10-30-2013 King George Virginia Journal

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King George

Volume 37, Number 44

Election Day is next week, Nov. 5

Phyllis Cook Don’t forget to vote next week on Tuesday, Nov. 5. The Governorship and three local offices are up for grabs. On Election Day the polling places will be open from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. This is an off-year election, which traditionally has low voter turnout for some very important statewide offices, in addition to contested local offices in some King George election districts. Candidates are listed below. ABSENTEE VOTING IN PERSON – NOW Absentee voting is available now

Wednesday, October 30, 2013 50 Cents

helping you relate to your community

Don’t forget to vote:

Absentee voting available now for Nov. 5 election


which enables voters to cast their ballots in advance of Election Day. There are numerous reasons that make voters eligible to vote absentee, including being out of the precinct on Election Day. In-person absentee voting is an effective choice for those with numerous other reasons, including travel for out-of-county appointments, long commutes, or those expecting unpredictable work hours on Election Day. Any King George voter with a question about whether they qualify to vote absentee should contact the Registrar’s office, 775-9186. Voters may complete an application and vote absentee inperson at the Registrar’s office up through this Saturday, Nov. 2, by 5 p.m. Special Saturday opening hours are in effect on Saturday, Nov. 2, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. See Vote, page 2

Raffo sentenced to prison for embezzling disability payments

Tough night in Cougar land!

Richard Leggitt

Leonard Banks

Fox defensive back Markiece Johnson (#3, right) attempts to tackle Courtland running back, Victor Green (#2, left).

Terra Products LLC moving forward

EDA to hold hearing next month on bond issuance for new business Phyllis Cook Claude Shaffer, president of Terra Products LLC, is moving forward with establishment of his new company in King George at Dogue. The company plans to produce about 12 varieties of sand and gravel products in 40-50 pound bags to be sold at garden centers and home improvement stores, along with some small concrete products, including ‘pavers.’ In May, Terra Products LLC had received unanimous approval by the King George Board of Supervisors for a rezoning and a special exception permit to operate the business for sand and gravel processing inside a vacant building near Dogue owned by Steve DeBernard. The zoning and permitting action had likewise been unanimously recommended by the Planning Commission the previous month, in April, following a first public hearing on the request. The 25.641 acre industrial property at Cleve Drive (Route 692) was the site of the former White Packing factory. The company will be established adjacent to 700+ acres of existing

Industrial zoning where sand and gravel mining and processing is taking place. HEARING ON NOV. 14 FOR BOND ISSUE Shaffer told the county’s Economic Development Authority (EDA) earlier this month about his plans during the EDA’s monthly meeting on Oct. 10. He was present to talk about his business and answer questions about his application submitted for tax-exempt industrial revenue bond financing through the EDA. After hearing from EDA bond counsel Dan Siegel, the EDA went forward with approval of an inducement/reimbursement resolution for the bonds. The resolution calls for revenue bonds in an amount not to exceed $5 million to assist Terra Products with costs to start up operations. The next step is for the EDA to hold a hearing, scheduled for Nov. 14, to take comment on the bond issuance. Siegel noted there is no liability for the EDA nor for the county for the bond issuance and the issuance is not considered to be debt by the county. The EDA would receive an annual administrative fee equal to 1/8th of one percent

Latest from the Landfill Waste Management District Manager Tom Cue provided information to King George Supervisors at a meeting earlier this month on Oct. 15 as part of his regular quarterly report. Cue updated the board on several issues, including tonnage, cell construction, leachate disposal, and community relations matters. PICK-FOR-PAY Cue said the first year of his Pickfor-Pay program, begun in March, had been “a terrific success.” He said dozens of organizations had asked to participate over the warmer months and received donations to their groups. He announced that it would be suspended at the end of this month, saying it would start up again March 2014, due to winter weather and early sunsets. He said he already has a list of organizations that have asked to participate and will be first on the list for March. Under the program, $500 donations are provided to organizations in exchange for groups helping pick up trash, mostly along a stretch of Route 3. Groups must have insurance and provide adult supervision for youth

of the outstanding principal balance on the bonds. All costs for the issuance of the bonds, including all attorneys’ fees are to be paid by the applicant. Siegel explained that action on the inducement resolution taken earlier this month allows Terra Products to go forward with such things as purchasing the property and equipment in the meantime, with the ability to reimburse themselves for those expenditures with bond proceeds, if that goes forward next month. TERRA PRODUCTS’ PLANS The DeBernard property to be purchased contains existing industrial buildings totaling about 100,000 square feet and was formerly occupied by White Packing, The building has been vacant for over a decade. The company will purchase extracted materials from the adjacent mining operation to produce commercial and home improvement products by processing sand, gravel, and stone to create various bagged aggregates and to manufacture concrete products used as ‘pavers.’ The entire manufacturing process will take place inside the buildings.

The company will employ 40-60 people, in addition to a staff of 12 sales people, with annual payroll projected at over $2,000,000. Once Terra Products is established, it is projecting annual sales of $40 million. Bagged products will consist of several grades, sizes and colors of different gravels and sands. The products will have been washed, screened and graded off-site, and will be ready to be dried and bagged when delivered. The property where the business is to be established is served by an existing private waste water treatment facility and private well. Prior to commencement of business activity, site plan approval is needed along with all building permits and any other state, local, and or federal permits as required. Next month, the King George Economic Development Authority (EDA) will hold a public hearing on Nov. 14 regarding the proposed issuance of bonds for Terra Products LLC. Following the EDA’s hearing, the Board of Supervisors is currently slated on Nov. 19 to also take action on the request for bond issuance.

A King George woman convicted of spending disability money meant for her child, has been sentenced to two years in prison, fined $4,140 and ordered to pay restitution in the amount of $4,140. King George Commonwealth’s Attorney Keri Gusmann cited the sentencing of Angela Lynn Raffo, 55, and said that Circuit Court Judge Joseph Ellis followed the recommendation of a King George Circuit Court jury, which convicted Raffo in August. “The jury recommended a fine in the same amount as the amount that was embezzled. Clearly, the jury was making a point,” Gusmann, who successfully prosecuted the case, said. “This was a case in which she was keeping money from King George Department of Social Services that was supposed to help people in need in King George County. This conviction was a true team effort between my office, the King George Sheriff ’s Office and the King George Department of Social Services,” Gusmann said. “The jurors did a great job in listening to all the evidence and handed down a sentence that was fair and just,” said Gusmann. “Juries are the conscience of the community and once again, the message should come out loud and clear that we will not put up with thieves in King George.” According to testimony at the earlier trial, Raffo has a minor child who was receiving disability benefits that were being directly deposited in Raffo’s bank account. See Raffo, page 2

Zombies like the Y too!

groups or school clubs. Large signs are placed along the designated road area and helmets, vests, pickers, and bags are provided, with the bagged trash collected by the landfill after the project is complete. To sign up, call the main number to the King George County Landfill, 775-3123. NEW CELL, CONCENTRATORS Cue told Supervisors another large cell has been completed of about 20 acres that will be used to accept trash beginning in 2014. He also noted that two concentrators have been installed with the first one up and running successfully. The concentrators are connected to landfill power plant turbines. The heat from the turbines burns off the leachate, which is the liquid runoff collected from landfill trash cells. Cue said the second concentrator is planned to be started up in December. Once they are both operating, it is expected that approximately 50,000 gallons of leachate will be treated per day, seven days per week. Cue said that would eliminate about 235 trucks trips from King George See landfill, page 2

In their annual Zombie Run, over 50 runners ran through the grounds and woods to escape being “captured” by some King George Zombies. Over 50 runners ran for their lives in the 2013 event. Proceeds went to the KGSO-Special Olympics program and the Y. The 2013 YMCA Creepy Crawly Carnival and Haunted House had another successful year. Over 400 families attended the event. Thank you to the sponsors – Wendy Moore Dentistry and NSWC Federal Credit Union and their support in making this another great weekend. Submitted by Elizabeth Clark

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Wednesday, Oct. 30, 2013

The Journal


Raffo: Prison time for embezzlement From page 1 However, the child was removed from Raffo’s custody and placed in the care of the King George Department of Social Services (DSS). Raffo was told by authorities on several occasions that the child’s disability money was to be turned over to DSS to help pay for the child’s care. Instead, according to witnesses at the trial, she spent the disability funds for her own use, including the purchase of two televisions, a four-wheel all-terrain vehicle and a lawn mower. Raffo was convicted of six counts of embezzlement. In addition to the prison time, fines and restitution to be paid to the King George Department of Social Services, Judge

Ellis ordered Raffo to have postrelease supervision for one year. Also in King George Circuit Court last week, Judge Ellis presided over a jury trial that resulted in the conviction of Donald Hudson. The jury found Hudson guilty of the felony of driving after being declared a habitual offender, and recommended sentencing him to two years and six months in prison. The jury also found Hudson guilty of driving on a revoked license due to three prior DUI convictions, and recommended a sentence of up to six months and a fine of $2,250 and also found him guilty of possession of an altered license plate, and recommended a fine of $250. Hudson’s formal sentencing by Judge Ellis is scheduled for Jan. 9, 2014.

“I would like to thank the jury for their time and attention in this case. As all cases that involve paperwork from the Department of Motor Vehicles, there was a lot of shuffling of paper evidence that needed to be admitted. The jury was very patient with this process, and I want express to the jury the appreciation of the Commonwealth’s Attorney’s office,” Gusmann said after the conviction. “In the end, the case was very simple. The defendant was driving and was not legally allowed to drive for multiple reasons. Due to the fact that the defendant had multiple prior convictions for driving while not legally allowed to do so and a lengthy criminal history, the jury recommended a very strong punishment.”

Landfill: Proposal to raise height of landfill From page 1 roads per month. Praise is coming from the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), with Cue adding that once both concentrators are in operation, the landfill will have no need to haul off any leachate for disposal to waste water treatment plants. TONNAGE Cue said the last quarter’s tonnage came to the 312,000 tons, bringing the total for the first three quarters to 933,000 tons so far, with 1,248,000 tons contractually allowed for each year. He noted a recent phone call from a potential customer who may be bringing 60-70,000 tons. If that takes place, Cue said he might be back in front of the board prior to the end of November to possibly request to increase tonnage a little for the year. ACCIDENT-FREE Cue said the landfill has celebrated its second year in a row with no accidents and no injuries of any kind, saying they were proud of that record. Cue said, “We stress safety



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from myself down – everybody. It’s a culture of ‘safety first’.” COMMUNITY GARDEN Cue told Supervisors he is exploring the establishment of a community garden at the corner of Bloomsbury and Birchwood Roads. This is currently the site of a house owned by the landfill that has been trashed by vandals, with plans for it to be demolished. Cue said that after demolition, he wants to fix up the grounds and see if the King George Garden Club might be interested in helping make it into a community garden, with the possibility of growing vegetables to be donated to the food pantry. POSSIBILITY OF VERTICAL EXPANSION Cue had asked Supervisors to consider a proposal to allow for vertical expansion of the landfill last January. That would require a contract change from the county as well as a permit amendment from the state’s Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) to increase the height of the landfill by allowing it to go 100 feet higher.

In King George

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—Phyllis Cook

RE-ELECT CEDELL BROOKS Shiloh District Shiloh Supervisor District



The existing language in the landfill contract addresses the landfill height, saying, “At no time shall the height of the surface of the facility exceed 275 feet from sea level…” The primary benefit to the county to allow the proposed expansion would be to add about 15 more years to the life of the landfill. That would mean close to $100 million additional dollars for the county over the extended timeframe proposed. The proposal is being carefully and publicly considered. Cue has previously told Supervisors that if the permitted height of the landfill were to be approved, it would not be out of line with the heights of other landfills in the state, with two in Fairfax County which are over 300-feet high, one in Sussex County permitted at a height of 510 feet and one at Bethel near Newport News permitted to go to 375 feet. The average height of a landfill in the United States is 320 feet. Cue offered to take Supervisors to visit the Sussex County Landfill in December, with a date to be selected.

Vote Nov. 5 Vote

Nov. 5

Cast Your Vote For A Lifetime Resident Who Knows And Cares About His Home Town.

I Support: • Funding for Quality Education • Public Safety I Support: • A voice for those less • Funding Quality Education fortunatefor and needing help in • Public Safety our community. • A• voice for those less Economic Development to fortunate andthe needing help in strengthen tax base. Faith and its mission our• Project community. and concept. • Economic Development to

• A plan to replace landfill revenue once the landfill is closed. •• A plan to replace landfill Renovation of Ralph Bunche revenue theuse landfill is School foronce public to include closed. a county museum. • Renovation of Ralph Bunche Wireless Authority Board members be composed of School fortopublic use to include citizens. a county museum.

strengthen the tax base. • Wireless Authority Board I Don’t Support: • Project Faith and its mission members tohelp be composed • Non-customers of Service Authority paying to reduce debtof and concept. citizens. service that would not be fair to non-customers.

I Don’t Support: To contact me please call 24 hrs a day at (540) 226-2309 (cell), • Non-customers of Service Authority paying to help reduce debt (540 - 775-9465 (home) or email me at cbfh98@verizon.net service that would not be fair to non-customers. Paid for and authorized by Cedell Brooks, Jr.

To contact me please call 24 hrs a day at (540) 226-2309 (cell), (540 - 775-9465 (home) or email me at cbfh98@verizon.net

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Serving Caroline County and the surrounding region continuously since 1985. Consisting of two Board-Certified Internists, a Board-Certified M. Stephen Family Physician, and a Certified Physician Assistant, each Mandell, Jr, MD, with a deep and abiding Christian faith, and we encourage FACP Internal every person to make the most of his or her life and health. Medicine WE OFFER A UNIQUE VARIETY OF SERVICES TO Antonio OUR PATIENTS, INCLUDING: Valdes-Dapena, • Infant, child, and adult vaccinations • Allergy desensitizaMD, Family tion injections • School and sports physicals • Skin biopsies, Practice wart and skin tag removal • Periodic on site podiatry by Stephen Carley, DPM. and hearing evaluations by Beltone. Daniel W. • Cardiac eval with EKG/Event monitor Woodford, MD/MPH On site X-ray and lab services • PT/Coumadin management Internal Medicine service • Well woman/Gyn exams 121 Courthouse Lane • Bowling Green 22427 804.633.5840 • Mon.-Fri.: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. www.virginiaprimarycareassociates.com

Carole Spicer, PA-C Physician Assistant

Vote: Absentee voting available Saturday From page 1 ALREADY HAVE AN ABSENTEE BALLOT? Those who have already applied for absentee ballots must complete and deliver them in person or by mail to the Registrar’s office in the Revercomb Building by 7 p.m. on Election Day. BALLOT CHANGE The ballots are printed and there is an important change for voting for the Board of Supervisor seat in the Shiloh District. Cathy E. Binder is listed on the ballot, but is no longer seeking office and withdrew her name from consideration as of Sept. 19. LOCAL CANDIDATES BOARD OF SUPERVISORS – SHILOH: Incumbent Cedell Brooks, Jr. is running with challenger Shawn L. Lawrence also seeking the position. Cathy E. Binder is on the ballot but has withdrawn her candidacy. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS – JAMES MONROE: Incumbent John P. LoBuglio is seeking a second term, with three others running against him. They are Richard A. “Rich” Lorey, the Republican candidate, Jeffrey L. “Jeff ” Bueche and James B.

“Jim” Howard. SCHOOL BOARD – SHILOH: Incumbent Michael E. Rose is running unopposed for a second term. SCHOOL BOARD – JAMES MONROE: No one is on the ballot for School Board in the James Monroe district, but incumbent Rick Randall is running a write-in campaign to get a second term. COMMONWEALTH’S ATTORNEY: Incumbent Keri A. Gusmann is running unopposed for Commonwealth’s Attorney in a special election for the remainder of an unexpired term, due to the resignation last fall of Matt Britton. statewide offices GOVERNOR: Terry R. McAuliffe is the Democratic candidate, Ken T. Cuccinelli II is the Republican candidate and Robert C. Sarvis is the Libertarian candidate. LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR: Ralph S. Northam is the Democratic candidate and E. W. Jackson is the Republican candidate. ATTORNEY GENERAL: Mark R. Herring is the Democratic candidate and Mark D. Obenshain is the Republican candidate. HOUSE OF DELEGATES: Incumbent Margaret Bevans

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Ransone is a Republican candidate running unopposed for Member of the House of Delegates. IDENFICATION NEEDED FOR VOTING Changes made by the last General Assembly for voter ID that will require photo identification for inperson voting, do not go into effect until the middle of 2014. For the upcoming election on Nov. 5, the current law in effect allows for the acceptance of all identification documents listed below: • Virginia voter registration card; • Valid Virginia driver’s license; • Military ID; • Any Federal, Virginia state or local government-issued ID; • Employer issued photo ID card; Concealed handgun permit; • Valid student ID issued by any institution of higher education located in the Commonwealth of Virginia; • Current utility bill, bank statement, government check or paycheck indicating the name and address of the voter; • Social Security card. A voter who does not bring an acceptable ID to the polls will be offered a provisional ballot.

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RICH LOREY Supervisor James Monroe District #1 PRIORITY - Quality Education MY CONCERNS: H SAFETY (Sheriff ’s Dept) H FIRE & RESCUE H EDUCATION (Quality Staff, Materials) H DEBT REDUCTION (Keeping Taxes Low)

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Kathryn Strauss Senior Nominated by Mrs. Strauss, Seconded by Ms. Anderson This student has provided direction to the other students in her NJROTC Class. She is the Class Commander is was advanced to the rank of Chief right before school started. She is an inspiration to these first year NJROTC Cadets!

Kyleigh Jenkins Sophomore Nominated by Mrs. Wilkerson, Seconded by Mr. Winser Kyleigh always gives her work her best effort. Her superior history grades allowed her to take Psychology as a tenth grader. She also participates on the field hockey team. Kyleigh has always been very kind to her classmates.

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The Journal

Wednesday, Oct. 30, 2013



Humans and the need for speed Several years ago I was in traffic court, as a witness, and was listening to the judge as he decided the cases ahead of us. Most were routine. However, there was one that got my attention. A young man was charged with riding a motorcycle, at 100 miles an hour, through a residential area. He hadn’t come with an attorney and the judge told him he had better get one because it wasn’t unusual for him to give David S. Kerr jail time in cases like this. Borrowing a line from the Tom Cruise movie, Top Gun, the “need for speed,” had gotten the better of him.

Speed, legal or otherwise, is a human obsession. However, for most of our existence as a species, how fast we could go was limited. We could run, which only got you so far, or if you had one, you could ride a horse. Which again, as much as I like horses, has its limits. Then came the steam engine. At which point everything changed. In 1835 a New York newspaper reporting on a short excursion on a new steam railway, then a relatively new technology, exalted at the train having reached the “break neck speed” of 30 miles an hour. By the 1880’s trains running wide open on straight track through the American West reached speeds of as much 70 miles an hour. But, the best was yet to come. Early automobiles couldn’t go all that fast, at least at first, but their development was rapid. By the early 20th century a trend had

begun of setting and then breaking land speed records. In 1924 the record was 127 miles an hour. Don’t try that in a residential area. Just a few years ago, in the deserts of Nevada, an Englishman, this time riding, what for lack of a better description, was a rocket on wheels, broke the sound barrier. Sound, and this varies based on conditions, travels at 768 miles per hour. That had never been done before in a land based vehicle. Aviation, however, is where speed reached a new high. Propeller-powered craft got faster and faster, but there were limits. The famous World War II P-51 fighter could reach 473 miles per hour, and even faster in a dive, but that was pushing the edge of propeller driven speed. Jet power was the next step. In 1947 Chuck Yeager broke the sound barrier,

Letters to the Editor To the Editor: The Citizens for Non-Partisan Good Government in King George is a group of residents from all sides of the political spectrum who have come together for better governance in our county. We have worked diligently to get citizens involved in local politics and are very happy to see the increased number of independent candidates running this year. After interviewing each nonpartisan Supervisor candidate, we are very proud to endorse Shawn Lawrence for Shiloh District and Jeff Bueche for James Monroe District. These men bring a fresh attitude to the office and a much needed transparency in keeping the residents informed about the issues they are voting on, seeking input from and truly listening to the citizens. They will take the time to research and educate themselves on the issues at hand and not just vote as the majority of the board wishes them to. They will know what is best for the county because they will have heard from their constituents on how they can best represent them. King George County needs to forge a new path that includes working together with other boards and groups, including our neighboring counties, and not against them. Shawn and Jeff have a willingness to find better ways of doing county business, to grow and enhance the county overall while staying true to its core values. They will not simply dismiss new ideas on how we can improve our services or about new business opportunities because of preconceived notions or, worst, dismissing them “because we’ve always done it that way” or “we already tried that once”. For all the above reasons and more, King George citizens should elect Shawn Lawrence and Jeff Bueche as Supervisors, on November 5th, and put King George County back on the path of a great place to live and raise a family; a place that we and our children are proud to call home! Citizens for Non-Partisan Good Government in King George Dear Editor, I am disturbed by recent news reports concerning the race for Governor of Virginia stating that Terry McAuliffe is not against firearms ownership. McAuliffe has reportedly stated several times that he is a gun owner and a skeet shooter. He has also reportedly stated that he and his son shoot together. I suppose it may be true, but it is also true that many candidates on both sides of the political spectrum have made similar statements only to have to eat them down the road when their supposed firearms or hunting experience fails to materialize. I recall Mitt Romney having that experience. I also recall John Kerry having that experience. McAuliffe does not appear to value firearms ownership for ALL Virginians that much. What concerns me is the blatant attempt by the McAuliffe campaign to pull the wool over those that don’t know better. What gun owners and hunters need to remember is that McAuliffe is being funded and assisted by the Clintons. They are stumping for him in Northern Virginia, a hotbed of antigun sentiment. Next, enter Mayor Bloomberg who recently dumped 1.1 million of his money into McAuliffe’s campaign. Bloomberg has no shame. First he wants guns banned except for his private body guards. He wanted them

banned in his state of New York and then came calling to our Commonwealth to try to dictate how we are living. People in his own state are fed up with his bans on various things to include large sodas. The man is not a freedom lover but a dictator and he has donated and supported McAuliffe in a big way. His beliefs are way out of line with American values. McAuliffe apparently wants Bloomberg’s support and went to New York to wine and dine him for it. Neither of them ever met a gun control law they did not like. People that don’t respect our Constitution, our way of life, our hard won freedoms or our own rights not only scare me but they disgust me. I hope gun owners and hunters remember who the real Terry McAuliffe is next Tuesday when they vote. I don’t want a politician like him in control of our state. Mark Fike King George King George, “Wake Up and Smell the Debt!” To the Editor: Not too long ago I was talking to a fellow coworker who was telling me how happy he was that our county was in the “Black”. Boy did I have to educate him on that one; our landfill is only paying the interest on a partial

portion of the county debt. Time and time again I have heard this from folks who have lived in the county for over 10 years and from those who just arrived. Somehow the notion that our landfill is paying for everything has turned into the King George urban myth. The large yellow sign at the intersection of Route 301 and Route 218 states: “Welcome to King George, Population Less Than 25,000 Over $100 Million in Debt”. Now, unfortunately it is signed by the Tea Party, so many ignore the sign. King George voters it is time to Wake Up! This sign is stating a fact and it is increasing not getting smaller. King George County voters for some reason have become apathetic; have absolutely no interest in coming to Supervisor meetings or at least sending a message to their supervisors to address this issue. The Dahlgren Supervisor is the only one who has requested the Board address the debt with a strategic plan to eventually pay off this debt. She was shot down by the board. Now, why would your elected official do such a thing? It is bad enough that our Congressional elected officials have made a financial mess of this country and cannot seem to compromise on any issue. Now our County Supervisors are following the same

and in the 1970’s the SR-71, a high altitude reconnaissance aircraft, hit a record speed over 2,000 miles an hour and once made the hop from New York to London in an hour and forty five minutes. However, when it comes to passenger aircraft, we’ve been far more conservative. The Concorde flew for thirty years, but, it was the only supersonic transport to ever enter commercial service. Fuel consumption was far too great to make it economical. Alas, when flying from Washington to Los Angeles on a Boeing 747, I go about as fast as my father did in the 1960s on an old 707. However, if you really want to wow someone with some statistics on how fast we can go, then nothing beats the space program. On reentry, the Space Shuttle hits speeds of 17,400 miles per hour. But, nothing tops the

path. Ask yourself, would you not try to pay off your existing debt with some type of long term plan? We all know if you don’t, it leads to financial trouble. So why would our Supervisors not want to address the counties debt with some type of plan to pay it off? One proposal was very small increases in taxes over a 15yr period leading up to the landfill closure. There are many ways to address the county debt, but we must publically recognize it and create a strategic plan. If we don’t we will certainly end up with a financial mess you and our children will be stuck with trying to deal with and our taxes will soar at once rather than a small gradual increase. We can’t ignore it and hope it will go away. Ask your Supervisor what he is going to do about it. Remember the sign is a fact not made up political fiction! Dennis Askin King George Please Help Save Virginia To the Editor: We have the opportunity on Tuesday, Nov. 5 to keep Virginia the most beautiful, prosperous, and free Commonwealth in America by voting the Ken Cuccinelli, E.W. Jackson, Mark Obenshain ticket. These are honorable, truthful, and experienced men who have Virginia

NEW IDEAS • FRESH PERSPECTIVES Citizens for NonPartisan Good Government in King George Endorse these Candidates for Supervisor

Jeff Bueche

James Monroe District

Shiloh District



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President Jessica Herrink • jherrink@journalpress.com Publisher Ruth J. Herrink • news@journalpress.com Sports Editor Leonard Banks • leonard@journalpress.com Reporters Phyllis Cook • pcook@journalpress.com Linda Farneth • lindafarneth@verizon.net Richard Leggitt • leggittmedia@yahoo.com Community Events Lori Deem • lori@journalpress.com IT/Production • Drue Murray

and its residents as their primary concern. Ken Cuccinelli has publicized his specific plans to assist in creating jobs for us, reducing business and individual taxes, and fighting for our freedoms under the Constitution. It is critical that you vote for this ticket on Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 5. There is a stark and dangerous difference between these patriots and their opponents McAulliffe, Northam and Herring who, like the most untruthful Federal administration in history, will take Virginia down the miserable path now being experienced by our once prosperous, powerful Nation. In the debates with Cuccinelli, McAullife affirmed his support for the disastrous OBAMACARE, his desire to eliminate coal powered electrical plants and jobs, initiate taxes to combat the fraudulent belief in “man-made” global warming, enact legislation against our Second Amendment rights. All of his “plans” to improve transportation, diversity in manufacturing, communications, and alternative energy were nothing more than general platitudes he casually throws around while lying about or mischaracterizing Cuccinelli’s intentions. And how would McAulliffe pay for his platitudes – through funds gained

from government “efficiencies”! Really? Can anyone remember Democrats saving money through “government efficiencies”? Save our Commonwealth from this interloper and his crew. Vote for Cuccinelli, Jackson, and Obenshain. F.C. Dugan, III Hague Dobson supports Howard I would like to take the opportunity as the retired Sheriff of King George County to encourage the good citizens of James Monroe District to strongly consider voting for Jim Howard on November 5, 2013. As Sheriff I had the pleasure of working with Jim as a Supervisor and I know first-hand that he always had the best interest of all of the citizens of King George at heart. He always considered all the facts and information before making a decision. Through my personal experience he consistently promoted public safety, education, and the health and welfare of the people of King George. Jim is a man of integrity and worthy of your vote on Election Day. Retired Sheriff Clarence W. “Moose” Dobson King George


Shawn Lawrence


record set by the Galileo probe. It launched a conical shaped object into the atmosphere of Jupiter. Within an hour, pulled by Jupiter’s immensely powerful gravity, it reached a staggering 30 miles per second. At that speed it could have gone around the world in 14 minutes. That’s a record for any man-made object anywhere. Someday, who knows, maybe using such futuristic propulsion systems (all theoretically possible) as fusion reactors, solar sails, or, with apologies to Star Trek, anti-matter reactors, we’ll go fast enough that maybe our solar system, or even our nearby stars, won’t seem so fantastically far away. Just how fast can humans go? The answer is pretty fast. But, if you’re driving a motorcycle in a residential area, I strongly advise that you keep within the posted speed limit.

Administrative Manager Charlene Franks • charlene@journalpress.com Assistant Administrator/Subscriptions Bonnie Gouvisis Sales Representatives Steve Detwiler • steve@journal press.com Charlene Franks • charlene@journalpress.com Legal/Classified Display • charlene@journalpress.com Carla Gutridge • carla@journalpress.com Elizabeth Foreman@elizabeth@journalpress.com Graphic Artists Leonard M. Banks • leonard@journalpress.com Contributing Editor • Pat Parnell

Subscription rate is $24 per year (52 issues), or 50¢ on newsstands. Outside the counties of King George and Westmoreland, the rate is $38 per year. The Journal (ISSN #87502275) is published weekly by The Journal Press, Inc. Postmaster, send 3579 to: The Journal, Post Office Box 409, King George, Virginia 22485

CLUES ACROSS 1. Character (abbr.) 4. Animal companions 8. A country in SE Asia 10. Of Carthage 11. On top of 12. Boater hat 13. Eat rapidly (slang) 15. Paddlers 16. Food consumer 17. Aeronaut 18. Tonto’s Kemosabe 21. Division of geological time 22. Hill (Celtic) 23. Towing boat 24. Clatter 25. Trees of the genus Abies 26. Deprive by deceit 27. Decomposed 34. Nail & hair protein 35. A citizen of Iran 36. Whitish edible root vegetable 37. Actress Winger 38. Lessens in intensity 39. Afrikaans 40. Connected spirals 41. Accordingly 42. Competently 43. Angle (abbr.)

CLUES DOWN 1. Clothes storage area 2. “__and her Sisters” 3. Revolve 4. One who makes puns 5. Inspire with love 6. Chronograph 7. Look over quickly 9. French philosopher Georges 10. A peerless example 12. Picture done in oils 14. To and ___ movement 15. Egg cells 17. Macaws 19. Nerve inflammation 20. Energy unit 23. Herbal infusions 24. Female deer 25. Before anything else 26. Cotangent (abbr.) 27. Run off the tracks 28. A small drink of liquor 29. Get free of 30. A sharp narrow mountain ridge 31. Knight’s tunic 32. Infuriate 33. Lines in a drama 34. Skewered meat 36. Ground dwelling rodent

See classified page for answers


Wednesday, Oct. 30, 2013

The Journal


and Religious Community Events first baptist church in Col. Beach is hosting a bus trip to the famous Sight and Sound Theater in Strasburg, PA to see the performance of the “Miracle of Christmas” Dec. 28. The bus will leave the church at 6 a.m. and will return later that evening. Costs vary by age. Call (804) 224-3274 or (804) 224-8588 for ticket information. All ages are welcome on this trip. third mount zion baptist church in Woodford, is hosting a “Pink Rain” Gospel Explosion on Saturday, Nov. 16 at 4 p.m. Please join them as they “Break the Chain.” Program is a benefit for Antoinette Minor, and will feature choirs and performers from around the area.

of 1812 will dedicate a grave marker to veteran William Bernard of the war of 1812 buried in the church cemetery. The short ceremony starts at 11 a.m. Emmanuel is located in KG just at the 301 bridge into Port Royal. st. paul’s episcopal church is hosting a Brunswick Stew meal & Quilt Raffle, Nov. 2 from 2-5 p.m. Stew meal consists of bowl of soup, 2 ham biscuits, dessert and drink $6 pp or purchase a quart of stew for $9. Quilt is 70”x70”, made & donated by the KG Quilt Guild. All proceeds will go to children of Haiti - tuition, uniforms and housing. St. Paul’s is located in KG at the corner of Dahlgren & Caledon Roads.

antioch baptist church The Antioch Baptist Church Missionary Ministry in King George, VA, will be celebrating their Annual Day on Sunday, Nov. 10 at 3 p.m., with Bishop Timothy Sherfield from Chosen Ministries Praise and Worship Center in King George, VA as their guest. Come and have a glorious day as we give praise to our Lord.

king george church of god to host their annual GLOW IN THE DARK party on Thursday, Oct. 31, 7-8:30 p.m. Ages 4 to 12. This community event is a fun, safe alternative to Halloween with games, prizes, cupcakes and punch! All children are welcome, especially those children with special needs. Please RSVP to wmhorner@gmail. com if your child has any special needs or dietary restrictions, so we can make accommodations. NO COSTUMES PLEASE. Bring loose change for the Coin Toss. Proceeds go to the Bountiful Blessings Food Pantry. The Church is located at 8095 Kings Highway, King George, VA (behind Food Lion Shopping Center).

Hanover with Brunswick The George Mason I Chapter Colonial Dames XVII Century will dedicate a historic marker to Emmanuel Church and the Daughters

dahlgren united methodist church On Sunday, Nov. 3, D-UMC will have one Blended Worship Service at 10:30 a.m. to celebrate All Saints

peace lutheran church to host their annual Cookie Walk. Nov. 23, from 9 a.m.- 1 p.m. Cookies to buy, pies, cakes other baked goods, vendors and white elephant sale to pick up that perfect gift. (540) 7759131. 5590 Kings Hwy, KG.

Sunday. Please join us for special music by the choir and praise band, and experience anew the Holy Spirit as we worship together honoring those who have gone before us. Sunday School will be from 9:30 - 10:15 a.m. A Fellowship lunch will follow the Worship Service. DahlgrenUMC is located at 17080 14th Street, Dahlgren, VA on the corner of Route 206 and Rosedale Drive. KG Church of God is hosting a Deaf Concert, “He Speaks Life” on Saturday, Nov. 2 at 3 p.m. Come listen/watch: 3 Deaf Ministries, Praise Dance Team and a mime. There will be a fellowship dinner after the concert. Love offering or donations welcome. For more information, please call Sheila (540) 623-2804 or email sgng4JS@verizon. net. first baptist church of ambar continues their Wednesday noon prayer services with Scripture readings. Please join them for an hour of reflection and revitalizing. The Church is located at 9469 Caledon Rd. KG (540) 775-3939. dahlgren united methodist church Little Lambs Bible Story and Art Time is a Free “parent & me” style group for ages 0-5 years to meet once a month. Dates have been scheduled as follows: Nov. 1; Dec. 6; Jan. 17; Feb. 7; March 7; April 4 and May 2. For more information please call the church office at (540)663-2230. mars hill Hosting free fun, music and

Today’s Hebrew Word

food for all interested teens. Saturday, Nov. 9 from 5-9 p.m. Location Round HIll Baptist Church, 16519 Round Hill Rd., KG. For more info, email marshill@va.metrocast.net or visit Facebook: Mars Hill KGBA. Community sponsors needed along with local church groups, students and volunteers for the 2013 “Stop Hunger Now” food packaging project to be held at the KG-Y on Nov. 24. To reach the goal of $10,000 350 people will need to donate $30. More is welcome, less is just as important. Donate online http://events.stophungernow.org/ FletchersChapel. A dollar a day can be pocket change for some, and a week’s allowance for another. With a little effort, raising the 2013 goal will not be too hard. $1.25 will feed six, with the food package we will put together on the 24th. Can you donate today? If you are interested in learning more about the project, go to stophungernow.org or email me at lori@ journalpress.com. Ages 5 and up are welcome to come out to help package the food. No heavy lifting, no real thinking involved. A time of fellowship and the knowledge we are doing for others. Funds raised should be turned in by Nov. 18. Call 540-709-7495 or follow on Facebook. peculiar People of purpose will hold an open panel discussion “Say What?” on Nov. 9 from 1-4 p.m. This discussion of what the church mother’s won’t tell you, discussing the taboo issues in the church culture today. Holiday Inn Express, 114030 Telegraph Rd. Woodbridge, (near Potomac Mills). Free to public. Email Erika at Eerikajdavis74@gmail.com

The original Hebrew written text was a picture language--much like the Egyptian hieroglyphics. When Moses wrote the Torah (the first five books of the Bible), he used this picture language. Each letter of the Hebrew alphabet is a picture with meaning. When we put these letters together, they form a word, but they also form a story within the word! Proverbs 25:2 tells us, “The honour of God is to hide a thing, And the honour of kings to search out a matter.” (Young’s Literal Translation) This is exactly what God has done with His language! This is Part 4 of a 4-part series. In Part 1, we learned the picture language for “fire” is the “strong destroyer” -- the letters: alef and sheen; In Part 2, we learned the word for “man” is a “hand in the fire”: alef, yod, sheen; In Part 3, we learned the word for “woman” is “what comes from the fire”: alef, sheen, hey.

Now for the amazing conclusion with Part 4! The letters that are added to each word: the “yod” for man, and the “hey” for woman, is the abbreviated name of God! His full name is YHVH (yod, hey, vav, hey -- Yahweh), but in its shortened form, we can say, Yah! Do see the key point? When a husband and wife submit to Yah, and are united together, they proclaim the true God! Without Yah as the foundation of a marriage, the only thing left is “fire” with “fire”! The relationship will be consumed by destruction! God’s language is simply fascinating! Rick Blankenship is the Fellowship Leader of Grafted In Fellowship King George. For more information, please visit the web site at: www.DoYouShabbat. com.

Our Doors are Open -Worship With Us Fletcher's Chapel United Methodist

8330 Fletcher's Chapel Rd. at 218

Pastor Michael Reaves fletcherschapel-kinggeorge-va.org Worship Services 8:30 & 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 9:45 a.m.

(540) 775-7247

17080 14th Street, Dahlgren Contemporary Service - 9:30 a.m. Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. & 11 a.m. Traditional Service - 11 a.m. Nursery open 9:15a.m.-12:15p.m.

Pastor Ed Johnson

email - office@dahlgrenumc.org web site - www.dahlgrenumc.org Phone: 663-2230

Good Hope Baptist Church

17223 Good Hope Rd. - corner Rt. 218E & 619 phone: 540-775-9487 fax: 540-775-0600 www.goodhopeministries.org

• Sunday School - 9:45 a.m. • Worship - 11:00 a.m. • Prayer & Bible Study (Wed.) 7:30 p.m. • 5th Sundays - Union & Nursing Home Worship “Building the Church & Reaching the World for Christ”

7748 Leedstown Rd., Oak Grove, VA 22443 (804) 224-0418 • www.lzbcva.org

We invite you to gather together with us! Sunday School - 9 a.m. Sunday Worship 8 a.m. & 10:15 a.m. Bible Study - Wednesday 7 p.m. Pastor Earl T. Howerton Jr.

Macedonia Baptist Church 1081 Macedonia Ln., Colonial Beach, VA (804) 224-1500 "O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His Name together."

Shiloh Baptist Church Reaching, Building, Serving

Sunday Activities Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship Service, 11:00 a.m. AWANA, 4:00 p.m. Youth Group, 4:00 p.m. Wednesday Nights Rev. Mike and Earlene Jessee Family Night Dinner, 5:30 Youth Study; Children’s Missions & Music, 6:00 facebook@kgshiloh Choir Practice, 7:15 13457 Kings Hwy. 540-469-4646 • www.kgshiloh.org

Oak Grove Baptist Church

Randall Snipes, Senior Pastor Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m.& 11 Awana-Sundays-6 p.m. Bible Study-Wednesdays 6:30 p.m. 8096 Leedstown Rd. Colonial Beach, VA


Colonial Beach United Methodist Church Pastor Rev. Yunho Eo

9:30 a.m. Adult Sunday School 10:45 a.m. Informal Hymn Singing 11 a.m. Worship & Children’s Sunday School Food Pantry open Thursdays at 10 a.m. Op Shop Open M-F 9 a.m.-noon (Thurs. 9 a.m.-1 p.m.) 1 Washington Avenue PO Box 189 Colonial Beach, VA 22443 (804) 224-7030

Two Rivers Baptist Church Meeting at their new church

Sunday School ..............9:30 a.m. Worship........................10:30 a.m. COME VISIT US • ALL ARE WELCOME

Rev. Peyton Wiltshire

For Information call 540-775-3244

Round Hill Baptist Church Worship & Service

16519 Round Hill Rd., King George, VA Pastor Ted A. James • 540-775-5583

4s scholarships
available (540)

Little Ark Baptist Church “Building God’s Kingdom On Earth”

"Pastor Larry" M. Robinson Sunday Worship - 10 a.m. Sunday School - 9 a.m. (New Testament Church Study) Wednesday Night Prayer & Bible Study 6 p.m. 15681 Owens Dr. in Dahlgren, VA Church Phone: (540) 663-2831

Hanover-with-Brunswick Episcopal Parish

Where all are welcome. Sunday Services:

The Rev. St. John's, 9403 Kings Hwy. Diane Carroll 1st, 2nd & 4th Sundays Rector Phone: 540-775-3635

Emmanuel, Port Conway (Rt. 301) 3rd & 5th Sundays

For more information, visit our website at:



3207 Quarter Hill Rd., Supply VA 22436

(804) 443-4168

Sunday School 10 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship 11 a.m. Bible Study Wednesdays at 7 p.m.

Rev. Irving Woolfolk, Jr.

Services Early Worship - 8 a.m. Sunday School - 9:45 a.m. AM Worship - 11 a.m. PM Worship - 6 p.m. Wed. Bible Study - 7 p.m.

AWANA Teens - Wednesdays 6:30 p.m. Clubbers - Fridays 6:30 p.m. Dr. Sherman Davis, Senior Pastor 540-775-7188 www.tbckg.org 10640 Kings Hwy - 1 mi. west of 301

Daily Mass: Mon. - Sat. 8:00 a.m. Adoration precedes each morning Mass Confession: Sat. following 8:00 a.m. Mass & at 4:30 p.m. Sun. 1/2 hour before each Mass Office: 11 Irving Ave., Colonial Beach, Va. 22443 www.elizant.org • 804-224-7221

Trinity United Methodist Church

9425 Kings Hwy., King George www.trinitykg.org

Contemporary Service ~ 8:30 a.m. Sunday School ~ 9:30 p.m. Worship ~ 10:30 a.m. (540) 775-4501 Rev. Susan Reaves

St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church

You're invited to worship with

Tabernacle Baptist Church

(540) 663-3085 ✝ Rev. Jim May

Sunday Masses: Sat. 5:00 p.m. Sun. 9:00 a.m. & 11:00 p.m. (español)

Intersection of Rokeby and Kings Hwy. (Rt. 3)

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

5486 St. Paulʼs Road, King George

Very Rev. Francis M. de Rosa Rev. Mark Mullaney



Sunday Worship at 8 am and 10 am

Corner of Lossing and Boundary, Colonial Beach

Sunday- Holy Communion 11 a.m. Meeting at Grant Church in Lerty, VA

"A Church where everybody is somebody!"


St. Elizabeth of Hungary Roman Catholic Church

Traditional Anglican Worship 1928 Book of Common Prayer 1940 Hymnal

Morning Worship ~ 8:30 a.m. Sunday School ~ 9:45 a.m. Morning/Children's Worship ~ 11 a.m. Wed. - Bible Study ~ 6:00 p.m.

(Psalm 34:3)

Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Worship Service: 11 a.m. Prayer & Bible Study: (Wed.) 7 p.m. Holy Communion on 4th Sundays Rev. Fred Sales, Interim Pastor

Holy Redeemer Anglican Church

Worship Service - 10:30 a.m. (Sunday) Sunday School - 9:15 a.m. Nursery Provided Seeking to know the grace of God and to make it known to others. Dave Bentz, Pastor Jason Schubert, Associate Pastor 13114 Kildee Farm Road King George, VA 22485 (off 301 and Blue Jay Meadow Drive)

Ph. (540) 775-9990 • email: info@gracekg.com web site www.gracekg.com

Potomac Baptist Church Worship Service: 11:00 a.m. Age Graded Bible Study: 9:45 a.m.

All are Welcome! (540) 775-7006

Pastor: Dennis L. Newton 8103 Comorn Rd. (Rt. 609) King George

Corner of Millbank & St. Anthony’s Rd., King George

Very Rev. Francis M. de Rosa Rev. Mark Mullaney Sat. 7:00 p.m. Vigil Sunday Masses: Sun. 8:15 a.m. 10:30 a.m 12:45 p.m. Tridentine Mass Daily Mass: Mon. Thur. Fri. & Sat. 9:00 a.m. Tues. 7:00 a.m. Wed. 7:00 p.m. Adoration before each morning Mass Confession: Wed. 7:30 p.m. Sat. after 9:00 a.m. Mass & at 6:30 p.m. Sun. 1/2 hour before each Mass

Office: 11 Irving Ave., Colonial Beach, Va. 22443 www.elizant.org • 804-224-7221

A church where the Full Gospel is Preached, Taught and Lived

First Baptist Church Ambar

9469 Caledon Rd., King George, VA22485 Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship 11 a.m. Bible Study Wednesday at 7:30 p.m.

Pastor Wm. T. Frye

“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”


See your Bible Schoolin 9:45this a.m. church Morning Worship Service 11 a.m. Evening Bible Study 6 p.m. spot Wednesday Prayer Service 7 p.m. call Lori at (540) 775-5081 540-709-7495 "At the Heart of King George County with King George County In Our Hearts"

Rev. Rick Crookshank 10312 Hanover Church Rd.KG


“The church is the great lost and found department” - Robert Short

Help others find your church. Advertise in this space, only $10 per week. Billed monthly. Contact Lori at (540) 709-7495 or email her at lori@journalpress.com

The King george ChurCh of ChrisT inviTes you To meeT wiTh us

Each Sunday Morning BiBle Class: 9:30 a.m. Worship serviCes: 10:30 a.m.

Location: american Legion Post 89 (at the intersection of rt 206 and rt 610)

Each WEdnESday night for BiBlE Study

Location: at a member’s home PLease contact us at our e-maiL address for the Location

A New Testament church “... All the churches of Christ greet you.” Romans 16:16

contact_us@kinggeorgecofchrist.org http://www.kinggeorgecofchrist.org P.O.Box 756 King George, VA 22485


The Journal

Halloween Funfest




Thursday October 31st, Halloween at Tides Inn Market - Wine, Tapas, and Costume Party! Live music by Little Paul. Best costume wins a great prize! No reservations needed! Call (804) 214-9352.

Safe Trick or Treat

Heritage Hall in KG, is hosting its 25th annual Safe Trick or Treat event. Children in costumes are encouraged to come to Heritage Hall and trick or treat with the residents. A supervised, well lit and safe environment for all. Call (540) 775-4000 for details.

Spend Halloween in the Spooky Town of Montross

There will be strong spirits rising and treats galore if you survive the haunting time in the Town of Montross on Halloween night, Thursday, Oct. 31: • The O’Gara Group along with W&L High School and the Westmoreland County Museum will be holding their “Haunted House and Trunk or Treat” at the O’Gara facilities, 18047 King’s Highway, across from the Food Lion. The Haunted House, with an admission fee of $5.00 (donated to the high school) will be open from 6-9 p.m. The Trunk or Treat will be on Halloween only from 6-8 p.m. in the fenced parking lot. • The Regional Library’s Montross Branch will have its “Scary Storytelling” from 6:30-8 p.m. and will have a special Costume Judging that will begin at 7 p.m. •

Non-package guests can also register for the weekend wine tours by calling the resort at (703) 729-8400. The cost of the wine tour each day is $50 per person and does not include tastings at any of the wineries. Urban Trail Ride 2013 This popular event, over 20yrs old now, allows equestrian enthusiasts, to include mounted Police units, to take a guided tour of historic downtown Fredericksburg while stopping at points of interest along the way. This event will be held on November 9, at Old Mill Park from 9 a.m. - noon, rain or shine. The cost is $15 before November 1 and $20 after/onsite. All riders must bring their own horse. Proof of negative Coggins test is required for all horses. No stallions. No children under 15 years, regardless of experience. All riders 15-18 years old are required to be accompanied by an adult. The registration form can be found here http:// fredericksburgva.gov/ DocumentCenter/View/1379.

Friday, Nov. 1

CRRL in F’brg will present the play, “The Woman in Black” as performed by The Rude Mechanicals. 7:30 p.m.. For more info email thearts@fredfest.org or call (540) 374-5040. Tickets are $10 at the door, and $5 for students. There will also be a performance on Sat. 11/2 at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday 11/3 at 6 p.m.

Saturday, Nov. 2

Caledon Art & Wine Festival 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Local wines, great food, awesome gift finds and more. Hayrides will take visitors through the lovely autumn woods of the park. Wine tasting and souvenir glass $10 per person (ID required). Sorry, no outside food or coolers. Parking is $5. Event is sponsored by the Friends of Caledon State Park with proceeds benefit park educational programs. Caledon State Park, 11617 Caledon Road, King George, VA 22485. (540) 663-3861 • http://www.dcr.virginia. gov/state_parks/cal.shtml. Antique Car Show & Food Drive. 10 a.m.-2p.m. on the old Court House Square. Music, food, gifts, produce from local growers and more. Come vote for your favorite antique car. The event is sponsored by The Greater Montross Partnership for Revitalization (GMPFR) and the Westmoreland County Museum and Visitor Center. For additional vendor information please contact Becky at 703-598-2112. G.W. Birthplace Nat’l Monument 4-H Heritage club will demonstrate a variety of Colonial American crafts from 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. Scheduled for the day is hearth cooking, blacksmithing, spinning and weaving. The event is open to the public and is free. For further information call (804) 224-1732.

Monday, Nov. 4

Regular meeting of the KGAARP, noon at the KG Citizens Center. Come meet the new officers, eat some good good and meet new friends. Bring a food dish to share.

Wednesday, Nov. 6

Potomac River Finfish Advisory Comm. to meet, 6 :30 p.m. in the PRFC Office in Col. Beach. Open to the public.

Saturday, Nov. 9

KG Family Fun Fair. Sponsored by the NARFE Premier FCU, this FREE event is open to people of all ages. Vendors, games, prizes, music free food and more. Noon to 4 p.m.

at the KGCC. Come out for a day of FREE Fun! Last fund raiser dinner for 2013 sponsored by the CBVFDLA. 5-7 p.m. The menu features, pork roast with gravy, macaroni & cheese, green beans, fried apples, roll, drink & dessert for only $10.00. With each paying Adult ticket, you will also receive a “2013” Potomac River Festival Firemen’s Parade T-Shirt. (sizes limited, first come-first serve). ALL Proceeds Benefit CBVFD. We would like to say a “BIG Thank You” to everyone that has supported us all year and hope to see you all again next year. SOS: Simple Outdoor Survival to take place at Stratford Hall. Enjoy the beautiful fall woodlands and practice some essential survival skills. Learn to use a compass to find waypoints in the woods, and how to build a shelter from nothing but sticks and leaves. Finally, try fire building with flint and steel and cook up a treat! Great fun for kids and families. All equipment provided. (Dress for the weather!) 8:45 a.m. –noon. Ages 8-13 (ages 8 and under must attend with a parent or adult) Cost $12 per person. For tickets and reservations, please call (804)4931972. or visit our event calendar online: http://stratfordhall.org/ events/month.

Monday, Nov. 11

KG Ruritan Club will host their annual Veteran’s Day Ceremony. 6:30 p.m. in the KGHS Auditorium. Free and open to everyone to come and honor our local veterans.

Saturday, Nov. 16

Shuckin’ and Jivin’ on the Courthouse Green, MBWML Oyster Roast. 2-5 p.m. Sponsored by the Mary Ball Washington Museum & Library, in Lancaster, VA. Tickets are $30 per person, and must be purchased in advance. Ticket will included, oysters, Lancaster stew, hot dogs, sodas, wine and beer; museum tours; and live music. Bring your own lawn chairs. Rain location, Trinity church pavilion. 50/50 tickets also available. To buy Oyster Roast tickets, send check to MBWML, PO Box 97, Lancaster VA 22503, or by phone (804) 462-7280 with credit card.

Inaugural CBVFD-LA Frosty the Fireman 5K and Kids 1 mile. Saturday, Dec. 14. 9 a.m. start time. Packet pick-up on Town Stage @ 7:30 a.m. $20 per runner, includes t-shirt. Bundle up and come run for the cause. Best Santa hat contest! Mail entry (name, email & shirt size w/ $$$ payable to CBVFD or email info and mail check to 212 Colonial Ave. CB, 22443.

Subscribe to The Journal $24 per year Call 540-775-2024

Animal Adoption





Boxer Mix adult male

Lab Mix black senior male

Lab Mix b/w young female

Lab Mix b/w young female





“Moose” Lab Mix tan 3 y/o male

Pit Mix blk/white young female

Pit Mix black/white adult male

“Nugget” Lab Mix b/w 2 y/o male

submitted by Katherine Lenzi

Boy Scout Troop 191 held its Fall Court of Honor in September 2013, recognizing scout achievements during the last three months. Nine scouts advanced in rank and 40 scouts earned a total of 147 merit badges. In addition, two scouts earned Eagle; one scout earned an Eagle Palm. James Treutle was recognized as Scout of the Quarter for his achievements. Troop 191 is sponsored by the King George Ruritans. Please contact Scoutmaster Jose Lugo (775-1465) for information about Troop 191.

Fall Festival in Lottsburg brings out the oldies and goodies

submitted by Katherine Lenzi

Twenty-six members and guests of the Northern Neck Region, Antique Automobile Club of America, participated in the 10th Annual Fall Festival at Allison’s Ace hardware in Lottsburg on Oct. 19. There were plenty of activities for all to enjoy and especially popular was face painting for the kids. The club picked up two new members after they saw the cars at the event. If you are interested in joining the club, please contact Ward Sevila at (804) 580-4177 or email wsevila@msn.com.

DMV Mobile Unit to be in Colonial Beach on Nov. 22 from9 a.m.-4 p.m. Beach Gate Shopping Center Let Roy Shank, a top producing agent, full time since 1989, help you with all your real estate needs.

King George, VA

Cell: 540/220-0726 Home: 540/663-3854 TOP PROD



Lansdowne Resort Expands Exclusive Wine Tour Program As demand for wines produced in DC Wine Country increases, tourism to Northern Virginia wineries and vineyards is growing. In response to the success of the Discover DC Wine Country package, Lansdowne Resort announced today the expansion of their Saturday wine tour to also include a Sunday excursion to a pair of wineries. Starting November 2, the Northern Virginia winery resort will offer exclusive wine tours to 868 Estate and Hillsborough Vineyards each Saturday, and visits to Doukénie Winery and Breaux Vineyards each Sunday. The weekend wine tours depart Lansdowne Resort at 11 a.m. and will spend 90 minutes at each wine facility with transportation provided by Reston Limo. TheDiscover DC Wine Country package can be booked for the entire weekend, or to include one day of winery tours. The package starts from $237 per night and includes overnight accommodations at the AAA Four Diamond resort, transportation to the wineries and complimentary buffet breakfast for two.

“Trick or Treating” in Montross will be from 6-8 p.m. • From 7:30-9 p.m., the Westmoreland County Museum and the Inn at Montross will offer a “Things That Go Bump in the Night” bonfire with scary tales from the area in addition to showing the movie, “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown” that will begin at nightfall. The Museum will provide s’mores set-ups for the bonfire. • The Inn will be offering a special “Bones and Brew” menu inside, and outside they will be providing free Gingerbread Skeleton Cookies, Sugar Cookie Witch Fingers, Candy Corn and Spooky Hand Punch. The Inn will also offer a variety of wonderful foods available for purchase. These include Fried Oysters, Wings, Monrovia Beef Stew and Biscuits, Cheese Nachos and Helle’s Hot Chocolate. • The O’Gara Group will again offer the “Haunted House” tour on both Nov. 1 and 2 from 6:00 to 9:00 pm to make sure that everyone has had at least one last opportunity to be properly frightened. On Nov. 1• Second bonfire and movie night from 7:30 -9 p.m.at the Inn at Montross and the Westmoreland County Museum with more great foods and drinks at the Inn. • Also, Northern Neck Chevrolet will host “Friday Night under the Lights” from 6:30 till 9:30 pm with live music by “Lickety Splitz,” free hot dogs, sodas, cookies, popcorn and hot cider. Attendees are encouraged to wear costumes. For additional information contact Brianna Morris at (804) 493 8440 or by email at wcmuseum@ verizon.net.


News from Scout Troop 191

Halloween This & That sponsored by KGP&R. Wednesday, Oct. 30 @ the KGCC. 6-8 p.m. Cost is $4 per child. Games and fun. Wear your costumes! Call (540) 775-4386 for more info.

Wednesday, Oct. 30, 2013

Your Health is Our Priority PRATT MEDICAL CENTER is excited to announce that

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Wednesday, Oct. 30, 2013


The Journal

County gets healthy financial report Phyllis Cook Earlier this month, King George got a public review of its financial health, which is deemed to be in very good shape. All members of the Board of Supervisors were present, with Chairman Dale Sisson presiding, along with John LoBuglio, Cedell Brooks, Ruby Brabo, and Joe Grzeika. Supervisors heard from David Rose of Davenport & Company LLC as part of its preparation for considering its upcoming budget guidance to be provided to the county administrator, for both the county and the Service Authority. Davenport meets with county officials at this time annually to assist in establishing a framework for the county’s budget process. Travis Quesenberry, county administrator, and Director of Finance Robyn Shugart are preparing to kick off the annual county budget process with department heads, constitutional officers and local agency heads. Following that administrative part of the process, Supervisors receive projections for revenues and expenditures and review a draft county budget proposal, often making adjustments. Following a public hearing on a proposed budget, the process culminates in adoption of a budget in the end of April, for the next fiscal year that begins on July 1, 2014. FINANCIAL RATINGS King George has ratings from Moody’s, Standard & Poor’s and Fitch which are all in the “AA” category, with Rose saying that of the 95 counties in the state, only 10 localities have higher credit ratings than King George, with most, if not all of those having significantly higher populations. Rose noted that in February, Fitch had upgraded the county’s total outlook from ‘stable’ to ‘positive.’ Fitch’s rationale included the following: “consistent financial and economic performance,” “moderate debt burden,” and “ample reserves and liquidity.” Rose credited several reasons for the high ratings, including the county’s financial policies. Rose stated, “The county enjoys excellent credit ratings in part because of a unique funding mechanism of both cash funding and borrowing for capital project improvements, as well as the county’s conservative financial management and tax position.” Per county policy, at least 15 percent of the total operating budget must be reserved in a dedicated rainy day restricted fund. That currently stands at about $23 million. Having that amount on hand means the county no longer has to rely on shortterm borrowing for operational costs, as it did 20 years ago. That amount has significantly contributed to the low borrowing rates the county gets when it finances projects or refinances existing debt. REVENUE SOURCE DEDICATED FOR DEBT SERVICE The county’s capital debt stands at about $70 million, with nearly $25 million for the Service Authority.

That comes to about $6.6 million per year in debt service. While the county’s debt has increased in the last 10 years, the value of its tax base of assessed real estate values has risen 150 percent over that time frame. The county does not rely on real estate taxes to fund its debt service. It has a dedicated annual source of revenue for the county debt service of about $6.8 million from landfill revenue. Rose noted, “Unlike virtually all other Virginia localities, King George established and utilizes a separate capital fund that provides for all $6.8 million from landfill fees cover the county’s outstanding debt service for the next 15 years and possibly longer, depending on the length of life of the landfill.” He also noted that by virtue of county policies and strategies, the Service Authority debt is selfsupporting for the current year and is no longer a drag on the general fund. He added, “Those who get the services, pay for the services. That’s fairness in equity. That’s what rating agencies and financial consultants like to see.” MEALS TAX REVENUE FOR SERVICE AUTHORITY? The statements about the Service Authority being self-supporting spawned comments from Brabo on a topic she has brought up at recent meetings. Brabo stated, “Speaking on behalf of the customers of the Service Authority, no, we don’t feel that the current structure is fair, because the Service Authority does truly benefit the entire county and not just the customers. It benefits it from an economic development standpoint, it benefits it from the ISO rating that the county receives, which does determine what all businesses and homeowners will pay for their homeowner insurance. So from those standpoints, no, currently, we do not feel that being burdened with the entire debt is appropriate. So, that’s just a comment and I recognize that not everyone agrees with me.” Brooks responded, saying, “I’m glad you brought up about Service Authority debt.” He added, “I can’t support it, because I have a well and I have a septic tank and I paid for that.

When my septic tank breaks down, nobody fixes it but me, and the same thing for most of the residents in my district. . And so I think it’s unfair to ask everybody to pay the debt on the Service Authority. So I’m glad you brought that out tonight.” Brabo said, “I never asked everyone to pay, and I never asked everyone to pay additional. My suggestion was simply that we collect a meals tax and that is collected from the restaurants which are customers of the Service Authority, that for us to consider applying 50 percent of that revenue towards the debt of the Service Authority.” Chairman Sisson intervened, saying, “Mr. Brooks was just offering his position. I’d rather not turn this financial report into a debate. We’ll get into that more next time. Tune in – next time.” MEALS TAX REVENUE The Meals & Use tax collected in 2012, from the last completed audit, indicates that it brought in $878,555. A portion of it goes toward tourism efforts and the rest goes into the general fund. Brabo is suggesting that half of the amount be transferred to the Service Authority. When Brabo brought up the topic at an earlier meeting on Oct. 1, she asked what the impact would be. Quesenberry stated, “If you use a percentage of that money next year, you would have to make up that funding in some other way. It would be up to the board if they want to make up that from some other source.” Brabo responded at that time, “Okay, I’m good with that.” If 50-percent of that revenue was transferred to the Service Authority as Brabo suggests, that would mean about $440K, which is equivalent to nearly 2-cents on the real estate tax, with about $250K collected per penny. OTHER COMMENTS Other Supervisors also had comments on the financial report. Grzeika noted to Rose, “You went back 10 years and alluded to some things 20 years ago. 18 years ago, I came on (the board) and Cedell was already here. At that time making payroll was a reality issue. We didn’t have the money. We’ve seen the county turn around and that wasn’t

by accident. That was strategic. And it was with some courage and conviction of some people who sat on this board. And to look at the debt and say that’s an issue today, I’d like to ask those people who think it’s such a big issue is they don’t want a new high school, if they didn’t want that middle school upgraded, if they didn’t want that new Sheriff ’s department, if they didn’t want that new library. Those kinds of things we got done at a time that comes around once in your lifetime. It was the best time to build and we got the best value for the citizens of this county, because we got projects that came in at remarkable prices.” “I hear all the time, ‘it took you 10 years to build a high school.’ It did take us 10 years, but it wasn’t right until that time and we were not going to spend $70 million for a 1,200-student high school. We spent $40 million for a 1,750-student high school, which I think is a class act and one we’re all proud of. “ Brooks stated, “It’s amazing to sit back and see where we’ve come from and where we’re at today. And like Joe said, we used to have issues to make payroll. And now we’ve come a long way through strategic planning that we’ve done and being frugal, we’ve made it to the point where we’re at now. I think like you said, we’re in good shape.” LoBuglio commented, “Thank you for the way you presented the reason for having the rainy day fund, because people come to us and say why not take that fund and use it toward the debt to just buy it down. And that would not only affect the rating, but everything behind the rating. And that’s a very good explanation for where we’re at in giving us our stability.” Sisson stated, “We get beat up every year, with what you called the ‘rainy day fund.’ During budget time every year, people say you’ve got $23 million in the bank, which can’t you spend another $75K on a new teacher or $125K on staff and a new rescue station upgrade, or whatever the case may be. And I use the analogy that’s like taking money out of your savings account to buy groceries. That may be a little simplistic, but I think it’s important to understand that it is the cash on hand that underwrites our entire operations.”

king george

Virginia State Parks | Caledon

Sheriff’s report Oct. 15 Smith, Willie Thornton – Operating Without a Contractor’s License

Blanchard, Robert Nathan – Contempt of Court Johnson, Lena Sharmaine – Destruction of Property-Monument

Oct. 16 Gray, Joshua Lee – Possession of Controlled Substances Fortune-Garnett, Shawn Melissa – Use Identification of Another to Impede Investigation, Felonious Assault, Revocation of Suspended Sentence and Probation

Oct. 18 Taylor, Rae William – Concealment-Price Alter Merchandise (2 times) Barnes, Larry Wade Jr. – Contempt of Court 10/18/13 Thomas, Dwayne Lamont – Revocation of Suspended Sentence and Probation (2 times) Watkins, April L. – Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor Ferrell, Johnna Corcoran – Contempt of Court

Oct. 17 Robinson, Lyonell Contempt of Court






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Two weeks ago I gave an appraisal session at The Orchard, a retirement residence in Warsaw. Many of the residents and their guests, who came from Westmoreland, King George, Northumberland, Lancaster and Essex counties, brought a wide variety of items, and surprisingly most folks came with clocks. One lady even brought a nice nineteenth-century chest. Among the interesting pieces was this oil painting done by R. W. Hans Ammon, a German prisonerof-war at St. Sulpice in Paris, France during the First World War. Interestingly, the artist also gives his address in Germany. Hans Ammon is also the name of an eighteenth-century German artist. The painting depicts a scene of mercy in the hospital, and shows great talent on the part of the artist. Henry Lane The brush strokes are excellent, and the overall composition is sophisticated, especially considering Hull the circumstances under which the artist operated. War prisoner art is difficult to appraise, unless the artist has gained subsequent fame. This painting is of interest because the family knows its background, and has perpetuated the lore associated with it. That being the case, the task of assigning a value remains complicated. Removing the historical lore and tradition from consideration, the painting has its own intrinsic merit. The family attests that the frame is original, which gives added credence to their understanding of the provenance of the work. From an artistic perspective, the painting, given that it is by an unlisted artist, could bring as much as $500 at a good auction, but as already noted, the significant value is in the ability of the present owners to trace the piece from its inception down to the present. It is a charming artistic survival from a critical period of world history, and soon will be one hundred years old. As the centenary of the First World War approaches, I suggest that the owners look into the possibility of placing the painting on loan at one of the forthcoming museum exhibitions commemorating the war. I also recommend a professional cleaning to stabilize the paint and restore the brilliance of the original colors. Happy Antiquing! You can reach Henry Lane Hull at Commonwealth Antiques & Appraisals, Inc., P.O. Box 35, Wicomico Church, VA 22579. Cell: 804580-0514 or henrylanehull@commonwealthantiques.com. www. commonwealthantiques.com

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Paid for and authorized by Shawn L. Lawrence for Supervisor



The Journal

Courtland Cougars overpower KG Foxes Leonard Banks Sports editor

Leonard Banks

Last year, the Foxes left the Cougars with a 21-10 bitter taste of defeat on their competitive palate during the regular season. However, what a difference a year makes. From the opening turnover to the final Cougar touchdown, it was simply a dominating performance by Conference 22 powerhouse, Courtland. “This is a loss that I think we needed, because it shows what we need to work on,” Foxes varsity football head coach Jeff Smith said. “If we don’t prepare ourselves mentally, good teams will continue to be consistent, and that’s what happened tonight.” After a controversial Fox turnover on the opening play, the Cougars’ offense shifted into fifth gear with an eight-play 39-yard drive that featured the running attacks of George

Cheetham and Anton Jenkins. Utilizing the blocking of their offensive line, the Cougars grounded out 37 yards on the ground before Cheetham bolted Courtland in from two yards out for the game’s first score. The first quarter ended King George in a defensive stalemate. However, the Foxes began the second quarter with 69-yard drive that ended with a blocked field goal from linebacker Chase Timmons. The Cougars capitalized on the turnover with a 12-play drive that resulted in a Jenkins 20-yard touchdown. On the opening drive of the third quarter, Jenkins continued to haunt the Foxes, as he completed a 59-yard drive with a 49-yard touchdown run over the right side of the Foxes’

35 7


Wednesday, Oct. 30, 2013

line. While the Foxes’ offense continued to sputter, the Cougars’ offense continued to heat up. With 1:15 left in the third quarter, Jenkins lunged in from two yards out for his third touchdown of the game. As fate would have it, the Foxes avoided a shutout with a Jaylan Brinson five-yard touchdown with less than six minutes left in the game. Jenkins scored his fourth touchdown of the game from a five-yard run into the interior of the Foxes’ line for a final 35-7 score. With games against two formidable foes - Caroline and Chancellor - to finish the regular season out, Smith is more than optimistic that his team will learn from this experience. “We know as a coaching staff that Courtland is a very good team, but I don’t think they are 28 points better than us—we simply didn’t finish and execute,” Smith said.

KGHSHOF coming! On Nov. 7, the fourth Annual King George High School Hall of Fame Induction Banquet and Ceremony will be held at King George High School. The four individual inductees are Jerome Owens ‘71, Rick Hayden ‘79, John Lysher ‘79 and D. D. Boxley ‘02. The 1969 Boy’s Basketball team is being inducted and the 1940-41 Boy’s Basketball team is being honored. Doors open at the cafeteria at 5:30, dinner served at 6:00 and induction ceremony in the auditorium at 7. Tickets are available for $20.00 at EXIT Realty Expertise, Rocky Top Embroidery, Alice Campbell Moore at King George Treasurer’s Office or from Gary Butler (540.847.7733). Tickets will also be available at the door.

Foxes cross-country teams KG Foxes JV football finish strong at Fauquier meet team blazing with success Leonard Banks Sports editor After dominating the 2013 dual meet area competition, the Foxes cross-country team is ready for the upcoming Conference 22 CrossCountry championship, on Wednesday, at Loriella Park. Most recently, the Foxes girls, led by Miranda Green, finished first at the final regular season meet at Fauquier High School. Green finished ahead of the pack with a time of 20:54 for individual first place honors. Green’s teammate, Ana Kniceley, finished less than a minute behind her for a second place finish of 21:52. The Foxes girls completed the top four finishes with Hannah Koepfinger (third, 21:56), and Aubrey Wingeart (fourth, 21:57). Foxes’ Maddie Amos (seventh, 22:41), and Brooke West (ninth, 22:45) rounded out the

top 10 overall spots. As a team, the Foxes girls easily dominated the field of four schools with a 26-point win. Other schools included: Chancellor, 40; Eastern View, 75; Courtland, 104; Fauquier, 113. As for the boys, Jacob Watson continued his individual dominance over the area competition with a first place time of 18:11. However, the Foxes (55 points) boys’ teams finished second behind Courtland (33 points). Christian Koon nearly pulled off an upset over his teammate, Watson, as he trailed by seven seconds for a second place time of 18:18. Koon’s teammate, Jacob Williams, rounded out the tenth position with a time of 19:06. Other boys’ teams that finished included: Fauquier, 65, third; Chancellor, 82, 4th ; Eastern View, 149, 5th.

Leonard Banks Sports editor The Foxes junior varsity football team has caught fire, and is taking no prisoners. Throughout the season, the Foxes junior varsity has flown under the radar, and lived in the shadows of their varsity counterpart’s success. However, the team has steamrolled over opponents throughout the season, averaging 30 points a game, with a stingy defense giving up only 21 points during the season. It’s a virtual no brainer that the success will lead to a stronger varsity team next season. The team is made up of 30 freshman, and 10 sophomores. Thrilled with his team’s success,

Jacob Watson

The Journal also publishes The Dahlgren Source and ChamberLink find them online at www.journalpress.com

head coach George Estes is confident that he has the genesis of a gold mine in the form of future varsity stars. “We were so young when we started out,” Estes said. “It seems like the whole team is playing like veteran football players.” With a balanced attack on both sides of the line, and an explosive offensive backfield, the Foxes continue to improve with each game. The backfield made up of Will Clift (quarterback), Logan Taylor (backup quarterback), and running back corps that include Jake Betham, Chad Blazer, Kyree Garrett, Chris Levere, and Rashaad Peyton have not come close to reaching their full potential. In short, the Foxes are loaded with talent.

The Foxes are coming off a 35-0 victory over Spotsylvania. The Foxes are scheduled to travel to Caroline on Wednesday, and finish out the season against Chancellor. Currently with a record of 7-1, the Foxes are the strongest contender for a championship berth. However, with Courtland, whose only loss is to King George, the field of competition is growing. Other notable contenders include James Monroe and Caroline. “The season is still up for grabs, and we still have a lot of work to get to that championship,” Estes said. “It’s really been exciting for me to see them come together like this, because we started out pretty green at the beginning of the season.”

Drifters Eagles Foxes Keep up with your team this Fall in

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The Three

Jim Howard

issues facing the county:

1. Financial stability in the face of declining State and Federal Revenues, ensuring the County can maintain operations and services during the current challenging economic environment. 2. Economic development focus to expand the Commercial and Industrial base in order to maintain and enhance the quality of life and favorable tax basis for all of our citizens. 3. Infrastructure and resources for Fire and Rescue to keep up with demand, to include Volunteers, paid EMTs and Firefighters, equipment, and facilities.

Paid for and authorized by Jim Howard


Wednesday, Oct. 30, 2013

The Journal


KGYAA wraps up 7th weekend Foxes varsity volleyball The peaking Blue Devils (3-4) and Bandits (1-6) faced one another in the first of two Junior division contests, with the Blue Devils overcoming a 14-0 deficit to eventually win, 40-28, in a classic shootout. Both teams credit their energetic offensive performances to total team efforts. In Saturday’s final game, the Jr. Warriors (5-2) reclaimed sole possession of first place with a hardfought victory against the powerful Mustangs (5-2), 14-12. Mack Bitto, Aidan Parr, and Kyle Reviello were leading performers for the Warriors, while Chris Cox, Sammy DelGrande, and DeAndre Milstead led the Mustangs. This coming Saturday at Sealston, all KGYAA tackle football teams will once again be action. And in addition to these teams positioning themselves for the approaching playoffs, the association will once again host a number of RRYFL games as well. All KGYAA teams will be in action this coming Saturday at Sealston Elementary School, with the JV Mavericks hosting their first of two home games this season. (In addition to the five KGYAA games, the association will host three RRYFL games as well.) The current Rookie division (ages 6-8) standings are 1.)River Hawks, 2.)Pirates, 3.)Rattlers, 4.)Pride. The current Junior division (ages 9-11) standings are 1.)Warriors, 2.) Mustangs, 3.)Blue Devils, 4.)Bandits. For more information on the KGYAA, visit www.kgyaa.org.

Jim Salyers, Jr.

Staff Reports With chilly temperatures and frosty fields in the morning eventually giving way to beautiful fall afternoon sunshine, the King George Youth Athletic Association (KGYAA) wrapped-up its seventh weekend of regular play at Sealston Elementary School. And not only were all the KGYAA teams in action, but the association also hosted three additional Rappahannock River Youth Football League (RRYFL) games as well (with teams from Essex, Northumberland, and Richmond Cos.). The JV Mavericks (3-3) played first on Saturday, and despite a late offensive rally in regulation, ultimately dropped an extremely close game to the visiting Rappahannock Raiders in overtime, 12-6. (Interestingly, the Mavericks have lost three games now

by a combined score of 10 points.) Leading the way for the Mavericks were Darrian Hodsden, Michael Foster, and Derrick Wood. In the day’s first contest between KGYAA foes, the resurgent Rookie Rattlers (3-4) downed the division leading River Hawks (6-1) in overtime, 6-0. The loss is the first on the season by the boys in blue. Top performers for the Rattlers were Devin Quick, Malik Peyton, and Nate Wahl, while setting the pace for the River Hawks were Aiden Brooks, Aiden Inzana, and Tayvion Pierce. The Pirates (4-3) and Pride (1-6) battled in Saturday’s second Rookie division game, with the Pirates prevailing, 24-6. Leaders for the Pirates were Tony Brown, John Dodson, and Campbell Thacker. Submitting notable performances for the Pride were Nicholas Brouillette, Jake Daniels, and Mason Haydon.

Nov. 5

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slams James Monroe, 3-1 Leonard Banks Sports editor

On Thursday, Oct. 24, the Foxes (3-7, 8-14) swept Chancellor for the season, with a 3-1 win (2523, 27-29, 25-21, 28-26). The win secured a fourth place Foxes spot in the upcoming conference 22 playoffs. Micala Yellow Jackets Peterson led the Foxes offense with 10 kills, and eight blocks. Other Foxes who contributed to the win included: Sha’Tiva Harvey, five kills, four blocks; Mekayla Thompson, three aces, seven digs; Madi Koban, 15 assists, three blocks, nine digs; Andrea Wine, 15 assists, five kills, nine digs; Lauren Howard 21 digs; Mackenzie Miniuk, 10 digs. On Tuesday, Oct. 22, in the hostile confines of James Monroe High School, King George faced their Battlefield District nemesis, James Monroe. After a slow start, the Foxes defeated the Yellow Jackets, 3-1. The Foxes junior varsity had the night off, because the Yellow Jackets do not have a junior varsity team.

3 1

Game I The Foxes began game one with a 4-2 lead that featured an ace from Nicole Josemans, a Yellow Jacket service error, a Fox kill, and a passing error from James Monroe. On the next five exchanges, the Yellow Jackets tied the game and took the lead. The exchanges featured a kill from Cara Lambert, and four Fox passing errors. After establishing continuity between Yellow Jacket front row hitters, six foot four, Monica Dit, and Lambert, the Yellow Jackets held off the Foxes to establish a 3-4

point lead through the midway point of the game. The Foxes managed to cut the Yellow Jacket deficit to two points (21-19) with Alli Trainum and Peterson combining for two kills, while forcing four Yellow Jacket passing errors. In spite of a late Foxes rally, the Yellow Jackets closed game one out by forcing King George into three passing errors, a service error and a James Monroe kill. The final result - Yellow Jackets defeated Foxes 25-22. Game II After a wake up call from losing game one, the Foxes clicked into gear and steamrollered the Yellow Jackets. After two ties (4-4, 5-5) the Foxes dominated the front line with kills from Wine (2), Peterson (1), Harvey (3), and six James Monroe passing errors to establish a 12-9 lead. With the Foxes comfortably ahead of the Yellow Jackets (21-13), it appeared that the game was nearly over. However, the Yellow Jackets managed two short rallies that cut the Fox lead to 22-20. During the next six exchanges, the Yellow Jackets climbed back into the game by tying the score at 23-23 with an ace by Alyssa Washington. The Foxes responded with kills by Wine and Trainum to win game two (2523), and tie the match at one game apiece. Game III In game three, after capitalizing on a series of Yellow Jacket miscues, the Foxes jumped out to a commanding 7-3 lead. Over the next six exchanges, the Yellow Jackets continued to struggle with passing and serving errors. However, the Yellow Jackets offensive suddenly caught fire, as they forced the Foxes into five passing errors to cut the lead to 12-10. Undaunted, and determined, the Foxes, behind kills from Harvey and Peterson managed to hold off the Yellow Jackets with a series of blocks and kills. Over the course of the next 17 exchanges, the Yellow Jackets refused to throw in the towel,

as they either led or tied the game six times. The Foxes’ intangible was Howard, as she fought off a number of potential Yellow Jacket scores with game saving digs. The Foxes later closed out the game (25-23) with kills from Wine, Harvey, and three Yellow Jacket passing errors. Game IV Game Foxes quickly dispensed of the winless Yellow Jackets in the final game, as they started with 4-0 lead. However, Washington lead the Yellow Jackets back with six kills that sparked a 10-6 run, and ultimately tied the game at 10-10. Over the course of the next 16 exchanges, the Foxes would yield one point, while dominating the Yellow Jackets with forced passing errors, kills from Trainum, Nicole Josemans, Peterson, and three aces from Howard for a 25-11 win. The final match result; the Foxes defeated the Yellow Jackets, 3-1. Howard led the Foxes offense with eight aces, eight digs, and numerous passing assists. Howard’s teammate, Josemans featured three aces, four kills, and four digs Trainum compiled three aces and four kills, while Harvey crushed three aces, two kills and six blocks. Wine finished with 13 assists, four aces, five kills, and two blocks. Peterson added eight kills, while Koban contributed 13 assists, two aces, and two kills. Results of Tuesday’s game (Senior night) featuring Spotsylvania were not available due to press deadlines.

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The Journal

Wednesday, Oct. 30, 2013


Her-icanes softball photos

Her-icanes reach Halloween Cup Semi’s Jeff Truslow The KG Her-icanes traveled to Petersburg on Oct. 26 and 27 to compete against 31 other teams from the state. On Saturday, KG hitters were hot, as King George beat the KW Krush 13-1, topped the Richmond Renegades 13-1, and handled the New Kent Blast by a score of 8-2. Emily Davis, Juliet Truslow and Destiny Johnson provided the power, as each homered and provided several additional extra base hits. Anna Schram, Megan Montague, Kaylee Wright, and Erin Baker made strong contributions at the plate as well. KG had excellent pitching performances in each game from Juliet Truslow and Erin Baker. Truslow struck out

15 batters against New Kent. The 3-0 record in pool play qualified KG as a #1 seed for Sunday’s Gold Bracket playoffs, which included the Top 16 teams. The Her-icanes, who dressed in costume as the Pink Ladies from the movie “Grease”, won their first game on Sunday morning over the Chesterfield Impulse by a score of 11-2. Montague had three hits and four RBIs. KG won by a score of 1-0 over the undefeated Staunton Vipers in the quarter finals. Baker and Truslow combined to pitch a one-hitter and the KG defense was outstanding. KG’s lone run came in the fifth inning as Caitlyn Crossman hit a single into right field, Casey Ulrich followed with a single into center

field, and Emily Davis smoked a ball into center field to plate pinch runner Emma Morrow. KG lost in five innings in the semifinals to a very experienced and high quality Hampton Roads Elite team by a score of 8-0. KG was only able to yield two hits in the final game, one by Kate Schwinn, and one by Truslow. Although the KG defense had played excellent, only allowing six runs in the first five games, they made numerous mistakes in the last game which could not be overcome. The Her-icanes, who have now won 16 of their last 19 games, next play in Virginia Beach in the End of Season Show Stopper on Nov. 9 and 10. The girls have truly improved this fall, as they now expect to win each time they take the field.

KG Elite football update Keith Rose This past weekend all three of the King George Youth Elite Foxes AAU football teams hosted Central VA Elite (CVE) from Lynchburg at KGHS. Central VA Elite’s teams 8U, 10U and 12U all played in the VA AAU 2012 State Championship finals last season with their 10U and 12U teams advancing to Nationals. 8U Game The 8U Foxes got off to a fast start by holding CVE to negative yards on defense and scoring right away on the third offensive play from scrimmage. The offense managed to score a touchdown on every offensive possession of the game and went on to win 46-14. The 8U Foxes were lead by the rushing attack of DaMon Duffin, Nehemiah Frye, Mekhai White, Mekhi Frye-McNeil and Matthew Sokolowski. The huge running lanes were opened by Henry Newman, Parker Price, Charlie Brinkman, Walker Norton, Jacob Maxey and Austin Rose. The defense was stingy all day only allowing 14 points and shutting CVE out in the second half. In addition to the players above

the defense was lead by Rasheed Barnes, Cameron Frazier, Monte Kidd, Joshua Cornwell and Kayla Mattey. The 8U foxes finished the regular season 4-3. 10U Game After winning the coin toss and deferring to the second half the 10U Foxes stopped CVE on four consecutive plays to take control of the ball. The offense marched all the way down to the CVE three-yard line before turning the ball over. Three plays later the defense turned up the pressure and forced CVE back into their own end zone for a safety. After a poor CVE free kick the Foxes took over the ball on the 20-yard line. Two plays later Javon Campbell rushed in for his first of his two touchdowns on the day stretching the lead to 8-0. The Foxes continued to dominate on the defensive side of the ball and added touchdowns by Cameron Shanklin and Tyler Harrison along with an extra point from Gianni Allen to go on and win by a final of 28-0. The 10U Foxes finished the season 5-3 with all losses coming against undefeated teams.

With first place in the State, a perfect regular season, and an automatic bid to the Eastern AAU National Championships held in Florida this December the 12U Foxes had a lot at stake hosting the number two team Central VA Elite. After a slow start the 12U Foxes picked up the pace against Central VA, started off by a punt return by Cameron Schaub and followed up by additional touchdowns from Schaub, Cannon Zylonis and extra point kicks from Cody Murgas. The defense was on the attack the entire game only allowing four first downs in route to another shutout victory 38-0. The 12U Foxes finished the regular season 8-0 (7-0 in conference play) and will begin their quest for the State Championship this weekend. All three of the Foxes teams will have playoff games this weekend. The 12U Foxes will host the Fredericksburg Canes Orange and the 10U Foxes will host CVE at KGHS times TBD. The 8U Foxes will play Central VA Elite with the time and place still TBD.

Jim Roberts

KGLL Challenger wraps up fall season Jim Roberts King George Little League (KGLL) Challenger Division wrapped up its 2013 Fall Ball Season with a game against Spotsylvania County Little League on Saturday, at Barnesfield Park. Historically, the Challenger Division teams have competed with other area Little Leagues during the regular season in the Spring, but for the first time, KGLL had a “Fall Ball” Challenger team. With practices starting in early Sept., the team prepared for their full season of games with Spotsylvania County Little League, which had two teams, and Dumfries District Little League. The Fall Ball Challenger “Blue” team played games at Sunshine Park in Fredericksburg, and hosted games at the Sealston Sports Complex and Barnesfield Park. The Challenger Division of Little League is a program for special-needs youth, helping them to enjoy the full benefits of Little League participation in an athletic environment structured to their abilities. The Little League Challenger Division was established in 1989, and King George Little League chartered the first Challenger Division team in 1996. 2014 will mark the 25th Anniversary of the Little League Challenger Division. During the past 25 years, many dedicated individuals and leagues have worked together and made a difference in the lives of over 100,000 Little League Challenger Division participants. More than the skills of baseball learned through the experience, the value of the Little League Challenger Division is found in the proven therapeutic and socialization benefits of participating in sports,

the strengthening of participants’ self-esteem, the opportunities to mainstream into other divisions of play, and the disciplines of teamwork, sportsmanship and fair play, which are hallmarks of the Little League program. Along with other local youth sports organizations, King George Little League is partnered with the King George Coalition for Children with Disabilities and plans to host a skills clinic in the off-season to help prepare its ball players for the Spring. The Little League Challenger Division provides the framework so

Little League programs may offer a structured, athletic activity for all youth in their communities. Playing with the same equipment on the same fields, Challenger Division participants have the opportunity to experience the joys of pulling together as a team, being cheered, and earning awards for their achievements. For more information on the Little League Challenger Program, please contact Tom Setser, Challenger Division Vice President, at VPChallenger@kglittleleague.org or visit the King George Little League website, www.kglittleague.org.

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Wednesday, Oct. 30, 2013

The Journal


Costume contest at High Tides

Eagles Halloween

High Tides on the Potomac Restaurant in Colonial Beach held their Halloween costume party Friday, Oct. 18. Shown are some costumed participants who went all out for the fun and music.

Owner Brian Coffman showing his Halloween spirit.

Call Steve at 540-775-2024 or email steve@ journal press.com for all your business & personal printing needs

The Colonial Beach Eagles #4315 held a Halloween party for the children on Saturday. Patty Kay and her volunteers did a great job. The children went home with a pumpkin they decorated and lots of goodies.

Classifieds HELP WANTED Westmoreland State Park; looking for an experienced person to work part-time in office. Salary is $9.85 per hour with no benefits. Call Park office at (804) 493-8821 for additional info and/or come in for job application. Deadline for accepting apps. will be 11/21/13. EOE Employer. 11/6b Help Wanted: R. K. Payne, Inc. has a PT (possibly FT) customer service position in busy HVAV office located in King George, Va. Duties will include answering phones, scheduling, data entry, and bulk mailing adverting campaigns. Candidate MUST HAVE outstanding organizational and multitasking skills. Knowledge of Quick Books preferred with strong computer skills. Fax resume to: (540) 775-9923 or e-mail to: rkpaynehvacinc@ va.metrocast.net. 10/30b Drivers: Local & OTR positions available. Dump trailers, CDL-A, Clean MVR, Clean PSP 2 yrs. driving exp. required. O/O‚Äôs, Subcontractors welcome! Call Gloria: 540-898-0045, www. paynetrucking.com. Complete the online application. 11/6p Fox Towne Adult Day Care Center is now hiring for part time RN’s, LPN’s and Medical Technician also Volunteers are needed. Located conveniently on Rt. 3 in King George near the courthouse. To apply please call 540775-5502. unfb

BENEFIT/ Fundraiser The CBVFDLA will have its last dinner of the year on Sat. Nov. 9th from 5-7 at the CBVFD. Pork Roast with all the trimmings $10.00. “FREE� 2013 Potomac River Fest. T-Shirt with each Adult ticket (first come-first served, sizes limited) “ALL PROCEEDS BENEFIT CBVFD� Thanks to everyone for your support this year & hope too see you ALL next year!

The CBVFDLA will have it’s first 5K. Frosty The Fireman 5K & Kids 1 Mile will be held on Sat. Dec. 14th. Pick up entries at 212 Col. Ave. (fire dept.) or e-mail to randolph. feltner@gmail.com.

CLASSES CHANGE YOUR CAREER, CHANGE YOUR LIFE! Moseley Real Estate Licensing Courses 11/18-11/22 (9-4); 12/912/13 (9-4). Call 540-4248191 or visit www.exitrealtyexpertise.com for more info. Military Discounts for Active Duty and MyCAA for Spouses. ufn

YARD/MOVING/ GARAGE SALE “BIG Garage Saleâ€? Saturday, Nov 2nd. 156 4th Street, CB. (Back Yard) 8am ‚ÄÏ 2pm. Electric & Hand tools, Plumbing & Electric Supplies, Garden tools, Xmas Decorations, Santa Collections, Patio Furniture, Coolers, Cat Carriers, Bikes, Antiques, and more. Don’t’ miss this sale, reasonable prices. Cash & Carry. 10/30p

Yard Sale; Saturday, November 2nd, 9:00 - till?? Burn’s Machine Shop, 16475 Ridge Rd. (Rt.205). Something for everyone. Lot’s of Jewelry! 10/30p



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Animals Available For Adoption. The Animal Welfare League has dogs and cats available for adoption. For more information please call 804435-0822, 804-435-6320. Hours Monday, Wed., & Friday. 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Lots of animals are at the shelter - call 804-4627175.




KING GEORGE COUNTY JOB ANNOUNCEMENT GYM ATTENDANT The King George County Parks & Recreation Dept. has an immediate opening for a Part Time/Seasonal/Temporary Gym Attendant. Responsibilities include but are not limited to: overseeing gymnasium facility and surrounding area to ensure safe operations, cleanliness and customer service. Minimum requirements: At least 21 years old, high school diploma, valid Virginia or Maryland Driver’s license and working experience in recreational or human services. For additional information, contact the Parks and Recreation Department at 775-9780. Applications can be obtained at the County Administrators Office, 10459 Courthouse Drive, King George, VA 22485 or online at www.king-george.va.us. Open until filled. EOE.

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TOWN OF COLONIAL BEACH PUBLIC NOTICE Please take notice that on November 14, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. at the regular monthly meeting of the Colonial Beach Town Council, at Colonial Beach Town Center in Colonial Beach, 22443, the Council will conduct a public hearing on the following: ORDINANCE NO. 642 ORDINANCE NO. 642 AUTHORIZES THE SALE OF A PARCEL OF LAND AS FOLLOWS: 5,198 SQUARE FEET OF AN UNDEVELOPED RIGHT OF WAY KNOWN AS HAMILTON STREET AND IDENTIFIED AS PARCEL B ON A PLAT ENTITLED “PLAT OF VACATION A PORTION OF HAMILTON STREET ADJOINING BLOCK 49 & BLOCK 50 PREPARED BY ALLISON, BAIRD & SEHL, P.C., DATED OCTOBER 24, 2012 TO BE SOLD TO CAMERON CRAIG BERRY FOR $20,800. All documents related to these public hearings are available for review by the public. Anyone having questions may contact Town Hall at 804-2247181, Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Written comments may be submitted to the Town Clerk, 18 North Irving Avenue, Colonial Beach, Virginia 22443. All interested persons may attend and express their views. Following the public hearings the Town Council may take action to approve this Ordinance. Any person requiring assistance to participate in the public hearings is asked to contact Town Hall in advance so that appropriate arrangements may be made.

By Order of the Colonial Beach Town Council 10/30/2013, 11/6/2013 We are pledged to the letter and spirit of Virginia’s Policy for achieving equal housing opportunity throughout the Commonwealth. We encourage and support advertising and marketing programs in which there are no barriers to obtaining housing because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, elderliness, familial status, or handicap. All real estate advertised herein is subject to Virginia’s fair housing law which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation, or discrimination because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, elderliness, familial status, or handicap or intention to make any such preference, limitation, or discrimination.� This newspaper will not knowingly accept advertising for real estate that violates the fair housing law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. For more information or to file a housing complaint call the Virginia Fair Housing Office at (804) 367-8530. Toll free call (888) 551-3247. For the hearing impaired call (804) 367-9753.

Virginia IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF KING GEORGE COUNTY COUNTY OF KING GEORGE, VIRGINIA Case No. CL13000075 Complainant, v. HEIRS AT AT LAW OF CHARLOTTE SPENCER, et al. Defendants. ORDER OF PUBLICATION The object of this suit is to enforce the lien of the Complainant, County of King George, Virginia for delinquent real estate taxes against certain real property located in King George County, Virginia as follows: 3.93 acres, more or less, both sides of R.F & P Railroad, north of Rokeby Lane, south of Winston Place, Tax Map ID No. 23-44; more particularly described in Deed Book 34 at Page 272 It appearing that an affidavit has been made and filed stating that due diligence has been used, without effect, to ascertain the names and locations of the Heirs at Law of Charlotte Spencer, whose last known address is c/o Jurelle Turner, 2318 Brooke Grove Road, Bowie, MD 20721; and that any heirs, devisees, and successors in title of the defendants named herein are made parties defendant to this action individually and/or by the general description of Parties Unknown; it is hereby ORDERED that the parties herein and all parties Unknown and/or whose locations cannot be ascertained appear on or before December 05, 2013 in the Clerk’s Office of the Circuit Court of King George County, Virginia, and do what may be necessary to protect their interests in this cause. ENTERED this 21st day of October, 2013

Notice is hereby given that the Economic Development Authority of King George County, Virginia (the “Authority�), whose address is 10459 Courthouse Road, King George, Virginia 22485, will hold a public hearing on the application and plan of financing of Terra Products, LLC, a Virginia limited liability corporation (the “Borrower�) whose principal place of business is 38 McCarty Road, Fredericksburg, Virginia 22405, for the Authority to issue, pursuant to the Virginia Industrial Development and Revenue Bond Act (the “Act�), up to $5,500,000 principal amount of its industrial development revenue bonds (the “Bonds�) to assist the Borrower in the financing of the acquisition of land and improvements thereon and the renovation, construction and equipping of various improvements to facilities located at 15240 Cleve Drive, Dogue, King George County, Virginia 22485, consisting of one large building of approximately 65,000 square feet, a 14,000 square foot attached office area, an attached metal warehouse building of 10,000 square feet and four concrete buildings totaling another 12,000 square feet, to be used for a manufacturing facility to produce products for the construction industry and home improvement projects consisting of mostly numerous concrete products and sand and gravel products (the “Project�) and to pay cost of issuance of the Bonds; The issuance of industrial development revenue bonds as requested by the Borrower shall not be deemed to constitute a debt or pledge of the faith and credit of the Commonwealth of Virginia or the County. Neither the Commonwealth of Virginia nor any political subdivision thereof, including the Authority and the County, shall be obligated to pay the bonds or the interest thereon or other costs incident thereto except from the revenues and monies pledged therefor, and neither the faith and credit nor the taxing power of the Commonwealth of Virginia nor any political subdivision thereof is pledged to the payment of principal of such bonds or the interest thereon or other costs incident thereto. The public hearing, which may be continued or adjourned, will be held at 6:15 p.m. on November 14, 2013, before the Authority in the Robert H. Combs Board Room of the Revercomb Administration Building, 10459 Courthouse Drive, King George, Virginia 22485. Any person interested in the issuance of the Bonds or the nature of the Project may appear at the hearing and present his or her views. Information on the Borrower’s request is on file and is open for inspection at the Authority’s Office, 10459 Courthouse Drive, Suite 200, King George, Virginia 22485, during normal business hours.

Clerk, Circuit Court of the County of King George, VA I ASK FOR THIS Margaret F. Hardy (VSB #38555) Sands Anderson PC P.O. Box 907 Fredericksburg, VA 22404-0907 (540) 373-2504



10/30/2013, 11/6/2013


The Journal

Wednesday, Oct. 30, 2013


United Daughters of the Confederacy holds 118th convention and Military Service Awards The Virginia Division of the United Daughters of the Confederacy (UDC) held their 118th Annual Convention at the Dulles Marriott in Reston, Virginia on Oct. 3-6. In attendance were local residents John Settle Short of Dahlgren and Allen Ingraham of Montross and family members. King George Chapter 1616 sponsored these gentlemen as they were presented the Cross of Military Service for their service in World War II. The Cross of Military Service is the highest award which is given by the UDC. Last year, the Chapter sponsored Elmer Morris at the National Convention in Richmond, VA for the same honor. Allen (Allie) Ingraham was born in

Westmoreland County, Virginia. He received the Purple Heart for being wounded in action, Prisoner of War Medal, Good Conduct Medal, World War II Victory Medal, Army Occupation Medal, EuropeanAfrican-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal, Bronze Star, Combat Infantryman Badge, Sharpshooter Badge with Rifle Bar, Belgian Fourragere. Mr. Ingraham fought in the Battle of the Bulge in December 1944 and was wounded and captured by the Germans. He was taken as a Prisoner of War for 120 days to the POW camp known as Stalag IV-B, which was located in the Town of Muhlberg, Germany. John (Jack) Settle Short was born in

Richmond County, Virginia and now lives in Dahlgren. Mr. Short served three years in the US Army where he was a warehouseman at Erding Air Force Base 43rd Air Depot and as a prison guard for 10 months at Nuremberg during the war crimes trials. Â He received the Army Occupation Medal (Germany) and the WWII Victory Ribbon. He also served eight years in the National Guard. On November 8, the Chapter will hold its annual Military Awards Ceremony at the Mary Washington University, Dahlgren, at 6:30 p.m. on November 8. Come to meet these gentlemen and to attend this ceremony honoring other local residents who have served our Country.

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Wednesday, Oct. 30, 2013

The Journal



A few reminders for Muzzleloader season Mark Fike This coming Saturday starts one of the most exciting times of the year for hunters. Muzzleloader season in our neck of the woods coincides with the pre-rut and the rut. Deer are very active during this period, and the woods are a very exciting place to be. Not only are turkey and squirrel scrounging for food before winter hits, but deer are feeding heavily, does are coming into heat, and bucks are starting to spar and chase does. If there is a period of two weeks to be in the woods waiting on a chance at a nice deer, this is the time to do it. If you have not sighted in your smokepole by now, you may be too late. Area stores are selling muzzleloader supplies like mad, and there are mere days left to get the job done. Some hunters, myself included, have at one time or another forgotten to fire out that last load from the

previous season. Remember, safety first. Treat all firearms as if they were loaded. The year I left my rifle loaded (no primer on it, of course!), I checked it with my ramrod and realized I had indeed left the bullet seated in the barrel. Fortunately, I was able to back out the breech plug, and the power charges fell out and then I was able to push out the bullet safely. Upon doing so, I was so glad I did not fire it out. The barrel forward of the bullet was fouled with lots of orange rust. There is no telling how that might have ended if I fired the bullet out. In fact, when I ran a cleaning brush through the barrel, I watched the rust fall out of the barrel in a continuous cloud of rust dust. I had a pile of it on my floor in the basement. The lesson here is to not leave your smokepole loaded, and if you do, unload it carefully. Do check your muzzleloader point of impact each season. Things change.

Outdoor Report Mark and Missy Fike

Potomac River Winter Harbor reported that fishing for catfish, rockfish and puppy drum continues to be quite good. Lures are working for rockfish and puppy drum, but squid is also taking a lot of the fish, too. Some anglers are still using bloodworms. Smaller fish are eating up bait, though, and frustrating anglers. Many little perch are in the area. Aqua Land reported white perch and catfish hitting squid and bloodworms, too. Inland waters Motts Run –Will be closing Oct. 31. Look for news of the Ice Breaker Contests in the late winter. Ponds and small lakes are dynamite for bass and crappie right now. Try slowing trolling jigs under a float for crappie. Minnows or jerkbaits are working for bass. Cranks such as RatL Traps are also working well. Saltwater Captain Ryan Rogers (804-580-

Troy Lee Clift Written in memory of Bryan Troy Clift

Wil Emory shows us a few squirrels he bagged while hunting recently. Wil has a passion for hunting and is quite good at bringing home the meat for the family too! 0245) reported great bluefish action and some very good rockfishing. It is amazing how many bluefish are still around. The rockfish are increasing in size each week. Down at Virginia Beach, the puppy drum action is hot. Croaker are still hitting well, and the bull reds are in the surf along the oceanfront. Look for these fish to slowly work their way out of here. The Spanish macks are still off the oceanfront, too! Hunting: Muzzleloader season starts this coming weekend, and the deer will be starting to get into the pre-rut state very soon. Squirrel hunting has been tougher lately due to lack of acorns. Find a tree with nuts, and you will find squirrels.

any orange, I was afraid to approach the trespasser for fear of being shot. I came back later to find a fresh gut pile as a thank you for the trespassing and poaching. Later that same year, I caught a guy in a tree well on our side of the property line who came from the other side of the property. He claimed he did not know he was over the line until I walked him back to HIS POSTED signs, keeping me out of HIS property. Later, hunting the same location, I noticed hunters running away from me as I approached with my blaze orange cap on, more than once. They ceremoniously put on their orange caps AFTER they ran to the property line as I approached. My blaze orange hat may have saved me from being shot. I suspect anyone who will break the law and trespass might not be the safest person to be in the woods with. So, consider wearing blaze orange at least on your way in and out of the

woods. And if you have continuous trespassing problems, hide a small trail cam out of sight like I have done to record the lawbreakers, and then deliver the goods to the conservation police officers. Remember that muzzleloader bullets can do a lot of damage. They can travel a long way. Keep those shots in safe directions with solid backstops in mind beyond the deer. The bullets can go through the deer and keep on going. No skyline shots! With the rarity of acorns this year, the deer are definitely foraging on other greenery. Keep that in mind when hunting. Keep safety on the top of your list and expect to see the deer moving more than normal to find food. Make sure what you are shooting at is indeed a deer. Let’s keep it safe out in the woods and enjoy the incredible temperatures and scenery as we partake of America’s oldest outdoor tradition.

Mark Fike

This buck was taken with my muzzleloader a previous season AFTER I re-sighted. I am glad I checked the scope, because missing a drop tine buck would have been tough!

Remembering his cousin Bryan Clift April 2, 2011: Revisited

Overview Angler numbers are dropping, but that is a shame because fishing is incredible right now. Too bad hunting season is in! Rappahannock River Reports suggest that bass angling is phenomenal for the few anglers we heard about on the river. Hopyard down to Hicks and then up to the Little Falls area seems to be the best. Fish drop offs near structure. Work it slow. Catfish angling was reportedly decent, as well.

No sense missing a great buck or a good doe for the freezer because you did not check the point of impact. This season when you head to the woods, wear or at least carry some blaze orange with you, even if you don’t feel the need to wear it. During firearms deer season, we are all required to wear blaze orange. However, during muzzleloader season, we are not required to wear it, but certainly it would be good to wear or at least have. Last season I was hunting a piece of property that had not been hunted legally for years. An access road was located on the eastern side of the property near the property line. Unknown to me, hunters on the neighboring property were using it and trespassing. During opening week, one morning I was sitting on that side of the property when a huge BOOM rang out, scaring me it was so close. Because I did not have

April 2, 2011, was Junior Day for Spring Turkey Season, and Mr. Larry Mason was kind enough to take me hunting. I had actually met Mr. Mason only a time or two shortly after my father’s passing when he would deliver flowers; he does not look like the type to deliver flowers. Now, we had gone out the night beforehand to set up and to brush in a ground blind over on a farm in Dogue. It would be a new experience to me because I had never hunted out of a ground blind before. He picked me up at 5:30, give or take. It was still too early so we took the long way around and hit Fasmart on the way over. While there, Larry grabbed something to eat and bought a 5-Hour Energy. He said they tasted horrible, but they did work. When we got to the blind, it was only about 30 to 45 minutes until the birds started to gobble. We heard four different birds gobble, but they all went to Powhatan or to Larry Carr’s property. We only caught a glimpse of one bird that cut across the field to the right of our blind. So, the morning hunt turned out to be a bust, but fun none the less. An hour or so after Larry dropped me off at the house, I got a call from my cousin, Bryan Clift. The call was rather brief, but he had a bucket full of minnows and no fishing partner; how tragic. Shortly after I got the call, Bryan pulled into the drive in

his green ’93 Ford F-250. We rode down to a beautiful pond that he had permission to fish. On the way there Bryan told fantastic stories of good fishing for crappie once they started spawning. The catch was that he was not sure if they had started spawning yet. When we had arrived at the pond, there was not a cloud to be had in the sky, and the air was still cool; a lovely day to fish. We loaded all of our gear into a small, flat bottom skiff and paddled our way to Bryan’s favorite spots. We anchored at the first spot. Bryan’s anchor consisted of a length of old, frayed rope and two broken bricks. He cast out towards open water, while I opted to fish the reeds along the bank with a jig with a minnow trailer. I slowly retrieved the bait while letting it bounce along the bottom. Bryan’s bait struggled, suspended midway through the water column. On my first cast I hooked into a nice crappie, but it came off the hook at the boat. I threw out my second cast and hooked up again. This time I let the fish tire out a little bit before bringing it to the surface. Once landed, it was a big and beautiful crappie. We then ventured over to a steep sloping bank with scattered reeds and other cover. My guide, Bryan, assured me it held fish. As soon as we cast out our lines, Bryan reeled in four nice, eating size crappies. Since the success rate was so high, we decided to continue fishing there from the bank, so the boat wouldn’t drift over the fish due to the wind, which was increasing in strength. Due to Bryan’s immediate success, I started using different tactics; I tried on a cork. I threw out just in front

of a cluster of reeds, and my cork shot under the water. I set the hook, and my drag started to peel off. I fought and fought, but I made little headway. Finally, I caught a glimpse of what was at the other end of my line: a lovely largemouth bass. After a grueling fight on my ultra-light, I landed the beast and immediately threw him in our bucket. We fished there a while longer, but to no avail. Bryan made a remark about me scaring the crappies away with my bass, so I made the comment that I had caught the two biggest fish so far. We went on to the next spot that was said to hold fish; a point with a few logs strewn about it. It was rather deep here, and there was a nice drop off, so I took off my cork and tried my original tactic; bottom bouncing. Bryan was throwing his cork next to a log. About that time, a gust of wind blew in a wall of rain. In the panic, Bryan got his line hung on the log he was fishing. So in the rain we paddled over to get his hook and cork, and then paddled out of there. Safely out of the rain, we found ourselves back in Bryan’s old F-250. I still remember the Grundens stickers on the back glass. The road was rough, and at times, I wondered if the old truck could get us back to the road. We made it out of there just by the skin of our teeth. Since that day, I have spent countless hours afield with both Larry Mason and Bryan Clift. I have found myself fishing with them, hunting with them, and just hanging out with them. The last time I published this story I thanked these two fantastic men. It means a lot to me that these men would take the time to teach

me what they know and to help me enjoy the outdoors. I find it hard to describe the level of gratitude right now as I sit at my computer hacking at the keys. So Larry, when you read this, if you do, give me a call. Maybe we can go fishing or mulch the thousands of leaves in your yard. And Bryan, I know you won’t be able to read this or call me, but I still want to thank you for all you did for me, from making me laugh, to taking me up Machodoc creek to Jeff Creasey’s house in the Channel Queen. And let it be known that you never did tell me the reasoning behind the name of the vessel. I guess it’s true what they say, you never really know what you have until it’s gone, because that is exactly how I feel. Bryan, I look up to you, and that is definitely not going to change anytime soon. You know I never did get you up to Blue Grass to see Dad’s gravesite and catch brook trout. We never did catch those snakeheads or chase after the ducks on base, but the things we did not get to do are not important. The important things are what we did get to do together. We went on man drives, we fished together, we worked on your rental house together, and more importantly we had laughs every bit of the way. Thank you for spending the time with me that you did, and I will miss you. Editor’s Note: Troy Clift, a student at KGHS, wrote this article about his cousin Bryan Clift who died recently. Troy lost his dad, Mike Clift to a heart attack several years ago. Troy wrote this story about Bryan, who took him hunting and fishing, as tribute to him.

AN INVITATION TO JAMES MONROE DISTRICT VOTERS Saturday, November 2nd 5-7 PM at 11330 Dixie Drive, Eden Estates Meet JEFF BUECHE and RICH LOREY Candidates for Board of Supervisors

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J Centralize our County assets under one Public Works system, bringing cost advantages to the taxpayers and a single point of accountability.

J Work with, not against the School Board. Jeff Bueche for James Monroe Authorized and paid for by Committee to Elect Jeff Bueche

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