01-08-2014 Colonial Beach/Westmoreland County Va Journal

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Colonial Beach • Westmoreland

Pages 6 & 7

Volume 38, Number 2

Wednesday, January 8, 2014 50 Cents

helping you relate to your community

A Colonial Beach landmark burns

Tragedy brings communities together

“A piece of Colonial Beach history gone; such a sad day” - Just two of the comments on Facebook from residents of Colonial Beach who woke up, Sunday Jan. 5 to news that the landmark 100-year-old brick building known to many long-time residents as the old high school at the elementary school campus had burned beyond repair by roughly 5 a.m. Chief David Robey of the Colonial Beach Vol. Fire Department said the fire was toned out around 4 a.m. Robey said they could see the flames from the fire house which is located about a block away. When firefighters arrived on scene the school building was fully engulfed in flames. The State Fire Marshal, investigating the fire stated that the bulk of the fire was on the front side of the building which is located on the river side and burned towards the back of the building which sits roughly 50 yards from Douglas Ave. The fire spread up through the center stairwell and was coming out See landmark, page 3

Firefighters came to Colonial Beach from all over the Northern Neck and Southern Maryland as well as the neighboring communities of Dahlgren and King George Sunday morning, Jan. 5, to help battle the early morning blaze that gutted the already condemned old two story brick building that had served as a school in many capacities over the last 100 years. Not since the Yacht Club Marina fire in May of 2002 which destroyed over 50 boats, has the town seen so many firefighters respond to tragedy in Colonial Beach. Firefighters from all over flock to Colonial Beach every summer to participate in the fireman’s parade for fun, but Sunday Jan. 5 was no cake walk. However there was plenty of cake, food and other supplies on hand thanks to the donations of so many citizens. With such a demand for water to fight the blaze which began some time before 4 a.m., a boat crew from Cobb Island had to dock in the Potomac river and pump water to dozens of trucks some three blocks away. But there was no shortage of water Water streams from two directions as fire erupts from the roof and windows of the building which served Colonial Beach many years as a school.

See tragedy, page 3

Officials say campus is now a collapse zone Linda Farneth After the smoke had cleared the Colonial Beach School Board was left with several hazards at the elementary school campus, making the decision, of where to house primary and elementary students for the remainder of the year, even tougher. After a fire raged through the 100-year old condemned two story building, which was formerly the town’s middle school, in the early morning hours of Jan. 5, the wooden elements that support the brick exterior walls were destroyed. This left the building unstable. According to officials the building could collapse at any time. The usable buildings on the campus sit just feet from the two story structure and could be in the path of any falling debris. This makes the site too dangerous to allow children to attend

school on the campus. During a special meeting of the School Board after the fire, on Sunday Jan. 5, school officials were met with opposition when they mentioned that the campus needed to be closed and the children should be relocated. Local resident and building contractor Steve Cirbee argued that the old building could be braced or torn down and school could resume on the campus within a week. “Stop saying that the campus can’t be used because that is not the truth!” Cirbee argued that the existing buildings previously used are still intact. School Board member Michelle Payne was very upset with Cirbee’s comments and stated “As a parent of a child in that school, if you can tell me that you can take that building down in a week so that there is nothing on that campus that is a hazard to any of those kids, your

talking pre-K, special ed.” Cirbee responded, “It’s done all the time.” Payne then challenged Cirbee to step up to the plate. Payne argued that Cirbee did not have a child in the school. Emotions ran high for several minutes between the two, until School Board Chairman Trivett stopped the exchange. Newly-appointed council member and former Mayor Pete Bone urged the group to put emotions aside and stick to the facts. Westmoreland Building Inspector Dexter Monroe warned the group that regardless of what the school board decided about where the children are housed, he will scrutinize the area for the safety of the children. Monroe stated that if the children are housed in churches or Linda Farneth conference rooms he will have to inspect each area before the kids will be cleared to attend Elementary School Principal Mary Fisher looked on with sadness but expressed school. great relief that the fire did not happen when the children were in school.

Cause of the blaze is under investigation School Board Chairman and volunteer firefighter, Tim Trivett told the public at a special school board meeting Sunday afternoon, Jan. 5 that investigators from the state had been called in to investigate the cause of the fire which damaged Colonial Beach Elementary School. Fire officials say when a building is vacant and/or condemned, ruling out arson is a matter of procedure. Sergeant Thomas Molnar, public information officer for the Virginia State Police, wrote in an email on Monday morning, “We have not ruled the fire an arson as this is an active and on-going investigation. “On Jan. 5, at the request of the Colonial Beach Fire Department, fire investigators with the Virginia State Police Bureau of Criminal Investigation Richmond Field Office were called to the scene of a structure fire in the 300 block of Douglas Avenue at the Colonial Beach Elementary School in Westmoreland County. “The fire investigation is on-going to determine the origin and cause of the fire.” On Sunday after fire crews secured and cleared the scene, the fire department was called back for a

report of a fuel leak. Colonial Beach Fire Chief David Robey said in a phone interview Monday morning that a fuel leak was discovered in the basement area of the burned out building. Robey stated that he was unaware that the fuel lines supplying the primary building had been previously rerouted to supply fuel to the old two story building as well. Robey stated that the supply line was closed off to stop the leak, but the basement area where the fuel was leaking was too flooded to examine the cause of the leak yesterday. Robey declined to speculate on when the fuel leak began or if it has contributed to the fire in any way. The entire block has been closed off to the public by order of the Building Inspector Dextor Monroe. Teachers and staff are only allowed to enter the undamaged buildings on the grounds with a fire department escort. The burned out building is off limits to everyone including firefighters. Only fire investigators are allowed to enter the building at this time. —Linda Farneth

Hazardous chemicals more than HazMat could handle Adding to the immediate dangers are hazardous chemicals, creating a situation that not even HazMat could solve. Chemicals left in the school’s science lab had been secured while the building was closed and being used as a storage facility. Sunday’s fire gutted the building, leaving it exposed to the elements and unidentified chemicals, including old ether had to be moved to the old gymnasium to ensure they could be locked up and undisturbed until a Reactive Management Team could come and dispose of these chemicals. Colonial Beach School Board Chairman, Tim Trivett, a long time See Chemicals, page 3

Linda Farneth

A view from the back of the building shows the fire damage to the front side of the building, where the fire is believe to have started.

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Wednesday, Jan. 8, 2014

The Journal




It’s time to pass the Dream Act It’s called the Dream Act. At 700 pages it’s arguably too wordy and too complicated, but it’s the first major bill to address the issue of nearly 11 million individuals who are here in the United States without proper documentation. And, before anybody says it, yes, I know, that means they’re illegal. The Senate passed the bill in 2013, with strong bi-partisan support, but it faces heavy going in the House. It may never come to the floor. The Tea Party faction in the House, which David S. Kerr is strongly anti-immigrant, is adamantly opposed to it, but even if the bill doesn’t pass it’s a problem can’t be ignored forever. The Dream Act, which would provide a path to legal residence is not an easy ride. There are numerous requirements to achieving residency status to include the payment of back taxes, if owed (many already pay taxes in one form or another)

having a clean record and getting squared away with the Immigration and Naturalization Service. It’s no give away, it requires the patience of a saint, but at least it provides a legal mechanism to do something with nearly 11 million immigrants, mostly Hispanic, who live outside the law. It’s not a perfect solution, some would argue it rewards illegal behavior, but in terms of being practical, it’s a reasonable approach. Also, it represents one thing many people forget and that’s that we really are better off with more immigrants. Thanks to a large immigrant population, the youngest group being Hispanic, America has one of the most youthful populations in the developed world. This means a lot to a nation’s success. Nation’s with older populations, Russia and Japan come to mind, face some serious economic and demographic challenges. However, in America, immigration has been an anti-aging tonic that’s served us well for over two hundred years. As for those whose pre-conceived notions and prejudices get in the way of their support for the Dream Act there are some other considerations. Hispanics have the highest labor participation rate of any

group in America. This means they are more likely to be employed than anyone else. They are also more likely to join the armed forces than any other minority group and have received more decorations for valor than any other minority group in the service. They take the responsibilities of citizenship seriously. Almost everyone in America is an immigrant or descended from immigrants. My ancestors came to America looking for a better life. They, like so many others, contributed the American narrative. Namely, that we are a fusion of a wide range of cultures that keeps us vital and dynamic. Many who oppose the Dream Act consider it a giveaway. But, that’s not the case. The immigrants it would make legal already pay over $10 billion in taxes. Perhaps, with that in mind, maybe we should think of the Dream Act as something that doesn’t just benefit one group, but rather represents legislation, that if passed, will be in the best interest of America as a whole. —Reach David Kerr at kerr@journalpress.com

Letters to the Editor


Dear Citizens of the 99th District, I hope you had a very Merry Christmas and a happy holiday season. As we prepare to ring in the New Year, I am about to start my second term in Virginia’s General Assembly as a Citizen-Legislator on January 8, 2014 at noon. Unlike our federal government in Washington, I do not live and work full time in Richmond. I spend 3 months out of the year in Richmond serving the people of the 99th District as your legislator, going home on the weekends to spend time with my family and to get input from citizens. I then return back to the district to work full time at our small family business and to be of assistance to my constituents whenever possible. This allows me to see firsthand what is going on in the district as a full time working mother and local resident. I would also like to share with you my pre-session survey. I am honored to have been re-elected to another term this past November and I am honored to continue representing all of my constituents of the 99th District in the General Assembly. I want to hear from all of you regarding the issues that matter most. Please take a minute and fill out my 2014 presession survey. As I continue to do my best to represent everyone in the 99th District of the Commonwealth of Virginia, it is vital that I hear from you and see where you stand. You can find a link to my survey: https://www.surveymonkey. com/s/2014PreSessionSurveyRansone or visit my website at www. margaretransone.com to fill out the survey and sign up for email updates. I hope you and your family have a blessed and happy new year. God Bless, Margaret Ransone

My Old School

Editor: The Westmoreland County (WMC) Board of Supervisors was to start budget talks on Jan. 6, 2014. I wish to point out to them that there are a lot (fill in the number) of uninsured folk in WMC. Oh yes, the first thing to come to your mind is a bunch of drunks, addicts and other ne’er do wells. Of course, those folk are out there. The ones I think need help are the ones you meet and deal with each day. Like the McDonalds employees who work 30 hours weekly at $8 an hour. Or the part-timers at Food Lion, Dollar General, Dollar Store, Halls Market, Rite-Aid, Shell, 7-11, every business on Washington Avenue and Montross Main St., etc. There is not enough room in the newspaper to list all the categories. You do it. (They need) Not to forget that some of the aforementioned establishments do not provide health insurance for their full-time employees. One owner told me she would be bankrupt if Obamacare passed. Of course, folk like this conveniently “forget” that employers with less than 50 employers are exempt from Obamacare. However, in all fairness, they can see down the road twenty years to a time when all workers who bust their butt for the boss will get health coverage. Does it surprise you that the State ABC stores now work all new hires 29 hours per week in order to avoid being covered by Obamacare? Even though that provision does not go into effect until 2015. Do not forget the WalMart employees who work in King George and Tappahannock but reside here. In addition, of course the many pizza palaces and slow food restaurants. To some extent, these residents are eligible for limited health care paid for by non-profits. Non-profits rely on donations. For some years, the BOS’s contributed $ 10,000 (about 50 cents per taxpayer) to the (NN Free) clinic. No, I am not kidding you! To the point. I was present, in a previous year’s WMCBOS’s meeting where they spent more time debating whether to give the NN Free Clinic $10,000 than they did in regard to funding the “not” Court House building. OK, it is possible I exaggerated a bit, just a tad. At that meeting, Larry Roberson had requested a donation for the Guadalupe Free Clinic. After lengthy

debate, the decision was to split the $ 10,000 between the two! (clinics). According to a NNFHC board member, WMC contributed nothing last year. I am unable to confirm that statement, but God help me if I am wrong! The bottom line is that the WMCBOS’s are insensitive to the needs of the working poor. A $10,000 contribution is an insult to the volunteers who staff the clinic. A $5,000 pittance is something I will not comment on in polite society. Perhaps this year we could find the needed $$$ in the leftover funds from the “not” Court House. It is never too late to save a life. And who are we to decide that some do not need saving? Butch Foutz Ebb Tide Beach

Coach Swope She sat on top the hill and beamed as the most beautiful, eloquent and historic building in town. She was home to the many students, graduates, teachers, staff and administrators. She was so pristine, so unique and so Colonial Beach…. she was a Classic! She housed future lawyers, doctors, teachers, carpenters, nurses, soldiers and all walks of life who have gone out into the world to represent CB. Many who left after going through her halls have returned to give back to the proud community that she stood tall in. Personally, I spent over half of my life inside those walls. From the time I entered through her doors in 1961 as a wide-eyed first grader, to high school graduation in 1973, until the time I put my finishing touches on a 34-year career as a teacher, coach and Athletic Director in this town, I cherished every moment with her. My famed and beloved dungeon (basement office) was home to all my Philly, Hokie and Drifter memorabilia that became part of the glue to keep the walls from caving in. I loved the dungeon and all my students’ keepsakes more than anything else I could ever physically cherish in my professional career. She housed the Crackerbox, the famed parquet floor – “Boston Garden” of the Northern Neck. I learned to play basketball in that 30’x60’ jewel of a gymnasium. I made 25’ jump shots back in the day when they still only counted for 2 points

Editor: As the initial shock of the terrible loss of the Old Colonial Beach High School recedes, decision of where do we go from here looms large. Obviously securing the site, removal of the stored hazardous chemicals, determining the cause and deciding where the approximately two hundred and eighty children will continue their education are questions that need to be resolved immediately. Further downstream an after action review of water hydrant

instead of 3. I began my coaching career in that building, molding the future and laying the building blocks for what would become the most historic sporting event in our school history, a VHSL Group A basketball state championship. Wow!....Thank you Crackerbox. Teaching P.E. classes in the “box” was so much fun. The kids enjoyed playing all sports in there, it was like an “arena football” experience. We played indoor soccer, flag football, volleyball, wiffleball, dodgeball, we wrestled and the kids beloved game of sideline basketball. When people talk about where they were when devastating and historic events took place, I tell them I was in THAT building. I was in Irene Jackson’s 3rd grade room in 1963 when the news of JFK’s assassination was announced. I was in the Crackerbox when the space shuttle Challenger disaster of 1983 took place. I was walking a class outside to the blacktop from the gym in 2001 when fellow P.E. teacher, Pat Fitzgerald, told me NY had been hit by terrorists on 9/11. I was pitching wiffleballs in class in April of 2007 when my principal, Kevin Newman, walked in and told me there had been some shootings at Virginia Tech and said to go contact both of my sons who were on campus at the time. Oh the memories ring out. The wonderful friendships and relationships I made in my life from the Monument on the hill called CB Public Schools can never be matched. I will forever be grateful for having spent my time inside those storied walls. I love you CBHS/MS/ES.


See LETTERS, page 11



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Subscription rate is $24 per year (52 issues), or 50¢ on newsstands. Outside the counties of King George and Westmoreland, the rate is $38 per year. The Journal (ISSN #87502275) is published weekly by The Journal Press, Inc. Postmaster, send 3579 to: The Journal, Post Office Box 409, King George, Virginia 22485

ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, enjoy some well-deserved time off. Life has taken on a hectic pace of late, but some much-needed time to rest, relax and recharge has finally arrived.

LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 Libra, now is the time to address some relationship issues that you have been avoiding. Deal with them in a straightforward way, and you will glad you did.

TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, hidden feelings come to the surface, and this will prove a pleasant surprise. Let things play out this week, and you will get some peace.

SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 A demanding schedule makes it impossible for you to be bored this week, Scorpio. However, if you desire a little time to decompress, you can fit it into your schedule.

GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, your friends are up to something and they want it to remain a surprise. Keep your distance, and don’t let your curiosity get the better of you.

SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 Sagittarius, while you may be anxious about the future, make sure you enjoy the here and now and not wish the present away too soon. New friends come into your life.

CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 A temporary situation at work may alter your plans for a few days, Cancer. But don’t let changes stop you from scheduling some down time with your friends. LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 Leo, think things through before swinging into action. Run your ideas by someone close, and consider all of your options. This will ensure you make the best decision. VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 Your confidence about the future is a byproduct of the past, Virgo. You have learned from past mistakes and are ready to forge ahead and turn your hard work into results.

CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 Capricorn, react swiftly to stressful situations, but do so with a clear head and conscience. Once a situation has been resolved, take some time to recharge your batteries. AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 Aquarius, do your best to hold up your end of a bargain with a loved one. If you are struggling, simply ask for more time or help to ensure that everyone comes out a winner. PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 Pisces, your foremost priority is to further your position at work. Rely on your strong work ethic and attention to detail.


CLUES DOWN CLUES ACROSS 1. Informant (slang) 1. NOHOW 2. Olive tree genus 6. Record (abbr.) 3. Armed conflicts 9. Hair detangler 4. Am. Music Awards 13. “l836 siege” of U.S. 5. Dance mix DJ Einhorn 14. Old name for Tokyo 6. Oxidation-reduction 15. Largest continent 7. Structure 16. Showed old movie 8. Modern 17. Clatter 9. Roman Conqueror 18. Considered one by one 10. So. Honshu bay city 19. Chinese cinnamon spice tree 11. 8th C. BC minor Hebrew 21. Frequently prophet 22. 3 person 32 card game 12. = to 100 satang 23. Misaddressed mail (slang) 20. In active opposition 25. Expresses pleasure 24. 007’s Flemming 26. Samba or basket rummy 26. 12th century Spanish hero 31. Military leader (abbr.) El ___ 33. A citizen of Iran 27. Macaw genus 34. Environmental Protection 28. Slave rebellion’s Turner Agency 29. Cuckoo 35. Carbon, radioactive or varve 30. From a time 36. Loss of electricity 32. Applies with quick strokes 41. Mass. Cape 37. Fasten with string 43. Mediator 38. Teller replacement 44. 1/1000 of a tala 39. Command right 45. Players at 1st, 2nd & 3rd 40. Sea eagle 46. Covered Greek portico 42. Most closely set 49. Bring upon oneself 43. __ Dhabi, Arabian capital 51. Leuciscus cephalus 44. Marten furs 52. Cold War foe U___ 46. Strike workers 53. Bumpkins or hayseeds 47. Thysanopter 59. Fleshy seed cover 48. Louise de la Ramee’s pen 60. Golf ball prop name 61. Antipathetic 50. King of Thebes 62. Wait or tarry 54. __ mater, one’s school 63. Weather map line ___bar 55. Time unit 64. Civilian dress 56. Klutzes 65. Relaxing resorts 57. Von Bismarck, Iron Chancellor 66. Box (abbr.) 58. Front of the leg 67. Burning crime See classified page for answers

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The Journal


Wednesday, Jan. 8, 2014


Howell and Westmoreland DSS helping citizens in need year round Richard Leggitt

Joe Howell and the Westmoreland DSS have warm coats, hats and gloves available for families in need.

Joe Howell and the Westmoreland Department of Social Services helped provide over 6,000 toys to warm the hearts of children during the holiday season. And with the polar vortex sweeping frigid cold into Virginia this week, Joe and his DSS colleagues were already back in business collecting coats, hats, scarves and gloves to warm the bodies of families in need. Thanks to a generous donation from Northern Neck Chevrolet in Montross, warm clothing covered the table in the conference room in the DSS offices at the A.T. Johnson Human Services Complex on King’s Highway Monday. “We are working year around,” Howell said. “I am collecting all of the time. We keep a list of people in need of things and try to match them with what we collect.” Howell, a Westmoreland County native, has worked at DSS for 24 years and for the past 16 years he has been the special projects coordinator in charge of collecting and distributing items to families in need of assistance. “We’re here just in case people need help,” Howell said. “We want this to be a supplement to people’s needs. The families we’ve helped many times, when they are on their feet, give back so they can help

Tragedy: Units from So. Md., No. Neck respond to fire from page 1 or beverages for the firefighters. Both the Colonial Beach and King George volunteer fire department ladies auxiliaries collected donated food as well as supplying their own. The fire department was very grateful for the donations and respected the desire of public and press to watch or document the event. But safety had to be considered. So while Colonial Beach Volunteer Fire Department on its Facebook page was requesting citizens to stop flocking to the scene, running over fire hoses and clogging up the roadways in the one block radius of the fire, they were also asking that people stop the generous outpouring of food and beverage donations when their cups runneth over. Elementary School Principal Mary Fisher got a call from a community member around 6 a.m. She arrived at around 6:30. The fire was still going but was mostly knocked down she said. She said when she looked at her watch around 8 a.m.the fire seemed to be out. Fisher said, “We need to count our blessings, that the kids were not here.” Fisher stated the safety of the campus will be determined by fire officials. She set a staff meeting for Monday morning at the town center to update elementary teachers of any developments. One of the citizens who had come to look and take pictures was alumni Jan Leskey who came all the way from Stafford as soon as she got the word from a local television news station. Leskey attended the school from 1976 to 1980 and said she graduated on those steps, pointing to the entrance stairway leading to the old building. “Our whole childhood is gone, all of our memories. It hurts.” Leskey said “It’s very hard to see this.” Leskey said she had been keeping tabs on the developments that took place after the recent earthquake and hurricane in 2011 led to the building’s condemnation. It was her hope that the building would be restored.

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Colonial Beach Mayor Mike Ham spent the majority of the morning on site. Ham said that at around 5:50 a.m. Chief David Robey, Councilman Tommy Edwards and Town Manager Val Foulds all began calling him. He walked over and remained on scene, off and on from 6 a.m. until the special school board meeting which was set to began at 2 p.m. that afternoon. Ham stated that officials need to determine if the structure is in danger of falling on surrounding buildings before a decision is made whether to support the walls or tear the building down before school can resume on the elementary campus. School Board chairman Tim Trivett said later at the school board meeting that another issue is cost. With an already struggling school and town budget both entities must be careful how they proceed, determining what is fiscally responsible. Another citizen who was on hand throughout the day was resident, eyewitness to the fire and alumni Danny Atkins. Atkins was alerted to the fire by the sound of an explosion. “I was laying in bed, I heard a boom, got up to go investigate and saw smoke coming out of the building. So I ran back and got dressed real quick and ran outside. When I called the fire department to let them know there was smoke they said, ‘we already know’ and hung up the phone. So they were rushing around already. They got here in no time. But it was burning pretty good.” Atkins said he heard the explosion at 4:30 a.m. and recalls being outside at 4:45. “The smoke was going good and they [firefighters] were showing up.” Atkins resides in the 400 block

of Livingstone and can see the gymnasium and the cafeteria from the back of his house. “I didn’t have to go outside, I could stand in my kitchen and watch them fight the fire.” But Atkins did go outside and began shooting videos and pictures which he shared on Facebook and sent to surrounding television stations. Atkins describes the fire: “It was incredible how fast it burned. From the minute you saw the smoke getting thick, then all of a sudden you saw little flames flickering out the edge of the roof, around the gable ends. By the time the fire department got a chance to get anything done that roof was engulfed.” “I started recording my video about 5:15; the ladder truck and other truck was out there. And they were spraying when I started filming. So it didn’t take a long time to get going on it. They were there pretty quick.” Atkins reported seeing purple and blue flames shooting out of the door when he walked around to the front. Atkins recalls noticing the problems with water capacity early on; “You could see the hoses cutting on and off, you could tell they were having water problems for a while there. We came down and I started shooting video and we decided to come around to the other side to see if we could get video over here, [indicating the corner of Douglas Ave and Dennison Street] and while I was there one of the fire trucks just dumped gallons of water and they ran over trying to see what they could do about that. So there was water problems everywhere.” Atkins complimented the efforts of the firefighters saying, “Considering everything they went through they

did a good job fighting this fire.” Three generations of Atkins have attended school on this campus. Danny Atkins’ father graduated in the gymnasium. He attended in the burned out building for six years before he attended high school at First Street and his seven-year old son currently attends the school. When he told his son that his school had burned down, Atkins said that his son was upset. Responding units came from Colonial Beach, Oak Grove, Westmoreland, Cople/Kinsale, King George, Dahlgren Naval Base, Cobb Island, Newburg, LaPlata, White Oak, Brooke, Port Royal, Bowling Green, Tappahannock, Callao and Richmond County. Fredericksburg HazMat also responded and the King George Ladies Auxiliary joined the Colonial Beach Ladies Auxiliary to help collect food and beverage donations from citizens and provide needed support to all the firefighters. Colonial Beach Volunteer Rescue Squad provided medical support for all the firefighters; thankfully no one was injured during the event. Fire Chief David Robey is grateful to all the first responders and citizens who helped out with everything during this tragic fire. Reasons for coming to view the fire and damage were varied, but one common statement made by many was that the town has lost a piece of history and many feel they have lost their memories. Sunday morning strangers came together from miles away to help fight the destructive blaze, offer food and drinks or just to mourn the loss of a Colonial Beach Landmark. —Linda Farneth

had fallen and hit his head. He was transported to Mary Washington Hospital. Cupid remained in a coma for four days. He was pronounced brain dead by hospital staff on Jan. 4 and removed from life support. Cupid died a short time later. Authorities from the Spotsylvania County Sheriff ’s Office are continuing their investigation in an effort to determine the cause of death. — Richard Leggitt

Landmark: Served many functions from page 1 the back entrance of the school on the Douglas Avenue side. The fire had also spread up into the attic. Robey said they had some issues with water supply; the hydrants could not keep up with amount of water the crews needed to flow. Robey said they had the bulk of the fire under control within 10 minutes of arriving on scene but the water issues made fighting the fire in the roof difficult and dangerous. The crews pulled out and within roughly 15 minutes the roof collapsed.

Attached to the original building are two additions, which house bathrooms and the gymnasium. Robey said the fire did not reach the gym, but there is smoke and water damage in the gym. Chief Robey stated that the building was so damaged it is very probable that the building will need to be torn down even before it will be safe enough for students to return to the campus. Robey said that determination will be made after all investigations are complete. —Linda Farneth

Methodist Church provided coats, gloves and boots; Grace United Methodist Church helped provide Thanksgiving for families in need; Jerusalem Baptist Church adopted families in need as did Grant United Methodist Church.” “We get donations from Catholic Charities and from the Salvation Army. And there are many business and individuals who are so helpful,” said Howell. “Lynn Norris of the Kinsale Foundation gave us $1,500 and Connie and John Ihlenfeld of Colonial Beach buy items for families in need all year long. They are just fantastic.” Howell said families in need of warm coats, hats or gloves can contact him at 804-493-9305 at the DSS office in Montross. “My heart feels like it is going to explode with joy when I see all of the ways we can help people,” Howell said. “Our family didn’t have much when I was growing up, Christmas was an orange, maybe a piece of chocolate and sometimes pajamas,” Howell said. “In those days, I always said: ‘I am going to do something for people.’” And, with the help of the hardworking people at DSS and the hundreds of generous Westmoreland County volunteers and donors, it is clear that Howell has been successful beyond measure.

Chemicals: Could be volatile

Spotsylvania authorities investigating death of Westmoreland County man Sheriff ’s officers in Spotsylvania are investigating the death of a Westmoreland County man who was found unconscious on the floor of a bar in Spotsylvania County on New Year’s Day. Authorities responded to a call about a disturbance at the Hot Shots Club and bar at 4532 Plank Road at 12:50 a.m. on New Year’s Day. Sheriff ’s deputies found 33-yearold Glenwood L. Cupid of Oak Grove on the floor of the bar. He was unresponsive to emergency first responders. Officers said witnesses at the bar reported that Cupid

others who are going through what they went through.” Donations to DSS come in all year round, but Thanksgiving and Christmas are peak time of need for most families. Howell’s staff and volunteers provided Thanksgiving boxes of food to families in need across the county during the holidays and at Christmas provided toys for 346 children and food and gifts for 81 elderly citizens, many of them living alone. Over the years DSS has worked closely with the Bob Fox Project, a 30-year-old Christmas giving effort named for a former Westmoreland County Commonwealth’s Attorney. But recently funding for the Bob Fox Project has been reduced and DSS has turned to other sources for donations. “There are so many generous people in Westmoreland County and in this area,” Howell said. “Northern Neck Chevrolet brought in a ton of coats, hats, scarves and gloves last Friday.” “At Christmas, the students and employees of the Westmoreland County schools provided toys and cash that we used to buy $25 gift cards,” Howell said. Civic organizations like the Moose and the Eagles and churches throughout Westmoreland County also provide assistance to DSS. “Last year Ebenezer United

from page 1 volunteer firefighter, was on the scene of the early morning fire, Sunday, Jan. 5, that gutted the already condemned two-story building that once served as the town’s only school, a high school and more recently a middle school. Trivett outlined the events of the morning at a special school board meeting held at 2:30 p.m., just as fire crews were wrapping up operations at the site of the burn. Trivett told the audience, at about 3:52 a.m. the pager went off telling first responders there was a structure fire at the elementary school. According to Trivett, Colonial Beach firefighters were the first to make entry into the building. Unfortunately there was a lot of fire and it had made its way up the stairwell in the center of the building. “Most of you know that building is over 100 years old. I believe it was 1907 when it was built. The only thing it has been used for, for the past two years is storage. We did have a large amount of Xerox papers stored in there on the first floor.” Trivett said adding, “There really was not much we could do; within a very few minutes the fire had gone through the roof.” Trivett said the firefighters had some water issues. “When you have that many fire apparatus on the scene and you’re pumping a lot of water. There was nothing we could do to save the building.” A fire boat from Cobb Island docked in the Potomac river and firefighters ran fire hoses from the boat, across Washington Avenue and up the hill to supply extra water to the trucks on scene, supplying dozens of tankers to help battle the blaze. Fire crews from all over the Northern Neck as well as parts of southern Maryland and crews from Dahlgren and King George came to the aid of Colonial Beach. CBVRS was at the scene all day to assist firefighters with any medical needs that arose. Thankfully no responders were injured during the fighting of the fire. Trivett explained that firefighters were faced with another hazard after the fire was extinguished. “We

did have an old lab in that building that had never been removed. In that lab is hazardous chemicals. Some of them are pretty serious.” The old science lab had been left with some old chemicals. One in particular was the chemical ether. Ether is relatively safe but over time, Trivett explained, it becomes highly volatile and even opening the lid can cause an explosion. Trivett explained that HazMat can not deal with this type of material. A Reactive Management Team is needed to properly dispose of the ether and some of the other chemicals. Only then can the HazMat team come in and deal with the remaining chemicals and other hazardous materials in the building. Temporarily for public safety the chemicals have all been relocated to the gymnasium. This allowed the school board to properly lock up the materials until they can be professionally dealt with. Fredericksburg HazMat team and the State Emergency Management Services (EMS) responded but neither were equipped to deal with these explosive chemicals. Trivett said EMS will try to contact the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) to see if they can assist with clean up efforts. Trivett outlined steps that need to be taken first to ensure public safety. Bringing in the RMT then HazMat to remove the dangerous chemicals are top priority as well as fencing the entire campus to keep the public away from the area by request of Westmoreland County Building Inspector Dexter Monroe. Trivett told the public that some of the chemicals probably dated back to even before he was born and some may not even be able to be identified. “We were very fortunate none of them had exploded during the fire.” Trivett said, “We’re not going to be able to put kids anywhere on that campus.” Trivett stated that both the elementary Mod Pod and the primary school buildings could be entered to remove items, but in his opinion it is unsafe to allow students to return.

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$24 for a year of the local news Call The Journal - 540-775-2024 or Go online to www.journalpress.com

—Linda Farneth


Wednesday, Jan. 8, 2014

The Journal


KG Love Thy Neighbor mission fills empty stomachs and empty lives Karen jones

st. george’s episcopal church in F’brg invites you to an “At Fridays @ The Last Resort” concert, on the second Friday of each month. Audiences gather in a coffeehouse-like setting to enjoy jazz and folk music played by top local talent. Coffee and snacks are available. For more information, email concertinfo@stgeorgesepiscopal. net, or visit the church website at stgeorgesepiscopal.net. first baptist church of ambar continues their Wednesday noon prayer services with Scripture readings. Please join them for an hour of reflection and revitalizing. The Church is located at 9469 Caledon Rd. KG (540) 775-3939. moms in prayer int’l Mom’s in Prayer International meets on Mondays at 9 a.m. at Peace Lutheran Church 5590 Kings Highway, King George. (540) 775-9131. First Baptist Church in Colonial Beach invites you to come celebrate the 69th Anniversary of the Usher’s Ministry. The event will be on Sunday, Jan. 19 at 3 p.m. Dr. Larry Finch, pastor of Antioch Baptist Church in King George will be the guest preacher accompanied by his choir, ushers and congregation. All area ushers are invited to give an encouraging word. Light refreshments will be served. 619 Jackson Street, Col. Beach.

Highlights from 2013 & where do we go from here? Love never fails! God has done amazing things in our Community this past year to help those in need. We would like to thank everyone for their generous support of this Ministry! The Community has rallied around hundreds of families-literally thousands of people this past year - who have needed encouragement and help to get through challenging times. Veterans, single moms, seniors, shut-ins, under-employed, unemployed and lonely neighbors have found love and comfort, an inspirational message, a restaurant quality hot meal, live music, free haircuts, free groceries and multiple surprises each month as they came together with old friends and made new friends at the monthly event held at the King George Citizens Center. Our next generation, the children, were touched by the Children’s Ministry which included crafts and goodies and games each month. Throughout the month various businesses, churches and organizations get ready to bless their neighbors on the special day. Some folks did food drives, some made centerpieces (for the meal tables), some raised money through their office, a yard sale or craft show, some provided music, and some cooked and baked, Some sorted and kept inventory of the items collected, some helped spread the word through the Fall Festival Parade, through the newspaper, via Facebook, at church and or at work. Some delivered meals and groceries to

the sick and to those shut-in. Some prayed and some just showed up to do whatever was needed. Hundreds of people worked throughout each month and over 50 volunteers showed up at each monthly Event! King George has a giant heart! Our local Farmers provided fresh produce and eggs. Each month we celebrated God’s goodness, and some with a spectacular event. Lots of love was shared at our Valentine’s Day Party. We had a special day of pampering and a mini-spa goodie bag to take home for the ladies at the Mother’s Day Spa! The men were blessed with a cookout and free tools on Father’s Day! Our Thanksgiving Feast included a traditional dinner with smoked and fried turkeys, all the trimmings and fixings for a holiday meal with abundant groceries to take home from the Food Pantry. Our guests were greeted by Mrs. Clause at the Christmas Celebration which included free toys, gifts, a delicious pulled pork dinner with lots of Christmas cookies, and the joy of Christmas filled the air as we sang Christmas carols. Guests received a ham dinner with pumpkin pie and all the trimmings to take home to fix their holiday meal, as well as a big bounty from the Food Pantry including a fresh citrus selection. In Jan. 2013 we had a goal setting workshop. In Feb. we had a budgeting workshop. One month our guests enjoyed learning how to Cook Healthy on a Budget and went shopping together to do just that. We are working with Rappahannock Area Agency on Aging (RAAA) to plan more Senior Events this year. Their group made personal hygiene bags, brought gifts for the Christ-

mas event and plan to make this a monthly project. Their bus brings guests to the event each month. Everyone, the young and the old – found ways they could help their neighbors! Karen Jones , Director

What is Love Thy Neighbor? Love Thy Neighbor Community Food Pantry and Soup Kitchen was launched as a community effort to serve others in need with food, basic daily requirements and with prayer in an atmosphere of Godly love and kindness. Love Thy Neighbor is currently a ministry of Descending Dove Christian Center in King George, VA, and began as an opportunity for all of us to serve, help, share and encourage others. There are many within the King George area and surrounding counties who have reached out to help in our Love Thy Neighbor effort ~ businesses, organizations, churches, friends and neighbors. Mission Statement: Every person should be treated with dignity and respect, therefore we will treat all people that eat at the King George soup kitchen as our guests and anyone is welcome at our table. We will also serve those who are shut-in (sick and/or elderly) by distributing groceries to them personally. Ways you can help: You can make a difference. Just donate one can a week to a local Food Pantry. Donate local! Your neighbors need your help. Local drop off sites: Descending Dove Christian Center,

At a Love Thy Neighbor event, people of all ages are treated with dignity and respect, provided physical & spiritual sustenance, groceries to carry home, and sometimes a surprise gift. A Unique House Antique Mall, The Journal, Two Rivers Baptist Church, Simply Bliss Day Spa, Rocky Top Embroidery & More, Keller Williams Superior Realty, Lock-It-Up Storage, King George Citizen’s Center, EXIT Realty Expertise, Hopyard Farm Clubhouse, Century 21 Battlefield Realty, American Business Card Co., St. John’s Episcopal Church, King George Feed Store, King George YMCA and Kingdom Cutz. If your church, business, family or organization would like to do a food drive, we would be happy to help you! Please call Karen Jones, (540) 645-7331 for more information. Join Us with ‘Change for Change’ ~ It’s simple. Pray for our neighbors in need. Collect your change each month. Deposit to ‘Love Thy Neighbor’ at

any Union Market Bank. Love Thy Neighbor has set up a PayPal account allowing donations to be handled electronically if you prefer, or please mail monetary donations to: Love Thy Neighbor P.O. Box 39 Sealston, VA 22547 There are many people in King George that are in need. Some may have a roof over their head, but must make a decision each month to buy food or heat the house. Or to skip a meal or two to have money for electric. With the work of Love Thy Neighbor here in King George, folks in need are treated with respect and dignity, and given food and items they need, no questions asked. No one wants to ask for help. But, it’s good to know there is a place to go for a free meal, prayers and help.

Our Doors are Open -Worship With Us Fletcher's Chapel United Methodist

8330 Fletcher's Chapel Rd. at 218

Pastor Michael Reaves fletcherschapel-kinggeorge-va.org Worship Services 8:30 & 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 9:45 a.m.

(540) 775-7247

17080 14th Street, Dahlgren Contemporary Service - 9:30 a.m. Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. & 11 a.m. Traditional Service - 11 a.m. Nursery open 9:15a.m.-12:15p.m.

Pastor Ed Johnson

email - office@dahlgrenumc.org web site - www.dahlgrenumc.org Phone: 663-2230

Good Hope Baptist Church

17223 Good Hope Rd. - corner Rt. 218E & 619 phone: 540-775-9487 fax: 540-775-0600 www.goodhopeministries.org

• Sunday School - 9:45 a.m. • Worship - 11:00 a.m. • Prayer & Bible Study (Wed.) 7:30 p.m. • 5th Sundays - Union & Nursing Home Worship “Building the Church & Reaching the World for Christ”

7748 Leedstown Rd., Oak Grove, VA 22443 (804) 224-0418 • www.lzbcva.org

We invite you to gather together with us! Sunday School - 9 a.m. Sunday Worship 8 a.m. & 10:15 a.m. Bible Study - Wednesday 7 p.m. Pastor Earl T. Howerton Jr.

Macedonia Baptist Church 1081 Macedonia Ln., Colonial Beach, VA (804) 224-1500 "O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His Name together."

Shiloh Baptist Church Reaching, Building, Serving

Sunday Activities Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship Service, 11:00 a.m. AWANA, 4:00 p.m. Youth Group, 4:00 p.m. Wednesday Nights Rev. Mike and Earlene Jessee Family Night Dinner, 5:30 Youth Study; Children’s Missions & Music, 6:00 facebook@kgshiloh Choir Practice, 7:15 13457 Kings Hwy. 540-469-4646 • www.kgshiloh.org

Oak Grove Baptist Church

Randall Snipes, Senior Pastor Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m.& 11 Awana-Sundays-6 p.m. Bible Study-Wednesdays 6:30 p.m. 8096 Leedstown Rd. Colonial Beach, VA


Colonial Beach United Methodist Church Pastor Rev. Yunho Eo

9:30 a.m. Adult Sunday School 10:45 a.m. Informal Hymn Singing 11 a.m. Worship & Children’s Sunday School Food Pantry open Thursdays at 10 a.m. Op Shop Open M-F 9 a.m.-noon (Thurs. 9 a.m.-1 p.m.) 1 Washington Avenue PO Box 189 Colonial Beach, VA 22443 (804) 224-7030

Two Rivers Baptist Church Meeting at their new church

Sunday School ..............9:30 a.m. Worship........................10:30 a.m. COME VISIT US • ALL ARE WELCOME

Rev. Peyton Wiltshire

For Information call 540710-3831

Round Hill Baptist Church Worship & Service

16519 Round Hill Rd., King George, VA Pastor Ted A. James • 540-775-5583

4s scholarships
available (540)

Little Ark Baptist Church “Building God’s Kingdom On Earth”

"Pastor Larry" M. Robinson Sunday Worship - 10 a.m. Sunday School - 9 a.m. (New Testament Church Study) Wednesday Night Prayer & Bible Study 6 p.m. 15681 Owens Dr. in Dahlgren, VA Church Phone: (540) 663-2831

Hanover-with-Brunswick Episcopal Parish

Where all are welcome. Sunday Services:

The Rev. St. John's, 9403 Kings Hwy. Diane Carroll 1st, 2nd & 4th Sundays Rector Phone: 540-775-3635

Emmanuel, Port Conway (Rt. 301) 3rd & 5th Sundays

For more information, visit our website at:



3207 Quarter Hill Rd., Supply VA 22436

(804) 443-4168

Sunday School 10 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship 11 a.m. Bible Study Wednesdays at 7 p.m.

Rev. Irving Woolfolk, Jr.

Services Early Worship - 8 a.m. Sunday School - 9:45 a.m. AM Worship - 11 a.m. PM Worship - 6 p.m. Wed. Bible Study - 7 p.m.

AWANA Teens - Wednesdays 6:30 p.m. Clubbers - Fridays 6:30 p.m. Dr. Sherman Davis, Senior Pastor 540-775-7188 www.tbckg.org 10640 Kings Hwy - 1 mi. west of 301

Daily Mass: Mon. - Sat. 8:00 a.m. Adoration precedes each morning Mass Confession: Sat. following 8:00 a.m. Mass & at 4:30 p.m. Sun. 1/2 hour before each Mass Office: 11 Irving Ave., Colonial Beach, Va. 22443


• 804-224-7221

Trinity United Methodist Church

9425 Kings Hwy., King George www.trinitykg.org

Contemporary Service ~ 8:30 a.m. Sunday School ~ 9:30 p.m. Worship ~ 10:30 a.m. (540) 775-4501 Rev. Susan Reaves

St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church

You're invited to worship with

Tabernacle Baptist Church

(540) 663-3085 ✝ Rev. Jim May

Sunday Masses: Sat. 5:00 p.m. Sun. 9:00 a.m. & 11:00 p.m. (español)

Intersection of Rokeby and Kings Hwy. (Rt. 3)

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

5486 St. Paulʼs Road, King George

Very Rev. Francis M. de Rosa Rev. Mark Mullaney



Sunday Worship at 8 am and 10 am

Corner of Lossing and Boundary, Colonial Beach

Sunday- Holy Communion 11 a.m. Meeting at Grant Church in Lerty, VA

"A Church where everybody is somebody!"


St. Elizabeth of Hungary Roman Catholic Church

Traditional Anglican Worship 1928 Book of Common Prayer 1940 Hymnal

Morning Worship ~ 8:30 a.m. Sunday School ~ 9:45 a.m. Morning/Children's Worship ~ 11 a.m. Wed. - Bible Study ~ 6:00 p.m.

(Psalm 34:3)

Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Worship Service: 11 a.m. Prayer & Bible Study: (Wed.) 7 p.m. Holy Communion on 4th Sundays Rev. Fred Sales, Interim Pastor

Holy Redeemer Anglican Church

Worship Service - 10:30 a.m. (Sunday) Sunday School - 9:15 a.m. Nursery Provided Seeking to know the grace of God and to make it known to others. Dave Bentz, Pastor Jason Schubert, Associate Pastor 13114 Kildee Farm Road King George, VA 22485 (off 301 and Blue Jay Meadow Drive)

Ph. (540) 775-9990 • email: info@gracekg.com web site www.gracekg.com

Potomac Baptist Church Worship Service: 11:00 a.m. Age Graded Bible Study: 9:45 a.m.

All are Welcome! (540) 775-7006

Pastor: Dennis L. Newton 8103 Comorn Rd. (Rt. 609) King George

Corner of Millbank & St. Anthony’s Rd., King George

Very Rev. Francis M. de Rosa Rev. Mark Mullaney Sat. 7:00 p.m. Vigil Sunday Masses: Sun. 8:15 a.m. 10:30 a.m 12:45 p.m. Tridentine Mass Daily Mass: Mon. Thur. Fri. & Sat. 9:00 a.m. Tues. 7:00 a.m. Wed. 7:00 p.m. Adoration before each morning Mass Confession: Wed. 7:30 p.m. Sat. after 9:00 a.m. Mass & at 6:30 p.m. Sun. 1/2 hour before each Mass

Office: 11 Irving Ave., Colonial Beach, Va. 22443


• 804-224-7221

A church where the Full Gospel is Preached, Taught and Lived

First Baptist Church Ambar

9469 Caledon Rd., King George, VA22485 Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship 11 a.m. Bible Study Wednesday at 7:30 p.m.

Pastor Wm. T. Frye

“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

“The church is the great lost and found department” - Robert Short

Help others find your church. Advertise in this space, only $10 per week. Billed monthly. Contact Lori at (540) 709-7495 or email her at lori@journalpress.com

Don’t see your house of worship in this directory? Start 2014 with weekly ad! Let folks know all about you and your church!

The King george ChurCh of ChrisT inviTes you To meeT wiTh us

Each Sunday Morning BiBle Class: 9:30 a.m. Worship serviCes: 10:30 a.m.

Location: american Legion Post 89 (at the intersection of rt 206 and rt 610)

Each WEdnESday night for BiBlE Study

Location: at a member’s home PLease contact us at our e-maiL address for the Location

A New Testament church “... All the churches of Christ greet you.” Romans 16:16

contact_us@kinggeorgecofchrist.org http://www.kinggeorgecofchrist.org P.O.Box 756 King George, VA 22485


The Journal

Vernice D. Johnson

Cameron Davis, and Joshua Jordan all of Dahlgren; Trinesha Shepherd of Colonial Beach; and one great, great niece, Skyah Shepherd. Vernice is survived by three uncles and aunts, David Jett (Marie) of Alexandria; Maurice Jett (Phyllis); Norman Jett (Esther) of Woodbridge. She also leaves to cherish her best friends, Michael “Mickey” Cooper of Colonial Beach; and Yvonne “Tina” Lewis of Spotsylvania, and a host of cousins, friends, and her church family. The remains may be viewed starting at noon on Friday, Jan. 10, with the family receiving friends from 7-8 p.m. at the Cedell Brooks Funeral Home, Port Royal, VA. A funeral service will be held on Saturday, Jan. 11, at 11 a.m. at Salem Baptist Church in King George. The Rev. Leonard Bland will be officiating. Burial will be at the church cemetery. Cedell Brooks Funeral Home in Port Royal is handling the arrangements for the family. Online condolences can be made at brooksfuneralhome.com.

E. Jonell Biemeck

E. Jonell Biemeck, 67, of Colonial Beach, Virginia, passed away on Sunday, January 5, 2014, in Walter Reed National Medical Center, Bethesda, Maryland, after a long and courageous battle with diabetes. She was born on April 22, 1946 in Forester, Arkansas, and was the daughter of Gerald and Loretta Nelson. The family moved to Kansas City, MO in 1954 and she graduated from Presidio High School in 1964. She married Colonel (Ret) John F. Biemeck in 1970 and moved to Virginia in 1971. She was a service representative for Continental Telephone and General Telephone systems, both of which were merged into Verizon. During her tenure she completed 25 years of service and retired from Verizon in 1996. Her service awards and honors are too numerous to list, but she was a dedicated employee that was active in company events, voluntary work and was admired and loved by all who knew her. After moving to Colonial Beach in 1996, she was active in the Colonial Beach Chamber of Commerce and was the Co-Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce 2000 Boardwalk Craft Show, which had the highest attendance ever recorded and is considered a model by many. She was also a member of the Ladies of the American Legion and the Moose. She was active in hobby crafts and made countless gifts for charities, friends and she made a significant contribution to the opening of the Museum at Colonial Beach in 1999. She not only earned the respect of all her associates, but she was a devoted wife, mother and grandmother. She was preceded in death by her

parents and two nephews: Richard Watson and Marshall Robinson. She is survived by her beloved husband John F. Biemeck; her daughter Elizabeth Ann Goodwin (Wade), four grandchildren Bradford, Michael, Emily and Rebecca Goodwin; her sisters Nina Nadine Watson, Alta Ilene Robinson, Eva Sue Hanson and brother Jerry D. Nelson; her nieces and nephews David D. Nelson, Jerry D. Nelson, Marty Nelson, Raymond Watson, Tina Johnson, Tona Dozier, Greg Robinson, Timothy Robinson, Christina Courtney, and Kelly Webb, and 25 great nieces and nephews. Her wake will be held on Friday, Jan. 10, 2014, from 10 a.m. - 12 p.m., at Mullins & Thompson Funeral Home, 1621 Jefferson Davis Highway, Fredericksburg, VA, 22401. A memorial service will follow at 12:01 p.m., which will be followed immediately by a Celebration of her life in a local restaurant for her friends and family members and guests. Internment will be in the Gettysburg National Military Cemetery (old section– near the Lincoln Speech Memorial), Gettysburg, PA, on Saturday, Jan. 11, 2014. Family and friends are cordially invited to attend all events. Cards or flowers can be sent to Mullins & Thompson Funeral Home, in Fredericksburg.

Paul Brian Gardner

Paul Brian Gardner, 56, of Colonial Beach passed away Thursday, Jan. 2, 2014 at Mary Washington Hospital. Born in New York, Paul was the maintenance manager at the Potomac Renaissance Condominiums. He had a love for music, life and horse racing. Survivors include his wife, Callie M. Gardner; three children, Paul, Jonathan and Melissa; three stepchildren, Schuyler, Cameron and Kaleb; parents, Frank and Alice Gardner; three sisters, Lydia, April and Amy. A memorial service will be held at 1 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 11 at Nash & Slaw Funeral Home, Colonial Beach with the Rev. Ron Okrasinski officiating. Burial will be private. Expressions towards Paul’s funeral expenses can be made to: Nash & Slaw Funeral Home, Box 33, Ninde, VA, 22526. Please sign the online guestbook at nashandslawfh.com

“If ever there is tomorrow when we’re not together... there is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we’re apart... I’ll always be with you.” Anonymous

Animal Adoption





The King George High School Girls Softball coaching staff will be having its 8th Annual Advanced Hitting Clinic this month. The Clinic is open to girls in 7th-12th grade. The times are 4:30-6:30 p.m. on Jan. 12 & 19. and then again, 2-4 p.m. on Jan. 26, all at KGHS Gymnasium. Hitters will participate in various hitting drills - covering areas of fundamental breakdown of swing, contact points, hip drive, the swing finish, bunting & slapping. Please bring your own bat, glove, sneakers (no cleats), catcher’s gear and helmet (if owned) and appropriate attire. The registration fee is $60. Registration will continue through January 10. Call (540) 775-4386 for more info. Brat to announce candidacy Dave Brat will announce his candidacy for the U.S. House of Representatives (VA-7th) as he makes a two day tour of the 7th district. Dave will be making several “meet & greet” stops on Thursday & Friday across the 7th District, but you are highly encouraged to attend the two press events, so you can meet Dave and get to know this solid conservative! The 2 most important events to attend are as follows: Thursday, Jan. 9th--10am St.John’s Church in Richmond (site of Patrick Henry’s “Liberty or Death” speech) Friday, Jan. 10th--9:30am Municipal Building in Mineral, Louisa County The Richmond Tea Party does not officially endorse candidates, but we feel this is an historic opportunity to take part in the launch of what promises to be a “watershed” moment in national politics!

Thursday, Jan. 9

Town Hall meeting in Dahlgren 7 p.m. at the UMW-Dahlgren campus. Hosted by Ruby Brabo, meeting will be discussion about the proposed rezoning of undeveloped property next to Bayberry subdivision. Bill Robie, of the Dahlgren Dist. Planning Comm. will assist in the discussions. Regular meeting of the KG Ruritans. 6:30 p.m. Call 775-2652 or 775-7769 for location.

Monday, Jan. 13

The Fredericksburg chapter of DU first annual Upper Potomac Duck Hunt Event! 4:30 a.m. start. Where: Upper Potomac River -Widewater Area. This shoreline is prime habitat for a mixed bag of puddle ducks, diver ducks and geese. Come join us for a morning hunt, smoked pork and chicken lunch, cocktails and for those who don’t partake in the lunch cocktails have the option of an afternoon hunt. The chapter will provide all the boats and decoys. You will need guns, shells, warm clothes (maybe waders) and your appropriate licenses. If you are traveling in from outside the area we have special rates at a local hotel. Contact Kenny for the details. Once you have paid, we will provide more detailed information. Email chairman.fredericksburgdu@cox.net for tickets and more information. King George NAACP Branch to remember “The Man, The Life, and the Legacy” of Dr. Martin Luther King The King George Branch NAACP will celebrate and honor the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. at Little Ark Baptist Church, Owens, VA on Sunday, Jan. 19, 2014 at 4:00 p.m. All are invited to share in this celebration.

The CBVFD and LA had a very long day and worked very hard during the bad fire at the CBES on 1/3/2014. We would like to send out a very special “Thank You” to so many. All your help was greatly appreciated. With all the fire fighters the donations of food & drinks from so many of the businesses, the school and KG Ladies Aux., many, many good people we couldn’t have done it without you all. As for all the fire fighters we want to thank: OGVFD, Westmoreland VFD, Cople, NDW, Richmond, Co., KG 1, KG 2, White Oak, Brooke, Port Royal, Bowling Green, Fredericksburg Hazmat, Tappahannock for fill in for OG and Callao for fill in for Kinsale; the units out of Maryland-Newburg, Cobb Island and Laplata. Thanks also to the CBVRS for giving out food and drinks. We hope we didn’t leave anyone out but if we did, know we do thank you too.



UMW-Dahlgren Campus Room 248 Every 2nd & 4th Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. toastmastersofkinggeorge@gmail.com

Guest Speaker for this event will be Dr. Milton Carter, Pastor of King George Church of God. Music will be provided by Keith Armstead, Minister of Music at King George Church of God. This event is free and all are welcome to join with the King George Branch NAACP in remembering, “The Man, The Life, and The Legacy” of Dr. King. If more information is needed, please contact Mr. Cedell Brooks, Jr. at 540/7759465 or 540/226-2309.

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Did you know the fear of knowledge is epistemophobia?

Scheduled Community Event? Send the details to The Journal for the Community Calendar lori@journalpress.com or call (540) 709-7495. Subscribe to The Journal $24 per year Call 540-775-2024

“Mega” Pit blue/white adult male


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CB Elementary School DROP OFF SPOTS for donations to help the CBES get back on its feet include: The Journal office; EXIT Realty Expertise, KG; Coldwell Banker Elite in KG & Dahlgren; Peoples Community Bank in Dahlgren; Community Bank of Tri-County; the main office CB high school, and I’m sure there are more in the area. Ron’s BBQ in Dahlgren is offering cash only meals noon-4 p.m. Sunday June 12 & Sunday June 26, with 100% of the $$$ going to the school’s relief fund. Check the Journal Facebook page for more updates on needs, fundraisers and more. THANK YOU ALL for your efforts. I’ll try and keep up with events, and get the word out. “Donation efforts are being coordinated by Shelly Payne, CBPS School Board. Please direct all inquiries to: DrifterPride@cbschools.net Due to limited space and future unknown needs, a fund has been established for monetary donations as well. Monetary donations (cash, check, gift cards, etc) can be mailed to: Colonial Beach High School,Attn: Judy Long - CBES Donations, 100 First St. Colonial Beach, VA 22443.” Regards and sincerest thanks, Mary Fisher, CBES Principal

• Meg Gruen, a King George, native and senior at St. Mary’s College of Maryland, was recently awarded the Maxwell B. Roberts Music Scholarship. Established in 2006 by Karen J. Horton and John J. Roberts, the scholarship benefits students in the music program who have academic merit. At St. Mary’s College of Maryland, Gruen is studying music and English. She hopes to enter the Masters of Arts in Teaching graduate program at St. Mary’s and focus on English as a second language or literacy. Outside of the classroom, Gruen is involved in Intervarsity Christian Fellowship, Cultural Dance Club and orchestra. St. Mary’s College of Maryland, designated the Maryland state honors college in 1992, is ranked one of the best public liberal arts schools in the nation by U.S. News & World Report. More than 2,000 students attend the college, nestled on the St. Mary’s River in Southern Maryland. Permalink: http://readme.readmedia.com/Meg-Gruen-of-King-GeorgeAwarded-Maxwell-B-Roberts-Music-Scholarship/7611563.

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Saturday, Jan. 18

America’s Sunday Supper, from 10 a.m.- 2p.m. at the Central Rappahannock Library, 1201 Caroline St., F’brg. Celebration of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service and the America’s Sunday Supper Initiative. Invited guests are active duty military, retired veterans, including those who are homeless or displaced and includes their families in the Greater Rappahannock area. Guests will receive two free meals, a light breakfast and lunch and will attend an employment workshop which will include tips on how to prepare a resume. Veterans’ organizations will be on hand to provide information on health counseling and screening, transitional housing, and veteran’s benefits. Free care packages will be provided. The event is free to the public. Register at americassundaysuppermlkday.eventbrite.com by Friday, Jan. 10. For more info email Karen Griffin antibasileusxuo@ gmail.com or call John White of the VFW Post 3103, (540) 373-6560. Sponsored by : Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Xi Upsilon Omega Chapter; Points of Light Fdn.; F’brg Area Alumnae Chapter Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.; Natl. Council of Negro Women, Stafford-F’brg Area Section; Natl. Pan-Hellenic council of Greater F’brg.; Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., Tau Rho Chapter; and Veteran’s Assn. Representatives (Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), Post 3103 and Women’s Auxiliary VFS Post 3103.

College News


“Mary” Lab/Pntr Mix white, young female


KG Parks & Rec softball hitting clinic

Area Deaths Vernice Delores Jordan Johnson, affectionately known as Aunt “Wee Wee” daughter of the late James L. and Lucille M. Jordan, was born September 13, 1957 in Fredericksburg, VA. She departed this life at 3:19 a.m. on January 2, 2014 at the Spotsylvania Regional Medical Center surrounded by her loving family. She received her education from the King George County Public School System graduating in June 1976. At an early age, she gave her life to Christ and joined Salem Baptist Church where she was baptized by the late Reverend W. S. DeVaughn. She rededicated her life to the church in 2003 where she was a faithful and devoted member. She was very active in the church serving as a member of the Praise Team, Drama Ministry, Women’s Christmas Committee, Bulletin Board Committee and the Kitchen Committee. She also prepared the programs for Sunday services and for the various functions that were held at the church. Vernice had a special love for her Salem Baptist Church Family. She would do whatever it took to get the job done; including, driving other members so that they could attend Sunday Worship. Vernice was employed for twenty years as a Contractor in the Dahlgren area; but was currently employed as an Administrative Assistant at the Cedell Brooks Funeral Home. There wasn’t much that Vernice could not do. She was the family’s seamstress, jewelry maker, photographer, computer expert, and anything else anyone asked of her. She loved her family and it was reflected in everything she did. Vernice was very friendly and outgoing. Her hospitality was extended to all who entered her home or was touched by her presence, as she never met a stranger. She could always say something to make you laugh. She leaves to mourn and cherish her memory her daughters, TaVonia and Tangela Johnson and son, Matthew Jordan all of Dahlgren; her six sisters, Loretta John; Arlene Davis; Brenda Jordan; Vickie Jordan; all of Dahlgren; Leslie Jordan of King George; and Maricha Anderton (Dominic) of Milford. Vernice leaves to mourn her ten nieces and nephews, Shawn Buckner-Barnes of Dahlgren, John Buckner, Jr. (Marsha) of King George; Horace Davis, Jr., Michael Jordan, Sr. (Lora) of Dahlgren; Michelle Jordan of Ruther Glen; Jeffrey John of Williamsburg; Ashlee Jordan and Bryce Anderton of Milford. She also leaves to mourn her great nieces and nephews, John “Jay” Buckner, III of King George; Ariel and Liam Jordan of Ruther Glen; Jeremiah and Jayden Jordan of Milford; Olivia and Alexia Barnes; Daisha Spiece, Michael “MJ” Jordan, Jr.,

Wednesday, Jan. 1, 2014

Thinking of your loved one? Now’s the time to order the memorial you’ve always wanted for that special person. Call (540) 775-7733


Wednesday, Jan. 8, 2014

The Journal


New superintendent named for Birthplace The George Washington Birthplace National Monument in Westmoreland County, the first home of the founding father who helped shape the destiny of America, will be getting a new superintendent in February. Melissa K. Cobern has been named Superintendent of the Washington Birthplace historic site as well as the Thomas Stone historic site in Port Tobacco, MD, according to the National Park Service. Cobern has been serving as the Backcountry Management Specialist at Great Smoky Mountains National Park in Tennessee. She will succeed Lucy Lawless, who left Washington’s Birthplace in May to become Superintendent of the Fredericksburg National Battlefield Park. “Melissa’s deep understanding of park operations and tremendous community relations skills make her the ideal candidate to assume leadership at the Birthplace and Thomas Stone,” noted National Park Service (NPS) Northeast Regional Director Dennis R. Reidenbach. “These skills will serve the park staff, community and visitors well,” Reidenbach reported. The new superintendent, Cobern, said she was “absolutely delighted to have been chosen as the new Superintendent of George Washington Birthplace National Monument and Thomas Stone National Historic Site.” While at Great Smoky Mountains, Cobern lead the broad strategic planning effort that resulted in a new fee structure and more managed backcountry visitor access for the most visited park in the national park system. Cobern built a new team for the Smoky Mountains Park’s backcountry efforts, facilitating collaboration across all aspects of the park’s operation. She also managed public affairs and served as the primary park liaison with key park partners. Cobern said both the Washington Birthplace site and Thomas Stone “offer outstanding opportunities to

Project Life Saver presentation

connect with our nation’s history, as well as to appreciate the scenic beauty and natural resources of the local area.” “I’m very proud to be joining the excellent staff and volunteers of these sites and look forward to becoming

involved in the local communities,” Cobern said. Prior to her time at Great Smoky Mountains Park, Cobern served as the Chief Ranger and Administrative Officer at Dinosaur National Monument in Colorado, Chief Ranger at Golden Spike National Historic Site in Utah, Acting Superintendent at the Golden Spike Park and Park Ranger and Education Coordinator at Mesa Verde National Park in Colorado. Cobern is a native of Alabama and holds a Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Montevallo and a Master’s Degree from Memphis State University. Tarona Armstrong of the Washington Birthplace staff, has been serving as acting superintendent at the park since Lawless’ departure in May. — Richard Leggitt

Special Tours of George Washington’s Presidential Library Now Available Mount Vernon — The new Fred W. Smith National Library for the Study of George Washington is now open for tours! Led by Mount Vernon tour guides and Library staff members, this new tour will offer access to the main floor of the much-anticipated center for scholarship about George Washington, Colonial America, and the Revolutionary Era. View rare books and manuscripts, special collections and art, research resources, and one-ofa-kind design details such as custom-created busts of the Founding Fathers. Tour includes access to: Main Reading Room, Rare Books & Manuscripts Room, Open Stacks, Conference Wing, and Reception Hall which includes a gallery of presidential porcelain. Tours depart from the Donald W. Reynolds Education Center & Museum lobby at 1:30 p.m. on Jan. 7, Jan. 21, Feb. 4, and Feb. 18 only. The Library tour is included in Mount Vernon general admission. Space is available on a firstcome, first-served basis; these tours are limited in capacity. The total length of the Library tour is one hour which includes a 10-minute walk to and from the Library.

Antiques Considered... Over the past 14 years that I have written this column, I have received as many inquiries about how to proceed with antiques, as I have actual questions a b o u t specific pi e c e s . This week, rather than addressing an individual piece, I Henry Lane should like to answer Hull some of these general concerns and questions. The most frequently asked question is whether to have an item restored or not. My basic response to such a question is, can you live with it in its present condition? If so, leave it alone, but if not, consider the other options. For a piece of furniture, does it presently have the original finish, and what is its condition? For a piece of significant intrinsic value, refinishing could decimate the overall worth. In many cases total refinishing is not necessary. One product that affords a simple alternative is Kotton Klenser, which comes in a quart container at a reasonable price. Carefully applied and let to stand for about 20 minutes, and then rubbed off with a soft cloth, it can work a great transformation of the original finish without stripping it. Secondly, if a piece has a clear provenance, showing previous

ownership by a prominent figure, retaining the finish from that person’s ownership is an important aspect of value. Granted such cases are rare, but a documented piece of furniture with historical provenance in most cases probably should be left alone. As a general rule, keep as much original as possible, but if a former owner has applied a different finish, such as a faux marble one, removing it to return to the original might not be the best course to take financially, especially if the painted finish has been down by a recognized artist. Porcelain and pottery can be a different story. For example, restoring a good piece of historical Staffordshire with a chip or two can increase the value of the piece. Proper restoration of artistic porcelain, such as Meissen, is normally the correct course to take, providing the restorer is qualified to

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The King George Triad will be offering a free presentation on Project Life Saver at 1 p.m. on Tuesday Jan. 14, at King George Sheriff ’s Office. Project Life Saver is a special service offered to the community by King George Sheriff ’s Office that helps locate persons who may wander away from home or persons who may otherwise become disoriented and need to be located do to a mental health condition or a medical condition. This is important information for anyone who is a caregiver or knows someone who may need this service.


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VCU Massey Cancer Center radiation therapy, now at Spotsylvania Regional Cancer Center. Spotsylvania Regional Medical Center has joined forces with VCU Massey Cancer Center to bring you convenient, local access to nationally recognized expertise in radiation oncology. At the new Spotsylvania Regional Cancer Center you’ll find innovations like the TrueBeam™linear accelerator, providing the highest degree of precision in radiation therapy. This advanced technology is utilized to its full advantage by the experts at VCU Massey Cancer Center, rated the #1 cancer treatment provider in the state by U.S.News & World Report. And now it’s all right here at home.

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perform the task. Replacements, Ltd. in Greensboro, NC and McHugh’s Restorations in Richmond both offer excellent restoration services. When speaking of paper antiques, such as lithographs or prints, removing from the frame and replacing the back with a non-acidic material is essential. Without sodoing, the acidity of the backing, whether from wood or cardboard, will leach into the print, causing severe discoloration. Any good frame shop should know how to proceed to conserve the piece properly. This weekend is the Washington Antiques Show at the Katzen Center at American University. It is always a great event, well worth the effort to attend. I’ll be there, and hope again this year to see some of our readers present as well. Happy Antiquing!

Fr e d e r i c k s b ur g , VA






The Journal

An Artist’s Life:

2nd Friday Art Walk

Ebbie Hynson turns 94 Ebbie Hynson turns 94, exhibits her art on 2nd Friday with Mayor Ham cutting her birthday cake and Musician, Joe Price, leading the birthday song! JarrettThor Fine Arts in Colonial Beach will present a celebration of artist Ebbie Hynson’s work on the occasion of her 94th Birthday. The celebration will start on Friday Jan. 10 from 6-9 p.m. as part of the town’s monthly 2nd Friday Art Walk. Birthday cake cutting will be accomplished by Mayor Ham at 7:30 p.m. and the birthday song will be kicked off by professional musician, Joe Price. The public is invited to join us to help celebrate Ebbie’s life and her art. Ebbie is painting again after her stroke, but many pieces in the show will never be duplicated again. This is a unique opportunity to purchase one of her works and she is happy to

tell you all about her motivation for her painting (s). On display will be 30 of Ebbie’s oil paintings including landscapes, waterscapes, portraits, still life, flowers and even some “experimental” works. Included are the famous portrait of well-known artist Clifford Satterwhite and her splendid “Chocolates and Hydrangeas”. Many of her paintings are “idea paintings”, carrying a hidden (or sometimes not-so-hidden) story. The paintings will hang until March 9. Ms. Hynson was one of the founders of the Colonial Beach Artists’ guild and is its oldest member of about 100 artists. She still provides valuable insights to the Guild and participates in workshops and exhibits whenever she can. She currently resides at the Westmoreland Rehabilitation Center in Colonial Beach where she

Eat healthy when dining out Trying to lose weight or alter your diet? Many people are in the same boat. Though it’s easy to control your diet when eating at home, men and women hoping to shed a few extra pounds may need to take a more careful approach when dining out at a restaurant or enjoying a meal at the house of a friend or family member. The following tips can help men and women eat healthy even when they are enjoying meals away from home. • Don’t skip meals. Skipping meals, especially breakfast, in anticipation of eating larger meals later on is a recipe

for disaster. Research has shown that people who eat a healthy breakfast tend to consume fewer calories over the course of a typical day than those who skip breakfast. • Have a pre-meal before dining out. Don’t attend gatherings on an empty stomach. Snack on fruits or vegetables before heading out the door to avoid overeating later on. • Drink lots of water. Sipping on a glass of cold water when dining out can keep you feeling full while preventing the dehydration that comes from eating too many highsugar, high-salt goodies. In fact,

Retirement plan limits largely unchanged in 2014

Colonial Beach Artists’ Guild stays active with their activities and paints there or at JarrettThor Fine Arts every chance she gets. She is currently working on a large painting with Carl Thor as the bartender and Joan & Mike Fitzgerald as the focal point. Ebbie is an inspiration to all artists and the public in general. Also on display will be works of the gallery’s other permanent artists and a variety of unique jewelry, decorative minerals, wooden bowls and sculpture as well as special books. The co-located Tarver Harris Design Studio will also have new paintings and textiles. JarrettThor is located at 100 Taylor St. #101 in Colonial Beach. The gallery will be open FridaySunday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. through March 9 except for Winter Vacation Feb. 3-27. For information, use 804224-7200, jarrettthor@aol.com or www.jarretthor.com. symptoms of dehydration mimic those of hunger, meaning you might be eating more when your body really just needs more water. • Practice portion control. It’s nice to dig in to your favorite treats. However, indulging at the dinner table can lead to weight gain. Many people find that they can still enjoy their favorite foods without gaining weight as long as they eat smaller portions and resist the temptation to eat until they feel the need to unbuckle their belts. • Use smaller plates. The bigger the plate you are eating from, the more food you are likely to eat. Use smaller plates at the buffet line so you aren’t piling too much food on your plate. An empty plate can instill a sense of fullness whether

Happy New Year to all! Our line up this month starts with JarrettThor Fine Arts on Taylor Street, celebrating our oldest member’s birthday. Ms. Ebbie Hynson will be a young 94 this year and is still painting! Mayor Ham will be on hand to cut the cake at 7:30 p.m., plus there will be paintings on exhibit by Ms. Hyson and the other gallery artists. Across the way on Hawthorn Street, Pottery By Hand offers over 40 artists with their wares on exhibit. This month artist John Barber will be demonstrating one of his artistic talents and Michelle Annino’s wooden “testaments” will be on exhibit. Going further down the street to Riverview Inn, Andrea Clement and Velia Jacobo will be available with a few surprises to bring in the New Year. Esco Limited, going further down on Hawthorn Street will also be open with her re-imagined items and her hand crafted jewelry. Well, that’s the round up this month and just as a reminder, admission is always free to the public, refreshments are served and the people are friendly. Enjoy a pleasant evening at our 2nd Friday Art Walk, Jan 10. Until next time – Dr. Judi Morris of Colonial Beach Artists’ Guild

that plate is large or small. • Give your body time to realize how much you have eaten. The stomach needs about 20 minutes to tell the brain that it’s feeling full. But when food is eaten too fast, you may have already overindulged by the time the stomach sends its fullness signal to the brain. Fill up your plate, eat slowly and then put the brakes on for a while so that your stomach has adequate time to let the brain know you have eaten enough. • Order the right sides. When choosing side dishes, opt for healthy, low-calorie and high-fiber vegetables instead of sides that are high in fat, sugar or sodium. Healthy sides will make you feel full without packing on the pounds.

Send us news about your community group or organization. And include a photo! news@journalpress.com

Jason Alderman Anyone who’s bought groceries, filled their gas tank or paid insurance premiums recently would probably be surprised to learn that, according to Department of Labor’s Consumer Price Index for Urban Consumers (CPI-U), the rate of inflation is relatively flat – only 1.2 percent from September 2012 to September 2013. That’s bad news for people who were hoping to boost their contributions to an IRA, 401(k) plan or other tax-advantaged retirement savings accounts, since the IRS uses the CPI-U’s September year-over-year performance to determine whether or not to make cost-of-living adjustments to many of the retirement contributions you and your employer can make in the following year. Here are highlights of what will and won’t change in 2014: Defined contribution plans. The maximum allowable annual contribution you can make to a workplace 401(k), 403(b), 457(b) or federal Thrift Savings plan remains unchanged at $17,500. Keep in mind these additional factors: •

People over 50 can also make an additional $5,500 in catch-up contributions (unchanged from 2013). • The annual limit for combined employee and employer contributions increased by $1,000 to $52,000. • Because your plan may limit the percentage of pay you can contribute, your maximum contribution may actually be less. (For example, if the maximum contribution is 10 percent of pay and you earn $60,000, you could only contribute $6,000.) Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs). The maximum annual contribution to IRAs remains the same at $5,500 (plus an additional $1,000 if 50 or older – also unchanged from 2013). Maximum contributions to traditional IRAs are not impacted by personal income, but if your modified adjusted gross income (AGI) exceeds certain limits, the maximum amount you can contribute to a Roth IRA gradually phases out: • •

For singles/heads of households the phase-out AGI range is $114,000 to $129,000 (increased from 2013’s $112,000 to $127,000 range). Above $129,000, you cannot contribute to a Roth. For married couples filing jointly, the range is $181,000 to $191,000 (up from $178,000 to $188,000).

Keep in mind these rules for deducting traditional IRA contributions on your federal tax return: • If you’re single, a head of household, a qualifying widow(er) or married and neither spouse is covered by an employer-provided retirement plan, you can deduct the full IRA contribution, regardless of income. • If you are covered by an employer plan and are single/head of household, the tax deduction phases out for AGI between $60,000 and $70,000 (up from $59,000 to $69,000 in 2013); if married and filing jointly, the phase-out range is $96,000 to $116,000 (up from $95,000 to $115,000). • If you’re married and aren’t covered by an employer plan but your spouse is, the IRA deduction is phased out if your combined AGI is between $181,000 and $191,000 (up from $178,000 to $188,000). • For more details, read IRS Publication 590 at www.irs.gov. Retirement Saver’ Tax Credit. As an incentive to help low- and moderate-income workers save for retirement through an IRA or companysponsored plan, many are eligible for a Retirement Savers’ Tax Credit of up to $1,000 ($2,000 if filing jointly). This credit lowers your tax bill, dollar for dollar, in addition to any other tax deduction you already receive for your contribution. Qualifying income ceiling limits for the Savers’ Tax Credit increased in 2014 to $60,000 for joint filers, $45,000 for heads of household, and $30,000 for singles or married persons filing separately. Consult IRS Form 8880 for more information.

Wednesday, Jan. 8, 2014

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The following participating businesses will each have an art exhibit: Ebbie Hynson’s 94th Birthday Celebration JarrettThor Fine Arts Gallery 100 Taylor Street. #101 Andrea Clement, Velia Jacobo Riverview Inn 24 Hawthorn St

John Barber plus more artists Pottery by Hand & Studio A #10 A-B Hawthorne Street Elizabeth Escobar Esco Limited 116 Hawthorn Street

The Journal — Your weekly paper. The Journal’s news is about our community — that’s it. We don’t try to be anything but local. It’s all about our community and what makes it GREAT!

We are pleased to share a wonderful success story from Heritage Hall King George

Ms. Barbara Canada came to Heritage Hall at the beginning of October for rehabilitation therapy post a right knee replacement and also back surgery. The team at Heritage Hall describes Ms. Canada as an absolute joy to work with and extremely determined; she never gave up hope and gave her all in therapy each day. The staff ensured that they helped Ms. Canada fulfill her wish of attending two family weddings during her stay at Heritage Hall. Ms. Canada returned home on December 24, 2013 with several new and innovative skills aimed to keep her as independent as possible including but not limited to, meal preparation, upper and lower body dressing, proper body mechanics, housekeeping and transfers. Ms. Canada’s cheerful and warm personality made her an instant popular favorite among other residents and staff, she always joined in on the numerous activities at Heritage Hall including, holiday parties and making ornaments for our facility’s holiday tree. 10051 Foxes Way • King George, VA 22485 540.775.4000 • heritage-hall.org Jennifer Rowe, Administrator Our family exists to care for yours.



Wednesday, Jan. 8, 2014

The Journal



Jacob Tucker eclipses KGHS wrestling win record Leonard Banks Sports editor

Scott Tucker

He has set the standard, and raised the bar that area high school wrestlers hope to live up too. After defeating Caroline wrestler Isaiah Paxtot in the 170 lb. weight class at the annual Nick Mason Memorial Wrestling Tournament, Jacob Tucker (right) now holds the King George High School record (115 wins) for most victories in any weight class by an individual wrestler.

Jacob Tucker has forever embedded his name in area wrestling history. On Saturday, during the Nic Mason Memorial Wrestling Tournament, the senior grappler did what few before him could ever dream. His magical moment occurred during his second match against Caroline wrestler Isaiah Paxtot. After his hand was raised in victory, he became the all-time winningest wrestler in school history; regardless of weight class. Tucker surpassed Brett Albertson’s 2004 record of 114, while wrestling in the 170 lb. weight class. On two occasions, the record was challenged, but not beaten by Matt Jones and David Charlime. Tucker will most likely obliterate the record with 25 matches remaining the season. Tuckers accomplishments include All-State, All-Region, and All-District honors in the 160-pound weight class. Tucker began wrestling in the fifth grade, while attending school in Richmond. While wrestling is close to his heart, he is a consummate competitor.

“The tournament is good for wrestlers, because a lot of what a soldier has to endure, is similar to what a wrestler has to overcome” —Christine Mason By all accounts, Tucker has cemented his achievements as one of the greatest athletes in KGHS history. As for the legacy of Sgt. Nicholas Mason, the tournament will forever serve as a beacon of courage in the face of adversity for athletes everywhere. Eight teams - Chancellor, King George, Washington & Lee, Riverbend, Bishop Ireton, Chancellor, Caroline, Conestoga - gathered to showcase their wrestling skills before a captivated audience. Mason, who was killed in action in Mosul, Iraq during the holiday season in 2004 was a devoted citizen of King George who treasured family, volunteer firefighting, academics and the excitement of wrestling competition. Along with takedowns, escapes, holds and pins, the competition featured an affectionate reminder by

Mason’s parents - Vic & Christine - to always do your best in the face of uncertainty and adversity. “The tournament is good for wrestlers, because a lot of what a soldier has to endure, is similar to what a wrestler has to overcome,” Christine said. As a gesture of their son’s commitment to his country, Christine and her husband Vic presented dog tags to each of the attending teams. “These dog tags are symbols of strength,” Christine said. “They are a reminder of all the men and women in the armed services who are fighting to give you freedom to do what you want to do in your life.” While Conestoga High School out of Pennsylvania took home first place team honors, King George was awarded the distinction of runnerup. Other Foxes that earned first place honors included: Logan Kraisser, 106 lbs.; Kolin Johnson, 120 lbs.

Dachos: one of the top young runners in the state Richard Leggitt Jon Dachos, an engineer at the Naval Support Facility at Dahlgren, has been a long distance runner since his days at the Naval Academy in Annapolis. Frequently he and his wife, Kerry, go running on the trails along the Potomac River at scenic Caledon State Park with their son, Alex. “Alex and I would walk while Jon went for a run. Then one day, when Alex was three, he started running along,” said Kerry. “The rest, as they say, is history.” From those beginning runs through the old growth forests and flourishing Virginia marshes with his parents seven years ago, Alex Dachos has honed his running skills to the point that the 10-year-old student from Potomac Elementary School in Dahlgren is now one of the top young runners in the state. In November, Alex Dachos won the Amateur Athletics Union (AAU) Virginia Cross Country championship for 9 and 10-yearolds at Portsmouth and qualified for

the AAU National Championship in Aug. in Georgia. Through hard work and with the support of his enthusiastic parents, the little boy from King George, who used to toddle behind his Dad on the trails at Caledon, has morphed into a lean and lanky young long distance runner with a winning pace and smile. “When I run I get into a peaceful state,” said Alex, who also plays soccer in the King George Parks and Recreation League. “I really like running road races and crosscountry because I get to do some sight-seeing around the different counties.” “My favorite race so far is the 5K,” Alex said. “Anywhere is good! I’m starting to like the mile. It’s a bit more stressful because it’s a sprint from start to finish. But I like the longer races because it gives me more time to think about things.” A member of the Fredericksburg Area Running Club and the Canes Cross Country Track and Field team in Fredericksburg, traveling with his parents across Virginia and the

“My favorite race so far is the 5K. Anywhere is good! I’m starting to like the mile. It’s a bit more stressful because it’s a sprint from start to finish. But I like the longer races because it gives me more time to think about things.” — Alex Dachos nation, young Alex has made his mark in a growing list of competitive races. Alex was recently the Fredericksburg Grand Prix winner in the 19-year-old and under division. Running with the Fredericksburg Area Running Club, Alex competed in seven races and scored 929 point average. Alex finished second in the June AAU Track and Field Area 4 Virginia Championship in the 1500 meters and qualified for the AAU Junior Olympic National Track and Field Championship in Detroit Michigan. And, Alex won the United States

Association Track and Field Virginia Cross Country championship for 9-10 year olds in Richmond in Nov. and qualified for the USA Track and Field National Championship in San Antonio, TX. “His ability is a gift,” said Kerry, who like her husband is a determined runner. “I am a middle of the packer,” she said. “He gets his running genes from his Dad.” Kerry said the King George family funds Alex’s travels and his competitive costs out of their own pockets and will continue to do so. “Absolutely, as long as he is enjoying it and having fun.”

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Alex Dachos was the second place finisher for the Racing Unlimited Timing in Kings & Queens of the 5KM competition where he ran 8 5KMs. He was the 2nd place in the 19 and under men’s age group. He was 10th overall for all men 5KM runners in the 38 Races.









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w w w. s h a w s c a r p e t s a n d f l o o r i n g . c o m

The Journal


Wednesday, Jan. 8, 2014


King George Foxes athletics thrives in fall sports season Leonard Banks Sports editor

Leonard Banks

Throughout his varsity football career, King George High School running back, senior Jordi Estes helped reestablish the Foxes as one of the most formidable football programs in area football.

Now that the 2014 portion of the King George High School winter sports season is upon us, the memories of the fall will always have their place in time. From cross-country to football, some of the area’s brightest stars stepped up to make a difference in their specialized programs. Miranda Green is the first girl’s cross-country runner in KGHS history to make All-State. Out of a crowded field of nine schools, Green finished ninth with a time of 19:12. During the 4A North Regional Championship, the Foxes girls crosscountry team finished fifth. The Foxes top runner at the regional event was Kristen Hornbaker, who placed eighth with a time of 20:03.60. As for the Foxes boys’ cross-country team, Jacob Watson was undefeated in dual meet competition. Both Watson and Christian Koon were the first male Fox runners to

make the state cut since 2003. After stepping in to become the Foxes field hockey head coach, Debra Garcia led the team to the 4A Conference 22 semi-finals, and an overall record of 11-7. After the season, five Foxes were awarded All-Conference honors. For three back-to-back seasons, the Foxes varsity football team returned to the tradition of winning. The offensive backfield led by Jordi Estes, Corey Henderson, Harvey, and Antwan Brown helped the Foxes finish with an overall record of 9-3 and a post-season regional berth. In addition, the Foxes ended their 11-year cross-town rivalry against James Monroe by defeating the Yellow Jackets, 21-16 in the final minute of the game. Although the Foxes stand to lose 23 seniors to graduation, it’s safe to say that they will have the manpower to reload rather than rebuild. Along with a number of key varsity veterans returning, the program will inherit a

junior varsity team that came close to winning a championship. Players such as Jordan Aily, Chris Levere, Jake Betham, Rashaad Peyton, Kyree Garrett, Will Clift, Logan Taylor and Remington Green will soon have the opportunity to take the varsity spotlight. The Foxes golf team, lead by Devin Drake finished the season with the school’s first 4A Conference 22 Golf Championship. Hundley shot a 77, while Michael Hundley finished one stroke behind him with a 76. Other Foxes who impacted the team’s championship included: Andrew Berry 87, Colton Southall 88, Zak Kegley 88, and Joseph Bentz 90. As a team, the Foxes finished the tournament with a score of 328. The pride and spirit of the Foxes sports program are the King George High School cheerleading team. In spite of adverse weather conditions, and opposing noisy crowds, the ladies of royal blue and gold remain devoted to cheering for the school’s

athletes. During the fall season, the Lady Foxes won the first Battlefield Championship since 2001. In addition, they also won the South Lakes Cheer Championship. The Foxes volleyball team ended their season with a number of accomplishments. Prior to their first playoff win in recent years, they Foxes defeated and swept Chancellor for the first time in school history. The Foxes also defeated top seeded Spotsylvania and Eastern View. King George has risen to the ranks of a true contender for a potential 4A North Conference 22 championship crown. Along with a travel program (Virginia Flyers) that will include a new U17 and U14 juniors team, Foxes varsity head coach Jill Wine is currently creating a strong foundation for the King George Middle School program. As the team’s head coach Wine hopes to strengthen the varsity’s ability to compete with the stronger teams in their conference.

Colonial Beach Drifters football program leave fans wanting more Leonard Banks Sports editor Throughout the years, whether it’s football, basketball, baseball or softball, the Drifters have beaten the odds and come out on top, as they have accomplished the unthinkable. The 2013 fall sports season was no different. In fact, the Drifters varsity football team finished the season with a 5-6 record, and a post-season berth against Rappahannock. In the end, they left everything on the field, as the Raiders came out on top, 21-8. However, nearly a week later, the Raiders fell victim to a 21-0 shutout offered by Altavista Combined School. On the heels of the VHSL reclassification, the Drifters were faced with battling Sussex, King George and Franklin from the start. Although the 1-3 start was a temporary setback for the Drifters, they forged ahead to win two back-to-back games (Charles City, Rappahannock). “The 2013 season was definitely successful,” Drifters head coach Scott Foster said. “We went into the season knowing that it would be the tough-

est schedule we have ever played.” Although they lost to Washington & Lee 31-6 in the final regular season game of the year, their power point VHSL standings earned them the right to play the Raiders in the first round of the playoffs. “We were replacing some key guys from the year before, and to finish the season 5-6, and make the playoffs again—and being a small school is a very successful season—no question,” Foster said. Throughout the Drifters history, they have always had a main go-to offensive player. However, this season, they were without a big player or a seasoned 1,000 yard rusher such as former Drifter Dion Gonzalez. “In my 10 years of coaching Colonial Beach, we’ve always had a main guy—someone we could rely on when we needed it,” Foster said. “We had to focus on the team aspect of football; it wasn’t the individual player who carried us through the season.” Players who stepped up and neutralized opposing defenses were 9th graders Lamar Lucas (750 yards rushing), Nick Graves (Drifters

“The good thing about Colonial Beach is that we usually know our kids. We’ve known them since they were seven years old.” —Scott Foster quarterback for three seasons), Lamar Shanks, and a host of other notable athletes. The intangible against opposing teams that have tried to scout and figure the Drifters out is their feeder system. Whether it’s through their recreation program or their junior varsity system, the coaches have a vast knowledge of their players’ abilities. “The good thing about Colonial Beach is that we usually know our kids,” Foster said. “We’ve known them since they were seven years old.” Most recently, the Colonial Beach Youth Athletic Association fielded three Superbowl teams. While the varsity lost, the junior varsity and pee wee teams won. “We have some talent coming up,

but our problem has always been depth,” Foster said. “We get into the big games, you have to have depth.” Volleyball continues to move in a positive direction for Colonial Beach. While the varsity struggled with a 2-17 season, the junior varsity finished the season with one of their best records in years (8-9). The addition of Cameron-Ann Standish as the junior varsity head coach has already begun to impact the program. Next season, both varsity and junior varsity program will return a host of seasoned veterans who will continue to take the “Black & Gold” in the right direction. Along with a number of open gym sessions, the 2014 season will also offer volleyball clinics set up by head coach Chase Davidson.

Leonard Banks

Drifter fullback, Dez’John Parker (#1) was threat to opposing defenses on the ground and in the air.

KG JV Lady Foxes grind-out win over Mountain View Wildcats Leonard Banks Sports editor On Monday night, the Foxes (7-2) junior varsity girls’ basketball team defeated triple-A power, Mountain View, 27-21 in a low scoring nonconference game. The Wildcats held a slight edge in rebounds in the first quarter, but King George managed to score nine points off of four assists for a 9-4 advantage. Within the first minute and a half of the second quarter, Madi-

son Morgan extended the Foxes lead to 13-4 with two assists to Abigail Davis, and Micala Peterson. Peterson later went on to finish the game with eight points, three assists, and solid night on the boards. The Foxes ended the quarter with an Amber Loughner basket on an assist from Morgan to take an 18-8 lead. The third quarter was a replica of the second, as the Wildcats struggled to gain ground, while the Foxes matched them score for score.

Although the Foxes center, Peterson picked up her fourth foul, her teammates stepped up to maintain a 10point lead (25-15). With 4:18 left in the game, the Wildcats cut into the Foxes lead with a jumper, but failed to convert two free throws. Along with Peterson’s return, and ball control, the Wildcats attempts at a late rally proved futile. In spite of injuries, and illness, the Foxes junior varsity is still among the top feeder systems in the conference.

Leonard Banks

On Monday night, at King George High School the Foxes varsity girls’ basketball had their hands full with a physical contingent of Mountain View Lady Wildcats. Mountain View eventually won, 47-35.

Wildcats run wild in King George Leonard Banks Sports editor The Foxes (2-6) endured a tough Monday night in a non-conference game against the Wildcats. Mountain View guard Jesse Dixon delivered 16 points, while her partner in crime / teammate, Alexis Davis added 12 for their fourth win of the season. For three quarters, the Wildcats dominated every aspect of the game. During the first quarter, the Foxes managed to keep the Wildcats at bay, as Megan Montague scored four

points, helping the Foxes to establish a three-point lead (9-6). After a slow start, the Wildcat offense kicked into gear, as Davis scored six of her eight first half points in the second quarter. Dixon extended the Wildcat lead to 26-18 with a buzzer-beating 3-pointer. In spite of two long-range jumpers from Elissa Davis, and a short range hook shot from Sha’Tiva Davis the Foxes were never able to gain ground. Davis finished the game with 12 points. Combined with eating up the clock with ball possession, and equaling

the Foxes with shots from the field, the Wildcats ended the quarter with a 38-25 lead. As turnovers and miscues continued to plague the Foxes, the Wildcats extended their lead to 40-25 within the first two minutes of the fourth quarter. At one point in the quarter, the Wildcats led by 20 points; however, later in the quarter, the Foxes attempted a late rally with a 8-0 run, but the Wildcats never broke a sweat—winning 47-35. On Friday, the Foxes travel to Chancellor. Game time is 5:30 p.m.

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Wednesday, Jan. 8, 2014

The Journal


King George runners flock to annual Resolution 5K race

Leonard Banks Sports editor On Jan. 1, at the YMCA on 212 Butler Rd., in Fredericksburg, 23 year-old Fredericksburg resident Leah Schubel welcomed the new year in as the overall Resolution Run 5K winner with a time of 20:06. Schubel’s male counterpart, 21 year-

old Jacob Lysher, also from Fredericksburg, won the men’s portion of the race with a time of 17:07. Other top three women’s runners were Sara Lasker, Fredericksburg, 23, 20:30; Alice Pallotti, King George, 36, 21:20. Men’s second and third place overall finishers were Quincy Schmidt, Fredericksburg, 23, 17:25 and Scott Mersiowsky, Fredericks-

Remembering Nick with pride!

burg, 47, 18:09. For years, the race has become a time-honored tradition for runners throughout the area. Vic Culp, president of Race Timing Unlimited has been the official timekeeper of the event since 2009. Age category King George female runners included: 19 & under: Andrea Gamache, 8th, 16, 31:06; Cheyenne Mummert, 19th, 6, 48:56; 20-29: Laura McDonald, 15th, 25, 36:59; Rachel McDonald, 19th, 27, 39:55. 33-39: Aime Nester, 12th, 32, 32:07; Jessica Taylor, 18th, 36, 33:30. Amber Olverson, 29th, 30, 38:27; Michele Shipman, 31, 3, 44:22. 5059: Jackie Kunstmann, 8th, 52, 41:54; Anita Cortez, 15th, 56, 53:16. Age category King George and Colonial Beach male runners included: 19 & under: Alexander Dachos, 19th, 10, 21:14; 20-29: Vincent Jeter, 2nd, 22, 20:19. 30-39: Ronald Taylor, 9th, 38, 33:30; Ben Gouldman, 10th, 38, 36:48; 40-49: Paul Koepfinger, 7th, 49, 21:54; Frank Cristy, 11th, 43, 24:05; Jonathan Dachos, 24th, 49, 28:29. 50-59: Howard Thomas, 17th, 52, 31:36. 60-69: Russell Grim, 7th, 64, Colonial Beach, 12:41; Ferris Portner, 4th, 55, 45:08.

Leonard Banks

After handing out tournament dog tags to the attending Nick Mason Memorial Wrestling Tournament teams, Mason’s parents, Vic and Christine speak with one of the tournament referees.


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The Journal

Wednesday, Jan. 8, 2014



Sheriff’s report Dec. 1 Peggy Lorraine Dickerson, 34, Colonial Beach was arrested on a capias from Fredericksburg for fail to appear on a felony offense. Melina D. Embrey, 34, Colonial Beach was arrested for inhaling drugs or noxious chemicals and three counts of contribute to delinquency of minor. Dec. 2 Antoine Lamont Mills, 33, Oldhams was arrested of assault and batter. Dec. 3 Jay Thomas Kiser, Jr., 30, King George was arrested for felony possess of firearm by violent felon and fail to report to pretrial intake. Gary Anthony Jackson, 36, Kinsale was arrested for assault on family member. Dec. 5 Christian Lara Perez, 23, Colonial Beach was arrested for violate conditions of pretrial. Elizabeth Ann Tippett, 25, War-

saw was arrested on indictments from King George for 10 felony counts of obtain money by false pretense, felony forgery, and larceny bank notes/checks. Troy Anthony Reed, 42, Montross was arrested on a fugitive warrant from Florida. George Antonio Lee, 39, Warsaw was arrested for violation of probation. Dec. 6 Fred Warren Browning, III, 44, Fredericksburg was arrested for failure to appear. Terry Lynn Nixon, 48, Fredericksburg was arrested for DWI: 2nd offense and refusal of blood breath test. Dec. 8 John Nevitt Bowie, 19, Montross was arrested for felony grand larceny. Dec. 9 Peter Alexander Tranchitella, 20, Montross was arrested on two counts of felony grand larceny. Ryan Michael Isenberg, 20, Mon-

tross was arrested on felony conspiracy grand larceny, felony grand larceny, and obstruct justice. Clarence William McKenney, 69, Montross was arrested for damage property. Joseph Benjamin Johnson, 35, Hague was arrested for probation violation. Dec. 10 Charles David Lowery, 55, Montross was arrested for felony aggravated sexual battery. Dec. 11 Diante Lamar Ingram, 25, Kinsale was arrested for assault and batter. Derrick Donnell Jones, 29, Colonial Beach was arrested for probation violation. Dec. 14 Tiffany Lee Reimard, 25, Colonial Beach was arrested for DWI. Dustin Richard Renter, 32, Callao was arrested for petit larceny. Deven Edward Tetzlaff, 19, Colonial Beach was arrested for two counts of contribute to delinquency of minor, distribute synthetic can-

nabinoids to minor, synthetic cannabinoids: possess similar drug and synthetic cannabinoids: sell/give/ dist/PWID. Kimberly A. Blackwell, 49, Fredericksburg was arrested for two counts contribute to delinquency of minor, synthetic cannabinoids: possess similar drug, felony synthetic cannabinoids: and felony distrib synthetic cannabinoids to minor. Earl Joseph Lee, 22, Colonial Beach was arrested for drunk in public. Dec. 15 Michael Joseph Faughnan, 52, Virginia Beach was arrested DWI: 2ND off w/in 5Y, Refusal of blood or breath test, and reckless driving. Dec. 17 Thomas George Davies, 49, Montross was arrested for felony protective order violation. Martin Antonio Rivera, Jr., 22, Colonial Beach was arrested for two counts of felony grand larceny. Dec. 18

Cherwanda Annette Coleman, 35, Kinsale was arrested for disorderly conduct and damage property. Curtis R. McFadden, 23, La Plata, MD was arrested for failure to appear Dec. 19 Sarah Anne Kelley, 28, Henrico was arrested for contempt of court. Dec. 20 Dale Linwood Berry, Jr., 29, Colonial Beach was arrested for drunk in public. Steven Adam Mayhew, 24, Colonial Beach was arrested for drunk in public. Dec. 22 Samuel Maurice Wheaton, 31, Montross was arrested for DWI. Cheri Angela Conley, 42, Hague was arrested for contribute to delinquency of minor. Dec. 24 Anthony J. Moore, 48, Montross was arrested for felony habitual offender drive w/o license.

Dec. 25 Kimberly Marie Smith, 44, Montross was arrested for assault on a family member. Franklin W. Clark, 49, Montross was arrested for assault, violation of probation and reckless driving. Dec. 26 Lisa M. Arias, 31, Montross was on warrants from Northumberland for fraud to a motel and damage property. Dec. 27 Otis Redding Fisher, 41, Hague was arrested for probation violation. Dec. 29 Jeremy Jamaine Pierce, 19, King George was arrested for pointing/ brandishing firearm. Dec. 30 Melissa Lynn George, 30, Warsaw was arrested on a capias from Richmond County for probation violation. Dustin Patrick Recto, 29, Colonial Beach was arrested on failure to appear.

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pressure and police presence should also be considered. Allowing the students to resume their studies at the current campus is not a viable option. Some within the town would argue that within a week, the old school could be demolished and the site made safe. Or spending scarce resources to reinforce the exterior wall next to the trailers so classes can resume again, at the original site should be considered. Others, argue the site should be preserved while seeking a grant to restore. Putting aside the issue of just what water damage was suffered to the cafeteria or if it is damaged beyond repair, it is questionable if funding to begin demolition could be secured within a week, much less than rendering the site safe enough for these very young students to attend classes at the original campus. Spending resources to shore up a wall to prevent collapse on the existing trailers, which are to be abandoned or moved within six months seems frivolous. Preserving the site is just not realistic given the condition of the building. While a number of limited options appear available at this time, advancing

the planned move forward by placing the primary and elementary students within the confines of our high school campus, on the surface, would provide the best course of action, if suitable space can be found. By locating these children there, this move will provide a safe, secure and healthier environment than offered by any other location, other than busing them to another school within the County. Charles Green Colonial Beach Ruby Brabo As I begin my third year on the Board of Supervisors, I would like to wish the people of King George a very happy and prosperous New Year! During the first meeting of the Board on Tuesday, January 7th, the new Chair and Vice-Chair will be selected by the five Supervisors. As has been an established tradition over the years, the supervisors have rotated these positions, with each supervisor having their deserved turn as Vice Chair and Chair. It has been the fairest method for both the supervisors and for the citizens, so that each of their

districts would also be best served. Last year, a petition was presented with over 65 resident signatures asking the rest of the Board to support me as the Vice Chair for 2013. At that time, Mr. LoBuglio was nominated as Vice Chair and it was explained that this was in keeping with the rotation order that had been established. The obvious assumption was that this year, Mr. LoBuglio would move into the Chair, and then I would rotate into the Vice Chair. After reflection, I realized that this was indeed both fair and reasonable, and I supported Mr. LoBuglio’s selection. So, now that I am next in line for Vice Chair (or should it be Chair since Mr. LoBuglio was not re-elected?), I wanted to reiterate my long-held message to the residents of King George -- I stand ready to listen to each of you, to assist you in any way that I can, and to continue working with the other members of the Board of Supervisors to the betterment of our community! I am so proud to be the Dahlgren District Supervisor, and look forward to continuing my service to the King George community!


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Director of College Advancement Rappahannock Community College seeks a dynamic and energetic individual to lead the college’s fundraising efforts. Working for the college president and supporting the college’s Educational Foundation, the director will coordinate an external fundraising program that supports the strategic priorities of the college. The director will cultivate donor relationships, and direct annual fund, major giving, and special event activities. This role works closely with the college president to expand and foster external relationships. Applicants should possess a master’s degree with solid and progressively responsible leadership experience and understanding of resource planning and allocation. Excellent interpersonal and communication skills and a commitment to the community college mission are also required. The successful candidate will demonstrate the ability to articulate the college’s strategic needs, opportunities, and vision with clarity and enthusiasm with a wide range of community and business leaders. Preference will be given to applicants with the CFRE credential and/or work experience at a community college. This is a full-time, administrative faculty appointment with an excellent benefits package. Academic rank and salary are based upon academic credentials and experience. Satisfactory reference and criminal background checks are a condition of employment. A completed Commonwealth of Virginia online employment application, cover letter and resume describing qualifications and unofficial transcripts are required. Applications will only be accepted online through the Recruitment Management System at http://jobs.virginia. gov and must be received by 5:00pm on January 23, 2014. A first review of applications will begin January 24, 2014. Resumes will not substitute for a completed state application. Rappahannock Community College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, age, national origin, sex, or disability in recruiting and employment. Inquiries related to college’s nondiscrimination policies should be directed to the Human Resources Manager, 12745 College Drive, Glenns, Virginia 23149.

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING KING GEORGE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION The King George County Planning Commission will hold a public hearing beginning at 6:15 p.m., on Tuesday January 21, 2014, in the Robert H. Combs Board Room of the Revercomb Administration Building at 10459 Courthouse Drive, King George, Virginia. Case Number 13-11-Z03: Request by Jean L. Moneyhon to rezone 3.9999 acres of Tax Map 28, Parcel 28B from Limited Agricultural (A-1) to Rural Agricultural (A-2). The property is located at 19273 Stoney Point Road. The property contains 17.1753 acres. The proposed use is residential. The minimum lot size in A-1 is ten (10) acres and the minimum lot size in A-2 is two (2) acres. The Comprehensive Plan identifies the property as being in the Potomac River Rural Development Area with a proposed residential density for this area ranges from 1 dwelling unit per 10 to 2 acres. Documents related to the above cases are available for public inspection during the hours of 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday in the Department of Community Development, King George County Revercomb Administration Building. The public is invited to attend the above scheduled hearings and to express their views on the above cases. Those who are unable to attend the public hearings may submit their comments in writing to the Director of Community Development, 10459 Courthouse Drive, Suite 104, King George, Virginia 22485, prior to the scheduled hearings.

By Order of the King George County Board of Supervisors 1/8/2014, 1/15/2014


Wednesday, Jan. 8, 2014

The Journal



Winter a good time to evaluate hunting property Mark Fike As deer season was winding down I took the some time walking to my deer stand to eyeball the status of my property and what I found to be necessary to enhance it. I found myself doing the same thing at other locations to help advise the landowners with enhancing their property and the wildlife opportunities on it. While deer season is officially over, dedicated deer hunters really need to stay focused for a month or so to study, plan and even scout their property to improve next season’s hunting success. Non-hunters may not understand this but many things that deer hunters can and often do to their property to improve hunting success also greatly benefit nongame wildlife and other game birds and animals as well. POSTED One thing that I plan on doing in the next month is posting or reposting our property, friend’s property and so on against trespassers. Trespassing and poaching seems to be a neverending battle and keeping your signs fresh and obvious is key to being able to charge those encroaching with a crime. Winter is a good time to do this as the lines are easy to see. Often survey flagging, old fencelines, old survey trimmings and so on are easy to see. Try the same chore once we have leaves on the trees and you will

be wishing you did it in January. Order seedlings/ scout your land The Virginia Department of Forestry (VDOF) runs out of seedlings pretty fast. If you want some now is the time to order. Some property owners like to put up evergreen trees to border fields where roads or common property lines meet. This discourages temptation by trespassers if they are not as easily able to see what is on your property. Any of the pine species work well and many grow fast. If you are looking for a border try red cedar. They tend to grow fast and offer thick green borders. Although I am not a fan of letting red cedars spread (and they will) they do offer dense fencerow plantings and are great thermal cover for songbirds, deer, squirrels and other animals. Some landowners find them to be a royal pain and they can be. If you plant them please keep them in check by cutting and removing them as they spread. When planting a border don’t just plant one line of trees. Plant them several deep in alternating spots to form a thick border. This is the proper way to create a lasting border, thermal cover, fencerow or hedge. Other seedlings can be planted for food sources and include a variety of fruit and soft mast and hard mast. VDOF offers persimmons, acorns and other great seedlings for this

purpose. When scouting take a topo map with you and make notes. Determine if you have several food sources and alternate foods sources in case one fails (like this year’s mast crop). A stand of hardwoods (oaks, beech, hickory), some soft mast (persimmon, fruits and berries) and some browse such as an old field, lespedeza, hedges with honeysuckle or other greenery is key. Do you have water nearby? A stream that flows year around is good. A swamp or pond is good as well. What about thermal cover or bedding areas? This is where my property can stand some improvement. Some clear cutting of an acre or two would do the trick with some planting of evergreens. I also had some success removing undesirable poplar trees and gum trees that were near small holly trees. The holly trees bushed out and new holly started growing and now the holly grove is growing in size. If you have some laurel, that will work very well too for cover or bedding area. If you have none of the above, cut a small clearing and leave the laps from the trees. You can hinge cut or cut trees just enough to let them fall and “daylight” an area to allow brush and briars to grow. Deer like to hunker down in such areas particularly if they are near food sources. Do think about the big picture though. Plan on placing your bedding areas where you can leave

them alone and hunt the fringes without entering the actual domain of the deer. Put these areas where the sun can get to them to warm the area on cold days. Plan on cutting trails around the property to access as you will need. Last, I leave my trail cameras up for several reasons. First, I continue to inventory the deer and turkey numbers. Bucks are already losing their antlers though so be prepared to see more antlerless deer than antlered deer. It is good to know “who” made it through the season and the winter. Second, sometimes trespassers will still visit an area to scout thinking you will not be around. It is always nice to have evidence when calling the conservation police officers about trespassers. Last, trail cameras can give you clues as to how the animals react to weather. While we got very little snow this season it is nice to know what areas animals use when it does snow. Leave those cameras up and figure them out. Hunting and studying animal behavior is never ending. I also suggest getting a soil sample done now if you are going to do any planting. Planting time may be a few months off but you can begin putting down lime if you need it now and allow it to be absorbed into the soil before planting. It will do your food plot or cover crop a lot more good that way.

Helping high school students learn about banking Montross — Peoples Community Bank announces its sponsorship of How To Do Your Banking at Washington & Lee High School for the 2013/2014 school year. How to Do Your Banking is a seven-lesson financial skills course published by Cemark, Inc. of Midlothian, and used by business teachers Stan Schoppe, Jr. and Tracy White to supplement their regular business finance curriculum. Students learn to make wise financial decisions with this program, through practical lessons on saving, budgeting, basic investments, navigating electronic banking, reconciling an account, obtaining and maintaining credit, and avoiding identity theft. Peoples Community Bank is sponsoring How To Do Your Banking as a public service because “we feel it is important that young adults have a chance to practice all aspects of money management in the classroom, where mistakes won’t cost real dollars,” said Randy Phelps, Vice President of Retail Banking. “Surveys indicate 84 percent of high school students want instruction in financial matters, only 1-in-3 teens knows how to read a bank statement, balance a checkbook or pay bills, and that financial education is among the top three subjects parents want taught to their children,” Phelps added. Peoples Community Bank is also investing a day of mentoring at the high school, with Branch Manager and Loan Officer, Jen Dixon, teaching lessons on credit in classrooms. Mrs. Dixon has assisted Mr. Schoppe

and Ms. White with teaching this program for the past several years at Washington & Lee High School. “By sponsoring How To Do Your Banking, we are preparing our young people before they begin to live independently and are in need of financial services. If we can help them learn good money habits right from the start and raise their level

of financial responsibility, it will pay big dividends for them and our community,” said Dixon. Peoples Community Bank is a full service bank with assets in excess of $150 million, and branches located in Montross, Warsaw, Dahlgren, King George, and Fredericksburg, VA. Equal Housing Lender and member FDIC.

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Top: Bucks are already losing their antlers like this young buck who already lost half his rack. Above: The trail camera can help you determine what survived the season and the winter.

“Only 1-in-3 teens knows how to read a bank statement, balance a checkbook or pay bills”

Purchase framed photos by Mark Fike Come by The Journal’s offices 10250 Kings Hwy. to see what is available

—Randy Phelps

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Jennifer M. Dixon

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King George: 8065 Kings Highway (540) 775-2914 Dahlgren: 5082 James Madison Pkwy. (540) 644-9706 Montross: 15960 Kings Highway (804) 493-8031

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Basic Banking for Busy People Equal Housing Lender • Member FDIC

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