ISA conference 2015 Book of Abstracts

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Knowledge & Innovation in Management & Operation

Book of Abstracts

Innovations and Sustainability Academy - Plovdiv 2016

Book of Abstracts First International Scientific Conference SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGES IN MODERN ORGANIZATIONS Knowledge & Innovation in Management & Operation

Editors: Prof. Dipl. Eng. Venelin Terziev, D.Sc. (Ec.), D.Sc. (National security), Ph.D. Prof. Evgeniy Stoyanov, Ph.D. Assoc. Prof. Radostina Bakardjieva, Ph.D.

Book of Abstracts: First International Scientific Conference “Sustainability Challenges in Modern Organizations - Knowledge & Innovation in Management & Operation” is an edition in which the abstracts from the presentations made at the conference event are collected.

The content of each abstract in the book is the sole responsibility of the respective author(s). E-mail:

© Innovations and Sustainability Academy 1, Lotos Str. Plovdiv 4006, Bulgaria, + 359 896778586 e-mail:

2016 ISBN 978-619-7246-03-2 (DVD) ISBN 978-619-7246-05-6 (e-book)

First International Scientific Conference SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGES IN MODERN ORGANIZATIONS Knowledge & Innovation in Management & Operation

Table of Contents PLENARY SESSION.............................................................................................................. 9

Social and economic policies in a period of active transformations in Bulgaria ..... 10 Venelin Terziev ............................................................................................................................... 10 Angel Kanchev Ruse University - Bulgaria ............................................................................ 10 Vasil Levski National Military University - Bulgaria ............................................................ 10

On some issues of proving the burden of proof in the proceedings for protection of discrimination ....................................................................................................................... 11 Ana Dzumalieva ............................................................................................................................. 11 Commission for protection against discrimination, Republic of Bulgaria ......................... 11 Chernorizets Hrabar Varna Free University - Bulgaria ........................................................ 11

Opportunities for development of bioenergy production as a prerequisite for the viability of rural regions in Bulgaria ................................................................................ 12 Milena Tepavicharova ................................................................................................................... 12 Agricultural university – Plovdiv, Bulgaria ........................................................................... 12

The negative impact of severe administrative penalties and inadequate stimulation of unemployment for development of small and medium-size enterprises in Bulgaria ........................................................................................................ 13 Kiril Chalakov ................................................................................................................................. 13

New approaches and solutions for increasing competitiveness of enterprises and regional innovation development ..................................................................................... 14 Konstantin Madzharov .................................................................................................................. 14 Trakia National Agrarian Technology Park - Bulgaria ......................................................... 14 =3=

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Social and Economic Research Association - Bulgaria .......................................................... 13

First International Scientific Conference SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGES IN MODERN ORGANIZATIONS Knowledge & Innovation in Management & Operation


Using IT to enhance the educational achievement of students................................... 16 Asya Stoyanova-Doycheva & Vanya Ivanova ........................................................................... 16 Plovdiv University “Paisii Hilendarski” ................................................................................. 16 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics - Bulgaria .............................................................. 16

Application of block programming and game-based learning to enhance interest in computer science .................................................................................................................. 17 Todorka Glushkova........................................................................................................................ 17 Plovdiv University “Paisii Hilendarski” ................................................................................. 17 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics - Bulgaria .............................................................. 17

Analyzing the Results of Electronic Tests Using Intelligent Agents ......................... 18 Pencho Malinov & Irena Kehayova ............................................................................................. 18 Plovdiv University “Paisii Hilendarski” ................................................................................. 18 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics - Bulgaria .............................................................. 18

Information systems in logistics - transition challenges .............................................. 19 Nikolay Dragomirov ...................................................................................................................... 19 University of National and World Economy – Sofia, Bulgaria ............................................ 19

SOCIETY AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT PANEL ....................................... 20

development goals ............................................................................................................... 21 Radostina Bakardjieva ................................................................................................................... 21 Institute of Economics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Bulgaria .................................... 21


Book of Abstracts

Advantages of corporate social responsibility in the implementation of sustainable

First International Scientific Conference SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGES IN MODERN ORGANIZATIONS Knowledge & Innovation in Management & Operation

Evaluation as an active method for improving small business................................... 22 Evgeniy Stoyanov ........................................................................................................................... 22 Agricultural university – Plovdiv, Bulgaria ........................................................................... 22

Factor justification for the improvement of financial control ..................................... 23 Evgeniy Stoyanov ........................................................................................................................... 23 Agricultural university – Plovdiv, Bulgaria ........................................................................... 23

Controlled management of conflict generation and social development ................. 24 Evgeniy Stoyanov & Stoyan Tranev ............................................................................................ 24 University “Prof. Dr. Asen Zlatarov”- Burgas, Bulgaria ...................................................... 24

Challenges and perspectives to the training in technological subjects ..................... 25 Branko Sotirov & Venelin Terziev ............................................................................................... 25 Angel Kanchev University of Ruse - Bulgaria........................................................................ 25

Role of human capital in development of knowledge-based economy .................... 26 Nikolay Ninov ................................................................................................................................ 26 D. A. Cenov Academy of Economics – Svishtov, Bulgaria................................................... 26

Role of foundations, funding research and innovation in the Bulgarian society ... 27 Stefan E. Nikolov, Albena Nakova, Galin Gornev .................................................................... 27 Institute for the Study of Societies and Knowledge (ISSK) .................................................. 27

Assessment of Bulgarian industrial policy by international aggregated indеxes ... 28 Rumyana Angelova........................................................................................................................ 28 Trakia University - Stara Zagora, Bulgaria ............................................................................. 28


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Bulgarian Academy of Sciences................................................................................................ 27

First International Scientific Conference SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGES IN MODERN ORGANIZATIONS Knowledge & Innovation in Management & Operation

Mitigation efforts in rural communities after extreme weather events - new insights for stakeholders..................................................................................................... 29 Vesela Radovic ................................................................................................................................ 29 Institute for Multidisciplinary Research, University of Belgrade - Serbia ......................... 29

Incommensurate environmental risks and the regulator’s dilemma in the governance of emergency situation .................................................................................. 30 Vesela Radovic ................................................................................................................................ 30 Institute for Multidisciplinary Research, University of Belgrade - Serbia ......................... 30

The cultural and natural heritage in the western part of the Republic of Macedonia and their impact on the spatial development ................................................................. 31 Anita Todorova & Marija Ljakoska.............................................................................................. 31 Ss Cyril and Methodius University.......................................................................................... 31 Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics........................................................................ 31 Institute of Geography, Skopje, Macedonia............................................................................ 31

Migration – risks for sustainable development in the EU countries ......................... 32 Dr. rer. soc. oec. Tode Todev ........................................................................................................ 32 Financial solutions, Vienna ....................................................................................................... 32

Religion - a major factor in human life in the third millennium ............................... 33 Petar Gramatikoff ........................................................................................................................... 33 Chief expert in religious questions .......................................................................................... 33

How to reduce our carbon footprint and thus contribute to the environmental and human well-being? .............................................................................................................. 34 Velizara Kaleva ............................................................................................................................... 34 St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo - Bulgaria ................................ 34 =6=

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Social Policy Directorate, Municipality of Plovdiv - Bulgaria ............................................. 33

First International Scientific Conference SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGES IN MODERN ORGANIZATIONS Knowledge & Innovation in Management & Operation

Road infrastructure problems and how to deal with them .......................................... 35 Velizara Kaleva ............................................................................................................................... 35 St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo - Bulgaria ................................ 35

Values and Benefits of Tree Planting ............................................................................... 36 Velizara Kaleva ............................................................................................................................... 36 St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo................................................... 36

Challenges to labor market development in Bulgaria .................................................. 37 Venelin Terziev1 & Stefan Stanchev2 ........................................................................................... 37 1Vasil

Levski National Military University – Bulgaria .......................................................... 37


university - Stara Zagora, Bulgaria ............................................................................ 37

Development of active social policies in Bulgaria......................................................... 38 Venelin Terziev1 & Stefan Stanchev2 ........................................................................................... 38 1Vasil

Levski National Military University – Bulgaria .......................................................... 38


university - Stara Zagora, Bulgaria ............................................................................ 38

Strategic context of project portfolio management........................................................ 39 Nedka Nikolova.............................................................................................................................. 39 Technical university – Varna, Bulgaria ................................................................................... 39

Integrative function of knowledge in the system of the competitive potential of the company ................................................................................................................................. 40

Technical university – Varna, Bulgaria ................................................................................... 40

CONFERENCE COMMUNIQUÉ...................................................................................... 41 SPECIAL AWARDS ............................................................................................................. 43


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Nedka Nikolova.............................................................................................................................. 40

First International Scientific Conference SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGES IN MODERN ORGANIZATIONS Knowledge & Innovation in Management & Operation

Book of Abstracts


First International Scientific Conference SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGES IN MODERN ORGANIZATIONS Knowledge & Innovation in Management & Operation


First International Scientific Conference SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGES IN MODERN ORGANIZATIONS Knowledge & Innovation in Management & Operation

Social and economic policies in a period of active transformations in Bulgaria Venelin Terziev Angel Kanchev Ruse University - Bulgaria Vasil Levski National Military University - Bulgaria The political changes of the early 90s of the twentieth century in Bulgaria laid the foundations for a real labor market and major reforms in the hitherto existing social protection systems and the development of human capital. The transition from centrally planned to a market economy in Bulgaria is expressed in massive transformations in the ownership and structure of the national economy. In these adverse economic conditions the formation of the labor market and social protection policies went through many twists because of the inconsistent policy of frequently changing governments and their different attitude towards policies on unemployment and employment. Next years, acquiring the features of a developed market economy, the national economy get opportunities for further integration to the current global economic and social processes. At the same time the opportunities are widened for participation in the common European and global networks, schemes, different initiatives which unite efforts to overcome the economic and social problems. The latest financial and economic crisis of 2008 found Bulgaria insufficiently prepared to implement an integrated approach to the social sphere, and in particular in the development of the labor market, social protection and human resources according to changing unfavorable macroeconomic environment. In practice, applied are various measures and programs borrowed from foreign experience in an attempt to approbation on regional and national level without having made a

characteristics of labor market development in Bulgaria and development of the active social policies in these periods of active transformations in social and economic spheres.

Key words: labor market, employment, unemployment, active social programs

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preliminary comprehensive analysis. Current study makes a profound analyses of the

First International Scientific Conference SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGES IN MODERN ORGANIZATIONS Knowledge & Innovation in Management & Operation

On some issues of proving the burden of proof in the proceedings for protection of discrimination Ana Dzumalieva Commission for protection against discrimination, Republic of Bulgaria Chernorizets Hrabar Varna Free University - Bulgaria The right to non-discrimination is a right to any legal entity / a subject to be a bearer of rights equal to the rights set out in the regulations under one and the same conditions, coupled with achieving and safeguarding the measure of freedom and the equality in dignity. Therefore any difference created based on discriminatory sign would entail a violation of this law. The protection of the right of non-discrimination is a guaranteed law opportunity to protect a subject when deprived of the constitutionally established right. The question of burden of proof is a matter for the consequences of unproven. Objectively, the burden of proof is to the right and obligation of the determining authority to announce as undelivered that legal consequence, whose legal fact is not proven. In the final result due to the burden of proof the solution will appear as a sanction against the party that claims renounced legal consequence, and as protection to the party, which has challenged the denied legal effect by the court. This impact on the legal rights of the parties implies the subjective nature of the burden of proof. Its very name originates from the adverse consequences of unproven to the party claiming legal consequence but unsubstantiated by fact. The study presented discusses some issues of proving the burden of proof in the proceedings for protection of discrimination through the examples of Bulgarian law and experience.

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Key words: discrimination, non-discrimination, burden of proof

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First International Scientific Conference SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGES IN MODERN ORGANIZATIONS Knowledge & Innovation in Management & Operation

Opportunities for development of bioenergy production as a prerequisite for the viability of rural regions in Bulgaria Milena Tepavicharova Agricultural university – Plovdiv, Bulgaria The process of restructuring of the agricultural sector in Bulgaria, which is characterized by a large number of unproductive small farms can be stimulated to diversify the activities by encouraging the development of bioenergy. The investment in production facilities for the production of bioenergy is an important tool for improving competitiveness and potential for enhancing the economic performance in manufacturing and businesses in rural areas. This helps increase the viability of the rural economy in Bulgaria, which is currently heavily dependent on agriculture. The purpose of this article is to present and analyze opportunities for bioenergy production as a precondition for improving the viability of rural areas in Bulgaria.

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Keywords: bioenergy, rural areas, organic waste, Bulgaria

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First International Scientific Conference SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGES IN MODERN ORGANIZATIONS Knowledge & Innovation in Management & Operation

The negative impact of severe administrative penalties and inadequate stimulation of unemployment for development of small and mediumsize enterprises in Bulgaria Kiril Chalakov Social and Economic Research Association - Bulgaria The economy of a country is built taking into account the actual effect on the market. Supply and demand are fundamental principles for the distribution of the resources of the national economy. The political system should stimulate the development of a market economy, adoption of laws protecting private property, allowing free trade, promotion of competition, proper regulation on extraction and utilization of productive resources, to build a real consistent with the production capacity of the economy social protection of the population and minimizing supreme-operative role of the state in regulating the relations between the subjects on the labor market. Current study makes an analyses of the current operating system in Bulgaria providing recommendations for the necessary government actions to overcome shortcomings.

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Key words: market economy, state policy, social policy

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First International Scientific Conference SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGES IN MODERN ORGANIZATIONS Knowledge & Innovation in Management & Operation

New approaches and solutions for increasing competitiveness of enterprises and regional innovation development Konstantin Madzharov Trakia National Agrarian Technology Park - Bulgaria The presentation discusses the current social and economic situation in Bulgaria imposing the need of application of new approaches and instruments in establishment of knowledge and innovation based economy, raising competitiveness of enterprises and achievement of a balanced regional development. Through the example of the concept of foundation of the Trakia National Agrarian Technology Park good practices having great potentials of contribution to sustainable development are considered.

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Key words: transfer of innovation, knowledge, synergy, competitiveness

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First International Scientific Conference SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGES IN MODERN ORGANIZATIONS Knowledge & Innovation in Management & Operation

Using IT to enhance the educational achievement of students Asya Stoyanova-Doycheva & Vanya Ivanova Plovdiv University “Paisii Hilendarski” Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics - Bulgaria

This article presents the use of information technology (IT) in the education of students in Software Engineering and in English at the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics at Plovdiv University. The teaching process incorporates traditional methods with applications based on the E-learning standards QTI and SCORM. The use of IT has been applied to the education of full-time and part-time Bachelor degree students from the 1st to the 4th year of studies. Based on the statistics from the teaching some conclusions have been drawn regarding the students’ performance and possible ways of enhancing their educational achievement.

Key words: IT, educational achievement, QTI and SCORM standards

Acknowledgments: This paper is supported by Project IT15-FMIIT-004 "Research in the domain of innovative ICT oriented towards bussiness and education" of the Scientific Fund of

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the University of Plovdiv "Paisii Hilendarski".

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First International Scientific Conference SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGES IN MODERN ORGANIZATIONS Knowledge & Innovation in Management & Operation

Application of block programming and game-based learning to enhance interest in computer science Todorka Glushkova Plovdiv University “Paisii Hilendarski� Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics - Bulgaria

More rapid development of the information society poses increasingly acute issue to increase the effectiveness of training in the field of computer science. The fact is that students prefer more applied fields of information and communication technologies in comparison with the informatics and programming. To solve this problem, leading universities and software companies develop multiple environments for block programming, which is inherently more interesting, motivating, fun and practical. It is known that game-based learning significantly increased interest and activity of the students and significantly increases the effectiveness of the training. The article will present a model for application of block programming in the development of educational games for standard and mobile devices and their application in both computer science students and secondary school students. Will be presented the experience of the team in the use of e-learning environments and implementation of these applications in developed courses. The application of the model currently shows increasing interest of all groups of students to programming. All this gives grounds for continuing the work and research in this direction.

Acknowledgments: This paper is supported by Project IT15-FMIIT-004 "Research in the domain of innovative ICT oriented towards bussiness and education" of the Scientific Fund of the University of Plovdiv "Paisii Hilendarski".

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Key words: block programming, game-based learning

First International Scientific Conference SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGES IN MODERN ORGANIZATIONS Knowledge & Innovation in Management & Operation

Analyzing the Results of Electronic Tests Using Intelligent Agents Pencho Malinov & Irena Kehayova Plovdiv University “Paisii Hilendarski� Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics - Bulgaria

This article presents the use of intelligent agents in analyzing the results of electronic tests, based on IMS Question & Test Interoperability (QTI) standard. The results of the analysis show the average assessment of the conducted test, sections of the study material and issues of the test that hinders students. The aim is to support the educational process by creating a personal assistant which will be in service to teachers. The assistant will be developed like a multi-agent system of rational agents or such based on BDI (Beliefs, Desires, Intentions) architecture.

Key words: QTI standard, BDI agents, electronic test

Acknowledgments: This paper is supported by Project IT15-FMIIT-004 "Research in the domain of innovative ICT oriented towards bussiness and education" of the Scientific Fund of

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the University of Plovdiv "Paisii Hilendarski".

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First International Scientific Conference SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGES IN MODERN ORGANIZATIONS Knowledge & Innovation in Management & Operation

Information systems in logistics - transition challenges Nikolay Dragomirov University of National and World Economy – Sofia, Bulgaria The implementation of information systems in business organisations does not consist of just buying software products and installing them on the servers. Most of these systems are important for the development of the organisations concerned and in some cases are very expensive. Therefore, their success requires a properly managed process of implementation, which seeks a balance between the aims of the systems and the financial and technical capabilities of the organisation. The implementation problem becomes greater when the emphasis is on the logistics function in the context of the supply chain management. Last, but not least, these initiatives are related to something much more challenging, namely the adoption of the new information system by the users, which involves a change of habits in the organisation. It is no secret that a new system may be rejected by its users and this will make it useless. All this requires finding adequate solutions to analyze these problems and to ensure the effective use of information systems in logistics.

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Key words: information systems, logistics, organisations

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First International Scientific Conference SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGES IN MODERN ORGANIZATIONS Knowledge & Innovation in Management & Operation

Advantages of corporate social responsibility in the implementation of sustainable development goals Radostina Bakardjieva Institute of Economics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Bulgaria Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is the core of sustainable development of companies. On one hand, the corporate social responsibility of companies is a prerequisite for sustainable business, on the other - sustainable development sets specific requirements for the development of businesses in the context of increasing requirements to the degree of quality and reliability of financial information. In recent years, sustainable development has become a strategic issue for companies and this trend applies to Bulgarian companies too. Development of non-financial reporting is a very dynamic process, whose peak is the establishment of an integrated system of accountability. One of the main ways of integrated reporting is meeting the requirements of the standard Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). The standard implies the provision of information covering a wide range of indicators revealing the status of the company. The scope of reporting includes data for annual financial statements, monitoring and reporting, forecasting, assessment of financial and non-financial risk analysis of the supply chain, life cycle assessment and tools for environmental protection. Information is also summarized on relevant international standards for CSR. The report contains a summary of the main stages of preparation of the report on sustainable development in its key stages determining the content and quality of the report, the boundaries of reporting, disclosure of standard indicators that allow comparison and evaluation, and orientation of the report to the requirements of sustainable development. The study analyzes the concept and structure of the report on corporate social responsibility / sustainable development. The approach for

the layout of the report and how its verification is made by internal and independent external audit. Data are systematized from an empirical research on the implementation of CSR standards in Bulgarian companies. The paper can be useful for both undergraduate and graduate students and for researchers and business representatives. Key words: corporate social responsibility, sustainable development, GRI = 21 =

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collection and processing of business information is presented. Requirements are defined to

First International Scientific Conference SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGES IN MODERN ORGANIZATIONS Knowledge & Innovation in Management & Operation

Evaluation as an active method for improving small business Evgeniy Stoyanov Agricultural university – Plovdiv, Bulgaria The paper considers "small business" as one of the most persistent phenomena in the Bulgarian economic system. The focus of attention is placed on assessment as a nature, a technology and a method of development of small businesses. For this purpose, the value of the business and its varieties are generally scrutinized. Based on the review of the main existing methods a proposal is made of a method that not only has high relevance but provides also an opportunity many answers to be acquired in small business.

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Key words: evaluation, small business, method

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First International Scientific Conference SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGES IN MODERN ORGANIZATIONS Knowledge & Innovation in Management & Operation

Factor justification for the improvement of financial control Evgeniy Stoyanov Agricultural university – Plovdiv, Bulgaria The paper focuses on the environment in which financial control develops and improves. This broad and elastic in content term becomes logical specifics and in that connection decomposition of the environment inwards is realized. The analysis makes it possible to detect and identify as key ones those specific characteristics that determine the formation and structuring of financial control in its familiar look both in form and content. The aim of the exposition is to present the financial control as an element of the socio-economic system and as an appropriate and intellectual product of the conscious striving to improve the social processes.

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Key words: control, analysis, environment

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First International Scientific Conference SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGES IN MODERN ORGANIZATIONS Knowledge & Innovation in Management & Operation

Controlled management of conflict generation and social development Evgeniy Stoyanov & Stoyan Tranev University “Prof. Dr. Asen Zlatarov�- Burgas, Bulgaria The paper considers the opportunity any public process to develop and solve specific rivalries of influencing forces. It is thus imposed the term "conflict generation". Tracing its evolution shows not only how it has occurred, but how in various epochs its content changes. The purpose is through an appropriate analysis to create the mindset that any indication of a conflict can cause attention from management and activate the control function, interpreted as preventing the manifestations of deviant behavior of individuals or personality formations perceived generally as active social, economic and political subjects.

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Keywords: conflict, management, analysis, control, conflict generation

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First International Scientific Conference SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGES IN MODERN ORGANIZATIONS Knowledge & Innovation in Management & Operation

Challenges and perspectives to the training in technological subjects Branko Sotirov & Venelin Terziev Angel Kanchev University of Ruse - Bulgaria The paper presents development, modern challenges and recent trends in technological training on university level through the experience of the Faculty of mechanical and manufacturing engineering of Angel Kanchev Ruse University. Courses providing technical and technological knowledge and skills in higher education are analyzed from different points of view – teaching university students from specialized in the field of machines and technology faculties and department and those enrolled in specialties from other professional spheres needing basic competences in technology in correspondence to relevant subjects of study. The organization and the implementation of technological training is discussed as a two-fold process of teaching and learning oriented to competences’ acquirement according to social and business needs. Ways of overcoming the mismatch between provided and sought knowledge and skills on labor market are recommended focusing on synergy interactions between participating parties and good practices at universities considering policies and strategies in both national and European scope setting the development of education and training according to the adopted priorities of intelligent, sustainable and inclusive growth.

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Key words: knowledge, skills, competences, teaching, learning, training

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First International Scientific Conference SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGES IN MODERN ORGANIZATIONS Knowledge & Innovation in Management & Operation

Role of human capital in development of knowledge-based economy Nikolay Ninov D. A. Cenov Academy of Economics – Svishtov, Bulgaria In times of dynamic changes and comprehensive transformation of the social environment and subjects of management several problems inevitably arise in which undoubtedly a key one shines behind - that of the crisis in management. The essence of the latter is related to the partial or complete absence of organizational experience operating in fundamentally new conditions, lack of understanding of the dynamic processes influencing decision making, irrational behavior for template transfer and application of foreign experience, aptitude to compromise, use of "morally" outdated management approaches built in traditional forms of organization, management style and ways of behavior and thinking that remain unchanged regardless of the highly dynamical business environment. Therefore, the requirements to the organization's staff are constantly increasing, which requires a reassessment of the considered as constant management models and adoption of conceptually new organizational solutions in this area. The paper discusses the role of the human capital in knowledge-based economy providing conclusions and recommendation on the importance of its development. The creation of human capital having “new skills for new jobs" is possible if higher education, research centers and companies pool their efforts to build the managers of the future and ensure the competitiveness of the knowledge triangle “education - science – innovation”.

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Key words: management, human capital, knowledge-based economy

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First International Scientific Conference SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGES IN MODERN ORGANIZATIONS Knowledge & Innovation in Management & Operation

Role of foundations, funding research and innovation in the Bulgarian society Stefan E. Nikolov, Albena Nakova, Galin Gornev Institute for the Study of Societies and Knowledge (ISSK) Bulgarian Academy of Sciences This report analyses the role of foundations, funding and/or carrying out research and innovation programs in Bulgaria supporting the development of science and scientific institutions. In particular, we examine the types of foundations; origin of their funds and main sources of funding; their investments in research and innovation; supported key research areas; their role in the sphere of research and innovation. Empirical data in the report were collected through a large-scale survey of EU foundations and NGOs, funding and/or engaged in research and innovation, where ISSK – BAS was the Bulgarian partner. The survey was funded by the European Commission and was carried out in the period 2013-2014 in all EU Member States plus Switzerland and Norway. Coordinator of the research was the Department of Social Sciences at the Free University (VU) in Amsterdam.

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Key words: Third Sector, foundation, scientific research, innovation

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Assessment of Bulgarian industrial policy by international aggregated indะตxes Rumyana Angelova Trakia University - Stara Zagora, Bulgaria

The aggregated indexes becomes more widespread for assessing a particular aspect of the economy. Many internationally recognized institutions commit with this task. Their aim is to perform comparative analyzes between countries and measuring their competitiveness. Which are those international synthetic indicators that can be used for assessing and monitoring of industrial policy? What is the position of our country in their rankings? These are questions the answers to which could be found in this article.

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Key words: industrial policy, indicators, innovation, competition

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Mitigation efforts in rural communities after extreme weather events new insights for stakeholders Vesela Radovic Institute for Multidisciplinary Research, University of Belgrade - Serbia Global climate changes are undoubtedly course of the increasing frequency of extreme whether events all over the world. Rural communities belong to the ‘’group of victims’’ which is greatly jeopardized by consequences of the extreme weather events. Having in mind limited capacities for the preparedness, response and recovery after any kind of emergency is clear that the rural community mostly needs external help. That is a point of this paper: to make new insights about this important issue, and to discuss: ‘’how to provide adequate help in the rural communities and build adequate adaptive and response capacities’’. In many countries, agriculture and rural tourism are main economic activities in the rural area and its interruption could be the obstacle for implementation of the sustainable development. Various stakeholders omit to be aware of this issue. Emergency agencies and many others have to make the comprehensive plan for rural communities (having in mind all its limitations). In the Republic of Serbia, rural communities do not have enough capacity for recovery and usually it takes many years after an event. A minimum of economic recovery standard has to be created for the rural community. It also has to be the specific contingency plan in the future reorganizations of emergency services in Serbia and at the Western Balkan region. It should be one of the priority issues for stakeholders in the near future in disaster risk reduction. Providing equal access to resources population in the rural community after the extreme weather event has to be the priority task for policy makers and all actors in emergency management.

Key words: extreme weather events, agricultural households, rural, economic recovery

metabolism in plants for improvement of plant abiotic stress tolerance and identification of new biomarkers for application in remediation and monitoring of degraded biotopes” which is financed by the Ministry of education, science and technological development of the Republic of Serbia.

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This paper was written as a part of the project Nr. III 43010 “Modulation of antioxidative

First International Scientific Conference SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGES IN MODERN ORGANIZATIONS Knowledge & Innovation in Management & Operation

Incommensurate environmental risks and the regulator’s dilemma in the governance of emergency situation Vesela Radovic Institute for Multidisciplinary Research, University of Belgrade - Serbia In the 21st century humans face with the great risk how to protect themselves from disasters of different kinds. Emergencies happened in many countries and caused a great suffering of humans. The main question of stakeholders is: ‘’how to protect human health and environment in an adequate way’’. Emergency management is an issue which is included in numerous education institutions all over the globe and the action of various national and international organizations. Therefore it is interesting that in the process of fostering emergency management many countries neglect the need of creating more effective tools for response, preparedness and recovery in environmental emergencies. The paper is based on analyze of Serbian approach in the governance of emergency situation followed by incommensurate environmental risks. Serbia had to accept International environmental emergency help after the floods in 2014. The Joint United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) / Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) Environment Unit (JEU) helped Serbia to mitigate consequences of horrified environmental emergency in “Stolice” mine near city Krupanj. This assistance was needed because Serbia did not have enough capacity to struggle with the consequences of breaking the dam and contamination of soil and rivers. This study shows that a similar disaster in the future could be solved only by strengthening multilateral response of different actors at local and national level. After all, Serbia is at the beginning of the path, and need to highlight strategic challenges in the governance of emergency situation followed by environmental emergencies. Only with full implementation of positive practice of the international community Serbia could avoid long term impact on life support functions, nature and humans.

This paper was written as a part of the project Nr. III 43010 “Modulation of antioxidative metabolism in plants for improvement of plant abiotic stress tolerance and identification of new biomarkers for application in remediation and monitoring of degraded biotopes” which is financed by the Ministry of education, science and technological development of the Republic of Serbia. = 30 =

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Key words: environmental risk, environmental emergency, emergency situation, governance

First International Scientific Conference SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGES IN MODERN ORGANIZATIONS Knowledge & Innovation in Management & Operation

The cultural and natural heritage in the western part of the Republic of Macedonia and their impact on the spatial development Anita Todorova & Marija Ljakoska Ss Cyril and Methodius University Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Institute of Geography, Skopje, Macedonia

The territory of Western Macedonia covers an area of 10473 km², or 40.7% of the total territory of the Republic of Macedonia. The territory includes Polog, Pelagonia and the Southwest Plan Regions. The cultural and the natural heritage in the western part exceeds the country borders, so some of them are important tourist destinations in the Balkans and Europe. The transformation of the area can be observed through the number of visitors, realized overnight stays, participation of the tourism in the national GDP and their impact on the development of linear and institutional infrastructure in this part of the country.

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Key words: spatial development, cultural and natural heritage, Western Macedonia

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Migration – risks for sustainable development in the EU countries Dr. rer. soc. oec. Tode Todev Financial solutions, Vienna Oversight or deliberate omission, but the United Nations program to eradicate poverty and achieve sustainable development in 2030 is not consistent with ongoing and gaining speed migration. This program is not consistent with the increasing importance of one factor whose impact on the European continent, and especially the member states of the European Union, will grow. This factor is immigration. Immigration is a global phenomenon. On the one hand, it is a result of globalization, on the other hand, it is due to the existence of dictatorial regimes, civil wars, military conflicts, etc., where the life of the individual is at real risk. Problems associated with the unprecedented in scale and intensity immigration is the biggest challenge for the European Union since its creation. What distinguishes the current wave of emigration from the previous along with the number of immigrants is that it is uncontrollable and it is difficult to predict its development. Risks associated with the mass immigration in the European Union are numerous and their impact and influence on the development of society and economy are still insufficiently explored. In the most general migration processes are associated with the following risks: a sharp increase in social tension in host countries; emergence of parallel societies which constitute one of the main obstacles to integration of immigrants; extremely high costs of integration of immigrants overloading the social system with all the ensuing consequences for financial stability in host countries; sharp increase of centrifugal forces and the associated danger of undermining the foundations of the European Union; dramatically increase the terrorist threat as a result of inefficient integration and immigration policy. The proposed measures to solve the problems caused by immigration are palliative in nature. It is noteworthy that the political and ruling elites in the countries of the

the problems associated with immigration, but not to their cardinal decision to eliminate the causes of this unprecedented in modern history migration. Current study makes the conclusion that the problem of migration can only be solved by economic way. Key words: challenges, immigration, risks, sustainability = 32 =

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European Union and its institutions focus their efforts primarily on reducing the severity of

First International Scientific Conference SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGES IN MODERN ORGANIZATIONS Knowledge & Innovation in Management & Operation

Religion - a major factor in human life in the third millennium Petar Gramatikoff Chief expert in religious questions Social Policy Directorate, Municipality of Plovdiv - Bulgaria Modern times are characterized by the rediscovery of religion as a factor in human life. Many different forms of religiosity are updated, revive and thrive. This return to religion, however, not only has a positive effect. Modern religious reality is multifaceted and reveals both the best and the worst of human nature. New religious movements and their invasion and expansion are probably one of the most surprising events of the twentieth century and early twenty-first century and the third millennium. For the last three or four generations the new religious movements are deployed in multinational and global scale and have become significant cultural, social, religious and political factors. The paper makes analyses of contemporary challenges before the humanity from the point of view of the influence of regions and poses some significant questions to future sustainable development. The paper includes as a supplement “Common ground and differences of view between the Bretton Woods institutions (World Bank and IMF) and the World Council of Churches (WCC)� translated in Bulgarian summary of the current situation of the discussions between the management of the Bretton Woods Institutions (BW Institutions) and the WCC facing what has been identified as a common basis and (in brackets) differences in viewpoints. The study reflects the "work in progress" in the ongoing dialogue between the three organizations. Central to the common ground is the clarification of common concern on the fight against poverty - an important task of the dialogue between institutions and BW-WCC is the need to

Key words: region, sustainable development, crisis, poverty

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increase the effectiveness of the efforts to reduce poverty.

First International Scientific Conference SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGES IN MODERN ORGANIZATIONS Knowledge & Innovation in Management & Operation

How to reduce our carbon footprint and thus contribute to the environmental and human well-being? Velizara Kaleva St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo - Bulgaria Current paper focuses on the primary reason of the global warming and suggests some ways of reducing the carbon footprint. Simple changes in our everyday lives can help slow climate change — including reducing our energy consumption, choosing to travel sustainably, and being conscious of what we purchase. By being sensible we will help the environment which is a matter of primary concern for our well-being.

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Key words: carbon footprint, environment, sustainable

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Road infrastructure problems and how to deal with them Velizara Kaleva St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo - Bulgaria Every day big cities worldwide face major infrastructure problems. The subject of current paper focuses on the ways of dealing with these problems and improving the safety of the roads. Roads are critical component of every city’s transportation infrastructure. It is a key element for economic growth and development. The efficient infrastructure guarantees the trouble-free movement of people, goods and services and also attracts centers of production and consumption. It also enables a better connection between regions. However a numerous cities worldwide face some major infrastructure problems. Governments are struggling to pay for maintenance for aged and deteriorated bridges and roads. Many airports and seaports are in danger of becoming obsolete. The deterioration of existing facilities constrains the economic development. The future challenges are to improve the capability of infrastructures to respond in the best possible way to the increase of transport demand but, at the same time, there is the need of an increased attention and a deeper effort towards both environmental issues and climate change. But actually the true challenge is to target the research towards the discovery of solutions that could help solving both problems.

Book of Abstracts

Key words: infrastructure, transport, development

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Values and Benefits of Tree Planting Velizara Kaleva St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo The subject of the current paper is focused on the economic, ecological and environmental advantages of tree planting and why it is so important to take care of them. We live in tough times. The world is facing economic difficulties. We don’t produce enough to sustain ourselves and we import much more than we export. And it seems that people are unaware of the upcoming crisis. The problems which many ecologists recognize are the many weather changes that are putting us to the test. The climate brings great unpredictability in weather particularly expressed in extremes of hot in summer contrasted by severe cold in winter. Every summer we face violent rainfalls and the costs of damages are too high to pay. Flooding may cost people’s businesses which of course cause human misery. Instead of finding solution to the problem, we are putting pressure on health care services. It is not surprisingly that in times of economic crisis the natural environment suffers. It is easier to pretend that this matter is less of priority to humans but the truth is that we are responsible for preserving and maintaining healthy environment. If we invest in a vibrant and thriving natural environment, we would have the power to regenerate and reinvigorate the local economy.

Book of Abstracts

Key words: environment, ecology, economic development, crisis

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Challenges to labor market development in Bulgaria Venelin Terziev1 & Stefan Stanchev2 1Vasil

Levski National Military University – Bulgaria


university - Stara Zagora, Bulgaria

The paper examines challenges to labor market in the Republic of Bulgaria. The analyses of its development from the beginning of the transition to the market economy, structural changes in employment and unemployment, individual labor supply and policy of building a functioning labor market reveal specific factors of the unemployment and the growth in the country. Current problems are dicussed and general conclusions about future development are drawn on the basis of the examined aspects of labor market development influenced by the periods of economic development and the place and the roles of labor market policies in the general economic policy.

Book of Abstracts

Key words: labor market, employment, unemployment, policy

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Development of active social policies in Bulgaria Venelin Terziev1 & Stefan Stanchev2 1Vasil

Levski National Military University – Bulgaria


university - Stara Zagora, Bulgaria

The paper discusses the development of social policies in the Republic of Bulgaria. Employment policies and measures are examined in conection to the national governmental policies and in conditions of some major changes in economic and social life in the transition to a market economy and joining the EU. Active social policy is characterized in its different aspects, as well as different approaches on employment and unemployment regarding labor force and in comparison to the passive policies. The lessons learnt during preparation, organization and implementation of the programs and measures of labor market policy are a valuable experience on which basis conclusions are made about the functioning of labor market and the link to social and economic development, as well as priorities of future development are set.

Book of Abstracts

Key words: labor market, social policy, employment, unemployment, labor force

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Strategic context of project portfolio management Nedka Nikolova Technical university – Varna, Bulgaria Bulgaria completed the first programming period (2007-2013) with conflicting results and findings on the volume and effectiveness of utilized funds. Questionnaires and empirical studies of project-oriented organizations show that only 61% of managers believe that their projects have achieved their objectives, 82% say they have encountered substantial difficulties in development, presentation, negotiation and implementation of their projects, 32% of the projects are not completed. Over 70% of managers say they do not feel sufficiently prepared for development and implementation of projects and that they wish to study in order to improve their competences in project management. These results raise complex methodological, legal, regulatory and practical issues related to the development and implementation of project approach in Bulgaria. In 2014 Bulgaria entered the next programming period (2014-2020), which opened a new stage of development of project management in the country. Project-oriented companies are entering a new phase in which, based on experience and increased program capacity, they are assumed to develop their potential and accelerate their growth. This poses new challenges to science and business to identify strategic opportunities and formulate project objectives, programs and portfolios of projects which will increase the competitive potential of companies and the economy as a whole. This study is an expression of the shared responsibility of science to develop the scientific front to solve the difficult methodological and practical new tasks that are derived from

approach. The main goal is, on the systematization of the results of theoretical research and development methodology of Project Portfolio Management, to explore possibilities for its application in Bulgarian industrial companies.

Key words: project, portfolio, management = 39 =

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practical needs to increase the competitive potential of the business on the basis of the project

First International Scientific Conference SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGES IN MODERN ORGANIZATIONS Knowledge & Innovation in Management & Operation

Integrative function of knowledge in the system of the competitive potential of the company Nedka Nikolova Technical university – Varna, Bulgaria At the beginning of the XV century the English philosopher Francis Bacon consciously stated that "Knowledge is power" and more than five centuries later it is considered that he refers it to the knowledge and skills of the individual. Only at the end of XX century management science focused the attention on the "knowledge capital" as an integral part of the total capital of the company on which effective management depends the successful realization of its objectives. The interest in this aspect of management, called knowledge management, is growing along with the development of new management technology based on information technology and communications. Increased attention to knowledge management in business organizations has two aspects: theoretical aspect - increased popularity of the resource type model based on knowledge and consideration of companies like selflearning organizations; in practical terms - the transition from the industrial economy to the economy based on knowledge, which is dominated by enterprises and industries that enjoy high intensity information and research products. Modern theory defines knowledge as something elusive that lives in a shared environment - mental, bodily or virtual; it is possible to be separated from that medium and recorded on material carriers documents, reports, books, articles, databases, etc. and in this form it represents information. Existing or created knowledge is a strategic factor in maintaining a sustainable competitive advantage. The process of knowledge management seeks the synergy between data processing and information capabilities of information technology and the human skill to find new creative solutions. This paper explores the integrative function of knowledge in the system of the competitive potential of the company. It argues that knowledge is the integrator of the different elements of the overall

the study of knowledge as a key factor for success in the competitive struggle. The main objective is to explore approaches and models of knowledge management and best practices of their implementation in order to promote and adapt them to the conditions of Bulgarian business organizations.

Key words: knowledge, management, competitiveness

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competitive potential of the company. The approach and the model of Michael Porter are analyzed in

First International Scientific Conference SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGES IN MODERN ORGANIZATIONS Knowledge & Innovation in Management & Operation

CONFERENCE COMMUNIQUÉ 1. Information about the conference The First international scientific conference “Sustainability challenges in modern organizations” has successfully passed under the motto “Knowledge and innovation in management and operation” owing to the valuable contributions of all the participants. The conference was opened with special greetings from the most famous universities in Bulgaria - Prof. Hristo Beloev, D.T.Sc., Corresponding member of Bulgarian academy of sciences, Rector of Angel Kanchev Ruse University; Brigadier General Plamen Bogdanov, Head of Vasil Levski National Military University; Prof. Dimitar Grekov, D.Sc., Rector of Agricultural University – Plovdiv; Assoc. Prof. Anyta Nikolova, Technical University – Gabrovo; Assoc. Prof. Nikolay Ninov, D.A. Cenov Academy of Economics – Svishtov; Assoc. Prof. Ana Dzhumalieva, Chairperson of Commission for protection of discrimination of the Republic of Bulgaria, Mr. Krasimir Asenov – Deputy Mayor and representative of the Municipality of Plovdiv, Prof. Vesela Radovic, Ph.D. - Institute for Multidisciplinary Research, University of Belgrade, Serbia. Prof. Abolfazl Beheshti – President of the European Network for Environment and Sustainable Development and Member of "Think Tank" of European Institutions in Brussels supported the conference session in the afternoon giving specific insights to further reflections on contemporary challenges in sustainable development. The “balance” is the following: 42 Certificates of Participation were given for presenting a paper / papers or moderating / participating in the conference discussions and 2 Certificates of Recognition. 10 Certificates of Honor and 5 Certificates of Acknowledgement were awarded by the conference organizing committee consisting of the representatives of the Conference organizer: Innovations and Sustainability Academy, and Conference Partners: Social and Economic Research Association, Trans Defi Association & BRIDGES – Eastern European Forum for Dialogue.

2. Round-tables and discussions The discussion “Social Europe and contemporary challenges” was preceded by the presentation of the paper entitled “Migration – risks for sustainable development in the EU countries” of Dr. rer. soc. oec. Tode Todev, Financial solutions, Vienna which provided significant implications for the following discussions. Petar Gramatikoff, Social Policy Directorate, Municipality of Plovdiv – Bulgaria was the Chairman of the session considering issues on social justice and cohesion. The round table “Smart specialization and commercialization of scientific research” was moderated by Kiril Chalakov, Social and Economic Research Association – Bulgaria. The accent was put on the need of establishing clear and correct rules in institutions and organizations about the protection of intellectual property in scientific research. The importance of provision of advisory services and transfer of innovation by universities and scientific organizations was highlighted in terms of the problems faced and the necessary legislative provisions.

3. Main “outputs” as defined by the participants: 

Sharing contacts and ideas for future collaborations.

Getting acquaint with a broad spectrum of issues concerning sustainable

development and sustainability. 

Applying an interdisciplinary approach with a high added value.

4. Proposals and recommendations for future joint initiatives 

Establishing a network and fostering collaboration between institutions in the field of

scientific research, state and business, encouraging knowledge and transfer of innovation. 

Organizing a round-table discussion continuing the important debates about the

future of scientific research and educational system in Bulgaria paying special attention to upcoming changes in main legislative documents. *** This document is agreed on by the conference participants. It does not put any legal obligation on any party or person. Its goal is to outline the results and to give directions for future initiatives.

© Innovations and Sustainability Academy, 2015 Conference Partners: Social and Economic Research Association, Trans Defi Association, BRIDGES – Eastern European Forum for Dialogue, Trakia National Agrarian Technology Park

First International Scientific Conference SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGES IN MODERN ORGANIZATIONS Knowledge & Innovation in Management & Operation

SPECIAL AWARDS The ISA 2015 Conference organizing committee consisting of the representatives of the Conference organizer: Innovations and Sustainability Academy, and Conference Partners: Social and Economic Research Association, Trans Defi Association & BRIDGES – Eastern European Forum for Dialogue, founded and bestowed the following special conference awards verified by relevant certificates: I. Certificates of Honor 

The prize for the most topical contribution Dr. rer. soc. oec. Tode Todev Financial solutions, Vienna

The prize for the most prominent scientist Prof. Dipl. Eng. Venelin Terziev D.Sc. (Ec.), D.Sc. (National Security), Ph.D.

The prize for the most influential participation Ana Dzhumalieva Commission for Protection of Discrimination, Bulgaria

The prize for the most active involvement in innovation transfer Konstantin Madzharov Trakia National Agrarian Technology Park

The prize for the most sustainable solutions Prof. Vesela Radović Institute for Multidisciplinary Research, University of Belgrade- Serbia The prize for the most sustainable partnership 1. Prof. Abolfazl Beheshti, Ph.D. European Network for Environment and Sustainable Development Member of "Think Tank" of European Institutions in Brussels 2. Hamidreza Alipour, Ph.D. Islamic Azad University, Rasht Branch International Center of Academic Communication (ICOAC) 3. Amin Padash, Ph.D. Academic Centre for Education, Culture and Research, Sharif University Branch, Technology Development Institute, Department of Industrial Ecology

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The prize for the Best Project Presentation Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Plovdiv University "Paisii Hilendarski“ Project IT 15- FMIIT-004 "Research in the domain of innovative ICT oriented towards bussiness and education" of the Scientific Fund of the University of Plovdiv "Paisii Hilendarski"

The prize for the most significant Student Presentation Velizara Kaleva St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo

II. Certificates of Acknowledgement 

Vasil Levski National Military University - Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria

Angel Kanchev University of Ruse - Bulgaria

D. A. Cenov Academy of Economics - Svishtov, Bulgaria

Agricultral University - Plovdiv, Bulgaria

Krasimir Asenov - Municipality of Plovdiv, Bulgaria

Innovations and Sustainability Academy founded and bestowed the Prize for the Outstanding Partner to: 

Petar Gramatikoff, BRIDGES - Eastern European Forum for Dialogue - Bulgaria

Kiril Chalakov, Social and Economic Research Association – Bulgaria

verified by Certificates of Recognition.


Book of Abstracts

© Innovations and Sustainability Academy, 2015

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First International Scientific Conference SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGES IN MODERN ORGANIZATIONS Knowledge & Innovation in Management & Operation

Book of Abstracts

ISBN 978-619-7246-03-2 (DVD) ISBN 978-619-7246-05-6 (e-book) First edition, 2016 Š Innovations and Sustainability Academy


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