10-2-2013 King George Journal

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T he


King George

Pages 13-14 Volume 37, Number 40

Register by Oct. 15 to vote Nov. 5

Wednesday, October 2, 2013 50 Cents

helping you relate to your community

Joint Land Use Study with DoD underway

Snip ... Open for business!

Absentee voting available now for Nov. 5 election

Phyllis Cook

Phyllis Cook Those who wish to register to vote in the Nov. 5 election have less than two weeks to do so, with the voter registration deadline coming up on Oct. 15, to register or to update registration information. Changes that need to be made to your voter registration could include name and/or address changes. Voters can check their registration status in advance of the Oct. 15 deadline in order to complete any necessary changes prior to Election Day on Nov. 5. Check registration status online at www.sbe.virginia.gov. Voters who need to update registration information may complete a Virginia voter registration application available from that State Board of Elections website or contact the state board directly to check registration status at (800) 552-9745. Another convenient local option is for voters to contact or visit the office of King George Registrar Lorrie Gump, located on the ground floor of the Revercomb Administration Building, behind the Courthouse on Route 3 (Kings Hwy.) Any voter with a question about their registration, or wishing to learn how to apply, or whether they qualify to vote absentee, should contact the King George Registrar’s Office at (540) 775-9186. ABSENTEE VOTING IN PERSON See Vote, page 2

Jessica Herrink

Saturday was the grand re-opening of L. E. Smoot Memorial Library after a construction project that expanded the facility from 11,000 sq. ft. to 28,000 sq. ft. After the ribbon-cutting, the throngs gathered for the ceremony streamed into the building to check out books, etc., along with all of the new features of the library.

County real property reassessment update The King George Board of Supervisors received a brief update on the ongoing property reassessment process. The reassessment is for taxation purposes and will be completed by the end of this year, to go into effect Jan. 1, 2014. King George has a reassessment performed every four years. The report from Blue Ridge Mass Appraisal was provided by field supervisor Jonathan Larsen at a meeting on Sept. 17. Larsen reported that the company had completed the initial phase of the assessment during the last week of August. That included a representative from Blue Ridge

visiting every property in the county. The purpose was to inspect each parcel of improved land in the county through external visual inspection of structures and other improvements and elements of value located on the property. The visits enabled them to verify the existing records and update the value of all property in King George to correspond to fair market value as required under state law. That included ringing doorbells to ask basic questions about structures, including the number of bedrooms and bathrooms and

KGHS Royal Regiment takes first place The King George High School Marching Royal Regiment placed first in the 2013 Hermitage Classic this past Saturday. Judges score the bands on Color Guard (flags), Percussion (Drum Line & Pit), Music, Marching, and General Effect. The Regiment received First Place in Color Guard, First in Marching, and First Place Overall in their class. Since the beginning of August, the 71-member Marching Band has See royals, page 2

verifying whether the house had a basement or not. If no one was home at the time of the visit, door-hangers were left with instructions on how to verify the requested info to the company. After that, Larsen said they began what he called the “red tag” phase of reassessment, which was returning to properties where they initially noted there was a change being made, including a building permit issued or an occupancy permit issued. Those valuations were expected to be updated by the end of September.

The King George Joint Land Use Study (JLUS) Policy Committee has held its first meeting with its consultant, Matrix Design Group. The JLUS is associated with the Naval Support Facility-Dahlgren. The kickoff meeting for the study took place in mid-September, with information provided about the process from Mike Hrapla, project manager, and Celeste Werner, deputy project manager from Matrix. There are numerous Joint Land Use Studies that are underway across the country. Hrapla noted that Matrix has been involved with more than 20 of the over 105 such studies completed, so far. The JLUS effort was first initiated in 1985. The program is federally funded to promote cooperative land use planning and is administered by the Department of Defense and its Office of Economic Adjustment (OEA), (DoD/OEA). Rich Tenga from DoD/OEA will continue to help lead the JLUS effort and stay with the study’s development until completion. Tenga had provided an overview of JLUS to the Board of Supervisors a year ago, in October 2012. He also had provided a similar overview of the process to the county’s Policy Committee this past June. JLUS TECHNICAL ADVISORY GROUP Jack Green was named the point of contact for communications between

See assess, page 2

See jlus, page 2

Ready to volunteer

Drum Major, Travis Harrison and Woodwind Captain, Rachel Ridgeway watch as Captains Michael Such (Drumline), Billy Owens (Brass) and Victoria Mason (Colorguard) hold up the trophies won by the King George Marching Royal Regiment at the Hermitage Classic Marching Competition on Saturday, Sept. 28.

Tabernacle Baptist Church special exception approved for day care Phyllis Cook The Tabernacle Baptist Church received approval by the King George Board of Supervisors for a special exception permit on its application request to the county to enable it to operate a religious exempt day care facility. The unanimous action took place at meeting on Sept. 17, as was recommended by the Community Development office and presented by Jack Green, department director. The Tabernacle Baptist Church is an existing church, originally

constructed in the early 1970s. In May 2004, it received a special exception permit to operate as a church to comply with the existing zoning ordinance, which had undergone several changes over the years by the governing body. At that time, it had requested a special exception permit to authorize expansion of its facilities, including construction of an education building, parking improvements, entrance improvements and a small addition to the existing church. The Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors had

both unanimously approved that original request in 2004. The latest application noted it would operate a day care facility within the church’s existing educational building located on the church property. Staff review indicated that no additional structures or other infrastructure, parking or entrance modifications were required for the day care facility. The previous month, on Aug. 20, the board had voted to retain the special exception request without additional review See Day care, page 2

Jessica Herrink

Cyrus Wise, 3, and Israel, almost 2 and in the Farmers Market wagon, donned firefighter hats ready to volunteer to serve the community at the King George Volunteer Fair, held on Sept. 21 at the Farmers’ Market.

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The Journal


JLUS: Identifying compatible land uses including some elected officials, agency heads and others.

From page 1 the consultant and the Policy Committee members, and will also play a key role in a Technical Advisory group. That group is to be made up largely of the planning directors from each of the five jurisdictions involved in the King George JLUS development. Those jurisdictions include Westmoreland and Colonial Beach, along with the Charles County and St. Mary’s County in Maryland. The Navy base at Dahlgren is part of the Naval Support Activity South Potomac (NSASP). The purpose of the technical advisory group is to assist the consulting firm to identify and study technical issues. Others to be involved in the technical group are expected to include more representatives from the participating jurisdictions, including economic development directors, Chamber of Commerce heads, and natural resource managers. Dahlgren and DoD will participate with its Naval Support FacilityDahlgren officials, and Research, Development, Test & Evaluation professionals. Other representatives that may be called on include natural resource managers, Potomac River recreational groups, utility service providers and COMREL (The South Potomac Civilian-Military Community Relations Council), along with representatives of the governors of both Virginia and Maryland. There was also discussion about a Tiger Team, which will include the two reps from Matrix and some other members of the technical group to interview key stakeholders,

DATA COLLECTION The technical advisory group will assist with some of the data collection prior to its field interviews. Those interviews are currently slated to take place during the last week of October. In the meantime, data collection would be expected to include gathering of existing information and data related to Naval Support Facility Dahlgren’s mission, and current operations, as well as its partner communities’ current and projected development patterns and demographics, including the King George County Comprehensive Plan, which was reviewed and revised over a three-year period and adopted earlier this year in April. JLUS PURPOSES The broad purposes of the JLUS are in part to identify compatible use issues confronting both the civilian community and the military installation and to recommend strategies to address the issues in the context of local comprehensive and general planning programs. Cooperative land use planning is encouraged between the Naval Support Facility Dahlgren and the surrounding communities, so that future civilian growth and development are compatible with the training, testing, or operational missions of the installation, as well as for the Dahlgren base to seek ways to reduce operational impacts on adjacent lands. In addition, the JLUS is to identify state and regional objectives relative to desired growth corridors,

Assess: Expect notices soon From page 1


Data analysis is the next step, with Larsen saying checks are made to spot obvious errors, with a return to the county to take another firsthand look. Larsen said all sales have been updated, and those are being supplied to update the county’s 2013 files. Blue Ridge next does a final sales study, when the county property valuations are scrutinized overall and by sections of the county using the tax map, and looking closer at areas that may need special attention.

BOARD OF EQUALIZATION At the same meeting on Sept. 17, Supervisors were briefed by County Attorney Eric Gregory on nominating members to a Board of Equalization. By the end of this calendar year, members proposed for a Board of Equalization will be nominated by the Board of Supervisors from county residents, to be appointed by the Circuit Court. That equalization board will convene to further consider appeals of the assessments by landowners. The board must be composed of not less than three, nor more than five people, with an option for alternate members, if Supervisors request. Appointees must attend a basic course of instruction given by the Virginia Department of Taxation. At least one member must be a resident of the county and a majority of the members must be freeholders of real property in King George. Thirty percent of the members must be commercial or residential real estate appraisers, other real estate professionals, builders, developers, or legal or financial professionals. State Code also requires that at least one such described professional must sit in all cases involving commercial, industrial or multi-family residential property, unless waived by the taxpayer. —Phyllis Cook

APPRAISAL NOTICES TO BE MAILED LATER THIS MONTH Later this month, a date is to be set to mail out notices of appraisal to landowners. In addition to property reassessments for valuation, the notices are expected to contain a phone number and a timeframe for residents to call Blue Ridge to set up appointments for those who wish to review their valuations with the company. Property owners who disagree with their valuations will have two opportunities to dispute them. First, they will be able to schedule an appointment to meet with the Blue Ridge assessors to discuss the values, as noted, in late 2013. Then, early next year, they will have the opportunity to meet with a Board of Equalization for the


transportation corridors, green space or conservation corridors and environmental considerations associated with those factors. In addition to compatible land use, the JLUS is expected to address other potential compatibility issues of concern to local jurisdictions, agencies, the public, and the military, such as noise, competition for land, sea and air space, light and glare, roadway capacity and threatened and endangered species. The JLUS is expected to make recommendations that will emphasize compatible growth and sustained and coordinated planning that fosters mutual positive growth on the Navy base at Dahlgren and in the surrounding communities. Part of that plan is to include the development of an on-going communications plan to facilitate frequent discussion between elected officials of the affected localities and the base commander. Some of that is already ongoing through COMREL and the Fredericksburg Chamber’s Military Affairs Committee. A draft JLUS is expected to suggest a formal policy be established for military participation and crossjurisdiction coordination in the development review and planning process by the jurisdictions. Matrix is expected to conduct several rounds of public meetings in each of the five jurisdictions, with the final round to be presentations and public hearings on the recommended JLUS at meetings of the governing bodies of each jurisdiction. The JLUS process is expected to be completed around mid-2014.

Day Care: Plans approved

Vote: Absentee voting open From page 1 – NOW Absentee voting is available now which enables voters to cast their ballots in advance of Election Day. There are numerous reasons that make voters eligible to vote absentee. It’s an effective choice for those who expect to be out of the county on Election Day for any reason, including travel, appointments, long commutes, or those with unpredictable work hours. Any King George voter with a question about whether they qualify to vote absentee should contact the Registrar’s Office at (540) 775-9186. Absentee voting can be done in one of two ways, either by mail or in-person at the Registrar’s Office. The easiest way to vote absentee in advance of the election is to go to the King George Registrar’s office. There you may fill out an application for absentee voting, then vote then and there on the spot. The deadline to apply for an absentee ballot by mail is Oct. 29. The deadline to apply for an absentee ballot in person is Nov. 2. There was a change last month in the location of the Central Absentee Precinct from old King George Elementary School to the Revercomb Building. What that means to voters is that when voting absentee at the Registrar’s Office, voters may insert their ballots into the voting machine, which registers the vote. This means that those who vote absentee in person need no longer insert ballots into an envelope for later counting. The Registrar’s Office is located on the ground floor of the Revercomb Building, behind the King George Courthouse on Route 3 (Kings Hwy). It is open on week days from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Additional hours and days will be added as the Nov. 5 Election Day comes close. BALLOTS The ballots are printed, and there is an important change for voting for the Board of Supervisor seat in the Shiloh

From page 1 by the Planning Commission, and at that time set the date for the public hearing. The Tabernacle Baptist Church is located at 10640 Kings Highway (Route 3) on the south side of the road at the intersection with Mt. Rose Drive (Route 686). It is identified on Tax Map 25, Parcel 38A. The property is zoned Rural Agricultural (A-2). According to its application for a special exception permit, it has a combined acreage of about 6.2 acres and is served by a private well and a septic system. The church intends the day care program to be available for a maximum of 50 children between the ages of 2 ½ to 5 years. The hours of operation will be between 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. on Monday through Friday. A letter accompanying the request noted that the church has at least nine classrooms and a separate activity building that houses a gymnasium and cafeteria. It also said there are 118 parking spaces available. A public hearing was held with one speaker, Steve Condon, acting administrator for the proposed church day care, who told Supervisors, “We’re confident that we can provide a safe place that is nurturing and caring for children in their education process for this age.” As noted above, the special exception was unanimously approved.

District. Cathy E. Binder is listed on the ballot, but is no longer seeking office and has withdrawn her name from consideration as of Sept. 19. CANDIDATES - BOARD OF SUPERVISORS SHILOH Incumbent Cedell Brooks, Jr. is running with challenger Shawn L. Lawrence, also seeking the position. Cathy E. Binder is on the ballot but has withdrawn her candidacy. JAMES MONROE Incumbent John P. LoBuglio is seeking a second term, with three others running against him. They are Richard A. “Rich” Lorey as the Republican candidate, Jeffrey L. “Jeff ” Bueche and James B. “Jim” Howard. SCHOOL BOARD CANDIDATES SHILOH Incumbent Michael E. Rose is running unopposed for a second term. JAMES MONROE No one is on the ballot for School Board in the James Monroe district, but incumbent Rick Randall is running a write-in campaign to get a second term. COMMONWEALTH’S ATTORNEY Incumbent Keri A. Gusmann is running unopposed for Commonwealth’s Attorney in a special election for the remainder of an unexpired term, due to the resignation last fall of Matt Britton. GOVERNOR Terry R. McAuliffe is the Democratic candidate, Ken T. Cuccinelli II is the Republican candidate and Robert C. Sarvis is the Libertarian candidate. LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR Ralph S. Northam is the Democratic candidate, and E. W. Jackson is the Republican candidate. ATTORNEY GENERAL Mark R. Herring is the Democratic candidate, and Mark D. Obenshain is the Republican candidate.

king george

Sheriff’s report

R N ad en ew y ov ly fo at r T ed en an ts

Wednesday, Oct. 2, 2013



Open your business where the flowers bloom ...

We have received calls in reference to Vincent Eells and Kimberly Martin being arrested in September when in fact they had been arrested earlier in the year, not in September. Apparently something has happened with the daily reports. The Sheriff ’s Office will be suspending any further reports until they can be assured this matter has been corrected.

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been rehearsing and learning this year’s field show, “All Over the Map” - Music from England’s Led Zeppelin and the Beatles, Russia’s famous composer Sergei Rachmaninoff, Scotland the Brave, Afro-Cuban Jazz, Metallica, and even a little “Gangnam Style.” Of course the show ends with American music – John Philip Sousa’s Stars and Stripes. The band is very fortunate to have many wonderful Band Parents that have built back drops to enhance our show, even adding an oversized American Flag during “Stars and Stripes.” The student staff members also work overtime to ensure successful rehearsals and performances: 2013 Officer’s Staff are Victoria Lowe, Aaron Kiser, Sam Settle, Sean Gatewood, and Emilee Brancheau. The Freshman Representative is Faith Roberson. Section Leaders are Anna Brooks, Clarinet; Jessica Washington, Saxophone; Kenley Green, Trumpet; Tristan Stoyanof, Mellophone; Scott Loudin, Trombone; Woodwind Captain, Rachel Ridgway; Brass Captain, Bill Owen; Color Guard Captain, Victoria Mason; Drumline Captain, Michael Such; Operations Officer Erik Volinic, and Executive Officer Grace Grossen. Six Soloists are featured: Madison DeClute, Sam Settle, Kenley Green, Scott Loudin, Tristan Stoyanof, and Bill Owen. The band is under the field direction of Drum Major Travis Harrison. “The best part about attending the Hermitage Classic is the outstanding judge’s panel. Now I have 7 recordings to listen to and learn what I am teaching well versus what I need to teach better. Constant improvement is important to our success every season.” The Royal Regiment will compete at the Oct. 12 Stafford High School Showcase, and will travel to VBODA Statewide Marching Assessment on Oct. 26. Statewide Assessment is the first step in achieving Virginia Honor Band status. If achieved this year, it will make the fourth successive year for the King George High School Band. Make sure to catch the band in the Fall Festival Parade, and see “All Over the Map” at all of the Home Varsity Football Games.

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From page 1

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The Journal

Wednesday, Oct. 2, 2013



Virginia and King George are dependent on federal spending For most people the economic situation, as compared to say four years ago, is substantially improved. In 2010, unemployment in King George County was 9.2%. Statewide it was 7.0%. That’s high by Virginia standards. Today, King George’s jobless rate is 6.3% and is trending downwards. The number of foreclosures has dropped substantially. Almost to the point where no one talks about them that much anymore, and the local real estate market, if not booming, is at least picking up steam. That’s an encouraging report. However, like most discussions in economics, there is always another side to the story. A recent report showed that median income in Virginia fell by almost 7% between 2007 and 2013. That’s not too surprising. It wasn’t called the “Great Recession” for nothing. However, what’s disconcerting is that it showed no improvement in 2012 and 2013, and David S. Kerr in fact, gave every indication that it was continuing to fall. That’s not good and explains why a lot of people in the Commonwealth, while employed, are earning less, paying more, and all in all feeling squeezed. However, what raised an eyebrow was the suggestion that the reason for this fall in median income was the fall in government spending. It may not seem like the federal government is spending less, but over the past few years, various cutbacks, primarily in defense, have taken their toll. So, has sequestration. For many, this statistic raises a question. Just how dependent is Virginia on Federal money? The answer, a shock for many, particularly my more conservative friends, is that we’re heavily dependent on Uncle Sam. Nationally, Virginia, in terms of per capita expenditure, ranks number two when it comes to federal spending. Alaska is number one. Overall spending in the Commonwealth, as reported in the most recent data, which dates back to 2011, was $139 billion. In that roll up, we rank number five, beat out by such big states as California, New York, Texas and Pennsylvania. When it comes to the Commonwealth, defense is a big part of that number, well over half, while federal pensions, both military and civilian, social security, and agricultural assistance take up the rest. While government spending has grown massively over the past thirty years, federal dollars have been a major part of Virginia’s economy for over a century, and it was defense spending that led the way.

OCT. 3 - OCt. 9

The Quantico Marine Base was established in 1912. What was then called the Dahlgren Naval Proving Ground was established in 1918. Both facilities, joined by Fort A.P. Hill in Caroline County, grew massively during World War II. During the Cold War, and now in the War on Terror, their vital role in our local economy continues. King George isn’t the largest recipient of federal dollars in Virginia, but we’re still in the top ten counties. Overall, federal spending in King George is just shy of a billion dollars. Again, this includes salaries, pensions, and purchases. Most notably, in King George, however, over half of the federal dollars go to procurements. Most of this is for defense related acquisitions managed through Dahlgren. But there is more to federal spending than these raw numbers indicated. There is what economists refer to as the multiplier effect. Namely, that a dollar spent in the economy results in other transactions. Depending on the type of expenditure, the multiplier can be as little as two or three, or as much as seven. High tech purchases, for example, tend to generate the highest multiplier. Of course, not all of the additional transactions are local, but many are, and result in even more activity for our economy. Many businesses, seemingly with little to do with the federal government, can, thanks to the multiplier, trace their economic success back to federal expenditures and salaries. However, there is a problem with this dependence on federal money. While benefited from it, our economy, as the result of this dependence, isn’t diverse, and when federal monies are at risk, so are we. Sequestration, reductions in defense spending, and the continuing stalemate in Washington, all could have a significant impact on our local economy. Federal money, overall, is going to continue to play a dominant role in our local economy. But, in years to come, it’s going to get tighter and we’re going to feel it. You may reach David Kerr at kerr@journalpress.com

“Red lines” are drawn in blood. Jack Stevenson Can you think of any problem within the United States that could be solved with a drone strike or a cruise missile or a bombing run? Probably not, but ordnance explosions seem to be our solution for problems in the Middle East. Could we do something more civilized, more productive? We have the world’s greatest concentration of wealth, the greatest universities, and a lot of smart people. Surely, someone can come up with a better solution. If not, we should at least apply the medical motto: “Do no harm.” The United States and Russia are now working together to resolve one of the many problems that burden the Middle East, a stockpile of toxic war gas in Syria. Russia and the U.S. have worked together in the past. We Americans know about our own role in World War II. We know that we lost more than four hundred thousand soldiers. We may not know as much about the Russian contribution to Allied victory. Russia, then the U.S.S.R., lost about twenty million of their citizens. The Germans, who were then the enemy, sustained seventy percent of their casualties fighting the Russians on the

“Eastern Front.” Had it not been for the Russian sacrifice, U.S. history would be very different. More recently, the U.S. and Russia have worked together to capture the many nuclear weapons and radioactive materials that were uncontrolled after the U.S.S.R. collapsed. That quiet cooperation may be one of humanity’s most important achievements. The U.S. has its own stockpile of ultra-poisonous war gases stored at the Bluegrass Army Depot in Kentucky. A plan to construct a facility to safely decompose those nerve gases has been in progress for about twenty years. It may be another ten years before the gases are destroyed. It will also require a substantial amount of time to destroy Syria’s arsenal of war gases. Many observers expect that the Syrian government willeventuallycollapse.TheMiddleEastisstaggeringly complex and steeped in ages-old animosities and differences. If the Syrian government does collapse, no one knows who might gain control of Syria’s toxic war gases. That is a valid reason for placing those munitions under international control. There will be no shortage of people who want to sabotage the joint effort to peacefully destroy

Syria’s gas munitions - people who prefer military solutions for all problems in the Middle East. But the United States has not proved that using its vast military capability to kill people in the Middle East with “stand-off weapons” provides a good solution to any problem. Enforcing a “red line” threat would be bloody and would kill or wound both the innocent and the guilty. Two thousand years ago, the Roman government became annoyed with its Jewish population. They slaughtered the Jews in Jerusalem and reduced the city to ashes and rubble. The Roman Empire vanished long ago, but the Jewish people survive and thrive. The bellicose contingent among our government officials might want to remember that outcome as they attempt to impose their wisdom on the Muslim Middle East. Jack Stevenson says: I am retired. I served two years in Vietnam as an infantry officer, retired from military service, and worked three years as a U.S. Civil Service employee. I also worked in Egypt as an employee of the former Radio Corporation of America (RCA). Currently, I read history, follow issues important to Americans, and write

Letter to the Editor To the Editor: Re: Nonpartisan group Sept. 4 letter by its president, Warren Veazey. Warren Veazey may very well be a pure, upstanding citizen, yet, while his angry rant hopefully made him feel better, I just hope this politically inspired stew pot-stirring doesn’t result in more harm than good. Besides, it used to be one was known and held in high regard by the company one kept, but today, sadly, it’s who can be thrown “Under the bus” and the bigger the name of the individual or group, the better. But, it’s not fair to cast dispersions at something you’re mad about, even if some truth abides in them, as it can land one in unpleasantries for longer than one wants or is warranted. Perhaps our King George County is somewhat “small and rural” to some; however, being raised here in the 50s and 60s, going to the old Potomac School, and graduating from the old downtown KG High School, there’s a stark difference from then to now as the high school had the Future Farmers of America organization, which today, like shop, probably doesn’t exist, and Dahlgren downtown has a traffic light. We’re no longer the booming boonies. Nonetheless, Veazey’s attack on Larry Kyle’s writing a letter because he served on the KG Electoral Board, reminds me as a Democrat writing a letter criticizing then Pres. Bill Clinton whereby I got attacked by fellow Democrats who felt I had committed some major sin despite the fact of living in America that’s supposedly “Home of the Brave, Land of the Free,” or so I was taught.

Concludingly, John Donne, I believe, wrote, “No man is an island” and Tip O’Neil said, “All politics is local”. So, lay off the parties, whatever their stripe. Besides, no one is perfect, no party, no corporation, not even governments for, like religion, the human thread that binds us all is relationship. Hence, We the People get exactly what we get, due to the quality of who we elect, plus the time we spend being involved and making those who serve us here, state and national, accountable. Finally, the real problem/concern most likely is not really party politics affecting the local estate, but fearing the potential of the good old boy network being made important in influence, money and power.

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Subscription rate is $24 per year (52 issues), or 50¢ on newsstands. Outside the counties of King George and Westmoreland, the rate is $38 per year. The Journal (ISSN #87502275) is published weekly by The Journal Press, Inc. Postmaster, send 3579 to: The Journal, Post Office Box 409, King George, Virginia 22485

ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 It’s never too late to get healthy, Aries. Find time for some exercise and replace some calorie-laden foods with fruits and vegetables. You will appreciate having an extra hop in your step. TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, a week of passion and romance awaits you and your special someone. Everything you do draws the attention of others. So make it work to your advantage. GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, it can be challenging to get your head wrapped around certain tasks. Somehow you will manage to pull everything together and get everything accomplished. CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 Cancer, maintain your focus in the coming week no matter how difficult that proves to be. Personal concerns may have you reeling, but your heightened focus will serve you well. LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 Leo, you may have something on your mind, but now is not the time to share such concerns. Do your best to solve a problem on your own, but rely on the advice of others if need be. VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 Virgo, do your best to avoid being let down by the negative attitudes of others. Friends or

coworkers may just be in a bad mood, but that does not mean you need to be. LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 Libra, a little extra concentration will find you tackling your workload with time to spare. Commit your time now and enjoy the time to take things slow later in the week. SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 Scorpio, signficant changes are afoot and you are not quite sure how to prioritize your goals. Enjoy the change, but make use of down time to reestablish your priorities. SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 Sagittarius, though a pressing issue in your relationship may seem like it needs immediate attention, you have a lot of time to work through any issues. CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 Capricorn, your normally conservative approach won’t work this week. You have to take a couple of chances, or you won’t accomplish much of anything. AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 Aquarius, you have only a few days to learn some new procedures at work. It is natural to feel nervous, but put aside those feelings and concentrate on the tasks at hand. PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 Pisces, don’t worry too much about an upcoming change around the office. You’re in position to benefit from some restructuring.


CLUES ACROSS 4. Eilat Airport 1. 1st, 2nd & 3rd in baseball 5. Visualize 6. Sew up a hawk’s eyes 6. A young pig 10. N’Djamena is the capital 7. Wyatt __, OK Corral 14. Be a connector 8. Point one point S of due E 15. To accustom 9. Those who give freely 17. Cornflower 10. Small slice of meat, especially veal 19. Former CIA 11. Dislike intensely 20. Bark sharply 12. Egyptian sun God 21. Actress Barkin 13. Animal lair 22. Cathode-ray tube 16. Dutch flowers 23. Shallowest Great Lake 18. A Greek harp 24. Surface of a plane figure 22. O. Twist’s author’s initials 26. Bird of prey 23. Periods of time 29. A large number 24. __ Claus 31. Chums 25. Actress Lupino 32. Express pleasure 27. Green regions of desert 34. Capital of Yemen 28. Any competition 35. Sanctify 29. Salem, MA, teachers college 37. Hyperbolic cosecant 30. Container for display 38. Central Standard Time 31. Ink writing implement 39. Seed of the legume family 33. Hogshead (abbr.) 40. Drove in golf 35. As much as one can eat 41. Without difficulty 36. Puts in a horizontal position 43. Without (French) 37. Cotangent (abbr.) 45. Politicians (informal) 39. Vitamin H 46. Not happy 42. Book hinges 47. Spiritual being 43. Voiced musical sounds 49. Male child 44. In the year of Our Lord 50. The cry made by sheep 46. Japanese entertainment firm 53. Handheld image enlarger 47. Comedian Carvey 57. Inventiveness 48. Bird reproductive bodies 58. Column style 49. Rests on a chair 59. Impudence 50. River border 60. 33 1/3 records 51. Largest continent 61. Berkeley’s sister city 52. Plural of ascus CLUES DOWN 53. Prefix for ill 1. Lymph node plague swelling 54. Small bark 2. Freshwater duck genus 55. Geographic Information System 3. Dog attacks 56. Mauna __, Hawaiian volcano See classified page for answers

Get all the local news in your mailbox every week for $24 a year, AND ON-LINE IF YOU ASK call (540) 775-2024


Wednesday, Oct. 2, 2013

The Journal


Tabernacle Baptist Church Preschool St. Paul’s Church Pre-school is hosting a Dessert Bingo on Oct. 4 starting at 5:30 p.m. Bingo starts at 6 p.m. Prizes are dessert of your choice. 10 games/$10. Fish Bowl Auction, 50cent ticket or $3/arm length. 5486 St. Pauls Rd. KG, VA 22485. (540) 663-3085. first baptist church in Col. Beach will observe “Annual Fall Harvest Day” on Sunday, Oct. 6 at 3 p.m. The Rev. Jeffrey Perkinson, pastor of Chestnut Grove Baptist Church in Charlottesville will be the guest, and will be accompanied by his choir, ushers and congregation. Dinner will be served immediately following the noon service. 619 Jackson St., Colonial Beach. St. Mary’s Episcopal Church will celebrate the Blessing of the animals on Sunday, Oct. 6 at 2 p.m. In the Church Memorial Garden, behind the parish hall. Zion Church at Lottsburg cordially invites everyone to join them for a 4 Day Anniversary Celebration, Showing Honor & Celebrating their Pastor- Apostle John H. Bibbens 17th Pastoral Anniversary. Wednesday, Oct. 9 Saturday, Oct. 12. Special Guests will include: Wednesday: Pastor Daryl Fisher of Jerusalem Baptist Church, Thursday: Pastor Claude Tate of Zion Church at Fredericksburg, Friday: Pastor David Metz of Warsaw Church of God, Saturday: Apostle Donn R. Hall of Zion Baptist Church. Services will begin each week night at 7 p.m. Saturday’s Celebration will begin at 3 p.m. For more information call (804) 529-6033 or visit the website: www. zionlottsburg.org

Antioch Baptist Church will honor Dr. Larry and First Lady, Rev. LaVerne Finch with a 20th Anniversary Pastoral Banquet on Saturday, Oct. 19 at 4 p.m. at Shiloh Baptist Church, 13457 Kings Highway, King George. Music will be provided by Agape Jazz Ensemble and the Mighty Gospel Melodies. Please call (540)775-4312 to purchase tickets. Come celebrate the Church’s 145th Anniversary Sunday, Oct. 20, beginning with Praise and Worship at 11 a.m. Dinner will be served after the morning service. Rev. Roderick McClanahan and his congregation from First Missionary Baptist Church, Lexington Park, MD will be the special guests for the 3 p.m. service. All are invited to attend. 11102 James Madison Parkway, King George County. Hanover-with-Brunswick will have the blessing of the Animals at Lamb’s Creek Church on Sunday, Oct. 6 at 10 a.m. The Blessing will take place during our Holy Eucharist. All are welcome at the little parish with the big heart. Lambs Creek Church Road, just off Route 3 in King George. st. Elizabeth’s Catholic Church in Colonial Beach will be hosting the traditional Blessing of the Animals on the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, Friday, Oct. 4 at 4 p.m. on the parish grounds. st. anthony’s catholic church in King George will host the traditional Blessing of the Animals, Friday, Oct. 4 at 6 p.m. on the parish grounds.

St. Mary’s Episcopal Church in Colonial Beach is hosting a Dinner and Silent Auction on Friday, Oct. 4, from 5-8 p.m. Cost is $13 adults in advance, $16 at the door. Children under 12 are $6 in advance and $8 at the gate. Special family pricing. BYOB (wine or beer only) Carry out available. Fried oysters, ham, twice baked potato, seasoned green beans, beverages and desserts. Raffle, and a cash for gold party! Call (804) 366-1286 for advance tickets. Montague baptist church is hosting a Gospel Sing, Friday Oct. 4 at 7 p.m. Scheduled to perform, the Dixie Bells. All are invited. 12186 Millbank Rd., KG. first baptist church of ambar is continuing their Wednesday noon prayer services with added Scripture readings. Please join them for an hour of reflection and revitalizing. The Church is located at 9469 Caledon Rd. KG (540) 775-3939. dahlgren united methodist church Little Lambs Bible Story and Art Time is a Free “parent & me” style group for ages 0-5 years to meet once a month at Dahlgren United Methodist Church from 10 a.m.noon (usually the first Friday of the month). Dates have been scheduled as follows: Oct. 4; Nov. 1; Dec. 6; Jan. 17; Feb. 7; March 7; April 4 and May 2. For more information please call the church office at (540)6632230.

Tabernacle Baptist Church in King George is presenting Tabernacle Baptist Preschool, an Academic Preschool using the A Beka curriculum. This is a proven structured phonics based curriculum. The students will memorize, recite, learn how to write, begin to comprehend language, and develop math skills. They will also do arts and crafts to develop their motor skills and enhance their learning and creativity. There will be a 3 year old and a 4 year old class. Placement will be determined by their age as of September 30. Classes will be offered full day, 7 a.m.-6 p.m. and half day 8:30 a.m.- 12:30 p.m. For more information call (540) 775-2948 or visit the website, www. tabernaclepreschool.com. Peace Lutheran Church news •Oct. 6: Pastor Bruce Rudolf, of Food for the Poor, will preach at the 8:30 a.m. Contemporary and 11 a.m. Traditional services as well as host a Bible study at 9:45 a.m. for Jr. High and Up. Join us to hear this inspirational information on how WE can combat hunger! All are welcome! •Moms Who Pray International meet on Mondays at 9 a.m. in the Church’s Conference Room. All Moms, Grandmothers, Aunties, etc... are welcome to come and pray. •Thrivent: Thrivent for Lutheran announces DOUBLE your Thrivent Choice Dollars Oct. 1- Nov. 30, 2013 or until the $15 million has been awarded, whichever comes first. Go to Thrivent.com/thriventchoice, or call 800-THRIVENT and say “Thrivent Choice.” •Over $1000 worth of food was donated to KG Social Services. Kudos to all who accepted the challenge & Thrivent.

Today’s Hebrew Word T



Th, T


V, W


Sh, S



D, Th




B, V






P, F

ee-sha (woman/wife) Reveal. At the end of a word, hey can mean what comes from or out of, belonging to


The original Hebrew written text was a picture language--much like the Egyptian hieroglyphics. When Moses wrote the Torah (the first five books of the Bible), he used this picture language. Each letter of the Hebrew alphabet is a picture with meaning. When we put these letters together, they form a word, but they also form a story within the word! Proverbs 25:2 tells us, “The honour of God is to hide a thing, And the honour of kings to search out a matter.” (Young’s Literal Translation) This is exactly what God has done with His language! This is Part 3 of a 4-part series. In Part 1, we learned the picture language for “fire” is the “strong destroyer” -- the letters: alef and sheen. In Part 2, we learned the word for “man” has a “hand” in the “fire”. For Part 3, we will add a letter at the end of the word for “fire” -- the “hey”, which means “what comes out of ”. This forms the word “ee-sha”, which means “woman/wife”. We can see the word picture describes a woman/wife as the one who “comes out of the fire.” Next month, we will finalize this concept! Rick Blankenship is the Fellowship Leader of Grafted In Fellowship King George. For more information, please visit our web site at: www. DoYouShabbat.com. Blessings & Shalom!

Psalm 55:14 We who had sweet fellowship together, walked in the house of God in the throng.

Did you know? On Sunday, Nov. 24 around 125 people will work together to package 40,000 meals. Want to help? Call 540-709-7495.

Our Doors are Open -Worship With Us Fletcher's Chapel United Methodist

8330 Fletcher's Chapel Rd. at 218

Pastor Michael Reaves fletcherschapel-kinggeorge-va.org Worship Services 8:30 & 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 9:45 a.m.

(540) 775-7247

17080 14th Street, Dahlgren Contemporary Service - 9:30 a.m. Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. & 11 a.m. Traditional Service - 11 a.m. Nursery open 9:15a.m.-12:15p.m.

Pastor Ed Johnson

email - office@dahlgrenumc.org web site - www.dahlgrenumc.org Phone: 663-2230

Good Hope Baptist Church

17223 Good Hope Rd. - corner Rt. 218E & 619 phone: 540-775-9487 fax: 540-775-0600 www.goodhopeministries.org

• Sunday School - 9:45 a.m. • Worship - 11:00 a.m. • Prayer & Bible Study (Wed.) 7:30 p.m. • 5th Sundays - Union & Nursing Home Worship “Building the Church & Reaching the World for Christ”

7748 Leedstown Rd., Oak Grove, VA 22443 (804) 224-0418 • www.lzbcva.org

We invite you to gather together with us! Sunday School - 9 a.m. Sunday Worship 8 a.m. & 10:15 a.m. Bible Study - Wednesday 7 p.m. Pastor Earl T. Howerton Jr.

Macedonia Baptist Church 1081 Macedonia Ln., Colonial Beach, VA (804) 224-1500 "O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His Name together."

Shiloh Baptist Church Reaching, Building, Serving

Sunday Activities Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship Service, 11:00 a.m. AWANA, 4:00 p.m. Youth Group, 4:00 p.m. Wednesday Nights Rev. Mike and Earlene Jessee Family Night Dinner, 5:30 Youth Study; Children’s Missions & Music, 6:00 facebook@kgshiloh Choir Practice, 7:15 13457 Kings Hwy. 540-469-4646 • www.kgshiloh.org

Oak Grove Baptist Church Randall Snipes, Senior Pastor Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. Worship - 11 a.m. Youth Group - 6 p.m. 8096 Leedstown Rd. Colonial Beach, VA


Colonial Beach United Methodist Church Pastor Rev. Yunho Eo

9:30 a.m. Adult Sunday School 10:45 a.m. Informal Hymn Singing 11 a.m. Worship & Children’s Sunday School Food Pantry open Thursdays at 10 a.m. Op Shop Open M-F 9 a.m.-noon (Thurs. 9 a.m.-1 p.m.) 1 Washington Avenue PO Box 189 Colonial Beach, VA 22443 (804) 224-7030

Two Rivers Baptist Church Meeting at their new church

Sunday School ..............9:30 a.m. Worship........................10:30 a.m. COME VISIT US • ALL ARE WELCOME

Rev. Peyton Wiltshire

For Information call 540-775-3244

Round Hill Baptist Church Worship & Service

16519 Round Hill Rd., King George, VA Pastor Ted A. James • 540-775-5583

4s scholarships
available (540)

Little Ark Baptist Church “Building God’s Kingdom On Earth”

"Pastor Larry" M. Robinson Sunday Worship - 10 a.m. Sunday School - 9 a.m. (New Testament Church Study) Wednesday Night Prayer & Bible Study 6 p.m. 15681 Owens Dr. in Dahlgren, VA Church Phone: (540) 663-2831

Hanover-with-Brunswick Episcopal Parish

Where all are welcome. Sunday Services:

The Rev. St. John's, 9403 Kings Hwy. Diane Carroll 1st, 2nd & 4th Sundays Rector Phone: 540-775-3635

Emmanuel, Port Conway (Rt. 301) 3rd & 5th Sundays

For more information, visit our website at:



3207 Quarter Hill Rd., Supply VA 22436

(804) 443-4168

Sunday School 10 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship 11 a.m. Bible Study Wednesdays at 7 p.m.

Rev. Irving Woolfolk, Jr.

Services Early Worship - 8 a.m. Sunday School - 9:45 a.m. AM Worship - 11 a.m. PM Worship - 6 p.m. Wed. Bible Study - 7 p.m.

AWANA Teens - Wednesdays 6:30 p.m. Clubbers - Fridays 6:30 p.m. Dr. Sherman Davis, Senior Pastor 540-775-7188 www.tbckg.org 10640 Kings Hwy - 1 mi. west of 301

Worship Service - 10:30 a.m. (Sunday) Sunday School - 9:15 a.m. Nursery Provided Seeking to know the grace of God and to make it known to others. Dave Bentz, Pastor Jason Schubert, Associate Pastor 13114 Kildee Farm Road King George, VA 22485 (off 301 and Blue Jay Meadow Drive)

Ph. (540) 775-9990 • email: info@gracekg.com web site www.gracekg.com

Potomac Baptist Church Worship Service: 11:00 a.m. Age Graded Bible Study: 9:45 a.m.

All are Welcome! (540) 775-7006

Pastor: Dennis L. Newton 8103 Comorn Rd. (Rt. 609) King George

A church where the Full Gospel is Preached, Taught and Lived

First Baptist Church Ambar

9469 Caledon Rd., King George, VA22485 Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship 11 a.m. Bible Study Wednesday at 7:30 p.m.

Pastor Wm. T. Frye

“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

Daily Mass: Mon. - Sat. 8:00 a.m. Adoration precedes each morning Mass


Confession: Sat. following 8:00 a.m. Mass & at 4:30 p.m. Sun. 1/2 hour before each Mass

Bible School 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship Service 11 a.m. Evening Bible Study 6 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Service 7 p.m.

Office: 11 Irving Ave., Colonial Beach, Va. 22443 www.elizant.org • 804-224-7221

Trinity United Methodist Church

9425 Kings Hwy., King George www.trinitykg.org

Contemporary Service ~ 8:30 a.m. Sunday School ~ 9:30 p.m. Worship ~ 10:30 a.m. (540) 775-4501 Rev. Susan Reaves

St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church

You're invited to worship with

Tabernacle Baptist Church

(540) 663-3085 ✝ Rev. Jim May

Sunday Masses: Sat. 5:00 p.m. Sun. 9:00 a.m. & 11:00 p.m. (español)

Intersection of Rokeby and Kings Hwy. (Rt. 3)

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

5486 St. Paulʼs Road, King George

Very Rev. Francis M. de Rosa Rev. Mark Mullaney



Sunday Worship at 8 am and 10 am

Corner of Lossing and Boundary, Colonial Beach

Sunday- Holy Communion 11 a.m. Meeting at Grant Church in Lerty, VA

"A Church where everybody is somebody!"


St. Elizabeth of Hungary Roman Catholic Church

Traditional Anglican Worship 1928 Book of Common Prayer 1940 Hymnal

Morning Worship ~ 8:30 a.m. Sunday School ~ 9:45 a.m. Morning/Children's Worship ~ 11 a.m. Wed. - Bible Study ~ 6:00 p.m.

(Psalm 34:3)

Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Worship Service: 11 a.m. Prayer & Bible Study: (Wed.) 7 p.m. Holy Communion on 4th Sundays Rev. Fred Sales, Interim Pastor

Holy Redeemer Anglican Church

Corner of Millbank & St. Anthony’s Rd., King George

Very Rev. Francis M. de Rosa Rev. Mark Mullaney Sat. 7:00 p.m. Vigil Sunday Masses: Sun. 8:15 a.m. 10:30 a.m 12:45 p.m. Tridentine Mass Daily Mass: Mon. Thur. Fri. & Sat. 9:00 a.m. Tues. 7:00 a.m. Wed. 7:00 p.m. Adoration before each morning Mass Confession: Wed. 7:30 p.m. Sat. after 9:00 a.m. Mass & at 6:30 p.m. Sun. 1/2 hour before each Mass

Office: 11 Irving Ave., Colonial Beach, Va. 22443 www.elizant.org • 804-224-7221

"At the Heart of King George County with King George County In Our Hearts"

Rev. Rick Crookshank 10312 Hanover Church Rd.KG

(540) 775-5081 www.hanoverbaptistchurch.org

“The church is the great lost and found department” - Robert Short

Help others find your church. Advertise in this space, only $10 per week. Billed monthly. Contact Lori at (540) 709-7495 or email her at lori@journalpress.com

The King george ChurCh of ChrisT inviTes you To meeT wiTh us

Each Sunday Morning BiBle Class: 9:30 a.m. Worship serviCes: 10:30 a.m.

Location: american Legion Post 89 (at the intersection of rt 206 and rt 610)

Each WEdnESday night for BiBlE Study

Location: at a member’s home PLease contact us at our e-maiL address for the Location

A New Testament church “... All the churches of Christ greet you.” Romans 16:16

contact_us@kinggeorgecofchrist.org http://www.kinggeorgecofchrist.org P.O.Box 756 King George, VA 22485


The Journal

Community This & That Spaces filling fast for guided tour of the Dahlgren base

55th Annual KG Fall Festival Updates:

Dahlgren Heritage Museum will host history tours of Naval Support Facility Dahlgren in honor of the base’s 95th anniversary on Saturday, Oct. 19. All tours will originate at the Dahlgren Museum at the old Gateway Welcome Center on Rt. 301 near the Nice Bridge. Every 1/2 hour from 1- 3:30 p.m. Come enjoy the museum’s new exhibits and take an hour tour of the history of the Navy at Dahlgren. There is a charge of $10 per person with all proceeds benefiting the museum. To register, visit www.dahlgrenmuseum.org, or https://www.eventbrite.com/ event/7532557081.

• Musical entertainment at the Fair grounds confirmed: - community favorite The Taters and the Chris Bryant Band Made in the USA will play at the Fair. - KG Idol Competition & Show 5 p.m. KGHS Auditorium • Attractions at the Fair grounds are free. Foods available for purchase. • Craft Show in the gym is free. • 5 p.m. KG Idol Show $5 in advance $7 at the door. • Sunday 2 p.m. Queen’s Pageant. Please Note: All registration forms are available online at kgfallfestival.com

Cell Phones for Soldiers collection update

KG Idol wannabees need to call D&R Mgt. at (540) 663-9142 to audition. You know you want to be in the competition! Call today.

Dahlgren School Reunion All current and former students of Dahlgren School are invited to a reunion at the school on Saturday, Oct. 19, 2013. The reunion will begin at 11 a.m. and will include a history tour of the base and a visit to the new Dahlgren Museum. Tours of the school, activities and a program by current students will also be a part of the day’s events. Attendees will then have a nohost dinner at Gray’s Landing at Naval Support Facility Dahlgren at 3:30 p.m. Attendees must pre-register to attend. To register, contact Margie Stevens at dahlgrenfriends@gmail. com.

1st German Christmas Market hosted by the Dahlgren Heritage Foundation. Dec. 7. 4-8 p.m. at the Museum bldg. on 301. dahlgrenmuseum.org

The King George Garden Club’s annual Fall Plant Sale will be held at the King George Farmers’ Market on Saturday, Oct. 5, from 8 a.m. to noon. A variety of hardy perennials dug from local gardens and ready for fall planting, including named varieties of daylilies and hostas will be available. There will also be some small trees and shrubs, a few houseplants and plenty of free gardening advice from the club members, many of which are also volunteer Master Gardens for the KG Extension Office. Be sure to assess your planting site beforehand. The perennials will be segregated for sun and shade, helping you ensure the right plant in the right place.

Last chance to sign up for P&R trip(s) Trip to New York City: Dec. 11 & 12. $339pp (double occupancy) Singles add $99 extra to the cost. Includes performance of Radio City Music Hall and the Rockettes; tour of lower Manhattan; Rockefeller Center tour; Fifth Avenue shopping & holiday windows; Macy’s at Herald Square. Trip to Wheeling, WV’s Festival of Lights: Dec. 3-5. $474 pp (double occupancy) Singles add $99 extra to the cost. Includes a Greenbrier Hotel lunch and Bunker tour; Holiday Dinner Show; Oglebay Park Festival of Lights Tour; Colonel Oglebay Mansion Museum; Echart House Victorian Tour & Tea; The Glass Museum & Artisan Center and the Kruger Street Toy & Train Museum. Call Parks & Rec today to reserve your spot on the trip. (540) 7754386.

Gotta love a good combo Dennis K Dodson Ins Agcy Inc Dennis Dodson, Agent 2304 Jefferson Davis Highway Fredericksburg, VA 22401 Bus: 540-373-2300

On Oct. 12, join in an afternoon of wine tasting and ghost tours to celebrate the founding of Virginia’s first plantation in 1613. From 2:30 – 5:30 p.m., taste for the first time the newly released Shirley Plantation Chardonnay as well as a variety of wines from the Philip Carter Winery. Shirley Plantation is proud to partner with the Philip Carter Winery. The Carter family is considered the First Family of America Wines due to the efforts of Charles Carter of Cleve Plantation, brother of John Carter of Shirley Plantation. Charles Carter advocated commercial winemaking as one of his economic reforms in VA and was the first to successfully produce grapes in Virginia with European vines and the first to win a gold medal for American wine production from the Royal Society of Arts in London in 1762. Today, Philip Carter Strother, a direct descendant of Robert “King” family, owns and operates the Philip Carter Winery and was instrumental in the passage of The Virginia Farm Winery Zoning Act which promotes the economic vitality of the Virginia wine industry. As a way of honoring his family legacy, Philip Carter Strother labels the wines from his vineyard according to Carter family estates such as the Shirley Plantation Chardonnay, the Cleve Virginia Red Wine, the Sabine Hall Virginia Viognier, the Nomini Hall Virginia Cabernet Franc, and the Rosewell Rose Wine. Tour the Great House and learn about the bewitching spirit of “Aunt Pratt,” the legendary ghost of Shirley Plantation, and the spirits of eleven generations to live at Shirley. $10 per person for the general public in addition to regular admission to Shirley. Reservations are required by Oct. 11. For more information, visit our website at www. shirleyplantation.com or call 1-800-232-1613.

Thursday, Oct. 3

Monday, Oct. 7

The CBVFDLA will have its reg. monthly meeting at the fire house at 6:30 p.m. All members are encouraged to attend.

KGHS DECA to hold iPad for Peers Dodgeball Tournament at 5 p.m. at the KGHS. Cost $3 pp. Concessions on site for purchase. Proceeds to help needy students at the elementary schools. Regular meeting of the Colonial Beach Historical Society. Cooper Memorial Library meeting room starting at 7 p.m. Under discussion will be the fund raiser needed to replace/repair the Museum’s 22 windows as well as plans for the upcoming “Christmas House Tour.”

Tuesday, Oct. 8

Regular meeting of NARFE Chapter 595 at the Hunan Restaurant in Col. Beach. at noon. Featured speaker, Tom Jamerson, estate planning expert. Also discussion on Big Band Dance in Nov.

Wednesday, Oct. 9

NN of VA Historical Society is holding its Fall membership meeting and luncheon at Indian Creek Yacht & Country Club in Kilmarnock. Meeting opens at 10 a.m. followed by special guest speaker, Kat Imhoff, Pres. & CEO, the Montpelier Fdn. Lunch follows at noon. Reservations required for lunch. $ Contact Kathy Schuder at(804)580-8327.

Fri-Sat Oct. 4 & 5

Montross Fall Festival. From the Best Chocolate Cake contest to high school football, 3 miler race, chalk art contest, and more, come out for the annual Montross Fall Festival. www.montrossvirginiafestivals.com.

Saturday, Oct.5

KG Garden Club will hold its major plant sale from 8 a.m. to Noon at the KG Farmer’s Market. KGES. Block Party hosted by the Ice Cream Nook. Noon-4 p.m. CBVRS annual Fall Festival. 9 a.m.-2 p.m. on Town Hill at the Beach. Families welcome for fun and games.

Thursday, Oct. 17

KG County Historical Society. will meet at 6:30 p.m. in the Revercomb Bldg. The October program will feature Dr. John Sellers, Specialist on Abraham Lincoln. Public invited. Light refreshments.

Do you have a Community Event coming up? Send details to The Journal for a free listing on the Community Calendar or call Lori at (540) 709-7495 or email her at lori@journalpress.com Let Roy Shank, a top producing agent, full time since 1989, help you with all your real estate needs.

King George, VA

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Update on the progress of the Cell Phones for Soldiers program. We are almost 1 month into the collection drive. As of today we have collected 75 donated cell phones. THAT’S 187.5 HOURS OF TALK TIME FOR MILITARY PERSONNEL!!! A lot of our troops overseas don’t have a good way to stay in contact with their loved ones back home while they are protecting our freedom. For every phone we collect, no matter how old or broken it is, that’s 2.5 hours of talk time on an international calling card for military personnel. Not to mention the e-waste we are keeping out of our landfill. Now is the time to go through your closets, desk drawers or out in the garage and find those old phones you “just couldn’t throw away.” No matter how old or what condition, take those relics to either Company 1 or Company 2 of the KG fire department anytime this month. Each turned in phone can be used to get 2.5 hours of talk time for military personnel. Help make it easier to keep in touch and donate your old phones.

Save the Date

Wednesday, Oct. 2, 2013

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Wednesday, Oct. 2, 2013

The Journal


Scavenger Hunt provides historic Montross Fall Festival Fun An unusual scavenger hunt sponsored by Sunbelt Realty is providing some fun for those attending the Montross Fall Festival this weekend while also helping educate participants about the historic town’s past. Contestants are asked to take photos to prove they have found the answers to 12 questions.  Each correct answer will be awarded points with a possible winning combination of 40 points.  Participants are asked to bring their photos to the Sunbelt Realty office in Montross, by 12 Noon on Saturday, the final day of the Fall Festival. Prizes will be awarded and pictures of the contestants taken at a brief ceremony at 3:30 p.m. at the Courthouse Porch.

Hometown Family Fun at the Montross Fall Festival Richard Leggitt From family skate night, to the best chocolate cake contest, to the Chandler three-mile race, to an arts and crafts show and a parade, the Montross Fall Festival kicks off this weekend. For almost six decades, the festival has been a highlight of the fall in Westmoreland County, and this year’s event, which also features a The schedule of events is as follows: THURSDAY Oct. 3 • 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Peoples Community Bank’s Family Skate Night at Stan’s Skateland FRIDAY Oct. 4 • 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Best Chocolate Cake Contest sponsored by the Peggy Garland Law Office • 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Customer Appreciation Lunch sponsored by Union First Market Bank • 6 p.m. Little Mr. & Miss Fall Festival Pageant at W&L High School • 7 p.m. W&L Homecoming Football Game vs. Spotsylvania at W&L High School SATURDAY Oct. 5  • 7 a.m. Chandler 3-Mile Race starts at Montross Vol. Rescue Squad • 9 a.m. Opening Ceremonies at Westmoreland Courthouse Square Courtyard Welcome - Mayor R. David O’Dell, Jr.

scavenger hunt, a baby contest and a car show, looks as spectacular as ever. “The Fall Festival is my favorite event in Montross,â€? said Carol Chandler, a longtime Montross civic leader who was chosen as the Grand Marshal for the parade at this year’s event. “It is a little bit of everything that is good about our community- the food, the crafts, the families and the National Anthem - Sandra Henderson Flag Raising - Boy Scout Troop 252 & Cub Scout Pack 208 “I Am the Flagâ€? - Larry D. Greene • 9 a.m. Sidewalk-Chalk Art Contest Check-In sponsored by theThe Art of Coffee • 9 a.m. To Noon Peoples Community Bank Classic Car & Truck Show at Peoples Bank • 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. “Mourning Jewelry Exhibitâ€? at the Westmoreland County Museum • 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Civil War Artifacts at the Westmoreland County Museum Annex

high school kids,� Chandler said. “I love it.� “The Town Fall Festival has been an important event to the Town for over 60 years,� said Montross Town Manager Brenda Reamy.  “This year’s theme, ‘Hometown Family Fun’, is just what our festival is all about.� Reamy urged everyone to “come and join the fun� at the event which begins Thursday evening and concludes Saturday night.

The questions for those who want to participate in the unique scavenger hunt are as follows: Question 1- I am the oldest structure in town and have been in continuous use since 1836?

• 11 a.m. PAWS Pet Show at the People’s Insurance Agency Lot

Question 2 - Once upon a time, I was the Montross Tea Room. Â What am I now?

• 11 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Voices of Macedonia on the Courthouse Porch

Question 6 - I am the oldest bank building in Montross.; I am not currently used as a bank? Question 7 - I am a restaurant in Montross now, but was a grocery store? Question 8 - I took fire calls that rang into my office and was a service station in the 50s and 60s; who am I now?

Question 11 - I was used as a coffee house for teenagers in the 50s and 70s, and I housed the first Farmer’s Supply? Question 12 - I was the town’s only Esso Station and one of many gas stations in Montross?  -Richard Leggitt

Question 9 - I was built in 2001, for citizens of the town? Question 10 - I was the People’s Drug Store in the 50s and 60s and had the best lunch counter with sliced pie?

Congratulations on a Successful Montross Fall Festival Carol Gawen Commissioner of Revenue (804) 493-0113

Question 3 - I was Smallwood Motors in the 30s and 40s, sold Firestone Tires and Ford Automobiles.  A prominent lawyer’s office was upstairs, and a dentist was down the hall?

• 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Siloam Church Praise Dancers, Youth Choir and Men’s Group on the Courtyard Stage • 12:45 p.m. to 1:15 p.m. Men of Shabach on the Courthouse Porch

Question 4 - In the 40s, if you needed it for your home or farm, we had it including the nails to hold it together?

• 1:30 p.m. to 2 p.m. Justified performing on the Courtyard Stage

Question 5 - I was erected in 1991, by the Westmoreland Ruritan Club, and I was the first sculptured monument to honor veterans that served in the Vietnam War?

• 2 p.m. Parade with Grand Marshal Carol C. Chandler

• 9:45 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. Stratford Harbor Hee-Haws performing on Courtyard Street

• 2:45 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Jerusalem Men’s Chorus performing on the Courtyard Stage

• 10 a.m. Noon Scavenger Hunt Check-In at Sunbelt Realty Office

• 3:30 p.m. Parade and Festival Awards on the Courthouse Porch

• 10:15 a.m. to 11 a.m. One Day Remains performing on Courtyard Stage

• 4 p.m. Raffle Drawings on the Courthouse Porch



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Leonard Banks

Drifter running back Shamar Shanks (center) struggled throughout the game as he attempted to break through the Foxes defense.

King George Foxes deliver 24-0 Colonial Beach shutout Leonard Banks Sports editor The Foxes and Drifters are football programs headed in two very different directions this season. After the 24-0 shutout of the Drifters at Foxes King George County Stadium, the Foxes are living on cloud nine, as they spend Drifters their bye week with a 4-1 record. However, life is a bit different for their “Black & Gold” gridiron brethren. After the loss, Colonial Beach is 1-4, but on a lighter note, they will face a winless Charles City team that is coming off a 56-0 defeat at the hands of the Franklin County Broncos. Earlier in the season, the Broncos defeated the Drifters 41-22. The schedule for both teams will be challenging for the remainder of the season. In the first quarter, the visiting Drifters seemed to be on their way to an upset, as they recovered a Fox fumble on the first play of the game. Moments later, Nick Graves completed a 30-yard pass to Mike Mothershead. However, with the ball on the six-yard line, the Foxes defense held solid, stopping the Drifters on their next set of downs. Although the Drifters forced

24 0

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the Foxes to punt out of their endzone, they could not capitalize on the following set of plays inside the Foxes 35-yard line. King George responded quickly on their ensuing possession. With 27 seconds left in the quarter, the Foxes’ offense finally awakened with a Jacoby White 71-yard touchdown. White later finished the game with 10 carries for 111 yards, and one touchdown. The second quarter began with a defensive stalemate. After three exchanges of three and out drives, the Foxes marched 84 yards down the field for the second score of the game. Set up by a White 38-yard run, Markiece Johnson bolted into the end-zone from 10 yards out to give the Foxes a 14-0 lead.


m Upco

Offensively, the Foxes dominated the half with 152 yards, while the Drifters totaled 50 yards. After a roughing the passer penalty revived an otherwise-stalled Drifter drive, Lamar Lucas came within five yards of cutting the Fox lead in half. As fate would have it, the Foxes’ defense held firm, and prevented the Drifters for the third time from advancing beyond the four-yard line. Midway into the fourth quarter, King George capitalized on a Drifter fumble, which set up an eight-yard Jaylan Brinson touchdown. With 32 second left in the game, Fox place kicker, Jacob Perkins, cleared the uprights with a 27-yard field goal. Perkins’ kick sealed the final score, 24-0.


Semi Annual Florida Estate Antique & Collectable Auction Friday, October 4th • 6 p.m.

Wednesday, Oct. 2, 2013

Leonard Banks Sports editor

On Thursday, at the King George High School crosscountry course, Miranda Green and Jacob Watson literally left the Yellow Jacket opposition in the wilderness. While it was no walk in the park, it was a timely win for the Foxes country teams. As a team, the Foxes girls’ defeated the Lady Yellow Jackets, 20-39, while the Foxes boys cruised past their male James Monroe counterparts, 17-45. Green showcased her endurance and speed abilities as she finished the meet with a 22:19 first place women’s finish. Following 21 seconds behind Green was teammate, Kristen Hornbaker with a second place time of 22:41. Foxes Ashley Perkins rounded out the top three runners with a time of 23:27. James Monroe runners Katherine Smith (23:38) and Lis McAuliff (23:51) captured fourth and fifth place finishes respectively. Sam Kissane finished seventh for the Yellow Jackets with a time of 25:27. As for the supporting cast of Lady Foxes, the following Foxes finished in the top 10: Nicole

Leonard Banks

Last Wednesday, at King George High School, the Foxes girls’ and boys’ cross-country teams easily defeated James Monroe. Miranda Green (below) blasted past her fellow teammates and opposition with a first place time of 22:19. Brem, sixth, 25:09; Brooke West, eighth, 25:31; Maddie Amos, ninth 25:43; Alex Nette, tenth, 25:45. Watson edged out teammate Christian Koon with a first place time of 19.26. Koon finished the meet second with a place time of 19:35. Jacob Williams placed third (19:52), nearly a minute faster than James Monroe runner Josh Rehm (20.47). Ben Peed (20:53) and his brother James (21:03) rounded out the top six. Jarod Watson finished seventh with a strong 21:05 finish, while teammate Brian Greeley placed ninth with a time of 21:25. On Saturday, the Foxes traveled south to Richmond, to compete in the Maymont Cross-Country Festival. At the end of the meet, the

Foxes varsity girls placed 13th with a time of 1:49.01. As for the varsity boys, the Foxes placed 25th with a time of 1:34.40. Jacob Watson was the top varsity runner, as he finished 65th (17:23.63) out of field of 194. As for the Foxes junior varsity team, the girls placed 13th with a time of 2:02.30. Green was the top female runner, as she placed 36 (20:45.13) out of a field of 118. Aubrey Wingeart led way for the girls with a ninth place finish, and a time of 21:44.71. The Foxes boys’ junior varsity placed 15th with a time of 1:43.42. Out of field of 381 runners, Jarrod Brem finished 77th with a time of 19:36.56.

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Wednesday, Oct. 2, 2013

The Journal


Foxes golf team wins Conference first 22 team championship Leonard Banks Sports editor On Wednesday, at the Foxes home golf course, King George celebrated the first Conference 22 golf championship and ninth championship title. As a team, King George (328) celebrated its first conference, and ninth team championship title. Liberty’s Parker Smith carded a 73, to win first place honors, while Devin Drake finished second overall with a 77 for King George. Drake’s teammates Colton Southall (82) and Michael Hundley (83) finished third and fourth. Foxes Andrew Berry rounded out the sixth top spot with a score of 86. Liberty’s Bailey Russell finished fifth in the competition. After a team second place finish (362), Fauquier will join the Foxes in the Region I championship. The championship will take Leonard Banks

KGMS running back, Cameron Schaub (top, #2) and teammate Cannon Zylonis ran through the Caroline Eagle defensive line for four grueling quarters.

KG Foxes rushing attack continues to be unstoppable Leonard Banks Sports editor On Thursday, at King George County Stadium, Foxes running backs Cameron KGMS Schaub and Cannon Zylonis ran through the Caroline Eagle defense with ease. CMS The sum total of the Foxes’ offensive efforts resulted in a 28-8 win. Shaub finished the game with 85 yards on 10 carries, including two touchdowns. Zylonis impacted the Foxes’ win with two touchdowns, along with 42 yards rushing.

28 8

With 4:40 left in the first quarter, Schaub finished a 57-yard scoring drive with 10-yard touchdown. Later in the second quarter, Schaub bolted down the field for an 88-yard touchdown, but it was taken away by a Fox penalty. Zylonis opened the third quarter with a 75-yard kickoff return. While the Eagles’ defense sputtered with miscues, fumbles, and the after-effects of a defiant Fox defense, Zylonis would haunt the Eagles again with a 5-yard touchdown, giving the Foxes a 22-0 lead. Midway through the fourth quarter, the Foxes scored their final touchdown on a Schaub 15-yard run. With less than a minute remaining in the game, Caroline managed to

avoid a shutout. Quarterback Kenny Lyons raced down the sidelines for a 47-yard touchdown. Although the Eagles threatened to score on their following possession, the drive was shut down by a Fox interception. Within the next two to three years every member of the middle school team will have had some effect on the junior varsity and varsity high football program. Currently, the Foxes are 3-1, and will go into action on Oct. 10, against visiting Louisa. On Thursday, Oct. 17, the Foxes will host Walker Grant. The Foxes’ final game of the season will be away, against Locust Grove, on Oct. 31.

Senior Fox, Michael Hundley place on Oct. 8, in Harrisonburg, at the Heritage Oaks Golf Course. Other players advancing to the Region I championship include: Coleby Roman 87 (Eastern View); Colin Simmons 89 (Liberty); Hunter Davis 89 (Courtland); Blane Mathews 93 (Courtland). The last time the Foxes won a championship was in 2009, during

Leonard Banks

the era of King George alumni and Longwood University standout, Hannah Pierce. Pierce is the only Fox golfer to win the individual championship three times in a row. Conference team scores include: 1st King George (328), 2nd Fauquier (362), 3rd Courtland (370), 4th Liberty (372), 5th Eastern View (389), 6th Chancellor (512).

Eagles prepare for homecoming Richard Leggitt The W&L varsity football team has been struggling so far this season, but the Eagles hope to get a boost Friday from a pumped up homecoming crowd of students and alumni expected for their game against Spotsylvania. The homecoming football game and the announcement of the Washington and Lee Homecoming King and Queen are one of the highlights of the Montross Fall Festival weekend which begins Thursday evening and runs through Saturday afternoon. Coach Antron Yates’ Eagles are 1 and 3 this season after losses in the

last two weeks to Rappahannock 27-20 and King William 25-20. The Eagles are young and talented and have been playing with scrappy but yielding defense and a still developing offense. The game against King William last week was typical of W&L’s struggles this season. The Eagles fell behind early and had to play catch-up behind junior quarterback Treshaun Brown. Brown was three for three for second half touchdowns, but was sacked six times. The game against Spotsylvania may offer an opportunity for the Eagles to rebound and get their season back on track. The Knights have been struggling as well this season, losing last week to Eastern View 48-0.

The Homecoming King and Queen will be announced Friday. They will be selected from a W&L Homecoming Court that includes Freshman Prince and Princess Mekhi Lee and Shyrah Jett; Sophomore Prince and Princess Jarret Sumiel and Lashara Tate; and Junior Prince and Princess Trey Watson and Lanisha Gross. Also the W&L Senior Homecoming Princes are Kaleel Pratt, Davon Hamilton, Baine Self and Milan Bullock while the Senior Homecoming Princesses are Mary Sisson. Ardaisa Bunns, Aja Jackson and Alex Weeks. The King and Queen, who are selected by a vote of the student body, will be honored during the homecoming activities at the game.

We have more photos than we can use in the newspaper. Check out more photos. Go to www.journalpress.com and click on “Photo Gallery.”

Runners gravitate to Howlin’ Coyote 10K at Caledon State Park Leonard Banks Sports editor For 41 runners the first Howlin’ Coyote 10K Trail Run at Caledon State Park was a thrill ride worth waiting for. Sponsored by King George Chiropractic & Physical Therapy, and Friends of Caledon State Park, the race pushed runners to their physical limits as they bravely ran through the forests and steep park terrain. Prior to the race, avid runner and owner of KGC&PT, Dr. Shawn Pallotti praised the efforts of park volunteers, and everyone who participated in the event. “Every time I come to these events, I am around my kind of people,” Pallotti said. “It’s a high energy event, and it’s great to challenge yourself around people like this.” The women’s overall winner was 33-year old Fredericksburg resident, Holly Akins. Akins finished the race with a time of 52:22. Trailing Akins by less than a minute was 36- year old King George resident, Alice Pallotti,

Leonard Banks

Dr. Shawn Pallotti (top) finished the Howlin’ Coyote 10K first in the 40-49 age group.

“It’s a high energy event, and it’s great to challenge yourself around people like this.” —Dr. Shawn Pallotti

who came in second with a time of 53:09. Fredericksburg resident Amy Branscome rounded out the top three women with a time of 54:05. Other female race category winners included: Gabby Luviano, Triangle, 1:96.04, 19 & under; Shannon Hauser, Fredericksburg, 1:01.12, 2029; Melissa Bragan, Fredericksburg, 57:56, 30-39; Donna German, King George, 54:52, 40-49; Lynne Clemo, Fredericksburg, 58.02, 50-59. Long time triathlete, and King George resident Justin Riddle was the men’s overall winner with a time of 44:41. The 38-year old runner finished nearly three minutes ahead of 15-year old King George resident and second place finisher, Kyle

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Knepshield (47:25). Twenty-six year old Fredericksburg resident, Avery LaBelle rounded out the top three males with a time of 48:08. Other male race category winners included: Paul Robinson, King George, 1:02.03, 20-29; Thomas Kapp, Stafford, 51;44, 30-39; Shawn Pallotti, King George, 53:17, 4049; Randall Lasater, Fredericksburg, 53:35, 50-59; Allen Vaughan,

Stafford, 49.44, 60 & over. During the latter part of the Howlin’ Coyote, the event featured a children’s one mile race called the Wily Pup Dash. The girls overall winner was 11-year old Lily Pallotti, who finished with a time of 6:10. As for the Wily Pup overall boy’s winner, eight-year old Kaiden Knepshield finished with a time of 5:10. Other race category winners included: Girls: Lauren Kapp, Stafford, 6:52, 6 and under; Mackenzie Kapp, Stafford, 6:34, 9-10; Chole’ Lucas, King George, 6:47, 11-13. Boys: Brian Hollis, King George, 6:17, 6 & under; Matthew Pallotti, King George, 5:49, 7-8; Garret Johnson, King George, 6:54, 9-10; Parker Lee, Colonial Beach, 6:14, 11-13.

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The Journal

Wednesday, Oct. 2, 2013


KG Her-icanes crowned Softball Nation Champions Jeff Truslow

2013 KG Her-icanes Softball Nation Champions

Heri-canes photos

The KG Her-icanes put on a hitting exhibition on Sept. 28 and 29 at the Fall Fastpitch Festival tournament in Richmond. KG batters tallied 58 hits in the five games. The Her-icanes won all three games on Saturday during pool play, earning the #1 seed for the playoffs on Sunday. KG brought an aggressive attitude to the field on Sunday, as they beat the Southside Shockers 15-1 Sunday morning to advance to the championship game. The Her-icane girls carried over the momentum from the morning to the championship game on Sunday afternoon, as they collected 14 hits in the first inning, scoring 12 runs against the RBI Inferno. KG breezed to the championship victory, as the game was called by way of the mercy rule, with KG securing a 14-2 win. Destiny Johnson (9 hits), Juliet

Truslow (9 hits), Emily Davis (7 hits), Anna Schramm (7 hits), and Megan Montague (6 hits) powered the Her-icanes’ offense. D. Johnson and Kate Schwinn each blasted home runs. KG slugged nine triples during the tournament, with Davis (3), Montague (3), Truslow (2), and Johnson consistently driving balls deep into the outfield alleys. Juliet Truslow and Erin Baker provided outstanding pitching during the tournament. Truslow kept opponents’ batters off balance all weekend, as she logged 17 innings, striking out 23 batters, while allowing only four walks. Baker struck out six batters during her five innings of work on the mound. The Her-icanes displayed outstanding defense throughout the weekend, as catcher Kaylee Wright threw out all three base runners that tried to steal, third baseman Caitlyn Crossman made numerous defensive plays, and Casey Ulrich made

an outstanding catch on a hard hit grounder down the line at first base. The Her-icanes, who are sponsored by Roma Pizza at Dahlgren, will travel to Charlottesville on Oct 5-6.

Foxes volleyball defeats Chancellor first time ever Leonard Banks Sports editor The Foxes volleyball team is quickly becoming the hottest ticket in town! On Thursday, at the Foxes gymnasium, the indomitable spirit of King George High School rose to the occasion and defied the odds. Collectively, the Foxes volleyball team defeated Chancellor for the first time in school history. Lauren Howard led the way with 13 digs, leading the Foxes to 25-21, 25-22, 11-25, 25-19 victory. Sha’Tiva Harvey and Micala Peterson demonstrated why they are two of the best middle hitters in area volleyball. Harvey finished with eight kills, and two blocks, while Peterson equally ruled the net with eight kills, and five blocks.

Peterson leads the team in both kills, and blocks. Harvey is not far behind, as the tandem team continues to improve with each outing. While Ali Trainum blasted five kills, Andrea Wine added 16 assists, and two blocks. Madi Koban contributed 20 assists, two kills, and two blocks. Trainum continues to be the fuse that lights the spark with the intensity of the Foxes offense. She executes with solid hitting on the outside, and stops the opposing team dead in their tracks with her thundering serves. As for the Chargers (1-8), Riley Pates had 23 assists, while teammate Shawna Morris added 19 kills. Prior to the Charger match, the Foxes had the rare opportunity to listen to Fox alumni, Division I player and captain at George Mason University,

Niki Bernardes. The legendary athlete spoke to the team about the importance of leadership, developing skills, and playing at high school and college level expectations. Foxes varsity head coach Jill Wine immediately notified her team of their accomplishment during an after-game huddle. The victory was also the Foxes’ third straight win, elevating their record to 5-9 overall, and 2-3 in Conference 22. “The team is more cohesive than I have seen in the three seasons I have been involved in the program,” Wine said. “Their hard work ethic and drive to win is shown at practice, which carries over on the court during the game.” Results of the Tuesday away game featuring Spotsylvania were not available at press time.

Leonard Banks

KGYAA football wraps up fourth weekend Staff Reports

Jim Salyers, Jr.

Trey McLaughlin (#1) of the Jr. Bandits rushes against the Blue Devils. The Bandits won in an exciting double-overtime contest.

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This past weekend at Sealston Elementary School, the King George Youth Athletic Association (KGYAA) wrapped-up its fourth weekend of the fall 2013 tackle football season. The first game of the day featured another overtime battle between the Jr. Blue Devils (1-3) and Bandits (13). Unlike the opening day contest, it took two overtimes this past Saturday before a winner would be declared. And that winner was the Bandits, who outlasted the Blue Devils, 32-26, for their first victory of the season. Leaders for the Bandits were Josiah Buckner, Tony Frank, and Gavin McCraw, while setting the pace for the Blue Devils were Lucas Campillo, Jay Irby, and Caleb O’Neill. In the second game, the Jr. Mustangs (3-1) bested the previously undefeated Warriors (3-1) , 30-20. The Mustangs credit their hard-fought win with a total team effort, while leading the way for the Warriors were Lorenzo Coleman, Drake Dalton, and Kyle Reviello. The day’s first Rookie division contest pitted the River Hawks (4-0) against the Rattlers (1-3), with the River Hawks proving victorious, 24-10.

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Providing notable performances for the River Hawks were Landon Caldwell, Zach DeBenedetto, and Xavier Harrison, while Mason Nicoletti, Jay Parks, and Nathan Wahl were top performers for the Rattlers. In the final game of the day at Sealston, the Rookie Pirates (2-2) defeated the Pride (1-3), 28-12. Leaders for the Pirates were Nathan Caldwell, Quentin Fortune, and Dylan Truxon. Leading the way for the Pride were Jacob Elder, Mason Hayden, and Austin Webster. The JV Mavericks, playing Saturday morning at Rappahannock High School in Richmond County, were defeated by Westmoreland in a defensive struggle, 8-6. Submitting noteworthy performances in the loss were Allante Green, Garrett Moore, and Derrick Wood. This Saturday the Rookie and Junior divisions will play once again at Sealston Elementary School, while the JV Mavericks will visit Tappahannock to takeon Essex Co. in Rappahannock River Youth Football League (RRYFL) play. For more information on the KGYAA, visit www.kgyaa.org.

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Eagle photos

Eagle JV quarterback Cullen Bell (right, #3) searches the field for a receiver.

Area sports briefs Staff Reports

Washington & Lee JV over King William On Wednesday, junior varsity quarterback Cullen Bell led Washington & Lee to a 44-7 win over King William. Bell finished the game with 184 all purpose yards, and 1 TD. Collectively, the Eagles dominated King William on both sides of the ball. Other Eagles who contributed offensively included: Kewan Goode, 184 all-purpose yards, including one touchdown; Ramani Goode, 970 allpurpose yards; Dequinse Bunns, 80 all-purpose yards; 65 all-purpose yards receiving, including one touchdown; Carson Bell, 36-yards receiving, including one touchdown, and one two-point conversion. Stevie

Preston also scored a touchdown for the Eagles. Foxes field hockey shutout Liberty, 6-0 On Monday, the Foxes varsity field hockey team improved to 5-2 (conference), 7-3 (overall), as they shutout Liberty 6-0. Elizabeth Hill and Shelby King led the way for the home-standing King George, scoring two goals apiece. Maure Buckley and Josie Altman added goals for the Foxes, while Kayla Hester and Meghan Yanchulis provided assists. Currently the Foxes are tied with Eastern View for second place in Conference 22. The Foxes will return to action, as they travel to Fauquier on Wednesday.

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Wednesday, Oct. 2, 2013

The Journal


Do you worry about fire hydrants?

Op-Ed Ruby Brabo Did you know that even though there is a fire hydrant in your area, King George Fire & Rescue may still not be able to use it to fight a fire due to inadequate water flow? In an effort to continue the conversation started last week, I want to address how the King George Public Service Authority (PSA) impacts the fire suppression capability within our community, and how that ultimately impacts the ISO rating provided to the County. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) “develops, publishes, and disseminates more than 300 consensus codes and standards intended to minimize the

possibility and effects of fire and other risks.� In other words, these are the guidelines and standards used by our fire/rescue personnel in providing service to our community. The NFPA also includes guidelines and standards for fire hydrants such as the recommended distance between hydrants, maintenance and acceptable flow rates based on the type of building to be serviced. Every structure has a specific needed fire flow. For example, a single-wide mobile home has less fire flow requirements than a multifloor home, which would require less than a commercial building. Currently, the PSA regulations only require “the applicant install a fire service connection to supply a fire protection system� [fire hydrants] in conformance to the “standards� of the PSA. This would explain why homes within the Cleydael subdivision and

those located at Fairview Beach have found themselves to be within the required 1,000 feet of a hydrant but cannot actually be serviced by one. The hydrants do not meet the water capacity requirements for the necessary flow rate to fight a fire even though they meet the standards of the PSA to provide homes with water for drinking, bathing, toilets and water heaters (domestic water use). The more domestic water use is increased, the greater the reduction in the water reserve (storage tanks) available for fire suppression. Cleydael and Fairview Beach currently have hydrants that cannot be used for fire suppression due to the lack of water reserve available. Hence, this was the reason for the recent vote of 4 to 1 to borrow $2.5 million to rectify the flow rate problems in Fairview Beach. Possibly the County could resolve

the water capacity issues at Cleydael if the PSA were allowed to use the water tank which has sat unused since it was constructed. EvenMohawkDrive,offofIndiantown Road, provides homeowners with a false sense of security as the installed piping is too small for fire suppression capability. Using the hydrants at those locations to fight a fire would actually cause damage to components inside of the homes such as the toilets and water heaters when pulling that amount of pressure. Eden and Presidential Lakes subdivisions currently contain no hydrants. The installed piping used is also not big enough to handle the required water flow capacity to maintain a fire suppression system, meaning no hydrants could ever be added without a major investment such as is now being done at Fairview Beach. Currently, in King George County, if a home/business is located within

five miles of a fire station and is within 1,000 feet of an adequate fire hydrant, then the ISO rating for insurance purposes is a 6 (out of 10, with 10 being the worst). For those homes/businesses located within 5 miles of a fire station and are within 1,000 feet of an inadequate hydrant, the rating is a 9. This impacts how much you will pay for your property insurance if your insurance company chooses to insure you. As stated in the PSA regulations, “After installation of each hydrant, the PSA shall assume ownership, maintenance and operation thereof and shall pay for any replacement or relocation which may become necessary.� Currently, the 3900 PSA customers are footing the entire cost of operation and maintenance, which includes projects like the one at Fairview Beach to rectify the mistakes of yesteryear’s development process, all in an effort to improve the

overall ISO rating for the County. As the community continues to develop, we can no longer accept that the PSA simply meet the criteria for a water/sewer system. The PSA must become more proactive in planning for and meeting the NFPA fire flow requirements. There needs to be an ongoing dialogue between the PSA and Fire/Rescue regarding what both sides need. There are lessons learned only through actual fire/rescue experience such as determining appropriate locations for hydrants at intersections. While we have made great progress in this area over the past 10 years, better planning and improvements are now needed to get to where we should be today. In closing, I would once again point out that a well-maintained PSA is of benefit to the entire community and not just to the customer. Ruby Brabo is the Dahlgren District Supervisor.

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The Journal

Wednesday, Oct. 2, 2013


Part 2: Where did all the crabs go? What about the predators? a couple of years ago. Either way, these puppy drum should be reaching keepable sizes next year, which should greatly please recreational anglers.” Some of the puppy drum have already reached keepable size, and anglers are happy to get these tasty fish. Virginia has seen some of the best red drum fishing for decades the past few years. However, with that comes a tradeoff. Certainly red drum do like to eat crabs. Many watermen are calling for officials to open up the creel limits on them and cut their numbers. Remember what I said about this being complicated and with several variables to consider? Keep in mind that loss of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) before we start squawking for more red drum and/ or stripers to be taken. There is no doubt that both have eaten a load of crabs. However, this is OLD news. Watermen have been cutting open fish and finding loads of baby crabs in them for a long time. This is not the first year it has happened, and nor will it be the last.

Mark Fike Editor’s Note: This is Part 2 of a two-part series about where all the crabs have gone, something people ask every time they go looking to supply crabs for their crab feast. The facts about the predators are as follows: Striped bass and red drum love to eat whatever they can find swimming along, including baby crabs. However, numerous studies have shown that striped bass have a preferred food that is not crabs. Any guesses to what it is? Menhaden. During the 2011 year, the young of year striped bass numbers were the fourth biggest on record. They eat a lot. Keep that in mind. Then during the 2012 year, we had an unreal surge in puppy drum numbers. These fish are long-lived fish, but have been struggling for years. In fact, Virginia has had catch restrictions on them since the 1950s. John Bull put it well when he pointed out that, “The question is whether this is the start of a new trend, or if it is a one-time abnormally large reproductive year class that spawned

Let’s back up a minute and look at the big picture. First, I want you to take a mental trip to southern Louisiana. They have arguably the best red drum fishing in the nation. They also have HIGH numbers of shrimp and crabs. All can coexist in high numbers. The habitat and balance is right. The ecosystem is rich. Perhaps we need to find out what our ecosystem is lacking. Gary put it best when he stated that we possibly experienced a perfect storm of sorts with the loss of habitat and the onslaught of predation due to an unpredictable surge in the red drum and striped bass numbers at the same time. I wonder if we loosened up the limits on red drum and striped bass, if it would really solve the problem. I suspect it would bring back the crab numbers temporarily, but would we still struggle to keep the crab population up with so little SAV to allow them to hide in and grow? Or would they crash again with the next big recruitment of predators? Do we want low striper and red drum numbers to have a slightly

Outdoor Report

John Bull VMRC

Rappahannock River We continue to hear that bass fishing on the river is very good. Cranks and plastics continue to work equally well. Crappie started to school up and are hitting minnows. Catfish are hitting during the day now quite well. Potomac River Winter Harbor reported that squid is the key bait for perch and catfish. We have reports of snakeheads being caught, too. Inland waters Motts Run –The fishing has been quite good for perch and yellow perch. Some nice bluegill were also caught. All were taken from piers at the reservoir. Hunting Run Reservoir has been HOT lately. The bass are on fire with 6-8 pound fish being caught. Some nice crappie are also reported by Ken’s. Local ponds are giving up big bass, too. Minnows and Junebug worms are doing the job.

Johnathan Sanders shows us what a typical bass looks like, as of late from the local waters of the Rappahannock River. Nice fish!

Saltwater Cobia are numerous, and in schools and offshore structure readying for their departure. Spanish are being caught on the oceanfront and some nice spot and puppy drum are caught in the Virginia Beach area, too. Red drum are still prowling the lower bay, and flounder fishing has been excellent in the usual haunts in the lower bay. Some drum have been caught in the surf, as well.

no local celebrations at the tailgate or at the stores…However, despite not having any data from local check stations, we do know of several youth that did tag deer this past Youth Day. We will run their pictures next week. Squirrels and deer are finding acorns a tough nut to find this season. The squirrels are now busy eating pine cones!

Hunting With the new phone-in and Internet check system, few, if any people check their deer at check stations anymore. This is a shame, as

Seasons Dove — Sept. 2 — Oct 14 — 15 birds per day. Half hour before sunrise till sunset. Oct. 5 - Archery deer, turkey, and

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around. As pointed out on the graphs at http://stat.chesapeakebay. net/?q=node/128, there are management triggers in place to save them, if we cross a threshold that requires action. As a matter of fact, regional agencies have agreed to cut female harvest 10%, which is occurring without having reached the


bear season begin. Duck seasons — Oct. 10 - Oct. 14 (Black duck closed) Oct. 26, Feb. 1 (Youth Days) Nov. 16 - Nov. 30 Dec. 7 - Jan. 25 Daily Bag Limit: 6 ducks, any species except for the following restrictions: can include no more than 4 mallards (only 2 can be hen mallards), 4 scoters, 3 wood ducks, 2 redheads, 2 scaup, 2 pintails, 1 black duck (except closed during Oct. 1014), 2 canvasback, 1 mottled duck, and 1 fulvous whistling duck. Turkey — Oct. 19 - Youth and Apprentice Turkey Day

Newport News — This year Virginia Marine Police will combat oyster theft by air, land and sea in an intensive effort to crush what has become an epidemic of poaching. The public oyster season is now open. “We mean business. We will vigorously pursue anyone who violates the oyster regulations, and we will prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law,” said Virginia Marine Police Chief Rick Lauderman. “Stealing oysters from the public oyster grounds, private leased grounds or from oyster sanctuaries, in particular, will not be tolerated. Oyster poaching in Virginia will stop.” A number of Marine Police Officers have been dedicated to search for oyster violations as their top priorities. An airplane will prowl the skies, patrolling for suspicious activity on both public and privately leased oyster grounds. Other techniques and equipment will be used, as well. And the Virginia Marine Resources Commission comes armed to this fight with a renewed commitment to revoking violators’ commercial fishing licenses and with a new tool: Revocation of all saltwater fishing privileges, as allowed by a new state law that went into effect on July 1. The Marine Police is the Commission’s law enforcement division. In fact, the Commission recently adopted new sanction guidelines that call for the revocation of commercial fishing licenses for even a single egregious offense. This is a tougher standard from prior guidelines, which called for a license suspension hearing on a third court

conviction of fishery regulations within a calendar year. Just last week, on Sept. 24, the Commission voted unanimously to revoke the fishing licenses of five commercial oyster harvesters who had pleaded guilty in criminal court to repeatedly harvesting more than their daily allowable bushel limits of oysters. Two of those five watermen saw their licenses revoked for a year, followed by a year of probation, and three were revoked for two years, which is the maximum allowed under current state law. “Those who violate our oyster laws will face arrest, as well as the revocation of both their licenses and their right to fish in tidal waters,” said VMRC Commissioner Jack Travelstead. “They could be banned from any type of commercial fishing activity, even packing fish someone else caught. They’ll need another line of work for awhile. We anticipate a good oyster season this year, and law-abiding watermen should not have to suffer because of thieves.” “Oysters are ecologically and economically important, and the Commission is committed to preserving a resurgent oyster stock and to protecting a substantial investment in oyster replenishment,” Travelstead said. A single adult oyster can purge up to 50 gallons of water a day, and help clean the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries. Oyster reefs provide important forage and refuge habitat for invertebrates, as well as juvenile crabs and finfish species. Over the past decade, the oyster harvest in Virginia has increased ten-fold, from 23,000 bushels in 2001, to an estimated 250,000 bushels in 2012. In that time, the dockside value of the oyster harvest increased from $575,000 to more than $8.26 million. The harvest

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is projected to jump to 320,000 bushels this year, which would make it the largest oyster harvest in Virginia since 1987. “Oyster stocks are on the rise. We have invested a lot of time, effort and money into making that happen,” said Travelstead. “More oysters in the water may tempt some unscrupulous watermen. If so, this is a warning. We will not allow these stocks to be plundered.” The Marine Resources Commission spent $2 million on oyster replenishment this summer, thanks to a historic level of funding from Gov. Bob McDonnell and the General Assembly. Roughly 1 million bushels of oyster shells were planted on public oyster beds, which was an estimated 1 billion individual empty oyster shells, enough to fill approximately 4,000 dump trucks. Every $1 spent by the state to plant oyster shells yields $7 in economic benefits in the form of larger harvests and increased jobs for oyster shuckers and oyster packing houses, when the oyster larvae that attach to the shells grow to market size in three years. The five watermen whose licenses were revoked on Sept. 24 are: Earl J. Gautreaux, Hayes, DOB 1-18-1985 - revoked for two years, the maximum allowed by state law, after pleading guilty in Middlesex Court to five counts of harvesting above the daily bushel limits. Richard Lee Shackelford, Achilles, DOB 10-14-1954 revoked for two years, the maximum allowed by state law, after pleading guilty in Middlesex Court to five counts of harvesting above the daily bushel limits. Scott D. Owens, Hayes, DOB 2-17-1971 - revoked for two years, the maximum allowed by state law, after pleading guilty in Middlesex Court to five counts of harvesting above the daily bushel limits. Daniel T. West, Bena, DOB 9-27-1973 - revoked for one year, followed one year of probation, after pleading guilty in Middlesex Court to three counts of harvesting above the daily bushel limits.


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threshold where action would be REQUIRED. We simply need the right environmental conditions to see the crabs come back coupled with good management plans. One good thing is that we have not yet had any major storms this fall cut across the Bay. If we make it through without one, that will certainly help the crabs and the SAV.

Increased enforcement and toughened penalties aim to protect booming oyster stocks from unscrupulous thieves

Overview—Fishing participation is waning. The saltwater fish in our area have pretty much departed, too.

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Marine Police target oyster poachers

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better crab fishery that we struggle to keep, or maybe we could look at the whole picture and try to have both? Maybe if we found ways to restore the habitat for crabs, many species would benefit? Maybe we need to back up even further and ask ourselves about other species, and what we can do to manage and balance or restore the whole ecosystem. Is there a concern about the crab population? Yes. Can we do something about it? Yes. Will they bounce back? The evidence shows that they are very resilient, and if the environmental conditions present themselves, they can bounce back in a big way. Keep in mind that the Maryland Department of Natural Resources, the Virginia Marine Resources Commission and the Pax River Fisheries Commission have all worked together to create the right management decisions concerning our female crab harvest to allow for a good year class and reproductive success. Even with the low crab harvest, there are enough female crabs out there to turn this

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Christopher Robins, Hayes, DOB 9-20-1982 - revoked for one year, followed one year of probation, after pleading guilty in Middlesex Court to three counts of harvesting above the daily bushel limits. The guilty pleas were part of a court plea bargain in which a combined 80 other charges were dropped.


Wednesday, Oct. 2, 2013

The Journal


Civil War RCC-RILL course focuses on local perspective Three historic sites in Gloucester County—Gloucester Point, Warner Hall, and Glen Roy—will once again host “Civil War Home Front in Gloucester County: Landscapes of Struggle and Deprivation.� The Rappahannock Community College Educational Foundation’s Rappahannock Institute for Lifelong Learning (RILL) brings back local archaeologists David Brown and Thane Harpole to teach this popular course on Oct. 22 and 29, and Nov. 5 (Tuesdays), 1-3 p.m. The course examines how homes and their residents fared during the Civil War, focusing on the ways people dealt with the issues of occupying armies, loss of crops and supplies, emancipation of slaves, and the general social and economic upheaval that characterizes a domestic war. Students will examine archaeological and his-

torical evidence that includes a rich assortment of personal documents. Both Brown and Harpole received their undergraduate degrees from the College of William and Mary, and have conducted archaeological research and instruction in Gloucester County since 1994. They are codirectors of the Fairfield Foundation and founding members of the Werowocomoco Research Group. Advance registration, with a tuition payment of $35, is required to take this course. For more information on “Civil War Home Front in Gloucester County: Landscapes of Struggle and Deprivation� and other RILL courses, or to register, please call Sharon Drotleff at RCC’s Educational Foundation office (804-3336707, or toll-free at 877-722-3679), or e-mail her at sdrotleff@rappahannock.edu.

Left to right: Thane Harpole and David Brown will teach a Rappahannock Institute for Lifelong Learning course, “Civil War Home Front in Gloucester County: Landscapes of Struggle and Deprivation,� on Oct. 22 and 29, and Nov. 5.

Distracted driving kills: RCC events show how

Four multimedia presentations at Rappahannock Community College on Oct. 14 and 15 will give the college’s students and staff, plus interested members of the public, an opportunity to learn just how dangerous it is to let your attention wander while driving. Distracted driving has eclipsed drunk driving as the Number One safety concern of the driving public; the “Save a Life� Tour from Kramer Entertainment, Inc., was developed to provide interactive, hands-on simulations that demonstrate the deadly consequences of this practice to students at high schools, colleges, and universities across the nation. The presentations will take place in the student lounges on both RCC campuses. Audiences for the 12:30 p.m. events at Warsaw on Oct. 14, and at Glenns on the 15th, are expected to consist mainly of RCC students, while repeat performances at 4:30 p.m. on both days will, it is hoped, draw area high school students with their friends and families. Each of the programs will be run by a representative of Kramer Entertainment, who, after a graphic video showing the devastating effects of distracted driving, will relate personal experiences, quote statistics, and answer audience questions. Attendees will then find out how various distractions affect their reactions by way of the “Save a Life� Simulator, which uses virtual experiences to bring home the very real and often fatal consequences of poor choices. The presenter will discuss participants’ individual results to make sure that in each case they thoroughly understand how and why their driving efficiency was impaired. The four programs are free and open to the public. For more information, please call RCC’s student activities coordinator, Dean Taylor, at 804333-6734.

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LOST: Sheltie Dog - colors of a miniature collie. Last seen on Crookhorn Rd., in Montross, Va. on Sept. 29th. Contact Robert Lite (703) 8513690. 10/2p

RENTAL-OFFICE OFFICE SPACE, Montross, excellent location. Attractive interior and exterior. 900 square feet. Rent-$600 per month. Call (804) 493-8324. 10/2b

YARD/MOVING/ GARAGE SALE Yard/Moving Sale; Saturday, 5 October. 8-Noon, 8360 Windsor Dr. KG. KITCHEN CABINETS Everything must go! Most & COUNTER TOPS items $1 - Nothing over Quality brand name $20. Kitchen, Home, chilcabinets vanities drens books. & 10/2p


at up to 45 % off List Price.



2 BURIAL PLOTS VAULTS 2721 RICHMOND RD& • WARSAW VA for sale, side by side, in Sunset Gardens in Fredericksburg. $3500. If interested, call (772) 224-6801. 10/2p Dining table 40�x63� (84� w/leaf) x 30�H - Haverty’s


Lock It Up Self Storage facility operators sale for non-payment of storage charges pursuant to the power of sale contained in Virginia Self Storage Act (1981. C., 627) general charges and for satisfaction of the facility operators lien. The following properties will be sold at auction on: October 8, 2013 at 3:30 PM at Lock It Up Self Storage, 8534 Kings Hwy., King George, VA 22485. Ray Raines Auctions. LOCK IT UP SELF STORAGE reserves the right to cancel a sale at any time for any reason. #203 Tarnesia Travis #732 Valencia Johnson #221 Cynthia Springle #748 Steven Halla #306 Valerie Rhodes #772 LaRonia Thompson #329 Frances Winkler #812 Thomas Massey #334 Timothy Lackey #815 Toni Kaplan #335 Terrance O’Toole #825 Roger Woolfrey #343 Tony Scribner #831 Barbara White #348 Rodney Jones #832 Barbara White #503 Ronald Chapman #854 DeNotre Chase #602 Cynthia Young #864 Joan Windley #604 Carolyn Gaines #865 Joan Windley #713 Cynthia Young #866 Joan Windley #723 Steven Halla #883 Omari Wolcott

LOCK-IT-UP Storage & U-haul 8534 Kings Highway • King George, VA 22485 (540) 775-0097 • (540) 775-0098


Animals Available For Adoption. The Animal Welfare League has dogs and cats available for adoption. For more information please call 804-435-0822, 804-435-6320. Hours Monday, Wed., & Friday. 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Lots of animals are at the shelter - call 804-462-7175. REPLACEMENT WINDOWS LIFETIME WARRANTY GUARANTEED LOWEST PRICES. Tax Incentive Windows. CALL!




AND SURPLUS KITCHEN CABINETS & COUNTER TOPS Quality brand name cabinets & vanities at up to 45 % off List Price.

Guaranteed lowest prices.




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OFFICIAL VOTING INFORMATION KING GEORGE COUNTY The constitution of Virginia requires that you be registered in the precinct in which you live in order to be qualified to vote. In order to be eligible to vote in the GENERAL ELECTION to be held on Tuesday, NOVEMBER 5, 2013 you must register no later than 5:00 PM on TUESDAY OCTOBER 15, 2013. The Voter Registration Office at 10459 Courthouse Dr., Suite 102 is open daily Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. You can also register on line at www.sbe.virginia.gov For the convenience of registered voters who need to vote by ABSENTEE BALLOT, the voter Registration office will be open every day from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM and Saturday October 26th and Saturday November 2nd from 9:00 AM To 5:00 PM. October 29, 2013 is the last day of this election on which qualified applicants may vote an Absentee Ballot by mail. November 2, 2013 is the last day of this election on which qualified applicants may vote an Absentee REPLACEMENT Ballot in person. WINDOWS You are encouraged to make application LIFETIME for voter registration. Please call us at the number WARRANTY below should you have any questions. RememGUARANTEED ber a GOOD CITIZEN REGISTERS AND VOTE. LOWEST PRICES.

Lorrie A. Gump General Registrar 10459 Courthouse Dr. Suite 102 King George, VA 22485 AND SURPLUS Tel. 540-775-9186 804-333-1234 Tax Incentive Windows. CALL!


TRUSTEE’S SALE OF Lots 5-A and 6, a division of Mark Perry, et al, per Plat Book 14, at pg. 229 In execution of a certain Deed of Trust record in the Clerk’s Office of the Circuit Court for King George, Virginia in Deed Book 246 at page 300, default having been made, the undersigned Trustee, will offer for sale at public auction, at the Circuit Courthouse for King George, Main Entrance, 9483 Kings Highway, King George VA 22485, on October 4, 2013 at 11:00 AM, the property described as therein as Lot 5-A (33 135H) and Lot 6 (34 11K), a division of the property of Mark Perry, et al., per plat recorded in Plat Book 14 at page 229. Subject to encumbrances, liens, conditions, restrictions, rights-of-way, easements, and reservations in the chain of title, mechanics’ and materialmens’ liens, filed or unfiled, and any other defect in title to this property. TERMS: All cash. Settlement within 10 days of sale. A bidder’s deposit of $10,000.00, in certified funds made payable to the Trustee, shall be required. All public charges, title examination, conveyancing, transfer tax, recordation tax, real property taxes, association dues, etc., and all other costs incident to settlement are to be assumed or paid by the purchaser. If the Purchaser defaults, the Trustee reserves the right to forfeit the deposit, readvertise, and sell the property at the risk and cost of the defaulting Purchaser. In the event the Trustee, for any reason whatsoever, is unable to convey the property herein, the sole remedy to the bidder shall be the return of the deposit plus 1.00% per annum. The property may be sold collectively or individually and shall be sold “AS IS� without warranty of any kind. Time is of the essence. Richard F. Boddie, Substitute Trustee (703) 451-9004

The Journal - for all things local Just $24.00 per year

Rappahannock Community College, a two-campus institution serving a rural 12-county area in the Chesapeake Bay region of Virginia, seeks applicants for evening adjuncts at our King George site to teach transfer level classes for the Spring 2014 semester in the following disciplines: ‡ &KHPLVWU\ ‡ 0DWK ‡ %LRORJ\ ‡ +LVWRU\ ‡ (QJOLVK ‡ 6RFLRORJ\ ‡ 3V\FKRORJ\ ‡ 0DWKHPDWLFV ‡ ,QIRUPDWLRQ 7HFKQRORJ\ ‡ &RPSXWHU 6FLHQFH ‡ &$' &RPSXWHU $LGHG 'UDIWLQJ ‡ (QJLQHHULQJ

The College desires candidates with a commitment to the community college mission and experience working in a diverse student population, including adult learners and at-risk students. The successful candidate will be committed to academic excellence, continuous improvement through professional development, assessment, program and course development, and creating a collegial environment of civility, collaboration and open communication. The college strives for a faculty of content experts who are also knowledgeable about best practices, innovative strategies, and instructional technologies that support teaching and learning. Qualifications Required: Master’s degree from a regionally accredited institution of higher learning with 18 graduate semester hours in discipline. Candidates should possess sufficient technology skills to work productively in an organization that utilizes significant information and instructional technology resources. Qualifications Preferred: College teaching experience in discipline. Salary is commensurate with education and experience. A completed Commonwealth of Virginia employment application, CV, cover letter describing qualifications, and a complete set of unofficial transcripts are required. Applications will be received and considered on a continuous basis. Resumes will not substitute for a completed state application. To apply, please visit http://jobs.virginia.gov. Only online applications from this site will be accepted. Questions about this position may be directed to jobs@rappahannock.edu. Applications from minorities and women are strongly encouraged. Rappahannock Community College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, age, national origin, sex, or disability in recruiting and employment. Inquiries related to the college’s nondiscrimination policies should be directed to the Human Resources Manager, 12745 College Drive, Glenns, Virginia 23149. TRUSTEE SALE 144 Rappahannock Rd. Colonial Beach, VA. 22443 In execution of a Deed of Trust from Jason Ware dated April 26, 2004 and recorded in the Clerk’s Office, Circuit Court, County of Westmoreland, Virginia, in Deed Book 639, at page 393, securing a loan which was originally $51,000.00. Default having occurred in the payment of the Note thereby secured, and at the request of the holder of said Note, the undersigned Substitute Trustees will offer for sale at public auction at the County of Westmoreland Circuit Courthouse, 15803 Kings Hwy., the main entrance, Montross, Virginia, on October 8, 2013 at 9:00 AM, the property described in said Deed of Trust, located at the above address and briefly described as: That Certain Parcel of Land Lying in Washington Magisterial District, Containing an Area of 0.573 Acres, More or Less, and More Particularly Described in Plat of Survey Recorded in Deed Book 248 at Page 550, in Which Said Land is Known as Lot #7. Tax ID/PIN: 17 16T The property will be conveyed by Special Warranty Deed, subject to all existing easements, restrictions and any other conditions that may affect title to the property. The Noteholder reserves the right to bid at the said sale. TERMS: CASH: A bidder’s deposit of $5,000.00, cash or certified check, will be required at the time of sale with the settlement and full payment of the purchase price within (15) fifteen days from the date of the sale. Additional terms will be announced at the time of sale and the successful bidder will be required to execute and deliver to the Substitute Trustee a memorandum or contract of the sale at the conclusion of bidding. This notice is an attempt to collect on a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. Loan Type: CONV VT1227247 FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: Nectar Projects, Inc. - Substitute Trustees P.O. Box 2848, Purcellville VA 20134 (540) 751-1260 A-4416955 09/25/2013, 10/02/2013


The Journal

Kathryn Murray of Warsaw will be at JarrettThor Fine Arts Gallery with her seascapes.

Wednesday, Oct. 2, 2013


Kathleen Walsh of Fredericksburg will also be at JarrettThor’s with her oil impressions.

October’S 2nd Friday Art Walk

Colonial Beach Artists’ Guild presents:, King George homeschoolers read the U.S. Constitution.

Homeschoolers celebrate the Constitution Special guests abounded recently for all necessary subjects, acting as a has committed to teach high school Physics at the Homeschool Learnat Shiloh Baptist Church, as King complete curriculum. George’s Classical Conversations’ homeschool group celebrated Constitution Day. With heavy hearts, classes of Christian homeschoolers aging from 4 years to 15, prayed in classrooms for families and victims of the shootings at the U.S. Navy Yard, but also talked of the importance of celebrating this great country, our Constitution for which our greatness was founded upon, and those that continue to uphold those freedoms and protections every day. Directors Cathy Lyon and Katie DeWald organized this Excellence in Education event to demonstrate to the community the beauty of educational choice and to thank local servants for their hard work. “Classical Conversations Mission is to know God and to make Him known,� explains Mrs. Lyon. Using the Classical Method of teaching, homeschool mothers tutor younger children one day a week in the Foundations classes, memorizing the grammar of such subjects as Bible, Latin, Science, History, Math, and the Arts. The 7th grade and forward Challenge class’ one-day-aweek meetings are a springboard

The ceremony opened with the introduction of visitors and comments from Roselyn Dale, a homeschool parent, and a “comehere� from Scotland. Reminding listeners that it is a true privilege to be an American, Roselyn was emotional as she recalled the day she became an American citizen, “I will never forget the Judge’s comments as we concluded the citizenship ceremony. He said this is the best thing that ever happens in a courtroom, because everyone leaves happy. Everyone gets what they want, (to be an American).� On that note, Proud and Patriotic was the recitation of the Preamble to our U.S. Constitution, the reading of excerpts from the Constitution and the Bill of Rights by students in Cathy Lyon’s, Victoria Arcement’s, and Michelle Rodriguez’ Challenge classes. With chests bowed and hearts humbled, younger students followed with a musical historical timeline and song listing all the Presidents of the United States. Among those at the ceremony was Monroe District County Supervisor candidate Rich Lorey. An advocate for excellence in education, and educational options, Mr. Lorey

A writer from Montross has inquired about this cabinet, which she references as a “doughbox.� It has been in her family for a number of generations. She brought it with her from Iowa when she moved to the Northern Neck five years ago, but she notes that her family has roots in Ohio, New York and Virginia. Some of the blanking comes from a single board, and she thinks the nails are handmade. Rather than terming this piece a “doughbox�, I should call it a grain or flour bin. It likely dates from the early to Henry Lane mid-nineteenth century, but the place of origin is more Hull difficult to determine. It is a typical farm or store utility piece. Indeed, I have a similar bin that my parents purchased in the early 1950s from the old store on K Street in Washington under the present-day Whitehurst Freeway. Our box is pine, and I am certain that if this one were stripped of its layers of paint, it would be also. In this case I recommend stripping the paint. The base layer might be an original color in buttermilk paint, but I doubt the box was painted originally. If not, the pine should come out very well. The slope to the lid and the delicacy of the feet are nice features. The latter kept the grain or flour off the floor, lest dampness cause it to spoil, and made entry more difficult for mice. The possibly handmade nails might be rosehead nails, which would give credence to it having an Eastern origin. Pieces such as this one were meant to be utilitarian in purpose, thus when they ceased to be useful they were discarded, i.e., when more secure modern means of storage replaced them. As they disappeared, the value of the survivors increased. When my parents bought ours, they paid $13 for it. This one is a gem, and properly restored would be worth $300.

ing Enrichment Center opening soon in King George. Also in attendance were; School Board Member Mike Rose, also on the ballet this Nov. 5th to keep his position; King George Registrar Lorrie Gump; and Secretary of the King George Electoral Board Pastor Rick Crookshank of Hanover Baptist Church. Representing Ken Cuccinelli, 17year-old homeschooled student, Nathan Gray, attended. Nathan is an active leader in the Cuccinnelli campaign for Governor, educates the community regarding the current election, attends local meetings, and organizes and collects data. Margaret Ransone, District 1 Delegate, was unable to attend do to an illness in her extended family, but sent a representative. At the conclusion of this heartfelt day, Cathy Lyon remarked, “I am basking in the knowledge that we still live in a wonderful nation where we can pray in public, homeschool our children, and have a voice in leadership. I was reminded of that tremendous gift today.� - Christine Nerney

The following participating businesses will each have an art exhibit: Kathleen Walsh & Kathryn Murray JarrettThor Fine Arts Gallery 100 Taylor Street #101 Theresa Alo Potomac River Fisheries Comm. 222 Taylor Street Street Style Riverview Inn 24 Hawthorn Street Resident Artists Pottery by Hand & Studio A #10 A-B Hawthorne Street Visions by Shirl 118 Hawthorn Street Elizabeth Escobar Esco Limited 116 Hawthorn Street Will be Open Colonial Beach Museum 128 Hawthorn Street

NEWS Presented by

Diana Almy, D.D.S., M.S. Board Certified Specialist in Orthodontics


Find previous columns from “Antiques Considered� on The Journal’s website, www.journalpress.com.

Historyland Memorial Park You came to this area to ďŹ nd a place your family could call home. Now it's time to purchase space at Historyland Memorial Park and keep your family together.

Happy Antiquing! Henry Lane Hull and his wife, Lisa, own Commonwealth Antiques & Appraisals, Inc. located at P.O. Box 35 Wicomico Church, VA 22579 You may call them at 804.580.3301, or email them at henrylanehull@commonwealthantiques.com

Fall is here and the weather has been outstanding, a good time to come and visit the 2nd Friday Art Walk of Colonial Beach, the social event of the season. We have several artists lined up with new and exciting pieces of artwork, all for your viewing pleasure. Starting off at the Potomac River Fisheries Commission building on Taylor Street, we have artist Theresa Alo from Indian Head, MD. Ms. Alo will be exhibiting her works in clay, fiber and charcoal, which promises to be a very unique exhibit. As this will be her first time here, don’t forget to stop by and welcome her. Heading down Taylor Street to JarrettThor Fine Arts, Kathryn Mur-

Call Susan Muse at 540-775-7733 or stop in 11227 James Madison Pkwy. King George, VA 22485

“Buck teeth,� the popular term for a malocclusion known as “excess overjet,� may have its origin in referencing a “buck,� the adult male of such animals as rabbits that have large, protruding front teeth. This class II malocclusion (“bad bite�) features lower first molars that are either directly under or to the rear of the upper first molars when the jaws meet. As a result, the lower jaw as a whole tends to close behind the upper one. The upper front teeth then protrude in front of the lower ones, creating the classic look of the “buck teeth,� not only are the protruding incisors unattractive, but they are susceptible to being knocked out, loosened, or fractured. The orthodontist can help. Orthodontics is about more than just a nice smile. Crooked and crowded teeth are harder to keep clean, contributing the tooth decay and gum disease. Other problems that can arise are abnormal wear of tooth surfaces, excess stress on supporting bone and gum tissues, pain in the face and jaw and even chronic headaches. To schedule a free orthodontic consultation, please call Fredericksburg Orthodontics At 540-898-7211 We are located at 10618 Spotsylvania Ave. (Lee’s Hill Center on Rt. 1 South). We are open Monday through Friday. Evening appointments are also available. P.S. Excess overjet can be caused by thumb-sucking or overcrowded teeth. Please mail any questions or comments to my office or e-mail me at:

DrAlmy@FredBraces.com WWW.FredBraces.com ADVERTISEMENT

ray of Warsaw will be on hand with her recent landscape and seascape photography, while Kathleen Walsh of Fredericksburg will be showing her impressionist oil paintings. A must-see I’m sure. Across the street on Hawthorn you’ll find Pottery by Hand and Studio A, with more than 30 artists showing their works from pottery pieces to paintings. It is rumored there may be some early Halloween surprises, as well. Going down Hawthorn to Riverview Inn, you will find “Street Style� on exhibit; a new photographer is in town and rumored to be worth the looksee! Further down Hawthorn Street

is Esco Limited, with original art by Elizabeth, including her latest fall merchandise and many of her new art pieces on display. Next door at Visions by Shirl, the resident artists will be starting their Halloween festivities a little early, so don’t get too spooked. Further down the street, the Colonial Beach Museum will also be open for our Art Walk and are welcoming everyone. Well, that’s the roundup this month, and just as a reminder, admission is always free to the public, refreshments are served and the people are friendly. Enjoy a pleasant evening at our Second Friday Art Walk.

The Family Life page is a monthly feature of The Journal 7DEHUQDFOH %DSWLVW 3UHVFKRRO







UNCLAIMED PROPERTY - Finding the money

Monday, October 7; 12 p.m. - 3 p.m. Citizens Center 8076 Kings Highway, King George, VA

FREE: Representatives will search for your unclaimed property: cash, stocks, bonds, safe deposit box contents, and more Hosted by:


A Patient’s Success Story

Going Above and Beyond


Wednesday, Oct. 2, 2013

Lower Income? Don’t Pass up the Saver’s Credit Jason Alderman In 2002, Congress passed legislation to create an income tax credit designed to encourage lower-andmiddle-income people to save money for retirement. The saver’s credit, worth up to $1,000 a year for individuals ($2,000 for couples filing jointly), rewards people for contributing to an IRA or 401(k) plan. Regrettably, the people most likely to benefit from the saver’s credit are also those who can usually least afford to set aside money for retirement. It doesn’t help that only onequarter of people earning less than $50,000 even know the credit exists. But if you can squeeze a few dollars out of your budget, the saver’s credit is worth pursuing. Tax credits reduce the amount of income tax paid, dollar for dollar; so many low-income people can recoup the amount they contribute to retirement accounts by up to 50 percent through reduced taxes. And those whose employers match a portion of their 401(k) contributions, reap even bigger rewards. Another good selling point: Parents or grandparents who want to jumpstart their low-income kids’ retirement savings can fund their IRA or 401(k) contribution, thereby making them eligible for the saver’s credit, even if they can’t afford to contribute on their own. Here’s the nitty-gritty on the saver’s credit: The saver’s credit is a “nonrefundableâ€? tax credit, which means it reduces income taxes owed, dollar for dollar – although it won’t generate a tax refund if the credit is more than the taxes you owe. The saver’s credit helps offset part of the amount you voluntarily contribute to an IRA or 401(k) plan. Your credit amount is based on your tax filing status, adjusted gross income and the amount you contribute to qualifying retirement programs. It can be claimed by: • Married couples filing jointly with adjusted gross income (AGI) of no more than $59,000. • Heads of households with AGI up to $44,250.

TRIAD & AARP Community Program: Finding The Money! Monday October 7, from 12:00pm to 3:00pm, TRIAD and AARP are hosting representatives from the Virginia Unclaimed Property Program at the King George Citizens’ Center, 8076 Kings Highway, King George. The Unclaimed Property Program can help you find your missing cash! Sponsored by the Department of the Treasury, the program returns missing money, stocks, bonds, and even tangible goods like safety deposit boxes to the rightful owners. As part of the Outreach Program, Treasury employees visit areas and events to help people navigate the claims process one-on-one. The Treasury’s Unclaimed Property website, www.vaMoneySearch. org, is also available 24 hours a day to help you locate your missing money. There are no fees, and searching online or with a representative is always quick and easy. One in four Virginians has unclaimed property and the Treasury has over 1.5 billion dollars in money waiting to be claimed. It may be old bank accounts, taxes, utility deposits, dividends, investments, or insurance policies – almost anything! So stop by our table, and in just a few minutes, you may be on your way to claiming your lost cash. Virginia’s Unclaimed Property – Find What’s Yours! There will be a presentation on the program at 1:00pm, but citizens are welcome to stop by anytime between 12:00pm and 3:00pm to meet with a representative who will search the unclaimed property records for you for free, and tell you right away if you are entitled to unclaimed money or property.


The Journal

• Singles (or married filing separately) with AGI up to $29,500. The credit rate is 10 percent, 20 percent or 50 percent of the first $2,000 you contribute ($4,000 for married couples filing jointly), depending on your AGI; the lower your AGI, the higher the percentage. For example: Single filers with an AGI up to $17,500 receive a 50 percent credit on the first $2,000 they contribute (i.e., up to a $1,000 credit); 20 percent on AGI up to $19,250 ($200 credit); and 10 percent on AGI up to $29,500 ($100 credit). Anything over $29,500, you don’t qualify. For joint filers the credit amount limits are: 50 percent on up to $35,500 AGI (50% X $4,000 = $2,000); 20 percent on up to $38,500 ($800); and 10 percent on up to $59,000 ($400). Other eligibility rules: • You must be at least age 18. • You can’t be claimed as a dependent on someone else’s return. • You can’t have been a full-time student during any part of five calendar months in 2013. • You must contribute to a 401(k) by December 31, 2013, or to an IRA by April 15, 2014. Important Note: You cannot claim the credit using IRS Form 1040 EZ, the form many lower-income people file. To claim it, you must submit IRS Form 8880 with Form 1040, 1040A or 1040NR. It’s a little extra bookkeeping, but could be worth the effort. Saving money for the future is never easy, especially when you’re struggling to pay daily bills. But if you can somehow manage to take advantage of the saver’s credit now, you’ll thank yourself at retirement. Jason Alderman directs Visa’s financial education programs.

Apply for the Affordable Care Act Richmond — As thousands of Virginians prepare for the new health insurance marketplace, a network of federally trained and certified navigators from ENROLL Virginia! is in place throughout the Commonwealth to help individuals, families, and small businesses explore their options under the new program. For many of the uninsured in Virginia, is the first time they will apply for health coverage, select a health plan, and use coverage to obtain services. As a result, many will need help understanding their new options and applying for tax credits through the Marketplace. ENROLL Virginia! Navigators are trained and certified by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to help Virginians: • shop for commercial health plans sold through the health insurance marketplace at www.healthcare.gov; • apply for the premium tax credit and cost-sharing reduction program to reduce the cost of health coverage; • find out if they qualify for public health insurance programs like Medicaid and FAMIS for individuals, children and pregnant women with low incomes. All navigators will work with any individuals, families and small businesses that seek their assistance, and they will adhere to strict privacy and

War of 1812

ENROLL Virginia! is a non-profit, non-partisan entity that assists individuals and small businesses to obtain health insurance including commercial health coverage through the federally facilitated health insurance marketplace, to qualify for applicable tax subsidies, and to comply with the U.S. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and avoid penalties for failure to do so. The program is paid for by a federal grant (Funding Opportunity Number CA-NAV-13-001 from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services) and administered by the Virginia Poverty Law Center. The contents provided here are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of HHS or any of its agencies. The KG Museum’s Curator, Elizabeth Lee, left, and its volunteers were delighted when June Cleek, right, a native of King George, dropped by to present the museum with a sword that dates back to the War of 1812. This particular sword has ties to King George County. It was first carried in the War of 1812 by John Baker of King George County, Cleek’s greatgreat-grandfather. The sword was later passed down to John Baker’s son, William, also a King George resident. Captain William Edwards Baker carried the sword while serving in the 55th Virginia Infantry, Company E, during the Civil War. He was Cleek’s great-grandfather. The sword and scabbard are on display at the museum.

The book is:

The Journal — Your weekly paper The Journal’s news is about our community — that’s it. CITIZENS FOR NONPARTISAN We don’t try to be anything but local. It’ all about our GOODcommunity GOVERNMENT IN KING GEORGE and what makes it GREAT! CITIZENS FOR CITIZENS FORNONPARTISAN NONPARTISAN Invite You to Attend a Meet and Greet GOOD GEORGE GOODGOVERNMENT GOVERNMENTIN INKING KING GEORGE

with the Nonpartisan Candidates for Invite to Meet and Board ofYou Supervisors School Board Invite You toAttend Attendaaand Meet andGreet Greet

“How did they do that?� One of the perks of being a newspaper publisher is receiving information on books to review, with the opportunity to ask for the book, so you can read it yourself. Some books are good, and some are a struggle, but the privilege is what is important and the chance to present something meaningful to readers is the goal. Last summer we had the opportunity to review several cookbooks and spent some time each week for six weeks to review the books and try out some recipes. Just recently, information about a book written by Deborah Tompkins Johnson was sent to the office by email and there was a book by someone who wrote book reviews for The Journal several years ago. What a wonderful surprise! Deborah is a delightful, intelligent and passionate person who gave up the book reviewing to write a book of her own. Entitled “How Did They Do That?�, the book is a compilation of interviews with people of different backgrounds, interests, and successes and what has taken them where they are today. It is really a great book. Trying to decide what it is that makes it so good has intrigued me. While some of the interviews, like the one about Doug Wilder, the first African-American governor, are people who are really well-known. Some others are not so well-known. It is what has propelled them through their lives, however, which makes the book so interesting. Since Deborah is a woman of faith, faith comes through strongly with all the subjects in the book as each shows how faith took care of them along their paths. Some of the faith manifestations are of a religious nature. Other times, it is the faith people developed in themselves to allow them to develop the life skills and professional know-how which has propelled them through life. Herman Boone, who was head coach of the 1971 Titan football team in Alexandria, VA, and the subject of movie legend, ended up as football coach of a consolidated school because it just so happened that there were no other black coaches available. He is quoted in the book as saying, “The way I saw it, the entire

security requirements to protect the personal information of all applicants they assist. Navigators will also provide community education programs to inform the public about existing programs, the new health insurance options, and application procedures. ENROLL Virginia! is one of two navigator projects in Virginia funded through federal grants. ENROLL Virginia! has a toll-free phone number at 888-392-5132 and a website at www.enroll-virginia.com to help consumers find navigators, certified application counselors, and others who can provide unbiased and free one-on-one application assistance in every part of Virginia. ENROLL Virginia! encourages all uninsured people to explore their insurance options through www.healthcare.gov. A toll-free call center is also available 24 hours a day, and 7 days a week now at 1-800-318-2596 (TTY users should call 1-855-889-4325). Anyone who has found premiums unaffordable in the past, and people with pre-existing health conditions who have been turned away by insurers, may find many affordable options. People who already have insurance will not need to apply to the Marketplace. For example, people with affordable health insurance through their work, people who currently have Medicaid, Medicare, or Tricare, and others who are satisfied with their private health insurance, can keep the coverage they have. In some cases, the working poor make too little money to qualify for the tax subsidies. Virginia is considering expanding its Medicaid program to provide health coverage to those people. Navigators will provide information about available safety net programs and services for Virginians who will remain uninsured and without access to health insurance coverage.

consolidation program was viewed as successful, if the first athletic program of the season was successful. Had the football team been unsuccessful, then the consolidation program would have been a failure. They didn’t expect me to win, but I worked hard. I stayed up at night while they were asleep. I broke down game film while they were out drinking beer. This proves what I often say, ‘Success comes from hard work.’� The interview with Niki Hall, a fashion stylist in New York, was really intriguing as the job has little to do with formal training and a lot to do with worming your way into a whole way of life. Niki did that successfully, because she had the talent and the ability to get into situations and places where her talent propelled her into the job she created for herself. That interview was intriguing, as it is about someone you wouldn’t even think of as an interviewee, but it is what helps make the book so interesting – that is, if you are interested in people and what makes them tick. The interview about Sherman Parker brought the book right into the local area. Parker was one of two students who integrated King George High School, back in 1963. He was fourteen when his father took him by the hand and walked into the crowd of angry people. “The walk up those stairs was an unforgettable experience, one I still admire and respect my father for, who was only in his mid-thirties at the time. My father was holding my hand the first day of school, and I know God was holding his.� And then, there is the interview on Doug Wilder. I remember Doug in 1984, when as Senator Wilder, he wanted the Virginia Legislature to honor Martin Luther King, Jr. on January 15, after the US Congress declared that day a national holiday. At the time, Virginia celebrated Martin Luther King Day in conjunction to New Year’s Day. That way, no state holiday had to be initiated for King. After all sorts of political maneuvering, the only way he could get a separate holiday for King was to include King in the traditional LeeJackson Day already set in January.

That is a day set to honor Robert E. Lee and Thomas “Stonewall� Jackson, two confederate generals. Combining their holidays with King’s was a real stretch for Virginia. Lee-Jackson Day was a popular, traditional Virginia holiday honoring the Confederacy. And, adding King to that mix - well, that was a stretch. Wilder convinced the legislature that honoring King on Lee-Jackson Day would get King a formal state holiday, and yet not add another holiday where state employees were off work. Who could fight about that? While there was a lot of grumbling, legislators finally acquiesced to Wilder’s wishes. It took some doing to get King and Civil War heroes honored on the same day in Virginia! While the grumbling about naming a special day for King took place, since there was no added state holiday and it was a national holiday, legislators were put in a position where they had to vote to honor both groups on the same day. In 2000, Virginia Governor Jim Gilmore proposed splitting the LeeJackson-King Day into two separate holidays, one day celebrated on Fridays, and the other on Mondays. That way, state workers got a fourday weekend and King, Lee and Jackson were honored separately. That was probably Wilder’s idea all along; it just took awhile. At the end of the book, Johnson speaks of the common themes she heard from those she interviewed “Please join me in encouraging our children and telling them they can do anything. This is an easy step. Anytime you see a child struggling over a task or hesitant to take on a challenge, say to him, “You can do it.� Teach them the work ethic by making them work. “We shouldn’t let children grow up just relying on us. As hard as we try to do right and to do well, at times we will fall short, and sometimes we fail. Share your belief in God with your friends and children around you; let them know God will always be there for them when people are not around to fulfill their needs.� The book is worth the read. Keep tuned. Deborah Johnson and Sherman Parker may come to King George this fall for a book signing. - Ruth Herrink

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