10-9-13 Journal - King George Edition

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LATE-BREAKING NEWS: King George County files complaint in Circuit Court to get land back from Project Faith. Visit journalpress.com for the story.

Volume 37, Number 41

King George

Wednesday, October 9, 2013 50 Cents

helping you relate to your community

The KG YMCA is ‘part of the fabric of the community’ Phyllis Cook


praising their “leadership and foresight” on bringing the YMCA to the county. “Everyone says that Disney has the corner on magic, but I would disagree with that statement,” Clark said. “I have seen real magic happen when lives are changed right here in King George County.” Clark defined that magic, saying it included the following examples: “When a special needs student who was afraid of the water now swim laps; when a dad who just lost his wife and gets help with the cost of membership and after-school care; the smile of a senior who can move better after the water arthritis class; or the smile of a child when a mentor spends one-onone time with that child.” She added, “I dare say this is a magic that Disney will never create, but you all have by bringing the YMCA to King George County.”

The King George Board of Supervisors was provided a substantial report on the King George Family YMCA that opened in the county five years ago. The report to the community was provided at the Oct. 1 meeting of the Board of Supervisors by Elizabeth Clark, executive director of the King George Family YMCA since it opened, with help from a couple of her board members, David Clare and Jim Howard, giving details about YMCA programs. “I asked you to give this report and it is hard to believe that the Y has been up and operational for five years already,” Chairman Dale Sisson said. “It’s part of the fabric of our community.” Supervisors were clearly impressed by the report. Shiloh Supervisor Cedell Brooks spoke first following the YMCA report. “One comment that I have is a very STRENGTH IN COMMUNITY Clark introduced the chairman of positive comment,” Brooks said. “From the onset of the YMCA, one of my the King George Family YMCA board, main concerns was that nobody would David Clare, who is also senior vice be turned away and everybody didn’t president of Union First Market Bank. Clark noted that Clare was also a have money to become a member. But I hear that you’re working very hard to founding member of the King George make sure everybody is a part of the YMCA, adding he would talk about YMCA if they want to be there. And the numbers of people who have been impacted by the I’m very impressed King George YMCA with that. And I apduring the last five preciate that.” years. Supervisor “The Y believes Joe Grzeika said, that everyone de“When this board serves a chance to made the decision succeed, no matter on the Y, it was what their backdone somewhat on ground, what their a prayer that everyincome,” Clare said. thing was going to “We have learned work out. I’ve got to that can happen tell you, you’ve far only when we unite exceeded the expecto nurture the best tations. I had a viin all of us. That is sion that I thought why our cause is it would become a strengthening comcommunity center. munity through But it is the King youth development, George center. You healthy living and go there any day, social responsibiliany night, and peoty. The King George ple are there and Family YMCA has taking advantage of been an exciting it. It’s a place where — Elizabeth Clark and safe place for people meet, they people to build selfsocialize, they exeresteem, learn a new cise and they grow.” Supervisor Ruby Brabo spoke about skill and develop friendships.” Clare provided some statistics of one of the Y programs, saying, “I did participate in the Bright Beginnings what has happened at the Y over the at the beginning of the school year last five years: All 7th grade county and it was a wonderful experience.” students receive a free student memShe added, “Seeing the joy on all those bership to use during the school year; 35 elementary school children children’s faces was truly rewarding.” James Monroe Supervisor John were readied for school through the LoBuglio said, “We get a lot of com- YMCA Bright Beginnings Program; ments that it’s a real community center four Regional Rappahannock Summer League Meets; 15 High School for the entire county.” Sisson added a note about the num- swim meets held at the King George ber of people that have used the King Y; 100 adults have learned how to George YMCA, saying, “10,200 citi- swim; 200 home-school youth have zens have used the Y in one way, shape used the Y for physical education; 350 or form out of 24,000 citizens.” He youth have gone to summer camp; added, “That’s a pretty amazing mar- 400 youth have attended the beforeket saturation. And I think that speaks and after-school program; 700 adults a lot to the Y staff. It’s an amazingly ca- and families have been given assispable staff. One of the things that most tance be a part of the Y; 800 children people probably don’t realize is how have learned to swim; 1,500 families much the staff gives of their own time have attended special events at the Y; and their money, as do the Y board 10,200 King George County residents have been members of the Y. members.” Next Jim Howard, former longSisson thanked Clark for putting together the detailed report, which fol- time member of the Board of Supervisors and former member of the lows bellow. School Board, provided the following details. REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY Clark began by thanking superviSee YMCA, page 6 sors, along with county residents, and

“Everyone says that Disney has the corner on magic, but I would disagree with that statement. I have seen real magic happen when lives are changed right here in King George County.”

Joint meeting: Hunter Field lease details among topics

Operation INASMUCH

Phyllis Cook

Luke Miller

At the Masonic Lodge #314, Inasmuch volunteers constructed a covered entrance to the building as part of a county-wide day of service and compassion Saturday, Oct. 5. More than 300 people volunteered to work on projects at Historyland Trailer Park, Heritage Hall, the Village of Emmaus and others. They trimmed shrubs, did housework, created thank you cards for wounded servicemen, provided drama and music entertainment and much more in the 13 projects they tackled this year.

BOS updated on Nice Bridge project Phyllis Cook The King George Board of Supervisors was provided an update on the next phases of the Harry W. Nice Bridge rebuilding project planned to go replace the existing bridge over the Potomac River. This will be the next step toward eventual construction of a planned new bridge slated to replace the bridge across the Potomac River on U.S. 301, which connects Maryland and Virginia, from Charles County, Md., to King George. The existing bridge opened in December 1940. The most recent available traffic count, in fiscal year 2011, put the volume at 6.8 million vehicles annually. Supervisors also got news about some maintenance activity that will take place on the existing 73-year-old, two-lane bridge funded for next fiscal year. The report was provided by Glen Smith, planning manager for the Maryland Transit Authority’s (MDTA) capital planning, and MDTA engineer Will Pines, bridge and tunnel manager. The pair noted that the Harry W. Nice Bridge Improvement Project is entering its second phase, with the recent allocation by the MDTA of $6.1 million in fund-

ing for preliminary engineering of the major bridge construction project. NEPA STUDY Smith’s part of the presentation included the history of the planning study and the November 2012 approval of a final environmental assessment document by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), saying it was a major milestone. That was the culmination of the planning phase which had begun in 2006 and took six years to complete. Once that happened, Smith said, “The project then became a candidate for funding of additional phases, such as engineering, right-of-way acquisition, as well as construction.” Funding of $6.1 million toward preliminary engineering being made available now is one of the many steps to take place before a new replacement bridge is built. Funding will be needed for final engineering and design, right-of-way acquisition, and then, finally construction of a new bridge. The project had come to a halt for about a year at See Bridge, page 6

Get energy-efficient appliances tax free Tax holiday this weekend, Oct. 11-14 Phyllis Cook Virginia’s seventh annual Energy Star and WaterSense Sales Tax Holiday returns this Friday, Oct. 11, and lasts through Monday, Oct. 14 for the entire Columbus Day Holiday weekend. In the market for a new kitchen appliance? Want a new clothes washer or ceiling fan? How about replacing showerheads? Considering updating your bathroom with new faucet fixtures or low water-flow toilet? Or are you just thinking about buying some compact fluorescent light bulbs to replace the conventional bulbs throughout your house to save on electricity? All those products and more are eligible to be sold sales-tax-free in Virginia during the Columbus Day holiday weekend of Oct. 11-14. Each qualifying product must cost $2,500 or less, have either an Energy Star or WaterSense label affixed, and be purchased for personal or noncommercial use. Qualifying Energy Star products

include air conditioners, ceiling fans, washing machines, dishwashers, dehumidifiers, refrigerators and compact fluorescent light bulbs. WaterSense labeled sink faucets, faucet accessories, toilets, shower heads, urinals and landscape irrigation controllers will also be tax-exempt. MCDONNELL TOUTS BENEFITS OF SAVINGS Governor Bob McDonnell is urging Virginians to benefit from this sales tax holiday. “If there’s one thing most of us can relate to this time of year, it’s a desire to lower our energy bills,” McDonnell said last week, adding it was also good for the environment. McDonnell added, “Even if you’re not in the market for new appliances, everyone needs light bulbs, and CFLs (compact fluorescent light bulbs) are included in the holiday. I urge everyone who needs these products to go out and take advantage of this long money-saving weekend.” The Energy Star and WaterSense Sales Tax Holiday is scheduled to begin at 12:01 a.m. on Friday, Oct. 11, 2013 and to end at midnight on Monday, Oct. 14, 2013.

GUIDELINES AND COMPLETE LIST POSTED ONLINE The Virginia Department of Taxation has posted guidelines, frequently asked questions, and a list of approved items on its website at tax. virginia.gov. Purchases made online for qualifying Energy Star and WaterSense products will also be exempt from the sales tax, as long as the orders are placed during the Oct. 11-14 exemption period and the sellers have the items available for immediate shipment. However, not every Energy Star product will qualify for the Energy Star Sales Tax Holiday. Only those Energy Star dishwashers, clothes washers, air conditioners, ceiling fans, compact fluorescent light bulbs, dehumidifiers, programmable thermostats, and refrigerators, with a selling price of $2,500 or less per item, and that are purchased for noncommercial or personal use will be eligible for exemption during the Energy Star Sales Tax Holiday. Those with a specific purchase in mind are urged to check the list at the state website noted above to ensure that purchase is sales tax-exempt.

A proposed lease for Hunter Field and the gym at old King George Elementary School could be one of the topics at an upcoming joint meeting proposed to take place between the King George Board of Supervisors and the county School Board. No date has been set yet. Supervisor Chairman Dale Sisson said last week at the Oct. 1 meeting during his board report, that he’d had a recent lunch with Chairman John Davis of the School Board. He said they had discussed the possibility of their two boards getting together sometime in the next several weeks. Sisson received the board’s concurrence to request that county administrator Travis Quesenberry coordinate with school division superintendent Rob Benson to come up with some potential dates that might work for a meeting 6-8 weeks out. The topic of a joint meeting had likewise been broached at the last meeting of the School Board on Sept. 23, when that group was reviewing a previous revised draft document for leasing Hunter Field to the county. HUNTER FIELD LEASE The two boards have been passing drafts of a proposed lease for Hunter Field and the gym back and forth through county attorney Eric Gregory over the summer. School Board members could not come to agreement on a revised draft on Sept. 23, with Rick Randall and Mike Rose basically in favor of the latest version, but with questions remaining from Kristin Tolliver and Ken Novell. Davis had suggested at the time, as at previous meetings, that the two boards may have to meet to hash out terms. Sisson told his board last week that he and Davis had discussed the lease. “There were a couple of minor items that he asked me to check on,” he added. “So I’ll pass those along to the county attorney, and Eric can scrub that and get it back to all of us.” The various drafts of the lease had become more and more specific, with attempts requested to insert language that might address any future eventuality that could occur over a 50-year lease term. As more specific language was suggested, the more complex the document appeared to get. Supervisors had suggested at a meeting on Sept. 17 that wording be more general. “It was looking to me like it was one government entity dealing with a nongovernment entity,” Supervisor John LoBuglio said. A similar sentiment had been leveled by School Board member Ken Novell at a meeting on Sept. 9, saying, “We are two organizations working for the ends, the benefit of the county. And this doesn’t sound like it.” Supervisor Joe Grzeika said, “The last iteration I saw, looked like we were trying to anticipate future problems and solve them today.” Gregory agreed and the most recent public version had been more general, with Gregory saying, “You can’t always deal with everything in the future,” and adding, “Some of these things have to be open-ended.” He also said of the last See Meeting, page 6

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Wednesday, Oct. 9, 2013

The Journal




Redskins fans: What’s in a name? When I was little I had a Washington Redskins watch cap that I kept until it frayed so badly that it almost became unrecognizable. Heaven help the kid who tried to take it away from me. They were, after all, our team. Names like Vince Lombardi, George Allen, Joe Theisman, Billy Kilmer, and David S. Kerr Sonny Jurgensen are the stuff of legends. Of course, that was then. Today, I follow the ups and downs of RGIII with the same rapt attention I gave those now retired and departed greats. But, over the past few years, a worry has crept into my thinking. Perhaps, its time Washington’s football team changed its name. This has been hashed out in the press, letters to the editor, and over

water coolers for years. But, come on, it’s the 21st century and names like Redskins just aren’t appropriate anymore. That is, if they ever were. And no, lest I provoke the immediate reflex of being told that this is all about political correctness, it isn’t. Rather, I think of what my grandmother said when telling me why I shouldn’t use an unfortunate word to describe someone of another race, “It’s just not nice.” To a Southerner, that’s all I needed to hear. Besides, there is nothing all that sacrosanct about the name of a football team. Sure there is tradition, but teams have changed their names before. Remember the Washington Bullets, the Baltimore Colts and the Washington Senators? Each one of them changed their names. Also, the Redskins weren’t always the Redskins. Before they moved to Washington for the 1937 season, in Boston where the team began, they were the Braves. That was a much better name, but their owner, George Preston Marshall, an impressive figure,

but well known for his hostility to minorities of all kinds, changed the name to Redskins. And it stuck. Now, what’s the big deal about calling the team the Redskins anyway? It’s a football team for crying out loud. Fair enough, but Redskin isn’t just another name for Native Americans. It was never, borrowing from Grandma again, a nice name. It was always hostile and pejorative. For Native Americans it’s a lot like the N word. That’s an epithet for African Americans so egregious that spelling it out is never done in a decent newspaper. Considered in that context it gives this discussion an entirely different light. American Indians have wanted to change the name of the team for decades. Maybe it’s time we listened to them. President Obama recently suggested that the team’s owner consider changing the name of the franchise. It was restrained and thoughtful suggestion. However, in this hyper-partisan environment, I am not sure he did the cause of changing the team’s

name any good or not. Curiously though, the last time an administration weighed in on an issue concerning the Capitol’s football team was when Robert Kennedy, at John Kennedy’s request, put pressure on team owner Marshall to integrate the team. The Federal government owned the football stadium and could have told the Redskins to play elsewhere. The Redskins, under the very team owner who gave them the Redskins moniker was just about the last owner in professional football to integrate his team. Very few events unify our region quite like the Redskins. From the Maryland suburbs, to West Virginia, Richmond and the Northern Neck, when it’s game time, the roads and the stores are all but empty. Almost every household is glued to the TV. And those who aren’t watching the game often want to know the score as soon as it’s available. But maybe it’s time that we exercised a little thoughtfulness and, instead of “Redskins,” found a nice name for our team.


Are you complaining or participating? Ruby Brabo Are you truly aware of what is happening with regards to your local county government? Until something hits you square in the eye or is parked at your door step, are you asking questions or participating? If not, you may be too late to make a change. Do you know what your local elected officials are discussing and deciding on your behalf? Do you really understand what impact those decisions have on your family and your property? Much of the time our focus is on the state and national level and it’s hard to stay informed with all that is happening. However, know that your voice is always heard more on the local level than at the national level. Everyone has different interests and passions. No one person has the time to devote to every issue facing the county. But before you complain, be sure you are engaged enough to understand how decisions will impact your quality of life before they do. Be sure you are engaged enough to have a voice in determining the outcome as you will be the one who has to live with it. “Bad officials are elected by good citizens who do not vote.” — George Jean Nathan Well said. Of the more than 15,000 registered voters in King George for the 2009 election (nonpresidential), only 5,195 (38 percent) registered

voters in King George exercised their right to vote. That’s it. What happened to the other 10,000 registered voters? For the 2012 election (presidential), 67 percent of the registered voters in King George turned out to vote. Once again, 2013 is a non-presidential election year. Your participation in this year’s election is vital to the future of King George County and your family. Are you going to vote? Election Day is fast approaching, and — quite literally — every vote makes a difference. Sadly, King George residents are not known for their activism when it comes to participating in their right to vote, but I am encouraged by the increased interest in our local government just over the past two years. Recognizing that both the Shiloh District and James Monroe District have candidates on the this year’s ballot, it is interesting to note that in 2009, when those seats were last up for election, only 40 percent of the registered voters in the James Monroe District voted, while barely 36 percent of the registered voters in the Shiloh District voted. We can do better than that; we have to do better than that! Your quality of life depends on it. To be eligible to vote on Nov. 5, you must be registered by 5 p.m., Oct. 15, 2013. As of this year, you can now easily register to vote online at www.sbe. state.va.us. Unless your driver’s license number is used when applying online, you will need to print

a paper copy of your completed application and mail or drop it off at the Registrar’s office by the Oct. 15 deadline. The Registrar’s office is located in the Revercomb Building, 10459 Courthouse Drive Suite 102. Their hours of operation are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday – Friday. Absentee voting has already started. Anyone who will be out of their precinct on Election Day can go to the Registrar’s office and absentee vote. No appointment necessary. Absentee voting will continue in person until Nov. 2. The offices of the General Registrar will be open two Saturdays (Oct. 26 and Nov. 2) prior to the Election from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. for absentee voting. An absentee ballot application can also be downloaded from the same website referenced above. If you wish to have an absentee ballot mailed to you, the completed application must be turned into the Registrar’s office by Oct. 29, which is the very last day that a ballot can be mailed to voters. If you have any questions, call the Registrar’s office: (540) 775-9186. On Nov. 5, the polls open at 6 a.m. and will close promptly at 7 p.m. Be sure to bring your voter identification or some other form of picture ID proving your address. So, are you going to complain or are you going to participate by voting? One vote can make a difference!

OCT. 10 - OCt. 16 ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, patience is a virtue you possess, and you must make the most of your patient nature this week. Keep this in mind when dealing with family and coworkers.

LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 You could get caught up in a social whirlwind this week, Libra. Keep your feet on the ground or you may be swept away in all of the energy.

TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, keep things in perspective and you will have your cake and eat it, too. You can coolly handle tough situations, and that ability serves you well this week.

SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 Staying connected to your feelings is empowering, Scorpio. Even if others don’t feel exactly the same way that you do, they may go along with plans to make you happy.

GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 Your imagination is working overtime this week. Channel that creative energy and get started on a project you have long been considering.

SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 Sagittarius, indulgent behavior won’t pay off in the long run. Moderation works best, and you’ll be glad you didn’t overindulge after the fact.

CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 Cancer, you will be very content for the next few weeks. Enjoy these good times and invite those closest to you to enjoy them as well.

CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 Capricorn, work and family responsibilities have put you under a lot of pressure recently. You could be in need of a respite, even if that break is brief.

LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 Leo, your heightened sense of focus on a particular task has left you wondering how to proceed in another area of life. You may want to seek the advice of others. VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 Virgo, you may be tempted to throw caution to the wind. While that may make for a memorable experience, it may not prove wise over the long haul.

AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 Aquarius, it’s quite possible you will not get much done this week, as you may be too busy encouraging others rather than focusing on your own needs. PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 Compassion is your speciality, Pisces. Others appreciate your warm nature, so accept their gratitude and affection.


Letter to the Editor Is America Still a Christian Nation? You Decide “God bless America, land that I love. Stand beside her and guide her through the night with the light from above …” Such a beautiful song, such beautiful words. Do we as a nation still want the God of the Bible to shine His light and Word on America? The first book taught in our schools was the Bible. Schools of higher learning like Yale, Harvard, Dartmouth and others built their foundational teaching on the gospel of Jesus Christ. Since the beginning of this nation the Bible, prayer and the Ten Commandments could be found in our schools. Then in the ’60s the Bible and prayer were taken out of schools. Later the Ten Commandments were not only removed from our schools but from government and state property. Every chance it gets, the ACLU tries to remove every mention of God from our society. In many schools students cannot wear crosses as jewelry. The reason is it might offend someone. Today our schools are great in tolerance (except toward Christianity) and political correctness. Now our military is not allowed to share Jesus Christ or share the Bible. Do we still want God and His Word to be the Light of America? For two elections Christians have helped elect President Obama. One election maybe understandable, but twice you decide. Obama believes in abortion, partial birth-abortion and if there is a botched abortion, the child is not allowed to receive any help, just left to die. God hates the shedding of innocent blood. President Obama claims to be a Christian, a follower of Jesus Christ. In an interview President Obama said, “All people of faith — Christians, Jews, Muslims, Animists, everyone knows the same God.” When it comes to homosexuality and same-sex marriage, he opposes the traditional, biblical and

historical standards of the Christian faith, one man and one woman in marriage. Obama has said that the Islamic evening call to prayer is one of the most beautiful sounds on earth. The president was asked if he believed in sin and he said, “Yes.” He was then asked to describe sin. He said, “Being out of alignment with my values.” Sin is not based on any of man’s standards, but on obedience to God and His word. Twice Christians helped elect this man. Christians should examine their lives to see if they really are in the faith. Many churches believe in abortion, homosexuality and same-sex marriage. Early on in this nation repentance, holiness and righteousness was proclaimed from the pulpits of America. Today, feel-good sermons, tolerance, mid-life crisis sermons are now being heard. Some churches take surveys in the community to see what the people want from a church. When the Word of God was exalted, the name of Jesus Christ was honored; it gave this nation strength and stability. Since we have rejected God, His Word, His commandments and Jesus Christ, our nation has been falling apart.


Are we still a Christian nation? America has killed over 55 million babies, God’s creation, and counting. With today’s technology we can see the baby’s face grimacing in pain and terror as it fights for its life. Will there be consequences for killing millions of babies! Think about those 55 million babies when Obamacare is

fully implemented and we become a government-run health care nation. The Bible says if we would ask forgiveness of our sins and turn away from all evil, Jesus Christ will forgive our sins and heal our land. Time is running out for America. Dale Taylor (540) 273-9037



To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle! 10250 Kings Highway • Post Office Box 409, King George, VA 22485 Phone: (540) 775-2024 • Fax: (540) 775-4099 Online: www.journalpress.com

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CLUES ACROSS 1. Most favorables 7. 23rd Greek letter 10. Rated higher 12. Immature herring 13. Malignant skin neoplasm 14. Orange-red spinel 15. Hunted beings 16. Be obedient to 17. Excavate with a shovel 18. = to 100 cauris 19. Lose hold of 21. Highest card 22. Western Union message 27. The “Show Me” state 28. Early photo process 33. A public promotion 34. A group of statues 36. A single thing 37. Ireland 38. A raised speaking platform 39. Leavened bread 40. Farm animal shelter 41. Oral polio vaccine 44. Chinese fine silk silver 45. Chocolate-colored acidic pulp pod 48. ____ off 49. Hagiographa 50. Manuscripts, abbr. 51. Over the sea CLUES DOWN 1. Stare impertinently 2. Address a deity 3. Converts hide into leather

4. Matrimonial response 5. 13th Hebrew letter 6. Dentist’s organization 7. Fleshy fungus caps 8. Kill violently 9. License & passport 10. Refereed 11. Arbor framework 12. Luxuriant dark brown fur 14. Group purchasing protest 17. Insecticide 18. An island group of the South Pacific 20. A wooden hole plug 23. A purine base found in DNA and RNA 24. Spanish park 25. Atomic #18 26. Married woman 29. And, Latin 30. Cantonese dialect 31. Causing physical hurt 32. Short trips or tasks 35. Small craving 36. Paddled 38. Leuciscus leuciscus’ 40. Parting phrases: good-____ 41. Figure skater Yuka 42. Opera song 43. Create social or emotional ties 44. Opposite of LTM 45. Icahn’s airline 46. Air Reserve base (abbr.) 47. Russian manned space station

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The Journal


Wednesday, Oct. 9, 2013

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Wednesday, Oct. 9, 2013

The Journal


Salt & Light Zion Church at Lottsburg cordially invites everyone to join them for a 4 Day Anniversary Celebration, Showing Honor & Celebrating their Pastor- Apostle John H. Bibbens 17th Pastoral Anniversary. Wednesday, Oct. 9 - Saturday, Oct. 12. Special Guests will include: Wednesday: Pastor Daryl Fisher of Jerusalem Baptist Church, Thursday: Pastor Claude Tate of Zion Church at Fredericksburg, Friday: Pastor David Metz of Warsaw Church of God, Saturday: Apostle Donn R. Hall of Zion Baptist Church. Services will begin each week night at 7 p.m. Saturday’s Celebration will begin at 3 p.m. For more information call (804) 529-6033 or visit the website: www. zionlottsburg.org Antioch Baptist Church will honor Dr. Larry and First Lady, Rev. LaVerne Finch with a 20th Anniversary Pastoral Banquet on Saturday, Oct. 19 at 4 p.m. at Shiloh Baptist Church, 13457 Kings Highway, King George. Music will be provided by Agape Jazz Ensemble and the Mighty Gospel Melodies. Please call (540)775-4312 to purchase tickets. Come celebrate the Church’s 145th Anniversary Sunday, Oct. 20, beginning with Praise and Worship at 11 a.m. Dinner will be served after the morning service. Rev. Roderick McClanahan and his congregation from First Missionary Baptist Church, Lexington Park, Md., will be the special guests for the 3 p.m. service. All are invited to attend. 11102 James Madison Parkway, King George County.

first baptist church of ambar is continuing their Wednesday noon prayer services with added Scripture readings. Please join them for an hour of reflection and revitalizing. The Church is located at 9469 Caledon Rd. KG (540) 775-3939. dahlgren united methodist church Little Lambs Bible Story and Art Time is a Free “parent & me” style group for ages 0-5 years to meet once a month at Dahlgren United Methodist Church from 10 a.m.noon (usually the first Friday of the month). Dates have been scheduled as follows: Oct. 4; Nov. 1; Dec. 6; Jan. 17; Feb. 7; March 7; April 4 and May 2. For more information please call the church office at (540)663-2230. fletcher’s chapel umc along with other local church groups, residents and volunteers are beginning to collect funds for the 2013 “Stop Hunger Now” food packaging project to be held at the KG-Y on November 24. To reach the goal of $10,000 350 people will need to collect $1 a day for 30 days. A dollar a day can be pocket change for some, and a week’s allowance (well in the old days) for another. With a little effort, raising the $30 will not be hard. $1.25 will feed six, with the food package we will put together on the 24th. If you are interested in learning more about the project, go to stophungernow.org. Any and all ages are welcome to come out to help package the food. No heavy lifting, no real thinking involved. A time of fellowship and knowledge we are doing for others. Funds raised should be turned in by Nov. 18, 2013. Call 540709-7495 or follow on Facebook.

Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University course to be offered this fall at Smoot Library. An orientation class will be held Saturday, Oct. 19, 10:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m. Classes will be held on Saturdays, beginning Oct. 26 thru Dec. 21., 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. For more information go to: www.daveramsey.com/findaclass and look for the KG offering. DISCLAIMER: Use of library meeting space does not constitute endorsement of this organization, this program or its content by the L. E. Smoot Memorial Library.

Tabernacle Baptist Church Preschool Tabernacle Baptist Church in King George is presenting Tabernacle Baptist Preschool, an Academic Preschool using the A Beka curriculum. This is a proven structured phonics based curriculum. The students will memorize, recite, learn how to write, begin to comprehend language, and develop math skills. They will also do arts and crafts to develop their motor skills and enhance their learning and creativity. There will be a 3 year old and a 4 year old class. Placement will be determined by their age as of September 30. Classes will be offered full day, 7 a.m.-6 p.m. and half day 8:30 a.m.- 12:30 p.m. For more information call (540) 775-2948 or visit the website, www.tabernaclepreschool.com. Psalm 55:14 We who had sweet fellowship together, walked in the house of God in the throng.

What does the Bible say about the vital nature of Christian hope? “. . . Eagerly waiting for the adoption, the redemption of our body. For we are saved in this hope, but hope that is seen is not hope, but hope that is seen is not hope; for why does one still hope for what he sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, we eagerly wait for it with perseverance.” Romans 8:23-25 We have arrived at the busy season. It is a season of expectations, hope, waiting, and joy; and accompanied by deadlines, diminished daylight, and fussy kids “generously served over a bed” of the regular chores of daily life. How we love the holidays, the expectations of the comings and goings of loved ones, of celebratory preparations, of gift giving and receiving, of ornaments and of traditions! In the midst of all the hustle, bustle, and bother we know that there is a date on the calendar upon which all our hopes are founded and to which our minds are incessantly drawn. Though we would prefer to have our “Currier and Ives” Christmas dreams come true, often reality falls short of our expectation and we find ourselves worn out with the stress of it all – though we manage to make memories and spread a bit of Christ’s love while remembering our Savior and our God. There is a lesson in this season for the informed Christian which is found in Romans chapter eight. This grand and glorious chapter of Paul’s expounds the spiritual blessings of genuine believers that were procured through the inestimable blood of Jesus Christ. Along with salvation, our God gives us the gift of the indwelling Holy Spirit. The role of the Holy Spirit is to enable Christians to live free from condemnation

(1-8), pursue a life of Spirit led decisions (9-14), face the trials of life with hope (15-25), as He energizes a fervent and effectual prayer life (2630). The rest of the chapter assures every believer of the undying love of God that reaches every believer’s heart, no matter what is coming at you. The simple lesson, which is also fitting for this season of busyness, is this: “do not lose sight of the glorious hope you have in God!” Verses 15 to 25 call us to face the trials of life with hope. What kind of hope? It appears to be a reflected hope (v. 18). Paul tells us to calculate the present sufferings and come to the definite conclusion that they are not of the same weight (“worthy”) as the glory which shall be made manifest in (lit. “upon”) us – meaning that God will glorify Himself in and through you so that His glory is reflected from your life (2 Thessalonians 1:5-10, 1 Peter 1:7, 4:13). This hope does not come from within and is not a self-generated hope, it is rather an expectant hope. Remember, biblical hope retains no shadow of the uncertainties of earthbound hopes. Instead, biblical hope is a certainty not yet realized. It appears to be a shared hope (v. 19-21). Even as all of the natural creation groans in seemingly aimless idleness and futility, because of the sin of Adam subjected to the bondage of corruption, we also groan under the labors of life in this sinful world. Yet, the hope of the believer is shared by all of creation in that believers will one day be revealed as Sons of God who are the recipients of glorious liberty in Christ. In this shared hope there is shared expectancy (watch with anxious longing and outstretched look, literally “away the head”). There is a certain sense

By rick crookshank in which both Creation and believers await the time for the completed redemption. It appears to be an inextinguishable hope (v. 22-23). The proof of your hope is found in the groaning labor of creation around you and the very sighing of your heart as evidenced by the firstfruit work of the Holy Spirit within you. It is an unquenchable longing that beats within the chest of every believer for the finished work of God’s completed redemption (Philippians 1:6). It appears to be a characteristic hope (v. 24-25). Our text states that we are saved in this hope, meaning “in that hope we are saved.” This hope is not a “work for salvation,” rather it is a mark of the saved life. The believer is a person who is characterized by an inextinguishable, shared hope of reflecting the glory of God, however imperfect as we currently are, until the final and full manifestation of adoption and sonship - when we are fully perfect before the throne of God. The hope of adoption is one of pardon, forgiveness, acceptance, security, and sanctification. With this kind of living hope reverberating in your redeemed heart, in full knowledge that nothing can separate you from the love of God, face the world in this season, and in every other season, in confident expectation of Christ’s victory. Trust and obey. By Rick Crookshank Pastor, Hanover Baptist Church Hanoverbaptistchurch.org Did you know? On Sunday, Nov. 24 around 125 people will work together to package 48,000 meals. Want to help? Call 540-709-7495.

Our Doors are Open -Worship With Us Fletcher's Chapel United Methodist

8330 Fletcher's Chapel Rd. at 218

Pastor Michael Reaves fletcherschapel-kinggeorge-va.org Worship Services 8:30 & 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 9:45 a.m.

(540) 775-7247

17080 14th Street, Dahlgren Contemporary Service - 9:30 a.m. Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. & 11 a.m. Traditional Service - 11 a.m. Nursery open 9:15a.m.-12:15p.m.

Pastor Ed Johnson

email - office@dahlgrenumc.org web site - www.dahlgrenumc.org Phone: 663-2230

Good Hope Baptist Church

17223 Good Hope Rd. - corner Rt. 218E & 619 phone: 540-775-9487 fax: 540-775-0600 www.goodhopeministries.org

• Sunday School - 9:45 a.m. • Worship - 11:00 a.m. • Prayer & Bible Study (Wed.) 7:30 p.m. • 5th Sundays - Union & Nursing Home Worship “Building the Church & Reaching the World for Christ”

7748 Leedstown Rd., Oak Grove, VA 22443 (804) 224-0418 • www.lzbcva.org

We invite you to gather together with us! Sunday School - 9 a.m. Sunday Worship 8 a.m. & 10:15 a.m. Bible Study - Wednesday 7 p.m. Pastor Earl T. Howerton Jr.

Macedonia Baptist Church 1081 Macedonia Ln., Colonial Beach, VA (804) 224-1500 "O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His Name together."

Shiloh Baptist Church Reaching, Building, Serving

Sunday Activities Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship Service, 11:00 a.m. AWANA, 4:00 p.m. Youth Group, 4:00 p.m. Wednesday Nights Rev. Mike and Earlene Jessee Family Night Dinner, 5:30 Youth Study; Children’s Missions & Music, 6:00 facebook@kgshiloh Choir Practice, 7:15 13457 Kings Hwy. 540-469-4646 • www.kgshiloh.org

Oak Grove Baptist Church Randall Snipes, Senior Pastor Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. Worship - 11 a.m. Youth Group - 6 p.m. 8096 Leedstown Rd. Colonial Beach, VA


Colonial Beach United Methodist Church Pastor Rev. Yunho Eo

9:30 a.m. Adult Sunday School 10:45 a.m. Informal Hymn Singing 11 a.m. Worship & Children’s Sunday School Food Pantry open Thursdays at 10 a.m. Op Shop Open M-F 9 a.m.-noon (Thurs. 9 a.m.-1 p.m.) 1 Washington Avenue PO Box 189 Colonial Beach, VA 22443 (804) 224-7030

Two Rivers Baptist Church Meeting at their new church

Sunday School ..............9:30 a.m. Worship........................10:30 a.m. COME VISIT US • ALL ARE WELCOME

Rev. Peyton Wiltshire

For Information call 540-775-3244

Round Hill Baptist Church Worship & Service

16519 Round Hill Rd., King George, VA Pastor Ted A. James • 540-775-5583

)'-!"#$$%*.$'*/!*&01*2! !"#$%&'!#()!*&+&(%&,%34256*77/89:2:

Little Ark Baptist Church “Building God’s Kingdom On Earth”

"Pastor Larry" M. Robinson Sunday Worship - 10 a.m. Sunday School - 9 a.m. (New Testament Church Study) Wednesday Night Prayer & Bible Study 6 p.m. 15681 Owens Dr. in Dahlgren, VA Church Phone: (540) 663-2831

Hanover-with-Brunswick Episcopal Parish

Where all are welcome. Sunday Services:

The Rev. St. John's, 9403 Kings Hwy. Diane Carroll 1st, 2nd & 4th Sundays Rector Phone: 540-775-3635

Emmanuel, Port Conway (Rt. 301) 3rd & 5th Sundays

For more information, visit our website at:



3207 Quarter Hill Rd., Supply VA 22436

(804) 443-4168

Sunday School 10 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship 11 a.m. Bible Study Wednesdays at 7 p.m.

Rev. Irving Woolfolk, Jr.

Services Early Worship - 8 a.m. Sunday School - 9:45 a.m. AM Worship - 11 a.m. PM Worship - 6 p.m. Wed. Bible Study - 7 p.m.

AWANA Teens - Wednesdays 6:30 p.m. Clubbers - Fridays 6:30 p.m. Dr. Sherman Davis, Senior Pastor 540-775-7188 www.tbckg.org 10640 Kings Hwy - 1 mi. west of 301

Worship Service - 10:30 a.m. (Sunday) Sunday School - 9:15 a.m. Nursery Provided Seeking to know the grace of God and to make it known to others. Dave Bentz, Pastor Jason Schubert, Associate Pastor 13114 Kildee Farm Road King George, VA 22485 (off 301 and Blue Jay Meadow Drive)

Ph. (540) 775-9990 • email: info@gracekg.com web site www.gracekg.com

Potomac Baptist Church Worship Service: 11:00 a.m. Age Graded Bible Study: 9:45 a.m.

All are Welcome! (540) 775-7006

Pastor: Dennis L. Newton 8103 Comorn Rd. (Rt. 609) King George

A church where the Full Gospel is Preached, Taught and Lived

First Baptist Church Ambar

9469 Caledon Rd., King George, VA22485 Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship 11 a.m. Bible Study Wednesday at 7:30 p.m.

Pastor Wm. T. Frye

“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

Daily Mass: Mon. - Sat. 8:00 a.m. Adoration precedes each morning Mass


Confession: Sat. following 8:00 a.m. Mass & at 4:30 p.m. Sun. 1/2 hour before each Mass

Bible School 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship Service 11 a.m. Evening Bible Study 6 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Service 7 p.m.

Office: 11 Irving Ave., Colonial Beach, Va. 22443 www.elizant.org • 804-224-7221

Trinity United Methodist Church

9425 Kings Hwy., King George www.trinitykg.org

Contemporary Service ~ 8:30 a.m. Sunday School ~ 9:30 p.m. Worship ~ 10:30 a.m. (540) 775-4501 Rev. Susan Reaves

St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church

You're invited to worship with

Tabernacle Baptist Church

(540) 663-3085 ! Rev. Jim May

Sunday Masses: Sat. 5:00 p.m. Sun. 9:00 a.m. & 11:00 p.m. (español)

Intersection of Rokeby and Kings Hwy. (Rt. 3)

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

5486 St. Paul!s Road, King George

Very Rev. Francis M. de Rosa Rev. Mark Mullaney



Sunday Worship at 8 am and 10 am

Corner of Lossing and Boundary, Colonial Beach

Sunday- Holy Communion 11 a.m. Meeting at Grant Church in Lerty, VA

"A Church where everybody is somebody!"


St. Elizabeth of Hungary Roman Catholic Church

Traditional Anglican Worship 1928 Book of Common Prayer 1940 Hymnal

Morning Worship ~ 8:30 a.m. Sunday School ~ 9:45 a.m. Morning/Children's Worship ~ 11 a.m. Wed. - Bible Study ~ 6:00 p.m.

(Psalm 34:3)

Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Worship Service: 11 a.m. Prayer & Bible Study: (Wed.) 7 p.m. Holy Communion on 4th Sundays Rev. Fred Sales, Interim Pastor

Holy Redeemer Anglican Church

Corner of Millbank & St. Anthony’s Rd., King George

Very Rev. Francis M. de Rosa Rev. Mark Mullaney Sat. 7:00 p.m. Vigil Sunday Masses: Sun. 8:15 a.m. 10:30 a.m 12:45 p.m. Tridentine Mass Daily Mass: Mon. Thur. Fri. & Sat. 9:00 a.m. Tues. 7:00 a.m. Wed. 7:00 p.m. Adoration before each morning Mass Confession: Wed. 7:30 p.m. Sat. after 9:00 a.m. Mass & at 6:30 p.m. Sun. 1/2 hour before each Mass

Office: 11 Irving Ave., Colonial Beach, Va. 22443 www.elizant.org • 804-224-7221

"At the Heart of King George County with King George County In Our Hearts"

Rev. Rick Crookshank 10312 Hanover Church Rd.KG

(540) 775-5081 www.hanoverbaptistchurch.org

“The church is the great lost and found department” - Robert Short

Help others find your church. Advertise in this space, only $10 per week. Billed monthly. Contact Lori at (540) 709-7495 or email her at lori@journalpress.com






A New Testament church “... All the churches of Christ greet you.” Romans 16:16

contact_us@kinggeorgecofchrist.org http://www.kinggeorgecofchrist.org P.O.Box 756 King George, VA 22485


The Journal

Community This & That This weekend c’mon out with your family and/or friends for a day of fun, good food, live music, crafters & vendors and more. The Fair at KGHS is free admission, and there is something for everyone. REMINDER: Route 3 will be closed east & west bound at 10:30 a.m. No through traffic permitted from Ridge Road to Dahlgren Road. The road will open when the last parade entry heads out. Bus rides available along Route 3. Keep an eye out for a school bus to take you to and from the fair grounds. Very limited parking at the high school. Park at the middle school, off road, or school board office. Don’t block drive ways, and don’t impede traffic. Look both ways, live more days. Rain or shine, the KG Fall Festival will be held. Parade starts at 11. Fairgrounds open at 10. Fair runs to 4 p.m. Stick around for the KG Idol at 5. YMCA FF run Sunday, 8 a.m. and the Queens’ contest Sunday at 2. A great weekend of new traditions and old. Come celebrate the 55 years of the KG FF.

Love Thy Neighbor A simple command but one full of confusion as to how one can help. The Love Thy Neighbor ministry in King George has come a long way in defining how we can “Love Thy Neighbor.” A non-profit community Food Pantry and Soup Kitchen, they are not affiliated with any government run food banks. They are not a food bank at all. All donations are given out at each monthly event. The web site has updated lists of items needed to be donated, and a list of where the donations can be dropped off. Monetary donations can be sent to Love Thy Neighbor, PO Box 39, Sealston, VA 22547. The web site is www.lovethyneighbor-kg.org. The ministry is also collecting for the holiday meals. Gift certificates for turkey or ham; cranberry sauce, green beans, gravy, instant mashed potatoes, stuffing, etc. can all be dropped off at one of the collection sites. The group serves lunch and hands out food stuffs the 2nd Sunday of each month. KG Citizens’ Center. 2-5 p.m. Doors are open to everyone. No special requirements to fill. Subscribe to The Journal $24 per year Call 540-775-2024

Spaces filling fast for guided tour of the Dahlgren base Dahlgren Heritage Museum will host history tours of Naval Support Facility Dahlgren in honor of the base’s 95th anniversary on Saturday, Oct. 19. All tours will originate at the Dahlgren Museum at the old Gateway Welcome Center on Rt. 301 near the Nice Bridge. Every 1/2 hour from 1- 3:30 p.m. Come enjoy the museum’s new exhibits and take an hour tour of the history of the Navy at Dahlgren. There is a charge of $10 per person with all proceeds benefiting the museum. To register, visit www.dahlgrenmuseum.org, or https://www.eventbrite.com/ event/7532557081.

Dahlgren School Reunion All current and former students of Dahlgren School are invited to a reunion at the school on Saturday, Oct. 19, 2013. The reunion will begin at 11 a.m. and will include a history tour of the base and a visit to the new Dahlgren Museum. Tours of the school, activities and a program by current students will also be a part of the day’s events. Attendees will then have a nohost dinner at Gray’s Landing at Naval Support Facility Dahlgren at 3:30 p.m. Attendees must pre-register to attend. To register, contact Margie Stevens at dahlgrenfriends@gmail. com.

SPIRIT NIGHT! Come out in support of the KG Gymnsastics Patriot’s Saturday, Oct. 12, from 4:30-8 p.m. Visit the SWEET FROG store in Dahlgren, 16428 Consumer Row, King George, VA 22485 and when you check out, please tell your cashier that you support: the King George Gymnastics Patriot’s Parent Association. Donations from part of the sales for the time frame will be given to the Patriot’s Parent Assn. for expenses of the group. Satisfy your sweet tooth, and help out the Patriot’s at the same time. KG P&R Halloween Funfest KGP&R Halloween Funfest will be held on Wednesday, October 30, 6-8 p.m.For children ages 12 and under, the event will feature games and prizes; flashlight egg hunt; costume judging and awards; a donut eating game and more fun. Sponsored by the KG Optimist Club and KGP&R, this annual event is fun for everyone. Cost is $4 per child. Call (540)775-4386 for more details.

Save the Date 1st German Christmas Market hosted by the Dahlgren Heritage Foundation. Dec. 7. 4-8 p.m. at the Museum bldg. on 301. dahlgrenmuseum.org

Last chance to sign up for P&R trip(s) Trip to New York City: Dec. 11 & 12. $339pp (double occupancy) Singles add $99 extra to the cost. Includes performance of Radio City Music Hall and the Rockettes; tour of lower Manhattan; Rockefeller Center tour; Fifth Avenue shopping & holiday windows; Macy’s at Herald Square. Trip to Wheeling, WV’s Festival of Lights: Dec. 3-5. $474 pp (double occupancy) Singles add $99 extra to the cost. Includes a Greenbrier Hotel lunch and Bunker tour; Holiday Dinner Show; Oglebay Park Festival of Lights Tour; Colonel Oglebay Mansion Museum; Echart House Victorian Tour & Tea; The Glass Museum & Artisan Center and the Kruger Street Toy & Train Museum. Call Parks & Rec today to reserve your spot on the trip. (540) 7754386.

Wine tasting and ghost tours On Oct. 12, join in an afternoon of wine tasting and ghost tours to celebrate the founding of Virginia’s first plantation in 1613. From 2:30 – 5:30 p.m., taste for the first time the newly released Shirley Plantation Chardonnay as well as a variety of wines from the Philip Carter Winery. Shirley Plantation is proud to partner with the Philip Carter Winery. The Carter family is considered the First Family of America Wines due to the efforts of Charles Carter of Cleve Plantation, brother of John Carter of Shirley Plantation. Charles Carter advocated commercial winemaking and was the first to successfully produce grapes in Virginia with European vines and the first to win a gold medal for American wine production from the Royal Society of Arts in London in 1762. Today, Philip Carter Strother, a direct descendant of Robert “King” family, owns and operates the Philip Carter Winery and was instrumental in the passage of The Virginia Farm Winery Zoning Act which promotes the economic vitality of the Virginia wine industry. As a way of honoring his family legacy, Philip Carter Strother labels the wines from his vineyard according to Carter family estates. Tour the Great House and learn about the bewitching spirit of “Aunt Pratt,” the legendary ghost of Shirley Plantation, and the spirits of eleven generations to live at Shirley. $10 per person for the general public in addition to regular admission to Shirley. Reservations are required by Oct. 11. For more information, visit our website at www.shirleyplantation.com or call 1-800-232-1613.

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Wednesday, Oct. 9, 2013


KG Candidates Forum The KG Branch NAACP and Ralph Bunche Alumni Assn. are hosting a Candidates’ Forum for the James Monroe and Shiloh District Board of Supervisors’ candidates. The Forum is Thursday, Oct. 17 at 6:30 p.m. at the L. E. Smoot Memorial Library Meeting Rooms A and B, located at 9533 Kings Highway, King George. All are invited to attend for an opportunity to meet, ask questions, and become familiar with each of the candidates to be better informed when voting on Election Day. Any questions, call (540) 226-0991 or (540) 226-9754. Disclaimer: “Use of library meeting space does not constitute endorsement of this organization, this program or its content by the L. E. Smoot Memorial Library.

Great Pumpkin Race KG P&R invites you to comeout on October 25 for the annual “Great Pumpkin Race” and Flashlight Scramble to be held at Barnesfield Park. Bring your flashlight to the Park at 6 p.m. The Great Race starts at 7 p.m. Dinner special BBQ or Hot Dogs for sale.Pre register by Thursday, October 24th. FREE!Have fun looking for the “Great Pumpkin” and numerous pumpkins and eggs for prizes. At least 25 prizes in the $15-$25 value. Call (540) 7754386.

Scouting for Food Combined units of Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Venture Crews, and Girls Scouts will be distributing “Scouting for Food” bags throughout Colonial Beach, VA, on October 26, 2013. On November 2, 2013, the Scouts will return to the neighborhoods to collect the donation bags, return them to the Church, sort them, and store them in the Church’s Food Panty. PLEASE NOTE: All food collected remains in Colonial Beach, in the Colonial Beach Baptist Church’s Food Pantry to help those who need assistance locally. • The Colonial Beach Baptist Church has been helping 30 to 35 families a week with food donations (sometimes more). That does not sound like too many, right? However, each week it is a different 30 to 35 families or approximately 130+ families per month the church is assisting. • When the food runs out and the shelves are devoid of food products the Church reaches into their Congregational Funds and spends around $300.00 a week at the grocery store to restock the shelves. • So this October/November help us to help the community food pantry at the Colonial Beach Baptist Church. • The combined units of Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Venture Crew, and Girls Scouts will be distributing “Scouting for Food” bags throughout the community on Saturday the 26 starting at 9:30 – 10:00 AM from the Colonial Beach Baptist Church on Garfield Avenue.

Wednesday, Oct. 9

NN of VA Historical Society is holding its Fall membership meeting and luncheon at Indian Creek Yacht & Country Club in Kilmarnock. Meeting opens at 10 a.m. followed by special guest speaker, Kat Imhoff, Pres. & CEO, the Montpelier Fdn. Lunch follows at noon. Reservations required for lunch. $ Contact Kathy Schuder at(804)580-8327.

Saturday, Oct. 12

KG Physical Therapy Fall Festival Open House. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Join in for a Nutrition Clinic, Injury Prevention Clinics, VA Runner Shoe Clinics, Blue & Gray Brewery Beer Tasting and more. 9305 Kings Hwy, KG. (540) 775-2250 kgfcandpt@verizon. net.

Wednesday, Oct. 16

Girl’s Night Out at the Riverside Center. Sponsored by Mary Washington Healthcare, this is an evening of food, wine, screenings, entertainment and shopping. 5:30-8:30 p.m. at $15 pp. Register at GirlsNight.mwhc. com

Thursday, Oct. 17

KG County Historical Society. will meet at 6:30 p.m. in the Revercomb Bldg. The October program will feature Dr. John Sellers, Specialist on Abraham Lincoln. Public invited. Light refreshments.

Saturday, Oct. 19

St. Margaret’s School 15th Annual Rappahannock River Run/Walk 5K through the streets of historic downtown Tappahannock. The cost to participate is $25 and includes a race packet with an event t-shirt. Discounts are available for running groups of five or more people. Onsite registration and packet pick-up will begin on race day at 7:30am in front of St. Margaret’s Hall at 444 Water Lane, Tappahannock. The race will begin promptly at 8 a.m. with an awards ceremony to follow. To register online, visit www.sms. org/run or contact Lindsay Harmon in the Office of Alumnae Relations at lharmon@sms.org or (804)4433357.

“Stargaze” at your leisure at the VA Quilt Museum The Stargazing exhibit at the Virginia Quilt Museum brings visitors closer to understanding why quilts have been accepted as fine art. Running through Dec. 14, star motif quilts will be displayed. The galleries of the museum’s antebellum house located in downtown Harrisonburg, VA will be filled with quilts made by members of the American Quilt Study (www.amerianquiltstudygroup.org). Also included are quilts from the museum’s permanent collection, and modern quilts created by Roanoke’s

Star Quilters and Fredericksburg’s Virginia Star Quiliters guilds. Publications featuring full color photos of many of the quilts are sold in the museum’s gift shop. A Blue Star Museum, the VGM web site lists events related to exhibits throughout the year. www.vaquiltmuseum.org or follow the museum on Facebook and Twitter for updates. The museum is open Tuesday through Saturday, 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. Group tour rates are available.

Minority Political Leadership Institute Now Accepting Applications! The Grace E. Harris Leadership Institute is now accepting applications for its Minority Political Leadership Institute (MPLI). The application deadline for the 2014 MPLI Class is Nov. 1. The MPLI is a collaborative initiative of the VA Legislative Black Caucus Fdn. and The Grace E. Harris Leadership Inst. at VCU. MPLI is an intensive seven-month experience designed to promote leadership development for all individuals interested in issues important to minority communities including: community economics, political climate, civic engagement, and racial equity. MPLI offers insights regarding leadership legacy and culture, personal leadership, policy and legislative processes, responsible stewardship, public service, and integrity for future leaders. Each program year participants engage and interact with communities across VA and learn about unique strengths and issues facing different regions of the Commonwealth. To submit an application please visit our website: www.vcu. edu/gehli, or contact the Grace E. Harris Leadership Institute at 804-8271169 or gehli@vcu.edu if you have any questions.

Area Death Clara Ruth Johnson Clara Ruth Johnson, 103, of King George, died on October 5, 2013 at Heritage Hall Nursing Home in King George. Mrs. Johnson was the oldest member of Little Ark Baptist Church, King George when she died. She resided in the Shiloh District of the county for the past six years and formerly f r o m Dahlgren. Mrs. Johnson was recently recognized as the oldest resident of King George county. She is survived by her children, Ruth Lucas (Morris) of Washington, DC, Hazel Bushrod (James) of Capital Heights, MD, Helen Ashton (Ralph) of Upper Marlboro, MD, Ralph Johnson (Arlene) of Capital Heights, MD, Carolyn Pollard (Thomas) of King George; Esther Green (Harold)

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of Upper Marlboro, MD; Ellen Johnson (Kenneth) of Mitchellville, MD; Stanley Johnson (Gladys) of King George; one sister, Thelma Sanford of King George; 26 grandchildren, 28 great grandchildren and 15 great great grandchildren. The remains can be viewed from 12-5 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 11, 2013 at Cedell Brooks Funeral Home, in Port Royal, VA. There will also be a viewing at Little Ark Baptist Church on Saturday, Oct. 12 from 9:30 a.m. until the funeral service at 11 a.m. The service will be officiated by the Rev. Joseph Lyles and with the Rev. Larry Robinson as Pastor Eulogist. Cedell Brooks Funeral Home of Port Royal is handling the arrangements for the family. Online guestbook can be found at brooksfuneralhome.com. “As you comprehend this profound loss, let yourself cry knowing each tear is a note of love rising to the heavens.” ~Author Unknown

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Wednesday, Oct. 9, 2013

The Journal

Bridge: $13.2M set aside for care of current bridge From page 1 the end of November 2012, when the NEPA document was approved by the Federal Highway Administration with a finding of “no significant impact.” Smith pointed out that the environmental assessment was performed according to a process set by the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), even though federal funds are not currently anticipated for replacement bridge construction. In 2012, MDTA estimated the cost of the planned new bridge, along with the subsequent removal of the existing bridge, to be in the range of $833 million to $916 million. “Normally, the Authority does not receive federal funds, but we follow the federal process for a couple of reasons,” Smith said. “One of them, in the event that we ever did get federal funding means we wouldn’t have to backtrack and do this process, and also, as part of this process we are going to have to receive a permit from the Coast Guard, and that constitutes federal action.” PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING FOR NEW 4-LANE BRIDGE The preliminary engineering phase of the project will take place during fiscal years 2014 and 2015. Work has been identified for such activities as geotechnical work related to ordnance detection and removal. The preferred construction alternate that was selected last year is referred to as Modified Alternate 7.It is ultimately planned to include a new four-lane bridge parallel and to the north of the existing bridge. It will have a two-way barrier-separated bike/pedestrian path on the south side. In the meantime, while the project is transitioning from its planning stage

to the preliminary engineering stage, the MDTA has also programmed funding for future maintenance on the existing bridge. $13.2 million has been identified in fiscal years 2014 and 2015 to assist in extending the service life of the existing bridge. That work is expected to include concrete deck repairs, deck sealing, and rehabilitation of the catwalk. The existing bridge has one 11-foot travel lane in each direction with no median separation and no shoulders. Bridge and tunnel engineer Pines responded to a question from Sisson in regard to the scope of the maintenance project and whether that would require long-term single lane closures or complete night-time bridge closures as it did in 1985 when the last deck rehabilitation took place. Pines said that is not the scale of the project, saying it was routing maintenance, and adding, “There is no money for a major redecking.” Redecking had been one of the “no-build” options considered during the planning study and had been estimated in 2009 to cost upward of $110 million to $120 million. Supervisor Joe Grzeika noted that the current plans for maintenance and also for the preliminary engineering keeps the project going forward, saying that was good news. That’s good news for Maryland, which owns and operates the 1.7-mile two-lane bridge, and is also good news for King George commuters, using the bridge regularly, or residents who only use it occasionally. Smith also had pointed out that the continued operation of the bridge is necessary and essential for military transportation between Dahlgren and Indian Head.

Meeting: Between BOS, SB From page 1 version, “There is a provision in the lease to amend it in the future.” USE OF FACILITIES Sisson said other possible topics for a joint meeting could include facility usage and maintenance. He added, “The joint use agreement that we have for Parks & Rec is important to them as well.” There are other facilities-related topics that might also be appropriate for that future conversation. Supervisors would be interested to hear about the School Board’s recent decision to retain the former middle school building and make a plan for its future use, likely for one grade of middle school students. Another topic that might fit with that theme could be an update by the county to the School Board on the county’s ongoing renovation of a facility on US 301 (James Madison Parkway) to be used for school bus maintenance. When that renovation is completed in about a year, the property will be ready for use as a vehicle maintenance facility, with its first expected use to be solely for the School Board to service school buses and other school division-owned vehicles, with its fleet mechanics. It is anticipated that the School Board would move its vehicle maintenance operation from its small, antiquated structure located on Millbank Road (Route 610), behind the old King George Elementary school building. County vehicle maintenance could

be added later. For the county to use the facility to service its fleets of vehicles under county departments, along with the Sheriff ’s Department and the Service Authority, it must address budget and personnel issues related to staffing for qualified mechanics in the future, since the county does not currently employ any. Instead it relies on local businesses to service its vehicles. PRE-BUDGET SESSION Sisson also said last week that he and Davis spoke about the need to also include some talk about budgeting prior to the start of that process for the next fiscal year. During his board report, Sisson had remarked about the upcoming budget process in general, referring to talk about it during a breakfast meeting the previous week with state legislators. Those included Senators Richard Stuart and Ryan McDougle, and Delegate Margaret Ransone on Sept. 27. “There was a pretty tough picture being painted of the budget for the coming year, so we’ll put that out there right now. That’s what dominated a good part of our discussion,” Sisson said. He added, “The things that are going on with federal budget that we’re seeing today have an impact at the state level, and therefore have an impact at the local level.” He also noted, “A lot of new burdens are being handed down from the federal side that will have to be absorbed at the state level, which will definitely impact the allocations to us as a locality. So just forewarning — it’s going to be a fun budget cycle.”


YMCA: Building community and bolstering families From page 1 SWIM PROGRAM FOR STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS • 2012-2013 school year - 3 classes from King George High School with special needs were transported to the Y every Thursday for one hour learning how to swim. These students have some of the most severe needs in the high school. • The King George YMCA provided four lifeguards, two volunteers, and seven teachers for no charge to teach this program. • This was a very specialized program and required the staff to get their adapted swim certification to offer this course to the students. • This program became the pioneer program for the 2013-2014 YMCA Learn to Swim Program for the county second graders. • Students just did not come and play in the pool — they learned how to swim. Several of these students were then promoted to community swim leagues. This would have never happened without this foundational program. Every student went to the next level of their swim abilities. SECURED FUNDING & FACILITATED KING GEORGE “GET HEALTHY” COALITION • The coalition members include the King George Family YMCA, King George Parks and Recreation, Wendy Moore Dentistry, King George Farmers’ Market, Virginia Cooperative Extension, Optimist Club and the King George County Schools. • The coalition’s mission is Healthy Eating Active Living. The coalition supports environmental and policy changes that prevent and reduce childhood obesity. • The coalition received a grant for $42,000 from the Virginia Foundation for Healthy Youth. The grant monies were used to conduct a county school-wide survey about the physical activities and healthy habits of students, marketing materials for the coalition, grant coordinator, 2010 Healthy Kids Day, after school Kids Fit program held at the county schools, flooring for the Community Playground at the

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King George YMCA and educating students through media and special activities about the benefits of eating healthier snacks. BUILT A COMMUNITY PLAYGROUND WITH PAVILION • Raised $75,000. Donors were Foote Title Group, GEICO, King George Farm Bureau, Dr. Cottrell and the King George “Get Healthy” Coalition. • Congressman Rob Whitman and county supervisors attended the ribbon cutting at the first county-wide Healthy Kids Day. • Organizations from the county use the pavilion including the Ruritans, Adult Activity Center, King George DSS, King George Builders Association, King George Chamber of Commerce, and Regional Swim Meets. LIGHTS ON AFTERSCHOOL • Celebrated nationwide to call attention to the importance of afterschool programs for America’s children, families and communities. • Each October, 1 million Americans and thousands of communities nationwide celebrate Lights On Afterschool to shine a light on the after school programs that keep kids safe, inspire them to learn and help working families. • King George Family YMCA has celebrated Lights on Afterschool for the last three years and received a $1,000 grant each year from the Virginia Partnership of Out of School Time. • King George YMCA is committed to after school programs. Youth can participate in Fun Club (before- and after-school care), Super Saturdays (Y is open to students 5th-8th grade, Free 7th grade membership drive, Kidz Club (activities for 5-10 years old), swim team and lessons NATIONAL NIGHT OUT WITH THE KING GEORGE SHERIFF’S OFFICE • National Night Out, “America’s Night Out Against Crime” is an effort to promote involvement in crime prevention activities, police-community partnerships, neighborhood camaraderie and send a message to criminals letting them know that neighborhoods are organized and fighting back. • Hosted the event at the King George Family YMCA for 3 years. • Over 100 community citizens attended the 2013 National Night Out. WATER FITNESS CLASSES FOR SENIORS • Exercising in water makes you feel about 90 percent lighter, reports the American Council on Exercise. When you jump or run in the water, your body does not experience the same impact these moves cause on land. This makes water aerobics an ideal activity for those with arthritis, back problems, foot or leg injuries, and knee conditions. • Received a $9,000 grant from the Community Foundation for a pool and spa lift and an aqua treadmill to give seniors more availability for the pool. The Community Foundation distributes grants to a variety of nonprofit programs, organizations and other community-oriented charitable efforts that benefit area residents, as well as scholarships to local students.

• Tutoring K-12+ • Intensive Reading Instruction • Leadership Workshops • Study Skills Workshops • Writing Seminars • Educational Consultation 10081 Kings Hwy. King George, VA 22485

• 500 seniors from King George County have benefitted from water fitness classes • $50 per month for a senior to take Water Fitness Classes SPECIAL OLYMPICS SWIM TEAM • People with intellectual disabilities are encouraged to join Special Olympics for the physical activity, which helps lower the rate of cardiovascular disease and obesity, among other health benefits. Also, they gain many emotional and psychological benefits, including self-confidence, social competence, building greater athletic skills and higher self-esteem. • For the last 5 years, 75 children with special needs have been a part the Special Olympics Swim Team at the King George Family YMCA REHABILITATION TRAINING •Benefit of continued exercising once physical therapy has been completed includes restoring physical functioning and skills like walking and range of movement. • Conditions include MS, Parkinson’s, stroke victims, traumatic brain injury and joint replacements. • 70 adults have received intensive personal training at an affordable rate for serious conditions. • All Y members receive orientation and training workouts from certified trainers to help with their goals. Many of their goals are centered around health and movement issues. YMCA BRIGHT BEGINNINGS • YMCA Bright Beginnings gives children in our community the tools they need to succeed each school year. We provide eligible students (economically disadvantaged children) with new clothes, shoes and a backpack filled with supplies. This year 35 elementary students shopped with more than 50 community volunteers and were ready to be successful this school year. LUNCH BUNCH • Every summer hundreds of children in King George County do not have enough food to eat. The Lunch Bunch provides 250 lunches twice a week during the summer to these children. The program starts in June runs through the last week in August. • Lunch Bunch is a volunteer organization dedicated to meeting the needs of children in King George County, VA during summer breaks. The program is administered by a Board of Directors composed of members from Dahlgren United Methodist Church, Peace Lutheran Church, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Two Rivers Baptist Church, and Trinity United Methodist Church. • Lunch Bunch has been serving the community for the last three summers. The King George Family YMCA is the fiscal partner and provides additional programming for Lunch Bunch children – Summer Camp, Before and After School program and the YMCA Bright Beginnings Program. PROGRAMS COMING SOON Howard next mentioned programs that are starting up or being planned at the Y. YMCA LEARN TO SWIM PROGRAM • Drowning is the No. 2 cause of accidental death among children under 14 years of age. Additionally, 12,000 children a year are left with a permanent disability from a near drowning. • The objective is to provide swim lessons to every second grader in the county school system. A pilot pro-

gram will begin in November of 2013 with Potomac Elementary students. • Students will participate for free for 6 weeks once a week during the school day. • Program will be expanding to all elementary school second graders in the county during the spring of 2014. INITIATING TEEN LEADERS PROGRAM • YMCA Leaders’ Club starting in 2014 will provide teens in 7th 12th grade with knowledge, training, communication skills and valuable team-building experience through volunteering in Y programs and the community. Leaders’ Club will train teens to better serve their community through the Y as they encourage each other to make a positive impact for present and future generations. The Y is committed to nurturing children and teens and contributing to their success. PARKINSON’S DISEASE AND CANCER EXERCISE PROGRAMS • Exercise is an important part of healthy living for everyone. However, for people with Parkinson’s disease exercise is not only healthy, but a vital component to maintaining balance, mobility and daily living activities. • In the past, people being treated for a chronic illness (an illness a person may live with for a long time, like cancer or diabetes) were often told by their doctor to rest and reduce their physical activity. This is good advice if movement causes pain, rapid heart rate, or shortness of breath. But newer research has shown that exercise is not only safe and possible during cancer treatment, but it can improve how well you function physically and your quality of life. • During 2014 the King George YMCA will provide opportunities for people with Parkinson’s disease and cancer with exercises classes created especially for their illness. FUNDRAISING ACTIVITIES Howard spoke about fundraising efforts for the community programs. Every year the King George Family YMCA Board of Directors and staff raise money for the Jay Massad Annual Support Campaign. The Y is open to all — no matter their background or income. And if you belong to the Y in King George, you belong to the Y in Fredericksburg, Spotsylvania and wherever. The KGY Board collectively has raised $80,000 over the last 5 years to support the cause of the Y. Each year the KGY board members give personally, get gifts and support events so that the Y is open to all. A couple of events the Y holds are Casino Night and, most recently, a golf tournament. Howard said the golf tournament was very successful for the first year, bringing in more than $8,000, which will be used for some of these youth programs and others. Howard finished up, saying, there are three questions that we usually ask, and we answer them: What do people find at the Y? Strength; what do Y volunteers do? They give back; and what do kids do at the KG Family YMCA? They grow. Sisson noted that there were a couple of other Y board members in the audience, welcoming and thanking Sheriff Dempsey and Julie Kaifa, adding she is a charter board member and been there since the start. Find out more about the King George Family YMCA online at family-ymca.org/branches/KingGeorge/ KGOverview.html. The YMCA is located on the north side of Route 3.

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The Journal

Wednesday, Oct. 9, 2013


KGHS DECA hosts Lifesaving EMT skills proved vital to saving Culpeper volleyball player dodgeball tournament Savanna Cramer

Leonard Banks Sports editor September 12th, 2013, will forever be embedded in the mind of King George Middle School science teacher Patrick Simmons. On that date, Simmons’ actions may have saved the life of a Culpeper volleyball player. The mild-mannered educator has many talents, but his paramedic skills became crucial to reviving the breathing functions of a young athlete suffering the effects of asthma. Normally, his week consists of teaching science, martial arts practice, officiating soccer and volleyball games, and working as a volunteer EMT-Paramedic for the Cumberland Volunteer Rescue Squad. However, shortly after this volleyball game featuring the visiting Culpeper Blue Devils and Spotsylvania Knights, where both he and his father, Roger, officiated, Simmons made a splitsecond choice to use his training as a paramedic to assist a player in desperate need of help. “After the varsity match had ended, we were hanging around, while my dad was changing his shoes,” Simmons said. “Suddenly, a varsity player from the Culpeper team came out of the locker room with her parents, and they were calling for the trainer. She was having an asthma attack, but the trainer was not in the gym at the time. After I identified myself as a paramedic, I was told by her parents that she was trying to use her inhaler, and it was not working.” According to Simmons, the parents of this player helped sit her down to use her inhaler, but it didn’t

“My referee assigner called and asked, ‘How did the match go tonight?’ I responded, ‘you may not have sent the best referee, but you sent the right one’.” —Patrick Simmons work, and the player passed out. After placing her on the floor, and realizing that she was not breathing sufficiently, Simmons began using a bag valve mask, provided to him by the Spotsylvania athletic trainer, to give rescue breaths to this player, who was now in respiratory arrest. Calling for an AED (Automated External Defibrillator) and preparing for the worst, Simmons and the trainer, who had arrived to help, were able to bag the albuterol into her lungs. Albuterol is a smooth muscle relaxer used to help dilate a person’s airway to allow airflow into the lungs. After about five minutes of rescue breaths, the player began coughing and breathing on her own. She was placed into the recover position and monitored by Simmons and the trainer until the ambulance arrived to transport her to the hospital. She

Simmons photography

Volleyball/soccer father-son officiating duo of Roger (left) and Patrick Simmons (right). was breathing, but still unconscious, as she was lifted onto the stretcher for transport. “When I work rescue, I’m used to being in an ambulance, surrounded by equipment and the medications needed to help someone in an emergency. This experience was different, as I had to wait for the ambulance to arrive, and provide care in the meantime. I was scared for this player. We kept her breathing, and kept her from going into cardiac arrest, and it was definitely a team effort with the athletic trainer.” Simmons admits he is happy to use his training, wherever it is needed. “My referee assigner called

and asked, ‘How did the match go tonight?’ I responded, ‘you may not have sent the best referee, but you sent the right one’,” Simmons said. Simmons is certified as a National Registry EMT-Paramedic, and an American Heart Association BLS/CPR instructor. He is a life member of the Cumberland Volunteer Rescue Squad, located in Cumberland. Prior to joining the Cumberland Squad in 1998, he earned his EMT in 1996, at the age of 16, through courses offered to him as a high school student, taught by Science teacher Ken Chatham, who along with Rondy Wright, inspired him to become a science teacher.

King George Elite AAU football has arrived Leonard Banks Sports Editor

Re R N ad en ew y ov ly fo at r T ed en an ts

The King George Elite football program has arrived in King George. In fact, the program arrived in its infancy during the spring, as a competitive flag football program. The program, started by certified Speed & Agility Youth Nutritionist Keith Rose, is comprised of three teams (8U, 10U, and 12U age groups). “Our kids are all younger players, and most of them have not played tackle football before,” Rose said. “After the first scrimmage, the coaches went back to the basics, getting them more aggressive and accustomed to hitting. The majority of our players have improved a lot since day one.” The teams compete in the Virginia AAU District, and are part of the Virginia Athletic Conference (VAC10). Area competition includes fellow VAC10 members, Fredericksburg Canes, and Spotsylvania Cougars. In addition, their competition will also include Virginia Beach, Lynchburg, and Orange. The remaining schedule includes road trips to the Richmond City Spiders (Oct. 12), home games versus Fredericksburg (Oct. 19), and a home game against Lynchburg (Oct. 26). The competition will allow King George to meet AAU requirements. The ultimate goal for all King George teams is to finish in the top four, which will earn the Foxes the right to host the playoff semi-finals. The AAU program is completely separate from all other local football

“I feel in order for the kids in King George to compete against outside organizations, when they get to high school football, they will need a foundation.”

Last Thursday night, Oct. 3, was an all-out dodgeball brawl between eight teams for the ultimate prize of fun, entertainment, and specially-made t-shirts. But that wasn’t all. This event helped raise money for iPads for the Special Needs Programs in every elementary school in the county. The King George High School DECA and Advanced Sports Marketing Class held its annual dodgeball tournament for the 2013-2014 school year. Every year, this event is held to raise money for a certain charity of the classes’ choice or a charity that they make up. This year, the dodgeball tournament wouldn’t have been possible if it were not for the hard work of two seniors, Becca Leonard and Lena Easingwood. These two students started to plan this event back June before the 201213 school year ended. Becca Leonard explained that the planning started early because “We first had to talk to each Special Needs teacher in the county to find what the needs were in the classrooms. Once we figured out we were raising money for iPads, we knew it would be a lot of work. We had to reserve the gym and choose a date before the 2012-2013 school year ended. We knew that over the summer, our planning would start to slow. We wanted to get an early start so we didn’t have any last minute things. Once school started, we started getting it out in the newspapers and on the King George alerts to get the county involved.” So after months of planning, eight teams were made up from elementary, middle, and high school teachers along with high school student teams, as well.

From all the teams that participated, only one came out victorious. Team FSU won against team MooseKnuckle in a three-game match. Team Captain for FSU, Chris Zylonis commented “Winning felt great, especially because losing in the final last year, and coming back felt like great redemption, but more importantly, the win this year felt like a feeling I couldn’t even imagine. Being a part of the event and helping raise the money for the iPads and helping the community gives me a sense of pride. My team and I were just glad that we could help the best we could.” The evening turned out to be a great success. Between the dodgeball tournament and the coin drive that was held two weeks prior, $1,400 was made for the iPads. The girls tripled the proceeds from last year. The two seniors were asked if they were satisfied with the outcome of the night. “I think it went well. We achieved an important goal, which was community involvement, and to raise money for the iPads. From what I have heard and saw, everyone had a great time,” stated Easingwood. “I felt that Lena and I accomplished everything we set out to do. We wanted to have a fun, entertaining evening that the community could be a part of. I wouldn’t change a single thing,” stated Leonard. In about a week or two, both of the girls are going to sit down with the Special Education Board and discuss how much more money needs to be raised. The whole night was carefully planned out and was a huge success. A special thanks goes out to Mrs. Strauss, Mrs. Shea, and Mrs. Beuche. Without their classes, they couldn’t have had made that night possible.

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—Keith Rose organizations. Also, all of the team’s equipment and uniforms was purchased by Rose. “I feel in order for the kids in King George to compete against outside organizations, when they get to high school football, they will need a foundation,” Rose said. “This is something I’d like to introduce to them at an early age. The goal is to improve the product for the entire county.” Coached by 16 volunteer coaches, the organization is a “heads up” program, where removing the head from tackling is a priority during competition and practice. All coaches are level-1 USA Football certified and AAU Positive Coaching Alliance certified. Teams that are successful in winning the AAU regular season or state playoffs automatically earn a birth to the National Championships in Flor-

Leonard Banks

ida, during the month of December. For more up to date information on King George Elite Football program, go online to www.facebook/ kgfoxeseliteyouthfootball. Football practice is held at Hunter Field (The Pitt) from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Weekend games featuring King George VS. Richmond Lions After a long battle, the 8U Foxes (3-2) lost to a Richmond-based program called the Lions, 18-7. The Foxes turned the ball over three times, and gave up a touchdown with under three minutes left in the game. From start to finish, the 10U Foxes controlled the game, and eventually

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won 25-0 over the 10U Lions. After winning three straight games, the Foxes (3-2) have improved to 3-2. After trailing 6-0, the 12U Foxes rallied to rout the previously undefeated 12U Lions, 23-6. After the Lions’ refusing to come out in the second half, the Foxes’ record improved to 5-0, giving them sole possession of first place in their division.

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Wednesday, Oct. 9, 2013

The Journal


Eagles JV football top Spotsylvania Knights Staff Reports Last Wednesday, at Spotsylvania High School, the Washington & Lee Eagles junior varsity football team collectively defeated the Knights, 16-13. After being behind 13-0 at halftime, the Eagles came back to win 16-13. Cullen Bell passed for 139 yards, including one 15-yard touchdown pass reception to Joseph Fulcher. Ramani Goode rushed for 50-yards, while Kewan Dameron finished the game with

Cathy Binder

Both Foxes girls’ and boys’ cross-country teams finished with solid performances at the Octoberfest Invitational, at the Plains, in Fauquier County,

Foxes cross-country soar at Octoberfest Leonard Banks Sports editor Sophomore Jacob Watson is on a roll this season. With the exception of the first race of the season against Courtland, which he did not compete in, he is undefeated in dual meet competition. On Saturday, out of field of 155 runners, during the Octoberfest Invitational at the Plains in Fauquier County, Watson posted a time of 17:15 to win the boys varsity race. His efforts proved crucial in leading the boys cross-country team to a first place finish. Watson’s teammate Christian Koon placed fifth with a time of 18:00. Watson’s older brother Jarod completed the top three boys as he finished 31st. Kyle Knepshield (40th, 19:27), Nicholas Casamento (56th, 19:56), James Peed (87th, 20:34), and Robbie Andrews (93rd, 20:47) rounded out the boys finishes. As a team, the Foxes boys finished with a total time of 1:33.54. As for the Foxes girls, junior Kristen Hornbaker posted a time of 20:57 for a second place finish among 89 varsity B female runners. Hornbaker’s teammate, junior Ashley Perkins finished eighth

with a time of 22:35. Sophomore Maddie Amos rounded out the top three King George finishers with a 10th place finish, and a time of 22:46. Other Foxes girls who contributed to the team’s second place overall finish included: Brooke West, 17th, 23:36; Alexandra Nette, 61st, 27:24; Lilja Flately, 62nd, 27:32; Madison Mading, 63rd, 27:38. The overall top girl finisher was Powhatan runner, Taylor Holt (20:49). Team wise, the girls top team was Clarkstown South, who finished the race with a total of 1:55.06. Foxes, Eagles, Chargers cross country meet On Wednesday, during Senior Night, the Foxes boys’ and girls’ continued their area dominance over rival teams with a complete sweep over Chancellor and Washington & Lee. The Foxes boys’ team placed first with a score of 29, while the girls’ finished first with a score of 26. Foxes Kristen Hornbaker was the girls’ individual overall winner, while Washington & Lee runner Kathryn Beddo placed second. Miranda Green rounded out the top three girl runners. As for the boys, Jacob Watson beat out Charger

runner Neil Schubel for the overall first place finish. Christian Koon rounded out the top three boys finishes. Thrilled with her runners’ performance, Foxes cross-country head coach Cathy Binders said, “Senior night is always a happy and sad occasion. It is the long goodbye for athletes I have coached since seventh grade. Watching them mature and grow as runners and young adults is a great honor.” After years of hard work, and building the crosscountry team and course into a one of the best programs in the area, Binder finally enjoying the fruits of her labors. “I would also like to thank the two families that will be leaving us after many years of hard work designing, building and maintaining our cross country course,” Binder said. “Numerous hours these parents have spent helping to raise money, carrying loads of dirt and digging up stumps. I appreciate their hard work and dedication to not only their own athletes, but to the team as a whole.” On Wednesday, the Foxes travel to Spotsylvania High School. The Conference 22 Regional CrossCountry Tournament will take place at Chancellor High School, on Wednesday, Nov. 6.

KGYAA football completes fifth week of action Staff reports Playing in heat more commonly associated with June than October, the King George Youth Athletic Association (KGYAA) successfully completed its fifth weekend of the fall 2013 tackle football campaign this past Saturday at Sealston Elementary School. The day began with the Rookie Pirates (3-2) defeating the Rattlers (1-4), 20-6, behind Nathan Caldwell, Dylan Truxon, and Ethan Richardson. Leading the way for the Rattlers were Dominic Deloatch, Collin Quick, and Duke Smith. In the second Rookie division contest, the undefeated River Hawks (5-0) bested the Pride (1-4), 20-12, led by Josh Ferguson, Aiden Martinez, and Tayvion Pierce. The Pride credit their strong showing and improved defensive play to an overall team effort. In the first Junior division game Saturday, the Mustangs (4-1) downed the Blue Devils (1-4), 28-6. The Mustangs credit the victory to an overall team performance, while leading the Blue Devils were Connor Gray, Anthony Martinez, and Jawun Parker. Saturday’s action at Sealston concluded with a come-from-behind win for the Warriors (4-1) over the hard-fighting Bandits (1-4), 24-14. The Warriors were propelled by a to-

85 all-purpose yards. Dequinse Bunns also score a touchdown, and finished the game with 41 allpurpose yards. Other offensive standouts included Eddie Jims (twopoint conversion), and Carson Bell (16-yards receiving). Defensively the Eagles were led by Larry White with one interception, while Stevie Preston, Kenny Taylor, Nicky Fones and Michael Johnson provided a well balanced defensive attack. On Wednesday, Oct. 9, the Eagles will host the Eagles will host the Lancaster Red Devils.

NN Rivermen advance in MDFL playoffs Savanna Cramer In MDFL (Mason-Dixon Football League) news, the playoffs started this past weekend where the Northern Neck Rivermen hosted the Virginia Titans in a hard fought battle of a ‘win, or go home’ game. The Rivermen came out victorious over the Titans with a 14-12 victory this past Saturday night. The Rivermen started off with the ball and made it smoothly downfield all the way to their 30-yard line. Quarterback Walt Covington was looking for wide receiver Mike Howard for an intended touchdown, but was denied for an interception by a Titan. An easy 11-yard pass, and the Titans were the first ones to put the scoring up on the board; making the score 6-0. Their extra point was no good. The Rivermen came back with

a touchdown, which made it a tied game for a moment. Kicker Barrett Hollingsworth came out to make the extra point good, and the score 7-0. In the third quarter, the Rivermen were down by a touchdown, and the clock was ticking by faster and faster. The ball was snapped back to Covington. Covington, under pressure, found Tim Short for a 31yard complete pass for a touchdown. The extra point was good. From then on, it was all defense. With a minute left in the game, the Titans were making it downfield, and it was not looking good for the Rivermen at all. With 30 seconds left on the clock, the Titans’ quarterback had the ball looking for a touchdown. He was denied by a Rivermen interception to make the game over. The final score was 1412, and the Rivermen will move on to play Arbutus Big Red in the North Conference Championship, this Saturday. Game time is 7 p.m.

Sports Updates Foxes field hockey update On Wednesday, the Foxes varsity field hockey team defeated Fauquier, 2-0. Kayla Hester scored an unassisted goal with two minutes to go in the first half. Maure Buckley scored on a corner shot in the second half; Buckley was assisted by Meghan Yanchulis. The victory improved the Foxes record to 6-2 in the conference, and 8-3 overall. The Foxes will

travel to the unfriendly confines of Caroline on Wednesday. Semi-professional football update On Saturday, at King George County Stadium, the Fredericksburg Bears improved to 4-1 with a 44-22 win over the Chesapeake Swarm. At halftime, the Bears were ahead 24-0. On Saturday, Oct. 12, the Bears will travel south to play the Richmond Venom. Earlier in the season, the Bears defeated the Venom 22-2.

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On Saturday, quarterback Chase Gaines (center) of the Rookie Pride is shown rushing against the River Hawks. tal team effort. Setting the pace for the Bandits were Arianna Currier, Gavin Geris, and Noah Williams. The JV Mavericks (2-2) dropped another close Rappahannock River Youth Football League (RRYFL) game, this time to Essex Co., 16-14. This marked the Mavericks’ second straight loss by a mere two points, and this one ended with the Mavericks at the Essex two-yard line as time expired.

Leaders for the Mavericks were Allante Green, Darrian Hodsden, and Caleb Hoyle. Speaking of the Mavericks, they will be the only KGYAA team in action this coming weekend, as they are slated to play Caroline Co. Saturday afternoon in Tappahannock. Kickoff is scheduled for 1:30pm.

The remaining KGYAA football teams and cheerleading squads will be participating in the annual Fall Festival parade this Saturday, and will this year be marching in partnership with the King George High School cheerleaders and football players. For more information on the KGYAA, visit www.kgyaa.org.

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Wednesday, Oct. 9, 2013


Drifters and Trojans battle in classic area volleyball match passing errors to win 25-19. Game two, junior varsity From the start of game two, it was apparent that the Trojans were having communication problems, as they struggled to pass and put the ball in play. After an ace by Trojan setter Kameron Duncan, it was downhill for the Trojans. The Drifters began pounding the Trojans with kills from Sariah Ndiaye and MacKenzie-Paige Monroe, which led to a 10-3 run. Throughout the next 13 exchanges, the Trojans victimized themselves with passing errors that resulted in a 17-9 Drifter lead. Essex middle hitter Claire Wilmore ignited a 6-4 Trojan run that ended with a 21-13 Drifter lead, but the attempt to rally proved futile. Although Essex scored three additional points on a Drifter serving and two passing errors, the Drifters closed the game out on four Trojan passing miscues to win the game 25-18, and match 2-0.

Leonard Banks

During the recent match against Essex, Multi-sport athlete Deniya Newman shows perfect volleyball passing form. Leonard Banks Sports Editor Last Wednesday at the Drifterdome, the Drifters hosted the Essex High School Trojans volleyball teams. While it was a relatively fast three-game match win for the visiting Trojans varsity volleyball team, the Drifters’ junior varsity started the evening off with a 2-0 match win over Essex. The win improved the Drifters’ conference record to three victories.

Drifters Eagles Foxes Keep up with your team this Fall in The


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Game one, junior varsity At the start of game one, both junior varsity teams battled back and forth with lead exchanges, until a Trojan net violation sparked a 5-0 Drifter run. The run ultimately resulted in a 10-6 lead. However, during the next five exchanges, the Trojans forced the Drifters into a series of passing errors that cut the lead to 11-9. The Drifters responded with a kill from Tamra Ruczynski and three Trojan passing errors. Collectively,

the Trojans were out of sync, as they struggled to get the ball in play. Throughout the midway portion of the game, the Drifters sustained a 3-4 lead over the Trojans. The midway Drifter lead wave featured Michaela Beverly crushing two aces into the Trojans back row. At this juncture, the Drifters were comfortably ahead, 20-16. After both teams exchanged six serving errors, the Drifters lead by four (23-19). Ultimately, the Drifters closed out game one with two Trojan

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After the Drifters cut the Trojan lead to 12-6 on a McKenzie Conway kill and two Trojan passing errors, the shift in momentum quickly shifted towards Essex. The Trojans forced the Drifters into six passing errors, giving the visitors an 18-6 lead. In the final outcome, the Drifters managed to score five additional points on another ace from Conway, a kill, and four Trojan passing errors. Essex responded by ending the game with a kill from Kaitlin Saunders, two net violations, and four Drifter passing errors to win 25-11. Game three, varsity Kalie Carson started game three with two aces, which led to 8-3 Trojan

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Game one, varsity match Courtesy of an ace by Deniya Newman and three Trojan passing errors, the Drifters opened the game with a 4-2 lead. The Trojans responded with a by, tying the game at 4-4 on a Drifter serving and passing error. Moments later, Trojans Kalie Carson and Alexis Packett combined for five kills to spark a 6-2 run. Undaunted by the Trojan 10-6 lead, the Drifters embarked on 3-0 rally of their own, cutting the deficit to one. After the Trojans extended their lead to 17-11, the Drifters followed by scoring three points in a row. Minutes later, after a momentum shift, the Trojans closed out the game with four Drifter passing errors, two kills, and two aces to win, 25-15. Game two, varsity Trojan Hannah Gross began two with three aces, which resulted in a 5-0 run. Although the Drifters managed to score two points on a Trojan serving and passing error, their visitors from Northern Neck had built a 10-3 lead on three kills, an ace, and a Drifter passing error.

run. The Drifters cut the lead to 8-6 with two Trojan passing errors, and a serving error. After a kill from Trojan Jamie Thompson, an ace from Gross, and four Drifter passing errors, the Trojans were comfortably with a 14-6 lead. Eventually the Trojans won the game (25-9) and match with four aces from Thompson, an additional kill from Thompson, a Drifter net violation and five Colonial Beach passing errors. Results of the Tuesday away game versus the Washington & Lee Eagles were not available, due to press time. The Drifters are scheduled to host Lancaster on Thursday, Oct. 10.

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Everything Country!

Wednesday, Oct. 9, 2013

This week we have an interesting historical anomaly in that the owner of these two pieces of Staffordshire, which he purchased separately over 30 years ago, has English pottery depicting one of England’s greatest enemies, Napoleon Bonaparte. Both are in excellent condition, and are Henry Lane part of his Napoleonia colHull lection. The Staffordshire potters were eager to make wares that would sell, thus images of the likes Napoleon, George Washington and Benjamin

The Journal


Franklin, appeared on all types of figurines, tablewares, and plaques. These two are typical of the production of the second quarter of the 19th century. Napoleon Bonaparte was England’s greatest enemy prior to Adolf Hitler. That British forces fought him for two decades until his ultimate defeat at Waterloo, Belgium, in June 1815, did not keep the potters from recognizing that they had a ready market, particularly in America, for items with his image on them. The bust of Napoleon was done in concert with one of Alexander I, the Emperor of Russia, and usually they were sold as a pair, the twofold reference being to the Treaty of Tilsit in 1807, when the two

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emperors agreed to divide Europe, juxtaposed five years later against the French invasion of Russia. On the bust of Alexander often one finds the inscription, “Moscow burnt. Europe saved,� meaning that in his foolish invasion of Russia Napoleon decimated his forces to such an extent that the rest of Europe had the opportunity to regroup and defeat him at Waterloo three years later. The standing figurine is worth $100; it is a nice example, but somewhat crudely molded. The bust is a fine piece of pottery, excellently molded and painted, and is worth $350. It is one of the best busts that I have seen, and could bring even more at a good auction. Happy Antiquing!

Framed prints of Mark Fike’s photos are available for purchase at The Journal.

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The Journal

Wednesday, Oct. 9, 2013


Montross celebrates ‘Hometown Family Fun’ Business Decoration Winners • Westmoreland County Museum • 7-Eleven • Allegiance Insurance Baby Contest Winners • Boys Under 1 Year Old: Owen Smith, son of David and Meghan Smith • Girls Under 1 Year Old: Madison Balderson, daughter of Megan Lambert • Boys 1 Year Old: Sergio Izaguirre III son of Sergio Izaguirre and Alicia Allen • Girls 1 Year Old: Isabella Weaver, daughter of Garrick and Brandee Weaver • Little Mr. Montross: Caleb Parker, son of Wilton and Stephanie Parker • Little Miss Montross - Meagan Bartlett, daughter of Dennis and April Bartlett Art of Coffee Chalk Art Contest Winners • Kalib Ramsey - 1st • Aubrey Tose - 2nd Each wins a T-shirt and gift certificate. Stop at Art of Coffee to redeem. Scavenger Hunt Winners • Pamela Scates - 36 score points • Sandra Beaner - 36 score points • Gwen Henry - 30 score points Pick up prizes from Sunbelt Realty.

Richard Leggitt

Left: The San Miguel Entralistas were among the groups performing for the large crowd watching the festival parade. Above: Kimberly Hale, 1, and her grandmother, Jennifer Davis of Callao, were among those watching the Montross Fall Festival Parade. Mason Jar Winners • 1st - Mary Samuels • 2nd - Chastin Payne • 3rd - Joni Filkoski Pick up prizes from Sunbelt Realty Parade Winners • Civic - VFW Soldiers and Heroes Cross • Commercial - O’Biers Tire and Auto

• Community - Siloam Baptist Church Youth Group • Decorated Car - W&L 9th Grade Homecoming Prince & Princess • Decorated Truck - Pitts Off Duty Power Washing • Horse Unit - Brackenbridge Carriage • Novelty Unit - 53rd Va. Co H Civil War Re-enacting Unit

• School Unit - Little Eagle Child Development • Homecoming Unit - 12th Grade Homecoming Prince & Princess • Scout Unit - Cub Scout Pack 208 Honor Guard • Cheerleading Unit - W&L JV Cheerleaders • Festival Theme Award - Cople Elementary School

• Judges Award - Corporates Centralistas USA Fire Department Winners • Travel Longest Distance Colonial Beach Fire Dept. • Best Appearing Fire Dept. Overall - Colonial Beach FIre Dept.

Rescue Squad Winners • Basic Life Support Westmoreland Vol. Rescue Squad • Traveling Longest Distance Kilmarnock-Lancaster Rescue Squad • Best Appearing Rescue Squad Overall - Westmoreland Vol. Rescue Squad

Classifieds HELP WANTED


Administrative Assistant position at Cople Parish Episcopal Churches in Hague available; parttime, 3 hours daily, Monday through Friday (15 hours weekly); reports directly to Priest-in-charge and assists in all areas of Parish life; must be proficient in Microsoft office (Word/Excel) and have excellent people skills. For more information contact Rev. Ellen White at 472-2593 or copleclergy1664@gmail. com Visit our web site: www. copleparish.org. 10/9b

For Sale - 2007 Hummer H3, new tires, dash navigation, Monsoon Sound System, Leather Seats, much more. $19,900. 540-379-0018. ufn

Help Wanted, Waitress, 6AM - 3PM. Bo’s Cafe Rt. 301 & 205 King George. Apply in person. 10/9b


Drivers: Home Nightly! Fredericksburg Van Runs. CDL-A w/1yr Exp. Req. Estenson Logistics. Apply: www.goelc.com 1-866-336-9642. 10/9p Fox Towne Adult Day Care Center is now hiring for part time RN’s, LPN’s and Medical Technician also Volunteers are needed. Located conveniently on Rt. 3 in King George near the courthouse. To apply please call 540775-5502. unfb





CLASSES CHANGE YOUR CAREER, CHANGE YOUR LIFE! Moseley Real Estate Licensing Courses 10/21-10-25 (9-4); 11/1811/22 (9-4); 12/9-12/13 (9-4). Call 540-424-8191 or visit www.exitrealtyexpertise.com for more info. Military Discounts for Active Duty and MyCAA for Spouses. ufn

Wendys Feline Friends. Cats and kittens for adoption. Many different colors and ages. All fixed with rabies shot. See pics at westmoreland.petfinder. org. For more information call Wendy 804224-1079 Animals Available For Adoption. The Animal Welfare League has dogs and cats available for adoption. For more information please call 804435-0822, 804-435-6320. Hours Monday, Wed., & Friday. 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Lots of animals are at the shelter - call 804-4627175.

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Call Bonnie at 540-775-2024 to place your classified ad Rappahannock Community College, a two-campus institution serving a rural 12-county area in the Chesapeake Bay region of Virginia, seeks applicants for evening adjuncts at our King George site to teach transfer level classes for the Spring 2014 semester in the following disciplines: ‡ &KHPLVWU\ ‡ 0DWK ‡ %LRORJ\ ‡ +LVWRU\ ‡ (QJOLVK ‡ 6RFLRORJ\ ‡ 3V\FKRORJ\ ‡ 0DWKHPDWLFV ‡ ,QIRUPDWLRQ 7HFKQRORJ\ ‡ &RPSXWHU 6FLHQFH ‡ &$' &RPSXWHU $LGHG 'UDIWLQJ ‡ (QJLQHHULQJ

The College desires candidates with a commitment to the community college mission and experience working in a diverse student population, including adult learners and at-risk students. The successful candidate will be committed to academic excellence, continuous improvement through professional development, assessment, program and course development, and creating a collegial environment of civility, collaboration and open communication. The college strives for a faculty of content experts who are also knowledgeable about best practices, innovative strategies, and instructional technologies that support teaching and learning. Qualifications Required: Master’s degree from a regionally accredited institution of higher learning with 18 graduate semester hours in discipline. Candidates should possess sufficient technology skills to work productively in an organization that utilizes significant information and instructional technology resources. Qualifications Preferred: College teaching experience in discipline. Salary is commensurate with education and experience. A completed Commonwealth of Virginia employment application, CV, cover letter describing qualifications, and a complete set of unofficial transcripts are required. Applications will be received and considered on a continuous basis. Resumes will not substitute for a completed state application. To apply, please visit http://jobs.virginia.gov. Only online applications from this site will be accepted. Questions about this position may be directed to jobs@rappahannock.edu. Applications from minorities and women are strongly encouraged. Rappahannock Community College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, age, national origin, sex, or disability in recruiting and employment. Inquiries related to the college’s nondiscrimination policies should be directed to the Human Resources Manager, 12745 College Drive, Glenns, Virginia 23149. REPLACEMENT WINDOWS We are pledged to the letter and spirit of LIFETIME Virginia’s Policy for achieving equal housing WARRANTY opportunity throughout the Commonwealth. GUARANTEED We encourage and support advertising and LOWEST PRICES. marketing programs in which there are no barriTax ers toIncentive obtaining housing because of race, color, Windows. religion, national origin, sex, elderliness, familial CALL! status, or handicap. All real estate advertised herein is subject to Virginia’s fair housing law which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation, or discrimination because of race, color, religion, 804-333-1234 origin, sex, 2721national RICHMOND RD • WARSAW VA elderliness, familial status, or handicap or intention to make any such preference, limitation, or discrimination.â€? This newspaper will not knowingly accept advertising for real estate that violates the fair housing law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. For more information or to file a housing complaint call the Virginia Fair Housing Office at (804) 367-8530. Toll free call (888) 551-3247. For the hearing impaired call (804) 367-9753.


The Journal for all things local Just $24.00 per year



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King George County JOB ANNOUNCEMENT Temporary, Part-Time Recording Secretary King George County is accepting applications for a temporary, part-time Recording Secretary for the Department of Community Development. Duties include recording and transcribing minutes of meeting of official County commissions and/or committees. All meetings are held in the evenings. Salary: $15/hr. Applications may be obtained from the King George County Administrator’s Office, 10459 Courthouse Drive, Suite 200, King George, VA 22485 or online at www.king-george.va.us. For specific information related to job requirements, please contact Human Resources at 540.775.9181.

&+$1*( <285 &$5((5 &+$1*( <285 /,)( 0RVHOH\ 5HDO (VWDWH /LFHQVLQJ &RXUVHV


NOTICE TOWN OF COLONIAL BEACH HOLIDAY SCHEDULE COLUMBUS DAY The Town of Colonial Beach Administrative Offices will be closed Monday, October 14, 2013 to observe the Columbus Day Holiday. The Public Works Refuse Department will be closed on October 14, 2013 also. Monday’s refuse collection will be picked up on Tuesday, October 15, 2013. The rest of the week will be on normal pickup schedule. The Administrative Offices will be open normal working hours on Tuesday, October 15, 2013 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Kathleen Flanagan, Town Clerk NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Town of Montross Town Council will hold a public hearing beginning at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, October 22, 2013 at the Town Hall, Montross, Virginia for the following purpose: To adopt an amendment to the Town Code Chapter 62, Article II Water Service for deletions and additions to provide for the proposed changes in the Cross Connection and Backflow Prevention Program. A copy of the proposed amendment may be examined at the Town Office. Interested persons may appear and present their views at the time shown above. It is anticipated that the Town Council will take action following the public hearing.

Brenda T. Reamy, Town Manager 10/9/2013, 10/16/2013

KING GEORGE COUNTY WETLANDS BOARD PUBLIC HEARING The King George County Wetlands Board will hold a public hearing beginning at 7:00 p.m., on Thursday, October 24, 2013 in the Board Room King George County Revercomb Administration Building, 10459 Courthouse Drive, to consider the following requests: VMRC Permit Application #13-1227: Request by PR Farms c/o Craig Suro to stabilize 2,200 linear square feet of shoreline, to include rock reventment, breakwater structure, and beach nourishment, including a private boat ramp, along the Potomac River, located at 3542 Mathias Point Road on Tax Map # 9, Parcel 5. Documents related to the above case are available for public inspection during the hours of 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday in the Department of Community Development, Revercomb Administration Building. The public is invited to express their views on the above case. Those who are unable to attend the public hearing may submit their comments in writing to the Director of Community Development, 10459 Courthouse Drive, Suite 104, King George, VA 22485, prior to the scheduled public hearing.

By Order of the Chairman King George County Wetlands Board

TRUSTEE’S SALE OF 17114 WINDWARD COURT, KING GEORGE, VA 22485 In execution of a Deed of Trust in the original principal amount of $320,000.00 from EARLLINE E THROWER AND PERRY J THROWER dated July 25, 2006, recorded among the land records of the Circuit Court for KING GEORGE COUNTY as Book 604 at Page 809 recorded August 11, 2006, the undersigned appointed Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at public auction on the courthouse steps at the front of the Circuit Court building for KING GEORGE COUNTY located 9483 Kings Highway, King George, VA22485-3444 on October 22, 2013 at 5:00 pm, the property with improvements to wit: All of the following property being and situate in Potomac Magisterial District, King George County, Virginia, designated as Lot 30, FERRY DOCK CROSSING Subdivision, shown on a Subdivision plat dated November 13, 2002, revised June 26, 2003, July 16, 2003, and October 28, 2003, which plat of survey, together with a Deed of Dedication are duly recorded in the Clerk’s Office of the Circuit Court of King George, Virginia, in Deed Book 467, at Page 522, and having a property address of 17114 Windward Lane, Dahlgren, VA 22448. AND further described in the above Deed of Trust. (Tax Map No. 18A2230) TERMS OF SALE: A bidder’s deposit of $15,000.00 or 10% of the sale price, whichever is lower, shall be required at the time of sale in the form of cash, certified or cashier’s check payable to Substitute Trustee. The balance of the purchase price shall be due within fifteen (15) days of sale, otherwise Purchaser’s deposit may be forfeited to the Substitute Trustee. Additional terms to be announced at sale. Substitute Trustee: Poore Substitute Trustees, LTD, 6802 Paragon Place, Suite 410, Richmond, Virginia 23230. For information contact: The Hunoval Law Firm, PLLC, attorneys for Poore Substitute Trustee, LTD, 501 Minuet Lane, #104A, Charlotte, NC 28217, (704) 334-7114. File No.: VA110.010803 (RSVP# 302770)(10/09/13, 10/16/13)


Wednesday, Oct. 9, 2013

The Journal


My first deer William Nerney Age 9 I have been hunting for three years with my dad, two brothers and “Pop” (Rick Wilks), but haven’t yet killed a deer. This year I was hoping that I would kill a big buck. We went to a friend’s house to try and kill a deer. The man that lives there always rides his property on a Gator, and the deer get scared away, but return in a short time after the Gator passes. He told us to ride the Gator out to the back field, because that is what the deer are used to. My brother, Cole, drove us out to the field on the Gator and dropped us off, then went into his own blind with my other brother, Jack, and my mom. We set up at the base of a big oak tree as if we were turkey hunting and used a small camouflage ground blind. After getting comfortable, we settled in for the wait. While waiting, we were surrounded by squirrels, and I got an itchy finger to take a few. But Dad said, “You have an expensive slug in that gun which would ruin the squirrel and end our deer hunt.” After a short wait, a yearling walked out of the woods at about 40 yards. I wanted to shoot it, but we don’t shoot yearlings. We enjoyed watching her feed until she walked out of sight. About 30 minutes later, a mature doe and two fawns came out on our right side, and again I wanted to shoot, but we don’t shoot

does with fawns, because we don’t want the fawns to be orphans. After they left the field, two mature does walked out in front of us at about the same 40-yard distance, so my dad said I could shoot either one. As I was trying to aim at the doe on the left, I moved a little too much, and the deer spooked and ran off. After they ran off, I kind of lost hope

that there would be any more deer for me to shoot. On the right side of us, there was a herd of doe, and I really wanted to shoot one. But it was too far, and I probably couldn’t hit it. So we texted my brothers, Cole & Jack, who were sitting in a blind with my mom and were much closer to the deer, so we told them to shoot one. Then my

brother, Cole, shot, but at first we thought he missed, so they walked over to look for blood. He didn’t see any blood, so then my dad went to look, and he looked in the woods with my brother, Jack, and found the doe with a perfect hit right behind the shoulder. I walked over and looked at the deer and was wishing I killed one. My dad dragged the deer farther into the woods to field dress it. While dad was doing that, I walked over to the edge of the field to look for more deer. Then I started to pray that another deer would walk out. As soon as I looked up, a group of deer walked out of the woods on the edge of the field about 200 yards away. I slowly got up to walk to my dad, and I told him there is a group of deer at the edge of the field. He said that it is too far for me to shoot. He then said, “Go over to the edge of the woods and watch the deer and tell me if they get any closer.” I watched, but they didn’t come any closer. I told my dad they are not getting any closer. By then he was done field dressing the deer, and he said we can try to sneak up on him through the woods. We got to an opening where I was close enough to shoot. I thought I saw a four- point buck, but he was actually a six-point. When he turned broadside, I aimed right behind his shoulder and shot. That one missed the deer completely, and he just looked up, then kept eating. I loaded another shell, and when he was broadside again, I shot, but it didn’t kill him, so I had to shoot one more time, and this one dropped him. And that is how I killed my first deer.

Outdoor Report Mark and Missy Fike Fishing was good again this week. Perhaps the heat got them going again. Hunting was tough, with very few deer arrowed, that we heard of. Hot, still woods make for tough hunting. Add in few acorns, and things can be interesting. Rappahannock River Ken’s Tackle in Spotsylvania reported good smallmouth action in the pools upriver. Some fish topped 20 inches. Downriver, the striper were hitting near Hopyard. We continue to hear that bass fishing on the river is very good. Cranks and plastics continue to work equally well. Crappie started to school-up and are hitting minnows. Potomac River Winter Harbor reported that squid is the key bait for perch and catfish. Small spot and small croaker were also caught this week. Striper were hitting bucktails this week, but not many were caught on spoons, according to customers. Mark Fike

Squirrels are short on acorns and hickory nuts, so they are now eating pine cones.

Inland waters Motts Run: The fishing has been quite good for bluegills and small bass. Channel catfish were hot on chicken livers. Anglers were fishing deep to catch fish in the clear water.Local ponds are giving up nice crappie this past week. Use minnows. Saltwater Cobia are numerous around the CBBT and further out, and some nice spot and puppy drum are caught in the Virginia Beach area, too. Red drum are still prowling

the lower Bay, and flounder fishing has been excellent in the usual haunts in the lower Bay. Some drum have been caught in the surf, as well. Captain Ryan Rogers (804580-0245) reported incredible bluefish action, a shark and a lot of rockfish for the Virginia season opener. A few puppy drum are still around, too. Hunting No deer, that we heard of, were checked, but then again check stations are few now, and more hunters are checking deer by phone. It was HOT on Saturday for the opening of archery season. Squirrels and deer are finding acorns a tough nut to find this season. The squirrels are now busy eating pinecones! Seasons Dove: Sept. 2—Oct. 14, 15 birds per day. Half hour before sunrise till sunset. October 5: Archery deer, turkey, and bear season begin Duck seasons: October 10-14 (Black duck closed), October 26, February 1 (Youth Days), November 16-30, December 7 - January 25. Daily Bag Limit: 6 ducks, any species except for the following restrictions: can include no more than 4 mallards (only 2 can be hen mallards), 4 scoters, 3 wood ducks, 2 redheads, 2 scaup, 2 pintails, 1 black duck (except closed during Oct. 10-14), 2 canvasback, 1 mottled duck, and 1 fulvous whistling duck. Turkey: October 19 Youth and Apprentice Turkey Day

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My hunting adventure Ben Coffey On the youth hunting day this past Saturday, my grandfather, William (Billy) France, took me hunting on a friend’s farm in Westmoreland County. I chose to use the gun that I was most comfortable with — the Remington Magnum 1100 (12 gauge) with 3-inch shells. I was hoping to get a buck or a doe that day. Well I did get a buck, however, it wasn’t the one I would have liked to get. My grandfather said there was a nice doe coming towards our blind. As I prepared to shoot, I realized it wasn’t as big as we had thought. Unfortunately we couldn’t see the spikes

My first big buck Carter Lewis September 28 was going to be my last youth day hunt. Mr. Larry Carr and I went hunting. I was using his 12-gauge slug gun on my great grandparents’, Buck and Hazel Jones’ farm. We headed out at 3:30 in the afternoon and sat in a tree stand overlooking an 11-acre soybean field. It didn’t take long before a young doe came into the field. She fed a bit and then bedded down in some tall grass on the edge of the field. She later walked off into the woods. We didn’t see much after that, just a fox running across the field and a groundhog. Then a doe and two fawns walked right under our tree stand. They fed in the field, just 10 yards in front of me. We watched them as they crunched on soybeans, and the fawns played in the beans. Suddenly, I spotted movement on the other side of the field. There was a spike rubbing on a sapling, 120 yards away! Right beside him, I saw a 6-pointer walking out of the woods, while 5 does were feeding in the field. I decided that I was going to shoot the 6-pointer, but he was 120 yards away, so I waited for him to come closer. As he slowly crossed the field toward me, a spike was running around chasing the does. The 6-pointer stayed behind them, taking his time. Then suddenly, when they were 90 yards away, I heard gunfire from across the highway. The deer all stopped. The doe and

fawns in front of me ran off. I grunted at the 6-pointer, and he stopped. He was 60 yards away. When he stopped, a doe stopped too, and her neck was right over his vitals so I didn’t shoot. I watched them run off, and I was disappointed but decided to wait a little longer. It wasn’t too long before a nice 5-pointer walked out. He was in range, so I shot. I wasn’t sure if I hit him, though. I put my gun down, and Mr. Carr and I walked across the field and looked for him in the woods. We didn’t find any trace of him, and I felt certain that I had missed him. Across the field I saw a huge 8-pointer 10 yards in front of the tree stand we had just left! I dropped down and crawled over to my gun. The 8-pointer stared right at me but kept feeding. I picked up the gun, then backed up just inside the tree line. I steadied up against a tree and shot. He jumped up and ran 20 yards into the beans and fell over. I ran straight to him. He was a nice buck. He was 15 inches wide. We took him out of the field and brought him to Mr. Carr’s house. Mr. Fike came over to help and take photographs. Then we caped him. I’m glad I got to kill an awesome 8-pointer on my last youth day hunt. The hunt itself was awesome. It was one of my best deer hunts I’ve ever had, and I can’t wait to get him mounted, as he is my biggest buck to date. I love hunting on my grandparents’ farm, and I hope I can hunt there for years to come.

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on his head. As I was getting out of the blind I heard my grandfather say, “Uh-oh.” He realized we shot a button buck (spike), which we wanted to avoid. When we were in the blind, I was nervous about shooting because I’m used to standing and shooting. I was scared that the chair would flip over, but after I took the shot, I didn’t have a worry in the world. As a matter of fact, the gun didn’t really feel like it kicked much. There were three of us hunting on the same farm that day. I’m very happy I got my first deer, and no one left the farm emptyhanded that day. I’m glad I got the opportunity to go hunting with my grandfather.

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