Journey 2000 vol 03

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Sisters of Charity of Nazareth gather from around the world for General Assembly Gods blessings poured forth fkom all directions as

of Charity of Congtq@iongath Nazareth. Ky. June 23-30 for General Assembly 2000. Voices of excitement Nled Nazareth as Sisters fmm the U.S., Belize, Nepal, Indfa and Nicaragua came home to celebrate, share and

reflect on their Mission Statement, the theme of


Jubilee, and the future direction of the Congregation. Maria Vincent B m t o , SCN President, said in her addma, ""hiis is a holy and special time, as Assemblies

What's Inside: 2 Anna Marie Canary XN, to leave Annual Giving Post 2 Cassllda castell, SCN, to assume Director of

Development position

3 XNs lead in inaugurating Nepal'strst private center for the mentally ill 4

Donon complete the picture of SCN Center Belize

5 SCMs an the move 6 Alumni Journeys 7 Journeying On

8 Memorial and HonMary gifts

are meant to be. This is a time of homecoming and reunion This is our time together - ow SCN family is alive and well and doicing to be in Assembly." She called on the Congregation to think about ways to celebrate, live justice, offer forgiveness, build relationships, and rest in God. The Jubilee theme reflected the Catholic Church's proclamation of 2000 as a year of Jubilee. Throughout the seven days of the Qeneral Assembly those gathered celebrated evevthing the Congregation has Uved around the Mission Statement in the last five years and reflected on the question of: Where is Ciod adling us now? Prayer and liturgies focused on the Jubilee themes and were woven throughout the weeKs

continuously interacting with community. Lucille E'hipps, SCN, commented, "The most meaningful part of the General Assembly that will stay with me was Pat Ketiey's homily. "he closing statement, 'th& we may be intoxicated with the f i i of love,' continues to rhg in my heart." As a day of silence and reflection, Tuesday's morning prayer service and afternoon liturgy invited partidpants to experience the Jubilee t h e m of nciliation and f o m ness. The Gospel told the

story of the bent-over woman whom Jesus invited to stand &&hL In her n homily, XNA ~ e a Denny

entreated all present to seek out the marginalized, the bent and those in need of mercy. In Thursday's celebration of internationality, SCN Vice President Shalini D'Souza emphasized in her homily that the Congregation is now followingin the footsteps of foundms Mother Catherine Spalding, who dreamed of new ways to respond to the signs of the times. T h e decisions made by SCNs have changed the destiny of India, Nepal, Belize and Nicaragua; and soon to be Botswana: she said. The celebration, which honored in particular the

Congregation's recent Contihued on Pqe I2

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agenda. DuringSunday's i i t q g Patricia Ketiey. SCN presented an insightful homily on the Body of Christ, emphasb ing that social justice and Eucharistic adoration must not be mutually exclusive, but


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fwrsed on "breads of the world '' SCNs and aam'ates & ;; I bringa bread wrth them to the h b l y h i & represented their he&ge. 7 adsandan anangement of wheat decoratedthe alter of St Vincent Chud~,andwereusedin C o m i m mi meals thmehod the week Pich~redfrwn left ripht - ,Dresenbi7cr breadare SCNs f m Mi& L o b and Rose P/atho&fhil


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Journey 2000 vol 03 by Sisters of Charity of Nazareth - Issuu