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Colonial Beach • Westmoreland

See the King George Home & Craft Show review section inside. Pages 11-14

Volume 38, Number 10

Water and oil don’t mix DEQ Water regulating measures spark council concerns over possible fracking in Montross

The old saying “Water and oil don’t mix”, is ringing true for members of the Montross Town Council, who are making that statement metaphorically with their concerns over the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) regulating water usage for localities and individuals, but not for the mining industry. Council’s discussions on obtaining a water withdrawal permit sparked concerns of potential overuse and contamination from mining industries, who are exempt from not only water usage restrictions, but are also not regulated to the same degree as everyone else. The council met for their regular meeting on February 25, with Vice Mayor Joseph P. King presiding over the meeting in Mayor David O’Dell’s absence. O’Dell was out recovering from pain management surgery and was reported as doing well. The issue of water restrictions came to the council last year, when everyone owning and operating a well in Eastern Virginia received a letter informing them that they may be under water withdrawal restrictions being imposed by the

State. The DEQ, through the State’s Water Control Board, regulates water resources and water pollution in Virginia. The DEQ designates areas for water control if it finds there is a risk of depletion, competition between wells, groundwater being overused or at the risk of contamination. The DEQ states that groundwater levels in the eastern portion of Virginia are declining or are expected to decline excessively. So to regulate water use, the DEQ has expanded their area of Ground Water Management Area (GWMA). There are 40 counties in the Eastern Virginia Groundwater Management Area, including Stafford, Spotsylvania, Caroline, Hanover, Henrico, Chesterfield, Hopewell, Prince George, Sussex and Southampton Counties, and all counties to the East which encompass the Northern Neck. The Eastern Shore and Accomack and Northampton Counties comprise their own GWMA. Any individual, business or locality operating a well that pulls more than 300,000 gallons of groundwater per month within the GWMA, must now obtain a permit and adhere to strict guidelines set up by the DEQ. The DEQ states that establishing a groundwater management area protects existing users from new or expanding withdrawals [of water], assures continued resources viability into the future and manages the resource comprehensively. However, several council See DEQ, page 4

School Board playing it safe Although the school system is not in need, the Colonial Beach School Board approved both an alternative accreditation plan and added classroom hours to be on the safe side. High School Principal Andrew Hipple explained to the board that in 2011, the Department of Education (DOE) established ways that schools that had a graduating cohort of fewer than 50 students could be provided some alternative ways to be evaluated. Hipple stated that it is the School’s goal to have 85% of students (starting in ninth grade) graduate on time. The Department of Education uses a formula to determine a school’s Graduation and Completion Index (GCI). The formula is typically based on a four-year cohort of students from ninth to twelfth grades; It uses the number of students who graduated with a regular diploma within four years, and students who graduated by any means within four years to determine a number or percentage of students that should graduate within the four-year time frame. Hipple explained that a small class size, such as the one facing Colonial Beach with 42 seniors, has a greater impact on the bottom line percentage. If just one student fails to complete high school within four years, the School’s GCI is impacted more than that of a larger school. To combat this problem for the eight schools currently in Virginia who have a graduating class of less than 50 students, the DOE has come up with five criteria to assist these schools with raising their GCIs, thus creating an alternative accreditation plan. Hipple said that at this point, the School does not need to take advantage of these extra credits, but asked that the board approve an alternative accreditation plan, just in case. The following are CGI criteria which offer one point credit for each; 50% or more of students graduating have taken chemistry, physics and/or calculus; 25% or

Wednesday, March 5, 2014 50 Cents

helping you relate to your community

more graduating have enrolled in advanced placement or dual enrollment classes; and 25% or more graduating students have completed Career and Technical Education (CTE). An increased percentage of students graduating with an advance diploma, or an increased percentage scoring advanced proficient on Endof-Course (EOC) reading, writing or math SOL assessments, also gives one point each. The board approved the alternative accreditation plan, as well as adding extra days to the 2013-2014 school calendar to make up for days lost due to bad weather. Superintendent Kathleen Beane reported, “As of today, we have missed eight days of school due to inclement weather. Fortunately, we have built in more than 120 additional hours of instruction beyond the requisite 990 per year. Even so, I would like to modify the school calendar to make up several of these days, hoping that we have finished with the bad weather.” Beane said that the Presidents’ holiday had already been used as a workday for teachers and proposed changing March 4 and 31 to student days, with parent/teacher conferences on March 4 from 3:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. May 6, June 11 and 12 would change from early dismissal to full days for students. Beane said that with these changes, the School would still have additional days beyond the state requirement for instruction. School Board member Michelle Payne asked Beane why she wanted to make changes if they would still go over the state’s required days. Beane answered by saying that the requirement goes by hours, not days, and although it is unlikely the town will see more snow this year, she cannot guarantee something else will not happen that would result in missed days. Furthermore, the Leadership Team all agreed that the students needed as much instruction time as possible. —Linda Farneth

School forges ahead with relocation tasks

Spring is in the air!

residents responsible for grass in gullies or ditches up to 10 feet in front of their homes, even within town right-of-ways. Edwards questioned Building and Zoning Director Gary Mitchell as to whether that should have been included in the current draft. Mitchell indicated it was not in the current draft. Erard stated that she could include that in the draft with the changes proposed by Goforth. Councilman Jim Chiarello argued that he felt it would be unenforceable to make people maintain right-ofways. Erard stated that she felt that was a great point, but asked that the council leave those discussions to a future work session once all new changes have been submitted. Finally, Mayor Mike Ham reopened the public hearing. Robert Busik of Monroe Bay Ave. spoke first, saying he was unsure of what, exactly, the town was changing, but asked that the council consider a few topics during deliberations. Busik said he agreed with having an ordinance to protect the town from negligent property owners who let their properties become overrun with invasive vegetation, but said, in his opinion, some of the ordinances defining what type of grass could be grown as ornamental turf grass are outdated. Busik requested that the council consider drafting the ordinance that gives more lenience to homeowners who wish to have a more naturalistic landscape, in the interest of complying with the Chesapeake Bay Act. Marsha Feldman also did not know the changes to the ordinance being presented, but stated she has complained to the town about a neighboring property that is overgrown and a nuisance. According

The Colonial Beach School Board met Monday, Feb. 24, at the School Board office to discuss placement of mod pods on the high school campus. The school had previously received only one bid for the project engineer from Jeff L. Howeth Engineering in Tappahannock. The board conditionally approved the bid with the intent to negotiate a better price for the contract. When the board met on Monday, Howeth said the original plans for placement of the mod pods would not work, since some of the mod pods the school intended to order will be larger than previously anticipated. The group experimented with different layouts until they were satisfied they could fit them all in, while still following all legal guidelines to keep the mod pods handicappedaccessible and still maintain safety and a flow of traffic that would not hinder daily operations. Some board members expressed a reluctance to move forward without something in writing from the town guaranteeing they would fund the move. On Feb. 17, the Colonial Beach Town Council and School Board reconvened their previous joint meeting from February 12 to discuss the issue of funding the move for the elementary school. The group was scheduled to receive an update from Town Manager Val Foulds on the $1 million bond the town is seeking from VML (Virginia Municipal League) and to execute a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the school and the town to fund the move of the elementary school to the high school campus. Unfortunately, several misunderstandings sprung from the MOU and discussions during that meeting. At the Feb. 24 work session, the MOU was still being reviewed by the attorneys for both the school and the town. Other members, including Scott Foster, felt that time was too short to wait for legal entanglements and that the verbal word of the council was sufficient for them to be comfortable moving forward. There is still no word from the State on the cause of the January 5 early morning blaze at the abandoned brick building which created a collapse zone around the building, forcing elementary students to be relocated for the remainder of the year. The board remains grateful to the Oak Grove Baptist Church for taking the students in and for all the donations from businesses and citizens in Colonial Beach and surrounding areas.

See Nuisance, page 4

—Linda Farneth

Leonard Banks

While the weather has presented the Colonial Beach High School softball program with its share of challenges, athletes both veteran and rookie are looking forward to the start of the season, March 17.

Nuisance Ordinance lives up to its name A recent proposed change in the nuisance ordinance has brought confusion concerning the town’s authority to enforce mowing of “occupied” properties. Also in question is the town’s authority, under the current code, to cut property owners’ grass and bill them for it. Town Attorney Andrea Erard stated at the Colonial Beach Town Council Meeting on Feb. 17, that according to the current state code, under the current ordinance, the town could only enforce grass cutting for vacant properties. The town does have authority to enforce all aspects of the current nuisance ordinance “on vacant developed or undeveloped properties”. Furthermore, the current code is clear that all aspects of the nuisance ordinance may be applied to occupied properties, excluding the subsection that refers to the cutting of grass, weeds and other foreign growth. This is the matter currently in question. In a phone interview on February 25 with Erard, she stated, “A public nuisance depends on the specific facts of particular situation.” Erard went on to explain that in some extreme circumstances, where property is occupied, if the growth of grass, weeds and other foreign growth poses a health risk to others, the town has the authority to enforce cleanup. The nuisance ordinance covers the town’s authority to enforce rules concerning: trash, garbage, weeds, grass, shrubbery, trees and other vegetation, litter and other substances, generally, that could create a nuisance for others. The ordinance was originally brought before town staff last year to change the way residents are notified when they have violated

the ordinance. It was proposed that the town ordinance send a notice by first class and certified mail to allow 14 days (instead of 7) to correct the violation, and 10 days to correct any subsequent violations. Council advertised and held a public hearing on the changes on Feb. 17. Only two residents spoke at the public hearing, but when council members began discussing the issue, attention to details gave way to a startling discovery, putting the town’s authority to enforce the 12-inch rule on grass height, into question. When the public hearing for the ordinance came up on the agenda, Councilman Pete Bone asked, “Are the changes significant enough to warrant re-advertisement, or is it okay as it stands?” (indicating that the town was planning to do so). Erard answered, “Not if it stays the way that it stands, but I did receive an email last week from Mrs. Goforth with some possible changes; those would require, I think, restudy and re-advertising.” Councilwoman Wanda Goforth had apparently submitted changes, which were not specified during the meeting. This eventually opened up discussions on procedural processes needed to implement the changes. Erard stated that what Goforth was proposing, if implemented, would be significant enough to warrant readvertising and conducting a new public hearing. Erard suggested passing the ordinance with the current changes, then drafting a new ordinance with Goforth’s changes and conducting a new public hearing on the matter. The public hearing was opened, but Councilman Tommy Edwards brought up that when the council had discussed this ordinance last year, a suggestion was made to make

Water quality is focus of Potomac River Fisheries Comm. The Potomac River Fisheries Commission was created in the wake of the deadly Maryland–Virginia “Oyster Wars” of the 1940s and 1950s, with rival watermen from each side of the Potomac battling each other. But since President Kennedy signed legislation in 1962, giving the commission jurisdiction from near the Woodrow Wilson Bridge to the mouth of the river, the commission’s mission has changed dramatically. The commission’s goal is to conserve and improve the fishery resources along the Potomac, but today instead of dealing with warring watermen, much of that effort is focused on water quality. To underscore that point, last week the commission held the first ever Water Quality Information Exchange at its headquarters in Colonial Beach. The event drew water conservation officials from Virginia and Maryland, as well as

watermen and others concerned about the health of the river. Commission Executive Secretary Martin Gary, who led the meeting, said, “One thing we all have in common is that we care about what’s going on in the river.” Representatives from the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and the Maryland Department of Natural Resources spoke to those gathered about the two states’ water-quality monitoring programs. Gary said it was important to get the various organizations and individuals together to share information, because the Potomac is facing big challenges linked to pollution and increasing urbanization along its shores. Tucker Brown, a Maryland waterman, said, “I think this is a good step. Just keep the questions coming, because I’ve already learned something myself. Everybody’s

getting together, and nobody’s pointing a finger at anybody.” According to Jeff Talbott, monitoring program manager with DEQ’s Northern Regional Office in Woodbridge, bacteria levels in the Potomac have stayed about the same in the river over 20 years of monitoring. Talbott said that more stringent rules for sewage plant discharges have reduced the amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus going into the river. Those nutrients can foster algae blooms that can rob the water of oxygen, killing fish, crabs and other marine life. Pollution carried by runoff, however, is a continuing concern, he added. Several watermen said the Potomac has many more water quality problems than the Rappahannock River. One commercial fisherman said that the Potomac is different from the Rappahannock. “In the Potomac, everywhere you go, it’s

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all the same color as your [brown] podium,” one waterman said. “The bottom is covered with that slime.” Other watermen raised questions about perennial bacteria contamination problems at Fairview Beach, on the Potomac in King George County, and water-quality monitoring on Mattox Creek in Westmoreland County and on Monroe Bay in Colonial Beach. At the conclusion of the meeting, Gary said that the agency will post a summary of the session on its website, with contact information and information links. — Richard Leggitt


Wednesday, March 5, 2014

antioch baptist church will hold a Men’s Ministry Annual Revival from Wed. March 12-Friday March 14, starting at 7 p.m. each night. Guest preachers include: Rev. Perry L. Scranage, Jr. of Restoration Worship Center, KG on Wed. Mar. 12; Rev. Carter Milton of the Church of God, KG on Thur. March 13 and Rev. Donnell Howard of the Union Bethel Baptist Church in KG on Friday, March 14. The Men’s Ministry will hold a special service on Sunday, March 16 at 3 p.m. If you have questions, please call Aubrey Bland, (540) 775-4628. Round hill baptist church will present a concert on Saturday, March 15 at 7 p.m. Scheduled to perform are ensembles from Bluefield College: Variations & Praise Singers., who will perform a wide variety of sacred choral music. Round Hill is located at 16519 Round Hill Road, KG. Call (540) 775-5583 with any questions. Mt. carmel baptist church invites you to come celebrate with them on the 34th Church Anniversary, Sunday, March 9 at 3 p.m. The guest preacher will be the Rev. Bob Ellinger, Pastor of the Hebron Baptist Church, Spotsylvania. Dinner will be served at 2 p.m. The church is located at 9294 James Madison Pkwy., KG. zion baptist church invites you to the celebration of the 33rd year Anniversary of the Bright Stars Group. Zion Baptist Church, Kinsale, March 9 at 4 p.m. Everyone is welcome to attend this celebration.

The Journal

little zion baptist church will present “Freestyle� as hosted by Pastor Earl T. Howerton and the LSBC Young Adult Ministry. Starting at 7 p.m. on March 7, there will be poetry, singing, dancing, spoken word and more, all from a Christian Perspective. 7748 Leedstown Road, CB. For more info call Jennifer (540) 2057752 or Tina (804) 761-7403. moms in prayer int’l Moms in Prayer International meets on Mondays at 9 a.m. at Peace Lutheran Church 5590 Kings Highway, King George. (540) 775-9131. love thy neighbor will hold its March event on Sunday, March 9. Inspirational Hour 2-3 p.m. Food Pantry/Soup Kitchen 3-5 p.m. KG Citizens Center. www.lovethyneighborkg.org. SET YOUR CLOCKS 1 HOUR AHEAD THIS SATURDAY. DON’T MISS CHURCH!

Save the Date Mark your calendar on May 31, 2014 for a “Day in the Country�

To celebrate the 300th Anniversary of HwB Join in the fun at Historic Lamb’s Creek Church from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Located just off Route 3 on Lamb’s Creek Church Rd in KG, Come out for a fun day of Tours, BBQ, Live Entertainment, Games for Kids, Baked Goods Auction & Plant Sale For more information visit the website at www.hanoverwithbrunswick.com


Dahlgren UMC to offer weekly Lenten Services Dahlgren United Methodist Church invites the community to 12 noon Wednesday Lenten Services. Beginning on Wednesday, March 12 and continuing each Wednesday through April 16, services will begin at noon, and will be followed by a light lunch. Area pastors are scheduled to speak; special music is planned and a nursery is available for infants and toddlers. Dahlgren-UMC is located at 17080 14th Street, at the corner of 14th Street and Rosedale Drive, just off Dahlgren Road near the base main gate. Call (540) 663-2230 with any questions. All are welcome to come worship each week.

Gospel Concert in King George K S Productions will present a Gospel Concert at the KG Masonic Lodge #314, on March 15, 2014. Starting at 5 p.m. the cost is $10 pp at the door. Scheduled to perform: “malaco’s Recording Artist, The Alabama Gurls, from Eufaula, AL; The Gospel Meldoies of KG; The New Singing Disciples of Richmond County, VA; Tam Johnson and Gods Favor of Wilson, NC and The Zion Hill Gospel Singers of Washington, DC. All are welcome to come out for an evening of gospel music. The Lodge is located at 9019 James Madison Pkwy, KG. For more information call: (804) 2386923 or (804) 214-1472.

St. George’s hosts Lenten Weekend A noted Catholic theologian will discuss the intersection of faith and politics in a series of presentations at St. George’s Episcopal Church during the first weekend in Lent. Dr. Michael E. Lee, associate professor of theology at Fordham University, will present a weekend of programming on March 8 and 9 about “Liberation Theology: The Intersection of Faith and Politics.â€? He will focus on how the faith community could respond to the world’s unjust economic and social conditions, and how that response can enrich people’s spiritual lives. Lee is widely recognized as an authority on liberation theology. Drawing from the life Ă“scar Romero, the martyred Roman Catholic Archbishop of El Salvador, Lee will discuss how life-changing it can be to address the issues of poverty and social injustice through the faith community. The Rev. Gay Rahn, associate rector of St. George’s, explained why she invited Lee to be the church’s fourth annual Lenten speaker: “The people of St. George’s are asked to seek and serve Christ in all persons, to love our neighbors as ourselves. To strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being. This great work cannot be done if we are not willing to look at the needs of the world directly and with compassion and to ask, ‘will any of this change if we are not willing to look at how our faith and our politics can intersect?’â€? A refocusing of liberation theology is occurring, in part, according to Lee and others, because of the election of

Archbishop of Buenos Aries, Jorge Mario Bergoglio as Pope Francis. Rahn said that “it seemed to us especially relevant to base our Lenten series in part on Archbishop Oscar Romero. Both Romero and Pope Francis were seen as conservative, safe choices by the church, but after assuming their new roles they revealed a special awareness of the needs of the poor.� She added “We wanted to expand the discussion of the intersection of faith and politics to a broader audience - people from all religious traditions.� Lee reflected on liberation theology’s application to the Christian’s personal journey of faith. “We tend to make faith a private and non-material thing. Liberation theology makes faith a public and active aspect of society,� he said, while acknowledging that bringing faith to public issues presents challenges. “Salvation is usually considered an interior thing. But when salvation is placed into the public sphere, it makes people uncomfortable,� says Lee. “At St. George’s we are constantly amazed at the change in people’s faith when they put their beliefs into action,� said Rahn. “We think it is why we are growing. We have such an imaginative, enthusiastic group of folks who want to do good in the world, and by doing good, they find a richer, deeper meaning to life.� All programs will be presented at St. George’s Episcopal Church, 905 Princess Anne St. F’brg. They are free, though donations are accepted and we ask that attendees register at www.stgeorgesepiscopal.net/lentenweekendschedule. The schedule of events includes: Sat. March 8, 7 p.m., main Church entrance, Princess Anne Street “Making All Things New: Liberation Theology and Christian Faith Today.� Sun. March 9, 9 a.m., main Church

entrance, Princess Anne St., Worship service, with Lee as preacher; Sun., March 9, 9:55 a.m., Sydnor Hall, George St. entrance,“Oscar Romero: Giving a Voice to the Cry of the Poor�; Sun. March 9, 3 p.m., main Church entrance, Princess Anne St. a Community Panel Discussion. moderated by the Rev. Edward W. Jones, Secretary of the Diocese, Episcopal Diocese of VA; Panelists: Michael E. Lee, Assoc. Professor, Fordham University, The Rev. Allen H. Fisher, Jr., Pastor, The Presbyterian Church in F’brg, Dr. Larry Haun, Pastor, F’brg Baptist Church, The Rev. Donald J. Rooney, Pastor, Saint Mary of the Immaculate Conception Roman Catholic Church, The Rev. Lawrence A. Davies, retired pastor of Shiloh Baptist Church (Old Site), Mehdi Aminrazavi, Prof. of Philosophy and Religion and Co-Director of the Leidecker Center for Asian Studies, UMW. For more information, visit the church website at www.stgeorgesepiscopal.net/lentenweekend or call the church office at 540-373-4133.



Our Doors are Open -Worship With Us Fletcher's Chapel United Methodist

8330 Fletcher's Chapel Rd. at 218

Pastor Michael Reaves fletcherschapel-kinggeorge-va.org Worship Services 8:30 & 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 9:45 a.m.

(540) 775-7247

17080 14th Street, Dahlgren Contemporary Service - 9:30 a.m. Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. & 11 a.m. Traditional Service - 11 a.m. Nursery open 9:15a.m.-12:15p.m.

Pastor Ed Johnson

email - office@dahlgrenumc.org web site - www.dahlgrenumc.org Phone: 663-2230

Good Hope Baptist Church

17223 Good Hope Rd. - corner Rt. 218E & 619 phone: 540-775-9487 fax: 540-775-0600 www.goodhopeministries.org

• Sunday School - 9:45 a.m. • Worship - 11:00 a.m. • Prayer & Bible Study (Wed.) 7:30 p.m. • 5th Sundays - Union & Nursing Home Worship “Building the Church & Reaching the World for Christâ€?

7748 Leedstown Rd., Oak Grove, VA 22443 (804) 224-0418 • www.lzbcva.org

We invite you to gather together with us! Sunday School - 9 a.m. Sunday Worship 8 a.m. & 10:15 a.m. Bible Study - Wednesday 7 p.m. Pastor Earl T. Howerton Jr.

Macedonia Baptist Church 1081 Macedonia Ln., Colonial Beach, VA (804) 224-1500 "O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His Name together."

Shiloh Baptist Church Reaching, Building, Serving

Sunday Activities Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship Service, 11:00 a.m. AWANA, 4:00 p.m. Youth Group, 4:00 p.m. Wednesday Nights Rev. Mike and Earlene Jessee Family Night Dinner, 5:30 Youth Study; Children’s Missions & Music, 6:00 facebook@kgshiloh Choir Practice, 7:15 13457 Kings Hwy. 540-469-4646 • www.kgshiloh.org

Oak Grove Baptist Church

Randall Snipes, Senior Pastor Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m.& 11 Awana-Sundays-6 p.m. Bible Study-Wednesdays 6:30 p.m. 8096 Leedstown Rd. Colonial Beach, VA


Colonial Beach United Methodist Church Pastor Rev. Yunho Eo

9:30 a.m. Adult Sunday School 10:45 a.m. Informal Hymn Singing 11 a.m. Worship & Children’s Sunday School Food Pantry open Thursdays at 10 a.m. Op Shop Open M-F 9 a.m.-noon (Thurs. 9 a.m.-1 p.m.) 1 Washington Avenue PO Box 189 Colonial Beach, VA 22443 (804) 224-7030

Two Rivers Baptist Church

)'-!"#$$%*.$'*/!*&01*2! !"#$%&'!#()!*&+&(%&,%34256*77/89:2:

Little Ark Baptist Church “Building God’s Kingdom On Earth�

Meeting at their new church

Sunday School ..............9:30 a.m. Worship........................10:30 a.m. COME VISIT US • ALL ARE WELCOME

Rev. Peyton Wiltshire For Information call 540710-3831

Round Hill Baptist Church Worship & Service

16519 Round Hill Rd., King George, VA Pastor Ted A. James • 540-775-5583

"Pastor Larry" M. Robinson Sunday Worship - 10 a.m. Sunday School - 9 a.m. (New Testament Church Study) Wednesday Night Prayer & Bible Study 6 p.m. 15681 Owens Dr. in Dahlgren, VA Church Phone: (540) 663-2831

Hanover-with-Brunswick Episcopal Parish

Where all are welcome.

Phone: 540-775-3635

Emmanuel, Port Conway (Rt. 301) 3rd & 5th Sundays

For more information, visit our website at:


(804) 443-4168 Sunday School 10 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship 11 a.m. Bible Study Wednesdays at 7 p.m.

Rev. Irving Woolfolk, Jr.

Services Early Worship - 8 a.m. Sunday School - 9:45 a.m. AM Worship - 11 a.m. PM Worship - 6 p.m. Wed. Bible Study - 7 p.m. AWANA Teens - Wednesdays 6:30 p.m. Clubbers - Fridays 6:30 p.m. Dr. Sherman Davis, Senior Pastor 540-775-7188 www.tbckg.org 10640 Kings Hwy - 1 mi. west of 301

Confession: Sat. following 8:00 a.m. Mass & at 4:30 p.m. Sun. 1/2 hour before each Mass Office: 11 Irving Ave., Colonial Beach, Va. 22443 saintselizabethandanthony.org

• 804-224-7221

Trinity United Methodist Church

9425 Kings Hwy., King George www.trinitykg.org

Contemporary Service ~ 8:30 a.m. Sunday School ~ 9:30 p.m. Worship ~ 10:30 a.m. (540) 775-4501 Rev. Susan Reaves

St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church


3207 Quarter Hill Rd., Supply VA 22436

Daily Mass: Mon. - Sat. 8:00 a.m. Adoration precedes each morning Mass

Sunday Services:

The Rev. St. John's, 9403 Kings Hwy. Diane Carroll 1st, 2nd & 4th Sundays Rector

You're invited to worship with

Tabernacle Baptist Church

(540) 663-3085 ! Rev. Jim May

Sunday Masses: Sat. 5:00 p.m. Sun. 9:00 a.m. & 11:00 p.m. (espaĂąol)

Intersection of Rokeby and Kings Hwy. (Rt. 3)

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

5486 St. Paul!s Road, King George

Very Rev. Francis M. de Rosa Rev. Mark Mullaney



Sunday Worship at 8 am and 10 am

Corner of Lossing and Boundary, Colonial Beach

Sunday- Holy Communion 11 a.m. Meeting at Grant Church in Lerty, VA

"A Church where everybody is somebody!"


St. Elizabeth of Hungary Roman Catholic Church

Traditional Anglican Worship 1928 Book of Common Prayer 1940 Hymnal

Morning Worship ~ 8:30 a.m. Sunday School ~ 9:45 a.m. Morning/Children's Worship ~ 11 a.m. Wed. - Bible Study ~ 6:00 p.m.

(Psalm 34:3)

Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Worship Service: 11 a.m. Prayer & Bible Study: (Wed.) 7 p.m. Holy Communion on 4th Sundays Rev. Fred Sales, Interim Pastor

Holy Redeemer Anglican Church

Worship Service - 10:30 a.m. (Sunday) Sunday School - 9:15 a.m. Nursery Provided Seeking to know the grace of God and to make it known to others. Dave Bentz, Pastor Jason Schubert, Associate Pastor 13114 Kildee Farm Road King George, VA 22485 (off 301 and Blue Jay Meadow Drive)

Ph. (540) 775-9990 • email: info@gracekg.com web site www.gracekg.com

Potomac Baptist Church Worship Service: 11:00 a.m. Age Graded Bible Study: 9:45 a.m.

All are Welcome! (540) 775-7006

Pastor: Dennis L. Newton 8103 Comorn Rd. (Rt. 609) King George

Corner of Millbank & St. Anthony’s Rd., King George

Very Rev. Francis M. de Rosa Rev. Mark Mullaney Sat. 7:00 p.m. Vigil Sunday Masses: Sun. 8:15 a.m. 10:30 a.m 12:45 p.m. Tridentine Mass Daily Mass: Mon. Thur. Fri. & Sat. 9:00 a.m. Tues. 7:00 a.m. Wed. 7:00 p.m. Adoration before each morning Mass Confession: Wed. 7:30 p.m. Sat. after 9:00 a.m. Mass & at 6:30 p.m. Sun. 1/2 hour before each Mass

Office: 11 Irving Ave., Colonial Beach, Va. 22443 saintselizabethandanthony.org

• 804-224-7221

A church where the Full Gospel is Preached, Taught and Lived

First Baptist Church Ambar

9469 Caledon Rd., King George, VA22485 Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship 11 a.m. Bible Study Wednesday at 7:30 p.m.

Pastor Wm. T. Frye

“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.�

“The church is the great lost and found department� - Robert Short

Help others find your church. Advertise in this space, only $10 per week. Billed monthly. Contact Lori at (540) 709-7495 or email her at lori@journalpress.com

Don’t see your house of worship in this directory? Start 2014 with a weekly ad! Let folks know all about you and your church!






A New Testament church “... All the churches of Christ greet you.� Romans 16:16

contact_us@kinggeorgecofchrist.org http://www.kinggeorgecofchrist.org P.O.Box 756 King George, VA 22485


The Journal

Wanted Vendors & Crafters for March 29 craft fair. Sponsored by KG-Preschool PTA. $15 wall space & $20 for slightly larger space. Contact cmissmouse@aol.com or call (540) 775-4648. Spaces limited. Reserve yours today! Save the Date Friends of the NRA Annual Fundraiser will be held on April 5, at the Fred’brg Elks Lodge, beginning at 5:30 p.m. Dinner, auctions, fun and chance to win firearm, gear & collectibles. Call Ken Kirk at (775) 313-3640 or K2outdoors@yahoo.com. KGES Library will be hosting a Spring Craft & Vendor Fair along with the Scholastic Book Fair on March 8 from 9:30 a.m. - 2 p.m. For information o please contact Sammie Mays at (240) 463-1457 or by email, samefay@aol.com.

Annual Tree Seedling & Rain Barrel Sale

BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND Homemade Spaghetti Sauce made by the KGF&R Ladies Auxiliary using their “secret” tried and true recipe on March 15. Cost for this home-made goodness is: $8 A QUART. Pick up will be at the KG Middle School, no later than noon on the 15th. ORDER YOURS TODAY! They will sell out fast! Call: ELLEN JUNE CLIFT (540) 775-7540 or ELSIE FERRELL(540) 775-2685 Clean quart jars are needed. So when you call to order, let them know if you have jars to donate. KGF&R Ladies Auxiliary

Potomac River fisheries Commission presents “A Water Quality Information Exchange for the Tidal Potomac River.” Scientists and staff from MD and VA will present the most recent water quality information for the tidal portion of the Potomac River, with an opportunity for fishermen and the general public to ask questions and share their observations of the river Thursday, Feb. 27 9 a.m.-noon Potomac River Fisheries Commission Bldg. 222 Taylor St. Colonial Beach, VA. Call 800-266-3904 or email prfc@ verizon.net. Immediately following will be the Potomac River oyster/clam Advisory committee at 1:30 p.m. Both meetings are open to the public. Items on the agenda will include, but may not be limited to: an oyster harvest report, update on 2013 fall oyster survey & to develop recommendations for a management plan for Jones Shore. Wild bird rehabilitator to speak at March Audubon meeting The Northern Neck Chapter of the Audubon Society will host a program on baby bird identification and rehabilitation at its March 3, 2014 meeting at Grace Episcopal Church, 303 South Main Street, Kilmarnock. The meeting begins at 7 p.m.

Don’t forget to turn your clocks forward one (1) hour this weekend. DST begins Sunday, March 9. Often referred to as “Summer Time”, it is a way of making better use of the daylight in the evenings by setting the clocks forward one hour during the longer days of summer, and back again in the fall.

Local Scout earns coveted Eagle Rank Trey Thompson, a senior at King George High School, was recently recognized by Boy Scout Troop 206 for earning the rank of Eagle Scout. Trey began his scouting career as a first grader at KG Elementary School when he joined Cub Scout Pack 191. He continued with Cub Scout Pack 206, earning the Arrow of Light, before joining Boy Scout Troop 206 in February 2007. While a member of Troop 206, Trey earned a total of 31 merit badges and served in various leadership positions such as Scribe, Chaplain Aide, and Patrol Leader. For his Eagle Project, Trey led members of his troop and other friends and family in building park benches for the KG County Parks and Recreation Department. The benches were placed at Sealston Park. The materials were generously funded through discounts and donations from Rankins True Value Hardware, BB&T Bank, EXIT Realty Expertise, Walker Sand & Stone, Lock-It-Up Storage, Dr. Richard Cottrell, and friends of Troop 206. “Congratulations on a journey well done.”

The speaker will be Maureen Eiger, State and Federally Permitted Wild Bird Rehabilitator. She is a board member of the Wildlife Care Alliance and the Roanoke Valley Bird Club, and writes a column for The Roanoke Star. She has been taking care of various orphaned and injured birds for over 7 years. Eiger answers well over 100 phone call questions about birds every year. At the Northern Neck Audubon meeting, she will talk about how to identify baby birds in the nest, what to do if you find an orphaned or injured bird (including how to pack a baby bird for transport), and what field marks to look for to identify birds. She will share her knowledge of interesting characteristics of baby birds. After the main presentation, attendees can test their knowledge with a friendly bird quiz, and Eiger will answer any questions they may have about birds. Please bring a box of tissues or roll of paper towels to the meeting that she can use to help save baby birds.

Trey Thompson of BSA Troop 206, was recently awarded his Eagle Scout rank. Fact: A total of 2,209,000 Scouts had earned Eagle Scout by the end of 2012; out of 83,486,083 Scouts since 1911; this is just over two percent of the Boy Scouting membership.

Fri. March 7

MOMs Club of KG will hold an open house 10 a.m.-noon at the KG School Board building. 9100 St. Anthony’s Road. Contact momsclubofkg@gmail.com for more info. Great opportunity for at home moms to network and reach out to others with small ones at home.

Sat. March 8

CB-VFDLA invites you to come out for a ham and cabbage dinner at the firehouse. 5-7 p.m. Eat in or carry-out. Adults $8 and children under 12 $4. Meal includes dinner, drink and dessert. Middle Peninsula AfricanAmerican Genealogical and Historical Society of VA will hold its monthly meeting at 11 a.m. Location, Lowery’s Seafood restaurant in Tappahannock. Lunch is on your own at the

restaurant. Anyone interested in African-American genealogy and history is invited to attend. Visit mpaageenealogicalsociety.org or call (804) 758-5163.

Mon. March 10

KG Garden Club to meet at 6:30 p.m. to watch a slide show of gardens and hold a silent auction. American Legion #89 bldg on route 206, across from Dutch’s.

Tues. March 11

NARFE local chapter to install new officers. Noon at Hunan Diner in Colonial Beach. Teresa Bowers of Senior Visitors program scheduled to speak. Lunch is on your own. All active & retired federal employees are welcome to attend.

Thur. March 13

DMV2Go will be at the KG DMV Select, 13035 Kings Highway from 9 a.m.-4 p.m.

The Elks of the Northern Neck Tucked away in an “out of the way,” spot on Ferry Landing, near the entrance to Placid Bay, stands a proud building know as The Northern Neck Elks Lodge #2666. I want to make you aware of the many things that are going on at The Elks, that make our town and community a better place in which to live and raise a family, and for the most part, go unnoticed. One mottos is, “Elks Care, Elks Share.” This lodge is one of over 2,000 in the United States. Membership varies from as few as 30 to over 1000 in each local lodge. No matter the size, our goal is the same, doing good deeds and good works within our community. Consider this, The Elks are second among organizations in the number of college scholarships awarded annually in the U.S., The U.S. Government is first. Among the many youth activities sponsored by The Elks is the “Hoop Shoot,” A Basketball Free Throw Contest. Another motto the Elks pledge, “As long as there are veterans, we will never forget them.” Elks work to support Veteran’s Nursing Homes and to aid veterans who are patients in the many VA hospitals across this nation. Many kids in our community who wouldn’t be able to attend a summer camp can do so thanks to your Elks Lodge Youth Summer Camp program. The Elks are big in working within your town to educate our children about the negative effects and dangers of drugs. The North-

ern Neck Elks is one of the sponsors of the Northern Neck Little League. We provide gift baskets to the less fortunate at Christmas and Thanksgiving and we donate regularly to worthy local charities and organizations such as the Volunteer Fire and Rescue systems. There are many individuals, your neighbors, who have been visited by misfortune such a severe illness, loss of home and property due to fire, loss of income and similar occurrences, who have been aided and assisted by our Elks. Our lodge operates an “open to the public,” Bingo every Monday evening with proceeds going back into your community. We provide nice social quarters for our members, a comfortable lounge with food and beverages available. The Town of Colonial Beach, and the Northern Neck is a better place due to the Elks, and the similar Fraternal and Civic Clubs in your town. And we all ¬need your help if we are to continue to carry on our good works. Membership in our order is open to all men and women who have reached the age 21, have no felony conviction and profess a belief in a Supreme Being. For more information please call 804-224-0364 please leave a message. We’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Basketball Showdown 5th ANNUAL “BEST OF THE BEST” BASKETBALL SHOWDOWN Thursday March 6 5:30 p.m. KING GEORGE HIGH SCHOOL Sponsored by KGHS PTSA Teams from all 5 schools will be competing. Concessions and Entertainment Come out and cheer for your school!! A portion of the proceeds will go towards scholarships for graduating Seniors! Are you looking into a reverse mortgage program? The King George Sheriff’s Office will be presenting a program on Tuesday, March 11, 1 p.m. at the new sheriff’s office. Program: Reverse Mortgages, and the advantages/disadvantages, pitfalls, benefits, protections the borrower should look for, how and where one can obtain a reverse mortgage. This program is free and open to the public.

Cyber Safety Family Night The KG County Schools Technology Dept. will host its second annual Cyber Safety Family Night on March 6 from 5 p.m. until 8 p.m. at KG Elementary School, 10381 Ridge Rd. King George. The theme this year is Raising Responsible Digital Citizens. We invite all area families to attend to learn more about safe, secure, and responsible use of technology. The event with begin at 5 p.m. with breakfast for dinner prepared by the KGES food services staff. The meal will be followed by a brief introduction and three thirty-minute breakout sessions where presenters from the school and community will offer information to help families stay safe online. We will provide childcare for children ages 0-5 and special sessions for elementary and middle school aged students.

Elks 2666. Every Monday night. The doors open at 5 p.m. Early Bird Games 6:30 p.m. At 719 Ferry Landing Road. Just off 205 in Oak Grove - Colonial Beach VA. Food available. (804) 224-0364.

Please visit http://goo.gl/ ag912g to register online or contact Jesse Ault at 540775-3535 x3145.

This program is open to the public, free of charge, and refreshments will be served.

Scheduled Community Event? Send the details to The Journal for the Community Calendar lori@journalpress.com or call (540) 709-7495.

25th Annual KG Home and Craft Show Thanks to everyone who came out in support of this annual event. Plans are underway for the 2015 Show. March 7 & 8 2015

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On Saturday, April 5, from 9 a.m.Noon, the Tri-County/City Soil & Water Conservation Dist. will be holding their Annual Tree Seedling and Rain Barrel Sale. Species available are Lilac, Crape Myrtle, Eastern Redbud, American Plum, River Birch, Indigobush, Red Osier Dogwood, Eastern White Pine, Serviceberry and Kousa Dogwood. They’re also offering 60 gallon rain barrels for purchase. To place an order and reserve for pickup call 540-656-2401 or 6562402. Locations and descriptions can be found on the website at www.tccswcd.org.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

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Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The Journal


DEQ: Montross council concerns from page 1

of extraction are safe or not. However, he does want the council to ask the Governor to halt the fracking process within the state of Virginia until more research on the longterm consequences of fracking on a locality’s infrastructure can be done. Cosgrove focused on two consequences of fracking; the constant 24/7 traffic of large tankers hauling chemicals and water for the process and hauling out of natural gas, as well as the usage of water during the process. Cosgrove stated that research into the process shows that an average of 800,000 gallons of water would be used on a single well. Fracking also requires drilling more wells than conventional oil or gas drilling. The DEQ outlines exclusions for well permits. State law exempts water extraction limits in any type of operation by companies mining for energy sources (State Code 9VAC25-610-50). Exclusions named on the list of exemptions: “withdrawals coincident with exploration for and extraction of coal, or activities associated with coal mining regulated by the Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy”; and “withdrawals coincident with the exploration for or production of oil, gas or other minerals other than coal, unless such withdrawal adversely impacts aquifer quantity or quality of other groundwater users within a groundwater management area”. Cosgrove is concerned that the water usage will seriously interfere with residential usage by depleting the local water sources. Cosgrove is also concerned about long-term effects of contaminated water, which he believes (after attending seminars on fracking in the area) is disposed of in evaporation tanks on site. However, research on the subject states that the contaminated water is pushed deep underground and sealed off. Cosgrove reasons that the consequences resulting from methods of contaminated water disposal have not been studied on a long-term basis and leaves surrounding water supplies vulnerable to contamination. —Linda Farneth

from page 1 to Feldman, the property owner has stated that she is not obligated to clear the lot since there is no dwelling on the property. Feldman stated that the town has been unable to handle the situation. She asked if the changes to the current ordinance covered this situation. Erard informed Feldman that the ordinance would cover this issue. After the close of the public hearing and during discussions, when reviewing Section 15-2 (a) (1), Mayor Ham inquired if leaving out a comma between two words was a typo. In doing so, he opened the door for a broader discussion that led to the discovery that the ordinance could be challenged by residents who occupy their homes and are ordered by the town to cut their grass if it exceeds 12 inches. The section in question states, “No owner of any vacant developed or undeveloped property, including property upon which building or

other improvements are located, within the boundaries of the town shall permit to remain thereon, any grass, weeds, brush or other uncontrolled vegetation in excess of twelve (12) inches in height.” Ham asked if there should be a comma inserted in between “vacant” and “developed” in the first line. Erard answered, “No”. Ham clarified, “So if I live on a property, I can grow my grass as high as I want to?” Erard confirmed that was correct, but said, “There is another State Code (§ 15.2-1215) where certain localities have requested the authority to deal with those situations, and we could request the general assembly next year to add us to that list.” The portion of the nuisance ordinance that covers grass and other overgrown vegetation is governed by State Code § 15.2-901. Subsection A 3 discusses restrictions a locality may place and enforce on owners of vacant developed or undeveloped properties. In the second half of the subsection, it clearly states, “In

the Counties of Dinwiddie, James City, and Prince George, the Cities of Colonial Heights, Hampton, Hopewell, Newport News, Williamsburg, and Winchester, and the Towns of Ashland, Cedar Bluff, Chincoteague, and Orange, and in a locality within Planning District 8, an ordinance adopted pursuant to this subdivision may also apply to owners of occupied property therein.”- clearly making the distinction between occupied and unoccupied property and who has jurisdiction over occupied properties in the matter of tall grass. After some “ah-ha moments” and much discussion, the council ultimately decided to table the vote and the matter until the Thursday work session on Feb. 27 at 4:30 p.m. for discussion. However at the Feb. 27 meeting, the matter was tabled again. It is likely that the matter will be studied, re-advertised and a new public hearing set before a vote or changes take place. —Linda Farneth

WM GOP elects Ransone aide new chair The Republican Party of Westmoreland County, preparing for the 2014 election, elected new officers including selecting Jennifer Peters, an aide to Del. Margret Ransone, as the new Westmoreland GOP chair. Peters was elected at a mass meeting Friday night, as Republicans gathered in the General District courtroom at the Glenn D. English building in Montross. The Republicans also elected 23 delegates to the Republican State Convention, slated for June 7 in Roanoke. “I am organized and devoted

to conservative principles,” said Peters. “Now we have to get people motivated to volunteer and work.” Peters was accompanied to the mass meeting by Ransone, who is popular with Republicans and voters in general. Although Ransone did not speak publicly before the selection of officers, her presence and support of Peters spoke volumes. “I have conservative values. I don’t know everything; I will probably make some mistakes,” said Peters. “But I will have lots of help.”

In addition to Peters, other newly elected Westmoreland County officers are: Alex Reber, who was chosen as Vice-Chair; Julie Gray, who was elected Secretary; and Anne Garner, chosen as Treasurer. The GOP’s new precinct captains, charged with building the grassroots of the Republican Party in the county, are: Robert Thies, Precinct 101; Kathy Craig, Precinct 102; Russell Carver, Precinct 201; Ben Hudson, Precinct 301; Woody Hynson, Precinct 401; and Debbie Leggitt, Precinct 501. —Richard Leggitt

W&L Students at HBCU Festival Twenty-seven Washington and Lee High School students attended the 2014 HBCU (Historical Black Colleges and Universities) Festival held at T.C. Williams High School in Arlington, VA. Students visited with representatives of over 60 Historical Black Colleges, military units, fraternities, and sororities. On-Site admissions and scholarships were offered by many of the schools.

Throughout the day, students and parents could attend various seminars addressing everything from being a White House intern to athletic and music scholarships. Sponsored by the Alfred Street Baptist Church in Arlington, Virginia, this program is attended by thousands of students and parents. Five W&L seniors were accepted by the following schools; Lillie




members agreed with Councilman Robert Zimmerman that the DEQ cannot replace the water with the permit fees, but only use them to fund research into water usage and enforcing restrictions. Existing well users can be grandfathered in by applying for a permit based on historic use for the first 10-year permit term. The application must be completed and reviewed by DEQ by June 30, or the town will pay a hefty price. A grandfathered permit, based on historical use, will cost the town $1,200. However, if the application is not submitted on time, the town would have to pay $6,000. Despite the lower-cost application fee, Town Manager Brenda Reamy told the council that water bills would likely require an increase in order to pay the permit fee. Reamy also told the council that the town has the option to send the application in early as a draft for review, in order to catch any mistakes so they could then be corrected. Reamy said she has been working on the permit process, mapping has been completed and approved by DEQ, well permits within the town have been located, and the next step is to complete the application. Reamy said the town uses between 50 and 55 thousand gallons per day, well above the 300,000-gallon criteria. She advised that the town watches the levels very closely each month for high usage, making a conscious effort to find a reason why. This will prove particularly useful, since the DEQ will require the town to stay within its average usage. The historical usage application will limit the daily water supply to at or below the highest average usage in the town’s history of water use. Residents and business owners in the rural areas of the GWMA should have already received a letter from DEQ, and are subject to the same rules if their usage exceeds 300,000 gallons of water per month. Reamy reported that at a recent seminar, she posed the question to DEQ, “How would these restrictions

affect commitments the town has made?” The town is worried that construction permits for work that has not yet been started may affect the water usage and cause the town to go over its limit before the 10 years are up. Reamy did not get a definitive answer from DEQ. Reamy also posed the issue of firefighting usage and told the DEQ that Montross has 28 fire hydrants and provides protection for more than just the Town of Montross. Officials replied that no one had ever asked that question and suggested sending a note when usage limits are exceeded. The permit does not give a yearly use; it is based on an average. If less water is used, then the town’s limit will decrease. Under this mandate, new wells would cost $6,000 each, just for the drilling. Reamy admits that she is not sure what restrictions would be put on the town. The DEQ states that all permits may include any of the following restrictions or conditions: specific limits on withdrawal amounts; required geophysical investigations; required installation of water meters; reporting of withdrawal and water quality data; development of a water conservation and management plan; development of a mitigation plan; and required installation of monitored wells. The council had bigger concerns over the regulated water supplies, due to recent news that a large number of Westmoreland County’s privately owned properties are under lease to energy companies to allow drilling for natural gas on their land in the near future. The method recently being used to extract the natural gas is called Hydraulic Fracturing, nicknamed “fracking”, and it has come under fire by many critics. The council had a discussion on the matter of fracking and its desire to send a message (as a council) to the Governor. Councilman Terry Cosgrove has taken a particular interest in helping to educate the council on the methods of fracking. Cosgrove’s position is that he does not want to get into a debate over whether the methods

Nuisance: Grass-cutting season is near

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The Journal

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Hutt captures 55-meter dash state championship Leonard Banks Sports editor King George High School senior Davion Hutt saved his best for last. During the 55-meter dash, at the VHSL Group 4A State Indoor Track & Field Championships, at the Tolsma Track Center, at Liberty University, in Lynchburg, the senior sprinter blew past a tightly-packed field of runners in the 55-meter dash to place first with a time a of 6.47. Overall, the Foxes boys’ team featured five individual All-State qualifiers, and two relay All-State qualifiers. As a team, the Foxes boys placed 6th with 31 points. The Hilltoppers of E.C. Glass ran away with both the boys and girls team titles. The meet featured a total of 36 schools. After recovering from an auto accident, Jonathan Graham vaulted 14 feet to place second in the pole vault. Justin Halter placed 7th in the jump with a leap of 5’10”. Ezugo Agulou secured a 7th place finish

Christie Britt

Davion Hutt (center) made the entire King George community proud of his championship all-state performance, including his devoted parents who traveled to Lynchburg to see him make school history.

Davion Hutt’s 55-meter dash winning performance will have a lasting positive effect on the Foxes indoor track & field program.

in the 500-meters with a time of 1:08.61, and Jacob Watson finished 7th in the 3200 meters with a time of 10:06.10. As for the boys relay teams, the 4x400-meter team placed

Colwell (4th, 9’6”) and Elizabeth Hill (7th, 8’6”) were both honored with state qualifying vaults in the pole vault event. Distance runner, Miranda

6th with a time of 3:31.43, and the 4x800-meter team placed 5th with a time of 8:26.97. As for the Foxes girls, they placed 7th overall with 26 points. Heidi

Green finished second in the 1000-meters with a time of 3:00.72. Fellow distance runner, Kristen Hornbaker placed 8th in the 3200-meters with a time of

11:58.38. Both girls’ 4x400-meters (6th, 4:13.00), and 4x800-meters (3rd, 10:08.65) finished with state qualifying honors.

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Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The Journal


Altavista ends W&L boys’ basketball season Richard Leggitt After defeating Parry McCluer (56 to 47) in a quarter- final game last week, the Washington & Lee Eagles could not recover from a coldshooting first half, Altavista three days later and lost the semifinal contest to powerful Altavista (81 to 49). W&L The Altavista loss ended the season for Coach George Hunter’s boys’ basketball team. The Eagles finished the year 14 and 7. Altavista, now 21 and 3, later defeated Surry (79 to 50) to win the 1A East Conference crown and will play Galax Friday, in the 1A championship tournament in Salem. The Eagles hit just five of 21 shots from the field in the first half, while allowing the Colonels to dominate the boards. Making almost all of their shots from the paint, Altavista got a 17-0 run midway through the

81 49

Lancer Senior Night for Drifter hometown legend Leonard Banks

“We saw things out of this team that we’ve been looking for . . . Great defense . . . Patience on offense . . . And above all, great sportsmanship.

Sports editor Longwood Lancer captain Tristan “T.T.” Carey’s senior campaign will long be remembered for his athleticism on the basketball court and his academic achievements in the classroom. However, apart from his collegiate and high school success, Carey’s family will always be close to his heart. On Saturday, during Senior Night, Carey’s family, along with a host of fans that packed Willets Hall on the campus of Longwood University, came to support their legendary Lancer. The celebration also honored four of Carey’s teammates, which include: Jeylam Dubln, Jeff Havenstein, Mark Parker and David Robinson. Although the Lancers lost to VMI, 86-66, Carey had another one of his patented double-double performances, which featured 16 points from the field, 6-6 at the foul line and 12 rebounds. Carey now has 1,486 career points (sixth all-time), and second all-time in 3-pointers (228 points).

—Malcolm Lewis first half and got 12 points from Meche Maulbeck to take the lead and hold it. “We wanted to come out with a high level of intensity,” Altavista Coach Mike Cartolaro said. The ease with which the Colonels did that appeared to unsettle the Eagles, who could never get a run going. But despite the loss, W&L Athletic Director Malcolm Lewis expressed his pride at the Eagles’ winning season. “Coach Hunter did a great job with these guys this year,” Lewis said. “We saw things out of this team that we’ve been looking for . . . Great defense . . . Patience on offense . . . And above all, great sportsmanship,”

Lewis said. “Jeremy Turner showed signs of being a leader on the court, and Tre Brown and Davon Hamilton led by example. It was a good mix . . . And that’s why we made a run.” Hamilton led W&L scorers Friday night with 19 points. Darius Johnson led Altavista with 20 points. In the quarterfinal game earlier, the Eagles defeated McCluer by nine points, as Brown led the way with 22 points. “That was our best game of the year,” Coach Hunter said. “Our defense was the key, and we were very disciplined for most of the night. It was a great win. I’m so proud of these guys.”

Red Rocket photos

On Monday, Carey was named to the Big South Conference Honorable Mention Team. The six-foot-four standout was seventh in rebounding (6.6), ninth in steals (1.4), and sixth in scoring (18.5) in the Big South Conference. In addition, he was second in 3-point field goals (92). As a consistent scorer, he posted 27 double-figure scoring games, which included 11-straight to close the regular season. His senior season also included three 30-point games and 14 20-point games. Carey led

the Lancers in scoring 19 times and in rebounding 15 times, with five double-doubles. On Wednesday, March 5, at 8 p.m., the Lancers (3-13, 8-23) will play the Runnin’ Bulldogs of GardnerWebb University in the first round of the 2014 VisitMyrtleBeach. com Big South Men’s Basketball Championship. The game will take place at the HTC Center in Conway, SC. The game will be available via Internet at wvhl.net, and on WVHL Radio, Kickin’ Country 92.9 FM.


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Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Lady Drifters still in the state championship hunt

Leonard Banks

Colonial Beach Drifter guard Deniya Newman (right, #10) never gives up on a loose ball. Leonard Banks Sports editor The experience of competing in an atmosphere filled with controversy arguably is not the best way to host a Region 1A East Championship. However, on Saturday evening, in Altavista, the Drifters girls’ varsity basketball team’s road to the upcoming VHSL Group 1A Girls Basketball State Championship took a sight detour. After enjoying an 11-game winning streak, including

conference and recent regional tournament victories against Parry McCluer and Surry, the Drifters were dealt a 57-44 loss by the Altavista Combined School Colonels (17-4). Courtesy of 12 points from Sydney Morris, the Colonels jumped out to a 15 point lead in the first 11 minutes of the game. Morris later finished with 19 points, and seven rebounds. Kalia Donigan led all scorers with 22 points, while dishing out two assists and six rebounds. Deniya Newman led the Drifters

with 16 points, while Sydni Carey added 15 points. VHSL 1A State Championship Semi-finals On Saturday, the Drifters will travel to Wise, to play Honaker (226), on the campus of UVA-Wise. Game time is 2:45 p.m. Altavista will battle Chilhowie (24-2), either Friday or Saturday, at the Salem Civic Center, in Salem. Redemption is in the forefront of the mind of Drifter girls’ varsity head

basketball coach, Keith Dickerson. “It was the worst run tournament that I’ve ever seen in my life,” Dickerson said. “We were the number one seed, but treated like the fourth seed. It should have been held on a neutral site, but they treated it as a home game for them.” Along with a plague of issues getting the Drifters into the locker room, they were told to move their benches on two occasions. In addition, the rift between the two schools was further complicated by an argument between Dickerson and a Altavista school administrator, who, according to Dickerson, disrespected his players and the fans who drove nearly three and a half hours to support them. “He was talking to our girls as though they were animals; I got upset about that. I am like a father who will not allow anyone to mess with my kids,” Dickerson said. If both teams are successful in their state semi-final games, they will settle the war that started during last year’s first round 56-36 loss to the Colonels in the Group A Division 1 State Tournament. The championship game will be held at the Stuart C. Siegel Center, on the campus of VCU, in Richmond, on March 15. Go online to www.vhsl. org for times and to-date tournament bracket developments. Surry versus CBHS On Friday, during the 1A East Region semi-finals, the Drifters secured a second trip to the state

“It was the worst run tournament that I’ve ever seen in my life. We were the number one seed, but treated like the fourth seed. It should have been held on a neutral site, but they treated it as a home game for them.”

—Keith Dickerson

championship tournament by dispensing with Surry 46-32. Behind the clutch shooting of Emily Parks, who finished with 12 points, including the two 3-pointers, the Drifters bolted out to an early 14-2 first quarter lead, and never looked back. Carey added 13-points, five assists and 10 rebounds, while Billie Gould added 10 rebounds, seven steals, and eight points. Parry McCluer vs CBHS The quarterfinal round of the 1A East Regional Championship chess match between Colonial Beach and Parry McCluer instantly turned into a war of who had the best full court press. While the visiting Lady Blues from Parry McCluer attempted to slow down the Drifters offense, Colonial Beach patiently waited for their turn to strike. Leading by one point at the start of the second quarter (4-3), and after two ties, and one two lead exchanges, the Drifters finally solved the riddle of the Lady Blues defense. From her point guard position, Parks drew

two fouls that resulted in three points, and two jumpers, including a 3-pointer that totaled seven points. At halftime, the Drifters lead 17-12. With less than a minute remaining in the first quarter, McKenzie Wheeler buried two foul shots, and a jumper to give the Lady Blues a 28-26 lead. Prior to the buzzer, Iesha Jackson nailed a 3-pointer from beyond the arc to extend McCluer’s lead to 30-26. In the fourth quarter, the tables turned against the Lady Blues when forward Ashley Austin fouled out with 4:33 left in the game. The void created by Austin’s absence created a vacuum of opportunities for Carey to disrupt McCluer’s defense. Carey literally carried the team on her back, as she tied the game at 32-32, and later provided the Drifters breathing room with a series of layups and foul shots. While the Lady Blues attempted a last second shot attempt, time had run out during a traveling violation, and the Drifters had sealed the win with Carey running out the clock (43-40). Carey led all scorers with 20 points.

CB Drifters softball program back in full swing Leonard Banks Sports editor While the snow begins to melt, and the season has transitioned from spring to winter, the Drifters softball program is up and going. From the middle school to the high school varsity team, softball is the focus of varsity girls’ head coach Scott Foster. Although seven of last year’s starters are currently competing in the VHSL Group 1A East Girls’ State Basketball Championship tournament, Foster is thrilled to see his athletes enjoy the benefits of playing different sports, although the seasons have overlapped. “I think the enthusiasm for our program shows that we had 65 girls sign up, which is incredible for me,” Foster said. “For us, with a school totaling 175 kids, and to have 65 girls try out says that we’ve captured the interest of 60% of the girl student population.” The Drifters are coming off a huge season, where they competed in the VHSL Regional playoff for the first time in school history. The Drifters also finished the season with a record of 2-8, 10-14. Possibly the question that is on the minds of Black & Gold fans is who will replace Karley Inscoe on the mound. “Karley was my pitcher for three years in a row during my four seasons as head coach, and she probably pitched 95% of the innings for those three years,” Foster said. “However, we do have some potential prospects in the form of Taylor Lee, Manana Morton, and Deniya Newman. While they can all throw, they must prove they can be just like Karley, and have the ability to throw seven innings of pitching.” The Drifters returning to the infield will include catcher Emily

“I think the enthusiasm for our program shows that we had 65 girls sign up, which is incredible for me. For us, with a school totaling 175 kids, and to have 65 girls try out says that we’ve captured the interest of 60% of the girl student population.” —Scott Foster Parks. Parks led the team in hitting with a .410 batting average. Included in her 61 plate appearances are 16 RBIs, three homeruns, and 25 hits. Shortstop/pitcher, Newman should add some punch to the batting order with a .388 batting average, 16 RBIs, 26 hits, 26 runs, and two homeruns in 67 plate appearances. Newman and Parks were both selected to the 2013 Northern Neck All-District Team. Other Drifters returning include: McKenzie Conway (third base); Taylor Lee (second base); Billie Gould (center field); Kaitlyn Proffit (right field); Manana Morton (left field); Kora Herrod (outfield); T’nazya Taylor (outfield). The 1A Conference 43 softball division is stacked with competition. From the Red Devils to the Indians, there is not a weak link in the conference. “With the knowledge that all the Northern Neck teams have a chance to win a title, your

team has to be good throughout the season,” Foster said. “Nothing should be given to you—you have to work and out perform the other teams.” Junior varsity softball With a huge contingent of veteran players to chose from, Drifter junior varsity softball head coach Pat Ey has already begun to implement his coaching agenda. “The thing I want to be focused on this year is making improvements on base stealing and sliding,” Ey said. “I want to become the ultimate base running team.” Although there is a focus on winning at the junior varsity level, Ey hopes to instill solid fielding, batting, and running fundamentals into aspiring varsity players. Middle school softball Unlike her fellow varsity and junior varsity coaching peers, second year Colonial Beach Middle School

Leonard Banks

Drifters softball athletes came out in near record numbers to try out for all three levels (varsity, junior varsity, middle school) of the 1A East Conference 43 program. softball head coach Trisha Wagner will not have the luxury of experience players to build her team around. In fact, most of the 26 girls - 6th and 7th graders who are currently trying out for the team - have never played organized softball on any level before.

“While the majority of my girls have never played softball before, it’s going to be a teaching and rebuilding year,” Wagner said. Last season, Wagner’s team finished the season with a 4-10 record. Out of the 17 girls that played last

season, only 10 were experienced players. “This year we have a huge new crop of girls with many skill levels, and it presents an opportunity for us to mold them into fundamentally sound softball players,” Wagner said.

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Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The Journal




Business as usual in Richmond For most people, whether they follow politics or not, redistricting is one of those topics that has, to borrow a reference from Beatrice Potter’s Peter Rabbit, a “soporific effect.” In other words, it puts them to sleep. However, if you’re a partisan or an incumbent politician it’s an overriding David S. Kerr concern, and one, where more often than not, the fairness of the electoral process gets left in the dust. That’s why more people should be interested. In Virginia the district lines for the General Assembly and the U.S. Congress are drawn by the legislature. If there was ever a system that has a

more inherent conflict of interest, this is it. Last week a member of the House of Delegates offered a bill which would have put the question to the voters. Namely, would you like the district lines for the seats in the General Assembly and for Congress to be drawn by an independent commission? That sounds like good government, but alas, the Republican majority in the House of Delegates, the chief beneficiary of the current system, voting strictly along party lines, said no. The history of drawing legislative districts is a sad one. Today, we call it Gerrymandering and that dates back to the early 1800’s and a Democratic-Republican Governor of Massachusetts, Elbridge Gerry, who drew some infamously shaped districts to favor his party over the Federalists. And that’s how we’ve been drawing districts ever since. Also, while in Virginia it’s the

Republicans who wield the power to draw districts to favor their candidates, this hasn’t always been the case. When the Democrats had a majority they did pretty much the same thing. However, in the 21st century, Gerrymandering, thanks to block by block demographics, data mining, and sophisticated “redistricting software” has reached a new level of infamy. In the Virginia General Assembly for example, and this approach has been applied to our Congressional districts as well, districts are drawn to create as many lock solid Republican seats, and as few reliable Democratic seats as possible. And most of all, the number of competitive seats, always a danger for those who want to stay in power, is kept to a minimum. This is done primarily through a practice called packing and cracking. Like minded voters, with an edge to the GOP, are packed together and

Democratic areas that if combined with GOP leaning areas might have created competitive seats are cracked, in some truly creative designs, to make sure they’re all packed together as well. The result, is that in last year’s election 80% of the incumbents had no credible opponent. The only serious contests were in about eight seats. Several states, ones that used to rely on the legislature to draw their districts, have gone to commissions. This includes Vermont, Minnesota, California, and Idaho. Curiously, back when the Democrats had the power over redistricting many in the current GOP leadership had advocated a bipartisan commission. But, when offered that option last week, it was politics as usual, and unfortunately, as usual, the only ones that lost out were the voters. —Reach David Kerr at kerr@ journalpress.com

New Clinic is topic of meeting with Del. Ransone On Tuesday, March 4, Arlene Jacovelli, 24/7 TLC President/CEO visited Delegate Margaret Ransone’s Capitol office to discuss the Community Care Clinic recently established in King George. The meeting was part of Delegate Ransone’s ongoing efforts to encourage and foster fresh results oriented solutions to the issues affecting the daily lives of her constituents in the 99th District. Jacovelli reported on the establishment of a state of the art blood work lab by AtheroTech which will service all in the community. She also described the Senior Navigator on-site to assist patients in qualifying for health insurance plans on the healthcare exchanges along with outreaches being done at various community events. The highlight was discussion about the coming debut of a new affordable and accessible selfinsurance program, a “blue collar” type of medical services program designed to serve the estimated 195,000 Virginians caught in the so called “gap” created by the Affordable Care Act. Approximately 4,642 of these uninsured


individuals reside within Community Care Clinic service area which coincides with Ransone’s district. “I commend Mrs. Jacovelli, and Medical Director Dr. Roosevelt Dean for continuing the needed healthcare services to our families. As we continue to face many challenges with the Affordable Care Act, it is important that as neighbors we find healthcare solutions that work. Many families are facing increasing healthcare costs, higher deductibles, or losing their insurance or doctors.” The Community Care Clinic is accepting patients and offers a “Health Care Safety Net.” Directors of the center are also working with the uninsured to find a plan that best suits them. I encourage folks to work with the center and help those families in need while we continue to stress the importance of preventive health, competitive insurance plans along with quality healthcare. “Many thanks to all participants/volunteers at the center, the community is fortunate to have you offering real solutions.” stated Delegate Ransone. —Arlene Jacovelli

(in my humble opinion)

I’ve received a couple of emails about the letters and opinions recently published in this paper about the situation at Smoot Library. But here is the best one of them all: The L. E. Smoot Memorial Library will temporarily resume Sunday hours on March 9. The hours of operation will be 2 to 7 p.m. Sunday hours will continue through June 8. The Library will not be open on Sunday, April 20. Sincerely, Robin M. Tenney, Director L.E. Smoot Memorial Library 9533 Kings Highway King George, VA 22485 540-775-7951 540-775-5292 (fax) smoot.org A big round of applause and many thanks to Ms. Tenney, her staff and the county for listening to the concerns of the community and for making this change. Now, all those that complained had better be sure to make use of these new hours! Another library tale; at this

weekend’s KGBA Home & Craft Show, the Friends of Smoot Library had a “booth” and set up with hundreds of books for sale. Some were books retired from library service. Others were paperbacks, almost new, that needed a new home. I picked up two hardback books and four paperbacks for the sum total of $2.00. Was I ever ready for the snow storm. A great grandmother sitting next to me got five books for her granddaughter for fifty cents. What a deal! The Friends of Smoot Library are a group of volunteers that raise funds for library programs and needs that are not covered in the budget. In fact, there is a store at the library with proceeds going back into the library for more programs and more books. Volunteers, the back bone of most organizations. Working hard to make ideas come to fruition.

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Arlene Jacovelli, president of 24/7 TLC met with Del. Margaret Ransone about plans for the new Community Care Clinic in King George.

CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 A great opportunity presents itself this week, Cancer. Focus your energy on making the most of this opportunity, and you will be glad for having done so.

SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 Sagittarius, a relationship is blossoming and you’re not sure in which direction it should be going. Trust your gut instincts, and things will work out fine. CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 You are tougher than others suspect, Capricorn, and you will prove your mettle with a difficult task that requires all of your focus and energy to master. Others will be impressed. AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 Things are changing, but it’s for the best, Aquarius. Instead of going against the tide, let the waves take you where you need to go. Surprises are in store. PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 Think about moving in a new direction, Pisces. Change can be a good thing, and you will benefit from embracing change this time.


paper might help me to locate him. I am not looking to pressure him to meet or even speak with me. My only intentions are to let him know that I exist and that I am here and willing if he ever does want get to know me. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Lyndsay Allen Editor’s note: if you have information, please contact me here at the Journal. Lori Deem

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GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, a string of bad luck is not as bad as it seems. Like most things, this, too, shall pass. Keep your chin up, and hang out with friends to keep your mind busy.

LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23


President Jessica Herrink • jherrink@journalpress.com Publisher Jessica Herrink • news@journalpress.com Sports Editor Leonard Banks • leonard@journalpress.com Reporters Phyllis Cook • pcook@journalpress.com Linda Farneth • lindafarneth@verizon.net Richard Leggitt • leggittmedia@yahoo.com Community Events Lori Deem • lori@journalpress.com IT/Production • Drue Murray

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SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 Scorpio, a bumpy road will soon give way to greener pastures. Ride out this rough patch with a smile on your face, and it will pass quickly without wreaking any significant havoc.

VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 Virgo, a new career opportunity is coming your way soon. Make the most of this opportunity if change is something you feel you need at this point in your career.

Hello, my name is Lyndsay, and recently my mother informed me that I have a brother somewhere out there that was put up for adoption. She didn’t know much information about him. All she could tell me was that he was born on August 17th, 1988 and adopted by a family with the last name of Roe. She also told me that they lived in Colonial Beach, Virginia. That is why I am writing, I am hoping that maybe a story in a local

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TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 The path you have been taking seems more stable, Taurus. This is a good way to go for a while. You will find others are looking to you more for advice. It’s a role you enjoy.

LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 Leo, speak a little louder to ensure your voice is heard on an important issue this week. Your input is valuable, and those around you will be glad you spoke up.

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Don’t forget to change your clocks this weekend! Spring forward 1 hour on Saturday, March 8

Extra spending leaves you a little light in the wallet, Libra. Look for ways to generate some extra income or curtail your spending in the months ahead.

Letter to the Editor

Reach Lori Deem at lori@journalpress.com


ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 A difficult challenge lies ahead, Aries. Save up your energy for the next few days, and keep socializing to a minimum for the time being.

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The Journal


Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Congressman Wittman expresses concern about military budget cuts U.S. Rep. Rob Wittman, who represents Virginia’s First District including Westmoreland and King George counties, is concerned about the continuing reductions to America’s defense budget and the impact it is having on military readiness and the nation’s standing in the world. Wittman, a resident of Montross, is serving his third term in the House of Representatives.  He is Chairman of the Readiness Subcommittee of

the Armed Services Committee.  At a meeting in Montross on Friday, Wittman also expressed his strong concerns about the situation in the Ukraine. “The Russians are in there,� Wittman said.  “And, the United States needs to respond swiftly and decisively.�  Wittman said NATO was created to handle situations like the Russian incursion, and strong action, but not necessarily military ac-

tion, must be taken. The Congressman said that continuing budget cuts by the Obama Administration are causing significant challenges as America tries to meet its responsibilities around the globe. â€œUnfortunately, we have given up our position in the world,â€? Wittman said. The Congressman said that the Obama Administration cut the Defense Department’s budget under Defense Secretary Robert Gates,

again under Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and cut even further as part of the sequester. “Now even more cuts have been announced by Secretary Hagel.� “It is a frustrating time for a lot people,� Wittman said. “Certainly, our Defense Department can operate more efficiently, but we have to be able to meet our military responsibilities.� Wittman said that the military budget cuts have come while spend-

ing has increased in other areas of the federal budget, and while the Obama Administration continues to use executive orders to implement new regulations and raise and spend taxpayer funds. “This is the most overreaching executive branch in our history,� Wittman said. “And every day, the overreaching continues.� The Congressman said he has joined 36 other members of the

House of Representatives to file “friend of the court briefs�, expressing the support of the congressmen for a number of lawsuits that have been filed in an attempt to reign in Obama’s executive orders. “There are also going to be a lot of efforts on the oversight side as we move forward,� Wittman said. “Including a new joint select committee on Benghazi.� —Richard Leggitt

Classifieds HELP WANTED Part Time Office Cleaning Position; Monday through Friday 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm in Dahlgren. Must have clear results on background check with NO CRIMINAL record. Must be a U.S. Citizen. Must be 18 or older. Please contact B&B Maintenance of Maryland Inc. at 301769-2300, or preferably email application requests and questions to: bbmaint1972@gmail. com. 3/5p Rouse Farming, Inc. in Seven Springs, NC is hiring 6 temporary Farm workers from 03/24/201412/15/2014: 40 hrs/ week. Worker will plant, cultivate, and harvest tobacco by hand. Worker will plant tobacco plugs using tobacco transplanter machine. Chops weeds between plants using hand tools such as hoes and shovels. Worker will top and sucker tobacco to remove tobacco flowers. Harvest workers may move along rows and break off ripe leaves of tobacco, place on trailer, and move in unison with the field vehicle. Workers are required to work in fields when tobacco leaves are wet with dew or rain. Workers may assist in removing tobacco from barn. Workers must have 1 month general farm work experience. The use or possession or being under the influence of

We are pledged to the letter and spirit of Virginia’s Policy for achieving equal housing opportunity throughout the Commonwealth. We encourage and support advertising and marketing programs in which there are no barriers to obtaining housing because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, elderliness, familial status, or handicap. All real estate advertised herein is subject to Virginia’s fair housing law which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation, or discrimination because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, elderliness, familial status, or handicap or intention to make any such preference, limitation, or discrimination.� This newspaper will not knowingly accept advertising for real estate that violates the fair housing law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. For more information or to file a housing complaint call the Virginia Fair Housing Office at (804) 367-8530. Toll free call (888) 551-3247. For the hearing impaired call (804) 367-9753.

illegal drugs or alcohol during working time is prohibited. Workers may be requested to submit to a random drug or alcohol tests at no cost to the worker. May operate tractor. $9.87/ hr. (prevailing wage). Guarantee of 3/4 of the workdays. All work tools, supplies, and equipment furnished without cost to the worker. Free housing is provided to workers who cannot reasonably return to their permanent residence at the end of the workday. Transportation and subsistence expenses to the worksite will be provided or paid by the employer, with payment to be made no later than completion of 50% of the work contract. Report or send resumes to Virginia Employment Commission, Employer Services, Rural Services Unit, 703 E. Main St., P.O. Box 1358, Richmond, VA 23218, (804) 786-6094. or your nearest State Workforce Agency, Reference Job Order #10254415. 2/26p

Courses Moseley Real Estate Licensing Courses 03/17/201403/21/2014 (9-4; 04/21/2014- 04/25/2014 (9-4); 05/19/201405/23/2014(9-4); 06/23/2014-6/27/2014 (9-4); Call 540-4248 1 9 1 o r v i s i t w w w. exitrealtyexpertise.com for more info. Military Discounts for Active Duty and MyCAA for Spouses. ufn

APARTMENTSHOUSES, ROOMS FOR RENT/SALE BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY E S TAT E H O M E T O R E N T; 5 , 0 0 0 s q . f t . furnished home on 20 acre manicured grounds, tennis courts and ground maintenance included. with/in minutes from Dahlgren, Fredericksburg a n d Ta p p a h a n n o c k . $1,500.00 per month. 540-226-2047 or 804742-5416. 3/19p

Fox Towne Adult Day Care Center is now hiring for part time RN’s, LPN’s and Medical Technician also Volunteers are needed. Located conveniently on Rt. 3 in King George near the courthouse. To apply please call 540-775-5502. unfb

BENEFIT/ Fundraiser CBVFDLA with have it’s first dinner of the new year on Saturday, March 8th from 5:00 - 7:00 at the fire dept. Ham & Cabbage. $8.00 adults & $4.00 for children under 12. 3/5


1989 Prowler 5th Wheel for sale. Fisherman’s getaway. 30 ft , new carpet, AC, elec awning. now at Monroe Bay Camp. $5000.00 Must be moved. No tanks.540-662-1537. 3/19p Barcarlounger/ recliner: Blue, white & coral pin stripes. Arms & head covers included. Very good condition. $65.00 cash only. Call (540) 7757579 if interested. 2/26p

PETS/ FREE/ FOR SALE / ADOPTION Wendys Feline Friends. C a t s and k it t e n s f or adoption. Many different colors and ages. All fixed with rabies shot. See pics at westmoreland. petfinder.org. For more information call Wendy 804-224-1079 Animals Available For Adoption. The Animal We l f a r e L e a g u e h a s

Part Time Kennel Help in King George. Call (540) 775-3083. 2/26p Maintenance/Handy Man Contractor; Part Time position available for apartment complex in King George, VA. Experience required in plumbing, cleaning, painting, minor electrical and carpentry, customer service skills, multi-tasking and time management. Send resume or letter of interest to Maintenance 1620 Price Dr., Farmville, VA. 23901. 2/26b


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King George County has launched a new KGALERT system. To continue to receive alerts you must go to www.kgalert.com, click on Sign Up For Alerts and create a new account. King George Alert - The County Emergency Notification System provides accurate, immediate emergency notifications from all jurisdictions within King George County to your cell, work or home phone, via text, email or voice message. Receive notifications about emergencies that may affect your home, workplace, child’s school, parents’ home, or any other locations within King George County. The current KGALERT system will phase out soon. For more information go to kgfirerescue.com

Call Bonnie at 540-775-2024 to place your classified ad.

WANTED HVAC Service Tech for King George area with at least 8 years experience. Call Jim at (240) 577-3621 -EOE for more info DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY Proposed Flood Hazard Determinations for Westmoreland County, Virginia and Incorporated Areas The Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has issued a Preliminary Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM), and where applicable, Flood Insurance Study (FIS) report, reflecting proposed flood hazard determinations within the Town of Colonial Beach and the unincorporated areas of Westmoreland County. These flood hazard determinations may include the addition or modification of Base Flood Elevations, base flood depths, Special Flood Hazard Area boundaries or zone designations, or the regulatory floodway. Technical information or comments are solicited on the proposed flood hazard determinations shown on the preliminary FIRM and/or FIS report for the aforementioned communities within Westmoreland County. These flood hazard determinations are the basis for the floodplain management measures that your community is required to either adopt or show evidence of being already in effect in order to qualify or remain qualified for participation in the National Flood Insurance Program. However, before these determinations are effective for floodplain management purposes, you will be provided an opportunity to appeal the proposed information. For information on the statutory 90-day period provided for appeals, as well as a complete listing of the communities affected and the locations where copies of the FIRM are available for review, please visit FEMA’s website at www.fema.gov/plan/prevent/fhm/bfe, or call the FEMA Map Information eXchange (FMIX) toll free at 1-877-FEMA MAP (1-877-336-2627). 3/5/2014, 3/12/2014

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING KING GEORGE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION The King George County Planning Commission will hold a public hearing beginning at 7:00 p.m., on Tuesday March 11, 2014, in the Robert H. Combs Board Room of the Revercomb Administration Building at 10459 Courthouse Drive, King George, Virginia. Case Number 13-01-T02: Amendment to King George County Zoning Ordinance to create Article 13 Stormwater Management which creates a local Virginia Stormwater Management Program (VSMP) to comply with the Virginia Stormwater Management Act (§ 62.1-44.15:24 et seq). Amendment includes: stormwater provisions for administration; grandfathering, exemptions; exceptions; definitions, review of stormwater management plans; stormwater prevention plan requirements; stormwater management plan requirements; pollution prevention plan requirements design standards; specifications and methods; technical criteria for regulated land disturbing activities; off-site compliance options; design storms and hydrologic methods; long term maintenance requirements; monitoring and inspection requirements; enforcement provisions; hearings and appeals provisions; and schedule of fees. Documents related to the above cases are available for public inspection during the hours of 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday in the Department of Community Development, King George County Revercomb Administration Building. The public is invited to attend the above scheduled hearings and to express their views on the above cases. Those who are unable to attend the public hearings may submit their comments in writing to the Director of Community Development, 10459 Courthouse Drive, Suite 104, King George, Virginia 22485, prior to the scheduled hearings.

By Order of the King George County Planning Commission


Do you work for the Federal Government? Are you interested in participating in the Telework Program? We have the place for you. Our ofďŹ ce spaces meet the requirements for a person participating in the program. We have two ofďŹ ce spaces available for rent. 100 sq. ft. with all utilities and access to high speed internet through cable or telephone. Work at home without all the distractions of working at home!

$350 per month • short-term leases available. Centrally located in King George at the Gateway Village Suites. 11165 Journal Parkway (lower level of the former urgent care building) Call Louis Herrink at 540-625-2036 or Jessica Herrink at 540-469-4031

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING KING GEORGE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The King George County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing beginning at 6:15 p.m., on Tuesday March 18, 2014, in the Robert H. Combs Board Room of the Revercomb Administration Building at 10459 Courthouse Drive, King George, Virginia. Case Number 13-05-Z02: Request by JPI Walnut Hill, LLC to rezone, with proffers, 6.7482 acres of Tax Map 9, Parcel 34, as depicted on the Generalized Development Plan, Walnut Hill as prepared by Webb and Associates, dated 3-27-13, from Rural Agricultural Zoning District, (A-2) to General Trade Zoning District, (C-2). The property contains 128.9452 acres and is located on the west side of Route 301 approximately 0.2 miles south of the intersection of Danube Drive (Route 1101) and James Madison Parkway (Route 301). The area requested for rezoning is adjacent to Route 301. The minimum lot size in the A-2 Zoning District is two (2) acres and the minimum lot size in the C-2 for property served by public water and sewer is 5,000 square feet. The proposed is commercial. The Comprehensive Plan identifies the property as being in the Dahlgren Primary Settlement Area with a proposed residential density for this area ranges from 1 dwelling unit per 1 to 5 acres in those areas without public utilities. In areas with public utilities densities of up to 8 dwelling units per acre may be considered. Documents related to the above cases are available for public inspection during the hours of 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday in the Department of Community Development, King George County Revercomb Administration Building. The public is invited to attend the above scheduled hearings and to express their views on the above cases. Those who are unable to attend the public hearings may submit their comments in writing to the Director of Community Development, 10459 Courthouse Drive, Suite 104, King George, Virginia 22485, prior to the scheduled hearings.

By Order of the King George County Board of Supervisors 3/5/14,3/12/14

NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE OF 15521 REAL ESTATE AVENUE, KING GEORGE COUNTY, VIRGINIA. Pursuant to the terms of a Credit Line Deed of Trust dated as of July 10, 2002, recorded July 11, 2002 in the Clerk’s Office, Circuit Court, County of King George, Virginia (the “Clerk’s Office�) in Deed Book 400, page 490, as amended by that Deed of Trust Addendum dated as of October 10, 2007, recorded November 28, 2007 in the Clerk’s Office as Instrument No. 20071128000187970 (the “Deed of Trust�), default having occurred in the payment of the debts secured thereby, the real property briefly described above and below, and all improvements and fixtures thereon, will be offered for sale at public auction by the trustee listed below: Tax Parcel ID: 9-35-E All that tract or parcel of land lying, being and situate in the Potomac Magisterial District, King George County, Virginia, containing an area of 1.3968 acres, more or less, as shown on a plat of survey made by Jeffrey L. Howeth, Land Surveyor, dated September 5, 2000, which plat is recorded in the Clerk’s Office of the Circuit Court of King George County, Virginia, in Plat Book 18, Page 33 as the same is duly dedicated, platted and recorded among the land records for the County of King George, Virginia, known generally as 15521 Real Estate Avenue, and more particularly described in the Deed of Trust, together with all buildings, structures and other improvements thereon, together with all appurtenant rights associated with the ownership of the land and any improvements thereon, all as more particularly described in the Deed of Trust (collectively, the “Property�). The sale will take place on March 19, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. by the front entrance to the building housing the King George Circuit Court located at 9483 Kings Highway #3, King George, VA 22485. TERMS: A deposit in the form of certified or cashier’s check in the amount of $70,000.00 payable to Gary M. Nuckols, Trustee, is required of any bidder, except the noteholder, at the time the sale begins. The purchase price at closing will be the amount of the highest bid. The winning bidder, except the noteholder, shall sign a Foreclosure Sale Agreement (the “Agreement�) immediately following the conclusion of the sale. The deposit will be held by the Trustee and will be applied to the purchase price at closing. Closing within 30 days of sale. Time is of the essence. The Property will be conveyed by Special Warranty Deed. The Property will be sold “as is, whereas� and subject to all other recorded and unrecorded liens, encumbrances, security interests, easements, rights-of-way, covenants, conditions (including, but not limited to, environmental conditions, matters of survey, and conditions revealed by a physical inspection of the Property), restrictions, proffered conditions, if any, leases and mechanics’ and materialmen’s liens, to the extent any of the foregoing may lawfully apply to the Property being sold or any part thereof and take priority over the lien and security interest of the Deed of Trust. Costs: Trustee to pay grantor’s tax; Purchaser to pay all other closing costs; real estate taxes due shall be payable as of the date of sale, including delinquent real estate taxes, if any, shall be paid by the Purchaser at Closing. Additional terms will be announced at the sale. Trustee reserves the right to amend or supplement the terms of sale by verbal announcement at sale. Gary M. Nuckols, Trustee. FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: Gary M. Nuckols, Hirschler Fleischer, 725 Jackson Street, Suite 200, Fredericksburg, Virginia 22401, Telephone: (540) 604-2105.

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Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The Journal



VA Department of Game and Inland Fisheries opens comment period Check out https://www3.dgif. virginia.gov/web/issues-2014/ recommendations.asp to get the details about Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries’ (VDGIF) public comment period for fishing, nongame wildlife, and boating proposals. The agency really does go through the comments. I took a look at the proposals and noted some that might be of interest to local readers. Under Fisheries: “Northern Snakehead are classified as ‘nongame fish’ and thus currently fall under the ‘blanket’ or default creel limit of 20 per day. Efforts are still underway to limit the spread of this species to other Virginia drainages, and enabling anglers to harvest more than 20 per day may help slow colonization and reduce populations. Northern Snakehead creel limits should be changed to ‘unlimited numbers from inland waters statewide’.” “Restrict the stocking of Blue Catfish in private and public waters statewide - VDGIF approval is required to stock any species of fish into any inland waters except in privately-owned ponds and lakes. Blue Catfish have become established in several drainages, and they have the potential (if established) to do severe damage to rare species in the upper TN watershed, as well as others. The proposed change would restrict this species from being stocked by the public in private or public waters statewide.” “In recent years, tagging equipment for personal use has been readily available to anglers. Specifically, anglers can purchase inexpensive ‘floy’ tagging guns and tag fish for their individual goals. Such equipment can damage or kill fish if inserted incorrectly, and tags that lack information on them can be confusing to the public and mean nothing to agency researchers. We propose that tagging not be allowed without the permission of DGIF biologists.”

Under Nongame Wildlife: “Feral hogs are classified in DGIF regulation section 4VAC15-20-160 as ‘a nuisance species’, and are referenced in Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services’ regulation section 2VAC5-141-0 within the description of ‘commercial and noncommercial swine’. Domestic swine are defined in DGIF regulation section 4VAC15-20-50, and as ‘livestock’ in agriculture code (§ 3.2-5400 of the Code of Virginia). However, there is no legal definition stating the identity of feral hogs from that of a domestic hog or domestic swine. Both belong to the genus, species Sus scrofa. The unintended consequence of these various codes and regulations without a clear definition of feral hogs makes it difficult for the public to effectively eradicate feral hogs and mitigate landowner conflicts and litigation.” Staff is considering the following to address this issue: Define in DGIF regulation, “a feral hog is any hog that is roaming freely, living on its own in the wild and that cannot be claimed and identified by an owner.” Feral hogs are incredibly destructive. I have seen the damage they have done in my travels around the country. There is an established population in Culpeper now, and the damage done to agricultural fields is tremendous. They also ruin habitat for both game and non-game animals. There are plenty of other issues on the website there to view. For instance, if you are a trout angler, I encourage you to visit the site. I only put things in this article that impact us locally. Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) found in two more deer For those of you who travel north to the mountains to deer hunt, you might want to be aware of the fact that last season, CWD has been found again in two more deer in Frederick County. A 2 ½-year-old doe was taken on Nov. 30, very near

Feral hogs can give birth to up to a dozen piglets twice per year. They are impossible to completely eradicate once established, even with heavy hunting and trapping as shown in these pictures.

where the previous five deer were taken that had tested positive. This was not surprising to biologists, but a 1½-year-old buck that was taken ten miles southeast of the previous location is raising eyebrows of some hunters. However, biologists and those that have studied deer awhile do know that young bucks very often travel a long way after they are born and leave their mothers. Keep in mind that the rut was also occurring during this time when the buck was taken. The problem is that the buck was near the eastern edge of the so-called “containment area” that VDGIF had set up to slow the spread of this disease by both keeping tabs on deer by testing them and putting restrictions in place on carcass exports, etc. Because this buck was so close to the boundary, VDGIF says they anticipate changes to the boundaries and hence, possibly expanding the areas where

Thanks for visiting our Booth at the King George Home & Craft Show!

restrictions will be in place regarding deer parts, movement of carcasses, and so on. If you hunt in northern Virginia, please keep up to date on the restrictions, particularly before the next deer season comes in. More information on CWD can be found on the VDGIF website at: www.dgif.virginia.gov/wildlife/ diseases/cwd/. Birdhouses Now would be a good time (after this nasty snow leaves us!) to put up some birdhouses. Spring is nearly here, even though it seems so hard to believe, given our weather. I’ve noticed some bluebirds entering our birdhouse. If you have birdhouses, take the time to clean them out. Building a birdhouse with your kids or grandkids is not only fun, but also educational. Be sure to make the appropriate-sized box and hole (research online if you need to) for the birds that you want to use your

Because snakeheads can propagate so quickly, VDGIF wants to change the 20 per day limit to an unlimited take. These were caught with a throw net in Machodoc Creek. birdhouse. Some birds need a certain-sized hole, distance from the hole to the bottom, and even certain directions that the birdhouse needs to face for sunlight and temperature purposes. Take care to put the birdhouse in a place where cats cannot get to it, and also try to put it where

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you can keep an eye on it (if possible) to keep snakes out of it. I make mine with easily removable lids, so we can thoroughly clean them. I also try to place them where I can quietly approach and watch the birds going to and from the birdhouse. —Mark Fike

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