntown at Parkway. Please bring me an American Girl Dear Santa, Doll Rebecca with her What I really want book, movie and accesfor Christmas is sparsories. Please bring her kly tennis shoes, new PJs too. I would like a white adidas, clothes, pair of Uggs and new crazy socks, Squishies, gloves, a Squishys, LOL new desk chair, money, dolls series 2, Hatchimal gift cards to Starbucks, Colleggtibles, HatchiChickrita and Five below, mal, a bigger birthstone candy, facemask, michering and necklace, Giant al kors purse, I phone 7 Brown Bear, Guess Who or apple watch, Jake Paul Game, Cheer Mat, and merch. I know that’s a lot a new dry erase board but these are some ideas with new markers. Please that I like. Jada Thomson, 11 bring Mitchell and Addie Guntown some nice things too. Please bring my dog Charlie some new toys. Dear Santa, Love, Football, nerf gun, Lacy Kate four-wheeler, Clothes,
Dear Santa, I have been a good boy. Please bring me what I told Mammaw and Pappaw. They know you, they say. I gonna leave you something to eat I know you will be hungry. Send my daddy lots of hugs and kisses to Heaven for me. I know he misses me, cause me miss him. Jace Hughes, 3 shoes, dirt bike, truck, x Saltillo box 10. Merry Christmas. Daneiius Conner Dear Santa, Pine Grove I promise to leave you milk and cookies. I will Dear Santa, try to be good. If I do will JoJo siwa head phones, you bring me a fingerling JoJo careoke machine, monkey and a toy dog. LOL factore; LOL doll, a My Mammaw said I can’t JoJo doll, a JoJO mickerhave a real one. A phone phone. too, so I can play games Kyndall, 8 and videos. My birthday Saltillo is Christmas Eve. I’ll be 7. Hannah Smith, 6 Dear Santa, Saltillo Unicorn, show uni-
Jazelyn Thomas Street School
Allie Mae Hall, 6 Blue Springs
Dear Santa, Hi Santa. My name is George. How are you and the elves? I’m in the second grade. I might have been a little bad, but mostly I have been good. I want a Xbox one and games for the Xbox and a big cardboard box and a Cockapoo. Make sure to spred all the love. I love you. Love, George Thomas Street School
Dear Santa, My name is Wesley David Hall. I am 2 years old and have been a good boy. I want a Ninja turtle and a lot of toys, some colors and coloring book. I love you. Wesley David Hall, 2 Blue Springs
Dear Santa, My name is MeriClara Peeples. How are you and the elves doing? I’m good. I was good. I want a melt down, a guitar, a barbie doll, a cuddle my kitten, a barbie doll house, a phone and a computer and that’s all I want for Christmas. Love, Meri Clara Thomas Street School
Dear Santa, I have been good. My name is Asahi. I am from Japan. This is what I want for Christmas: Play Dear Santa, Station 4 and a bike. My name is Anna Beth Sincerely, Asahi Hall. I am 4 years old. I Thomas Street School have been a good girl. Please bring me a baby doll, some colors and Dear Santa, coloring book, a leap frog My name is Jazelyn. and a bunch of surprises. How are you and the I love you. elves? I don’t have any Anna Beth Hall, 4 elves. Is it because my Blue Springs sister has been bad corn, cat, candy, sister. because I really want Dear Santa, I would Lilly, 6 Dear Santa, like some trains, pajaTupelo one. This is what I want My name is Allie Mae for Christmas. I want mas, Elmo toys and some Hall. I am 6 and have a Barbie house, tablet, toys for my baby sister. Dear Santa, been a good girl. I want toy computer, phone, Mark Bennett, 2 Four wheeler, kavu a Anna and Elsie doll, Tupelo bag or little bag, clothes, monster high doll and a some colors and colornail polish set. That’s all. shoes, jogger outfit. ing book and a bunch of I love you. Dear Santa, Deasha Conner, 12 surprises. I love you. Love, My name is Isabella Shannon
Tupelo Coca-Cola Bottling Works • 1 Hadley Street,Tupelo
Dear Santa, I am 10 years old and in the 4th grade. I’ve had As and Bs so far this year and I’ve been really good. I’d like basketball, go-cart, play station, football and a 50-inch TV, the movie is fast and furious and a really, really cool rc car and a new bike with lit-up tiers and my family to be happy. Love, Brody Wilson, 10 Tupelo
Dear Santa Claus, I have been so good in school and at home. I Dear Santa, make As and Bs. I want a JoJo bow, my little live go car and a grand theft pet, a big hatchimal and auto and some clothes rudolph. and some real fresh Clara, 6 fresh shoes for a PS3 and Tupelo a Xbox 360 back. I will leave you some hot chocDear Santa, olate milk and a cookie. Xbox games (MadBraylen Berry, 8 Verona den18, Madden17, NBA 2k18), DS games (Mario and Sonic Rio Olympics Dear Santa, 2016), Lego Minecraft Please bring me 2 soccer goals and a soccer sets, Lego sets, football, basketball, baseball ball. cards. Your buddy, Your friend, Mason, 4 Stanley, 8 Tupelo Tupelo Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Paw Patrol and Cars. I want Paw Patrol Clayton, 2 Tupelo things for Christmas! I’ve been a good girl. I have an elf on the shelf named Dear Santa, I’ve been a really good Wilma! I love her, and like to find her! boy this year and my Love, grades are good, too. I Hazelie, 3 got all As! I go to Thomas Tupelo St. Elem. School. I’d like Motorcycle, TV, Fast and Dear Santa, Furious movie, a dog and I want Shopkins, a bike with a kick stand please. and a basket. Love, Thanks you. Kylie B. Harden, 2 Drew Wilson, 6 Union/Blue Springs Tupelo
from Mayor Jason Shelton, The Tupelo City Council, & The City of Tupelo
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8C | MONDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2017
Tishmingo Manor Nursing Home
Specializing in Skilled Nursing, Short Term Rehab and Long Term Care. 230 Kaki St • Iuka, MS 38852
326 Second Sr. • Belmont
4100 N. Gloster Street Tupelo, MS 662.678.1113
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Elsa castle, Baby Alive twins, Baby Alive clothes, a LOL doll, a iphone and Jolee, 3 a Elsa bike and a baby Tupelo alive crib and a hatchable I’ve been very good at home. I have all As at Dear Santa, School. Thank you Santa. I want my little Pony Elizabeth Richardson, 5 toys. Tupelo Tailyan Dixon, 4 Okolona Dear Santa, I would like choices of Dear Santa, iphone 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 What I like for Christor 10 or a Sonic 1 or mas is sports balls, basketball hoop, toy cars Sonic 2. Michael Noone, 8 and a track set. Tupelo Izzick Starks, 7 Amory Dear Santa, I want a V-Tech watch. Dear Santa, I also want a cell phone I would like a pink so I can play games and bike, a Barbie Dreamwatch videos. topia Magical DreamCreed Mabry, 5 boat, Elf girl, Hovertrax, Tupelo chocolate egg, easy bake, baby born momDear Santa, my, all baby alive dolls, Please bring me lots of all shopkins and happy tractors. places figures play sets, Love, Josiah, 1 hatchimals, all of dragSaltillo ons, nintendo, Barbie, All kurio smart watches. Dear Santa, Kimberleigh Starks Please bring me Amory Pokemon cards, Battle front 2, call of duty ww2, Dear Santa, lego star wars, first cder I would like a fur real cannon. Thank you. tiger Tyler. Your friend, Leah Noone, 6 Carson Barber, 9 Tupelo Tupelo Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I’ve been very good at Please bring me a home and at school. For Nintendow Switch with Christmas, I want a VR, Super Mario Odesy, Blue controller for my playstation, a credit card Pokemon Tournament deluxe. I would also to play online and a PS4 like lego pokemon sets and Assian Creed Unity and Call of Duty wwII. Game. Peter Richardson, 7 Thanks. Caden Barber, 8 Tupelo Tupelo Dear Santa, Dear Santa, For Christmas I want For Christmas, I want a a Barbie Dream House, Dear Santa, I want a doll.
Thanks to all our loyal customers for letting us help keep your vehicles clean this year and we look forward to serving you in 2018! Cindy & Craig Wedel & Employees
Dear Santa, woking unicorn. I think I I’d like a doll and a saw you at scool. Santa I football. have a Elf named Joe. Ally Kate, 4 Marleigh Daugherty, 5 Tupelo Tupelo Dear Santa, Please get me a monkey that goes on my finger. I am in second grade. I have been to Florida. I want to go to disny world. Tell Joe that I love him when he leaves. I hope you come to my house. Crosby Daugherty, 7 Tupelo
Dear Santa, This Christmas I really just want my best friend. I don’t need presents like everybody else because that’s not what Christmas is about. Katie Cadence, 12 Guntown
Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas is to see my whole family again and a tramDear Santa, Please bring me Amer- poline and a ball pit and to help my daddy feel ican Girl doll stuff, baby better and my very own stuff. That’s all. I love gumball machine. you and will leave you Julina, 7 cookies. Saltillo Malaya, 5 Mantachie Dear Santa, I have been very good Dear Santa, this year. I would like a I want hot wheels, big teddy bear, a phone, mindcraft lego sets, hot a chocolate Hershey bar, wheels super ultimate all kinds of candy. That’s garage. Gabe, 7 all. I also would like Mantachie some clothes and shoes. Thank you, Santa. London Little, 8 Dear Santa, Saltillo I’ve been pretty good this year. I would like Dear Santa, money. I’ve been very good Jack Capps, 10 Tupelo this year. My Aunt Christy says so. I want for Christmas as much Dear Santa, as I can get so here is a I want a iphone and good start: real bunny, a 100 dollar bill and a Barbies, makeup, art computer. I have been a really good girl this year. supplies, magnets, lots of Elle Capps, 8 chocolate to last all year, Tupelo Shopkins, Mine Craft for Ps4, music stuff, new clothes and costumes. Dear Santa, Thank you a bunch. I will I would like a cat and leave cookies and milk dog, a toy cat and a car. Kylie, 9 for you and a carrot for Guntown Rudolph and his friends. I love you.
Each year during the holiday season, we take great pleasure in setting aside our regular work and sending a heartfelt message to all our best friends and customers. How joyful we are that this time has come again to extend to you our sincere gratitude because it is good friends and customers like you that make our business possible. May your holiday be filled with joy and this coming year be overflowing with all the good things in life.
Serving Lee County Since 1973
MONDAY, DeceMbeR 18, 2017
Aspen Little, 6 Saltillo
| 9C
Dear Santa, Dear Santa, I would like a Baby I want a Barbie dream Alive, Books, Minnie house. Mouse. Abbigail Baldwin, 5 Harper Stovall, 1 Pontotoc Tupelo Dear Santa, Dear Santa, What I want is a dog. I would like a Poppy Bray Troll doll. Olivia, 5 Dear Santa, Tupelo I want new shoes and clothes, toys and candy. Dear Santa, Jorden, 6 My name is Natalee Tupelo and I think I have been very good this year. For Dear Santa, Christmas I would like I want a purple telebaby doll that cries, Doc McStuffins nursery, scope. Anna Beth Hall, 4 Equestria Girls and keyBlue Springs board. I love you, Santa. Natalee Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Hope you have had I have been a very good a good vacation. For girl this year. I would like Christmas I would like a Sonic the Hedgehog a kitchen set and a new toy, Puppy dog Pal playbaby doll. Thank you so much. set, PJ Masks HQ, and Love, Allie Wilemon, 2 swim to me pupy. I love Tupelo you, Santa. Leighton Dear Santa, I hope this letter finds Dear Santa, you doing well. I would I would like a ninja like to ask for a few with sword and light up things this year: PC, bibutton. Karson Rush, 4 cycle, PS4 games, GTA5, Plantersville need for speed. Brandon Wilemon, 9 Dear Santa, Tupelo I would like a baby doll for Christmas. Dear Santa, Kynnedi Rush, 3 I would like a truck for Plantersville Christmas. Jace Robinson, 2
Senter Transit Mix
401 Elizabeth Street • Tupelo, MS 662-842-7305
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10C |
Monday, deceMber 18, 2017
daILy JoUrnaL
Jace Hughes, 4 Saltillo
Danyla C. Stubbs, 6 Baldwyn
Emsley McCombs, 7 Baldwyn
Eden Thompson, 4 Ripley
Kambryn Bell, 5 Saltillo
Claire Hopkins, 8 Plantersville
Hannah Smith, 9 Saltillo
Gary Johnson Jr. III, 10 Shannon
Perrin Holliday, 12 Tupelo
of smart phone users search for local info on their mobile phones.
Is your website mobilefriendly? from Lily Oxner, 12 Saltillo
Midtown Pointe • 499 Gloster Creek Village, Suite H-3 • Tupelo • 840-6026
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Dear Santa, I would like a Barbie doll, some new clothes, a bike with a basket on the front and some toys for my sisters and brother. Please give my favorite reindeer, Rude Off, a hug for me.I’ve been a really good girl this year. Sophie Mcdonald, 8 New Albany Dear Santa, I’ve been a very good girl. I would like a phone and the virtual reality game and some toys for my brother and sister. Adalyn Olonovich, 9 Pontotoc Dear Santa, I would like a laptop and Barbie dolls and some toys for my little brother. I been a good girl. Eden Kelly, 6 New Albany Dear Santa, I would like some cars and puppy movies. I have been a very good boy. Elliott McDonald, 2 New Albany Dear Santa, I been a good boy. I would like some cars and candy and puppy movies. Carter Kelly, 1 New Albany Dear Santa, I want a dinosaur and skylander games. Aiden Sanchez, 4 New Albany Dear Santa, Please bring a new Outlander for Mommy. Aiden Stewart, 9 months Saltillo
games to go with the DS, some games I like are Mario Kart, Luigi’s Mansion, Pokemon Ultra Moon and Lego Justice League Batman 2. If you could, I would Dear Santa, like to have the Power I would like a mumRanger, Ninja Steel lions and the DC comics my maker. Corbin, 6 super bat cave play set. Belden I will be sure to leave you some milk and cookies that me and Dear Santa, my mom make. P.S. Is My mom says I’m Rudolph OK? extra special and her Love, favorite helper. She Dalton Burgett, 8 thinks I should get a Saltillo lot because I had a lot stolen from my house Dear Santa, recently. What I would I have been good love for Christmas just this year and have to get you started is: been thinking of what PS4, games for 4 and I would like for Christ3 PS, Nintendo Switch and games, a new mas. American Girl phone Iphone, internet, doll, Barbie dream clothes, Green Bay stuff house, Peppa Pig and Seattle, MS State characters. I am very stuff, Jordano, hats – excited for your visit Seattle or Green Bay, and will leave out milk skates, hoverboard, and cookies for you. candy and chocolate, Love, cologne, wallet, perReese Cayson, 3 Guntown sonal guy stuff, watch (gold) (red), Green Bay Dear Santa, jersey, big teddy bear, a I hope that you are trip around the world, having a spectacular and anything else you day today. Also, the think a good boy my age needs. P.S. arts and same for your elves. I hope the children all crafts. Thanks and I around the Earth are love you. Nathanyal Blake being nice, not naughCarr, 9 ty. I hope your elves Dorsey are going a good job helping you prepare for Christmas Eve. Thank Dear Santa, you for the gifts from I want 5 nights at last Christmas. I really Freddies, plushes and enjoyed playing with posters, yoki watch them. But this Christfigures and posters mas, I would like a ninja turtle posters and Super Mall (Shopkins) might size heroes and Mansion with the conpokeman stuff, buttervertible, Jumbo Sucker, fly coloring books. laptop, onesies with Max Armstrong, 5 cookies on them, BarTupelo bie clothes (cute), and Barbies that bend. Dear Santa, Love, I have been a good Ravyn Anthony, 7 boy this year. For Christmas this year I Dear Santa, would like a NintenFor Christmas I do DS in red please. I would like a soccer would also want some ball, piano, Pokemon ,
| 11C
Dear Santa, I would like a doll. Janiah Nelson, 11 months Tupelo
candy, rubix cube and a doll. Layla, 5 Tupelo Dear Santa, For Christmas, I would like Rubix cube, soccer ball, piano, pokemon and doll. Vivienne, 7 Tupelo Dear Santa, I want a PS4, Xbox1, Nintindo Switch and my family. Cooper Mabry, 8 Tupelo
Bank of Okolona
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from our family to yours!
Front Row (L to R): Ann Allred, Maria Cook, Tammy Allred, Tristin Weaver, Austin Oswalt Middle Row (L to R): Kevin Malone, John Bowen, Brandon Gordon, Tex Parham Back Row (L to R): Kevin Miller, David Kendall, Bryan Pounders, Jimmy Hall, Trey Hemphill, Chris Allred, Billy Mitchell
It has been a pleasure serving you, and we want you to know we appreciate your business. We will always do everything possible to merit the confidence you have shown in us.
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It’s Hard To Stop A Trane.®
1696 CLIFF GOOKIN BLVD, | TUPELO | 842-7426
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Dear Santa, I would like a LOL doll. Ivy, 5 Tupelo
MONDAY, DeceMbeR 18, 2017
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