5/21/2014 Colonial Beach/Westmoreland VA Local News

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Colonial Beach • Westmoreland

Volume 38, Number 21

Wednesday, May 21, 2014 50 Cents

helping you relate to your community

CB School Board denies council’s request for documents CB School Board Chairman Tim Trivett announced at the May 14 School Board Meeting that he had denied the CB Town Council’s request for copies of a letter from Vacorp, the school’s insurance company, which gave reasons for denying the school’s claim. Trivett said he did this on the advice of the school’s attorney. At a prior meeting of the council on May 8, School Board Superintendent Kathleen Beane was on hand to answer questions from council members. Councilwoman Linda Brubaker, Council’s point of contact (POC) for the school, asked Beane if they had heard any news from Vacorp concerning the claim. When Beane revealed that Vacorp had sent a letter

listing reasons for denying the claim, Brubaker and other council members seems surprised and later felt they were not being informed properly by the school system. After some heated debates, Westmoreland County Supervisor Larry Roberson told the council that the school board had not had an opportunity to discuss the matter amongst themselves, and told the council they would do the same if they were in a similar position. Brubaker requested a copy of the letter, and Beane agreed to send one. However, Trivett interceded that request, stating that the school board had been advised not only to deny the request, but to cease all open comments concerning the school

fire, as well. At the May 14 School Board Meeting, Trivett, frustrated and angry, addressed accusations from some Council members that information was being withheld from the council. Every single Town Council member [knows] our door is open at that school board office. We’ve invited every one of them to come and tour the school. Some of them have; all of them haven’t. We’ve invited them to come look at our budget even while we were working on the budget, to go line by line, some of them have come over there; all of them haven’t. “But the ones that haven’t are the ones that are crying the loudest saying the things that’s absolutely false.

It’s just disheartening. We’ve tried to do everything to run this school division as efficiently as we can, as professionally as we can, and it’s just sad that there is people that don’t have any better sense than to criticize you for doing the right thing.” Although Trivett did not divulge details contained in the Vacorp letter, he announced that recent statements made by Council members and School staff that have been reported in the press have played a negative role in moving the claim’s process forward. Trivett told Council members, “We did get a letter from the insurance company, and I’m not going to comment on that letter tonight. Everything that we have said in public,

our throat like we are giving false information or misinformation. You know, I’m a little sick of hearing it.” Trivett aired his frustrations stemming from recent events concerning the council. He said, “I think, as a board, we have done nothing but be open-minded with everything; it doesn’t matter what it is. But now, I realize why past school board members have been reluctant to say anything at Town Council meetings or to Town Council members, because it either gets twisted or turned or made to look like you’re lying or you’re not giving information, or you’re not doing this or that, and it’s...you know, I just have See School, page 6

River Gym has a 100-pound Winner as it Celebrates 1st Anniversary

Drifters fall to Essex

Leonard Banks

The Drifters (6-9) varsity baseball team has closed out the regular season. Read about the game against Essex on page 8.

Jason Renn and the River Gym in Colonial Beach were celebrating this week. Jason was the big winner for losing 102 pounds in eight months. Bobbi Anderson’s River Gym, a very popular Beach business, will be one year old June 1. “It’s been a very good week,” said Anderson. Renn, 43, remade his body with Anderson’s help and the encouragement of his wife, Gittie. “It was a lot of hard work, but I had a lot of help,” he said. “We are giving away a free year membership for our anniversary, “Anderson said. “All you have to do is guess how many pounds all our members lost this year combined in the weight loss program. To help them out, we have a jar of marbles at the gym with the correct number in it.” “Jason lost 24 inches of body fat in his stomach and Cheri Lynch lost a total of 53 inches,” Anderson said. “They both did an amazing job with the weight loss program. They followed the eating plan and lifted heavy weights which is the key to losing body fat.” Anderson knows fitness and exercise. She is the former owner of a large exercise facility in Lake Ridge in Jason Renn has lost 102 pounds at River Gym. Northern Virginia. She is also a certified personal trainer, were q-tips,” Anderson said. a weight management consultant, a nutritional coach, a The 6,000 square foot River Gym features additional spin teacher and a wellness coach. She has won awards exercise equipment, space for classes as well as showers from the National Gym Association and the Organization and locker rooms for River Gym members. In addition of Competitive Bodybuilding. to personal training, group fitness classes, and modern Anderson has been coming to the Beach for the past exercise equipment including cardiovascular equipment, eight years as a weekend resident and during that time she variable resistance equipment and free weights, River became convinced that there was a need for a facility that Gym specializes in wellness, weight loss and nutrition. would offer healthy activities all year round. “I wanted to The River Gym is open every day of the week. Monday spark an interest in a more healthy lifestyle,” she said through Thursday from 5 a.m. to 9 p.m., Friday from 5 “I have the best and the worst job on the planet. I get to a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays from 8 a.m. to 3 watch people transform from an unhealthy couch potato p.m. For more information, please call (804) 410-2058. to athlete. I get to watch them go from not being able to —Richard Leggitt get on the equipment to lifting heavy dumbbells like they

Attempted robber leaves scene without loot

Chamber in negotiations for Molly Hatchet at Bike Fest Colonial Beach Chamber of Commerce President Carey Geddes confirmed Monday that the group has been in negotiations with the agent for the band Molly Hatchet. Geddes said Monday morning that he has signed a contract and sent it off. The group is now waiting for the band’s agent to return a signed contract. If negotiations are successful, the opening band for Molly Hatchet will be Swamp Da Womp. Molly Hatchet, formed in Jacksonville, Fl., in 1975, is best

even to the council, has hurt us as a school division, because it has gotten blown way out of proportion. Vacorp is looking at the paper every single week, and they are just having a field day with everything that has been written and said. And it is really hurting us, as far as our claim goes.” Trivett said they would involve legal counsel for the remainder of the claim process, and since the issue is now in litigation, the school board will no longer divulge information or discuss anything concerning the Jan. 5 fire or the claim without prior approval from legal counsel. Trivett said, “Our attornies have told us that this is a protected matter, and even as we have tried to be open about it, it’s been shoved down

known for their album and song “Flirtin’ with Disaster”. Known for Southern and Hard Rock, the band is still producing hits and entertaining audiences after almost 40 years. Sunstonemusic.net describes Swamp da Wamp … “This band’s sound is infused with an incredibly soulful bottom-end and an all- American vibe; it’s also part rock n’ roll and part “modern Country”. Their music appeals to anyone and everyone, and they put on one hell of a show.” —Linda Farneth

Police are looking for a suspect who attempted to rob the River Edge Inn in Colonial Beach early Saturday morning. Luckily, the would-be robber left with no money, and no employees were harmed. Colonial Beach Police Chief Legg and Sergeant M.A. Russo responded. The suspect is described as an above-average height, slender built male, wearing a grey sweatshirt and jeans. On May 17, at approximately 1:15 a.m., CBPD officers responded to a call at the River Edge Inn in reference to an attempted robbery. Hotel employees advised that a male subject in a grey sweatshirt and jeans with a cloth concealing his face came into the lobby and demanded cash. The subject did not display a weapon, and left when told no cash was available. The investigation is ongoing. Colonial Beach Police Chief Elizabeth Legg urges business owners and citizens to call the police to investigate ANY suspicious circumstances, unusual people or strange noises. Legg also advises

that criminals prefer easy targets. She recommends business owners and personnel to be confident, make eye contact with customers as they enter their business establishment, and to greet each person. Insure that storefronts are clear of obstructions and are well lit, and that cash is not kept on hand after business hours. Legg advises citizens who are concerned with personal safety can also use these techniques. Legg advises to be alert and observant. It is a safe, healthy practice to include someone in your exercise program rather than walking or running alone. Walk purposefully, know where you are going, and project a no-nonsense image. Avoid potentially dangerous situations. If you feel threatened, cross the street, locate an emergency phone, or enter a store or place of business, even if you have just left it. Legg adds that personal safety is about risk reduction, using good common sense and trusting your instincts. —Linda Farneth

Nolle Prosequi entered in case against Davis On May 13, the criminal trespass case against Colonial Beach Code Compliance Officer Teresa Davis was terminated with an entry of “Nolle Prosequi”. Nolle Prosequi is a legal action that signifies either a plaintiff or the prosecuting attorney declares that he/she will no longer prosecute the case. The case came before the court after a property owner in Colonial Beach accused Davis of trespassing on his property stemming from an incident that occurred at 320 First St. on March 8. Davis’s immediate supervisor, Gary Mitchell, and Building Inspector Dextor Monroe both supported Davis in her actions during the incident. Mitchell wrote in an email to Town Manager Val Foulds, “Based on my understanding of the incident that occurred on March 8 of 2014 involving Davis and the property owner of 320 First Street, she was ensuring the work occurring on the property did not need a building/zoning permit. Further upon reviewing Ms. Davis’s

job description, in my professional opinion, Davis was performing her job at the time.” Foulds told the town council at a work session on March 28 that she did not get an email from Building Inspector Dextor Monroe, but spoke with him personally. Foulds said that after talking with both gentlemen, “I am confident that she was performing within the scope of her job description.” It was reported that the complainant did not attend the court hearing on May 13. —Linda Farneth

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Wednesday, May 21, 2014


The Journal


Op Eds _______________________________ High Taxes Arrogance and Mischief in Westmoreland Thomas Neitzey As a nonresident taxpayer and property owner, I long ago stopped attending Town Council meetings due to the hostile environment directed toward questions asked by non residents. However, I watched the last taped council meeting and wish to comment. First, let me say that in spite of Supervisor Roberson’s arrogant statements that the Town Council “Does not need to know” events occurring with the Beach School Fire Insurance is completely false. The Council has an ongoing need and duty to be kept in the loop on this matter. It is Mr. Roberson that does not need to posses this information, but he obviously was told and the Council was not! The Council needs to inform the School Board that this type of caviler indifference will not be tolerated or funding will be withheld if this type of practice continues. Second, Mr. Roberson needs and should spend his words and deeds informing the other County Supervisors that their beach tax increase (5 cents) is a “piling on” of the Budget problems at the beach and make it clear that he will not support a vote for such a punitive increase on beach Taxpayers at this time. Third, the problems in the County School System of decreasing enrollment and dollars by students choosing other school divisions is resulting in a loss of millions of dollars in State and Federal money. Yet the County budget shows a one cent decrease in the school district portion (non beach taxpayers) of their budget ! The total tax increase )government portion) is directed at all taxpayers including the beach! This means enrollment is lower, dollars received is lower and local education taxes are reduced as they downsize. The beach, however takes the opposite approach, they take in more and more county students, but need higher and higher local taxes. Maybe Mr. Robrson and the School Board can answer this occurrence! Last, several years and councils

ago, the Town Council and County Supervisors met and overwhelmingly voted to support a feasibility study on Consolidating the School Systems. The taxpayers of both jurisictions are long owed this study to completion. The project originally was estimated at a cost osf $70,000. However this is at least twice the cost. All the information needed is in the public domain., located at the County, Town or State Department of Education. Surely with these proposed tax increases, $20,000-$25,000 could be used to evaluate this long overdue matter! Mr. Neitzey is a non resident taxpayer from Stafford

Jesus’ Name is Not a Curse Word Dale Taylor Have you ever wondered why the only religious leader’s name that is ever used as a curse word is Jesus Christ? Even movies and television use His name as profanity. When Jesus walked on earth all He did was show love, mercy, kindness and forgiveness. In the Old Testament of the Bible, Isaiah 53 tells about the suffering of Jesus Christ. “He is despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. He carried our sorrows …afflicted… wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquities... He was led as a lamb to the slaughter. He poured out His soul unto death”. He suffered and died a horrible death on a cross for the sins of mankind. But the greatest news was He rose again after three days. Surrender your heart to Jesus Christ that name that will become a name of love, hope, and forgiveness of your sins. The Bible says there is only one name where men might be saved and that name is Jesus Christ. Dale Taylor is from Spotsylvania

Consolidating CB & County schools would compound bad decisions Charles green All of us should thank our town council for the time and attention they have spent agonizing over this budget. Hours on end, line item after line item. Three days looking for saving on the debit side of the ledger, only to discover, there is not much there. Day four, income enhancers- All options on the table. One of those options widely suggested by many in our community is to consolidate the school system with Westmoreland County, as the allure of defunding the largest employer in our fair town looms large and very attractive to some. The proverbial low hanging fruit. I would argue any saving perceived is illusionary. Our school system is the only employer within the confines of Colonial Beach that offers upward mobility. Infuses our town with highly educated and highly motivated people. Carries a budget, in the neighborhood of $3.8 million, which produces 120 jobs. Those jobs, while not highly paid by industry standards or even regionally, are high by Colonial Beach standards and they are on the line. Make no mistake. What is under consideration here is not if that $3.8 million is going to be spent. That is going to happen; those children will get an education. The only question when considering this option is whether it will be spent here or down the road. For those that argue, “we can no longer afford our independent school system”, I would ask they consider this questionWhat would Colonial Beach look like if their proposal carries the day? Grayer for sure. Next question, how such news would be received by our Board of Supervisors? Could Westmoreland County afford to support two distinct school districts? Best guess, Westmoreland County will follow the example set by our neighbors. Richmond County, King George County and Northumberland County all have moved to centrally locate their

K-12 facilities. Montross or just south of it, close to the intersection of US 3 and 202 would appear to be very similar to the selected sites in King George and Richmond Counties. The loss of our independent school system will have profound economic implication for our town. Moving $3.8 million that would be spent here, and transferring those funds to Montross; carrying with it 120 jobs. Soon to follow, the 75 educators that live here. Population outflows of such proportions combined with an explosion of surplus town owned properties will create imbalances in our real estate market and property values will fall. Additionally, our direct contribution rate to the much- debated $10,500 subsidized spending per student is $3,500. That rate is $1,100 higher for the residents of Westmoreland County. Which would, if we combined our school systems, have to be equalized. How different would our budget conversation have been, if we would have accepted one of the five offers received on several of our Boardwalk properties over the past two years? Perhaps, we could have forgone some of those chestbeating, finger-pointing moments from our council member, we will never know. What is known, is after four days of rearranging the deck chairs, we have discovered we have a resource problem and it must be addressed. There is no fat in the $0.23 advertised increase and it should be supported. Water towers must be painted. Vehicles must be replaced. Those children must have a safe, secure and healthy environment to attend school. We’ve got a town to run. Consolidating our school system with Westmoreland County would just compound bad policy decisions of the past. Policies that have produced a decade without a tax increase, years of level funding and atrophy. Charles Green is a resident of Colonial Beach

ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, your thoughts are distant right now, almost as if you’re living in a fantasy world. This is creatively beneficial but not so helpful for practical tasks.

LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 This is a time to discover the value of others, Libra. A willingness to try new things and delegate some responsibilities will free up your calendar.

TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, if you’re not careful, you could find yourself debating family and friends this week. Instead, try to sit back and listen rather than fostering debate.

SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 Certain personalities don’t always click, Scorpio. Don’t feel the need to overcompensate for a strained relationship. Spend more time with those with whom you connect.

GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, a realization about what is really important to you instills a renewed sense of confidence this week. You will be focused on important things.

SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 Flexible thinking is key, Sagittarius, especially as you face a few new challenges this week. There are some opportunities to reconnect with family later in the week.

CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 Cancer, if your finances seem like they are in a state of upheaval, it could be because you have not looked at everything in black and white just yet. Make some changes. LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 You come on too strong sometimes, Leo. Those who know you best can handle this approach, but you can scare off potential new friends if you do not ease up. VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 Be patient and do not demand too much of yourself during the next few days, Virgo. You need to keep your workload light; otherwise, you may get easily overwhelmed.

CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 A rush of activity fills your calendar and keeps your phone ringing off the hook, Capricorn. Your challenge will be separating the pressing events from others. AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 Aquarius, paperwork has built up and requires more time than you had originally planned. There is no way to avoid this task, but a helper can make it move more quickly. PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 Moderation is your mantra for the week, Pisces. Do not let the pendulum swing too far in either direction.


Letters to the Editor Dear Editor, Mr. Dugan’s list of climate denier talking points had nothing new to offer to the conversation. Couched in half truths or bald-faced lies, he presses home the same tired arguments that have been thoroughly rebutted. (Google ‘climate change denial rebuttals’). However, buried in point #6 he stated, “The correct approach should be to thoroughly investigate the problem, both sides of it, determine what the problem is, then develop common-sense, nonpolitical, non-destructive, effective, and affordable solutions.” On this point he is correct. That is exactly what we have been doing since the late 1980’s. The science has been thorough. From a few lone voices expressing alarm in the 1970’s and many, many attempts to find another source of the climate change, we now have consensus that mankind is, indeed, the primary source of this problem. It is settled science. (If 97 out of 100 structural engineers told you a bridge was in need of repair, but three claimed all was well with it, would you go with the consensus? Of course you would. And you wouldn’t use the bridge until it was repaired!) We are now in the latter stage of Mr. Dugan’s suggestion - developing solutions. To continue denying the problem instead of contributing to the search for solutions merely exacerbates the impending crisis. It is akin to insisting that everyone else is wrong when they believe that 2+2=4 while you believe 2+2=3. You are welcome to continue believing it, but you are wrong. Those of us who grasp the magnitude of the changes we are creating in our world and wish to leave for our posterity a livable world are tired of the noisy insistence that we continue to listen to you. The debate is over and you are just wrong. We need to get on with solving the issue. And yes, consensus does mean settled science - until a new idea

comes along that better explains the issue. Right now nothing but our own bull-headed use of fossil fuels has us and all other life on earth in the crosshairs. It’s time to get to work and fix that. We can do it, if we are all working together. Only we are capable of altering the course we have charted. After all, our very lives depend on it. Marci Shaver King George Editor: On the Colonial Beach Town Council, there seems to be some sentiment for doing away with our town’s 100-year-old independent public school system. But the Council doesn’t have the authority to do away with the schools. So it seems to me this is what is happening. The Town Council is proposing a budget for FY2014-15 that will cut the school system’s Town funding for operations by 27%. That’s $570,877 and it’s the maximum that can be cut by law. If the school system had to absorb a cut of that size, it probably could not survive for long, and the movement to do away with our independent schools would have had its


way, in an end run around the limits on its authority. But suppose the people of Colonial Beach rise up and demand that the school system be fully funded. The movement to do away with the schools has an answer for that, too. It says, “Okay, but the money will have to come from an increase in your real-estate taxes.” And the movement is presenting the proposed budget in a way that will do that. The budget traditionally separates things like water and sewer into separate funds from the fund that


handles school operating money, so we’ll ignore things like water and sewer and just concentrate on “Fund 100,” where the school money is. “Fund 100” also includes town offices, personnel, police, sidewalks and streets, and so on. In 2013-14, it totaled $6,524,646--which included $2,103,198 for the schools. The Town’s 2014-15 budget proposes to reduce Fund 100 by $113,996. But the schools would be cut by $570,877. Which means that See Letters, page 11

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CLUES ACROSS 1. Italian cheese city 6. Fed 9. Rights activist Parks 13. Bitter aloe compounds 14. Octagonal motif in oriental rugs 15. Maple genus 16. Shabby (slang) 17. Chopping tool 18. Shakespeare’s epithet 19. Regain 21. Mega-electron volts 22. Unhappy mood 23. NY pharmacy Duane ___ 25. Metrical foot 26. 1950’s Nash automobile 31. Digits 33. Affectional 34. Engine additive 35. Any small tubular structure 36. Lifted something heavy 41. Liquefied natural gas 43. __ of Avila, Saint 44. 2nd Greek letter 45. Assumed the existence of 46. Actress Rooney 49. Claudio __, Chilean pianist 51. Turkish leader titles 52. Don’t know when yet 53. Rectangular groove joint 59. Mythological birds 60. Type or kind 61. White bear 62. Native American group 63. V 64. Author Walker 65. Back talk 66. Doctor of Education 67. Jazz trumpeter Malik

CLUES DOWN 1. Henry’s last wife Catherine 2. Wings 3. College army 4. Myth (Spanish) 5. Hungarian word for mum 6. Old World lizard genus 7. Dinner jackets 8. Last possible moment 9. Jewish spiritual leaders 10. Central Florida city 11. Any watery animal fluid 12. 198 L Egyptian dry measure unit 20. Prophylactic 24. Before 26. Drench 27. ___ River 28. Disorderly crowd 29. Heat unit 30. Medieval capital of Flanders 32. Fencing swords 37. Weekday (abbr.) 38. Vietnamese offensive 39. Point midway between E and SE 40. Father 42. Disjointed 43. Yearly tonnage (abbr.) 44. Lowest male singing voices 46. Jacobs, Ribot & Gasol 47. Athens’ marketplace 48. Contests 50. Gathered fall leaves 54. Three banded armadillo 55. A cord necktie 56. Spot on a radar screen 57. Components considered individually 58. Elm, maple or oak

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The Journal

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


Area Deaths Leola Edna Dickinson Dennison

After several years of valiantly coping with the slow decline caused by dementia, God took the hand of Leola Edna Dickinson Dennison, 85, of Index in King George County, and welcomed her to glory on Saturday, May 17, 2014. She was blessed to be born, raise her children, and die in the homeplace that was so precious to her because it was built by the hands of her father. Born on November 28, 1928, she walked ¾-mile to Dickinsons Corner, where her grandparents had lived, to catch the bus to Shiloh Elementary School. After graduating from King George High School in 1946, she attended Strayer College in Washington, DC. While working at the naval base at Dahlgren, she met her husband, Wayne Archie “Denny” Dennison of Saginaw, MI, where he was stationed as a 3rd class aviation electrician in the Navy, and where she worked as a secretary. They were married on Christmas Day 1949. She traveled many places collecting many memories, but Leola’s greatest joys were the annual Round Hill Baptist Church Homecoming, the King George (KG) Fall Festival, and Thanksgiving, when her siblings, and now her nieces and nephews and their families, returned to the homeplace for food and fellowship each year. Mrs. Dennison was preceded in death by her husband of 32 years due to an accident in a cornfield in Dogue involving an ultralight aircraft he was piloting on May 15, 1982, less than seven months before he would have reached retirement. Ten years later, Mrs. Dennison retired from NSWCDD as Secretary to the Commanding Officer after 46 years of service. During her secretarial career she supported 3 Technical Directors and 12 Base Commanders. She thoroughly enjoyed working for the government and took great pride in supporting our country and our community. She was a member of the Dahlgren Chapter of ITC (Int’l Training in Communication fka Toastmistresses) serving in various capacities including President and attending conferences to the international level. She was also a member of the KG Fall Festival Committee being a consistent supporter of the festival since its inception, and the KG Farm Bureau Women’s Committee where she served as the KG Farm Bureau representative responsible for the Fall Festival Hospitality Room for dignitaries and VIPs. She was a supporter of the KG Art Guild and volunteered for many years at their Biennial Art Show. She was a Salvation Army LifeChanger; a supporter of the KGHS After-Prom Party, the Rappahannock Community College Educational Fdn., and the VA Fdn. for Agriculture in the Classroom; a member of The KG County Historical Society, the Dahlgren Heritage Museum; and an active supporter of the mission work of Round Hill Baptist Church, the same church where her grandfather was a trustee in 1877. She was a lifelong member of the church choir, taught Sunday School, served in Vacation Bible School, as WMU president, on pas-

tor search committees, and in many other capacities whenever and wherever there was a need. Mrs. Dennison was from a generation we would all do well to emulate. She was a gentle and humble southern lady, strong in faith, who knew no enemies and had empathy for all. She embodied a pure and innocent heart, but, after the untimely death of her husband, she also had the prowess to single-handedly maintain the family operations for the next 24 years. She carried herself with poise and grace and was the rock that held her family together. By example, she taught her two daughters how to survive the tragic death of the father they so revered. She taught them to live their life with passion and commitment even in the presence of hurt and pain. Leola was the daughter of the late Eubank & the late Lillie Belle Dickinson of Index, King George County. She was the youngest and last surviving of eight Dickinson siblings and their spouses: Herbert Vinton (died as an infant), Ethel Mae Perry (Ernest), James (Helen Craun), Harold (Margaret DeShazo), Elsie Hurlebaus (Albert), Myrtle Beury (Herbert), and Eubank Gordon (Alice Kendall). She was also predeceased by brotherin-law Billy Dennison and his wife Pat of Saginaw, MI. She is survived by her admiring daughters Sheri Lynn Dennison and Wendi Suzette Dennison Wynn and loving granddaughters Gracelynn Michaela Wynn and Wrayne Dennison Wynn, all of Index in King George County; son-in-law Dr. Charles Palmer of Montross; brother-in-laws Emerson (the late Beverly) and Robert D. Dennison, Sr. (Yvonne) of Saginaw, MI, and Donald L. Dennison (the late Jacqueline) of Ithaca, MI, and numerous nieces and nephews including eldest sister Ethel’s daughter, the 1st grandchild of Eubank & Lillie Dickinson, Alice Marie Mothershead (Billy) with whom she grew up as if they were sisters. Locally, niece Joanne Leola Beury Goodin (Michael) and greatniece Karen Goodin Harris (Bill) reside in Spotsylvania; great-niece Theresa Goodin Pauli (Carl) formerly of Spotsylvania now resides in Christiansburg, VA. For the selfless care and support they provided to Leola and her family during her last days, we would like to honor and bless Jennifer Cave & Michael and Alexus Wynn of Colonial Beach; Jean Frye Shanklin and family of King George; and 1st cousins Sandy Berry (Tommy) and their children Donna Berry Barnum (Steve) and Kevin Berry (Paula) of King George. We also express our appreciation to the Mary Washington Hospice Support Team and to Tiffany Bushrod of Montross from Comfort Keepers. In addition, we would like to thank Bob Shipe (hunter and friend since opening his horticultural nursery in King George in 1992, now residing in Millsboro, DE) for his willingness to assist with any help needed on the farm, even if we never asked. The family will receive friends from 6 to 8 p.m. on Thursday, May 22, at Nash & Slaw Funeral Home in King George. The funeral will be held at 2 p.m. on Friday, May 23, at Round Hill Baptist Church, King George, with the Rev. Ted James of-

ficiating. Mrs. Dennison will then take her final earthly journey to be buried beside her husband in the adjacent church cemetery where her parents and other family members are also interred. A reception will follow in the church fellowship hall. Pallbearers will be Donald R. Dennison (nephew-in-law, Bay City, MI), Michael Goodin (nephew-in-law, Spotsylvania), Robert Dennison, Jr. (nephew-in-law, Saginaw, MI), Dr. Charles Palmer (son-in-law, Montross, VA), Conway Moy (family friend from NSWCDD since 1971), Paul Dickinson (great-nephew, Arlington, VA), and Michael Wynn (ex-son-in-law, Colonial Beach). Honorary pallbearers are Arthur, Jerry, and Tony Bushrod (family friends and neighbors for generations); Max Garland (1946 KGHS classmate); Tommy Berry (1st cousin-in-law); and retired KG County Sheriff Clarence “Moose” Dobson (her Sunday School teacher and long-time friend); Jeri Michael Dennison (nephew-in-law, Saginaw, MI); and Gary Dickinson (nephew, Waldorf, MD). Memorial contributions may be made to the Round Hill Baptist Church Bldg. Fund, Box 467, 16519 Round Hill Road, King George, VA 22485 or to The Community Fdn. of the Rappahannock River Region (CFRRR) designated for The Wayne A. Dennison Fund. The CFRRR is a nonprofit, public 501(c)(3) charity established in 1997 by local community leaders for the people of Stafford, Spotsylvania, King George, Caroline counties and the City of Fredericksburg. The Wayne A. Dennison Fund was a charter endowment established to provide support for the administrative expenses of The Foundation. Checks may be written to Community Fdn. Wayne A. Dennison Fund and mailed to P.O. Box 208, Fredericksburg, VA 22404-0208 or donations may be made online at www.cfrrr.org/make-a-charitableimpact/current-funds/the-wayne-adennison-fund. “A life worth living has less to do with how you look or what you buy and more to do with how you live and choose to love the people around you.” -- quote paraphrased from Tera Warner

Sarah Hodges Lee

Sarah Hodges Lee, 88, of Colonial Beach, passed away at her home on Tuesday, May 6, 2104. She was the widow of Charles Edward Thurston Lee, a member of Colonial Beach UMC, a retired teacher from Colonial Beach Public Schools, a 1947 graduate from Longwood College, and a member of American Legion Post #148, Colonial Beach, VA. She is survived by a son, Charles Edward Lee, of Colonial Beach, a grandson, Thomas Lee, a sister, Phyllis Lewis, a sister-in-law Jane Hodges, both of Nathalie, VA. Also surviving are many nieces and nephews, and many dear friends and fellow teachers. A memorial service will be held at the Colonial Beach UMC, on May 31, 2014, at 1 p.m. A reception will follow. Memorial contributions may be made to the CB-VFD, CB-VRS or CB Public Schools in her memory. Online condolences may be made at www.welchfuneralhomeva.com.

Animal Adoption

Ongoing through Aug. 23

Virginia Quilt Museum to present exhibit, “Stitching it All Together-The Threads that Unite Us,” featuring 42 different textile works. Visitors are invited to become interactive quilt critics by leaving sticky note on the wall by the quilt. 301 S. Main St., Harrisonburg, VA 22801. Contact: Meg Carr, Director: director@ vaquiltmuseum.org or by phone (540) 433-3818.

Thur. May 22

Bluemont Concert Series volunteer recruitment meeting. 6:307:30 p.m. at the General Store Restaurant in F’brg. To RSVP please call Virginia Winsatt at (540) 9558186 or email her at virginia@ bluemont.org. Meeting of the Northumberland County Democratic Party. 6 p.m. at the public library in Heathsville. Guest speaker, Ms. Donna Thompson, is vice chair of the 1st District Democratic Committee and the Lancaster Democratic Party. All interested persons are invited to attend.

Fri. May 23

Relay 4 Life & Special Olympics fundraiser COOKOUT. Westmoreland County Sheriff ’s office parking lot. 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Combos include sandwich, slaw & baked beans. Sandwiches, drink & chips can be purchased separately.

Sat. May 24

Colonial Beach Lions Club to hold a Yard & Bake Sale from 8 a.m.-noon at the Lions Rec Center, 717 Marshall Avenue. CB VFD Ladies Auxiliary to hold a Yard Sale at the fire department from 8 a.m. until...

Mon., May 26

Memorial Day Observance at Montross Courthouse. Free hotdogs & drinks. 11 a.m.-1 :30 p.m. Memorial Day Observance F’brg Nat’l Cemetery. Program starts at noon. For the third year in a row, the program will be preceded by a procession through the streets to the National Cemetery. The event recalls a long-ago tradition of Fredericksburg citizensmany of them former slaves-gathering at Shiloh Baptist Church (Old Site) and processing to the National Cemetery on Memorial Day. The re-created 23d United States Colored Troops will lead the way. The procession will depart from Shiloh Baptist Church (Old Site), 801 Sophia Street at 11:15 a.m.

Point. Linda has two additional books out and will make every effort to bring some for purchase. All are invited to come out and meet Linda, whether you have read any of her books or not. Smoot Library. Potomac River Crab Advisory Committee will meet at 6 p.m. in the John T. Parran Hearing room of the PRFC Office Bldg., 222 Taylor St. Col. Beach. Meeting is open to the public.

Thurs., May 29

May meeting of the KGFF committee. 6 p.m. Union 1st Market Bank.

Sunday, June 1

Multi-County Fundraiser for local Democratic committees. 6-9 p.m. in Kilmarnock. $25 pp ticket price for fish, hamburgers, chicken tenders, etc. Local candidates from 5 counties will be there. Contact Northumberland Democratic Comm. for more information. Northumberland County Democrats noco_dems@yahoo.com.

Monday, June 2

Regular meeting of the AARP chapter here in KG. Meet at the KGCC with a side dish to share at noon. Good company, good food, great fellowship.

Tuesday, June 3

The National Active and Retired Federal Employees (NARFE) Northern Neck Chapter 1823 will meet at 1:00 p.m. for a wine tasting and spe-

cial hors d’oeuvres at The Hague Winery, 8268 Cople Hwy, Hague. There is a charge for this event, payable that day. The NARFE executive board will meet at noon. For additional information, call 804.438.8011.

Thursday, June 12

KG Board of Supervisors will hold a Fracking Information Town Meeting, 7 p.m. KGHS. Reps expected from DMME, DEQ, Shore Exploration and Environmental Law Center. All persons interested in learning more about the fracking controversy in the area should plan to attend this meeting. WANTED: Entries for 2014 Potomac River Festival Contests The 2014 Potomac River Festival Baby and Fire Dept. contest is on Sunday, June 1. We need entries! A boy & girl winner & runner up will be picked in each age group 6 months - 6 years. The Fire Dept. contest is for girls 7-15, 3 groups. Pick up applications at local banks in CB & KG and the Journal, & CBVFD or call (804) 224-0215 from 6-8 p.m. The Miss CB contest will be Friday, June 6th. Applications may be picked up at the same places as the other contest. This is for girls 16 -20, never married and had no children. Call (804) 224-0125. You do not have to live in CB to enter these contests!


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Tuesday, May 27

Local author, Linda J White, will be at the FOSL Book Club meeting on May 27 at 6 p.m. to help discuss her first book Bloody

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Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The Journal


Westmoreland’s Historic Cople Church to Celebrate 350th Anniversary st. paul’s episcopal church to present Haydn’s “Kettledrum Mass” as performed by the Adult Masterworks Chorus, chamber ensemble and soloists on Sunday, June 8 at 7:30 p.m. 5486 St. Paul’s Road, KG, at the intersection with Dahlgren Road. dahlgren UMC invites you to a special Pentecost Celebration Sunday, June 8. This will be a blended service to be held at 10:30 a.m. with special music by the choir and praise band. A fellowship lunch will be held following the service. All are welcome. new life ministries in Colonial Beach will present an evening of worship and praise on Sunday, June 3 at 7 p.m. Child care will be provided. (804) 224-8447. Tuesday, June 3 at 7 p.m., internationally known evangelists Mark & Trina Hankins will speak. All are invited to come hear their message. zion church of lottsburg invites you to a “Sending Out Celebration” on Sunday May 25 at 3 p.m. A dinner will be served after the 11 a.m. worship. For more information on these events, please call (804) 529-6033 or visit their website: www. zionlottsburg.org. The church is located at 2309 Northumberland Hwy, Lottsburg, VA 22511. salem baptist church will celebrate its Annual Senior Citizen’s Day service on Sunday, May 25 during the 11:30 a.m. worship service. Guest speaker will be the Rev. Cleo High, from Antioch Missionary Baptist Church, Mexia, TX. The singing group will be the L.G. Bland Mass Chorus. Dinner will be

srved following the service. All are invited. Salem Church Road, KG. first baptist church in Colonial Beach will be celebrating the “Stewart Missionary Circle Anniversary” on Sunday, June 1 at 10:30 a.m. with Pastor Dr. E. McKinley Taylor of Antioch Baptist Church, Bedford preaching. All are welcome to come and echo a voice. Attire for the morning is white. June 18-20 will be the church’s Youth & Young Adult Revival. 7 p.m. nightly. Guest Preacher will be Minister Edwin Taylor, Anticoch Baptist Church, Bedford. Various singing groups will render the music nightly. 619 Jackson Street, CB. (804) 2247198. trinity fellowship international church invites you to Empowerment Services starting at 7 p.m. on Wed. May 21 & Thurs. May 22. Minister Omar Williams and Pastor Gilbert Garcia will be leading the services. Final Empowerment Service will be Sunday, May 25 at 11 a.m. Prophet/ Pastor Barry Clark will be preaching. The church is located at 181 Kings Hwy, F’brg VA. Car Wash Saturday May 24 starting at 9 a.m. Big Lots Parking lot on route 3 in F’brg. popes creek baptist church invites you to come to the church’s Relay 4 Life team fundraiser BBQ Dinner on Saturday, May 24. 5-7 p.m. Tickets are $10 per meal and may be purchased from a team member or at the door. 9131 Kings Hwy, Montross, 22520. Phone: (804) 493-8029. St. Mary’s Episcopal Church in Colonial Beach hosting annual

Yard Sale on Saturday, May 24. Parish doors will open at 8 a.m. and close at 1 p.m. Furniture, housewares, food, baked goods and treasures galore will be available to purchase. The church is located on Washington Avenue in Col. Beach. peace christian preschool is enrolling students, ages 3-5 for the Fall 2014-Spring 2015 school year. Two, three and four day classes are available. For more info, go to the church website, PeaceLutherankgva. org and click on “Preschool” on the left, or call (540) 775-PLAY. The preschool is located at 5590 Kings Hwy, KG, 22485. oak grove baptist church invites children ages 3 – 17 to a spy-themed Vacation Bible School. It will be Sunday, June 22 – Thursday, June 26, each night from 5:30 – 8 p.m. A meal will be provided to all VBS attendees and workers, followed by motivating music, crafts, Bible lessons, and games! Call the church office at (804) 224-9695 or mail@ogbcfamily.org for more information. Please visit the church web site at www.ogbcfamily.org to pre-register. 8096 Leedstown Rd, off Route 3 at Oak Grove. first baptist church ambar invites everyone to come and experience “Power Night” during the Fifty (50) days leading up to Pentecost Sunday, on Wednesdays through Wed. June 4, 2014 at 7:30 p.m. Come; be a part of God miraculous Power through Divine Healing, Deliverance and Impartation’s of God’s Gifts. There will be Anointed men and women there who operates in these Gifts. 9469 Caledon Rd., KG. (540) 775-3939.

richard leggitt Westmoreland County’s historic Cople Episcopal Parish will celebrate its 350th Anniversary Sunday, May 25. The Presiding Bishop and Primate of the Episcopal Church, The Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori, will attend the celebration and conduct services at Yeocomico Church. Cople Parish was established by Westmoreland County in 1664, with the Yeocomico and Nomini Rivers named as its borders. In the colonial era, the Yeocomico and Nomini Churches were part of the established Church of England, and the Virginia colony did not recognize any other denominations. The two churches served as the spiritual, cultural and social center for the residents of lower Westmoreland County. Cople Parish’s earliest vestry members included George Eskridge, guardian of Mary Ball before her marriage and the birth of her son, George Washington. Cople Parish members in later years included Stratford Hall builder Thomas Lee, Declaration of Independence signer Richard Henry Lee, and first emancipator Robert Carter III. A significant supporter of revolt was Cople Parish rector, Reverend Thomas Smith. The original frame chapel of Yeocomico Church was built in 1655. The current brick structure was erected on the frame chapel’s footprint and Yeocomico has become the oldest church on the Northern Neck. The current Nomini Church was built in the 1850’s near the site of its 1704 predecessor. Co-

ple Parish’s third church, St. James, located at Tidwells, was built as an ecumenical church in the 1890’s and became part of the Parish in 1924. Worship services continue to be held at all three churches. The American Revolution resulted in “disestablishment” and most Cople parishioners wanted no continuing relationship with what they considered a “symbol of the King.” Consequently, both Yeocomico and Nomini Churches were abandoned in the 1780’s even though the Episcopal Church was established in 1785. Nomini Church was irreparably damaged during the War of 1812, Yeocomico Church was saved from total destruction by American soldiers from New Jersey who had been assigned to patrol the Potomac. One of those soldiers, Lt. William Luttrell Rogers, returned from his home in Princeton, NJ to Virginia after the war. Rogers married Ann Ballentine Murphy of Ayrfield and worked for over 15 years to refurbish Yeocomico Church and finally saw an Episcopal rector serving there in 1834. It has been an active church since that time. Today’s Cople Parish is actively involved in a variety of civic and community affairs with its parishioners serving in volunteer leadership roles. Note: There will be a reception to celebrate Cople Parish’s 350th Anniversary and to welcome Bishop Jefferts Schori and Bishop Johnston on Saturday, May 24 from 55-7 p.m. at the Cople Parish House, 72 Coles Point Road, Hague, VA 22469. A church service to commemorate the 350th Anniversary will take place at 10 a.m. on Sunday, May 25, at Yeocomico Church, 1233 Old Yeocomico Road, Kinsale, VA 22488.

Annual Memorial Day service at Shiloh Shiloh Baptist Church will hold its annual Memorial Day service, May 25, at 11a.m. Captain (Select) Chris Nerney, U.S. Navy Reserve, is this year’s speaker. The KGHS JNROTC color guard will present colors; Shiloh’s adult choir and soloists will perform musical specials; and a DVD titled Shiloh Remembers will be shown. Uniformed personnel will perform the Old Glory flag ceremony. Rob Dean will read the names of those from KG who paid the ultimate sacrifice; taps will be played and a wreath placed on the grave of William C. Jenkins, honoring the life he gave for his country in Vietnam in 1968. Additionally, a military exhibit will be displayed. Guests and members are asked to wear their uniforms if they have served in the military or are presently serving. All are invited to this memorial service at Shiloh Baptist Church, 13457 Kings Highway. (540) 4694646 or go to www.kgshiloh.org. Baccalaureate Service for All 2014 High School Graduates (Home School, Private, Public) Sunday June 1 2014 3 p.m. KGHS Light Refreshments. Please wear your Cap & Gown if possible Parents and family welcome (540) 775-3441 for info sponsored by : The KGMinisterial Fellowship Mars Hill Youth Event this Sat. , May 24, 5-9 p.m., at Shiloh Baptist, 13457 Kings Hwy, King George, VA. COME EARLY, 4:45pm to register

Our Doors are Open -Worship With Us Fletcher's Chapel United Methodist

8330 Fletcher's Chapel Rd. at 218

Pastor Michael Reaves fletcherschapel-kinggeorge-va.org Worship Services 8:30 & 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 9:45 a.m.

(540) 775-7247

17080 14th Street, Dahlgren Contemporary Service - 9:30 a.m. Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. & 11 a.m. Traditional Service - 11 a.m. Nursery open 9:15a.m.-12:15p.m.

Pastor Ed Johnson

email - office@dahlgrenumc.org web site - www.dahlgrenumc.org Phone: 663-2230

Good Hope Baptist Church

17223 Good Hope Rd. - corner Rt. 218E & 619 phone: 540-775-9487 fax: 540-775-0600 www.goodhopeministries.org

• Sunday School - 9:45 a.m. • Worship - 11:00 a.m. • Prayer & Bible Study (Wed.) 7:30 p.m. • 5th Sundays - Union & Nursing Home Worship “Building the Church & Reaching the World for Christ”

7748 Leedstown Rd., Oak Grove, VA 22443 (804) 224-0418 • www.lzbcva.org

Shiloh Baptist Church Reaching, Building, Serving

Sunday Activities Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship Service, 11:00 a.m. AWANA, 4:00 p.m. Youth Group, 4:00 p.m. Wednesday Nights Rev. Mike and Earlene Jessee Family Night Dinner, 5:30 Youth Study; Children’s Missions & Music, 6:00 facebook@kgshiloh Choir Practice, 7:15 13457 Kings Hwy. 540-469-4646 • www.kgshiloh.org

Oak Grove Baptist Church

Randall Snipes, Senior Pastor Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m.& 11 Awana-Sundays-6 p.m. Bible Study-Wednesdays 6:30 p.m. 8096 Leedstown Rd. Colonial Beach, VA


Colonial Beach United Methodist Church Pastor Rev. Yunho Eo

9:30 a.m. Adult Sunday School 10:45 a.m. Informal Hymn Singing 11 a.m. Worship & Children’s Sunday School Food Pantry open Thursdays at 10 a.m. Op Shop Open M-F 9 a.m.-noon (Thurs. 9 a.m.-1 p.m.) 1 Washington Avenue PO Box 189 Colonial Beach, VA 22443 (804) 224-7030

Macedonia Baptist Church

Hebrews 10:25 Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another— and all the more as you see the Day approaching. (NIV)

(Psalm 34:3)

Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Worship Service: 11 a.m. Prayer & Bible Study: (Wed.) 7 p.m. Holy Communion on 4th Sundays Rev. Fred Sales, Interim Pastor


St. Elizabeth of Hungary Roman Catholic Church Corner of Lossing and Boundary, Colonial Beach

Traditional Anglican Worship 1928 Book of Common Prayer 1940 Hymnal

Very Rev. Francis M. de Rosa Rev. Mark Mullaney

Sunday- Holy Communion 11 a.m. Meeting at Grant Church in Lerty, VA


Two Rivers Baptist Church

Sunday Masses: Sat. 5:00 p.m. Sun. 9:00 a.m. & 11:00 p.m. (español)

Little Ark Baptist Church “Building God’s Kingdom On Earth”

Meeting at their new church

Intersection of Rokeby and Kings Hwy. (Rt. 3) Sunday School ..............9:30 a.m. Worship........................10:30 a.m. COME VISIT US • ALL ARE WELCOME

Rev. Peyton Wiltshire For Information call 540710-3831

Round Hill Baptist Church Worship & Service Morning Worship ~ 8:30 a.m. Sunday School ~ 9:45 a.m. Morning/Children's Worship ~ 11 a.m. Wed. - Bible Study ~ 6:00 p.m.

We invite you to gather together with us! Sunday School - 9 a.m. Sunday Worship 8 a.m. & 10:15 a.m. Bible Study - Wednesday 7 p.m. Pastor Earl T. Howerton Jr.

1081 Macedonia Ln., Colonial Beach, VA (804) 224-1500 "O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His Name together."

Holy Redeemer Anglican Church

16519 Round Hill Rd., King George, VA Pastor Ted A. James • 540-775-5583

"Pastor Larry" M. Robinson Sunday Worship - 10 a.m. Sunday School - 9 a.m. (New Testament Church Study) Wednesday Night Prayer & Bible Study 6 p.m. 15681 Owens Dr. in Dahlgren, VA Church Phone: (540) 663-2831

Hanover-with-Brunswick Episcopal Parish

Where all are welcome.

Phone: 540-775-3635

Emmanuel, Port Conway (Rt. 301) 3rd & 5th Sundays

For more information, visit our website at:


Sunday School 10 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship 11 a.m. Bible Study Wednesdays at 7 p.m.

Rev. Irving Woolfolk, Jr.

"A Church where everybody is somebody!"

Tabernacle Baptist Church

Dr. Sherman Davis, Pastor 10640 Kings Hwy King George, VA 22485 www.tabernaclebaptistkg.org 540-775-7188

Sunday Services Early Worship - 8 a.m. Sunday School - 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship - 11 a.m. Evening Worship - 6 p.m.


• 804-224-7221

Trinity United Methodist Church

9425 Kings Hwy., King George www.trinitykg.org

Contemporary Service ~ 8:30 a.m. Sunday School ~ 9:30 p.m. Worship ~ 10:30 a.m. (540) 775-4501 Rev. Susan Reaves

Worship Service - 10:30 a.m. (Sunday)

Corner of Millbank & St. Anthony’s Rd., King George

Sunday School - 9:15 a.m. Nursery Provided Seeking to know the grace of God and to make it known to others.

Very Rev. Francis M. de Rosa Rev. Mark Mullaney

Dave Bentz, Pastor Jason Schubert, Associate Pastor 13114 Kildee Farm Road King George, VA 22485 (off 301 and Blue Jay Meadow Drive)

Ph. (540) 775-9990 • email: info@gracekg.com web site www.gracekg.com

Sat. 7:00 p.m. Vigil Sunday Masses: Sun. 8:15 a.m. 10:30 a.m 12:45 p.m. Tridentine Mass

First Baptist Church Ambar

9469 Caledon Rd., King George, VA22485 Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship 11 a.m. Bible Study Wednesday at 7:30 p.m.

Pastor William & First Lady Pastor Wm. T. Frye Theresa Frye

“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

“The church is the great lost and found department” - Robert Short

Help others find your church. Advertise in this space, only $10 per week. Billed monthly. Contact Lori at (540) 709-7495 or email her at lori@journalpress.com

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Daily Mass: Mon. Thur. Fri. & Sat. 9:00 a.m. Tues. 7:00 a.m. Wed. 7:00 p.m. Adoration before each morning Mass


All are Welcome!

Confession: Wed. 7:30 p.m. Sat. after 9:00 a.m. Mass & at 6:30 p.m. Sun. 1/2 hour before each Mass

A New Testament church “... All the churches of Christ greet you.”

Pastor: Dennis L. Newton

Office: 11 Irving Ave., Colonial Beach, Va. 22443

Potomac Baptist Church

Worship Service: 11:00 a.m. Age Graded Bible Study: 9:45 a.m. (540) 775-7006

Service Wednesday Evenings 7 p.m.

Office: 11 Irving Ave., Colonial Beach, Va. 22443

St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church


Confession: Sat. following 8:00 a.m. Mass & at 4:30 p.m. Sun. 1/2 hour before each Mass

Sunday Services:

The Rev. St. John's, 9403 Kings Hwy. Diane Carroll 1st, 2nd & 4th Sundays Rector

You're invited to worship with

3207 Quarter Hill Rd., Supply VA 22436

Daily Mass: Mon. - Sat. 8:00 a.m. Adoration precedes each morning Mass

A church where the Full Gospel is Preached, Taught and Lived



8103 Comorn Rd. (Rt. 609) King George

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Romans 16:16

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The Journal


Wednesday, May 21, 2014


May 25-31 - VA’s Sales Tax Holiday for Hurricane & Emergency Preparedness Equipment Phyllis Cook Virginia provides consumers a full week of exemption from the state’s sales tax on purchases for numerous items designated by the Department of Taxation as hurricane preparedness equipment, including portable generators, May 25-31.  Portable generators must be priced at $1,000 or less, and other eligible items must be priced at $60 or less for each item. New this year, and for subsequent annual tax free periods in future years, gas powered chain saws and accessories are also included. See below for price-point details. Those items are exempt from the state sales tax from Sunday, May 25, 2014 through Saturday, May 31, 2014.

The list of smaller essential items includes 22 categories, including batteries, flashlights, bottled water, tarps, duct tape, cell-phone chargers, smoke detectors and first aid kits that are tax-free. As long as each eligible item costs $60 or less, it is tax-free. Retailers may also choose to absorb the tax on other items during the holiday period, but they are responsible for paying the tax on those items to the Department of Taxation. LIST OF QUALIFYING ITEMS $60 OR LESS The following hurricane preparedness items may be purchased exempt of the state’s Retail Sales and Use Tax during the “Hurricane Preparedness Sales Tax Holiday,� provided that such items have a selling price of $60

or less per item. • Artificial ice, blue ice, ice packs and reusable ice. • Batteries (excluding automobile or boat batteries), including AAA cell, AA cell, C cell, D cell, 6 volt, 9 volt, Cell phone batteries. • Any portable self-powered light sources including flashlights, lanterns, glow sticks. • Portable self-powered radios (including self-powered radios with electrical power capability). • Two-way radios. • Weather band radios and NOAA weather radios. • Tarpaulins, plastic sheeting, plastic drop cloths, and other flexible waterproof sheeting. • Bungee cords, rope. • Ground anchor systems or tie down kits.

• Ratchet straps. • Duct tape. • Carbon monoxide detectors. • Smoke detectors. • Fire extinguishers. • Gas or diesel fuel tanks or containers. • Water storage containers. • Nonelectric food storage coolers. • Bottled water. • Manual can openers. • Storm shutter devices. • Cell phone chargers. • First Aid Kits. LIST OF QUALIFYING ITEMS $1,000 OR LESS The following hurricane preparedness items may be purchased exempt of the Retail Sales and Use Tax during the “Hurricane Preparedness Sales Tax Holiday,â€? provided that

such items have a selling price of $1,000 or less per item. • Portable generators and generator power cords • Inverters & inverter power cables CHAIN SAWS For the 2014 Hurricane Preparedness Sales Tax Holiday period and all subsequent periods, gas-powered chain saws with a selling price of $350 or less and chain saw accessories with a sales price of $60 or less may be purchased exempt of the state’s Retail Sales and Use Tax. The following is an all-inclusive list of the items that are deemed “chain saw accessoriesâ€?: • Chains • Chain saw bar and nose lubricants • Two-cycle motor oil

Moped Riders: Your deadline to comply with law is July 1, 2014 RICHMOND – The Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) is reminding moped owners and operators that the deadline to title and register your moped is quickly approaching. A law that went into effect last summer requires mopeds operated on Virginia roadways to be titled and registered by July 1, 2014. A title is $10. The annual registration fee is $20.25. Virginia law also requires every

moped driver to carry a governmentissued photo ID (does not have to be a driver’s license) and every driver and passenger must wear a helmet while riding a moped. Drivers must also wear a face shield, safety glasses or goggles unless the moped has a windshield. “More than 1,800 folks have already titled and registered their mopeds,� said DMV Commissioner Richard D. Holcomb. “We are excited those customers got a jump start on

the process. Now, we want to make sure that the rest of the moped community is aware of this requirement and the deadline.� At the request of General Assembly, DMV established an ongoing work group in 2012 to study a number of non-conventional vehicles including mopeds. That study showed the lack of any identifying information on a moped made them nearly impossible to recover after theft and complicated identification of the ve-

hicle and operator in the event of a crash. “Requiring titling and registration of mopeds will allow law enforcement to better track mopeds that are stolen or used in the commission of crimes and more effectively deal with moped crashes,� said Holcomb. “Titling and registration could also assist consumers in re-selling a moped.� In 2013, there were more than 600 moped crashes in Virginia, 12

of which were fatal. Nearly 20 percent of those crashes were alcoholrelated and 10 percent were speedrelated. The top driver action contributing to a crash was failing to maintain control of the moped. DMV will issue one license plate per moped to be placed on the rear of the vehicle. Customers can personalize their moped plate for $10 in addition to the registration fee. For more information, visit dmvNOW. com/mopeds.

This American Empire Grecian couch belonged to a gentleman who recently died, and it is now to be disposed of by his estate. The primary wood is mahogany, both solid and veneer, and the secondary wood is Henry Lane pine. Aside Hull from a few veneer nicks, the overall condition is excellent. At present the couch does not have a bolster. This piece is a classic of the American Empire period. The revival of interest in ancient Greece in the early nineteenth century,

most notably symbolized by the poetry of Lord Byron, brought forth a prodigious effort both in Europe and America to replicate Grecian furnishings. Almost certainly, this couch was one of a pair, the mate to which had the armrest on the opposite side. Dating from the period from 1840 to 1850, this couch is a decade or two later than the more delicate ones, which were more flamboyant in their style. The proportions of this one are good, and the condition is better than many similar ones. The present fabric, which appears to be old, is not the appropriate choice for such a piece. To be in accord with the architecture of the couch, the fabric should be a bright vertical stripe, and the piece demands a bolster. The latter is a round pillow in the same fabric as the couch, fitting

into the angle where the single arm reaches the base. Neo-classical American furniture remains popular, but the higher prices go for the slightly earlier versions. This one in its present condition, needing re-upholstery, is worth $500. The correct fabric properly applied likely will cost upwards of $1000. Once done it will be a spectacular piece, but as to being an in-

• Chain sharpeners and files • Bars • Wrenches • Carrying cases and scabbards • Safety apparel, including chaps, gloves, hearing protectors, helmets, and protective glasses • Repair parts ADDITIONAL DETAILS The Virginia Department of Taxation’s Hurricane Preparedness Sales Tax Holiday Guidelines and Rules are available online at <http://www. tax.virginia.gov/site.cfm?alias=Hurr icanePreparednessEquipmentHolid ay>. And, for additional information on hurricane preparation, visit the Virginia Department of Emergency Management website at <www.vaemergency.gov>.

Find the Summer 2014 King George Parks & Recreation Brochure The Journal will publish the Summer brochure soon. The brochure includes Parks & Rec activities and programs through the summer. Contact your account representative for advertising information or call 540-775-2024.


Partial Listing of Items: Ant. American Empire sideboard, ant. Victorian mahogany Grecian couch, ant. Sheraton double bed, ant. Victorian walnut marbletop 3-drawer chest, World War II Navy hats, pr. round ant. marble & teak oriental tables, Henkel-Harris cherry one-drawer washstand, pr. retro couches, sculpture of fish & grasses, modern & abstract art, lithographs (Mosca, Stoyef, Jay Robinson, W. Dreyer, Monthe), Japanese woodblock prints, wrought iron credenza with slate top, bronze statue of turkey hen on rocks, Scandinavian-style teak coffee tables, pr. SCAN end tables, Scandinavian-style teak round dining table w/ 4 chairs, retro armchairs, teak console, sterling silver dish, serving pieces, Wedgwood dinner service, old cookbooks, books, iron porch furniture (8 pieces), costume jewelry, retro hanging lamp, table lamps, candlesticks, clocks, firetools, ornamental copper cookware, kitchen & household items,

knick-knacks, garage items, tools, file cabinets and much more! Visit http://www.facebook.com/YourEstateSaleSource for photos.Â

Directions: From Route 360 outside of Reedville, take Sunnybank Road to left onto Sweet Hall Road. Continue onto Solitude Drive to left onto Waterside Lane and follow signs to house. Terms of sale: No prior sales, items sold in “as isâ€? condition, announcements on day of sale are binding, all sales final, cash or approved check only. For further information: call Lisa or Henry Lane Hull at (804) 580-2922 or (804) 5803301; email: henrylanehull@ commonwealthantiques.com or visit www.commonwealthantiques. com Next sale: May 31st & June 1st outside Kilmarnock



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vestment, owning this couch has to be its own reward. Henry Lane Hull and his wife Lisa operate Commonwealth Antiques and Appraisals, Inc. at 5150 Jessie duPont Hwy. in Wicomico Church, VA. Write to him at P. O. Box 35, Wicomico Church, VA 22579 or email questions to henrylanehull@ commonwealthantiques.com. Happy Antiquing!

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Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The Journal

School: On attorney’s advice from page 1 to say that everything we have done is to the contrary to that.” Trivett said that he received an email from Councilwoman Brubaker. He did not go into details about the email, but he openly announced that he told Superintendent Kathleen Beane not to release the letter on the advice of the school’s attorney. Trivett told the audience that the school board did offer to let her come and view the letter personally. Trivett said that Brubaker did not come. When discussing the Vacorp letter, Trivett said, “It’s not that we are hiding anything, it’s just the fact that we’re hurting ourselves. If you could read that letter, you would realize it, and see exactly why. Town officials have made statements that the building was condemned, and don’t you think they are not going to use that against us!” Trivett said that no one in the town has ever told him the building was condemned, and he stated that kids were using the building up until the fire occurred. Trivett warned that statements made by Town officials are hurting the insurance claims. He further warned that statements made that hurt the insurance claim process will be scrutinized by the school’s attorney in sworn depositions. Trivett said, “From this point on, everything is going to be done under sworn testimony.” Trivett believes that because of recent events and statements made, this insurance claim could take years to settle, and he truly believes that it will only be resolved in a courtroom.

Trivett said, “When it comes out, you’ll see why every little thing we’ve said has come back to hurt us and haunt us.” Trivett said that although Virginia State Laws governing the school system do not require the school to give out information to the council freely, they have been very open and honest about everything. Councilman Jim Chiarello spoke the week before at the council meeting, stating that he believes the building should be torn down now. At the May 14 meeting, Trivett, responding to Chiarello, said that until the insurance claim has been resolved, nothing can be done to the building. He added that one of the issues is that the insurance company has expressed that there may be parts of the building that could remain and/or be repaired. Trivett added, “However, until a determination is made by the insurance company and an agreement is reached, the school board can do nothing. Our hands are tied!” Brubaker took the podium after Trivett spoke, indicating that she had given each member a copy of a FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) request for not only the three-page Vacorp letter, but all emails and other documents relating to the fire, the insurance policy and the insurance claim on the two-story building that burned on Jan. 5. As of Monday, May 19, the school board has fulfilled the council’s FOIA request and turned over the letter from the Vacorp. —Linda Farneth

Restaurant and Crabhouse

Memorial Day Holiday Weekend


Art Walk News Harriett Lawler Harriett Lawler started painting as a child; she said she was born with a love of color. Lawler began selling her work in her young twenties and has been a working artist ever since. At age 73, she is still active, but considers herself to be slowing down. Lawler has shown in Washington, D.C. and is currently teaching workshops at the Torpedo Factory in Alexandria, Va. and at her studio at Mattowoman Creek Art Center in Charles County, Md. Lawler’s work is primarily use and effects of color and her interpretations of nature. She uses transparent etching inks, transparent watercolors or transparent oils paint. Lawler interprets nature using natural items such as feathers, grasses and wildflowers. She creates mono-types, which are one-of-a-kind prints. She usually prints them on an etching press. Lawler is a visiting artist to Colonial Beach who has shown here before. Her work will be on display throughout the month at the Potomac River Fisheries Commission meeting room located at 222 Taylor St. Barbara Kohn Artist Barbara Kohn is currently exhibiting “Once Upon a Paintbrush”, presenting works of myth and folklore at the JarrettThor Fine Arts Gallery. Her art includes some impressionist oils and some of her outrageous digital art. Kohn’s love of art began when she was a young girl in school, inspired by the great artists. She was exposed to famous works of art through an art program. The students were shown flashcards

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Hubert Jackson

Robert Wayt Smith

and had to memorize the names of the artwork and the artist. At the end of the year, students who could name all, won a set of flashcards. Kohn, at the age of 80, recently discovered the digital resolution, proving you’re never too old to learn new things. She uses a program called Photoshop Elements to create her latest work. The program is not the average CGI (Computer Generated Images). Kohn uses mouse strokes to create all of her work, giving it a personal touch that is not perfectly generated by the computer. Simply put, she has replaced her canvas with a computer screen and her paintbrush with a mouse.

In first grade, his teacher asked the kids to draw a picture of a man. Most other kids where drawing stick figures, but Jackson drew a man with a brim hat on, in a zoot suit, along with the chain. Jackson said, “The teacher couldn’t believe it.” One day, he sent one of his pictures to a TV show called The Pick Temple Giant Ranch Television Show, which aired on WTOP in Washington, D.C. from 1948 through 1961. Pick Temple used Jackson’s picture to open and close the show. Jackson attended undergraduate school and majored in Art Education at the Virginia State College, which led to a career teaching art for 35 years in D.C. The majority of his career was spent teaching at Wilson High School. Jackson retired in 1999 and settled in Colonial Beach. His work is a mixture of mediums. Jackson uses acrylics and other materials to create his abstract work consisting of plains of colors and overlapping shapes.

other whimsical creatures led to his discovery of Rembrandt, which hooked him into the world of whimsical fantasy art, shaping his life into the successful artist he is today. At the age of 12, he was assigned a book report on Dwight D. Eisenhower. Unfortunately, Smith could not overcome his fear of speaking in public. His teacher was intuitive to his problem and his love of art, so Smith’s teacher suggested that Smith draw a book cover and speak about that. In his early career, he did freelance work; illustrating books, magazines and various other stories while working at the University of Maryland as a facilities manager for the Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center. He works in all mediums but prefers oils. He paints whimsical fantasy artwork and is most inspired by orientalist painters from the nineteenth century. Smith feels that portrait work is the most challenging, so of course, that is what he paints most. However, he strays from dating his portraits with period attire. Smith currently displays at Studio A, located at 10 Hawthorn St. in Colonial Beach. —Linda Farneth

Hubert Jackson Hubert Jackson is currently showing his recent works that deal with the period of the American Civil War and the spirits of the unaccounted for soldiers of that war at the JarrettThor Gallery. He uses Va. vegetation and collected artifacts in his large abstract works. Although Hubert Jackson started creating art for sale a little late in life, he too, knew he was destined to be an artist at the age of five.

Robert Wayt Smith When Robert Wayt Smith was just six years old, he realized his doodles weren’t like the other kids’. His love of dinosaurs, dragons and

W&L Senior Award Night Patty Kelly Long

5411 Pavilion Drive, King George, VA

Barbara Kohn

Senior class students of Washington and Lee High School gathered with their parents and friends on May 13, 2014 for the annual Senior Awards Program. Community awards and school department cords were presented to the students. The top ten students were also announced. Class valedictorian is Callie Morgan and salutatorian is

Colonial Beach Potomac River Festival

Christian Tinsley. Rounding out the top ten are John Hemenway (3), Gloria Wyszynski (4), Mary Sisson (5), Chiquita DeJesus (6), James Ficklin (7), Milan Bullock (8), Manoa Wurth (9) and Harden “Baine” Self (10). Community awards were presented by Opentis Ball Memorial Scholarship, Aja Jackson and Jhamari Kelley; DAR, Callie Morgan; Westmoreland County Ruritans Scholarship, Naomi Davis, Manoa Wurth, and JaCinta Ball; The National Academy of Future Physicians and Medical Scientists Award of Excellence, Chiquita DeJesus; and Rappahannock Scholars, Terrin Dickerson and Callie Morgan.

June 6th, 7th & 8th Theme “Let’s Rock the Beach” Grand Marshal: Colonial Beach New Police Chief Elizabeth “Libby” Legg Friday June 6th: Fireman’s Parade 7:30 pm Miss Colonial Beach Contest Saturday June 7th Grand Feature Parade 12 Noon Arts, Crafts, and Vendors 10-5pm Fireworks 9 pm Sunday June 8th Boat Parade 1pm Pet Parade 2 pm

Scholarship awarded Westmoreland Masonic Lodge No. 212 of Kinsale is pleased to announce the recipients of its 2014 Scholarship Awards. Awards were made to Celeste Noelle Harrison, graduating senior of Courtland High School, Fredericksburg, Virginia, who will be attending James Madison University. Celeste is the GrandDaughter of our Secretary R.W. Thomas Harrison. And Lauren Kimberly Self, graduating Senior of Northumberland High School, who will be attending Christopher Newport University. Lauren is the daughter of our very own Past Master Wor. Harry Lee Self Jr.. Scholarships were made in the amount of $1,000.00 each. Congratulations to the honored students, and their families.

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The Journal

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


Heavy rains back to back not great for fish Mark Fike It is springtime, and we do typically get some gully washers during the spring in Virginia. From a fisheries’ standpoint, a good soaking rain is not a bad thing. However, a gully washer that puts down inches of rain in a short period of time is an event of concern. Rain that comes down that hard leaves little time for the water to be absorbed into the ground. Instead, it rolls downhill, taking anything that floats or suspends with it. When I think of things that suspend, the list goes on and on. I think about the last time I was in Home Depot or Lowe’s and how more than a few carts had fertilizer, weed killer or other “cides” in them. That stuff ends up in our creeks, tributaries and streams, meaning they eventually end up in our rivers and the Bay. I also think about all of the pavement we have in Virginia and not just from roads. Roads are certainly a big portion of runoff area, but even roofs, parking lots and concrete structures are numerous. A lot of water is NOT absorbed by these things that could be partially absorbed or filtered by grass or vegetation if we had more of the natural, and less of the manmade. Years ago, I purchased a few rain barrels in an effort to reduce my electric bill. I parked the barrels under two different downspouts and waited for the next rain. Our house is not very large at all, so I did not expect to catch much water from a single rainstorm; I was so wrong. The first

rainstorm we had was a steady shower. I stood on our back step and observed the water gushing out of the downspout into the barrel for a few minutes. I quickly realized I did not plan very well. Within ten minutes, the barrel was overflowing. I had to run out and attach some hoses to the overflow ports and run it away from our house. Both 80-gallon barrels were overflowing from a little over ten minutes of steady rain! When I apply this thought to the miles of pavement or concrete we have in the watershed, I cringe. It is really no wonder why we have so much water cascading down our rivers each time it rains. I stood at the dock at Hopyard on Saturday and was pretty impressed (in a bad way) how fast the river as flowing, the fact that it was over the dock and how nasty brown it was. When that water washes off pavement or concrete, or out of fields, off lawns and down gullies, it carries a lot of poisons with which we saturate our grounds and plants, but it also carries sediment with it. Some of you may be becoming suspicious that I am some “nutty tree hugger” at this point. I assure you that I am neither an environmental extremist, nor a believer in the end of our planet in the near future due to global warming. This statement is sure to make some start to howl, but so be it. However, I am very concerned about the way we are developing land and the way we are using poisons to have a “quick fix” for a problem. The sediment issue is of real con-

cern to me. Other than my time in the Marine Corps, I have lived in the area all of my life. The Rappahannock River has changed tremendously over that time. Much of the change is in the form of sediment. At one time, the river at Falmouth had many deep holes. Now, it has very few, if any. I quit fishing the river there because it is so shallow. Old Mill Park used to have some very deep holes and swift currents; now it has few. The stretch from the City Dock to Old Mill once held a relatively deep channel years ago. We often fished at Chatham for perch in the spring. The deep water is so scarce, very few people bother anymore. In fact, the mud and silt flats make it a very delicate operation to run a small boat up there. A few weeks ago, my wife and I tried to run our little Jon boat up from the City Dock and hit mudflat after mudflat. This was at high tide, too. It was not worth going upriver. Some will say that the silt is from when the dam was blown; perhaps some of it is. But, the problem was present prior to that. These heavy rains that fill our river with sediment and high water are not good for the spring spawn. In fact, these conditions make for poor spawning conditions and higher mortality, and even near failures for fish some years. A lot of dirt is in both of our rivers these days. This dirt ends up in the Bay clouding the water, cutting submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) growth and starting a vicious cycle where we have less vegetation and more erosion and sedimentation.

Less vegetation also creates a host of other problems for our fisheries. Much of the crabs’ plight is due to lack of habitat to include SAV. So what do we do about this? I would love to see some hard figures from the Army Corps of Engineers on the depth of the Rappahannock River in various places over the years. The Chesapeake Bay Foundation monitors SAV, as does Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS). The VIMS site said, “Since the 1950s, there has been a tremendous decline in SAV due to degraded water quality. In 1972, incredible amounts of rainfall and runoff caused by Tropical Storm Agnes dealt a final blow to many grass beds.” Perhaps we can be more careful about how we develop near water, to start with. We may need more serious regulations with regard to building roads and other development. I don’t think the idea will be well received, and I doubt many people will find it painless, either; particularly developers and those in Northern Virginia. But, the likely alternative is a continued decline of the health of our rivers and bay. I suppose we have a choice to make- Do we want a healthy bay, rivers and fisheries that sustain our need for food and desire for recreation and help us have clean water, or do we want more roads, quicker commute times, more malls, stores, houses on the water, and so on? For some, it is a tough choice. For others, it isn’t. I know what my choice would be. Do you know what you want?

The docks at Hopyard were covered at one point early Saturday (above) and finally were seen again Saturday evening. Below, Hopyard Landing was a mess after the heavy rains. Raging, muddy water was screaming downriver towards the Bay.

Outdoor Report Outdoor Report for May 21, 2014 Fishing continues to be quite good, particularly in ponds. Hunting Turkey hunting is now over. The old boys were still gobbling a little on the last day, although no one I spoke with heard of any that would come take a look or show up for a date. However, during the latter portion of the season, Linda Gallagher, who works at King George Parks and Recreation, took two birds, and I hear she got her third one, too. That is quite a feat, given the number of hens around gobblers this year! Fishing As of press time, the rivers were ROLLING. I mean they were really over their banks and high. The dock at Hopyard was underwater at one point, and Wilmont was nearly so. The Fredericksburg City Dock was a mess, too. By the time this issue hits the stands, the rivers should be meandering back down to normal levels. Rappahannock River — Donna at Ken’s Tackle in Spotsylvania reported that people were still catching some striper in the river on minnows, and some really big ones were seen. This was occurring before the rain at the City Dock and at Old Mill Park. Potomac River — Aqua Land in Southern Md. reports that anglers are catching some rockfish on spot, but not many fish were caught. Ken’s Field and Stream in Oak Grove reported that croaker were running in the Coles Point area and hitting squid. Look for the fish to be in our area in a week or two. Ponds — Bass were hitting among the lily pads in ponds. Some crappie are hitting on the beds, as well. Two different ponds that I have had reports from also gave me reports that the bass had not spawned in them yet. Go figure… Motts Run Reservoir reported a mixed bag of fish caught on nightcrawlers among the lily pads. Perch, bream and bass were taking bait, if you had your line in the weeds but not out of it. Catfish hit nightcrawlers along the edges of weeds. Saltwater — Captain Ryan Rogers of the Midnight Sun 804-580-0245 reported continued good rockfish action last week; some pretty fish were hauled in. However, the larger ones are leaving. Chumming will be-

gin soon. Give him a call before they are gone! Scattered reports from the Virginia Beach area and points north are telling of puppy drum, short flounders, a few bluefish and some trout in the area. GULP baits were the best for most anglers. Ken’s in Spotsylvania reported that angers were tearing up the croaker near Tappahannock on bloodworms. Events May 30 — King George Kids’ Fishing Day through KGPR (540-7754FUN) takes place from 5:30 p.m. till it’s over. This is a change due to a rain event. June 7 — Kids’ Fishing Day at Motts Run Reservoir. FREE. June 6-7-8 — Free fishing days throughout Virginia except designated stocked trout waters. —Mark Fike

Bass are hitting in the shallows of ponds on creature baits.

Linda Gallagher has been busy this turkey season. She is posed here with one of several birds she took.

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Wednesday, May 21, 2014


The Journal


W&L’s Beddoo is on track and bound for Australia Richard Leggitt

Richard Leggitt

Washington & Lee standout distance runner, Kathryn Beddoo

W&L’s Kathryn Beddoo has become one of Virginia’s best runners through hard work, good coaching and self discipline. And, as she prepares for the conference championships on Thursday, regionals on the 29th, and the state meet on June 7, Beddoo has another goal in sight: competing in Australia in July. Beddoo, a junior at W&L, who just last week shattered the school record for 800 meters with a time nearing elite runner status, has been invited to participate in an international race competition by Down Under Sports on the Gold Coast of Australia July 1 through the 10. More than 300 athletes from around the world will be competing. “As an athlete, a student, and a person, Kathryn is a superb example of excellence,” said W&L Track Coach David Sill. “Her work ethic is such that she will succeed no matter what she chooses to do, and her personality is such that she will never compromise herself for success. She is a

student athlete that makes you proud as a coach, and as a teacher.” “I have pretty high standards for myself,” said Beddoo. “You have to trust your coaches and yourself. I think I am getting progressively better.” Beddoo won the district her freshman and sophomore years and is favored to do so again this year. She finished fourth as a freshman in the region and then won the region as a sophomore. In track, during her sophomore year, she won the district and region in the 800 and 1600. All District the last two years, and All Region last year, Beddoo has won dozens of races combined in track and cross country since her freshman year at W&L. “Kathryn embodies what we look for in a student athlete. She works very hard in school and in athletics,” said W&L Assistant Athletic Director Cole Vanover. “She is also very humble when it comes to her accomplishments; she is not one to brag or boast about all of her awards. We are very lucky to have Kathryn Beddoo walking our halls and

“I have pretty high standards for myself. You have to trust your coaches and yourself. I think I am getting progressively better.” —Kathryn Beddoo representing our school; her attitude has been contagious.” Beddoo was actually invited to participate in the Australian competition last year, but, along with her family, decided to wait, hopefully, for another invitation. But when the invitation came this year, she accepted. I have my passport, my tickets arranged by Down Under Sports and I am ready to go,” Beddoo said. She is receiving help with the costs of the trip from throughout Westmoreland County. “There are actually so many who have helped, you can’t name them all,” Beddoo said. “I definitely appreciate the help very much. I know that if it wasn’t for everyone who helped with this

dream, it would not have come true.” Beddoo, who lives with her parents and three younger brothers in the Nomini Bay area of Westmoreland County, has been running since she was in the eighth grade. In addition to her running, Beddoo is a solid student at W&L who enjoys English and history and writes poetry. But as much as Beddoo has accomplished, she has other goals, including the trip to Australia. “I always need to get better,” said Beddoo. “You always can dig a little harder.” And, Beddoo’s coaches are seeing the results of her commitment. “Kathryn’s season this year has been phenomenal,” said Dill.

Essex Trojans offense too much for Drifters baseball team Leonard Banks Sports editor After beginning the season with a 6-2 record, the Drifters (6-9) varsity baseball team has fallen upon tough times. After losing seven games in a row, the Drifters’ regular season has come to an inauspicious close. However, there is a light at the end of the tunnel; the team will lose only two seniors to graduation, while inheriting a veteran heavy squad next season. Game At the start of the game, Trojan head coach Tim Beamer begrudgingly remarked that his team was terrible, and their play has been bad all season. However, his perspective was far different than the results of his two regular season games against the Drifters. The 11-2 victory over

the Drifters on Thursday marked a clean sweep of their conference rival for the season. Earlier, on May 9, the Trojans defeated the Drifters, 7-0. Trailing 1-0, in the bottom of the second inning, the Trojans posted two runs, courtesy Trojans of pass-ball, and an RBI single by Drew Balderson. In the bottom of the third inning, the Drifters Trojans extended their lead to 3-1 on an RBI single from Dre Baylor. Although the Drifters struggled against the pitching of Kinston Carson, they managed to score on a scoring error that cut the Trojan lead to 3-2. As for the Trojans, they continued to pile on the runs. In the bottom of the fourth inning, with two outs, the Trojans scored on a Drifter throwing

11 2

error, and an RBI triple from Sterling Hammond. Ahead by 5-2 in the bottom of the fifth inning, the Trojan offense broke the game wide open with five additional runs. With two outs, Larkin Gross squeezed an infield hit past the awaiting gloves of Drifters infielders to produce two runs. Later, Dominique Broddus, and Hammond added two RBI hits to close out the inning with a 10-2 lead. The Trojans picked up their final run in the bottom of the sixth inning with a Gross RBI single. Gross would lead all hitting by going 3-4, with three RBIs. Trojan pitcher Carson finished the game with 11 strikeouts, six walks, three hits, two runs, in seven innings. Kamron Smith completed seven innings on the mound, giving up 10 hits, three strikeouts, zero walks, and eight runs.

Need New Wheels? We Can Help! Leonard Banks

Throughout the game, Drifter batters struggled against Essex pitcher, Kinston Carson, who yielded two runs, while his Trojan teammates scored 11.

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Wednesday, May 21, 2014


New KGYAA pee wee instructional flag football season expanded Staff Reports

Jim Salyers, Jr.

Most of the players of KGYAA’s brand new Pee Wee flag football division (ages 4-5) are made up of the following inaugural teams: Bullfrogs, Fireflies, and Ospreys.

Always endeavoring to expand athletic opportunities for boys and girls in King George County, this spring the King George Youth Athletic Association (KGYAA) launched a new “Pee Wee” instructional flag football division for participants four and five years of age. To say that the new division is a resounding success – particularly upon observing the Pee Wee teams in action on a given Saturday at Sealston Elementary School – would be a serious understatement. These three teams are the Bullfrogs, Fireflies, and Ospreys, and they are superbly guided by Coach Brad Garner, Coach Nick McGregor, and Coach Thomas Venable, respectively. Successfully introducing their very young charges to the rigors of organized practices, to the concepts of leadership, teamwork and sportsmanship, and to the greatest

Despite tough season, Eagles soccer remains optimistic Richard Leggitt After a disappointing one-win season, the W&L girls’ varsity soccer team was preparing for its final game of the season against tough Essex this week and then next week’s conference semi-finals. But Eagles Coach Cole Vanover remained optimistic. “I know our record doesn’t show it, but we have gotten leaps and bounds better since the beginning of the season,” Vanover said. “We were and still are a very raw team, but getting better each day.” “The conference tournament

should be interesting. It’s tough to say right now. It looks like Essex girls will be the top team, but Rappahannock County has a strong tradition coming out of the Bull Run District, and I wouldn’t be surprised if they are the penciled-in favorites,” Vanover said. “I think everyone has a shot at making it to the finals,” Vanover said. “The conference is very close in terms of competition. It’s that time of the year where teams either sink or swim; I am hoping we decide to swim.” Vanover said one of his top play-

ers has been stopper Amy Saunders. “She has had a great season and has really controlled the defense. She actually wasn’t even a starter at the beginning of the year, but she continued to work hard and build on her skills in practice and moved up on the depth chart.” Vanover was an award-winning track coach before this year, and despite the rough start to his inaugural season as the W&L girls’ soccer coach, he has the steady and strong support of W&L Athletic Director Malcolm Lewis. “Cole Vanover is a complete

aspect of it all – experiencing a great deal of fun playing a wonderful game – these three coaches have done so while exhibiting the necessary levels of patience and understanding commensurate with such a youthful division. Sometimes the players run the wrong direction, sometimes they wrestle one another, sometimes they confuse flag football for tackle football, and sometimes even a player inexplicably tackles his own teammate. Nevertheless, despite these somewhat awkward but endearing episodes common for such young football players, the coaches appropriately capitalize on these incidents by viewing them as “coaching opportunities” and lessons to be learned. And in so doing, the coaches continue to do a great job acclimating the 25 Pee Wee players to organized football. And because the players them-

selves are having an incredible time, the KGYAA has scrapped its initial plans to conclude the Pee Wee season at six weeks, and instead will extend the season to be the same length as its older flag football divisions. More specifically, the Pee Wee teams will now enjoy two additional weeks of instructional play, including a prominent role during the KGYAA’s “Spring Fever Bowl” championships on June 8! Thanks to the 25 participants and their families this inaugural season, and because of the outstanding foundation provided by Coach Garner, Coach McGregor and Coach Venable, there can be but little doubt that the KGYAA Pee Wee instructional flag football division is here to stay. In fact, the KGYAA is now accepting Pee Wee flag football registrations for the upcoming fall season. For more information on the KGYAA, visit them on Facebook or at www.kgyaa.org.

senior Night soccer memories

coach. He coaches technique, he coaches emotions and he is a very strong, discipline-based coach, who always has his finger on the pulse of his players and team,” said Lewis. “He teaches teamwork and selflessness better than any coach I have ever known,” Lewis said. “His players are simply better humans for the time that they have invested in the program, and did I mention that their improvement on the soccer field is absolutely obvious?” Accompanied by her parents, KGHS senior Meghan Yanchulis is overjoyed to give a fellow teammate a hug during Senior Night. Leonard Banks


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Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The Journal


Who will be left standing in the upcoming T&F post season? Leonard Banks Sports editor

Leonard Banks

Foxes such as Trenay Clark have made a huge impact in the King George outdoor track & field program this season.

On Thursday, May 22, on the grounds of Eastern View High School, six schools (King George, Chancellor, Courtland, Eastern View, Liberty-Bealeton and Fauquier) will compete for the VHSL Group 4A North Conference 22 Championship. While the Foxes girls have consistently ruled conference competitions throughout the spring, there is always the looming shadow of Fauquier High School. Although the Falcons are slightly a step behind the Foxes in head-to-head competition, there is always the intangible of playing beyond expectations. “Fauquier appears to be motivated, since we beat them in winter track & field,” Foxes head coach Rudy Pekarek said. “Rumor has it that they have our team photo on their locker room wall, with us accepting their trophies. King George has a bulls-eye on their backs. It will not be a walk in the park; it’s going to be a total dogfight.” At this point in the season, what actually matters is who will be left standing with the team and individ-

ual hardware honors associated with taking first place. On Friday, May 30, 16 Foxes who qualified for the upcoming State Championship, to be held June 6-7 in Harrisonburg, along with a number of potential post-regular season King George athletes, will travel to Lynchburg for the Regional Championship. Standout Foxes such as school record pole vault holder Jonathan Graham, top distance runner Miranda Green, standout sprinter/William & Mary commit, Davion Hutt, the versatile Heidi Colwell, and a host of other notable Foxes are anxious to compete with the best of the best in area competition. Correction from last week’s article: Graham placed second, not fifth at the Lee-Davis Invitational, with a vault of 13’6”. Graham has also qualified for the state championship. On Friday, at the Louisa Last Chance meet, in a field of four schools, the Foxes girls’ and boys’ teams dominated team events with respective first place finishes. Louisa Last Chance King George Foxes girls’ results: 100-meter hurdles, Heidi Colwell, 1st, 17.38;

“Rumor has it that they have our team photo on their locker room wall, with us accepting their trophies. King George has a bulls-eye on their backs. It will not be a walk in the park; it’s going to be a total dog-fight.” —Rudy Pekarek 100-meter dash, Trenay Clark, 2nd, 13.30; 1,600-meter run, Miranda Green, 1st, 5:18.56; 200-meter dash, Shamay Abdullah, 2nd, 27.16; 300-meter hurdles, Heidi Colwell, 1st, 50.00; 3,200-meter run, Maddie Amos, 1st, 12:49.51; 400-meter dash, Brittany Williams, 1st, 1:01.70; 4x100meter relay, 1st, 4:17.54; 4x800-meter relay, 1st, 10:43.35; 800-meter run, Miranda Green, 1st, 2:28.74; discus, Caroline Williams, 2nd, 89’; high jump, Alicia Callanan, 3rd, 4’6”; long jump, Trenay Clark, 3rd, 14’8.25”; pole vault, Heidi Colwell, 9’; shot put, Caroline Williams, 4th, 29’4”; triple jump, DeAsia Callanan, 3rd, 30’3.25”. Louisa Last Chance King George

Foxes boys’ results: 100-meter dash, Jacolby White, 1st, 11.43; 110-meter hurdles, Earl Calloway, 2nd, 16.50; 1,600-meter, Christian Koon, 1st, 4:46.99; 200-meter dash, Nile Buchanan, 1st, 22.96; 300-meter hurdles, Trevor Smith, 3rd, 45.44; 3,000 meter run, Jarod Watson, 2nd, 11:01.15; 400-meter dash, Ezugo Agulou, 1st, 51.93; 4x100-meter relay, 2nd, 44.87; 4x400-meter relay, 2nd, 3:37.87; 4x800-meter relay, 1st, 8:35.14; 800-meter run, Fernando DelaRosa, 1st, 2:08.41; discus, Trey Stewart, 4th, 113’9’; long jump, Jacolby White, 3rd, 16’10.50; pole vault, Jonathan Graham, 1st, 13’6”; shot put, Juwan Parker, 5th, 40’3”; triple jump, Kyree Garrett, 2nd, 40’4”.

King George girls soccer team continues to fight Leonard Banks

“I truly believe that we have a chance to make a run in the playoffs and surprise a lot of teams that take it for granted that they beat us in the regular season.”

Sports editor In spite of a tough 3-0 loss to Chancellor on Friday, and a leg injury to a key player, the Foxes girls’ varsity soccer team continues hold its own. In fact, prior to the team’s second match against the Chargers, during a home game against James Monroe, the Foxes shutout the Yellow Jackets, 2-0. During the James Monroe game, the Foxes also celebrated their annual breast cancer awareness night, a.k.a. “Play for a Cure.” Although the game ended at the end of the first half, due to the potential of inclement weather, the Foxes were able to score two goals courtesy of Gabby Caron (20.16), and Claire Larson (5.07). In spite of scoring against two defenders, Larsen suffered a leg injury that prevented her from playing in the following game against Chancellor. The Foxes were the more aggressive team, as they pushed the Yellow Jacket goal keeper to her limit with 10 shot on goals. Foxes head coach Jono Rollins was confident that his team was well prepared to take on the challenges associated with the Yellow Jackets. “I knew from the first time we played James Monroe that we had

—Jono Rollins

a strong chance of winning.” Four junior varsity King George players were called up to play in the James Monroe game. On Friday, the Foxes (4-9-1) hosted Chancellor(7-3-3) on “Senior Night.” At half time, accompanied by their parents, the fans and school coaches said goodbye to their seniors. In spite of a scoreless halftime deadlock, the Chargers, led by Maddie Amos with two goals, defeated the Foxes 3-0. Alex Berg (second goal at 33:03) also scored, with assists by Kayla Medina and Nira Moeller. With two injured players, King George did not play the Chargers at full strength; however, the Chargers were limited to a two player depth corps. As for the Saturday game against Liberty, the Foxes fought back in the second half to tie the game, 1-1, from a free kick by Caron.

The Foxes have been in every game this season, and fought hard to the end. Head coach Jono Rollins remains optimistic that his team will continue to compete, despite a plague of injuries. “ I am very proud of the way that the players have never given up and have played their hardest to the final whistle and have really bought into the philosophy that you don’t have to be the best team on paper to win a game,” Rollins said. “I truly believe that we have a chance to make a run in the playoffs, and surprise a lot of teams that take it for granted that they beat us in the regular season.” King George was able to control the Eagles offense, because of the outstanding play of senior goalie Brie Bancroft, and defense leaders Perri Chuska, Sam Fedak, and Meghan Yanculis.

Leonard Banks

Throughout her the season, Foxes goal keeper, senior Bri Bancroft’s spirit of competition has motivated the team fight to the final second of play.


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Letters from page 2 $456,881 would in effect be transferred from the schools to the rest of Fund 100, and the rest of Fund 100 would actually be increased by $456,881 over FY 2013-14. Now, if the Town Council did not cut school funding and wanted to increase the rest of Fund 100 by $456,881-- it would have to raise taxes to do so. Such a raise in the real-estate tax would come to something like just over $0.10 per $100 of assessed valuation or about a 17% increase over the current rate of $0.58. That would be to increase the nonschool parts of Fund 100. But by transferring that $456,881 from the schools to the rest of Fund 100, the movement to kill the schools can now say, “We need to raise realestate taxes not to increase the rest of Fund 100--but to pay for the schools.� This way, taxpayers can be persuaded to blame the tax increase, not on the rest of Fund 100, but on the schools. Because, in the budget for FY 2014-

15, if taxes are not raised, it’s not the rest of Fund 100 that will be cut. Now it’s the school budget that will have to be cut. But it’s even worse than that, because the schools are being hit at the state and federal levels, too, and the schools have to rely on the Town to pick up that slack, which in FY 201415 will come to $427,506. That means that, because of federal and state hits, the school system was already going to have to ask the Town for a FY2014-15 increase of $427,506 over FY2013-14. So the movement to kill the schools now tacks that onto the $570,877 it has already cut from the schools, and comes up with a total of $998,383 that it says can only come from a tax increase on real estate. That’s a hike of something like just over $0.22 per $100--or about a 40% increase over the current rate. If the movement to kill the schools were being honest, it would say this: “We want to increase the non-school part of Fund 100 by $456,881. And the school system needs an additional $427,506. And we expect a revenue decrease

of $113,996. That all comes to $998,383. And it will require a tax increase of just over $0.22, with about $0.095 of it going to the schools, just over $0.10 going to the Town, and just over $0.025 of it making up for lost revenue.� But the anti-school movement doesn’t say that. Instead, it presents the budget in such a way that the whole tax increase seems to be caused by the schools. That’s disingenuous. It’s deceitful. And it’s no way for our Town government to be run. But the school opponents have one more argument. “We are giving the schools,� they say, “every cent we are required to give them by law, just not one penny more. And $1,532,321 is all we are required to give them by law.� First of all, the state will almost certainly increase that number, because it’s based on a probably low estimate of what the school enrollment will be. But let’s take it at face value. In that case, the Town Council should be consistent and do the same thing across the board. Reduce every budgetary appropriation to the minimum amount required by law,

and see how the taxpayers feel about providing anything more than that. My guess is that in every other category besides schools, the minimum required by law is zero, or very close to zero. In that case, taxpayers could say not only whether to provide the schools with the additional $998,383 they need. Taxpayers could also say whether to provide the rest of Fund 100 with the additional $4,985,918 it needs. But that could potentially wreck the town, just as what the budget is proposing could potentially wreck the schools. So an across-the-board appropriation of the minimum required by law is not realistic. We can’t even consider doing to the rest of Fund 100 what the budget wants to do to the schools, and cut everything beyond the minimum required by law. But that is what they want to do to the schools. Well, let’s try to be more realistic. Let’s not go by the minimum required by law, even though that’s what the budget would do to the schools. Let’s instead reduce each appropriation by 27% from FY2013-14, the way the Town

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

wants to do with the schools. And let’s have the taxpayers say whether to provide anything to the rest of Fund 100 beyond the first 73%. FY2013-14’s Fund 100, minus the school appropriation, came to $4,421,448. So let’s cut all that by 27%, the way the Town proposes doing to the schools. We cut $1,193,791 and that leaves $3,227,657. The difference between that $3,227,657 and the $4,985,918 the rest of Fund 100 needs for FT 2014-15 is $1,758,261. So let’s have the taxpayers say whether to provide that $1,758,261 to the rest of Fund 100. It would amount to a tax on their homes of about $0.39 per $100. And it would equal the entire appropriation for the Police Department, plus about half of the appropriation for Highways, Streets, Bridges, and Sidewalks. Would the Council be willing to risk that much? But that’s what a 27% across-the-board cut would mean. And it would be consistent with what is being proposed for the schools. The movement to do away with the schools, though, does not seem to be interested in being consistent.


Instead, it seems to be determined either to strangle the schools with budget cuts or to marshall public opinion against the schools with increased real-estate taxes blamed entirely on the schools. If the movement really believes we shouldn’t keep our 100-year-old independent school system, then let’s have a serious and thorough investigation of what role an independent school system plays in a strong and vital community. And let’s have an honest and full account of just what the economic ramifications would be of losing that independent school system, without the ability ever to get it back. And let’s see how our current real-estate tax rate of $0.58 per $100 stacks up against, say, Fairfax County’s, which is $1.09--or nearly twice what ours is. But, let’s not have the Council try to make an end run around limits on its authority by bludgeoning the schools to death with the budget. Mike Looney Colonial Beach

RCC-Workforce watermen’s program earns state award At the spring conference of the Virginia Economic Developers Association (VEDA), the winner of the association’s 2014 Community Economic Development Awards (CEDA) in the over-100,000 population category was the Middle Peninsula-Northern Neck region. The award recognized the area’s Watermen Tourism Training Program—a project that combined community development, business retention and expansion, and community involvement. This program was developed by Rappahannock Community College’s Workforce and Community Development office in collaboration with Chesapeake Environmental

Communication; it offers guidance for watermen who wish to supplement their incomes by developing tourism-based businesses. In addition to providing a much-needed alternate source of income for Virginia’s working watermen, the program spurs cross-industry economic development throughout coastal Virginia, connects the public directly with working watermen in the capacity of educators and Chesapeake Bay stewards, and emphasizes the benefits of buying local seafood. It was nominated for the award by Chris Ingram, the economic development and tourism coordinator of Middlesex County.

“It was certainly an honor to receive this year’s recognition from VEDA, highlighting our success with the Chesapeake Waterman Heritage training program,� says Jason Perry, RCC’s vice president of workforce development. “I think we have once again proven that RCC’s Workforce Development Office can train all job sectors to improve economic development within the region. Having strong partners such as Chesapeake Environmental Communications, Inc., and the Middlesex County Economic Development Authority certainly is important. We appreciate their support, and look forward to future workforce training endeavors.�

The CEDA awards, now in their eighth year, are designed to recognize outstanding communities in the Commonwealth for their efforts in advancing their economic viability. Winners are submitted by VEDA to the Southern Economic Development Council to be considered by that organization for a regional award. A member-based professional association committed to providing training, development, and networking opportunities, VEDA serves as the voice of the economic development community, and strives to create economic opportunity and prosperity for the Commonwealth of Virginia.

RCC’s vice president of workforce development, Jason Perry, accepts a Community Economic Development Award (CEDA) from the Virginia Economic Developers Association (VEDA). Left to right: Paula Jasinski of Chesapeake Environmental Communications; Chris Ingram, economic development director for Middlesex County; Perry; and Mike Lehmkuhler, Virginia director of the Southern Economic Development Council and chairman of VEDA’s CEDA selection committee.

Classifieds HELP WANTED C a r e g i v e r Wa n t e d ; Local Agency looking for Spanish speaking CNAs in the Westmoreland/ Colonial Beach Area. Experienced caregiver for full or part-time work. Call 540-373-6906 for more information. 5/21b Fox Towne Adult Day Care Center is now hiring for part time RN’s, LPN’s and Medical Technician also Volunteers are needed. Located conveniently on Rt. 3 in King George near the courthouse. To apply please call 540-775-5502. unfb

BENEFIT/ Fundraise Festival Baby Contest and CBVFD Contest will be Sunday, June 1st. NO Application’s will be accepted after May, 31. Call Only from 6:00 pm 8:00 pm. (804) 224-0215. Also the Miss CB will be June 6th. Must sign up by 3:00 that day!


Real Estate Licensing Courses Moseley Real Estate Licensing Courses 06/23/2014-6/27/2014 (9-4); Call 540-4248 1 9 1 o r v i s i t w w w. exitrealtyexpertise.com for more info. Military Discounts for Active Duty and MyCAA for Spouses. ufn

RENTAL-OFFICE Private Professional Offices From $350 Per Month. Larger Suites Available. Wendover One Office Building. Wired For Computer Networking. Front & Rear Entrances. Includes ALL Utilities, Ample Parking, Handicapped-Accessible Restrooms, 1 Block Off rt. 3 Adjacent To Post Office. No Build Out Cost! Ready To Move In! Call (540) 775-6788 Sheila@ charlestoncobuilders. com. ufn

SERVICES VIRGINIA ANTIQUE PICKERS: Licensed appraisers with a passion for antiques, learning and making people happy! (804) 761-7334. 5/21p

YARD/MOVING/ GARAGE SALE Moving Sale: 17066 Windward Lane. Fri., 5/23, Sat., 24, Sun., 25, 8-1. Bookcases, dresser, storage shelves, old armoire, tv, wall hangings, housewares, female teen clothing and more. 6633010 for more info. CASH ONLY. 5/21p Multi-family Yard Sale, 4363 Chatham Dr. ( off 301 near B-Gate) 5/255/26 (Sun & Mon), 6am1pm Antiques, furniture, collectibles, and regular




yard sale items. 5/21p

MISCELLANEOUS / GENERAL MERCHANDISE Must Sell; 2 Cemetery Lots, Historyland Memorial Park, 2 lots for the price of one. Call for more info. (540) 7757733. ufn.

PETS/ FREE/ FOR SALE / ADOPTION Wendys Feline Friends. C a t s and k it t e n s f or adoption. Many different colors and ages. All fixed with rabies shot. See

pics at westmoreland. petfinder.org. For more information call Wendy 804-224-1079 Animals Available For Adoption. The Animal We l f a r e L e a g u e h a s dogs and cats available for adoption. For more information please call 804-435-0822, 804-4356320. Hours Monday, Wed., & Friday. 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Lots of animals are at the shelter - call 804-462-7175.


Lock It Up Self Storage facility operators sale for non-payment of storage charges pursuant to the power of sale contained in Virginia Self Storage Act (1981. C., 627) general charges and for satisfaction of the facility operators lien. The following properties will be sold at auction on: June 3, 2014 at 3:30 PM at Lock It Up Self Storage, 8534 Kings Hwy., King George, VA 22485. Ray Raines Auctions. LOCK IT UP SELF STORAGE reserves the right to cancel a sale at any time for any reason. #009 Shylynn Jones #713 Wesley Lewis #109 Shylynn Jones #866 Joan Windley #233 Lisa Amos

TOWN OF COLONIAL BEACH PUBLIC NOTICE Please take notice that the Town of Colonial Beach is interested in leasing the property located at 213 Taylor Street in the Town of Colonial Beach and is seeking applications from persons interested in leasing the property. Application forms may be obtained by contacting the Town Clerk at 804-224-7181. Persons interested in submitting an application to rent 213 Taylor Street should submit their completed application by noon on Thursday, June 12, 2014 Also take notice that on the 12th day of June, 2014 at 7:00 p.m., at the regular meeting of the Colonial Beach Town Council, to be held at Town Center, Town Council will conduct a Public Hearing pursuant to VA Code Section 15.2-1800 to receive public input regarding Council’s intention to lease the property located at 213 Taylor Street and to review the applications submitted by interested persons. The Town Council may take action to approve the leasing of 213 Taylor Street at its meeting on June 12, 2014. A draft copy of the Town’s general lease agreement may be obtained by contacting Town Hall at 804-224-7181, Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. All interested persons are encouraged to attend and express their views. Any person with a disability requiring assistance or accommodation in order to participate in this public hearing is asked to contact Town Hall in advance of the public hearing so that appropriate arrangements may be made.

LOCK-IT-UP Storage & U-haul 8534 Kings Highway • King George, VA 22485 (540) 775-0097 • (540) 775-0098

We are pledged to the letter and spirit of Virginia’s Policy for achieving equal housing opportunity throughout the Commonwealth. We encourage and support advertising and marketing programs in which there are no barriers to obtaining housing because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, elderliness, familial status, or handicap. All real estate advertised herein is subject to Virginia’s fair housing law which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation, or discrimination because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, elderliness, familial status, or handicap or intention to make any such preference, limitation, or discrimination.� This newspaper will not knowingly accept advertising for real estate that violates the fair housing law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. For more information or to file a housing complaint call the Virginia Fair Housing Office at (804) 367-8530. Toll free call (888) 551-3247. For the hearing impaired call (804) 367-9753.

Val Foulds, Town Manager Town of Colonial Beach, Virginia

Great Give-a-ways for your customers

NOTICE The Westmoreland County Treasurer’s Office will be closed June 2, 2014 for a turnover audit because of the retirement of the Treasurer, Elizabeth Nash.


Notice is hereby given that the Town of Colonial Beach Administrative Offices and the Public Works Department will be closed Monday, May 26, 2014 in observance of Memorial Day. Monday’s refuse collection will be picked up on Tuesday, May 27, 2014. The rest of the week will run on a normal pick-up schedule. The Administrative Offices and the Public Works Department will re-open normal working hours on Tuesday, May 27, 2014.

Kathleen Flanagan, Town Clerk 5/21/14

5/21/14, 5/28/14

NOTICE KING GEORGE COUNTY TAXPAYERS The 1st half of the Real Estate and Personal Property taxes for 2014 are now available. The tax due date is June 5, 2014. Penalty will be added June 6 and interest added beginning July 1, 2014. The bills have been mailed. If you have not received your bill, please contact the Treasurer <(540) 775-2571>. If you have a question about the property listed on your bill, please contact the Commissioner of the Revenue <(540) 775-4664>. The bills are created and corrected by the Commissioner of the Revenue. The Treasurer’s Office cannot make corrections; they only collect as assessed. If there is a question concerning delinquency, please contact the Treasurer’s Office. Please take the time to check the mailing address on each bill and correct, if necessary, with the Commissioner of the Revenue. NOTE: Please do not enclose tax payment with utility payment. Credit Card Payments Accepted ONLINE only at: www.king-george. va.us Click on Online Payments 5/21/14

Town of Colonial Beach Planning Commission PUBLIC HEARING

The Town of Colonial Beach Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on Thursday, June 5, 2014, in the Colonial Beach Town Center located at 22 Washington Avenue, Colonial Beach, Virginia, to consider the following: Beginning at 5:30 p.m. 1 ZOA-04-2014 (ORDINANCE 646): An Ordinance to Amend the Zoning Ordinance of Colonial Beach by repealing Article 18 Miscellaneous, Article 13 Parking, Article 24 Landscaping, and Article 26 Home Occupations. These articles will be replaced with a new Article 18 – Supplementary Regulations, which will condense and simplify the provisions of Articles 13, 24, 26 of the Colonial Beach Zoning Ordinance and provide for temporary uses within various zoning districts. New terms shall also be added to Article 20 Definitions, as needed. 2 Adoption of the Official Zoning Map of the Town of Colonial Beach – An ordinance to amend the Zoning Ordinance of Colonial Beach by adoption of an official zoning map. The official zoning map shall show current zoning designations of all parcels and locations of public roads within the Town of Colonial Beach and is incorporated herein by reference and is hereby made part of the Town’s Zoning Ordinance. The official map is contained with the Office of Planning and Community Development. The Zoning Administrator or his authorized designee may certify that a paper copy displaying the Official Zoning map is a true and accurate representation of all known zoning designations existing in the Town at the time of its adoption. Any persons desiring to be heard in favor of or in opposition to the above is hereby invited to be present at the Public Hearing. Copies of the above are on file in the Department of Planning & Community Development, 905 McKinney Blvd., Colonial Beach, Virginia 22443. 5/21/14, 5/28/14


Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The Journal


The many benefits for businesses and consumers of buying locally Buying locally is a great way for consumers to find the products and services they’re looking for and help their local economy along the way. The small businesses in your community may be owned by your next door neighbor, who relies on his or her fellow townspeople to keep the business going strong. Buying locally is not only beneficial for local business owners, but buying locally benefits consumers and members of the community in a number of ways. Buying locally creates jobs The number of unemployed men and women has gradually declined in recent years, but those figures are still high in many communities.

Buying locally creates jobs in your community, potentially creating a job for you or a friend or family member. Buying locally helps the environment Buying within your community reduces the amount of fuel you’re likely to use for a weekend shopping trip while also reducing pollution. In addition, many local store owners use local materials and ingredients, reducing the amount of fuel consumed to get products into the store. Buying locally creates a more closely knit community Juggling a career and a family can

make it hard for men and women to get to know their neighbors and other members of their community. Buying locally is an opportunity to strengthen that bond with your neighbors, creating a close knit community in which residents may feel safer and more comfortable. Buying locally is more convenient. Convenience is paramount to many consumers, and buying locally saves both time and money. Driving to a faraway mall or shopping center or paying costly online shipping fees is not nearly as quick or convenient as shopping within your community, where you can purchase and take home items on the same day without using a full tank of gas or paying for

shipping. Buying locally benefits your local economy. In 2004, the consultancy Civic Economics was commissioned by Chicago’s Andersonville Chamber of Commerce to examine the economic impact of 10 local businesses against that of chain businesses. The study found that of every $100 spent at local businesses, $68 remained in the local economy, while only $43 of every $100 spent at chain stores remained in the local economy. That’s a significant boost to your local economy, and all it requires is shopping at local retailers.

Homeowners might be able to increase the value of their homes by buying locally. A joint study from Independent We Stand and Civic Economics found that cities with a strong centralized small business district had a 54 percent greater increase in property values than communities that did not have such a district. A more thriving local

community, including a thriving shopping district, is no doubt attractive to prospective home buyers. The reasons for shopping locally are many. In addition to helping local business owners, consumers who shop locally are also helping themselves.

King George Title Agency .,

Barbara J. King

Buying locally can increase your property value.


EXIT REALTY EXPERTISE In Appreciation of Your Business, We Proudly Give Back to Our Community Honored to be the Recipient of the 2012 Chamber Goodwill Award Richard Snow, Owner/Broker

(540) 775-6555 Licensed in VA and MD


Richard Snow, Broker/Owner

Member of the Three Local Chambers of Commerce & the King George Builders Association

In Celebration of Business Appreciation Week

to the outstanding volunteer members of Colonial Beach Volunteer Rescue Squad during National EMS Week (May 18-24). We appreciate your dedicated service to our community. Diane Anderson Andy Anderson Harry Archie D.C. Ayres Marry Anna Barrack Luis Bermudez Frannie Bowen Lewis Bowen Sr. Charles Bowie John Chomeau Betty Dickerson Travis Diggs Lisa Dodd Devon Dudley Verdeen Dudley Robert Eaby Mary Ann Fellows

Missy Feltner Donald Fisher Patricia FitzGerald Daniel Freeman Joanna Gleaton Phil Goodwin Pam Graham Valerie Green Troy Green Debie Guest Mike Gutridge Bobby Guyer Linda Hayden Carlton Hudson Ryan Huffman Amber Huffman Russell Hussey

Valerie Ivanyshyn Valerie Jones Chris Kerns Kim Kerns

Carol King David Lemke Dannie LiCalzi Lynn Lincoln Skip Lincoln Jamie Little Makayla McMahan Zach McMahan Luke McMahan Morgan McMahan Joe Meier Julie Meier Elta Melson Barry Melson Kim Melson Mackenzie Melson Brady Melson

Wesley Melson Jimmy Musselman Alex Nance Mike Nance Sr. Dusty Remington Robert Rivenbark Danny Stinson Pam Stinson Debby Straughan Mike Straughan Angie Sydnor Mac Sydnor John Tarnovska Denise Weaver Betty Whatley Carl Willett Kaila Worrell

CB Rescue ad 2014.indd 1

5/13/14 7:59 PM

The King George County Board of Supervisors and King George Economic Development Authority Recognize and Celebrate All King George Businesses during the County’s Business Appreciation Week Reception

Get theTheright Reception tool is Wednesday, May 21, 2014 SAVE 6 o’clock p.m. – 8 o’clock p.m. for the job. at the


King George County Citizens Center

elp you find a loan or line of Kings creditHighway, that fits King George, Virginia 8076 on Home Equity Lines eds and Businesses budget. are encouraged to bring their business to and the reception to ofcards Credit Home • Quick Approvals * mpetitive Rates exchange with others Secure Loan Fees. • Local Decision Making y Application


This event is made possible by all Gale Marshall at 540-663-2050 Community Bank of the Chesapeake, Gold Sponsor t our King George and branch to Management, learn more. Platinum Sponsor Waste

on Residential Construction Loans and Mortgage Fees.**

* We will waive the document processing fee of $175 if you submit your application by March 10, 2014. You must present this ad at the time of application for the offer to be valid. ** We will waive the appraisal fee of $400 if you submit your application by March 10, 2014. You must present this ad at the time of application for the offer to be valid.

n King George: 16384 Consumer Row, King George, VA 22485


ity Care C n u m li n m o



Birchwood Power Partners, L.P.

The “Care” in Healthcare

Blessing & Dedication • Sat., May 31 Blessing, Ribbon Cutting & Door Opening Ceremony - 3 p.m.

Open House 3:30 to 7 p.m. Fun • Family Festivities • Bouncy Houses • Prizes Officials and Community Care Clinic personnel and clergy from many faiths will gather together in an interfaith service to formally bless and dedicate the clinic which opened for patient care on Feb. 3rd, 2014.

Community Care Clinic $100 medical credit

Must be validated by stamp at the Registration table at the Blessing Ceremony.

One per person • Good for one year. Can be used toward deductibles including current bills.

Taking all lab scripts, and most insurance including LabCorp, Quest, & MWH No Co-pay & cash panels $39.95

Stamp Here

Exp. 05-31-2015

Allergy Testing and Immunotherapy Without the commute to “Town”

Accepting new patients!

Online Store forplans, Direct Mail Ordering Same Day appointments • Most Insurances, Self-pay Medicaid/Medicare

and Marketing Products - Fri.Practice • 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. 11131 Journal Parkway Mon. King George, VA 22485

Some Saturdays by appointment

(540) 625-2527

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