Journey 1999 vol 03

Page 1




Nepal appeals to Catholic sisters for help against prostitution underway for the 2 I women from four districts where prostitution is extensive. The six-month intensive The Nepalese government training program focuses on has oficiiauy asked for help general knowledge of home from Catholic sisters in economics and agriculture. educating poor women Du&g the inaugumtion from rural weas. The ceremony, Daranidhar principal objecb've of the Khatiwada, an assistant hitiative is to mover mhister, explained that the thousands of women who problem of prostitution turn to pmditution because cannot be solved by ministeof poverty and ignorance. rial plans alone. That is why The congregation of the the Kathmandu Mlnistry for Sisters of Chad@of Nazareth Women and social Aff;lirs * -'?as been asked to take on has appealed to the Nazareth &is responsibility. On May congregation, which is 18, the government inauguregistered in the wunby as a mted a Woman's Center in a nongovernmental otganhanew building near the tion, he Said. Nazareth Convent. FormaThe SCNs have already tion courses are already received reqpition from the Nepal= ministers and oficiak for their programs for sociaJ development, Carried out over the past Six years. At present they are

Government publicly recognizes work of Sisters of Charity of Nazareth

DRAMATIC â‚ŹVENTS: To raise awareness about injustice, women dramatize social;sues on street comeB. Here the character of the almost stoic brothel keeper isseated in a position ofpowerandprominem Not unlike an audionee6 the trafficker in commercialsex workers Oeft front), sells the young girls with faces covered as the children pictured in the background view their future fate.

it took a dramatic turn in 1995 when Bombay police raided a red-llght district

and hauled prostitutes away to be sent back to their homes. a i i from Nepal defense of women's rlgbts. who had been sold or up on the lntemet from the tricked into prostitution

loving care changed the lives of many, enabling 13 to return to their homes. Two died From AIDS. Qne remained at the Women's Center to counsel young women similarly trapped in prostitution.

agency on May 29,1999 by Nazareth Academy mna Dona Didnon Cal/agtter, the govemment'o request,

SCN.4, of Gatewl//e, Texas]

SCNs at the Women's Center near Nav JyOtr What have SCNs been School accepted 16. Cecilia doing in Nepal for the past Simick, SCN and doctors at six years to earn this the cllnic examined the reputation locally? young women and several tested HIV p i t i v e . TreatTheSCNs had expanded ment. counselina. . . . ~ ~literacv. ~ ~ their ministry from India ". occupational ski& and into Nepal 20 years ago, but

kresa Madassery and her hard inaugurated a program with an emphasis on pmvention. Women with promising leadership skills were invited to come from areas notorious for prostitution to be trained as animators (or


Continued On Page 12...

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Journey 1999 vol 03 by Sisters of Charity of Nazareth - Issuu