The implementation of quality management system using ISO 9001:2008 based Total Quality Management C

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Journal of Social Sciences (COES&RJ-JSS) ISSN (E): 2305-9249 ISSN (P): 2305-9494 Publisher: Centre of Excellence for Scientific & Research Journalism, COES&RJ LLC st Online Publication Date: 1 January 2018 Online Issue: Volume 7, Number 1, January 2018

The implementation of quality management system using ISO 9001:2008 based Total Quality Management Concept (Case Study at the First State Public Vocational Secondary School at Singosari, Malang Regency, East Java, Indonesia) Suyitno Lecturer of STIE Indonesia Malang Abstract: Vocational education as one part of the system Education of National is very strategic role for the form of national labour generation which was skillful. As strive to improve management and quality and also competitiveness hence applied by management system quality of ISO 9001:2008 in Public Vocational High School of 1 at Singosari. Research focussed 1) How System Implementation Management Quality of ISO 9001:2008 in Public Vocational High School of 1 at Singosari, 2) Effort what is done by for the agenda of overcoming various resistance faced in management system implementation quality of ISO 9001:2008 in Public Vocational High School of 1 at Singosari. Method Research weared in this research is device qualitative with method intake of data through interview, documentation and observation to informant namely components in Public Vocational High School of 1 at Singosari. While data analysis through analysis of interactive (Miles and Huberman, 1994).Research finding of research focus I: 1) conducting two qualifying which have been commended by ISO 9001:2008, namely System Design Of Management Quality of through step of plan-do-check-action ( P-D-C-A) and Documentation System Management Quality of. Management Top (principal) organizational have to compare expectation of the customer with Organizational performance able to determine direction policy of Organization. 2). Have Commitment of customer satisfaction either from internal and external school started by given the expectation and requirement of customer. 3). Process looked into a study which continue to have continuation and over there will happened repairs to performance 4). Management system implementation quality of ISO 9001:2008 in Public Vocational High School of 1 at Singosari qualify total involvement from entire school component. Focus II: 1) Steps the done by principal in developing this commitment for example always communicate vision, target and mission go to school and also remind obligation and duty will each and also always inform position growth of school to all student and teachers 2) Process study to employees and teachers through giving of instruction work in writing and followed with explanation is verbally looked into by an effective enough in improving their motivation with cultural of quality. 3). Leader go to school and entire school component have high commitment to do repair on an ongoing with step of Plan, Do, Check and of Action by have cycle to supported by source which with quality. Keywords: Total Quality Management System, ISO 9001:2008, Vocational School Citation: Suyitno (2018). The implementation of quality management system using ISO 9001:2008 based Total Quality Management Concept (Case Study at the First State Public Vocational Secondary School at Singosari, Malang Regency, East Java, Indonesia); Journal of Social Sciences (COES&RJ-JSS), Vol.7, No.1, pp:15-27; This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Journal of Social Sciences (COES&RJ-JSS), 7(1), pp. 15-27

1. BACKGROUND Vocational secondary school (SMK) as a vocational education institution aims to prepare graduates who have life skills in solving life problems, one of which is actualized by producing graduates who have professional competence in accordance with that expected by the demands of the industrial world. So far, the expansion of vocational schools has not produced graduates with the knowledge and skills required to build a strong society and a competitive economy in the future. While the high expectations of globalization to the world of education, inevitably spur educational institutions should make a sustainable reform. This is done in order to answer the demands of the public against quality educational institutions. Various efforts are made to obtain the quality of education either through increased salaries of educators, improvement of facilities and infrastructure, curriculum renewal and so forth. For all these components can run synergistically, then the management system in use by educational institutions that must be harmonious and easy to implement, so the goal to produce quality education can be achieved. The high expectation for the implementation of international education, because of competition in the increasingly competitive world of work. Due to the international standard schools, it is expected to produce graduates who have competencies that can meet the demands of workers at the global level to be able to compete in the regional and international level as the goal of the implementation of international-class education unit. Government Regulation No. 19/2005 on National Education Standards in Article 61 Paragraph (1) states that '' The government together with the regional governments holds at least one school at the primary level and at least one school at secondary level to be developed into a school international standard ". Public Vocational High School of 1 at Singosarias a vocational school in Malang is the first has Quality Management System (SMM) ISO 9001: 2008certificat from PT.SAI GLOBAL on March 06, 2007 and in February 2009 has been upgrading of the newest standard that is SMM ISO 9001: 2008. The success of this school achieved the certificate of SMM ISO 9001: 2008 because the school organizational ability to implement a good management system, supported by teacher competence, support staff and school residents in the implementation of teaching and learning activities and marketing graduates and facilities learn to support the smoothness of Learning Process (PBM). The success can be used as an example for other schools in an effort to achieve ISO certificate. Nevertheless, the implementation of SMM ISO 9001: 2008 in Public Vocational High School of 1 at Singosari encountered various obstacles to the achievement of school vision, such as commitment to the implementation of the 8 principles of quality management is still not optimal, for example the discipline of teachers and staff are low, lack of understanding on customer focus, low self-creative and self-responsibility and low sense of quality. Of course these things, will have an impact on the non-achievement of quality policy in Public Vocational High School of 1 at Singosari is to become an international school 2. RESEARCH FOCUS Based on the description in the background then the formulation of the focus in this study includes (a) How to Implement Quality Management System ISO 9001: 2008 at Public Vocational High School of 1 at Singosari, and (b) What efforts are made in order to overcome various obstacles encountered in implementing ISO 9001: 2008 quality management system in Public Vocational High School of 1 at Singosari. 16

The implementation of quality mangement system using ISO 9001:2008‌. 3. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The objectives of this research were: (a) finding out how the implementation of ISO 9001: 2008 Quality Management System in Public Vocational High School of 1 at Singosari, and (b) finding out how the effort is done in order to overcome the obstacles faced in implementing the quality management system ISO 9001: 2008 inPublic Vocational High School of 1 at Singosari. 4. THEORETICAL PLATFORM a. Quality management system Total Quality Management is a systematic, practical and strategic approach in organizing an organization that prioritizes customer interests. In the guidebook of National and International Vocational School Development Program 2006 Quality management is defined as a process that involves the guidance and direction of a group of people to meet the requirements expected by customers both group and individual customers based on characteristics possessed by a product. The basic philosophy of quality management is continuous improvement on an ongoing basis. This can take place if everyone is making continuous efforts to solve problems and avoid new problems. Quality management therefore views the problem as a source of opportunity for improvement and success. Problem solving in quality management not only stops at a moment-long settlement, but should involve prevention efforts so that the problem does not recur, therefore every standardization effort is important in quality management. Each input (input and Structure) and work method (process) that produces services or products (output) in accordance with the established, need to be standardized to improve quality, the existing standards need to be evaluated and improved continuously. In general, the application of quality management that focuses on quality, it will lower costs and increase productivity, because: 1). Increased mtut will reduce the variation of service systems and production systems. 2). Decrease in costs is due to: a. Reduced rework is not necessary. b. Reduced error c. Reduced delay d. Use of the right equipment e. Time efficiency. 3). Increased productivity caused by a. More stable usage cost b. Widespread consumption c. Give guarantee for future competition d. Development of capital more directed. Quality is the result of a series of interrelated processes in such a way as to produce a product or service with a certain level of quality. Therefore, control and quality improvement must involve every function of the existing layers within the organization. In the history of its development, specific quality control responsibilities have been imposed on a particular part of the department / quality control (Quality Control). In the current 17

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quality management concept is the managers and implementers in all components of the organization become to a group that mutually support in producing quality products. Eight (8) principles of quality management is a concept how to lead, organize, and control an organization or business entity by applying the principles of management. The quality management system can be operated consistently, systematically and transparently. This management principle needs to be understood by all personnel who take shelter in the institution concerned, below described eight principles of quality management series ISO 9001: 2008: 1). Customer attention center (Costomer Focus) The main concern of an organization is customers. The organization depends on its customers and therefore the organization should seek to understand the current and future needs of its customers, and always strive to exceed the customer's expectations. The development of an organization depends on whether or not the customer is serving it. Who are the School's customers?, Internal school customers are teachers and employees who are in school and directly related to the implementation of education in schools, while the external school customers are students, parents, other institutions related to the implementation of school education. 2). Leadership (Leadership) Leaders establish unity of purpose and direction of organization. They should create and maintain an internal environment in which people can engage themselves fully in achieving organizational goals. Leaders are very important for the sustainability of school management. The principal as a leader together with all the existing human resources in the school plan, define the goals, implement, take precautions, perform corrective actions, evaluate and improve continuously about the various activities of service to customers. 3). Involvement of People People at all levels ranging from school attendants, administrators, teachers, heads of skills competencies, vice principals and principals themselves are the core of an organization so that their full engagement allows its capabilities to be used for the benefit of the organization as a whole. 4). Process Approach (Process Approach) In order for the desired results to be achieved more efficiently, existing activities and resources such as human resources, buildings, equipment, and other infrastructure available in schools are managed as a synergistic process. Each process requires an agreement of the rules of the game in the form of work mechanism contained in an activity flow scheme. The scheme is further described in a procedure or work instruction that allows every individual in the organization to perform its tasks well in an agreed process. 5). System approach to management (System Approach to Management) Knowing, understanding and governing interrelated processes as a system contributes to the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization in achieving its objectives. For that in the implementation of systems that have been mutually agreed to be implemented consistently. 6). Continuous Improvement A good organization will pay attention to a continuous improvement, meaning that the organization as a whole makes it possible to make improvements as a permanent goal for the organization, the lack or error in carrying out an activity for an organization is a 18

The implementation of quality mangement system using ISO 9001:2008…. natural thing, but how the organization can continually improve it so that there is not a mistake the same deficiency occurs over and over again. 7). Factual Approach in Decision Making (Factual Approach to decision making) Decisions taken by an organization can not be done without an adequate analysis. For that it is necessary an effort to continuously perform recording of the against all things related in the implementation of activities in order to meet customer demands. Thus an effective decision will be made based on data analysis and information that has been collected through the previous record. 8). The Mutually Beneficial Supplier Relationship (Mutually Beneficial Supplier Relationship) An organization and its suppliers are interdependent. This interdependence is based on the existence of interdependent interests as well. The relationship of both is expected to be a driver to improve the ability of both in creating their respective values. Value is referred to as the mutual trust, mutual fulfillment of promise, mutual respect each other and respect each other. b. TQM relationship with ISO 9000 Series The essence of Total Quality Management (TQM) is actually a quality oriented philosophy and culture (philosophy of management). The goal (goal) to be achieved within an organization with a TQM culture is to meet or even exceed what the customer needs and wants or wishes.TQM is a new paradigm in running a business that seeks to maximize the competitiveness of the organization through a focus on customer satisfaction, employee engagement, and continuous improvement of product quality, service, people, processes and organizational environments (Krajewski, Lee, and Ritzman (1999: 242 ) The results of these efforts make the organization able to respond to market demand for the quality of products, services and processes that have been developed extensively over the last two decades. Feigenbaum in Dale (2003: 2) underscores that: “Total Quality is a major factor in the business revolution that has proven itself tobe one of the 20th century’s most powerful creators of sales and revenue growth, genuinely good new jobs, and soundly based and sustainable business expansion ”. In line with the above opinion, the Department of Trade Industry says that: TQM is the way of managing for the future, and is far wider in its application than just assuring product or service quality – it is a way of managing people and business processes to ensure complete customer satisfaction at every stage, internally and externally. TQM, combined with effective leadership, results in an organization doing the right things right, first time.

Figure.1. TotalQualityManagement(TQM) Wheel


Journal of Social Sciences (COES&RJ-JSS), 7(1), pp. 15-27

Thus, TQM can be interpreted as the quality management of all components (stakeholders) concerned with the vision and mission of the organization. So, basically TQM is not a burden or examination. However, TQM is more than an attempt to do something right every time, rather than checking at a certain time when something goes wrong. TQM is not working on the agenda of others, although the agenda is devoted to customers (customers) and clients. Likewise, TQM is not something reserved for senior managers and then passes on the goals that have been formulated. "Total" in TQM is the incessant involvement of all components of the organization. While "management" within TQM means the management of everyone within the organization, regardless of status, position or role. They are all managers of the responsibilities they have. In line with this understanding, Lesley and Malcolm state that in TQM, all organizational functionaries, without exception are required to have three abilities: First, doing the right things. This means that only activities that support the business in order to satisfy an acceptable customer needs. Unnecessary activities then do not proceed anymore. Second, do things right. This means that all activities must be carried out properly, so that the results of those activities match the customer's needs. Third, do things right from the first time each time. This is based on a rationale to prevent errors that arise. Suardi (2004: 39) said that the TQM system can be developed in many ways, among them based on fundamental needs as summarized in ISO 9004, which is part of a number of standards set by ISO, or follow the approach developed by various quality pioneers, or even follow a unique approach based on the basic principles of quality. ISO 9000 provides guidance for developing and implementing TQM systems. The document describes aspects of the quality management system in relation to a business's need to achieve quality at optimum cost, ensuring profitability, expanding market share, and maintaining long-term competitiveness. The ISO 9000 TQM system is usually applied to a product or service. This system covers all stages of initial identification until satisfaction is finally reached for the interested parties. The ISO 9000 series quality management system standard is not a product standard, as it does not state the requirements that the product must meet. The ISO 9000 Series is an international standard for quality management systems, including requirements and recommendations for the design and assessment of a quality management system, and aims to ensure that the organization will deliver products (goods and / or services) resulting from a process system quality management that meets international standard standards. The adoption of ISO 9000 will only affect how a product is designed, manufactured, assembled, offered, etc. but does not affect the acceptance criteria of the product, so the organization cannot inspect a product against product standards (Vincent 2002). However it is expected that the products produced from an international quality management system will be of good quality (standard) although in reality this is not always the case. Compared to the 1994 version, ISO 9000 version 2008 has a lot of significant changes (Suardi, 2004). One significant change of this revision is the ISO 9000: 2008 structure based on the Plan-Do-Check-Action (PDCA) pattern, process approach, emphasis on customer satisfaction, and continuous improvement. One very important change, namely the emphasis on the role and responsibility of top management of the quality management system. In essence, ISO 9001: 2008 is strongly influenced by the principles known as the 20

The implementation of quality mangement system using ISO 9001:2008‌. "Eight Principles of Quality Management". There is a new dimension of management responsibility in ISO 9001:2008, that is from the minimal role that is limited to the maintenance of the system evolves into a continuous improvement over the effectiveness of the quality management system (no longer the quality system). In addition, ISO 9001: 2008 features shapes and languages that are easier to understand and use than previous ISO series. The new standard also considers small business documents. Changes also occur with the incorporation of ISO 9001, ISO 9002, and ISO 9003 to ISO 9001 only. While the requirements of ISO 9001 which originally amounted to 20 collapsed into four aspects only, namely: 1). Management responsibility Management responsibilities refers to the obligations and actions that must be done by the management to support the achievement of the objectives of the quality management system. 2). Resource management Resource management refers to the provision and management of resources that organizations need to implement the quality management system, including human resources, infrastructure, and the work environment. 3). Product realization Product realization refers to the execution of interrelated processes undertaken to produce the product. 4). Measurement, analysis, and improvement (measurement, analysis, and improvement) Measurement, analysis and improvement refer to processes, products, and quality management systems, which are used as a basis for improvement and development. A change of ISO 9001: 2008 Quality Management System to 9001: 2008 on the basis of the development and demands of the organization: To provide additional value on continuous activities and performance improvement (continues) by focusing on processes within an organization / company with total approach system. Emphasis on the importance of customer satisfaction monitoring. Emphasize and adapt the form of documentation that is more appropriate to the needs of the organization / company. 5. RESEARCH FRAMEWORK

Figur 2. Research Framework 21

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6. RESEARCH METHOD This research was conducted with qualitative design with data retrieval method through interview, observation and documentation to informant that is component in Public Vocational High School of 1 at Singosari.Validity of the data in this study was determined by using the criteria of credibility (degree of confidence). Credibility of the data is intended to prove that what was compiled in accordance with the reality that exists in the study. To establish the validity of the data (Suyitno, 2006), the researchers used inspection technique as follows: a. Extension of research participation, this allowed an increase in the degree of confidence in the data collected. With the extension of participation, the researchers can examine the inaccuracy information introduced by distortion and can build confidence in the subject. So participation is not only done in a short time, but it requires an extension of the participation of researchers on the study background. b. Perseverance observations, this is meant that the researchers find the characteristics and elements in the situation which is very relevant to the issue that is being searched and then concentrate on such matters in detail. c. Triangulation, is a technique that utilizes data checking with something else out that data for the purpose of comparison to the data. The technique used is a significant source of triangulation to compare and check back a degree of confidence that the information gained through time and different tools to the path: (a) Comparing the observed data with the interview data, (b) Comparing what people say in public with what he says personally, (c) comparing state and perspective of someone with different opinions and views of the Principal, Teachers, Students, Guardians, and Chairman of the Board of Education, (d) comparing what people are saying about the research situation with what he said all time. While data analysis is done through interactive analysis with stages: (a) data reduction, (b) display data, (c) conclusion drawing verification, as mandated by Miles and Huberman (Suyitno, 2006). 7. RESEARCH RESULT AND DISCUSSION a. Implementation of ISO 9001: 2008 Quality Management System in Public Vocational High School of 1 at Singosari. 1). Implementation of ISO 9001: 2008 Quality Management System in Public Vocational High School of 1 at Singosari has made two requirements which have been mandated ISO 9001: 2008, namely Quality Management System Planning through step plan-do-checkaction (P-D-C-A) and documentation of Quality Management System. The organization's top management (headmaster) should compare the expectations / requirements of the customer to the actual performance of the organization in order to determine the direction of the organization's policy. Each activity process must be reorganized in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001: 2008 and then made the documentation. 2). Implementation of ISO 9001: 2008 quality management system in Public Vocational High School of 1 at Singosari first started with commitment oriented to customer satisfaction both from internal and external school. To be able to meet these expectations it is necessary to start with knowing the needs and expectations of the pride. 22

The implementation of quality mangement system using ISO 9001:2008‌. 3). Implementation of ISO 9001: 2008 quality management system in Public Vocational High School of 1 at Singosari emphasizes the process of an activity to achieve the goals of the school organization. The process is seen as a continuous learning and there will be improvements to performance. 4). Implementation of ISO 9001: 2008 quality management system in Public Vocational High School of 1 at Singosarirequires total involvement of all school components. Each component has a customer that must be satisfied. The involvement of each component is done in accordance with their respective duties and responsibilities to strive to realize the vision and mission of the school. The quality of education services can be determined by comparing the customer's perception of the service obtained or received significantly by those with the actual service expected. If the reality is more than expected, the service can be said to be qualified. Conversely, if reality is less than expected, service can be said not qualified. But if reality equals expectations, then the quality of service is called satisfactory (Suyitno, 2017). As a service unit, the schools served are: 1) Internal customers: teachers, librarians, labors, technicians and administrative personnel, 2) External customers consist of: primary customers (students), secondary customers (parents, government and society), tertiary customers (users / recipients of both university and business graduates). b. Efforts made in order to overcome various obstacles faced in implementing ISO 9001: 2008 quality management systemin Public Vocational High School of 1 at Singosari 1). School leaders are committed to the commitment of all components of the school to be aware of their respective responsibilities in order to realize the goals of the school. The steps taken by the school principal in building this commitment include always communicating the vision, mission and objectives of the school and reminding of their duties and obligations. In addition, the principal also always informs the school's development position to teachers and students. 2). Efforts of school leaders to succeed implementation of quality management system implemented in Public Vocational High School of 1 at Singosari through clarity of implementation in a job that is by issuing work instructions. The existence of these work instructions is viewed by the school leadership as a process of learning and enhancement of qualifications from teachers or employees. The process of learning to teachers and employees through the provision of written instructions of instruction and followed by verbal explanation is seen as quite effective in increasing their motivation in the internalization of quality culture. 3). School leaders and all components of the school have a high commitment to make improvements in a sustainable manner. These improvements must also be based on the evaluation activities that all activities carried out through the stages of Plan, Do, Check and Action cycles supported by qualified sources The awareness of quality in educational institutions depends on intangibles factor, especially the attitude of upper level management (principal) on the quality of education services. Achieving quality levels is not the result of short-term implementation to improve competitiveness, but through the implementation of TQM which requires continuous leadership. School boards, supervisors and administrators play a role in focusing and providing direction to the region and school. They are the ones who have a vision of the future, and they are also able to invite teachers and staff to accept the vision 23

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as his own. This refers to shared responsibility. Teachers and staff are committed to realizing that vision. Leaders need to have personal characteristics that include encouragement, motivation to lead, honesty and integrity, confidence, initiative, creativity / originality, adaptability / flexibility, cognitive ability, and knowledge and charisma. Managerial leadership qualities should be able to inspire all levels of management to be able to demonstrate the same leadership qualities necessary to develop a TQM culture. Therefore, the direct involvement of leaders of educational institutions is very important. Proposition 1: if the school has quality documents and work instructions supported by clarity of duties and authority to each component of the school that oriented to customer satisfaction it will support the implementation of ISO 9001: 2008 quality management system Proposition 2: if school leaders and all components of the school have a high commitment to make continuous improvements with the application of discipline and quality culture will be able to face obstacles in the implementation of ISO 9001: 2008 quality management system Major proposition: if all components of the school have a high commitment, there are work instructions supported by clarity of duties and authority to each component of the school, all components of the school have a high commitment to make improvements in a sustainable manner through the application of discipline and quality culture it will be able to face obstacles in the implementation of ISO 9001: 2008 quality management system 7. CONCLUSIONS a. Implementation of ISO 9001: 2008 Quality Management System in Public Vocational High School of 1 at Singosari has made two requirements which have been mandated ISO 9001: 2008, namely Quality Management System Planning through step plan-do-check-action (PDCA) and documentation of Quality Management System first begins with a commitment oriented to customer satisfaction both from internal and external school. To be able to meet these expectations it is necessary to start with knowing the needs and expectations of the pride. Processes that require total involvement of all components of the school are viewed as continuous learning and there will be improvements to performance. b. Efforts of school leaders to succeed implementation of quality management system implemented in Public Vocational High School of 1 at Singosari through clarity of implementation in a job that is by issuing work instructions. The existence of these work instructions is viewed by the school leadership as a process of learning and enhancement of qualifications from teachers or employees. The process of learning to teachers and employees through the provision of written instructions of instruction and followed by verbal explanation is seen as quite effective in increasing their motivation in the internalization of quality culture. In addition, school leaders and all components of the school have a high commitment to make continuous improvements that emphasize discipline and quality culture.


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