3/12/14 Colonial Beach/Westmoreland Virginia Local News

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Colonial Beach • Westmoreland

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Volume 38, Number 11

Wednesday, March 12, 2014 50 Cents

helping you relate to your community

CB Town Council expected to announce a new police chief After two rounds of advertising and several meetings to discuss applicants for the position of Chief of Police for the Colonial Beach Police Department (CBPD), the town council is expected to introduce a new police chief at the March 13 Colonial Beach Town Council meeting. Although no one is talking openly to the press about the council’s choice for a new police chief, social media leaks are pointing to one person- Elizabeth “Libby” Legg, former Police Chief at Ferrum College in Franklin County, VA. In a phone interview with Town Manager

Val Foulds on Monday, March 10, Foulds confirmed that the council is working with someone they want to bring onboard. The candidate is expected to attend the council meeting on Thursday, where the council is expected to make an announcement. Foulds said Interim CBPD Chief of Police William Seay is on the job and hard at work on the accreditation process. Reviewers for the accreditation were scheduled and started the accreditation review process at CBPD last Monday. Rumors abound say that the new chief of police will be a woman. “A first for Colonial

From emergency management to fires and shootings Linda Farneth At the Feb. 27 Colonial Beach Town Council work session, emergency management discussions sparked council complaints that some members were “left out of the loop” the morning of the school fire on Jan. 5. In an attempt to prepare a shelter and an emergency plan for the town, the council had asked town staff to pursue actions that would allow the town to take advantage of state and county funds. However, town staff ’s attempt to update council on procedures during the work session quickly turned discussions toward who is responsible for contacting council members in situations of fires or shootings. Town Manager Val Foulds informed the council that under State Code 44-146.19, the town is currently not recognized by the Virginia Department of Emergency

Management (VDEM) as a political subdivision for the purpose of emergency management, and the town is required to work with Westmoreland County to benefit from any funding or resources. However, if the town chooses an emergency management coordinator, it would then be recognized by the VDEM. According to State law, “A coordinator of emergency management shall be appointed by the council of any town to ensure integration of its organization into the county emergency management organization.” An emergency coordinator would have the power to control, restrict, allocate or regulate the use, sale, production and distribution of food, fuel, clothing and other commodities, etc. during an emergency, without the hindrance of following timeconsuming protocol required by law, except for mandatory constitutional See Emergencies, page 2

Beach,” as one anonymous social media blogger put it. Another goes so far as to name her as Elizabeth Libby Legg. The Journal asked Mayor Ham in a phone interview on Tuesday morning if Legg was their choice for chief of police. Ham stated he had no comment, but he did confirm that a decision had been made and the council was planning to introduce the new police chief at the Thursday meeting. However, WDBJ7.com posted at 6:52 p.m. on March 10, that Ferrum College Police Chief since September of 2009, Elizabeth “Libby” Legg, announced her resignation

Council unable to decide “how” to decide To sell, or not to sell town-owned property? That [unfortunately] is not the only question. The Colonial Beach Town Council made it evident at the Feb. 27 work session that they are split on the decision of what to do with townowned property. Furthermore, they were also split on how to make that decision. What seems to be agreed upon is that small, un-buildable parcels should be offered for sale to adjoining landowners, but that would only be an assumption since several times, various members of council have argued that these properties should be open to the general public. However, after hearing that these parcels would be landlocked or only accessible by water to anyone other than adjoining landowners, no members have made protest to these types of sales on the basis of to whom

Leonard Banks

Now that Drifter sports legend Brent Steffey (front) has assumed command of the Drifters varsity baseball team, a new era in sports excellence has begun.

Friday’s meeting of the commission. The mission of the bi-state commission is to manage and protect fisheries on the tidal portion of the River. The commission has been working for several years to re-establish oyster growing areas from the U.S. 301 Bridge, down river to Stratford Hall. The developer of the proposed project, Swan Point Development Co., has pledged to spend $5 million to stabilize the shoreline and plant wetlands vegetation to protect the River. The commission noted that permits for some of the Swan Point development were granted prior to recent oyster replenishment efforts, but urged caution because of the oyster beds in the River. The commission, to date, has invested $200,000 in the oyster replenishment project. —Richard Leggitt

Sheriff thanks searchers who found body of missing Montross woman Westmoreland County Sheriff C.O. Balderson this week thanked searchers who found the body of a missing Montross woman in some woods not far from her home on Feb. 27. Balderson identified the victim as 85-year-old Francis Branson. “What started out as a search a rescue operation, unfortunately became a recovery effort,” said Balderson. Branson, who disappeared from her home about 36 hours before she was found, apparently died of exposure as a result of the frigid temperatures that blanked the area during the time she was lost. Weighing 100 pounds, she was clad only in blue jeans and a shirt when she was found. Authorities said she suffered from dementia. “We had a lot of

anyone that day. Ham said that the Virginia Municipal League helped the council narrow the search to six or eight applicants. Ham did confirm that the council placed a second advertisement but pulled it after three days. When asked why he said the first list of eight was narrowed by the council to two applicants, but neither applicant was in a position to take the job, Ham said that recent events allowed one applicant the opportunity to take the position, but would not comment any further on the circumstances. —Linda Farneth

A new season

Fisheries Commission is concerned about proposed Md. development The staff of the Potomac River Fisheries Commission is scheduled to meet in Colonial Beach this week with a developer proposing to build a marina, a 143-foot pier and 1,500 homes on land directly across the Potomac River from Colonial Beach. Because of the anticipated shoreline work along several thousand feet of shoreline and the dredging of a creek to accommodate the marina, the commission is concerned about the impact of newly forming oyster beds on the River south of the 301 Bridge. Martin L. Gary, the commission’s executive secretary, said, “There’s potential impact on both sides of the River.” Gary saw a notice for a public hearing on the development two weeks ago and was concerned. He attended the hearing in La Plata, Md., and asked a consultant for the developer to speak at last

to students and staff by email last week. WDBJ7.com also reported that Legg “listed no reason for her departure, but the college says it wishes her well.” When asked about the process, Ham said the first advertisement for chief of police for the town netted some 30 applicants, including current Interim Police Chief William Seay, named such in Jan. of 2013, when CBPD Chief Kenneth Blevins, Sr. resigned. Blevins’ resignation came in a handwritten one-line sentence after a closed meeting with council members in January. Former Chief Blevins left the meeting room without speaking to

people looking for her, but unfortunately we were too late,” Balderson said. Balderson said more than 120 searchers took part in the effort to locate Branson, including sheriff ’s officers from King George, Stafford, Spotsylvania, Richmond and Westmoreland counties; fire departments from Cople, Westmoreland, Oak Grove and Colonial Beach; rescue squads from Colonial Beach and Montross. Also assisting were the Virginia State Police, Westmoreland Emergency Services, staff from Westmoreland State Park and Virginia Emergency Management. —Richard Leggitt

Collecting for clothes for the homeless Sherry Lee, the Colonial Beach restaurant owner who collects warm coats, gloves, hats and scarves to help Westmoreland residents make it through the winter, is collecting again. This time, Lee is seeking donations of clothing to help the homeless. Lee opened her restaurant, Sher’s Snack Shack, last year after her father was killed tragically in a traffic accident. Retired police detective and onetime movie stuntman Paul Lee, 76, was killed when the car he was riding in was hit by a truck at the intersection of Routes 205 and 218 in King George. Lee dedicated her Colonial Beach restaurant to her father and has sponsored a series of benefits and other efforts to help those who need assistance. “I wanted to do something to honor him,” Lee said. “It is kind of like a living memorial.” “Now we are trying to help the homeless,” Lee said. “They need clothes, shoes, socks, etc. We will have the Sam Grow Band here on April 6 to kick off our collection of articles for them, so people can make a donation or bring items for the homeless.” The April 6 event for the homeless will take place from 1 to 3 p.m. at the restaurant, which is located at 323 First Street in Colonial Beach. Donations can also be dropped off at anytime during the restaurant’s regular hours, 11 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Monday to Thursday, and 11 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday. —Richard Leggitt

See decide, page 2

What’s the fracking problem? Recent water restrictions being imposed by DEQ and word of mouth talks over the negative affects of fracking have sparked the Montross Town Council to stand up and take notice of the practice, and to stand up against it in an effort to request more studies into the long- term effects left behind by the practice. Councilman Terry A. Cosgrove asked the council to consider sending a letter to the Governor, asking him to take a closer look at the impact that fracking has on the environment; not just in the operation itself, but also in the way trucks moving back and forth affect the roads and towns’ infrastructures. Cosgrove said, “Even if you take yourself out of whether fracking is good, bad or you’re indifferent to it, there’s a lot of side effects that are very real. Other municipalities are having extreme road damage. Each well requires 200 trucks.” Cosgrove said he personally felt there was a risk of contamination of the water basins where fracking is conducted, but added, “Regardless of my feelings, I think that this council should consider sending a letter to the governor of this state asking him to take a further study on the effects of fracking within the state of Virginia.” Both Cosgrove and Reamy have attended meetings on the subject of fracking and have found that a large percentage of land leased for fracking has been secured in Westmoreland and Caroline Counties. Wheaton asked if the companies had begun drilling the wells. Cosgrove stated they have not.

So, what’s the problem? Critics are coming forward because some residents who have allowed fracking on their property have signed nondisclosure statements (during the negotiating process to lease the land), leaving them unable to speak out. Many residents report having their water contaminated by chemicals used in the process of fracking. Although you will be hard-pressed to find a case where either the mining company or any agency has blamed water contamination on the fracking procedures, many companies have settled with landowners, providing bottled water for drinking and other household uses. With fracking, the miners drill in a manner that captures the fuels still trapped within the layer of shale. The company drills a well straight down. When it reaches the layer of shale, the drilling takes a horizontal turn into the rock formations. High-powered jets use a mixture of sand, water and chemicals to fracture the rock. Sand deposits into the cracks, holding them open, allowing the gas and chemicals to be extracted. An average of 8 million liters of water, the equivalent of a daily consumption of around 65,000 people, is used for each drilling. The process also uses several thousand tons of sand and approximately See fracking, page 2

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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The Journal


Fracking: Public concerns from page 1 200,000 liters of chemicals. Currently, the Town of Montross is required to fill out a mandated permit for usage of water. Cosgrove reminded the council that the drilling companies are exempt from water usage limits. The chemicals, among other tasks, compress the water, kill bacteria and dissolve minerals. Most of the fluid is pumped out again, and the natural gas is recovered. Then, the remaining fluid is pumped deep underground and sealed into the layers of rock or ground. Like Cosgrove, many critics are not actually disputing if the process is safe, IF done correctly, but are citing numerous accidents during the process which they say have contaminated water supplies. Critics also say that although the practice is not new, it is only recently that mining companies are using these methods and at an alarming rate. Many people fear the possibility of these toxic chemicals escaping through natural processes or natural disasters such as earthquakes. No one is really discussing the impact the shattered rock will have, over time, on the stability of the ground above it. Before the 2011 earthquake epi-centered in Mineral VA, many residents of the Northern Neck had never experienced an earthquake; now substantial earthquakes and/ or aftershocks are becoming a new reality in the eastern states. Companies justify the process, saying the safety lies in the depth of their drilling. Mining officials say freshwater aquifers are from the surface to about 1,000 feet down, but fracking takes place at depths of seven to twelve thousand feet. Two miles separate the chemicals from the freshwater aquifers. Councilman Larry Wheaton told Cosgove, “I think your argument merits serious consideration; certainly our state government should be intimately involved, especially given the groundwater withdrawal permitting and all the things associated with that.” Admitting that he did not know much about the process but intended to research it more, Wheaton asked, “Does this process require water, and what kind of services does it require from the infrastructure of the community?” Cosgrove replied, “It requires millions of gallons of water. Wheaton asked, “Who’s going to be paying for those millions of gallons of water?” to which the group had no

answer. Wheaton brought up that all projects require environmental impact statements pertaining to not just the effects of a project on infrastructure, water and soil, but also to the impact on the economy, people and health. Cosgrove stated that the mines are exempt from environmental impact studies. Many landowners report that the companies come to individual land- owners and lease the mineral rights to their land; at which time, if contamination occurs and if the industry is at fault, landowners are powerless to speak out because they’ve signed agreements with nondisclosure clauses which prevents investigation. Councilman Robert Zimmerman asked Cosgrove how much gas the oil companies are planning to extract. Cosgrove answered, saying, “The figure that I heard last night [at a meeting he attended on fracking] was 2½ percent, which was about two years’ worth of energy for the State of Virginia.”

Zimmerman replied, “For the risk of our aquifer, for permanent damage, for two and half years of energy…” Cosgrove cut in, saying, “After hearing this information, I would rather burn wood and live with candles.” Cosgrove said he gathered that the reason for extracting the gas was economical. “…the price of natural gas is up in Europe and Japan and they are looking at an export facility somewhere up in Southern Maryland.” After some discussions, presiding Vice Mayor Joseph P. King went around the table, asking each member to weigh-in with their conclusions. Wheaton suggested banding together with other localities to send a joint letter to the Governor, asking to block drilling and to conduct studies on the impact of fracking procedures on the environment. Ferdie F. Chandler: “I think there should be a whole lot more studies going into it before anything is done.” Chandler believes too many people are not familiar with what the process involves. “The possibility of interfering with our water source would be a terrible thing. There’s not enough gas down there to justify that.”

Robert A. Zimmerman: “If they’re only going to be pumping gas for two years, this isn’t infrastructure; this is rape!” Clinton A. Watson Jr.: “It definitely sounds like an environmental negative, versus the potential energy they are going to get out of this.” Watson said he would want to ask the State to look at alternative energy sources. Brenda Reamy said that The Friends of the Rappahannock have

requirements. In her report, Foulds stated that she is currently working with emergency services from Westmoreland, the Northern Neck and the VDEM to develop an Emergency Operations Plan that spells out the responsibilities of the County during any emergency. Foulds asked the council if it would like her to draft a resolution for the next meeting to create a position for an emergency coordinator. Councilwoman Linda Brubaker expressed that she would like to utilize the emergency management coordinator to inform council members during local incidents such as fires, shootings, etc. Brubaker said, “I would admit that my nose was out of joint that I didn’t know the fire was going on.” Brubaker was referring to the early morning fire at the elementary school campus on Sunday, Jan. 5, that gutted the old two-story brick building. Foulds explained that the coordinator’s job is to work in times of town, county or state-wide emergencies. Brubaker argued that this person could have a dual role. The majority of the 20-minute

from page 1 these parcels are offered. But beyond that, each member has his/her own opinion on what should and shouldn’t be done with larger parcels. One thing is clear, however; when discussing town-owned properties they are categorized as follows: Boardwalk, Eleanor Park and Other. Also clear is that all members would love for the town to receive top dollar for these properties. But a few feel it is better to sell low and begin receiving revenue from real estate taxes, as well as any taxes created by development on those lots, than to leave them sit. Others, however, would rather leave them sit, doing nothing until the economy recovers, and a few feel that the town should only lease the properties and retain ownership of the land. Mayor Ham has talked, on many occasions, about having a meeting specifically to discuss the issue of town property; no meeting has ever been set, but council continues to talk about what to do with town-owned property at almost every meeting since Ham became Mayor. Ham’s favorite saying, which he stated again at the Feb. work session is, “We have the most expensive gravel waterfront parking lot in the State of Virginia”- which he feels does not qualify as a tourist attraction. At the February work session, appointed Councilman Pete Bone attempted to set a meeting to discuss what to do with townowned property, even making a motion to set a meeting in April. Twenty seven minutes, almost 1/8 of the four-hour meeting, was spent debating not only what to do with town-owned property but also whether to hold a meeting to discuss town-owned property. The issue of whether the town could prepare a referendum in time for the November ballot was also

discussion on emergency management was consumed with this issue. Several council members agreed that better communication should be established with council members during these types of situations. It seemed that all members of council were in agreement that council members should be notified. Councilman Jim Chiarello said this was all useful information, but stated that the council had started this process to find out how the town could pursue emergency management practices. He said that the town manager had worked hard on this, but stated that the town needs to go by the rules and needs to find someone best suited for the role of notifying council members of these types of events; but it should not be the emergency coordinator. Councilman Pete Bone stated that the Mayor and Town Manager are responsible for getting in touch will all council members in those types of situations, referring to the fire. Eventually, the council gave Foulds the go ahead to prepare a resolution to create the position, and Councilman Tommy Edwards said he had a person in mind to fill the position but would give Foulds a name outside of the meeting.


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to offset the cost of repairs to roads.” Cosgrove said in that instance, the company backed out of it. The group plans to do individual research on the process, and Vice Mayor King asked Cosgrove to draft a letter for the council to review. —Linda Farneth This article has been edited for space. Please find the complete article on The Journal’s website

Decide: What to do about town property

Emergencies: Council members want notice from page 1

been spearheading and presenting an informational presentation, described as “Fracking 101”. She said she would try to obtain the presentation to help educate the group on the methods. Cosgrove ended by saying, “There have been some communities out in the Shenandoah Valley that came together/banded together and revised county comprehensive plans and zoning laws to enforce the company to be responsible for fees and levies


w w w. s h a w s c a r p e t s a n d f l o o r i n g . c o m

discussed. So, not only was it evident that the council could not agree on what to do with town-owned property; they were unable to come to an agreement on the best way to decide what to do with town-owned property. Here are some of the highlights of the conversation: Councilman Pete Bone asked, “Is council willing to do a marketing on Eleanor Park for sale and portions of the Boardwalk property?” Councilman Tommy Edwards stated he was. Both Councilwomen Wanda Goforth and Linda Brubaker said they were not, and Brubaker repeatedly said that Councilman Gary Seeber (who was not present) voted “no”, as well. Bone said, “The Boardwalk property has been in discussion since they took it in ‘88. We promote tourism, but the only thing we have provided for tourists, in my opinion, is a waterfront parking lot.” Bone said that something needed to be done with Eleanor Park. “The problem is, when you get a buyer, everybody wants to tell them how to spend their money. Half the council wants a Starbucks; the other half wants a 7-Eleven.” Bone added, “Zoning describes what can go on those properties, and it’s defined.” Bone suggested, again, that the council hold a special meeting on the subject of whether to sell or keep town-owned property within the next three months. “We need to make a concentrated effort on doing something that is positive to bring tourism into town.” Brubaker asked, “Why don’t we put that on hold?” Bone responded, “It’s been on hold for 20 years!” Brubaker replied, “You’re exactly right, and I’m not disagreeing with you, but our planning commission has recommended that we put a hold on it for five years, ten yearswhatever it was.” Brubaker recommended the council wait until the town receives the revitalization grant from the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) before doing anything with townowned properties. “I’m not saying don’t do anything; I’m just saying don’t do anything now; let’s just wait.” However, the DHCD will only award grants to localities that show that they are working towards becoming self-sufficient in revitalization. Mayor Ham argued that every year that the town hangs on to these properties, the town loses property tax revenue. Ham estimated that if Eleanor Park was sold and developed, the town would gain $30 to $40 thousand in property tax revenue. “Property taxes on Eleanor Home Park, if it were sold and developed, equate to about thirty to forty thousand dollars a year that we are just giving away right now; plus whatever it is costing to maintain it. Same with all the property on the Boardwalk.” An audience member said, “Amen”. Brubaker cut in, saying, “God doesn’t make any more waterfront, Mr. Mayor.” One audience member whispered,

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“Oh, for God’s sakes!” Councilwoman Wanda Goforth fought for a turn to speak, then said, “I agree with Mr. Bone on some of the issues; we need to develop it, but that does not necessarily mean that we need to sell it. Long-term leases, then have it developed; that will work.” Goforth feels it would bring in tourists but maintain ownership for the town. Goforth feels Eleanor Park should be handled differently. Planning Commissioner Robin Schick was available at the meeting and asked council to be allowed to clarify the planning commission’s recommendations on Eleanor Park. “Our recommendation was to hold on to it, due to the economy and property values being low right now.” She said the planning commission recommended holding ownership of the property for five years, during which they recommended conducting a minimal development site. Fitness trails and exercise areas where suggested, and she said that the commission is in favor of a private/public partnership. On the issue of the Boardwalk, Bone said, “We say we don’t have anything, but we don’t want to build anything. We can’t have both!” He stated again that the town should follow zoning when deciding what to allow on town-owned properties. Councilman Jim Chiarello said, “Each property needs to be developed by a plan. Moral obligations are more important than legal.” Chiarello believes there is controversy over Elanor Park. He suggested putting the issue of it on a ballot. He feels waterfront property should be developed, and properties need to be promoted to sell them at fair market value. Chiarello said the town should focus on the Boardwalk, “We have parking lots that are waterfront property; that’s totally ridiculous.” He said the town should focus on one property, and develop or sell it. “Everything we have done until now is a waste of time.” Chiarello added that he knows some people want a complete list of properties but said the one they have is 90% good. “Pick one, and let’s all focus on that one and develop it.” Chiarello’s wife Glenda supported her husband and stood up to give her opinions. She feels there is not much controversy over Boardwalk property but there is on Eleanor Park. She thinks that meetings aren’t getting anywhere because only people passionate about the issue show up. She agrees it should be on a referendum on the ballot; “You get a clear mandate from the people.” The council discussed ballot requirements and felt that it would not be doable until next year. Finally, Bone made a formal motion to schedule a meeting in April to discuss the marketing of the Boardwalk and Eleanor Park property. Mayor Ham insisted that the meeting include a public hearing. After the motion was seconded, there was more discussion on the motion. Brubaker said she agreed with Glenda Chiarello that it should be on the ballot. Then, her next statement was in stark contrast with her earlier statement to wait. She said, “I do agree; we need to do something” Goforth volunteered to do research on leases for the proposed upcoming public hearing. Councilman Chiarello remarked, “Another year sitting won’t make a hill of beans,” in reference to waiting for the steps of a referendum. Bone said, “This is the fourth rendition of the same thing.” Finally, Mayor Ham pushed for a vote; all voted aye except for Brubaker. No date has been decided on for the public hearing. —Linda Farneth

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The Journal

Area Death Laurie Lee Oliver

Laurie Lee Oliver, 76, of Montross, passed away on Sunday, March 9, 2014. She was a homemaker and the wife of Herman C. “Sonny” Oliver. She is survived by sons, Clay Oliver and wife, Donna, of Fredericksburg and Michael Oliver and wife, Esther, of Montross. Also surviving are grandchildren, Ashley, Megan, Tyler, Zane, Cullen, and Emma, and sister, Margurite “Bobby” Brown. A memorial service will be held at 3 p.m. on Saturday, March 15, 2014 at Welch Funeral Home, Montross Chapel. Online condolences may be made at www.welchfuneralhomeva.com

Weight Watchers Open House Get Moving this Spring To help local residents get active this spring season, Weight Watchers is holding a special Open House event where a successful local member will share their personal story of weight loss success and the activity tips that helped them succeed. A member from the YMCA will give a short presentation on the various activities that the YMCA offers. Area residents are encouraged to attend and learn more about Weight Watchers and experience a Weight Watchers meeting first hand. KG YMCA Tuesday March 18 10545 Kings Hwy, KG 6-7:30 p.m.

OPTIMIST CLUB TO HOLD ORATORICAL CONTESTS The Optimist Club of King George is seeking students for their oratorical contests. The contestants must prepare and give a 4 to 5 minute speech on the topic” How My Passions Impact the World”. There will be two contests, one for girls and one for boys. Any student, public schools, private schools or home-schooled, who has not graduated from high school and is under the age of 19 is eligible to enter the contest . Contests winners from the local contests will compete at the District level where the winners of each contest will be awarded a $2500 scholarship to a college, university or trade school at which they are accepted. The local contests will be held on Wednesday, April 2 and the District contests will be held in Richmond on Saturday, May 3; contestants will be informed of the time and locations of the contests. Application forms may be obtained from Mr. Fike at KG Middle School, Ms. Hand at KG High School or from the Optimist Club at lloydhadams@aol.com. Applications are due no later than March 28.

Docent training for Dahlgren Heritage Museum

Save the Date for annual Seafood Festival- May 3

Docent training for anyone who would like to volunteer at the Dahlgren Museum will be held on Thurs., March 13 at 5:30 p.m. at the museum. Old visitor’s center on 301 by the Nice Bridge. Contact info@ dahlgrenmuseum.org for more info. Please come by and learn more about the history of the base and get prepped for volunteering at the museum. We will be open the 3rd Saturday of every month from noon - 4 p.m. and more often if we get enough volunteers. When you sign in at Docent Training, feel free to add the dates you’ll be available to volunteer. The museum will be open on Sat., March 15 from noon - 4 p.m. Hope to see you there!

Chincoteague Chamber of Commerce “launches” ANNUAL SEAFOOD FESTIVAL May 3, 2014 Chincoteague, VA --Seafood and rockets-a winning combination. Orbital Science Corp.’s Antares rocket is scheduled to lift off from the Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport at Wallops Flight Facility on May 1 carrying supplies to the International Space Station. Plan your Seafood & Rockets weekend to begin with the Thursday afternoon launch. Highlight the weekend with a bountiful feast of fresh clams, oysters, fried fish, grilled chicken, boardwalk fries, and numerous other Eastern Shore treats at the 46th Annual Seafood Festival. Festival fun is Noon to 4 p.m. and includes live entertainment. Culminate the weekend’s festivities with a Chinco de Mayo 5x5 Art Sale & Celebration at the Museum of Chincoteague Island beginning at 5 p.m. immediately after the Seafood Festival. For the first time, the Chincoteague Seafood Festival is offering an area for local artists and artisans to showcase and sell their handmade-only items. Contact marketing chairwoman Sherry Tarr at 757-894-0452 or sltarr@verizon.net to learn more. The 46thAnnual Chincoteague Seafood Festival is held May 3, 2014 at Tom’s Cove Park Campground at 8128 Beebe Road in Chincoteague Island, Virginia. Tickets to the sell-out event are $40 each and may be purchased online at www. chincoteaguechamber.com or by calling the Chincoteague Chamber of Commerce at 757336-6161.

KG Farmers’ Market to open 2014 season on April 5 !! KG County Museum to benefit from benefit dinner

Please come out and support the KG Museum benefit dinner on Sunday, April 6, from 4-8 p.m. at the KG Citizens’ Center. Come and enjoy a good home cooked meal! The dinner is free, but any and all donations are greatly appreciated and welcome. Funds raised will go into the museum’s building fund. Keynote 17th Annual Reagan Day Dinner-March 16 Dr. Lee Edwards, Distinguished Fellow in Conservative Thought at the Heritage Foundation, will be the keynote speaker at the Lancaster County Republican Committee’s Reagan Day Dinner on Sunday March 16. Republicans from throughout the Northern Neck have been invited to attend. The dinner will be held at Indian Creek Yacht and Country Club near Kilmarnock. Representative Rob Wittman will serve as Master of Ceremonies. The evening begins with a social hour at 5:30 p.m. and a buffet dinner is served at 7 p.m. Tickets for the dinner are $50 per person. To make a reservation, send a check payable to the Lancaster County Republican Committee to LCRC, P.O. Box 1215, Kilmarnock, VA. 22482. For more information contact Mrs. Blackstone at 804-435-6464.

SUMMER PROGRAM Tabernacle Baptist Preschool June 2 thru August 29 $140.00 per week 6:30 a.m.- 6 p.m. Scheduled activities each day to include: story time; water games; gym play; arts & crafts; field trips; Bible story & song time and learning time to refresh & reinforce. Call (540) 775-2948 or visit the website at www. tabernaclepreschool.com Make this a summer your preschooler(s) will remember!

KGVFD-LA Homemade Spaghetti Sauce Sale


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“Edith” Hound tri-color young female

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“Jojo” Pit Bull tan and white young male

“Margo” Hound tri-color young female

Thur. March 13

DMV2Go will be at the KG DMV Select, 13035 Kings Highway from 9 a.m.-4 p.m.

Tues. March 18

James Madison Garden Club to meet at 10 a.m. at St. Paul’s Church off Dahlgren Road. Scheduled program on Container Gardening presented by Karen Moosebrooks of Morningside Nursery. All are welcome.

KGHS SkillsUSA members take 1st place In February, SkillsUSA held their District 11 student championships. Two KGHS students competed and both won 1st place gold. Madison Mading (pictured left on the right) won the job interview competition. Trey Thompson (pictured on the left) won the welding competition. Both are headed for the SKILLS USA state conference and championships held in Roanoke in April, where they could qualify for nationals in Kansas City in June. SkillsUSA is a student cocurricular organization geared towards students that are enrolled in Trade and Industry high school classes. Students who are members of the KGHS SkillsUSA club are eligible to apply for a scholarship from the KG Builders’ Association. Previous recipients have used their scholarship funds for tools, textbooks and union fees in order to continue their training and trades education.

Elks 2666. Every Monday night. The doors open at 5 p.m. Early Bird Games 6:30 p.m. At 719 Ferry Landing Road. Just off 205 in Oak Grove - Colonial Beach VA. Food available. (804) 224-0364. Scheduled Community Event? Send the details to lori@journalpress.com or call (540) 709-7495.

Tues. March 25

Breakfast meeting hosted by KG Econ. Dev. office. UMWDahlgren 8 a.m. Joint Land Use Study Public Forum 7 p.m. UMW Dahlgren

Wed. March 26

Candidate workshop at Revercomb Bldg. 10-noon and 7-9 p.m.

Sat. March 29

Craft & Vendor Fair. Hosted by the KG Pre-school PTA, funds raised will be used to complete the playground project.

Sat. April 5

Friends of the NRA annual Fundraiser at the F’brg Elks Lodge. Starts at 5:30 p.m. with dinner, auctions, and chance to win prizes. Call (775) 313-3640 or email K2outdoors@yahoo.com.

Thur. April 10

6th Annual Candlelight Vigil & Stop the Violence Art Contest. Evening of local youth art, music & praise dancing and more. Westmoreland Fire Dept. 52 Rectory Rd. Montross, VA. 6 p.m. Contact katherinjcross@gmail.com or call (804) 493-8539.


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Sun. April 13

Shirley Plantation to host Easter Egg Hunt on the grounds. For children 2-12. Bring your own basket accompanied by an adult. Cost $5 per child plus $5 grounds ticket. 1-3 p.m. Lots of eggs and prizes. Come early and bring a picnic. 501 Shirley Plantation Road, Charles City, VA 23030. (804) 829-5121or (800) 232-1613 toll-free.

Wed. April 16

Joint Town Hall meeting with Congressman Wittman at UMW Dahlgren. 7-9 p.m. What’s Happening King George Parks and Recreation? --Annual Kite Fly Saturday, March 22, 1-3 p.m. at a new location, Hopyard Farms on Port Conway Road, in King George. --Spring Fling Health & Safety Fair Saturday April 5 @ the Citizens Center 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Health & Safety Information inside. Flea Market & Vendor Fair outside. Call to rent tables. High Five Fitness Challenge for Kids; Lola the Clown; Meal Deals: Hot Dog, Chips and Soda $3.00 - BBQ, Chips and Soda $5.00. Boat Safety Inspections @ McDaniels Carwash – Call for details! (540) 775-4386 --Great one day bus trip – sign up now! Azalea Festival featuring the Virginia International Tattoo Show plus a ceremonial performance of military music! Saturday March 27. Last call! Only $129 per person, includes dinner, show, tattoo Hullabaloo Entertainment, Botanical Gardens & Tram Tour. Call (540) 775-4386 to register. Call or go by KG Parks & Rec to see what other programs they offer.

Annual Tree Seedling & Rain Barrel Sale ends 3/28 On Saturday, April 5, from 9 a.m.-Noon, the Tri-County/City Soil & Water Conservation Dist. will be holding their Annual Tree Seedling and Rain Barrel Sale. Species available are Lilac, Crape Myrtle, Eastern Redbud, American Plum, River Birch, Indigobush, Red Osier Dogwood, Eastern White Pine, Serviceberry and Kousa Subscribe to The Journal $24 per year Call 540-775-2024

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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

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Dogwood. They’re also offering 60 gallon rain barrels for purchase. To place an order and reserve for pickup call 540-656-2401 or 656-2402. Locations and descriptions can be found on the website at www. tccswcd.org.

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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The Journal




The economics of Medicaid expansion and preventive health Expanding Medicaid in Virginia shouldn’t be a partisan issue. There are some states where it isn’t; New Hampshire is a good example. In the granite state, the Republican state senate enthusiastically supported Medicaid expansion. With typical New England David S. Kerr practicality,they supported it as a matter of common sense and good economics. But, that’s not the case in the Commonwealth. The Democraticcontrolled state senate has passed a private sector based expansion bill, and the Republican-controlled House has made it clear they want nothing to do with it. The issue, since it involves appropriations, has stalled the budget. The General Assembly will reconvene in a couple

of weeks to try again. However, where the common ground be is hard to visualize at the moment. Both sides of the argument are dug in. The governor is pressing his case in favor of Medicaid from one end of Virginia to the other. But, so far, the opponents of expansion haven’t shown any interest in negotiating. Perhaps the biggest problem for Republicans is that they see support for this bill entirely in terms of their party’s vehement, indeed almost pathological objections to the Affordable Care Act. In their minds, support for expanding Medicare is a vote for the hated Obamacare. It’s true that Medicaid expansion was a part of the Obamacare legislative package, but that’s not really what this discussion’s about; or, at least, it shouldn’t be. Rather, it’s about expanding medical care to people who really need it. And what’s more, its expansion, in terms of basic economics, makes good sense. But, first, who are these people? In Virginia, they number about 400,000,

New law protects farmers from local officials Paris, VA – In a hard-fought and stunning victory for family farmers and property rights throughout the Commonwealth, Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D) signed into law legislation on March 5 solidifying Virginia’s status as a right-to-farm state by limiting local officials’ ability to interfere with normal agricultural operations. The governor’s signature marks the latest chapter in a swirling controversy that attracted nationwide attention in 2012 when the Fauquier County Board of Supervisors forced family farmer Martha Boneta to cease selling produce from her own 64-acre farm. No longer allowed to sell the vegetables she had harvested, Boneta donated the food to local charities lest it go to waste. Fauquier County officials threatened Boneta with $5,000 per-day fines for hosting a birthday party for eight 10-year-old girls without a permit, and advertising pumpkin carvings. Seeing the county’s action against Boneta as a brazen effort to drive her off her land, Virginians from all walks of life rallied to her defense. Supporters gathered in Warrenton, the county seat, for a peaceful “pitchfork protest” to vent their anger over what an out-ofcontrol local government had done to a law-abiding citizen. In the 2013 session of the General Assembly, Rep. Scott Lingamfelter, R-Prince William, spearheaded an effort to undo the injustice inflict-


ed on Boneta, and to protect other small farmers from similar abuse, by strengthening Virginia’s Right to Farm Act. What became known as the “Boneta Bill” passed the House by an overwhelming margin but was killed in a Senate committee. Undeterred, Boneta and her supporters came back to the General Assembly in 2014 and won wide bipartisan approval for legislation protecting the rights of family farmers. “I want to thank Gov. McAuliffe, the members of the General Assembly, and all those who have rallied to the defense of family farmers,” Boneta said. “After all my family and I have been through, it is gratifying to know that an injustice can be undone, and the rights of farmers as entrepreneurs can be upheld thanks to the work of so many dedicated people.” The bill signed by Gov. McAuliffe grew out of legislation developed by Rep. Bobby Orrick, R-Thornburg, and Sen. Richard Stuart, R-Montross, and supported by, among others, Sen. Chap Petersen, D-Fairfax. Backed by the Virginia Farm Bureau, the new law protects customary activities at agricultural operations from local bans in the absence of substantial impacts on public welfare. It also prohibits localities from requiring a special-use permit for a host of farm-related activities that are specified in the bill. The law takes effect on July 1.

roughly 5% of the population, and for the most part, under the proposed legislation, are what are referred to as “the working poor”. Some work for themselves, contracting as laborers, handymen, or odd jobbers. Others are housekeepers or work part time. Often, they work in more than one job. They aren’t poor enough to qualify for Medicaid, at least as it currently stands, but also aren’t in a position to get regular health insurance. It’s a tough part of the economic ladder to live in. So, why should we care about these people, and why should Virginia accept the federal government’s offer to fund up to 90% of a Medicaid expansion? Getting past the humanitarian arguments, which sadly don’t seem to carry any weight in this discussion, or the fact Virginia doesn’t have to pick up most of the bill, there is the economics. Most of these people, because they don’t have the money, never see a doctor unless it’s an emergency. This means that all sorts of conditions,

Letter to the Editor Virginians need to know the facts about Medicaid Expansion…the issue which is holding the state budget hostage. Governor McAuliff stipulated that he wants a budget by July 1 with the inclusion of Medicaid Expansion and will accept nothing less! Republicans want to pass a clean budget immediately so local governments, state agencies, etc. can plan for their fiscal year. Due to the magnitude of the Medicaid Expansion program, Republicans want a special session to deal with this issue. They voted to extend the General Assembly session to solve this problem; however, the Democrats refused, packed up their toys and went home. Sounds like DC politics in Virginia. Medicaid Expansion claims to decrease Medicaid costs by $66 million within 10 years. It will cost Virginia $325 million to achieve this! Medicaid recipients will experience diminished care with the addition of 400,000 patients, some of whom already have private insurance but

will be bumped into the program. Also, one-third of doctors are leaving their practices because of Obamacare. Decreased use of emergency rooms is touted as a plus for this program. Not true (Google “Oregon Study”). Massive fraud and abuse already exists; the opportunity explodes with Expansion. Washington promises to fund the first 3 years then subsidize. Really? We have a debt of $17 trillion! By the way, “you can keep your doctor.” Really? We are a country that cares for our needy. There are more effective, freemarket solutions to provide this (see HB36 which was promptly killed in sub-committee). Louisiana had a legendary, successful charity care system before ObamaCare became the “flaw” of the land. Get involved, learn the facts, and enlist the help of our state senators and delegates. Stand strong against Medicaid Expansion. Dee Meredith Callao, Virginia

place, there’s not enough trained personnel to work it? People put on hold? I’ve never had that happen to me, even when I’ve called the non-emergency 775-2049 number. Readers, you need to become vocal on this issue. We need to find the $$$$ to hire dispatchers. It can be the difference in life and death. Literally. Lori Deem


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ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 This week you need to be the follower instead of the leader, Aries. It may be difficult to go against your normal grain, but it is for the best. Keep an open mind.

LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 You don’t have all of the answers, Libra, so don’t even think about saying you do. Relationship concerns are at the forefront of your mind lately.

TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 Your confidence may wane sometime this week, Taurus, but some friends will boost your morale to help you get back on your feet. Saturday will be a big day.

SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 Scorpio, it might be hard to bite your tongue, but that’s just what you have to do this week. Wait until you are called on for help before you get involved.

GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, certain things that have to get done this week are out of your realm of expertise. Do your best to tackle these projects but have a helper on hand just in case.

SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 Take a few days to get all of your affairs in order, Sagittarius. Use this time to adjust to some changes that have happened over the last several weeks.

CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 Cancer, you have a lot on your plate, but you don’t know where to start. Make a list of your tasks, and it will help you better tackle one thing at a time until you are all done.

CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 Burning the candle at both ends again, Capricorn? This is not the best way to get things done. Take a more steady approach, and give yourself time to recover.

LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 Leo, learn to laugh at yourself as a means to relieving stress. Things can’t always be serious, so lighten up and take some time to relax. Work with Virgo this week.

AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 Aquarius, you can’t put your finger on it, but something positive seems to be on the horizon. The truth will reveal itself in the next few days.

VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 Give yourself a much-deserved break, Virgo. You’ve been working nonstop for the last several months, and now is a great time to take a vacation or enjoy a weekend getaway.

PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 Pisces, fight against the current for something you truly believe in. Unexpected events arise on Thursday.


History. It can enlighten or shame, cause laughter and tears. You cannot bring it back or wish it away. Might as well enjoy it! As Elbert Hubbard said, “History: gossip well told.”

(in my humble opinion)

Recent postings on social media have really riled me up this past week. I’ve seen and read that there is a shortage of emergency dispatchers for King George county. This in turn leads to hold time or lag time in answering up to an emergency call. Which in turn slows down emergency response to the caller. This is unacceptable in this day and age. With a new 911 system in

most easily treatable in their early stages, such as high blood pressure and diabetes, have to each a critical stage. At this point, their care has become tremendously expensive and by default, ends up going on the public tab. As the result, a condition that could have been managed with a $50 a month prescription is instead replaced by massive medical bills. On top of that, many of these people, following what is usually a preventable medical crisis, can’t work. Their only option is to go on social security disability and then, finally, get Medicaid to treat what is now an expensive illness. The economics of this argument have long since been proven. But in the name of maintaining partisan cohesion in their opposition to Obamacare, Republicans in Virginia just aren’t interested in listening. Other legislatures have, at least 26 state assemblies so far, but in Virginia, we still can’t get past the politics. —Reach David Kerr at kerr@journalpress.com

The Journal (ISSN #87502275) is published weekly by The Journal Press, Inc. Postmaster, send 3579 to: The Journal, Post Office Box 409, King George, Virginia 22485

CLUES ACROSS 1. Plant anchor 5. 13th Hebrew letter 8. Microelectromechanical systems 12. Number system base 8 14. Doctors’ group 15. Greenish blue 16. Sent by USPS 18. A Communist 19. Southern swearword 20. Get free 21. North northeast 22. Uncommon 23. Commit anew 26. Lion, goat & serpent 30. Irregularly notched 31. Lessened 32. Constitution Hall ladies 33. Fidelity 34. Mother of pearl 39. Help 42. Arouse passion 44. Avoid 46. About roof of the mouth 47. In a very soft tone 49. Periodic publications (slang) 50. __kosh b’gosh 51. Rouse from sleep 56. El Dorado High School 57. Golf ball stand 58. Tranquil 59. Pear shaped instrument 60. Anger 61. Raja wives 62. Dashes 63. Cardboard box (abbr.) 64. Human frame (slang)

CLUES DOWN 1. Italian capital 2. Organization of C. American States (abbr.) 3. About organ of hearing 4. = to 100 sene 5. Champagne river 6. Improved by critical editing 7. Amber dessert wine 8. Indian plaid cloth 9. Equalize 10. Guillemot 11. Of sound mind 13. Irish elf 17. Makes tractors 24. Father 25. Bachelor’s button 26. Vacuum tube 27. Of she 28. Wedding words 29. Em 35. Pie _ __ mode 36. Feline 37. Sandhurst 38. Snakelike fish 40. Crackbrained 41. Last course 42. Indicates near 43. Indian given name 44. Ordinal after 7th 45. Young women (Scot.) 47. “Taming of the Shrew” city 48. Luster 49. Conflate 52. Person of Arabia 53. Lotto 54. Children’s author Blyton 55. “Untouchables” Elliot

See classified page for answers

Have something to say?

Express YOUR opinion & maybe stir the pot! Send your letters to the Editor • news@journalpress.com (all letters are subject to editing and must include the sender’s name & address)

and yes I read them all!

The Journal


shiloh Baptist Church will host its annual Women’s Tea, March 22, from 2 to 4 p.m. This year’s theme is “Let His Light Shine.” Guest inspirational speakers are Markino Ross, who is part of the Strong Tower ministries in South Stafford; and Anna Snoddy, a teacher in Stafford County and member of Spotswood Baptist Church. Both women have served in numerous ministry positions within local churches. The Tea will be held in Shiloh’s Family Life Center at 13457 Kings Highway. For further information, go to the church website at www.kgshiloh.org or call (540) 469-4646. st. john’s episcopal Parish is hosting a good old fashioned Spaghetti Dinner fundraiser, Saturday, March 15, from 5-7 p.m. Carry out available! Gluten free noodles available. Cost is $10 per adult, children 10 and under $5. This all-youcan-eat meal includes drinks, dessert garlic bread and salad. Raffle tickets for handmade blanket on sale also. Parish House, 9415 Kings Hwy, KG. (540) 775-3635. good hope baptist church to celebrate the 62nd anniversary of The Flower & Beautification Ministry of the church on Sunday, March 16 at 3 p.m. Guest preacher will be the Rev. Charles V. Payton, Pastor, Morning Star Baptist Church in Montross, accompanied by his choir and congregation. A fellowship meal will be served at 2 p.m. All are invited. 17154 Good Hope Road, KG. (540) 775-9238.

Providence united methodist church invites you to a Ham & Cabbage Dinner on Saturday, March 15 from 5-7 p.m. Cost is $12 per person. Carry out available. Call Ruth @ (804) 493-8230 for more info. antioch baptist church will hold a Men’s Ministry Annual Revival from Wed. March 12-Friday March 14, starting at 7 p.m. each night. Guest preachers include: Rev. Perry L. Scranage, Jr. of Restoration Worship Center, KG on Wed. Mar. 12; Rev. Carter Milton of the Church of God, KG on Thur. March 13 and Rev. Donnell Howard of the Union Bethel Baptist Church in KG on Fri. March 14. The Men’s Ministry will hold a special service on Sunday, March 16 at 3 p.m. If you have questions, please call Aubrey Bland, (540) 775-4628. Round hill baptist church will present a concert on Saturday, March 15 at 7 p.m. Scheduled to perform are ensembles from Bluefield College: Variations & Praise Singers., who will perform a wide variety of sacred choral music. Round Hill is located at 16519 Round Hill Road, KG. Call (540) 775-5583 with any questions. moms in prayer int’l Moms in Prayer International meets on Mondays at 9 a.m. at Peace Lutheran Church 5590 Kings Highway, King George. (540) 775-9131.

Send in what’s happening at your Church community Contact Lori Deem at The Journal 540-709-7495 or lori@journalpress.com

Dahlgren UMC to offer weekly Lenten Services Dahlgren United Methodist Church invites the community to 12 noon Wednesday Lenten Services. Beginning on Wednesday, March 12 and continuing each Wednesday through April 16, services will begin at noon, and will be followed by a light lunch. Area pastors are scheduled to speak; special music is planned and a nursery is available for infants and toddlers. Dahlgren-UMC is located at 17080 14th Street, at the corner of 14th Street and Rosedale Drive, just off Dahlgren Road near the base main gate. Call (540) 663-2230 with any questions. All are welcome to come worship each week.

Gospel Concert in King George K S Productions will present a Gospel Concert at the KG Masonic Lodge #314, on March 15, 2014. Starting at 5 p.m. the cost is $10 pp at the door. Scheduled to perform: “malaco’s Recording Artist, The Alabama Gurls, from Eufaula, AL; The Gospel Melodies of KG; The New Singing Disciples of Richmond County, VA; Tam Johnson and Gods Favor of Wilson, NC and The Zion Hill Gospel Singers of Washington, DC. All are welcome to come out for an evening of gospel music. The Lodge is located at 9019 James Madison Pkwy, KG. For more information call: (804) 2386923 or (804) 214-1472.

Mars Hill youth event March 29 The next Mars Hill Youth Event is Saturday, March 29, 5-9 p.m., at K.G. Family YMCA! Mars Hill is a FREE, public event for ALL youth, middle & high school ages. Come early, 4:45 p.m. for registration. A BIG THANKS to the KG Family YMCA for hosting! 10545 Kings Hwy, King George, VA 22485. Scheduled Guest Speaker: U.S. Air Force Master Sergeant Bill McConnell with a message called “Friends Forever.” Also scheduled are two bands: “Dead to Rights”, and the Mars Hill Band, who will play music by Christian artists including Third Day, Building 429, Hillsong United, David Crowder, Worth Dying For, Skillet, 7eventh Time Down, and more! There will be games & Papa John’s Pizza, drinks and desserts provided. The overall event theme: Friends Forever. Jesus Christ is a personal Savior and a best friend who never lets us down. Please help pass the word and invite teens! Any youth who brings a first-timer gets a FREE T-shirt! Brenda Buchholz (Two Rivers Baptist) is coordinating the pizza dinner, and needs volunteers to bring sides & desserts and extra hands to serve food. Please contact her if you can help: graciella1980@hotmail.com. Any donations to help offset food costs are also appreciated. Volunteers also needed to help setup, cleanup, or staff registration tables. Volunteers, financial support, and especially prayer support is always needed and appreciated! marshill@va.metrocast.net

Wednesday, March 12, 2014


What is Lent? March 5 marks the beginning of Lent in 2014. For those of you unfamiliar with the season, here’s a brief primer. What is Lent? Lent is a period of time between Ash Wednesday and Easter that is geared towards spiritual purification, meditation and penance. It lasts around 40 days, not including Sundays, drawing from the 40 days Jesus fasted in the desert before starting his ministry. Who participates in it? Lent is practiced by most Christian groups, including Roman Catholics, Episcopalians, Presbyterians, Methodists, Anglicans and Lutherans. However, it is not generally practiced by Baptists. Do you have to give something up? No. The focus of the season is on spiritual growth. The focus is not supposed to be on one’s self, but one’s relationship with God. Oftentimes Christians choose to take on something during Lent, like reading more of the Bible or completing daily devotions.

Save the Date Mark your calendar on May 31, 2014 for a “Day in the Country”

To celebrate the 300th Anniversary of Hanover-with-Brunswick Join in the fun at Historic Lamb’s Creek Church from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Located just off Route 3 on Lamb’s Creek Church Rd in KG, Come out for a fun day of Tours, BBQ, Live Entertainment, Games for Kids, Baked Goods Auction & Plant Sale For more information visit the website at www.hanoverwithbrunswick.com

Fasting is a traditional part of Lent, but not everyone does it. Its purpose is to symbolize penance, remorse for one’s sins. This can also be done by giving up a luxury or by completing acts of charity. Catholics become pescatarians on Fridays during Lent, meaning the only meat they eat comes from fish. That’s why you’ll see a lot of Fish Frys around town during this season. Do non-Christians participate? Yes. Lent has gradually become secularized by many, serving as a chance to give up bad habits. As PennLive’s Kari Larsen puts it, “It’s a second chance at New Year’s resolutions.” When does it end? Good question. For most protestant churches it concludes on the Holy Saturday or the day before Easter. For Roman Catholics, however, it concludes on Holy Thursday/Maundy Thursday the day before Good Friday, which is the Friday before Easter. http://connect.pennlive.com/staff/ jhatmaker/posts.html Julia Hatmaker


hank You, Jesus, Mary (Mother of God) and St. Joseph, St. Jude, St. Anthony and St. Rita for your help. Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God.

- Philippians 4:6

Our Doors are Open -Worship With Us Fletcher's Chapel United Methodist

8330 Fletcher's Chapel Rd. at 218

Pastor Michael Reaves fletcherschapel-kinggeorge-va.org Worship Services 8:30 & 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 9:45 a.m.

(540) 775-7247

17080 14th Street, Dahlgren Contemporary Service - 9:30 a.m. Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. & 11 a.m. Traditional Service - 11 a.m. Nursery open 9:15a.m.-12:15p.m.

Pastor Ed Johnson

email - office@dahlgrenumc.org web site - www.dahlgrenumc.org Phone: 663-2230

Good Hope Baptist Church

17223 Good Hope Rd. - corner Rt. 218E & 619 phone: 540-775-9487 fax: 540-775-0600 www.goodhopeministries.org

• Sunday School - 9:45 a.m. • Worship - 11:00 a.m. • Prayer & Bible Study (Wed.) 7:30 p.m. • 5th Sundays - Union & Nursing Home Worship “Building the Church & Reaching the World for Christ”

7748 Leedstown Rd., Oak Grove, VA 22443 (804) 224-0418 • www.lzbcva.org

We invite you to gather together with us! Sunday School - 9 a.m. Sunday Worship 8 a.m. & 10:15 a.m. Bible Study - Wednesday 7 p.m. Pastor Earl T. Howerton Jr.

Macedonia Baptist Church 1081 Macedonia Ln., Colonial Beach, VA (804) 224-1500 "O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His Name together."

Shiloh Baptist Church Reaching, Building, Serving

Sunday Activities Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship Service, 11:00 a.m. AWANA, 4:00 p.m. Youth Group, 4:00 p.m. Wednesday Nights Rev. Mike and Earlene Jessee Family Night Dinner, 5:30 Youth Study; Children’s Missions & Music, 6:00 facebook@kgshiloh Choir Practice, 7:15 13457 Kings Hwy. 540-469-4646 • www.kgshiloh.org

Oak Grove Baptist Church

Randall Snipes, Senior Pastor Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m.& 11 Awana-Sundays-6 p.m. Bible Study-Wednesdays 6:30 p.m. 8096 Leedstown Rd. Colonial Beach, VA


Colonial Beach United Methodist Church Pastor Rev. Yunho Eo

9:30 a.m. Adult Sunday School 10:45 a.m. Informal Hymn Singing 11 a.m. Worship & Children’s Sunday School Food Pantry open Thursdays at 10 a.m. Op Shop Open M-F 9 a.m.-noon (Thurs. 9 a.m.-1 p.m.) 1 Washington Avenue PO Box 189 Colonial Beach, VA 22443 (804) 224-7030

Two Rivers Baptist Church Meeting at their new church

Sunday School ..............9:30 a.m. Worship........................10:30 a.m. COME VISIT US • ALL ARE WELCOME

Rev. Peyton Wiltshire

For Information call 540710-3831

Round Hill Baptist Church Worship & Service

16519 Round Hill Rd., King George, VA Pastor Ted A. James • 540-775-5583

4s scholarships
available (540)

Little Ark Baptist Church “Building God’s Kingdom On Earth”

"Pastor Larry" M. Robinson Sunday Worship - 10 a.m. Sunday School - 9 a.m. (New Testament Church Study) Wednesday Night Prayer & Bible Study 6 p.m. 15681 Owens Dr. in Dahlgren, VA Church Phone: (540) 663-2831

Hanover-with-Brunswick Episcopal Parish

Where all are welcome. Sunday Services:

The Rev. St. John's, 9403 Kings Hwy. Diane Carroll 1st, 2nd & 4th Sundays Rector Phone: 540-775-3635

Emmanuel, Port Conway (Rt. 301) 3rd & 5th Sundays

For more information, visit our website at:



3207 Quarter Hill Rd., Supply VA 22436

(804) 443-4168

Sunday School 10 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship 11 a.m. Bible Study Wednesdays at 7 p.m.

Rev. Irving Woolfolk, Jr.

Services Early Worship - 8 a.m. Sunday School - 9:45 a.m. AM Worship - 11 a.m. PM Worship - 6 p.m. Wed. Bible Study - 7 p.m.

AWANA Teens - Wednesdays 6:30 p.m. Clubbers - Fridays 6:30 p.m. Dr. Sherman Davis, Senior Pastor 540-775-7188 www.tbckg.org 10640 Kings Hwy - 1 mi. west of 301

Daily Mass: Mon. - Sat. 8:00 a.m. Adoration precedes each morning Mass Confession: Sat. following 8:00 a.m. Mass & at 4:30 p.m. Sun. 1/2 hour before each Mass Office: 11 Irving Ave., Colonial Beach, Va. 22443


• 804-224-7221

Trinity United Methodist Church

9425 Kings Hwy., King George www.trinitykg.org

Contemporary Service ~ 8:30 a.m. Sunday School ~ 9:30 p.m. Worship ~ 10:30 a.m. (540) 775-4501 Rev. Susan Reaves

St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church

You're invited to worship with

Tabernacle Baptist Church

(540) 663-3085 ✝ Rev. Jim May

Sunday Masses: Sat. 5:00 p.m. Sun. 9:00 a.m. & 11:00 p.m. (español)

Intersection of Rokeby and Kings Hwy. (Rt. 3)

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

5486 St. Paulʼs Road, King George

Very Rev. Francis M. de Rosa Rev. Mark Mullaney



Sunday Worship at 8 am and 10 am

Corner of Lossing and Boundary, Colonial Beach

Sunday- Holy Communion 11 a.m. Meeting at Grant Church in Lerty, VA

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St. Elizabeth of Hungary Roman Catholic Church

Traditional Anglican Worship 1928 Book of Common Prayer 1940 Hymnal

Morning Worship ~ 8:30 a.m. Sunday School ~ 9:45 a.m. Morning/Children's Worship ~ 11 a.m. Wed. - Bible Study ~ 6:00 p.m.

(Psalm 34:3)

Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Worship Service: 11 a.m. Prayer & Bible Study: (Wed.) 7 p.m. Holy Communion on 4th Sundays Rev. Fred Sales, Interim Pastor

Holy Redeemer Anglican Church

Worship Service - 10:30 a.m. (Sunday) Sunday School - 9:15 a.m. Nursery Provided Seeking to know the grace of God and to make it known to others. Dave Bentz, Pastor Jason Schubert, Associate Pastor 13114 Kildee Farm Road King George, VA 22485 (off 301 and Blue Jay Meadow Drive)

Ph. (540) 775-9990 • email: info@gracekg.com web site www.gracekg.com

Potomac Baptist Church Worship Service: 11:00 a.m. Age Graded Bible Study: 9:45 a.m.

All are Welcome! (540) 775-7006

Pastor: Dennis L. Newton 8103 Comorn Rd. (Rt. 609) King George

Corner of Millbank & St. Anthony’s Rd., King George

Very Rev. Francis M. de Rosa Rev. Mark Mullaney Sat. 7:00 p.m. Vigil Sunday Masses: Sun. 8:15 a.m. 10:30 a.m 12:45 p.m. Tridentine Mass Daily Mass: Mon. Thur. Fri. & Sat. 9:00 a.m. Tues. 7:00 a.m. Wed. 7:00 p.m. Adoration before each morning Mass Confession: Wed. 7:30 p.m. Sat. after 9:00 a.m. Mass & at 6:30 p.m. Sun. 1/2 hour before each Mass

Office: 11 Irving Ave., Colonial Beach, Va. 22443


• 804-224-7221

A church where the Full Gospel is Preached, Taught and Lived

First Baptist Church Ambar

9469 Caledon Rd., King George, VA22485 Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship 11 a.m. Bible Study Wednesday at 7:30 p.m.

Pastor Wm. T. Frye

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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The Journal


New Port Royal Restaurant Offers Pleasant Dining Experience   By Richard Leggitt Travelers along Route 301 have a new, pleasant dining experience available to them now that Leo Dimosthenous and his family have opened Anthi's Family Restaurant just south of the Rappahannock River Bridge in Port Royal. "We want to provide our customers with a good experience," said Leo. "We want them to be happy with the food, the service and the price." Happy is a word often used to describe Leo these days. He immigrated from Cyprus along with his mother, Anthi, and his father, Tony, and had been living with relatives in Spotsylvania until just a few months ago. The Dimosthenous family operated a restaurant in Cyprus for more than 10 years until the economic climate there forced them to look for a new location. They picked Virginia because they had other family here and are delighted to have settled in the Rappahannock River community of Port Royal.

The new restaurant is located at 304 Main Street in a historic old building that once housed Lynn’s Inn on the west side of Route 301. Leo and his parents live above the restaurant and are constantly working to build upon the colorful, cheerful atmosphere that greets customers. The restaurant's menu includes many mouthwatering favorites of Greek and Cypriot origins that are sure to please travelers and local residents. There are Greek salads, Greek-style beef stew, chicken souvlaki and baklava, as well as plenty of American dishes, including hamburgers and meatloaf. Anthi's Family Restaurant serves daily specials including stuffed peppers, roasted pork loin and roasted chicken. The restaurant's menu also includes baked spaghetti and homemade lasagna, as well as chicken and veal Parmesan. Also on the menu are meatball and cheese subs, Paninis, BLTs, fried shrimp, baked flounder and spaghetti and marina sauce, as well as gyros, home-made cheesecake and tiramisu

I Love You Dinner

Leo Dimosthenous, center, his mother, Anthi, and his father, Tony, have opened a new family restaurant in Port Royal. to satisfy every appetite. "Customers don't know us yet," said Leo. "In a few months or weeks, they will know us better, come in frequently and enjoy our food and service."

Leo's 22-year-old sister and 20-year-old brother, who are studying in Cyprus, are scheduled to join the family in Port Royal this summer. "We will put them to work for sure," Leo said.

Goodwill opens rack store in Colonial Beach The Rappahannock Goodwill Industries held its grand opening at the Beach Gate Shopping Center on Feb. 28, in Colonial Beach. This location is the first Rack Store for Goodwill Industries. They will only sell clothes and accessories. All men’s and ladies clothing are three dollars, baby clothing is one dollar and accessories, such as shoes and purses are two dollars, including tee shirts.

The Goodwill truck will still be located in the Beach Gate shopping Center for donations. Attending the grand opening were Ted Smith vice president for donated goods, Robert Franko, regional manager, Mr. Cosner, owner of the shopping center and Debbie Smith, the store manager. The hours are Monday through Saturday 11 a.m. to 7 p.m., and Sunday 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. —Lorene Rich

Cub Scout Pack 258, with the support of the CB Volunteer Rescue Squad, held an “I Love You Dinnerâ€? fundraiser on Friday, Feb. 21. Over 45 tickets were sold for a wonderful dinner prepared by the Melson and Meler families of Pack 258. Many of the boys volunteered to help set up tables, put up decorations and peel the many pounds of potatoes needed. During the dinner, the boys were dressed in white shirts with bright red bowties made of duct tape. They were all charming waiters as they served salads and bread to the hungry guests. After dinner was served and enjoyed, everyone treated themselves to the chocolate fountain and goodies; even the boys got their treats for a job well done. Photo opportunities were


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Pictured cutting the ribbon are left to right, Ted Smith vice president of donated goods, Mellissa Hayden, sales, Debbie Smith, store manager, Renee Bennett, sales, and Robert Franko, regional manager.


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Colonial Beach Artists’ Guild 2nd Friday Art Walk March 14 Hopefully we have seen the last of the snow for a while. With spring right around the corner the artists have been readying themselves and have some great exhibits to share with you. Starting at the Fisheries building on Taylor Street, artist Anne Machetto from Newburg MD will show her beautiful photography. Going down the street to JarretThor’s Fine Arts is the “Workshop Alumni Exhibit II. This exhibit contains the art of seven artists who led gallery workshops during 2012-13 plus the work from students who attended those workshops. The art includes a wide variety of landscapes, seascapes, still life and abstracts in various media. Across the street on Hawthorn is Pottery by Hannah and Studio A. Artist Bob Wayt Smith will give a live demonstration in oil painting. Going up the street to the RiverView Inn, artist Olga Farneth will have some oil paintings on display. Ms. Farneth is a long time resident of the beach and will enjoy seeing you all. Further up the street

available for couples or singles, and then there was the Chinese Auction with ten baskets up for grabs. The highlight of the event, the Newlywed Game, consisted of four volunteer couples who participated to see how well they knew each other: Couple #1 was Debbie & George Rollins; #2 Missey & Stephen Lee; #3 Don & Jean Claus; and #4 was Gussie & Bob Smith. The winning couple was Don & Jean Claus, with 58 years together. All in all, it was a very fun time, and great food was enjoyed by all in helping to support the Cub Scout Pack. Pack 258 wishes to thank everyone who participated and those who helped in getting it organized, set up, cooked and cleaned up. It was so much fun, they believe they just might do it again next year.Â

is Visions by Shirl, new studio artist Janice Jones Miano will show her art and her handmade stone jewelry. Studio photographer Glenn Gemmell will be selling some special pieces he has been collecting. Art by studio artists include: Shirl, Dr. Judi Morris, Hubert Jackson, Maria Roe, Judy McIrvin and Gerry Hicks. Ron of Twisted Router will show his custom wood designs. The following participating businesses will each have an art exhibit: • Vision’s by Shirl, 118 Hawthorn Street, hosting Janice Jones Miano • Potomac River Fisheries Commission, 222 Taylor Street, hosting Anne Machetto • Riverview Inn, 24 Hawthorn St, hosting Olga Farneth • Pottery by Hand & Studio A, #10 A-B Hawthorne Street, hosting Bob Wayt Smith • JarrettThor Fine Arts, 100 Taylor Street #101, hosting Workshop Alumni II Well, that’s the round-up this month.

Presents our first Spring Outside Sale! March 15th 8 am - 6 pm 5HQW DQ [ VSRW

Open 7 DAYS A WEEK • Mon. - Sat. 10 am - 6 pm • Sun. 10 am - 5 pm 540-625-2006 • www.auniquehouse.com Pick A Pepper, a painting by Kathy Waltermire Just a reminder, admission is always free to the public, refreshments are served and the people are friendly. So, everyone, enjoy a pleasant evening at our 2nd Friday Art Walk. Till next time – Dr. Judi Morris of Colonial Beach Artists’ Guild

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Love Thy Neighbor News Our March St. Patrick’s Day Event began with Love Thy Neighbor staff and volunteers encircling our guests and praying about the afternoon festivities. Mr. Monroe, principal of King George Elementary School, played the piano and sang sweet Christian melodies as the audience tapped their feet and clapped to the music. A couple of ladies went up and actually joined in as Mr. Monroe continued to play. Pastor Randal Snipes of Oak Grove Baptist Church presented a moving message, gave an invitation and three people accepted the Lord. Praise God! Our volunteers were exceptional once again, as their numbers continue to increase each month. We had students from King George High School - Emilee, Davion and Brooke, to name a few - who came to perform community service; each eager to return next month ~ helping out with everything from setting up tables and chairs to serving our guests, accompanying them through the Food Pantry line and carrying groceries to their car, if needed. Girl Scout Troop #3071 returned this month handling our Children’s Corner. Mr. Kenneth Harper and his teens took care of the cleanup; Ron had kitchen duty this time and was short-handed, but did a great job. There were a number of individuals who came ‘just to help’ and we appreciate each and every one! We served dinner ~ pulled pork BBQ, macaroni n’ cheese, baked beans and bread ~ to approximately 90 families this month. Our Food Pantry

opened with items which included breakfast foods, soups, canned meat, pasta and sauce, hygiene items, fresh grapefruit and apples, fresh bread and dog/cat chow. The Community Care Clinic and Love Thy Neighbor have joined hands to commit to the wellbeing of our community. Theresa Gauvin, Administrive Director, gave a brief statement about the new Community Care Clinic, which opened in the old Gateway Urgent Care facility at 11131 Journal Parkway. She said all insurances will be accepted with their focus on people with minimal or no health insurance ~ no one is turned away! She also performed blood pressure checks and answered questions from folks interested in finding out more about the services offered. Love Thy Neigbor will be working closely with the Community Care Clinic in our joint effort to reach more of our neighbors in need. A volunteer Navigator was on hand to help those in our audience who had no health insurance or questions about qualifying and signing up for health insurance through the Affordable Health Care Act. Also, they will be available at the Community Care Clinic on Tuesdays and Thursdays throughout the month of March. Please call the clinic at (540) 625-2527 to schedule an appointment with a Navigator before March 31. Further announcements will be posted on the Love Thy Neighbor website (www.lovethyneighbor-kg. org) and appear in The Journal.

Our Newest Location In Colonial Beach

Theresa Gauvin, RN, provided blood pressure checks and will be at future events to help those with additional medical questions, perform blood pressure checks and various screening procedures.

General Estate Auction Friday, March 14 - 6 pm

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Next Upcoming Auctions! Grocery Auction Saturday, March 15 - 4pm

General Estate Auction

Friday, March 21 - 6 pm 6W /HRQDUG 5G 5ZWeSbWS]W XFWLRQ RXVH 6W /HRQDUG 0'







The Journal

Wednesday, March 12, 2014


Dylan Farinet lives out his hoop dreams with UMW Leonard Banks Sports editor

UMW photos

UMW Eagles forward, Dylan Farinet, is a major reason for his team’s record making success this season.

Perseverance pays off for a Colonial Beach High School sports legend. Three years ago, when Colonial Beach native Dylan Farinet decided to leave Virginia Wesleyan College for an opportunity to play for the University of Mary Washington Eagles men’s basketball team, there were a lot of uncertainties that stood in his way. It actually took Eagles head coach Ron Wood two years to finally find a home for Farinet in the Eagles’ lineup. Now the Drifter basketball/football legend has become what everyone close to the game knew he would be: a prominent collegiate star who has contributed to the Eagles’ current success as a small power forward. Ironically, Farinet’s Eagles (24-5) will host Virginia Wesleyan College in the second game of the NCAA Di-

vision III Tournament Round of 16 on Friday. Game time is 7:30 p.m., and the location is the famed Anderson Center on the campus of the University of Mary Washington. For ticket sale information go on online to http://umweagles.com/ sports/mbkb/2013-14/releases/ sweet16. Prior the game, Williams College will take on Albertus Magnus College at 5:30 p.m. The winners will play on Saturday at 7 p.m., with the winner advancing to the final four. The 77-49 victory over DeSales University in the second round of the tournament secured the Eagles’ continued tournament berth. The Eagles surged out to a 38-15 halftime lead over DeSales, taking the momentum and breath out of the Bulldogs. Farinet scored three points, pulled down four rebounds, dished out one assist and recorded one steal during the game.

The season has been incredible. This confirms the reason why I play the game, and after seeing the support of our fans, it becomes apparent why we’ve been so successful.” —Dylan Farinet After the game Farinet said, “The season has been incredible. This confirms the reason why I play the game, and after seeing the support of our fans, it becomes apparent why we’ve been so successful.” During the initial first round of the tournament, senior guard Bradley Riester scored a game high 22 points to lead the Eagles to their first-ever NCAA tournament win over Springfield College (78-58). The Eagles shot 46.3% from the floor (25-54), making 12 of 29 three-

pointers, while going 16-20 at the foul line. The Eagles controlled the boards (35-25), while forcing 19 Springfield turnovers. The Eagles committed only six turnovers in the game. Farinet posted five points, one block and one assist, while scoring 1-2 at the free throw line. Most recently, Farinet was named to the All-Capital Athletic Conference second team. Riester was named to the first team, while fellow Eagle teammate junior Taylor Johnson was named to the league’s second team.

Longwood Lancer Men’s Basketball Sr Day for Tristan “TT” Carey

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Surrounded by family, Longwood Lancer men’s basketball star/captain, and Colonial Beach native, Tristan Carey (center) celebrates the final game at his Willet Hall, on the campus of Longwood University, in Farmville. He was also recently named to the All-Big South Conference Honorable Mention team.

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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The Journal


Karen Friedman Memorial Baseball Camp for a Cure Staff Reports Spring baseball fever is in the air! On Sunday, March 23, at Massaponax High School, King George High School and former Battlefield Player of the Year, Joey Friedman, along with area high school coaches will host the first annual Karen Friedman Memorial Baseball Camp for a Cure. Kids, ages 5 – 12 will gain valuable instruction from sports professionals on the fundamentals associated with hitting, pitching, fielding, and baserunning. The camp will be divided into two

sessions; 11:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. Confirmed coaches for the camp include: Dave Siegelman, Massaponax High School varsity head coach; Dan Beverly, Colonial Forge High School varsity assistant coach; Greg Ritchie, starting lineup clinic manager; Matt Fitzgerald, South County High School varsity assistant coach, and former University of Mary Washington assistant coach; Steve Hutson, Mountain View High School assistant coach; Chip Paytes, Massaponax High School assistant coach; Brent Stef-

Graham named to Chi Alpha Sigma National Honor Society

Don't have time to read your paper today? Don't worry - read it tomorrow!



have earned a letter in their respective sports. The non-profit organization requires athletes to have a 3.4 or higher GPA throughout their junior and senior years. Graham’s recent athletic success includes his historic weight throw toss that landed him sixth on the alltime top ten CNU indoor track & field list (46’ 5.25”). Also, Graham is ninth on the all-time outdoor hammer throw list (129’ 06”). During the 2014 CAC Indoor Championship, Graham placed third in the weight throw with a toss of 46’ 5.25”. At the George Mason University Last Chance meet, he finished third with a toss of 42’ 11”. Graham, an aspiring physicist/ engineer, has been offered an internship at NSWC in Dahlgren, for the summer of 2014. His major at CNU is applied physics. Graham’s brother Jonathan is following in his brother’s track & field footsteps. During the VHSL Group 4A State Indoor Track & Field Championships at the Tolsma Track Center at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Jonathan Graham vaulted a personal best 14 feet, to place second in the pole vault.

fey, Colonial Beach High School varsity head coach. The pre-registration fee for the camp is $45 per player, and $55 the day of the camp. For further information contact Joey Friedman at (540)273-8337 or online at jfriedman5@aol.com or Facebook.com/ friedmanball. Half of the proceeds from the camp will be donated to cancer research, and the other portion will fund the Karen Friedman Scholarship. The scholarship will be given to a King George High School senior.

CNU indoor/outdoor track & field standout, Robert Graham, III

No daily papers piling up no digging for the local news Just the local news Once a Week!

Leonard Banks Sports editor For the second time, King George High School alumni and Christopher Newport University student-athlete Robert “Trey” Graham III was named to the Dean’s list. Graham’s academic honors have also given him

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the distinction of being inducted into the Christopher Newport Chapter of Chi Alpha Sigma National College Athlete Honor Society. Chi Alpha Sigma is an organization of college athletes with high academic achievement, exemplary character and positive attitude. The organization features athletes who


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The Journal


Wednesday, March 12, 2014


The Brent Steffey CBHS Drifter baseball era has begun Leonard Banks Sports editor

Leonard Banks

With a long history of winning championships, new Drifter varsity baseball head coach Brent Steffey is no stranger to meeting tough challenges.

If you enter the Drifterdome or have the pleasure of walking along the tundra of Monroe Park, you will feel the presence of legends. Most recently, arguably the greatest baseball player in the school’s 100-plus-year history, Brent Steffey has returned to his high school alma mater as the Colonial Beach High School varsity head baseball coach. As a player, Steffey’s statistics on the diamond may never be surpassed. Steffey and his former teammate, Mike Baskeyfield, set the standard; however, Steffey would like nothing better than to establish a new group of baseball stars developing under his wing. After setting and breaking nearly every school baseball record, the Rappahannock Community College and University of Mary Washington alumni will have the distinction of attempting to fill the shoes of another sports icon, Steve Swope.

“Brent will continue to make our baseball program one of the most respected competitors in the area,” Swope said. “The baton handed to him will lead to the Drifters taking off with the next 30 years of building glory for Colonial Beach. He will be a go-getter and a coach who will go out and market the program while developing players.” Out of the frying pan and into the fire, will be Steffey’s introduction into the VHSL 1A East Conference 43 minefield of competitors. Nothing will come easy for the Drifters as they prepare for a tough season ahead. From Rappahannock to Washington & Lee, the 1A Conference 43 is stacked with iron-tight competition. “I wanted to come back into baseball and give back to the community wearing a Colonial Beach uniform,” Steffey said. “I am thrilled to have the opportunity to return as the Drifters’ head coach. I cannot thank coach Swope enough for the knowledge that he has left me with. He taught me certain skills

Honaker Tigers over CBHS Drifters in VHSL 1A state semi-final Leonard Banks Sports editor The dream of winning a state championship has eluded the Colonial Beach Drifters varsity girls’ basketball team for the second year in a row. Deep in the heart of southwest Virginia, at Wise, on the campus of UVA-Wise at the Prior Center, the Honaker Tigers (24-6) jumped out to a 14-1 lead in the first quarter and never looked back. By the time the Drifters (22-3) had connected with their first field goal, the Tigers were comfortably ahead by 16 points. Offensively, during the opening quarter, the Drifters shot 15.6 percent from the field (5-32). From the 3-point arc, the Drifters were 1-for-14. Along with the Tigers’ six-foot center Laken Robinette dominating the post, and the Drifters struggling to score, the game was never close. Robinette ripped down 22 rebounds and blocked five shots, while scoring nine points. At the foul line, Robinette was 13-16. Robinette’s teammate, Madison Musck, led all Tiger scoring with 13. Drifter guard Sydni Carey was the game’s top scorer with

18 points. Defensively, the Drifters were sharp, as they forced 26 turnovers, but could never overcome a 14-for69 shooting game percentage. Prior to the Tiger loss, the Drifters suffered a Regional Championship 5744 loss to the Altavista Combined School. As for next season, with the exception of two notable seniors (Kora Herrod, Billie Gould), the Drifters will return the entire team intact. Also, the Drifters varsity team will inherit a group of talented junior varsity players that have the skills to make an immediate impact. On Saturday, at Virginia Commonwealth University’s Siegel Center at noon, Honaker will play Chilhowie (25-2) for the state championship finals. Earlier, on March 1, the Tigers defeated Chilhowie, 4030, for the regional championship. This will be the Tigers’ first opportunity to play in the finals for a state championship in the school’s history. The last time Honaker came this close was during a semi-final loss in 1996, when their head coach, Misty Davis Miller, was playing point guard for the Tigers.

Leonard Banks

Throughout the season, at the guard position, Drifter guard Sydni Carey orchestrated a near flawless offense that led to an unforgettable run.

KGYAA flag football registration update

Head coaches Monday evening, the association’s Board of Directors approved and assigned the following volunteer flag football head coaches: Pee Wee (ages 4-5) - Bullfrogs, Fireflies, Ospreys (Coach Venable, Coach Garner, Coach McGregor); D1 (ages 6-8) - Bobcats (Coach Catlett), Gladiators (Coach Bardine), Phantoms (Coach FryeBey), Rockets (Coach Nicoletti), Tigers (Coach Webster); D2 (ages 9-11) - Aces (Coach Indseth), AllAmericans (Coach Catlett), Dragons (Coach Williams), Green Devils (Coach Burrell), Rebels (Coach McLaughlin), Silver Wolves (Coach Webster), Venom (Coach Parr), Warhawks (Coach Frye-Bey); D3 (ages 12-14) - Blitz (Coach Cameron), Cobras (Coach Williams), Jesters (Coach Burrell), Lightning (Coach

“I wanted to come back and give back to the community wearing a Colonial Beach uniform.” —Brent Steffey Smith has a wealth of experience behind the plate. In the outfield, the Drifters are stacked with speed and arm strength. Currently, Cal Walker and Carter Foster are pushing each other for the left field position, while Colin Brandford and Foster are both being considered for right field. In centerfield, Mothershead is the central player being considered for the position. On Thursday, the Drifters are scheduled to play Chancellor at 5 p.m.


Although the weather has been a challenge, members of the KGHS Foxes boys’ soccer program have made the most of an otherwise tough situation.

Professional Dentures of Fredericksburg

Staff Reports With its spring 2014 registration drive nearing its conclusion, the King George Youth Athletic Association (KGYAA) is now feverishly making final preparations for its rapidly approaching flag football campaign. With over 300 flag football and cheerleading participants on board and ready to go, the KGYAA reports that they will be organizing and fielding a total of 28 flag football teams and two large cheerleading squads. There are enough flag football participants on hand for 30+ teams, however, after much canvassing, volunteer coaches could only be secured for 28 teams.

on how to coach that he is not aware of. From getting the support of the community to his baseball camps, he was definitely a go-getter.” The Drifters will need aggressive players with good arms. On the mound, the Drifters will feature Nick Graves and Kamron Smith as the Drifters’ starting pitchers. Both Graves and Smith have the tools to field at shortstop while producing runs at the plate. Both Smith and Graves have the experience and strength to consistently go the distance (seven innings). Noah Henson and Carlos Bermudez will battle for the first position, while Ryan Thomas and Austin Thompson will share fielding responsibilities at second base. Mike Mothershead has moved up from junior varsity to challenge both Smith and Graves for the shortstop position. At third base, Nick White and Cal Inscoe will have an ongoing battle throughout the season for position rights. As for catcher, Trevor Delane is currently the leading candidate; however,

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Kids both large and small look forward to KGYAA flag football season. Welch), Outlaws (Coach Padgett), Rage (Coach Pitts), Shockers (Coach Murgas), Stingers (Coach Campbell); D4 (ages 15-17) - Bucks (Coach Williams, Leathernecks (Coach Parr), Spiders (Coach Pitts), Thunder (Coach Rodriguez) The Board of Directors also approved Tiffany Bell as the head coach for the D1 Cheer squad (ages 5-8) and Melissa Pogue as the head coach for the D2 Cheer squad (ages 9-12). KGYAA rosters The KGYAA is forming rosters now and is planning to meet with the

approved head coaches later in the week to formally kickoff the season. The head coaches, in turn, should be contacting their spring 2014 players and cheerleaders by the week’s end. Beginning next week, all flag football teams and cheerleading squads will begin practices in preparation for the season’s opening day, which is scheduled for April 12 at Sealston Elementary School. The KGYAA season is expected to conclude on June 7 with the annual “Spring Fever Bowl” championships. For more information, visit the KGYAA on Facebook or at www.kgyaa.org.

The Journal also publishes The Dahlgren Source and ChamberLink. Find them online at www.journalpress.com

Christal Blue

Denny More

Leonard Banks


Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The Journal


Cirque du Soliel’s Michael Jackson, The Immortal World Tour show is coming! Like many news affiliates, the LA Weekly gave Cirque du Soliel’s Michael Jackson, The Immortal World Tour show the following review. “There were colors everywhere. The choreography was out of this world and the technique impeccable. Michael Jackson had only the best dancers by his side, and this crew easily fit that mold. If you love Michael Jackson, or razor-sharp choreography, or ‘80s and ‘90s nostalgia in any way, you will love this show.�

On March 21-22, at 8 p.m., at the Patriot Center, in Fairfax, VA, fans throughout the Washington, DC metropolitan area now have an opportunity to see this riveting engagement. Audiences throughout the country are flocking by the thousands to experience this once in a lifetime musical achievement. Cleveland, Ohio resident, Sean Carter was blown away with the fusion of visual, dance, music, and theatrical appeal of the show. “The people who designed,

choreographed, and orchestrated the show used the same level of detail that Michael Jackson did during his concert tours,� Carter said. The performance was flawless.� The show written by concert director, Jamie King, a.k.a. “Billion Dollar Show Director� unfolds as a musical history of the King of Pop. Jackson’s inspiring legacy is written on the faces of the dances that lift the audience out of their seats, while taking them on a supersonic, psychedelic journey into

a world where the language of choice is dance. The site of the show takes place in a realm filled with fantasy, and whimsical fairy tale discovery. From the moment the show begins, the audience will be taken down memory lane with a virtuoso of songs that range from Remember the Time to Thiller. While the show underscores Jackson’s unforgettable legacy, it also serves as an inspiration to his contribution to music, which includes his

three solo concert tours (Bad, Dangerous World Tour, History World Tour) that were highest grossing ($125 million) concerts of all time, and his love for mankind, and the fragile beauty of nature. For information pertaining to ticket purchases, go online to http:// www.ticketmaster.com/michaelj a ck s on - t h e - i m m or t a l - wor l d tour-fairfax-virginia-03-21-2014/ event/15004B82E4CC663B. —Leonard Banks

Classifieds HELP WANTED Dental Assistant: Busy Dental Office at Westmoreland Medical Center, Montross, looking for energetic, dependable person, previous experience preferred/ not required. Bilingual English/Spanish a plus/ not required. Full time position (4 day week) excellent benefits. EOE, please submit resume to P.O. Box 880 Montross, Va. 22520, call 804-4939999 for an application, or can be downloaded at www.cvhsinc.org. 3/19b A D M I N I S T R AT I V E ASSISTANT for home office. Part-time 20 hours per month. Microsoft Office, Social Media, Website management. Email resume to DahlgrenJob@Yahoo. com. 3/12p ‚‘Experienced CNC Machinist needed for precision machine shop in Montross, VA. View full job description and submit an application on mteq. com.‚‘ 3/26p Ledo Pizza is now hiring for all positions. FOH and BOH, Full and parttime available. Apply in person at 700 McKinney Blvd. Colonial Beach, VA. 3/19b Customer Service Supervisor is needed for small but growing dispatch office in downtown Fredericksburg. ISO a mature, responsible individual with come college (associates preferred) to run a small Customer Service department. Must have a good work ethic, and be articulate and level-headed. Other requirements include open availability with ability to work one weekend day every few weeks and must pass a background check. Please email your contact information at LauraC. OfficeDispatch@yahoo. com. 3/19p

Westmoreland State Park is hiring for the following seasonal/wage positions: Seasonal Interpreter, Housekeepers, Trades Technician (maintenance), Food Services Technician (snack bar), Seasonal Concession Manager, Lifeguards and Head Lifeguard, Contact Rangers, Boathouse/ Camp Store Staff, Special E v e n t s C o o r d i n a t o r. Closing Dates: 3/24/14. Please call the park office (804) 493-8825 with questions and for applications. 3/19b Waitress 6:00 AM - 3:00 PM. Apply in person at Bo’s Cafe on Rt. 205 & 301 in King George. 3/19b Fox Towne Adult Day Care Center is now hiring for part time RN’s, LPN’s and Medical Technician also Volunteers are needed. Located conveniently on Rt. 3 in King George near the courthouse. To apply please call 540-775-5502. unfb

CLASSES CHANGE YOUR CAREER, CHANGE YOUR LIFE! Moseley Real Estate Licensing Courses Moseley Real Estate Licensing Courses 04/21/2014- 04/25/2014 (9-4); 05/19/201405/23/2014(9-4); 06/23/2014-6/27/2014 (9-4); Call 540-4248 1 9 1 o r v i s i t w w w. exitrealtyexpertise.com for more info. Military Discounts for Active Duty and MyCAA for Spouses. ufn



E SQuality TAT E brand H O M Ename TO R Ecabinets N T; 5 , 0 0&0 vanities sq. ft. furnishedathome up toon 20 acre grounds, 45manicured % off List Price. tennisGuaranteed courts and ground maintenance included. lowest prices. with/in minutes from 804-333-1234 Dahlgren, Fredericksburg 2721 RICHMOND RD • WARSAW VA a n d Ta p p a h a n n o c k . $1,500.00 per month. 540-226-2047 or 804742-5416. 3/19p

SERVICES Green Leaf Tree Removal and Landscaping. Free Estimates, Storm Damages, Home Improvment. Email: mr.jamesthompson@live. com/or call (540) 5228133. God Bless. 3/26p

MISCELLANEOUS / GENERAL MERCHANDISE 1989 Prowler 5th Wheel for sale. Fisherman’s getaway. 30 ft , new carpet, AC, elec awning. now at Monroe Bay Camp. $5000.00 Must be moved. No tanks.540-662-1537. 3/19p




We are pledged to the letter and spirit of Virginia’s Policy for achieving equal housing opportunity throughout the Commonwealth. We encourage and support advertising and marketing programs in which there are no barriers to obtaining housing because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, elderliness, familial status, or handicap. All real estate advertised herein is subject to Virginia’s fair housing law which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation, or discrimination because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, elderliness, familial status, or handicap or intention to make any such preference, limitation, or discrimination.� This newspaper will not knowingly accept advertising for real estate that violates the fair housing law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. For more information or to file a housing complaint call the Virginia Fair Housing Office at (804) 367-8530. Toll free call (888) 551-3247. For the hearing impaired call (804) 367-9753.

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Wendys Feline Friends. C at s a n d k it t ens f o r adoption. Many different colors and ages. All fixed with rabies shot. See pics at westmoreland. petfinder.org. For more information call Wendy 804-224-1079 Animals Available For Adoption. The Animal We l f a r e L e a g u e h a s dogs and cats available for adoption. For more information please call 804-435-0822, 804-4356320. Hours Monday, Wed., & Friday. 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Lots of animals are at the shelter - call 804-462-7175.

a mind, like a parachute, works best when open




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TOWN OF COLONIAL BEACH PUBLIC NOTICE Please take notice that on March 27, 2014 at 4:30 p.m. at the regular monthly work session of the Colonial Beach Town Council, at Town Center, located at 22 Washington Avenue, the Town Council will conduct a public hearing on the following: Lease of 108 Taylor Street, Colonial Beach, VA 22443, aka the “White Building,� located on the Boardwalk between Hawthorn and Dennison Street to Donna Clayborne and John Clayborne if there are no competitive bids Interested parties may submit a sealed bid for the leasing of 108 Taylor Street, Colonial Beach, VA. Sealed bids will be received by the Town Clerk, Town Hall, 18 N. Irving Street, Colonial Beach, VA 22443 until Thursday, March 27, 2014 at 2:00 p.m. All sealed bids received will be publicly opened and read aloud at the Town Council Work Session, Town Center, 22 Washington Avenue, Colonial Beach, VA 224433 on Thursday, March 27, 2014 at 5:00 p.m. by Town Council. Selection will be made based upon submittal of the highest and best offer. The Lease may be examined at the following location: Town Hall, 18 N. Irving Avenue, Colonial Beach, VA 22443 3/12/14, 3/19/14

REPLACEMENT WINDOWS LIFETIME WARRANTY GUARANTEED LOWEST PRICES. for King George area with Tax Incentive atWindows. least 8 years experience. CALL! Call Jim at (240) 577-3621

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Colonial Beach School Board 804-333-1234 2721 RICHMOND RD • WARSAW VA Public Hearing Colonial Beach School Board Public Hearing on the 2014-2015 Annual Budget March 26, 2014 at 5:30 p.m. at the Colonial Beach Town Center, 22 Washington Avenue Colonial Beach, VA 22443."

King George County has launched a new KGALERT system. To continue to receive alerts you must go to www.kgalert.com, click on Sign Up For Alerts and create a new account. King George Alert - The County Emergency Notification System provides accurate, immediate emergency notifications from all jurisdictions within King George County to your cell, work or home phone, via text, email or voice message. Receive notifications about emergencies that may affect your home, workplace, child’s school, parents’ home, or any other locations within King George County. The current KGALERT system will phase out soon. For more information go to kgfirerescue.com


DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY Proposed Flood Hazard Determinations for Westmoreland County, Virginia and Incorporated Areas The Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has issued a Preliminary Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM), and where applicable, Flood Insurance Study (FIS) report, reflecting proposed flood hazard determinations within the Town of Colonial Beach and the unincorporated areas of Westmoreland County. These flood hazard determinations may include the addition or modification of Base Flood Elevations, base flood depths, Special Flood Hazard Area boundaries or zone designations, or the regulatory floodway. Technical information or comments are solicited on the proposed flood hazard determinations shown on the preliminary FIRM and/or FIS report for the aforementioned communities within Westmoreland County. These flood hazard determinations are the basis for the floodplain management measures that your community is required to either adopt or show evidence of being already in effect in order to qualify or remain qualified for participation in the National Flood Insurance Program. However, before these determinations are effective for floodplain management purposes, you will be provided an opportunity to appeal the proposed information. For information on the statutory 90-day period provided for appeals, as well as a complete listing of the communities affected and the locations where copies of the FIRM are available for review, please visit FEMA’s website at www.fema.gov/plan/prevent/fhm/bfe, or call the FEMA Map Information eXchange (FMIX) toll free at 1-877-FEMA MAP (1-877-336-2627). 3/5/2014, 3/12/2014

DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY Proposed Flood Hazard Determinations for King George County, Virginia (All Jurisdictions)

The Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has issued a preliminary Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM), and where applicable, Flood Insurance Study (FIS) report, reflecting proposed flood hazard determinations within all jurisdictions of King George County, Virginia. These flood hazard determinations may include the addition or modification of Base Flood Elevations, base flood depths, Special Flood Hazard Area boundaries or zone designations, or the regulatory floodway. Technical information or comments are solicited on the proposed flood hazard determinations shown on the preliminary FIRM and/or FIS report for King George County. These flood hazard determinations are the basis for the floodplain management measures that your community is required to either adopt or show evidence of being already in effect in order to qualify or remain qualified for participation in the National Flood Insurance Program. However, before these determinations are effective for floodplain management purposes, you will be provided an opportunity to appeal the proposed information. For information on the statutory 90-day period provided for appeals, as well as a complete listing of the communities affected and the locations where copies of the FIRM are available for review, please visit FEMA’s website at www.fema.gov/plan/prevent/fhm/bfe, or call the FEMA Map Information eXchange (FMIX) toll free at 1-877-FEMA MAP (1-877-336-2627). 3/5/14, 3/12/14

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING KING GEORGE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The King George County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing beginning at 6:15 p.m., on Tuesday March 18, 2014, in the Robert H. Combs Board Room of the Revercomb Administration Building at 10459 Courthouse Drive, King George, Virginia. Case Number 13-05-Z02: Request by JPI Walnut Hill, LLC to rezone, with proffers, 6.7482 acres of Tax Map 9, Parcel 34, as depicted on the Generalized Development Plan, Walnut Hill as prepared by Webb and Associates, dated 3-27-13, from Rural Agricultural Zoning District, (A-2) to General Trade Zoning District, (C-2). The property contains 128.9452 acres and is located on the west side of Route 301 approximately 0.2 miles south of the intersection of Danube Drive (Route 1101) and James Madison Parkway (Route 301). The area requested for rezoning is adjacent to Route 301. The minimum lot size in the A-2 Zoning District is two (2) acres and the minimum lot size in the C-2 for property served by public water and sewer is 5,000 square feet. The proposed is commercial. The Comprehensive Plan identifies the property as being in the Dahlgren Primary Settlement Area with a proposed residential density for this area ranges from 1 dwelling unit per 1 to 5 acres in those areas without public utilities. In areas with public utilities densities of up to 8 dwelling units per acre may be considered. Documents related to the above cases are available for public inspection during the hours of 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday in the Department of Community Development, King George County Revercomb Administration Building. The public is invited to attend the above scheduled hearings and to express their views on the above cases. Those who are unable to attend the public hearings may submit their comments in writing to the Director of Community Development, 10459 Courthouse Drive, Suite 104, King George, Virginia 22485, prior to the scheduled hearings.

By Order of the King George County Board of Supervisors 3/5/14,3/12/14

NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE OF 15521 REAL ESTATE AVENUE, KING GEORGE COUNTY, VIRGINIA. Pursuant to the terms of a Credit Line Deed of Trust dated as of July 10, 2002, recorded July 11, 2002 in the Clerk’s Office, Circuit Court, County of King George, Virginia (the “Clerk’s Office�) in Deed Book 400, page 490, as amended by that Deed of Trust Addendum dated as of October 10, 2007, recorded November 28, 2007 in the Clerk’s Office as Instrument No. 20071128000187970 (the “Deed of Trust�), default having occurred in the payment of the debts secured thereby, the real property briefly described above and below, and all improvements and fixtures thereon, will be offered for sale at public auction by the trustee listed below: Tax Parcel ID: 9-35-E All that tract or parcel of land lying, being and situate in the Potomac Magisterial District, King George County, Virginia, containing an area of 1.3968 acres, more or less, as shown on a plat of survey made by Jeffrey L. Howeth, Land Surveyor, dated September 5, 2000, which plat is recorded in the Clerk’s Office of the Circuit Court of King George County, Virginia, in Plat Book 18, Page 33 as the same is duly dedicated, platted and recorded among the land records for the County of King George, Virginia, known generally as 15521 Real Estate Avenue, and more particularly described in the Deed of Trust, together with all buildings, structures and other improvements thereon, together with all appurtenant rights associated with the ownership of the land and any improvements thereon, all as more particularly described in the Deed of Trust (collectively, the “Property�). The sale will take place on March 19, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. by the front entrance to the building housing the King George Circuit Court located at 9483 Kings Highway #3, King George, VA 22485. TERMS: A deposit in the form of certified or cashier’s check in the amount of $70,000.00 payable to Gary M. Nuckols, Trustee, is required of any bidder, except the noteholder, at the time the sale begins. The purchase price at closing will be the amount of the highest bid. The winning bidder, except the noteholder, shall sign a Foreclosure Sale Agreement (the “Agreement�) immediately following the conclusion of the sale. The deposit will be held by the Trustee and will be applied to the purchase price at closing. Closing within 30 days of sale. Time is of the essence. The Property will be conveyed by Special Warranty Deed. The Property will be sold “as is, whereas� and subject to all other recorded and unrecorded liens, encumbrances, security interests, easements, rights-of-way, covenants, conditions (including, but not limited to, environmental conditions, matters of survey, and conditions revealed by a physical inspection of the Property), restrictions, proffered conditions, if any, leases and mechanics’ and materialmen’s liens, to the extent any of the foregoing may lawfully apply to the Property being sold or any part thereof and take priority over the lien and security interest of the Deed of Trust. Costs: Trustee to pay grantor’s tax; Purchaser to pay all other closing costs; real estate taxes due shall be payable as of the date of sale, including delinquent real estate taxes, if any, shall be paid by the Purchaser at Closing. Additional terms will be announced at the sale. Trustee reserves the right to amend or supplement the terms of sale by verbal announcement at sale. Gary M. Nuckols, Trustee. FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: Gary M. Nuckols, Hirschler Fleischer, 725 Jackson Street, Suite 200, Fredericksburg, Virginia 22401, Telephone: (540) 604-2105.

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The Journal

Wednesday, March 12, 2014 11

Before you go fishing…. Mark Fike The recent GLORIOUS warm weather has many of us with a fishing itch; I cannot wait to wet a line. Normally, that has been checked off my new list for the year by now, but given the ice, snow and cold, I did not even bother yet. However, I did venture out to the shed to look over my fishing gear over the weekend. I realized that there would not be a quick dash to the shed for gear and a run to the river or pond to fish until I take care of a few things. The cold weather has stiffened the primer bulb on my boat to rock solid, and it does not flex at all; that will need be fixed. While not a hard thing to take care of, it will take a few minutes and a run to the parts store to get a new one. Take a look at yours to be sure it is good to go. I would also recommend taking a look at your fuel, and see if any water is in it from condensation. Change filters on fuel lines, and check hoses for cracks, splitting or dry rot. I think a check of the spark plugs would be a good idea, too. I would also check boat lines (rope) for fraying and dry rot, as well. Sometimes cold weather will do

funny things to rope that has been in the sun for awhile. I thought my ropes looked OK last fall, but now some of them definitely need to be replaced. Last fall, I also put my rods away in good shape. Well, the line on most of them has gotten stiff, and some is frayed and needs to be replaced, as well. If you have spinning reels, you might want to try out the new Trilene 100% Fluorocarbon XL by Berkley. This line flexes like mono and is super strong. My first impressions of it are very good. I also noticed the reels I use in the Potomac River, although rinsed off well, still show some rust and corrosion. The bearings in several need greasing, too. I think an afternoon or evening with some oil and light grease will fix this situation. I also took a look at the eyes on my rods and found some crusty from salt buildup. A good hosing and toothbrushing will fix the issue; but again, that takes time. A look in my crappie box showed some stiffened grubs that need to be tossed out. I found shortages on some jig heads and some need repainting, too. My other boxes have tangled hooks and lures. Another hour or so

will take care of the problem. I sure wish I had noticed this on some of those nasty, snowy days. I could have done these chores then. I would also take a hard look at boat and trolling motor batteries. Mine are kept on a trickle charger, but I noticed one of my batteries went dead pretty fast after I took it off the trickle charger. I am hoping I can revive it, but it is two years old, and the cold was hard on batteries this winter. I think I mentioned in a recent article about checking the status of life jackets and other safety items. Check them again, and make sure they are in the proper place. I know that during the fall, I shove the boat in its spot and grab my crossbow or gun and head to the woods. Little time is spent properly putting things away when the fall fishing is good and bleeds into my hunting time. I am also reminding you all to check your fishing licenses. Many of us now buy our licenses in the spring, as they last a full year. I also encourage you to get your saltwater registry number or FIP (Fisherman Identification Program) number. This is necessary for anyone fishing tidal water, even if you do not need to buy a li-

Learn what is in your well water at the KG County Well Water Clinic Every year the Virginia Cooperative Extension, in collaboration with the Virginia Household Water Quality Program, hosts approximately 18-20 Well Water Clinics in different counties. To cover all the counties and localities in the state therefore takes about three years, and this year is King George’s turn to have a Well Water Clinic. A very large percentage of citizens in the county rely on privately owned well water, and most citizens don’t realize that the quality of their drinking water is their responsibility, not that of the county. The purpose of this Well Water Clinic is to allow citizens the ability to test their well water at a very low cost. This test will determine how safe your water is and will let you know if there are harmful levels of heavy metals or bacteria. This test is normally very expensive and runs over $400 per sample; however, due to a grant from Virginia Household Water Quality Program, the cost per person is only $49. There will be two meetings involved with this clinic; the first will take place in the King George Middle

School Auditorium on March 24 at 4 p.m. This is called a “kickoff meeting”, where you fill out the necessary forms, watch a small video on how to take the water test, pay your fee, receive the water test kit, and be instructed to bring it back on the morning of March 26. The other meeting will be the informational meeting, which will take place at the same place on April 10. The purpose of the information meeting is to explain your particular water test results. Without this meeting one would not know how to interpret these results. Your individual well water results will be kept confidential. PRE REGISTRATION and PRE PAYMENT IS REQUIRED! Please call or visit the King George Virginia Cooperative Extension at (540) 775-3062 to register and pay with check. We have 75 kits available to King George residents, and they may go fast, so pre-register ASAP to guarantee yourself a test kit. The deadline for registration is March 24 at 12 noon.

cense. The only exceptions I am able to find are if you are younger than 16 years of age, OR if you have chartered a licensed charter boat to fish. If you purchased a SALTWATER license or saltwater boat license through PRFC (Potomac River Fisheries Commission) or VMRC (Virginia Marine Resources Commission), you are covered. Otherwise, you must register. I have heard of tickets being written by VMRC officers for not having this number. It is FREE, and you can go online to register for it at: http://www.mrc.virginia.gov/FIP/ index.shtm. You can also call them at 1-800-723-2728. One last thing: If you fish on the Potomac River, you need to get the Maryland number. They allow registration through their website at: http://www.dnr.state.md.us/swregistry.asp. Remember, the first fishing trip is often one of trial and error to get back into the swing of things. Many of us have not cast a line for months. Look behind you, around you and so on, before hooking your buddy! Have your stuff ready to go before blocking the boat ramp, and be courteous on the water. Keep safety in mind this year.

Del. Ranson “Freezin’ For A Reason” Delegate Margaret Ransone and her daughter Morgan attended the Polar Plunge in King George to benefit the Lauren Allie White Scholarship Fund. The event was held on March 1 at Tim’s II at Fairview Beach and organized by Christina Dempsey. Hundreds of people that included county officials, sheriff ’s deputies and others gathered at the event and plunged into the near freezing waters to help raise funds for the scholarship. Delegate Ransone said “It’s amazing to see so many teams come out and support the family and the scholarship fund. This is a great way to come together and celebrate the life of Lauren. You cannot replace neighbors that support and love you.”

Oak grove volunteer fireFighters — ice water rescue trained

On Feb. 2, a joint training in Ice Water Rescue for Westmoreland County Firefighters was hosted by Engine Company 3 in Kinsale. 27 people were trained to Ice Water Rescue Technician Level, eight people were trained to Ice Water Rescue Operations Level, and five people were trained to Ice Water Rescue Awareness Level. Members of the Oak Grove Volunteer Fire Department pictured above attended that training.

Plan to keep your pets safe Hurricane and flooding season is coming … you’ve probably stock up on bottled water and extra packaged food, just in case. You’ve got a flashlight and plenty of batteries. Your battery-powered/hand-crank radio is standing by so you can get local emergency information if the power goes out. But what about your pet? Pets can’t take care of themselves. During major disasters, pets often become separated from their owners. Avoid that heartbreak by making an emergency plan for your pet. • Prepare a pet disaster supply kit. Include at least three day’s food and water; food and water bowls; an extra leash and collar with identification tag; a few days’ worth of medication; current photos of you with your pet; blankets or towels for bedding and warmth; cat litter/

pan; your vet’s name and phone number; treats. Store items in a sturdy container that can be carried easily. • Make sure all dogs and cats are wearing collars and up-to-date identification tags. Consider permanent identification for your pet such as a microchip or tattoo. • Purchase a pet carrier and label it with emergency contact information. • Don’t leave your pet behind. If you have to evacuate, where will you go that accepts pets? Ask friends or relatives outside your area whether they could shelter you and your pet in an emergency. Find a hotel or motel outside your area that accepts pets. For more about making an emergency plan for your pet, go to http://www.vaemergency.gov/ readyvirginia/getakit/pets.

Send us your hunting & fishing photos outdoors@journalpress.com

Sunday hunting bill signed By Jackson McMillan Capital News Service Richmond — Virginians will have the right to hunt on Sunday beginning July 1, 2014 according to a bill signed into law last week by Gov. Terry McAuliffe. House Bill 1237, introduced by Delegate Todd Gilbert, R-Woodstock, gives private landowners and their family members lawful authority to hunt and kill wild birds and nuisance species on their property, provided the land is not within 200 yards of a “place of worship.” An exemption in the law gives landowners and their family members the right to hunt outside of 200 yards of a place of worship “any wild bird or wild animal, including any nuisance species, on the landowner’s property.” That exemption means deer and bear may be hunted on Sunday in addition to wild birds and nuisance species. However, HB 1237 specifically prohibits hunting deer or bear with

“with the assistance or aid of dogs, on Sunday.” Non-landowners also may hunt on Sundays, with the written permission of the landowner. Lee Walker, a spokesman for the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, said biologists with the Bureau of Wildlife Resources need to examine game species affected by the additional hunting day and make recommendations for when hunting seasons should begin and end. “The Bureau of Wildlife Resources will recommend setting (season) dates that will make sure additional hunting days will not negatively impact those hunted species (mentioned in the legislation),” Walker said. “We’re trying to make as few changes possible.” Walker said the new hunting regulations should be posted on the department’s website by July 1. The new regulations also will be included in the new hunting and trapping handbook, which will be released Aug. 1, 2014.

Above: Check your primer bulb to ensure it has flexibility and can be used to prime fuel into your carburetors. Above right: Be sure to check your line, and re-spool as needed. Right: Check for corrosion, and oil or grease as necessary.


Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The Journal


Healthgrades gives Mary Washington and Stafford Hospitals excellence awards Fredericksburg — Mary Washington Hospital and Stafford Hospital received Healthgrades Excellence Awards for pulmonary care and Healthgrades 5-star ratings for the hospitals’ treatment of multiple conditions. The independent Healthgrades gave Mary Washington Hospital 5-star ratings for treatment of pulmonary embolism, bowel obstruction, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and pneumonia. Stafford Hospital was recognized with 5-star ratings for treatment of heart failure, sepsis and pneumonia. Healthgrades is a leading online source of physician information and

hospital quality outcomes, and it helps consumers search and compare physicians and hospitals. Mary Washington and Stafford Hospitals’ achievements are part of recent findings released in Healthgrades’ American Hospital Quality Outcomes 2014, which evaluates hospital performance at more than 4,500 hospitals nationwide for 31 of the most common inpatient procedures and conditions. Kevin Van Renan, Mary Washington Healthcare (MWHC) senior vice president and Mary Washington Hospital administrator, said, “These Healthgrades awards acknowledge the outstanding achievements that Mary

Antiques Considered... A lady in Kilmarnock inherited this pair of oriental tables many years ago. She thinks the wood is teak, and the overall condition is excellent, save for one of the lower stretchers that has been broken and taped together with black electric tape. The stains on the top are from two jardinières Henry Lane that contained plants. They Hull are unmarked as to origin, and are 22 inches high. These tables probably are Japanese, and date from the late nineteenth century. The absence of a maker’s mark indicates that they were made prior to 1891. In addition, having no indication of the country of origin possibly means that they were intended for domestic use. The stains might come out with careful application of a mild cleanser. As to the broken stretcher, I recommend seeking professional assistance in properly repairing it. If it was a clean break, wood glue and a clamp should be able to handle the problem. Oriental furniture is not as popular as it was a generation ago. These are nice tables, and have good, if not exceptional, carving, but are not in what we might term a rare category. Twenty-five years ago our firm conducted a sale in Washington for the estate of a lady who had filled her entire four-story house with orientalia. She had numerous pieces similar to these tables, most of which sold well. As a rule, people use oriental pieces

Washington Hospital, our physicians, nurses, and Associates have made to provide our patients with consistently high levels of clinical care. We are extremely proud to receive these excellent national ratings.” Cathy Yablonski, MWHC senior vice president and Stafford Hospital administrator, said, “Clinical excellence is our goal at Stafford Hospital, and based on this latest Healthgrades report, excellent, 5-star treatment is exactly what we are delivering to our patients. Our clinical staff and physicians have developed care protocols that are saving lives. The welfare of our patients always comes first, and this commitment

shines through in Healthgrades.” The 437-bed Mary Washington Hospital and 100-bed Stafford Hospital are part of the not-for-profit Mary Washington Healthcare system. “As American policy-makers focus more intently on ways to lower healthcare costs and improve quality, patients are being asked to assume more responsibility for their healthcare decisions — from selection of their health plan to the associated network of physicians and hospitals,” said Evan Marks, EVP, Strategy and Informatics, Healthgrades. “Since all hospitals do not perform equally in all procedures, patients can have confidence that by selecting a physician associated with a

hospital with 5-star performance, for a specific procedure or condition, they can potentially improve outcomes and reduce costs.” For its analysis, Healthgrades evaluated approximately 40 million Medicare-patient records for nearly 4,500 short-term acute care hospitals nationwide, assessing hospital performance relative to each of 31 common conditions and procedures. Healthgrades awards hospitals quality achievements for cohortspecific performance, specialty area performance, and overall clinical quality. Individual procedure or condition cohorts are designated as 5 star (statistically better than expected),

3 star (statistically as expected) and 1 star (statistically worse than expected) categories. Detailed performance information, such as cohortspecific outcomes data and quality achievements for individual hospitals may be found at www.healthgrades. com/find-a-hospital. More information on the American Hospital Quality Outcomes 2014: Healthgrades Report to the Nation, including the complete methodology, can be found at www.healthgrades. com/quality. Statistics are based on Healthgrades analysis of MedPAR data for years 2010-2012 and represent 3-year estimates for Medicare patients only.


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AUDIOMETRIC TESTING as accents, rather than as complete themes in decorating. This pair of tables fits into such a scheme quite well. The scalloped marble inserts show nice cutting, and the carving, if heavy, still is attractive. The pair is worth $250, assuming the stains come out and the stretcher gets repaired, the cost of which should be minimal. Teak pieces such as these are often subject to shrink-and-swell conditions as the temperature and humidity change in a house. They do best under even climate conditions. We Proudly Display The Joint Commission Disease-Specific Care Certification in Stroke Rehabilitation

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