Journey 1998 vol 01

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-SCN Journev



T H E L O V E OF C H R I S T I M P E L S U S .



SCNs celebrate 50 years of changing lives in India The Qolden Jubilee of SCN presence in In& cekbmted at Mokama on December

was more than a calendar event. Rising out Of thecombined mn@, 1%13,1997

beauty, and fruiffilness

of thousands of sisters, i B S d a k 3 , pIi&. hierarrhy. sttidefits and knefactom mu@0ut these years* the celebraOon took On a life

ib Own* mm the first day, with the resooundins Of

proclamation declared by Bridget Kappalumahal* - Wonal RepreSentatve Ofthe s i r sOf


Nazareth in India, the twoday event flowed smoothly

from al ofminlshles into the dgiou$ceremonies Of the second day. me of manmving for the m i s ~ was fittfngly off& by mw~ i m ax, a,the living member of the band ofJwuits respoR&Ie for the SCBS in the India misslon. Respectful Wbute was given to other Jesuits who had suppofied the pioneers. In his homily, Jm i regaled the congregation with his version of stories of the early days, both humorous and fitith-fllled. TO tiwmt the minis~es

of the sisters,Four tents had been erected where eye-catching illustrations of each minisby were dis~ played. F'ictures, &a&., and graphs emphasized the srowul of the ministries of the sisters. their students, and cOwOrkerS throush this half century. Pictures spoke of clinics, all outgrowths of the h o s pital while charts and graphs of the activities of healthcare volunteers tmined for village and mountain ministries demonstrated the extensive scope of their outreach services.

cc The liturgy culminated in a new understanding of what it means to be an international congregation...W eeeaaaaaa


A quote on the banner "SCN Education from D&w to Light" SIXrounding a map of India aptly prepared the visitors to appreciate the charisma of teaching transfemd to the soil of India.An exhibitlon displayhg the excellent (~nwdon~lv

What's Inside: 2 Let our journey begn! 3 SCNs honored for uplifting quality of life of the rural people in Belize

4 Opening of Bethany Haven provides shelter fm the p w r of Bardstown 9 An Alternative Chtistmas Fair 6 Vocation Network Announced

7 SCNs publish commemorative histoly bwk 8 Prayer Service in U.S. formally doses India Jubilee Year 9 Points of interest along theway... Journeying on... 10 Mernond and HMOrW GI&


BY DE/W:5CNs Worn lndia Snare a speoa, artrNc &I/ of Merr arltvre to lend a ce/ebtat~iy air to the Jubilee at MdGvna as they mate an "aEpaw"to greet vishm in the enbyway An "alpma"is a art decoratron seated entrrely with doted nce and h s SisteE Gracq Sum6 Elsy and +#a +oed the design by hand especa//yfor the Celebmbon. ~~

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