4 minute read
Life at St. Vincent
"I love my school we do not have any frightening rule. My teachers here are kind, but wrongdoings, they do mind. Such a lovely atmosphere where can you find? Inculcated into us is not fear, As they believe to a student school days are very dear. Studying in Vincent is not just a pleasure, It is truly a lifetime's treasure..."
Josan Ranjjith wrote these lines while a student at St. Vincent Matriculation School. St. Vincent is an SCN ministry in Trichy, India, with classes K through 10. Josan has many kind words about his alma mater. “I am indeed grateful to my principals and teachers for molding and motivating me... I remember the first day of my school and Sister Nimmie, the starting point of my journey in Vincent.” Josan is now a successful writer. He says his love of the written word took root at St. Vincent.

Mary Margaret Nirmala, SCN, lovingly referred to as Sister Nimmie, recalls when Josan came to St. Vincent as a kindergartner. She speaks highly of the man he has become, pointing out that his inner discipline has kept him focused on his passion (of writing). “Today as we see him as a renowned young achiever, I feel proud that he was ours and will always be ours,” shares Sister Nimmie.
Sister Nimmie reminisces with joy about her time at St. Vincent’s. The mission was her first assignment as principal in 1998, when the school was in its infancy. One of her responsibilities was to expand the school and obtain its recognition from the Board of Education of the state. She and Jaya Rani, SCN, set up the infrastructure for laboratories in physics, chemistry, and biology. In addition to being principal, Sister Nimmie taught mathematics and physics to the high school students. She recalls with great joy witnessing the first batch of students to graduate from the school in the year 2004. Sister Nimmie left the school after six years to complete her doctorate and now is a professor of mathematics, still very much passionate about being in classrooms.
Josan is one of many that have passed through the halls of St. Vincent Matriculation School since those early days. During the school’s silver jubilee in 2018, people came from near and far to help the school celebrate 25 years. St. Vincent Matriculation School which started with just 30 students in 1993, now has 1,000 students. It’s reputation for outstanding instruction and an engaged and active student body has spread as well.
Josan also keeps in touch with Amrita Manjoly, SCN. Sister Amrita was principal of the school for 10 years before being elected to leadership in the SCN Congregation. Josan
Josan Ranjjith, a graduate of St. Vincent Matriculation School in Trichy, India, was inspired by his teachers and has gone on to an award winning writing career. has great admiration for Sister Amrita and recalls the speech she gave during his graduation. "Make the decision right now. Do you want to be just anybody in life, or do you want to be somebody in life? If you want to be anybody in life, then merge with the crowd. Get lost in the crowd. However, if you want to be somebody in life, then stand up and be counted. If you live like everybody, you will become like everybody. If you don't want to be like everybody then you have to do what nobody has done. Walk a different path and you'll create a new destination for yourself.”
Josan heeded that advice and chose to walk a different path, determined to become a prolific writer. At the age of 21, he has already published three books: “Unseen Shadow,” “Written By,” and “Untitled.” He has also received many awards including the Youngest Author of Tamil Nadu Award For English Language, Outstanding Young Person, Kalam Book of World Records, Golden Award, Asia Today and India

Josan Ranjjith, a former student at St. Vincent Matriculation School in India receives recognition for his body of written work.

Today’s Youth Education Icon of Tamil Nadu, and Indian Achievers Forum’s Man of Excellence Award. He has even received an Honorary Doctorate in Writing.
Sister Amrita has stayed in touch with Josan, and looks back at her days as an educator with great fondness, especially time spent at St. Vincent’s. “I have enjoyed my teaching career wherever I have taught, a total of 36 years in SCN schools. Imparting value-based education was my goal. When we teach with passion and love, we don’t know who picks up what values as children and what stays with them. I am glad Josan has gained academic excellence, a sense of discipline, moral and ethical values leading to the development of an integrated personality. I raise my heart and hands to our loving God for all my students who have found a right path which gives them fulfillment and satisfaction in life.” Josan is one of many former and current students that share a great passion for the school and has found fulfillment. One graduate writes of how they love the school, another describes it as a holy place where they learned everything they know, and a third reflects, “rather than a school we could call it a sweet home where every individual is taught everything needed for life.”
Proud of his accomplishments to date, and humbled to have been valedictorian when he graduated, Josan carries the spirit of St. Vincent’s and still looks to Sister Amrita with great admiration.
These words he offered at graduation continue to ring true, "Wherever I go, to whichever extreme heights I am raised, I will always be your simple student.”