11-06-2013 Colonial Beach/Westmoreland Journal

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Colonial Beach • Westmoreland

Volume 37, Number 45

helping you relate to your community

No new building, just more mod pods for now

Running to the future

Permanent structure for elementary school not an option at this time Linda Farneth The state of disrepair at both Colonial Beach Elementary and Colonial Beach High School was a major topic of discussion at the Colonial Beach Town Council/ School Board joint meeting held on Oct. 30. All members were in attendance except for Councilwoman Wanda Goforth. The crisis began with financial troubles dating back several years, resulting in physical blight on both campuses due to a lack of funding for maintenance. The situation became evident after the two namedstorms (Hurricane Irene and Tropical Storm Lee) and an unusual earthquake hit Colonial Beach in the fall of 2011. The aftershock of these events caused an already struggling school budget to operate in the red, in order to keep middle school students on academic schedule for the first half of the year. During investigations of water damage to the twostory structure located in the center of the elementary school campus, a serious structural error, made when the building was first built, was discovered. Issues with mold from the leaks, combined with the structural issue, forced the school to remove children from the building and pack them into other areas of the school during instructional time. Eventually, a new mod pod was placed behind the old high school building, which now houses the middle school students. But the elementary campus has been left with an array of old brick buildings, mod pods and old trailers on a campus which sits on a hillside. During heavy rain events, the hillside is slippery, and cracking sidewalks contribute to the tripping hazards. The elementary school cafeteria building is also in a state of disrepair. Food prep appliances are seriously outdated or barely operational in both the elementary and high school, resulting in long lunch lines and less than ideal menus. Superintendent Kathleen Beane was appointed to her position on Feb. 6, 2013. Beane had to address several ongoing issues at the time she was appointed. The schools’ budget was not approved by the town council until May. When the council approved the town’s budget in June, the town had removed $50,000 from the schools’ budget. The school board had previously presented two options to the council back in March, which would handle the problems the elementary school was facing. The second option, relocating the elementary school to the high school campus with mod pods would require and extra $250,000 for moving expenses and preparing the site to accommodate the new mod pods. The council asked the school to provide information and cost estimates for putting a permanent structure for the elementary students on the high school campus, as opposed to mod pod rental units. The council ultimately did not approve the extra $250,000 funding for the relocation project. At the October 30 meeting, Beane presented three solutions. Scenario I involves elementary students remaining on the elementary school campus and would cost the school an estimated $75,000 to remove old trailers and set up four new classrooms. In addition, the current rent expense for mod pods

at the elementary school campus would increase from $13,200 per month to $15,950. Scenario I would cost the school a total of approximately $266,400 during this fiscal year, then a total yearly rental cost of $191,400 each year thereafter. Scenario II would include relocating the existing mod pods and adding additional mod pods to the high school campus. The rent expense would be $15,800 per month, but would include approximately $250,000 in moving expenses, totaling $429,600 for this fiscal year. Each year thereafter, the yearly rent expense would be $189,600. The monthly rent expense for relocation would be slightly lower, because the school would be able to use larger structures, thereby cutting down on individual units. Renting this way would reduce expenses. Scenario III would involve building a permanent structure to relocate the elementary school to the high school campus. Beane originally estimated to the school board that the cost would run around $4 to $4.5 million. After looking into additional classroom space, as instructed by the board, the figures have been raised. The cost estimate is now $7 to $7.5 million. Beane broke down the monthly payments at one, two and three-percent interest rates. The figures range from $22,514.77 to $29,512.38 at three-percent interest. Beane said in a phone interview that when she originally presented the options to the school board, the second floor was smaller. Following the board’s recommendations, the cost estimates added on classrooms and the multipurpose room’s height was extended for sports activities. Beane then presented a cost breakdown for repairs needed at the high school as requested by the board and council, which totaled $147,156 excluding lights for the ball field, which are estimated between $395,000 to $500,000. During the presentation Councilman Jim Chiarello gave an eightminute pep-talk to the school board on the importance of having scheduled maintenance, and his wanting to see a maintenance line item in the schools’ budget, which the school already has. School Board Chairman Tim Trivett responded by saying that you can’t catch up on all the neglected repairs on level funding. Trivett said, “There is no way any of this is going to happen, unless we generate funds through raising taxes or doing something. And that may be a bad word, but it’s a fact, I mean the money has got to come from somewhere. And we all know that the government is cutting things; the state is cutting things, and that puts it right back on the locality. So we have got to figure out a way, or we will have this same conversation five years from now, you know, and nothing will still be done. So I’m kinda of the opinion that we just need to make a decision once all this is presented- whether it is right or wrong, and live with it and go forward and do the right thing for our children.” Councilwoman Linda Brubaker defended the school by reminding the council that the town has many buildings in disrepair, as well. “I agree with you Mr. Trivett. We need to go ahead and get a game plan, stick to it and move forward. It’s going to take some drastic measures by this board, the council, your board. I was very adamantly opposed to raising taxes- I’m probably going to eat some crow over that. I’ve learned a lot over the last ten months. It might be a necessity. I’m not saying it’s going to be a necessity to keep the schools.” See mod pod, page 2


Wednesday, November 6, 2013 50 Cents

Tension revealed during Council work session Linda Farneth

Photo submitted by Ruth Daiger

Jacob Daiger, captain of the W&L cross country team, is training this week for the regional competition and is hoping to take the team into the state cross country competition. Read more on page 9.

The October 24 Colonial Beach Town Council Work Session was customarily long. As usual, it was not without its controversies. Some members of council were upset over citizen Jay Jarvis’ work on the Boardwalk Vendor Program. Jarvis, responding to repeated requests from the current council to all citizens to volunteer their expertise to help resolve issues in the town, took charge of researching and inquiries to vendors and business owners to revamp the Boardwalk Vendor Program. Jarvis planned to present his findings and suggestions to the entire council after coming up with a final draft. Some members of council and a few shop owners aired their frustrations that they had not been involved with the process. Late attendees were witness to the continuing breakdown of council relations, which seems to be a trend developing with the current council. In the last 17 minutes of the meeting, a few disagreements between council members and the mayor broke out, one lasting after the meeting with a council member continuing to call the mayor names and challenging The Journal to “put THAT in the paper.” The Journal reported in its October 30 edition the council members’ candid discussions concerning council’s attempt to force Westmoreland County Sheriff ’s Office to assume full responsibility for the town’s protection by at-

tempting to disband or abolish the Colonial Beach Police Department (CBPD). Talk of exactly with what they would approach the General Assembly was unclear at the October work session. The council is scheduled to meet with Town Attorney Andrea Erard, who will give legal council on the matter on Thursday, Nov. 14, at 9:30 a.m. Perhaps the council’s intentions will become much clearer. When three or more council members gather to discuss public business, the meetings are, by law, open to the public and press. All interested citizens are encouraged to attend. Despite the controversies and arguments, the council did manage to discuss a few issues without opposition. At the Oct. 24 meeting, Councilman Gary Seeber reported that the town has no control over the progress of the road project on Meadows Ave., saying, “The understanding is now, that it will be done no later than Thanksgiving. We want to put a couple of pipes under the street before we pave, to control drainage problems.” Seeber asked for concurrence from the other council members to move forward with $50,000 worth of repairs to solve drainage problems on Meadows Ave. before the paving takes place. Councilman Tim Curtin presented an idea to council that he said would solve several problems with one solution. See WORK SESSION, page 2

Sherry Lee helping others prepare for the cold Richard Leggitt Forecasters are predicting a cold, wet winter season, and Colonial Beach resident Sherry Lee is helping residents get ready by providing free coats, gloves and scarves for those in need. “Several years ago, I saw a guy walking in Colonial Beach in the cold weather, and all he had on was a little windbreaker,” said Lee. “We helped him get a warm coat, and he was very happy.” For the last five years, Lee and several other volunteer Good Samaritans have been collecting donations of clean, warm coats, and giving them out to Colonial Beach residents in October and November, as the weather turns cold. “We also collect cash donations and buy new gloves and scarves to give to people,” Lee said. “People come in and then leave with good, warm coats. They are very pleased. It is just a good thing to watch.” The free warm winter coats, gloves and scarves are available to anyone in need at Lee’s restaurant, Sher’s Snack Shack, which is located at 323 First Street in Colonial Beach. The restaurant’s hours are 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Tuesday through Thursday, and 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Friday and Sat-

urday. The restaurant is closed on Sundays and Mondays. “There is no red tape; you don’t have to give us any personal information,” Lee said. “If you are cold, and need a warm coat, we will provide it for free. We also provide free coffee, hot chocolate and snacks for those in need.” Lee and her group of volunteers have helped keep hundreds of Colonial Beach residents warm over the last five winters. “This year, we still have about 40 warm coats. We also have brand new gloves and scarves and some hats,” Lee said. “And, we are still accepting donations so we can help even more people.” Among those helping Lee with the Coats for the Cold program is a Colonial Beach group of impersonators called Illusions of the Stars. The group appears at sponsored events in the Colonial Beach area and does impersonations of Elvis, Marilyn Monroe, Sonny and Cher, and Toni Braxton, among others. Lee’s restaurant is decorated in ‘50s memorabilia and Marilyn Monroe mementos as a memorial to her father, retired police detective and one time movie stuntman Paul Lee, 76, who was killed in a traffic accident on Route 205 last May. “It is kind of like a living memorial

Photo by Richard Leggitt

Sherry Lee and a group of Colonial Beach volunteers are providing free, warm coats for those in need. The Coats for the Cold program has been giving out free winter coats at the Beach for the past five years. to him,” Lee said. And, Lee is using the restaurant to reach out and help others who are hurting with pro-

grams like Coats for the Cold, so the coat giveaway has become another way for her to honor her father.

Barge proposal is a ‘no-go’ in W’md County Richard Leggitt At its next regularly scheduled meeting on Nov. 13, the Westmoreland Board of Supervisors will receive a report from the Northern Neck Planning District Commission that will mean the end of a proposal to use barges to transport logs from Maryland to Westmoreland County to be milled at Potomac Supply in Kinsale. The planning district commission was to have done a feasibility study in two phases. One report to determine whether the barge proposal was an economically viable method of transportation. If pursuit of barge transportation was feasible, then a second report was to have presented a plan for its implementation. The report to be presented to the board of supervisors next week will be the final document, ac-

cording to Westmoreland County Administrator Norm Risavi. “It was determined not to proceed to the second phase of the study due to the significant cost for the shoreline infrastructure that was needed to complete the process,” Risavi said. “Basically the barging costs were less than trucking, but the infrastructure costs increased the total costs beyond the feasibility point,” Risavi said. “One of our goals was to look at possible landing sites on both sides of the river,” Northern Neck Planning District Commission Executive Director Jerry Davis said. “When you factored in the cost of constructing the landings sites on both sides, it wasn’t feasible.” Potomac Supply, a building supply manufacturer, has been hard hit by the current national economic struggles, and over the past several years has curtailed operations and lost more than 200

jobs. The company has been based in Kinsale since 1948 and the Westmoreland Board of Supervisors was hopeful the state funded study would produce a way to reduce Potomac Supply’s costs of operation and rejuvenate the firm’s operations in the county. “There just wasn’t any landing site for the barges that would work out financially,” Davis said. “We were tasked with finding a go or no-go conclusion and it was no-go.”

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Wednesday, Nov. 6, 2013

The Journal


Scary Creatures to Haunt Colonial Lt. England receives Beach Museum Until Thanksgiving Commissioner’s Award Richard Leggitt The Colonial Beach Museum will be the home of scary Halloween creatures for the next two months thanks to the efforts of the Colonial Beach Historical Society and dozens of adults and children who participated in the museum’s Scarecrow Festival. Fifth grade students from Colonial Beach Elementary participated in a field trip on Friday, Oct. 25, to help design and build scarecrows to be displayed at the town museum. Saturday, Oct. 26, the adults had their turn building additional scarecrows that will remain on exhibit at the museum on Hawthorne St. through Thanksgiving. “The students broke up into eight teams to put scarecrows together that decorate the museum. School teachers, staff members and Historical Society Board members joined the fun by helping the students. It was hard to tell who was having more fun, the students or the adults,� Patti Hansley, one of the organizers of the event, said. “A great time was had by all, and mother nature cooperated with a nice sunny afternoon. Swing by the museum, across from Fat Freda’s, to check it out, or visit the museum on Saturdays and Sundays from 1–4 p.m.,� Hansley said. Also Saturday, Oct. 26, Hansley and the other members of the historical society organized the first of its kind “History Walk on the Boardwalk.� Residents and visitors took a history trip down the Colonial Beach Boardwalk recalling the time when the popular St. John Steamer docked at the Municipal Pier and the Little Reno and Monte

Photo by Richard Leggitt

Students from Colonial Beach Elementary helped make scarecrows for the Colonial Beach Museum Scarecrow Festival. The scarecrows will be on display at the museum through Thanksgiving. Carlo gambling piers were popular attractions. “Members of the Colonial Beach Paranormal Group “The Boo Patrol� and the Colonial Beach Historical Society members put together the history walk to remember the lively days when the casinos and steamers played a pivotal role in Colonial Beach,� Hansley said. “The walk began at The American Legion and concluded at the museum. Guests brought cameras and took pictures along the way, hoping to catch a spirit from the old days as urban legends were recalled and shared with the group,� Hansley said.

The event was well attended and there are plans for an additional history walk this fall. Both the events were fundraisers for the museum with donations accepted. The next scheduled event at the museum is the Christmas House Tour. The Colonial Beach Museum was opened in 1998 by the historical society to celebrate and commemorate the history of Colonial Beach, a well-known beach and fishing resort since the 19th Century. The Colonial Beach Historical Society was founded in 1994.

Work session: Long on time, short on good news from page 1 According to Curtin, the town’s revitalization plan calls for approximately $728,000 in Boardwalk improvements, but several things stand in the way of progress. First, Curtin advised, the current condition of the Boardwalk is rapidly becoming unsafe. Curtin wrote in a handout that there are numerous tripping hazards to pedestrians. Curtin feels the Boardwalk should be brought back to its previous status as the epicenter of the town. He feels this can be accomplished without raising taxes, by splitting up the project into phases. The phases can be funded with money, which he said totals about $250,000, from previous sales of town-owned properties. However, Curtin did not re-

veal where these funds are being held currently. “Failure to successfully obtain a revitalization grant from the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) resulted in a 70-point loss in the area of selffunded capital improvement projects, according to feedback received on the 2013 DHCD grant application,� Curtin told the public. Curtin believes proceeding with the project with town funds could help show that the town is willing to fix the Boardwalk and make the package score better in the 2014 DHCD block grant application. Curtin continued, “In addition, we will be retiring the bonds used to purchase the Boardwalk properties soon.� Curtin proposed using the funds from those payments when they become avail-

able. Lastly, Curtin referred to a draft Request for Proposal (RFP), whose creation was headed by Councilman Jim Chiarello, on which council planned to give feedback later in the meeting. “Among things currently in the works is an RFP for the town to begin using realtors to market townheld properties for sale. Once this agreement is forged, we can begin disposing of these properties and get them back to work, generating tax revenues,� Curtin wrote in his proposal. He suggests putting funds from the sale of Boardwalk property back into beautifying the Boardwalk. Curtin asked the council members to review his proposal and get back to him with comments or questions. Council made no significant remarks concerning Curtin’s

proposal or Chiarello’s draft RFP. However, the council did have a few weeks to review the draft RFP, having received it at the previous council meeting. It was agreed that if no issues were brought up at the work session, Chiarello would consider the matter approved by his fellow members. Council members stated they were all in agreement with the document, and the matter moved swiftly without opposition. Next, the council will seek bids from real estate agents or firms to handle the marketing and sale of town-owned properties. The request for proposals states that interested firms should submit all documents to the Town of Colonial Beach by November 18. No date has been set stating when the council will choose an agent or firm.

River Gym is heating up, just as it starts to get cold Richard Leggitt When Bobbi Adamson was preparing to open her new River Gym in Colonial Beach last May, a man walked in and told her she was making a mistake.  â€œA gentleman told me ‘People in Colonial Beach don’t care about exercise’,â€?Adamson said. That was five months ago.  Today, Adamson’s gym is one of the hottest locations at the Beach and its growing membership list has required the popular workout and exercise facility to move from its first location, next to the Tattle Tale Cafe and Coffee Shop, down the street to 116 Washington Ave. to the Old Metro Golf Carts building. “We were open our second day and we had 10 people sitting on the floor filling out membership applications,â€? Adamson said. “We had a 60 percent usage rate in October. That’s unheard of, usually at this time of year the usage rate is about

six or eight percent.� Adamson knows fitness and exercise. She is the former owner of a large exercise facility in Lake Ridge in Northern Virginia. She is also a certified personal trainer, a weight management consultant, a nutritional coach, a spin teacher and a wellness coach. She has won awards from the National Gym Association and the Organization of Competitive Bodybuilding. Adamson has been coming to the Beach for the past seven years as a weekend resident and during that time she became convinced that there was a need for a facility that would offer healthy activities all year round. “I wanted to spark an interest in a more healthy lifestyle,� she said. “People in Colonial Beach have been so wonderful, so nice. The response to our gym has been very positive. People come up to me all of the time and say ‘Thank you’,� Adamson said.

The new 6,000 sq. ft. River Gym location features additional exercise equipment, more space for classes as well as showers and locker rooms for River Gym members.  “We have more classes, more equipment and more heavy weights,� Adamson said. “And we are preparing to put in a golf simulator. You will be able to stand in front of a 10-foot screen and play golf courses all over the country. People can actually play golf when it is snowing outside,� Adamson said. In addition to personal training, group fitness classes, and modern exercise equipment including cardiovascular equipment, variable resistance equipment and free weights, River Gym specializes in wellness, weight loss and nutrition. “We have had two people that have lost 50 pounds since joining, two who have lost 40 pounds and lots of people who have lost 10 or 20

pounds,â€? Adamson said. “We are right here, people don’t have to drive very far. We are open every day. We were only closed one day for our move to the new location because we didn’t want people to get out of their routine,â€? Adamson said. “We are putting in 110 percent and working very hard to accommodate our members and to provide a clean, safe gym.â€? Merry Robertson of Colonial Beach is a new member who is impressed with the River Gym, Adamson, and gym manager Chesley Swisher. “It’s been very good,â€? Robertson said. â€œIt’s so close, I drive right by here every day, so it is very convenient.â€? The River Gym is open every day of the week. From Monday through Thursday from 5 a.m. – 9 p.m., Friday from 5 a.m. – 7 p.m., and Saturdays and Sundays from 8 a.m. – 3 p.m. Memberships are $44 per month. For more information, please call (804) 410-2058.

Lieutenant William B. England, Jr. with the Westmoreland County Sheriff ’s Office received the Commissioner’s Award for Outstanding Service to State Accreditation by the Virginia Law Enforcement Professional Standards Commission (VLEPSC) on Thursday, October 17. The commission each year recognizes an individual for his/her dedication and professionalism to the program and to staffing the VLEPSC assessments throughout the Commonwealth. These individuals volunteer their time, talents and efforts to serve as assessors and team assessment leaders to ensure that an agency adheres to accreditation standards and procedures. “Words alone can’t express my appreciation and gratitude for Lieutenant England’s contributions to the accreditation program and to the sheriff ’s office. He has not only been instrumental in our accreditation process, but has served unselfishly to assist other law enforcement agencies, as well. He is more than deserving of this accolade,� stated Sheriff C.O. Balderson.

Mod Pod: Council makes swift decision from page 1 Brubaker continued, “We are also very guilty as a town, letting our property sit dormant and crumbling around us. It’s not just the schools or the school board- it’s our town. We’re doing a major revitalization community project right now. We’ve got some exciting things happening with the Boardwalk, with our businesses. I think that we do, we need to step up to the plate.� Brubaker asked Beane how long it would take to relocate the elementary school. Beane responded, “If we continue to lease mod pods, we could have them done by next fall. If we built a permanent structure—if they have an answer to move forward in November, then they would have it ready by August 1.� Council members chuckled unanimously, saying there was no way a $7.5 million loan could be approved by council that soon. Councilman Gary Seeber, after finding out that the $7.5 million included the high school repairs and the lighting on the field, broke down the costs: “If you build a new school, it’s going to cost $350,000 a year; using the mod pods it would cost $250,000 to set up, and $450,000 combining the high school improvements plus the lights; so that’s $850,000 plus interest.� Seeber offered a solution for Scenario II, saying, “If you got a tenyear loan and did all that stuff right away, still having to pay the $190,000 a year for the mod pods, you would need $300,000 for ten years. After ten years, you still have the $200,000 for the mod pods.� Seeber broke the train of thought interjecting, “You’re not going to get a decision by November on $7.5 million, it ain’t going to happen. But the ten-year loan for $800.000, I don’t see why we couldn’t do that, just make a motion. That way you could have the mod pods in place by next October. We could go out and borrow the money that gives us $250,000 to get it set up, put in the lights and fix up the high school.�

Councilman Tim Curtin asked if the school could place the mod pods, then later down the road, remove them and put a permanent structure in place. Trivett said, “Once we place those units, they are going to be where the permanent structure would be placed. Then you run into a problem of where to house the students during that time.� Beane said, “This particular company said that even though we have a mod pod behind the high school housing the middle school students, they would be able to build this and have it in place by August, even if we came out of this location at the first part of June.� Curtin responded, “The reality of coming up with a funding scenario for $7 million on your timeline would be risky. I just don’t see it happening either, who knows? But I could see a scenario where the mod pod project could. Ideally, I would like to do Scenario III, but I don’t think it’s in the cards right now.� Curtin proposed doing Scenario II and working towards Scenario III. Beane was not able to finish presenting all the details of the proposed permanent structure. The council directed both the school board and town staff to check with the bank to determine who would apply for funding and report back to the council during a special work session scheduled for November 14, at 9:30 a.m. Beane said in a phone interview Monday morning, “We absolutely try to give our students the best we can with the funds we have. Because we have to provide all the same criteria and meet all mandates as larger schools do, we must be creative in how we use funds.� Ultimately, the council majority seemed to agree with Seeber to borrow around $800,000 to finance the relocation of the elementary school to the high school campus, using rented mod pods and to perform the necessary repairs to the high school, as well as install new lights on the football field.

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The Journal


Wednesday, Nov. 6, 2012


Colonial Beach Artists’ Guild presents

2nd Friday Art Walk, Nov. 8 November is here and Thanksgiving is right around the corner. We have several artists lined up with new and exciting pieces of artwork, all for your viewing pleasure. Our starting point is at the Potomac River Fisheries Commission building on Taylor St., a surprise visiting artist will be present and is to be announced that evening. Going down Taylor Street to JarrettThor Fine Arts, Vicki Marckel, art teacher and artist from Southern Maryland will be exhibiting her new works along with Tarver Harris scarves and painted furniture. Across the street on Hawthorn you’ll find Pottery by Hand and Studio A, with more than 30 artists showing their works from pottery pieces to paintings. Cathy Donovan will have seasonal arrangements and John Barber will have new wood pieces to exhibit. Going down Hawthorn to Riverview Inn you will find that their resident artists have been pretty busy! This month’s visiting artist is James Roach. Further down Hawthorn Street is Esco Limited with original art by Elizabeth. Next door the resident artists at Visions by Shirl will be exhibiting their latest creations. Farther down the street is The Colonial Beach Museum, they should be open for our Art Walk and are welcoming everyone. I understand the Museum is planning something special for the holidays so stay tuned! Well, that’s the round up this month and just as a reminder, admission is always free to the public, refreshments are served and the people are friendly. Enjoy a pleasant evening at our 2nd Friday Art Walk. Till next time – Dr. Judi Morris of Colonial Beach Artists’ Guild

Vicki Marckel with her students

Smoky Mountain by Dr. Judi Morris

The following businesses will be participating Vicki Marckel & Tarver Harri JarrettThor Fine Arts Gallery 100 Taylor St. #101

Resident Artist Visions by Shirl 118 Hawthorn St.

TBA Potomac River Fisheries Commission 222 Taylor St.

Elizabeth Escobar Esco Limited 116 Hawthorn St.

James Roach & Resident Artist Riverview Inn 24 Hawthorn St.

Will be Open Colonial Beach Museum 128 Hawthorn St.

John Barber & Cathy Donovan Pottery by Hand & Studio A #10 A-B Hawthorne St.

“Contagious Inspiration” infects visitors at JarrettThor Fine Arts Vicki Marckel, a passionate, experienced teacher/artist from Southern Maryland and a long-time permanent artist at JarrettThor Fine Arts, will present her new works at JarrettThor from Nov. 8 to Jan. 5 (2014). The opening reception and meet the artist is Nov. 8 from 6–9 p.m. as part of the Second Friday Art Walk in Colonial Beach. The public is cordially invited, free of charge. Vicki, a native of Defiance, Ohio, is a high school art teacher at John Lackey School in Southern Maryland. She holds a Master of Fine Arts degree from the Academy of Art University. Much of Vicki’s past work has

been in large cityscapes in oil mainly from England, Italy and the U.S, but now she has branched out to many other subjects and media. Vicki believes that the challenges of her artistic inspiration have often been resolved through her relationships with her students. Of course, she inspires them by opening up new content for them, but they also inspire her to try new directions and extend her perceptions and skills. This synergy will become evident starting December 13 when the works of several of her students will also be on display in the small gallery adjoining her new works. This “double feature” will open on the Dec. 13 Art Walk and continue

until Jan. 5. JarrettThor will also have selected works of its other permanent artists along with decorative minerals, unique jewelry, and wooden bowls. They have added a new line of hand-carved wooden sculpture art by Craig Kuhn, a newcomer to Colonial Beach from Texas. Tarver Harris Design Studio located in JarrettThor Fine Arts will have new works in art, silk scarves and painted furniture. Hours are Friday-Sunday 10 a.m.–5 p.m. or by appointment (804-224-7200, jarretthor@aol.com) or by chance. -Submitted by Joyce Thor

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Wednesday, Nov. 6, 2013

The Journal


and Religious Community Events Providence United Methodist Church will host their annual Harvest Dinner on Saturday, Nov. 16 starting at 4:30 p.m. Cost is $13 for adults, $5 per child. For tickets or info call Ruth at (804) 493-8230. 5434 Stratford Hall Road, Montross. new monrovia baptist church will celebrate the 44th anniversary of the Deaconess, Sunday, Nov. 10 at 3:30 p.m. The Rev. Eddie Nelson and the Mt. Carmel Church family will be guests. 121 New Monrovia Rd., Colonial Beach, VA 22443. (804) 224-0068. first baptist church in Col. Beach is hosting a bus trip to the famous Sight and Sound Theater in Strasburg, PA to see the performance of the “Miracle of Christmas” Dec. 28. The bus will leave the church at 6 a.m. and will return later that evening. Costs vary by age. Call (804) 224-3274 or (804) 224-8588 for ticket information. All ages are welcome on this trip. third mount zion baptist church in Woodford, is hosting a “Pink Rain” Gospel Explosion on Saturday, Nov. 16 at 4 p.m. Please join them as they “Break the Chain.” Program is a benefit for Antoinette Minor, and will feature choirs and performers from around the area. peace lutheran church to host their annual Cookie Walk. Nov. 23, from 9 a.m.- 1 p.m. Cookies to buy, pies, cakes other baked goods, vendors and white elephant sale to pick up that perfect gift. (540) 7759131. 5590 Kings Hwy, KG.

antioch baptist church The Antioch Baptist Church Missionary Ministry in King George, VA, will be celebrating their Annual Day on Sunday, Nov. 10 at 3 p.m., with Bishop Timothy Sherfield from Chosen Ministries Praise and Worship Center in King George, VA as their guest. Come and have a glorious day as we give praise to our Lord. first baptist church of ambar continues their Wednesday noon prayer services with Scripture readings. Please join them for an hour of reflection and revitalizing. The Church is located at 9469 Caledon Rd. KG (540) 775-3939. dahlgren united methodist church Little Lambs Bible Story and Art Time is a Free “parent & me” style group for ages 0-5 years to meet once a month. Dates have been scheduled as follows: Nov. 1; Dec. 6; Jan. 17; Feb. 7; March 7; April 4 and May 2. For more information please call the church office at (540)663-2230. mars hill Hosting free fun, music and food for all interested teens. Saturday, Nov. 9 from 5-9 p.m. At This Next Mars Hill: Event Theme: Faith. Guest Speaker: KG Sheriff Dempsey. Crazy games and free spaghetti dinner. A number of youth will be sharing music and presentations. Two bands with great music lined up, including songs by David Crowder, Matthew West, Hillsong United, Toby Mac, Casting Crowns, Jesus Culture, Davy Flowers, and NeedtoBreathe… Something for everyone! Location

Round HIll Baptist Church, 16519 Round Hill Rd., KG. For more info, email marshill@va.metrocast.net or visit Facebook: Mars Hill KGBA. STOP HUNGER NOW along with local church groups, students and volunteers for the 2013 “Stop Hunger Now” food packaging project to be held at the KG-Y on Nov. 24. To reach the goal of $10,000 350 people will need to donate $30. More is welcome, less is just as important. Donate online http://events.stophungernow.org/ FletchersChapel. A dollar a day can be pocket change for some, and a week’s allowance for another. With a little effort, raising the 2013 goal will not be too hard. $1.25 will feed six, with the food package we will put together on the 24th. Can you donate today? If you are interested in learning more about the project, go to stophungernow.org or email me at lori@ journalpress.com. Ages five and up are welcome to come out to help package the food. No heavy lifting, no real thinking involved. A time of fellowship and the knowledge we are doing for others. Funds raised should be turned in by Nov. 18. Call (540) 709-7495 or follow on Facebook. peculiar People of purpose will hold an open panel discussion “Say What?” on Nov. 9 from 1-4 p.m. This discussion of what the church mothers won’t tell you, discussing the taboo issues in the church culture today. Holiday Inn Express, 114030 Telegraph Rd. Woodbridge, (near Potomac Mills). Free to public. Email Erika at Eerikajdavis74@ gmail.com

In honor of God, and my fellow veterans I, Minister Lester Truman “Ninie” Johnson would like to give this testimonial in honor of God, and to honor a veteran of King George county, and a graduate of Ralph Bunche School, Edgehill, VA, who was killed in an automobile accident in September, 2010. Mr. Elmer “Pop” Wilson Tyler has been intertwined in my life, before, during and after our military service to our country. “Pop” Wilson was linked to me by God, and by Staff Sergeant Theodore Johnson, in Ft. Eustis, Newport News, VA where he and I were stationed at the time. SSG Johnson told me to get in touch with a Sergeant First Class Elmer Tyler when I got to Fort Dix in New Jersey. (I was leaving Fort Eustis on leave, then to Fort Dix, then to Vietnam.) SSG Johnson told me Tyler was working in the finance department. When I got settled in at Fort Dix, I went to the finance office to look for Mr. Tyler. I saw one black soldier moving around, went over to him and saw the name Tyler on his chest. I told him my story, and God’s love came through him and from that moment until I departed for Vietnam, God used SFC Tyler to be my guardian angel without any hesitation on his part. Keep in mind, I was a scared young man, and surrounded by folks headed to a foreign land where many were dying like flies. SFC Tyler took care of me and made me feel special and safe. God used him to keep me from spending my time at Fort Dix in a lonely and dark place. I often

think about this and thank God for using Mr. Tyler for my welfare and well being. Many many years later, I retired from Fort Belvoir, VA, and happened to come across Mr. Tyler, and got the chance to tell him how much his efforts in 1968 had meant to me. He still acted as if what he had done was all in a day’s work. This showed me how people do things out of God’s love. Around 2006, I came across Mr. Johnson, who was living just down the road from Fort Belvoir. I told him how Mr. Tyler had helped me out in Ft. Dix. We also talked abut Fort Eustis, VA. God had brought us three black veterans back in each other’s lives after around 40 years. Praise and thank God. Only He can do this for His Glory and Honor. There are many “unsung” black veterans of wars, or just military service from the county of King George and out of Ralph Bunche high school. They go unnoticed because they do not seek the limelight for their service to our country, and no one seems to notice or care. My prayer for Veteran’s Day is that God touches the hearts and souls of the families of these veterans, along with the citizens of King George and other places, to let our veterans know that not only does God care about them, but that we all care. May God bless all the veterans of King George county, the United States, as well as veterans from other countries, who served on behalf of the United States. Written by Lester Truman Johnson King George county

Veteran’s Day Prayer Dear Lord, Today we honor our veterans, worthy men and women who gave their best when they were called upon to serve and protect their country. We pray that you will bless them, Lord, for their unselfish service in the continual struggle to preserve our freedoms, our safety, and our country’s heritage, for all of us. Bless them abundantly for the hardships they faced, for the sacrifices they made for their many different contributions to America’s victories over tyranny and oppression. We respect them, we thank them, we honor them, we are proud of them, and we pray that you will watch over these special people and bless them with peace and happiness. In Jesus’ name we pray; Amen. By Joanna Fuchs

IN FLANDERS FIELDS... In Flanders Fields the poppies blow, between the crosses row on row, That mark our place; and in the sky, the larks, still bravely singing, fly Scarce heard amid the guns below. We are the Dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved and were loved, and now we lie In Flanders fields. Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow, In Flanders fields. By: Lt.Colonel John McCrae, MD (1872-1918), Canadian Army

Our Doors are Open -Worship With Us Fletcher's Chapel United Methodist

8330 Fletcher's Chapel Rd. at 218

Pastor Michael Reaves fletcherschapel-kinggeorge-va.org Worship Services 8:30 & 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 9:45 a.m.

(540) 775-7247

17080 14th Street, Dahlgren Contemporary Service - 9:30 a.m. Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. & 11 a.m. Traditional Service - 11 a.m. Nursery open 9:15a.m.-12:15p.m.

Pastor Ed Johnson

email - office@dahlgrenumc.org web site - www.dahlgrenumc.org Phone: 663-2230

Good Hope Baptist Church

17223 Good Hope Rd. - corner Rt. 218E & 619 phone: 540-775-9487 fax: 540-775-0600 www.goodhopeministries.org

• Sunday School - 9:45 a.m. • Worship - 11:00 a.m. • Prayer & Bible Study (Wed.) 7:30 p.m. • 5th Sundays - Union & Nursing Home Worship “Building the Church & Reaching the World for Christ”

7748 Leedstown Rd., Oak Grove, VA 22443 (804) 224-0418 • www.lzbcva.org

We invite you to gather together with us! Sunday School - 9 a.m. Sunday Worship 8 a.m. & 10:15 a.m. Bible Study - Wednesday 7 p.m. Pastor Earl T. Howerton Jr.

Macedonia Baptist Church 1081 Macedonia Ln., Colonial Beach, VA (804) 224-1500 "O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His Name together."

Shiloh Baptist Church Reaching, Building, Serving

Sunday Activities Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship Service, 11:00 a.m. AWANA, 4:00 p.m. Youth Group, 4:00 p.m. Wednesday Nights Rev. Mike and Earlene Jessee Family Night Dinner, 5:30 Youth Study; Children’s Missions & Music, 6:00 facebook@kgshiloh Choir Practice, 7:15 13457 Kings Hwy. 540-469-4646 • www.kgshiloh.org

Oak Grove Baptist Church

Randall Snipes, Senior Pastor Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m.& 11 Awana-Sundays-6 p.m. Bible Study-Wednesdays 6:30 p.m. 8096 Leedstown Rd. Colonial Beach, VA


Colonial Beach United Methodist Church Pastor Rev. Yunho Eo

9:30 a.m. Adult Sunday School 10:45 a.m. Informal Hymn Singing 11 a.m. Worship & Children’s Sunday School Food Pantry open Thursdays at 10 a.m. Op Shop Open M-F 9 a.m.-noon (Thurs. 9 a.m.-1 p.m.) 1 Washington Avenue PO Box 189 Colonial Beach, VA 22443 (804) 224-7030

Two Rivers Baptist Church Meeting at their new church

Sunday School ..............9:30 a.m. Worship........................10:30 a.m. COME VISIT US • ALL ARE WELCOME

Rev. Peyton Wiltshire

For Information call 540-775-3244

Round Hill Baptist Church Worship & Service

16519 Round Hill Rd., King George, VA Pastor Ted A. James • 540-775-5583

)'-!"#$$%*.$'*/!*&01*2! !"#$%&'!#()!*&+&(%&,%34256*77/89:2:

Little Ark Baptist Church “Building God’s Kingdom On Earth”

"Pastor Larry" M. Robinson Sunday Worship - 10 a.m. Sunday School - 9 a.m. (New Testament Church Study) Wednesday Night Prayer & Bible Study 6 p.m. 15681 Owens Dr. in Dahlgren, VA Church Phone: (540) 663-2831

Hanover-with-Brunswick Episcopal Parish

Where all are welcome. Sunday Services:

The Rev. St. John's, 9403 Kings Hwy. Diane Carroll 1st, 2nd & 4th Sundays Rector Phone: 540-775-3635

Emmanuel, Port Conway (Rt. 301) 3rd & 5th Sundays

For more information, visit our website at:



3207 Quarter Hill Rd., Supply VA 22436

(804) 443-4168

Sunday School 10 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship 11 a.m. Bible Study Wednesdays at 7 p.m.

Rev. Irving Woolfolk, Jr.

Services Early Worship - 8 a.m. Sunday School - 9:45 a.m. AM Worship - 11 a.m. PM Worship - 6 p.m. Wed. Bible Study - 7 p.m.

AWANA Teens - Wednesdays 6:30 p.m. Clubbers - Fridays 6:30 p.m. Dr. Sherman Davis, Senior Pastor 540-775-7188 www.tbckg.org 10640 Kings Hwy - 1 mi. west of 301

Daily Mass: Mon. - Sat. 8:00 a.m. Adoration precedes each morning Mass Confession: Sat. following 8:00 a.m. Mass & at 4:30 p.m. Sun. 1/2 hour before each Mass Office: 11 Irving Ave., Colonial Beach, Va. 22443 www.elizant.org • 804-224-7221

Trinity United Methodist Church

9425 Kings Hwy., King George www.trinitykg.org

Contemporary Service ~ 8:30 a.m. Sunday School ~ 9:30 p.m. Worship ~ 10:30 a.m. (540) 775-4501 Rev. Susan Reaves

St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church

You're invited to worship with

Tabernacle Baptist Church

(540) 663-3085 ! Rev. Jim May

Sunday Masses: Sat. 5:00 p.m. Sun. 9:00 a.m. & 11:00 p.m. (español)

Intersection of Rokeby and Kings Hwy. (Rt. 3)

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

5486 St. Paul!s Road, King George

Very Rev. Francis M. de Rosa Rev. Mark Mullaney



Sunday Worship at 8 am and 10 am

Corner of Lossing and Boundary, Colonial Beach

Sunday- Holy Communion 11 a.m. Meeting at Grant Church in Lerty, VA

"A Church where everybody is somebody!"


St. Elizabeth of Hungary Roman Catholic Church

Traditional Anglican Worship 1928 Book of Common Prayer 1940 Hymnal

Morning Worship ~ 8:30 a.m. Sunday School ~ 9:45 a.m. Morning/Children's Worship ~ 11 a.m. Wed. - Bible Study ~ 6:00 p.m.

(Psalm 34:3)

Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Worship Service: 11 a.m. Prayer & Bible Study: (Wed.) 7 p.m. Holy Communion on 4th Sundays Rev. Fred Sales, Interim Pastor

Holy Redeemer Anglican Church

Worship Service - 10:30 a.m. (Sunday) Sunday School - 9:15 a.m. Nursery Provided Seeking to know the grace of God and to make it known to others. Dave Bentz, Pastor Jason Schubert, Associate Pastor 13114 Kildee Farm Road King George, VA 22485 (off 301 and Blue Jay Meadow Drive)

Ph. (540) 775-9990 • email: info@gracekg.com web site www.gracekg.com

Potomac Baptist Church Worship Service: 11:00 a.m. Age Graded Bible Study: 9:45 a.m.

All are Welcome! (540) 775-7006

Pastor: Dennis L. Newton 8103 Comorn Rd. (Rt. 609) King George

Corner of Millbank & St. Anthony’s Rd., King George

Very Rev. Francis M. de Rosa Rev. Mark Mullaney Sat. 7:00 p.m. Vigil Sunday Masses: Sun. 8:15 a.m. 10:30 a.m 12:45 p.m. Tridentine Mass Daily Mass: Mon. Thur. Fri. & Sat. 9:00 a.m. Tues. 7:00 a.m. Wed. 7:00 p.m. Adoration before each morning Mass Confession: Wed. 7:30 p.m. Sat. after 9:00 a.m. Mass & at 6:30 p.m. Sun. 1/2 hour before each Mass

Office: 11 Irving Ave., Colonial Beach, Va. 22443 www.elizant.org • 804-224-7221

A church where the Full Gospel is Preached, Taught and Lived

First Baptist Church Ambar

9469 Caledon Rd., King George, VA22485 Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship 11 a.m. Bible Study Wednesday at 7:30 p.m.

Pastor Wm. T. Frye

“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”


See your Bible Schoolin 9:45this a.m. church Morning Worship Service 11 a.m. Evening Bible Study 6 p.m. spot Wednesday Prayer Service 7 p.m. call Lori at (540) 775-5081 540-709-7495 "At the Heart of King George County with King George County In Our Hearts"

Rev. Rick Crookshank 10312 Hanover Church Rd.KG


“The church is the great lost and found department” - Robert Short

Help others find your church. Advertise in this space, only $10 per week. Billed monthly. Contact Lori at (540) 709-7495 or email her at lori@journalpress.com






A New Testament church “... All the churches of Christ greet you.” Romans 16:16

contact_us@kinggeorgecofchrist.org http://www.kinggeorgecofchrist.org P.O.Box 756 King George, VA 22485


The Journal

Leedstown DAR Chapter visits JM Memorial

KG Toastmasters collecting for KGSS

KG P&R What’s Happening

King George Toastmasters are collecting non-perishable food donations during the holiday season to donate to King George social services. Drop your donations during the times listed below: Wed 11/13, 11/27, and 12/11 between 6:30 - 8 p.m. Where: Century 21 Battlefield 15521 Real Estate Ave #100, King George, VA 22485.


FREE HOTCAKES @ Bob Evans This Veterans Day, Bob Evans Farms salutes service to country with a hearty plate of hotcakes. The company announced that veterans and active military personnel will receive free all-you-can-eat hotcakes at its restaurants on Veterans Day, Monday, November 11. .Just show a valid military ID.

Submitted by Carol Nelson Members and guests of the Leedstown Resolutions DAR Chapter in King George recently visited the James Monroe Birthplace Museum in Col. Beach. In 2008, the VA DAR dedicated a memorial to this soldier, patriot and statesman. Those attending were Laura S. Taylor, Lois Nixon, Gloria DeLoach, Elizabeth Lee, Marcia Eschmann, Janice Jones, Linda Southall, Carol Nelson, Ruth Taliaferro, Patsy Edwards, Margaret Bushman, and Barbara Segar.

2013 American Legion Oratorical Contest registration now open for local students

The 2013 American Legion Oratorical Contest, and the search for candidates for the event are underway. This program, also known as a Constitutional Speech Contest, will be held at King George Post 89 on Saturday, Dec. 7, 2013. Written applications, or a notice of intent to participate (via phone call) must be received at the AL Post Bldg., no later than 22 Nov 2013. The Oratorical Contest presents participants with an academic speaking challenge that teaches important leadership qualities, the history of our nation’s laws, the ability to think and speak clearly, and an understanding of the duties, responsibilities, rights and privileges of American citizenship. The Contest consists of a series of oratorical competitions, held at (progressively) local, regional, state and national levels. Scholarships associated with this contest have previously provided national finalists with: $18,000 (1st place), $16,000 (2nd place), and $14,000 (3rd place) awards. Individual first round finalist, at local, district and state levels, may also be eligible for additional awards. Funds are provided by the American Legion Insurance committee, and can be used to attend any college or university in the Unites States. To be eligible, participants in this contest shall be citizens of, or lawful permanent residents of the United States. All contestants must be bona fide students, herein described as any student under the age of twenty (20) years on the date of the National Contest, who is presently enrolled in a high school or junior high school (public, parochial, military, private, or home school) in which

the curriculum of said high school is considered to be of high school level, commencing with grade nine (9) and terminating with grade twelve (12). Students must be enrolled in high school or junior high school during the time of participation at any level of The American Legion National High School Oratorical Contest. Contestants must either be legally domiciled within, or attend an educational institution within the American Legion Dept. (State of Virginia) that they enter competition. Contestants can enter competition through only one Department. Contest Progression: if eligibility criteria is met, the winner of our King George County contest (Dec 2013) or the first runner-up if the original selectee is unable to further compete-will advance to the District competition, which will be held at our post (corner of Dahlgren Rd // VA -Route 206 and Indian Town Rd) in January 2014 (date to be determined). Representatives from other American Legion posts in the Northern Neck, Caroline, and Spotsylvania counties will also compete at this event. The winner of district competition may then compete, and if further selected, compete at regional, department, and national levels. Dates for those events will be forwarded at the District competition. Overall, this will be an excellent opportunity for students to meet and compete with other young scholars from throughout Virginia, and at the national level, competitors from all 50 states and the District of Columbia; Puerto Rico, France, and Mexico. Sponsorship and Commitment: the American Legion Oratorical Contest is sponsored by the American Legion, a Congressionally chartered patriotic, mutual help, and community service organization. Student participation in the Oratorical Contest is voluntary, and based upon the recommendation and sponsorship of local school counselors, teachers, and educators. Candidates should also be aware that this is a national competition,

requiring many volunteer hours from local citizens, academic sponsors, and Legion personnel in order to ensure this opportunity remains available. Sponsors and candidates need to recognize participation in this process will likely require increased levels of study, and commitment in order to attend competitions. If circumstances arise that a student can no longer compete in the selection process, it is the responsibility of the candidate to notify the Post and school sponsor of their change-in-status; this will facilitate selection and preparation of an alternate candidate. A Contest guide providing current eligibility requirements, judging criteria, discussion topics, scholarship awards, and guidance on contest requirements can be found at: http://www.legion. org/oratorical. For more information on this contest, please contact Brian Williamson at (540) 775-8124 or email bmwkg7w@aol.com.

Collecting “Cell Phones for Soldiers” event a success

Shawn Simmons, Operations Capt. KG Dept. of Fire, Rescue & Emergency Services wants to thank everyone that assisted with the inaugural Cell Phones for Soldiers Drive. After several recounts, the grand total of cell phones collected was 383. This translates to a minimum of 957.5 hours of talk time to go to military personnel. Because of the success of this year’s collection, Capt. Simmons plans to hold another collection drive in the Fall of 2014. She has a box in her office at Company 1 for any old, used phones you may have laying around. So, when you upgrade to a new phone, drop your old phone off at KG Company 1 at 8122 Kings Hwy, KG.

Animal Adoption





Wednesday, Nov. 6, 2013

Wednesday, Nov. 6

Wednesday, November 6, is the registration deadline for ballet. We are currently offering 3 ballet programs: Tot Ballet (3 - 5 yr olds), Fundamentals of Ballet for ages 6 - 12 and Ballet 1 for youths, ages 6 - 12 who know the fundamentals. Saturday, Nov. 9 from 5-9 p.m. teens will get together for the Mars Hill Youth Event being held at Round Hill Baptist Church. This event is FREE and open to all middle school and high school students. This evening will include two live bands in a concert atmosphere, FREE spaghetti dinner, crazy games, and their guest speaker, King George County Sheriff- Mr. Steve Dempsey. Come early (4:45p.m) for sign-in. Round Hill Baptist is located at 16519 Round Hill Road in King George. Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 23-24 join Parks and Recreation for its annual Craft Fair / Holiday Bazaar. This is a great way to see 30+ vendors in one place. Event is FREE to lookers, shoppers pay for their items. More activities are on the horizon stay tuned! Call KGP&R at (540) 775-4386 for more information or stop by and pick up a brochure or registration form for any of their events. Inaugural CBVFD-LA Frosty the Fireman 5K and Kids 1 mile. Saturday, Dec. 14. 9 a.m. start time. Packet pick-up on Town Stage @ 7:30 a.m. $20 per runner, includes t-shirt. Bundle up and come run for the cause. Best Santa hat contest! Mail entry (name, email & shirt size w/ $$$ payable to CBVFD-LA or email info and mail check to 212 Colonial Ave. CB, 22443.

4H club, Fancy’s Friends have a busy November schedule

The club has elected new officers for the upcoming year: Katie Fedorchak, President, Rachel Courtney, Vice-President/Historian, Abigail Sites, Secretary, Taylor Courtney, Reporter, Gabriel Courtney, Sunshine Committee. - 4H Achievement Night will be held on Thursday, Nov. 7, at Tabernacle Baptist Church 6 p.m. - On, Saturday, Nov. 9, there will be Bird Feeding at Heritage Hall - On Thursday, Nov. 21, there will be a Club Business Meeting (no dogs!) at the KG Extension Office at 6 p.m. If anyone is interested in joining the club, please call Mrs. Coleman at 775-7728. Amish Quilt Auction On Saturday, Nov. 16, starting at 9 a.m. come bid on quilts and other hand-stitched items created by the women of the local Amish Community held on an Amish farm. Warm up with home-made soup. Home-baked breads and pies also available. Proceeds support the needs of the Amish Community. Directions: Route 5 (Point Lookout Road) to Route 236 (Thompson Corner Road) to Grove Farm Lane in Mechanicsville. MD.

Potomac River Finfish Advisory Comm. to meet, 6:30 p.m. in the PRFC Office in Col. Beach. Open to the public.

Thursday, Nov. 7

Col. Beach Historical Society to hold its monthly meeting at 7 p.m. in the Cooper Memorial Library meeting room. Up for discussion is the upcoming Christmas House Tour.

Friday, Nov. 8

Join KG Chapter 1616, UDC, in honoring our Veterans UMWDahlgren Campus, 6:30 p.m. Seven Veterans, ranging from those who served in WWII to Operation Iraq Freedom will be honored with plaques of appreciation. Also, honored will be three King George residents who have made outstanding contributions in working with the active Military and/or Veterans as well as one for her outstanding service to the Community. Come out and show your appreciation to these men and women who have served our Country not only in wartime but also in times of peace. This year the Veteran’s who will receive these awards are from King George and Westmorland Counties.

Saturday, Nov. 9

6th Annual Winter Market in Reedville. 9 a.m.-2 p.m. at the Festival Hall on Main Street. Coincides with annual Oyster Roast. Call (804) 453.6529. KG Family Fun Fair. Sponsored by the NARFE Premier FCU, this FREE event is open to people of all ages. Vendors, games, prizes, music free food and more. Noon to 4 p.m. at the KGCC. Come out for a day of FREE Fun! Last fund raiser dinner for 2013 sponsored by the CBVFD-LA. 5-7 p.m. The menu features, pork roast with gravy, macaroni & cheese, green beans, fried apples, roll, drink & dessert for only $10.00. With each paying Adult ticket, you will also receive a “2013” Potomac River Festival Firemen’s Parade T-Shirt. (sizes limited, first comefirst serve). ALL Proceeds Benefit CBVFD. We would like to say a “BIG Thank You” to everyone that has supported us all year and hope to see you all again next year.

SOS: Simple Outdoor Survival to take place at Stratford Hall. Enjoy the beautiful fall woodlands and practice some essential survival skills. Learn to use a compass to find waypoints in the woods, and how to build a shelter from nothing but sticks and leaves. Great fun for kids and families. All equipment provided. 8:45 a.m. –noon. Ages 8-13 (ages 8 and under must attend with a parent or adult) Cost $12 per person. For tickets and reservations, please call (804)493-1972. or visit our event calendar online: http://stratfordhall. org/events/month.

Monday, Nov. 11

KG Ruritan Club will host their annual Veteran’s Day Ceremony. 6:30 p.m. in the KGHS Auditorium. Free and open to everyone to come and honor our local veterans.

Saturday, Nov. 16

Rotary Club of KG/Dahlgren invites you to a Great Night Out. 6 p.m.-Midnight. at the Riverboat on the Potomac. Tickets $40pp. to include dinner, silent auction, live auction and special guests The Famours Dueling Pianos. Go to kgdahlgrenrotary@gmail.com for more info. NARFE Col. Beach Chapter 595 Annual Big Band Dance 8 p.m. Colonial Beach Moose Lodge Tickets at the Door: $20.00 Dress: Business Casual. Benefit for: Alzheimer’s and Local Charities. Shuckin’ and Jivin’ on the Courthouse Green, Oyster Roast. 2-5 p.m. Sponsored by the Mary Ball Washington Museum & Library, in Lancaster, VA. Tickets are $30 pp and must be purchased in advance. Ticket will include: oysters, Lancaster stew, hot dogs, sodas, wine and beer; museum tours; and live music. Bring your own lawn chairs. Rain location, Trinity church pavilion. 50/50 tickets also available. To buy Oyster Roast tickets, send check to MBWML, PO Box 97, Lancaster VA 22503, or by phone (804) 462-7280 with credit card.

Saturday, Dec. 7

Holiday Craft Bazaar hosted by the CVRS. 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Vendors and crafters needed! Call (804) 7615115. $15 for 10x10 space. $25 for two spaces. Subscribe to The Journal $24 per year Call 540-775-2024

Colonial Beach Lions elects new board

Submitted by Doris A. Gentry-Buswell The Colonial Beach Lions Club recently elected the Board of Directors for the upcoming year. The officers and directors pictured from left to right are: Paul Brunkow (President), Anna Payne (Vice President and Immediate Past President), Robert Gilliam (Treasurer), Rita Buckley, Jane Trail (Secretary), Mary Sanford, Mary Caputo, and Hugh Cason. The Colonial Beach Lions Club meets on the first and third Tuesday of the month at their clubhouse on Marshall Avenue. Lions are a group of men and women who identify needs within the community and work together to fulfill those needs. For more information or to get involved please contact Anna Payne at (804) 224-7557.

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Wednesday, Nov. 6, 2013

The Journal



Will it be a tough deer season this year? Mark Fike That is definitely the question on the minds of many deer hunters. As I sat with my daughter in the gorgeous fall woods watching the brilliant colored leaves flutter to the forest floor, I inhaled the brisk air and even closed my eyes a few times to just soak in the woods and the incredible smells. Around 8:30, something started nagging at me. I kept thinking the nagging was the fact that we had not seen any deer. I brushed that off, though, as I was relieved to have no encounters with trespassers so far. That was a nice break from the previous few seasons on the particular property we were hunting. We kept scanning the fall woods looking for movement, hoping for a deer to materialize, so we could put up some meat for the winter. Finally, after ten minutes of studying the nagging issue, it hit me. This was opening day of muzzleloader season, and I had yet to hear any shots ring out. That was definitely not normal and was even foreboding. The more I thought about it, the worse I felt. Perhaps the HD outbreak was even more devastating than I had thought. Maybe the deer were just not able to recover enough to repopulate in reasonable numbers. A shot rang out perhaps a half mile away, and I cut off the anxious thoughts. Certainly the deer did get hammered in some areas of the county. There was no doubt about that. My property was one of the ones that certainly took a hit, as I had yet to see a shootable deer during the season on my trail cameras. However, further reflection revealed that while riding around the county during the late summer, I had seen a number of deer around the county. Then I glanced down at the message that my daughter had sent me. Seven deer in all had passed by her that morning, but none afforded a safe shot. So, there were deer around. The problem was that they had very little to eat. In fact, after two or three really good mast crops over the past few falls, the deer were staring at a tough winter, on account of virtually no food in the form of nuts in the woods. As I stated last week, hunters are definitely going to have to hunt other food sources. I have seen one or two trees that put off acorns in our county. I am sure there are more, but I have not seen them. The ones I saw were in the backyard of a house of a friend. They are nearly gone now, as the squirrels have made quick work of them.

Outdoor Report

Photo by Mark Fike

Look for deer in old clearcuts where there is a bit of greenery growing, thickets, ag fields or other areas with browse. So, where do we need to be hunting? If you have access to agricultural fields that were not harvested yet, that would be a key place. However, most farmers have made their crops by now. Deer have devastated many fields that were not harvested. Next would be hayfields, left over gardens, any old home sites with fruit trees and then thick browse. Browse would include honeysuckle and other greenery. No doubt the deer are in search of food. Subdivisions will likely see more deer this year, as they will be after any bushes or flowers. I sure hope the winter is not too bitterly cold and snowy. The deer certainly have not had much to fatten up on so far.

While I have not focused on the acorn crop for my entire life, what times I have paid attention tells me that this the worst mast failure I have seen. There are many theories out there as to why we had a poor to non-existent mast crop. Some people are airing their thoughts and have stated that the cicadas caused it. Well, King George did not have that many cicadas. Spotsylvania and Stafford certainly did. However, we did have those small green worms (canker worms) that seemed to eat up all the leaves on oaks and other trees. Those worms were dropping down from trees all over. They fell on windshields and were everywhere. I wonder if those worms eating up the leaves caused the trees to put their energy back into making new leaves instead of acorns? The other consideration is that the oaks usually have cycles of acorn production. White oak acorns reportedly are mature in one year, while red oak acorns can take two to three years to mature. Given that we had really good crops the past two years may mean that we were due for a bust in acorn production. The combination of cooler spring weather, the acorn cycle, the canker worms or who knows what else could have impacted our crop. Whatever the reason for the acorn failure, we hunters need to change our game plan. Deer will certainly be using common travel corridors, but don’t look for them in a hardwood lot. You best focus on greenery and other thickets to punch a deer tag. Use those trail cameras to locate where and when deer are traveling through your hunting area. If you have access to an agricultural field, scout it to see if there is any deer sign. Because so many hunters are now using the phone-in or Internet check system, we have no real pulse on how many deer were taken opening day. I welcome any field reports from readers, particularly brief ones that simply say, “Hey, I got a nice buck that was 10 points here in King George in a pine thicket,” or, “I saw six deer but passed on them. They were in a swamp.” Of course we welcome decent and appropriate shots of your deer, particularly lady hunters and youth, for possible publication. Just try to move those tongues that tend to hang out, wipe off excess blood and we don’t need to see the gut cavity, either. Some folks don’t hunt, and they read the paper while eating dessert or breakfast. We can be reached at outdoors@journalpress.com Good hunting!

Send us your fishing & hunting pictures!

Mrs. Drinks’ class collects insects

We at the Journal love receiving your hunting and fishing pictures. Please send your picture, in .jpg form, to outdoors@journalpress.com

Angler numbers are dropping, especially because muzzleloader season came in. However, fishing is still decent.


Rappahannock River Ken’s Tackle in Spotsylvania reported that some anglers are trolling very slow and picking up some striper. Perch are still biting downriver. No word on what they are biting. Some crappie and a few bass near Massaponax Creek. Potomac River Winter Harbor reported that fishing for catfish was very good. Squid worked well. A few perch are hitting here and there. Aqua Land reported white perch and catfish hitting squid, but that was it. Catfish seem to be the one willing customer these days. Unfortunately, no stripers were reported. Inland waters Ponds and small lakes are good for crappie and bass. Some decent bream were caught in local ponds as the front was rolling through. Saltwater Captain Ryan Rogers (804580-0245) reported very good rockfishing this week. Some fat and healthy fish are showing up. Hunting Muzzleloader season started this past Saturday. None of our sources that run check stations showed any deer. Some saw turkey, though. Opening morning was very quiet, too quiet in the woods. I personally heard three distant shots, and that was it all morning. Squirrel hunting has been tougher lately due to the lack of acorns. Seasons Duck seasons — Feb. 1 (Youth Days), Nov. 16 – Nov. 30, Dec. 7 – Jan. 25. Daily Bag Limit: 6 ducks, any species except for the following restrictions: can include no more than 4 mallards (only 2 can be hen mallards), 4 scoters, 3 wood ducks, 2 redheads, 2 scaup, 2 pintails, 1 black duck, 2 canvasback, 1 mottled duck, and 1 fulvous whistling duck. Muzzleloader Season for Deer—Nov. 2-15 Firearms deer season—Nov. 16 Muzzleloader season for bear—Nov. 9-15 Firearms bear season locally (see regs) — Dec. 2–7 Fall Firearms turkey season (locally see regs)— Oct. 26–Nov. 8, and Nov. 28, Dec. 2–14

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When Mrs. Drinks’ 7th grade Life Science class at King George Middle School went outside to collect insects, we had loads of fun finding all of the different insects! We caught anywhere from tiny little crickets to big Praying Mantises. Mrs. Misch, the King George County 4H Officer, helped us find, identify, and classify the insects. The most interesting of the insects we caught was the Praying Mantis, a green moth, and the Leaf Bug. No spiders though. They’re not insects, they’re arachnids! We did this insect hunt because in science class, we were doing a unit on them and all different sorts of bugs, bugs, and more bugs! We worked on this subject/unit for about three days. We learned all about the different parts of them and even got to look at some under a digital microscope, seeing parts of them we had never seen before! The classes all together caught about 75-150 insects. We caught two male Praying Mantises and two

females. We took one female and male and put them in a cage and after about a week we had discovered an egg sack! But the mystery was that we couldn’t find the male in either of the cages. Hmmmmm… It turns out that after the couple mate, the female eats the male’s head so he can’t move at all then eats the body later for the protein. After we had all the fun we thought we could have, then comes

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along the pinning process! This was my favorite part of the whole project because we got to see all the bugs we caught when we went outside. This process was fun for MOST people but some, eh, not so much. This project was my favorite one so far this year and I hope we get to do something like this next year in 8th grade with the other classes!

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The Journal

Wednesday, Nov. 6, 2013


Colonial Beach Drifters crush Lancaster Red Devils Leonard Banks Sports editor After defeating the Lancaster Red Devils 42-29, the Drifters (5-4) have moved one step closer to hosting their first Conference 43, 1A East playoff game. However, Drifters the Drifters have one major roadblock in front of them in the form of Washington & Lee. Red Devils Currently, the Eagles are coming off a 14-9 loss to Essex, but due to their sixth place playoff ranking, they will likely host their first game regardless of the outcome against Colonial Beach on Friday. However, in light of the 12-0 loss to the Drifters last season, and the fact it was the school’s first-ever loss to Colonial Beach, the lingering intangible associated with cross-

42 29

town rivalry will ultimately play a crucial role in the final outcome. As for the Red Devil game on Thursday, the Drifters made the most of their seasonal confrontation with Lancaster. Lamar Lucas ran for 133 yards and two touchdowns. The game marked the fourth consecutive time that Lucas has run over 100 yards. Lucas’ teammate Shamar Shanks accounted for two interceptions. On the ground, the Drifters rushed for 281 yards, but the Red Devils held them to 25 passing yards. Ryan Thomas’ fumble recovery in the final minutes shut out all hopes of a Red Devil rally. Trailing 3-0, the Drifters entered the second quarter determined to enter the second half on top. Lucas got the offense rolling as he scored twice - on a one-yard run and a sixyard run. Shamar Shanks later scored on a 70-yard interception. However, the Red Devils trailed by one point,

courtesy of two second quarter touchdowns by S. Bouis. In the second half, the Drifter defense pitched a shutout, as their offense scored three times to put the game in the record books. The Drifters concluded their scoring with Michael Mothershead catching a 25yard touchdown, and two one-yard rushing touchdowns from Carter Foster. On Friday, the long awaited crosstown rivalry between the Drifters and the Eagles will take place on the grounds of Washington & Lee. Game time is 7 p.m. Fans should get there early, because parking could be scares. Leonard Banks

Drifters running back, Andrai Turner grinds out yards against tacklers.

Washington & Lee and Essex Trojans wage war Sophomore running back D.J. Weldon powered into the left side on first down, but was stopped.. Sophomore running back Jarret Sumiel then was tackled for no gain on two tries. And, finally Essex stopped junior running back Marion Pollard, who went up the middle on fourth down, to preserve the Trojan lead. “I thought we could get one yard on anyone, but we came up short,” said W&L Coach Antron Yates. “At some point, you have to make the play to win the game.” “But I am so proud of my team for stepping up to a huge challenge,” said Eagles head coach Antron Yates. “My team went toe to toe with one of the best teams in single A football. And the game came down to one yard.” Essex’s two touchdowns came in the first and third quarters when running back Leo Gaskins powered over the goal line for short touchdown runs. W&L answered the

By Richard Leggitt The Washington & Lee Eagles waged a tough battle against the powerful Essex Trojans Saturday afternoon, losing a hard fought football game 14 to 9 to the Essex district’s top team on its home field. The loss sets up a Friday night showdown with the Colonial W&L Beach Drifters with the winner earning a home playoff game. W&L, 5-4, had more yards and more first downs than Essex, 8-1, and had fewer penalties. The Eagles held a Trojan offense that had been scoring more than 40 points a game to two touchdowns and were in a position to tie the game when they moved to the Essex one-yard line in the fourth quarter.

14 9

Leonard Banks

Washington & Lee Eagles quarterback, Treshaun Browns looks down field for an open receiver.


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first Essex touchdown in the second quarter as Sumiel scored on an 18yard pass play from junior quarterback Treshaun Brown. Washington & Lee stayed in the battle and tacked Essex quarterback Dominek Broaddus for a safety with four minutes left in the game to cut the Essex lead to 14 to 9. With the clock running down, W&L rolled to the Essex 29, but the drive collapsed there after three runnings plays were stopped by the Trojans and a fourth down pass fell incomplete. “We had several people that played well, “ Coach Yates said. “I would like to recognize the whole defense. Coach Edgar Carey came up with a great scheme. The defense believed in it, and executed it. Satur-

day’s game was the result of an overall team effort.” The Eagles, who had won four straight prior to the Essex loss, remain in contention for a playoff berth, as do the Colonial Beach Drifters, Friday’s opponent and also 5-4. “Now it is time to get ready for another good team. We need to grow from Saturday and focus in on Colonial Beach,” Yates said. “Colonial Beach is a hard nosed, blue collared football team. In order to beat them you have to take the football game from them. They play hard. They do a lot of things well. The only glaring weakness they may have is the lack of depth. I am preparing my players for another hard fought football game,” Yates said.

W&L JV battles Trojans to tie Staff Reports The Washington & Lee Eagles junior varsity football team ran into a nail-biter recently, as they battled the Essex Trojans to a 1414 tie. Daquinse Bunns led the Eagles with 181 all-purpose yards and two touchdowns. Cullen Bell

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added 74 yards passing and 32 yards rushing. Stevie Preston added 24 yards rushing. On defense, Kenny Taylor led the Eagles in tackles. Currently, the Eagles are the top junior varsity football team in the Northern Neck with a record of 8-1. On Wednesday, the Eagles travel to Colonial Beach. Game time is 7 p.m.

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Wednesday, Nov. 6, 2013

The Journal


Foxes field hockey season ends in Conference playoffs Leonard Banks Sports editor

Leonard Banks

The Foxes’ field hockey program finished their season on a high note for the second year in a row. Last Tuesday, in the Conference 22 semi-championship at Eastern View High School, the Foxes lost 4-0 to the Cyclones. The Cyclones eventually lost to Chancellor, 7-1, in the finals. Goals scored by the Cylcones included: Alexis Brown, assisted by Jordan Howard (1st half), Mackenzie Queen, Sarah Brown, and Jenny Bosserman. Foxes goal keeper, Carly Lindstrom finished the game with 19 saves. As for King George, they ended their season for the third time in the playoffs with a record of 11-7-0. Conference champion (Chancellor)

and the second seed (Courtland) will advance to the Regional Championship. Prior to the playoffs, the Foxes defeated Liberty, 5-0. Foxes goals were scored by Liz Hill (2 goals), Meghan Yanchulis (1 goal, 1 assist), Jackie Collins (1 goal), and Alexis Sheehan (1 goal). The following players and coach were recently honored with the following awards: First team Forwards: Chelsa Galera (CH), Chole Fernandez (CH), Kate Colley (CH), Meghan Yanchulis (KG), Mackenzie Queen (EV). Midfield: Katherine Hull (CH), Greer Trainham (CH), Alexis Brown (EV), Marybeth McBroom (CT), Maure Buckley (KG). Defense: Sydney Rampey (CT), Jordan

Howard (EV), Kenzie Neylon (CH), Jordan Rasure (CH), Kaila Bernard (CH). Goal keeper: Alexis Knipfer (EV). Second team Forwards: Lindsy Smarrelli (FQ), Allie White (FQ), Cameryn McLaurine (CT), Caroline Mastin (CT), Sarah Brown (EV). Midfield: Allison Weiland (CH), Noelle Harrison (CT), Carlynn Hoppell (CT) Ester Seworder (EV), and Erin Bushman (CH). Goal keeper: Carly Lindstrom. Honorable mentions: Liz Hill (KG), Amanda Harlow (LB), Kara Peters (EV), Savannah Markell (FQ), Anna Stribling (LB), Mickey Perrotte (KG), Faith Byars (LB), Coley Carpenter (LB).

Drifters end regular season with high hopes Leonard Banks Sports editor For the Drifters volleyball program, the 2013 fall sports season has been a process of overcoming adversity, while taking the necessary steps needed to rebuild and sustain a competitive team. With their backs against the wall, Drifter head volleyball coach Chase Davidson realizes the reality of playing a tough team such as Rappahannock on Tuesday. “We scrimmaged this team back in August and they’re pretty good to say

the least,” Davidson said. “They’re a well disciplined team with hitters coming from every angle. We know what we’re up against and know the odds are stacked against us but we’re still playing to win. We’ve come to the point that we’re going to play as hard as we can and not make it easy for anyone to advance.” Results of the Conference 43 1A East quarterfinal game versus Rappahannock Country were not available due to press deadlines. Whether it was Essex, Washington & Lee or Northumberland, the Drifters bravely took on the toughest

teams in the Northern Neck. Nothing has come easy for Colonial Beach. “I know there are some people that may not be happy with our record including myself, but you don’t build something overnight,” Davidson said. “It takes time and I feel like we’re heading in the right direction.” During their second game of the regular season, the Drifters defeated King & Queen Central (3-1) for their first win in two years. Losing two essential players such as seniors Kora Herrod, and T’Nizysa Taylor to graduation will not be easy, but the Drifters will have a veteran

crew of players returning from both the varsity and junior varsity teams. With new junior varsity head coach, Cameron-Ann K. Standish at the helm, the Drifters junior varsity improved their seasonal record to 5-5, 8-9. “Some may look and say that 8-9 isn’t a great record but when you look at past Colonial Beach records, you would then realize the leaps we are making,” Davidson said. “Only two of these girls had ever played organized volleyball before this season and they just picked it up, did what we asked, and performed on

the court. We also have a solid group from the varsity program coming back so I really believe the future for Colonial Beach volleyball is looking great.” Plans are set in place for the upcoming coming 2014 season. The Drifters will run open gyms throughout the year, as they work on improving every aspect of their skill sets. Towards the end of February, and through the month of March, Davidson will conduct a youth camp. The camp will take place on Saturdays, during a five-week period.

We’ve come to the point that we’re going to play as hard as we can and not make it easy for anyone to advance.” —Chase Davidson

Rappahannock Raiders race in Pumpkin Plunge Brandon Hendrickson

Jim Salyers , Jr.

KGYAA Rookie Pride quarterback Chase Gaines grinds out yards against the River Hawks. The Pride upset the first-place River Hawks this past week in an exciting game.

KGYAA teams battle for gridiron supremacy Staff Reports

It was another beautiful fall Saturday for football at Sealston Elementary School, as the King George Youth Athletic Association (KGYAA) concluded another weekend of exciting tackle football action. The Junior division opened the day’s schedule, with the surging Blue Devils (4-4) blasting the Mustangs (5-3), 50-12, behind a total team effort. The Mustangs were led by Dylan Hawkins, Hunter Johnson, and J.J. Newman. In the second Junior division contest, the first-place Warriors (6-2) held off the hard-fighting Bandits (1-7), 28-20. Setting the pace for the Warriors were Jason Knott, Josh Miller, and Matt Staples. The Bandits, who have been competitive in virtually every contest this season, were led by Anthony Frank, Jacob Stone, and McKinley Worrell. The Rattlers (4-4) and Pirates (44) met in Saturday’s first Rookie division game, with the Rattlers prevail-

ing, 28-14. Propelling the Rattlers to their upset victory (and promotion to second place in the standings) were Dominic Deloatch, Devin Quick, and Nate Wahl. Providing noteworthy performances for the Pirates were Nathan Caldwell, John Dodson, and Ethan Richardson. In Saturday’s second Rookie division contest, the first-place River Hawks (6-2) unexpectedly suffered their second straight defeat, this time to the never-say-die Pride (26), 20-14. The Pride credit their win to a complete team effort. The River Hawks were led by Jamari Cox, TayVion Pierce, and Nick Smoot. The JV Mavericks (3-4) were back in action at Sealston Saturday, falling in defeat to the visiting Colonial Beach Drifters, 20-18. Despite a valiant second-half comeback attempt, victory eluded the hard-luck Mavericks, who have now lost four games by a grand total of just 12 points (with three of the losses by a mere two points each). Submitting outstanding perfor-

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mances for the JV Mavericks on Saturday were Michael Foster, Caleb Hoyle, and Garrett Moore. The Rookie and Junior division teams will be back in action this coming Saturday at Sealston, in the final weekend of regular season play. The playoffs begin on Nov. 16. The JV Mavericks will conclude their regular season play at Essex High School Saturday, as they takeon Caroline Co. in a make-up game. The current Rookie division (ages 6-8) standings are 1.)River Hawks, 2.)Rattlers, 3.)Pirates, 4.)Pride. The current Junior division (ages 9-11) standings are 1.)Warriors, 2.) Mustangs, 3.)Blue Devils, 4.)Bandits.

The Rappahannock Raiders continue the season’s success in their second meet at the Poseidon’s Pumpkin Plunge. The meet was held at the beautiful Collegiate School Aquatic Center in Chesterfield. The Raiders busted out immediately with ten straight best times and would continue on to improve upon 65.9% of all times. Adding to the team’s success, the team broke 11 team records and achieved 18 new “USA Swimming Standards.” Gabby Thompson and Alex Poley set the tone for the meet when the two combined for 13 best times of 14 swims, four new team records, and five new “USA Swimming Standards.” “Everyone raced really well this weekend. I saw our athletes make adjustments to their strokes and turns mid-race. It shows they were really paying attention to what they were doing. We just had a lot of heads-up racing,” stated Head Coach Brandon Hendrickson. The Raiders hope to continue their success in November as they head to Fredericksburg, to compete in Regency Park Swim Team’s Mini Meet. For more information on the Raiders, visit rappraiders.com. New USA Swimming Standards Achieved: Ricardo BonillaVazquez 100 Back A; Jonathan Dates 50 Back B; Veronica Declute 400 IM BB; Abby Elia 200 Free B, 200 Back B; Jenna Kapp 200 Free AAA; Lindsay Knoke 500 Free B; Zandy Knoke 500 Free BB; Taylor Mayros 50 Back B; Cannon Parker 100 Breast B; Alex Poley 100 Free AA, 200 Free AA, 50 Breast BB,

Brandon Hendrickson

100 Fly BB; Deonte Teleton 100 Free B; Gabby Thompson 100 IM A; Carter Wasser 500 Free BB; Brandon Wofford 500 Free B, 400 IM B New Team Records Set: 9-10 Girls’ Jenna Kapp 200 Free 2:21.00, 100 Back 1:13.09, 100 Fly 1:13.04; 11-12

Girls’ Gabby Thompson 500 Free 5:39.38; 13-14 Girls’ Emily Sizemore 2:59.68; 11-12 Boys’ Alex Poley 100 Free 59.02, 200 Free 2:07.10, 200 Back 2:29.09; Senior Men’s Ricardo Bonilla-Vazquez 100 Back 59.67, 100 Breast 1:11.15, 200 Breast 2:34.04.

The Journal also publishes The Dahlgren Source and ChamberLink. Find them online at www.journalpress.com

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The Journal

Wednesday, Nov. 6, 2013


W&L’s Jacob Daiger: a well rounded athlete who is ready for the future Richard Leggitt

Eagle cross-country standout, Jacob Daiger

Jacob Daiger plays the guitar, the piano, is a Boy Scout, has acted in plays, wants to study engineering and classifies himself as a geek. He is also a star soccer player, the captain of the W&L boys cross country team and one of the top young runners in the region. “Jacob is creative, inquisitive and fun. He has a variety of interests outside of school that complete him as a well rounded young man,” said W&L Athletic Director Malcolm Lewis. “Jacob is a hard worker. He will leave no potential untapped.” Jacob and the district winning W&L boys cross country team are preparing this week for regional competition that Jacob hopes will take the team and him into the state cross country championships. A cross country runner since he was

Ruth Daiger

KGMS football finishes season with a blast Chris Zylonis The King George Middle School (KGMS) Foxes Football team ended another successful season on a high note by notching victories over Walker Grant 22-6, and most recently 4820 over a strong Locust Grove team. Overall, on the season the Foxes ended up with a 5-2 record outscoring their opponents 142-70, with their only losses coming against Louisa and undefeated Floyd T. Binns. The win over Locust Grove culminated a season of growth for the young Foxes. With the youngest team in recent memory, composed of 15 seventh graders, the Foxes forged their way into season. After losing a scrimmage to Locust Grove on Aug. 21 by 21 points, the Foxes, with hard work and dedication, trounced that same team by 28 points a mere two months later. As the season unfolded, the improvement and growth with the Foxes was evident. Coach Zylonis attributes this growth to the hard work and dedication shown at practice,

which translates to game-time success. “The kids bought into the team-first mentality and it led to the growth and ultimately success on the field,” Zylonis said. There will be many eighth graders playing at King George High School in the near future contributing to the success of that program in the future, while the returning seventh graders will lead KGMS into next season. Offensively the Foxes were led by quarterback Tyler Johnson, running Back Cameron Schaub (687 yards, 12 touchdowns), running back Cannon Zylonis (352 yards, five touchdowns), running back Josh Beaulieu, running back Jay Davis, wide receiver Marcus Smith, and a strong line led by Jordan Price, Colin Abel, Drew Knott, Kenny Frank, Carson Gray and Kevon Allen. The stingy Foxes defense was led by Johnson, Beaulieu, Schaub, Zylonis, Price, and Knott. With another successful season in the books, Coach Zylonis will now turn his attention to KGMS Basketball, and tryouts which are scheduled for Nov. 11-13.

in the eighth grade, Jacob believes running is one of the most rewarding things that he does. “There is something called a ‘runners high’,” Jacob said. “When you are running 10 or so miles, it is such a good feeling. It is kind of like floating on air.” “Jacob’s maturation process as a young man and runner has been exciting to watch,” said W&L Boys Cross Country Coach Cole Vanover. “He came into the season in better shape than everyone else and it has clearly paid off.” “He is a leader by example and he isn’t afraid to speak up and get other guys going. He has really taken a liking to running and competing at a high level with himself and others,” Vanover said. “Jacob has been all-conference for the past three years, 2011, 2012 and 2013. He was also all-region last

“Jacob is creative, inquisitive and fun. He has a variety of interests outside of school that complete him as a well rounded young man.” — Malcolm Lewis year,” said Vanover, who has coached the W&L boys cross country team to four district titles in a row. “Jacob, Alec Westall and Hasan Gill have been solid for us all year. Those three train together and race together. Without them we would not have won the district. Those three are really going to have to run the races of their lives for us to compete for the regional title as well as our other guys,” Vanover said. In addition to running and soccer, Jacob enjoys wakeboarding and

snowboarding. And, he has participated in three Adventure Camps in Florida, Minnesota and New Mexico. A Governor’s School student, he enjoys math, science. “I want to go to college and study engineering. I like to work with my hands and I like to design and build things,” Jacob said. At W&L, Jacob has built a reputation as a diverse, high achieving student and athlete who is capable of facing challenges in the future and overcoming them.

VA AAU football State Championship results a 47 yard TD run by Javon Campbell on the first play from scrimmage. CVE answered with a All three of the King George Youth Elite Foxes 55-yard TD on their second offensive play and football teams were in action this weekend for the took the lead 7-6. The defenses settled in and first round of the VA AAU State Championship the score remained the same until Gianni Allen took a bootleg in from the six yard line to give Tournament. the Foxes a 13-7 lead at the half. The Foxes received the halftime kick, however 12U The 12U Foxes were in action first against they turned the ball over on the second play. the crosstown Fredericksburg Orange Canes. CVE marched down the field and punched Both teams showed playoff nerves early with the ball in for a TD and extra point in to take turnovers. The Foxes took advantage of the a 14-13 lead in the third quarter. On the next turnovers and finished with a 60-6 victory. The possession the Foxes had a 55 yard TD called Foxes had TD runs from Cameron Schaub, back on a holding call but scored two plays later Cannon Zylonis, Ethan Indseth, Tyler Rose and on a 53 yard run by Campbell giving the Foxes a Will Armstead with extra points run by Isaiah 19-14 lead in the fourth quarter. On the ensuing Landry and kicks from Cody Murgas. The kickoff the CVE returner took the ball 80 yards defense swarmed the entire game and had sacks for a touchdown giving CVE the lead, 20-19, by Donovan Simmons, Kevon Allen along with with just five minutes remaining in the game. After a timeout with 3:36 left in the game an interception from Matt Redcay. and facing fourth and 18 on the CVE 34 yard line the Foxes dug deep into their bag of tricks 10U (Game of the week) The 10U Foxes took on Central VA Elite 10U and completed a half back option pass from for the second week in a row and it was a dog Campbell to Trent Yon moving them into the fight the entire game. The Foxes struck first with first and goal from just inside the ten-yard line Keith Rose

where they powered it in to take a 26-19 lead. With the home crowd going crazy the defense stepped up and knocked CVE back four straight plays to secure the win. 8U The 8U team traveled to Lynchburg to take on CVE after the 10U game. After giving up a TD on the first play to CVE the Foxes settled in and dominated the game winning by a score of 40-13 and moving on to the second round of the playoffs. The 8U road warriors included Cameron Frazier, Rasheed Barnes, Joshua Cornwell, Charlie Brinkman, Parker Price, Henry Newman, Jacob Maxey, Walker Norton, Austin Rose, Nehemiah Frye, Mekhi Frye-McNeil, DaMon Duffin and Matthew Sokolowski and Mekhai White. One half of the VA AAU State Semi-Finals will be held at KGHS this weekend, Nov. 9, featuring all three teams from King George. The game times are 1 p.m. 12U #3 CVE vs #2 Orange, 2:30 12U #1 Foxes vs #4 Rich City, 4:00 8U #5 Foxes vs #1 Fredericksburg Canes, and 5:30 p.m. 10U #4 Foxes vs #1 Fredericksburg Canes West.

Keep up with school sports in The Journal. To Subscribe, Call (540) 775-2024 • $24 per year for all the local news


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Wednesday, Nov. 6, 2013

HELP WANTED Westmoreland State Park; looking for an experienced person to work part-time in office. Salary is $9.85 per hour with no benefits. Call Park office at (804) 493-8821 for additional info and/or come in for job application. Deadline for accepting apps. will be 11/21/13. EOE Employer. 11/6b Drivers: Local & OTR positions available. Dump trailers, CDL-A, Clean MVR, Clean PSP 2 yrs. drivKITCHEN CABINETS ing exp. required. O/Os, & COUNTER TOPS Subcontractors welcome! Call Gloria: 540-898-0045, Quality brand name www.paynetrucking.com. cabinets & vanities uponline to Completeatthe ap45 % 11/6p off List Price. plication.


Guaranteed lowest prices. BENEFIT/ Fundraiser 804-333-1234


The CBVFDLA will have it’s last dinner of the year on Sat. Nov. 9th from 5-7 at the CBVFD. Pork Roast with all the trimmings $10.00. “FREE� 2013 Potomac River Fest. TShirt with each Adult ticket (first come-first serve, sizes limited) “ALL PROCEEDS BENEFIT CBVFD� Thanks to everyone for your support this year & hope too see you ALL next year!

CLASSES CHANGE YOUR CAREER, CHANGE YOUR LIFE! Moseley Real Estate Licensing Courses 11/18-11/22 (9-4); 12/912/13 (9-4). Call 540-4248191 or visit www.exitrealtyexpertise.com for more info. Military Discounts for Active Duty and MyCAA for Spouses. ufn

APARTMENTSHOUSES, ROOMS FOR RENT/SALE 2-Bedrooms, 1-Bath Townhouse For Rent In The Dahlgren Area. $880.00 Month + Deposit. Freshly Painted. WD, Stove & Refrigerator. Very Clean. Call (540) 4295826. 11/6p Single Family Home For Rent, Wendover Square. 4 Bedrooms, 2 1/2 Baths. $1600/Month. Immediate Availability. Call (540) 775-0500. 11/6b

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The Journal

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REPLACEMENT PUBLIC NOTICE WINDOWS TOWN OF COLONIAL BEACH LIFETIME HOLIDAY CLOSINGS FOR NOVEMBER 2013 WARRANTY The Town of Colonial Beach Administrative Offices and the Public GUARANTEED Works Department will be closed on the following days in the month of LOWEST PRICES. November 2013: Tax Incentive Monday – November 11, 2013 Veteran’s Day Windows. Thursday Thanksgiving Day CALL! – November 28, 2013 Friday – November 29, 2013 Day after Thanksgiving Refuse pickup will be as follows:


Veteran’s Day – Monday’s 804-333-1234

route will be picked up Tuesday, No-

2721 RICHMOND RD • WARSAW vember 12,VA2013

Thanksgiving Week – Monday and Tuesday will be picked up on Monday, November 25, Wednesday & Thursday’s route will be picked up on Tuesday, November 26, 2013. Friday’s route will be picked up Wednesday, November 27, 2013. The Administrative Offices and the Public Works Department will return to normal working hours on Monday, December 2, 2013.

Kathleen Flanagan, Town Clerk 11/6/2013



Call Bonnie at 540-775-2024 to place your classified ad

The King George County Parks & Recreation Dept. has an immediate opening for a Part Time/Seasonal/Temporary Gym Attendant. Responsibilities include but are not limited to: overseeing gymnasium facility and surrounding area to ensure safe operations, cleanliness and customer service. Minimum requirements: At least 21 years old, high school diploma, valid Virginia or Maryland Driver’s license and working experience in recreational or human services. For additional information, contact the Parks and Recreation Department at 775-9780. Applications can be obtained at the County Administrators Office, 10459 Courthouse Drive, King George, VA 22485 or online at www.king-george.va.us. Open until filled. EOE.

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Please take notice that on November 14, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. at the regular monthly meeting of the Colonial Beach Town Council, at Colonial Beach Town Center in Colonial Beach, 22443, the Council will conduct a public hearing on the following: ORDINANCE NO. 642 ORDINANCE NO. 642 AUTHORIZES THE SALE OF A PARCEL OF LAND AS FOLLOWS: 5,198 SQUARE FEET OF AN UNDEVELOPED RIGHT OF WAY KNOWN AS HAMILTON STREET AND IDENTIFIED AS PARCEL B ON A PLAT ENTITLED “PLAT OF VACATION A PORTION OF HAMILTON STREET ADJOINING BLOCK 49 & BLOCK 50 PREPARED BY ALLISON, BAIRD & SEHL, P.C., DATED OCTOBER 24, 2012 TO BE SOLD TO CAMERON CRAIG BERRY FOR $20,800. All documents related to these public hearings are available for review by the public. Anyone having questions may contact Town Hall at 804-2247181, Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Written comments may be submitted to the Town Clerk, 18 North Irving Avenue, Colonial Beach, Virginia 22443. All interested persons may attend and express their views. Following the public hearings the Town Council may take action to approve this Ordinance. Any person requiring assistance to participate in the public hearings is asked to contact Town Hall in advance so that appropriate arrangements may be made.

By Order of the Colonial Beach Town Council 10/30/2013, 11/6/2013


We are pledged to the letter and spirit of Virginia’s Policy for achieving equal housing opportunity throughout the Commonwealth. We encourage and support advertising and marketing programs in which there are no barriers to obtaining housing because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, elderliness, familial status, or handicap. All real estate advertised herein is subject to Virginia’s fair housing law which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation, or discrimination because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, elderliness, familial status, or handicap or intention to make any such preference, limitation, or discrimination.� This newspaper will not knowingly accept advertising for real estate that violates the fair housing law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. For more information or to file a housing complaint call the Virginia Fair Housing Office at (804) 367-8530. Toll free call (888) 551-3247. For the hearing impaired call (804) 367-9753.

NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SALE 4196 Hemlock Drive, King George, VA 22485

Call Steve at

540-775-2024 for all your Business & Personal Printing Needs

improved real property, with an abbreviated legal description of All that parcel of land in Borough of King George County, Commonwealth of Virginia, as more fully described in deed book 503, page 587, ID # 13-111, being known and designated as Green Heights, filed in Plat Book 403, page 704, recorded 07/30/2002, metes and bounds property, parcel 11, containing 10.0765 acres. By fee simple deed from Todd L. Sikkink and Dawn R. Sikkink, husband and wife as set forth in book 503 page 587 dated 10/15/2004 and recorded 10/18/2004, King George County records, Commonwealth of Virginia., and as more fully described in the aforesaid Deed of Trust. TERMS OF SALE: The property will be sold “AS IS,� WITHOUT REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY OF ANY KIND AND SUBJECT TO conditions, restrictions, reservations, easements, rights of way, and all other matters of record taking priority over the Deed of Trust to be announced at the time of sale. A deposit of $36,000.00, or 10% of the sale price, whichever is lower, in cash or cashier’s check payable to the SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE will be required at the time of sale. The balance of the purchase price, with interest at the rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note from the date of sale to the date said funds are received in the office of the SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE, will be due within fifteen (15) days of sale. In the event of default by the successful bidder, the entire deposit shall be forfeited and applied to the costs and expenses of sale and Substitute Trustee’s fee. All other public charges or assessments, including water/sewer charges, whether incurred prior to or after the sale, and all other costs incident to settlement to be paid by the purchaser. In the event taxes, any other public charges have been advanced, a credit will be due to the seller, to be adjusted from the date of sale at the time of settlement. Purchaser agrees to pay the Seller’s attorneys at settlement, a fee of $445.00 for review of the settlement documents. Additional terms will be announced at the time of sale and the successful bidder will be required to execute and deliver to the Substitute Trustees a memorandum or contract of the sale at the conclusion of bidding. FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: Rosenberg & Associates, LLC (Attorney for Commonwealth Trustees, LLC) 7910 Woodmont Avenue, Suite 750 Bethesda, Maryland 20814 301-907-8000 www.rosenberg-assoc.com 11/6/2013, 11/13/2013


As always, our drop box is located on the side of our Town Hall building at the intersection of Irving Avenue and Hawthorn Street and available 24 hours for your convenience. Our mailing address is: PO Box 450, Colonial Beach, Va. 22443 The bills have been mailed. If you have not received your bill, please contact the Treasurer’s Office at 804-224-7183. It is the responsibility of the taxpayer to see that the proper tax bill is received and paid on time. If your real estate taxes are escrowed, please mail the extra copy provided in your bill to your mortgage company. If you receive a supplemental bill and your taxes are escrowed, you must also mail it to your mortgage company. If there is a question about the property assessment listed on your bill, please call the Commissioner of the Revenue at 804-493-0113. Property is assessed by the Commissioner of the Revenue. The Treasurer’s Office cannot make corrections to the assessments, they only collect as assessed. If there is a question concerning delinquency, please contact the Treasurer’s Office at 804-224-7183. Please take the time to check the mailing address on each bill and correct, if necessary, with the Treasurer’s Office.

Joan H. Grant Chief Financial Officer 11/6/2013

NOTICE TO KING GEORGE COUNTY LAND OWNERS: REASSESSMENT NOTICES FOR REAL ESTATE WERE MAILED ON NOVEMBER 1, 2013. Recently a Notice of Real Estate Reassessment was mailed to you. If you would like to discuss this assessment with the County’s real estate appraisal company, Blue Ridge Mass Appraisal Company , please call (540) 775-3354 to schedule an appointment. Meetings with Blue Ridge Mass Appraisal Company will be held by appointment only in the County Administration Building Board Room, 10459 Courthouse Dr., Suite 105 King George, Virginia, 22485 beginning November 4th, 2013. The final date to schedule an appointment is Friday, November 15th, 2013. 11/6/2013

By virtue of the power and authority contained in a Deed of Trust dated November 13, 2006, and recorded at Instrument Number 20061129000092690 in the Clerk’s Office for the Circuit Court for King George County, VA, securing a loan which was originally $375,000.00. The appointed SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE, Commonwealth Trustees, LLC will offer for sale at public auction at 9483 Kings Highway King George, VA 22485 on: December 2, 2013 at 11:30 AM

NOTICE TOWN OF COLONIAL BEACH TAXPAYERS The 1st half of the Real Estate Taxes for fiscal year 2013/2014 and 2013 Personal Property taxes are due December 5, 2013.





Town of Colonial Beach BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS PUBLIC HEARING The Town of Colonial Beach Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, November 19, 2013, in the Town Center Building, located at 22 Washington Street, Colonial Beach, Virginia 22443: Beginning at 5:30 p.m. AA-01-2013 – Sharon Fortier (Owner/Applicant): Request an Administrative Appeal of the Colonial Beach Zoning Administrator’s determination regarding Article 7 Resort Commercial Zoning District, specifically Sections 7-1 Permitted Uses and 7-2 Conditional Uses. The property is located on tax map #3A2-2-87-2, zoned Resort Commercial (RC). Administrative Appeal: An Appeal of an Administrative decision relating to proposed use of the property as a residential dwelling. V-01-2013 – Demitrius Tiches (Owner/Applicant): Request a variance of the Colonial Beach Zoning Ordinance, Article 6 Section 6-4, Bulk and Area Regulations, Table 6-4.1 Lot and Principal Structure Requirements. The property is located at 2-10th Street (tax map # 3A3-1-3C-1). The property is zoned as Residential – 2 (R-2). The applicant wishes to reduce the front and rear setbacks. The front required setback is 15 feet (minimum) and the rear setback is 25 feet. The applicant proposes a front setback of 3 feet resulting in a variance of 12 feet. The applicant proposes a rear setback of 2 feet resulting in a variance of 23 feet. Any persons desiring to be heard in favor of or in opposition to the above are hereby invited to be present at the Public Hearing. Copies of the above are on file in the Department of Planning, 905 McKinney Blvd., Colonial Beach, Virginia 22443

Gary Mitchell Director of Planning, Community Development and Property Maintenance Department of Planning, Community Development & Property Maintenance 11/6/2013, 11/13/2013


Notice is hereby given that the Economic Development Authority of King George County, Virginia (the “Authority�), whose address is 10459 Courthouse Road, King George, Virginia 22485, will hold a public hearing on the application and plan of financing of Terra Products, LLC, a Virginia limited liability corporation (the “Borrower�) whose principal place of business is 38 McCarty Road, Fredericksburg, Virginia 22405, for the Authority to issue, pursuant to the Virginia Industrial Development and Revenue Bond Act (the “Act�), up to $5,500,000 principal amount of its industrial development revenue bonds (the “Bonds�) to assist the Borrower in the financing of the acquisition of land and improvements thereon and the renovation, construction and equipping of various improvements to facilities located at 15240 Cleve Drive, Dogue, King George County, Virginia 22485, consisting of one large building of approximately 65,000 square feet, a 14,000 square foot attached office area, an attached metal warehouse building of 10,000 square feet and four concrete buildings totaling another 12,000 square feet, to be used for a manufacturing facility to produce products for the construction industry and home improvement projects consisting of mostly numerous concrete products and sand and gravel products (the “Project�) and to pay cost of issuance of the Bonds;

The object of this suit is to enforce the lien of the Complainant, County of King George, Virginia for delinquent real estate taxes against certain real property located in King George County, Virginia as follows:

The issuance of industrial development revenue bonds as requested by the Borrower shall not be deemed to constitute a debt or pledge of the faith and credit of the Commonwealth of Virginia or the County. Neither the Commonwealth of Virginia nor any political subdivision thereof, including the Authority and the County, shall be obligated to pay the bonds or the interest thereon or other costs incident thereto except from the revenues and monies pledged therefor, and neither the faith and credit nor the taxing power of the Commonwealth of Virginia nor any political subdivision thereof is pledged to the payment of principal of such bonds or the interest thereon or other costs incident thereto.

ORDERED that the parties herein and all parties Unknown and/or whose locations cannot be ascertained appear on or before December 05, 2013 in the Clerk’s Office of the Circuit Court of King George County, Virginia, and do what may be necessary to protect their interests in this cause.

The public hearing, which may be continued or adjourned, will be held at 6:15 p.m. on November 14, 2013, before the Authority in the Robert H. Combs Board Room of the Revercomb Administration Building, 10459 Courthouse Drive, King George, Virginia 22485. Any person interested in the issuance of the Bonds or the nature of the Project may appear at the hearing and present his or her views. Information on the Borrower’s request is on file and is open for inspection at the Authority’s Office, 10459 Courthouse Drive, Suite 200, King George, Virginia 22485, during normal business hours.


3.93 acres, more or less, both sides of R.F & P Railroad, north of Rokeby Lane, south of Winston Place, Tax Map ID No. 23-44; more particularly described in Deed Book 34 at Page 272 It appearing that an affidavit has been made and filed stating that due diligence has been used, without effect, to ascertain the names and locations of the Heirs at Law of Charlotte Spencer, whose last known address is c/o Jurelle Turner, 2318 Brooke Grove Road, Bowie, MD 20721; and that any heirs, devisees, and successors in title of the defendants named herein are made parties defendant to this action individually and/or by the general description of Parties Unknown; it is hereby

ENTERED this 21st day of October, 2013 Clerk, Circuit Court of the County of King George, VA I ASK FOR THIS Margaret F. Hardy (VSB #38555) Sands Anderson PC P.O. Box 907 Fredericksburg, VA 22404-0907 (540) 373-2504

10/30/2013, 11/6/2013


The Journal

Wednesday, Nov. 6, 2013


Rappahannock Community College library hosts supervisors On Oct. 10, the Board of Trustees of the Richmond County Public Library hosted an Open House for the Richmond County Board of Supervisors at Rappahannock Community College’s Warsaw Campus library (with which the Richmond County library shares space). A guided tour celebrating the recently completed renovation of the facility was followed by lunch. Pictured, left to right: Board of Supervisors candidate Lt. Col. Charles Robert Snavely; Ed Marks, chair of the library’s Board of Trustees; supervisor Richard Thomas; library trustee H. Gwynne Tayloe; Dan Ream, coordinator of RCC’s library and director of the Richmond County Public Library; Courtney Sisson, vice chairman of the Board of Supervisors; Lee Sanders, chairman of the Board of Supervisors; Richmond County administrator Morgan Quicke; and Dayle Collins, vice

chair of the Board of Trustees. Librarian Dan Ream gave the group an introduction to the library’s online resources, including its website (rcplva.org) and its new Facebook page (facebook.com/rcplva)—“which now has over 200 ‘likes,’ after only a few weeks,” reports Ream. He also described the library’s outreach activities (coordinated by library assistant Ruth Lynn) at the area’s public schools, daycare centers and nursing homes, in addition to events such as the Warsaw Farmers’ Market and the Northern Neck Conservancy’s “Boots and Bar-B-Q” event in Sept. Since Ream has only recently accepted the position of library director, he also took the opportunity to tell about his background and his meetings with area school and public librarians, as well as the staff of the Library of Virginia. Among the changes resulting from the renovations is a new Children’s Room,

containing more than 5,000 books and videos, and featuring murals by local artist Anna Pomoska. Ms. Pomoska attended the meeting to talk about her work on the project. An agreement between RCC and Richmond County, outlining mutual responsibilities for providing books, material,

equipment, administration and staffing, has been in place since July 1993. Over the 40-year history of the Warsaw Campus, the library has evolved into an outstanding resource for students, faculty and the general public, with a diverse collection of books, audio-books and periodicals. There is also

a variety of DVDs, including many that are family-friendly, as well as comedies, dramas and documentaries. The Virginia history collection includes back issues of Warsaw’s Northern Neck News on microfilm, dating to 1879. The library features 12 public-use computers for printing and Internet access.


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Wednesday, Nov. 6, 2013

The Journal




In the tradition of Cincinnatus

I am always surprised how many lessons which we hold dear have their beginnings in the ancient world. There are more than we realize. On Veterans Day we celebrate what many people refer to as the citizen soldier. This is the average person who, when the need arises, puts down the David S. Kerr tools of his or her civilian trade or profession, and takes up the tools of war. This view of military service was one of the foundations of the American Revolution and has served us well throughout the life of our nation. But, this isn’t something new. The citizen soldier, a concept admired by our Founding Fathers, had its beginning 2,500 years ago, with a famous Roman called Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus. Try and say that name three times. He was a Roman aristocrat who,

when called to service, led the armies of Rome against a number of Rome’s early enemies. His army defeated them all. He was an exceptionally talented military leader. He was a hero and after his victories many assumed he would stay on as a civilian emperor or dictator. But instead, he declined the offer. He had protected Rome and done his civic duty. Having completed his military service his only desire was to return to his farm. He wanted no particular honors or rewards; he just wanted to go home. Warfare, and the business of protecting our country, has changed since the days of Cincinnatus, but the principle this noble Roman championed remains the same. During the American Revolution most of the soldiers in the state militias and the Continental Army weren’t professionals. George Washington had some military experience, but he was by no means a professional soldier. Henry Knox, Washington’s able head of artillery, had no military experience at all. He was a bookbinder. But, like most citizen soldiers, he learned fast. The same was true for the

Letter to the Editor Support CBPD As a lifelong resident of Colonial Beach, I was first shocked then appalled to learn that the Colonial Beach Town Council was considering abolishing the Colonial Beach Police Department (CBPD). What upset me even more was that when this proposal emerged, the major area of concern wasn’t for the loss of public safety or law enforcement dedicated to our town, but that without a police force of its own, the town, because it is incorporated, could no longer have golf carts on its roads. Golf carts? Really?? The reasoning for considering this action seems to be of a financial nature. The town pays rent on the current office space dedicated to CBPD. How many town-owned properties are sitting vacant, and have been for a long time? One councilman told me that all of our police cars are too old, and that replacing them would be too costly for the town. The entire fleet wouldn’t have to be replaced at once, would it? The Town of Colonial Beach advertised for a permanent chief of police for CBPD after the resignation of Kenneth Blevins, Sr. Twenty-nine applications have been received, including that of CBPD Interim Chief William Seay. During the last council work session, when it came time to discuss proceeding with the hiring process, talk of when, or even if, that process should continue ensued. It was felt by some council members that it wouldn’t be fair to hire a permanent chief of police (always referred to as a “gentleman” or “he” or “him” during the conversations, by the way) knowing that the position may only be temporary, should the council decide to, indeed, do away with CBPD. It was suggested that the council narrow down the list of applicants first to a top ten, then a top five, etc. Maybe to save time, all twenty-nine applicants should be notified of the possibility of the position being only a temporary one, and then find out how many of them are still interested before beginning the narrowing-down process. The council is planning to invite Westmoreland County Sheriff C.O. Balderson to meet with them to get his opinion on the issue. One option suggested was that CBPD have no chief of police of its own and be consolidated with the Westmoreland County Sheriff ’s Office as a substation. Without the officers being employees of Westmoreland County, Sheriff Balderson would not have the authority to oversee them. Another suggestion was to have ONLY a chief of police, and that would satisfy the requirement of the town having a force, albeit a force of one, to allow golf carts to continue to be legal on town roads (So again, it’s back to the golf carts). How could this force of one protect the town 24/7?? Moving the former CBPD’s dispatchers to the county was done so that property and lives would be saved by reducing response times of fire, rescue and law enforcement officers. The consolidation was also supposed to save the town money.

Right now, it’s costing us an extra $100,000 per year. We’re supposed to be saving in the long run by not having to purchase a new radio dispatch system. Our system had become outdated, parts to repair it were very expensive (if available at all), and the danger of it crashing altogether was eminent. This consolidation, though not agreed upon by all citizens at the time, seemed to be the only logical way to go. However, doing away with CBPD, in my opinion, would be a costly mistake on the town’s part. Town taxes would not go down with the town’s decrease in expenses of operating CBPD. In fact, if Westmoreland County were to become responsible for providing a dedicated presence in our town, our county taxes will probably have to be increased to pay for the additional county deputies that would be required to do so. That would affect all county taxpayers, not just those in Colonial Beach. Well, that makes sense; who needs a “force” when you can have a “presence” to protect and serve you??? How would losing CBPD affect our tourism and economic growth and development? What law-abiding families would feel safe visiting our town knowing that we would have less of a police presence than we’d had in the past? What prospective new business owners would find Colonial Beach alluring to them? I urge the Colonial Beach Town Council not to make this decision without first giving all of the town residents and business owners a chance to speak out on the matter. They say we can’t afford to keep CBPD. I say we can’t afford NOT to. The council will meet again on this matter at a special meeting on Thursday, November 14, at 9:30 a.m. The regular town council meeting will be held that evening at 7 p.m. Anyone with concerns about the future of CBPD should attend.

thousands of young men who volunteered for service during the War of Independence. Demonstrating that distant tie to Cincinnatus, Washington’s officers in the Continental Army formed a society appropriately called the Order of the Cincinnati. This concept of people giving up one way of life to, at least temporarily, learn the business of war in order to protect their country, has endured to the present day. The stories are endless. During the Civil War, farmers, machinists, laborers, lawyers, ministers and doctors gave up their civilian ways to fight for their beliefs. Our area is full of these stories. Decades later, in both the First and Second World Wars, young people left familiar places and their civilian jobs to fight in places like ChateauThierry, Belleau Wood, North Africa, Sicily, and Guadalcanal. My father was typical of many in his generation. In 1941 he was a draftsman in Washington, D.C. working for the federal government. But, after he joined the Navy he spent several years as a Navy Hydrographic Survey technician in the Pacific.

Iwo Jima and Okinawa were a long ways from his drafting table at the Department of Interior. Later conflicts, of which there have been many, resulted in the same response. Average people, called to service, left their homes and jobs, and went to war. One of my friends at the Federal Aviation Administration had just finished college when he was drafted in 1966. He had wanted to be a biologist. Though, arguably, his first interest was his motorcycle. He spent the next four years (he served two tours) managing a forward supply base in Vietnam. It wasn’t by any means a safe job. He used to keep a loaded shotgun next to his bunk since the base was regularly raided by the Viet Cong. He is proud of his time in the service, but most important to him, he felt it was something he needed to do. That’s a spirit that has been carried on since, most recently, in Iraq and Afghanistan. On Veterans Day, we celebrate that spirit. It’s the foundation of our Republic, and that philosophy, so well characterized by that long ago Roman Cincinnatus, carries on today.

OP-ED Ruby Brabo Silence from the electorate places all of the power in the hands of a few elected officials. Election Day 2013 is now behind us, and your vote was cast. You have done your civic duty by participating in the election process, and I thank you for making that effort. Hopefully, you were able to acquire enough knowledge about the candidates for consideration. Now your part is done, and you can just sit back, relax and let your elected officials take care of everything. Unfortunately, that is exactly what a majority will do, and this results in an ineffective government. I encourage you to stay informed of the main topics of discussion at all levels of government. When something sparks your interest, take the time to gather more information. If you are still intrigued and passionate, then just maybe it is time for you to act upon that. Elected officials are put into office to serve the electorate, which means, in order to effectively do so, they need to hear from you with regards to the issues. There are many

avenues available for contacting your elected representatives at all levels. If you are not answered, hold your representative accountable. The local county level affords you a more direct link to your representative, and unfortunately that link becomes more disconnected, the higher the level of government. This occurs partly due to the larger number of constituents being served, but they still find it very important to hear from you. If you already know that there are certain topics of interest to you, then make that known. In a respectful manner, share your thoughts, ideas, comments and opinions. Remember, whether you voted for them or not, they are still your representative and are to serve you. Take a moment to write that letter, send that email or make that phone call. Do not perceive yourself as bothering your elected official, because there is no way for your representative to know how better to serve you than by hearing directly from you. The elections are over for now. Take a moment to reach out to your representatives at all levels and use whatever avenues through which they are sharing information, to help you stay informed.


Carla Rollins Gutridge Colonial Beach

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ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 Don’t race ahead to get the early advantage this week, Aries. Practice patience in all that you do this week, and you may find greater success. TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, there is a high level of uncertainty in your life right now, so it is best to take a conservative approach regarding your finances. Take big decisions seriously. GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 Keep your options open, as things look promising this week, Gemini. Many things will catch your eye, but you will have to make some tough decisions. CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 Cancer, your career takes an unexpected turn that leads you in an exciting new direction. But these changes may take a few weeks or even months to fully develop. LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 Leo, you may have your sights set on an exotic vacation, but you just don’t have the money to make it happen right now. Save for your dream getaway or take a quick jaunt to recharge. VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 Virgo, you may prefer clearly defined relationships, but this week someone comes into your life who you just can’t read. This person makes a lasting impression.

LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 Libra, although your vision for the future is grand, you may not know how to execute your rise to success right now. Find a mentor who can show you the ropes. SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 Scorpio, you may not have the time to be a shoulder to cry on this week, but a trusted confidante will need your assistance. Take the time out for this special friend. SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 You are not in complete control of your feelings this week, Sagittarius. Make a concerted effort to control your emotions when conflict arises. CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 Capricorn, surprises are coming your way. Though you may want to control the situation, you have to sit back and let the chips fall where they may. AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 Aquarius, don’t allow daydreaming to distract you from the tasks at hand. Distractions will only derail your plans, so do your best to keep them at a minimum. PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 Pisces, an ongoing issue must be addressed this week. Procrastination will only delay the inevitable, so tackle this issue head-on.


CLUES ACROSS 1. Horse drawn carriages 5. Cathode-ray tube 8. Ribosomal ribonucleic acid 12. Marbles playing stone 14. Zodiacal lion 15. Whale ship captain 16. Hit the sack 18. Hostelry 19. People of southern India 20. Four 21. Male workforce 22. March 15 23. Food lifter 26. Copy 30. De Mille (dancer) 31. Overcharged 32. Conducted 33. Pronouncements 34. Flemish names of Ypres 39. Denotes three 42. Root source of tapioca 44. Animal track 46. Backed away from 47. Neighborhood canvas 49. Pigeon-pea plant 50. Nursing group 51. Within reach 56. Turkish brandy 57. Metal food storage container 58. Batten down 59. Assist in wrongdoing 60. Old world, new 61. Rust fungus spore cases 62. A way to wait 63. Point midway between S and SE 64. Adam and Eve’s third son See classified page for answers

CLUES DOWN 1. Has two wheels 2. “A Death in the Family” novelist 3. Fabric stuffing 4. Mix in a pot 5. Move up a mountain 6. Replenishment 7. Weight of a ship’s cargo 8. Flightless birds with flat breastbones 9. Scholarship bequester Cecil 10. Consumer advocate Ralph 11. Overgarments 13. Terminator 17. Derive 24. Angry 25. Imprudent 26. Rural Free Delivery (abbr.) 27. __ Lilly, drug company 28. Chest muscle (slang) 29. Lease 35. Point midway between E and SE 36. Cool domicile 37. First woman 38. Radioactivity unit 40. Revolves 41. Incongruities 42. ___-Magnon: early European 43. Indefinitely long periods 44. Saturated 45. Mannerly 47. Abu __, United Arab Emirates capital 48. Move rhythmically to music 49. Cheerless 52. 4 highest cards 53. Criterion 54. Person from U.K. (abbr.) 55. Affirmative! (slang)

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The Journal

Wednesday, Nov. 6, 2013


GW Birthplace honors Veterans’ Day Nov. 9 to 11 This pot belongs to a family in the lower Northern Neck. They think it was intended for hot chocolate. It is marked Theodore Haviland, Limoges, France. Above the name is a large “W” in a garland of olive branches and ribbons. The condition is perfect, and the gold-leafing is not worn. The Henry Lane family also has other pieces Hull in the same pattern. Indeed this piece is a chocolate pot, and dates from the late nineteenth or early-twentieth century. The pattern appears to be Apple Blossom, and the good condition of the gold-leaf indicates that it has had little use. As I like to say, Theodore Haviland is the Cadillac of Limoges china. Limoges is a city in France with a number of porcelain factories, Theodore Haviland being the preeminent one. Being marked “France” makes possible dating the piece to after 1891 when the international convention required items to be marked as to country of origin. The “W” refers to the jewelry store that offered it for sale. Having other pieces in the same pattern is not surprising in that this pattern was one of Haviland’s most popular, with pieces in all sorts of breakfast, luncheon and dinner wares. Unfortunately, many pieces of fine French china have become chipped or cracked over the years,

making ones in good condition all the more valuable. As an individual item this chocolate pot is worth $75. Other pieces in the same pattern likely would be worth less individually, but a complete service for twelve could be well over $1,000. Missing pieces in the same pattern possibly could be found at Replacements Ltd. in North Carolina, or online by searching for Theodore Haviland, or Apple Blossom china. A final word, all good china

always should be hand-washed, and NEVER placed in the dishwasher. This piece has survived in such good condition because it has been cared for properly. Be sure to continue to keep it that way. Happy Antiquing! You can reach Henry Lane Hull at Commonwealth Antiques & Appraisals, Inc., P.O. Box 35, Wicomico Church, VA 22579. Cell: 804-580-0514 or henrylanehull@ commonwealthantiques.com.

Morgan Howard, Travis Smith compete in upcoming Rockfish tournament Morgan Howard of Sandy Point and Oakton, has declared for the “Latitudes” angling team, captained by her father Rob Howard, in the upcoming Colonial Beach Rockfish Tournament Nov. 9 and 10. She will be joined by her pal, Travis Smith, of White Stone and Herndon. Morgan is a 2013 graduate

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THE CURSE OF THE PHARAOHS The legend of the “curse of the pharaohs,” which claims that anyone who disturbs the mummy of the ancient pharaoh will die, stems from mysterious deaths of people who opened King Tutankhamun’s tomb in 1922. Whether or not you believe there is a curse, there is no denying the surprise that accompanied the first public display of King Tut’s face in 2007. It seems he had an overbite that was characteristic of other kings in his family. Then, as now, “buck teeth” may have developed due to a habit (thumbsucking) or heredity. The big difference in the treatment of overbite is that dentists were few and far between in ancient Egypt, while overbite is easily corrected with orthodontic treatment today. Overbites typically result in improper functioning, and an unnatural appearance of the front teeth. They may also result in excessive wearing of the lower front teeth. Correction can be done at any age, though treatment is usually undertaken for children between 10 and 14 years old. To schedule a free orthodontic consultation, please call FREDERICKSBURG ORTHODONTICS at 540/898-7211. We are located at 10618 Spotsylvania Ave. (Lee’s Hill Center on Rt. 1 South). We are open Monday through Friday. Evening appointments are also available P.S. There is evidence of a gold wire binding the teeth of an ancient Roman in place. which may be the first known use of an “archwire.” Please mail any questions or comments to my office or e-mail me at:

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of the Options program at Paul VI High School in Fairfax, where she competed in Special Olympics soccer, basketball and track. Along with the $9,000 in overall prize money, Morgan, who has Down’s Syndrome, will be eligible for the $300 Special Angler cash purse in addition to the Lady angler awards. Morgan competed this last August in the first-ever fishing tournament to offer a cash purse for individuals with intellectual disabilities. That tournament, a Spanish mackerel tournament, was held in the Chesapeake Bay and competed in fiercely by her family and friends. Although Morgan had caught plenty of blues during the morning of the tournament, she had not reeled in a Spanish mackerel. By the time the Latitudes team began to catch the Spaniards, the rest of the crew made up of her sisters Caroline (16) and Catherine (13), in addition to friends Abby (16) and Issy English (13) had begun to take the rods. Before the “lines out of the water” deadline of 3 p.m., Catherine Howard would reel in a 24” Spaniard, large enough to take first place for the $250 Junior Angler award category. Unaware of the leader board status, the team, near the mouth of the Potomac, found themselves too far distant to the weigh station in Kilmarnock, to meet the weigh in deadline of 4 p.m. Though the team failed to rake in any prize money, Rob stated, “My day was priceless. I spent the day with my three daughters and our good friends, the Englishes, fishing on the Chesapeake Bay …. and the memories I have of this day will last a lifetime. If any of the other boats saw a boat with teenage girls dancing to Alabama’s ‘Dixieland Delight’, it was ours, and while it might not have helped us catch a prize-winning Spanish mackerel, we had fun just the same.”

As a result of his experience, Howard successfully lobbied the Special Angler Foundation and the Colonial Beach Chamber of Commerce to add the Special Angler Division to the upcoming rockfish tournament. Travis, who is on the autism spectrum, will also be competing for the Special Angler purse and Special Angler Series points. He joins the team with an impressive fishing resume that includes a youth angler win in the 2012 Lancaster Little League Spanish mackerel tournament and served as Special Angler Ambassador for the 2013 tournament. He attends the Options program at Paul VI High School where he also competes in soccer, basketball, and track. He will be co-managing the nationally ranked boys’ varsity basketball team this coming season. Both Travis and Morgan are on a quest to pick up points for the Special Angler Series and boost their standings for leader board rankings in the state of Virginia and the U.S. The team (along with another Special Angler entry) will be equipped with the Fish Dispatch catch intelligence system during the tournament to allow family members dockside to view their live boat track and catches in real time. Special Angler Michael Hoyt, of Vienna (sponsored by Fish Dispatch, USA), has declared to be aboard the Marleigh II (captained by Mark Moran out of Cobb Island, MD). Both Morgan’s grandfathers and an uncle are also expected to be on the Potomac waters in separate vessels supporting the teams. Neither teams have publicly announced marina departure points for the tournament, but will eventually end up at the Colonial Beach weigh station by the end of each day.

Veterans’ Day commemorates the armistice that concluded fighting in the First World War on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918. We are confident that George Washington would have approved this day’s commemoration, for as early as March 15, 1783, General Washington passionately advocated for his Revolutionary War veterans. Today we reserve this day to honor all who have served in our nation’s armed forces, even though its origins are embedded in World War I. Before the World War I Armistice was formalized, 116,708 U.S. soldiers, sailors, marines, and airmen lost their lives. One such soldier was Sergeant Alfred J. Kilmer. A published poet and Rutgers and Columbia Universityeducated schoolteacher, Kilmer immediately answered his country’s call for Army service. Because of Kilmer’s obvious intelligence, the Army assigned him to a quiet desk job, but Sergeant Kilmer insisted on joining his men on the front. On July 30, 1918, during the Second Battle of Marne, Sergeant Kilmer volunteered to lead a scouting party in an assault against an enemy machinegun position, but it was a mission from which Sergeant Kilmer would never return. Most of us know Sergeant Kilmer as “Joyce Kilmer,” author of the beloved poem “Trees” (attached). And although Kilmer is

immortalized through his poetry, in many ways he represents the faces of the multitudes that never returned from military service from our War for Independence to today’s Global War on Terrorism. Joyce and his wife, Aline, had five children, including a daughter who died during Joyce’s deployment, and a son born soon thereafter who would never meet his dad. Most veterans, though, have made it home, albeit many with physical and emotional wounds, but all shared in the patriots’ honor of answering their country’s call for service. As the saying goes about our military veterans, “All gave some, but some gave all.” The National Park Service is pleased to honor Veterans’ Day this year with free admission to all 401 National Park units on Nov. 9, 10, and 11. We encourage you to consider visiting your nearest or favorite National Park. Most of all, the staff at George Washington Birthplace National Monument wishes to extend its sincerest thanks to all who have served, or continue to serve, and to our too many Blue, and especially our Gold Star families, whose losses no one could ever replace. Please read and reflect on the attached poem “Trees,” and whenever you see a particularly lovely tree, may it remind you of the services of all of our veterans who continue to sacrifice and toil for our cherished freedoms.

Alfred J. Kilmer “Trees” (1913) I think that I shall never see A poem lovely as a tree. A tree whose hungry mouth is prest Against the earth’s sweet flowing breast; A tree that looks at God all day, And lifts her leafy arms to pray; A tree that may in summer wear A nest of robins in her hair; Upon whose bosom snow has lain; Who intimately lives with rain. Poems are made by fools like me, But only God can make a tree.

War of the Cranberry Sauce


ranberries are called the super fruit due to all the nutrients and anti-oxidants the berries contain. In case you did not know, Wisconsin not only produces amazing cheese but also is the largest producer of cranberries. It’s about this time of year I start seeing bags of the little red berries in the produce aisle. When I grew up the only cranberries I knew came out of a can in one big glop shaped like a can. I was shocked the first time I learned that cranberries were actually berries. And on top of it cranberries did not have the shape of a can but the shape of small round balls. The things we learn as adults. I am not sure when it happened or what started it but I remember the year my mom introduced me to home made cranberry sauce. My mom was so proud. She put all these ingredients in a blender pushed the button and bam! - there was this stuff called cranberry relish. It was different, orangey, cranny, wet cold relish. I decided then I needed to have my own cranberry experience. I will admit – I did not learn how to cook until my daughter went to college. She left for college with me cooking spaghetti with green beans (a creation of my own) and came home to Chicken Masala. Thank you American Test Kitchen. During this time I found a recipe for Cranberry Sauce. Finally, I was going to get to create my own sauce. This recipe called for the usual cranberries and sugar but added apples, apple juice, cinnamon. This sounded like my type of cranberry

Celebrate King George Family Fun Fair NARFE Premier Federal Credit Union is sponsoring their first annual King George Family Fun Fair on Nov. 9, from 12 p.m. until 4 p.m. at the King George Citizens Center located at 8076 Kings Highway. There will be vendors, games, prizes, music, plenty of free food, a moon bounce, petting zoo, Lola the Clown and much more! Stop by to enjoy FREE fun for all ages! Remember, if you live, work, worship or attend school in King George, you are eligible to join NARFE Premier FCU. Stop by the credit union’s branch at 4483 James Madison Parkway, located by Gate B, to learn more about NARFE Premier Federal Credit Union or visit www. narfepremierfcu.org. Since 1935, we’ve been delivering a lifetime of premier financial solutions to our members.

sauce. Now I had never cooked fresh cranberries before so I made sure I read the directions carefully. I got all my ingredients out and started to cook the cranberries. At this point I knew cranberries were not shaped like a can but what I did not know was that cranberries pop. It’s not just a little pop but pop like popcorn. I loved it. As I watched all the popping I added all the other ingredients, knowing this was the way the Pilgrims made cranberry sauce. I was so proud. As I pulled it off the stove I just had to taste it. OH MY GOODNESS. It was amazing. I must have eaten half of it that night. I proudly brought it to my mom’s on Thanksgiving. I knew my cranberry sauce was the best – she would have to admit it. So we all sit down and I don’t see my sauce. There is one sauce on the table but I know it’s hers. Then to my horror my mom says – I added yours to my sauce! Are you serious … I was shocked as I scooped out the mix of my mom’s and mine sauce. I remember taking that first bite … to my surprise it was really good. Then I looked around the table and saw all my family’s smiling faces as they scooped out all the different dishes onto their plates. At that moment I smiled, as I knew my mom had won the war of the cranberry sauces because she had done what Thanksgiving was all about. Mixing an old and new tradition, which brings out the best in all of us. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving -from me, my mom and my whole family.

Here is my recipe from Cook’s Country in case you want to taste how amazing it is. • • • •

1 bag of cranberries ¼ teaspoon of salt ¾ cup of apple cider ¾ cup of packed brown sugar • 1 peeled, cored and shredded gala or golden delicious apple • ½ cup of golden raisins • ¼ teaspoon of ground cinnamon Bring cider, sugar and salt to boil in medium saucepan over medium heat Add cranberries, and all other ingredients. Simmer until slightly thickened and two thirds of berries have burst, about five minutes. Transfer to serving bowl and cool completely. — Elizabeth Clark, KG YMCA Executive Director

Historyland Memorial Park You came to this area to find a place your family could call home. Now it's time to purchase space at Historyland Memorial Park and keep your family together. Call Susan Muse at 540-775-7733 or stop in 11227 James Madison Pkwy. King George, VA 22485


Wednesday, Nov. 6, 2013


The Journal

Second graders love YMCA Learn to Swim program Leonard Banks YMCA Executive Director Elizabeth Clark has spearheaded a new swim program that has the potential of saving lives. In an effort to combat accidental drowning in the area, the King George YMCA in conjunction with King George School Board superintendent Robert Benson is bringing the YMCA Learn to Swim program to second-grade students at Potomac Elementary. “Every child should learn to swim—drowning is the second cause of accidental deaths among children,” Clark said. In order to make the program a reality, King George YMCA Aquatics Director Vicki King has assembled and coordinated efforts from numerous coaches and swim volunteers. “We are surrounded by water (Potomac and Rappahannock Rivers) in this county, and we have to do something to protect the kids,” King said. “We work with each group, no matter what their level is. Our goal is to improve their skills while focusing on water safety. At the end of six weeks, we may not get kids to know how to swim, but we would like to teach them how to float or tread water if they fell into the pool.” From the moment the classes begin

to the final swim stroke, kids are inundated with a variety of lessons that include the use of flotation devices to learning how to float on their backs. “One of the things from an educational standpoint is that they learn to swim, and they pick up skills that they thought they never had,” said Ken Novell, King George School Board representative and founder of the King George High School and Rappahannock Swim League. “Some were afraid when they started the class, but they found that swimming gives them a great amount of confidence.” In light of the tragic occurrences of drownings in the area every year, the YMCA Learn to Swim program hopes to provide the necessary emergency skills that will save lives. “They (the King George School Board) felt that seven-year-olds do not have the swimming skills that they should have,” Potomac Elementary secondgrade teacher and Dahlgren Sharks head swim coach Elizabeth Guthrie said. “We divided it up with kids with and without swim experience. I believe kids will develop a better appreciation for swimming, and I can get some of them on my swim team as a result. Most of the kids are finding it’s more fun than they thought.” The classes take place Wednesdays

Leonard Banks

Right: During the second week of the YMCA Water Safety swim program, Potomac Elementary second grade students enthusiastically await instructions from advanced YMCA Water Safety swim instructor, Ken Novell. Top: Swim volunteer instructors are thrilled to teach live saving skills to PES second grade students. and Fridays, from 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. The classes are composed of 50 second-graders from Potomac Elementary School. From January through February, the program will spread to King George Elementary School, and from March through April, kids from Sealston Elementary will benefit from the program. “Both Elizabeth (Clark) and

I agree that living where we do (between two rivers), and with water-related activities being very accessible for our students, teaching a potentially lifesaving skill makes sense, particularly when we do so as a school-community partnership. The six lessons are offered at no cost, and are available to students with parental permission,” Benson said.

Right: Dr. Miles Press of Eye Care of Virginia and Deanna Lambertus from Walmart organized the health fair at the Walmart in Dahlgren, Saturday, Oct. 26 to support the Foundation Fighting Blindness. Middle: Dick Frazer from the Dahlgren Lions Club was on hand to talk about vision screening. Far right: Deanne Kroner and Anne Lyon were there representing Old Dominion University and the Rotary Club

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