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In June, SCNs at the Motherhouse, Nazareth, Kentucky, welcomed Sisters from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, who are moving to campus. SCNs Eileen Marcinko and Charlotte Gambol received a warm welcome to Carrico Hall. In May, Jacqueline Aceto, SCN, graduated from the University of Louisville School of Social Work. Graduation ceremonies are postponed until December 2020, but she celebrated nonetheless. Sister Jacqueline graduated summa cum laude. She immediately began her studies for her Masters degree. The Office of Ecological Sustainability welcomed Katie Drybrough to the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth. Katie is a summer intern helping with projects to support the SCN mission to care for Earth, such as calculating greenhouse gas emissions. Katie is a rising junior at Western Kentucky University, majoring in biology and piano performance.
In April, John Ann Kulina, SCN, celebrated her 103rd birthday. Due to social distancing requirements related to COVID-19, Sisters gathered outside to sing “Happy Birthday” below her window on the third floor. She was also able to video conference with her brother Frank and niece Carolyn. In March, Evelyn Hurley, SCN, marked her 105th birthday. Family members and friends gathered at St. Vincent Church, Nazareth, Kentucky, to help her celebrate. A reception took place immediately after Mass. It was a historic partnership for the Sisters of Charity of Seton Hill and the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth as they came together to send students on a volunteer immersion trip during the week of March 3. SCNs Luke Boiarski and Chris Kunze facilitated an orientation in Greensburg, Pennsylvania, for students and teachers of Seton Hill University before they left for Belize.

Luke Boiarski, SCN, recently visited St. John’s Academy in Bellaire, Ohio. She gifted the students with an array of school supplies for the classroom donated by members of the group called the “Sew Sisters” of


Marianne Puthoor, SCN, was honored on Feb. 18, 2020, for the commendable work she has done on her book about Sisters in

India called “A Dream Come True.”

Nine members of the leadership of the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth participated in the Vincentian Family of India annual gathering in Edapally, Kerala, India in February. The theme was “VinFam India 2020: Vincentian Family India Moving Forward.”

Higinia Bol, SCN, recently led a workshop for catechists in the Toledo District of Belize. She and Father Sam Wilson, SJ, facilitated instructions in ecclesiology, scripture, homiletics, communion service, and the sacraments. In January, Alfreda Crantz, SCN, turned 100. Members of the Saints Mary and Elizabeth hospital family threw a party for Sister Alfreda gifting her with a bouquet of 100 roses. Sister joined the Congregation of the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth in 1950 after becoming a nurse. Pat Worley, SCN, was able to visit a ministry dear to her heart in January, St. John Center in Louisville, Kentucky. Sister Pat was deeply involved with St. John’s for many years, “To know that, when you leave, life and happiness and joy are being extended far beyond what it was because of what we were able to do with a group of people that live on the streets … that’s where I do believe I found my greatest life after the Eucharist.”

At the annual Serra Club dinner at the beginning of the year, priests, Brothers, deacons, and Sisters in Chattanooga, Tennessee, were honored. Judy Raley, SCN, received the Lifetime Achievement Award for her many years in ministry in Chattanooga as a vowed religious. On January 5-10, 2020, Chris Kunze, SCN, joined other Sisters from the Charity Federation as they gathered with young women at the House of Charity in New Orleans, Louisiana. It was a wonderful joyfilled “Come and Serve Weekend.” In January, leaders of all of the Vincentian branches gathered in Rome, Italy, for a shared process of discernment as the Vincentian Family moved into its 5th Century. SCNs Sharon Gray and Amrita Manjoly were in attendance to offer input and advice regarding continued growth of the Vincentian Family.

Julie Driscoll, SCN, and Joetta Venneman, PBVM, traveled to Frankfort, Kentucky, in January to commemorate National Human Trafficking Awareness Month. Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear signed a


Nazareth Home Clifton was honored by the Kentucky Association of Health Care Facilities with the Best of Kentucky Nursing

and Rehabilitation Award. In India, six SCN Associates of Mokama, six Candidates of Gaya, and those in Patna at Navjyoti Niketan, came together earlier this year. They were 23 altogether, with a time to share in small groups about themselves and their mission. The Associates were inspired by listening to each other and attending Mass together.