01-22-2014 King George Va Journal

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King George

Volume 38, Number 4

Carlos Bell arrested in Dahlgren shooting

Project Lego Mindstorm provides vision for future engineers at KGMS Leonard Banks The future of engineering is filled with possibilities! Thinking outside the box and taking the Lego building blocks a step farther, from a routine activity of play into the world of robotics, are the King George Middle School students of science teacher Patrick Simmons’ 7th grade science class. The Lego Mindstorm robotics project was conceived by the Virginia Demonstration Project (VDP) to help kids make informed decisions about careers in engineering. Under the direction of the College of William and Mary, VDP is a program developed by the Navy to increase students’ interest in STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) opportunities at school. Thrilled with the opportunity to apply their engineering skills to the program are 7th graders Noah Fields and Dillon Flowers. “Basically we have a robot that we build from instructions, and we have to program it to do certain tasks,” Flowers said. “Some of the robots we have built perform tasks such as transporting food.” Fellow classmate and Mindstorm group partner, Noah Fields,

Wednesday, January 22, 2014 50 Cents

helping you relate to your community

embraces the aspect of teamwork, while focusing on his part of the project’s tasks. “I am getting all the stuff and information from the board, and putting it into the computer,” Fields said. “Dillon is doing all the building, and figuring out all the ideas on how to do it. For example, I have to record and count the rotations placed on the tires.” “It is the mission of the program to encourage students to take higher level math and science classes and to pursue math, science, and engineering careers in college,” Simmons said. During a two-week period, NSWC engineers and mathematicians partner with KGMS 7th grade classrooms, lending their knowledge and expertise to students as they work to solve programming and engineering Mindstorm issues. Thrilled with the opportunity to work with Simmons’ class, NSWC engineer Robert Snodgrass believes the class will provide an insight into the world of science and technology. “Basically, the program teaches what they are doing here, and what we are doing on the Navy base,” Snodgrass said. “We come in and See STEM, page 3

Richard Leggitt A shooting at the Heritage Court townhouse complex in Dahlgren has resulted in the arrest of a 25-year-old King George man. Carlos M. Bell is being held at the Rappahannock Regional Jail on charges of using a firearm in the commission of a felony and malicious wounding. Bell surrendered to King George Sheriff ’s officers without incident Wednesday, Jan. 15, after another man, who lived three doors from Bell, was shot. Officers who responded to the call found the victim suffering from multiple gunshot wounds to his upper body. King George Sheriff Steve Dempsey said officers secured the area and made it safe for medical personnel to enter. “The victim was removed

King George man killed in weekend traffic accident

Dillon Flowers and Noah Fields Discuss their robot’s progress. Dillon and Noah’s Robot on the right prepares to deliver an inflatable life raft to stranded sailors.

Planning Commission recommends denial of rezoning in Dahlgren Phyllis Cook The King George Planning Commission last week voted unanimously to recommend that the Board of Supervisors deny a current rezoning request under consideration in Dahlgren. The case involves a request to rezone 6.75 acres on U.S. 301 (James Madison Pkwy). The Commission reconsidered the case at its meeting last week on Jan. 14. The recommendation followed lively discussion with participation by several of the ten Planning Commissioners, with comments basically distilled by those from Bill Robie and Gary Kendrick. The revised rezoning request includes amendments to the proffer statement from what was originally proposed last month, with newly-revised development plan drawings distributed. Those two documents shed light on a new proffer that would prohibit five commercial uses including repair facility, boat sales, contractors equipment yard,

from the scene and transported by air to Mary Washington Hospital,” Dempsey said. “The victim is in stable condition. He was an adult male, and his name will not be released at this time in the investigation,” Dempsey said. The sheriff said the victim was lying in the doorway of his townhouse when officers arrived. Dempsey said a search warrant was issued for Bell’s residence and a vehicle on the scene. King George Sheriff ’s officers found a handgun, apparently used in the shooting, during their search. “Both the victim and the suspect were residents of the Heritage Court,” said Dempsey. The townhouse complex is located on State Route 206 in Dahlgren. Officers are continuing their investigation into the incident.

Spotsylvania County Sheriff ’s officers have identified a 23-yearold man killed in a traffic accident last weekend as Steven L. Greer of King George. Greer died in a single vehicle crash Saturday. Sheriff ’s officers said Greer was killed when the vehicle he was driving left the road and turned over several times. Greer was wearing a

seatbelt, but he suffered fatal injuries in the accident impact. The accident occurred on a curve on Harrison Road Saturday night, near its intersection with Chancellor Park Drive in Spotsylvania County. Virginia State Police are working with sheriff ’s officers to determine the cause of the crash. —Richard Leggitt

Taking it to house!

commercial garage, and commercial parking lot. The drawing indicates that those uses would not be prohibited on the whole parcel concerned in the request, but would only be prohibited within a narrow strip of land, termed as a “restricted area,” immediately adjacent to Bayberry subdivision lots. That restricted strip is proposed to be 223-feet wide at its widest part at the front of the property along U.S. 301, and narrowing to 132-feet at the back of the property which is the subject of the rezoning. Robie urged that ‘denial’ be recommended for the request, reading from a long list of potential commercial uses that could take place on the property and would be allowed by-right if the rezoning were to be approved by the governing body. He added that some of those uses might be pleasant to have nearby, and others not so much, adding, “It’s giving them a blank check.” Robie also said that the property appears to be listed See denial, page 3

School Board looking to raise rates for use of school facilities Phyllis Cook The King George School Board last week postponed action on a policy that would hike the cost for use of the school facilities available to the public, when school is not in session. Those include the gyms, cafeterias/kitchens, auditoriums, libraries and classrooms. An update to a School Board policy, KG-R, had first been reviewed in December, along with KG-F, which is a listing of the costs

for use. When the School Board gave it a look last month, some members noted that the charges seemed low and suggested they be increased. When the draft policy was up for approval at last week’s meeting, Chairman Mike Rose suggested it be postponed to the next meeting on Jan. 27. But no direction was given as to potential amendments. The current list spells out costs for hourly use for utilities, custodial cleanup, and building supervision. It is called, “Group Utility,

Housekeeping and Supervisory Costs.” The new draft revised list is termed, “Community Use Schedule of Fees.” The draft provides varying rates for rental of interior areas of the schools, with one hourly rate for non-profits and a second rate for commercial. For example, the rate for use of the high school gym or auditorium are both proposed to be priced at See facilities, page 3

Leonard Banks

Foxes junior point guard, Kanysha Reynolds (#23, right) slams into Eastern View’s center, Angela Apperson, as she attempts to score in the post area.

School Board budget review to begin next week Phyllis Cook The King George School Board viewed a proposed budget development timeline from Superintendent Rob Benson last week and made plans to start the budgeting process at its meeting next week. The process was discussed at the meeting on Jan. 13. Benson said he would unveil his initial draft of a proposed 2014-15 budget next week, suggesting the School Board consider setting a budget work session prior to the regular business meeting scheduled at 6 p.m. on Jan. 27. Chairman Mike Rose agreed, as that has been a regular practice by the county School Board when scheduling

budget and other work sessions, as well as student discipline hearings. But the idea of an earlier meeting was quashed after new School Board member Terry Collins said he was unavailable because his work schedule generally goes until 6 p.m. Collins asked his colleagues to work with him on scheduling meetings. Rose and other members appeared chagrined that meetings earlier in the afternoon may no longer be possible. Collins’ apparent inability to schedule afternoon meetings has yet to be fully realized. Most work session meetings and discipline hearings have in the past generally been scheduled as early 4 or 5 p.m.

BUDGETING TO BEGIN NEXT WEEK That first budget session is scheduled to occur during the regular business meeting on Monday, Jan. 27, with Rose saying he would try to limit the other items on that agenda. Benson said in addition to unveiling his initial budget proposal next week, two employee groups, the King George Education Association (KGEA) and a local chapter of the Virginia Professional Educators (VPE), may also present information for the School Board to consider through the upcoming budget process. BUDGET VARIABLES Benson noted a number of variables

and topics that would be discussed during School Board budgeting sessions. That early information includes basing the 2014-15 budget on an average daily membership (ADM) of 4,130 students, compared to the current year’s budget which was built on 4,100 students. That number also compares to a higher student ADM figure of 4,160 students that Benson said is currently projected by the division for the end of this school year. Benson said he intends to use an ADM number of 4,130 for the budget, to split the difference. ~ VRS Benson noted that $213,406 See budget, page 3

SCHOOL BOARD PROPOSED BUDGET CALENDAR Benson provided a general budget calendar to map out the budgeting process, as follows. - Jan. 27- Feb. 4: Preliminary budget draft posted to the Budget Blog at the division’s website for public input/comment. - Feb. 4-7: Benson to hold feedback meetings at each school. - Feb.5: School Board to authorize public hearing advertisement for later in the month. - Feb. 10-24: Available timeframe for work sessions as needed. - Feb. 17: Proposed date for public hearing on the proposed budget request. - Feb. 24: School Board budget request to be submitted to the County Administrator. A date would also be expected to be finalized in early March for the School Board’s budget to be formally presented to the Board of Supervisors.

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Wednesday, Jan. 22, 2014

The Journal




2014 won’t be a cakewalk for Warner A few months ago, it looked like Mark Warner might, at worst, have only token opposition. His position as Virginia’s senior Senator and as a popular former governor s e e m e d unassailable. It probably still is, but instead of a second or third tier opponent, the Republicans have recruited a serious David S. Kerr c h a l l e n g e r. Election 2014 in Virginia is going to be lively. Ed Gillespie, the likely GOP nominee, is a former Chairman of the Republican Party, adviser to former President Bush, and considered by many an astute and energetic political strategist. He’s a good speaker, can raise money on a national level, and knows how to motivate the GOP conservative base. He will be a formidable opponent.

The Warner campaign isn’t lying around waiting to see what happens next. American politics is full of incumbents who, convinced they were unbeatable, only realized on election night that they weren’t. Mark Warner, as he has proven in the three statewide races he’s run, starting with 1996, never takes anything for granted. He plans for contingencies and worst case scenarios. With that in mind, his campaign is already warning the Democratic base that Gillespie is their worst nightmare and is someone to be taken seriously. A number of people, those who consider Warner to be unbeatable, wonder just what Gillespie is up to. How can someone with minimal ties in the state hope to unseat such a popular incumbent? There is some speculation that he is running, expecting to lose, but with the hope of later running for Governor in 2017. This kind of running to lose strategy rarely works and isn’t an approach that’s likely to hold much attraction for a man like Gillespie. He’s running

Letters to the Editor Editor: Let us (NOT!) move the polling place to the end of a dead end street next to a cemetery. No pun intended. If this was Chicago we could slip over and pick up a few names to add to the vote – but it ain’t. Registrar Kris Hicks blindsided the WMCBOS’s on Jan. 13 by having made arrangements to move two polling places from Fire Houses to a Church in one district and in district 4 to Washington District Elementary (next to the cemetery) at the end of a dead end street. Washington District Elementary is in District 3, not District 4. District 3 supervisor Dorothy Tate was clearly surprised. To accomplish this move, Hicks needs the approval of the WMCBOS’s (even if they entertain this idea) who will be required to advertise a public hearing before accommodating her. Legal? Yes. Sensible? No. She specifically said that the Volunteer Fire Departments wished the polling places to be moved because it inconveniences them. Woody Hynson, who clearly had no prior knowledge of her wants, said he would immediately ask the Oak Grove VFD officers and his constituents about how they felt. He seemed to indicate he would be inclined to follow the wishes of the VFD officers but stated that we would lose voters who for years have remembered to vote only because they saw the signs at the firehouse. By the time they drive home from DC and Dahlgren, many think only of getting home. Seeing the activity at the firehouse, they are reminded of their civic duty. To lose potentially even 5% of the vote for no good reason is unconscionable! Voter participation in WMC is nothing to brag about. Whatever we do should be directed toward increasing voter participation. If in fact, the Volunteer Fire Departments do not wish to be inconvenienced TWO days a year, I would be disappointed. The VFD is an integral part of our community. The Oak Grove VFD has a newly paved parking lot courtesy of Homeland Security. Moreover, new equipment. My tax $$$. Your tax $$$. As I understand the law, the BOSs can ignore this voter unfriendly request; or have a public hearing and then make a decision. We could save a lot of time and argument if you would just tell Woody “we do not want it”. Your voice would

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be heard. Woody does a good job of representing his constituents. He is not inclined to pursue ridiculous changes just for the sake of change. R. Foutz Colonial Beach Letter to the Editor: Anyone who is not familiar with NARFE (National Active and Retired Federal Employees) Premier Federal Credit Union (PFCU) in King George, may be pleasantly surprised to learn that federal workers are not the only ones who can benefit from its services. Anyone who lives, works, worships, or attends school in King George County is now eligible for FREE member-ship in this non-profit credit union. Once a member, family members of the NARFE PFCU member are automatically eligible, as well. Spouses, children and grandchildren (even those married), parents, siblings and others may take advantage of the many moneysaving opportunities NARFE PFCU has to offer. FREE interest-bearing checking and savings accounts, auto loans, mortgages, VISA Rewards credit cards, balance transfers and CDs are just some of the many ways members can save and earn interest on their hard-earned money. NARFE differs from regular banking institutions in being a non-profit credit union with low overhead expenses. These savings and any profitable earnings are passed on to its members by offering them free services, good interest rates on checking and savings accounts, and low interest rates on loans. I met NARFE PFCU representatives Yohanna Gonzalez and Krista Kyte at a community event in August. These ladies, as well as others from NARFE PFCU, are very active in the King George Community. You can find them at many events in the area. They attend to give out information, answer questions, contribute to the causes, and in many cases, assist with the events themselves. Before talking to Yohanna and Krista, my perception of what NARFE meant was, “Blah, blah, blah, federal employees.” And since I had never worked for the federal government, I had never paid attention to the advertisements. While talking to these ladies, I mentioned that my husband had just bought me a new car. My infamous pink and white PT Cruiser was get-


because he thinks he might win. 2014 is shaping up to be a good year for the Republicans. It might even be on par with the decisive GOP win in the 2010 mid-term elections. Turnout will be far lower in 2014 than it was in 2012, and the large numbers of women, minorities and young people who came out to vote for the President two years ago, are more inclined to stay home. This happened in 2010. However, more conservative voters, those that compromise the GOP’s base, tend to turn up at the polls. The decisive issue for 2014, at least at the moment, appears to be Obamacare. The rollout of the Affordable Health Care Act was disastrous, the number of people who lost their insurance because of new federal standards was far higher than promised, and many people are just plain tired of the Democrats. So, as is often the case, they may take out their frustration in the mid-term elections. This is what Ed Gillespie is hoping. He wants to ride that wave of discontent.

Mark Warner isn’t weak in the polls. He is strong in Northern Virginia, and remarkably for a Democrat, has a good following in rural Virginia. However, while these surveys show him to be in an enviable position, they still convey at least a hint of vulnerability. In head-tohead match ups, he doesn’t perform quite as well as you would expect. This could simply be a result off the restive nature of the voters so early in the campaign season. But, it’s unlikely that Warner is going to leave anything to chance. Warner’s political brand, going into this election, is as a moderate Democrat. He has worked hard, albeit unsuccessfully, to bring some common sense to the highly partisan budget negotiations. He thinks that both sides have to give a little. This sets him apart from many other Senate Democrats. Still, he did support Obamacare, still does, and this is likely going to be the issue that Gillespie hopes to ride all the way through the campaign.

ting old, so Michael got me the new Dodge Challenger I have now. When I told them that we were paying 9.99% interest through a well-known banking institution, they assured me that they could give us a better rate. Being the skeptic that I am, I figured they’d offer us a rate of a percent or two lower, just to get us to transfer the loan to them. Boy, was I wrong! They offered us a rate of 3.24%. When I totaled the payments we’d be making with the original loan compared to NARFE PFCU’s offer, the savings were $8,000 over the life of the loan. I checked my math again, not believing the savings I was seeing. Yep, I had been right the first time- $8,000. WOW! And our savings haven’t stop there. We have since consolidated our highrate credit card balances to a VISA Rewards credit card with NARFE PFCU. Before transferring those balances, we were paying 26.9% on a couple of accounts, and no lower than 22.8% on a couple more. We probably never would’ve lived long enough to get those accounts paid off at those rates, but NARFE PFCU has consolidated those balances for an introductory rate of 1.99% for the first six months, and then it will be for a rate of 12.9% from then on. I haven’t taken the time to do all the math on those savings, but I can tell you that we’ll be paying a lot less each month, and the balance will be paid off many, many years sooner because of the savings in interest charges alone. Online account management saves us a lot of time, too. To make payments or schedule them automati-

cally, all we have to do is go online. We can take a picture of a check with our phone and submit it, and the deposit is credited to our account. Direct deposit from our employers is also an option, as well as depositing cash and/or checks through some of its many available ATMs. If we need cash, it’s always available at any of their ATMs, with no fees, of course. No waiting for a bank to open or waiting in line, either inside or at the drive-thru. More time saved! Taking just a few minutes to fill out a short application for FREE membership to NARFE PFCU and talking to its very friendly, very helpful representatives has saved us so much, in so many ways. Check them out- you’ve got nothing to lose, and so much to save! Carla Rollins Gutridge Colonial Beach


Dear Editor: Can someone explain to me how the new & improved Smoot Library is operating without Sunday hours? A reader was told there was no funding for staffing the library on Sundays. How can this be? When the library moved to the old KGMS, patrons were told the Sunday closings were temporary until the new digs opened. No such luck. Students and others need the library open on Sundays. There are residents in the county that do not have access to internet to do research, and home work. We need the library open on Sundays. Close one of the other days. Thank you. Lori Deem King George

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President Jessica Herrink • jherrink@journalpress.com Publisher Jessica Herrink • news@journalpress.com Sports Editor Leonard Banks • leonard@journalpress.com Reporters Phyllis Cook • pcook@journalpress.com Linda Farneth • lindafarneth@verizon.net Richard Leggitt • leggittmedia@yahoo.com Community Events Lori Deem • lori@journalpress.com IT/Production • Drue Murray

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Subscription rate is $24 per year (52 issues), or 50¢ on newsstands. Outside the counties of King George and Westmoreland, the rate is $38 per year. The Journal (ISSN #87502275) is published weekly by The Journal Press, Inc. Postmaster, send 3579 to: The Journal, Post Office Box 409, King George, Virginia 22485

ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, your tendency to say what you feel can come across as being impolite. Many, however, appreciate your honesty and unwillingness to mince words. TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 A loved one needs some help, Taurus. This week you will have to figure out a way to assist this person and still tend to your own pressing affairs. GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, focus your energy on someone important. This may be a friend, family member or even a romantic partner. Brush up on your relationship skills in the meantime. CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 You have a natural charm that immediately puts others at ease, Cancer. If you are wooing a client, they will be putty in your hands. Just open your mouth, and you will win them over. LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 Leo, your stubbornness comes into play this week, and it could cause a rift with friends or colleagues. Try to see their point of view, and put off any serious disputes for another time. VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 Virgo, spend a little time this week plotting your next getaway. You tend to be happiest when you’re on the move and exploring. Everyone needs an escape now and

then. LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 Enjoy some local culture this week, Libra. Take in a concert, an art show or a theater performance. Just enjoy anything that will educate and entertain at the same time. SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 Scorpio, you may find that someone you thought was weak is much stronger than they appeared. This person may not need as much of your assistance as you initally thought. SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 Sagittarius, analyze any problems you may have by breaking them down into smaller tasks. Then you can tackle one thing at a time and come to a happy resolution. CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 Capricorn, your children or the youngsters in your life will be the center of your universe this week. Make the most of this time and enjoy kids’ carefree natures. AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 This week may be a little boring, Aquarius. Make the most of your down time, as you could use a few slow days to recharge your batteries and plan your next move. PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 You are bubbling with energy, Pisces. Make the most of this energy by exercising, partying or taking a day trip.


CLUES DOWN 1. Protocist genus 2. Hell 3. Copies 4. 1932 & 1980 Olympic mtn. 5. Part of harness 6. Macaws 7. Mutual savings bank 8. Flat or fitted bedding 9. Canted 10. Dissertation 11. Bulgarian monetary unit 12. Wonderment 13. Used to be United ___ 19. Hawaiian garland 21. Nearly horizontal mine shaft 24. Search party group 25. One who makes it into law 26. Exclamation of pain 27. Grannys 28. Out of it (slang) 32. Loudness units 33. Soup serving dipper 35. Rough, grating 36. A public promotion 37. Pleasure seekers 41. Article 42. Winnows 46. From a distance 48. Rural delivery 49. Previously 53. Nostrils 54. Icahn’s airline 55. Poker stakes 57. Game sides 58. Sharp, glacial ridge 60. Tennis’ Kournikova 61. Spoken telegraphic dash 62. Anti pollution agency 63. ___ de sac: one end access 64. Marsh elder genus 65. Original part maker (abbr.) See classified page for answers

CLUES ACROSS 1. Chronicles (abbr.) 4. Wallops 9. He supported the world 14. Own (Scottish) 15. Ungentle 16. Sinews 17. Computer processing 18. A Monkey’s song 20. Narrate or tell 22. Lampreys 23. Dialogue for the audience 24. Many signatured requests 29. Cost, insurance and freight 30. Not under 31. Exchange 32. S. Am. river - Rio de la ___ 34. Isaac’s mother (Bib.) 38. Sodium 39. Possesses 40. Falls 42. Animal pouch 43. Overdose 44. Samoyeds 45. Genus bellis 47. Mediation council 50. Beachware manufacturer 51. Not on 52. Inactive 56. 1963 Nobel chemist 59. Bambi 60. More ethereal 61. Adornments 66. No (Scottish) 67. 805 km Venezuelan river 68. Occasion 69. Time at 0 meridian (abbr.) 70. Nathan and George Ellery 71. S.I.T.C. character Jones 72. South southeast

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The Journal


Wednesday, Jan. 22, 2014


Denial: Rezoning adjacent to Bayberry Sub. From page 1 on several real estate websites, which indicates that the applicant, JPI Walnut Hill LLC, does not intend to develop it itself. Other commissioners agreed they would be more comfortable with the request if they knew what the uses would be on the property. Commissioner Gary Kendrick’s comments appeared to reflect that of fellow commissioners when he said he was not opposed to a rezoning in that location, adding that the county’s Comprehensive Plan designates it as a development area. Kendrick added, “I’m also sensitive to not knowing what would go on the property. The ‘blank check’ idea bothers me.” Other comments were made along the similar lines, followed by the unanimous vote for denial. The case will go forward to the Board of Supervisors at future meeting with that recommendation of denial. Another public hearing will be scheduled and advertised prior to the Board of Supervisors holding a public hearing to take comment on the rezoning request. DETAILS OF REZONING REQUEST JPI Walnut Hill LLC represented by Jay Jarrell is requesting to rezone from Rural Agricultural (A-2) to


General Trade (C-2), with proffers, a small portion of a 128.95-acre parcel, identified as Tax Map 9 Parcel 34. The property is on the west side of U.S. 301 about .2 miles south of the intersection with Danube Drive (Route 1101). It would be served by public utilities to be provided by the King George County Service Authority. It is located in the Dahlgren Primary Settlement Area in the county’s Comprehensive Plan. As noted above, the 6.75 acre parcel is currently part of a larger parcel to its north with A-2 zoning. All of it is in open land and woodlands. The small parcel requested for rezoning abuts two residential properties in the Bayberry subdivision and is an irregular shape. The purpose of the rezoning is to consolidate it with a smaller triangularly-shaped parcel 37A, which contains 1.91 acres adjacent to it. That adjacent property to which it would be added is already commercially zoned and also fronts on U.S. 301. A boundary line adjustment would be made to result in a rectangular parcel with frontage on U.S. 301. A detailed traffic impact analysis was submitted by the applicant, which was reviewed and commented on by the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT). As a result, the applicant’s proffers include VDOT-recommended safety improvements to a number of median cross-overs and existing entrances. ADDITIONAL PROFFERS Last month, the Commission had postponed voting on a recommendation after its public hearing on Dec. 10 when it received

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comments expressing concerns from four speakers. At the point, the Commission identified issues having to do with site lighting, permitted uses that would allow longer hours with dense lighting, and the need for a landscape buffer. The applicant has since amended its proposed proffers, with a recommendation from staff that the new proffers be accepted. The additional proffers would exceed the county’s zoning ordinance that requires that lighting be shielded and directed to avoid shining onto adjoining properties or streets. They would limit site lighting at the property line to one-half footcandle. In addition, all exterior site lighting fixtures would be “dark sky compliant.” A second proffer would amend the proposed General Development Plan to add a “restricted area,” as mentioned above, where five commercial uses would be prohibited. The uses proposed to be prohibited only in that restricted area are auto repair facility, boat sales, contractors equipment yard, commercial garage, and commercial parking lot. Another proffer would add design standards that would increase a proposed buffer from 20 to 30-feet abutting the two residential properties that would be landscaped in accordance with county specifications and maintained in perpetuity. The complete rezoning submission with the revised proffers, traffic analysis and the staff report are available for review in the office of Community Development, on the ground floor of the Revercomb Administration building, located behind the Courthouse on Route 3.

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STEM: Practical lessons in science, math From page 1 partner with one teacher, while working together with the kids. Another interesting aspect of this is that they are learning teamwork. Sometimes you see different dynamics of how some teams work better together, and some don’t—and when they have to learn how to work together.” Joining Snodgrass at KGMS are NSWC engineers Chelsey Lever and Bob Taft. While Lever has partnered with KGMS robotics coordinator and science teacher, Jessica Drinks, Taft has chosen to enhance KGMS teacher Kerrie Pastell’s class with his mathematician skills. In order to prepare his students for this program, Simmons invited the Explosive Ordnance Disposal Team (bomb squad) stations at NSWC Dahlgren. EOD technicians visited with students and brought with them

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The students need to program their robots, use various sensors on the robot to help rescue the injured wildlife, clean up the oil spill, remove the tanker from the reef, provide food and a life raft to the stranded sailors, and to establish positive relationships with the local island population. This is not the only dynamic lesson offered to students in Simmons’ science class. Simmons directs the SeaPerch Program, another STEM activity where students build and design underwater remote-operated vehicles. This program will run during the first two weeks of May. In addition, students in Simmons’ class built STEM R2K bottle rockets this past September, to learn how to compare variables in a science experiment. Students were also certified in CPR and AED as part of their Human Body Systems this past December.

$75 for non-profit use and $225 per hour for commercial use. The current fees to use high school auditorium would add up to $125 during this time of year. The various fees to use the high school gym add up to $155 per hour. The current fee charged by the P&R department to use the gym is $17 per hour. Those wishing to read the division policies are directed to the School Board website. The current policies KG-R and KG-F can be accessed from the School Board Policies page. The revised policies proposed at the meeting on Jan. 13 can be accessed from the “2014 Meeting Dates Agenda’s/MinutersBoard Packets” page. BACKGROUND The School Board has been playing catch-up with its required policy review and updates since it fell behind during the time between permanent superintendents prior to hiring the current superintendent, Rob Benson. That means that for the last year or so, meeting after meeting, the School Board looks at numerous policies up for review. Generally, there is an opportunity for review of a bunch at one meeting, with those brought back for approval action at the next meeting, and another slew brought forward for first review.

Most of the policies are boilerplate, provided to the division by the Virginia School Boards Association as part of an annual subscription service. But many of the School Board policies had been customized over the years to suit the division’s situation and its history. Those policies that have differed from the boilerplate versions were likewise in line with state code. The policy governing the use of school facilities used to be a customized policy to address the terms of a 2004 agreement. That appears to have changed a few years ago. DEEPER BACKGROUND There is a School-Use agreement in effect that has been left out of this picture. That school-use agreement is between the Board of Supervisors and the School Board. It would appear that both the School Board and the county department of Parks & Recreation are unaware of, or ignoring, the terms of a 2004 agreement that covers the coordination of the use of the schools by the P&R department. That agreement assigns responsibility to the Recreation Director to coordinate with the school principals/designee to schedule use of the school facilities by county residents and maintain security/ supervision for the premises. PUBLIC AWARENESS Rose likely postponed the approval

of those two policies because members of the School Board were contacted by some community residents and others who regularly use the facilities and had heard about the proposed increase in costs. One such person was present at the meeting last week. Amy Atkinson, a county resident, said she owned a dance school that provides the service to children ages 2 and up, as well as adults. She said her school currently served about 130 children. She spoke to the proposed cost increase, saying it would result in more than double the current costs for use of the high school auditorium, which the school uses to stage performance productions. Atkinson bemoaned the increase, saying it was important to her business to keep its classes affordable for the families that participate. She tried to make a case to the School Board to provide a separate cost bracket for businesses that provide a service. She stated, “We do not rent the auditorium to hold a private event, such as a birthday party, wedding or funeral. We are giving the citizens of the county a chance to showcase the talent of their community.” She added, “I ask that you make a consideration between those renting for private use versus those providing a benefit for our community. Perhaps you could have different rental categories instead of enacting such a steep increase for all.”

Budget: Retirement incentives considered From page 1

February Special

Buy one lot at $1000 get the second lot half price $520* Total $1520*

two of their bomb disposal robots, including one designed to be used in Afghanistan and Iraq, and one built for domestic use. After talking to students about their careers in the Navy, the students were allowed to operate the EOD robots to complete various tasks around the classroom and the hall. During this activity, students build a Lego Mindstorm robot to complete a series of tasks, based on a coral reef scenario. In this scenario, “an oil tanker has run aground on a coral reef in the South Pacific Ocean. The tanker is leaking crude oil into the tropical waters, and winds threaten to carry the oil across the water and to the nearby islands. The native people are dependent upon fishing as their means of making a living. The situation becomes dire, as people and their livelihood are threatened, and animals are endangered.”

Facilities: Raise rates for school facilities use From page 1

Days of operation: Tuesday - Friday, 10 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Sat. 10-6

Emily Connell, Mr. Simmons, Kylie Watkins, Amari Smith, and Judy Barlow

has been added as next year’s additional 1-percent offset to toward the division’s costs of $450,474 estimated to go toward an increase in the Virginia Retirement System costs for the division. ~ NEW POSITIONS Benson said the division is expected to need an additional six new teaching positions at the elementary level, estimated at a cost of $278,784. He also said the division could need an additional six new paraprofessional positions for Special Education, estimated at an increase of $138,240. ~ COLA Benson said he would also propose one-percent raises for a cost-of-living (COLA) increase that

*Includes Perpetual care. Pre-need only.

is estimated at $211,293. ~ HEALTH INSURANCE DECREASE The superintendent noted that some good news regarding the upcoming budget is a 7.6 percent decrease from Anthem for health insurance renewal costs, which is estimated at $20,678 less than the current year. ~ RETIREMENT OPPORTUNITY / INCENTIVE PROPOSAL Benson also asked for feedback on a proposal that would save the division money, provide experienced teachers as substitutes and offer an opportunity for teachers eligible for retirement to stop postponing it. Chairman Rose noted that an almost identical proposal had been run by the School Board a couple of years ago, having been brought

forward by a teachers’ group. Benson described it as a win/win, benefiting both valued employees and the school division. The idea would be for eligible retirees to provide either 10 or 20 days of service to the division per year as a substitute teacher, staff developer, or other professional basis. In exchange, the division would cover all or a portion of the costs of the retiree’s monthly health insurance premium, until the retiree becomes age-eligible for Medicare. Benson asked School Board members to think about the proposal and provide feedback at an upcoming budget meeting. If the School Board is interested, Benson said the concept could be further explored.

To Subscribe Call The Journal - 540-775-2024 • Go online to www.journalpress.com


Wednesday, Jan. 22, 2014

The Journal


Wood is new pastor at Montague Baptist Church zion church at lottsburg cordially invites everyone to join them on Monday, Jan. 29 at 1 p.m. for their Martin Luther King Celebration. Sponsored by the NN Minister’s Assn. The youth ministry will minister in song. On Wednesday, Jan. 22 at 7 p.m. the church will have a special worship service in lieu of Bible study. Special guest, Bishop Edward Blackwell, Jr. of Zion Temple of Praise Church in Hopewell, VA. For more info: (804) 529-6033. www.zionlottsburg.org. river of life pentecostal church invites you to a special service on Jan., 26 at 11 a.m. Guest speakers, Janet & Roy Edmonds, missionary evangelists from Australia. Love Feast dinner following the service. 510 Colonial Ave, Col. Beach. (804) 224-8157.

moms in prayer int’l Moms in Prayer International meets on Mondays at 9 a.m. at Peace Lutheran Church 5590 Kings Highway, King George. (540) 775-9131. mars hill youth group invites all middle & high school age youth to their next event. February 8 from 5-9 p.m. To be held at Oak Grove Baptist Church, 8096 Leedstown Rd in Oak Grove, there will be speakers, music, games, FOOD, youth presentations and more. Not Your Mother’s Cupcakes will be donating cupcakes for dessert. Adult volunteers needed. Email jmchisholm76@msn to volunteer.

Contact Lori Deem at The Journal 540-709-7495 or lori@journalpress.com

His name is Pastor Woody. He is the new pastor of Montague Baptist Church. The church will be celebrating their 125th Anniversary this July. We are a little country church with a big heart. Our desire is to fulfill the Great Commission by helping people to learn about God and follow Jesus Christ. We meet on Sunday mornings at 10 a.m. for Sunday School and 11 a.m. for worship. We have a prayer meeting and Bible study on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. About Pastor Woody: Pastor Woody grew up in Fremont, CA. He moved to Virginia in 1998 where he began attending Spotswood Baptist Church.

Hoagies for Hunter Fundraiser

Today’s Hebrew Word

It was there that he met the Lord and received the call to the Gospel Ministry. He was licensed and ordained by Bethel Baptist Church. He received a BS in Pastoral Theology in May 2010 from Virginia Baptist College. He has been married to his sweetheart, Darlene, since 2000. His greatest desire is for people to come to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and to have a personal relationship with Him. His life verse is Proverbs 3:5-6: Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Peace and blessings to Pastor Woody as he spreads the Word of God. Montague Baptist Church is located at 12186 Millbank Road, King George, VA 22485.

GIF-KG to offer 10 week special teaching We at Grafter in Fellowship-KG (GIFKG) are starting a special teaching called HaYesod (The Foundation), on Feb. 22. It is a 10-week video series exploring the Hebrew foundation of the Christian faith. In truth, the series has been called a mini seminary on steroids! However, it is also very easy to understand and follow by the layperson. The videos include “field trips” to Israel to heighten the experience of the lesson/episode being taught. Everyone is invited to attend if they are interested. There is a cost of $35 for materials. There is also a website with an introductory video that can be viewed: www.hayesod.org. This page also provides in-depth information about the training program. For more information, contact Rick Blankenship, Fellowship Leader on their web site www.DoYouShabbat.com.

The original Hebrew written text was a picture language--much like the Egyptian hieroglyphics. When Moses wrote the Torah (the first five books of the Bible), he used this picture language. Each letter of the Hebrew alphabet is a picture with meaning. When we put these letters together, they form a word, but they also form a story within the word! Proverbs 25:2 tells us, “The honour of God is to hide a thing, And the honour of kings to search out a matter.” (Young’s Literal Translation) This is exactly what God has done with His language! Today’s word is Shabbat! This is the word we know as Sabbath, but the word literally means “rest.” The first two letters of the word (sheen, bet) is the word “shoov” and means “repent or return.” The letters show us “repentance” is to “destroy” (sheen) the “house” (bet)—we are destroying the house of sin we used to live in, and therefore, “return” to God! By adding the third letter to this word—the “tav”—it makes the word “Shabbat.” We then can see that Shabbat is to “return” to the “cross!” We can find true rest when we “return to the covenant!” Rick Blankenship Grafted In Fellowship www.DoYouShabbat.com rick@gifkg.org CORRECTIONS: - Just before Christmas we published names of folks & pets that people had honored/memoralized thru a donation to the Colonial Beach Humane Society. . We left off the following: In Loving Memory of Jack & Cindy, from Vera Ayres. - In a recent “Thank You” to all that helped with the Colonial Beach school fire, we inadvertently left Montross VFD off the list.

Our Doors are Open -Worship With Us Fletcher's Chapel United Methodist

8330 Fletcher's Chapel Rd. at 218

Pastor Michael Reaves fletcherschapel-kinggeorge-va.org Worship Services 8:30 & 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 9:45 a.m.

(540) 775-7247

17080 14th Street, Dahlgren Contemporary Service - 9:30 a.m. Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. & 11 a.m. Traditional Service - 11 a.m. Nursery open 9:15a.m.-12:15p.m.

Pastor Ed Johnson

email - office@dahlgrenumc.org web site - www.dahlgrenumc.org Phone: 663-2230

Good Hope Baptist Church

17223 Good Hope Rd. - corner Rt. 218E & 619 phone: 540-775-9487 fax: 540-775-0600 www.goodhopeministries.org

• Sunday School - 9:45 a.m. • Worship - 11:00 a.m. • Prayer & Bible Study (Wed.) 7:30 p.m. • 5th Sundays - Union & Nursing Home Worship “Building the Church & Reaching the World for Christ”

7748 Leedstown Rd., Oak Grove, VA 22443 (804) 224-0418 • www.lzbcva.org

We invite you to gather together with us! Sunday School - 9 a.m. Sunday Worship 8 a.m. & 10:15 a.m. Bible Study - Wednesday 7 p.m. Pastor Earl T. Howerton Jr.

Macedonia Baptist Church 1081 Macedonia Ln., Colonial Beach, VA (804) 224-1500 "O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His Name together."

Shiloh Baptist Church Reaching, Building, Serving

Sunday Activities Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship Service, 11:00 a.m. AWANA, 4:00 p.m. Youth Group, 4:00 p.m. Wednesday Nights Rev. Mike and Earlene Jessee Family Night Dinner, 5:30 Youth Study; Children’s Missions & Music, 6:00 facebook@kgshiloh Choir Practice, 7:15 13457 Kings Hwy. 540-469-4646 • www.kgshiloh.org

Oak Grove Baptist Church

Randall Snipes, Senior Pastor Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m.& 11 Awana-Sundays-6 p.m. Bible Study-Wednesdays 6:30 p.m. 8096 Leedstown Rd. Colonial Beach, VA


Colonial Beach United Methodist Church Pastor Rev. Yunho Eo

9:30 a.m. Adult Sunday School 10:45 a.m. Informal Hymn Singing 11 a.m. Worship & Children’s Sunday School Food Pantry open Thursdays at 10 a.m. Op Shop Open M-F 9 a.m.-noon (Thurs. 9 a.m.-1 p.m.) 1 Washington Avenue PO Box 189 Colonial Beach, VA 22443 (804) 224-7030

Two Rivers Baptist Church Meeting at their new church

Sunday School ..............9:30 a.m. Worship........................10:30 a.m. COME VISIT US • ALL ARE WELCOME

Rev. Peyton Wiltshire

For Information call 540710-3831

Round Hill Baptist Church Worship & Service

16519 Round Hill Rd., King George, VA Pastor Ted A. James • 540-775-5583

4s scholarships
available (540)

Little Ark Baptist Church “Building God’s Kingdom On Earth”

"Pastor Larry" M. Robinson Sunday Worship - 10 a.m. Sunday School - 9 a.m. (New Testament Church Study) Wednesday Night Prayer & Bible Study 6 p.m. 15681 Owens Dr. in Dahlgren, VA Church Phone: (540) 663-2831

Hanover-with-Brunswick Episcopal Parish

Where all are welcome. Sunday Services:

The Rev. St. John's, 9403 Kings Hwy. Diane Carroll 1st, 2nd & 4th Sundays Rector Phone: 540-775-3635

Emmanuel, Port Conway (Rt. 301) 3rd & 5th Sundays

For more information, visit our website at:



3207 Quarter Hill Rd., Supply VA 22436

(804) 443-4168

Sunday School 10 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship 11 a.m. Bible Study Wednesdays at 7 p.m.

Rev. Irving Woolfolk, Jr.

Services Early Worship - 8 a.m. Sunday School - 9:45 a.m. AM Worship - 11 a.m. PM Worship - 6 p.m. Wed. Bible Study - 7 p.m.

AWANA Teens - Wednesdays 6:30 p.m. Clubbers - Fridays 6:30 p.m. Dr. Sherman Davis, Senior Pastor 540-775-7188 www.tbckg.org 10640 Kings Hwy - 1 mi. west of 301

Daily Mass: Mon. - Sat. 8:00 a.m. Adoration precedes each morning Mass Confession: Sat. following 8:00 a.m. Mass & at 4:30 p.m. Sun. 1/2 hour before each Mass Office: 11 Irving Ave., Colonial Beach, Va. 22443


• 804-224-7221

Trinity United Methodist Church

9425 Kings Hwy., King George www.trinitykg.org

Contemporary Service ~ 8:30 a.m. Sunday School ~ 9:30 p.m. Worship ~ 10:30 a.m. (540) 775-4501 Rev. Susan Reaves

St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church

You're invited to worship with

Tabernacle Baptist Church

(540) 663-3085 ✝ Rev. Jim May

Sunday Masses: Sat. 5:00 p.m. Sun. 9:00 a.m. & 11:00 p.m. (español)

Intersection of Rokeby and Kings Hwy. (Rt. 3)

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

5486 St. Paulʼs Road, King George

Very Rev. Francis M. de Rosa Rev. Mark Mullaney



Sunday Worship at 8 am and 10 am

Corner of Lossing and Boundary, Colonial Beach

Sunday- Holy Communion 11 a.m. Meeting at Grant Church in Lerty, VA

"A Church where everybody is somebody!"


St. Elizabeth of Hungary Roman Catholic Church

Traditional Anglican Worship 1928 Book of Common Prayer 1940 Hymnal

Morning Worship ~ 8:30 a.m. Sunday School ~ 9:45 a.m. Morning/Children's Worship ~ 11 a.m. Wed. - Bible Study ~ 6:00 p.m.

(Psalm 34:3)

Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Worship Service: 11 a.m. Prayer & Bible Study: (Wed.) 7 p.m. Holy Communion on 4th Sundays Rev. Fred Sales, Interim Pastor

Holy Redeemer Anglican Church

Worship Service - 10:30 a.m. (Sunday) Sunday School - 9:15 a.m. Nursery Provided Seeking to know the grace of God and to make it known to others. Dave Bentz, Pastor Jason Schubert, Associate Pastor 13114 Kildee Farm Road King George, VA 22485 (off 301 and Blue Jay Meadow Drive)

Ph. (540) 775-9990 • email: info@gracekg.com web site www.gracekg.com

Potomac Baptist Church Worship Service: 11:00 a.m. Age Graded Bible Study: 9:45 a.m.

All are Welcome! (540) 775-7006

Pastor: Dennis L. Newton 8103 Comorn Rd. (Rt. 609) King George

Corner of Millbank & St. Anthony’s Rd., King George

Very Rev. Francis M. de Rosa Rev. Mark Mullaney Sat. 7:00 p.m. Vigil Sunday Masses: Sun. 8:15 a.m. 10:30 a.m 12:45 p.m. Tridentine Mass Daily Mass: Mon. Thur. Fri. & Sat. 9:00 a.m. Tues. 7:00 a.m. Wed. 7:00 p.m. Adoration before each morning Mass Confession: Wed. 7:30 p.m. Sat. after 9:00 a.m. Mass & at 6:30 p.m. Sun. 1/2 hour before each Mass

Office: 11 Irving Ave., Colonial Beach, Va. 22443


• 804-224-7221

A church where the Full Gospel is Preached, Taught and Lived

First Baptist Church Ambar

9469 Caledon Rd., King George, VA22485 Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship 11 a.m. Bible Study Wednesday at 7:30 p.m.

Pastor Wm. T. Frye

“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

“The church is the great lost and found department” - Robert Short

Help others find your church. Advertise in this space, only $10 per week. Billed monthly. Contact Lori at (540) 709-7495 or email her at lori@journalpress.com

Don’t see your house of worship in this directory? Start 2014 with weekly ad! Let folks know all about you and your church!

The King george ChurCh of ChrisT inviTes you To meeT wiTh us

Each Sunday Morning BiBle Class: 9:30 a.m. Worship serviCes: 10:30 a.m.

Location: american Legion Post 89 (at the intersection of rt 206 and rt 610)

Each WEdnESday night for BiBlE Study

Location: at a member’s home PLease contact us at our e-maiL address for the Location

A New Testament church “... All the churches of Christ greet you.” Romans 16:16

contact_us@kinggeorgecofchrist.org http://www.kinggeorgecofchrist.org P.O.Box 756 King George, VA 22485


The Journal

Area Deaths Steven L. Greer

Steven Lynn Greer Jr., 23, of King George passed away Sunday, Jan. 19, 2014. Steven grew up in King George County. He was a 2009 graduate of King George High School. He attended Germanna Community College 2009-2010. Steven began his scout career as a wolf scout in Pack 1404. He bridged into Boy Scout Troop 172 where he became an Eagle Scout in December 2008, the highest Boy Scout honor. He was a role model for all the youth in scouting. Steven was a passionate car enthusiast. From a young age, he began his automotive training and quickly learned his trade from his father and friends. Steven desired to learn but also like to explore and do new things. There was always a new automotive adventure on deck. Survivors include his father, Steven Lynn Greer Sr., (Tina); his mother, Katherine Jane Shea (William); sister Danielle Greer; brothers, Douglas Shea, Kyle Shea, Alexander Shea and Brendan Shea; paternal grandmother Kay Martin(Marshall); maternal grandparents, Diana Hueftle (Richard) and Abram Elias (Audrey); Aunts, Donna Greer, Jennifer Shea, Johanne Shea and Jennifer Elias; and uncles, Bryan Greer, Patrick Shea (Pamela), Eric Shea (Michelle) and Michael Shea (Sally). He was preceded in death by his paternal grandfather, Harry Greer. The family will receive friends

from 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 22 at Covenant Funeral Service, Fredericksburg. A service will be held at 10 a.m., Thursday, Jan. 23, at the funeral home. Burial will follow at Oak Hill Cemetery.

Lawrence Filkoski, Sr.

Lawrence Filkoski, Sr., 72, of Warsaw, passed away on Tuesday, January 14, 2014. Originally from Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, he spent the last 38 years living in the Northern Neck of Virginia where he worked as a self employed building contractor with his sons and was recently retired. He attended Carter Memorial SDA Church. He is survived by his wife, Joan C. Filkoski, four sons, Butch Filkoski (Shelagh), Montross, Stephen Filkoski (Lyvouch), Woodstock, MD, Larry Filkoski, Jr. (Britney), King George, VA and Paul Filkoski (Jennifer), Montross. Also surviving is a brother William Hamilton (Linda), Abingdon, VA, a sister, Patricia McDonald (Russell), Pittsburgh, PA and 13 grandchildren. Memorial services with a celebration of life were held Sunday, January 19, 2014 at Carter Memorial SDA Church, Warsaw, VA. The family received friends one hour prior to services at the church. Memorial contributions may be made to the Carter Memorial Community Service Center, 121 Carter Town Road, Warsaw, VA 22572. Online condolences may be made at www.welchfuneralhomeva.com.

“As you comprehend this profound loss, let yourself cry knowing each tear is a note of love rising to the heavens.” ~Author Unknown Search for African-American Cemeteries to be Black History Month Topic A Black History Month Program will be held on Saturday, Feb. 8, at 11 a.m. at the Historic Courthouse, General Puller Highway, Saluda, VA. College of William and Mary anthropologist Michael Blakey will talk about his Remembering Slavery, Resistance and Freedom Project (the Remembering Project) and its search for historic African-American cemeteries throughout Virginia. David Brown, archeologist and Co-director of the Gloucesterbased Fairfield Foundation, will describe the cemetery component of the Foundation’s work in the Middle Peninsula. The Remembering Project is developing a database of known cemetery sites. Do plan to attend this program to learn more about this exciting project. For information, see www.fairfieldfoundation.org. The program is free to the public and is cosponsored by the Middlesex County Museum and Historical Society and the Middle Peninsula African-American Genealogical and Historical Society. For further information, call (804) 758-5163.

Master Gardeners to hold fruit tree pruning clinic The Northern Neck Master Gardeners will hold a Pruning Clinic starting at 10 am on Saturday, Feb. 8, 2014 in Northumberland County. The rain date is February 15. If a weather-related cancellation becomes necessary, announcement will be made by 8 a.m. on the morning of the event over Radio Station WRAR FM (105.5). The location is the Cummings family orchard, located north of Edwardsville at 247 Eagles Nest Lane, just off Hull Neck Road. The Pruning Clinic will offer hands-on instruction on techniques for pruning and shaping fruit trees. “The cold of February means the

trees are still dormant – the perfect time for shaping and pruning,” explains Master Gardener John Lunsford, who will lead this event. At the Pruning Clinic, participants will learn about proper pruning techniques, and have an opportunity to try them out with a variety of fruit trees under the direction of Lunsford and his team of Master Gardeners. Participants should bring a pair of sharp hand bypass pruners and dress for the weather. The fee is five dollars and there is no requirement to register beforehand. Call (804) 435-2893 for directions and answers.


“Snow White & 7 Dwarfs” Come out for the KGHS theater production of “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” on Jan. 29- Feb. 2. in the KGHS Auditorium. Performances start at 7 p.m. Cost is $6 per person. Come early and buy dinner at 5:30 p.m. For $3-$4, enjoy your choice of grilled cheese & soup, mac & cheese, beef hot dog, or chicken nuggets. Each comes with sides and choice of apple dessert & drink. For more information please contact Jenni Jones (540) 775-5860 or kgptajenni@yahoo.com. Spirit Night 4-8 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 30 at Sweet Frog in Dahlgren. Bring in this notice, or tell your cashier you support Sealston Elementary PTA, and 12% of sales will go to the PTA, and in turn go to help CBES. Help the PTA help those in need. Happy Birthday George! On Monday February 17 from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. the George Washington Birthplace National Monument 4H Heritage Club will be demonstrating hearth cooking, blacksmithing and other elements of Colonial living in the historic area surrounding the actual birth site of George Washington. Also on Monday February 18 at 1 p.m. visitors, volunteers and park staff will be celebrating Washington’s birthday with a cake cutting at the park’s visitor center. Admission to George Washington Birthplace National Monument is free, and there is no charge for any activities on February 17. The event is part of the Northern Neck Winterfest being held throughout the region. Go to www.northernneck.org for more information. Save the Date May 10, 2014 War of 1812 Commemoration event. Come see how life was during the 1800’s. All Free in Old Town Warrenton, VA. www.fauquierhistorylive.org/-InLand-the-war-of-1812 or email SFHSINC@gmail.com Music, reenactors, living historians, exhibits, artisans, vendors, lectures, authors & more. 9 a.m.- 3 p.m. 2014 KG Little League registration period OPEN Registration for the 2014 KGLL season will be held as follows: Jan. 25; Feb. 1 in the KGMS cafeteria from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. each of the scheduled days. Email the President of KGLL if you have more questions: roberts@ hipkllc.com.



ADOPTED “Edith” Hound tri-color young female

“Nugget” Lab Mix b/w 2 y/o male

“Mega” Pit blue/white adult male




Thursday, Jan. 23

Meeting of the FOSL Book Club. Book of the month, David Baldacci’s “The Hit.” Meets at 6 p.m. While an RSVP is not necessary, it would be appreciated so we may have enough snacks, to kgfosl@gmail.com or leave a voicemail at 775-7951 ext 22.

Saturday, Jan. 25

Drifter Pride 5K Fun Run at the Beach. 10 a.m. start time. There is no registration required and no entry fee for the 5K Fun Run/Walk, we just ask for a monetary donation, 100% of which will be used to help raise money to benefit our school system and the children in it. You may dress in Black & Gold to show your DRIFTER PRIDE. Memorial Ribbons will also be sold at this event. NN Audubon Society will conduct a bird walk at Regent Point Marina on Locklies Creek near Topping, VA. 8:30 a.m. Many different bird sightings probable. Warm clothing and water resistant footwear are recommended. There will be several pairs of loaner binoculars available. Call Frank Schaff at 804-462-0084 to let him know that you are coming in case the walk is cancelled.

Wednesday, Jan. 29

Town Hall Meeting, Dahlgren District. All are welcome. UMWDahlgren Campus. 7-9 p.m.

Thursday, Jan. 30

You are invited to come out for an Evening with former MLB Catcher Hank Foiles (Pittsburg Pirates). 7 p.m. at the Colonial Beach Masonic Lodge, 500 Washington Ave. CB. All are welcome. Event is sponsored by Wakefield Chapter #77 Order of the Eastern Star and Colonial Beach Lodge #199.

Monday, Feb. 3

AARP Chapter 3195 to meet at the Citizens’ Center at 11:30 a.m. with lunch at noon. Anyone 55 or older is welcome to attend. Valentine’s Day meeting. Wear red & hearts! NN Audobon Society is hosting a program at 7 p.m. and will feature a talk by Blair Farinholt, manage of historic 488 acre property, Elmington. The program is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served. Grace Episcopal Church, 303 South Main St., Kilmarnock.

Tuesday, Feb. 4

KG Democratic Committee to meet 7 p.m. at the Smoot Library. Red Cross sponsored Blood Drive Noon - 6 p.m. at the American

Legion Post 89 on Dahlgren Road. Bring photo i.d. redcrossblood.org.

Saturday, Feb. 15

NN Youth Performing Arts Fdn. to present “Snow Queen” at 2 p.m. & 6:30 p.m. All tickets $12. Northumberlhand HS. (804) 443-7517. Telescope Party at Caledon Did you get a telescope or binoculars for Christmas? Rappahannock Astronomy Club is having a Telescope Party at Caledon State Park (11617 Caledon Rd) Saturday, January 25 starting at 3p.m. We can help you set up and get familiar with that new telescope. Or, bring out your old telescope. A Star Party will continue into the evening. Don’t have a telescope? Come out anyway and enjoy great views of the night sky through our telescopes. Families are always welcome. There are plenty of beautiful things in the sky for everybody to enjoy. Weather controls astronomy events, so check our Web site http://raclub. org/ at noon on the day of the event. We will post a “come on out” or “canceled by weather” notice there. Need more info? Contact starparties@raclub.org.

College News Elks Lodge 2666 is holding a special Charity Bingo Game on Feb. 1 at 12:30 p.m. (Doors open at 12:30… games start at 1:30) All proceeds will be donated to the Colonial Beach Schools. Food and drinks will be available. 719 Ferry Landing Road (Just off 205 at Mattox Creek Bridge) Come join the fun!!!! (804) 224-0364

Community Foundation offers almost $140,000 in college scholarships The Community Foundation of the Rappahannock River Region will award almost $140,000 in scholarships to to high school seniors in the greater Fredericksburg area this spring. Interested seniors are urged to apply now for the 38 scholarships though the foundation’s new online portal at www.cfrrr.org. The deadline for submitting applications is 9 p.m., March 3. The Community Foundation’s scholarship application process is now completely paperless. The new, required scholarship forms can only be found online. Call (540) 373.9292 or visit www.cfrrr.org.

The following Virginia Military Institute cadets are among the 703 cadets who were recently named to the Dean’s List for the first semester of academic year 2013-14. To be eligible for the Dean’s List, a cadet must have a term grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale and no grade below C. Timothy R. Brent II - A senior from Kilmarnock, VA is majoring in Psychology. Cadet Brent’s parents are Mr. & Mrs. Timothy R. Brent. Nicholas J. Hounshell - A senior from Heathsville, VA is majoring in Civil Engineering. Cadet Hounshell’s parents are Mr. & Mrs. Mark G. Hounshell. Joseph D. Tharp - A junior from King George, VA is majoring in Physics. Cadet Tharp’s parents are Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Tharp Jr. VMI, with an enrollment of 1,600 cadets, is the nation’s oldest statesupported military college. U.S. News and World Report ranks it among the top five public-supported liberal arts colleges in the nation. Barton Community College student Tabitha Kim of King George, was named to President’s List for fall 2013 semester. Barton Community College in KS, named 239 students to the President’s List for the fall 2013 semester. To qualify for this honor, students must have been enrolled in a minimum of 12 credit hours and maintained a grade point average of 4.0 on a 4.0 or “A” letter scale. The following students are among more than 1,400 Bob Jones University students named to the Dean’s List for grades achieved during the Fall 2013 semester. To qualify for the Dean’s List, students must earn a 3.0 GPA Virginia Newman of King George (22485). Newman is a Sophomore Music Education major. Joshua Pitts of King George (22485). Pitts is a Senior Information Technology major. Located in Greenville, S.C., Bob Jones University is a biblically faithful, Christian liberal arts university focused on educating the whole person to reflect and serve Christ. BJU offers a unique blend of rigorous academic programs, discipleship, and character and leadership development. We are committed to the truth of Scripture and to pursuing excellence in all we do. BJU provides over 70 undergraduate and graduate programs in religion, education, fine arts and communication, arts and science, and business. BJU has over 3,000 students from every state and more than 40 countries.

NARFE-Northern Neck Chapter 1823 to meet Feb. 4 Guest speaker will be the President of The Julius Rosenwald School Foundation of Northumberland County to Speak at NARFE Meeting, Mary Jackson. In recognition of Black History Month, Mary Jackson, President of The Julius Rosenwald School Foundation, a non-profit corporation created to continue the legacy of the Julius Rosenwald School in Reedville, will speak at the Northern Neck Chapter 1823 National Active and Retired Federal Employees (NARFE) meeting on Tuesday, February 4. Ms. Jackson will discuss the foundation’s mission to acquire ownership of the school property, to preserve and restore this historically important school, and to provide services to meet the needs of the community— charitable, educational, and historical. The NARFE meeting, which will begin at 1 p.m., will be held at the Lancaster Community Library, 235 School Street, Kilmarnock. All current or retired Federal employees (or surviving spouses) and their guests, and others interested in learning about The Julius Rosenwald School Foundation are invited. For additional information, call (804)438.8011.

Scheduled Community Event? Send the details to The Journal for the Community Calendar lori@journalpress.com or call (540) 709-7495.

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Wednesday, Jan. 22, 2014


The Journal

2014 Colonial Beach VFD Officer installations On Saturday, January 18, the CBVFD and Ladies Auxiliary held its Installation of Officers for 2014. It was a very good turnout with lots of the Life Members that have not been at an installation event in years. This year’s guest speaker was Ben Barksdale, Deputy Fire Chief with the Prince George’s Co. Fire/EMS Dept. from Prince George, MD. Chief Barksdale was appointed to the position in June of 2011, after retiring with 24 years of service from the Arlington Co. Fire Dept, Arlington, VA. Chief Barksdale is a member of the International Association of Fire Chiefs, Human Relations Committee, Chair of the National Capital Region COG Operation Chiefs Committee and Steering Committee member of the NCR IMT. He is a graduate from The Johns Hopkins Univ. With Chief Barksdale was his wife, who has been a police offer with Arlington Co. for 28 years, and his daughter.

- Tina Fenwick; Treasurer - Frances Bowen; Asst. Treasurer - David Robey; Engineer - Mike Worrell; Asst. Engineer - Dan Rasario; Member at Large - Jim Jett III; Member at Large - Billy Sanford, Sr.; Fire Chief - David Robey; Asst. Chief - Mike Worrell; Deputy Chief - Dana Reed; Captain - Chris Saulnier; 1st Lieutenant - Bill Sanford, Jr.; 2nd Lieutenant - Eddie Blunt; Training Officer - Bill Sanford, Jr.; Training Officer - Branden Robey; Chaplain - Frances Bowen.

The officers for 2014 are: President - Randy Feltner; Vice President - Donald Robey; Secretary

2013 Response Summary: Service numbers: Fire 155; Accidents 70; EMS- 557; Public

Ladies Auxiliary Officers for 2014: President - Jackie Worrell; Vice President - Lori Garrison; Secretary - Bert Rollins; Treasurer - Nancy Smith; Historian - The Whole Auxiliary; Chaplain - Arbutus Sanford; Conductress - Bonnie Gouvisis; Asst. Conductress - Teeny McConkie; Member at Large - Connie Klopsis.

Service 88, with a total of 870. Man Hours #: Service Man Hours 3,317.96; Training Man Hours 1,435.5; Fund Man Hours 489.5; Misc. 1,168, with Total Man Hours 6,503.46. Top Call Runners: 1st-Bill Sanford, Sr. 587; 2nd-Chris Sauliner 314; 3rd-

Danny Oursler 312; 4th-Branden Robey-288; and 5th-Bill Sanford, Jr. 242. The Fire Dept. is now a part of a Countywide Search & Rescue Team. Special Awards: Mike Worrell - New Life Member

20 years; Chief ’s Award - Bill Sanford, Sr.; Fire Fighters of the Year - Branden Robey & Bill Sanford,Sr.; Appreciation Award - Tina Fenwick; Appreciation for the Past President - Tim Trivett, Sr. (2008-2013). The Ladies Aux. gave a check for $10,000 to the Fire Dept.

with the help of Diane Pearson, who is a life member of the Ladies Auxiliary; The Ladies Aux. gave a special award to Sandy Rodeheaver for all her help for the past year. Arbutus Sanford was given a special award for her 50 years of hard work.

2014 Northern Neck Region Antique Automobile Club of America Annual banquet

Cheryl Melton receiving the Go Getter award from Sherry Gatton

Members of the Northern Neck Region, AACA (Antique Automobile Club of America) gathered on Jan. 12 for their annual banquet to officially install the 2014 officers and board members. Serving this year are Ward Sevila – president/ press secretary, Wayne Burgess – vice president/ webmaster, Sherry Gatton - secretary/newsletter editor, Mae Lynne Guest – treasurer, Paul Stosch activity chairman/director/legislative representative, Bob Sydnor - activity chairman/director, Ron Cook director, Mary Jean Inscoe - membership chair, Brent Gatton - car show chairman Each year, two members are recognized for their active roles in the club with the Presidents Award. Recognized this year were Brent Gatton for his leadership in improving and reshaping the annual

car show and Sherry Gatton for serving in multiple positions as club secretary, newsletter editor, and her self-appointed un-official position as social secretary/ event planner. Sherry then took control of the meeting and livened it up with some whimsical awards she created all in fun. She presented awards for: Lead Foot to Paul Stosch; Tuff 2 B Kool to Ed Melton; Go Getter to Cheryl Melton; Top Raffle Sales (1st Place) to Harry and Kathy Harrison; Top Raffle Sales (2nd Place) to Paul Stosch; Lost Traveler’s Award to Ward Sevila; Behind The Scenes Support to Cathie Sevila. And an additional award, the Outstanding President’s Award was presented to Ward Sevila. There was also an excellent and informative presentation provided by Wayne Burgess about the

AACA National tour to be hosted by the Northern Neck Region in May 2014. The tour will bring approximately 100 individuals, with their antique cars, from all over the US together to visit historic and other interesting sites throughout and beyond the Northern Neck region. Be sure to watch for the tour in May. The antique car club, affiliated with the international Antique Automobile Club of America, includes members from the greater Northern Neck area and meets at the Callao Business Center the 2nd Thursday each month. For more information about the Northern Neck Region, the AACA or the National Tour please contact Ward Sevila at 804-580-4177 or email wsevila@msn. com .

BrrrRRrr, it’s cold, but it’s for a good cause!

The 4th Annual Polar Plunge was held on Jan. 1 next to the Riverboat on the Potomac in Colonial Beach. These brave folks sprinted into the icy water to raise money for the Colonial Beach School full student participation field trip program.


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This vase comes from a lady in King George whose grandmother received it as a wedding present about 1930. It is multi-colored p ott e r y, and is in excellent condition. Indeed, the style of this piece is familiar to me, as my parents had similar Henry Lane pie ces, Hull which still are in our family. It is a form of Italian pottery, known as faience, taking its name from the region around the city of Faenza, which was the pottery center of Italy form the Middle Ages down to the present. In the early twentieth century a vast wave of this type of pottery came to America, where it became immensely popular. The old Washington department store, Woodward and Lothrop, now defunct, the source of my parents’ pieces, had large displays of it. This vase is a splendid example, more elaborate and ornate than many of the pieces from that time. The writer is correct in her dating, as the interwar years were the heyday for Italian pottery in America. The numbers on the bottom refer to factory codes, and the initials, ”A G”, probably refer to the artist who decorated the piece. After modeling, the wet clay vase was scribed with a knife, then the areas delineated were painted, the rule being the louder the colors, the better. Oven firing followed, after which the bottom was smoothed


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to be certain that the vase would sit in a level position. In 1930 this vase likely would have sold for under $2, given that the period was in the middle of the Great Depression. Today such pieces are highly collectible, and in the proper setting it would bring $75. The word, “faience”, is the French form of Faenza. When the Italian Marie de Medici went to France as the bride of King Louis XIII in the seventeenth century she became homesick for her native land, and brought Italian potters to France to make pieces similar to those she had known in her childhood. That development was the beginning of the internationalization of Italian pottery.

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The Journal

Wednesday, Jan. 22, 2014


KG varsity Foxes shut down Eastern View Cyclones Leonard Banks Sports editor

Leonard Banks

Eastern View guard TaNae Holmes (#25, left) and King George guard Elissa Davis (#33, right) battle for position during a recent conference game at King George High School.

Hometown dinner is best served hot on Friday nights, and that was the flavor of the day as the Foxes defeated Eastern View, 56-45, at the less than friendly confines of the Foxes Den. However, during a conference battle featuring Liberty-Bealton, the Foxes came up short, 55-40. Shooting guard Armani Henry led all Eagle scorers with 28 points. The Foxes will have another chance to redeem their regular season hopes against the Eagles when they travel to Liberty-Bealton on Feb. 10. With the season quickly coming to a close, the 4A North Conference is quickly turning into a mad scramble, as the higher seed, Chancellor, and the mid-seed (3rd), Foxes, fight to keep their places in the pack. Still hot on the heels of the Foxes in fourth place, Liberty-Bealton is still in the hunt for a playoff advantage, as the conference playoffs blossom into a reality. On Friday night, the Eastern View

Cyclones flew into King George with the thought of victory on their minds; however, as fate would have it, the Foxes’ offense, courtesy of two doubles by Sha’Tiva Harvey and Christian Porter, literally ran over the Cyclones. Harvey scored 20 points and ripped down 15 boards, while Porter, in the role of the hidden intangible, scored 15 points and recorded 10 rebounds. Jada Saxon also had a big night, as she added four points, while recording 10 rebounds. With the focus on scoring and post play, the Cyclones seemed to have lost sight of the often unseen variable that makes the Foxes one of the toughest teams in the conference. On Friday night, point guard Kanysha Reynolds bolted through barriers set by six-foot-four, Cyclone junior Angela Apperson to create fast break opportunities that her cast of Foxes quickly took advantage of. The Foxes’ supporting cast of unsung heroes were Megan Montague, McKayla Perrotte and Elissa Davis. “As I am looking at our team develop, one of our biggest strengths

“As I am looking at our team develop, one of our biggest strengths is our supporting cast.” —Jeff Butler is our supporting cast,” Foxes girls’ head coach Jeff Butler said. “Nowadays, you cannot focus on one player. Our team is more versatile than the previous years, and we have players that can step up on any given night.” In the first three and a half minutes of the first quarter, led by Porter, the Foxes set the tone with a 12-3 run. Along with successfully crashing the offensive boards, Porter ended the quarter with seven points. In the final two minutes of the quarter, the Cyclones featured 3-point baskets from Sadajae Clark and Tiara Jackson that seemed to re-energize the Cyclone fan faithful. On an assist from TaNae Holmes, Jackson closed out the quarter with a jumper that cut the Fox lead to 14-11. In the second quarter, the Cyclones’

defense finally joined the game, as they created fast-break opportunities that lead to a 20-20 tie with 4:33 left in the half. In the final minutes of the quarter, the Foxes outscored the Cyclones 9-3, to take a six-point (2923) lead into the third quarter. During the third quarter, the Foxes’ perfect storm comprised of Harvey, Davis, Reynolds, and Porter limited the Cyclones’ offense to four points, while extending their lead to 11 points (40-27). In the final quarter, it was lights-out for the Cyclones, as the Foxes sustained a 16-11 point lead throughout the quarter. With Eastern View center Apperson in foul trouble, and a swarming Fox defense, the Cyclones could do nothing but watch the final seconds tick away.

JV Foxes forge into competition Leonard Banks Sports editor The season for the Foxes girls’ junior varsity team has been a roller coaster ride filled with ups and downs. Led by sophomore center Micala Peterson, the young team has tempered heartbreaking losses, while embracing the spoils of victory. Most recently, the Foxes hosted two conference games that featured both Eastern View and LibertyBealton. While the Friday game featuring the Cyclones ended with a 30-20 loss, the Foxes pummeled the Eagles, 50-32, on Monday night. Peterson played a significant role in lifting the Foxes over the Eagles, with 14 points.

Also, fellow center, Tiara Parker added 13 points to assist in the win. Interestingly, with three players in foul trouble, the Foxes were able to sustain the momentum in the final quarter. With a 9-4 record, the Foxes are among the top teams in the 4A North Conference 22 division. At 12-1, the Eagles currently have the best girls’ junior varsity record in the conference. Cyclones vs. Foxes After trailing by four points at the start of the game, Foxes Tiara Parker scored two back-to-back layups to tie the game at 4-4. The lead swung back and forth throughout the quarter, until a buzzer-beating 3-pointer by

Caitlin Walker tied the game at 10-10. Walker finished the quarter with 10 points, including Cyclones two 3-pointers. The tempo of the game slowed down drastically in the second quarter, with both teams Foxes settling down to a half court game— and focusing on ball possession. In the final seconds of the quarter, Zenise Chambers lofted a hook shot over opposing Fox defenders to give the Cyclones a 1614 lead at halftime. Chambers began with a 3-pointer beyond the perimeter to spearhead

30 20

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Alion Job Fair Wednesday, January 22, 2014 11:00 a.m. – 5:00 pm. Hampton Inn Dahlgren 16450 Commerce Drive, King George,Virginia, 22485 Alion is recruiting personnel skilled in technical development of social science capabilities, physical infrastructure network analysis, weapons effects assessment, sensor technology capability/battle damage assessment criteria, and information technology development and integration.

a 9-0 run to start the third quarter. Unable to stop the Cyclone offensive onslaught, the Foxes were left scoreless in the third quarter. With a 27-14 lead going into the final quarter, the Cyclones simply killed the clock with ball possession, and limited the Foxes to one field goal. After the game, Foxes head coach Eileen Ordonez spoke highly of her team. “Considering I had three 8th graders on the floor, and the rest were 9th graders, I am pretty happy with what we did,” Ordonez said. “We stayed in there until the third quarter, but after that, we kind of let things go. I am very proud of them.” Leonard Banks

>> Foxes Amber Loughner (right)

pushes the Cyclone defense to the limit as she attempts to move the ball up the court.

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Wednesday, Jan. 22

The Journal


King George Foxes step at Fred Hardy Invitational Leonard Banks Sports editor

Foxes 2013-2014 indoor winter track & field teams continue to excel as the season unfolds.

Christi Britt

On Saturday, at the Fred Hardy Invitational, at Fork Union Academy, both Foxes girls and boys teams were the only teams to take home two trophies, as they finished with two third place finishes. The Foxes girls 4x800-meter relay team, featuring Kristen Hornbaker, Anna Kniceley, Ashley Perkins, and Brooke West placed second with a time of 10:10.36 to qualify for the upcoming state championships. Hornbaker also qualified for states in the 3,200 meters with a first place time of 11:41.85. Brittany Williams distanced herself from the field with a first place time of 1:23.26, in the 500-meter dash. The following Foxes girls top finishers in their particular events included: Miranda Green, 1,000-meters, second, 3:04.04, 1,600-meters, seventh, 5:55.18; Brittany Williams, 300-meter dash, 11th, 44.69; Kristen Hornbaker, 3,200 meters, first, 11:41.85; 4x200-meter relay, ninth, 1:56.57; 4x200-meter relay, ninth,

1:56.57; 4x400-meter relay, sixth, 4:23.44; 4x800-meter relay, second, 10:10.36; Brittany Williams, 500-meter dash, first place, 1:23.26; DeAsia Callanan, 55-meters, 24th, 8:04; long jump, 15th, 14’ 3.75”; Heidi Colwell, 55-meter hurdles, sixth, 9:70; Alicia Callanan, high jump, eighth, 4’6”; Heidi Colwell, pole vault, fourth, 9’6”; Caroline Williams, shot put, seventh, 33’3.50; Carley Johnson, triple jump, 19th, 26’2”. The following Foxes boys top finishers in their particular events included: Christian Koon, 1,000meters, 10th, 2:54.48; Jarod Watson, 1,600-meters, 25th, 5:11.50; 4x200meter relay, third, 3:40:36; 4x800meter relay, third, 8:47.77; Fernando DeLaRosa, 500-meter dash, eighth, 1:11.82; Davion Hutt, 55-meter dash, second, 6.52; Justin Halter, high jump, eighth (five-way-tie), 5’8”; Davion Hutt, long jump, ninth, 19’8”; Jonathan Graham, pole vault, third, 13’; Casey Matherly, shot put, 23rd, 32’11”. On Thursday, Jan. 30, the Foxes will travel to Woodberry, for a varsity invitational meet.

Drifter teammate remembered

Leonard Banks

King George swim teams dominate JHT Invitational meet Leonard Banks Sports editor The Foxes swim teams are resilient. On Saturday, at the Collegiate School Aquatic Center, in Richmond, the Foxes boys’ swim team convincingly swept a field of seven teams in headto-head dual competition. As for their Lady Fox teammates, they also had a banner day, as they defeated all but one team (Collegiate). In addition, Ricardo BonillaVasquez dominated the meet with three individual first place performances that included two state qualifying times. The 16-year old junior also helped the 200-yard freestyle and 400-yard freestyle relay teams capture state qualifying times, along with first place finishes. Michael McGregor also qualified for states, and placed first for the Foxes in the 50-yard butterfly with a time of 29.18. Michelle Macaluso was the Foxes

girls lone first place winner. Macaluso finished the 50-yard butterfly in a time of 41.72. Foxes boys top finishers included: 200-yard medley relay, second, 1:49.21; 200-yard freestyle, first, (state qualifying) 1:50.00; Matthew Marshall, 200-yard IM, seventh, 2:28.67; Ricardo Bonilla-Vasquez, 50-yard freestyle, (top 10 KGHS all-time), 18.50; Ricardo Bonilla-Vasquez, 100yard butterfly, first, 54.61; Rudy Morrow, 100-yard freestyle, third, 53:04; Reilly Kroll, 500-yard freestyle, fifth, 6:14.84; 200-yard freestyle relay (state qualifying) 1:34.13; Stephen M. Hunt, 100-yard backstroke, second, 1:01.01; Scott Loudin, 100-yard breaststroke, fifth, 1:19.18; 400-yard freestyle relay, first, (state qualifying) 3:29.07; Michael McGregor, 50-yard butterfly, first, 29.10. Foxes girls top finishers included: 200-yard medley relay, third, 2:06.55; Heather Albert, 200-yard freestyle, sixth, 22:29.6; Catherine Wilson, 200-yard IM, fifth, 2:38.08; Kenzie

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Ludwig, 50-yard freestyle, third, 26.90; Kourtney Miller, 100-yard butterfly, second, 11:05.61; Kenzie Ludwig, 100yard freestyle, fifth, 100.49; Heather Albert, 500-yard freestyle, second, 6:11.26; 200-yard freestyle relay, second, 1:50.32; Kourtney Miller, 100-yard backstroke, fourth, 1:09.19; Catherine Wilson, 100-yard breaststroke, fifth, 1:25.85; 400-yard freestyle relay, third, 4:27.55; Michelle Macaluso, 50-yard butterfly, first, 41.72. On Friday, at the King George YMCA, at 6 p.m., the Foxes will host a triad swim meet featuring Spotsylvania and Chancellor.



Leonard Banks

During a pre-game ceremony at the Drifterdome last Tuesday, Drifter varsity teammate celebrate the memory of their departed teammate, Chandale Dillon.

The Journal also publishes The Dahlgren Source, Getaway and ChamberLink. Find them online at www.journalpress.com



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w w w. s h a w s c a r p e t s a n d f l o o r i n g . c o m

The Journal


Wednesday, Jan. 22, 2014


KGYAA now accepting flag & cheer registrations Staff Reports While the cold temperatures and snow on the ground reminds us that we are still in the grips of the winter season, the King George Youth Athletic Association (KGYAA) is currently accepting flag football and cheer registrations in preparation for the decidedly warmer weeks to come. In fact, the KGYAA launched its annual spring registration drive this past weekend at King George Elementary School (KGES), with onsite registration sessions planned for the next several weekends. Their next registration session is scheduled for this Saturday, Jan. 25, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m., at KGES (cafeteria), during which the KGYAA will be ac-

cepting registrations for a number of planned endeavors. First among these are the standard co-ed flag football (ages 6-17) and cheerleading (ages 5-17) programs, but as reported last week, the KGYAA also hopes to attract enough female participants to organize another all-girls flag football program (ages 9-14) as well. And then just this past week the KGYAA Board of Directors elected to expand its spring flag football offerings to include a prospective, instructional “Pee Wee” flag football program (ages 4-5). It should be noted that the date the association employs to determine an aspiring participant’s “league-age” for the spring is March 1.

The KGYAA, now entering its 13th overall season, also reports that it will be accepting donations of used football cleats during its registration drive as part of its ongoing “Share a Pair” campaign, whereby donated cleats may be provided to football participants in financial need. The goal is to ensure that all football participants, regardless of circumstance, may enjoy the benefit of proper, athletic footwear. The KGYAA recommends that those interested in registering for its spring programs, and/or those who wish to provide their used football cleats for others to enjoy, should visit them on Facebook, visit their official website at www.kgyaa.org, or contact them directly at info@kgyaa.org.

Foxes girls varsity basketball hold their own!

Jim Salyers, Jr.

Spring memories! C.J. Smith of the D4 Leathernecks showcased his running skills by scoring on a big play.

Eagles remain undefeated season last year,” said Hunter. Although the game was close throughout, the Eagles led most of the way after ending the first quarter with the score knotted 13 to 13. D.J. Ashlock led the Trojans with 24 points, followed by Sterling Hammond with 20 points. The W&L Eagles are now 4 and 0 in district play after also defeating Colonial Beach 61 to 56 in overtime earlier in the week. Led by Keane Foster and Montie Gould, the Drifters had pulled ahead of the Eagles in the third quarter, but the game was tied 56 all, at the end of regulation. The Eagles held Colonial Beach scoreless in overtime, and W&L’s Treshaun Brown led the way, scoring seven of his 15 points in the fourth quarter and overtime, for a final 61 to 56 victory. In addition to Brown’s scoring, Milan Bullock had 15 points, and

Richard Leggitt The Washington & Lee Eagles rolled to their eighth win Friday, defeating the Essex Trojans 72 to 68 in a hard-fought boys basketball game on the Trojans’ home court in Tappahannock. It was the fourth straight Northern Neck District victory for Coach George Hunter’s Eagles who were led by Treshaun Brown, Terrin Dickerson and newcomer Marik Roy. “Treshaun did his thing once again, leading the way with 28 points, four assists and three steals,” said Hunter. “Treshaun made a three-quarters’ court shot at the buzzer to end the half 39 to 29.” “Terran Dickerson scored 13 points, and Marik Roy made shots in very big moments in his first game of the year. Roy finished with 13 points and 12 rebounds to make his presence felt in his first action since mid-

Davon Hamilton had 11 points for the Eagles. Foster had 14 for the Drifters, and Gould had 22 points. “Treshaun gave the Drifters’ defense fits trying to keep up with him, and it seems everytime we needed a big shot, everyone knew who would take it, but they still couldn’t stop it,” Hunter declared. “That kid has ice water running through his veins, loves the big moment and always keeps a cool head.” “Milan missed practice all week with the flu. He had to come out numerous times and even lay down in the locker room,” said Hunter. “His 15 points and 18 rebounds isn’t a bad night for a guy with the flu.” “I love all my kids, but Milan is definitely one of the most enjoyable kids I’ve ever been around. He is a 4.2 GPA student; always ‘Yes, sir,’ or ‘ No, sir,’ and gives his all for everyone,” Hunter said.

The Journal also publishes The Dahlgren Source, Getaway and the ChamberLink. Leonard Banks


Foxes Jada Saxon (#22, left) and Sha’Tiva Harvey (#30, left) are proven leaders on the court.

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Topics of Interest to Engage Your Mind

The Rappahannock Institute for Lifelong Learning offers stimulating topics taught by qualified experts to engage the minds of adults throughout the college service region. Base tuition is $35 per course. Proceeds from RILL support the work of the Rappahannock Community College Educational Foundation. Thank you for your patronage. Enjoy the journey!

Spring 2014 Schedule

#164: Different “Sounds of Music”

#170: Religion and the Founding Fathers

#165: “Athens of the New World”— Founding Fathers of the Northern Neck

May 9, 16, and 23; 1-3 p.m.; Warsaw

February 7, 14, and 21; 1-3 p.m.; Kilmarnock

February 21 and 28, and March 7; 1-3 p.m.; Warsaw

#166: Sustainability Concepts, Forcing Events & Pathways March 17, 24, and 31; 1-3 p.m.; Kilmarnock

#167: The Overland Campaign

March 28, and April 4 and 11; 1-3 p.m.; King George

#168: Slippery Slopes: An Overview of International Financial Arrangements April 2, 9, and 23; 1-3 p.m.; Irvington

#169: The Enduring Genius of Flannery O’Connor April 10, 17, and 24; 1-3 p.m.; Kilmarnock



May 7, 14, and 21; 1-3 p.m.; Weems

#171: Fighting for the Cross: The Crusades #172: Environmentally Sensitive Landscaping March 5, 12, and 19; 1-3 p.m.; Gloucester

#173: Far Horizons—The Universe of Stars & Galaxies March 14, 21, and 28; 1-3 p.m.; Gloucester

#174: The Enduring Genius of Flannery O’Connor April 8, 15, and 22; 1-3 p.m.; Deltaville

#175: Courthouses of the Lower Middle Peninsula

May 6, 13, and 20 (Tuesdays); 1-3 p.m.; Various Locations For more information: www.rappahannock.edu/foundation/rill sdrotleff@rappahannock.edu 804-333-6707 Generous support provided by:

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Wednesday, Jan. 22, 2014

The Journal


Mask bill revamps Virginia’s archaic 1940s felony law By Liz Butterfield Capital News Service RICHMOND — Cold pedestrians and cyclists may be relieved to cover their faces without risk of arrest if a bill on the wearing of masks passes in the Virginia General Assembly this spring. House Bill 542 aims to change a law regarding the wearing of masks and facial coverings to charge only those covering their face with the intent to do harm. Under current law, it is a Class 6

felony to be caught wearing a mask in public or in private places in Virginia. Chief patron of the bill Delegate Delores McQuinn, D-Richmond, said she learned about the law after a citizen approached her with a personal concern. The man told McQuinn he was stopped by a policeman while crossing the Martin Luther King bridge last winter and was asked to remove a protective mask. McQuinn said she looked into the issue and was surprised to find the



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2006 Nissan Frontier NISMO, One Owner. Dealer Maintained. 106k miles. 4wd, New Tires. KBB value $16,500. Asking $15,000. Also a 2008 VW Jetta Wolfsburg. One Owner, Dealer Maintained. 103k miles, 2.0 Turbo, 6-sp Manual. Heated seats, New Tires. KBB value $8793.00. Asking $8200.00. Call Jay (540) 413-6370. 1/22p

Fox Towne Adult Day Care Center is now hiring for part time RN’s, LPN’s and Medical Technician also Volunteers are needed. Located conveniently on Rt. 3 in King George near the courthouse. To apply please call 540775-5502. unfb Drivers: Home Nightly! Fredericksburg Van Runs CDL-A w/1yr Exp. Req. Estenson Logistics. Apply: www.goelc.com 1-866-336-9642 1/22p


ou are an aperture through which the universe is looking at and exploring itself.

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Ricky E. Davis

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January 2014

law had not been amended since its creation. “I’m trying to fix that so that people are able to wear a mask and protect themselves from very extreme weather,� McQuinn said, “but yet also make sure that those who are concerned about anyone doing mischief will also not be negatively impacted.� The law probably was created in the 1940s in order to prevent members of the Ku Klux Klan from wearing facial coverings, McQuinn said. McQuinn’s bill amends the old law

to reserve felony charges only those cover their face with the intent to commit a crime. However, the proposed changes are causing some pushback from some business community members who are concerned the bill may cause an increase in mask wearing around their business. “I’ve gotten some push back on the bill from the business community that is concerned about someone coming, wearing a mask and going into a store or a bank or something and robbing it,� McQuinn said.

“That’s not what I’m trying to do. I’m not trying to impact them (businesses).� McQuinn said she is in the process of adding amendments to the bill to compromise with her opponents, including adding a possible condition on winter months and extreme temperatures. River City Women’s racing member Ann Hardy says she supports the bill because it eliminates a potential hardship for cyclists. Although not frequently enforced, the old law put cyclists who wear a balaclava, a win-


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Director of College Advancement

REPLACEMENT WINDOWS LIFETIME WARRANTY Rappahannock GUARANTEED Community College seeks a dynamic and energetic LOWEST individualPRICES. to lead the college’s fundraising efforts. Working for the colTaxpresident Incentiveand supporting the college’s Educational Foundation, lege the Windows. director will coordinate an external fundraising program that supCALL!

ports the strategic priorities of the college. The director will cultivate donor relationships, and direct annual fund, major giving, and special event activities. This role works closely with the college president to AND SURPLUS expand and foster external relationships. Applicants should possess 804-333-1234 a master’s degree with solid and progressively responsible leadership 2721 RICHMOND RD • WARSAW VA experience and understanding of resource planning and allocation. Excellent interpersonal and communication skills and a commitment to the community college mission are also required. The successful candidate will demonstrate the ability to articulate the college’s strategic needs, opportunities, and vision with clarity and enthusiasm with a wide range of community and business leaders. Preference will be given to applicants with the CFRE credential and/or work experience at a community college. This is a full-time, administrative faculty appointment with an excellent benefits package. Academic rank and salary are based upon academic credentials and experience. Satisfactory reference and criminal background checks are a condition of employment. A completed Commonwealth of Virginia online employment application, cover letter and resume describing qualifications and unofficial transcripts are required. Applications will only be accepted online through the Recruitment Management System at http://jobs.virginia. gov and must be received by 5:00pm on January 23, 2014. A first review of applications will begin January 24, 2014. Resumes will not substitute for a completed state application. Rappahannock Community College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, age, national origin, sex, or disability in recruiting and employment. Inquiries related to college’s nondiscrimination policies should be directed to the Human Resources Manager, 12745 College Drive, Glenns, Virginia 23149.


We a r e pledged to the letter and spirit of Virginia’s Policy for achieving equal housing opportunity throughout the Commonwealth. We encourage and support advertising and marketing programs in which there are no barriers to obtaining housing because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, elderliness, familial status, or handicap. All real estate advertised herein is subject to Virginia’s fair housing law which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation, or discrimination because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, elderliness, familial status, or handicap or intention to make any such preference, limitation, or discrimination.� This newspaper will not knowingly accept advertising for real estate that violates the fair housing law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. For more information or to file a housing complaint call the Virginia Fair Housing Office at (804) 367-8530. Toll free call (888) 5513247. For the hearing impaired call (804) 367-9753.

Lock It Up Self Storage facility operators sale for non-payment of storage charges pursuant to the power of sale contained in Virginia Self Storage Act (1981. C., 627) general charges and for satisfaction of the facility operators lien. The following properties will be sold at auction on: February 4, 2014 at 3:30 PM at Lock It Up Self Storage, 8534 Kings Hwy., King George, VA 22485. Ray Raines Auctions. LOCK IT UP SELF STORAGE reserves the right to cancel a sale at any time for any reason. #108 Helen Hyde #309 Logan Adelman #343 Tony Schibner #349 Janet Finotti #602 Alison Everett #723 Steven Halla #737 Joyce White

#748 Steven Halla #812 Thomas Massey #830 Karen Loving #831 Barbara White #832 Barbara White #866 Joan Windley #849 John Rock III


Public notice is hereby given that the deadline for submitting request for an appeal hearing for equalization of real property assessment is Monday, March 31, 2014. If you wish to appeal your real estate assessment, please contact the Commissioner of the Revenue office at (540) 775-4664, Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., from print of this notice through Monday, March 31, 2014.


BY ORDER OF THE KING GEORGE COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION 1/22/14, 1/29/14, 2/5, 2/12/14, 2/19/14

LOCK-IT-UP Storage & U-haul

8534 Kings Highway • King George, VA 22485 (540) 775-0097 • (540) 775-0098




J a n e t G i l e s @ J o b Z o n e O n L i n e. c o m

CORRECTED NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE MEETINGS OF THE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION For COUNTY OF KING GEORGE Public notice is hereby given that the Board of Equalization for King George County will meet on the days hereafter listed for the purpose of hearing complaints (applications for equalization of real property assessment) of inequalities including errors in acreage. Upon hearing such complaints, either oral or written, the Board will give consideration AND INCREASE, DECREASE OR AFFIRM such real estate assessments. Before a change can be granted, the taxpayer, or his agent, must overcome a clear presumption in favor of the assessment. The taxpayer or agent must prove that the property is not uniform with other similar properties or prove that the property is assessed in excess of its fair market value. The deadline for submitting a request for an appeal hearing for equalization of real property assessment is March 31, 2014. Appointments will be scheduled every 20 minutes to minimize waiting. To appear before the Board of Equalization, please call the Commissioner of the Revenue office at (540) 775-4664 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Meetings of the Board to hear objections will be held in the Board Room of the Horace A. Revercomb Building located at 10459 Courthouse Drive, King George, Virginia. The dates and times are as follows: Wednesday, March 12th 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Thursday, March 13th 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Friday, March 14th 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. If necessary, additional dates and times will be scheduled and advertised.

BY ORDER OF THE KING GEORGE COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION 1/22/14, 1/29/14, 2/5, 2/12/14, 2/19/14

ter mask that covers the neck and face from winter elements, at risk of arrest, which “almost borderlines ridiculous,� Hardy said. “They (cyclists) would be for the bill because it changes it to include language that specifically says there has to be an intent to conceal your identity,� Hardy said. “Anybody that partakes in outdoor activities in the winter weather would benefit from this legislation.� After the bill is amended, it will be reviewed by the House Committee for Courts of Justice.



COMMUNITY STORAGE - Public Auction on Saturday, January 25 at 10:00 am, located at 17168 Owens Drive in Dahlgren, VA to sell the personal property stored by: Dana Thompson, 10x15; Ron Hooper, 10x15; Deidre Lawson, 10x15

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17168 Owens Drive • King George, VA 22485

(540) 663-3302

Legal Notice As of December 13, 2013, I, Stacy Lynn VanWagner Cooke am no longer responsible for any Debts/Bills incurred by Christopher Lee Cooke.

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING KING GEORGE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The King George County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing beginning at 6:15 p.m., on Tuesday February 4, 2014, in the Robert H. Combs Board Room of the Revercomb Administration Building at 10459 Courthouse Drive, King George, Virginia. Case Number 13-11-Z03: Request by Jean L. Moneyhon to rezone 3.9999 acres of Tax Map 28, Parcel 28B from Limited Agricultural (A-1) to Rural Agricultural (A-2). The property is located at 19273 Stoney Point Road. The property contains 17.1753 acres. The proposed use is residential. The minimum lot size in A-1 is ten (10) acres and the minimum lot size in A-2 is two (2) acres. The Comprehensive Plan identifies the property as being in the Potomac River Rural Development Area with a proposed residential density for this area ranges from 1 dwelling unit per 10 to 2 acres. Documents related to the above cases are available for public inspection during the hours of 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday in the Department of Community Development, King George County Revercomb Administration Building. The public is invited to attend the above scheduled hearings and to express their views on the above cases. Those who are unable to attend the public hearings may submit their comments in writing to the Director of Community Development, 10459 Courthouse Drive, Suite 104, King George, Virginia 22485, prior to the scheduled hearings.

By Order of the King George County Board of Supervisors 1/22/14, 1/29/14

Town of Colonial Beach Planning Commission PUBLIC HEARING

The Town of Colonial Beach Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on Thursday, February 6, 2014, in the Colonial Beach Town Center located at 22 Washington Avenue, Colonial Beach, Virginia, to consider the following: Beginning at 5:30 p.m. ZOA-03-2014 (ORDINANCE (646): AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF COLONIAL BEACH BY REPEALING ARTICLE 25, RESIDENTIAL 3 (R-3) DISTRICT, ARTICLE 27 RESIDENTIAL GENERAL DISTRICT (R-2A), AND ARTICLE 28 RESIDENTIAL HIGH DENSITY R-4 DISTRICT. These articles will be replaced with a single Residential-3 (R-3) High Density Residential district. The new district shall incorporate the design guidelines of the comprehensive plan and specific development standards for the district. The proposed R-3 district residential density shall be 12 to 15 units per acre with a residential floor area ratio (FAR) of 0.64 and a non-residential FAR to be 0.9 Any persons desiring to be heard in favor of or in opposition to the above is hereby invited to be present at the Public Hearing. Copies of the above are on file in the Department of Planning & Community Development, 905 McKinney Blvd., Colonial Beach, Virginia 22443. 1/22/14, 1/29/14

TRUSTEE’S SALE OF 10351 Roosevelt Drive a.k.a Lot 17 Roosevelt Drive King George, VA 22485 In execution of a Deed of Trust in the original principal amount of $235,972.00, dated February 20, 2008, recorded among the land records of the Circuit Court for the County of King George on February 21, 2008 as Instrument #20080221000010450, the undersigned appointed Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at public auction at the main entrance of the courthouse for the Circuit Court of King George County, 9483 Kings Highway, King George, VA on February 3, 2014 at 11:00 AM, the property described in said deed of trust, located at the above address and briefly described as: Lot 17, Section 8, Presidential Lakes Subdivision, as shown on plat of Elliot & Associates, dated February 1972, of record in Plat Book 6, Page 116, et seq., in the Clerk’s Office of the Circuit Court of King George County, Virginia, along with the Deed of Dedication of said Section 8 of Presidential Lakes Subdivision, dated May 1972 and duly recorded in said Clerk’s Office in Deed Book 110, Page 85. Commonly known as 10351 Roosevelt Drive a.k.a Lot 17 Roosevelt Drive, King George, VA 22485. Tax ID: 23A 8 17. TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. A bidder’s deposit of $11,000.00 or 10% of the sale price, whichever is lower, will be required in cash, certified or cashier’s check. Settlement within fifteen (15) days of sale, otherwise Trustee may forfeit deposit. Additional terms to be announced at sale. This is a communication from a debt collector. This notice is an attempt to collect on a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. Loan Type: Conv/Conv (Trustee # 541716) Substitute Trustee: ALG Trustee, LLC, C/O Atlantic Law Group, LLC PO Box 2548, Leesburg, VA 20177, 703-777-7101, website: http://www.atlanticlawgrp.com 01/15/14, 01/22/14

The Journal


Gov. McDonnell announces agreement to extend Amtrak Virginia service to Roanoke Train travel will return to Star City for first time in 34 years Richmond — Governor Bob McDonnell announced Jan. 9 that the Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT) and Norfolk Southern Corporation have entered into an agreement to improve rail related infrastructure between Lynchburg and Roanoke. The improvements will allow passenger rail to once again serve the Roanoke Region. Governor McDonnell’s 2013 transportation funding plan was instrumental in funding the return of intercity passenger rail service to Roanoke. â€œDRPT and Norfolk Southern continue their strong partnership to advance intercity passenger rail service in the state of Virginia,â€? said Governor McDonnell. “Intercity passenger rail service is central to the Commonwealth’s economic growth, vitality and competitiveness in the region. Now the major population centers will have intercity passenger rail service.â€?Â

“The historic transportation bill has opened the door for continued expansion and growth of intercity passenger rail service in the State. The extension of intercity passenger train service from Lynchburg to Roanoke would not be possible without passage of this legislation,� said Virginia Transportation Secretary Sean T. Connaughton. “During this administration, new train service to Norfolk, and funding for the continuation of six state regional trains occurred,� said Thelma Drake, director of the Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT). “With the signing of this agreement, the State will be able to extend Amtrak Virginia daily intercity passenger train service to Roanoke within four years with direct same seat service to as far north as Boston.� Wick Moorman, Norfolk Southern Chairman and CEO, stated, “Norfolk Southern is proud to expand our partnership with DRPT and the Commonwealth. Virginia’s leadership enables both passenger mobility and economic development through a strong rail network.� “The signing of the agreement between Norfolk Southern and the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation is an important

Wednesday, Jan. 22, 2014


Must-haves for any Super Bowl party The Super Bowl, the annual championship game of the National Football League, has become a global event. According to Nielsen, a ratings measurement firm, the 2013 game, which pitted the Baltimore Ravens against the San Francisco 49ers, drew an average of 108 million viewers, peaking at 113.9 million during the final 17 minutes of the broadcast, when the Ravens withstood a furious rally from the 49ers, ultimately winning the game 34-31. Fans and non-fans alike typically spend at least some time watching the big game, and many people do so at parties geared around the game itself. A good Super Bowl party can make the game that much more enjoyable, and the following are some must-have items no Super Bowl party host should forget.

milestone in bringing Amtrak rail service to our community. This is a tremendous accomplishment for the Commonwealth, the Roanoke Valley region, and our city, and with this signed agreement we can accelerate the return of passenger rail to the valley,� said Roanoke City Mayor David A. Bowers. Included in this agreement are track additions and realignments, signal and communication upgrades along the route, clearance adjustments, and a platform and train servicing facility in downtown Roanoke. Design work will begin immediately. In another effort funded by the Commonwealth and Norfolk Southern, the downtown Roanoke rail connections are currently being reconfigured to improve the flow of train traffic through Roanoke, which is a prerequisite to reintroducing passenger rail service. Known as the “Amtrak Virginia� partnership, Roanoke is the latest step for the Commonwealth to lead the way as one of the few states in the country to successfully negotiate the addition of new intercity passenger rail service in major rail corridors, balancing freight and economic development needs with additional intercity passenger rail options.

chips and pretzels as well as some healthier fare, like vegetable trays, on hand for guests. Dips: Of course, snacks always taste better when guests have something to dip them into. When choosing dips for the party, encourage guests with culinary skills to make their own homemade dips and bring them to the party, and make some of your own as well. Hosts hesitant to try their hands at making dips can always buy some from the store, just be sure to choose popular dips like onion- or cheeseflavored dips and even some salsa.

Snacks: Snacks play an integral role on Super Bowl Sunday. Unlike other popular gatherings, Super Bowl parties do not typically feature a sit-down meal as part of the festivities. Though it’s customary for hosts to make one large dish or order pizzas for guests, it’s still necessary to stock up on snacks to keep guests from getting hungry as the party progresses. The game itself often lasts three hours or more, and many guests will begin to arrive an hour before kickoff, if not earlier. So be sure to have snacks like potato

Nachos: Certain foods have become synonymous with Super Bowl parties, and nachos certainly fall into

that category. If hosts and guests all eat meat, cook up some homemade nachos with tortilla chips, ground beef (or even ground chicken), green peppers, red peppers, jalapeno peppers, shredded cheese, and salsa, be it homemade or store-bought. Exclude beef or chicken when hosting guests who abstain from eating meat or poultry. Nachos can be made in a snap, so hosts might want to wait until just before the game starts to whip up some homemade nachos. Beverages: Beverages are another important must-have when hosting a Super Bowl party. According to Nielsen estimates from 2011, Americans consumed roughly 50 million cases of beer in the two weeks leading up to the Super Bowl (the NFL

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Wednesday, Jan. 22, 2014

The Journal



Do game animals wear wrist watches? Mark Fike The title is the running joke among hunters all the time. Drive by a farm field just prior to deer season and you will see herds of deer just milling about, as if there is not a care in the world. Go back by there the first day of deer season, and the place is a ghost town. I have had permission in the past to hunt a farm that was loaded with turkey. Driving into the farm would leave even a non-hunter salivating for a fresh turkey breast on the grill. I hunted that farm for a few years and only saw turkey during turkey season once. When the season ended, the turkey were very visible within a week. Go figure. I am convinced that animals must have a calendar etched on a tree, and another tree has to have a copy of the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries’ (VDGIF’s) hunting regulations on it. If you hunt deer and don’t see any in the woods and leave a half hour after sunset when you are supposed to, chances are that when you fire up the truck and flip on your headlights to leave, you will see more than a few pairs of eyes shining back at you. Of course, this is well after shooting hours are over, and the deer seem to know it, too. Besides being in possession of a calendar and the game regulations, I think animals also have some sort of power that enables them to know when you are not targeting them, but some other species. Think about it - If you are in the woods hanging in a tree stand awaiting a deer to come within range, you get heckled all evening or morning by a parade of squirrels. They never leave you alone. This is particularly true if you are hunting on the ground. I like hunting on the ground. I used to

Bill proposes animal cruelty registry Jessi Gower Capital News Service Richmond — An online animal cruelty registry will be established in the Commonwealth of Virginia this month if Senate Bill 32 is passed. Although several states have enacted third-, second- and first-offense felony animal cruelty laws, New York is currently the first and only state to pass an animal abuse registry bill. Chief Patron of SB32, Sen. William Stanley, R-Richmond, says now is the time for Virginia to pass its own registry bill. “I think a registry of this nature is long overdue in Virginia,” Stanley said. Many animal rights groups across the country have shown support for bills dealing with animal cruelty registries, but there are groups who are known to have reservations about such registries. The Humane Society of the United States has criticized such legislation and says a public online registry isn’t the way to deal with those convicted of animal felonies. “Experience has made clear that such individuals would pose a lesser threat to animals in the future if they received comprehensive mental health counseling,” the humane society blog stated. “Shaming them with a public Internet profile is unlikely to affect their future behavior- except perhaps to isolate them further from society and promote increased distrust of authority figures trying to help them.” Stanley disagrees and says he believes the registry will not only help to stop animal cruelty, but will also help to prevent it. “I think sunlight is the best antiseptic,” Stanley said. “Sometimes people will think twice before they commit a crime, knowing that it would be on public display.” If the bill passes, 782 individuals who already have been convicted of felonies against animals would be automatically listed on the public online registry. “The best way is to allow the public to know who these very serious felons are,” Stanley said. “So they can prevent animals from getting into the hands of the wrong people.” In 2011, Delegate Daniel Marshall, R-Danville, proposed similar legislation with his House Bill 1930. Kristen Howard, executive director for The Virginia Crime Commission says the commission reviewed this study but did not make any recommendations on the bill because of a lack of endorsement for the bill.

try to take a nap when hunting on the ground. Forget it! The squirrels won’t let you. When my girls were little, I knew they had about two hours of attention span to sit still before they began giving me looks that more or less said, “Dad, we want to go home. We are hungry.” Or, “I have to use the bathroom.” Maybe the looks said, “Dad, I am bored. I want to go home and play with my toys.” Don’t get me wrong; my girls were very patient. However, to milk some more hunting time out of them, I started whispering, “Count the squirrels you see. You can only count them once, so if they go up in a tree and come back down, you cannot count them twice. For each one you count, I will give you a nickel!” That worked well, but it also began to bankrupt me. I soon stopped that program and made plans to hit that patch of woods to squirrel hunt. Do you know that despite shelling out DOLLARS to the girls for the squirrels that they saw in one particular area, I saw only one skittish squirrel when I returned later that week to hunt them? What happened? I sure would like to know. It was unreal. If you see plenty of squirrels or rabbits in an area while hunting deer or turkey, chances are you won’t see them when you return. It just does not work that way. Waterfowl are the worst foes to face while hunting, though. They know when your gun is unloaded or when you are busy answering nature’s call. They know when your best buddy is pouring coffee out of a thermos, when you have a muffin, pop tart, banana or whatever in your hand about to take a bite, and they certainly know right about when you have given up and unloaded the gun

and begun to gather decoys. The decoy issue really bugs me. I can get over them showing up when someone is trying to eat. Don’t eat while hunting - Problem solved! If you gotta go that bad while in the blind, then make sure someone else has your back and will do some shooting for you! However, when you unload and begin gathering decoys, well, that is the worst. You have to go home at some point in the morning, right? This problem was happening to me so often in one particular blind I hunted, that I decided to turn the tables on the birds. First, I started packing up to leave earlier than I had seen them the previous week. (Buzzer sounds) That did not work. They showed up just as I reached for the first decoy. The following week, I waited a full extra hour to get them. Finally, I gave up and headed out to get my decoys. When I looked up after the first decoy was in hand, there were no birds. Then the second and third and fourth decoy was in the bag. It was looking like I had outsmarted the birds. When I had half a dozen dekes in the bag, guess what happened? Four mallards not only flew over, but circled and came down as if to land and then flared perfectly in front of the blind before heading down the creek to land just out of range. It was time to prove I was smarter than they were. The next hunt, I kept my gun loaded and handy. I hurriedly gathered the dekes and kept an eye to the sky. Sure enough, the birds came right on down as I was gathering the last few decoys. I snatched up the gun and took down two birds before the rest got out of range. It was the only time the trick worked so far, though. Last, I know that waterfowl wear

I am convinced that animals must have a calendar etched on a tree, and another tree has to have a copy of the VDGIF’s hunting regulations on it.

On the Trail

DHRT celebrates New Years

watches. They know exactly when sunset is. Sunset is when legal shooting hours end for waterfowl in most states, if not all of them. I cannot count how many times I have exited my blind or unloaded my gun, and before I even get fifty yards, the birds fly over or into the water where I was hunting. In fact, it happened the very evening that I typed this article. My daughter and I were at a swamp hoping to get a shot at some geese that were using the place to roost. We sat on the edge of the swamp for about an hour. At exactly sunset, I knew what was going to happen. So, being legal as I must, I told her to unload, and I unloaded, and we made quick steps to leave the swamp before the birds flew in and tempted me. We made it about halfway out of the swamp when a half dozen honkers flew over so slow and low that Ray Charles could have taken a few shots and bagged his limit. All I could do was groan. I wanted to shoot, but it was past legal shooting hours. I knew the geese would do that. I even told my daughter while we were unloading what was going to happen. Sometimes I hate being right.

Jim Lynch Dec. 31 I found about 50 trail enthusiasts at the annual New Year’s Eve party and bonfire on the Dahlgren Railroad Heritage Trail (DRHT). Volunteers and friends enjoyed great homemade chili (three kinds!) and other food and drinks. It was a cold night, but the party is known for roaring bonfires, so everyone was toasty warm! The picture shows a few of the folks who were there, taking part in awarding a plaque of appreciation to Dave Jones, president of the Friends group and visionary trail leader! In the picture are Bruce White, Warren Veazey, Joe Williams, Patti Goettler, Dave Jones, Jim Lynch and (seated) John Brois. In the back is Zach Pusso, and Ayla, his daughter, our newest trail angel! The photo was taken by Ayla’s mom and Zach’s wife, Kim Boshela, with photo processing by Fred Perrine. The next event will be the Sweetheart Half-Marathon on Feb. 15, being held as part of the Northern Neck Winterfest celebration. This is the 5th year of the half-marathon (13.1 miles) on the DRHT. Come on out to run in the race (see the Race Timing Unlimited website to register) or just to cheer and enjoy the event. Check the Northern Neck website for additional Winterfest information (http://tinyurl.com/NNWF2014). Other King George participants in Winterfest include Belle Grove B&B, Caledon State Park, and Oak Crest Winery. And, of course, winter is a great time to get out on the DRHT or any other of our great local trails. Dress warmly and in layers so you can peel off layers as you warm up. Winter is really a fun time to be in the outdoors! See you on the trail!




Sammy Nelson Retired U.S. Marine

VCU Massey Cancer Center radiation therapy, now at Spotsylvania Regional Cancer Center. When Sammy Nelson had a seizure, his loyal bulldog Bella alerted Sammy’s son, who rushed him to the hospital. When it was determined Sammy had a brain tumor, another team went into action: the top-rated radiation oncology specialists of VCU Massey Cancer Center and the clinical experts at Spotsylvania Regional Cancer Center. “You really feel the love this team has for their patients,” says the former Marine. According to Sammy, having that nationally recognized care just minutes from his home conveys a reassuring message: “We’re here to take care of you. We’ll beat this cancer together.”

4 6 0 4 S p o t s y l va n i a Pa r k w a y


Fr e d e r i c k s b ur g , VA





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