10-23-2013 Colonial Beach / Westmoreland Journal

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Colonial Beach • Westmoreland

Volume 37, Number 43

Wednesday, October 23, 2013 50 Cents

helping you relate to your community

Spooky Town and County Halloween activities slated Richard Leggitt Beginning this weekend, Westmoreland County will be the frightful scene of a busy week of spooky Halloween activities, from the Scarecrow Fest at the Colonial Beach Museum to the Third Annual Halloween Trunk or Treat in Montross. On Friday, Oct. 25, Scarecrow Fest at the Colonial Beach Museum will begin at 1 p.m. Sponsored by the Colonial Beach Historical Society to benefit the museum, the event will feature teams of of all ages and up to five persons building scarecrows. Cookies and punch will be served. Scarecrow builders are asked to bring the materials needed to build their scarecrows including markers and paints needed to decorate the face. The scarecrows will remain on display at the museum on Hawthorne Street through Thanksgiving. Scheduled for Saturday, the 26th is the Colonial Beach Halloween Golf Cart Parade. Entrants will be decorating golf carts and riding them in the parade which begins at 4

p.m. Stratford Hall will host a Spooktacular Halloween beginning at 5:30 p.m. and Oak Grove Baptist Church will host a Harvest Party which begins at 2 p.m. On Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 28 and 29, Westmoreland Berry Farm will continue its Haunted Hayrides. Food, drinks, crafts and the farm’s famous fruit and berries will be available. The Westmoreland Berry Farm is located at 1235 Berry Farm Lane in Oak Grove. On Halloween night, Thurs., Oct. 31, the Inn at Montross will host Halloween Bistro Night beginning at 5 p.m. There will be Scary Storytelling at the Montross Library beginning at 6:30 p.m. and the Westmoreland County Museum and the Inn at Montross will host a Things That Go Bump In The Night Bonfire beginning at 7:30 p.m. and show the movie “It’s The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown” beginning at nightfall. The O’Gara Group at 18047 Kings Highway in Montross will be hosting a See spooky, page 3

The Westmoreland Board of Supervisors has unanimously approved a request for a one year extension of a construction permit allowing Verizon to build a 195foot cell phone tower on Monroe Bay Circle between the Colonial Forest and Westmoreland Shores subdivisions. The supervisors approved an initial application for a one year permit to construct the Verizon tower on Nov. 12. 2012. Work on the project has not yet begun due to a delay in Verizon’s construction plans so an extension was requested until Nov. 14, 2013. Beth McDowell, a planner with the Westmoreland Land Use Administration told the supervisors Leonard Banks

After many hours of hard work by a group of dedicated volunteers, Town staff and Northern Neck Planning District staff, the Town of Montross hosted the first public preview of the facade improvements recommended by architects Ray and Dana Herlong, and the Facade Improvement Committee. A group of 35 business owners, residents and members of the facade committee met at the Westmoreland Fire Department last Wednesday, Oct. 16, to learn how recipients were chosen and to view a slideshow preview of improvements that are planned.

Herlong & Assoc. were on hand last week in Montross to announce the ten businesses that have been chosen to receive money from the Community Development Block Grant through the facade improvement program. Recipients will match grant money equally, with their own money and work, to make improvements to their facades. Napa, Helms Antiques, Jameka, and the Wakefield Museum will be offered $10,000 each. Angelo’s Pizza, Art of Coffee, P&D Auto, Allegiance Title, and George Townsend will all receive $7,200, and Montross Body Shop will receive $4,000. The ten recipients of the grant

See verizon, page 3

Future photographers marvel at their photographs during a recent Drifters varsity football game.

Ten Montross businesses properties chosen to receive facade grant money Linda Farneth

Wmd. Board Extends Verizon Construction Permit

Stay Focused!

Sewer upgrades Dump Truck Driver Patrick Patterson and Foreman George Harris look on while Ethan Taylor gives hand signal directions to Bryant Lynch, operating the excavator. G.L. Howard, Inc. has been contracted to replace sewer pipes throughout the numbered streets for the recent sewer upgrades. A section of Fifth Street was previously lined. The lining, however, will not work in this section due to an excess of groundwater. G.L. Howard will dig at both ends of the pipe, insert a series of metal rods, and pull new piping through, replacing the old. This procedure allows residents to continue using their sewer systems without interruption, and minimizes the need to dig up the entire length of the piping.

money were chosen from 29 applicants by the facade committee. The Herlongs did provide guidance by presenting the committee with various criteria to use when choosing recipients, but remained neutral, leaving the decision up to the committee members. Members of the committee were chosen by the council and were citizens who had no ties to the properties or their owners to ensure the group was independent and had no stake in the decision process. The Herlongs worked with the applicants to choose ideas for See FACADES, page 3

October Art Walk Artists

Theresa Alo Theresa Alo works in many mediums, all of which stimulate her tactile sense. Sculpting with clay, however, gives her a special joy. Alo says, “Maybe it is the endless possibilities that such a diverse medium offers. Maybe it’s just the feel, but either way, clay has an inherent mysterious quality that offers unforeseen potential to be anything.” More of Alo’s work can be viewed at Theresa-Alo.com or you may reach her at (301) 743-9487. Her work is currently on display at the Potomac River Fisheries Commission.

Kathleen Walsh

Kathleen Walsh often stays with friends and camps out on private properties for the day to paint her subjects (with permission of the owners, of course). Walsh said, “I have a passport that says ‘USA’ so I can sleep peacefully at night and go to the grocery store - there’s always food. My neighbors are so generous to me. People invite me to paint on their properties, their farms, and there are two canoe takeouts in our town. The guys at each establishment give me keys, so I can go to these places and paint in the early morning or evening.”

Walsh has a little studio in Liberty Town, Fredericksburg, where she works when she is not on site. Walsh was born in the Bronx, New York. She has lived in places like Eastern Europe, Africa, and Fairmont in Western Europe. She has also worked in Latin America. Walsh, originally trained as a physiotherapist, started painting ten years ago, at the age of 55. Walsh said she moved to Switzerland to pursue a dream job of working at the United Nations, but she couldn’t get a work permit. If that wasn’t enough of a blow she broke her leg. Feeling down

Kathryn Murray

and lost she said, “I decided I would either drown myself in the lake or change my life.” Walsh said the water was so cold, that she decided to change her life. Walsh found some artists that she admired the work of, and asked them if she could hang around them and learn. They accommodated her, and she said, “I just started working from there.” At the age of 65, Walsh has a childlike amazement for life that is rare to find at her age. Her impressionistic oil paintings on display now at the JarrettThor Fine Arts Gallery until

Nov. 3, include open landscapes and seascapes. For more information, contact the gallery at (804) 224-7200, or visit the JarrettThor Fine Arts Gallery at 100 Taylor Street. Kathryn Murray is a former New Yorker who moved to Washington, DC, then moved to the Northern Neck 20 years ago. As a teenager, she was given a camera and has been photographing for 40 years. Murray said, “Four years ago everything started to come into focus.” She said that she had a lot of experience associated with creative

fields: advertising, architecture and design. The Northern Neck is now her inspiration. She leans towards foggy or misty photos, which she has infused in aluminum. This procedure allows the owner to clean the photos and produces a sharp image. Murray’s work is also on display now at JarrettThor Fine Arts Gallery until Nov. 3.



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Wednesday, Oct. 23, 2013

The Journal




What a difference a year makes What a difference a year makes. Just after Mitt Romney lost his race against President Obama many in the Republican Party began asking the question, “where to next?” This prompted a lot of soul searching. The Chairman of the National Republican Committee e v e n David S. Kerr commissioned a study to recommend ways for the party to better connect with the voters. There was something wrong with the Republican brand, and the party, in a unique bit of introspection, wanted to find a new course. These were big words, and they were compelling. Many Republicans talked about the importance of reaching out to Hispanics and African-Americans. They also wanted to improve their standing with women voters. At the same time, worried that they weren’t succeeding in repealing the Affordable Care Act, some thought that maybe it was time to try a

different strategy. Perhaps the better approach was to work to change and even improve what they considered to be a flawed initiative. It was a heady few months, but almost as rapidly as this soul searching and quest for a new direction began, it ran out of steam. However, it would be wrong to say there wasn’t some progress. Republican and Democratic members of the Senate worked together to craft and pass an immigration reform bill. This was important if the GOP was to expand its appeal with Hispanic voters. Unfortunately, when the bill got to the House it stalled. The GOP majority, and in particular the Tea Party conservatives, weren’t receptive. Now, its unlikely that an immigration reform bill will ever be passed. Sadly, the image of the Republican Party being anti-Hispanic and antiimmigrant remains firmly in place. With over 50 million Americans, all potential voters, having Hispanic roots, this isn’t good politics. African-Americans didn’t fare much better. After the 2012 election, there was talk about reaching out to black voters, but the reality was that legislatures with GOP majorities, including North Carolina, Virginia,

and even Pennsylvania and Ohio, went the extra mile to create twists and turns in the voting laws to help discourage African-American voters. It was shameful and further damaged the Republican Party’s already battered image with black voters. Women didn’t do much better. Again, primarily in states with Republican-dominated legislatures, statehouses passed a series of highly restrictive abortion laws. In Virginia, in perhaps the most extreme example of this trend, the General Assembly almost passed a “personhood law” which could have led to banning birth control. It was great fodder for late night television. For many this was over the top and the result has been a precipitous decline in support for the GOP amongst women voters. Given that women voters outnumber men, this isn’t doing the Republicans any good at all. This was bad enough, but in what’s been a rough year for the GOP, things only got worse. Far from taking the talked-about positive approach to the Affordable Health Care Act, the Republican majority in the House decided it was all or nothing. They held up a continuing

resolution to fund the government until the President agreed to support defunding Obamacare. The outcome is one we know all too well. The government shutdown cost the American taxpayer $24 billion and ended with no change to the President’s signature domestic accomplishment. It’s hard to imagine how the Republicans could have a worse year. However, the Republican Party is still powerful. They control the House of Representatives, and though they may take some hits in 2014, they will probably hang onto to their majority. As for the Senate, currently controlled by Democrats, they could well win it back next year. But, that’s in the short term. They have already shown their weakness when it comes to winning national elections. During the past 21 years, covering six Presidential elections, the Republican Party has only won a majority in one of them. It won’t be that long until this trend finds its way into other elections. Unless they’re willing to expand their base and move away from their fondness for fringe politics, their future in the long term isn’t going to be a good one.

and encouragement for her in this sometimes thankless role will be of great value to her in showing your appreciation for the fine job she has done on our behalf. Margaret has in a short time gained the confidence and respect of the House leadership as a serious legislator and representative of the interests of the Northern Neck. She serves on the key committees of particular concern to our area, the Chesapeake, Agriculture and Natural Resources and Health, Welfare and Institutions Committees and has taken a keen interest in matters affecting the education of our children. She has made a particular effort to learn of the economic and national defense importance and to support the Northern Neck’s largest employer, the Dahlgren naval laboratories. She has patroned legislation aimed at bringing jobs to our rural community. At home Margaret is a careful and attentive listener to the needs and advice of her constituents and has made herself available whenever and wherever she can be of help. She is a busy and successful small businesswoman with significant responsibilities in her family-owned waterman’s business. Above all, she is a caring mother well acquainted with the concerns and needs of the families of the Northern Neck. Please turn out on election day and give Margaret Ransone your vote of confidence and appreciation. Robert R. Fountain Montross

There are plenty of questions about Terry McAuliffe’s character and business dealings. It is alleged that he as profited by millions of dollars from investments, while others invested in the same venture lost most or all of their investment. I wonder how that happened. From time to time, some of our elected officials disappoint us, and maybe it’s because we, the voters, do not look too carefully at the character and integrity of those for whom we cast our vote. I will vote for a good man, Ken Cuccinelli, on Nov. 5, and I hope that you will, too. John Heffernan King George

Letters to the Editor King George County Board of Supervisors/Service Authority Board of Directors To the Editor: After reading the articles submitted by my King George County Board of Supervisors/Service Authority Board representative Supervisor Brabo concerning the King George Service Authority, I talked to Scott Sweeney on 16 Oct 2013. One of my concerns is what will it take to get the fire hydrants in our community and others painted as per the Standards and Specifications Water Distribution System, King George County Service Authority King George County, Virginia Section H. Design Considerations – Fire Hydrants, Paragraph 4 on Page 14? My subdivision, Chatham Village, is over eight years old along with other subdivisions that are older are not painted correctly, so why wasn’t it part of the inspection process and why isn’t the county following its own governing documentation? Mr. Sweeney provided me a bunch of excuses, but no resolution to fixing the issue. I am reaching out to the Board of Supervisors who serves as the Directors for the Service Authority. I felt Mr. Sweeney adequately answered all of my questions, but he did not have any real plan for resolving my concerns since he stated it was a manpower issue more than a money issue. My second concern is what will it take to reduce the Service Authority debt fee customers pay? Early September 2013 the King George Service Authority board approved an updated 2014-18 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) totalling $6,612,500 over the next five years as a planning guide for upgrades to the water and waste water facilities for the current year and future years. There are no projects on the list to expand the areas served by the Service Authority. Instead, most of the projects are required to keep up with the state’s Department of Environmental regulations, which continue to become more stringent. The rest of the projects are to improve the county’s ISO rating. At Ms. Brabo’s September town hall meeting she suggested using a portion (2% out of the 4%) of the meals tax to help offset the $25 million debt which has accrued over the years. The meals tax is collected at restaurants by everyone who eats in a county restaurant. The restaurants are customers of the Public Service Authority (PSA) and the establishments can help offset the debt fee without any tax raises. With or without money gained from the meal tax those of us who receive services from the PSA will still see an increase in the debt fee to support the planned upgrades. Income from the meal tax will not prevent a rate increase but will help to reduce the overall increase. As Brabo has stated projects should be covered by all of the residents and not just the customers. In the long

run the entire county benefits from the improvements. Our children who attend public schools, day care facilities, churches, businesses in King George, and the YMCA are just a few to mention. This is not just about the current customers but the entire county. According to County documents and Scott Sweeney there are 11 areas covered by water and five covered by sewage. All the King George districts have a stake in the areas covered. I do not understand why the other board members do not support Ms. Brabo in trying to reduce the debt fee and other issues she brings up. On Nov. 26, 2012 Dale Sisson stated he wanted to remind people that Dahlgren falls into two districts. “There is also an at-large district for the county which encompasses everything and I think that’s one of the benefits. Each part of this county is represented by two members of this board here directly.” If that is the case why doesn’t he work with Ms. Brabo to solve this issue and others. This is a county issue and not an issue the 3900 customers (out of ~25,000 residents) of the county should pay for. Sisson also stated, “The regional bodies are an interesting beast. You’ve got a group of elected officials who really are chartered to represent their county as they see fit when they’re put on that board.” This may be the reason Dale Sisson doesn’t want to work with Ruby Brabo because he doesn’t see it fitting his objectives. The board of supervisors are elected to make decisions that will benefit the county as a whole and not an individual. Walter Volinic King George Support Margaret Ransone To the Editor: Regardless whom you plan to vote for on Tuesday 5 November, or whether you can’t stomach any of them, show up and vote for Margaret Ransone as our Delegate in the General Assembly. Quietly and competently doing her job as our representative, Margaret has had no part in the foolishness taking place in Washington or Richmond. While Margaret is unopposed for re-election our vote of confidence


To the Editor: What should we look for in our elected representatives? I believe that any person seeking elected office should have unshakable convictions and be of good moral character. In Virginia, we have a principled candidate, namely Ken Cuccinelli, who stands steadfastly by his beliefs without wavering. He has made known his opposition to abortion and his support of the sanctity of life and has been criticized for holding such views. Conversely, his opponent openly supports the murder of the unborn babies and openly courts those who would have more compassion about the mistreatment of animals than the killing of the unborn.


TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 Set your long-term goals and work hard to make them a reality, Taurus. Goals can help you stay on track and provide much-needed motivation when you hit rough patches. GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, even though you may not be getting all of the recognition you hoped at work, others are paying attention to your accomplishments. Just be a little patient. CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 Romance could be heading in your direction, Cancer. If you are in a relationship, then that relationship might grow even stronger. Plan a romantic getaway soon. LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 Leo, you may want to keep some thoughts to yourself this week. Others may not be fond of you rocking the boat at this time, so let things settle down. VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 Surround yourself with people who can make you feel good and provide lots of support, Virgo. This week you may need all of the encouragement you can get.

LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 Expect a self-esteem boost when you begin to feel better about all of your options, Libra. Although you may not be in love with all of the possibilities, many are very appealing. SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 Scorpio, you have an uncanny sense of imagination and your creativity will be running strong this week. Share some of your ideas with a trusted friend or family member. SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 There are many cosmic energies working in your corner, Sagittarius. You just need to be in tune with the changes that are happening all around you. CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 Capricorn, anticipate some confusion regarding your social life this week. This can grow into a stressful situation if you let it. Instead, keep a level head and trust that things will work out. AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 Pisces, exotic thoughts creep into your head, but you have some mundane chores that need tending to as well. PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 Channel all of your creative ideas into one big project, Pisces. Once you have taken that initiative, the project will take off.


To the Editor: The upcoming Governor’s election on November 5 is a “no-brainer” for all small government, liberty and freedom loving Virginians. The difference between the candidates is stark. Terry McAuliff: • A DC partisan and BIG GOVERNMENT guy who will import Washington-style policies to Richmond. • Said he would shutdown state government if we do not expand Obamacare by spending an additional $3 Billion per year on Medicaid Expansion. • His rating with the NRA is a resounding “F” (limitations on how many guns/gun magazines you may purchase, to name a few) • He is anti Virginia’s coal industry (he was against it before he was for it….sound familiar?) and this will cost Virginia thousands of lost jobs and higher energy costs. • His business scandals include the so-called ”selling” of U. S. residency visas to wealthy foreigners who invested in his Green Tech company. (The plant was originally supposed to be in Virginia but went to Mississippi and 3 out of 4 visa recipients were from China….fact check VA Economic Development Partnership) And I could go on …. See LETTERS, page 11

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ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, it’s important to know that someone close to you supports you no matter what. Don’t let self-doubt overwhelm you. Others support you for a reason.

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Subscription rate is $24 per year (52 issues), or 50¢ on newsstands. Outside the counties of King George and Westmoreland, the rate is $38 per year. The Journal (ISSN #87502275) is published weekly by The Journal Press, Inc. Postmaster, send 3579 to: The Journal, Post Office Box 409, King George, Virginia 22485

CLUES ACROSS 1. 1st, 2nd & 3rd in baseball 6. Sew up a hawk’s eyes 10. N’Djamena is the capital 14. Be a connector 15. To accustom 17. Cornflower 19. Former CIA 20. Bark sharply 21. Actress Barkin 22. Cathode-ray tube 23. Shallowest Great Lake 24. Surface of a plane figure 26. Bird of prey 29. A large number 31. Chums 32. Express pleasure 34. Capital of Yemen 35. Sanctify 37. Hyperbolic cosecant 38. Central Standard Time 39. Seed of the legume family 40. Drove in golf 41. Without difficulty 43. Without (French) 45. Politicians (informal) 46. Not happy 47. Spiritual being 49. Male child 50. The cry made by sheep 53. Handheld image enlarger 57. Inventiveness 58. Column style 59. Impudence 60. 33 1/3 records 61. Berkeley’s sister city CLUES DOWN 1. Lymph node plague swelling 2. Freshwater duck genus 3. Dog attacks

4. Eilat Airport 5. Visualize 6. A young pig 7. Wyatt __, OK Corral 8. Point one point S of due E 9. Those who give freely 10. Small slice of meat, especially veal 11. Dislike intensely 12. Egyptian sun God 13. Animal lair 16. Dutch flowers 18. A Greek harp 22. O. Twist’s author’s initials 23. Periods of time 24. __ Claus 25. Actress Lupino 27. Green regions of desert 28. Any competition 29. Salem, MA, teachers college 30. Container for display 31. Ink writing implement 33. Hogshead (abbr.) 35. As much as one can eat 36. Puts in a horizontal position 37. Cotangent (abbr.) 39. Vitamin H 42. Book hinges 43. Voiced musical sounds 44. In the year of Our Lord 46. Japanese entertainment firm 47. Comedian Carvey 48. Bird reproductive bodies 49. Rests on a chair 50. River border 51. Largest continent 52. Plural of ascus 53. Prefix for ill 54. Small bark 55. Geographic Information System 56. Mauna __, Hawaiian volcano

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The Journal


Wednesday, Oct. 23, 2012


Beach officials seek County and Red Cross’ help to prepare shelter Linda, Farneth On Tuesday, Oct. 15, Colonial Beach Mayor Mike Ham and Council members Jim Chiarello, Linda Brubaker and Wanda Goforth met with representatives from the American Red Cross (Red Cross) and Westmoreland County’s Department of Social Services (DSS). The meeting had been called to discuss the necessary steps (needed to be taken by the town) to receive emergency shelter assistance in cases of emergency or disaster. Representatives in attendance from the American Red Cross included: Executive Director Julie Dudley; Disaster Coordinator for Colonial Beach Nila Walker; and Paul Hundley from the Disaster Services Program. Emergency Coordinator Helen Wilkins-Ball represented Westmoreland County Social Services. Dudley advised the council that the Red Cross supports the town with emergency sheltering in events of house fires and other un-foreseen emergencies. They also contribute blood supplies and offer certifications in CPR, First Aid and lifeguarding. Chiarello explained that the purpose of the meeting was to conduct an open fact-finding discussion with the Red Cross to find out what procedures are needed to receive help from the Red Cross for the town’s shelter. “What are our roles, and how can we work together?” Chiarello asked. The Red Cross can offer:

The Red Cross relies on bringing together all available resources, such as Social Services, churches and other community groups to coordinate efforts to meet all the needs of citizens during a crisis or in a disaster. The Red Cross defines a disaster as “an event causing human suffering requiring assistance to overcome.” They handle over 70,000 personal disasters a year, nationwide, such as families impacted by fire. Hundley told the council that he is one of two managers for what is the newly named “Eastern Virginia Region” which contains 55 localities. Hundley said the Red Cross agency wants to meet the individual needs and expectations of each locality, which may not be the same as a neighboring locality. In order to accomplish this, the Red Cross must evaluate the individual needs in each community. The agency must also evaluate local assets and resources available. Red Cross works with localities’ emergency operations plans, helping to implement them, and taking over when the leading agencies’ responsibilities change. Wilkins-Ball explained that Westmoreland County has two designated shelters- Washington District School and Montross Middle School. Anybody in Westmoreland County can come to those two shelters. Social Services will run those shelters for 72 hours, utilizing four teams who work around the clock. “At the end of 72 hours, we turn

[shelter operations] over to Red Cross. We start using your blankets and cots, but we work together and dialog with one another,” Wilkins-Ball said to Red Cross representatives. Wilkins-Ball is concerned that resources will not accommodate a third shelter. “If you’re talking about establishing a third shelter here, I’m telling you if the other two shelters are open, I don’t have the staff and the manpower to do that. However, if there would be an event that would just impact you guys, that’s certainly a possibility. But all of this needs to be defined and put in the county operations plan, so I know from day one what might happen, and my staff is prepared.” Council members explained to the representatives that with the two bridges at Mattox Creek and Tide’s Mill Stream on State Route 205, the town has, in the past, become an island during storms with heavy rains. In the case of Tropical Storm Lee, which dumped 21 inches of rain on Colonial Beach, the town was cut-off at both ends for days, from erosion damage that resulted from flash flooding. The one route through back-roads is not familiar to all residents, and is not an ideal escape route in flash flooding. Mayor Mike Ham commented, “When we get a bad storm, we become an island, and yet we still have 20% of the population [for Westmoreland County] sitting on this island.” Colonial Beach has already designated the high school building on First Street as an emergency

Verizon: Streets added

Spooky: Lots of treats

from page 1

Haunted House from 6 to 9 p.m. on Halloween night and the Town of Colonial Beach will have trick or treating from 5 to 8 p.m. The O’Gara Group will also be hosting its Third Annual Trunk or Treat event on Halloween night. The event on the O’Gara parking lot is designed to make trick or treating safer for children of all ages. Businesses, individuals and churches will park cars on the lot with open trunks filled with candy.

at their mid-month meeting on Oct. 16 that her department was recommending the approval of the construction permit extension. “We believe that this project has merit,” McDowell said. “The proposed project would improve cellular and Internet coverage in an area of the county that has marginal service.” McDowell said the cell tower will be available for use for emergency 911 communications at no cost to the Westmoreland County. The owner of the cell tower location is a local firm, Monrovia Properties. In other business, the board of supervisors voted to withdraw from the Virginia Local Disability Program provided by the Virginia State Retirement System. Westmoreland County joined the state disability program in March. To continue to maintain employer paid disability coverage for its employees, the board voted to instead to participate in the disability plan offered by the Virginia Association of Counties Risk Pool. Westmoreland County Administrator Norm Risavi said the Virginia Association of Counties program, which is underwritten by Standard Insurance Company, “satisfies statutory requirements and offers additional enhancements to plan participants.” The board of supervisors also approved two resolutions adding streets in the Glebe Harbor subdivision to the Virginia Department of Transportation’s secondary system of highways. Cople Drive and Woodland Drive will receive improvements from funding provided by revenue sharing to allow them to qualify for the state secondary roads system. This will allow the streets to be maintained by the VDOT. -Richard Leggitt

Col. Beach

Police Report

From page 1

You may qualify if you are a graduating senior with a 3.5 cumulative GPA, a combined critical reading and math SAT of 1100 or ACT composite of 24, and have lived for the past two (2) years in the counties of Caroline, Charles City, Essex, Gloucester, James City (Stonehouse District), King and Queen, King George, King William, Lancaster, Mathews, Middlesex, New Kent, Northumberland, Richmond, Westmoreland or York (Bruton District). Applications and further information are available from your HIGH SCHOOL GUIDANCE COUNSELOR or from the Scholarship Fund at www.faryscholarship.org.

Elementary School and Montross Middle School). Wilkins-Ball admitted that if Red Cross was willing and had the resources, there is no law preventing the town from utilizing their services in an emergency. But the council discussed options such as educational meetings with citizens to help families prepare individual disaster preparedness plans, evacuation plans, and how to weather out emergencies, should they decide to remain in their homes. Hundley said that in some cases where weather or other disasters leave homes intact, but without power for long periods of time, many localities are choosing to set up

from page 1 improvements. Although all applicants did not receive offers of money, each one was provided detailed help and plans for renovations to their properties. To date, all applicants have expressed excitement surrounding the upcoming improvements and a willingness to proceed with upgrades, regardless of whether they received grant money or not. Criteria In order to get the most bang for their buck, the Montross Facade Improvement Committee used several guidelines when choosing properties to receive money from the program. A questionnaire was filled out for each property to help

determine which properties fit the first set of criteria: visibility from Kings Highway (Route 3); physical need; historical contribution and cost of improvements. The questionnaire was a surprise to the committee. Ray Herlong said, “We didn’t want anyone to think of answers before the reviewing process.” In the first analysis, each criteria met gave the applicant one point, but Herlong believed that each criteria did not carry the same weight. For example, cost of improvements should not be judged the same as the other criteria. So the group assigned a point system to the criteria. Visibility from Kings Highway, which was considered the most important aspect of the facade improvement program, was assigned a score of- up to six points, physical need- four points, historical contribution- three points,

Deadline December 16, 2013


You are invited to attend Revival Services With: Evangelist Bobby McGilliard and the Ministry Team Sunday October 27, 2013 11 AM Worship Service • 6 PM Worship Service Fellowship Dinner following PM Service Gospel Singing and Preaching Each Night October 28-31 at 7 PM • (Monday - Thursday) TABERNACLE BAPTIST CHURCH

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convenience stations. These stations allow residents to remain in their homes but can utilize the station for hot meals, showers, doing laundry, and charging small devices such as phones, iPads or laptops. The council’s next move will be to contact Westmoreland County Administrator Norm Risavi to discuss what the county can do to help set up a shelter in Colonial Beach. Red Cross operates solely on contributions and volunteers. Both are in great need in the Colonial Beach area. Anyone interested in donating to the Red Cross or volunteering can call Julie Dudley at (804) 435-7669.

and cost of improvement- one point. On the second test, the list of four top properties remained the same, however three of the six remaining properties did change, based on the weighted analysis. Some other criteria used had eliminated some properties from the list of recipients. For example, if the building was consistently maintained and already retained historical and aesthetic preservation, it was lowered on the list to receive funds since they would not change significantly from the small amount of grant money being offered. Larger buildings were also given lower scores. The group wants to utilize the money in a way that would have the greatest impact to the streetscape of Kings Hwy. The group went through several exercises to determine the end list. All the properties were graded, in case one or more of the ten chosen decide not to utilize the grant moneys. Because grant money must be matched with funds provided by the property owners, there is always a chance that a business may not be in a position to use the funds. The management team agreed with the architects that the businesses along Route 3, the town’s main thoroughfare, should be aesthetically pleasing and share a common thread to entice motorists to stop and shop in the town. Businesses off the beaten path will be considered for way-finding signs, designed to lure consumers to their businesses. The Herlongs refrained from discussing other work to be done with the DHCD block grant money, but did add that some properties are being considered for murals and some lots are slated for landscape improvements, designed not to interfere with possible future development. Planned improvements for the ten properties selected must now go to the State for approval before advertising for bids from contractors to complete the work.

Dr. Christopher Harrington


Board Certified Family Physician (24 years of experience) ~Nutrition Consulting Services are Available~ • All Ages Welcome & Accepted

Sept. 6 Anthony Brooks, 23, Kinsale, VA, arrested for Shoplifting, Unauthorized Use.

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Sept. 9 Troy Clayton, 46, Alexandria, VA, arrested for Driving Under Influence.

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We welcome your photos and articles! Send them to news@ journalpress.com

shelter, but needs to install a generator. Included in the installation is the need for a switch and fuel tanks. Until funding is found for these items, the town wants to explore all options to be ready when funding does come through. Determined to press on, the council looked at several alternatives to prepare for future disasters. Wilkins-Ball pointed out that very few Beach residents take advantage of shelters. But the council argued that the road flooding is a big factor for residents who don’t want to travel these roads during storms. What was not discussed, is the number of people who are unaware of the shelters in Oak Grove and in Montross (Washington District

Facades: Businesses named for grant funds

Candy and funds to purchase the candy have been donated by Montross area businesses. Signs will list the businesses and groups who helped make the event possible. The event will be held from 6 to 8 p.m on the parking lot. Halloween is an almost 500 year custom that began in Scotland as All Hallows’ Eve. The celebration of Halloween came to America with Irish and Scottish immigrants in the 1800s. Over the years it has become a festival celebrated by people of all backgrounds and their children.


Helen Wilkins-Ball, Paul Hundley, Julie Dudley and Nila Walker seated in the rear, spoke with town officials to determine what steps to take to ensure the town’s shelter at Colonial Beach High School on First Street will be ready for upcoming emergencies.

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Wednesday, Oct. 23, 2013

The Journal


Salt & Light king george church of god will be hosting their annual GLOW IN THE DARK party on Thursday, Oct. 31 from 7 -8:30 p.m. Ages 4 to 12. This community event is a fun, safe alternative to Halloween with games, prizes, cupcakes and punch! All children are welcome. Children with special needs are welcome. Please RSVP to wmhorner@gmail.com if your child has any special needs or dietary restrictions, so we can make accommodations. NO COSTUMES PLEASE. Bring loose change for the Coin Toss. All proceeds go to the Bountiful Blessings Food Pantry. The Church is located at 8095 Kings Highway, King George, VA (behind Food Lion Shopping Center). dahlgren united methodist church Sunday, Nov. 3, D-UMC will have one Blended Worship Service at 10:30 a.m. to celebrate All Saints Sunday. Please join us for special music by the choir and praise band, and experience anew the Holy Spirit as we worship together honoring those who have gone before us. Sunday School will be from 9:30 - 10:15 a.m. A Fellowship lunch will follow the Worship Service. Dahlgren United Methodist is located at 17080 14th Street, Dahlgren, VA on the corner of Route 206 and Rosedale Drive. macedonia baptist church will host their annual Family Friends/Fall Rally Day on Oct. 27 at 3 p.m. The Rev. Morris Oliver, of Shiloh New Site Baptist Church in F’brg will be the guest speaker. All are welcome. Macedonia BC is located at 1081 Macedonia Lane, Col. Beach.

shiloh baptist church will hold its annual Harvest Party Saturday, Oct. 26, from 3-5 p.m. Bring your entire family and friends for an evening of fun-filled activities. We will have food, candy, games, cake walks, hayrides, and crafts. We will also have a decorate-your-dad as the goofiest scarecrow contest. For more info, please contact Rev. Ray Tubbs, Minister of Children (children@ kgshiloh.org), or go to www.kgshiloh. org. The church is located at 13457 Kings Highway, KG.

fletcher’s chapel unted methodist church will celebrate a Homecoming Service on Sunday, Oct. 27. The festivities will begin with music by Bob Stone and the VA Gospel Singers at 10 a.m. Sunday morning worship will follow at 11 a.m. and a lunch will be served at noon. All are welcome. For more information contact the Church office at (540) 775-7247 or visit the Church website at www.fletcherschapelkinggeorge-va-org.

river of life pentecostal church will have a guest speaker on Oct. 27, during the 11 a.m. service. The Rev. Carol Shell of Sterling. will be ministering. Lunch will follow the service. Church address: 510 Colonial Ave., Colonial Beach, (804) 224-8157.

KG Church of God is hosting a Deaf Concert, “He Speaks Life” on Saturday, Nov. 2 at 3 p.m. Come listen/watch: 3 Deaf Ministries, Praise Dance Team and a Mime. There will be a fellowship dinner after the concert. Love offering or donations welcome. For more information, please call Sheila (540) 623-2804 or email sgng4JS@verizon.net

trinity episcopal church will hold its fall yard and bake sale Saturday, Oct. 26, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., rain or shine. The huge, indooroutdoor event will benefit Trinity’s community outreach program, which provides food and other assistance to individuals and families in financial need. The indoor sale will feature many rooms of collectibles, antiques, jewelry, linens, books, toys, infant furniture, dishes and glassware, household items, small appliances and electronics, great fall and winter clothes and accessories for all ages, and freshly baked seasonal goodies! The outdoor sale will feature bikes, furniture, tools, games, sports equipment and much more. Trinity is located at the corner of William St. and College Ave., across from the University of Mary Washington. For further information, call (540) 2730653.

first baptist church of ambar continues their Wednesday noon prayer services with Scripture readings. Please join them for an hour of reflection and revitalizing. The Church is located at 9469 Caledon Rd. KG (540) 775-3939. dahlgren united methodist church Little Lambs Bible Story and Art Time is a Free “parent & me” style group for ages 0-5 years to meet once a month. Dates have been scheduled as follows: Nov. 1; Dec. 6; Jan. 17; Feb. 7; March 7; April 4 and May 2. For more information please call the church office at (540)6632230.

What does the Bible say about the role of thanksgiving in our worship? “Oh come, let us sing to the LORD! Let us shout joyfully to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving. Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the LORD our Maker. For He is our God, and we are the people of His pasture, and the sheep of His hand.” Psalm 95:1-2, 6-7. As citizens of these United States we have been especially blessed by the God of Heaven. We have the unique privilege among all the inhabitants of the earth to celebrate a most singular holiday, the day of national thanksgiving. The very idea of Thanksgiving Day begs the question to any thinking person, “Thanksgiving to Whom?” May Christians ever celebrate this holiday by giving public testimony as the Psalmist says, “Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the LORD our Maker. For He is our God.” The two part outline of Psalm 95 is quite simple. The redeemed people ought to worship their God and not to test Him by disobeying Him. Real worship is a thanksgiving that is vibrant and alive. There is no room for tepid praise. The very first verse of Psalm 95 calls believers to sing (literally “a ringing cry”). Shouting joyfully to the Rock of our salvation allows for no “pale pastels.” Every hostess on Thanksgiving Day can tell the difference between perfunctory thanks for her labors of love as compared to the real hearty enjoyment of the food she provided accompanied by sincerest praise for her culinary skills! Does our God, the Rock of salvation, deserve less when He has loved us so much?

The psalmist puts forth a pair of reasons for which to give thanks and praise to God. First, He is the great God (vs. 3-5). Second, He is our God (vs. 6-7). Just how great is He? The psalmist declares that He is the great King above all gods. In this day, in this great land, we have substituted modern “gods” for the pagan gods of the past. Pagan gods were very localized and associated with particular places, customs, and superstitions. Our modern gods are associated with compartmentalized securities, pleasures, successes, and diversions. Our “false god” is anything that tends to rob the Living God of His rightful place and due devotion. The Living God cannot be relegated by His subjects to a special holyday, feigned lip service, or conceived as an ever-in-the-ready rescue service awaiting your personal beck and call. He is the One Who personally formed the valleys in the deepest seas and the craggy majesty of the highest hills. All we survey is His. And we are part of His creation, in fact, the supreme part of His creation. If the far off “heavens declare the glory of God” ought not we who know Him be the most articulate and outspoken of all? If you have Psalm 95 open before you, take the time to notice the “hands” of the Rock of our salvation. Verse 4 says, “In His hand are the deep places of the earth.” Verse 5 says, “His hands formed the dry land.” Then, notice verse 7, “For He is our God, and we are the people of His pasture, and the sheep of His hand.” The hand of God encompasses all the mysteries of creation, touches the very earth upon which we stand, and gently cares for each of His own. He is not only The Great God, but He is

By rick crookshank Our God! For this reason, “Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the LORD our Maker!” Though mankind is the crown of His creation, it is the redeemed individual that is the special beneficiary of His Almighty care, and is the apple of His eye! You have been, and continue to be, the recipient of His most extraordinary shepherding ministrations. Now, can you give forth ringing praise and come before His presence with thanksgiving? Hebrews 13:20-21 intones, “Now may the God of peace Who brought up our Lord Jesus from the dead, that great Shepherd of the sheep through the blood of the everlasting covenant, make you complete in every good work to do His will, working in you what is well pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ, to Whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.” Trust and obey. By Rick Crookshank Pastor, Hanover Baptist Church Hanoverbaptistchurch.org

Helen Chiarizia Interred 10/22/2013 Diane Indseth Interred 10/22/2013

Please contact Susan Muse at (540) 775-7733 for more information Please contact Susan Muse at (540) 775-7733 for more information

Our Doors are Open -Worship With Us Fletcher's Chapel United Methodist

8330 Fletcher's Chapel Rd. at 218

Pastor Michael Reaves fletcherschapel-kinggeorge-va.org Worship Services 8:30 & 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 9:45 a.m.

(540) 775-7247

17080 14th Street, Dahlgren Contemporary Service - 9:30 a.m. Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. & 11 a.m. Traditional Service - 11 a.m. Nursery open 9:15a.m.-12:15p.m.

Pastor Ed Johnson

email - office@dahlgrenumc.org web site - www.dahlgrenumc.org Phone: 663-2230

Good Hope Baptist Church

17223 Good Hope Rd. - corner Rt. 218E & 619 phone: 540-775-9487 fax: 540-775-0600 www.goodhopeministries.org

• Sunday School - 9:45 a.m. • Worship - 11:00 a.m. • Prayer & Bible Study (Wed.) 7:30 p.m. • 5th Sundays - Union & Nursing Home Worship “Building the Church & Reaching the World for Christ”

7748 Leedstown Rd., Oak Grove, VA 22443 (804) 224-0418 • www.lzbcva.org

We invite you to gather together with us! Sunday School - 9 a.m. Sunday Worship 8 a.m. & 10:15 a.m. Bible Study - Wednesday 7 p.m. Pastor Earl T. Howerton Jr.

Macedonia Baptist Church 1081 Macedonia Ln., Colonial Beach, VA (804) 224-1500 "O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His Name together."

Shiloh Baptist Church Reaching, Building, Serving

Sunday Activities Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship Service, 11:00 a.m. AWANA, 4:00 p.m. Youth Group, 4:00 p.m. Wednesday Nights Rev. Mike and Earlene Jessee Family Night Dinner, 5:30 Youth Study; Children’s Missions & Music, 6:00 facebook@kgshiloh Choir Practice, 7:15 13457 Kings Hwy. 540-469-4646 • www.kgshiloh.org

Oak Grove Baptist Church

Randall Snipes, Senior Pastor Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m.& 11 Awana-Sundays-6 p.m. Bible Study-Wednesdays 6:30 p.m. 8096 Leedstown Rd. Colonial Beach, VA


Colonial Beach United Methodist Church Pastor Rev. Yunho Eo

9:30 a.m. Adult Sunday School 10:45 a.m. Informal Hymn Singing 11 a.m. Worship & Children’s Sunday School Food Pantry open Thursdays at 10 a.m. Op Shop Open M-F 9 a.m.-noon (Thurs. 9 a.m.-1 p.m.) 1 Washington Avenue PO Box 189 Colonial Beach, VA 22443 (804) 224-7030

Two Rivers Baptist Church Meeting at their new church

Sunday School ..............9:30 a.m. Worship........................10:30 a.m. COME VISIT US • ALL ARE WELCOME

Rev. Peyton Wiltshire

For Information call 540-775-3244

Round Hill Baptist Church Worship & Service

16519 Round Hill Rd., King George, VA Pastor Ted A. James • 540-775-5583

4s scholarships
available (540)

Little Ark Baptist Church “Building God’s Kingdom On Earth”

"Pastor Larry" M. Robinson Sunday Worship - 10 a.m. Sunday School - 9 a.m. (New Testament Church Study) Wednesday Night Prayer & Bible Study 6 p.m. 15681 Owens Dr. in Dahlgren, VA Church Phone: (540) 663-2831

Hanover-with-Brunswick Episcopal Parish

Where all are welcome. Sunday Services:

The Rev. St. John's, 9403 Kings Hwy. Diane Carroll 1st, 2nd & 4th Sundays Rector Phone: 540-775-3635

Emmanuel, Port Conway (Rt. 301) 3rd & 5th Sundays

For more information, visit our website at:



3207 Quarter Hill Rd., Supply VA 22436

(804) 443-4168

Sunday School 10 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship 11 a.m. Bible Study Wednesdays at 7 p.m.

Rev. Irving Woolfolk, Jr.

Services Early Worship - 8 a.m. Sunday School - 9:45 a.m. AM Worship - 11 a.m. PM Worship - 6 p.m. Wed. Bible Study - 7 p.m.

AWANA Teens - Wednesdays 6:30 p.m. Clubbers - Fridays 6:30 p.m. Dr. Sherman Davis, Senior Pastor 540-775-7188 www.tbckg.org 10640 Kings Hwy - 1 mi. west of 301

Worship Service - 10:30 a.m. (Sunday) Sunday School - 9:15 a.m. Nursery Provided Seeking to know the grace of God and to make it known to others. Dave Bentz, Pastor Jason Schubert, Associate Pastor 13114 Kildee Farm Road King George, VA 22485 (off 301 and Blue Jay Meadow Drive)

Ph. (540) 775-9990 • email: info@gracekg.com web site www.gracekg.com

Potomac Baptist Church Worship Service: 11:00 a.m. Age Graded Bible Study: 9:45 a.m.

All are Welcome! (540) 775-7006

Pastor: Dennis L. Newton 8103 Comorn Rd. (Rt. 609) King George

A church where the Full Gospel is Preached, Taught and Lived

First Baptist Church Ambar

9469 Caledon Rd., King George, VA22485 Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship 11 a.m. Bible Study Wednesday at 7:30 p.m.

Pastor Wm. T. Frye

“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

Daily Mass: Mon. - Sat. 8:00 a.m. Adoration precedes each morning Mass


Confession: Sat. following 8:00 a.m. Mass & at 4:30 p.m. Sun. 1/2 hour before each Mass

Bible School 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship Service 11 a.m. Evening Bible Study 6 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Service 7 p.m.

Office: 11 Irving Ave., Colonial Beach, Va. 22443 www.elizant.org • 804-224-7221

Trinity United Methodist Church

9425 Kings Hwy., King George www.trinitykg.org

Contemporary Service ~ 8:30 a.m. Sunday School ~ 9:30 p.m. Worship ~ 10:30 a.m. (540) 775-4501 Rev. Susan Reaves

St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church

You're invited to worship with

Tabernacle Baptist Church

(540) 663-3085 ✝ Rev. Jim May

Sunday Masses: Sat. 5:00 p.m. Sun. 9:00 a.m. & 11:00 p.m. (español)

Intersection of Rokeby and Kings Hwy. (Rt. 3)

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

5486 St. Paulʼs Road, King George

Very Rev. Francis M. de Rosa Rev. Mark Mullaney



Sunday Worship at 8 am and 10 am

Corner of Lossing and Boundary, Colonial Beach

Sunday- Holy Communion 11 a.m. Meeting at Grant Church in Lerty, VA

"A Church where everybody is somebody!"


St. Elizabeth of Hungary Roman Catholic Church

Traditional Anglican Worship 1928 Book of Common Prayer 1940 Hymnal

Morning Worship ~ 8:30 a.m. Sunday School ~ 9:45 a.m. Morning/Children's Worship ~ 11 a.m. Wed. - Bible Study ~ 6:00 p.m.

(Psalm 34:3)

Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Worship Service: 11 a.m. Prayer & Bible Study: (Wed.) 7 p.m. Holy Communion on 4th Sundays Rev. Fred Sales, Interim Pastor

Holy Redeemer Anglican Church

Corner of Millbank & St. Anthony’s Rd., King George

Very Rev. Francis M. de Rosa Rev. Mark Mullaney Sat. 7:00 p.m. Vigil Sunday Masses: Sun. 8:15 a.m. 10:30 a.m 12:45 p.m. Tridentine Mass Daily Mass: Mon. Thur. Fri. & Sat. 9:00 a.m. Tues. 7:00 a.m. Wed. 7:00 p.m. Adoration before each morning Mass Confession: Wed. 7:30 p.m. Sat. after 9:00 a.m. Mass & at 6:30 p.m. Sun. 1/2 hour before each Mass

Office: 11 Irving Ave., Colonial Beach, Va. 22443 www.elizant.org • 804-224-7221

"At the Heart of King George County with King George County In Our Hearts"

Rev. Rick Crookshank 10312 Hanover Church Rd.KG

(540) 775-5081 www.hanoverbaptistchurch.org

“The church is the great lost and found department” - Robert Short

Help others find your church. Advertise in this space, only $10 per week. Billed monthly. Contact Lori at (540) 709-7495 or email her at lori@journalpress.com

The King george ChurCh of ChrisT inviTes you To meeT wiTh us

Each Sunday Morning BiBle Class: 9:30 a.m. Worship serviCes: 10:30 a.m.

Location: american Legion Post 89 (at the intersection of rt 206 and rt 610)

Each WEdnESday night for BiBlE Study

Location: at a member’s home PLease contact us at our e-maiL address for the Location

A New Testament church “... All the churches of Christ greet you.” Romans 16:16

contact_us@kinggeorgecofchrist.org http://www.kinggeorgecofchrist.org P.O.Box 756 King George, VA 22485


The Journal

Diane Gosch Indseth

SPC Jeffrey W. Lawrence II

SPC Jeffrey W. Lawrence II, 26, passed away Tuesday, October 8, 2013. Jeffrey graduated with honors from James Monroe High School in 2005. He loved his pets, cars, music, enjoyed electronics, and was an avid Washington Redskins fan. He served in the US Army as an 11B from July 2007 to October 2013. He deployed w i t h the 2nd Infantr y D i v i s i on , H H C 1-17th Infantry Brigade in Afghanistan from July 15, 2009 to July 14, 2010 as a Recon Scout. Jeffrey earned the Army Commendation Medal, the Army Achievement Medal, Combat Infantry Badge, Drivers Mechanic Badge (Expert), Recruiting Badge, Weapons Badge (Expert), and the Army Physical Fitness Badge. Jeffrey is survived by his wife of six years, Jennifer; mother and stepfather, MaryAlice and Thad Dobbert; sister, Rachael Robey; three brothers, Nicholas and Brandon Robey and Jaxson Dobbert; mother-in-law, Tamara

Mangan; father-in-law, Donald Mangan; sister-in-law, Julianne Mangan and her fiancé, Bryan Medicus; grandparents, Angelo and MaryAnne Christiano and Howard William Lawrence; and numerous family and friends. He was preceded in death by his stepfather, Michael Robey and grandmother, Betty Lawrence. Jeffrey’s family will receive friends from 6-8 p.m. Thursday, October 24, 2013 at Found and Sons Funeral Chapels-Cremation Service, 10719 Courthouse Road, Fredericksburg. A funeral Mass will be held at 12:30 p.m. Friday, October 25, 2013 at Saint Francis of Assisi Catholic Church, 18825 Fuller Heights Road, Triangle. Interment will follow in Quantico National Cemetery with full military honors. In lieu of flowers, Jeffrey’s family requests that expressions of sympathy take the form of donations to the Wounded Warrior Project at www.woundedwarriorproject. org in honor of SPC Jeffrey William Lawrence II. Online condolences may be expressed to Jeffrey’s family at foundandsons.com.

Mary Grubb Moschler

Mary Grubb Moschler, 84, went to be with the Lord October 15, 2013 in Hampton, Virginia. She was born June 16, 1929 in Chatham, VA. She is preceded in death by her parents Ed & Mabel Grubb, her husband of 51 years, Leland Moschler, and her daughter Joan Moschler Allensworth. She is survived by her 2 sons, Glenn Moschler (Bridget), of Newport News, Charles Moschler (Mija), of Williamsburg, and 1 daughter, Susan Ballenger (Rick), of Dahlgren VA, 6 grandchildren and 1 great grandchild. The family received friends on Friday October 18, 2013 at Scott Funeral Home. Funeral services were conducted on Saturday, October 19, 2013 at Chatham Baptist Church with the Rev. Charles Warnock officiating. Burial followed at Hillcrest Burial Park in Chatham. Scott Funeral Home in Chatham is serving the Moschler family. Online guestbook can be found at scottfuneralhomechatham.com. “As you comprehend this profound loss, let yourself cry knowing each tear is a note of love rising to the heavens.” ~Author Unknown Happy 18th Birthday


We think of you, miss you dearly and wish that you were here to celebrate your 18th birthday with family and friends. Have a wonderful birthday in Heaven.

Thursday, Oct. 24

“The Woman’s Club of KG will meet on Oct. 24, at 7 p.m. The guest speaker is Mrs. Elizabeth Lee, Curator of the King George Museum. Women, from King George and surrounding area, interested in attending please call 540-775-7878.”

Saturday, Oct. 26

KG FFA Chapter to hold its 4th Annual Farm & Construction Toy Show and Sale. To be held in the KGHS gym. 8:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Call (804) 445-5468 for more info. Zombie Run starts at 5 p.m. at the KG-YMCA. 1.5 mile obstacle fun run for the end of times. Call (540) 775-9622 for more details. KG Health Fair supporting the Foundation Fighting Blindness. 11 a.m.- 4 p.m. at the Dahlgren WalMart. Tables include: vision screening, diagnostic visual deficiency, Eye Care of VA, blood pressure checks, ODU, Rotary Club, KG-YMCA, KG Family Chiropractic & PT, Teri Gallagher Therapeutic Massage, Body Key Weight Mgt Consultant, face painting and more. Call (540) 6040258 for more info. History Walk on the Boardwalk starts at 6 p.m. at Colonial Beach. To benefit The Museum. $10 donation requested to participate. Contact Patti at pathansley@aol.com or call (804) 761-7836. Come join in the “spooky” fun at the Newland RCVFD #3 Firehouse. from 5:30-7 p.m. It’s a FIRE SAFETY HALLOWEEN PARTY. 587 County Bridge Rd. Food, Games, Cakewalk, Costume Contest, Fire Safety Educational Materials and more. Admission: One non-perishable food item per person to benefit a local food bank. Come have lots of fun and laughs. Performances will be in the auditorium at the Library, 1201 Caroline St. F’brg.

Friday, Nov. 1

CRRL in F’brg will present the play, “The Woman in Black” as performed by The Rude Mechanicals. 7:30 p.m.. For more info email thearts@fredfest.org or call (540) 374-5040. Tickets are $10 at the door, and $5 for students. There will also be a performance on Sat. 11/2 at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday 11/3 at 6 p.m.

Saturday, Nov. 2

Caledon Art & Wine Festival 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Enjoy the local flavors here in King George, VA – regional art, wine and food. Find those perfect, unique holiday gifts created by local artisans and savor the flavors of Virginia wines on the beautiful rolling lawns of the historic Smoot House. Hayrides will take visitors through the lovely autumn woods of the park. Wine tasting and souvenir glass $10 per person (ID required). Sorry, no outside food or coolers. Parking is $5. Event is sponsored by the Friends of Caledon State Park with proceeds benefit park educational programs. Caledon State Park, 11617 Caledon Road, King George, VA 22485. (540) 663-3861 • http:// www.dcr.virginia.gov/state_parks/ cal.shtml.

Oct. 26, 1995 - Feb. 19, 1996 With all of our love,

Subscribe to The Journal $24 per year Call 540-775-2024

Animal Adoption





KG P&R Halloween Funfest KGP&R Halloween Funfest will be held on Wednesday, October 30, 6-8 p.m. For children ages 12 and under, the event will feature games and prizes; flashlight egg hunt; costume judging and awards; a donut eating game and more fun. Sponsored by the KG Optimist Club and KGP&R, this annual event is fun for everyone. Cost is $4 per child. Call (540)7754386 for more details.

Great Pumpkin Race KG P&R invites you to comeout on October 25 for the annual “Great Pumpkin Race” and Flashlight Scramble to be held at Barnesfield Park. Bring your flashlight to the Park at 6 p.m. The Great Race starts at 7 p.m. Dinner special BBQ or Hot Dogs for sale. Pre register by Thursday, October 24th. FREE!Have fun looking for the “Great Pumpkin” and numerous pumpkins and eggs for prizes. At least 25 prizes in the $15-$25 value. Call (540) 775-4386.

CB Museum Events Saturday Oct. 26 at The Museum at 1 p.m. is a Scarecrow Festival. Come to The Museum and build a scarecrow. Material to make a face, a scarecrow frame, stuffing material and refreshments will be provided. Bring materials to dress your scarecrow head to toe and markers and paints to decorate the face and any other supplies (ropes, stapler) needed to put your scarecrow together. The scarecrows will be on display through November, weather permitting.The price is $20.00 per team/family. For tickets and additional information contact The Museum at (804) 224-3329 or Patti at (804) 761-7836.

Spend Halloween in the Spooky Town of Montross There will be strong spirits rising and treats galore if you survive the haunting time in the Town of Montross on Halloween night, Thursday, Oct. 31: • The O’Gara Group along with W&L High School and the Westmoreland County Museum will be holding their “Haunted House and Trunk or Treat” at the O’Gara facilities, 18047 King’s Highway, across from the Food Lion. The Haunted House, with an admission fee of $5.00 (donated to the high school) will be open from 6-9 p.m. The Trunk or Treat will be on Halloween only from 6-8 p.m. in the fenced parking lot. • The Regional Library’s Montross Branch will have its “Scary Storytelling” from 6:30-8 p.m. and will have a special Costume Judging that will begin at 7 p.m. • “Trick or Treating” in Montross will be from 6-8 p.m. • From 7:30-9 p.m., the Westmoreland County Museum and the Inn at Montross will offer a “Things That Go Bump in the Night” bonfire with scary tales from the area in addition to showing the movie, “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown” that will begin at nightfall. The Museum will provide

s’mores set-ups for the bonfire. • The Inn will be offering a special “Bones and Brew” menu inside, and outside they will be providing free Gingerbread Skeleton Cookies, Sugar Cookie Witch Fingers, Candy Corn and Spooky Hand Punch. The Inn will also offer a variety of wonderful foods available for purchase. These include Fried Oysters, Wings, Monrovia Beef Stew and Biscuits, Cheese Nachos and Helle’s Hot Chocolate. • The O’Gara Group will again offer the “Haunted House” tour on both Nov. 1 and 2 from 6:00 to 9:00 pm to make sure that everyone has had at least one last opportunity to be properly frightened. On Nov. 1• Second bonfire and movie night from 7:30 -9 p.m.at the Inn at Montross and the Westmoreland County Museum with more great foods and drinks at the Inn. • Also, Northern Neck Chevrolet will host “Friday Night under the Lights” from 6:30 till 9:30 pm with live music by “Lickety Splitz,” free hot dogs, sodas, cookies, popcorn and hot cider. Attendees are encouraged to wear costumes. For additional information contact Brianna Morris at (804) 493 8440 or by email at wcmuseum@verizon.net.

KGHS Class of ‘63 Celebrates Big 50

Photo courtesy of Luke Miller

The KGHS Class of 1963 held its 50th reunion at Brock’s Riverside Grill in Fredericksburg, Virginia, on Sept. 21. Attending were 24 classmates, along with 12 significant others and guests. Front row (l to r): Eileen Mahoney Kirby-Smith, Brenda Headley Conley, Suzanne Allensworth Headley, and Cynthia King Miller; second row: Emily Rick Parry, Kathryn Harris Andrews, Martha Jarvis Quann, Terry Garner, Janice DeLoach Shelton, Joyce Eller Fines, Gary Elmlund, and Tom Franklin; third row: Rebecca Graves, Byrd Newton, Lucille Cascio Cralle, William Purks, and Cassie Zepp Crowder; fourth row: Eugene Mullen, Pauly Warren Hollingsworth, and Ronna Hayes Mason; back row: Richard Headley, Judy Merryman Harding, Helen Hanzel Moyer, and Kathy Kasdorf Purks.


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Boxer Mix adult male

Poodle Mix white adult male

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“Moose” Lab Mix tan 3 y/o male

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Community This & That

Area Deaths Diane Gosch Indseth of King George County died Wednesday, Oct. 16, 2013, at home. She was born Dec. 5, 1941, and raised in Huron, S.D. She was the daughter of Herbert Gosch and Fern Humphrey and the older sister of Ralph Gosch. Her father, Herbert, was a military pilot who died serving his country during World War II. She and her brother, Ralph, were raised by their mother, Fern, with the support of their extended family. Diane considered herself fortunate to have her uncle, Hubert H. Humphrey, as a father figure while growing up. She retired from the U.S. Post Office, where she served King George County as a rural mail carrier from 1984 to 2001. She was a devout Christian who loved caring for those who could not care for themselves. She served as a member and volunteer at Grace Church of Fredericksburg and Life Church of King George. She was an unwavering supporter of the Tea Party. She absolutely adored her puppies, Cee-Cee, Kota and Bumpers--who became her ‘kids’ after her children grew up. Diane was a loving mother to her children and, above all, her undying love for them is what she would have wanted to be remembered for. Diane is survived by five children, Kimberly Jumper of Pensacola, FL, Mark Indseth of King George, Skip Davis of King George, Mike Indseth of King George and Kristi Robinette of Bowling Green. She is also survived by 12 grandchildren; one great-grandson; and her brother, Ralph Gosch of Huron, SD. Contributions may be made to a charity of one’s choice. Please sign the online guest book at nashandslawfh.com.

Wednesday, Oct. 23, 2013

Pit Mix black/white adult male

“Nugget” Lab Mix b/w 2 y/o male


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Wednesday, Oct. 23, 2013


The Journal

Find your inner foodie check out the


Mary’s Cakery and Candy Kitchen celebrates 15 years Richard Leggitt Mary and Jim Deatherage have lived in King George for most of their adult lives and for all of their 35 years of marriage. Mary has been baking since she was a teenager and Jim likes to point out that he had one of Mary’s cakes long before he actually met Mary. And Jim is not the only fan of Mary’s cooking. That’s why Mary’s Cakery and Candy Kitchen, the King George store owned by Mary and Jim, has become the largest privately owned candy store in the state of Virginia as it nears its 15th anniversary. “Jim and I chose King George for our business because we had an established customer base here already,” Mary said. “I had been selling cakes from our home in King George for over 25 years before opening our store. In fact, some of my longtime customers helped us make the move into the store, as did friends and family.” “My mother was an amazing baker and I learned

cake decorating from her,” Mary said. “She used to give classes on cake decorating and I eventually followed in her footsteps before the store was opened. I still use some of her recipes in the store today and many longtime customers remember my mother’s work fondly.” “We opened the store in August of 1998; this year marks our fifteenth anniversary,” Mary said. Mary and Jim established their store in King George because this is their home and because they believe many of their friends and customers would have been disappointed if they had located anywhere else. “Many, many people - some perfect strangers - put in a lot of time and energy to help establish this store,” Mary said. That kind of community support has helped Mary’s Cakery grow to the point that it now has a showroom of about 2300 square feet. “We manufacture approximately 90 to 95 percent of all the chocolates sold in the store,” Mary said. “We are about to set up a nostalgic section with

many candies from the past, and several people have asked for old time favorites and I am getting ready to carry them. We also currently wholesale our chocolates to the Virginia State Parks and to numerous small businesses throughout the Northeast. One of our appeals is that we can customize our chocolates for almost any occasion or business.” Mary said her greatest reward is “watching the joy and pleasure on people’s faces when they come in and taste our delicious treats and receive our uniquely decorated cakes. I truly love what I do.” And her dream is “to grow enough that we can rebuild and open a tourist attraction so people can come in and watch the candy making in progress. We do currently offer small chocolate demonstrations to school groups and others upon request.” Mary’s Cakery and Candy Kitchen is located at 10305 Indiantown Rd., King George, just behind the BB&T Bank. The phone number is 540-775-9350. The webpage is: www.maryscakeryandcandy.com

Elizabeth Foreman

Savannah Carabin at Mary’s Cakery, which makes 90 to 95 percent of its chocolates in the store. Yum!

Seafood and fun are on the menu at Steamers Richard Leggitt Fredericksburg area businessman Edward Burrow was having dinner at a busy restaurant in Dahlgren several years ago and was impressed with the steady flow of customers. That dinner led to the opening of Steamers Seafood Grill and Bar, a restaurant that is a fun, popular place for residents of King George and travelers on U.S. 301. “It was on the eve of Thanksgiving and I noticed how busy they were,” Burrow said. “It’s not typical for a restaurant to be busy on the eve of Thanksgiving. So I did more investigating on others days and nights of the week. I also looked up traffic counts for Route 301. I then decided that this area was probably a hidden treasure. Shortly after signing our lease I heard about WalMart coming across the street. Then I knew I had made the right decision” Burrow, a graduate of North Stafford High School, is experienced in the operation of a seafood restaurant and knows what it takes to be successful.

“I owned and operated SKORZ Seafood & Buffett in Fredericksburg from 1995 to 2005.” Burrow also opened his first Steamers restaurant in Fredericksburg in 2003 and then the Dahlgren Steamers in 2011. The Dahlgren Steamers has been a hit with its “always fresh, always fun” menu. Whether patrons are looking for snow crab legs, steamed spiced shrimp, raw oysters or a beer and NFL football, Steamers is the place to go. The menu also offers garden fresh salads, chowders, sandwiches, pasta and a wide variety of steamed, broiled or grilled seafood entrees served in a bright, happy atmosphere. At Steamers, there is plenty of turf to so with the surf. You can add a sirloin steak to any of the reasonably priced entrees for $9.99 and there are also burgers, Teriyaki steak skewers and baby back ribs. There is a broad range of beers available, which you can order by the mug, bottle or bucket. Desserts include key lime pie, strawberry shortcake, peanut butter pie and bread pudding. “All of our food is made fresh to

A family restaurant with great cuisine & a fun waterfront bar

order, every appetizer, soup, salad, and entree we serve is made fresh to order,” Burrow said. “All of our soups and sauces are prepared from scratch daily and our seafood is hand-breaded to order. All of our pastas are made fresh to order from scratch. You will also never find a microwave in our kitchen!” Since it opened two years ago, the Dahlgren Steamers has been a winner for its customers and a reward for Burrow. “The most satisfying part of operating my business is knowing the quality and value we can offer our customers and watching the smiles on their faces as they indulge in our fresh seafood and made-to-order menu,” Burrow said. “Also, since we have been so successful, I enjoy giving back to our communities with fund raisers and local charity events.” Steamers offers daily and nightly specials every day of the week. It is family oriented with kids eating free every Saturday and Monday. “We offer an express lunch menu for $5 Monday through Friday, Happy Hour Monday through Friday from

11 a.m.-7 p.m. and Saturday from 11 a.m.-5 p.m. We offer Karaoke on Friday nights after 9 p.m.” “When you want an island experience without leaving town just come to Steamers Seafood,” Burrow said. “We bring the island getaway right to your neighborhood from our friendly staff to our fresh food and exotic cocktails.” Steamers is located on U.S. 301, across from Wal-Mart. The restaurant’s webpage is steamersseafood.net.

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A family in the lower Northern Neck has inherited a house filled with a variety of colonial and Federal Period paneling. The house was built about 40 years ago on a site overlooking the Rappahannock River by a couple who collected the woodwork from an old house in Nelson County. Apparently, it was a great do-it-yourself project, and they designed the new house to accommodate the woodwork, replicating the rooms from which it came. The current family has been there for 30 years, and now they are looking to sell the home. The house contains several fine mantelpieces, and they are interested in learning the value of the attached furnishings in marketing the property for sale. The picture depicts one of the mantels and some Henry Lane of the wall paneling, as well as a corner of one of the early doors. Hull Obviously, the value of the woodwork is greatest in situ, that is, in the house as a marketing tool for selling the real estate. Parceling it out only can be done by evaluating the replacement cost that one should pay from an architectural antiques dealer. The mantelpiece shown in the photograph is pine, and probably was painted originally. It dates from the early nineteenth century. A similar one in a shop would sell for $500. The vertical board-and batten pine paneling clearly has been stripped of its paint, and originally came from a less formal room than the mantel. The paneling is virtually impossible to assess independently of the house itself. Whereas the mantel could be removed, the paneling would suffer in an effort to dismantle the room. Similar paneling in a 12’ by 12’ room would cost between $1000 and $1500. From the small part of the door that is visible, assuming the lock is of the same period, the value would be $350. It also appears to be from the late eighteenth or early nineteenth century. Architectural antiques still command a good market, and this home is replete with many fine examples. Happy Antiquing! You can reach Henry Lane Hull at Commonwealth Antiques & Appraisals, Inc., P.O. Box 35, Wicomico Church, VA 22579. Cell: 804580-0514 or henrylanehull@commonwealthantiques.com. www. commonwealthantiques.com

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The Journal

Wednesday, Oct. 23, 2013


Drifter JV coach returns to her volleyball alma mater Leonard Banks Sports editor Innovation, determination and pride are three words that only begin to describe new Colonial Beach High School junior varsity volleyball head coach, Cameron-Ann K. Standish. After guiding the Drifters junior varsity volleyball team to a 5-8 record, which happens to be the best record in years for the young squad, Standish is determined to raise the level of competitive play. “I might be bragging, but I think that the JV team, and the entire volleyball program, is now comprised of some very gifted athletes,” Standish said. “I wish I could make comments about every girl on my team, as I am so proud of all of them.” Evidence of the impact that Standish has had include victories

over King & Queen Central (2), Essex, Washington & Lee and Lancaster. Rather than wait for a teammate to take the lead in passing or scoring, the entire team hustles and dives after each lose ball. Nothing is left to chance. “Last year, most of our girls could not serve the ball over the net, and our hitting skills, as well as passing skills were not quite up to par,” Standish said. “This year, it’s a whole new story! As the season continues, I believe my girls will progress, and develop their skill sets even more, and we will all be able to see the hard work that they put into making this season what they want it to be.” A 2008 Drifter alumni, Standish currently attends Mary Baldwin College in Staunton, and is scheduled to graduate in May with a Bachelors of Business. Currently, she is employed

Drifters take a stand for Side-Out Foundation Leonard Banks Sports editor On Thursday, the Colonial Beach High School varsity volleyball team hopes to improve their record with a win over conference rival visiting Washington & Lee. Earlier this season, the Eagles defeated the Drifters (3-1). Apart from the heated rivalry between the two Westmoreland schools, the game will focus on breast health education, by joining thousands of teams from around the country during the annual SideOut Foundation’s Dig Pink® National Breast Cancer Awareness Rally. College, high school and middle school teams will participate as they raise funds for breast cancer research. The event allows volleyball fans an opportunity to become involved by making donations to the cause by wearing pink. Admission to the event is $5, including an opportunity to buy baked goods, wristbands and bows. All proceeds will be donated to the Side-Out Foundation. In addition, a Mary Kay booth will be set up, with 25% of all sales going to the Side-out Foundation, including several raffled off items. Before the game, all players will be announced along with the name of the special person they are playing in

support of. There will be a moment of silence in remembrance of all those who have battled breast cancer, prior to the first varsity game. Also, prior to the second varsity game, an announcement will be made to honor those who have won the battle against breast cancer. The Side-out Foundation is a national 501(c)(3) non-profit organization located in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. For more information, contact Drifter head varsity volleyball coach, Chase Davidson at cdavidson@cbschools.net. The ultimate goal of the Side-Out organization is to advance clinical trials, increase patient support services and educate communities.


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m Upco

“I might be bragging, but I think that the JV team, and the entire volleyball program, is now comprised of some very gifted athletes.” —Cameron-Ann K. Standish with SAIC, as a facilities manager. After playing for Fredericksburg Christian School for six years, she transferred to Colonial Beach, where she finished her high school athletic career with the Drifter volleyball program under former head varsity coach, Purkey. An athlete at heart, Standish is a firm believer is physical fitness. As a player, she has been involved in athletics both on the recreational and high school levels. “Athletics and being active are some of my passions, and I felt that I could

share this passion with young women whom I feel have a great potential, and can do anything that they set their mind to.” Two intangibles for the Drifters come in the leadership form of MacKenzie-Page Monroe and Sarah Ndiaye. Monroe serves as the team’s libero, while Ndiaye’s role is crucial as the Drifters’ setter. On Thursday, the Drifters varsity and junior varsity volleyball teams will host conference rival Washington & Lee.

Leonard Banks

Drifter head junior varsity coach, Cameron-Ann K. Standish

W&L Eagles earn 1-A playoff berth Richard Leggitt After a slow start to the season, the Washington & Lee Eagles have rolled to three straight lopsided victories that have earned them a 1-A playoff berth. Now Coach Antron Yates and his team have set their sights on earning a home postseason game. The Eagles defeated Northumberland 37-6, Friday night at home. That victory came on the heels of a 36-0 win over Lancaster and a 3316 homecoming victory over Spotsylvania. The three straight victories were racked up after the Eagles started the season 1-3. “One of the main keys to the decisive victories was good fundamental defense,” said Coach Yates. “Coach Ed Carey has the defense playing very well.” Led by seniors Milan Bullock, Davon Hamilton and Alex Lane, the W&L starting defense allowed only 10 points in the three straight victories. Bullock, a hard-hitting linebacker who also plays running back, scored a touchdown against Northumberland. Hamilton, a defensive back who also plays wide receiver, had three touchdown catches Friday from junior quarterback Treshaun Brown, who passed for 273 yards. Sophomore wide receiver Jarett Sumiel also had a touchdown for W&L Friday. “Treshuan Brown has given us the stability we need at quarterback, Yates said. “I really think that this team is starting to gel at the right time. Our goal is to get better each week.” “The other key to victory has

been the offense becoming selfless and playing for each other. In some games, the passing game was effective, and in other games the run game has been effective. The offensive line has been the anchor in both situations.” Yates said. Bullock, a three-sport letterman and a Governor’s School academic at W&L, has been a central player in the Eagles’ resurgence. “I love the game, the intensity,” Bullock said. “I want to do better and better, and I want our team to get better and better.” “The beginning of the season was rough. But now, everybody is working together, and that has made us a better team,” Bullock said. “Our coaches pushed us to stick together, and now we are playing together as a team.” “Milan is solid steel,” said W&L Athletic Director Malcolm Lewis. “He’s got a great work ethic, he’s strong as an ox, he loves the weight room, and he’s a straight A student. What’s not to like?” Bullock, the son of a single mom, said he has been encouraged to continuously get better by his mother, Tammy Smith. “She has been my number-one fan.” Bullock also plays basketball and is a jumper in track. “Football has always been a big sport for my fam-

Virginia government is growing 3X the rate of population. Only the Cuccinelli team will halt this spending.

Ruth Daiger

On Friday, Milan Bullock (#6) ran for touchdown during W&L’s 37-6 win over Northumberland. ily. My older brother has always been on me to get better.” Bullock, who is 5’11” and weighs 170 lbs., said, “I have never been the biggest player, but I love the game, and I’ve always tried to improve.” Hoping he can play football in college, Bullock - who has had a broken wrist and a concussion while playing - is interested in a career in sports medicine. “I want to help people the way the coaches, doctors and trainers helped me,” Bullock said. “He’s a hard-nosed kid, fast and quick,” said Lewis. “He can definitely play at the next level.”

“Education obviously comes first,” Bullock said. “But if I can do both in college, I would like to do it.” Next on the agenda for Bullock and the Eagles is defeating Rappahannock this Friday, and then facing Essex and Colonial Beach in successive weeks. The team is determined to earn a home playoff game. “We are in position to play for the Northern Neck District Championship,” said Coach Yates. “We feel that we have three championship games. The first one is this Friday versus Rappahannock. We will take it one game at time.”

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Wednesday, Oct. 16, 2013

The Journal


KGYAA tackle football season continues at Sealston Elementary Staff Reports After its traditional participation in the annual Fall Festival parade two weekends ago, the King George Youth Athletic Association (KGYAA) resumed its 2013 tackle football regular season last Saturday at Sealston Elementary School. Battling in the first game of the day were the Jr. Bandits (1-5) and Mustangs, with the Mustangs (5-1) ultimately prevailing behind a total team effort, 28-14. Submitting noteworthy performances for the Bandits were Jaylon Baylor, Josiah Buckner, and Trey McLaughlin. The season’s biggest upset (so far) occurred in the day’s second contest, as the Blue Devils (2-4) shocked the previously first-place Warriors (4-2), 30-6. The Blue Devils credit their heard-earned victory to a complete team effort. Top performers for the Warriors in the loss were DeVante Gaines, Aidan Parr, and Kyle Reviello. In Saturday’s first Rookie division game, the Rattlers (2-4) avenged an earlier season loss to the Pride (1-5), by edging them 16-12. Leading the way for the Rattlers were Dominic Deloatch, Devin Quick, and Jhirmaine Parks. Pacing the Pride were Sean Bishop, Chase Gaines, and Austin Webster. In the day’s final contest at Sealston, the first place River Hawks (60) bested the surging Pirates (3-3), 12-0. Top performers for the River Hawks were Jamari Cox, Zach DeBenedetto, and Aiden Martinez. Leading the Pirates in the loss were Landon Harris, Mason Medley, and Dylan Truxon. The KGYAA JV Mavericks (32), participating as they are this season in the Rappahannock River Youth Football League (RRYFL), travelled to Maury Field to face the

Jim Roberts

2013 Dahlgren Men’s Golf League Champions – The Shankadelics From left to right: Ken Woodward, Wright Fallin, Rob Oborne, Chris Tietz, Jim Cole, and Bob Throm. The Shankadelics were also the Regular Season Champs and #1 Seed for the Championship Tournament. Not pictured: Jim Daniels, Anthony Frazier, Brad Hamilton, Alan Hynson, and Gerald Lawrence.

Dahlgren Men’s Golf League concludes 2013 season Jim Roberts

Jim Salyers, Jr.

Jr. Blue Devils running back Matt Rose had a big day rushing against the Warriors. The Blue Devils upset the first place Warriors, 30-6, this past weekend at Sealston Elementary School. addition to the five KGYAA games, the association will host three RRYFL games as well. The current Rookie division (ages 6-8) standings are 1.)River Hawks, 2.)Pirates, 3.)Rattlers, 4.)Pride. The current Junior division (ages 9-11) standings are 1.)Mustangs, 2.)Warriors, 3.)Blue Devils, 4.) Bandits. For more information on the KGYAA, visit www.kgyaa.org.

Fredericksburg Colts. Behind timely offensive execution and a stubborn defense, the Mavericks prevailed, 16-0. Leading the Mavericks in the win were Allante Green, Caleb Hoyle, and Joel Mack. All KGYAA teams will be in action this coming Saturday at Sealston Elementary School, with the JV Mavericks hosting their first of two home games this season. In

Volleyball and wrestling added to King George Middle School sports programs Leonard Banks Sports editor The King George Middle School athletic programs are on the move! In September, the King George School Board approved the addition of volleyball and wrestling programs to add to a full complement of sports activities offered at the middle school. The programs will serve as a feeder system for the high school sports programs. Currently, KGMS school officials are in the midst of searching for qualified coaches. “I am very excited about it. We have a new wrestling program that will start in the winter, as well as volleyball,” said KGMS principal Kevin Newman. “We’re in the process of finding some games, and we have opened up the search for coaches for both programs.” During the school board meeting, supporters of both volleyball and wrestling programs included King George High School (KGHS) head volleyball coach, Jill Wine, former King George Middle School and KGHS wrestling coach Rick Buckwalter, King George Wrestling

Club president, and KGHS assistant coach Jeff Kraisser, area educators, coaches, and KGHS athletes. Buckwalter has accepted the position of head coach for wrestling. “Last year Mr. Kraisser and Mr. Buckwalter approached me with an interest in wrestling,” Newman said. “Since I am a fan of all sports, I said let’s see what we can do. I got it on the agenda, and school board approved it (on Sept. 23), and I was very excited about that.” While middle school volleyball is very prevalent in the Northern Neck, as well as Spotsylvania, and Stafford schools, Northern Neck schools do not offer wrestling; the school’s focus for competition will be targeted towards the Spotsylvania and Stafford areas. Last year, KGMS guidance counselor, Allison Daughtridge founded a volleyball club where young ladies stayed after school to participate. The large turnout was an instant success. “This addition to the school volleyball program will improve our basic fundamental skills at the middle school level, and will help deter the

beginner’s status, when entering the junior varsity level at the high school,” Wine said. “We are thrilled to have this approval by the school board with the backing of the administration at the middle school.” With the addition of volleyball, and wrestling programs, and the softball and baseball programs from the spring sports season, KGMS will have a full complement of sports programs. The school also offers cheerleading, football, and track & field activities. “The only thing we have to do now is set up a rotation for practice time, because we will have three sports going on in the winter now,” Newman said. With the gymnasium, and vocational tech facilities available, middle school coaches should not have a problem with finding space. “We find this a good problem to have, with more students being active, which is what we’re looking for,” Newman said. “I am a big advocate for athletics in school, because it kept me focused. Our students are shining in the classroom and on the field. I am very excited.”

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The Dahlgren Men’s Golf League concluded its 2013 Season with a Flighted Blind Draw 4-Person Scramble and Awards Banquet on Friday, Oct. 4. The tournament was hosted by Cameron Hills Golf Links and catered by Famous Dave’s of Fredericksburg. The event was attended by nearly 100 golfers from the league, and everyone had a great time. Following dinner, league awards were presented to the top four teams of the season and a special award for the last place team. Scramble Awards were presented to the top two groups of the day along with Longest Drive and Closest to the Pin contest winners. Team, individual, and door prizes were provided by the league and sponsors. A 50/50 Raffle and Silent Auction were conducted during the tournament and with the proceeds from other donations received throughout the season the league contributed over $700.00 to benefit King George Social Services programs. The 2013 Dahlgren Men’s Golf League was comprised of 19

teams with up to 12 golfers each. Throughout the regular season, which began in April, they played a combination of match and medal play matches on Monday evenings. After 18 weeks of regular season play, the top eight (8) teams qualified for the playoffs: (1) Shankadelics, (2) Eagles, (3) PARTEES, (4) BMD Hackers, (5) BSOAP, (6) Way Above Par, (7) The Woodsmen, (8) Wannabe’s. The first round of the playoffs resulted in The Shankadelics, BSOAP, Way Above Par, and The Woodsmen advancing to the “Final Four”. The Shankadelics and Way Above Par each won their successive match and met in the Finals for an 18-hole match, where The Shankadelics captured the League Championship by a score of 44-32. BSOAP defeated The Woodsmen by the score of 25-15 to capture third Place. For the fifth year, the league held a “bottom dwellers” tournament for the remaining eight teams, who competed for the honor of being the NITT (Not in the Tournament Tournament) Champs. Cannon’s Cannons won their way through the tournament ladder and

captured the highly coveted “Toilet Bowl” trophies by edging out the Wormburners 20.5 to 19.5. The Dahlgren Men’s Golf League has been around since the 1950’s and played on the base course until the Spring of 2008, when they moved to Cameron Hills Golf Links. The League Championship Trophy, The Angerer Cup, is dedicated to the memory of Bill Angerer, the late Willow Oaks Manager from 1997 to 2005. The Dahlgren Men’s Golf League would like to thank Mr. Jason Hill, General Manager, and the entire Cameron Hills staff for a highly successful season. The League would also like to thank everyone who contributed to the End of Season Golf Outing and helped make it a very enjoyable day. Special thanks to Famous Dave’s, the Fredericksburg Golf Center, and Don and Steve Hardy of Get in the Game Auctions. The league will be starting up again in the Spring and is always looking to welcome new golfers. Interested golfers are encouraged to contact Cameron Hills Golf Links at (540) 775-4653.

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The Journal

Wednesday, Oct. 23, 2013


Virgina Saints outlast Fredericksburg Bears Leonard Banks Sports editor

Christi Britt

KGHS girls’ cross-country team bask in the spoils of victory at the Fredericksburg All-Area Meet.

Kristen Hornbaker soars at Fredericksburg All-Area Meet Leonard Banks Sports editor Throughout her junior year at King George High School, Kristen Hornbaker has shone as one the area’s top cross-country runners. Her efforts rose to an entirely new level last week at the Fredericksburg AllArea Meet, as she finished in first place in a field of 98 area runners. Her time of 20:07.7 was the second best in school history. Hornbaker’s performance also earned her the status of National Elite. As a team, out of 15 schools, the Lady Foxes placed first with 46 points; Massaponax earned a second place finish with 64 points. The Washington & Lee Lady Eagles came in seventh, with 212 points. Washington & Lee girls’ runner, Kathryn Beddoo, placed third overall with a time of 20:19.3. Other Foxes girls who placed in the top 15 included Miranda Green, 3rd, 20:07.7; Ashley Perkins, 8th, 20:27.7; Ana Kniceley, 13th, 20:37.7. As for the boys’ Caroline crosscountry standout, Aaron Carter fin-

ished ahead of a field of 115, with a first place time of 16:35.5. Finishing 10 seconds behind Carter was sophomore Fox distance standout, Jacob Watson, with a time of 16:45.7. Like Hornbaker, Watson’s time was the second best recorded by a male in school history. The top Washington & Lee boys’ runner was Jacob Daiger. Daiger finshed 12th with a time of 17:43. Daiger’s teammate, Alec Westall, finished 25th with a time of 18:04. Other Foxes boys’ who placed in the top 30 included: Jacob Williams, 11th, 17:41.4; Jarod Watson, 28th, 18:10.9. North Stafford placed first in the team category with 59 points. The Foxes followed with 81 points, while Washington & Lee finished eighth with 194 points. Elated with both Foxes girls’ and boys’ teams performances, Foxes cross-country head coach Cathy Binder said, “The hard work and dedication of the whole team was on display Wednesday. Almost every athlete got a personal best, with Jacob Watson and Kristen Hornbaker

getting the second best times in school history.” Along with having a stellar group of young varsity runners that have the potential of winning the conference championship, the Foxes have a corps of junior varsity girls and boys who will easily follow in the footsteps of their varsity counterparts. The Foxes junior varsity girls dominated the developmental competition with a first through fourth place sweep. The 8th grade contingent featured first place winner Aubrey Wingeart (21:36.6). Foxes Hannah Koepfinger (2nd, 21:52.5), Kori French (3rd, 21:33.6), and Erin Baker (4th, 23:08.6) completed the top four girls runners. Foxes Molly Desque (23:13.8), and Lilja Flately (23:47.5) finished 6th and 8th, respectably. Eagle’s junior varsity runner, Gracie Taylor placed 21st with a time of 26.22.2. The Foxes’ next meet will be on Wednesday, Oct. 23, at Fauquier. Meet participants include Liberty (Bealton); Eastern View, Courtland, and Chancellor.

Eagles JV football routs Indians Leonard Banks Sports editor Last Wednesday, the Eagles junior varsity football offense crushed Northumberland, 70-6. Eleven Eagles contributed to the Indian debacle. Cullen Belled passed for 88 yards and two touchdowns. He also rushed for 26 yards, and two 2-point conversions. Kewan Dameron combined for 173 all-purpose-yards, including two touchdowns, and one interception.

Daquinse Bunns rushed for 71 yards, and one touchdown. Damhab Hyde added 22 yards and one touchdown. Stevie Preston bolted in for one touchdown, while rushing for 19 yards, and two 2-point conversions. Preston also led the team in tackles. Carson Bell pounded out 38 yards receiving and one touchdown. Joseph Fulcher added 24 yards rushing and one touchdown. Eddie Jims accounted for 24 yards receiving, and one 2-point conversion.

Other notable Eagle contributions included: Curtis Adams, 22 yards rushing; Ramani Goods, 55-yard interception return for a touchdown; D’Marco Baylor, 85 yard interception for a touchdown, and a 35-yard punt return for a touchdown.

Sunday afternoon at King George County Stadium was a four-quarter slugfest featuring the host Fredericksburg Bears versus defending ACFA champions, the Richmond-based Virginia Saints. The war between the conference rivals was not for the faint of heart, as both teams totaled 23 penalties throughout the game. When the dust finally settled, the Saints celebrated in the mid-field winner’s circle with a 12-6 victory. Was it pretty? No. From the opening kickoff to the final kneeldown, it was a fall minor-league football brawl. The loss improved the Saints’ record to 6-1, while the Bears (5-2) will remain in second place in the Virginia ACFA Conference after suffering their second loss of the season to the Saints. On Sept. 28, the Bears traveled to Goochland, and lost to the Saints, 28-14. After losing to the Chesterfield Mustangs, 246, during the first game of the season, the Saints have won six games in a row. With home field playoff implications on the line, the game had great importance. Currently, the Bears are third seed in the upcoming playoffs. Nothing was left to chance as Bear owner and head coach Rodney Anderson suited up as a linebacker. The first half featured a number of big plays, but in the end yielded no points. During the opening kickoff, Jamal Smith bolted up the field for a 30-yard return; however, the drive faltered at the Saints’ 38-yard line. Throughout

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Most recently, at James Monroe High School, the Foxes cheer competition team out-stunted, outtumbled, and out-cheered Spotsylvania, Caroline, Chancellor, and Courtland to win Battlefield Cheer Competition. The milestone win was the first since 2001. Tuesday’s Conference 22 Tournament results were unavailable due to press deadlines.

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Jerrell Johnson to Matthew Hurdle. With less than two minutes remaining in the game, the Saints extended the lead to 12-0, on a Marvin Burleigh 35-yard touchdown run. On the ensuing Bear drive, with 14 seconds remaining, Darren Baker connected with Chris Wholey for an 8-yard touchdown. After the failed point after, the Saints’ lead was cut to 12-6, and the Bears were now in a fight against the clock and an unforgiving Saints team. After a failed onside kick, the Saints ran out the clock on a kneeldown.

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the remainder of the quarter, neither team could go beyond the opposing team’s red-zone (20-yard line). With the exception of numerous jaw-breaking hits, and interceptions from Bear defensive back BJ Reynolds, the second quarter was nearly the same as the first. Knotted at 0-0, both teams came out of the locker room determined to end the game with a win. After Robert Parente’s interception ignited the Bears’ offense for a brief moment, the Saints returned the favor with a blocked punt that resulted in a fourplay, 45-yard touchdown pass from



Wednesday, Oct. 23, 2013

The Journal


Halloween season brings ghost hunters to Belle Grove Historic Belle Grove Plantation, the birthplace of President James Madison that is now King George’s most luxurious bed and breakfast, will host paranormal investigators and ghost hunters for the next week as it participates in Halloween activities. “Is Belle Grove Plantation haunted? Since arriving on the property, we have had several personal experiences as well as stories told to us about others experiences,” said Michelle Darnell, who operates the bed and breakfast and event venue with her husband, Brett. “In the time we have lived at the plantation, we have to say that none of the experiences are evil or malicious in nature. We feel they are just those that came before us that loved this plantation and never wanted to leave,” Darnell said. The Darnells are hosting a Paranormal Workshop and Ghost Hunts Oct. 25, 26 and 31. The workshop will be on Saturday, Oct. 26 featuring investigative medium Laine Crosby from 10:30 a.m. to noon. From 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. a Paranormal Team called

Southeastern Virginia Paranormal Investigations will be at Belle Grove to teach would-be ghost hunters how to hunt for ghosts the right way. On Oct. 25, 26 and 31, the SVPI team will host a Ghost Hunt at Belle Grove to see if the historic plantation is actually haunted. “We have had them here before and have gotten lots of results,” Darnell said. “And the funny thing is, ‘Are you haunted’ seems to be the second question we are asked on our tours.” The SVPI ghost hunters hosting the Ghost Hunt at Belle Grove are from Newport News. “This paranormal team of investigators has years of experience and is working on a new television pilot, ‘Paranormal Apprentice’. Belle Grove Plantation will be their second episode,” Darnell said. “If you have ever watched shows like ‘Ghost Hunters’ or ‘Ghost Adventures’ and wanted to be a part of a real paranormal investigation, then this is the event for you!,” Darnell declared. SVPI will bring all their paranormal equipment and will be take Belle Grove visitors and guests on

nighttime paranormal investigations. The Ghost Hunts will be conducted from 8 p.m. to 4 a.m. Darnell said suites for overnight guests are still available, but urged visitors to call to book a suite or check availability. - Richard Leggitt


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The Journal

Wednesday, Oct. 23, 2013


Letters: More to the editor From page 1 Ken Cuccinelli: • The first Attorney General in the nation to file a federal lawsuit against Obamacare. • *Fought and beat the job-killing EPA in Virginia courts. • A leader in securing a Virginia Constitutional Amendment strengthening our property rights. • He will veto any attempt to weaken our gun-rights (his NRA rating is “Aâ€?) or our standing as a “right to workâ€? state. • He will limit the growth of government spending to the rate of population growth‌. unlike the federal government which is three times the rate of population. And I could go on‌. We also have a third, independent opponent‌. the Libertarian candidate‌ who admits he has almost no chance of winning. He’s a spoiler in this race. Incidentally, former Senator Ron Paul, a Libertarian, endorsed Cuccinelli.) Admittedly, I agree with voters who say they are disgusted with both parties; however, this is not the time to cast a negative vote just to make a point. Ken Cuccinelli is not a


member of “the good ol’ boys’ club�. He is a true patriot who believes in the constitutional Republic of America. He has fought Washington, DC and will continue to do so to safeguard Virginians. Vote Ken Cuccinelli on Nov. 5. Dee Meredith Callao

King George Health Fair Supporting the Foundation Fighting Blindness October 26, 2013 11:00am-4:00pm Tables include: Vision screening

Running for Michael Lloyd To the Editor, You may or may not know that my last day working for the KGYMCA will be Nov. 2. It has been a great pleasure working at the Y with all of the friends that I’ve made among both employees and members. I have made many friends from King George, Westmorland, Colonial Beach, Dahlgren and even southern Maryland. In January of this year, a member at the KGY who happens to be a friend of mine was diagnosed with leukemia. He went through months of chemotherapy, and in July he and his wife Jody went to Johns Hopkins hospital in Baltimore for a bone marrow transplant. His life savings are almost depleted. Michael Lloyd is a great member who always volunteered to help me with the races here in King George. He

Diagnostic Visual Deficiency Eye Care of Virginia- Dr. Miles Press Blood pressure Gary Roach congratulating a young participant in a 1 mile kids fun run in Colonial Beach. knows the long hours that we work, one hour. Right now I am at $385.00 and he knows our mission of helping each mile. I want to get to $1000.00 others get the quality experience per mile. I want to make a difference of belonging to the Y. There is for the Lloyd family. I know I can something I am doing on Nov. 2, count on all of you to open your that I want you to be a part of. My hearts and your wallets for this Executive Director, Ms. Elizabeth worthwhile event. Please email me Clark has given me permission with your pledge and come over to to have a benefit Treadmill in the the KGY on Nov. 2 at 8 a.m. and Lobby event at the KGY with all of cheer me on. Make your pledge at the proceeds going to Michael and groach@family-ymca.org. Jody. I am running on the treadmill from 8 -9 a.m. that day. I need Thank you and God bless, sponsors. Please pledge $1, $5, $10 Gary Roach or more for each mile that I run in Wellness Director KGYMCA

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ODU Rotary Club King George YMCA King George Family Chiropractic and Physical Therapy Teri Gallagher- Therapeutic Massage Body Key Weight Management Consultant Face Painting Tables for local businesses still available Call 540-604-0258

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TO: HOWARD CHESBROUGH You are hereby notified that a Petition for Termination of Parental Rights has been filed in the Circuit Court for Calvert County, Maryland, sitting as Juvenile Court, Case No. 04-Z-13-000023. All persons who believe themselves to be the father of a male child born on October 10, 2003, in Prince Frederick, Maryland, to Jaclyn Barkman, who is over eighteen years of age, shall file a written response. A copy of the Show Cause Order may be obtained from the Juvenile Clerk’s office at 175 Main Street, Prince Frederick, Maryland 20678; telephone number 410-535-1660, extension 2237. If you do not file a written objection before the end of thirty (30) days after the later of (A) the date that this notice is published in a newspaper or (B) the last day that the notice is published on the Maryland Department of Human Resources website at www.dhr.state.md.us, you will have agreed to the permanent loss of your parental rights to this child. That it is hereby also made known that, for your own personal information and review, the filing of the Petition for Termination of Parental Rights and other information regarding the time frames in which to object is printed on the Department of Human Resources website, otherwise known as www.dhr.state.md.us.

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King George County Job Announcement The Department of Community Development is accepting applications for the position of Permit Technician. Applicant should be customer service oriented, possess basic word processing skills using MS Office and understand basic filing systems. Salary range - $25,190 - $41,060. Applications can be obtained online at www. king-george.va.us or 10459 Courthouse Drive, Suite 200, King George, VA 22485. This position will close Friday, October 25, 2013. King George County is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Equal Opportunity Employer

We are pledged to the letter and spirit of Virginia’s Policy for achieving equal housing opportunity throughout the Commonwealth. We encourage and support advertising and marketing programs in which there are no barriers to obtaining housing because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, elderliness, familial status, or handicap. All real estate advertised herein is subject to Virginia’s fair housing law which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation, or discrimination because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, elderliness, familial status, or handicap or intention to make any such preference, limitation, or discrimination.� This newspaper will not knowingly accept advertising for real estate that violates the fair housing law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. For more information or to file a housing complaint call the Virginia Fair Housing Office at (804) 367-8530. Toll free call (888) 551-3247. For the hearing impaired call (804) 367-9753.

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Wednesday, Oct. 23, 2013

The Journal



Using trail cameras? There are things you should know Mark Fike With the economy the way it is and no real hope in sight, most of us are being very careful with our money. Those of us that like to hunt are also careful with our time available to go in the woods. One way to maximize time in the woods and hunt more efficiently is to use trail cameras to determine where and when deer and turkey are utilizing an area. I got my first trail camera eight years or so ago. It was a boxy contraption that had a slow trigger time and often got pictures of half of a deer or part of a turkey or person. One time I got the last half of a dog and a week later I got the first half. Fast forward to these days, and you can get high definition video, great pictures in burst mode or even photos that can be transmitted live via satellite to a phone or computer. Trail cameras can cost as little as $70 to several hundred dollars. In addition to slow trigger times, many of the first cameras to roll out were cumbersome, because they used vast amounts of battery power and the batteries were large. New trail cameras use lots of batteries, but most use AA batteries now, and a set of 8 can last an entire season for the average hunter in a decent trail camera. However, some hunters are still

Camera doesn’t work? Keep a camera even if it doesn’t work. Hang it in places out of reach but in view of potential trespassers. If a trespasser sees the camera they won’t know if it works or not. Chances are they will bug out. finding problems with trail cameras. Here are some common problems and possible solutions and tips for trail camera users. When you end up with a camera that appears to eat up batteries, before trashing it or calling the company, try a few of these tips. First, remove the batteries and the SD card. Let the camera sit for at least an hour with nothing in it. This should discharge the capacitor. Then, without putting an SD card in the camera, replace the batteries. Turn the camera on and see if it powers up correctly. If it does then you can reformat the SD card to remove ALL files. Sometimes people switch out SD cards and use cards that were used in other cameras or equipment. This can “confuse” the camera and cause lots of strange issues. Some cameras might not power on properly, or they may not take photos. Be sure to

First take all the batteries out of your unit and let it sit empty for at least an hour. Then insert the batteries but do NOT insert the SD card until you turn it on with just the batteries. completely reformat and delete ALL photos and files. Once you are sure the SD card is clean, then you can insert it. If this does not work in your camera, call the company. Many companies will allow a trade-in for a newer or the same model. However, at this time of year, the wait can be long. Sometimes you can trade-up to get a newer model on the spot for a reduced price. Point the camera downward and/ or northerly in direction, so as to avoid the sun heating up the sensor

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and setting off the camera and eating up battery power, while repeatedly tripping the camera. Cameras take the best photos in indirect light. Consider your set-up. Some cameras with issues can be resolved with a software upgrade gotten at the direction of the technician who can send you to a website, or they might offer to email you the file to store on your SD card and insert into your camera. I have done that several times before. One piece of advice was to use only SD cards less than 2 GB in size, in the

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cameras. Get the best camera you can afford, but also use your money wisely. Sometimes it is better to have two or three good cameras vs. one really nice camera. One great tip a technician gave me was to keep cameras, even if they don’t work. Hang them in places out of reach but in view of potential trespassers. If a trespasser sees the camera, they won’t know if it works or not. Chances are they will bug out. But, if they take the camera or shoot it, then you are not out anything, and they still might get caught.

Outdoor Report Mark and Missy Fike Overview Anglers were few this week with all the rain that messed up the river. However, some anglers really made out well. Potomac River Ken’s Tackle in Spotsylvania reported 27 yellow perch citations, yes, I said 27 yellow perch citations all by the same man, supposedly. Unreal. I will tell you that they were from a trib of the Potomac. Wow, he ate well that night! Winter Harbor reported that some nice puppy drum were caught just downriver near shore. Rockfish and perch were hitting squid and bloodworms. Aqua Land reported white perch and catfish hitting squid and bloodworms, too. Inland waters Motts Run –Will be closing October 31. Several anglers fished Saturday and caught a stringer of nice bluegill, a stringer of really nice catfish and some white perch. All fish


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older cameras from 2011 or before. The newer cameras will accept and use SD cards in higher capacities. Some of the older cameras also will not use the HD cards. If in doubt, call the company. Last, clean the camera well. Then make sure it is watertight before putting it in the location you choose. Not all cameras are made equally well. Unfortunately, most of the cameras are made outside the U.S. However, some of the ones made outside the U.S. are decent. Go online and look at reviews for various

were caught from the piers. Lake Anna has been good for drop shotting big bass. Striper are hitting all over at first light under the birds. Hunting Run now has snakeheads being caught in it. Someone thinks it is funny to release these fish in our local waters, I suppose. But, nonnative fish are not a good idea. If you catch one, eat it. They do taste good. Crappie are hitting well in ponds. Saltwater Captain Ryan Rogers (804-5800245) reported good bluefish action and some good rockfishing. It is amazing how many bluefish are still around. The rockfish are looking good, too. The York River has been giving up nice spot, puppy drum and some bluefish, too. Hunting The deer activity has picked up a little bit. Turkey appear to be plentiful. Pern’s had a few deer checked-in. Although you can easily check your deer online or by phone, take the time to support our local check stations. They do this service

for free. You might run into other hunters there and pick up a few valuable tidbits about hunting while there. Seasons Duck seasons – Oct. 26, Feb.1 (Youth Days) Nov. 16 - 30 Dec. 7 - Jan. 25 Daily Bag Limit: 6 ducks, any species except for the following restrictions: can include no more than 4 mallards (only 2 can be hen mallards), 4 scoters, 3 wood ducks, 2 redheads, 2 scaup, 2 pintails, 1 black duck (except closed during Oct. 1014), 2 canvasback, 1 mottled duck, and 1 fulvous whistling duck. Turkey – Oct. 19 - Youth and Apprentice Turkey Day Muzzleloader Season for Deer – Nov. 2 - 15 Firearms deer season – Nov. 16. Muzzleloader season for bear – Nov. 9-15. Firearms bear season locally (see regs) –Dec. 2 - 7 Fall Firearms turkey season(locally see regs – Oct. 26 - Nov. 8 and Nov. 28, Dec. 2 - 14

CREEPY CRAWLY October 25th & 26th - King George Branch Come join us for our annual Halloween carnival of fright, games and fun! This year looks to be our best yet! 6-9 pm – Hay Ride, Carnival 7-9 pm – Nightmare Island for Lost Souls – Haunted House Carnival - $3 Hay Ride - $3 (limited number available) Haunted House - $5 for one visit, $2.50 for re-entry Fun n Pass Pass - $10 $10 for all all tthree; hree; $15 ffor all three and unlimited Haunted Hou u se House Thank you to our sponsors!

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