Journey 1998 vol 04

Page 1




Sisters of Charity of Nazareth elect new leadership team at Assembly During the Assembly of Election, held May 22126, the Sisters of Charity of Nm aeth elected the women who will lead their congegation into the new millennium. Sister Ma& Vincent Brocato,

a native of Clarhsdale. Miss., was elected presidenL SMer Shalini D'Souza of Bombay, India and Sister Mary Elizabeth Miller of Wildngton, Del. were elected as vice


presidents. Sier Maria is currently the executive director of Sacred Heart Southern Missions in Walls, Mlss. At plesent Sister Shalini is involved with education and social action in Ourgaon Haryana, India, and Sister Mary Elizabeth is the assistant program director for Harbor Area Supported

nbout the new SCN LeadershrpTeam

Nazareth Hosprtal SmDol of Nursingholds reunm SCNs on the move

Points of Interest Along the Way JourneyingOn Memonal and HonorafyGRr

Housing in Boston, Mass. (For more information about the new leademhip team, see page 3). The member8 of this SCN leadership team will begin serving their terms in S e p tember, 1998, and serve for five years, into the year 2003 They will replace the outgoing leadership team of E l i i t h Wendeln, SCN President, and Bridgid Clifford and Marilyn Shea, SCN Vice F'residents, who have served the contion since 1993. Over 300 SCNs from Belize, India, Nepal and the United States attended the tiveday Assembly of Election at the SCN Campus in Nazareth, Ky. The theme was "Trans. forming Flre." "Ourtheme of transforming fire represents our continued desire to be transformed by the t k . of Jesus Christ. The fire within our hearts will move us to live our statement of M i o n more fully," said current SCN President Elizabeth Wendeln, "And it is our deep faith that the women elected at this Assembly will lead our congregation in carlying that flame of the Gospel into the next millennium."

The 1998 SCN Assembly of Elecbion opened joyfully on Thumday evening with a prayer service in St. Vincent

66 ClearlH more and more of us are serving, directly or indiredly, with poor and oppressed women... "


Church. "StoqtelHng" provided a s t r u e for the sharlng of the SCN story since the last assembiy, and led into the election itself. presentations of how the K N charism is being lived out were given from all the vatious aspects of the con-

gathered from at least five nations to hear and affum each others' stories of work for both alleviation of misery and change of social systems," she said. "Uearly, more and more of us are sen@. diredly or indirecdy, with poor and o p p r a e d women; more and more are conscious and cmhg and tryins to live in consistency with our callto 'be one with' them. We celebrated that In creative loveliness." A


transltiofi was made from these stories to future leada ritval emhip, and there expmion of gratrtude b r

Sisters Elizabeah, Brid$d Matilyn. and gregation -including the re#ons, committees, teams, In telling their story,the and offices. Mary Ellen present central leadership Doyle, SCN, noted, "Large team outlined major trends segments of the community (contnued OR page 2)

CWING OF OURSELVES:lrene Lmno, an SCN frwn Belize, processes to the alter during the Assembly's Sunday Lituigy, ofknng a day pot mated by Mary lane HutchM, SCN. Sister M a y lane cmated the pot to be bmkn in the Lituigy as a symbol of brokeness and openas to Cod's callings for the t h r e .


Sisters of Chanty OT Narareth elect new leadership team (continued from page 1) Sister Maria Vincent Brocato S i Elizabeth in turn asked the congregation if they was elected on the Brst would support them. Then, ballot. Then, discussions she was given a flame canbegan for the election of dle, symbolic of her new role the vice presidents. Sister as "keeper of the flame." Shalini was elected on the first ballot Monday evening, Sister Elizabeth then ofidally and S i r Mary Elizabeth closed the Assembly of ElecMiller was elected on the tion with one flnal story about f h tballot Tuesdaymorning. a group of women who gab ered From all over the world After her election, each of those women elected was to open thew hearts and glve of themselves so that the asked if they would accept the congregation's call, and flames might continue to burn. , . .. Each S i was given a small , .. ~ , a clay heart as a reminder of this Assembly of Election, and all gave blessing to the newlyelected SCN Central Leademhihio Team. -. . .. .r The public is invited to attend the liauw - of Acceptance for the new leadershipteam, whkh will be held on Sunday,August 50 at 2:OO p.m. in St. Vincent Church, Naz EASTMEETS WE5T Susan Gat!, SCN, dressed In the costume of SCN arefh. A reception win follow foundreaMother Cathenne Spaldfng,greets Ann George, SCN, dumg in ammins Hall. the Assembly%day of prayer and dscernment

they saw emerging in the congregation, such as internationality and collaboration. Their discussion assisted the group in making the transition from the stories to formal invitation to leadership discernment A L h q v held in St.Vincent Church on Sunday morning began a day of prayer and discernment for the community, and on Monday the eledion process began. ,~





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More Assembly photoson page 12

Joan Robishaw, SCN, named Congregational Secretary utive b m mittee has appointed Joan Robishaw, SCN, as S e m h y

education degree in social studies and reading from Boston University. She taught at St. Edward School in Brockton, Mass.. and at Immaculate Concep tion School in Mewburmod before becoming assistant

of the Congregation. Sister Joan is a native of Newburyport, Plass., and joined the Sisters of Charity o f Nazareth in 1952. She earned a bachelor of science principal at St Agnes School degree from Spldhg College Arlington, ma&. (now Spaldmg University) in At the of her appointLoUiSVille. and a master of merit, sister J~ was ~

ing as assistant principal of Immaculate Conceptlon School in Malden, Mass. "Sister Joan brings many gifts to this new ministry, " said Maria Vincent Brocato, SCN, incominn - President, "We express gratitude for 104 Robishaw, SCN her acceptance of this service on behalf of the senhofSi%terMargaret community and acWwMge Rodericks." the five years of dedicated


About the new SCN Leadership Team:


After serving in special services in the Memphis area, in 1990 Sister Marla became assistant executive director of Sacred Heart Southem -ions in Walls,Miss.. a caulolic opnhtiGn serving the pastoral, educational and socialselvice needs of Maria Vincent Bnocato, SCN nine counties in northern President Mississippi. She became the Maria Vincent Brocato, SCN, organization's executive diris a native of Clarksdale, ector in 1993, and served in Mb., and joined the Sisters this capacity until her 1998 of charity of Nazareth in election as president of the 1948. Skkm of Chariry of Nazareu1. She obtained a bachelor of arts degree in Wory, Latin and Spanish from Spalding College (now Spaldmg University) in Louisville, Ky., and a master of arts degree in modem hopean history and American history from Fordham University in New York N.Y. Shalini DSouza, SCN Sister Ma& taught in a num- Vice President ber of institutiotmthmughout Shalini DSouza, SCN, was her teaching camz including born in Bombay, India, and F'menMion Academy, Spal& joined the Sisters of Charily ing college, and Jefferson of Nazareth in 1961.

Creek Ky.; St. Mary's H@ School, Paducah, Ky,;

bus, Ohio in addition to Nazareth ACademy in Qaya, India In 1974 she became formation director af the congregation's convent in Mokama, India. She also served as provtndal SUpeIiOr ofthelndiaRegionIn1996, she became director of women's programs for the Indian Social Institute in New Delhi before entering ministry with women and community senice, In 1997, she became director of tempomy professed for SCNS in India. At the time of her election, S i r Shalini was involved in education and social action with Asha Niwas (The House of Hope),a new SCN minishy for women and children in aurgaon, India, a collaborative venture with a lay organization.

forst st.^ ' . . , > _


Vice President, Sister Mary Elizabeth was the assistant

program director for Harbor

h?ge.kareth>Ky...ama9ter of education in eIementaty Vice Pmident

of ReUgioUs PDrmatlon in SL Louis. Mo. mter shalini taught at 5t. Matthias School, in Cdum-

Hortse, sewbigthe homeless of Boston, Mass. Rfor to her election as SCN


She obtained a b education degm tuy education and social Sdences from lwzreth Gal-

and studied at the In&Me

N m t h . Ky., a master of education d e p e in guidance from Memphis State University (now the University of Memphis), Memphis, Tenn., and a master of divinity degree from Weston Jesuit School of Theolqy, Cambridge, Mass. Sister Mary Elizabeth taught music at SL Thomas More School in Louisville, Ky., Sacred Heartplemphis Catholic High School and St. Michael & Little Flower Schools in Memphis, and Nameth &liege. She served zs principal of St. Mary Academy in konardtown, Nd. From 1972 to 1980. She was also in minisby as a pastoral associate at St. John Ccysostom Parish in West Roxbury, Mm. From 1989 to 1994, she served as a social service counsel-

iller, SCN

and joined the Ststem of Charity of in 19.59. She earned a bachelor of arts degm in mrrslc educct tlon with emphasis on piano from Nazareth &liege,

Area Suppo&d Housing in Boston, assisting those with mental illness who

were formerly homdesi in obtaining and maintaining housing,

Destination: Belize I I High school students and SCNs visit ministry sites tn Belize “8elize - Wow - whata placer I fell in love with the people as they received us with open arms into the&dance, lives and hearts: said&I Clark, a senior at Bishop Bryne High School and a member of the youth group from Holy Spirit Church in Hemando, Miss., “By the time I left they had found their way ita0 my heat taa.” Lisa. along with SIX other youth from four Catholic Churches in Missouri and Mississippi and Kitty Wilson, SCN. Coordinator of Youth Ministry for Sacred Heart Southern Missions, joined 150 youth for the National Youth Jamboree which was held in Hopkins Wage, a QarifunaVWageontheCarb bean Sea in the Southern D M c t of B e k in Central

America. The youth and Sister Kitty were welcomed to the new SCN Center Belize by Brenda Gonzales, SCPI, Dhxior. One of the primary ministries of the center will be to offer volunteer/immersion

of all I was surprised at the beauty of Hopkins, and the gradousnes of the people,” Brad said, “It amazed me how the people of Belize have so little: yet managed to give so much.”

SCMS Kitty Wilson, Barbara Flares, and the late Lynn fields. who began ministry with youth in Belize 22 years ago. This is the second year young peop!e fram Missouri The Youth Jamboree which and Mkfsippf haw had the was alhded by the students opportunity to experience included worlrshops, debate, the people and culture of and p e l discussions on BeW.AtdptoWkeduting youth issues, skits on Scrip sptlng break next year is ture,dance and edJll@ ofthe already in the planning culture of the ainifuna nisSwes. The Mp will be tw& panic, and Maya Indian;and fold -to do leadership keynote speakem addres training with the aarifuna, sing the theme of: Youth Em Creole, Mestizo, and Mayan powered by the H O I spmt~ youth and to participate in the National Youth Jamknee. The Jamboree closed with which will be held in Omnge a M w and parade at which Walk atown in the northem Bishop 0. P. Martin, Bishop of Belize, congmtulated the District of Belize. These youth on their participation tiips have been s p o m m d by grants received for leadand encouraged them to ership development for live out their Catholic youth in parishes of Sacred Christian value8 at home. Heart Southern Missions in Bishop Martin praised the the nine northern counties SCNs who have Ih/ed and of Mmissippl. ministered with the peaple of Belize. He ako spoke of “Theresa Knabel. SCN, and I

had a wonderful

in Mi and journeying the dusty roads in crowded bums, we felt one with the people,” she said. “We saw Jesus in the eyes of the baby Theresa held on the bus, in the beauty of the grandmother who had fallen and broken her arm,in the joyful young adults Belizean food at a small restaurant by the sea, and in the many w e others whosaid ‘Qoodmornlng‘ and ’How’s your day?‘ I kn~w that I leave a piece of my heart with the people of Belize every time I go there.”


experiences. Brad Engberg a senior from Olive Branch High School, Olive Branch, Miss., and a member of the youth group at Queen of Peace C h d desuibed his experiences. “I was constantly surprised on our bus ddes to see the conditions of the homes with thatched roofs, bad roads, only 3 stop lights in the whole country; but most MARCHIM ON. A h a Cmpbell and Paul Raynmnd walk in the p d e w& youth from Bdm.


Nazareth Hospital School of Nursing holds reunion piffy years after SCNs founded Nazareth Hospital in Mokama, India, 1,111 graduates of the Nameth Hospital School of Nursing may now be found all over the world, nming in a &adition of q u w care and Christlike concern. On June 19-21, the WAY Ofice of Congwgatbnd Advancement hosted a nu-

and their famllies

at Nazareth'sCaWrine


SpNhg Reheat and COnFerence Center. Fellow alumna and Provincial of the India ce, Bridget KappalumaW, S N Zweb corned the goup of nurses, spew and child=% and friends. The g m p e@oyedr m inbclng, viewing videos of Mokma's CioIden Jubilee celebnition meld in October

of 1997 to honor 50 years of SCN praence in India) and the commemorative video, "Nam& 'he SMem

of Charity of Nazareth in India and Nepal.' The nurses and their g e h also had the opportunity to chat with SCNs Ann Roh&a Powers and Teresa Rose Nabholz, who have been in minishy in In& for a number of yean and were currently

visifjng the United States. Sister Bridget thanked Eli& beth Wendeln, SCN President, for welwming the nurses back to their roots and for the Christenbred ional education she and the other 1,110 nurses ed since 1949. me h a a ~w during ma(Paul)J&n was elected m&e of fie nam& Hospital Alumnae Rssocih tion; UeqTe ktticad. assistant condinatrx~dcasstlda Castell, SCN, the contact

p e m for the office of con. gegational Advancement me nurses p m t also

own ccsmmunlbies uuoughout the U.S. and Canada,' said S u m U a k Director of CoagregatiotdAdvancs nIeIIt, mHtWngthis reunion at NaZWeth was a wonderful

selected an area r e p e n t & tiVe for each of sbc groups of NHSN alumnae fn the US. and Canada, and scheduled opportunity for om sbters to reconnect with the their next reunion for the Y w "All


the ~dl&




Postcards from the Journey

SCNs on the move Shirley Nugmt, SCN, receives national award

SCN helps to create new organization for "Sister Moms" Shirley Nugent. SCN, mdved the National Association of "Sister Moms," a new organAccreditation and Ce~McaCatholic Chaplains' Prestb ization for women religious gious Award, 'in on ttOn she also served on the who have children, held its transitional board representand appreciation â‚Źorher first national meeting June ing NACC.She returned to remarkable conMbutton to 12 and 14 at the Moye the USCC/CC4 several ;years professionalism in healthSpirituality Center in noaem later as board member and care ministry thmugh her Kentucky. Forty-four Sisters pioneeting leademhip the% slte visitor for accreditation. from 18 states and repreIl-&, she was Chair of past 15yem in -and senting 36 different religious promoting standards â‚Źor congregationscame wether accreditation, certification to dlscuss their lives as and ethics: duIing the Rnuth mothers and members of Annual Pastoral Convention years. Siter Shirley has religious congregations. The of the NACC and the Catholic resigned her position as meeting's coordinator, Bea Health Association, which was held in Colorado S p h p Colomdo. l3q$nning in 1982, she initially participated in the articulation and formalization of NACC Standards for Accreditation of CPE Programs and the CertiRca-

tion of Chaplains and CPE Supervisor, During the form&ation &the united Catholic Conference on

R.olpamDirectorforCatholie Health InitiativeSPE, presently conducted in the CHIEastem Region, as of May 15. She will be faking a year's sabbatical in Ireland for Celtic studies (cultural and sphitual.)

Kelfer, SCN,explained that bringing this group together to share experiences fullfilled a long-time dream of hers. Planning for the event began in November of 1997, headed by a planning committee consisting of Bea Keller, SCN,Jayn lam. a Benedictine Sister from Ferdinand, Ind., Platy Jane Williams,a Benedictine Sister fmm Villa Hills, Ky., and Louise Zaptitny, a Sister of Charity of Cincinnati. A total of 98 Sister Moms who make up the @wp's d o n a 1 mailing list weTe invited to &end. D h g the weekend meeting these women, ranging in age from 46 to with appmhately dren and 11% grandchildren among them, gathered to share stories upport one another. Now, the Sister Mems are g-f more concrete


plans to continue their venture, by meetlng next year in Tampa and in California in 2001. The Sister Moms aIso plan to stmt a newsletter and work to address the formation issues of women who are mothers.


SCNs participate in planning of Jubilee actions as Mlllennium nears

Twenty-five people, including SCNs Tess Brown and Barbara Joseph Lammers, representing numerous national religious and secular groups, met May 3 and 4 in lndianapolis to make plans for appropriate ways to prepare for the year 2000. The group, hosted by the Rev. Angelique Walker. of Greater Indianapolis, addressed i justice, eco and self-determination. in the context of the decree found in Leviticus 25. This decree, later re-affmed by Jesus as "... the year of God's favor." (Ure4) spealGs

of freedom, restoration of land, and dBbibution of resources. The gmup which met in Indianapolis is planning a signifimt conference

will concentrate on land and our relationship to it as



by denomhtkm, c o q p gatlons,


and individuals.

OCA names Director of Alumni Relations

BarbaraPeterso&sc4Y, has been named thk new Director of Alumni ReIatRms for the SCN Offlce of Congmgatlonal Advancement.

Beginnby September I, Sister Barbara will m u m e her role and to connect more closely Wlth those who were taught by SCNs here at Nazareth and elsewhere. Sister Barbam has previously served a8 director of the Catherine SPaldingRetreatandConference Center at Nazareu1,

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The pubk Is

imilted to attend:

. honoring Liturgy be the acceptance A



Regsstratim Form


Name Address





Phone Transpottation plans Send registration form by October 10 to the attention o f Sister Luke Boiarski at 208 Mound Street, Tiltonsville, OH 43963 ~




of leadelship by the newlyelected SCN Leadership Team on August 30,at 200 p.m. in St. Vincent Church to be followed by a receptlon In Cllmmins HaU. For more informalion, contact Marlene Lehmkuhl, SCN, at (502)348-1542. A 20th Anniversary Celebration for Bethany Spring Retreat House, a ministry of the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth will be held at 200 p.m. on Sunday, September 27. For more information, contact Danielle Wtl, SSND, Director, at (502) 549a277. On September 25-27 appoldmately 20 new Sisters of Charity of Nazareth Associates will make their commitment at Nazareth in a retreat weekend which will conclude with the committment service on Saturday evening at 7:30p.m. in St. Vincent Church. For more information, contact the SCNA office at (502) 248-1542. On September 27 (Feast of St. Vincent de Paul) the Blessing of the SCN Center Belize by Most Reverend Osmond P. Martin, Bishop of Belize City-Belmopan will take place. For more information, contact the Office of Congregational Advancement at (502)3481547.

Sister Joan Ellen Cregg Sister Joan Ellen C t q g died on May 24 at the Hospice

nity on the "Mass of the Ail" Sister Thomasine Daley Sister Thomasine Daley died program. She is survived on May 28 at Norton Hospital by her mother, Anne Daley, Unit of Alliant Medical Pavil- in Louisville at the age of 56. and a brother, John Daley, lion in Louisville at the age She was a native of Boston, of Needham, Mass. of 68.She was a native of Mass.,and a member of the Sister Elizabeth Hyde Park, Mass., and a Sisters of Charity of Nazareth (Betty) Rose Clark member of the Sisters of for 38 years. Sister ThomasSister Elizabeth Rose Clark Charity of Nazareth for 50 ine served as a teacher in died on June 27 at Nazareth years. Sister Joan Ellen schools in Kentucky and Home at the age of 68.She served as a teacher and Tennessee, and was an eduwas a native of Louisville, principal in schools in Ken- cational consultant for the and had been a member tucky and Virginia, including Louisville School Board of of the Sisters of Charity of Sacred Heart School, Holy Family School, St. John Vianney School, and St. Vincent de Paul School. She also served in parish ministry and as a retreat and spiritual director. At the time of her death, she was in ministry at the Catherine Spalding Retreat Center at Nazareth. She is survived by three brothers, John F. Cregg James F. Cregg and Donald R. Cregg.

Education from 1971-1976. She was also codirector of the Continuing Development Commission of the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth from 1976-1978. Sister Thomine served as an intern in the Catholic Deaf Office of the Archdiocese of Louisville from 1978-1983,and was appointed Director in 1983, where she served until her death. Many recognized Sister Thomasine as the signer for the deaf commu-

Nazareth for 48 years. She taught in elementaq schools in Kentucky, including Holy Family School in Louisville. and St. Peter School in Lexington. She served as principal of St. Joseph School in Bardstown before working in community services at Russell Hall and Maria Hall at Nazareth. At the time of her death, she served as treasurer for the SCNs at Nazareth Home in

Two of the awards are presented each year to individuals who have made Iubmding civic, educational and professional contributions to the local com-

Sister Eileen was honored as a model of community involvement. She served as president of Spalding University from 1969 to 1994.

Sister Walter Ann Kane Sister Walter Ann Kane died on July 23 at Marian Manor in South Boston, Mass. at the age of 94.She was a native of New Brunswick, Canada and had been a member of the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth for 68 years. Sister Walter Ann served as a teacher and principal in schools in Ohio, Massachusetts and Kentucky, including St. Cecilia in Louisville and Bethlehem Academy in Bardstown. She also taught at Nazareth Cob lege and served as principal of Nazareth School in South Boston. She is survived by a sister, Mary Frances Oliver. Memorials to SCNs may be &gnated to the Mlssion of the Sisiers of Chafity of Nazareth thmugh fhe Omce of Congregational A d v a ~ r m m t P.O. Box 9. Nazareth. Ky 40048-0009.


Louisville Ad Club honors Sister Eileen Egan The Advettiising Club of Lou- munity. Louisville Mayor isville posthumously honored Jeny Abramson was also Sister of Charity of Nazareth honored. Eileen man, former Spaldspaldins university presiing University president who dent Dr, Thomas R Oaks died December 3, with one accepted the on of its annual Louisvillian of behalf of Sister Eileen at the Year Awards. the May 7 ceremony.

Louisville. She is survived by a brother, Joseph Daniel Clark of Louisvllle.


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3 /eft to rrght)$ld,ng Unlwyty ~ ~ B E R / ANLEADER G Prsfdent Dr Thomas Oaks,Louisville Adverhsing Club honorw memberMalcolm C h c y &Mary Burns, SCN, Dean ofSpddngk

school of Education, are pictured at the Ad Club luncheon



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We Sisters of Charity of Nazareth are an international Congregation in a multicultural world. lmpelled by the love of Christ, in the tradition of Vincent de Paul and the pioneer spirit of Catherine Spalding, we and our Associates are committed to work for justice in solidarity with oppressed peoples, especially the economically poor and women, and to care for the earth. We risk our lives and resources, both personally and corporately, as we engage in diverse ministries in carrying out this mission.

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