01-01-2014 Colonial Beach/Westmoreland County Va Journal

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Colonial Beach • Westmoreland

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Wednesday, January 1, 2014 50 Cents

Volume 38, Number 1

helping you relate to your community

Future looks bright for Colonial Beach schools

Curtin’s resignation raises questions about Linda Brubaker’s status

Superintendent Kathleen Beane makes an emotional plea to the town council not to cut funding for the arts in Colonial Beach Schools. Despite budget cuts from the federal government, losing veteran Principal Clint Runyan and being appointed during the middle of a school year to deal with a failing infrastructure at the elementary school campus, Colonial Beach Schools Superintendent Kathleen Beane has remained steadfast and strong in her position all year long. To understand one of the challenges Beane has faced this past year, one must take a trip down “memory lane”, back to August 2011. On August 23, 2011, residents of the Town of Colonial Beach were watching the news of Hurricane Irene approaching the Bahamas, which they hoped would not come their way. At approximately 1:55 p.m., the town was rocked by an unusual 5.8 earthquake, centered in Mineral. Mother Nature continued to test the town, as she sent Irene crashing through on Aug. 27, with approximately 80 mile per hour winds. Then came Tropical Storm Lee. The tropical storm dumped almost 21 inches of rain on Colonial Beach on the evening of Sept. 8 alone, as it stalled over the East Coast. It washed out parts of Route 205, which cut off residents in Colonial Beach from the outside world for a day. Between the earthquake, hurricane and flooding from the tropical storm within that two-week period, the 100-year-old two-story building on the town’s elementary school campus had become noticeably damaged. This discovery caused an already struggling school budget to operate in the red in order to keep middle school students in the town on academic schedule for the first half of the year. During investigations of water damage to the “Old CB High School” building, at the time being occupied by part of the elementary school, a serious structural error, made when the building was first built, was discovered. The issue of mold from the water leaks, combined with the structural issue, forced the school system to remove students and faculty from the building and pack them into other areas of the school during instructional time. Eventually, a new mod pod was placed, which now houses middle school students. However, the elementary campus has been left with an array of old buildings, mod pods and old trailers on an area which sits on a hillside. During heavy rain events, the hillside is slippery, and cracking sidewalks contribute to the tripping hazards. Back to 2013: Colonial Beach Schools Superintendent Kathleen Beane was appointed to her position on Feb. 6. Beane had to address several ongoing issues - The town council did not approve the schools’ budget until May. Then, when the council approved the town’s budget in June, the town removed $50,000 from the schools’ budget. The Colonial Beach School Board had presented two options to the town council back in March of 2013 to handle the problems with the elementary school campus. The second option, relocating the elementary school to the high school campus with mod pods, would require an extra $250,000 for moving expenses and preparing the site to accommodate the new mod pods. The council did not approve the

extra $250,000 funding for the relocation project, but asked the school system to provide information and cost estimates for putting a permanent structure for the elementary students on the high school campus, as opposed to mod pod rental units, putting another delay on the project. When cost estimates between $4.5 and $7.5 million were presented, the council decided to take action toward relocating the elementary school mod pods to the high school campus. To relocate the elementary school using mod pods, monthly rental would be $15,800 per month, and would require approximately $250,000 in moving expenses, totaling $429,600 for the fiscal year. Then, there would be a rental cost of $189,600 every year thereafter. Town Councilman Gary Seeber suggested that the town seek out a loan that would not only fund the moving expenses, but would handle some $400,000 worth of repairs needed to the now 20-year-old high school building located on First Street. Town Manager Val Foulds was instructed by the town council to work with both the town’s and the school’s finance directors to find options for funding. At the last school board meeting in December, Beane reported to the board that she was uncomfortable with assigning a relocation-site manager until the town council had committed to the funding. When asked why there had been a delay in the council passing a resolution to borrow money and fund the relocation project, Town Manager Val Foulds responded by email, saying, “When the Town Council asked me to investigate funding options for the proposed school improvements, I called on one of our existing financing resources.” Superintendent Beane has spent many hours researching options and presenting plans to not only the school board, but to the town council, as well. This has been in addition to her regular duties, which included finding a replacement for the high school principal and overseeing the hiring of several new teachers for the 2013-2014 school year. Beane has been subjected to criticism by the town council during joint meetings in the past. At the Oct. 30 joint meeting between the town council and the school board, she was interrupted during presentations and was expected to stand before the groups while they debated their opinions for almost an hour. During Beane’s presentation discussing the cost of a new school, Councilman Jim Chiarello gave an eight-minute pep talk to the school board on the importance of having scheduled maintenance and wanting to see a maintenance line item in the schools’ budget, which is already there. School Board Chairman Tim Trivett responded by saying that you can’t catch up on all the neglected repairs on level funding. Councilwoman Linda Brubaker defended the school by reminding the council that the town has many buildings in disrepair, as well. A long debate on the chances of securing a loan large enough to fund the building of a new permanent structure took almost 45 minutes. The council directed both the school board and town staff to check with the bank to determine who would apply for any funding. But through it all, the school system has continued to move forward. And Beane is proving to have what it takes to keep the school system moving forward, despite the economic and physical challenges facing the schools. —Linda Farneth

The recent resignation of Colonial Beach Town Councilman Tim Curtin has raised questions about Councilwoman Linda Brubaker’s seat on the Town Council. Curtin quit unexpectedly after an early morning meeting on Nov. 14. At the regular Town Council meeting later that evening, Town Attorney Andrea Erard provided a resolution to follow proper procedures to fill the vacant town council seat. The resolution referenced both the Colonial Beach Town Charter and the Code of Virginia, concerning filling vacant council seats and directed the Town Attorney to file a Writ of Special Election within fifteen days. According to the charter, the town must fill any vacant council seat within thirty days of the vacancy. The town charter also states in Section 3(c), “Any vacancy in the office of mayor, councilmen or town treasurer shall be filled within thirty days, for the unexpired term, by a majority vote of the town council provided that if the term of office to be filled does not expire for two years or more after the next regular election, following such vacancy and such vacancy occurs in time to permit it, then the council shall fill such vacancy only for the period then remaining until such election, and a qualified person shall then be elected by the qualified voters and shall from and after the date of his election and qualification succeed such appointee and serve the unexpired term.” However, the Code of Virginia provides that when a vacancy occurs in a local governing body, the remaining members of the body within 45

days of the office becoming vacant may appoint a qualified voter to fill the vacancy. It goes on to provide that “notwithstanding any charter provisions to the contrary, the person so appointed shall hold office only until the qualified voters fill the vacancy by special election pursuant to § 24.2682 and the person so elected has qualified.” Section 24.2-682 provides that “Notwithstanding any charter or special act to the contrary … Every special election shall be held on a Tuesday. No special election shall be held within the 55 days prior to a general or primary election. No special election shall be held on the same day as a primary election. A special election may be held on the same day as a general election.” State Code section 24.2-226 Election to fill a vacancy provides that “The governing body … in which the vacancy occurs shall, within 15 days of the occurrence of the vacancy, petition the circuit court to issue a writ of election to fill the vacancy as set forth in Article 5 (§ 24.2-681 et seq.) of Chapter 6. Either upon receipt of the petition or on its own motion, the court shall issue the writ ordering the election promptly, which shall be no later than the next general election in November, or in May if the vacant office is regularly scheduled by law to be filled at that time, unless the vacancy occurs within 90 days of the next such general election in which event it shall be held promptly but no later than the second such general election.” No one was available on Monday to confirm that the writ of election to fill Tim Curtin’s unexpired term has been filed with the Circuit Court. The resolution adopted in connection with

$20 million malicious prosecution lawsuits should go to trial in 2014 The malicious prosecution lawsuits filed by Bryan Oliff, Westmoreland County’s popular restaurant owner, and two of his employees against Westmoreland County Deputy Sheriff Anthony Darby, should go to trial in 2014. Retired Circuit Court Judge William D. Hamblen has been selected to hear the cases. Oliff and two of his employees, Josh Sanford and Lois Wright, are seeking a total of $20 million in compensatory and punitive damages in their suits against Darby. Hamblen was appointed to hear the cases after Westmoreland County Circuit Judge Harry Taliaferro recused himself, following a motion by the plaintiffs’ attorney, James Thorsen, asking that none of the judges sitting on the 15th Circuit be allowed to hear the cases. The lawsuits are the result of actions taken by Darby, a detective with the Westmoreland County Sheriff ’s Office, and other officers that caused the filing of five felony complaints against Oliff on May 9, 2012. Oliff was publicly arrested at his catering business 13 days later. Also arrested that day were Oliff ’s employees, Sanford and Wright. Oliff was charged with five complaints of selling, giving or distributing a controlled substance which imitated a controlled substance, a Class 6 felony under Virginia law. Sanford was arrested on one count of the same charge, and Wright was arrested on two counts of the same. Oliff and his employees have consistently and vehemently denied all charges filed against them. Darby and the Westmoreland County Sheriff ’s Office said that the charges were the result of an undercover investigation resulting from information supplied by James Calvin Newsome, a confidential informant, who was facing felony charges for grand larceny at the time and who was seeking a plea bargain. See suit, page 7

Curtin’s resignation raises the question of the status of Linda Brubaker’s appointment to council. In January, 2013, Linda Brubaker was chosen over Cynthia Misicka and Burkett Lyburn to fill the vacant council seat left by Mike Ham, when he took office as the mayor of Colonial Beach. Ham had been appointed to the Colonial Beach Town Council in April 2011 to replace Stephen Kennedy, who resigned for personal reasons. Ham ran unopposed in November of 2011 to fill out the remainder of Kennedy’s term, which will expire in 2014. Then in January, 2013 Ham became mayor and Brubaker was appointed to fill his seat. She took over the seat on council in January of this year but no special election was scheduled in November for that seat, despite the fact that the unexpired term goes through the end of 2014. If the town follows its usual procedure the special election for Curtin’s seat will be scheduled in November 2014, the same election at which Brubaker’s seat will be up for a vote. Because there was no special election for Brubaker’s seat in November of this year the question is whether she is still validly serving on Town Council. In August The Journal inquired about Brubaker’s need to run in a special election. This reporter spoke with Kristin M. Hicks, General Registrar of the Voter Registrar’s Office, who was unable to answer the question at that time and stated that she needed to conduct more research into the matter. —Linda Farneth

Plans for Community Care Clinic proceed The second call was still on hold as a third call came in from a worried mother with a son suffering from a brain trauma who was in need of his feeding tube to be changed, but she no longer had a primary care doctor since the King George Medical clinic declared bankruptcy. Other local doctors didn’t have room for more patients or didn’t take her insurance. This flood of calls since we made the decision to take the bull by the horns and launch off into the turbulent waters of medical care validates the venture but also fuels an urgency to have the 24/7 TLC Community Care Clinic (CCC) at full capacity quickly. But “quick” is not in any medical regulatory agency’s lexicon in the best of times and most certainly not over the holidays, and most certainly not when the medical world at large is in major upheaval with the arrival of Obamacare. It was just a few short weeks ago that a group of us made a major decision to step in where a corporate medical company had just failed, and after all the large medical providers politely declined the Herrinks’ solicitations to open service branches in the medical center.

Dr. Dean, MD who just accepted the position of medical director shortly before Christmas explained “There is a lengthy red tape process to finalize all new contracts with HMOs and PPOs. However, as we work to put the entire necessary infrastructure in place my patients who have immediate needs can receive temporary service from Dr. Canizares.” Dr. Dean and Dr. Canizares are very concerned that people are able to retain access to medical care and will do all in their power to accommodate and bridge the transition for all patients. Dr. Canizares will continue to see patients at his current location until the move is completed to the new 24/7 TLC community Care Clinic at 11131 Journal Parkway, the former urgent care facility. Dr. Dean further states “24/7 TLC Community Care clinic is committed to finding solutions and assisting individuals in navigating the chaos so that a loss of medical care does not occur.” Theresa Gauvin, RN added “It is See Clinic, page 7

A lot of talk and little action in 2013 The Colonial Beach Town Council started the year 2013 feeling good about their involvement in helping the remaining residents of the BeachGate Inn, located at 800 Colonial Ave. in Colonial Beach, stay in their dwellings until after the holiday season and guiding them towards help in relocating to other places to live. In December of 2012, during a fatal auto accident involving a pedestrian in its parking lot, several cars struck the motel, and a large portion of the building was structurally damaged. Upon examination of the building, the BeachGate Inn was ordered closed by Westmoreland County Building Inspector Dexter Monroe for several serious electrical violations. Monroe was called in to inspect the buildings structure after a 72-year-old man, suffering from a medical condition, drove through the intersection of Euclid and Colonial Avenues, striking the motel’s sign, several cars in the parking lot and a pedestrian on December 19, 2012. With nowhere else to go and many government agencies closed, residents were allowed to remain at the motel until after the holidays - only if steps were taken to ensure

their safety. After the New Year, the BeachGate Inn was vacated by 36 residents and boarded up. Town officials began researching how the motel could have slipped through the cracks of the inspection system, leaving living conditions so bad that it had to be shut down. However, to date, no new policies have been put into place to prevent other transient motels in town from taking on full-time residents, and the BeachGate Inn remains in disrepair. January 2013 also saw what some believed to be the “forced resignation” of Chief Kenneth Blevins, Sr. On Jan. 10, Colonial Beach Police Department (CBPD) Chief of Police Kenneth Blevins, Sr. walked out of Town Center after attending a closed meeting with Colonial Beach Town Council and Town Manager Val Foulds. Blevins collected his belongings from his normal seat and left the building without speaking to anyone. The council reconvened after the closed session, and Colonial Beach Town Attorney Andrea Erard read resolution 8-13, which stated that Kenneth Blevins, Sr. has faithfully served as the chief of police for the

Town of Colonial Beach, and the town is grateful for his dedicated service. The resolution also announced Blevins’ resignation effective Jan. 10, which the town council accepted. Blevins’ resignation was handwritten and simply stated, “To: Town Council...I hereby tender my resignation.” It was signed by Blevins. CBPD Captain William Seay was appointed interim chief of police at a yearly salary of $60,000 by resolution 9-13. When the council members were asked for any comments, Colonial Beach Mayor Mike Ham presented the press with copies of a prepared typed statement. Erard also had a copy of resolution 9-13, naming Seay as interim chief prepared, as well. After this bold move, the council embarked on a year of multiple meetings, many of which lasted for up to eight hours total and were spread over two separate days. Although several subjects were discussed in great detail, many have resulted in little or no legal action being taken. Towards the end of the year, the council finally abandoned that rigorous schedule and began limiting meetings to one work

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session and one regular meeting per month. The council hired Whitestone Partners to head up a series of interviews and a survey to evaluate the way the town was being run. Despite spending $17,000 of taxpayers’ money to evaluate town staff, some council members believe they did not get answers to many of their questions. Council’s priority was a report on the performance of the town manager. Certain council members continued to ask for this report, and have, throughout the year, attempted to have several closed meetings to discuss the performance of the town manager. When Whitestone finished its evaluation, they spent a full day reporting their findings and answering questions. The report’s results pointed more towards a need for change in the way the council conducted business, rather than any need for change in town employees’ See 2013, page 9


Wednesday, Jan. 1, 2014

The Journal


Today’s Hebrew Word

LITTLE ARK BAPTIST CHURCH will hold their Watch Night Service on Tuesday, Dec. 31, beginning at 10:30 p.m. Everyone is invited to attend and join in rejoicing and praising in the New Year, giving God the glory for things past and blessings for the future. 15681 Owens Drive, (KG), Dahlgren, Virginia 22485. salem baptist church in Jersey will celebrate its New Years Eve service on Tuesday, Dec. 31 at 9:45 p.m. Dinner will be served. All are welcome! st. george’s episcopal church in F’brg invites you to an “At Fridays @ The Last Resort” concert, on the second Friday of each month. Audiences gather in a coffeehouselike setting to enjoy jazz and folk music played by top local talent. Coffee and snacks are available. For more information, email concertinfo@stgeorgesepiscopal.net, or visit the church website at stgeorgesepiscopal.net. first baptist church of ambar continues their Wednesday noon prayer services with Scripture readings. Please join them for an hour of reflection and revitalizing. The Church is located at 9469 Caledon Rd. KG (540) 775-3939. moms in prayer int’l Mom’s in Prayer International will meet on Mondays at 9 a.m. at Peace Lutheran Church 5590 Kings Highway, King George. (540) 775-9131.

The original Hebrew written text was a picture language--much like the Egyptian hieroglyphics. When Moses wrote the Torah (the first five books of the Bible), he used this picture language. Each letter of the Hebrew alphabet is a picture with meaning. When we put these letters together, they form a word, but they also form a story within the word! Proverbs 25:2 tells us, “The honour of God is to hide a thing, And the honour of kings to search out a matter.” (Young’s Literal Translation) This is exactly what God has done with His language! We have already seen today’s Hebrew Word: “eesh” meaning man/ husband. However, there is something else to examine.

The first thing to know, in Hebrew thought, the letter “alef ” is the letter representing God. With this in mind, we go to Genesis 1:26 - And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness… Man is made is God’s image. Now look at the spelling of the word “eesh.” If you remove the letter representing God, all that is left is substance! Man without God is “yesh” — nothing more than substance. God’s language is amazing! Blessings & Shalom! Rick Blankenship Fellowship Leader Grafted In Fellowship www.DoYouShabbat.com

Update: 2013 StopHungerNow event. Meals from the Nov. 2013 packaging event are part of a container containing 285,120 meals, headed for Foursquare Children of Promise in Cambodia. FCOP works to provide aid for orphans and widows in 24 different provinces in Cambodia. The short and long term goals of their orphan program are to feed, clothe, and educate the poor and needy through the ministry of the local church. They also work to provide culturally relevant job training for individuals in orphanages mainly by establishing self-sustaining agricultural and income generating enterprises. The next SHN event will be Nov. 23, 2014.

Christian Resolve for the New Year On the eve of the New Year so many people will be formulating resolutions in the hope that their lives in 2014 will be better, thinner, richer, happier. There is a tendency to be self-absorbed in these ill-fated commitments. Perhaps that is why they so seldom last for long. As Christians Fr. Francis we might rather de Rosa make resolutions simply to bring more light into a darkened world. In this way the focus would be shifted away from ourselves and toward others. As the saying goes, “’Tis better to give than to receive.” Doing good is its own reward. Yet we need encouragement in this resolution, and I believe that Pope Francis, who is so good at spreading the joy of the Gospel, has for us some excellent words in this regard. He reminds us that God has a way of bringing our good works to fruition, even when our limited human perspective cannot see the results that we want. By trusting in God’s Providence, we are inspired to do good knowing that the Almighty sees everything, and that the good seeds we plant will most certainly sprout and blossom in a time and way befitting His wise plan for us. Please permit me to quote at length from his recent Apostolic Exhortation, Evangelii Gaudium (The Joy of the Gospel, #279): “Because we do not always see these seeds growing, we need an interior certainty, a conviction that God is able to act in every situation, even amid apparent setbacks: ‘We have this treasure in earthen vessels’ (2 Cor. 4:7). This certainty

is often called ‘a sense of mystery.’ It involves knowing with certitude that all those who entrust themselves to God in love will bear good fruit (Jn. 15:5). This fruitfulness is often invisible, elusive and unquantifiable. We can know quite well that our lives will be fruitful, without claiming to know how, or where, or when. We may be sure that none of our acts of love will be lost, nor any of our acts of sincere concern for others. No single act of love for God will be lost, no generous effort is meaningless, no painful endurance is wasted. All of these encircle our world like a vital force. Sometimes it seems that our work is fruitless, but mission is not like a business transaction or investment, or even a humanitarian activity. It is not a show where we count how many people come as a result of our publicity; it is something much deeper, which escapes all measurement. It may be that the Lord uses our sacrifices to shower blessings in another part of the world which we will never visit. The Holy Spirit works as He wills, when He wills and where He wills; we entrust ourselves without pretending to see striking results. We know only that our commitment is necessary. Let us learn to rest in the tenderness of the arms of the Father amid our creative and generous commitment. Let us keep marching forward; let us give Him everything, allowing Him to make our efforts bear fruit in His good time.” By Father Francis M. de Rosa, STL Pastor of St Elizabeth Church in Colonial Beach and St Anthony Church in King George

Popular New Year’s Resolutions (they show up every year!) • Lose Weight • Volunteer to help others • Quit Smoking • Get a Better Education • Get a Better Job • Save Money • Get Fit • Eat Healthy Food • Manage Stress • Manage Debt • Take a Trip • Reduce, Reuse, & Recycle • Drink Less Alcohol and more: • Spend more Time with Family& Friends • Enjoy Life More • Learn Something New • Get Organized • Lose the Bad Attitude • Reflect on the Past • Gain Wisdom & Knowledge • Adopt a Pet • Read a Book or Two or Three • Laugh Out Loud Have you made up your list yet? Which ones will you keep?


hank You, Jesus, Mary (Mother of God) and St. Joseph, St. Jude, St. Anthony and St. Rita for your help. Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God.

- Philippians 4:6

Our Doors are Open -Worship With Us Fletcher's Chapel United Methodist

8330 Fletcher's Chapel Rd. at 218

Pastor Michael Reaves fletcherschapel-kinggeorge-va.org Worship Services 8:30 & 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 9:45 a.m.

(540) 775-7247

17080 14th Street, Dahlgren Contemporary Service - 9:30 a.m. Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. & 11 a.m. Traditional Service - 11 a.m. Nursery open 9:15a.m.-12:15p.m.

Pastor Ed Johnson

email - office@dahlgrenumc.org web site - www.dahlgrenumc.org Phone: 663-2230

Good Hope Baptist Church

17223 Good Hope Rd. - corner Rt. 218E & 619 phone: 540-775-9487 fax: 540-775-0600 www.goodhopeministries.org

• Sunday School - 9:45 a.m. • Worship - 11:00 a.m. • Prayer & Bible Study (Wed.) 7:30 p.m. • 5th Sundays - Union & Nursing Home Worship “Building the Church & Reaching the World for Christ”

7748 Leedstown Rd., Oak Grove, VA 22443 (804) 224-0418 • www.lzbcva.org

We invite you to gather together with us! Sunday School - 9 a.m. Sunday Worship 8 a.m. & 10:15 a.m. Bible Study - Wednesday 7 p.m. Pastor Earl T. Howerton Jr.

Macedonia Baptist Church 1081 Macedonia Ln., Colonial Beach, VA (804) 224-1500 "O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His Name together."

Shiloh Baptist Church Reaching, Building, Serving

Sunday Activities Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship Service, 11:00 a.m. AWANA, 4:00 p.m. Youth Group, 4:00 p.m. Wednesday Nights Rev. Mike and Earlene Jessee Family Night Dinner, 5:30 Youth Study; Children’s Missions & Music, 6:00 facebook@kgshiloh Choir Practice, 7:15 13457 Kings Hwy. 540-469-4646 • www.kgshiloh.org

Oak Grove Baptist Church

Randall Snipes, Senior Pastor Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m.& 11 Awana-Sundays-6 p.m. Bible Study-Wednesdays 6:30 p.m. 8096 Leedstown Rd. Colonial Beach, VA


Colonial Beach United Methodist Church Pastor Rev. Yunho Eo

9:30 a.m. Adult Sunday School 10:45 a.m. Informal Hymn Singing 11 a.m. Worship & Children’s Sunday School Food Pantry open Thursdays at 10 a.m. Op Shop Open M-F 9 a.m.-noon (Thurs. 9 a.m.-1 p.m.) 1 Washington Avenue PO Box 189 Colonial Beach, VA 22443 (804) 224-7030

Two Rivers Baptist Church Meeting at their new church

Sunday School ..............9:30 a.m. Worship........................10:30 a.m. COME VISIT US • ALL ARE WELCOME

Rev. Peyton Wiltshire

For Information call 540710-3831

Round Hill Baptist Church Worship & Service

16519 Round Hill Rd., King George, VA Pastor Ted A. James • 540-775-5583

4s scholarships
available (540)

Little Ark Baptist Church “Building God’s Kingdom On Earth”

"Pastor Larry" M. Robinson Sunday Worship - 10 a.m. Sunday School - 9 a.m. (New Testament Church Study) Wednesday Night Prayer & Bible Study 6 p.m. 15681 Owens Dr. in Dahlgren, VA Church Phone: (540) 663-2831

Hanover-with-Brunswick Episcopal Parish

Where all are welcome. Sunday Services:

The Rev. St. John's, 9403 Kings Hwy. Diane Carroll 1st, 2nd & 4th Sundays Rector Phone: 540-775-3635

Emmanuel, Port Conway (Rt. 301) 3rd & 5th Sundays

For more information, visit our website at:



3207 Quarter Hill Rd., Supply VA 22436

(804) 443-4168

Sunday School 10 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship 11 a.m. Bible Study Wednesdays at 7 p.m.

Rev. Irving Woolfolk, Jr.

Services Early Worship - 8 a.m. Sunday School - 9:45 a.m. AM Worship - 11 a.m. PM Worship - 6 p.m. Wed. Bible Study - 7 p.m.

AWANA Teens - Wednesdays 6:30 p.m. Clubbers - Fridays 6:30 p.m. Dr. Sherman Davis, Senior Pastor 540-775-7188 www.tbckg.org 10640 Kings Hwy - 1 mi. west of 301

Daily Mass: Mon. - Sat. 8:00 a.m. Adoration precedes each morning Mass Confession: Sat. following 8:00 a.m. Mass & at 4:30 p.m. Sun. 1/2 hour before each Mass Office: 11 Irving Ave., Colonial Beach, Va. 22443 www.elizant.org • 804-224-7221

Trinity United Methodist Church

9425 Kings Hwy., King George www.trinitykg.org

Contemporary Service ~ 8:30 a.m. Sunday School ~ 9:30 p.m. Worship ~ 10:30 a.m. (540) 775-4501 Rev. Susan Reaves

St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church

You're invited to worship with

Tabernacle Baptist Church

(540) 663-3085 ✝ Rev. Jim May

Sunday Masses: Sat. 5:00 p.m. Sun. 9:00 a.m. & 11:00 p.m. (español)

Intersection of Rokeby and Kings Hwy. (Rt. 3)

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

5486 St. Paulʼs Road, King George

Very Rev. Francis M. de Rosa Rev. Mark Mullaney



Sunday Worship at 8 am and 10 am

Corner of Lossing and Boundary, Colonial Beach

Sunday- Holy Communion 11 a.m. Meeting at Grant Church in Lerty, VA

"A Church where everybody is somebody!"


St. Elizabeth of Hungary Roman Catholic Church

Traditional Anglican Worship 1928 Book of Common Prayer 1940 Hymnal

Morning Worship ~ 8:30 a.m. Sunday School ~ 9:45 a.m. Morning/Children's Worship ~ 11 a.m. Wed. - Bible Study ~ 6:00 p.m.

(Psalm 34:3)

Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Worship Service: 11 a.m. Prayer & Bible Study: (Wed.) 7 p.m. Holy Communion on 4th Sundays Rev. Fred Sales, Interim Pastor

Holy Redeemer Anglican Church

Worship Service - 10:30 a.m. (Sunday) Sunday School - 9:15 a.m. Nursery Provided Seeking to know the grace of God and to make it known to others. Dave Bentz, Pastor Jason Schubert, Associate Pastor 13114 Kildee Farm Road King George, VA 22485 (off 301 and Blue Jay Meadow Drive)

Ph. (540) 775-9990 • email: info@gracekg.com web site www.gracekg.com

Potomac Baptist Church Worship Service: 11:00 a.m. Age Graded Bible Study: 9:45 a.m.

All are Welcome! (540) 775-7006

Pastor: Dennis L. Newton 8103 Comorn Rd. (Rt. 609) King George

Corner of Millbank & St. Anthony’s Rd., King George

Very Rev. Francis M. de Rosa Rev. Mark Mullaney Sat. 7:00 p.m. Vigil Sunday Masses: Sun. 8:15 a.m. 10:30 a.m 12:45 p.m. Tridentine Mass Daily Mass: Mon. Thur. Fri. & Sat. 9:00 a.m. Tues. 7:00 a.m. Wed. 7:00 p.m. Adoration before each morning Mass Confession: Wed. 7:30 p.m. Sat. after 9:00 a.m. Mass & at 6:30 p.m. Sun. 1/2 hour before each Mass

Office: 11 Irving Ave., Colonial Beach, Va. 22443 www.elizant.org • 804-224-7221

A church where the Full Gospel is Preached, Taught and Lived

First Baptist Church Ambar

9469 Caledon Rd., King George, VA22485 Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship 11 a.m. Bible Study Wednesday at 7:30 p.m.

Pastor Wm. T. Frye

“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

“The church is the great lost and found department” - Robert Short

Help others find your church. Advertise in this space, only $10 per week. Billed monthly. Contact Lori at (540) 709-7495 or email her at lori@journalpress.com

Don’t see your house of worship in this directory? Start 2014 with weekly ad! Let folks know all about you and your church!

The King george ChurCh of ChrisT inviTes you To meeT wiTh us

Each Sunday Morning BiBle Class: 9:30 a.m. Worship serviCes: 10:30 a.m.

Location: american Legion Post 89 (at the intersection of rt 206 and rt 610)

Each WEdnESday night for BiBlE Study

Location: at a member’s home PLease contact us at our e-maiL address for the Location

A New Testament church “... All the churches of Christ greet you.” Romans 16:16

contact_us@kinggeorgecofchrist.org http://www.kinggeorgecofchrist.org P.O.Box 756 King George, VA 22485


The Journal

Shirley Dodd Richards

Mary F. Jones Keeling

Mary Foxwell Jones Keeling, wife of Ernest M. Keeling of Dogue, VA died December 25, 2013. Mary was born December 6, 1933 on Crookhorn Farm in Montross, Westmoreland County, VA. She was the daughter of the late William Clarence and Maude Marmaduke Jones. She was predeceased by two sisters, Mabel Gutridge and Thelma Rouhana, and one brother, William P. Jones. Survivors include two children, Elizabeth K. Webb of Harrisonburg, VA and John E. Keeling (Laurie) of Ashburn, VA, and by two granddaughters, Alexandra Webb and Anastasia Webb of Harrisonburg, VA, and one grandson, Simon Keeling of Ashburn, VA. Mary was a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution and had served as Regent for the Chantilly Chapter. Inurnment will take place at a later date in the columbarium at the Arlington National Cemetery. Memorials are requested to the charity of your choice; or to Mary Washington Hospice, 5012 Southpoint Pkwy., Fredericksburg, VA 22401. Condolences may be posted to the online guest book at covenantfuneralservice.com.

Virginia’s Civil War 150 HistoryMobile is coming to Stratford Hall on Robert E. Lee’s Birthday, January 19, 2014. This tractor-trailer ‘museum on wheels’ is filled with interactive exhibits and activities. The exhibit, an initiative of the Virginia Sesquicentennial of the American Civil War Commission, will be located at Stratford Hall and will be open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Admission to the HistoryMobile is free. This event is presented as part of Stratford Hall’s day-long celebration of Robert E. Lee’s birthday, which will include a lecture by Donald Wilkinson, Civil War home-front depictions and artifacts on display, a scavenger hunt for children, a wreath-laying at the Great House, and a book signing by Dr. James “Bud� Robertson in the Stratford Hall Gift Shop. There will also be a living history portrayal of General Robert E. Lee by Al Stone, live musical entertainment by Marshall and Company, refreshments, and complimentary tours of the Great House. Plan B Barbecue will be on site to sell delicious BBQs and other lunch items. Admission is free. The HistoryMobile uses immersive spaces and interactive exhibits to draw together stories of the Civil War and emancipation from the viewpoints of those who experienced it across Virginia—young and old, enslaved and

Edythe M. Smith Robins

Edythe Marchant Smith Robins, age 86, died peacefully on December 27, 2013 at the Berlin Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in Berlin. Born in Yonkers, New York, she was the daughter of the late Frank Seeley Smith, Sr., and Edith Russell Seymour. She is survived by sons Dr. William H. Robins (Cathleen), of Cambridge, MD, and David D. Robins (Renee) of Oceanside, CA., six grandchildren and several great grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband William Hamilton Robins, III, and a son Roy Marchant Robins as well as a brother and two sisters. Edythe was an accomplished artist and musician. She trained to be a concert pianist and enjoyed classical music as well as jazz. She was a church organist through 2011. She loved the Washington Redskins. Edythe had been a long time resident of Colonial Beach, VA for more than 40 years. Services will be private for the family. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be sent to the American Cancer Society, P.O. Box 22718, Oklahoma City, OK, 73123-1718 or to the American Heart Association, 7272 Greenville Ave, Dallas, TX, 75231. Arrangements are in the care of the Burbage Funeral Home in Berlin. Expressions of sympathy may be sent to the family at www.burbagefuneralhome.com.

There is no more important resolution to make than to renew our personal efforts to be sure our families are ready for whatever 2014 will bring. Everyone can do something to prepare for emergencies. Consider this: disasters can happen at any time, and families may not be together. Power could be lost, and cell phones may not work. Families should decide in advance what they will do. Some questions to discuss: • Do you and your family members have contact phone numbers memorized or written down and placed in backpacks and wallets? • Do you have a plan on how to meet up with family if you are separated? • Do you know how to contact your children’s school(s) in case of an emergency? • Do you have three days of

Do not stand at my grave and weep, I am not there; I do not sleep. I am a thousand winds that blow, I am the diamond glints on snow. I am the sun on ripened grain, I am the gentle autumn rain. When you awaken in the morning’s hush, I am the swift uplifting rush, Of quiet birds in circling flight. I am the soft star-shine at night.


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emergency supplies and water set aside? Families and individuals can fill out an emergency plan, post it in their homes, and share it with family and friends. Get free plan worksheets, wallet cards and emergency supply checklists at www.ReadyVirginia.gov or on the free Ready Virginia app for iPhone and Android devices. Take a few minutes in the new year to decide who to call, where to meet, and what supplies to have at home or in your office in case you can’t get out, or if you have to evacuate because of a bad situation. Don’t try to wing it. For tips and testimonies about being prepared for emergencies, follow #Prepared2014 throughout the year. Prepared by the VA Dept. of Emergency Mgt. (804) 897-6510. pio@vdem.virginia.gov. or visit www.ReadyVirginia.gov.

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free, soldier and civilian. The HistoryMobile exhibit is divided into four sections: Battlefront, Home-front, Journey to Freedom, and Loss-Gain-Legacy. From the bewildering sense of chaos experienced by soldiers, to the last letter written by a dying son to his father after sustaining a mortal wound, to a hushed conversation between a husband and wife considering the great risks and rewards of fleeing to freedom, the HistoryMobile presents the stories of real people in Virginia whose lives were shaped by the historic events of the 1860s, and invites visitors to imagine, “What Would You Do?� In addition to learning more about Virginia’s history, the HistoryMobile also provides visitors with information from Virginia Tourism about the many historic sites and destinations that they can explore today. Interactive maps and touch-screen kiosks located at the HistoryMobile help visitors to easily plan their next trip. More information on the Civil War 150 HistoryMobile and the initiatives of the Virginia Sesquicentennial of the American Civil War Commission can be found at www.VirginiaCivilWar.org. For information on visiting Civil War sites throughout Virginia go to www.Virginia.org/CivilWar. High-resolution images of the HistoryMobile can be downloaded at: http://www.virginiacivilwar.org/press/imagelibrary.php. Stratford Hall is located at 483 Great House Road, Stratford, VA 22558. (804) 493-1971.

Resolve to prepare your family for emergencies in 2014

Do not stand at my grave and cry, I am not there; I did not die. -Mary Frye


Tuesday, Jan. 7

Democratic Committee will hold an assembled caucus at the Smoot Library at 7 p.m. to choose officers for the 2014-2015 term. Candidates must preregister with Pearl Smith by Jan. 1, by calling her at (540) 663-2766. The NARFE Assn. NN Chapter 1823 will meet at 1 p.m. at Wicomico Episcopal Church on Route 200. The meeting will begin with a soup & sandwich. You bring a sandwich, soup will be provided. Nancy Siford of the Senior Medicare Patrol will discuss “Medicare Scams.� Current, former and retired Federal employees, spouses and survivor annuitants are invited. For additional information, call (804) 438-8011.

Thursday, Jan. 9

Regular meeting of the KG Ruritans. 6:30 p.m. Call 775-2652 or 775-7769 for location.

Whatever your pleasure, enjoy it this Winter in Virginia. Toast to friends and fun at your choice of 200+ wineries. Hit the slopes at a powdery mountain resort. Slip into spa mode and relish relaxation bliss. Witness whales and other sea life as they migrate off the Virginia coast. Come, enjoy a Virginia winter with the ones you love most and make a new memory or two. Whether it’s a day away or four, your time spent together is right where LOVE lives. Top blog posts on virginia.org for 2013: 1. 17 Virginia BBQ Joints You’re Going to Love (now 19!) 2. Five Virginia Glamping Destinations 3. 10 Free Things to Do This

• Terrence Moore of King George, recently graduated from the Savannah College of Art and Design. Moore earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Animation. The Savannah College of Art and Design is a private, nonprofit, accredited institution conferring bachelor’s and master’s degrees at distinctive locations and online to prepare talented students for professional careers. SCAD offers degrees in more than 40 majors. Visit scad.edu. • Alex Jeter of King George, completed courses with exemplary marks and made the Honors List for the Fall 2013 semester at Louisburg College. To be named to the Honors List, a student must have completed at least 12 or more hours of college credit in a given semester and have a semester grade point average of at least 3.0 to 3.49. Related by faith to The United Methodist Church, Louisburg College is the oldest two-year residential college in the nation, and the only one in North Carolina. With a student body of 700 students, over 90 percent of Louisburg graduates continue their education at four-year schools. Learn more at www.louisburg.edu.

Saturday, January 4th 11 a.m.-12:15 p.m. $15 pp Come out and learn to swing dance from Kevin Tisdale, renowned dance instructor. Elks 2666. Every Monday night. 7953 Kings Hwy, KG The doors open at 5 p.m. Early Bird (540) 709-1393 Games 6:30 p.m. At 719 Ferry Landing Road. Just off 205 in Oak Grove - Colonial Beach VA. Food available. (804) 224-0364.

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Top Five Bizarre New Year’s Celebrations: 1. Welcoming the new year in the company of deceased friends and relations in a candle-lit graveyard - Talca, Chile 2. Attempting to understand animal speech. If you can hear the animals talk, it’s a bad omen. If you can’t, the new year will be a good one - Romania 3. Banging old bread on the walls to drive away evil spirits and bring good luck - Ireland 4. Throwing old microwaves and other unwanted furniture from the window - Johannesburg, South Africa 5. Cutting a hole in the surface of a frozen lake and diving to the bottom while carrying a dead tree - Siberia, Russia

Scheduled Community Event? Send the details to The Journal for the Community Calendar lori@journalpress.com or call (540) 709-7495. Subscribe to The Journal $24 per year Call 540-775-2024



Fall in Virginia – Many of the ideas offered here are available year ’round, so check it out. 4. Eight Incredible Virginia Summer Music Festivals 5. 22 Great Breakfast Spots in Virginia 6. 14 Places to Enjoy Fall Foliage in Virginia 7. Five Hidden Outdoor Gems of Virginia 8. Five Heartwarming Destinations for the Holidays 9. Nine Must-See Virginia Landmarks 10. Rain Equals Fantastic Virginia Waterfalls Learn about these events, places and trips on virginia.org, your destination to find your 2014 destinations. Make a resolution to visit Virginia this year!

College News

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Monday, Jan. 13

The Fredericksburg chapter of DU first annual Upper Potomac Duck Hunt Event! 4:30 a.m. start. Where: Upper Potomac River -Widewater Area This shoreline is prime habitat for a mixed bag of puddle ducks, diver ducks and geese. Come join us for a morning hunt, smoked pork and chicken lunch, cocktails and for those who don’t partake in the lunch cocktails have the option of an afternoon hunt. The chapter will provide all the boats and decoys. You will need guns, shells, warm clothes (maybe waders) and your appropriate licenses. If you are traveling in from outside the area we have special rates at a local hotel. Contact Kenny for the details. Once you have paid, we will provide more detailed information. Email chairman.fredericksburgdu@cox.net for tickets and more information.

Virginia is for lovers, and glampers, and skiers, and spa goers and wine and .....



Virginia’s Civil War Historymobile coming to Stratford Hall

Area Deaths Shirley Dodd Richards, 68, of Fredericksburg died Saturday, December 28, 2013 at Mary Washington Hospital. Mrs. Richards was the widow of the late Thomas Lee Richards. She was a member of Hillcrest United Methodist Church. Survivors include her son, Thomas Lee Richards Jr. (Karen), of King George County; daughter, Angela Richards of Fredericksburg; three grandsons, Austin Whittemore and Tye Hudson both of Fredericksburg, Preston Richards of King George; and brother, Linwood Dodd of King George. A service will be held at noon, Monday, Jan. 6 at Covenant Funeral Service, Fredericksburg. The family will receive friends one hour prior to the service. Interment will follow in Sunset Memorial Gardens. Online guest book at covenantfuneralervice.com.

Wednesday, Jan. 1, 2014

Thinking of your loved one? Now’s the time to order the memorial you’ve always wanted for that special person. Call (540) 775-7733


Wednesday, Jan. 1, 2014

The Journal



New Year updates on the outdoors Mark Fike Happy New Year! Anglers will be happy to be reminded about the Fishing Expo that will take place Jan. 17-19 at the Meadow Event Park just down the road from us in Caroline County. This is the seventh year that the fishing show is returning to the Farm Bureau Center there. I have to admit it has been years since I have attended, but I am planning to go after a morning of duck hunting. This show is the icebreaker of sorts to the upcoming fishing season. Fly-fishing, bass fishing, lake and river angling, and saltwater pursuits are available for the entire family. Tickets are a bargain really, because once you buy a ticket one day, you can get a return pass if you want to come back another day. The adult price is $8, while seniors and military tickets are $7, and kids 6-12 are $5. Under-6 are free. The show is advertised as a family event. Charter and professional guides will be on hand to chat you up. Boat suppliers, tackle dealers and seminars will be available, as well. As you may expect, the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries (VDGIF) will also be on hand to talk about fishing in Virginia. The reporters of the Fishin’ Report for the Outdoor Report e-newsletter will also be on hand to give fishing tips on their part of the state. There will be a Kids’ Zone where kids can earn prizes with accurate casting. The Mountain Trout Pond has a new deal this year - channel catfish are in the pond, and prizes are given if a youth catches one. Trout

caught may be kept or released. There is a fee for this feature. The Bass Tub of Oklahoma will be on site, so seminar attendees can watch bass being caught by a pro and learn some new tips. Don’t forget that boating class! Beginning July 1, 2014, all Personal Water Craft (PWC) operators age 14 and older, and motorboat operators age 45 and younger need to take a boating safety course. Motorboat operators 50 years of age or younger must meet the requirements by July 1, 2015; All motorboat operators, regardless of age, must meet the requirements by July 1, 2016. Take note from VDGIF’s website: PWC Age Restriction: No person under the age of 14 may operate a PWC. Those operators 14 and 15 MUST show proof of completing an approved and accepted boating safety course either in a classroom or online. The challenge exam or other provisions of the Education Compliance Requirement do not meet the requirements of the age restriction law. To get certified, you may take a class in person or online. See the following website for details: http:// www.dgif.virginia.gov/boating/ education/requirement/steps-torequirement.asp Changes to squirrel hunting season Remember that gray squirrel season in our area is now open until the end of February. This is a change from last year. This should open up some new

Take a camera out squirrel hunting. Some of our most memorable photos were those taken on small-game hunts! opportunities to get younger hunters in the woods even after waterfowl season ends. During February, squirrels will still be scrounging on the ground for shoots and long-lost nuts. I suspect that by the end of that month, they may be looking for early shoots on the ground and new buds in trees, too. A .22- or .17-rimfire is a fine tool to use when the woods are open and shots are long. Keep houses and structures that are nearby in mind as you take shots. A .22-bullet can travel a long way! This may also be a good time to get your youth out to do some shooting with a .22. Ammo has become a bit more available at some retailers now, and some dedicated practice, not only to hit the target, but to handle a firearm responsibly,

is a good idea. Some parents opt to let younger hunters carry an airgun that is empty for a few trips, to allow the youth to demonstrate safe gun handling before they are permitted to carry or use a regular firearm. If you do practice shooting, have the youth wear the hunting clothes they would wear hunting while shooting. Sometimes the heavier clothing can make for different shooting conditions. Practice now will pay off later to include spring gobbler season. I love starting kids off hunting squirrels. It is great practice for turkey and deer hunting. There are certainly more squirrels and thus more chances to shoot, but you still have to be still and not move suddenly. However, if a mistake is

Look for squirrels on the ground this winter scavenging for long-lost nuts or shoots under the leaves. made, it is not the end of the hunt. • Wear camo and a facemask, and Squirrels will often come back out, avoid moving your hands. and/or another squirrel may come • Congratulate your youth hunter along, too. on good shots, or even shots they did not take for safety or Tips for winter squirrel ethical reasons. hunting • Take a photo, even if you did • Wear warm clothes. not get any squirrels. Some of • Sit against a big tree to break up our most memorable photos your outline. are of small-game hunts. • Take a snack for younger kids. • Rake out a spot along the • If you know the spot is a good ground free of leaves to be more comfortable and less noisy. spot, but too open, consider • Sit in a spot where you can using a blind in which to hide. see a long way and in several Squirrels don’t seem to be as directions. bothered by blinds as deer.

Helping hands

From the left: Cooperative Helping Hands member Len Usual presents a donation to the Rappahannock Area YMCA King George Family Branch Executive Elizabeth Clark. The YMCA mission is to put Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind and body for all. Cooperative Helping Hands Association is the fundraising organization created by Northern Neck Electric Cooperative’s employees to support the local community. The employees of Northern Neck Electric Cooperative raise funds through activities such as bake sales and their annual golf tournament. Cooperative Helping Hands member Bill Clark presents a donation to Carolyn Quinn of the Northern Neck Food Bank, Inc. Northern Neck Food Bank provides nutritious and healthy food to local families in need. Cooperative Helping Hands member Chris Neale presents a donation to Northumberland Family YMCA Associate Branch Executive Director Cristian Shirilla.

It’s hard to believe that Winter is upon us!

Cooperative Helping Hands member Casey Hayes presents a donation to Westmoreland County Family Program Director Brandon Johnson. The funds will be used for the Youth Development, Healthy Living and Social Responsibility Programs conducted by the Westmoreland County YMCA.

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The Journal

Wednesday, Jan. 1, 2014


Nansemond River dominates KGHS Holiday Tournament Leonard Banks Sports editor After the annual King George High School Holiday Basketball Tournament that took place on Saturday, Riverbend and host King George have one thing in common, which is they both lost to tournament champion Nansemond River by 18 points. The Foxes lost to the Warriors, 63-45 in the championship game, while the Bears suffered nearly the same fate in the semi-final, 66-48. After a week off, Nansemond came into the hostile confines of King George determined to defend its undefeated record. Currently, the Warriors are 10-0, 4-0. Using their height advantage, the much taller Warriors dominated their opponents in every aspect of the game. From the post to the perimeter, the Warriors left no doubt that they deserved the championship hardware. Nansemond has won 41 championships, including 400 plus wins attributed to its head coach, Ed Young. The tournament featured four varsity teams (King George, Riverbend, Millbrook Nansemond), and one junior varsity matchup (Riverbend versus King George).

Leonard Banks

Warriors rule KGHS Holiday Basketball Tournament. Determined to keep Nansemond Warrior center, Daniel Wallace (right, #30) off-balanced, Foxes center Jason Yowler (left, #44) establishes position in the post as the ball ricochets off the backboard. The Warriors eventually defeated the Foxes, 63-45.




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Semi-finals, Nansemond versus Riverbend On Friday, during the first day of the tournament, senior, 6-foot-7 Warrior center Daniel Wallace ran amuck in the interior and exterior of the Bears court corps. Wallace finished with 11 rebounds, four assists, four blocks, and 12 points. Warrior forward, Devon Oakley added 10 points, seven assists, six boards, two blocks, and four steals.

Fr e d e r i c k s b ur g , VA





During first quarter action, the Warriors and Bears battled to a 1515 tie. However, in the second quarter, the Warriors opened up a 43-33 lead, as they outscored the Bears, 20-7. Warrior junior, Scott Spencer added nine points, while Wallace contributed six in second quarter. In the final quarter, the Warriors forwards collapsed around any incoming Bears that were bold enough to enter the post area. While the Bears managed to score 6-of-24 from the floor in the final period, they were also hampered by 28 turnovers. The deal breaker that ultimately tipped the scales for the Warriors was Spencer’s 21 points, that added to his seven rebounds, three assists, two blocks, and two steals. Soon after the Warriors and Bears game on Friday, King George and Millbrook waged war on the floor. Fox forward Anthony Howard led all scorers with 19 points and eight rebounds. Howard’s teammate Sam Sharpe posted 17 points, including three 3-pointers. Semi-finals, King George vs. Millbrook After building an 8-3 lead in the first two minutes of play of the first quarter, the Pioneers soon saw their offensive labors slowly crumble, as the Foxes offense finally clicked into action. Qu’Shawn Allen threw the visitors from Winchester off-balance, as he penetrated the Pioneer defense with three late first quarter assists to Eian Chase and Jecolby White to take a 14-13 lead. Howard’s seven-point performance midway through the second quarter lifted the Foxes to a 27-18 commanding lead. Lakin Hall added to the Fox offensive surge as he ripped into the Pioneers’ post for an additional four points. Although the Pioneers attempted to slow down King George with their press defense, the Foxes extended their lead to 41-29. In a desperate attempt to rally, the Pioneers focused on getting the ball to Zach Harrell. In spite of Harrell’s nine-point fourth quarter performance, it proved too little, too late, as the Foxes closed out the game, 64-50. Harrell later finished the game with 20 points. Junior varsity, Bears vs. Foxes On Saturday, at 3 p.m., fans were treated to a mini basketball preview of the future of area basketball, as Riverbend (4-2) and King George (2-5) competed in a junior varsity matchup. After a slow-paced game, the Bears ultimately prevailed, 41-24. Bear guard, Kris Terrell led all scorers with 12 points, three rebounds, and six assists. As for the Foxes, Aston Howard added eight points, while Brian Jenkins featured six points and two assists. In first quarter action, both teams struggled with turnovers and miscues. Although transition issues became a factor in the low scoring 7-4 Bears advantage in the first quarter, the pace of the game picked up in the following quarter. After Jenkins, on an assist from Davis, scored the first basket of the second quarter, the Bears responded with a 6-4 run that resulted in a 13-10 lead. Lead by Terrell with four points in the quarter, including a buzzer-beating layup, the Bears closed out the quarter with a 6-2 run. The Bears led, 19-10 at halftime. The Bears continued to lead throughout the second half. After building up a 30-20 lead in the third quarter, the Bears outscored the Foxes 11-4 in the final quarter to win holiday JV contest, 41-24. Consolation game The varsity consolation game featuring the Pioneers (2-8) and Bears (3-3) can easily be described as a track meet, with the center of attention on Bears standouts, David McCauley and Michael Holmes. While McCauley scored 20 points, five steals and four assists, Holmes lit up the scoreboards with 23 points and three steals. The Bears routed Millbrook, 80-64. In the first quarter, the Pioneers opened the game with a 5-0 lead. Although midway into the quarter, the Bears cut the lead to 15-9, the Pioneers were able to sustain a fourpoint lead at the end of the period (17-13). Before the final buzzer of the first See Holiday Tournament page 6


Wednesday, Jan. 1, 2014

The Journal


Farinet takes UMW Eagles to the top

Susan Spencer

Eagles forward, Dylan Farinet Leonard Banks Sports editor Dylan Farinet’s role in the University of Mary Washington’s men’s basketball team’s success cannot be defined in mere words. In fact, the senior forward has redefined the aspect of resilience in the world of collegiate basketball. In one

year, his status has been raised from a part of the team’s depth reserves to playing a major role in the Eagles’ current success. The Eagles’ record includes two wins against two top 10 schools, which has never happened in the history of the program. “When Dylan came back this season, he wasn’t a guard anymore,” Eagles head coach Rod Wood said. “He

was a power forward that could step out and shoot the three, and take you off the dribble or post up.” Three years ago after Farinet transferred from Virginia Wesleyan, Wood was of the opinion that due to Farinet’s height (6 foot 2) that he was limited to the role of guard. However, over the course of one season, Farinet has transformed into a small power forward who doesn’t know the meaning of quit. Last year, the former Colonial Beach High School standout football/basketball player started in 13 out of 27 games, totaling 540 minutes of playing as a shooting guard. Farinet opened the eyes of the Eagles coaches during a stretch of twoback-to-back 25 point performances against St. Mary’s College and Frostburg State. “It was a matter of us getting him into the right position, and him wanting to play,” Wood said. “He didn’t care where he played, as long as he got on the court.” During the 2012-2013 season, Farinet blossomed, as he averaged 7.4 points per game, including 14 of 37 three-pointers, 201 points total, 35 steals, 49 assists, 96 rebounds (42 offensively, 54 defensively). “I wanted to get him on the court, but it was just that he was behind somebody at the three (small forward),” Wood said. “I told Dylan to go in, and play the four for me, and instantly I knew it was the position that he should have played all along.” Farinet helped the Eagles finish the season with record of 14-13. During his first season with the Eagles, the team finished with a record of 18-9, and as a CAC finalist. Recently Farinet was honored as the CAC’s Men’s Basketball Player of the Week. After leading his team to a pair of CAC road wins, and averaging

“I told Dylan to go in, and play the four for me, and instantly I knew it was the position that he should have played all along.” —Ron Wood 9.5 points, 5.5 rebounds, 3.0 assists, and 1.5 steals per game, shooting 48% from the field and 71.4% from the 3-point range, Farinet was shooin for the honor. A few weeks ago during a game against Frostburg State he scored a game-high 24 points, while recording seven rebounds, and two steals. Later during the month of Dec., he posted 15 points, four rebounds, four assists, and scored three 3-pointers. Currently, Farinet is among the top individual performers on the team. He is second in offensive points averaged per game (16.7), third in rebounds averaged (6.0), third in field goal percentage (46.3), and number one in 3-point percentage (48.5). Thus far this season, he has scored 152 points. The Eagles’ last win against Randolph College (51-50) improved the program’s record to 9-1, which ties the best 10 game start in school history. The last time the Eagles started with a 9-1 record was during the 2002-2003, when they finished with a 24-5 record. The Eagles will go into action again on Jan. 4, as they host York. Game time is 3 p.m.

Davon Hamilton paces W&L victory Richard Leggitt The Washington & Lee Eagles pulled away in the fourth quarter Friday to defeat the Rappahannock Raiders in the GEBC holiday classic in Montross, 62 to 53. Davon Hamilton paced the W&L boys’ win with 18 points. Coach Jonas Ankrom’s Raiders

team kept the game close, but Coach George Hunter’s Eagles maintained the lead throughout most of the contest. Junior Treshaun Brown hit three three-pointers to help key the win for W&L. The Eagles are now 4-3, as they prepare to begin their games against Northern Neck District foes with contests away against Lancast-

er on Jan. 7, at home again against Rappahannock on Jan. 10, and at home against Colonial Beach on Jan.15. In addition to Hamilton and Brown, W&L got solid play from Jeremy Turner, who had nine points, ten assists and six steals, and Milan Bullock, who had nine points and ten rebounds for the Eagles.

For the Raiders, Tevin Fisher had 14 points, Delvante Ellis had 13 points, and Evan Fisher had 12 points. Ellis also hit two three-pointers, and the two Fishers had one three-pointer each. Rappahannock 9 11 15 18 — 53 Wash. & Lee 10 16 15 21 — 62

King George High School Holiday tournament memories

Holiday Tournament: Nansemond Warriors rule from page 5 half, the game became a track race, as both teams recorded 34 exchanges of possession and three ties. Although the Bears scored the final four points, it was not enough to overcome the Pioneer 34-31 lead at halftime. The Pioneers scored a total of three 3-pointers in the second quarter. The Bears entered Nansemond the second half of the game determined to establish a sustained lead, King George while limiting the Pioneers’ perimeter 3-point dominance. Ultimately, the Bears were successful in establishing a 51-45 lead going into the final quarter, but the Pioneers were deadly beyond the 3-point perimeter with three additional scores in the quarter. Throwing caution to the wind, both teams unleashed everything left in their offensive arsenal in the final quarter. After 43 exchanges, in a span of eight minutes, the Bears stood in the winner’s circle with a 80-64 victory. In spite of an 11-point performance by Pioneer shooting guard, Zach Harrell, the Bears were victorious in the end with 14-point margin (80-64) of victory.

63 45

Championship In the championship game featuring King George versus Nansemond, the Foxes faced a corps of Warrior forwards and centers, ranging from 6 foot 4 to 6 foot 7, and team with a 2012 season that featured 16 wins. The Foxes had an uphill battle

against an undefeated team that literally lived above the rim. Foxes starters, Jason Yowler (six foot 4) and Anthony Howard (six foot 2) did their best to keep the giants from Suffolk County off the boards, but in the end, the Warriors prevailed, 63-45. Throughout the first half the Foxes held their own, as they tied the Warriors twice in the first quarter, while pushing Warrior center, Wallace beyond his endurance level. Although Wallace returned after a short three and a half minute rest in the second quarter, the Warriors could not shake their host off of their backs. The Warriors went into the third quarter with a 30-28 lead. In the first three seconds of the third quarter, Wallace brought down the house, as he opened the quarter with roof rattling slamdunk. The dunk sparked a series of Warriors scores, including an 8-1 run at the start that led to a 48-37 lead at the end of the quarter. In the final quarter, the Foxes faced a 13-point Warrior lead, and their starting center (Yowler) stifled with four fouls. In the final minutes of play, with the game in the hands of the Warriors, both teams allowed their substitutes to finish the game. King George will return to action on Jan. 1, as they travel to Liberty (Bealton) for a Conference 22 varsity matchup. Game-time is 7 p.m. On the following day, the Foxes junior varsity corps will return to Liberty for a 6 p.m. game. On Friday, both the varsity and junior varsity Foxes girls’ basketball teams will travel to Liberty. Game time is 6 p.m.

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From start to finish, during the annual King George High School Holiday Basketball Tournament, Foxes Anthony Howard (left, #24) and Sam Sharpe (right, #12) pushed their opponents to the limit.

The Journal also publishes The Dahlgren Source, Getaway and ChamberLink. Find them online at www.journalpress.com


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The Journal

Suit: Goes to trial in 2014 from page 1 Four months after the arrests, Matthew Ackley, a special prosecutor from Henrico County, who was handling the cases for the Commonwealth of Virginia, decided not to proceed against Oliff and his two employees and terminated the prosecutions because of a lack of evidence to support the charges. The lawsuits claim: that Darby and other sheriff ’s officers knew or should have known that Newsome was “unreliable and untrustworthy”; that Darby and others sought “to injure Oliff personally”; that Darby brought the charges without probable cause; and that the prosecution was “malicious, done with bad faith, done with a reckless, willful and wanton disregard” of the rights of Oliff and his two employees “with actual malice and intent to injure”. Oliff, now 49, is a former W&L High School football player who is well-known and well-liked in the community. He is a former member of the Westmoreland County School Board and the owner of Angelo’s Pizza. Oliff had no criminal record prior to the arrests. The lawsuits also claim that Darby and other officers, working with the

Wednesday, Jan. 1, 2014

Clinic: Plans proceed

Tri-County Narcotics Task Force, between February and April 2012, gave Newsome more than $900 to purchase drugs from Oliff and his employees. Newsome entered Oliff ’s restaurant in Montross five different times with money provided him by Darby and returned to give officers a plastic baggie of white powder that Newsome said was cocaine. The lawsuits allege that Darby claimed to have the drug sales on audio and video recordings, and that Darby also claimed he had conducted positive field tests of the substances provided by Newsome. However, according to the lawsuits, on April 4, 2012, a report from the Commonwealth of Virginia Forensics Department in Richmond advised officers “the substance was not a controlled substance” in any of the five incidents. According to the lawsuits, a review of audio and video recordings of the alleged drug sales did not show any criminal activity. Oliff ’s suit seeks compensatory damages of $10 million and punitive damages of $2 million. Sanford’s suit seeks $2 million in compensatory damages and $1 million in punitive damages. Wright’s suit seeks $4 million in compensatory damages and $1 million in punitive damages.

Care clinic as resources must be allocated to fund their services. As many people know, doctors across the nation are dropping Medicaid/ Medicare clients due the extremely low reimbursement rates. Seeing a Medicaid patient costs medical practices money out of pocket. In order to project and allocate resources it is important that these patients be identified, complete the paperwork necessary and be placed on the service list. On Jan. 15, at 4 p.m., an All Faith Blessing Ceremony will be held for the fledgling clinic. Arlene Jacovelli, President 24/7 TLC states that “Clergy from various supporting denominations will be attending with a full schedule listing speakers and other details to be announced next week. All of us involved in creating this clinic felt the need to formally include faith and our God as He is the ultimate provider of health and healing to the human spirit and body.” Questions may be directed to Theresa Gauvin, RN at (540) 6252527 or come by the clinic located at 11131 Journal Parkway, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. after the holidays.

from page 1 essential that patients do not wait until a week before referrals are due, or prescriptions are expired. Help us help you by contacting the CCC office now to be placed on the patient list. Review your policy and the changes for the upcoming year. The new mandatory health laws require much data entry and scanning as your records must be digitized, and it is imperative we make the proper arrangements with your insurance company.” At this time, it appears that CCC will have successfully contracted with all standard HMOs and PPOs which will allow it to take most health insurance plans. A full menu of accepted insurance will be available in the coming weeks. CCC will also be offering a Direct Pay subscriber service for the many people who cannot afford the policies offered on the exchanges and who do not qualify for a subsidy. Full details are pending but the subscription rates will be much less than many insurance premiums and provide immediate full access. Medicaid/Medicare and uninsured must be pre-authorized to be patients at the Community

Delivery driver Chris Boswell (left) is happy to be working with General Manager Brandon Taylor (right).

Domino’s reopens in time for the New Year Domino’s Pizza in Colonial Beach has re-opened its doors after being closed for several months. “New owner, new management and a new attitude for Colonial Beach.” That’s how General Manager Brandon Taylor described the business now. After Domino’s Corporation closed the business under a previous owner/manager, Christina Palmeri purchased the franchise. Palmeri has brought back some of the previous employees, but Taylor said that all employees, whether old or new, are being retrained to follow Domino’s Pizza’s corporate procedures. “Today is day one,” Taylor said on Dec. 30. “We have hit the ground running.” When asked, Taylor said that business has been good, considering the store did not advertise the re-opening. An even mix of phone orders and walk-ins have proven that word spreads quickly in Colonial Beach. The phone number remains the same: (804) 224-2334. The store hours are from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Sunday through Thursday, and the store will remain open until 11 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays.

—Written by Arlene Jacovelli, 24/7 TLC President


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Wednesday, Jan. 1, 2014

The Journal




Obamacare’s conservative roots It was about fifteen years ago, when working for a Republican member of Congress that I was asked to participate in a group that was looking at alternatives aimed at expanding health care coverage. This wasn’t a GOP issue, but in those days, many in the Republican Party in Congress (yes, really) were worried about the number of Americans that didn’t have healthcare. The single payer (government footing the bill) approach that had been proposed by President Clinton had been defeated, David S. Kerr but many Republicans in Congress were still interested in private sector alternatives. This had a lot of promise and the approach that garnered the most interest was the concept of a government sponsored insurance marketplace. Each state would have its own marketplace and Americans who needed health care could sign up. Expanding Medicaid was also discussed. But key to every part of this proposal was the private sector. Now, flash forward fifteen years and these long ago conservative ideas bear a surprising resemblance to what has been dubbed Obamacare.

There are details which no one would have anticipated in 1998. Obamacare is more sweeping and it has a mandatory requirement for healthcare insurance for all Americans. Other than that difference, which might have found its way into a GOP proposal if one had ever been made, the concept is just about the same. Obamacare, or more appropriately, the Affordable Healthcare Act, is not based on the government paying for your healthcare, and for that matter, save for minimum guidelines, even being directly involved in the care you receive. It’s a private sector based program where participants pay premiums and private companies provide the insurance. So, why is the Affordable Healthcare Act the target of such intense and even obsessive GOP opposition? What is so terrible about a system that’s based so strongly in the private sector? It still defies easy explanation, but it’s become a GOP mantra and there isn’t a single Republican in Congress that supports it. Rational discourse is almost impossible. The GOP controlled House voted to repeal the Act 41 times - that’s a record by the way - and various Republican controlled legislatures around the country have refused the necessary expansion of Medicaid needed to assure a broader enrollment by those who probably need it the most.

Letter to the Editor Editor: The op-ed by Arlene Jocavelli was so lengthy I almost skipped over it. Who could possibly have that much knowledge to impart to us? However, “The YOU in universal healthcare” is something everyone needs to understand. Alas, it seems this article was all about the “her” as in her life history, opining about everything, from the start of the universe to who will inherit the earth. Somehow, I do not think those in need of health care worry about who will inherit the earth. Never have I received so much information about so many subjects from one person. I was particularly impressed with her apparent “statements of fact” that “a lot” of Canadians covered under Canada’s national health plan come to the U.S. to pay for services, that “a lot” of U.S. citizens go to Mexico (which also has national health care) to pay for services, and of course “a lot” of our folk go to India to pay for health services. She is technically correct. What number cannot be considered “a lot”? With the “best health care in

the world” (actually the most expensive), why would “a lot” (the 1% and the working upper middle class) of our folk go to Mexico for health care? Obviously, costs under our current system. Are the Canadians stupid? They flock to the U.S. to get health care that our folk desert for Mexican (or Indian) health care? If our folk do not like it and go elsewhere, how is our care so attractive to Canadians? No matter what you think, there is one indisputable fact. Every Canadian has health care. Millions of our citizens do not have health care. I would welcome a half page op-ed from Jacovelli explaining how to fix this problem. What I do not understand is why Jacovelli is so opposed to changing a health care system that causes so many (except the poor) to go out of this country for care. As an afterthought, Jacovelli mentioned the new K.G. clinic. I would like more information about it. She may have expertise about this subject. Butch Foutz Ebb Tide Beach

Op-Ed Lori deem As the New Year blows in, I’ve been doing some reflection on how the past year has impacted me. Yes, this might be selfish, but I feel like what has impacted me has also impacted the King George community too. We celebrated births and deaths, marriages and divorces, graduations and first day of school. Some old faces in administrative roles and some new folks taking over the reins. The special needs program in KG came to the forefront with the installation of a playground equipped and built for the children in that program. I still find it hard to believe there was not an outdoor playground for these kids all these years. All it took was the initiative and determination of a mom and other parents to bring the idea of a safe place to play a reality. Last year I met many people who care about the county and how it will survive and grow.


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With the growth of social media, the number of folks expressing their opinions and commenting on community issues is increasing everyday. Some are warranted, some come from a deep sense of betrayal over the years. With continued dialogue, in print or online we can attack the problems and by working together can solve the problems, or at least get them recognized as problems. But, we must argue respectfully, listen to others’ opinions, maybe rethink our own opinions and work together. Divided we fall. Standing together, even in disagreement, we can win. I’m hoping 2014 will be a banner year for everyone. I’ve got a few ideas (not so much resolutions) that I hope to work on in 2014. Happy New Year everyone!

And that need hasn’t gone away. In Virginia 1.1 million people under the age of 65 don’t have health insurance. Nationally that figure is 57 million. That’s larger than the combined population of Texas, Florida, and Virginia. Often the uninsured are children, many more are selfemployed Americans and others who work for companies or individuals who can’t afford to provide health insurance. You don’t have to be a social liberal to think that something is wrong with this picture. No other developed nation in the world has so many people as a percentage of the population who don’t have access to some kind of health insurance. During the 2009 Congressional debates over Obamacare, several Republican members of Congress, in voicing their opposition, said they opposed the President’s plan and would when the time is right, provide a better alternative. Sadly while their opposition is now legend, they have long since gone silent when it comes to offering any constructive alternatives or improvements. In the meantime, the Affordable Healthcare Act, this decidedly private sector based plan, even if by fits and starts, with a touch of mismanagement and incompetence added for good measure, is moving steadily towards implementation. —Reach David Kerr at kerr@journalpress.com

Op-Ed Let’s see to it that our elected officials get the WHOLE story out (Editor’s note: Renee Parker submitted this Op-Ed. The document is almost 2500 words; too long to publish this week. This is a portion of the opinion piece. The rest can be found on The Journal’s website.) I was excited, amused, and disgusted at the list of accomplishments that the Chairman of the King George Board of Supervisors, Mr. Dale Sisson, made available to the media recently. To be clear, many of the 44 items on the list simply weren’t accomplishments of the Board of Supervisors. Many others revealed the lack of foresight and planning as well as the distorted sense of priority that our BOS is well known for. Our elected officials would do well to remember why they were elected in the first place. Just do your level best to listen to the needs of those that elected you and work for the better of the County as a whole and ALL County residents. The following is the list that Mr. Sisson made available along with amplifying information following the items that warranted it. Prepared operating and capital budgets that maintained and expanded services to County residents with no increases in tax rates, and no reduction in benefits to County employees.

Have something to say? Express YOUR opinion & maybe stir the pot! Send your letters to the Editor • news@journalpress.com

***Expanded what services to County residents? This is hugely misleading--we lack many services in vital areas to include Fire/Rescue, Parks and Recreation, and especially Schools. Maintained bond ratings. ***From July 2012 to July 2013, Service Authority Debt increased from 24.9 million to 26.2 million and has been added to in recent months as well. Total overall County debt from July 2012 to July 2013 decreased from 102.2 million to 98.8 million but it too has been added to in recent months. County and KGCSA received Government Financial Officers Association Excellence in Financial Reporting award for FY 12-13 budget (10th year in a row). ***The standard for “excellence” is confusing here. Among other deficiencies in our County Gov’t., —The Treasurer’s website was down so people could not pay their taxes online. For the second year in a row, the Treasurer’s office is called out by the auditor for failing to make bank reconciliations in a timely, efficient and accurate manner. It also appears the County does not always follow its own policies related to supporting documents for credit card purchases. Received the Distinguished Budget Award for Fiscal year 2013 from Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) for the 9th year in a row. ***See comment for # 3 above.


(all letters are subject to editing and must include the sender’s name & address)



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Subscription rate is $24 per year (52 issues), or 50¢ on newsstands. Outside the counties of King George and Westmoreland, the rate is $38 per year. The Journal (ISSN #87502275) is published weekly by The Journal Press, Inc. Postmaster, send 3579 to: The Journal, Post Office Box 409, King George, Virginia 22485

ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 Now may be the time to try something new, Aries. You are not one to shy away from anything, but right now you’re a bit apprehensive about things. Take a leap of faith.

LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 Feeling homesick, Libra? If so, make some post-holiday plans to visit with friends or family you didn’t get a chance to see during the holidays. Enjoy this time spent with loved ones.

TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, many people look to you as a leader, and they are wise to do so. You are especially trustworthy, and you will be asked to solve a few problems this week.

SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 Scorpio, you like to stay busy. But you sometimes feel overwhelmed with all that you have to do. Stop biting off more than you can chew and take things one task at a time.

GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, there won’t be much time to enjoy recreational activities this week, so you may have to find a new way to let loose. Rest assured there will be more time for fun down the road.

SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 Sagittarius, now is a good time to make resolutions and reconnect with distant friends. It is good to rekindle relationships and commit to spending more time with friends and family.

CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 Cancer, a new opportunity comes your way but you’re not quite sure if you’re ready for such drastic changes. Take your time before making a final decision. LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 Leo, no matter how hard you try, some people just can’t see things from your point of view. Don’t take this personally, as everyone is entitled to their own opinions. VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 Virgo, sometimes it seems like you have all of the answers, while at other times, you might not know how to approach a situation. Take some time to analyze your approach.

CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 After time away for the holidays, getting back into a routine can be challenging, Capricorn. But you like to stick to a schedule, and getting back on track is the way to do it. AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 Aquarius, although you have many friends, you recently have only spent time with a select few. This week is a great time to reach out to those friends you haven’t seen in awhile. PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 Your competitive juices will be flowing this week, Pisces. Enjoy the competitive atmosphere but don’t take things too far.


CLUES ACROSS 1. Esau’s descendants home 5. Fragrant tropical tree resin 10. Selection list 14. A rectangular groove 15. Plant of a clone 16. Three-banded Armadillo 17. Surrounded by 18. Muse of lyric poetry 19. Give a job to 20. Ceremonial staff bearer 22. By way of 23. Bangladesh capital (old sp.) 24. Taxicab registration 27. Consumed 30. Indian legume dish 31. Tire nut 32. Woman (Fr. abbr.) 35. Spider’s trap 37. Have already done 38. Picasso’s Dora 39. Sousaphones 40. Campaign contributor org. 41. __ and Venzetti 42. Oil cartel 43. Angry 44. Chauvinists 45. Bloodshot 46. Swiss river 47. 1/100 of a yen 48. East northeast 49. Adorns 52. Egyptian statesman Anwar 55. Expel 56. Expressed pleasure 60. Assist 61. Jewish folklore legend 63. An unidentified aircraft 64. Singer Nat “King” 65. A level surface 66. Israeli politician Abba 67. Actor Kristofferson 68. Paddled 69. Locomoted

CLUES DOWN 1. Mild yellow Dutch cheese 2. Fallow deer genus 3. Of an ode 4. Phone line connector 5. Before 6. Insect stage 7. Electronic communication 8. Relating to metal 9. Japanese Minister Hirobumi 10. Naval historian Alfred Thayer 11. A long narrative poem 12. Drug officer (US slang) 13. Carbamide 21. Park in Northern Spain 23. Canine 25. Hit lightly 26. Indiana Univ. Degree 27. Play performer 28. Hairpiece 29. Pulled away 32. Papier-__ 33. Georgia city 34. Irregularly notched 36. Ladies’ 1st Army branch 37. Begetter 38. Raincoat 40. Conic curve 41. __ Claus 43. Family Hominidae member 44. Personnel 46. Actor Carney 47. At peace 49. Joyce Carol __, US author 50. Of cheekbone 51. A one-edged cavalry sword 52. Potato pouch 53. Town in Ghana 54. Small store 57. Rover 58. Oh, God! 59. Force unit 61. Central mail bureau 62. __ student, learns healing

See classified page for answers


The Journal

2013: A review From page 1 practices. In a special meeting of the town council on Monday, May 20, Whitestone Partners gave their assessment of how the town’s staff and council were functioning. Doug and Polly Whitestone summed up the day’s findings by presenting a picture of a cartoon character looking at himself in the mirror with the following caption, “We have met the enemy, and it is us.� Whitestone advised the council that they should act in a more supervisory role and allow the town’s staff to manage day-to-day operations without micro-management. Whitestone repeatedly suggested that the council set clearer goals for town staff and to let staff do their jobs. Whitestone had four recommendations: set goals and objectives; develop a clear set of metrics (a measure of an organization’s activities and performance); hold people accountable, but make sure staff has the resources to complete their jobs; and for council to operate at an executive level. Doug Whitestone clarified this last recommendation by saying, “Town council should function at the executive level and not get dragged down in the weeds. And personally taking responsibility for issues that really should be delegated to town government, such as setting broad goals, objectives and directions.� The current town council has tried to pass several duties off to Westmoreland County under the umbrella of saving money. Some citizens would dispute that any money has been saved, but council continues to defend

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their decisions. Three of these duties included transferring CBPD dispatch to the county, the management of erosion and sediment control, and attempting to abolish CBPD, forcing Westmoreland County Sheriff ’s Office to take over law enforcement for the Town of Colonial Beach. Fortunately, the police dispatch changed over just before the July 4th holiday without any problems. However, some town citizens have criticized the council, saying that the consolidation of dispatch will cost the town more money in the long run. The council could not seem to come to a decision on duties of managing erosion and sediment control in a timely manner. As a result of that indecision, on April 1, building within the town came to a screeching halt when the Town of Colonial Beach sent out notices to all builders saying, “Effective as of April 1, any permit which proposes to increase the impervious area larger than 36% OR disturbs more than 2,500 square feet of soil will be reviewed at the Colonial Beach Department of Planning and Community Development for zoning and building only.� The notice then stated that after being approved by the town, the builder would then have to also seek approval from the Westmoreland County Land Use Office for environmental permits and approvals. These steps would have to be completed in order to obtain zoning and/or building permits in Colonial Beach. Staff had been warning the council that according to the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR), the town was currently non-compliant, due to the lack of an appropriate and current Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC) program. Although the town council did approve a new ESC program, money for implementation was no

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Curtin left the morning meeting on Nov. 14, returning within the hour with a typed resignation stating that he joined council to address grave concerns for the future of the town and the need for hard decisions. Curtin felt that the council was not working together towards a common goal. He said in his resignation, “I have tried to be patient and wait for the consensus to emerge on Council that would convince me that at least some of my concerns are shared. I have spent an enormous amount of time in meetings and discussions that would have otherwise been spent with my family or in the pursuit of my career. I no longer believe that day will come with the current council.� Curtin summed up his feelings, attacking his constituents by saying, “I cannot justify continuing to waste my time waiting for a day to come when this town, and its elected leaders face up to hard decisions that will come, no matter what the desires or sentiments exists to maintain the status quo. Therefore, I must resign my seat on the Colonial Beach Town Council effective immediately.� At the Dec. 12 council meeting, despite having interviewed two applicants, Linda Crandell and Polly Parks, the town council could not reach a consensus on whom to appoint to fill the vacant seat left by Curtin. The council voted five to one to appoint George “Pete� Bone to serve until a special election. Bone had previously served as mayor for the Town of Colonial Beach from 1996 to 2008, when he decided not to run for re-election. Throughout the year, the council has passed several resolutions, which covered appointments to various groups, authorizing staff to execute leases and other agreements, as well as limiting staff activity, such as enacting a hiring freeze. Resolutions,


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KING GEORGE COUNTY PUBLIC NOTICE KING GEORGE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS KING GEORGE COUNTY WIRELESS AUTHORITY BOARD OF DIRECTORS KING GEORGE SERVICE AUTHORITY BOARD OF DIRECTORS The King George County Board of Supervisors, the Wireless Authority Board of Directors, and the Service Authority Board of Directors will hold its next regular meeting on Tuesday, January 7, 2014. The Board of Supervisors will begin at 6:00 p.m., with the Service Authority Board of Directors and the Wireless Authority Board of Directors beginning shortly thereafter. The meeting will be held in the H.R. Revercomb Building Board Room, 10459 Courthouse Drive, King George, VA 22485.

3-cushion beige sofa with throw pillows. Like new. Asking $350. Location: Oak Grove, VA 804-761-4483.

We are pledged to the letter and spirit of Virginia’s Policy for achieving equal housing opportunity throughout the Commonwealth. We encourage and support advertising and marketing programs in which there are no barriers to obtaining housing because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, elderliness, familial status, or handicap. All real estate advertised herein is subject to Virginia’s fair housing law which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation, or discrimination because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, elderliness, familial status, or handicap or intention to make any such preference, limitation, or discrimination.� This newspaper will not knowingly accept advertising for real estate that violates the fair housing law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. For more information or to file a housing complaint call the Virginia Fair Housing Office at (804) 367-8530. Toll free call (888) 551-3247. For the hearing impaired call (804) 367-9753.

If you have any questions, you may contact the County Administrator’s Office at 775-9181.


Town of Colonial Beach Planning Commission PUBLIC HEARING The Town of Colonial Beach Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on Thursday, January 9, 2014, in the Colonial Beach Town Center located at 22 Washington Avenue, Colonial Beach, Virginia, to consider the following: Beginning at 5:30 p.m. ZOA-01-2014 (ORDINANCE 643): AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF COLONIAL BEACH BY AMENDING ARTICLE XXI, FLOOD PLAIN DISTRICT, BY REPEALING AND REPLACING ARTICLE 21 FLOOD PLAIN DISTRICT, WITH ARTICLE XXI FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT. The purpose of this text amendment is to update the floodplain district as proscribed by new Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) regulations, and the adoption of revised Flood Insurance Rate Maps. ZOA-02-2014 (ORDINANCE 643): Additionally, ARTICLE XX, DEFINITIONS will be amended with added and/or updated definitions in accordance with FEMA requirements; ELEVATED BUILDING; ENCROACHMENT; EXISTING MANUFACTURED HOME PARK OR SUBDIVISION; EXPANSION TO AN EXISTING MANUFACTURED HOME PARK OR SUBDIVISION; FREEBOARD; HISTORIC STRUCTURE; LOWEST FLOOR; NEW CONSTRUCTION; NEW MANUFACTURED HOME PARK OR SUBDIVISION; SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREA; START OF CONSTRUCTION; SUBSTANTIAL DAMAGE; SUBSTANTIAL IMPROVEMENT; WATER COURSE; AND TO AMEND THE FOLLOWING DEFINITIONS: MANUFACTURED HOME; BASEMENT, FLOOD OR FLOODING. The purpose of these text amendments is to add and amend definitions to the ordinance as required by Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Regulations. Any persons desiring to be heard in favor of or in opposition to the above is hereby invited to be present at the Public Hearing. Copies of the above are on file in the Department of Planning & Community Development, 905 McKinney Blvd., Colonial Beach, Virginia 22443. 12/25/2013, 1/1/2014


however, are not binding by law, as is the case with ordinances. Of the 32 ordinances dealt with by council this year, over one-third handle the legal aspects of selling off small, unused portions of land the town owns as “right of ways�. About another one-third of the ordinances were amendments to zoning ordinances that had come from the Colonial Beach Planning Commission, with recommendations for action to the council. Ordinances concerning tax increases were met with strong opposition by the newer members, but came with a price. Council members have yet to clean up some budget shortfalls for fiscal year 2013-2014. The current council of 2013 was made up of several members who were fairly new to the council, and most of whom had little or no previous experience in politics. They came in with a genuine desire to make things better, but it has taken some time for them to become versed in the procedural aspect of conducting public business in either an orderly or a timely manner. The council now has two seasoned members, Gary Seeber and Pete Bone, both of which have served on council previously. This may benefit the town greatly in the upcoming year. The council is entering 2014 with a lot of unfinished business, as well as two major tasks. The council must implement a new floodplain ordinance or residents will lose the ability to buy flood insurance, and the council will be seeing a large influx of ordinances, documents and programs, which will need approval in order to be ready to reapply (for the third time) for a $997,000 revitalization grant from the Department of Housing and Community Development. —Linda Farneth

TOWN OF COLONIAL BEACH PUBLIC NOTICE On January 9, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. at the regular monthly meeting of the Colonial Beach Town Council, at Town Center in Colonial Beach, the Colonial Beach Town Council will conduct a public hearing regarding Ordinance No. 645. All interested persons are invited to attend and participate in the public hearing. ORDINANCE NO. 645 PROVIDES FOR A BONUS FOR ALL FULL-TIME HOURLY EMPLOYEES OF THE TOWN OF COLONIAL BEACH AND ANY PART TIME-TOWN EMPLOYEE WHO HAS BEEN IN THEIR POSITION FOR TWELVE (12) MONTHS. THE AMOUNT OF THE BONUS SHALL BE $200.00. ORDINANCE NO. 645 IS CONSIDERED PURSUANT TO THE GRANT OF AUTHORITY CONTAINED IN VA CODE SECTION 15.2-1508.


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longer available. On June 4, 2012, Mike Ham, who was the budget committee chairman at the time, proposed transferring $55,000 from the general fund line item, Contracts for Professional Services, to level fund the school system. These funds were earmarked for an erosion and sediment stormwater mandate, and were to be used to pay a professional to carry out the program. Westmoreland County, with some resistance, eventually entered a memorandum of understanding to take over the erosion and sediment control duties for the Town of Colonial Beach on a temporary basis. The council’s attempt to abolish the police department was met with strong citizen opposition, both through the press and in person. Letters to the editors of the local papers were written in support of CBPD, and despite holding an early morning meeting, the council was surprised with the citizen attendance supporting CBPD. Although the crowd did not reach “standing room only�, few chairs were left empty at the Nov. 14 special council meeting to discuss CBPD. A wide array of concerned citizens attended the early morning meeting. Although each speaker had their own unique reasons for speaking out about CBPD, 100% of the speakers said they support Colonial Beach having its own police force, support the CBPD in place now, and the majority said that the council needed to be more specific about their intentions. The idea of abolishing CBPD was immediately dropped, but the events of that morning meeting lead to the resignation of Councilman Tim Curtin who felt that members of council who were originally in favor of abolishing CBPD had caved to citizen pressure, and this angered him.

Wednesday, Jan. 1, 2014

The complete text of Ordinance No. 645 may be obtained from the Clerk of the Town Council at 18 N Irving Avenue, Colonial Beach, Virginia 22443. Anyone having questions or wishing to submit written comments may contact Town Hall at 804-224-7181, Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Anyone with a disability who requires assistance in order to participate in the public hearing is asked to contact the Town Clerk prior to the public hearing so that appropriate arrangements may be made. All interested persons may attend and express their views.

By Order of the Colonial Beach Town Council 12/25/2013, 1/1/2014

TOWN OF COLONIAL BEACH DOWNTOWN REVITALIZATION PUBLIC HEARING The Town of Colonial Beach will hold a public hearing on Thursday, January 9, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. at the Town Center, 22 Washington Avenue, Colonial Beach, Virginia 22443 to solicit public input on local community development and housing needs in relation to Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding for a project in our community. Information on the amount of funding available, the requirements on benefit to low- and moderate-income persons, eligible activities, and plans to minimize displacement and provide displacement assistance as necessary will be available. Citizens will also be given the opportunity to comment on the Town’s past use of CDBG funds. All interested citizens are urged to attend. For additional information, contact the Town of Colonial Beach at 18 N. Irving Avenue, Colonial Beach, Virginia 22443 or 804-224-7181. Comments and grievances can be submitted in writing to the Town at 18 N. Irving Avenue, Colonial Beach, Virginia 22443 or by phone at 804-2247181 until Wednesday, January 8, 2014. If you plant to attend and have any special needs requirements, please call the number listed above. 12/25/2013. 1/1/2014

TOWN OF COLONIAL BEACH PUBLIC NOTICE On January 9, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. at the regular monthly meeting of the Colonial Beach Town Council, at Town Center in Colonial Beach, the Colonial Beach Town Council will conduct a public hearing regarding Resolution #06-14. All interested persons are invited to attend and participate in the public hearing. Resolution #06-14 AMENDS THE CURRENT 2009-2029 COLONIAL BEACH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TO ADD DESIGN GUIDELINES AS AN ADDENDUM TO THE CURRENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. THE DESIGN GUIDELINES PROVIDE A POLICY FRAMEWORK AS TO CERTAIN BASIC TOWNWIDE DESIGN STANDARDS AS WELL AS MORE SPECIFIC STANDARDS FOR THE CENTRAL AREA AND THE POINT AREA AS IDENTIFIED IN THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. THIS ADDENDUM IS POLICY AND WOULD ONLY APPLY AS PROPERTY IS DEVELOPED AND/OR REDEVELOPED. The complete text of Resolution #06-14 may be obtained from the Clerk of the Town Council at 18 N Irving Avenue, Colonial Beach, Virginia 22443. Anyone having questions or wishing to submit written comments may contact Town Hall at 804-224-7181, Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Anyone with a disability who requires assistance in order to participate in the public hearing is asked to contact the Town Clerk prior to the public hearing so that appropriate arrangements may be made. All interested persons may attend and express their views.

By Order of the Colonial Beach Town Council 12/25/2013. 1/1/2014


Wednesday, Jan. 1, 2014

The Journal


Bob Fox Project helped hundreds at Christmas, but future is uncertain Richard Leggitt Westmoreland County’s Bob Fox Project, which has provided food, gifts and toys to hundreds of citizens and their families each year for almost 30 years, had another very successful holiday season in 2013. But the future of the worthwhile holiday project is uncertain. This year, the hard working Bob Fox Project volunteers provided turkey dinners with all the trimmings for 100 homebound elderly and disabled citizens; working with the Westmoreland Volunteer Fire Department, delivered gift packages for 110 people to seven area nursing homes; and helped provide the Westmoreland County Department of Social Services hundreds of Christmas toys to be distributed to disadvantaged Westmoreland County children. “We had another good year,” said Dorothy Langmack of Montross, one of the organizers of the Bob Fox Project. “But we are not going to be able to continue, unless we can find a way to increase donations.” “The problem is that most people in the county today don’t know

about the Bob Fox Project, and our donations are dwindling each year. We have to find a way to fix that,” said Langmack. The heartwarming Christmas project is named for former Westmoreland Commonwealth’s Attorney Robert Fox. During the holidays in 1982, Fox lamented to a gathering of friends how he was concerned about the number of Westmoreland County residents who were without food, friends or gifts during the Christmas season. “I really want to do something to help them,” Fox said to his friends. Three months later, on March 11, 1982, Fox was trying a case in a Westmoreland County courtroom when he suddenly collapsed and died of a heart attack. Fox’s friends, co-workers and many of the citizens who had come to love and respect the popular Commonwealth’s Attorney during his seven years in office, remembered his concern for others at Christmas, and in 1984, began the Bob Fox Project, which has been providing a wonderful Christmas for Westmoreland residents for three decades now.

Antiques Considered...

Thanks to the work of hundreds of volunteers and the generous contributions of many individuals and groups, Bob Fox’s dream of helping others in Westmoreland County became a reality. And Christmas has been a little merrier for a great many people, whether they are donors, volunteers or recipients. But those who have been involved in the Bob Fox Project over the years are concerned about its future. “I find it sad to think about the loss of donations,” said Montross Town Manager Brenda Reamy, who works with the Westmoreland Volunteer Fire Department to make the nursing home gift delivery a success. “Without funding, there are going to have to be some tough decisions about what parts of the project are going to have to be cut,” Reamy said. “That is going to be very difficult.” “We hope to find an answer,” said Langmack. “The Bob Fox Project helps a lot of people who don’t have anybody. We can keep doing that if we can get more people involved and increase donations. That is our goal.”

These two small cloisonné bowls come from a Northern Neck family whose members have collected a large number of pieces. Both are in excellent condition. The other photographs also are interesting, but this one illustrates an important point in evaluating cloisonné. Henry Lane The black and white bowl Hull has painted on the bottom the word, CHINA, all in capital letters, whereas the blue bowl is not marked. The name on the first one indicates that it was made after the international convention of 1891 requiring products to be labeled as to country of origin. The unmarked bowl dates before 1891, and is a finer specimen in its own right. Cloisonné refers to a process whereby the metal core is circumscribed with thin gold, silver or brass wires delineating compartments for the various color changes. The French word for

compartment is “cloison”, thus the name. Once the wiring is attached, enamel in the desired colors is applied between the brass lines, after which the piece is fired in a kiln. The technique began in the Byzantine Empire in the Middle Ages, and had spread across the Middle East to China by the fifteenth century. Today most cloisonné is associated with China, where it still is being produced in great quantities. The best Chinese cloisonné dates from before the Second World War. The most collectible is the category of jeweled cloisonné, in which semiprecious gems are applied as part of

the decoration. The present examples have good appeal, but vary in quality. The marked black and white bowl is executed less finely, and is worth under $20. The older, unmarked blue bowl is of superior quality, and is worth $50. Cloisonné remains popular, especially with reference to the more highly decorated pieces, which can be in the form of vases, bowls, boxes, figurines, trays and jewelry. Most cloisonné lamps began as vases, which subsequently were electrified. The cloisonné market has not experienced the setbacks associated with other genres. Happy Antiquing!

Historic Stratford Hall, the Home of the Lees, will have a busy January Stratford Hall, the historic and celebrated home of the Lee family of Virginia, will have a busy January as the prominent Westmoreland County plantation continues its expanding efforts to make even more people aware of its story, history and traditions. “Celebrations at Stratford Hall: Family, Food and Festivities” will be the featured loan exhibition for the 2014 Washington Winter Show at American University’s Katzen Arts Center, Washington, D.C., Jan. 10 - 14. The January exhibition highlights

the family, food, and festivities that made Stratford a welcoming beacon of hospitality, from the 18th century to the present day, and touches upon the Lee family and its treasured private collections, which have been passed down through the generations. “We are so pleased to be the featured loan exhibitor and to have the chance to introduce Stratford Hall and its collections to a wider audience,” said Gretchen Goodell Pendleton, Curator, Stratford Hall. “Many of the objects that will be

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on view are not regularly displayed, so this exhibit is a rare opportunity for visitors to see highlights from our own collections, as well as some special objects from sister institutions and Lee family private collections.” Costumes, music and dancing, horse races and fox hunts, gracious dinners and quiet family moments all punctuated the everyday lives of the Lee family and other residents of Stratford Hall. Home to four generations of the Lee family of Virginia and later residents, Stratford Hall can be seen as an embodiment of Southern entertaining and family traditions. The legacy of Stratford Hall and the Lees survive in the collections of the historic plantation and other Lee family historic sites, as well as in the personal private collections that remain treasured in the Lee family. This exhibit will serve as a small window into Stratford Hall’s intimate history; a past filled with family, food and festivities. Also in January at Stratford Hall,

the Civil War 150 HistoryMobile will also visit the Westmoreland County plantation on Jan. 19. The exhibit, an initiative of the Virginia Sesquicentennial of the American Civil War Commission, will be located at Stratford Hall and will be open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Admission to the HistoryMobile is free. The HistoryMobile is being presented as part of Stratford Hall’s day-long celebration of Robert E. Lee’s birthday, which will include a lecture by Donald Wilkinson, Civil War homefront depictions and artifacts on display, a scavenger hunt for children, a wreath-laying at the Great House, and a book signing by Dr. James “Bud” Robertson in the Stratford Hall Gift Shop. There will also be a living history portrayal of General Robert E. Lee by Al Stone, live musical entertainment by Marshall and Company, refreshments and complimentary tours of the Great House. Plan B Barbecue of Montross will be on site to sell delicious BBQs and other

The Civil War 150 HistoryMobile will visit Stratford Hall Jan. 19. lunch items. The HistoryMobile uses immersive spaces and interactive exhibits to draw together stories of the Civil War and emancipation from the viewpoints of those who experienced it across Virginia—young and old, enslaved and free, soldier and civilian. The Civil War 150 HistoryMobile crosses the state visiting museums, schools and special events. Its tour


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