Journey 1999 vol 02

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Retired SCNs can now call Carrim Hall home After a year of packing and unpacking b&@, watching and waiting, praying and imagining as construction ptogwsed. 56 SCNs now have a new home in W c o HaU, the new wkg of the Sisters of Charity of N m t h Motherhouse. Its midents had shifted to tempomy locations last summer prior to the removal ofthe previous East Wing, Construction began in December 1997 and was completed in December 1998.

- ThedecMontotqlacethe

previous buildhgwsls made after much pmyer and long,

careful study over a mod of fouryeam be$nningwith a H d t h Services Study and a Space Sh~dywnducted to asses the CoqpqaUon's overdl needs for the tidue. Qood *p of re-

1898,the other in the 193%. Nelthersectionmetgovemment reguWons and could

notsustainhutllermvdion. A blessing for the new residence was held on January 24 in S t V m d chwchat NazaWh, and included hymns. suiptum andprayersforthenew and its midents. Bmato, SCN mident, Fzary ?BzbeihMillet SCN Vlce W d e n t , Theresa Knabel, Renovation F'mject L X i r , E h k t h Wendeln, former SCN president Bridgid Clifford,former SCN Vice W i n t , and Bet& kwnucci,

L W L ON ~ A FIRM FOUNDATION: The new Camw Hall win of f i e 9s of U!aniv of NaLueth Mothehousem v i k a safe and wmkhble ha for refid SCNs wfro Contcnrre minisby in differmt wap. liwd&war* and the genemos donatiam o f X N donm to the &irement M ovevtl~ y m haw made wnstmckm of 6'1sfacil%typonible while continuing suppat of SCN ministries aroundfke world

Moth~useAdministrstoG Mcipated in the blessing, alorigwithMichaelJawband pastoral care,bansportation and health services are Derek Bmks of Omni Architects,andRobettcarrell located in Canico llall as well. Sier Theresa Knakl, of Huber. Hunt & Nichols, Project Director, Renovation contractors. Sister Eula added, The building was s o w ~ lifesafety ~, issues, and Blandford, one of the new lilmminishy o p p o ~ e s residents of the bullmve Planned to enable a WhOMC were all points taken into the welcome. An Open House lifestyle for the sisters and for future ministries." fdlaving the bledng was consideration. Part of the previous Mdfng was built in attended by SCNs, Awodata The building was named in former members, alumni, honor of Sister Teresa dQnGi5, I& cletyy, medical Canico, the first Sister of personnel.and IXa&and Charity of N a m z t h who familyofscfls. joined in 1812. SisterTeresa 2 Belizean SCNAs build home fo is remembered as a pmyerful, grandmother and family canlco Hall is a four&@ 3 Donors' Advent generosity makes Trichy Convent a reality 4 GiftofpropertyforHouseof Ruth is reminder of old SCN story 6 Six months after Hurricane Mitch. recovery process continues 8 SCN receives Spalding University'sLeadershipin Nursing '"People's Choice Award" 9 Journeying On... 10 Honorary and Memorial Gifts

building containing 57 individual bedmoms with baths. The building featms a swng area, sun porch, couayrd and contains

facilities for exmise, arts and crafb, mini-shop, thriâ‚Źt shop, laundy, dining and meeting rooms, chapel, and connecting hallways to St. Vincent Church. The Mces of the church, liturgy,

hattiworking woman concerned for othem, who, for 46 yeam as an SCN, faithfully &ed out her role as foundation stone for a congregation which has mntlnued to grow and reahape itselfto meet the needs of the times. ~eresponSeof~* has been v l y positive,# S i r Theresa said of the

new residence, The new residents especially appreciate the bright, spacious area with large windows which pmvide a scenic view of the grounds." For the d d e n t s of this build& drement is an end to their minishy, only a new beginning. The SCM who live in Cmico HaU are involved in a wide-range of mfnMes from cdlecting


stampsto redeem for donations to SCn


offkiat$onlrrsuesilffiecting the poor, to pmtaml minkby andprayer.AsEUla Blandfold, SCN, said in her

sm* *Qur


grounds h a speak of a people with special wehavesomething than pensions, we have Dmvidence."

..."Romans 1524

"...For I do hope to see YOU on rnv journey, and be sent on bv YOU once I have enioved your cornoanv for a little while




Belizean SCNAs build home for grandmother and family lY gnmdmother, reW ta her m m , changed her clothi

wamm. FOP t was a@ c3CmskmindeaQh

local siatars of C W t y of rq&xmth&mW.

straw hat, she fwnd her yard

"Now nine people are need for a home. Two years ago the scpl Asso&& in Belize decided that scrplrethi needed to

pmvided wlth sh&eF because of the initiattve and

Aued with neighbors gati~-


poorest of the poor," commented Rosemarie Kinvan, SCN,who traveled from Independence. BeIize â‚Źorthe event As Mrs. Lopez stepped out onto the porch wenring her

SCN Journ

Donors' Advent season generosity makes Trichy Convent a reality The 1998 Advent appeal invited donors to "make room in the inn" of their hearts by helping build a convent in Mchy, Tamil Nadu, India for Sisters of Charity of Nazareth who we occupying Wo much-needed classrooms in the school building. The ovenvhelmlngly generous response to this appeal made it possible for building plans to proceed immediately. A recent letter from Sister Mary Joseph, supervisor of congregational construction, reported that by April the Sisters could move from the classrooms to the first floor of the convent. Even though the building will not be completed and their new living quarters will be surrounded for a time by workers and bamboo scaffolding, Sisters Nmmie, Leena, and Teresa Xavier rejoice to see their dreams of opening wide the doors of their "inn" to expanded ministry.

Called to join the joumey


BRKK BY BfKK In a hoto taken earher this yea6 the mdyxls glad?,pause and proudly s h o w the progress of ir work on Viwsnew SCN convent Piclured behveen the amvent and the Khool (in the ba$round) is the palm-mkd hut that serves as a twnpomrv garage The o SCN donon @ing to the Advent appeal made this construction poaib e



-- SCN vocation ministry thrives in India

In the past issues of highlights have been presented of the vocation ministry in the U.S. and Belize. The growth of SCN vocations is outstanding in the India Region, where 12 women are cumntiy in candidacy, and LO will enter pre-novitiate in May. India's National Vocation Promoter, Nalini Mecharil, SCN cites several reasons for their success: a) Stabiiitv of familv life - Draverful atmosDhere in families. b) Schools -Teachers,


Sisters and Priests encourage students to consider seriously God's special call to religious life. c) SCN India Region - Every SCN in the region takes an interest in vocation promotion through personal contact with youth, conducts seminars and camps,and prays daily for vocations. d) The rich cultural and religious heritage of India emphasizes spiritual life. SCNs in the India Region conduct vocation camps each year in the summer, m n after the high school and college exams. Young women between 10 and 30 years of age attend the fivkaaym P S and experience topi- Such as ( m mcaprron,A N t w UtbiNNINb' xlme Of the SCN OndrdztesIn self-awareness, vocation stories From Scriptures, personal lndia indude (from left to right): Pushpa Mmni, Punam /Am, Teresa Xdxo, Anma Kerketta, and Anokantha K&u&I vocation stories, SCN histow, charism and meditations.

Gift of property for House of Ruth is a reminder of an old SCN story

w ue

House of Ruth had been

of Christ in the Shelby Park neighborhood. As a result, a housing, a welfare to work program, and other educa tional opportunities. Although House of Ruth is a =P=w incoF-akd nolyKoAz 0n-. the S i of WtNy of NazatW have exerted a s b y influence on its develo oftheelght ar-e SCNs and four were formermembers.

surprising possibility began to emerge. Because St. Matthew had an aging membership and was declining in numbers, they began seeking propcwb for use of their property after

out the experiencejust

esosacredtoswmedinggm&m of scpls, their aasodates,fatTaie8 and and her W W ~ s ~ ~ - Mends. n ~ -tine m w n , kntuw.They -mm fmm the$ foundatb and walked a few that it was the th-t and thus which sugsested HOW perfect place.for the ~ u f of e miles to W Nazar&hwasbom." the c o m m t h e Y of Ruth would receive the fwnding Rfler about ten We at House of Ruth Wm hun property and expand proyears of improvirrS buWngs from the place we once envisionedas our fuhne that w m there and amp shutting new ones,all of home," Sister Julie said, "and which was cc&y for their ddve our belongings a few income, they learned miles acms city streets to the meager Shelby parh neighbomm. t h a t the land had been l e f t to comer of St Wh& and In late October, 1998, the Sf. the Anhdiocese of zoldsville HancocPr straet.Thare ate Matthew voted moments when I wonder where by a Mr. Howard.His Wm different locations -two preduded &ling any of the well And the incmsed rooms ltrased in St. Anthony even to a religious mmes for mainkm and land, parish and the former and community. ~g mmts how ow mission ~ ~gmwl inl recEoly on the property of thatthiswasa 'shocking the new space. More conSt, Ann's Church. bbw' for Catherine. Our early 6tantly, I feel the pmence of AparortwoWnegoh sisterhkedforother callwine who must have had this summer. property and locabed the similar qu&m about her This amazing gifâ‚Źflowsfrom present site of Nazareth.The y o communi&. ~ With her, I Ann's 1sr eady the 11@yearhistow of CfihliQWashansfarmed 1W8,it had bemme clear Senrice which is the legacy into a 'providential blessing' that we would not be able to of this congregation to when SchoWica O'connOr, 5@, at st Ann's for an HouW of Ruth. "As an SCN I awidow, entmdthe com&tie to guide the mbionof â‚Ź.x@ndedFuture. so we have felt clwely in touch mu&y in 18Z and h q h t tiom of Ruth. lfwe try to with SCN fourrdms kith her the remumsto pravidecom@Qnatese* Catherine Spalding througn. purchase ule !and ulal:has I ~ R ~ O n ~


,* said Sister Julie. "Catherine and first SCRs d



SCNs present scholarships to African American students


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substantial amount for

result of that meeting,

Academy and Spalding University which would provid8 scholarships African-Americanstu Sister Betty presented the t schalarships during a arch 7 African American

Multiculhxal MEnisMes.

"In partnership with the Office of Multicultural Ministries the sisters of Charlty of Nazareth are establishing a scholarship fund that will enable young women from our African Amedcan Catholic parishes to go to Presentation Academy and Spaldhg University," Sister Betty said, "We believe our long histoy in the Loufsville





Bartkolomew Parish. These young women will recebe much more that^ just a scholarship in the coming year, because m SCN mentor will &so walk with

Scholarship recipients for 1999 included Stephanie Helinger of St. Marlin De

scholamhip mentors

community and our charism is alive in these two institutions and will further connect young black women to the SCN

Porn Parish, Britany Mitchell of Immaculate He& of Mary Parlsh, and Amber Simons of St.

M&a Discher. In addition, seven members of Louisvil can Amerlcan catholic comnlunity will receive schalarships to Spalding University's Thea

'What we heard over and over was the deire from the African Ameerfc;m ~romam. community and from us to find ways to re-conned with one mother. MI- mrm ut need for scholarships of a substantial iwnwnt for youth I ships, cantact the Louisville the Afrfcan American Catholic Community." Archdiocese, rnceof .



Multicultural Minkby.

Six months after Hurricane Mitch, recovery process continues The last issue of SCN Journey reported the plight of the people of Nicaragua and Honduras as seen through the eyes of Maggie Fischer, SCN, who teaches English as a second language there. Sister Maggie has continued her crusade to help victims of the hurricane, distributing the money sent to her by SCNs and friends for this purpose, speaking out regarding governmental issues, and keeping those in the U.S. apprised of their progress. She recently

wrote Many of you have prayed, called, written, faxed, â‚Ź-mailed, sent checks. I am deeply grateful and thank you also in the name of the gallant people of Nicaragua. In some ways it is possible to go on living here as if nothing untoward has occurred. For most of us, though, our hearts are usually weighed down. As a friendsaid, this trme people haven't been able to bounce

OUR HOUSE.Three young chlldren pose in front of a tempofay home following the devastabon of their village by Hurricane Mrtch. This yene was dembed by Magie Fisher! SCN, in the lanuary issue of SCN loumey "Yesterday l vrwted a camp where 7.8CO families were evamated strrught bull dozed dirt sfreek lined with very small plastic 'houses"

back. Yet, there are wonderful accounts of courage and resilience. A young couple in San Francisco Libre, a village on the north side of terribly contaminated Lake Managua, tied their little boat to a tree beside their . . . . .

house. The water rose above the house. Her time came to deliver. For four days they were completely isolated, having nothing. Last Sunday, the infant was baptized... Rose Operanza, "Rose Hope..." So much immediate need, to return once more to . . . . .. .. .' iust normal levels of . . .. . . . . . Editor.knete:.In the i w e ; ivhith: '' immiseration. And what of desa-ibed t& Snerosjfy of SCNs, S'CNAs,apld - I t h e long-term programs that invest in human Potential' friends @e,Hurri,a.neRelief Effurts,it was omitted that the reddents of . ' Obviously we are dealing inadvertently . . . Nazareth Villages retiiement facility on the. . ' with a strong. resilient Nazareth Campus also gave generously t0 2 reSOUrCefu1People. They do these efforts, making donations in liec of not Complain and whine. They do not simply become mucfi of th:eir tra'ditional holiday gi inert vidms, A friend from , Their effortsswere greatly appre the No,# just "you





: :& -



qdditiqn !tQthgse of,SCNs,Campus . 7e.thany Spring, and OCA donors.

. .



know how the Nicaraguans are. They look you straight in the eye, welcome you

cc Obviously we are dealing with a strong, resilient, resourceful people.


warmly and ask how you are. " These are people despoiled of evetything. From them I could learn to be happy with little; I hesitate to say that I have. I can learn not to impose my difficulties on others, to honor my own dignity and respecf that of others. I think I have learned something of why it is that God is reputed to have a special love for the poor.


SCNs respond to JUBILEE 2000 efforts died for universal

for@veneSsas the d k n n i u m ends, hinging thla issue to the forefront of the CaQholicChurch.


yartr the

Howver, some have taken a mom pmitfve appmch one which assumes the

earthwinremainawhile loqpandattemptsto pnake L a belter place. For them, the b @ ~ m of


s Fsm," when skes aresetfmemddebts canceled. People around the world are responding ,--with enthusiasm at the W


OIKCer to the United Nations. As a member of this federation, the SCN Congregation maintains close ties With the Charky Federation NQO, who now joins the ranks of other The LRadership Conference NGOs s p o d by the &and-, Jesuits. and of women Rei&#eushas other concerned goup at issued a statement the United Nations who ate particW4y encourqbg speaking out on this issue on debt cgncellaiion for the behalf d the poor. hunicane stricken Central American count&% of SCNs are acting IoCaUy on Nicarclgua and Hondums in these global efforb in thejr light of wlefr tmgfc sutTe&g ministries around the world. (see story at left). Marilyn Shfa, SCN, fs the The sisters of Charity of newlynamed Chair of the PIaZaretharepaIticipRtingIn CORU&tâ‚Ź&?fpor(2XpWdk t h e efforts on many fmnts Justice in the U.S.; WTCH


. .. .

CC The Lea&rship Conferenceof Women Religious h a issued a statement partialady encouraging debt mellation for the hurricane stricken Central American countFies of Nicaragua and Honduras in light of their tragic suffering


. . : .


' '






Sohe have said the Lenten season-wehave recently experienced . ..and . to allow others to dgli&tb lead pemns.intd Christianity $olidadQ.With thsi. It is'sugge5ted:that this . . "time . , in higt0ry .. . n be in solidiriky&h . .. . &pressed people. One impohant way .. . , . . is tdlet President Clinton and Cong&s people know that you . . suppoit for&v&eW bf the unjust and unpayiible foreigh dqbt.

SCN receives Spalding UniversityLeadership in Nursing "People'sChoice Award" Celestine Marla was honored with a Spaldhg University reception held on Februaty 1 0 . 1 ~ 9 featuring , guest speaker Robea Fulghum, author of All I Reallv to Know I Learned h Sister Celestine Marla might


also credit her early school-

ing at 6t.Vincent Academy,

stressed the need for

WhatdoesnurseCelesthe m a nmshaw, SCPI. have in common with Senator John CUenn, an m n a u t ? Both recently ~ ~ ~ im v e dW honorj in the& postdrement yeas. In Senator (uenn's was a Madison Avenue tape pat'ade to celebratehls space. Henshaw, SCN, the prentation of

Spalding rship in N Choice Award"honored her more suietjom - that Of

heIping others.

Both John (Uennand Sister

C e M e IvIarla continued w o r n for the betterment of other p p l e long after retirement from their primary m.In of a tlcker-tape parade, Sister

After fortyeve yeam S i r retired RMn nutsingin

h m p W and nursing homes, and began a more personal approachtoheathcare service by joining the staff of home nursing agencies. midnight hours that few other nurses wanted, the 9 p.m. to 5 am. shift.

"You must deve/ap or

personsl lives, she once


nursing home, or admhhlm br of apsychMichaspital.

mastery of communication skills in order to excel in diverse areas of responsibility. yIou must develop or deteriorate," she stressed. "You cannot stand still,n mesenugget0 of M o m were more m&on materid for w ws ckwzs. she @ them out during her long career - whether she wm a bedside n m , director of a

India w o n elects new leader was recently elected Regional o nal Bfldget Kappalumakal, SCPI.

......... deteriorate"

sister elmtine M& makes time for her of gardening, D knee replacements, to work her v q , garden, the products of which she shares wlth the poor. H o n d for going beyond the call of duty for those in her care,Sister Celestine Maria lives out her motto, "You must develop or deteriorate."

Sister Regina Fidelis Siter Regina Fidelis McMahon died December 25.1998 at CARITAS Medical Center in Louisville, Ky., at the age of 90. She was a native of Hyde Park, Mass. and a member of the Sisters of Charity of PIaZareth for 69 years. Sister Regina Fidelis served as a teacher, superior, and principal in Kentucky, Tennessee and Massachusetts. She is survived by hvo nieces, Lucille M. Batchelder and Regina McMahon, both

of Wollaston, Mass.

Sister M e Victoria Fitzsirnrnons


Sister Marie Victoria Fi-immons died January 8, 1999 at CAlUTAS Medical Center in Louisville. Ky. at the age of 88. She was a lative of Baltimore, Md. and a member of the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth for 57 years. Sister Marie Victoria served as a purchasing agent and administrator in hospitals in Kentucky and Tennessee as well as a secretaq in the Mission Office of the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth. She is survivd by brothers Jack ITtZsimmons of FNiW City, Md.: James Fitzsimmons of Baltimore,

M d : Charles Fitzsiions of Queentown, Md.: sisters Margaret Bradley of Pasadena, Md.: Agnes Eakle of Maniottsville, Md.: and Uizabeth,Hamby of State Road, N.C.

teacher in Arkansas, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Ohio,Tennessee and Virginia. There are no immediate survivors.

engaged in clerical work in Arkansas, Kentucky, Ohio, Tennessee and V i n i a . She is survived by a sister, Mrs. Jane Haulisen of Perry, Mich., and several nieces and nephews.

Sister Charlotte Maria Thompson

Uster Ann Legeay Sister Ann Legeay died March 14,1999 at Nazareth Home in Louisville, Ky. at the age of 85. She was a native of Paducah, Ky. and a member of the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth for 47 years. Sister Ann =Ned as a teacher, counselor, pastoral minister and activities director in Kentucky, Mas= chusetts and Tennessee. She is survived by a brother, August meay of Clintin, Tern.; nephew Michael Legeay of Fort Mitchell, Ky., and two other nephews.

Sister Charlotte Maria Thompson died January 27, 1999 at Nazareth Home in Louisville, Ky. at the age of 91. She was a native of Lexington, Ky. and a member of the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth for 69 years. Sister Charlotte Maria served as a nurse in hospitals in Bardstown, Lexington and Louisville, Ky.: and Ohio as well as in CMdren's Homes in Loulsvie. She Is survived by a sister-in-law, Mrs. Charles Thompson, and several nieces and nephews.

Sister Mary Cattterine ciampbell

Sister Mary Catherine Campbell (formerlyS i e r Sister Margarita Luce Bernard Mary) died on Sister Margarita Luce died March 30 at Flaget Hospital in Bardstown, Ky., at the March 6, 1999 at Nazareth Home in Louisville, Ky. at age of 83.She was a native of Louisville, Ky., and a the age of 92. She was a native of Washington, D.C. member of the Sisters of ChanXy of Nazareth for 55 and a member of the Sisters of Charity of years. Sister Mary Catherine Nazareth for 72 years. Sister =Ned as a teacher in her early career and was later Margarita served as a

"Come, you who are blessed by the Holy One, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsfy and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me. ' Then the jusf will ask: 'When did we welcome you away from home or clothe you in your nakedness? When did we visit you when you were ill or in prison?' The Holy One will answer them: 'I assure you, as offen as you did it for one of the least of my brothers and sisters, you did if for me'. " -Matthew 25: 34-40

I 'I

Sister Thomas R i MHogan Sister Thomas Richard Hogan died on AprU 1 at Nazareth Home in Louisville, Ky., at the age of 86. She was a native of Bmkton, Mass., and a member of the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth for 70 years. Sister Thomas Richard %Ned as a teacher in Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts and Tennessee. She is survived by several nieces and nephews.

Memorid and Honorary Gifts received between December 10,1998 and Ma& 10,1999

Their final service was held Apru 18,1999, and membegan attendhg other ehLcrehes in Louisville yet because of their vision and generosity ministry has not departed, but merely taken another form.


m.Box B

We Sisters of Charity of Nazareth are an international Congregation in a multicultural world. Impelled by the love of Christ, in the tradition of Vincent de Paul and the pioneer spirit of Catherine Spalding, we and our Associates are committed to work for justice in solidarity with oppressed peoples, Especially the economically poor and women, and to care for the earth We risk our lives and resources, both personally and corporately, as we engage in diverse ministries in carrying out his mmion

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