10-16-13 Journal - King George Virginia edition

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King George

Ruth J. Herrink Publisher, The Journal Sept. 8, 1926 - Oct. 12, 2013

Volume 37, Number 42

King George files suit to get land back from Project Faith Breach of contract cited, fraud and misrepresentation alleged Phyllis Cook King George County this week filed a lawsuit to get back a 5.53acre parcel of land given to Project FAITH, Inc., in 2012, The county asks the Circuit Court to rescind the Deed of Gift and Performance Agreement, “as though the subject deed and agreement never existed.” The 10-page legal complaint was filed late Monday, Oct. 7, with service to be delivered to Froncé Wardlaw, the developer’s executive director and registered agent. Project FAITH

Wednesday, October 16, 2013 50 Cents

helping you relate to your community

Gateway Urgent Care update

First time since 2001

has 21 days from the date of service to respond to the complaint. The county’s legal complaint was filed by attorney Edward “Sunny” Cameron, who is serving as special counsel for this matter, as he has on other county litigation. Cameron was appointed by King George County Attorney Eric Gregory, who is working closely with him and coordinating the litigation. (See related article elsewhere in this edition about additional correspondence and requests from HELP Center attorneys.) Project FAITH had recently threatened filing its own litigation against the county over the project. It now appears likely that the developer will attempt to defend the county’s See Suit, page 6

Leonard Banks

James Monroe linemen endured a long, and frustrating night as they attempted to slow down Fox running back, Jordi Estes (#2).

Thomas welcomed as new Director of Economic Development Phyllis Cook Linwood Thomas was recently welcomed to King George as the county’s new Director of Economic Development. He took over the position on Sept. 30, to fill the vacancy left by the resignation of Nicole Thompson, which was effective at the end of July. Thomas was introduced to Supervisors by Travis Quesenberry, county administrator, at a board meeting on Oct. 1. And he was in place at last week’s meeting of the Economic Development Authority (EDA) on Oct. 10. Thomas told Supervisors, “I’m excited to be a part of the team. For the last few weeks, people have come up and congratulated me, and all I could tell them was that I was happy to get started.” He’d ‘hit the ground running,’ saying prior to starting the job, he had attended the library’s grand re-opening on the previous Saturday. He added, “I’ve formally met all of you, but I’d like to get a chance to chat with each of you,” adding that he was looking forward to setting up some times with board members. Supervisor Chairman Dale Sisson greeted Thomas, saying, “We welcome you onboard, and we welcome your energy.” Sisson also noted that Thomas has been involved with the county through his previous position with Fredericksburg Regional Alliance (FRA), adding to him, “You know what we have in the works, and now we look forward to you closing those deals.”

Supervisor Cedell Brooks said, “I’m excited about Linwood being here. He seems like he’s a ball of energy, and he’s excited about King George County. And I think that’s the key thing that an economic development director has got to be – excited about what you’re doing.” Supervisor John LoBuglio related that he’d met Thomas and spoke briefly with him at the library opening, adding, “For a brief discussion, it was a very good one. I look forward to sitting down with you for a longer one.” Supervisor Joe Grzeika welcomed Thomas, adding, “I’ve had the privilege to work with Linwood on the Fredericksburg Regional Alliance for several years now. He’s going to make a good addition to our team.” Thomas held a position with the FRA since September 2008. The Fredericksburg Regional Alliance is a public/private economic development marketing partnership that serves Planning District 16, which includes King George, along with Caroline, Spotsylvania, Stafford and Fredericksburg. Thomas had also told Supervisors he had been working on an advertisement to run in the Washington Business Journal, as well as on a marketing calendar for potential targeted industry marketing, so King George can get in front of site consultants, brokers and potential CEOs and CFOs. At the EDA’s meeting last week, Thomas shared the advertisement with the group, which See Thomas, page 6

— Jessica Herrink

Project FAITH requests hearing Phyllis Cook

Jessica Herrink

Although he was not officially on the job yet, Linwood Thomas (left) was at the ribbon cutting for L. E. Smoot Memorial Library on Sept. 28.

Gusmann, Dempsey lead fight against domestic violence in county Richard Leggitt Despite the fact that Congress enacted the Violence Against Women Act 20 years ago, the fight against domestic violence continues. In the United States, one woman in four, and one man in seven will be the victim of domestic violence in their lifetime. There were 155 victims of domestic violence in King George County in 2012, and that sad statistic has led King George Commonwealth’s Attorney Keri Gusmann and King George Sheriff Steve Dempsey to put the effort to reduce domestic violence at the top of their agendas. “Everyone has a right to be safe in their homes,” Gusmann said. Gusmann said there are, unfortunately, many people locally and nationally who continue to live in fear in their own homes. “If that is you, you are not alone, there is help available,” Gusmann said. “The Domestic Violence Hotline is 1-800-799-SAFE (7233).” October is National Domestic

Violence Awareness Month and Gusmann and her staff, as well as Dempsey and his officers, are urging citizens to remember the toll that domestic violence takes on our society. “Pinwheels have been placed on the King George Courthouse lawn to represent the 155 people who were affected by Domestic Violence in King George County in 2012. That number only accounts for cases in which the defendant was arrested and charges were brought to court,” Gusmann said. “These 155 pinwheels represent each person in King George that either was physically assaulted or personally witnessed the attack. This does not count the many, many calls the King George Sheriff ’s Office responded to that did not result in an arrest,” Gusmann said. “Most of all, this number does not count the many victims of domestic violence that are out there and have not been able to come forward. Quite candidly, we could have placed 25,000 pinwheels, one for each resident

The Herrink family built the Gateway Urgent Care building specifically to house an urgent care and medical offices. It was built to the specifications of the tenant, King George Medical Center, Ltd. We learned last week that the urgent care would be closing on Oct. 18 when the company notified the King George Board of Supervisors in a letter. We were aware that Dantra Healthcare, Inc. intended to file for bankruptcy and had already started, before the bankruptcy filing, the process of trying to find another urgent care operation to take over the facility, after notifying the bank which holds the loan. Since the bankruptcy filing and the news that the current tenant will be closing at the end of this week, the search process has taken on a new urgency. Despite the death of Ruth Herrink, who was instrumental in constructing the building, the Herrink family has been in discussions with companies interested in stepping in to continue to provide urgent care in King George and the surrounding area.

of King George, because domestic violence does affect us all, even if we do not recognize it,” Gusmann said. “From the taxpayer dollars that pay the Sheriff ’s Office to investigate and arrest, to the Commonwealth Attorney’s Office to prosecute those cases, and the salaries of the judges and the clerks, when the case is brought to court,” Gusmann said. Gusmann would not discuss specific cases because of her concern for putting a domestic violence victim in further jeopardy, but she said her office has a “no drop” policy when dealing with domestic violence. “Which means, once the defendant is charged with domestic violence, my office does not ‘drop’ or dismiss the charge. This is done to protect victims of domestic violence,” Gusmann said. “Most, if not all times, the defendant will try to pressure the victim to drop the charge. My office takes that burden off of the victim. In a criminal case, it is the Commonwealth of Virginia vs. John

Richard Leggitt

To remember King George victims of domestic violence during National Domestic Violence Awareness Month, 155 pinwheels have been placed on the lawn of the courthouse. T. Smith. It is not the victim vs. the defendant.” “We prosecute domestic violence cases on the first, second and third Mondays of the month. We have a Victim Witness Coordinator that is

available to help the victim through the court experience,” Gusmann said. “In addition, Empowerhouse (formerly known as Rappahannock

Last month, ten days after a Sept. 10 letter was penned to King George County by Project FAITH’s attorney, Stephen West, that threatened potential litigation, another notification was likewise sent to the county. That Sept. 20 notice from West bolstered its previous litigation threat by naming additional lawyers to the Project FAITH litigation team. The reason for the threatened litigation, and for an actual lawsuit since filed by King George, is over the issue of county land given to Project FAITH in 2012 for a planned HELP Center. King George filed its Oct. 7 legal complaint against the developer as a remedy to get back a 5.529acre parcel of land given to Project FAITH, Inc. (PFI), because the project never got off the ground. The county is primarily suing for breach of contract against the developer for not meeting a required deadline of Aug. 1, 2013, for commencement of construction. (See related article with details on the county’s legal filing elsewhere in this issue.) LITIGATION TEAM ADDITIONS The purpose of West’s Sept. 20 letter was to notify King George County Attorney Eric Gregory that more lawyers were added to Project FAITH’s litigation team, including Clark Leming, a long-time Stafford real estate development attorney. The letter also mentioned two other See request, page 6

See VIOLENCE, page 6

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Wednesday, Oct. 16, 2013

The Journal




Goodbye Ruth and thank you for everything There are some people that, based on the impact they’ve had on your life and their own force of personality, you think will live forever. And, then, in a moment, when it seems least expected, they’re gone. In a flash, a central pivot to an entire era has gone away and you’re stunned by the sudden cleavage of time. That was how I felt when I heard that Ruth Herrink, the publisher of this newspaper, and my friend for many years, had passed away. I am not someone who David S. Kerr is qualified to write Ruth’s farewell. I am only familiar with a tiny fraction of what went into the making of what I know was a remarkable life. But, I can recall with considerable fondness my experiences working with Ruth. It was twenty years ago, almost to the day, when Mrs. Herrink’s daughter Jessica and I were guests on WGRQ. Our job was to offer commentary on that night’s election results. That was when George Allen was running against Mary Sue Terry. The program went well and Jessica suggested, with her mother’s concurrence, that perhaps I should try writing a weekly column on politics. Since then, with considerable tutelage and encouragement, from both Ruth and Jessica, as well as considerable patience, I have been writing Virginia Viewpoints for the Journal. Its been a wonderful experience. In all, and this is based on a back of the envelope calculation, I have written some 950 columns. Throughout this period, Ruth’s kindness towards me never flagged. She encour-

aged me, edited my submissions, offered her take on my point of view and regularly made recommendations about future columns. One of my fondest memories was from the 2007 State Senate Election. (That was a big one.) John Chichester was retiring and Richard Stuart and Al Pollard were fighting for the seat. It was a great campaign between two excellent candidates. Ruth, as Publisher of the Journal, in what was a substantial undertaking, organized a series of candidate’s nights throughout the district. There was one in Stafford, King George and Westmoreland Counties and she asked me to moderate all three. It was exciting, but I had just had a fairly serious surgery and I wasn’t in the best of shape. I told Ruth that I wasn’t sure I was up to it. But, thank goodness, she

knew better and told me that it would be good for me. She must have known what she was talking about because I credit those three events as being the transition between my being sick and my feeling normal again. We had a wonderful time and the candidate’s nights contributed to the quality of a remarkable election. This experience remains one of my most treasured memories. When I started writing for the Journal I never thought of myself as a writer. But, over time, thanks to encouragement from Ruth and Jessica I started writing for some other papers. Far from being annoyed, when I got an item published in the San Francisco Examiner and later a paper in England, Ruth republished them in the Journal. I couldn’t have been more proud. There is so much that I appreciated about Ruth’s personality. But what I think I will remember most is her enthusiasm. Her interest and passion for business, her inherent sense of enterprise, and her kindness towards others, not to mention an infectious sense of humor, are traits I am not likely to ever forget. Ruth always seemed to have a new idea. Of course, the reality remains, that each new day, from now on, is a day when I won’t get a suggestion from Ruth, or a link to a column or article that I should look into. That wonderful interaction is now the stuff of memories. However, Ruth would probably be the first one to remind me that this is the way life works. With that in mind, there is a quote, that given Ruth’s energetic, but nonetheless common sense approach to life, that I think she would have appreciated. Its from one of my favorite authors Mark Twain. He was searching for a farewell for a good friend of his and I will just alter it a bit, to say, “Ruth was a good friend of mine and she will be missed.”


All elected officials should have term limits Ruby Brabo Having lived under the military dictatorship of Brazil in the ‘70s, where media was censored, freedom of speech was stifled, and dissidents were tortured and banished, I remember the very real and genuine fear that always hovered around our day to day lives. Generations of Americans have fought and died to protect our democracy and not allow a dictatorship. We want to preserve our freedoms. We want freedom of speech. We want equality. We want transparency. And we want the freedom to choose. I believe term limits should be in place at all levels of government. Term limits for the office of President were put into place with the ratification of the 22nd Amendment. This was done to prevent a monarchy, which as a basis of government, can be a form of dictatorship. The

definition of a dictatorship does not necessarily mean ruled by one individual but actually, in instances of government, it also means a “small clique” or “group”. A true democracy is supposed to prevent this type of autocratic control. “Public office means serving the public, ALL the public for the public good.” Dictators have no concern for the ethics of public office, which includes public trust. Elected officials are expected to serve for the benefit of the constituents they represent, while dictators are self-serving. Dictators determine what and how much information will be afforded the public, while public trust includes an open dialogue with the community. Dictators believe in autocratic control. “Public trust is the single most important aspect of public office. Without that trust, there is no integrity in government.” When one spends decades as a

Thomas Jefferson thought all elected officials should have term limits, what do you think? member of the ruling class, he or she will lose their effectiveness to serve others. We have term limits to prevent a dictatorship at the level of U.S. President, so why would we allow for it at any other level of government? If one is truly serving in the best

Sincerely, Rev. Ace Oestreich

Like puzzles? Then you’ll love sudoku. This mind-bending puzzle will have you hooked from the moment you square off, so sharpen your pencil and put your sudoku savvy to the test! E.W. Jackson speaking at an event held in King George County in August 2013.


TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, friendships may weaken if you don’t keep up your end of the relationship. Make an effort to get together with your friends and take the initiative with planning.

LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 Libra, a spark of ingenuity hits you out of the blue and you know just how to put that inspiration to good use. Set your plan in motion as soon as you are able. SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 Scorpio, after a few hectic weeks at home and at the office, now is the ideal time for a vacation. Cast all responsibilities aside and enjoy some rest and relaxation.

GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, your approach to a problem is not working. It could be time to take an entirely new approach and see if this produces results. Be patient with this new approach.

SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 Sagittarius, you may prefer to keep certain things to yourself no matter how strongly others insist you share. Don’t succumb to pressure to share those things you prefer remain private.

CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 Don’t be surprised if a busy week finds you dog tired come the weekend, Cancer. Use the time off to recharge your batteries on this welldeserved break.

CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 Several new opportunities are coming your way, Capricorn. You just need to sort through all of them and figure out just what you want to do in the next few weeks.

LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 Few things can hold your interest this week, Leo. Although friends try, they can’t seem to keep you focused on any one thing. Expect to jump from task to task this week.

AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 The new season has you feeling refreshed and ready for new beginnings, Aquarius. Make the most of this new lease on life and encourage others to join you.

VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 Virgo, an unexpected consequence appears this week and you are caught completely off guard. Don’t let others see your surprise. You must simply roll with the punches.

PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 Pisces, maintain your focus around the office, as you will have to juggle multiple tasks in the week ahead.



Letter to the Editor Dear Editor: About four years ago I was privileged to hear E. W. Jackson speak at a meeting in Lancaster County. Afterwards, I knew this man was very different than others running for office. I had finally met someone who is a true man of God, and someone who is honest and strong in his political beliefs. In the years following that first encounter, I have seen that he continues his efforts to uphold those beliefs. He is a true statesman, not just a political opportunist who wants to make it a career. Jackson believes that for Virginia to stay free, its leaders must govern with respect for the U.S. Constitution and the Constitution of Virginia. He strongly believes in the Second Amendment and in the importance of property rights. Every day we see examples of local governments working to trample on those rights. Jackson wants to work to defend our liberties. Jackson is a black man whose great-grandfather was a slave in Orange County. While my grandparents were from Germany and Ireland, as Americans, we both have great respect for one another. Jackson served in the Marine Corps during the Viet Nam era, went to Harvard Law School and practiced law in Boston for 18 years. He currently is Pastor of a church in Chesapeake. A true conservative, a true American and a tireless worker for freedom, E. W. Jackson is a man who will always do as he says. It’s all about liberty. Please join me in supporting Jackson for Lieutenant Governor on Nov. 5.

interest of the citizens, and not themselves, then one would most certainly not willingly seek continual re-election for the same seat. One would understand the benefit of a “rotation of office,” as repeatedly referenced by our founding fathers. Thomas Jefferson understood that when one spends decades as an elected official, he or she will lose sight of what it means to be a regular citizen: “My reason for fixing them in office for a term of years, rather than for life, was that they might have an idea that they were at a certain period to return into the mass of the people and become the governed, instead of the governors which might still keep alive that regard to the public good that otherwise they might perhaps be induced by their independence to forget.” Do you agree with our founding fathers that a “rotation of office” would better serve our community?

ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, you have a lot on your mind, but only one concern demands your undivided attention. Find a quiet space to think things through and trust your gut feelings.

Here’s How It Works: Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine


3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!

10250 Kings Highway • Post Office Box 409, King George, VA 22485 Phone: (540) 775-2024 • Fax: (540) 775-4099 Online: www.journalpress.com

President Jessica Herrink • jherrink@journalpress.com Publisher Ruth J. Herrink • news@journalpress.com Sports Editor Leonard Banks • leonard@journalpress.com Reporters Phyllis Cook • pcook@journalpress.com Linda Farneth • lindafarneth@verizon.net Richard Leggitt • leggittmedia@yahoo.com Community Events Lori Deem • lori@journalpress.com IT/Production • Drue Murray

Administrative Manager Charlene Franks • charlene@journalpress.com Assistant Administrator/Subscriptions Bonnie Gouvisis Sales Representatives Steve Detwiler • steve@journal press.com Charlene Franks • charlene@journalpress.com Legal/Classified Display • charlene@journalpress.com Carla Gutridge • carla@journalpress.com Elizabeth Foreman@elizabeth@journalpress.com Graphic Artists Leonard M. Banks • leonard@journalpress.com Contributing Editor • Pat Parnell

Subscription rate is $24 per year (52 issues), or 50¢ on newsstands. Outside the counties of King George and Westmoreland, the rate is $38 per year. The Journal (ISSN #87502275) is published weekly by The Journal Press, Inc. Postmaster, send 3579 to: The Journal, Post Office Box 409, King George, Virginia 22485

CLUES ACROSS 1. Pepsi is one 5. Kilocalorie (abbr.) 8. Canadian flyers 12. Bright fleshy seed covers 14. Exclamation of triumph 15. Dawn (Spanish) 16. Former Spanish currency 18. Illuminated 19. A benefit bestowed 20. Spanish beaches 21. Solid water 22. Baby flowers 23. Surrealistic comic strip 26. Uncontrollable tremors 30. Dapper 31. Ear shell 32. Russian river 33. #1 soup noodle brand 34. Relating to a tube 39. Air Reserve base (abbr.) 42. Relating to Deism 44. More dried-up 46. Pear-shaped vowels 47. Creator of 23 across 49. Leavened rum cake 50. “Much __ About Nothing” 51. Two-sided discussion 56. Snakelike fishes 57. Fold 58. Removed writing 59. Away from wind 60. Small time unit (abbr.) 61. Look at with fixed eyes 62. Former Soviet bloc 63. Vision organ 64. Three-banded Armadillo

CLUES DOWN 1. “’Lil Abner” cartoonist Al 2. Pitcher Hershiser 3. Elvis’s daughter 4. Mt. Lebanon resort town 5. Islamic civil and religious leader (var. sp.) 6. Mexican American 7. A sideways pass 8. Bunny 9. Threatening rain 10. Where one abides 11. Ardent devotees 13. Not moving 17. Ghastly pale from distress 24. Midway between E and SE 25. Writing materials sellers 26. Even golf score 27. Fabric of camel or goat hair 28. Hide from police: on the ___ 29. Patti Hearst’s captors 35. Universal Standard Time (abbr.) 36. British thermal unit 37. Own (Scottish) 38. Digital display material 40. Fall back to a former state 41. Tom __, former LA mayor 42. Runs PCs 43. Wear away 44. Russian marten furs 45. Item used for 58 across 47. A Scottish Highlander 48. Rolls-__, luxury car 49. Jeff Bridges’ brother 52. Bay Area Transit Authority 53. As fast as can be done (abbr.) 54. Metric prefix for 10 to the 12th power 55. Frankenberg river

See classified page for answers

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The Journal

Area Deaths Ruth J. Herrink

Ruth J. Herrink, 87, died October 12, 2013, surrounded by her family, following a brief illness. Ruth frequently recited the 23rd psalm; her cup truly was filled to overflowing with life, energy and ideas. She learned the words of the “Salutation to the Dawn� from her father Basil B. Jones - “Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope.� The day before her final illness she was filled with energy, working on the next edition of The Journal in King George, and talking about her vision for how the problems with the urgent care facility in King George were an opportunity for something better for the future. Ruth loved to have her children and her King George family around her. She loved to fix dinner, and to visit about the day, the world and all that was happening in the lives of her family and friends. She had a questing mind - always working on a new project or coming up with ideas about how something could be improved. Many people sought her advice and she worked to promote projects that benefitted the community. She was in her office at The Journal every day and had a steady stream of visits and phone calls about community affairs. In September of this year she had started weekly classes in the “Education for Ministry� program, a fouryear course about the Bible, theology and church history because she was still on a spiritual journey. Ruth was active as the publisher of The Journal newspaper in King George, in constructing the building which housed an urgent care center in King George, in Historyland Memorial Park and in community affairs until her last illness. Ruth understood the need for an informed community and community service. Ruth was a graduate of Thomas Jefferson High School, Richmond, Va., class of 1943. She attended Oberlin College, Ohio, and graduated from Simmons College, Boston, MA, in 1948. For the last thirty years, Ruth published The Journal a weekly newspaper serving King George, Colonial Beach and Westmoreland. On this she worked closely with her daughter Jessica Herrink. At 81 years of age, she and Louis Herrink were instrumental in constructing a new office building in King George to house an urgent care facility and medical offices. She was involved in establishing the Dahlgren Heritage Foundation and Museum. As publisher of the newspaper she helped promote the Love thy Neighbor Food Bank, the King George Farmers’ Market and other community activities. Prior to moving to King George, Ruth was the Director of the De-

partment of Professional and Occupational Regulation for the Commonwealth of Virginia, appointed in by Governor Linwood Holton and serving in this capacity under three governors. She established a consumer board to advise on licensing, established continuing education requirements and revised policies to allow independent practice for social workers and optometrists. Ruth served as a member of the Richmond City Council from 196365. During this time she voted to open park district round houses to African-American citizens. At the time she was told that being public about her vote would not be good for her political career. Believing it was the right thing to do, she made her views public. Ruth also served on the Human Relations Commission for Richmond, Va. to advise on implementation of civil rights in that era and was a member of the Commonwealth of Virginia Commission on the Status of Women. Ruth was a founding member of the Richmond Forum which brought nationally and internationally known speakers to Richmond. She was a founding member of the Women’s Bank in Richmond. She had a lifetime of community and public service. Ruth Herrink is survived by three daughters: Sarah (John) Ailey, Beverly (Brian) Klunk and Jessica Herrink, their father Louis Herrink, five grandchildren: Joseph and Cynthia (Richard Darago) Ailey, Patrick and Edward Klunk, and Meredith Wolfe, and a great-granddaughter Veronica Darago, her sister Patricia Parnell and her nephews William, Edward, Larry and Howard Parnell. Ruth was preceded in death by her parents Dr. Basil B. and Ruth S. Jones. Services are Thursday, October 17, 2013 at 8 p.m. at Nash and Slaw Funeral Home in King George. The family will receive guests from 7-8 p.m. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations in her memory to the Dahlgren Heritage Foundation, the Love Thy Neighbor Food Bank, the King George YMCA or a charity of your choice.

Barbara Ann Shaffier

Barbara Ann Shaffier, 73, formerly of Colonial Beach, Va passed away, after a long illness, on Friday, October 11, 2013 at the Culpeper Health and Rehabilitation Center. She was born in Alexandria, VA a daughter of the late Frank L. and Mary M. Miller. In addition to her parents she is predeceased by her husband, James Shaffier, and two sisters, Christine Leckner and Peggy Miller. Barbara loved living in Colonial Beach and spending time with her family. She is survived by her three children, Mary Susan Burdette (James) of King George, VA, Frank Levi Hall of Colonial Beach, VA and Thomas Edward Hall of Montross, VA; sister, Fran Stringfellow (Dallas) of Culpeper, VA; six grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Services are private. Moser Funeral Home of Warrenton, VA is handling the arrangements.

Community Services Center moves

Community Services Center in Montross has moved to the Carter Memorial SDA Church lower level at 121 CarterTown Rd., just off Rte. 624 (Newland Rd). The Center re-opens this week with its regular hours on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, 9 a.m.- 12 noon. Winter children’s and adult clothing, coats, shoes, bedding, small household items and occasionally furniture are available for FREE. For info/ directions, call (804) 493-8678 or (804)313-7467.

Let Roy Shank, a top producing agent, full time since 1989, help you with all your real estate needs.

KG Candidates Forum The KG Branch NAACP and Ralph Bunche Alumni Assn. are hosting a Candidates’ Forum for the James Monroe and Shiloh District Board of Supervisors’ candidates. The Forum is Thursday, Oct. 17 at 6:30 p.m. at the L. E. Smoot Memorial Library Meeting Rooms A and B, located at 9533 Kings Highway, King George. All are invited to attend for an opportunity to meet, ask questions, and become familiar with each of the candidates to be better informed when voting on Election Day. Any questions, call (540) 226-0991 or (540) 226-9754. Disclaimer: “Use of library meeting space does not constitute endorsement of this organization, this program or its content by the L. E. Smoot Memorial Library.

Save the Date 1st German Christmas Market hosted by the Dahlgren Heritage Foundation. Dec. 7, 4-8 p.m. at the Museum bldg. on Rt. 301. dahlgrenmuseum.org

KG P&R Halloween Funfest KGP&R Halloween Funfest will be held on Wednesday, October 30, 6-8 p.m.For children ages 12 and under, the event will feature games and prizes; flashlight egg hunt; costume judging and awards; a donut eating game and more fun. Sponsored by the KG Optimist Club and KGP&R, this annual event is fun for everyone. Cost is $4 per child. Call (540)775-4386 for more details.

Great Pumpkin Race KG P&R invites you to comeout on October 25 for the annual “Great Pumpkin Race� and Flashlight Scramble to be held at Barnesfield Park. Bring your flashlight to the Park at 6 p.m. The Great Race starts at 7 p.m. Dinner special BBQ or Hot Dogs for sale. Pre register by Thursday, October 24th. FREE!Have fun looking for the “Great Pumpkin� and numerous pumpkins and eggs for prizes. At least 25 prizes in the $15-$25 value. Call (540) 775-4386. Subscribe to The Journal $24 per year Call 540-775-2024

UMW SBDC series

CB Museum Events

The University of Mary Washington Small Business Dev. Center in Warsaw is joining with Gail Bassette from TCE, a management consulting company, to present a 6 session workshop “Business Growth Excelerator Program� offers proven strategies to transform and grow your business. Every Tuesday from 9 a.m.-Noon beginning October 22 at the Northern Neck Planning District Comm. in Warsaw. Also, the Univ. of Mary Washington Small Business Dev. Center Warsaw Office and Marc Willson, retail consultant for Virginia SBDC, will present a workshop on October 24 from 9-11 a.m. at the Bank of Lancaster in Kilmarnock and another on October 25 from 9:30-11:30 a. m. at the Beale Memorial Building in Tappahannock. Titled “From Bah Humbug To Booming Holiday Sales�, the goal is to help increase your holiday sales with 7 simple strategies and review retailing basics and best practices. To register for these offerings (seating is limited) please contact Bonnie Haywood at (804)3330286.

On Saturday October 26 at The Museum starting at 1pm is a Scarecrow Festival. Come to The Museum and build a scarecrow. Material to make a face, a scarecrow frame, stuffing material and refreshments will be provided. Make sure you bring materials to dress your scarecrow head to toe! Markers and paints to decorate the face and any other supplies (ropes, stapler) needed to put your scarecrow together. The scarecrows will remain on display through November weather permitting. Registration starts October 12. The price is $20.00 per team/family. Join us for a first of it’s kind “History Walk on the Boardwalk�. Members of the Colonial Beach Historical Society have put together a history walk to remember the lively days when the Casinos played a pivotal roll in Colonial Beach. On Saturday October 26 at 6 p.m., meet at The American Legion at the end of Colonial Ave to start the walk which concludes at the Museum. The cost is $10.00 per person. Bring your camera to take pictures along the way, you never know what spirits might be tagging along. For tickets and additional information contact The Museum at 2243329 or Patti at 804-761-7836.

Wednesday, Oct. 16

Girl’s Night Out at the Riverside Center. Sponsored by Mary Washington Healthcare, this is an evening of food, wine, screenings, entertainment and shopping. 5:30-8:30 p.m. at $15 pp. Register at GirlsNight.mwhc. com

Thursday, Oct. 17

KG County Historical Society. will meet at 6:30 p.m. in the Revercomb Bldg. The October program will feature Dr. John Sellers, Specialist on Abraham Lincoln. Public invited. Light refreshments.

Saturday, Oct. 19

St. Margaret’s School 15th Annual Rappahannock River Run/Walk 5K through the streets of historic downtown Tappahannock. The cost to participate is $25 and includes a race packet with an event t-shirt. Discounts are available for running groups of five or more people. Onsite registration and packet pick-up will begin on race day at 7:30am in front of St. Margaret’s Hall at 444 Water Lane, Tappahannock. The race will begin promptly at 8 a.m. with an awards ceremony to follow. To register online, visit www.sms. org/run or contact Lindsay Harmon in the Office of Alumnae Relations at lharmon@sms.org or (804)4433357.

Monday, Oct. 21

King George Chapter 1616 will hold its October meeting, at 6 p.m. at Smoot Memorial Library Conference Room. If you are a Southern daughter OR if you love history OR doing good works for and honoring our Military and Veterans, this is the organization for you. Please join us.

Thursday, Oct. 24

“The Woman’s Club of King George will meet on Oct. 24th, at 7pm. The guest speaker is Mrs. Elizabeth Lee, Curator of the King George Museum. Women, from King George and surrounding area, interested in attending please call 540-775-7878.�

Saturday, Oct. 26

Come join in the “spooky� fun at the Newland RCVFD #3 Firehouse. from 5:30-7 p.m. It’s a FIRE SAFETY HALLOWEEN PARTY. 587 County Bridge Rd. Food, Games, Cakewalk, Costume Contest, Fire Safety Educational Materials and more. Admission: One nonperishable food item per person to benefit a local food bank. Come have lots of fun and laughs.


Cell: 540/220-0726 Home: 540/663-3854 UC E R


Animal Adoption

You may qualify if you are a graduating senior with a 3.5 cumulative GPA, a combined critical reading and math SAT of 1100 or ACT composite of 24, and have lived for the past two (2) years in the counties of Caroline, Charles City, Essex, Gloucester, James City (Stonehouse District), King and Queen, King George, King William, Lancaster, Mathews, Middlesex, New Kent, Northumberland, Richmond, Westmoreland or York (Bruton District). Applications and further information are available from your HIGH SCHOOL GUIDANCE COUNSELOR or from the Scholarship Fund at www.faryscholarship.org.

Deadline December 16, 2013


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“If ever there is tomorrow when we’re not together... there is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we’re apart... I’ll always be with you.� -A.A. Milne


Wednesday, Oct. 16, 2013





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Scouting for Food Combined units of Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Venture Crews, and Girls Scouts will be distributing “Scouting for Foodâ€? bags throughout Colonial Beach, VA, on October 26, 2013. On November 2, 2013, the Scouts will return to the neighborhoods to collect the donation bags, return them to the Church, sort them, and store them in the Church’s Food Panty. PLEASE NOTE: All food collected remains in Colonial Beach, in the Colonial Beach Baptist Church’s Food Pantry to help those who need assistance locally. • The Colonial Beach Baptist Church has been helping 30 to 35 families a week with food donations (sometimes more). That does not sound like too many, right? However, each week it is a different 30 to 35 families or approximately 130+ families per month the church is assisting. • When the food runs out and the shelves are devoid of food products the Church reaches into their Congregational Funds and spends around $300.00 a week at the grocery store to restock the shelves. • So this October/November help us to help the community food pantry at the Colonial Beach Baptist Church. • The combined units of Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Venture Crew, and Girls Scouts will be distributing “Scouting for Foodâ€? bags throughout the community on Saturday the 26 starting at 9:30 – 10:00 AM from the Colonial Beach Baptist Church on Garfield Avenue.


Wednesday, Oct. 16, 2013

trinity episcopal church will hold its fall yard and bake sale Saturday, October 26, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., rain or shine. The huge, indoor-outdoor event will benefit Trinity’s community outreach program, which provides food and other assistance to individuals and families in financial need. The indoor sale will feature many rooms of collectibles, antiques, jewelry, linens, books, toys, infant furniture, dishes and glassware, household items, small appliances and electronics, great fall and winter clothes and accessories for all ages, and freshly baked seasonal goodies! The outdoor sale will feature bikes, furniture, tools, games, sports equipment and much more. Trinity is located at the corner of William St. and College Ave., across from the University of Mary Washington. To donate items for the sale or for further information, call (540) 273-0653. fletcher’s chapel unted methodist church will celebrate a Homecoming Service on Sunday, Oct. 27. The festivities will begin with music by Bob Stone and the VA Gospel Singers at 10 a.m. Sunday morning worship will follow at 11 a.m. and a lunch will be served at noon. All are welcome. For more information contact the Church office at (540) 775-7247 or visit the Church website at www. fletcherschapel-kinggeorge-va-org. maranatha baptist bible church will hold an Ordination Service for Assoc. Pastor Rev. Clinton B. Reese on Sunday, Oct. 20 at 4 p.m. The Rev. Lionel Richards will preside, music by the Brothers-in-Christ Quartet and the Anointed Angels.

The Journal

Dinner will be served immediately following the service. This invitation is extended to all. 2179 Stoney Knoll, Col. Beach, VA. KG Church of God invites everyone to Deaf Concert, “He Speaks Life” on Saturday, Nov. 2 at 3 p.m. There will be a fellowship dinner after the concert. Donations are welcome during the concert and for your meal. For more information, please call Sheila (540) 623-2804 or email sgng4JS@verizon.net Good Hope Baptist Church will hold its Annual Fall Rally services on Sunday, Oct. 20. The guest preacher for the 11 a.m. service will be Bishop Victor Wheeler, Pastor of Victory Ark Ministries, Petersburg, VA. At the 3 p.m. service the guest evangelist will be the Rev. Willie Glaspie, Pastor, Mt. Olive Baptist Church, Unionville, VA. He will be accompanied by his congregation. Msic will be rendered by good Hope’s Male Chorus. A fellowship meal will be served at 2 p.m. All are invited to attend. 17223 Good Hope Rd. King George, VA 22485. (540) 775-9487. salem Baptist church in Jersey, VA will celebrate its Annual Harvest Day service on Sunday, Oct. 20 at 3 p.m. The Pastor, Rev. Leonard Bland will preach at the 11:30 a.m. service. Dinner will be served following the morning service. The guest speaker for the evening service will be the Rev. Charles Payton, from the Morning Star Baptist Church in Montross, accompanied by his congregation and singing group. All are welcome to come worship. The dress for Harvest Day will be casual. 12262 Salem Church Rd, King George, VA. (540) 775-2350.


Antioch Baptist Church will honor Dr. Larry and First Lady, Rev. LaVerne Finch with a 20th Anniversary Pastoral Banquet on Saturday, Oct. 19 at 4 p.m. at Shiloh Baptist Church, 13457 Kings Highway, King George. Music will be provided by Agape Jazz Ensemble and the Mighty Gospel Melodies. Please call (540)775-4312 to purchase tickets. Come celebrate the Church’s 145th Anniversary Sunday, Oct. 20, beginning with Praise and Worship at 11 a.m. Dinner will be served after the morning service. The Rev. Wallington Sims, Jr. and his congregation and choir will be the special guests for the 3 p.m. service. All are invited to attend. 11102 James Madison Parkway, King George VA. first baptist church of ambar continues their Wednesday noon prayer services with Scripture readings. Please join them for an hour of reflection and revitalizing. The Church is located at 9469 Caledon Rd. KG (540) 775-3939. dahlgren united methodist church Little Lambs Bible Story and Art Time is a Free “parent & me” style group for ages 0-5 years to meet once a month. Dates have been scheduled as follows: Nov. 1; Dec. 6; Jan. 17; Feb. 7; March 7; April 4 and May 2. For more information please call the church office at (540)6632230.

Antioch Baptist Church celebrates 145 years as a spiritual haven of refuge During the period of slavery, many of our forefathers worshipped and fellowshipped with the white members in the Baptist Churches. Here in King George County, it is said that both races worshipped at “Little Zion” Baptist Church. After the Civil War and the freeing of slaves, the white members built a new church to be known as “Hanover”, which was located about one mile from Little Zion. The members of Hanover then deeded Little Zion to the Negro members of the church July, 1868. Records show that the deed was made between A. McClanahan, William McDaniel (Trustees of Hanover), Daniel Coakley and Nancy Coakley (Trustees of Little Zion); and property was deeded to Samuel and Joseph Manning, Benjamin Carter, John and George Dunlop and Isaac Wood (Trustees for the New Organization or the new “Little Zion”). At the beginning of this new organization, it is believed that the church took its present name, “Antioch”. Antioch then, was a white weather board edifice sitting on top of a hill, with a steeple pointing the way to God. I n those days, people drove to church in buggies or wagons pulled by a horse, and some even walked. During the summer months, it was so dry and dusty that the men wore white linen dusters to keep the dust off their dark suits. There was no well then and water was brought from a nearby spring to refresh the thirst of the members and horses. Sunday School was held every Sunday; however, there was only one Worship Service per month and that was the Fourth Sunday or Communion Sunday. During this very sacred service, the Communion Table was

THEN covered with a white linen cloth, a silver finger bowl and a white linen towel. The presiding Minister would wash and dry his fingers before breaking the bread. At that time, the bread was baked in a loaf by a Sister of the church especially for Communion Sunday. The Minister broke the loaf in half and everyone took a crumb from that loaf. The fruit of the vine (real grape wine) was served in two goblets and everyone drank from same goblet. Rally Days (later called Homecoming) was an exciting time at Antioch. The Church Clerk would call every member by name. They would go to the offering table and put in what they could. The Clerk would then call every Afro-American Church in the County by name and they would also give an offering as a token of their love and oneness in Christ. During Revival (Protracted Meetings as it was called), dinner was served outside under oak trees. Ministers from within the County and surrounding Counties were called to attend and preach the Gospel. These meetings were held during the day for one week. Antioch has a long heritage of hardworking, praying and dedicated individuals; who believed in the Fatherhood of God, and the Brotherhood of Man. This Church is still one Foundation of Jesus Christ our

NOW Lord even though we are living in an ever changing world. As the world continues to change, we as Christians have to update our thinking and find ways and means to carry on in view of the many trials and tribulations that confront us in our daily lives. Our Pastor, Officials, and Members are still “Pressing toward the Goal for the Prize of the Upward Call of God in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:14) by serving the same God with Faith, Hope and Love. Antioch would like to be known and remembered as the “Friendly Church That Sits on the Hill”, with a beacon light for all people. May it serve as a Spiritual Haven for all who seek refuge from the many vicissitudes of life as we enter to worship and leave to serve. submitted by Barbara Finks

Please contact Susan Muse at (540) 775-7733 for more information

Our Doors are Open -Worship With Us

Please contact Susan Muse at (540) 775-7733 for more information

Fletcher's Chapel United Methodist

8330 Fletcher's Chapel Rd. at 218

Pastor Michael Reaves fletcherschapel-kinggeorge-va.org Worship Services 8:30 & 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 9:45 a.m.

(540) 775-7247

17080 14th Street, Dahlgren Contemporary Service - 9:30 a.m. Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. & 11 a.m. Traditional Service - 11 a.m. Nursery open 9:15a.m.-12:15p.m.

Pastor Ed Johnson

email - office@dahlgrenumc.org web site - www.dahlgrenumc.org Phone: 663-2230

Good Hope Baptist Church

17223 Good Hope Rd. - corner Rt. 218E & 619 phone: 540-775-9487 fax: 540-775-0600 www.goodhopeministries.org

• Sunday School - 9:45 a.m. • Worship - 11:00 a.m. • Prayer & Bible Study (Wed.) 7:30 p.m. • 5th Sundays - Union & Nursing Home Worship “Building the Church & Reaching the World for Christ”

7748 Leedstown Rd., Oak Grove, VA 22443 (804) 224-0418 • www.lzbcva.org

We invite you to gather together with us! Sunday School - 9 a.m. Sunday Worship 8 a.m. & 10:15 a.m. Bible Study - Wednesday 7 p.m. Pastor Earl T. Howerton Jr.

Macedonia Baptist Church 1081 Macedonia Ln., Colonial Beach, VA (804) 224-1500 "O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His Name together."

Shiloh Baptist Church Reaching, Building, Serving

Sunday Activities Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship Service, 11:00 a.m. AWANA, 4:00 p.m. Youth Group, 4:00 p.m. Wednesday Nights Rev. Mike and Earlene Jessee Family Night Dinner, 5:30 Youth Study; Children’s Missions & Music, 6:00 facebook@kgshiloh Choir Practice, 7:15 13457 Kings Hwy. 540-469-4646 • www.kgshiloh.org

Oak Grove Baptist Church

Randall Snipes, Senior Pastor Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m.& 11 Awana-Sundays-6 p.m. Bible Study-Wednesdays 6:30 p.m. 8096 Leedstown Rd. Colonial Beach, VA


Colonial Beach United Methodist Church Pastor Rev. Yunho Eo

9:30 a.m. Adult Sunday School 10:45 a.m. Informal Hymn Singing 11 a.m. Worship & Children’s Sunday School Food Pantry open Thursdays at 10 a.m. Op Shop Open M-F 9 a.m.-noon (Thurs. 9 a.m.-1 p.m.) 1 Washington Avenue PO Box 189 Colonial Beach, VA 22443 (804) 224-7030

Two Rivers Baptist Church Meeting at their new church

Sunday School ..............9:30 a.m. Worship........................10:30 a.m. COME VISIT US • ALL ARE WELCOME

Rev. Peyton Wiltshire

For Information call 540-775-3244

Round Hill Baptist Church Worship & Service

16519 Round Hill Rd., King George, VA Pastor Ted A. James • 540-775-5583

4s scholarships
available (540)

Little Ark Baptist Church “Building God’s Kingdom On Earth”

"Pastor Larry" M. Robinson Sunday Worship - 10 a.m. Sunday School - 9 a.m. (New Testament Church Study) Wednesday Night Prayer & Bible Study 6 p.m. 15681 Owens Dr. in Dahlgren, VA Church Phone: (540) 663-2831

Hanover-with-Brunswick Episcopal Parish

Where all are welcome. Sunday Services:

The Rev. St. John's, 9403 Kings Hwy. Diane Carroll 1st, 2nd & 4th Sundays Rector Phone: 540-775-3635

Emmanuel, Port Conway (Rt. 301) 3rd & 5th Sundays

For more information, visit our website at:



3207 Quarter Hill Rd., Supply VA 22436

(804) 443-4168

Sunday School 10 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship 11 a.m. Bible Study Wednesdays at 7 p.m.

Rev. Irving Woolfolk, Jr.

Services Early Worship - 8 a.m. Sunday School - 9:45 a.m. AM Worship - 11 a.m. PM Worship - 6 p.m. Wed. Bible Study - 7 p.m.

AWANA Teens - Wednesdays 6:30 p.m. Clubbers - Fridays 6:30 p.m. Dr. Sherman Davis, Senior Pastor 540-775-7188 www.tbckg.org 10640 Kings Hwy - 1 mi. west of 301

Worship Service - 10:30 a.m. (Sunday) Sunday School - 9:15 a.m. Nursery Provided Seeking to know the grace of God and to make it known to others. Dave Bentz, Pastor Jason Schubert, Associate Pastor 13114 Kildee Farm Road King George, VA 22485 (off 301 and Blue Jay Meadow Drive)

Ph. (540) 775-9990 • email: info@gracekg.com web site www.gracekg.com

Potomac Baptist Church Worship Service: 11:00 a.m. Age Graded Bible Study: 9:45 a.m.

All are Welcome! (540) 775-7006

Pastor: Dennis L. Newton 8103 Comorn Rd. (Rt. 609) King George

A church where the Full Gospel is Preached, Taught and Lived

First Baptist Church Ambar

9469 Caledon Rd., King George, VA22485 Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship 11 a.m. Bible Study Wednesday at 7:30 p.m.

Pastor Wm. T. Frye

“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

Daily Mass: Mon. - Sat. 8:00 a.m. Adoration precedes each morning Mass


Confession: Sat. following 8:00 a.m. Mass & at 4:30 p.m. Sun. 1/2 hour before each Mass

Bible School 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship Service 11 a.m. Evening Bible Study 6 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Service 7 p.m.

Office: 11 Irving Ave., Colonial Beach, Va. 22443 www.elizant.org • 804-224-7221

Trinity United Methodist Church

9425 Kings Hwy., King George www.trinitykg.org

Contemporary Service ~ 8:30 a.m. Sunday School ~ 9:30 p.m. Worship ~ 10:30 a.m. (540) 775-4501 Rev. Susan Reaves

St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church

You're invited to worship with

Tabernacle Baptist Church

(540) 663-3085 ✝ Rev. Jim May

Sunday Masses: Sat. 5:00 p.m. Sun. 9:00 a.m. & 11:00 p.m. (español)

Intersection of Rokeby and Kings Hwy. (Rt. 3)

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

5486 St. Paulʼs Road, King George

Very Rev. Francis M. de Rosa Rev. Mark Mullaney



Sunday Worship at 8 am and 10 am

Corner of Lossing and Boundary, Colonial Beach

Sunday- Holy Communion 11 a.m. Meeting at Grant Church in Lerty, VA

"A Church where everybody is somebody!"


St. Elizabeth of Hungary Roman Catholic Church

Traditional Anglican Worship 1928 Book of Common Prayer 1940 Hymnal

Morning Worship ~ 8:30 a.m. Sunday School ~ 9:45 a.m. Morning/Children's Worship ~ 11 a.m. Wed. - Bible Study ~ 6:00 p.m.

(Psalm 34:3)

Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Worship Service: 11 a.m. Prayer & Bible Study: (Wed.) 7 p.m. Holy Communion on 4th Sundays Rev. Fred Sales, Interim Pastor

Holy Redeemer Anglican Church

Corner of Millbank & St. Anthony’s Rd., King George

Very Rev. Francis M. de Rosa Rev. Mark Mullaney Sat. 7:00 p.m. Vigil Sunday Masses: Sun. 8:15 a.m. 10:30 a.m 12:45 p.m. Tridentine Mass Daily Mass: Mon. Thur. Fri. & Sat. 9:00 a.m. Tues. 7:00 a.m. Wed. 7:00 p.m. Adoration before each morning Mass Confession: Wed. 7:30 p.m. Sat. after 9:00 a.m. Mass & at 6:30 p.m. Sun. 1/2 hour before each Mass

Office: 11 Irving Ave., Colonial Beach, Va. 22443 www.elizant.org • 804-224-7221

"At the Heart of King George County with King George County In Our Hearts"

Rev. Rick Crookshank 10312 Hanover Church Rd.KG

(540) 775-5081 www.hanoverbaptistchurch.org

“The church is the great lost and found department” - Robert Short

Help others find your church. Advertise in this space, only $10 per week. Billed monthly. Contact Lori at (540) 709-7495 or email her at lori@journalpress.com

The King george ChurCh of ChrisT inviTes you To meeT wiTh us

Each Sunday Morning BiBle Class: 9:30 a.m. Worship serviCes: 10:30 a.m.

Location: american Legion Post 89 (at the intersection of rt 206 and rt 610)

Each WEdnESday night for BiBlE Study

Location: at a member’s home PLease contact us at our e-maiL address for the Location

A New Testament church “... All the churches of Christ greet you.” Romans 16:16

contact_us@kinggeorgecofchrist.org http://www.kinggeorgecofchrist.org P.O.Box 756 King George, VA 22485


The Journal

Wednesday, Oct. 16, 2013


Despite rain, King George Fall Festival Parade marches on Marty van Duyne News Net News King George — Even though rain fell during most of the parade, it didn’t dampen the spirits of the participants or the crowds on Saturday. Floats rolled and participants marched as many people donned waterproof layers of attire to ward off the rain. King George Chiropractic held an open house and also opened its parking lot to those attending the parade. Many festival attendees stopped in to enjoy refreshments and tour the facility before and after the parade. The rain became intermittent as the parade concluded and didn’t deter people from heading over to the high school to play on Moon Bounces, climb rock walls, and visit the petting zoo. The Fall Festival Queen Pageant was held Sunday. Kathryn Strauss was crowned Miss 2013 Fall Festival Queen and Clara Brabo was crowned Teen 2013 Fall Festival Queen.

©Marty van Duyne/News Net News

Top Center: Papa’s Choo Choo locomotive spouts bubbles from the smoke stack. Top Right: Many umbrellas make a fashion statement while shielding people from the rain. Right: A mobile batting cage brought the ball game to parade spectators. Above: Sydney and Kayleigh Anderson’s (l to r) faces are transformed into a butterfly and princess at the festival.

Kathryn Strauss (right) was crowned 2013 Fall Festival Queen. Clara Brabo (left) was crowned the 2013 Teen Fall Festival Queen. This is the first year the pageant was divided into two categories: Teens and Misses. They are shown with Victoria Bail, 2012 Fall Festival Queen.

king george idol

life / kids live it everywhere.

Rodney and Delaine Richards (kneeling, left and right) with the contestants from the 1st King George Idol Contest sponsored by D&R Management. The event took place on Saturday, Oct. 12, in the King George High School Auditorium following the Fall Festival events. The Richards of D&R Management hope to make the contest an annual event. For more information on talent services available, visit their website www.drtalentmanagement.com. Winners: Winners - Teen: First place: Bree Lide First place: Catherine Wilson Second Place: Courtney Calloway Second place: Zoe Norton Third Place: Amanda Short Third place: Mikaela Gray

2013 KG Fall Festival Parade Winners • Fire /Rescue - 1st Place Lifecare Medical Transports • Farm Tractor - 1st place Mr. Bowen of River Farm VA, LLC • School Float - 1st place KG Future Farmers of America; 2nd place Sealston Elementary; 3rd place Potomac Elementary • Religious Float - 1st place Hanover with Brunswick Episcopal Parish;

2nd place Tabernacle Baptist Church, “Papa’s Choo Choo”; 3rd place Peace Lutheran Church • Marching Unit - 1st place Cub Scout Pack 172; 2nd place KGYAA Football Teams; 3rd place KG Parks & Rec Gymnastics Teams • Band - 1st KGHS Marching Foxes • Antique Vehicle - 1st ‘73 Ford Ranchero owned & driven by

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Margaret Nyberg • Commercial Float - 1st Simply Bliss Salon and Spa; 2nd Tanglez Hair and Tan Studio, Inc.; 3rd Mary’s Cakery & Candy Kitchen • Horse Entry - 1st The Hitching Post; 2nd Old Peoples Riding Club • Novelty Unit - 1st Gateway Power Equipment-mowers; 2nd KG Animal Rescue League; 3rd Gateway Power Equipment-trailer • Non-Profit Float - 1st Rappahannock Raiders Swim Club; 2nd Special Olympics; 3rd KG Hericanes Traveling Softball • Special Use Vehicle - 1st Chaney Enterprises; 2nd KG Animal Control A special thanks to the volunteer judges who sat out in the drizzle and wind to judge this year’s parade entries. Despite the weather, the Parade lasted for 1 1/2 hours. Also a big thank you to the folks on the sidelines watching the parade. See you in 2014, rain or shine. Just like last year and just like this year. — Lori Deem


The Journal

Wednesday, Oct. 16, 2013


Suit: County alleges fraud From page 1 complaint and/or pursue other legal remedies. The big issue with the HELP Center project has always been lack of actual funding. The question being asked by those following this topic is how Project FAITH has the money to now pay legal fees. BREACH OF CONTRACT Project FAITH’s HELP Center project was to include construction of a building and provision of leased space restricted to local government agencies and non-profits. The county’s legal complaint charges breach of contract due to Project FAITH’s failure to meet its first major deadline under the two guiding legal documents, which was commencement of construction earlier this year, by Aug. 1. The county’s filing also recites facts that include a request by Wardlaw on Feb. 5, to ask for an extension of the original commencement of construction deadline, which had originally been set for Feb. 28. She got that request to push the deadline to Aug. 1, which likewise came and went without construction. While the county’s filing also contends that the commencement of construction deadline “is not subject to cure,” it also states that an extended deadline was provided. It also states that Project FAITH, “made no effort to cure following its receipt of the county’s default notice,” which was sent on Aug. 2. As of this week, neither the required documents nor payment have been submitted that would trigger issuance of a building permit or a land disturbance permit for any construction activity on the donated property. The complaint also states that a previous deadline was not met for an annual report to be filed by Project FAITH by the end of each calendar year. Instead, two months late, at a Feb. 5 Supervisors meeting, Wardlaw provided a short handout and brief report on the status of the proposed HELP Center project, without providing details to questions asked by Supervisors about actual project funding. LACK OF RESPONSIVENESS Along those lines, the county’s filing also cites a breach for “lack of responsiveness to county’s request for information.” It notes that the annual performance reports are required to document, “prior to and during construction”

that Project FAITH has “obtained and maintained appropriate funding for the project.” The complaint likewise notes that a July 1 letter to the developer requested such details be supplied. Instead, the filing alleges, that an Aug. 14 letter in response, “sought to obfuscate the issues, avoid responsibility and project blame upon others.” RESCISSION BASED UPON FRAUD One of the counts in the county’s filing is headed, “Rescission based upon Fraud.” Wardlaw’s actions loom large in this section of the complaint. That’s due to alteration of a letter to change its date, for which Wardlaw had publicly taken responsibility. The complaint alleges she used the altered letter to misrepresent the participation by Rappahannock Community College (RCC) as a major tenant in the proposed HELP Center project. The complaint further alleges that the representations regarding RCC’s continuing commitment were made, “as a means of allaying any concerns among county officials regarding the financial viability of the facility” and, “a substantial rent-paying tenant in the facility.” The filing also alleges, “that Wardlaw intentionally altered the date of the RCC letter or directed it to be altered in an effort to conceal the fact that RCC’s commitment to lease space was in question as of February 2013 (and perhaps earlier).” It alleges that Project FAITH’s and Wardlaw’s conduct, “is willful, intentional and malicious in nature, and entitles the county to rescind the Deed of Gift and Performance Agreement,” including their amendments. ALTERED LETTER - BACKSTORY A letter of support had been written by RCC in March 2010, which was included in an application package for the first of two instances when the county sponsored applications to the state for federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding on behalf of Project FAITH, asking for infrastructure money for the proposed development project. The 2010 CDBG application was intended to go toward infrastructure construction of the project at a different

ing pcom


site, to be purchased by Project FAITH, before the idea of asking the county for free land was floated. Neither of the CDBG grant requests were successful in obtaining funding, including the 2013 CDBG grant request. Flash forward from the time the RCC letter was written in 2010, to earlier this year: Dahlgren Supervisor Ruby Brabo stated she was given the letter of support from RCC on May 6 of this year, by Wardlaw. Shortly after that, Brabo informed The Journal about the existence of the letter of support from RCC, following the appearance of a news report that RCC would not be part of the proposed project. Brabo offered a copy of the letter to the newspaper, and supplied it. Brabo had voted for the project at every instance and was a proponent of the HELP Center project In early June, our publisher asked an RCC board member about the letter of support and that’s when the alteration was discovered. The RCC board member said the letter had been written two years earlier than the 2012 date on the first page. When the letter was scrutinized, it was discovered that the date on the first page had been changed from 2010, to instead read ‘March 30, 2012,’ while the date on page two remained unaltered. When this fact came to light, Brabo said she did not know who altered the letter, but she appeared surprised to learn that it was not genuine. At that point, Brabo pulled the items supporting the project from her website and subsequently turned the altered letter over to the county attorney. As for Wardlaw, she admitted at the time that she gave the altered letter to Brabo, but stated, “Whether the change in the letter originated with me or not, is irrelevant.” “Obviously it was in error. I will take full responsibility. I will not incriminate anyone else,” Wardlaw said. Wardlaw made similar statements to Supervisors at a meeting on June 25, when she also provided an apology for the alteration. She also admitted responsibility in a June 11 email to Brabo, while diminishing the fact of the alteration, and saying, “The letter has passed so many hands with funders and others, that I cannot tell you exactly when the update occurred.”


General Estate Auction Friday, October 18th • 6 p.m.

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Request: Additional lawyers for team From page 1 members of the same law firm as potentially involved. Leming has experience acting against the King George Board of Supervisors in one of the biggest land-use cases in the county in the last 20 years, Guest v. King George Board of Supervisors. In 1995, Leming and four other attorneys represented 22 plaintiffs in a case against the county over the legality of the original Hopyard rezoning approval, claiming that the action was “unreasonable, arbitrary and capricious.” Following a four-day hearing in the King George Circuit Court, Judge James W. Haley ruled against Leming and the rest of his team, and in favor of the King George Board of Supervisors. Leming and his clients filed appeals, eventually losing again a couple years later when the Supreme Court of Virginia decided that the decision for Supervisors would stand. REQUEST FOR DOCUMENTS Two separate letters of request were sent by two Project FAITH lawyers on Sept. 26. One was from Peter Basanti, labeled a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, and asking for five categories of numerous documents relating to the HELP Center, including correspondence and those having to do with financing and prospective leasing activities, as well as audio and video records of every Supervisors meeting where the Help Center project was addressed. That request was subsequently narrowed somewhat, through an email sent on Oct. 8, that also noted that the firm had agreed to pay a $250 advance deposit. Such deposits are typical under FOIA when a large

number of documents and/or staff time is determined to be needed to meet the request. In those cases, the deposit is credited toward the final cost of supplying the records. There is a meeting planned this week for someone from Project FAITH’s litigation team to meet with Gregory to review the documents requested from the county. REQUEST FOR HEARING TO APPEAL DEFAULT The second letter of the same date was from Leming and was a request for a hearing before the Board of Supervisors to contest the allegations contained in the notice of default letter, citing its failure to commence construction by the agreed deadline. “Reversion” is the legal term used in the two guiding documents for the county to reclaim the parcel of land, if there is a default. The reversion section of the original Deed of Gift has two clauses. Clause A has to do with “failure to develop,” and is titled as such. Clause B is entitled “Failure to Use Property for the Purposes for which it is granted.” Yet, it is only clause B that provides for a hearing and also for a 60-day grace period for the ability to “cure” reversion of the title of the parcel that was given to Project FAITH. In his Oct. 7 response to the request for a hearing, Gregory notes that the provision cited by Leming is not applicable. The wording and language in clause B would not be expected to come into play at this point, since the property has not yet been put to any uses as contemplated by the two guiding legal documents. It is noteworthy, that while the county’s legal filing also contends that the commencement of construction deadline “is not subject to cure,” it also states that an extended deadline

Violence: “No Drop” policy on domestic cases From page 1 Council on Domestic Violence) sends a Victim Advocate to court on those days to explain the services

they have available for victims of domestic violence.” Gusmann, Dempsey and the other valiant local and state law enforcement authorities involved

From page 1 is currently running for a week, as one ad of a multi-part marketing series for the region by the FRA. Quesenberry had noted of Thomas that he was active in the Virginia Economic Developer’s Association, saying he also had a close working relationship with the Virginia Economic Development Partnership in Richmond. Thomas also brings with him knowledge about the relationships with regional and other state agencies, along with familiarity with site consultants, commercial

developers, local brokers, and existing businesses. Thomas, 33, is a Stafford native. He earned a Bachelor’s degree in Public Relations from George Mason University in 2002. He was selected from among 18 applicants, and was one of four interviewed for the position. His salary is set at $87,000. Prior to his position with FRA, Thomas was a senior loan consultant with SunTrust Bank for the previous four years. He is currently involved in a process requiring course work and passing an exam to receive a designation as a Certified Economic Developer

Voting Vision & Values Town Hall Monday, October 21st, 2013 • 7 p.m. • Tabernacle Baptist Church 10640 Kings Hwy., King George, VA 22485 (540) 642-3644

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from an industry organization called the International Economic Development Council (IEDC). Thomas has been active in the Fredericksburg Rotary Club, as chairman of the Next Generation of Business Leaders, and is a graduate of Leadership Fredericksburg. He has also raised funds for the United Way, and for Ducks Unlimited, a waterfowl and wetlands conservation group. Thomas was recognized in 2012 through the Fredericksburg Chamber of Commerce with a Leadership Award as “A Top 10 Professional under 40.”


October is also the month for

Cat Capers with Hershey the CAT

in the domestic violence fight, are determined to continuing working to make every home in King George County and in Virginia a home safe from domestic violence.

Thomas: Welcomed as new Econ. Dev. Director


Invitation to Join US during October for

was provided by the county, adding that Project FAITH, “made no effort to cure following its receipt of the county’s default notice,” which was sent on Aug. 2. Clause A, as amended, consists of one long sentence, and appears below in its entirety. “All rights granted in this Deed shall cease and become null and void and Grantee’s interest along with all improvements and appurtenances shall revert to County if Grantee fails to commence construction of the improvements in accordance with the terms of the Performance Agreement on or before August 1, 2013, provided, however that if such failure is due to events or circumstances beyond Grantee’s control, including, but not limited to fire, wind, storm, strike, unavailability of materials, acts of God, orders of Federal, State or local governments or their agencies or their courts, the Property shall revert to the County.” In his letter requesting a hearing, Leming blames the county, saying that Project FAITH cites, “circumstances beyond its control.” He states, “specifically, certain acts and omissions by the County are the proximate cause of PFI’s inability to meet the performance milestone.” Without enumerating the alleged acts and omissions, Leming states, “These acts and omissions by the County have stifled PFI’s efforts to obtain the financing necessary to commence construction on the project.” That hearing request from Leming also adds that Project Faith “intends to present to the Board a claim for money damages in the event that PFI’s interest in the Property does revert back to the County.” Those allegations and claims, likewise are expected to be contained in Project FAITH’s response to the filing, due later this month.

Rich Lorey, PhD., Candidate for James Monroe Supervisor, Conservative Republican Pro-Family - Pro-Educational Choice - Pro-Business Authorized and Paid for by Rich for Supervisor



The Journal

Wednesday, Oct. 16, 2013


Archery Season Update Mark Fike Hunters appear to have been thrown a bit of a new curve ball this year. Last deer season King George saw a record breaking outbreak of Hemorrhagic disease (HD) that took out a full third of our deer population. Most hunters struggled to fill tags last year. To compound things there were heavy acorn crops last year that allowed the remaining deer to not have to move far at all to feed. Deer that don’t move much also are not as visible to hunters. Given the outbreak of HD last year many deer hunters wondered what was in store for them this year. VDGIF, after hearing concerns by some hunters about the deer population, implemented some regulation changes to cut some doe days this year. This was supposed to help rebuild the herd. Depending on your angle on the matter that may have been a good thing or maybe you disagreed. Some feel that the deer herd had crept up too much and were causing too many vehicular collisions, eating too many crops, or were damaging too many shrubs or gardens. Others saw the large herd as a great hunting opportunity to take plenty of deer each season while in the woods. Regardless, the

decision was made to cut back on the doe harvest, and allow the herd to rebound and rebuild. Given that news, hunters expected that within two to three years the herd would be back where it was prior to the HD outbreak. The new curveball is that although we had a mild winter last year that allowed survivors of the HD outbreak to regain their health, and we had a wet spring which allowed for plenty of forage for deer and fawns, the mast crop is a near failure (maybe it is a failure) this year. Acorns are a great source of protein that deer and other animals use to build muscle tissue and stay healthy. With a near failure in the mast crop, animals are having to look elsewhere to find food. Fortunately we had plenty of rain until a month ago when we had a dry spell, but now we have likely made up for that dry spell given the past week of rain. Hunters are going to have a tough go of it during the remainder of archery season unless they hunt near an agricultural field that still has some soybeans or corn in it. My walks around various pieces of property have turned up only one tree that was putting off acorns and that tree’s acorns were horribly small and few in number.

Secondary food sources such as browse in fields, hay, remaining crops, soft mast such as apples and pears and any other greenery are going to be the next best thing for the deer. Hunters should really use their trail cameras to pin point movements of deer and learn what they are feeding on, where they are traveling and at what time. Once the pre-rut and rut begins in late October and early November, the hunting should pick up because deer will be preparing to breed or will be breeding. This may be an easier time to be afield to put some meat up. That is not to say that deer cannot be had in archery season. They certainly can, but the game changed quite a bit with the lack of acorns in the woods. Change your game accordingly. On a positive note, there seems to be a number of turkey in the woods. We have had some decent years of nesting and the results are showing. I watched a flock of birds numbering over 15 this past week. No decent shot presented itself. However, if I get a shot I definitely will take it. For those of you that have never arrowed a turkey, keep in mind that you cannot simply aim at the center of the bird and let an arrow fly. Try hard to hit it just above the drumstick for a clean kill. Shots from the front or rear won’t

Wood ducks are gorgeous birds and were in ample supply during the early season. do the trick unless you happen to clip the spine and paralyze it. Watch for twigs, branches and the like between you and the quarry. A small branch can send your arrow careening off to who knows where! Check your bows and crossbows before going afield and carefully inspect any arrows that you shoot through an animal or brush before you use them again. This is particularly true of arrows that you have refletched. If they are not done correctly or have a tweak in the fletching or a slight bend they won’t fly straight. I found

this out when practicing. One of my refletched arrows was hitting high and left when the rest of them were dead on. Keep in mind that the longer the shot, the more pronounced the erratic flight and miss you will have. Do the animal a favor and use only arrows you are sure of. Early season duck hunting The three spots that I enjoy hunting are devoid of beavers so that means I also have no ducks using the areas since there is no water. However, anecdotal reports and the sheer amount of gunfire the last few

mornings is telling of the great action early season duck hunters are having. Most of the action is coming from the gorgeous wood ducks. They have a very distinct whistle when they approach just at daybreak and are a blast to hunt. If you have a swamp with an ample amount of water in it you likely have some wood ducks. Take advantage of it. They are fine eating too! Be sure to have a state migratory bird stamp and a Federal duck stamp as well as a HIP number before heading afield. Remember, no LEAD SHOT!

Outdoor Report

Carter Lewis’ first big buck!

Anglers were few this week with all the rain. The report is short as a result.

Carter Lewis took this nice buck on Youth Day. His story ran last week.

Rappahannock River Ken’s Tackle in Spotsylvania reported striper again at Hopyard. We also heard of good bass angling again before the river got muddy. Potomac River Winter Harbor reported that with the federal government shut down George Washington’s birthplace is closed. This is a popular place for anglers to go and now they cannot go fish. A few catfish were reported and spot were still biting downriver. Inland waters Motts Run –Will be closing soon. Ken’s reported great crappie action in ponds on small grubs. Big bass were hitting in ponds on various baits. Lake Anna has a lot of crappie starting to hit uplake on docks. Flip grubs and jigs to them. Striper are hitting well under birds at first and last light.

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Saltwater Virginia Beach anglers are experiencing great red drum action, hot spot action, some good bluefish action off the beach and awesome puppy drum in the inlets. Striper are hitting at the CBBT for experienced anglers that know where to go. Captain Ryan Rogers (804-5800245) reported incredible bluefish action, and some good rockfishing. It is amazing how many blue-

Don’t Go Another Summer Without A Dock! Mark Fike

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fish are still around. The rockfish are looking good too. Hunting We heard of very few deer taken. Squirrels and deer are finding acorns a tough nut to find this season. Some pre rut activity is starting to show up although the rut is a full month off. Early duck season was apparently quite good for those with a place to go. Seasons Duck seasons— Oct. 26, Feb. 1 (Youth Days), Nov. 16 – Nov. 30, Dec. 7 – Jan. 25 Daily Bag Limit: six ducks, any species except for the following restrictions: can include no more than four mallards (only two can be hen mallards), four scoters, three wood ducks, two redheads, two scaup, two pintails, one black duck (except closed during Oct. 10-14), two canvasback, one mottled duck, and one fulvous whistling duck. Turkey—Oct. 19 --Youth and Apprentice Turkey Day Muzzleloader Season for Deer—Nov. 2-15 Firearms deer season—Nov. 16 Muzzleloader season for bear—Nov. 9-15 Firearms bear season locally (see regs) –Dec. 2–7 Fall Firearms turkey season-(locally see regs)— Oct. 26–Nov. 8 and Nov. 28, Dec. 2–14

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Wednesday, Oct. 16, 2013


The Journal


King George Foxes rally to defeat James Monroe Leonard Banks Sports editor Foxes from the past to the current team are smiling Foxes from ear to ear. The last time the Foxes defeated James Monroe was in 2001. Eddie Haynes was Yellow Jackets their head coach, and George Major was his defensive coordinator. Life has changed since that unforgettable era of 2001, and now both coaches are assistants under longtime Yellow Jacket head coach Rich Serbay. Last year, in a downpour, James Monroe overcame a 13-point Fox deficit to grind out a 21-13 win.

21 16

Leonard Banks Fox pride! Soon after defeating James Monroe 21-16, standout Fox lineman/tight end, Hunter Tolliver proudly shares his enthusiasm with the crowd.

On Monday night, at Maury Stadium, in Fredericksburg, Jeff Smith (former assistant under Haynes) witnessed his team break the 12-year James Monroe (3-3) drought/curse to defeat James Monroe, 21-16. The loss was bittersweet for the Yellow Jackets, because it occurred on their homecoming night. “Just before we left the locker room, just before the start of the second half, I told the kids, It’s not how you start, it’s how you finish,� Smith said. “We kept going, and our kids never gave up. With 10 minutes to go, when Corey (Henderson) fumbled, nobody hung their heads, but we stopped them, got the ball back, and it worked.� In the first quarter, the Yellow Jackets threatened to score on their first possession. After a 54-yard kickoff return from Isaac Evans, the Yel-

KGLL fall baseball in full swing Jim Roberts King George Little League (KGLL) Fall Ball kicked off this past weekend with games held in the county and throughout the Northern Neck. KGLL has 13 teams across nine (9) divisions for the Fall 2013 Season: Challenger Baseball, Tee Ball, Coach Pitch (Machine Pitch), Minor Baseball, Major Baseball, Junior Baseball, Minor Softball, Major Softball, Senior Softball. As most know, Fall Ball is a time to focus on fundamentals and help the ball players prepare for next season and in many cases, the next higher division. All divisions with the exception of Tee Ball and Coach Pitch are competing with teams from other Little Leagues. This is the first time that KGLL has fielded a Challenger Division team in the Fall and the ball players are having fun playing teams from Spotsylvania and Dumfries Little Leagues. KGLL has three Coach Pitch teams, Blue, Gray, and Gold. The Gold and Blue teams squared off re-

cently in a game at the King George Middle School softball field. Each team got off to a fast start, scoring the maximum 5 runs in the first inning.  After a quick pep talk by Coach DJ Price, the Gold Team held on to win the game 13-11, recording the final out with the bases loaded in the bottom of the third inning. Right Fielder Caitlyn Wingeart paced the Blue team with two hits and two runs scored. On the 5th of Oct., KGLL hosted teams from the Northern Neck at Barnesfield Park with 12 games being played across all divisions utilizing all of the fields. Tee Ball and Coach Pitch games were conducted on Barnes C while Little League Baseball was on Barnes Little League. Minor, Major, and Senior Softball games were played on the two softball fields, A and B. KGLL rebuilt Barnes Little League field last year, renovated Barnes A this year, and hopes to improve Barnes B in the coming year. Volunteer labor and donations are needed to keep the improvements going.

low Jackets settled for a 23-yard field goal. The quarter ended in a defensive stalemate, as both teams struggled offensively. However, in the second quarter, with 5:37 left in the half, David Dit connected on his second field goal (31 yards), giving the Yellow Jackets a 6-0 lead. The Foxes responded on their ensuing possession with 58-yard touchdown run from Antonio “Kentucky� Johnson. After the point-after, the Foxes led, 7-6. With 1:29 left in the half, the lead was restored to the Yellow Jackets, on a Dit 41-yard field goal. It was the longest field goal in area football this season. In the third quarter, Yellow Jacket quarterback, Jay Scroggins completed a 25-yard touchdown to Jarmal Bevels.

Facing a nine point deficit, the Foxes battled back with a Corey Henderson two-yard touchdown, cutting the Yellow Jacket lead to 16-14. At the start of the fourth quarter, James Monroe recovered a Fox fumble deep in their red zone, on their three-yard line. On the following 10 plays, the Yellow Jackets escaped being pinned in. After two first downs, they eventually punted. With 3:13 left in the game, the Foxes marched 69 yards into Yellow Jacket territory for the win. The drive was capped off with a Markiece Johnson 11-yard touchdown, with 12 seconds left in the game. The game ended with an interception from Fox cornerback, Antwan Brown. On Friday, the Foxes (6-1) celebrate their homecoming game against Spotsylvania (2-4).

KGLL fall baseball fever!

Jim Roberts

Giovanni Augusti beats the tag and is safe at second base during a recent Fall Ball game at Barnesfield Park Little League Field. Jim Roberts

KGLL Major Baseball Blue Team Pitcher Owen Darcy delivers a pitch during a recent game against Caroline County Little League at Barnesfield Park Little League field.

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The Journal

Wednesday, Oct. 16, 2013


Drifters split with Red Devils Leonard Banks Sports editor On Thursday, at the Drifterdome, the Drifters volleyball teams bravely gave the Lancaster Red Devils two matches worth traveling for. In the match, featuring the junior varsity teams, the Drifters defeated the Red Devils 25-15, 20-25, 20-18 (2-1 matches). However, their varsity counterparts were not as fortunate, as the Red Devils cruised pass the Drifters in three straight matches (25-23, 25-16, 25-16). Results from the Tuesday night game against Northumberland were not available due to press deadlines. The Drifters will return home to the Drifterdome on Thursday to host Rappahannock. The Raiders defeated the Drifters during a scrimmage, 3-0, earlier in the season. There are four volleyball games remaining in the fall sports season, with the final game of the season scheduled against Caroline, at the Drifterdome, on Oct. 31.

Leonard Banks

The Foxes varsity gave the Liberty Eagles a solid three game competitive experience.

Foxes volleyball hosts Liberty Leonard Banks Sports editor On Tuesday, at King George High School gymnasium, the Liberty (Bealton) Eagles swept both the Foxes varsity and junior varsity volleyball teams. JV, game one Coupled with two Fox passing errors, and a kill from Haleigh Hurst, and two aces from Faith Carter and Heather Strong, the Eagles took a 5-2 lead over the Foxes. Moments later, the Foxes tied the game at 5-5 with a kill from Shannon Woodruff, along with an Eagle serving and two passing errors. Later after eight exchanges, the Foxes extended their lead to 10-8. The pivotal point in the game came when English Gainey dug out a potential Eagle score and followed it with a kill to extend the Foxes lead to 12-9. Eventually, the Foxes closed out the game with three Liberty passing errors, to win 15-11. Prior to the game, due to Liberty’s late arrival, the officials and coaches agreed to limit the junior varsity games to 15 points. JV, game two The Foxes attempted to establish the tone by taking a early 5-1 lead in game two. The run included a kill by Arianne Green, an ace by Brooke Ayers, and three Eagle passing errors. However, the Eagles gradually cut into the Fox lead, using a combination of forced Fox serving and

passing errors. After tying the game three times, Liberty never looked back. With the momentum on their side, the Eagles won the game (1513) on a kill from Morgan Lee, and a Fox passing error, tying the match at 1-1. JV, game three The Foxes had the Eagles on their heels, as they started game three with a 5-0 run. The run featured three aces from Abbie Davis, and two Eagle passing errors. Defiant, the Eagles responded with a 4-2 run. After both teams exchanged scores, with the Eagles holding the advantage, the game eventually resulted in a 10-10 tie. The intensity of game led to two subsequent ties, before the Eagles won the game and match on a Fox passing error. Final results, Eagles defeat Foxes, 15-13. Varsity, game one The Foxes came out on fire, as Micala Peterson pounded two kills into the Eagles front line. However, the Eagles responded with a two forced Fox passing errors, and a Fox net violation. After the tying the game at 3-3, the tone was set for the next 15 exchanges. Liberty held a slight edge with a forced passing error, giving the Eagles a 10-7 lead. Later Emily Fitzwater and Aryelle Smith scored key kills that resulted in the Eagles extending their lead to 16-9. Although the Foxes managed to extend their score to 16, the Eagles

barrage of scoring proved to be too much. The Eagles closed the game out on a series of Fox passing errors, and a net violation. The final score was 25-16. Varsity, game two With kills from Fitzwater, Sam Unteed, Brittanie King, and two Fox passing errors, the Eagles jumped out to a 5-1 lead. Peterson sparked a 6-0 Fox run, and eventually tied the game at 6-6. While King George managed to sustain a 1-2 point lead into the midway point of the game, the Eagles never gave up. Fitzwater ignited a 3-1 run with a kill that resulted in a 13-9 lead. The Eagles also capitalized on Fox passing errors to continue building their lead to 14-12. Fitzwater’s teammate, Sadie Rynestad sparked a 5-4 run with a kill into the Foxes back row that led to a 19-16 lead. After a series of intense exchanges, the Eagles closed the game out on a Fitzwater kill, and five passing errors. Varsity, game three Game three started with both teams exchanging kills, courtesy of Peterson, and Fitzwater. After nine subsequent exchanges that featured three ties, the Eagles were precariously ahead, 9-7. With the momentum swinging towards the Eagles, the next 15 exchanges resulted in a 20-11 Eagle lead. After several attempts at a Fox rally, the Eagles closed out the game with a kill from Unsteed, and two aces from Rynestad to win 25-14.

JV, game one During game one, in light of three Red Devil passing errors, a kill by Halie Phillips and two aces by Amber Jones, the Drifters jumped out to a 6-1 lead. Later, after seven exchanges, the Red Devil’s offense slowly began to come to life. Along with two aces from Michaela Beverly, and forcing the Drifters into a series of passing errors, Lancaster cut the lead to 11-7. The Drifters responded with a 4-0 run that included a kill from Michaela Beverly, and an ace from Sariah Ndiaye. The Red Devils never recovered from the Drifters run, as their final eight points were the result of infrequent Drifter passing and serving errors. As for the Drifters, they quickly closed the game out on nine Red Devil passing and serving errors. The Drifters won, 25-15. JV, game two In game two, the Red Devils came out firing, as they established a 10-3 lead to set the tone for the remainder of the game. Midway

Leonard Banks

Prior to the game against Lancaster, the Drifter varsity volleyball team focus on their serving skills. through the game, courtesy of two aces from Amber Jones, the Drifters managed to cut the Red Devil lead to 14-10. After the next five exchanges, the Drifters had edged closer, cutting the deficit to one point (15-14). However, the Red Devils sustained 4-5 point lead from Drifter passing errors to win game two, 25-20. JV, game three At the start of game three, both teams hustled, dove, dug, and scuffled into seven ties, before the Drifters forced the match into overtime with a kill from Halie Phillips (1515). Over the next seven exchanges, the game was tied three times. After a Red Devil serving error, the Drifters closed the game and match out with an ace from MacKenzie-Paige Monroe (20-18). The victory marked the Drifters fifth win of the season. Although the varsity will lose two key members of their team, they will inherit a junior varsity cast of players capable of impacting the program in a positive direction. Varsity, game one Initially, the Red Devils seemed to be in command of game one, as they established a 10-5 lead. However, Drifter senior, Kora Herrod sparked a 6-2 run to tied the game at 12-12. Minutes later, the Drifters took a 14-12 lead from a McKenzie Conway kill, and Katelyn Dunaway kill. Undaunted, the Red Devils

fought back to tie the game at 14-14, and later took the lead on a Drifter passing error. Utilizing two kills, and four Drifter passing errors, the Red Devils extended their lead to 20-14. In the latter stages of the contest, the Drifters nearly tied the game during a 22-21 exchange, but the Red Devils closed the game (25-23) out on a kill, two Drifter miscues. Varsity, game two Although the Drifters managed to keep pace with the Red Devils by tying the game at 5-5, the game soon took on a different twist. Although the Drifters scored infrequently with forced Red Devil passing errors, Lancaster responded by building an overwhelming 20-11 lead. The Red Devils quickly put an end to game three, as they held the advantage in passing error exchanges, winning the game, 25-16 Varsity, game three In the final game, the Red Devils dominated the game from the opening exchange. Utilizing a potent hard return attack, Lancaster kept the Drifters off balanced throughout the game. Until the midway point, the Red Devils consistently held the Drifters at bay with lead of 4-5 points. As the Drifters offense sputtered with an occasional point, the Red Devils extended their lead to 2113. Eventually, after an exchange of points, the Red Devils won the game (25-16) and match (3-0).

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Wednesday, Oct. 16, 2013

The Journal


KGHS Cheerleading champions

Brandon Hendrickson

Raider swimmer, Emily Sizemore

Rappahannock Raiders opening season swim meet Brandon Hendrickson

The Rappahannock Raiders opened up their regular season with a very strong performance at the Sharks Relay Carnival at St. Michael’s High School. The Raiders improved upon 72.9% of all of their short course times, cracked eight team records, and achieved 17 “USA Motivational Standards�. Our performance this weekend was phenomenal! I am so proud of our kids. I truly believe this will be our best season so far! Notable performances include Gabby Thompson breaking the

1:00.00 on the 100 Freestyle as an 11-12. Thompson busted out a 59.65 cracking a new team record. Veronica Declute performed six improved times out of six total splashes and dropped over 13 seconds on her 100 Breast. Emily Sizemore earned three new “USA Motivational Time Standards� including an “A� time in the 50 Free and dropped over nine seconds in the 100 Breast. Standards Achieved - Bethany Cunningham 50 Free B; Jonathan Dates 50 Free B; Veronica Declute 100 Breast B; Abby Elia 50 Free BB, 100 Free B, 50 Back B, 50 Fly B; Jenna Kapp 50 Free AA, 100 IM A;

Marie Macaluso 50 Free BB; Esther Morin 50 Breast BB, 50 Fly BB, 100 IM BB; Jordan Morin 100 Free BB; Cannon Parker 50 Breast BB; Deonte Talenton 50 Free BB Team Records - 9-10 Girls Jenna Kapp – 50 Back 34.18; 11-12 Girls Gabby Thompson – 50 Free 27.64; 100 Free 59.65; 13-14 Girls Emily Sizemore – 100 Breast 1:20.48; 200 Freestyle Relay – Veronica D, Gabby T, Mo E, Jessica M – 1:53.22; 200 Medley Relay – Abby W, Zandy K, Lindsay k, Emily S – 2:11.32; 11-12 Men Alex Poley – 50 Back 32.65; 200 Free Relay – Jonathan D, Ryan K, Jordan M, Alex P – 2:04.60.

Raiders Swimmers of the Month Brandon Hendrickson The Rappahannock Raiders have selected four athletes, one from each of their major practice groups, to be their swimmers of the month. These swimmers have demonstrated behaviors of a high character athlete by showing attention to excellence and leading their groups by example. They always show up to practice and perform with great attitudes. The coaching staff of the Raiders is very proud to honor these athletes! Bronze: Andrew Stuart – Andrew is in his second year with the Raiders. He always shows up with a smile on his face and is excited to jump in the water for practice. Andrew is seven years old, and his favorite stroke is butterfly. His heroes are his mom and dad, and when he grows up he would like to be a scientist! Silver: Ryan Kuberek – Ryan is one

of our newest swimmers on the Raiders and is coached by Coach Jeanne Parker. He comes to the Raiders after two years with the Hopyard Hammerheads. Ryan is 11 years old, and his favorite stroke is breaststroke. His favorite hero is Wayne Rooney, and his favorite athlete is Michael Phelps. His future goals are to become a professional soccer player, become a year-round swimmer, and go to the Olympics. When he grows up, he wants to be an inventor or a breaststroke coach! Gold: Carter Wasser – Carter has been a Rappahannock Raider for just over three years now. Practice is never dull with this athlete. She has the energy of the Energizer Bunny and is always enthusiastic! She is coached by Brandon Hendrickson. Carter is 10 years old, and her favorite event is the 200 Individual Medley. Her favorite athlete is Missy Franklin.

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Her goals are to acquire an “A� time in swimming and to acquire a gold medal. Her career path, when she grows up, is to be the CEO of Speedo or own a swimming franchise. Junior: Jessica Miller – Jessica is in her second year with the Rappahannock Raiders. She is 13 years old and is one of the hardest working athletes on the team, earning the Hammerheads’ “Workhorse Award� and the Raiders’ “STUD Award.� Her favorite stroke and event is the 100 Breaststroke. Her favorite heroes are her parents and her athlete is Missy Franklin. Her goals are to qualify for Age Group Championships, keep her 4.0 GPA, go to college, get a good job, and have a family. When she grows up, she wants to be happy, healthy, wise, and be a good person.

KGHS photos

Recently, the King George High School varsity cheer competition team won the South Lakes Seahawk’s Spiritfest Cheer Competition, in Reston, VA. They dominated the competition (all 6A schools) to take 1st place in the varsity division. They will compete next at the Battlefield District Cheer Competition, on Thursday, Oct. 17th, at James Monroe High School. The competition starts at 7 p.m.

KG Foxes Spotsylvania Knights Staff Reports Last Thursday, at Spotsylvania High School, the Foxes boys defeated the Knights, 23-33. The Lady Knights were unable to get a team score due to lack of runners. The Knights girls’ depth issue resulted in a King George girls victory. Jacob Watson continued his undefeated streak with a first place


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Keith Rose This past weekend after the Fall Festival was winding down, the King George Youth Elite Foxes 10U and 12U football teams traveled to Goyne Park in Chester to take on the Rich City Spiders. As always the Foxes fans significantly outnumbered the home team and showed great enthusiasm and support for their team. The 10U team got off to a slow start while getting adjusted to the wet field conditions but behind the strong offensive line play from Chad Price, Connor Biondi, Davey Houck, Joshua Mattey, Joshua Young and tightend Jaiden Butler they out-muscled the Spiders. The rushing attack of Cameron Shanklin, Javon Campbell and Tyler Harrison was able to move the ball with little resistance. All three of the running backs had 20+ yard touchdown runs and the combination of Gianni Allen to Trent Yon hooked up for a nice play action extra point pass. The defense did not allow a point

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overall top girls’ runner, as she finished 22 seconds ahead of teammate Kristen Hornbaker (20:40). Fox runner, Ashley Perkins rounded out the top girls runners with a third place time of 21:09. Other notable girls’ results included: Anna Kniceley (Foxes) 21:41; Maddie Amos (Foxes) 22:30; Brooke West (Foxes) 22:57; H. McGuire (Knights) 23:05.

On the road with KG Elite Foxes

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finish of 17:13. Spotsylvania runner, K. Newton finished 28 seconds behind Watson with a time of 17:41. Fox runner, Christian Koon rounded out the top three boys’ finishes with a time of 17:57. Other notable boys’ results included: S. Czarnecki (Knights) 18:14; Jacob Williams (Foxes) 18:32; Jarod Watson (Foxes) 18:43. Miranda Green (20:18) was the


all night with the only Spiders touchdown coming on a kickoff return. Â The defense had strong performances from Alex Ricciardi, Andrew Sokolowski, Bryan Maxey, Chaynce Cook and Walker Gordon. Â The final touchdown was scored by Gary Lane Jr. after breaking a tackle in the backfield and running it in from 10 yards out giving the Foxes a 40-6 victory and running their record to 4-2 with four straight victories. The 12U Foxes took the opening drive down the field and opened a 7-0 lead. Â The Spiders responded with a long TD run from their big and powerful running back cutting the lead to 7-6. The Foxes, as they would all night, responded with touchdown after touchdown and wore down the Spiders. The Foxes rushing attacked lead by Cameron Schaub, Cannon Zylonis and timely running by Tyler Rose continued to find running lanes behind the offensive line lead by AJ Gibson, Ben Stone, Dekker Chuska, Kevon Allen, Terrell Staton, Thomas Maxey, Terrell Staton, Zach Cameron and receivers Chase Scott

and Zion White. Â The defense continued to bring big hits all night and were able to slow down a Spiders rushing attack that had not been stopped all season. The defense was lead by strong play from Cody Murgas, Ethan Indseth, Isaiah Landry, James Simmons, JJ Kidd, Malik Bass, Matt Redcay, Will Gordon and Tate Newman. Â A late fumble recovery by Will Armstead sealed the game and the Foxes improved to 6-0 and first place in their division. All three of the Foxes teams will be in action at home against the Fredericksburg Canes this weekend at KGHS. Â The times are 10 a.m. 8U, 12 p.m. 10U and 2 p.m. for the 12U. Â Their 8U and 10U opponents are both currently undefeated. Â The 12U Foxes have earned a top 10 State Ranking from an independent National Prep organization and put their undefeated record on the line. Â Admission is free. Â If you have any questions about the organization you can email kgfoxesaau@ gmail.com.

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The Journal

Wednesday, Oct. 16, 2013


Popular Montross Veterinarian Takes her Clinic to the Dogs and Cats Richard Leggitt Dr. Pauline Knowles has become one of the Northern Neck’s most popular veterinarians by using a very simple strategy: She takes her veterinary clinic to the dogs, and cats...and sometimes hamsters and rabbits. “There are a lot of people who can’t get out, or who do not want to take their pets to a clinic. Many animals are afraid of a clinic,� Dr. Knowles said. “So we go to them. We make house calls. And we also park our mobile vet van in Oak Grove on Mondays and Wednesdays from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.� Dr. Knowles, who grew up in Cape Cod, MA, lives on her farm near Montross, with her 15-year-old son,

Jerry. At the farm she has two dogs, five cats, four horses, two parrots, fish, chickens and honey bees, so she is well acquainted with the challenges and the rewards of raising animals. Operating a house call veterinary service has been her dream since college. “When I filled out my initial veterinary application, I wrote that I wanted to start a health care service,� Knowles said. After practicing in Massachusetts and Florida, Dr. Knowles’ dream came true when she moved to Westmoreland County in 2005, to be near her parents. Since then, her mobile vet van with the photos of a dog and cat on the side has become a well-known and welcome fixture to animal lovers and their pets in West-

moreland, King George and Colonial Beach. “I can do everything right out of this truck,� said Knowles. “I can take better care of animals and make a veterinary visit easier on the animals and their owners.� With her assistant, Beth Johnson, of King George, Knowles can provide any needed veterinary service “except x-rays and grooming� right from the mobile vet van. And, she has thousands of satisfied customers who are grateful for her ability to come to them. “I do surgery in the van, and I am able to be there for the beginning of life when I do c-sections, it is very exciting,� Knowles said. “And sadly, also for the end of life

when that become necessary. I go to people’s homes to help with the end of life of a beloved pet. It is so much more peaceful and caring for the animal.� Dr, Knowles said living in rural Westmoreland County reminds her of her upbringing in Massachusetts. “I love this area,� she said. “It reminds me of what Cape Cod was like 30 or 40 years ago. We are in the country but close enough to get to a city when we want to do so.� Dr. Knowles can be reached at 804-493-0838. She is available for phone consultation 24 hours a day. Information about her mobile veterinary van, which she said reduces the stress on your pet and provides more convenience for you, can be found at mobilevetvan.com .

Naval Support Facility Dahlgren to commemorate 95th anniversary Richard Leggitt The 95th anniversary of the Naval Support Facility in Dahlgren will be commemorated Wednesday with a reception and ceremony at the University of Mary Washington’s Dahlgren Campus Center for Education and Research. The event will be held from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. The public is invited. Sponsored by the Dahlgren Heritage Foundation, the reception and ceremony will feature a formal commemorative program that will include the Aegis Training and Readiness Center’s color guard, the JWAC Singers, and special guest speaker retired Rear Adm. Brad Hicks, former commander for Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense at NSF Dahlgren. Additional speakers will include State Senator Richard Stuart and Delegate Margaret

Ransone, who will present a proclamation from Governor Bob McDonnell recognizing “Dahlgren Day.�  The UMW Dahlgren Campus is located at 4224 University Dr. in King George. The Naval Support Facility opened at Dahlgren on October 16, 1918. The facility has a long and storied history and was instrumental in the development of many of America’s most important technological inventions including the Norden bombsight. Attendees to the Wednesday reception and ceremony will enjoy historic photos and artifacts from Dahlgren on display in the main corridor of the UMW building and will be treated to a preview of an exhibit that opens at the new Dahlgren heritage Museum on Oct. 19. The Saturday opening of the new museum,

Call Steve at 540-7752024 or email steve@ journal press. com for all your business & personal printing needs

which will be located at the former Gateway Welcome Center building near the U.S. 301 Bridge, is also open to the public. It will also honor the Naval Support Facility’s 95th anniversary. The new Dahlgren Heritage Museum will tell the story of the many key projects at the Naval facility over the past 95 years from the first guns fired on the Potomac test range in 1918 to the current research on the electromagnetic rail gun. According to Dr. Robert Gates, the vicechair of the museum project, the new museum will use charts and key artifacts to show the important work done at Dahlgren over the years. “From the propeller of the first unmanned vehicle to a projectile from the Battleship USS IOWA, we will have a number of artifacts exhibited,� Dr. Gates said.

Classifieds We are pledged to the letter and spirit of Virginia’s Policy for achieving equal housing opportunity throughout the Commonwealth.We encourage and support advertising and marketing programs in which there are no barriers to obtaining housing because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, elderliness, familial status, or handicap. All real estate advertised herein is subject to Virginia’s fair housing law which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation, or discrimination because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, elderliness, familial status, or handicap or intention to make any such preference, limitation, or discrimination.� This newspaper will not knowingly accept advertising for real estate that violates the fair housing law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. For more information or to file a housing complaint call the Virginia Fair Housing Office at (804) 367-8530. Toll free call (888) 5513247. For the hearing impaired call (804) 367-9753.



Drivers: Regional Class A Drivers Wanted. Excellent Fredericksburg and Richmond Opportunities. Ryder is Hosting a Hiring Event. Friday, October 18th 8am-7pm & Saturday, October 19th 8am-7pm. Location: Ryder: 16 Baron Park Rd., Fredericksburg, VA 22405. Account Details: Class A Drivers in the Fredericksburg and Richmond, VA areas. Sign On Bonus: $500 upon hire and $500 upon 90 days. Excellent Benefits, Weekends at home, Extra pay for NYC, Most runs 1-2 days, Must have 9 months verifiable Class A experience and a safe driving record. If you cannot apply in person visit www.drive4ryder.com or call 877-300-3970. EOE Drug test req for employment.

Presidential Lakes Community Yard Sale, Sat Oct 19 8-1 at the Madison Dr Pool Area

Fox Towne Adult Day Care Center is now hiring for part time RN’s, LPN’s and Medical Technician also Volunteers are needed. Located conveniently on Rt. 3 in King George near the courthouse. To apply please call 540-775-5502. unfb

Room for Rent 1 BR furnished. Rent K, BR, Laundry, D. TV & Utilities $500. No pets. No Drugs. call 804-214-9464

CLASSES CHANGE YOUR CAREER, CHANGE YOUR LIFE! Moseley Real Estate Licensing Courses 10/21-10-25 (9-4); 11/1811/22 (9-4); 12/9-12/13 (9-4). Call 540-424-8191 or visit www.exitrealtyexpertise.com for more info. Military Discounts for Active Duty and MyCAA for Spouses. ufn

PETS/ FREE/ FOR SALE / ADOPTION Wendys Feline Friends. Cats and kittens for adoption. Many different colors and ages. All fixed with rabies shot. See pics at westmoreland.petfinder. org. For more information call Wendy 804-2241079 Animals Available For Adoption. The Animal Welfare League has dogs and cats available for adoption. For more information please call 804-435-0822, 804-435-6320. Hours Monday, Wed., & Friday. 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Lots of animals are at the shelter - call 804-462-7175.

Call Bonnie at 540-775-2024 to place your classified ad 3LQH )RUHVW $SDUWPHQWV 3LQH )RUHVW /DQH 2IÂżFH .LQJ *HRUJH 9$ )DPLO\ +RXVHKROGV



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Notice is hereby given that the Town of Montross Town Council will hold a public hearing beginning at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, October 22, 2013 at the Town Hall, Montross, Virginia for the following purpose: To adopt an amendment to the Town Code Chapter 62, Article II Water Service for deletions and additions to provide for the proposed changes in the Cross Connection and Backflow Prevention Program. A copy of the proposed amendment may be examined at the Town Office. Interested persons may appear and present their views at the time shown above. It is anticipated that the Town Council will take action following the public hearing.

Brenda T. Reamy, Town Manager 10/9/2013, 10/16/2013

3OHDVH &DOO 7'' 7<< ‡


King George County JOB ANNOUNCEMENT Temporary, Part-Time Recording Secretary King George County is accepting applications for a temporary, part-time Recording Secretary for the Department of Community Development. Duties include recording and transcribing minutes of meeting of official County commissions and/or committees. All meetings are held in the evenings. Salary: $15/hr. Applications may be obtained from the King George County Administrator’s Office, 10459 Courthouse Drive, Suite 200, King George, VA 22485 or online at www.king-george.va.us. For specific information related to job requirements, please contact Human Resources at 540.775.9181.

AUTOMOBILES For Sale - 2007 Hummer H3, new tires, dash navigation, Monsoon Sound System, Leather Seats, much more. $19,900. 540-379-0018. ufn




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Town of Colonial Beach Public Meeting Town-wide Housing Needs Assessment

The Town of Colonial Beach is receiving a CDBG Planning Grant from the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development to conduct a Town-wide Housing Needs Assessment. The Town is holding a public meeting to give citizens and other interested parties an overview of the proposed project. The project’s purpose is to identify housing and other infrastructure needs within the Town. The public meeting to begin this process will be held on Wednesday, October 23, 2013 at 6:30 PM at the Town Center located at 22 Washington Avenue. The meeting will begin at 6:30 PM. The public is invited and encouraged to attend this meeting. For more information, please contact Gary Mitchell, Director of Planning or Brendan McHugh, Zoning Technician at 804-224-7506. 10/16/2013

KING GEORGE COUNTY WETLANDS BOARD PUBLIC HEARING The King George County Wetlands Board will hold a public hearing beginning at 7:00 p.m., on Thursday, October 24, 2013 in the Board Room King George County Revercomb Administration Building, 10459 Courthouse Drive, to consider the following requests: VMRC Permit Application #13-1227: Request by PR Farms c/o Craig Suro to stabilize 2,200 linear square feet of shoreline, to include rock reventment, breakwater structure, and beach nourishment, including a private boat ramp, along the Potomac River, located at 3542 Mathias Point Road on Tax Map # 9, Parcel 5. Documents related to the above case are available for public inspection during the hours of 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday in the Department of Community Development, Revercomb Administration Building. The public is invited to express their views on the above case. Those who are unable to attend the public hearing may submit their comments in writing to the Director of Community Development, 10459 Courthouse Drive, Suite 104, King George, VA 22485, prior to the scheduled public hearing.

By Order of the Chairman King George County Wetlands Board

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TAXPAYERS WESTMORELAND COUNTY 2013 real estate and personal property tax bills have been mailed to the best address available. Taxes are due to be paid on or before DECEMBER 5, 2013 to avoid penalty and interest charges. If full payment cannot be made by the deadline, partial payments will be accepted. Only balances due will accrue penalty and interest after the deadline. If you have not received your bill contact: Westmoreland County Treasurer’s Office at (804) 493-0124. Office hours are Mon. - Fri. 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM. If your have a question about the property listed on your bill, please contact the Commissioner of the Revenue (804) 493-0113 or cbgcommofrev@hotmail.com. The assessments are charged and corrected by the Commissioner of the Revenue. The Treasurer’s Office CANNOT MAKE CORRECTIONS. They only collect the taxes assessed PAY TAXES BY CREDIT CARD To charge your taxes to any major credit card: Call - Official Payments at 1-888272-9829 or the Official Payments website: www.official_payments.com - Jurisdiction Code is 1053 - (a convenience fee is charged by Official Payments Corp. for this service)


TRUSTEE’S SALE OF 17114 WINDWARD COURT, KING GEORGE, VA 22485 In execution of a Deed of Trust in the original principal amount of $320,000.00 from EARLLINE E THROWER AND PERRY J THROWER dated July 25, 2006, recorded among the land records of the Circuit Court for KING GEORGE COUNTY as Book 604 at Page 809 recorded August 11, 2006, the undersigned appointed Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at public auction on the courthouse steps at the front of the Circuit Court building for KING GEORGE COUNTY located 9483 Kings Highway, King George, VA22485-3444 on October 22, 2013 at 5:00 pm, the property with improvements to wit: All of the following property being and situate in Potomac Magisterial District, King George County, Virginia, designated as Lot 30, FERRY DOCK CROSSING Subdivision, shown on a Subdivision plat dated November 13, 2002, revised June 26, 2003, July 16, 2003, and October 28, 2003, which plat of survey, together with a Deed of Dedication are duly recorded in the Clerk’s Office of the Circuit Court of King George, Virginia, in Deed Book 467, at Page 522, and having a property address of 17114 Windward Lane, Dahlgren, VA 22448. AND further described in the above Deed of Trust. (Tax Map No. 18A2230) TERMS OF SALE: A bidder’s deposit of $15,000.00 or 10% of the sale price, whichever is lower, shall be required at the time of sale in the form of cash, certified or cashier’s check payable to Substitute Trustee. The balance of the purchase price shall be due within fifteen (15) days of sale, otherwise Purchaser’s deposit may be forfeited to the Substitute Trustee. Additional terms to be announced at sale. Substitute Trustee: Poore Substitute Trustees, LTD, 6802 Paragon Place, Suite 410, Richmond, Virginia 23230. For information contact: The Hunoval Law Firm, PLLC, attorneys for Poore Substitute Trustee, LTD, 501 Minuet Lane, #104A, Charlotte, NC 28217, (704) 334-7114. File No.: VA110.010803 (RSVP# 302770)(10/09/13, 10/16/13)


Wednesday, Oct. 16, 2013

The Journal


Take back drugs 2013 - safe disposal Got drugs? Save the date to get rid of unused or expired medication for safe disposal on Saturday, Oct. 26 Phyllis Cook On Saturday, Oct. 26, King George, Colonial Beach and many other communities across Virginia and the nation will provide collection sites for residents to safely dispose of unused, unwanted or expired medications, to help prevent prescription drug abuse. The service is free and anonymous, no questions asked. Both the King George Sheriff ’s Office and

the Colonial Beach Police Department are taking part in National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day on Saturday, Oct. 26, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. This collection of unwanted prescription drugs will take place at both local locations in the parking lots of the law enforcement agencies. The King George Sheriff ’s Office, 10445 Government Center Blvd, is accessed from the north side of Route 3 (Kings Hwy) from Government Center Blvd, east of Purkins Corner. The Colonial Beach Police Department is located at 907 McKinney Blvd. SAFE, CONVENIENT DISPOSAL First begun in 2010, the National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day’s goal is to provide a safe, convenient, and responsible means of disposing of prescription drugs, while also ed-

ucating the general public about the potential for abuse of medications. In addition, Americans are now advised that their usual methods for disposing of unused medicines—flushing them down the toilet or throwing them in the trash—both pose potential safety and health hazards. Important information about national take-back day • The program is anonymous and free. • Prescription and over-the-counter medications are accepted. • Medications may be kept in original containers for disposal on National Take-Back Day. • Intra-venous solutions, injectables and needles will not be accepted. • Illicit substances such as marijuana or methamphetamine are not a part of this ini-

tiative.  In Virginia, the number of drug deaths is comparable to those for traffic fatalities each year. The Take-Back initiative is a preventative step to encourage people to safely get rid of expired or unused medications. Public response to the United States Drug Enforcement Administration’s (DEA’s) national prescription drug Take-Back Days keeps growing as evidenced by the increase by 50 percent more of pills collected this past April than the previous one last fall. The increase demonstrates the public’s continued need for the opportunity to discard unwanted, unused and expired prescription drugs from medicine cabinets, bedside tables, and kitchen drawers. ADDRESSING VITAL SAFETY CONCERN This initiative addresses a vital public safety and public health issue. Medicines that languish in home cabinets are highly susceptible to diversion, misuse, and abuse. Rates of prescription drug abuse in the U.S. are alarmingly

high, as are the number of accidental poisonings and overdoses due to these drugs. Studies show that a majority of abused prescription drugs are obtained from family and friends, including from the home medicine cabinet and elsewhere around the house. The DEA is in the process of approving new regulations that implement the Safe and Responsible Drug Disposal Act of 2010, which amends the Controlled Substances Act to allow an “ultimate user� (that is, a patient or pet or their family member or owner) of controlled substance medications to dispose of them by delivering them to entities authorized by the Attorney General to accept them. The Act also allows the Attorney General to authorize long-term care facilities to dispose of their residents’ controlled substances in certain instances. More information about National TakeBack Day and a list of medication drop off sites in the Commonwealth is available online at www.deadiversion.usdoj.gov/drug_disposal/takeback/index.html.

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The Journal

This sandstone bookend has made a round trip from the Northern Neck to Washington and back. It belongs to a local gentleman who acquired it at an estate sale several years ago. The brass plaque on the rear states that it was part of the East Front of the United States Capitol from 1793 to 1960. Henry Lane T h e Hull Northern Neck connection comes from the original Capitol building having been constructed with Aquia sandstone from Stafford County. In the 1950s then Speaker of the House of Representatives, Sam Rayburn, wanted to extend the East Front of the Capitol. The expansion pushed the building out 32 feet, and in the process replaced the sandstone façade with white marble. When the previous front was dismantled, some of the stones were cut into commemorative pieces, such as this one, and the massive columns were re-erected as a sculpture garden at the National Arboretum in Northeast Washington. Some of the commemorative pieces were given to members of Congress, and others were sold to help defray the cost of the renovation. The sandstone front had been deteriorating, but many groups still objected to the change on the basis that it made the building look like

Virginia Treasury representatives met with residents to see if they had any unclaimed property. checked their names and the names of family members in the database. “Many left with big smiles after finding unclaimed funds,” Richards said. “If you would like to search your

a wedding cake by obliterating the soaring aspect of the great dome. Determining a value for this single bookend is difficult, as comparables are not available. The piece has more historic value than antique value inasmuch as it is a piece of American history. The plaque contributes to the overall value by placing the piece in its historical context. I suspect in a suitable auction or on the Internet, the price could exceed $100. Collectors of Capitol memorabilia

should be eager to have it, and if a second one could be found, the pair would be more than double that amount. This is a grand souvenir of the most important building in America. Happy Antiquing! Henry Lane Hull can be reached at Commonwealth Antiques & Appraisals, Inc., P.O. Box 35, Wicomico Church, VA 22579, henrylanehull@ commonwealthantiques.com

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In a fascinating new course from the Rappahannock Community College Educational Foundation’s Rappahannock Institute for Lifelong Learning (RILL), Dr. Greg Boeshaar will present “Being There: Our Exploration of the Solar System.” The three sessions will be held on October 29, and November 5 and 12 (Tuesdays), 1-3 p.m., at the Gloucester County Public Library in Gloucester Courthouse. Building on the earliest observations of the night sky, human understanding of Earth’s planetary neighborhood has soared through discoveries made by way of telescopes on Earth and in space, manned explorations of the Moon’s surface, and satellite probes of other planets with their moons, asteroids, and comets. Dr. Boeshaar will guide his class on a visual tour of amazing extraterrestrial landscapes through the images captured by these missions. Dr. Greg Boeshaar holds a Ph.D. in astronomy from Ohio State University, and has worked in the fields of optical imaging and spectroscopy, and radio interferometry, at many

national observatories in the United States. His space science engineering experience includes the development of the Hubble Space Telescope, atmospheric data archives, and NASA planetary exploration mission assessment; he has also published research articles on the chemical composition and evolution of gaseous nebulae and galaxies. As an RCC instructor, he currently teaches “Elements of Astronomy.” Advance registration, with a tuition payment of $35, is required to take this course. For more information on “Being There: Our Exploration of the Solar System” and other RILL courses, or to register, please call Sharon Drotleff at RCC’s Educational Foundation office (804-333-6707, or toll-free at 877-722-3679), or e-mail her at sdrotleff@rappahannock.edu.

And the winner is...

Richard Leggitt

The winner of the Best Chocolate Cake Contest, the third baking contest sponsored by Peggy E. Garland, Attorney in connection with the Montross Fall Festival was Ashlie Shalawyto of Colonial Beach. Shalawyto is the baker for Stratford Hall. Her delicious entry combined chocolate with bacon flavoring. It was decorated with bacon rosettes and candy leaves. Second place went to Janet Gallagher of Montross

for a more traditional chocolate cake. Gallagher has won one of the first prizes in every baking contest since the event’s inception. Third place was a tie between Marta Andrade of Montross and Catherine Kinsey of Montross. Judges were Billy Sydnor, Edwin (“E.T.”) Tate, Michael Mahan and Anne Garner. The baking contest is an annual event, with a different item to bake each year.


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to ask a trusted family member or friend to help them through the process,” Richards said.

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name or find out more about this free program, go to vamoneysearch.org.” “If seniors are uncomfortable conducting their own unclaimed property search, they may want


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RCC-RILL views the Solar System

“Finding the Money” with Triad and AARP The King George Triad program and the AARP held an unclaimed property event which resulted in a total of $7,506.68 in cash and stocks being recovered by King George and Westmoreland County residents. The event was conducted through the Virginia Treasury’s Unclaimed Property Program which attempts to return money, stocks, bonds, dividends, utility deposits, insurance proceeds, tangible property and more to the rightful owners. “King George Triad felt it important to introduce this program to the area and to caution seniors against being taken in by businesses that advertise they will help you find free money,” said Sgt. Karen Richards, the King George Sheriff ’s Office liaison with Triad. “There is no need to buy books on finding ‘free money’ which ultimately just provide the reader with the Virginia Treasury’s telephone number and website. And, don’t deplete your return by dealing with a businesses that charge a high percentage finder’s fee for locating Unclaimed Funds,” Richards said. The “Finding the Money” event was held at King George Parks and Recreation. A presentation was provided to explain what unclaimed property is, how residents can claim property, and how to avoid scams that try to associate with the program. During the three-hour event, approximately 60 people met with the treasury representatives and

Wednesday, Oct. 16, 2013

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Wednesday, Oct. 16, 2013


The Journal

A lifetime of work and love Do not miss Cavalia Odysseo! Mary Virginia Stanford met Clarence H. Stanford in Florida, while he was on a fishing trip with his father. Clarence had returned from overseas, serving in the Navy for two years in India. Clarence grew up in Colonial Beach on the very spot where the Marina is located today. After Clarence and Mary Virginia married, they came back to Colonial Beach. Clarence applied for a job at the Dahlgren Naval base when the Navy decided to begin building crash-boats. Crash-boats were simply sleek vessels, built for speed, and sometimes armed with weapons. The boats were used to recover pilots after their planes had crashed in the water, “So they could live to fight another day,” according to the Maritime Learning Center. Mary Virginia said Clarence studied boatbuilding, but Dahlgren decided not to build the boats. “The railway was over there [she points across the street to the marina], so we decided to buy it.” The childhood home that Clarence grew up in was moved across the street. Mary Virginia still lives there today. She said Clarence’s brother, Landon, who also served in the war, helped him start the boatbuilding business. Clarence was known to many watermen as a boat builder, an excellent craftsman, and an all-around laidback, caring and giving man. As a young girl, this reporter remembers tagging along with her father to Stanford’s. The store was never locked, and Clarence could be found either in the back building, restoring or just puttering with the numerous boats that were brought to him for work, or across the street in their family home eating lunch or dinner. Clarence was very patient and liberally passed on his knowledge

Leonard Banks

Linda Farneth

Mary Virginia Stanford shows off a picture of her younger self and her husband right after they returned to Colonial Beach in 1945. of woodworking to my father when he built a 22-foot workboat. Unfortunately, my father insisted on doing the work himself, and our boat was appropriately named, the “I pee freely”. Clarence was happy to sell us a bilge pump for her. Sadly, Clarence passed away in 2006. It was reported that his wife continued to remain strong and kept the business going with her grandson, Stephan Williams, following in his grandfather’s

footsteps. Unfortunately, Williams died at the young age of 29 in 2008, after suffering for a year from complications sustained during an accident while working with hydraulic equipment, a year earlier. When Mary Virginia decided to sell, she turned the business over to Bill Bowman. When asked how she felt about the new owner she simply said, “He’s an old friend!” — Linda Farneth

Fasten your imaginary seatbelts, and hop aboard the Cavalia Odysseo theatrical voyage with the whole family, and come to the Big White Top Tent, at The Plateau, at National Harbor, on 201 Harborview Ave in National Harbor, MD. Critics and entertainers are raving about the latest journey into the world of illusion, and horsemanship. Listen to what the Miami Herald and entertainers are saying about the box office smash hit, Cavalia Odysseo: “If Walt Disney were still alive, he might create a show as magical as Cavalia’s new Odysseo. But it wouldn’t be better than the wonderful world mastermind Norman Latourelle has created under his Big White Top,” Miami Herald. “Just breathtaking! Beyond your wildest dreams,” Jane Fonda. Imagine taking a roller coaster ride into the equine world of the impossible, and discover the dreamscape of visions of 125 foot tall tent - the size of a 10-story building - filled with 64 stallions, and 49 artists - acrobats, riders, and musicians - representing the United States, Canada, Brazil, France, Guinea, Poland, Russia, Spain, Ukraine, Japan, and Belgium. From the opening act with a group of horses peacefully grazing in a mystical forest, followed by a groups of riders, acrobats, and

musicians dancing harmoniously, to the finale, where center stage is consumed by 80,000 gallons of water, the show never loses a beat. Combined with continuous applause for the litany of stage acts involving aerialists, frolicking horses, and 3-D background scenes, the show will lift you from the world of reality to an endless array of surreal horizons. The show is highly recommended for the entire family. The show is directed by acclaimed Cirque du Soleil performing arts

The Journal — Your weekly paper The Journal’s news is about our community — that’s it. We don’t try to be anything but local. It’ all about our community and what makes it GREAT!

Caledon State Park Art & Wine Festival Enjoy a beautiful fall day on the lovely grounds of Caledon State Park while exploring what the area’s finest artisans and wineries have to offer. Get a jump on holiday shopping with unique one of a kind gifts. Taste wines from local wineries. A special wine glass is included with the price of tasting. A variety of great food will be available. Take a hayride to the Potomac River through a Virginia old growth hardwood forest. You never know what kind of wildlife you will see along the way! The picnic shelter will be available, and the gift shop and visitor center will be open. Admission is free to the festival, which is Nov. 2 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. There will be a tasting fee of $10, ID required to taste and a $5.00 parking fee. Friends will also be selling “John Shaw” wine glasses, beer steins and decanters. Coolers and outside food and alcohol are not permitted within the festival grounds. All proceeds from the festival will be used for

education and programming at the park. Caledon designated National Natural Landmark, provides visitors the unique opportunity of viewing bald eagles in their natural habitat. Caledon and the surrounding areas are the summer home for one of the largest concentrations of bald eagles on the East Coast. As many as 68 eagles have been spotted on the bluffs overlooking the Potomac River. Education and programming is the primary focus of the natural area. Limited tours of the eagle area are offered, however, mid-June through August by reservation only. Park guests can learn more about the natural history of Caledon, the American Bald Eagle, bats, owls, swans and other interesting wildlife. Caledon is located in King George County between Fairview Beach and Owens, 23 miles east of Fredericksburg on Route 218.

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pioneer, Norman Latourelle, and actor/ coordinator, Wayne Fowkes. Fowkes is known for his direction of the musical Don Juan, and Butterflies. The show runs through Sunday, Oct. 27 under the Big White Top Tent, at The Plateau, at National Harbor, on 201 Harborview Ave in National Harbor, MD. For ticket information, and show scheduling, go online to www.cavalia.net/en/odysseo/ticketsinfo/washington-dc-usa/calendar or call 1-866-999-8111.

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Come to the Caledon Art & Wine Festival, Nov. 2 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Send your pictures of community events to news@journalpress.com

We are pleased to share a wonderful success story from Heritage Hall King George Mr. Ralph Peregory, a well-known member of the King George community, came to Heritage Hall for rehabilitation on August 28, 2013, with a primary diagnosis of atrial fibrillation. Mr. Peregory was determined to return to his prior level of functioning, and the Heritage Hall staff were equally determined to help him reach his maximum potential. Mr. Peregory always gave 100% when working towards his goals, and the staff thoroughly enjoyed getting to know him in the process. With the help of highly-trained therapy staff, Mr. Peregory learned how to effectively utilize adaptive equipment to increase his mobility, independence and improve his overall quality of life. Mr. Peregory was discharged from the facility to his private home on September 6, 2013. Although he was unsure of what to expect upon his admission to Heritage Hall, Mr. Peregory left with nothing but the highest of praise for the facility and its staff. 10051 Foxes Way • King George, VA 22485 540.775.4000 • heritage-hall.org Jennifer Rowe, Administrator Private Rooms, Exclusive Rehab

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