Journey 1998 vol 01

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-SCN Journev



T H E L O V E OF C H R I S T I M P E L S U S .



SCNs celebrate 50 years of changing lives in India The Qolden Jubilee of SCN presence in In& cekbmted at Mokama on December

was more than a calendar event. Rising out Of thecombined mn@, 1%13,1997

beauty, and fruiffilness

of thousands of sisters, i B S d a k 3 , pIi&. hierarrhy. sttidefits and knefactom mu@0ut these years* the celebraOon took On a life

ib Own* mm the first day, with the resooundins Of

proclamation declared by Bridget Kappalumahal* - Wonal RepreSentatve Ofthe s i r sOf


Nazareth in India, the twoday event flowed smoothly

from al ofminlshles into the dgiou$ceremonies Of the second day. me of manmving for the m i s ~ was fittfngly off& by mw~ i m ax, a,the living member of the band ofJwuits respoR&Ie for the SCBS in the India misslon. Respectful Wbute was given to other Jesuits who had suppofied the pioneers. In his homily, Jm i regaled the congregation with his version of stories of the early days, both humorous and fitith-fllled. TO tiwmt the minis~es

of the sisters,Four tents had been erected where eye-catching illustrations of each minisby were dis~ played. F'ictures, &a&., and graphs emphasized the srowul of the ministries of the sisters. their students, and cOwOrkerS throush this half century. Pictures spoke of clinics, all outgrowths of the h o s pital while charts and graphs of the activities of healthcare volunteers tmined for village and mountain ministries demonstrated the extensive scope of their outreach services.

cc The liturgy culminated in a new understanding of what it means to be an international congregation...W eeeaaaaaa


A quote on the banner "SCN Education from D&w to Light" SIXrounding a map of India aptly prepared the visitors to appreciate the charisma of teaching transfemd to the soil of India.An exhibitlon displayhg the excellent (~nwdon~lv

What's Inside: 2 Let our journey begn! 3 SCNs honored for uplifting quality of life of the rural people in Belize

4 Opening of Bethany Haven provides shelter fm the p w r of Bardstown 9 An Alternative Chtistmas Fair 6 Vocation Network Announced

7 SCNs publish commemorative histoly bwk 8 Prayer Service in U.S. formally doses India Jubilee Year 9 Points of interest along theway... Journeying on... 10 Mernond and HMOrW GI&


BY DE/W:5CNs Worn lndia Snare a speoa, artrNc &I/ of Merr arltvre to lend a ce/ebtat~iy air to the Jubilee at MdGvna as they mate an "aEpaw"to greet vishm in the enbyway An "alpma"is a art decoratron seated entrrely with doted nce and h s SisteE Gracq Sum6 Elsy and +#a +oed the design by hand especa//yfor the Celebmbon. ~~


Let our journey begin!

I rleedsarose,mhavej~ ey which themhaw way around the w~rldto Lpnlty. through the six pioneer walk

.. . .. .. ..

. . .. . ., *




. .',,


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. ..



sum a&?( Diredw



' just there"far the people

isnotaAntdsngolganlzaMon. but that the monies with wMch they help othem we their partners in 86F1 mission.

I Behind the dtauu~i d@ysand yeam of service

ScnSinBellz in us instruction and of lay minietm

'i I


Bethany Haven prbvides shelter for the poor of Bardstown


t4ssocwon to Red crews, Rotary and Kiwanis Chubs, topartnarwithherin ministry. The mast recent source of satisfaction cam? wlth

Bethany Haven, a temporary " W V home for seven famiIiesand a horn-

of chart$ of flazarethadopted he "SunshineRoom" and are committed to keeping it


equipped. Similar&, lacal church groups keep other


FUU-T/ME106: Sister Miuy F d k r

assisting afkn

involvespairing them with resoqrcesdnd


agencies they may not

is drafted into action as rooms provided with n m Itnens, etc. far pasons Sister Mary drlves into needing help. the night. "The love of Ch&t impel" The work day for Sister us" today as it did in Nelson Mary extends lo@ into the eve- at times. Her phone County tn 1812, when SCN foundress Mother Wefine rings and the voice of a dis tresed mother or that of a Spalding also sought to reach heyond the mdnes transient during a flood or of Nazareth to thme in other crisis calls her into need in surrounding immediate action. Then communities. Theresa Qiardino, SCN, an awardwinning teacher at St. Joseph School. Bardstown,


-enpldtp mf@cw Bdisk to pemu&?

hl LUipaacfthtcam. &WJO&Bo8,CXM wll( be spmt opr@T@.@ thir Ch*. #rkata %we



That simple invitation sent by the parish's Social Concerns Committee to the parishes of Northern Kentucky and Cincinnati put parishioners in contact with several diverse groups who could benefit from a different hind of hoWay shopping spree. The Sisters of ChariQ of Nazareth, who opened St. Catherine of Siena School in 1949. were invited along with Heifer Project Intern

tional. Habitat for Humanity, The Nature Consemcy, , Welcome House, Missions of Cali, Colombia: I n W d t h SU4 . . - -~urseHauser,__., r- out needs ofmisiwieiami mrnls~ysites in /nda t o w ptprff. ~i Kay C/mcmmh of St Lhfherhc

nospitalky Network, Corpus Christr Social Concerns and St. Bernard School Tuition Aasistanceprosram. Members of St. Catherine of Siena Confmation class rendered volunteer service in setting up booths and serving the visitors. Fbm entrance to exit of the under-

I .



wft, visitors moved from booth to booth choosing alternative@Is in someone's honor, all the whlle benefiting the poor in CMst's


Sisters of Charity of Nazareth announce Vocation Network Members something more tban what they have -a wnse of community, a deeper % ? k e 3 o f c h a r i & y o f ~spirituality and meaningful setvice to &em," Sister sherm ctray, W.: Anne Luke said. The new Yocz N e w t y a p p o ~mmbem dtheWonRetwork incIude khe foUowhs

.. .

and Adeline Fdukch b u -

Brenda Qonrales,&galze. CXnbal Amer%, The congtr@on's India &@on has its own separate Voeatibn RomoeionDe We believe young women continue to be called to religious life. Young p p l e today are hungering for


What You Can DO: .


tion Network will allow women to make contact with an SCN in her area and to discuss the concept of religious life on a more personal level."



.. ..


Sisters of Charity of Nazareth publish commemorative history book for India Jubilee year by natrating the Sister's ventures into Nepal. The author, a native of

of Razamth Along the Banlcs Of the m g B , 1947-

by $ W ~ FEugenia We (HarmonyHouse, 19971. Nepsreth Alow the



Charity of Naeareth in India,

covering the years 1947 to 1990. Muethina SCN, gathemi the m a t e & for + thb histoiy fmm the annals of the vmious missions and wnote many of the accounts at the sites. An affenuord, by Mar-



Covlngton, Ky., entered the mgregatlon of the Sisters of charity of N m t h in 1937. After receiving a din music at Namreth College, now Spaldhg University, she taught music in Kenhi*, Ohio, and Massachusetts. In 1952 shejoined the pioneering group of XNs only five years into their mlnistly in India For fortyRve yews she taught music at Nazareth Academy In Qaya, mar, India. Already a glfted musldan when she arrived in India, she earned

a degme in H h d W mwlc atAUahabadbiversUyand themfbxledmanystudenb to become proficient in that art Havlng retired seven years ago,the &-styled &psy devoted her time haveling to the various SCN minisby sites, chronidtng the growth of the contion of the Sistersof Charity of Nameth along the banks of the Clang= Rlver and beyond.

I Prayer Service in U.S. formally closes India Jubilee Year Fire,light, flame, warmth. N1 were elements which described the Closing Prayer Service for the India Jubilee Year, the year of Jubilee itself, and the 50 years of minimy of SCNs in India and Nepal. The Closing Prayer Service was held at 230 p.m. at Cathedral of the Assump tion in Louisville, Ky. on December 14, 1997 - 50 years and one day after six

cc The Prayer Service celebrated the abundant blenings brought forth in those 50 years of ministy "


MING WAYS: Guests at yer Service were greeted lication of the fed "tikka" to thp foreliead The tikka syinbd lies welcoming iirt iriiiivihial iiitr rim@ with the groiip preseiil. He ?ilk,


pioneer SCNs left the comforts of their Kentucky home and arrived to be$n a minis@ in the new country of India. The Payer Service celebrated the abundant blessings brought forth in those 50 years of minishy by incorporating the beautiful spirituality shared by fhe people of India with the SCNs. Quests at the service were greeted with a "tikka," small red dot on the Porehead to symbolii the welcoming of an Individual into a group: and the greeting of "namaste." Given with folded hands and a bowed head, this word translates literally to "the God in me greets the Clod in you."

Nepal and the United States -and an Indian ritual dance by six SCNs.

heid and moved in a circular motion to express love, dew tion, reverence and surrender

An arati plate was presented to the humankind, and to the creator. by Cassilda Castell, SCN, a native of India who now FoUowing a prayer and An entrance hymn, tmnslated works with the C o q l q a t h reading from the Gospel, hwn Hindi, set the scene for in the United States. The an Indian bhaian foilowed arati is an ~ndianb r m of pmntation of flap from as a respons0;id.PaMcia the four countries where homage in which a plate Kelley, SCN presented a SCNe serve - Beke, India, of flowers and incense is slide show in the form of a prayer, which depicted the various SCN mwstries in India and Nepal. The prayer was closed with the Indian ritual of "mxiving the flame," which involves holdmg the palms out to a flame in order to feel the warmth as a sign of accep tance of Jesus as tight.


barkdrop fw fhishrstonc eWi! The Cathedral was ako the stte where the first six SCNs m i v d theirrninistrymsssfiftyyrm aeo and leftfor India.


SCN Journey


SCN Speakars Bureau established

SCN Assembly of Election announced The Assembly of Election for the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth will be held at Nazareth, Ky. May 22-26, 1998. The theme for the Assembly will be "Trans forming Rre."More information about this important event wiU be forthcoming.



Earlier ulis year an SCN 1 including sites of Speakers Bureau was SCN minisby, is established in order to currently being provide a network of SCNs planned in conwith a variety of minisby junction with the experiences to speak at 50th Jubilee Celeschools, civic group meetbration of Nazareth ings, etc. Recently, the Hospital in Mokama, program got off the ground India. The hospital will with letters being sent to celebrate this impartant various schools in the anniversaty November Louisville area offering this 6 and 7, 1998. The SCN service. tour is scheduled to run lf you would like an SCN to November 1-13. speak at your school or civic group meeting, contact The tour group will fly from New York to New Delhi, and Cassilda castell, SCN, at include destinations such (502) 34&1551 for more information.

1 I




as patmi, M O & RaJghir, Bodh Qaya, Calcutta and Bombay. The tour group is limited


to 20. For more information about the SCN Tour of Lndia, contact Cassilda Castell, SCN at (502) 348-1551.

- # n Y

Journeving on ...


WFormer Spalding University Pmi&M dies in car accident UeenM. & w , a . its President one year

. '


later. She also earned .R law degree from the University of Louisville. post recenhiyi Sister Eileen was workingon athematichistoryof . a e ~ h ~ f ~ h,

Sister Mary



Siiter Mary Roch Sherman died on Manbay. December 8th at Nazareth Home ,qtthe age s f 82. She was a nativk of Abiugtm mMassachusettsda ~ f

fot 63 years. sister Mlry


at Holy




Memorial and Honorary Gifts


Mernonai ana m a y urn receivea wween qremvef LU, IYY/ ana wxernber 5.1997 memopialQiffs

cxlulrmm John & Mary Johannemann James & Regina He& Joe Hafner

Srs. Alice a./Pw p. ScNs Pat W./ Phfls D. Srs.Carol R / W e Rase

S. Mary Carblyn &I LORElTAEADAR9

Helen & Jlm Rowe

VIE=Cirace Busse

Bethlehem Convent



Srs.Pat W./Phvllls D

nEâ‚Źamiwl9mLL Erwin & Katharine Fuller

Srs. Shirley H./Ellen Paul SCNs. Northern Reaion srs. Mary D./ BartGa M. Srs. Ph~llisD/Pat Wright S. Ann Maureen McGjath

Helen M. Morgan BuFBcoylAo 9. Jane E h b e t h OComell

SCNs,South Boston cAI(BoLLQA9s

S. Eileen Lehane

5 Alice Marita Kern

cs.nmm (lox

JonmY CaOBneY


S. Theresa Murphy Srs. Barbara M./ Mary D. SCNs. South Boston MA

S.Kittv Wilson

Srs. Ellen Jane/ Julia D. Srs. Shirley H./ Ellen Paul Srs. Joan R/ Marie J. K Srs. Pat WrighVPhyUk D. SCNs, Notthern Region

Robert G&y


Pauline Howard mCYD'SOUW 9.Anna Marle Canary


Rlchard & Emuy s w a m Carol& Lawrence Blume Robelt & Anna Marie Levine Peter & Ann Cannell

S.Margaret crowley mMlAeRTy

Margaret Burke MMGARETWHERIY Srs. Barbara M./ M i v y D. QE43KtxEcMsItm

Marie Nmh & Stephen Maloney Ivo & Patrkla Spalath Hugh &Anne Whittington Betty & John OConnor Eileen & James Zoabv

Edward & Margaret Ecksteln S. EllEEA E(uLA Srs.Clara/Rachel Wuiett S. Mary Fedler FAMILY MWEEXS. DECEASED Edward & Barbara Wey


John Shelton

~ a r susan y aocdylroontz AELEA JOYCE AAYBS

c. L. PEBcgBSoA

Joe & Nancy Ward

Media Center Cluster AapennEmY Mary A. Miller, SCNA BOY h BEAlBlCe AOBBS


SCNs, Northern Region S.Helen M./ Ruth M. Srs. Barbara M./Mary D.

S.Alice M. Kern

S. Alice M. wills


Donald & Barbara Bayens KEISIEWDE Lee & byce WlnReld JACK D. EYDRICK Lee & Loyce Winfield


AmEuZABeMJon" Srs. Carol R/ Bettye Rose

Wqdnla M. Kern, SCNA Jane Dentinger Alberl & Carol Busack alorla & Rohrt aongola Srs. Angela H./Ruth H. John J. Spiga, Sr. JACK QALLAWfER Srs. Pat W./Phyllis D. NEldmQAmI s. Wanda Banks Srs. Joan R/Marie John K. SIB.~ u c a. e ~ e g g yF. Srs. Ellen Jane/Julia D. Srs. J O B./Mary Ellen D. S. hits Hager

WIomena Tibed Srs. Angela H./ Ruth H. Srs. Andrew Marla G./wilma R Srs. Clara/ Rachel Wett YlAcenrMlCo

S. Margarrt Dilller S.Alice Marlta Kern S. EsTAea COMEAU SCN Fliends

SCN Wend

S. Anita Hwer

MARGARET P. RARERn Margarel Burke

Helen & Jtm Rowe


Bey. DmRD m ,OPFl

Sheehan JOHN P a E Y


S.Earline Hobbs s.smBoGRFLc9J


SCNs, Southern Region SCNs, Motherhouse 2 West CANDIDA CFUA Margaret Sheehan llplsJEAmmE

Mary' Cruise Kate &Jim Maguli-e L4XOXlA h

V i i a Foky s





BOLAMBERT Srs. Theresa G J Marv

The Hennessev Famllv

Srs Betty RICarol R AuRc18KIuLUwlAA Ruth & Anthony Albanese

~ a r swan y aoodykoontz

Motherhowe 2, Groups 2 & J S. Mary Margaret Carr S. Anita tiagcr


wR(IRIyQmMEs Martha & John McCarthy


S. Earline Hobbs JomBullpR V w i a Foley





FRAruxswM S. Marion Reardon

GF%AhmE QEoRaE. Mary Kennedy

B E A ' I B K I C ~

Wanda S. Nancy Jane OReiUy l 2 A S l m A m S. Alice Marita Kern 5 s MaryDetty McKenna


mAnYKF,m Srs.Barbara M.1 Mary D. ~

John W. Cruise AuwBoeRMcIB Mr/mrsRlchard Buehler


Srs. Mary E/Theresa G.

0. D. & Virginia Kauhnan Flora Yurt EnJBimBFEsELwKAYs Carol & Pradeep Kmmr S. Elaine PIIUloff R~M & Virglnka KInseUa ~ u i



RUMJOHNSON SCNs, Northern Region Scp(s, Ladlslaus Convent S. Carolyn Thomas S. Anita Hager S. Mary Ellen Johnson S. Brenda Gonzales

S. Mi&mchlrcoran srs. Angela H./ RUM

JAMRONERhDUE Virginia A. Foley


Amelia Strussfon SCNA Robert Moser Leaetta Furlong J. FXED MOORE Ruth Mueller, SCNA ubbv Sehneider. SCNA

KlmiwmwmPIonm.J& Helen & Jlm Rowe s. Dorothy Canary

Tom & Nta C a n m Mary Louise Can& S. Anna Made Canary

S.UWUFRED'UWiMORQAN Mdyn Schuler Helen M. Morgan mnHERlEWA Antonio & Maria Cabral

tern. NEmy S. AngeUne Driscoll LonnAmEogRIIfn Srs. Enen Paul/Shlrley H. HELEA h DAVID 01)01rIF(EU, Mary Cruise



MiM Merlno Santana & Pamilv -, RowlM P

S.Mary Imelda Yurt Evelyn SmIth The& Robison Oeorge & Margaret Worland Wm. & Mary Muuigan Wm. & Frances Cassidy


Srs. Betty Rose/Caml R S. Catheeine Arnold s.CLARE m. c9J South BOSton Convent PAW L. MCCORMACK Marv McCorrnack BO~IEUT~~~EE Srs. Joan R.IMary John K. EDMBDmxiAn Srs. Alice a./PeggyFowkes BERNA6D J. MCLAtJOHLlN Srs.Alice G./Peggy Fowkes


M/M Ceferlno Santana & Family REV. WlLuAM n.P A m S. Eileen Lehane

Amella ShuaSIon


S. Anne Rita Mauek

SCm, Northern Region S. John Fister Srs.Phyllis D./ Pat Wright Srs. Betty Rose/Carol R JANE BwzBE&s S. Anna Marie Canary

EDWSOEU~ S. Margaret Naber UI(yEmsmRLm0 Jim & Anne Tetlnison JACK SlWiE Jacquellne Bond Jack Bond Kathy & Hank Hayden Susan &Dale Dean S. A W W T A SUlAdEW James Sullivan AATAUESUUIVM Margaret Sheehan


DorLs Mohan

Srs.M.Jane McMakin/ Marion W o n MABQABET-

mRmDiw S.Margaret Wowley DouQ&cumUmE

SCN Mend m w D E R S B l p w

S. Mary H. Wedding

MARYELLENS. Theresa Murphy 9. .4lIce Wta Kern


SCNs. Northern Region

SCN Wend


SCN .flwxw3

aeow & ~ u t bh h n BAlw&lDA"i?3 Mr. Ly MIS. Bemard Pottmeyer

LrnlWHMElt Lee & byce Wfnfieid LnnUn3CN W n d

lluRMREFlwoAlQ S. Joan Robishaw

LnnUnWLADlE Dorothy R \randemoff Mn. Kenneth Rush


9. em(ly Ann Appleton S.HARYWNMAWW

Rita Wurth JAMl?EQ.WlfEMWY S. Joseph Marita Wheatley OfRmof Congregational Advancement S. Theresa Knabel S. Barbara Joseph Lammers S. Anne Rita Mauck S. Alice Marlta Kern Srs.CIarajFachel Willett Pahicia Kelley. SCN XNs. Motherhouse 2 West S. W e Hobbs 6. IlAmNwA WIIdmT M/M Ceferino Santana & Family JEsslElbn.â‚ŹMm S. Maureen Coqhiin r\wnE.WlU?LW S. Kitty Wilson

S. Mary H. Wedding

REV.RB.JoLnuaL ommmonmmDlAcoRAlE SCFl

S. Mary H. Wedding AWA E. E".

HARYE.lMLSOTi S. Kitty Wilson PMlldPD.wLBMy S. Kitty Wilson


S. Ma;ry Lucina Sheehan

Mary Ellington AldmmzsllmER PaMce Rymarowiu


Doris Mohan


school work by students of Nazareth Academy and of thm in SCN-sWed parish schools evoked the admiration of group after group. likewise displayed. enlarged pichues of the many balwarl, or non-formal schools,conducted by the SCNs showed the concentration of the o t h m k deprived village or street children. The predominant banner in the social actton tent told of the sisters' springing from the Word of aod reaching far beyond the parishes. In the fourth tent descrip tions of the initial and ongoing formaton p gram were traced. Fmm the openins of the novitiate in 1957, the formation for minlstty has always been the focus and dlrecE1on of the congegation. The jubilee lihnay began with a classicaf dance in which oandidiltes and student nurses in bright

E d and white Saris, Solemnly w e their way i

the church,followed by a lage number of dm, their shoulders draped in the priestly saffron shawls. Mom than two hundred voices singing the Mass of Idght climaxed the liturgical celebration. c o l o r f u , j o ~ and moving was the rhythm of worship as deep spiritual

relationships among aU who had ever been a part of establishing this mission -pioneers, former and present missionaria:

benefactors; maborers -

became palpably present. The Iituturgy culminated in a new understanding of wha it means to be an interne tional congegation.


in fhe cehbrati&



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We Sisters of Charity of Nazareth are an international rongregation in a multicultural world. Impelled by the ove of Christ, in the tradition of Vincent de Paul md the pioneer spirit of Catherine Spalding, we and our Associates are committed to work for justice in solidarity with oppressed peoples, especially the economically poor and women, and to care for the earth. We risk our lives and resources, both personally and corporately, as we engage in diverse ministries in carrying out this mission.

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