SISTERS O F CHARITY OF N A Z A R E T H / $ew! "fktnetsklh&y"Lkx&kb
SCNs open new fotmation house on Nazareth Campus It was a celebration of something old, some thing new on Sunday, September 8, 1999 as the Nazareth novitiate community hosted an
open house to display their "new" space. Quests dmpped by for tours of NaUvity Hail, the rambung old house that most of them had known for many years. In its long history the house had been a dormitory for novices and junior 7 xofeswd, a mission a c e , headquarters for the Enthmnetnent of the sauRdHf?&OrgklI&& tion, and a rectory. Now
it is taking on a new form which represents new life in the SCN communitythat of a home for the U . S , / B e l i novitiate community. The house is more than a new home for the novitiate. With the entry of six women from Mexico, Belize. Massachusetk~~ wisconsin, New York and Kentucky. Natiity â‚Źâ‚Źall has become a symbol of a new spirit of Ufe in the congregation. This is the largest number of candidates to enter the SCN Communfty at one time
since 1968. Living at the house full-
t h e is Formation Director, Sharon Gray, SCN; canonical novice Higinia Bol from Belize;Beverly Hoffian, SCN,a physcal
needed to accommodate others. A chapel in Nativity Hall provides a welcoming oasis for prayer and reflection. Thisnovitiatecomrnunity's "wdcome" didn't end when the oookies mn out, the guests left and the
therapist who recently celebmted her final vows; and Angela Hicks, SCN. -@-again The Director of vocation ~ H d a t l S O ~ FmmoUon, Luke Boiamki, KoadNazaIeh,wM SCN, nqpkrly joins the aIways rednainan "Open" p u p when she visits house, ready to Wlcome from her Ohio office. thosewhocometo explore or tojoin the The h o w has been appropriately adapted for w m m ~ i n ~ . the life of the residents and it " m e " BS
What's Inside: 2 Destination India 4 Called to the Journey
5 SCNs on the Move 6 Alumni Journeys 7 SCN retreats provide international communitybuilding experience
8 Mapping Out the Journey 9 Partners in Ministry 16 Pelican Partners in Ministry
19 Journeying On...
,- 20 Memorial & Honorary Gifb 24 Postcards from the Journey
y 'f
Location of India's Formation House shifts to Mokama India. The novim and
candidates in India now have their orientation headqu
d v e d guidelines k, use on webmed in the village for study and analysis. and an introductionto herbal and b assist "wefelt for our We
and at the same tlme anxious and fearful as to how the Deoole would
ided by Trudi Maish. SCNA, an
. .. .. . . . .
A new house and expansbn of another open doors of minlstry in India A dream recently became a reality for the 9cNs in India, but especially for 13
young H g a n &is "Har@n," Hindi for "child of (fod," is the name given by (landhi to the "untouchables." On July 16, the SCNs opened a residential basic school for girls at Khutikewal Ashram. The girls are from the remote villages of Huntergullj Development Block and belong to the bottom line of the socia system. "We hope to prepare these girls up to class three, and then help them to get integrated into the existing T
formal schools," said Joel Urumpil, SCN. The syllabus. besides text book knowledge, will include
"Right now there are villages where not even one woman/girl knows how to read and write "
sewing, farming,cooking, small trades such as bee
keeping, incense stick making, etc. T h e environment for this
type of learning is very conducive for the all-round development of these gids," Sister Joel said, "Our hope is that in the come of time, at least a few of these gids will be able to function as field development workers in their own locality. Right now there are villages where not even one woman/girl knows how to read and write," she said. "One of the women who came to admit her granddaughter had this to say: 'We are not hungry for food and clothes, but for knowledge.' To me it was an affirmation of our past
SCN Associates are pioneers in collaboration with vowed members rnAssociates are pioneering a new way of coUabom tion between laity and a vowed reugious
~eSCNAsrsociate(SUYA) p m g m was initiated ne&y thirty years alp to fwmalize a daHonship of coopem tlon and &&on that had ahvap existed fretween the
m c o m m lay P e o p l e . ~forasslstingin the mission ofthe SCN
communttym~~ service, and Bnancialsuppott In the 1990's anew u n w c u n g of the
P-'SpurposeMWto unfold through a pt-ucmsof analpis, theolO$c@ re&€.-
ongoing formatEon of Associ-. SCNs, invited to pmci* in the&?. weekends. shared with the Associates a mutuatly e n r i m experience of community, education and spirituality. Before making a formal commitment 8s an Associate, applicants must attend six weekends and enter into a discernment process with a member of the SCNA Core ComcU. , Commitments 8re renewed thereafter on a scheduled basis. Partlcipationina faith group is also part of the ongoing p r w e ~ ~ . ARer nearly threeyam' experfence with the new focus on formation, there is unprecedented&-
W m council, the foucs of the SCNA program Rom a focus on the SCN Mission to the laity's callby their Baptism to be
CbWslightand in theiihomes and places of work. Today, the pniary P-of&program is to form laity for mission in the spirit and h.gdition of the SCN communitypalrom.satnts Vincent de Bad, MarUlac, and Its Cathehe Spalding, which inspire compasssianate service to others. In Janmy 1997, the
-pmgrama setim of six Formation weekends extending over a two-ywperfodforthe purpose of both initial and
and r a p & €orthe
women, men, single,
Arkamas, and Kentucky have mobilized their energla and momes and given a communal witness to the charism by service to the poor in the arras of housing and literacy. Associates are actively in with the SCNA Rirectar in the development and administration of the -*Progmmthroush membership on the SCNA Core Council.Tbe Core Council is wmpmwd of one SCN and one SCNA from each of the three regions in the United states. SCNs and SCNAs together under the guidance of SCN community leadership are forging
the new relatromhip
vowed kligtous and laity. It is an exciting the full of promise and hope BS the spirihrauty of St. Vincent de Paul, St. Louise de Marlllac, and Mother Catherine Spaldhg is spread throughout the city streets and rural VIOagw by their pionesing lay daughters and wns of the twenty-fbt century. For more informaton about the SCN Associate prqram. contact Marityn Shea, SCN at KO.Box 172, Nma~~th, KY 40048.(502)34&1542, or email at suuYIlyn@SUl~Q.O~ u
to 7Qs, with most being in&eir 40's and 50's. Alttmuut¶ " the
to program, but a cutrent goalistoincreasethe diversity. Recently, Associates in Belize,
SCN Jubilarians recognized SCN aolden Jubilarians were honored on July 18
Ann CiUTdl, Philip
Yi@niaSampn. Mar. 25,1999; Clam
Marfa 12lhs,Robert Ann Cash and Ruth
celebration. FEarig
Ann Huber and
apprecletion to the jubildans when she said, We rejoice in gratitude far your golden years in the S C N Cnngivgation and want you to know how proud we
Catharine Coon,
are of you." she pald tribute to all SCpls celebrating ministry annivem rim and remem-
- beredthose
DD AS COW: Among the SCNs cdebradng50 years of mini* j u b i i who have 1999; M n e 101% df&peS i%J/ Bwgbom (PIOW M, MiChad hby %'Wit, cu IU @ sister MA DavidFord, welcomed famUy tijlilane CatherineRosine Koch, Eula and friends of jubiians and Blandford,Jean praised them for Maria Spanyer, July 19, Include Bernardine Siena Bernadette Roberts, Louise their support when she said. 1999; Agnita Marie m, Aug. O'Nell and Platy Agnella Maria Efhger, Roberta Maria We welcome all of you, our 15, 1999; Jane MW Collins, Mar. 25,1999; Wimpsett, Ruth Bicktt, Ruth SCN famfly and friends, d D i m , Mary M w t JtXTleS Patrick Cronin. July Speer and Thomas Mitiam those who have walked with can; Paschal Maria Fedcola 19, 1999: and Raymunda w i s e , July 19, 1999: and in and Rosemary Reasbeck, Ruh, Dec. 8, 1999. Barbara M e r , Sept. 8, the jmiland Mendship -those who DW. 8, 1999. Those celebrating 70 years 1999. have been with them in SUver Jubilarians Include as ScNs indude Augustlna Those with 55 years as SCNS vows and In minl*r all who AUce Chlrackanal, June 1, Martlsi. Margaret T h o m p n , are Alberta Hoffer,Ann deUght In thb celebration of lggg; ~ a n a Catharine James Cain, Roberta Powers, Barbara Clod's faithful love and the vauaparampu, Jane Martha Joseph Lenahan, Ann aiddings, Joseph Clare response of noble women." and Reena EUmb~thAnn C m b . Mary Terio, Joseph ~arita aolden Jubilarim indude m e m m n e l , Jme 2, HarrIett Wilson and Rita Wheatley, Martha Ann R e k and L.~retto 1999; Anupa Moozha, Lucy Agnes McBride, Mar. 25, MarilUa, Mary Patricia Krimple, Dec. 8, 1998: Puthuhkatt and Pushpa 1999; and Mary Lucina Brennan and Rachel Wdett, Mag@ Fisher, Mar 19. Pmvananickal, Sept. 27, Sheehan, Apr. 19, 1999. Mar. 25, 1999: Camilla Neel, 1999: 4 ~ Pauls 8etabOmt 1999; MYW U C ~ ~ I . mose 85 yas Catherine Lmby, ~ ~ r o t h y M m coon and Thombrakudyil, Rajnl ScpiSareAnnMiliam Osbourn, M a p r e t Cmwley, Rose Raulleen DWbh Mar. Hembmn and Stella Chullyll. Nlgeier, ~ m t Maema, Margaret Siena Sisk, Mary h 25,1999; meen Mary Dec. 27, 1999. Evelyn Hwiey, Fmnces Wedding and Mirian Thk& Meyer, Apr. 25, 1999: Diamond Jubilians celebrat- Euzabeth Hawks, James Olabanieta, July 19, 1999. Michael Mary S m y , ing 75 years as SCNs Clare Thombeny, Patricia Theresa Murphy and TIME+
1958, she d m n preaents heaped under the tree b
her as a devastafed seven-year-old by her teacher, Sister Luuis
That holiday season the secondgmde students at Immacutate n School in Newpert. Ky. had anticipated fhe tsaditional giâ‚Źt exchange for week& As they gathname was m e w a gift except Patty's.Someone had failed to bring a gfft for the exchange but no one would admit to having drawn the name when their teacher gudoned them. The new fessed Sister Jose& thou& quid&. @he" called Patty over and mhed
into the AnglY bottam-
LaWette Acade ere she was once again taught by the Sisters of Charity of N a z a ~ t h then , manied and raised a family. Through the years, the gift of the medal and the love and kindness it represented
became more meaninsful to
"Thank you very, very much for being 50 kind to a li#e girl. "
her. She hm *OWTI
lesS her pocket of ooomoaooo medal and her SCN habit told her story and pulled forth a medd to many people. men of st. Joseph and wve it she related her stov to to the W e &I. JQanne Lehmkuhl Donner, sister of Marlene Immaculate Conceptim School in Newport holds Lehmhhl, SCN, Joanne
special memorks for S i s t e r Louis Joseph, now
told her Sister Louis Joseph's new name and
her whereabouts.
Now 61 Frcjst wrote a bmer teacher and sent a picture of the St. Joseph medal she cherishes to this day. Frost writes, "I have always treasured my medal. St Jaseph is very dear to me. 1 have three sons and three gmdmns and St. Joseph always watches over them." Teaching is so often a thanklessjob. Once in a m a t while something happem to make all the sacrifices and worries worthwhile. Su e case for Sister Ann when Patty wrote, "hank you very, veq much for being so kind to a lltue girl."
Women in Various Stages of SCN Formation
SCN Areas d Ministry 134 - I?,DIJCATIQN
Sources of Funds ...
(Fiscal year, ending August 31,991
_- _,.,. .. .
C ~ & e ~ o m 86,745.00 Schools
....... .......... ......
....... ........ ............ .. ...
$56,874.04 $17,455.38
......... .......... ........... ...........
The Sister
rarrners in rviinisrty
, ..
Paririeo ;I? Mini*:
September 1, 1998 - August 31, 1999
Partnen in Minisfry September 1, 1998 August 31, 1999 ~
Pahe6 in Minim: September 1.1998 - Aueod 31.1999
P.O. Box 24
Nazareth. KY 40048
Please send -copies of FIFTY MONSOONS: Minis& of C b m Throuah Women of IndQ by Patricia KeUey, SC:N at $1 1.95 per copy plus tax ($. 72 for Kentucky mailings only) and $3.00 Shipping and Handling. Name Street
A State
Total Enclosed
Phone No. of copies x 11.95 + tax + 3.00 Shipping and Handling
Pelican Club Membetx September 1,1998 - August 31,1999
The pelican I s the traditional symbol of the Sisters of Charity of N m t h . Legend tells how this unique bird will feed her young with her blood when no other means of food is avallable. The pelican then will give her life in order to save her little ones. In a similar spirit Of love, the SCNs live out life and mission. In honor of this self-sacrificing spirit, donors who give between $100 and $249 annually m given membership in the SCN Pelican Club. Donors who give between $250 and $499 annually m Silver Pelicans. Those who give $500 to $999 annually are Ruby Pelicans. Golden Pelicans give $1.000 to $9,999 annually and Diamond Pelican Club members are those who contribute $10,000 or more annually to SCN Missions. Our deepest gratitude goes to DkkRlall
Albett m d &liae Dirsa Jerome and Beauw Domek Anni and Ron h a h u e John Donoghue, Jr. John J. Donwan
Susan P. oavney JaniceDownsSCN Mr. and Mrs. James DRa Or. James F. D m m d a d Judith ti.
Dnunmond Mary P. DUmpeIt
Rose Kathleen Dwbin SCN
M.Jane Eaves ME. Sue Edunans KiX4 Joseph and M;oy Elder Ann A. Fdliott Rita mgielt SCN
Pauline Evans David and Margmt EvTard J. Dennis Cad@& Ih.D.
Ritav.w Stephen and Adeke calla Mary Jeanette Cambmn AnnaM&cSnryr=N M a r u p l R Capdola Jeanne Carey Juardtacantco J. Leo and PIcarrim U col. and J.T. cawiie John and aladys Case Wakth Caswell Sandy and Domlnic
Frank and YolaAda mukuo
Rob and matia Fedede Col. and MIS. Phitip Pederle BLBnca Fernandez k Richard perzoco Yolanda k F-eRnco h.and Flrs manlJ.
Wer Helen Finnemn John and Maiy Fltzsinnnm Swan plach John and Kathleen pleming Sam and ROSeIMIY
T e r n Cecil Frank J. CepOUina RaChael and Jske
V!@nia Foley aay and Bwan
chack0 ctakchase Marspret and David
Chop FrancesBenitaWark
Folkman S w e F'oody B e r n Pooae EarlA.FMk6
aeorge and s~ntinatih Phlllp Mada Pub SCN
wiuiam Fumy
Pe/imClub Members: septembw 1,1998 August31,1599
Pe/im Club MembeE: September 1,1998 - August 31,1999
Andrew Maria Cass, SCN SiAndreWMaria(iassdied On~ll.1999atstRita Nu&g Home in Columbus, Ohioattheageof78.Shewas a native ofF&net?s, Md. and a rnemberoftheSistersof Charity of N a m & for 56 years. SisterAndIw#Maria w e d as ateacher and principal in schools in Kentucky, Ohio a d Vit@ia. A twin
&,MIs.mary~of Chevy C b e cMd., survives her.
Thomas Mary Angermeier, SCN
Sister Thomm Mary Angermeier died on July 14, 1999 at NLzareth Home in Ky at the age of 94. native of Louisville, and a member of the Sisters of C h m of Nazarekh for 74 years. Sister Tbomas M a y principal in schools in A r W , Kentucky, Mary land, Tennessee, Ohio and W@k. She also Served fOr six years at the Nazareth Motherhouse. Survivors include several nephews.
CatherSne Clare Glaser, SCN Sier Gathehe Clare Q l w r died on August 29,1999 at Nazareth Home in Louisville, Ky. at the age of 86. A native of Belialre, Ohio, she was a member of the SMem of Charsty of Razrekh for 68 years. sister Catherine Clare served as a teacher, dietitian and patatoral associate in schools and hospitals in -
Kentucky, Ohio, Mmachw s&ts and A&mm.She taught home economics and science at Presentation
Academy, Nazareth College and Catherine Spalding College. She served as a dietitian at St. Joseph Inflrmaty and at Our Lady of Peace Hospital. Survivors include two sisters, Frances k n h d of Pentield, N.Y. and Evelyn Maxh of Wheeling W.V., and a brother, Thomas Glaser of St. ClairsvUle, Ohio.
Anne Hom'gan, SCN S i r Anne norrigan (formerly S i r Anita) died on September 7, 1999 at the SCN Apartments in Louiwik at the age of 88. She was a native of Wilmington, Delaware and a member of the Slsters of Charity of Nazareth for 70 years. Sier Anne m e d in X N central administratlon and as a teacher and college professor in Kenhicky, Massachusetts, MissOud and Qhio. She is survived by a sister, Sister Margaret Mary Hotrip, of the Sacred Herut 0. Carm.. Louisville, Ky.; and two brothers. Rt Rev. Mm.
Margaret Teresa Seigman, SCN S
i MargaretTeresa i died On September 7,1999 at Nazareth Home in Louisville at the age of 93. A MVeOf Li@ie she W a s a member of the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth for 73 years. Sister Marsmt Teresa served BS a nume and 85 a hospital administrator in Arkansas and Kentucky, She is survlved by a brc&%, Joseph J. Seigman of N e w York Ctty, N.Y. *
Eileen Newman, SCN Mary Clements, SCN S i r Eileen Newman died on September 8,1999 at Nazareth Home in Louisville at the age of 90. She was a native of Louisville and a member of the Sisters of Charity of N m t h for 69 years. Sister Eiieen sewed as a teacher in Alabama, Arkam sas, Kentucky, Maryland, Mmachas&s, Ohio and Tennessee.There are no immediate survivors.
Mary Clements, X N (formerly Sister Margaret Joseph) died on odober 10, 1999 at Nazareth Home in Louisville at the age of 88. She was a native of Morganfield, Ky. and a member of the Sisters of Charity of Flazareth for 68 years. Sister m e d as a teacher in Arkansas, Kentucky, Ohio and Tennessee. She is survived by a sister,Ann Hite of phoenixville, Perm..
Agnes Paul Bergbm, SCN
Sister A l h Ahell
sister Agnes Paul Bergbom died on September 14, 1999 at Nazareth Home in Louisville at the age of 77. She was a native of Newport News, Va. and a member of the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth for 52 p r s . Sister %Ned a teacher, bookstore manager and director of arts and craft8 in Kentucky, Ohio,Tennessee and Vitginia Swlvors include several nieces and nephews.
Sister mce w n a Mills died on October 5 at Nazareth Home in LouIsvlUe at the age of 93. She was a native of Henderson, Ky. and a member ofthe si&rsof charity of piazareth for73 years, sister as a teacher in Kentucky and Ohio as well as a personnel cle& and sewby. Survivm indude five sisters,meresa ~ a v i s Mary , Sipson and Edwina Flora, all of Morganfiddi Eleanor Stokes of Evansville, Ind: and Anna Clements of Uniontown, Kgr.
Sister Alberta Abeli (formedy S i r Alberta Maria) died on Oct. 17atcaritaSMedical Center at the age of 83. She
a native of St. Mary County, Md. and was a member of the Sisters of C M t y of lyazareth for 65 years. S i as a WBS
teacher in Kentucky, Vk@&, Ohio and Massachusetts, as librarian at Spalding University and in religious education, parish minisby and pastoral care. She is survived bv three
Loretta E. Taylor Of st.W S City, Md.: and two brothers, J. Abell Of McchanlwvUle, Md., and J. Perry Abell of ComF'h Md..
C0nedlon: In the summer edition of the SCN Jome$, CUldW m& of & n ~ q ,A&,, ~m u&& a surviving sister of &&am M&, ~ 8 . candidrcspjok h% brother. we
m,a fora
MBllWd and Honwary Giftsmeived between June 23,1599 through August 37,1999
S3 psnocites Hardebexk
S W Gdylrmraz
f%EILlEOAKWD 5. Cornellw Keatbg S.Ai?DW%VMARUMss
M. Ludran
WlUiam J. Ryan emUy\Jae Jansen Anna Catheline Meyer John\FAizabeth i i w
S. Maureen Taaffe meallu Bonamim SCNS OLN CoBVent S.LMdsesmiu1 m n l eGmnn
BEBBERTcJOmsR Jlm\Heien Rowe
A n m
A n m
BacRew;Y S Mmtha Louise Wdsh ImmMAEYBlEPEll
wLuM(1wRBe MSCFi REV. rnQlEsu3R
S Brendu Gonz%l&8 OcAstaR m\II&E JoflR . alIAwnl
s. tkbm oi!nEtu
s.cmwm&ARe(IwsEII Srs.C!ara\Rachel Wlilett melyn Mitsrh Mary Wen kW Wy N e w m b
MudredE Palen SWIS Ob'i Convent
Joseph Losordo EVA 85AE WDwlcR timmelh Campus W c e Aua! m m Y 8 WeUw KeaUm~
S. 'ThnesaMurphy Sm.Antion& & Ann W - .....
SCNs 2 We$
SCNs\Greaton Rd. MAByARnDEGRAwo YOLnda Peaow
Ydanda P e m
P n W L r n r n W Mary Crulse Mn.James Magalre
mT. Muy
S Evelyn Hurfey 5. MW Ludna Sheehaa MR(insrxDR16cou X N s Norihern Region S Anna Marie Canary s m e b n e Dnscou Jlm\Helen b w e m3LLaEcoLELluR-rn Joanne Coleman JACK MS@AlUM
s. Emily An" Apppleton
PAT FWlBKtACJi S. Liz Wendein DR\MR& Ja898 FEMKRXi Anne F. W~cd. T.O. Carm. CATtiERlNE FTZFATRICK W n l a Poky S. N M E vIcx)iUA mzSIMMONS Ma-3 Rkqlmmons
S. Mary Barbara Mnlg
5. 'Theresa Murphy SCNs 2 West S. Lauk Smith S. Nice M t a Kern
O c A m 9.Mary Couettc (Bone eDMQAlAmEAu
MFJKIIEAAMPXIN Sm Marlene S . \ M l y n 5.
&mu& Grzeblen wlUlAMBARRl%L Leola Downs SCEVI J. EEWEL. Jahn\Mary Lou Spoelkw Margam\Vincenr Spoelker s .A ua! w I m m David W e m a n JOYCE IilJFmAn Sn. E a r h H.\miiip M d a F s.AmEAoRRI(uII
Mr.\Mrs. Aiihw N. BecVar Roben\Anne G m James\floy MeaJher Nancy Owen Rollins May Agw.5 knihan Dr.\Am Thomas Sheehan 5n Mary D.!Juba D.\BartmraM. Sn. Phylib D.\PatW Ms Wlhelrmoa Brady SCNA Mmy Jean Corcoraa Robe~t\ShIrieyDpsmond htherine QramigGodbey
Connie K Lusher SCM June P McCmihy Marjorie S.Annlng
Stepnanie rn Mr.\Mts. John T. ooughelty MaYgarel Ann Hon+@m Evelyn M d e McKune Jane\F?ank M m Mmy E SchuPter SCM J.A.\Maly T. Stertenpohl fflberta\Ckke Fenimore
rnchmmoan V
O U ~
mace BUM rwtha\& O i d i w S.M"GUtIMUWWBI5 S. tkbm MimeW IUIVACS s. Marietta Pumg BemldNlHSY'SRiOTUEBCAUNI 5. Maureen w n i ROY WUAWIOM w.\~rs. ScMtNben DGRlS u)soRDO
Bonnle\Paui Jfannettc nmMhy\Teresa Bugas 5. Mary Ludna Sheehan 516. Wrouly M . \ C W M. 9 3 s Northern Region Sn. of st. BrI@ Convent s. Anna Made Canmy 5. Janet Oougheny S.M e Hill S.Bamara Petelson 5s. Mary EUzabetWShaIW Srs. ClamRachel willen Srs. Josephme\Pat\Maiha Geor@\Barbara Fmbie 3. Norma AlexaWr S.Evelyn Hurley Srs. F~IYIU~ D.\Pat W
SIX. Mariene L \Marilyn 5. 5. Maureen Taafie of Eleanor Makin The QueiMn 9 MWWtMey
S Brenda Gomles
S Joan Robishaw Sn, Ellen Paul M.\Shirley H. Sn. Alice G.\PeasyE S Marla Job Kdiey SCNs Om Convenl S u2 Wendeln Sn. h U y Ann\Eldfie Srs, Ann Wctorie\Antoinettc SIX. Mary\Joha\Barham Woodbwy Schml 9 Wanstenken s. Diane mam 8 NWnn lauise Hawer 9. Susan Nib SCh2 wat
Sn. Mmy P \Theresa G
Memorial and Honomry GI& received &tween September 1 through October 31,7999
Marian CuGmne Rev. John Dwrman S. Javl Rohishaw
S. Joan Koblshaw
Sa.Bridpld C\Caml R. J m i M m W s O P lees S Brenda Oanzalep
Mary Kennedy The nennessy Fmiw EIILEI(IHwAucI?n 5. Matian stenken
Sa. Ceieste\Anna Catharlne\Mary M S. Joseph M d t a Wheatley
S. Anna Made Canary ~.ShalhliD.\Mar,EUzabethM.
Nazareth Villages celebrates twenty years of caring c a m p until 1971. ARerthat. the Sisters of charfb of tiaza&deddedlocontinue wingthe build@% wbkh
wtre once wed to house students, to serve the The sktm dedded the needs oftheelderlympmbabiy oneofthegiwtestnwdsb
We Sisters of Charity of Nazareth are an international Congregation in a multicultural world. lmpelled by the love of Christ, in the tradition of Vincent de Paul and the pioneer spirit of Catherine Spalding, we and our Associates are committed to work for justice in solidarity with oppressed peoples, especially the economical poor and women, and ti care for the earth. We risk our lives and resources, both personally and corporately, as we engag in diverse ministries in carrying out this missior;