Journey 1999 vol 02

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Retired SCNs can now call Carrim Hall home After a year of packing and unpacking b&@, watching and waiting, praying and imagining as construction ptogwsed. 56 SCNs now have a new home in W c o HaU, the new wkg of the Sisters of Charity of N m t h Motherhouse. Its midents had shifted to tempomy locations last summer prior to the removal ofthe previous East Wing, Construction began in December 1997 and was completed in December 1998.

- ThedecMontotqlacethe

previous buildhgwsls made after much pmyer and long,

careful study over a mod of fouryeam be$nningwith a H d t h Services Study and a Space Sh~dywnducted to asses the CoqpqaUon's overdl needs for the tidue. Qood *p of re-

1898,the other in the 193%. Nelthersectionmetgovemment reguWons and could

notsustainhutllermvdion. A blessing for the new residence was held on January 24 in S t V m d chwchat NazaWh, and included hymns. suiptum andprayersforthenew and its midents. Bmato, SCN mident, Fzary ?BzbeihMillet SCN Vlce W d e n t , Theresa Knabel, Renovation F'mject L X i r , E h k t h Wendeln, former SCN president Bridgid Clifford,former SCN Vice W i n t , and Bet& kwnucci,

L W L ON ~ A FIRM FOUNDATION: The new Camw Hall win of f i e 9s of U!aniv of NaLueth Mothehousem v i k a safe and wmkhble ha for refid SCNs wfro Contcnrre minisby in differmt wap. liwd&war* and the genemos donatiam o f X N donm to the &irement M ovevtl~ y m haw made wnstmckm of 6'1sfacil%typonible while continuing suppat of SCN ministries aroundfke world

Moth~useAdministrstoG Mcipated in the blessing, alorigwithMichaelJawband pastoral care,bansportation and health services are Derek Bmks of Omni Architects,andRobettcarrell located in Canico llall as well. Sier Theresa Knakl, of Huber. Hunt & Nichols, Project Director, Renovation contractors. Sister Eula added, The building was s o w ~ lifesafety ~, issues, and Blandford, one of the new lilmminishy o p p o ~ e s residents of the bullmve Planned to enable a WhOMC were all points taken into the welcome. An Open House lifestyle for the sisters and for future ministries." fdlaving the bledng was consideration. Part of the previous Mdfng was built in attended by SCNs, Awodata The building was named in former members, alumni, honor of Sister Teresa dQnGi5, I& cletyy, medical Canico, the first Sister of personnel.and IXa&and Charity of N a m z t h who familyofscfls. joined in 1812. SisterTeresa 2 Belizean SCNAs build home fo is remembered as a pmyerful, grandmother and family canlco Hall is a four&@ 3 Donors' Advent generosity makes Trichy Convent a reality 4 GiftofpropertyforHouseof Ruth is reminder of old SCN story 6 Six months after Hurricane Mitch. recovery process continues 8 SCN receives Spalding University'sLeadershipin Nursing '"People's Choice Award" 9 Journeying On... 10 Honorary and Memorial Gifts

building containing 57 individual bedmoms with baths. The building featms a swng area, sun porch, couayrd and contains

facilities for exmise, arts and crafb, mini-shop, thriâ‚Źt shop, laundy, dining and meeting rooms, chapel, and connecting hallways to St. Vincent Church. The Mces of the church, liturgy,

hattiworking woman concerned for othem, who, for 46 yeam as an SCN, faithfully &ed out her role as foundation stone for a congregation which has mntlnued to grow and reahape itselfto meet the needs of the times. ~eresponSeof~* has been v l y positive,# S i r Theresa said of the

new residence, The new residents especially appreciate the bright, spacious area with large windows which pmvide a scenic view of the grounds." For the d d e n t s of this build& drement is an end to their minishy, only a new beginning. The SCM who live in Cmico HaU are involved in a wide-range of mfnMes from cdlecting


stampsto redeem for donations to SCn


offkiat$onlrrsuesilffiecting the poor, to pmtaml minkby andprayer.AsEUla Blandfold, SCN, said in her

sm* *Qur


grounds h a speak of a people with special wehavesomething than pensions, we have Dmvidence."

..."Romans 1524

"...For I do hope to see YOU on rnv journey, and be sent on bv YOU once I have enioved your cornoanv for a little while

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