Sisters of Charity of Nazareth elect new leadership team at Assembly During the Assembly of Election, held May 22126, the Sisters of Charity of Nm aeth elected the women who will lead their congegation into the new millennium. Sister Ma& Vincent Brocato,
a native of Clarhsdale. Miss., was elected presidenL SMer Shalini D'Souza of Bombay, India and Sister Mary Elizabeth Miller of Wildngton, Del. were elected as vice
presidents. Sier Maria is currently the executive director of Sacred Heart Southern Missions in Walls, Mlss. At plesent Sister Shalini is involved with education and social action in Ourgaon Haryana, India, and Sister Mary Elizabeth is the assistant program director for Harbor Area Supported
nbout the new SCN LeadershrpTeam
Nazareth Hosprtal SmDol of Nursingholds reunm SCNs on the move
Points of Interest Along the Way JourneyingOn Memonal and HonorafyGRr
Housing in Boston, Mass. (For more information about the new leademhip team, see page 3). The member8 of this SCN leadership team will begin serving their terms in S e p tember, 1998, and serve for five years, into the year 2003 They will replace the outgoing leadership team of E l i i t h Wendeln, SCN President, and Bridgid Clifford and Marilyn Shea, SCN Vice F'residents, who have served the contion since 1993. Over 300 SCNs from Belize, India, Nepal and the United States attended the tiveday Assembly of Election at the SCN Campus in Nazareth, Ky. The theme was "Trans. forming Flre." "Ourtheme of transforming fire represents our continued desire to be transformed by the t k . of Jesus Christ. The fire within our hearts will move us to live our statement of M i o n more fully," said current SCN President Elizabeth Wendeln, "And it is our deep faith that the women elected at this Assembly will lead our congregation in carlying that flame of the Gospel into the next millennium."
The 1998 SCN Assembly of Elecbion opened joyfully on Thumday evening with a prayer service in St. Vincent
66 ClearlH more and more of us are serving, directly or indiredly, with poor and oppressed women... "
Church. "StoqtelHng" provided a s t r u e for the sharlng of the SCN story since the last assembiy, and led into the election itself. presentations of how the K N charism is being lived out were given from all the vatious aspects of the con-
gathered from at least five nations to hear and affum each others' stories of work for both alleviation of misery and change of social systems," she said. "Uearly, more and more of us are sen@. diredly or indirecdy, with poor and o p p r a e d women; more and more are conscious and cmhg and tryins to live in consistency with our callto 'be one with' them. We celebrated that In creative loveliness." A
transltiofi was made from these stories to future leada ritval emhip, and there expmion of gratrtude b r
Sisters Elizabeah, Brid$d Matilyn. and gregation -including the re#ons, committees, teams, In telling their story,the and offices. Mary Ellen present central leadership Doyle, SCN, noted, "Large team outlined major trends segments of the community (contnued OR page 2)
CWING OF OURSELVES:lrene Lmno, an SCN frwn Belize, processes to the alter during the Assembly's Sunday Lituigy, ofknng a day pot mated by Mary lane HutchM, SCN. Sister M a y lane cmated the pot to be bmkn in the Lituigy as a symbol of brokeness and openas to Cod's callings for the t h r e .