Journey 2006 vol 01

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Spring 2006


Hurricane Katrina: Six months later


Love is the biggest wave


Experiencing India


Women’s Day in Delhi


“Mornin’ Sista” LIMEX Students celebrate


Volunteers build house and change lives The SCN Family grows


OLN alumnus honored SCN named outstanding female leader


Ministry Highlights

10 Family Highlights 11 Journeying On 12 Memorial/Honorary donations

Mother Catherine Spalding reveals herself in a new biographical book Orphaned after the death of her mother and abandoned by her father, pressed into service in times of cholera and war, recognized for bold business moves, devastated after her younger sister was poisoned — great story lines for a work of fiction? Actually these are some of the details of Catherine Spalding’s amazing life as told in a new book, PioneerSpirit: Catherine “Pioneer Spirit: Catherine Spalding, Sister of Charity Spalding, Sister of Nazareth,” can be ordered of Charity of from the Catherine Spalding Nazareth, by Bookshop at (502) 348-1514 or Mary Ellen request the biography through Doyle, SCN. your local book store. The first biography to be written about the foundress of the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth, the book journals the Mother Catherine’s life as few know it today – from letters and personal accounts, shedding light not only on her many accomplishments but on who she was inside, Catherine as a real person.

ABOVE RIGHT -- The cover of the Mother Catherine biography. ABOVE LEFT --- Bishop Flaget Log House where SCN pioneers first lived in the early 1800s.

16 Capital Prize Winner

Elected at age 19 to head the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth, Mother Catherine founded Louisville’s first private hospital, the first social service agency for children in Kentucky and numerous educational institutions including Nazareth Academy and Presentation Academy. The idea of writing a biography of Mother Catherine was born in 1994, says Sister Mary Ellen, adjunct associate professor at Spalding University in Louisville, Ky. Over the next 12 years Sister Mary Ellen discovered Mother Catherine bit by bit, many times amazed at what she found. “I was really surprised to find out how much could be known, that it was possible to get at her temperament and character,” Sister Mary Ellen explained. “She was more humorous than I knew, she was more vulnerable than I ever expected.” Mother Catherine’s life story reflects the history of early Catholicism in Kentucky, the struggle of women’s education in the South, and is an inspiring account of an adventurous woman who blazed a trail in a male-dominated society. Sister Mary Ellen says she wants her book to inspire all ages. “I hope that they not only read the book but reflect on Catherine -- who she was, what she stood for and how she lived,” Sister Mary Ellen said. The story definitely inspired Spalding University student Heather Gross, who attended a recent book signing and heard Sister Mary Ellen speak. The following day, despite limited resources and little free time, Heather joined the Big Brother/Big Sister Program. She wrote in an essay, “Catherine Spalding felt it was important to look out for her community, and stand up for what is right, and challenge what is wrong, even if you have to write a couple of letters...I am current proof that Catherine Spalding is still influencing and making a difference in this world.” Mary Ellen Doyle, SCN, interacts with readers during her recent book signing at Spalding University, Louisville, Ky.

Sisters of Charity of Nazareth

Destination: United States Hurricane Katrina: Six months later on the Gulf Coast The effects of last year’s deadly hurricane season linger. In March, Kitty Wilson, SCN, visited SCN Family members in the affected southern states who are still struggling with the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina:

This bridge, broken into pieces, resembles dominoes lying on top of one another.

During her two-hour drive along 50 miles of the Mississippi Gulf Coast, Sister Kitty was overwhelmed by the damage done to homes, businesses, churches, schools, hotels, service stations and casinos. “Hundreds of trees are dying from the standing salt water. Bridges are lying in gigantic chunks in the water and barges are resting on top of demolished homes. Boats are on land; billboards are ripped from the ground; traffic lights and poles are down. Three FEMA “trailer cities,” sit empty. Even though people are working hard repairing and replacing what they can, progress is painfully slow. Piles of debris and trash are everywhere,” she said. On her trip throughout devastated areas of the South, Sister Kitty spent the night with Janice Richards, SCN, a social worker for Sacred Heart Southern Missions in Walls, Miss. Sister Janice has helped about 60 displaced families and individuals. Among them was a woman named Gail Collins, whose home, in the 9th Ward section of New Orleans, is still in ruins. Steps are all that remain of this home along the Gulf of Mississippi. The family is now living in a trailer.

Fleeing New Orleans, Gail brought her family to Walls. In the days following the hurricane, instead of dwelling on her own problems, Gail volunteered to work with other evacuees.

Over the last six months, she and others have had to struggle through a bureaucratic nightmare to get any assistance. This includes making daily calls to FEMA, HUD Housing and insurance companies hoping to get a person -- not a busy signal or a message. Gail, like so many displaced by Hurricane Katrina, no longer has a job in New Orleans or a home that is livable. Yet she must keep up mortgage payments while at the same time paying rent on an apartment. “Waiting is what God is asking us to do right now,” says Gail. “We wait for FEMA. We wait for the political foolishness to end. We wait to see what’s next in store for us. Will we ever go home? We don’t know the answer to that question. So we wait.” Donations to the SCN Hurricane Relief Fund will continue to be used to assist people like Gail and dozens of other families with rent, utility expenses, furniture and cards for gasoline, food,clothing, and other household items. For more information go to



Sisters of Charity of Nazareth Spring 2006

ABOVE LEFT -- Janice Richards, SCN, right, a social worker for Sacred Heart Southern Missions in Walls, Miss., helps a family displaced by Hurricane Katrina. ABOVE RIGHT -- St. Martin Middle School is one of the many damaged schools along the Gulf Coast in Mississippi. Children attend classes in trailers.

Destination: India Love is the biggest wave Anniversary theme of Caritas India for the Dec. 26, 2004, tsunami

“We are grateful ‘til our death” for all that donations have made possible. These were the powerful words of thanks from a group of tsunami survivors in Vailankanni, India. As they spoke to a group of SCN representatives visiting the tsunami-stricken areas, sturdy new homes rose toward the sun, while older children went about their day caring for newborn siblings. Not far from the site where the groups met, a mass grave containing 900 tsunami victims stood as testimony of the destruction. Despite the loss the 2004 deadly tsunami caused, more than a year after, the SCN group found hope and gratefulness where despair once encompassed everything.

A mass grave where 900 tsunami victims are buried in Vailankanni is testimony of the devastation. Vailankanni, one of the hardest hit areas, is also seeing tremendous tsunami relief efforts through Caritas India, a relief organization in the area. The organization received over $300,000 from SCN Family donors. The SCN group saw firsthand the many ways the organization has put those funds to use. Roselyn Karakattu, SCN, director of psychosocial rehabilitation with Caritas India, reported that donated funds from organizations around the world have provided: • 1,109 new boats • 1,001 boat engines • 1,737 boat repairs • 34,549 fishing nets

Roselyn Karakattu, SCN, right, talks with women in Vailankanni, India, about their business endeavors in the aftermath of the tsunami that left them homeless. Signs that life is returning to normal in Vailankanni for tsunami victims - many new babies and many new homes.

• Over 17,000 permanent homes are still in the process of being built. Temporary shelter is being provided for thousands of families who await the completion of permanent homes. In addition, these funds contributed to another kind of vital restoration – that of the spirit and mind of those affected. Through various programs: • 7,974 people have participated in vocational training. • 854 self-help groups have been formed. • 76,000 educational kits were given to local students.

A video of the relief efforts in Vailankanni is available on request. For more information call the SCN Office of Congregational Advancement at (502) 348-1578.

Sisters of Charity of Nazareth

Spring 2006


Destination: India



“I couldn’t believe I was flying through the streets of India on the back of a bicycle rickshaw darting in and out of traffic. I had never felt so alive. Finally I was here --- experiencing India!” Diane Curtis, director of communications

Diane Curtis, director of communications for the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth, flew to India in late January eager to travel with SCN President Shalini D’Souza to as many SCN ministries as possible. Diane wrote in her journal that every experience “stretched” her, especially one night that challenged her to think about what it means to risk. In a whirlwind two weeks, I journeyed thousands of miles across northern India. My emotions ran the gamut from pure joy to momentary fear depending on where my travels took me. One of my more profound experiences came about while visiting a remote village in the state of Bihar. Sister Shalini and I left Mokama early one morning, inching along a narrow one lane road in fog so thick we could barely see to drive. The distances between each town grew larger, the road became more treacherous as huge rocks jutted out of the earth. There was little sign of life – human or animal. The paved road gave way to a river, on the other side we followed a dirt path full of holes and bumps until the path seemed to disappear. When we arrived at the


Sisters of Charity of Nazareth

Spring 2006

ministry site, for the first time in my life, I had the sensation of feeling like I was in the middle of nowhere. Our Sisters, far from any town, spend their days running a school, hostel, clinic, and an empowerment program for women. The impact the Sisters have on hundreds of lives is overwhelming. That day we hiked several miles to a village where the women earn money by making plates out of leaves, and the older children are kept from attending school to care for younger siblings. I was an oddity, a woman in pants, with light skin, freckles, and oddly colored hair. The children followed me from house to house. Back at the convent that night, the Sisters talked about the frequent attacks and threats over the last year. In the first attack, about 20 men armed with guns and knives broke into the convent, held the women and children at gunpoint, and ransacked the house. With little chance of being caught, the men keep coming back - always armed and in the middle of the night. (continued on page 5)

Destination: India

Over 500 women speak out on Women’s Day More than 500 women spoke out about equality and social justice at aWomen’s Day celebration in the Delhi, India, slums. SCNs Ann Moyalan and Lilly Beck organized the four-hour program in March that highlighted several women’s issues. Shalini D’Souza, SCN President, addressing the crowd in Hindi, congratulated the women on their accomplishments, recounted the history of women’s oppression, and urged the women to continue their quest for justice and equality. She assured them of continued SCN support and presence. There are many success stories in the struggling Muslim community in Delhi where SCNs minister. Sister Ann tells about a woman named Nawaben who was deprived of a chance to go to school. Like many other women in the slums, having no identity of her own, Nawaben tailored day and night to support her family. When a center for non-formal education was opened in her neighborhood, Nawaben became involved. Initially, many laughed at her. Gradually she learned to read and write and later she was asked to teach tailoring. Today she is respected and held as an example for other women. Nawaben says with pride, “Look at me. If I can learn, you can, too.”

Former SCN President, Dorothy MacDougall joins Ann Moyalan, SCN, to talk with several of the women taking SCN classes in the slums of Delhi, India.

Experiencing India

Thick fog surrounds the gardens and a statue of Mother Catherine just outside the Motherhouse in Mokama, India.

Above left: This woman lives in a village miles away from any town. Daily she washes the only three pans she owns. She sparingly uses water as it is scarce in the region. Above right: This home in a village just outside Mokama can barely be seen in the early morning fog.

(continued from page 4) That night I bolted myself in the bedroom – checking and rechecking the locks. Unable to sleep, my heart raced and so did my thoughts, I played out an attack in my mind and how I might react. I worried about the safety of the Sisters, especially the one sleeping closest to the front door -- Sister Shalini. I was surely experiencing for just a few hours what the Sisters must face on a nightly basis. At breakfast the next morning, we each acted as if it had been “just another night” until Sister Shalini asked if anyone else had heard banging on the gate and footsteps just outside our bedroom windows.

As I traveled across India, I visited many ministry sites where Sisters have been attacked or threatened, where they live in isolation, or come in contact on a daily basis with deadly diseases. Our SCN Mission statement says, “We risk our lives and resources, both personally and corporately, as we engage in diverse ministries in carrying out this mission.” It is one thing to read these words; it is another to witness them. Writer’s note : For the safety of our Sisters and their ministries, I chose not to use names or locations. Sisters of Charity of Nazareth

Spring 2006


Destination: Belize “Mornin’ Sista” Sister Rita’s sabbatical Rita Davis, SCN, recently spent one month on sabbatical in Belize. Below is the story of her experience: What happens on sabbatical does not stay on sabbatical. The comforting constant rustle of palm leaves from the sea breeze and the frequent shout of “Mornin’ Sista” from “street guests” awakened me each day to the people, experiences, sights and sounds of Belize. One goal of my sabbatical month was to meet Frank Lizama and his son Robert, both wood carvers. For the last 8 years as manager of the Nazareth Arts Gift Shop, I watched guests light up when they saw Frank and Robert’s lovely creations - zericote crosses, Eucharistic and fruit plaques and other sculptures

Rita Davis, SCN, points to a road sign – Sr. Mary Lynn Fields Rd. The road was named in Sister Mary Lynn’s honor after her tragic death in an automobile accident in El Salvador. Sister Mary Lynn started her ministry in Belize in 1975.

Another personal goal was to volunteer in the community. I tutored students at St. Martin’s School in Belize City where I often enjoyed chats with Ms. Sinclair, the Principal, and Mr. Potts, the Assistant Principal. Over the month, I was also treated to a two-hour drive to Dangriga where Rosemarie Kirwan, SCN, navigated through rustic streets until we found “Sr.Lynn Fields Rd.” The road was dedicated to Mary Lynn Fields, SCN, who began her Dangriga ministry in 1975.

Rita Davis, SCN, shares a smile with Robert Lizama. Sister Rita visited Belize and met with Robert and his father, Frank. Sister Rita sold Lizama carvings for years in the Nazareth Arts for Life Gift Shop.

In January the Belizean weather is cooler so other side trips were doubly enjoyable. These included viewing miles of orange groves on the ride to and from Dangriga, seeing the rescued animals in their natural habitat in the Belize Zoo, experiencing a Mayan ruin, walking through downtown Belize and delivering food to people in need, chatting with street vendors in the city, and a lovely day on Caye Caulker. Most importantly, I was able to share life with our Sisters who minister lovingly under challenging conditions there each day.

Would I go back? When does the plane leave?!

Belize students celebrate a first - graduation from LIMEX Professor Maggie Cooper, SCN, has much to celebrate this spring - she watched 16 of her students graduate. After four years of intense study, these leaders in the community, classroom and church became the first class from Belize to graduate from the Loyola University Institute for Ministry (LIMEX). These 16 men and women have been a part of an extension program from Loyola University sponsored by St. John’s Junior College. Five of the graduates travelled from Belize to New Orleans in April to participate in graduation exercises at Loyola University. The following month, all of the graduates were honored at a special Mass and reception at St. John’s Junior College in Belize. Ten students have earned master’s degrees in either religious or pastoral studies, six others have completed the requirements for Certificates. This is how one student described his experience, “There is nothing simple about it...the simplest way for me to express the impact that this program is having on my life is to say that LIMEX is making me a better person; a better husband, father, friend, school leader, and Catholic.”

6 Sisters of Charity of Nazareth Spring 2006

Lay Mission Volunteers

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Ten SCN Lay Mission Volunteers traveled to Belize for a week in February. In collaboration with Hand in Hand Ministries, the group built a house in five days, visited SCN ministry sites in Belize City, and spent an afternoon at the Belize prison. As Mary Jo Kruer writes, the experience not only changed the life of a family in Belize, but the lives of the volunteers as well.


Volunteers build house and change lives

This was my first experience of the “up close and personal” aspects of such poverty. After seeing human beings living in wooden boxes called ‘houses’ on a swampland with streets of mud and gravel, garbage and open sewers, I was stunned and felt numb. How can this be? Our group went with a particular goal in mind – to build a house for a family who had none. In the process of hammering, drilling, mixing concrete, carrying materials, and charging batteries, I found myself connecting with people. I came to know Wendy, for whom we were building the house, and some of her family. Wendy, a mother of seven children, is a woman of strong faith who possesses a great love for her children and desires to have their basic needs met. She didn’t ask for anything outrageous, just for simple things. She asked for beans, rice, flour and sugar. She asked for bed linens.

Lay mission volunteers visiting Belize gather proudly outside the home they built for Wendy and her family. Wendy is pictured in the center wearing a blue shirt and denim shorts, her children are playing around her.

And we didn’t build her a mansion, but a 16-by-16 wood-siding house with one wall dividing it into two rooms.

We worked hard and finished the house right on time When we realized it was done, Wendy and I hugged eac other, and jumped up and down in excitement. I aske her what she wanted to do first after it was finished an she replied, “Have it blessed!” And that we did. My heart ached with the suffering, the need, the poverty and the pain but I rejoiced with the faith and blessings. My soul stirred with the celebration and joy. My heart was etched forever by this immersion experience.

The SCN Family grows as Sister Christine Beckett tranfers vows Sister Christine Beckett from the Glenmary Sisters transferred perpetual vows to the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth on March 18 in St. Vincent Church at Nazareth, Ky. The opening song composed by Sister Chris—”Charity, The Dance of the Love of God”—expressed the theme of the celebration. In her homily, Maria Vincent Brocato, SCN, began: “I’ve come this night to tell you the story of a woman with a call, a woman seeking to be faithful in response—a woman willing to pay the price of that response—a woman dedicated to the value of religious life for the mission of the Church and the good of God’s people—a woman we know and love as family member or friend, a woman whose name is Christine. Christine Beckett.” Sister Maria continued, “After 33 years of insight and service as a Glenmary Sister in ministry to people of the South, to Appalachia, and to prisoners, Susan Gatz, SCN, performs a liturgical Chris again answered a call to leave the familiar and dance following the transfer of vows embrace a new place, a new spirituality, a new charism, by Sister Chris Beckett. a new way of being for God’s SCNs Barbara Peterson and Chris people.” Beckett share a light moment after the celebratory mass. Sisters of Charity of Nazareth

Spring 2006


Sharing The Journey

OLN alumnus honored as orthopedic leader in Virginia

Louis Ripley, left, and Charles Bray, retired orthopedists,treated polio patients during the 1950s polio epidemic.

The motto chosen by the 1932 graduating class of Our Lady of Nazareth High School in Roanoke, Va.--To the faithful, reward is certain-- was Photo courtesy of The Roanoke Times especially prophetic for one young man. Dr. Louis P. Ripley, orthopedic surgeon from1948 to 1994 and OLN alumnus, was recently recognized by the Roanoke Academy of Medicine for lifetime achievements especially for his work with polio patients in the 1950s. In the summer of 1950 Wythe County Memorial and Crippled Children’s Hospital was the only facility in southwestern Virginia that took in patients suffering from acute polio. Young orthopedists Louis Ripley and Charles Bray found themselves in the middle of an epidemic. “We practically lived at the hospital for the 10 weeks the epidemic raged,” said Dr. Ripley. “Over that summer, we and other doctors treated about 450 patients with polio, most of them young children. About 10% of them died that summer.” Nurse Marcella Murray remembers Dr. Ripley as “caring, dedicated, and compassionate, always giving the children quality care... He taught so many nurses, doctors and employees in the orthopedic field,” she said. The two doctors, ‘idea’ men, were recently honored for establishing orthopedic residency programs both in Roanoke and at the University of Virginia. Retired after 52 years, Dr. Ripley says he owes much to the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth, who ranked academic disciplines and Christian values of prime importance in the education of their students. Incidentally, Dr. Ripley remembers a babysitter for his five children years ago—she is now Kitty Wilson, SCN, staff member of the Office of Congregational Advancement. Reflecting on his recent honor, Dr. Ripley humbly says, “The people I worked for and the people I worked with are my reward.”

Michael Leo Mullaney, SCN, named outstanding female leader Michael Leo Mullaney, SCN, has long been admired for breaking gender barriers in the workplace and as a leader in the healthcare industry. She has now been named one of Kentucky’s outstanding female leaders. A 2006 recipient of Kentucky Women Remembered, Sister Michael Leo’s portrait has a permanent home at the Kentucky State Capitol in Frankfort. It can be found not far from an oil painting of SCN foundress Catherine Spalding, an earlier honoree in the exhibit. Both paintings are in the West Wing of the Capitol where thousands of visitors view them every year. Sister Michael Leo, President of St. Joseph Hospital in Lexington, Ky., from 1966 to 1988, received a standing ovation during the ceremony from dignitaries including former Kentucky Governor Brereton Jones and current Kentucky First Lady Glenna Fletcher. Humble and reserved, Sister Michael Leo waved off the applause. As the President of St. Joseph Hospital for 21 years, Sister Michael Leo oversaw expansion and guided the facility through Medicare, Medicaid and technological advancements. She went on to serve as the first president of the SCN Health Corporation, which later became part of Catholic Health Initiatives. Hesitant ever to receive praise for her accomplishments, Sister Michael Leo simply says, “I happened to be in the right place at the right time. I had the capability of doing it, (and I) got it done.” To view a video clip of the ceremony visit 8

8 Sisters of Charity of Nazareth

Spring 2006

Michael Leo Mullaney, SCN, stands behind a portrait honoring her as one of Kentucky’s Outstanding Female Leaders. She is surrounded by dozens of SCNs who gathered in Frankfort, Ky., for the occasion.

Ministry Highlights SCNs rally for fair housing A heartbreaking letter was read at a recent fair housing rally in Frankfort, Ky., organized by the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth. It was written by a 5-year-old girl who was asking her mother if she could come “home.” It read, “I want you to take me to school, brush my hair that’s what I wished for when I blew out my candles on my birthday cake.” ABOVE -- Joetta Vennemann, PBVM, director of the SCN Office of Global Ministries, Shauna Martin, who is living spoke in support of the in a halfway house because Affordable Housing Trust she cannot afford a home, broke down as she shared her Fund before Kentucky lawmakers. little girl’s wish. BELOW -- Letter from a fiveMembers of the SCN Family year-old girl to her mother spoke out in support of - who cannot afford a houseHouse Bill 338 at the rally. asking if she can come live The bill would generate with her mom again. funds earmarked for more affordable housing in Kentucky.

na Shau Martin

“Our history with the homeless is global…and indicates an interest in people’s need for housing,” explained Director of the SCN Global Ministries Office, Joetta Venneman, PVBM. “Affordable Housing Trust Fund legislation provides an ongoing source of revenue for affordable housing. Certainly Kentucky families are worth that much!” According to the Homeless and Housing Coalition of Kentucky, one in four Kentuckians lives in substandard, overcrowded conditions, or pays over 30 percent of the household’s income for housing.

Catherine Spalding House holds fundraiser SCNs Catherine Spalding House (CSH), Brockton, Anne Mass., recently held its annual fundraiser. Marie O’Shea, “It was a warm and loving gathering of 160 right, and Ann people – SCNs, SCN Associates, friends and Whittaker, strike a benefactors of this mission,” SCNs Anne Chinese gong in the Marie O’Shea and Ann Whittaker wrote. Catherine Spalding “The event was a wonderful success both House, Brockton, financially and socially.” SCNs Evelyn Mass. Hurley and Joan Robishaw created handmade items for a silent auction while 25 theme baskets were donated for raffle. CSH is a ministry that reaches out to the Hmong people and other refugees.

Residents of Nazareth Villages and students of Montessori Children’s Center celebrated Easter with an egg hunt. The two Nazareth Campus ministries often plan holiday events together.

Associate Formation Weekend SCN Associates gathered at the Catherine Spalding Center Feb. 17-19 to reflect on topics ranging from journey of faith and vocation to discipleship and personal growth. Renowned author and theologian, Zeni Fox, led the thought-provoking session. She holds a Ph.D. in Theology from Fordham University and serves as the director of lay ministry and as associate professor of pastoral theology at Immaculate Conception Seminary School of Theology at Seton Hall University. Fox has also authored “New Ecclesial Ministry: Lay Professionals Serving the Church.”

Charlotte Hazas, SCN Associate, holds a prayer ribbon during the Associate Formation Weekend.

Sisters of Charity of Nazareth

Spring 2006


Family Highlights

Mary Monica Boll, SCN

Mary Monica Boll, SCN, received the Outstanding Citizen of the Year Award from the Knights of Columbus for her contributions to the civic and church communities in Holly Springs, Miss. Through her involvement in the community, Sister Mary Monica was instrumental in helping six young people obtain General Education Diplomas. She worked with the families of the young people encouraging and assisting them. “I was surprised and honored to receive the award,” Sister Mary Monica said. “I enjoy helping people take care of their children and making their lives better.”

Felix Garza, SCN Associate, was named one of the 25 most influential Hispanics in Louisville by the newspaper “Hoy en las Americas.” Felix is also the SCN Family representative on The National Farm Worker Ministry Board where many different farm worker issues are discussed, including health, pesticides, foreign guest worker, advocacy and union contracts as well as slavery. “Felix’ pride as a member of a farm worker family is obvious in his passion and energetic response regarding the oppression of his people,” says Julie Driscoll, SCN.

Brother Ignatius Perkins, OP, SCN Associate

Felix Garza, SCN Associate

Brother Ignatius Perkins, OP, SCN Associate, has been elected a fellow in the prestigious New York Academy of Medicine. The Academy, founded in 1847, is the country’s premier urban health policy and intervention center. It is dedicated to enhancing the health of the public through research, education and advocacy, with a particular focus on urban populations, especially the disadvantaged. In addition to being an SCN Associate, Brother Ignatius serves on the SCN, Inc. Board.

Martha Hickman, SCN Associate, tells Sisters at the Motherhouse what it is like to experience racism.

Martha Hickman, SCN Associate and educator, facilitated a profound discussion at Nazareth during Black History Month. In an attempt to raise awareness and uncover the challenges of today’s society and racism, she spoke with Sisters in the Motherhouse cafeteria. “One of the horrible sins of our time is racism,” Martha, a Kentucky resident for 40 years, told her audience. And even if our country has undergone a major civil rights movement, the conscious and subconscious divide between the races can still be felt, she said. Remembering a time when, along with her family, she couldn’t get a drink of water, a job, or attend schools with white kids, Martha concluded, “You were a second class citizen all the way around (...) and things are not perfect yet.” Martha’s speech, based on experiences of segregation while growing up and witnessing lingering prejudices around her today, raised many questions from Sisters.

Residents of Nazareth Home were recently interviewed for a book of reflections -- “Healing Wisdom-Wisdom from our Residents.” Below are some excerpts.

To view this entire book of reflections, go to 10

Sisters of Charity of Nazareth

One question asked : What advice would you like to give a loved one about living a meaningful, fulfilling life? Marie O’Bryan replied, “Have fun while you life !...Treat others with kindness.” Althaire Green, SCN, shared her thoughts, “Fulfillment is not in having or doing ‘things.’ I have had to give up both in various ways. It is hard at times, yes, but the example of Jesus in suffering is always there to put things in perspective.” Helen Kayrouz emphasized the importance of patience, “Patience... have a lot of patience and acceptance to accept whatever comes to you.” Residents were asked other profound questions including - I feel God’s presence most when: “I’m all alone...feel God is there with me...most if I feel a little lonesome...tells me I’m not alone,” reflected Michael Mary Sweeney, SCN. Father Tom Smith said God’s presence is felt most when “you see you’re not the most important thing - others can get along without you.” Rita Mueller answered the question simply...” When the family is all together.” Spring 2006

Journeying On

Louis Frances Head, SCN, 97, died at Nazareth Home Jan.28, 2006. A native of Raywick, Ky., she had been a member of the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth for 82 years. Sister Louis Frances served as a teacher and librarian in Kentucky, Massachusetts, Arkansas and Virginia. Survivors include several nieces and nephews. Sister devoted her life to teaching others. Marie Anne Ballard, SCN, recalls Sister as her seventh-grade teacher at Bethlehem Academy. “Sister Louis Frances was a great teacher. She was strict, but she was always kind to us.” Esther Mary Gresosky, SCN, 84, died at Nazareth Home March 1, 2006. A native of Louisville, Ky., she had been a Sister of Charity of Nazareth for 62 years. Sister served in nursing service and pastoral care in Kentucky, Ohio, Tennessee, Arkansas and Massachusetts. Survivors include a sister-in-law, Mary Gresosky of Louisville. Sister Esther Mary nurtured the physical, spiritual and emotional needs of others. In a letter commending Sister Esther Mary, the director of Seven Counties Services wrote, “Care and compassion are hallmarks of Esther’s relationship with others.” Mary Finneran, SCN, 93, formerly Sister Joseph Bernard, died at Nazareth Home March 6, 2006. A native of Versailles, Ky., Sister Mary had been a Sister of Charity of Nazareth for 69 years. Survivors include her sister, Helen C. Finneran of Versailles and her niece, Mary Sue Dinsmore of Lexington, Ky. Sister Mary served as teacher and principal at schools in Louisville and as administrator of a nursing facility. After certification in clinical pastoral education in Springfield, Mo., at age 70, Sister Mary spent the next 17 years serving as chaplain at St. Joseph Hospital. Beverly Hoffman, SCN, said of Sister Mary: “We met when I was an SCN candidate. I will carry on the charism of our SCN community that Sister Mary Finneran lived and shared with me.” Catharine Maria Nangle, SCN, 95, died at Nazareth Home March 23, 2006. A native of Paducah, Ky., she had been a Sister of Charity of Nazareth for 77 years. Survivors include one brother, Henry E. Nangle, of Carmel, Ind., and a niece in Indianapolis. After profession of vows in 1930, Sister Catharine Maria studied music at Nazareth College. Sister Catharine Maria served as elementary teacher, music teacher, and librarian successively in Kentucky, Ohio, Massachusetts and Maryland. For ten years she was medical librarian in SCN hospitals in Lexington and in Louisville, and later, while commuting from Nazareth, she served as library consultant in SS. Mary & Elizabeth Hospital in Louisville. A former student paid tribute to Sister Catharine at her death by saying, “Not only did Sister Catharine teach us music but she also taught us to think, enjoy and respect it. With our basic knowledge of playing the organ/piano, she continued to inspire and teach us to really love music. As frail and as tiny as she was…she carried a big stick! “ Margaret Naber, SCN, 88, formerly Sister Margaret Francis, a resident of Nazareth Home, died at SS. Mary and Elizabeth Hospital in Louisville, Ky., April 6, 2006. A native of New Albany, Ind., she had been a Sister of Charity of Nazareth for 43 years. Survivors include several cousins. Prior to professing vows as an SCN, Margaret obtained degrees in chemistry and mathematics. After pursuing a business career which included extensive travel, Sister Margaret entered the SCN Congregation. After vows, she served as switchboard operator and postal clerk at Nazareth for a time. She obtained a master’s degree in library science and served as elementary school librarian at St. Joseph School, Bardstown, Ky., from 1971-1986. In remarks during the funeral liturgy, Julie Driscoll, SCN, noted that Sister Margaret’s religious profession was a deepening of her earlier Baptismal commitment. Marilyn Spink, SCN, 66, formerly Sister Mary Josina, died at Nazareth Home March 27, 2006. A native of Louisville, Ky., she had been a Sister of Charity of Nazareth for 44 years. Sister Marilyn ministered in health and pastoral care and SCN administration in Kentucky. She served at the former St. Joseph Infirmary, Spalding College (now University), SS. Mary and Elizabeth Hospital, and Nazareth Home. In 1976, Sister Marilyn helped to found Hospice, Inc. in Louisville and Southern Indiana. She ministered in pastoral care for the sick and elderly, spiritual direction, and at the appointment of Archbishop Thomas C. Kelly, served as counselor to the Catholic homosexual community. In 1986, Sister Marilyn began the effort to alter Kentucky law so that HIV-AIDS patients could be admitted to nursing homes in this state. The following year she assisted with the opening of Glade House, a residence for men with HIV-AIDS. From 1986-1995, Sister Marilyn served as SCN Regional Superior in Louisville and as SCN Health Care Vice-President for Mission. In 1991, she worked with others to establish the House of Ruth to accommodate the families of HIV-AIDS patients. Survivors include her twin sister, Carolyn Spink Roberts, of Nazareth, Ky., her nieces and nephews, and two close cousins, Susan Johnson and Joyce Harris. When Sister Marilyn was diagnosed with a terminal disease, she turned for care to the program she had founded, Hospice of Louisville. In her homily at Sister Marilyn’s funeral, Miriam Corcoran, SCN, said, “How fitting that she who brought Hospice to this area should conclude her earthly life as a grateful Hospice patient. As Sister Marilyn taught us to live generously, so she showed us how to die confidently.” Sisters of Charity of Nazareth

Spring 2006


Journeying On

Deceased Alumni/Alumnae Mary Louis Lynch, St. Joseph Infirmary, 1947 Dorothy “Dot” Ferriell Landenwich, Presentation Academy John M. Bauer, Owensboro Catholic High, 1957 Bonnie Josephine DesRosiers, Nazareth Academy, Nazareth, 1963 Ann Ryan Miller, Nazareth Academy, Nazareth, 1956 Rita Ellen Funk Kelley, St. Joseph Infirmary School of Nursing, 1952 Mary Jo Winstead McGary, Nazareth College, Louisville, 1948 Mildred Brandon, Catholic High, Louisville Dorothy O’Connell Chwalek, St. Joseph Infirmary School of Nursing, 1947 Ronald Mattingly, St. Catherine Academy, Lexington, 1959 Elizabeth Thompson, Nazareth College, Louisville, 1949 Paul Hanson, St. Joseph Infirmary School of Nursing, 1954 Vivian Krummen, LaSalette Academy, 1948 Frances Rabe, LaSalette Academy, 1970 Frances Rodkey, St. Joseph Infirmary School of Nursing, 1957 Lauranell Hunter, Nazareth Jr. College, Nazareth, 1964 Wilma E. Porter, St. Joseph Infirmary School of Nursing, 1937 Mary Rose Coomes Kleier, Nazareth School of Nursing, Louisville

The Journey is produced quarterly by the Office of Congregational Advancement. Contributors for this issue include Diane Curtis, Raluca Barzu, Carolyn Willett, Patsy O’Toole, Dianne Smith, Janice White, and Louis Ripley; SCNs Regina Atkins, Rita Davis,Janice Richards, and Rachel Willett. Photos for this issue were provided by Diane Curtis, Raluca Barzu, Carolyn Willett, Patrick Pfister Photography, Patsy O’Toole and Trudi Maish; SCNs Chris Beckett and Rita Davis.

Memorial/Honorary Donations 1/1/06 - 3/31/06 MEMORIALS S. M. MADELINE ABDELNOUR Sheila Leduc ED\ELIZABETH ABELL Tony\Beth Beckham GEORGE J. ACETO, SR. Michele Aceto-Amanouz FRED AHERN S. Evelyn Hurley S. Agnes Ann Fuhs S. Janet Dougherty Mayetta Holt JOHN L. ALVEY Jim\Anne Tennison ALBERT ANDREWS Tara\William Andrews SARAH A. ATHERTON Cornelia A. Serpell S. RUTH BABBITT S. Mary Braley CHESTER BAETE S. Mary Loretto Krimple S. Gwen McMahon S. THOMAS DESALES BAILEY Elizabeth A. Mosher JAMES GLENN BALLARD Nora Ballard MARY ORLINE BALLARD Joan Pike MICHAEL BALTZ Loyce Winfield\Family MARY BANKS Vincent M. Banks S. MAUDE MICHELLE BARBER Joe\Ruby Stetson Reco\Lucille Bishop Edwin\Margaret Thompson Frank\Martha Hinton S. Catherine Barber, OSU S. Alice Casper S. Mary Collette Crone Leroy Mudd Mary Ann\Al Bowling


Catherine Barber Edelen Louis\Betty Barber Therese\John Allen Charles\Mary Willett Marilyn Schuler Bob\Shirley Barber James\Geneva Osborne Mary\Joseph Mudd Bill\Carolyn Smith William\Amanda Osborne S. Elaine Puthoff Harriett Medley S. Margaret Spalding Wathen James E. Corey S. Marie John Kelley S. Joan Robishaw S. Grace Mackin S. Marion Reardon Patrick\Barbara Gorman J.A. Medley, Sr. Sarah Leachman Jean Bland Cecil Brownie Clements Margaret Kelly Robert\Mary Edelen S. Anna Jeanne Hardesty S. Antoinette Magistro S. Ann Victoria Cruz S. Phyllis Dullea S. Mary Loretto Krimple S. Celeste Reedy S. Anita Hager Shirley Rogers Anonymous S. Barbara MacDonald S. Joseph Marita Wheatley S. Theresa Cash S. June Monaghan S. Ruth Ann Humphrey S. Susan Kilb Diane Jones S. Frances Barber S. Mary Foeckler

Sisters of Charity of Nazareth

Spring 2006

S. Sharen Baldy S. Judith Ann Wilson Albert\Leona Haydon Louis\Dolores Barber Kevin\Michelle Barber S. Carmelita Dunn ANNE BARKER S. Alice Garrity S. Peggy Fowkes S. JOSEPHINE BARRIEAU S. Pat Healey WILLIAM P. BARTH Rosemary Barth BEAVEN FAMILY\ DECEASED MEMBERS Joe\Cecily Blair MARGARET BECKER S. Sharen Baldy S. Martha Walsh S. Dorothy Thomas S. Margaret Rodericks S. Alice Casper S. Mary Collette Crone S. Agnes Marie Hagan SL S. June Monaghan S. Ruth Ann Humphrey S. Susan Kilb S. Mary Burns STEPHEN BELMONT S. Evelyn Hurley FLORENCE BIVEN SCN Associates BLAIR FAMILY\DECEASED MEMBERS Joe\Cecily Blair S. MARGARET VINCENT BLANDFORD Elizabeth A. Mosher BARBARA JANE BOEHMANN Jerry A. Boehmann JILL BOHNERT Shirley Bohnert

JAMES B. “J. B.” BOONE Nora Ballard DANIEL BROGAN S. Shirley Nugent S. Gwen McMahon S. CHARLES BURCH Donald\Shirley Weterman BENJAMIN BURD Anna Burd KRISTIE BURD Anna Burd S. CATHARINE JAMES CAIN Lisa\Robert Hiatt S. MARY MARGARET CARR Judith Vowels S. PATRICIA ANN CARROLL Ruth I. Gracia MAFALDA M. CASCIO S. Alice Garrity S. Peggy Fowkes S. ROBERT ANN CASH Jane High CATHERINE CATTEY Barbara Cattey EDWARD CATTEY Barbara Cattey CECIL FAMILY\DECEASED MEMBERS Don\Tessie Cecil MICHAEL J. CECIL Don\Tessie Cecil DOROTHY O’CONNELL CHWALEK Mary K. Murray COREY CLARK Nazareth Campus Service S. MARY JOANNA COLLINS Mary Cruise S. ALMA CLARE COMBS Joan H. Burroughs JOE CONNELLY S. Sharen Baldy S. Evelyn Hurley JEANETTE CONNOLLY

Joseph L. Connolly VIRGINIA\DALLAS CRADDOCK H.H.\Catherine C. Barrett S. JOAN ELLEN CREGG S. Mary Ninette Manning Claire Chase S. ROSE DOMINICA CROWLEY Beth Tykodi S. JAMES ANN CRUISE Dorothy M. Cruise S. THOMAS MIRIAM CRUISE Dorothy M. Cruise S. EVELYN CRUMP S. Mary Angela Shaughnessy Sharon L. Stevens S. Ann Susan Villa Mary Mullen Burke DIANNE CUNDIFF S. Marietta Putzig PATRICK DALY Connie Lusher S. Maureen Coughlin MR.\MRS. R. WILLIAM DAVENPORT Barbara Cattey S. MARY LOUIS DEGENRI Elizabeth A. Mosher MARY A. “SISSY” DEVINE S. Evelyn Hurley S. Maureen Taaffe MARY LOU DITOTO S. Helen Carbol DONALD DOERING Merle Keeton JOHN DOHERTY Virginia A. Foley BOB DONNER S. Sheila Madden S. Celeste Reedy S. Margaret Maria Coon

Memorial/Honorary Donations 1/1/06 - 3/31/06 Rita Stringer S. Molly Thompson DONOVAN FAMILIES\ DECEASED MEMBERS S. Mary Austin Donovan REV. JOSEPH DOWNEY SCNs\Russell Hall S. Evelyn Hurley S. Agnes Ann Fuhs S. Janet Dougherty S. Alice Garrity S. Peggy Fowkes S. Marie John Kelley S. Joan Robishaw S. Gwen McMahon S. Shirley Nugent S. Ann Susan Villa S. Marietta Putzig S. Louise Maria Effinger S. Marion Reardon S. Maureen Taaffe S. Martha Walsh S. CATHERINE DOYLE Mary Ellen Doyle LISA\DANIEL DUGAN Gus\Ruth Dugan S. ELLEN JANE DULLEA Susan P. Downey S. ROBERT LOUISE DUNCAN Dr.\Mrs. Martin A. Barley S. Mary Angela Shaughnessy Dr. Robert B. Scripko S. ETHEL DURBIN Shirley\Damian Rogers RAY EDLIN Frankie L. Edlin EMANUELLI FAMILY\DECEASED MEMBERS S. Maria Cecilia Emanuelli LESTER ENGELHARDT Rachel K. Engelhardt S. CECILIA (FREDERICK MARIA) FANGEMAN Jane Scharding-Smedley ROBIN FELDMAN S. Martha Walsh MARY ROSE FERZOCO S. Gwen McMahon S. Shirley Nugent S. Ann Susan Villa S. Barbara MacDonald S. MARY LYNN FIELDS Nancy Leatherman Anne M. Beavan S. MARY FINNERAN Jere E. Sullivan Bernard\Mary Sue Ellert Elizabeth M. Oley Doris\Gail Scheef Lewis\Edwina Hill

S. Carmelita Dunn S. Elaine Puthoff MARY ELLEN FLANAGAN S. Mary Naomi Elder S. MAGDALEN FLITNER Juanita\Dan Santos LOUISE FORREST Virginia A. Foley BESSIE FOWKES Carmine Schembri COLUMBA FRENCH S. Rachel Willett KATHERINE FULLER William\Agnes Eakle MARY GANS S. Evelyn Hurley S. ANDREW MARIA GASS S. Wilma Ross GATZ FAMILY\DECEASED MEMBERS Jean Hargadon VICTOR H. GEHMAN, SR. Vic\Roni Gehman S. THERESA GIARDINO James\Jeanine Thornberry Louis\Jennifer Ballard S.THEODOSIA GILDEA Sharon L. Stevens EDWARD GLIDDEN S. Barbara MacDonald S. Phyllis Dullea S. Mary Dullea S. Elaine Puthoff James C. Glidden S. JAMES LEO GOLDSBOROUGH Robert\Nina Keeley Patricia Crapo Jacqueline G. Bond MILDRED GRANIEF S. Joseph Marita Wheatley STEPHEN GRANT Margaret\George Frey BILL GREEN S. Miriam Corcoran S. Dorothy Thomas S. Mary Burns S. Marie John Kelley S. Joan Robishaw S. GLADYS GREEN, MM S. Rachel Willett S. Clara Willett S. ESTHER MARY GRESOSKY James Fowkes S. Grace Martin Margaret J. Petrenka Betty\Edward Knabel MARY GUGLIEMOTTI Daniel\Rita Szajewski WALTER R. GUPTILL S. Alice Garrity

Members of the Nazareth College class of 1959 will hold a reunion at Nazareth Sept. 1-3. Pictured are the graduates: Edna Fabre, Margaret J. Hartnett, Barbara Johnson, Frances M. Schultzman, Bonnie Tingle, Martha Anne Morrison, Linda Walter, S. Mary Bruno, TOCD, Carolyn Dunlavy, Clara Shin, Juanita McClure, Mary Ann Powell, Dolores Aguayo, Jennie Bruce Barbre, Martha Bourne, Elizabeth Brown, Gladys Lugo, and S. Valentiz, CSR. For more information about the reunion, please contact Margaret Hartnett Davies at 540-342-4047 or e-mail to

S. Peggy Fowkes JOHN “BUD” HALL Dorothy Ann Hall S. MARY VINCENT HARDIE Rebecca J. Ginger HARGADON FAMILY\DECEASED MEMBERS Jean Hargadon S. ROSE CARMEL HARNDEN Jack Winkler MIKE\ROB HAYES Pam McDannold KIM\DAVID HEMAN Elizabeth A. Mosher RONALD HETZER Jo Ann Hau HIGGINS FAMILY\DECEASED MEMBERS Marie Higgins S. CATHERINE HIGGINS Marie Higgins EDWIN T. HILGER Mary P. Hilger S. CATHERINE ANN HILL Julie Hill-Nichols JOSEPH HINTON Irene Hinton MALCOLM HITE Office of Congregational Advancement S. Joseph Marita Wheatley S. CATHARINE EILEEN HOAR Tara\William Andrews S. CATHERINE FRANCIS HOAR Anna Buckley S. ELIZABETH HOFFER S. Mary Burns James E. Corey S. Grace Mackin Tony Wade S. Mary Foeckler S. Ann Victoria Cruz S. Antoinette Magistro Margaret Jarboe-Petrenka PATRICIA HOFMANN Joseph Connolly Charles\Rosemary Oechsli Stephen\Malgorzata Oechsli Jerry\Jinny Rode Elaine\Chuck Jetton Ben\Joan Blincoe Vertner D. Smith, Jr. Ronald L. Kopp Donald\Madeline Craig Sydney\Elise Wright Robert\Nanette Bauer Mary Zaepfel\Family Carole Howard Evelyn Smith Commonwealth Wine & Spirits St. Albert the Great ACES Group JACK\EFFIE HOGG FAMILY\ DECEASED MEMBERS Joanne Hogg Coleman HORNBECK\FUHS FAMILY\ DECEASED MEMBERS S. Maureen Coughlin LYNN\RITA HUDEPOHL Nancy Bradley JAMES RICHARD HUTCHINS S. Margaret Spalding Wathen S. Mary Burns S. Mary Monica Boll S. John Loretto Mueller CATHERINE IVERS Stephen McCartney JOSEPH JAMESON Maxine Smith MARIAMMA KALAYATHINAL S. Margaret Rodericks Mary T. Wimsatt JEAN KARECKI Marylyn Karecki PAULA KELLEHER S. Mary Collette Crone HERBERT KELLER Josephine Burch JAMES KELLER Josephine Burch JULIAN KELLER Josephine K. Burch THOMAS KENNEDY S. Evelyn Hurley KERN FAMILY\DECEASED MEMBERS S. Alice Marita Kern MARTIN\VERONICA KERN Virginia Kern KATHERINE KING Mary Cruise

URBAN KNABEL Katryna Knabel Mary E. Rowe VICTOIRE KNECHT Linda L. Allen Fred\Carol Green Madeleine K. Hickman S. MARY LEE KNOPF James D.\Fredericka White S. CATHERINE ROSINE KOCH Paul\Jane Gillespie S. IMELDA KOCH Paul\Jane Gillespie S. ROSE AUGUSTINE KOCHITHARA S. Anna Marie Canary S. Brenda Gonzales S. Margaret Rodericks S. Mary Monica Boll S. John Loretto Mueller STEPHEN KULENGUSKI S. Brenda Gonzales GLADYS LAMBERT S. Sharen Baldy S. Mary Loretto Krimple ANNE MARIE LARSON S. Evelyn Hurley LEE FAMILY\

S. Dorothy MacDougall S. Clare McNeil ANNETTE MACNEIL S. Maureen Taaffe S. JOHN LILLIAN MACQUARRIE S. Mary Angela Shaughnes S. Ann Susan Villa KATHLEEN MAGUIRE Mary Cruise CAMIE\JOE MANNING S. Mary Ninette Manning THOMAS MANNING Luella\Chester LeBlanc Jennifer LeBlanc J.C.\RHODA MARTIN Mary Martin ROBERT MATTINGLY S. Miriam Corcoran CECILIA WHELAN MAY Annette Skees DR. MILTON A. MCCLURE Margaret K. McClure ELIZABETH\LARRY MCCROSKE Celeste Midkiff S. AGNES GERALDINE MCGAN Dr.\Mrs. Gerard L. Dominiq MARY MCGREAL S. Maureen Coughlin

SCNs Maria Vincent Brocato and Rose Howard present a portrait of Mother Catherine to Presentation Principal Barbara Wine and President Pat Bowles. The portrait will hang in the school founded by Mother Catherine. DECEASED MEMBERS S. Catherine Lee RITA LEE Roberta A. Holmes LEGNER FAMILY\DECEASED MEMBERS Louise Legner S. EILEEN LEHANE Claire Chase S. ANTHONY MARIA LEHMENKULER Sharon L. Stevens S. MARTHA JOSEPH LENAHAN James D.\Fredericka White ALICE LIPSEY S. Carol Clasgens FREDERICK LOEHNER S. Dorothy Thomas MARGRET I. LONG John\Mary Fitzsimmons S. MARTHA RITA LUCKETT Dr.\Mrs. Larry G. Crick Agnes E. Richardson LAURA LYNCH S. Martha Walsh S. Gwen McMahon S. Shirley Nugent S. Marietta Putzig S. Maureen Taaffe MARY LOUIS WATHEN LYNCH S. Dorothy Dray S. Margaret Spalding Wathen S. FRANCIS DESALES LYONS Helen Hewitt CARMEN MACDOUGALL

Sisters of Charity of Nazareth


S. ANN PATRICK MCSHANE Betty\Carl Darnell MEYERS FAMILY\DECEASED M Maureen Meyers FRANCES MILDEBRATH Joan Knapp HELEN MILNE S. Martha L. Walsh SCN Associates S. Mary Braley S. Mary Assumpta Dwyer S. Barbara Gilmetti S. Alice Garrity S. Peggy Fowkes S. Evelyn Hurley S. Marie John Kelley S. Joan Robishaw S. Marion Reardon S. Mary Foeckler S. Ann Susan Villa LORETTA GALVIN MOFFETT S. Ann Susan Villa


Spring 2006


Memorial/Honorary Donations 1/1/06 - 3/31/06 Don\Tessie Cecil Siobhan Quinn Ed\Terry Murphy S. MARGARET GERTRUDE MURPHY Michael\Maria Berthold G. A. VETHA MUTHIE S. Mary Burns CHANDY MUTHUKATTIL S. Margaret Maria Coon S. John Loretto Mueller S. Mary Monica Boll REV. HERMAN NABER S. Mary Angela Shaughnessy Dorothy Mix St. Monica Society\St. Therese Church S. Louellyn Russell BERNARD NABHOLZ S. Kitty Wilson S. Celeste Reedy Anonymous S. Eileen Mary Meyer S. Kathleen Mary Bohan S. Margaret Maginnis Janet MacLean S. Mary Dullea S. Phyllis Dullea S. Barbara MacDonald S. Ann Victoria Cruz S. Antoinette Magistro S. Marion Reardon S. Brenda Anderson Mary Gene Frank S. Maria Vincent Brocato SCNs\Nativity Hall S. Dorothy Thomas S. Joseph Marita Wheatley Mary T. Wimsatt S. Alice Adams

SCNs\Russell Hall S. Mary Dullea S. Phyllis Dullea S. Barbara MacDonald S. Marion Reardon S. Marie John Kelley S. Joan Robishaw S. Molly Thompson S. Gwen McMahon S. Shirley Nugent Mary Wimsatt S. John Edith O’Meara S. John Loretto Mueller S. Mary Monica Boll S. Anna Marie Canary S. Margaret Spalding Wathen S. Ellen Paul McGovern S. Shirley Howe JOHN O’SHEA Virginia Foley JIM O’TOOLE Frances O’Toole DOROTHY PESTOFF Fran\Donatus Cecil S. DOROTHY PETERSON Cornelia A. Serpell CARL PHILLIPS S. Brenda Gonzales S. DOLORES PHILLIPS Mr.\Mrs. Douglas Chagnon S. TERESA LEO PIKE Paul\Lorraine K. Pike GEORGE POPP Martha Popp CHARLES POUSARDIEN Mary P. Hilger JOSEPH E. QUINN S. Alice Garrity S. Peggy Fowkes

SCNs Celeste Reedy, Phyllis Dullea and Alice Teresa Wood celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day at the Motherhouse in Nazareth, Ky. S. Emily Nabholz S. Pat Hill Office of Congregational Advancment CLARENCE NAHLEN Frank\Ann Gunderman ROSE A. NALL Charles L. Schlensker S. CATHARINE MARIA NANGLE Thomas\Kimberly Rogers John\Joanne Hartlage NAZARETH ACADEMY CLASS OF 1941\DECEASED MEMBERS Fleurette M. Benckart CHRISTELLA NEWTON S. Judy Raley S. Marie Celine Osbourn S. Chris Kunze JOHN NOONE Chet\Lue\Jennifer LeBlanc BROTHER OF THERESA NOVAK, VSC Mary Gene Frank S. Maria Vincent Brocato TERRI OGIER Paula Palotay HELEN\PAUL OLBERZ Mary Frances Olberz RICHARD O’MEARA S. Alice Marita Kern Anonymous S. Dorothy Dray


S. ROSEMARY REASBECK Joseph\Olga Pasquarellau DOROTHY REEDY S. Mary Foeckler Eduardo\Cristina Sychay HENRY REMPE Carol Rempe Dearinger AGNES BALLMANN RIGGS Fran\Donatus Cecil CECELIA RIVES S. Mary Eula Johnson Fran\Donatus Cecil JOHN J. RONZA Loyce S. Winfield S. MARY RACHEL ROOKS S. Carol Clasgens James E. Corey Patricia Willis S. Margaret Willis Connie Druien Marlene Druien Jane Scharding-Smedley S. Carmelita Dunn Bruce\Martha Blair PATTI ROTUNNI Frank Hays Kathryn P. Evans Sally Ann Garcia Johanna\Paul Verstynen Isabel Virola Tatjana Lord Ann U. Kullander

Sisters of Charity of Nazareth

Spring 2006

Martha A. Moe Kim-Yen Brigstocke MRS. C.V. RUSSELL S. Louellyn Russell MARGARET M. RUTKOSKY S. Alice Garrity S. Peggy Fowkes S. RUTH VIRGINIA SAMPSON Louis A. Sampson VINCENT SCHIAVELLI James E. Corey HELENA M. SCHLENSKER Charles L. Schlensker S. MARIA SCHMICK Jack Winkler CLARA SCHULZ S. Dorothy Thomas JOSIE SCIPIONE Michele Aceto-Amanouz RELATIVES OF SCN\As\ DECEASED S. Mary Ellen Doyle S. Molly Thompson SCNs\DECEASED Kay\Byron Corbett SCNs\DECEASED\ST. BARNABAS ’56-‘64 Mark\Kathleen Smith SCNs\DECEASED\WHO MINISTERED AT ARCHBISHOP WILLIAMS HIGH SCHOOL S. Ann Susan Villa SCNs\DECEASED’WHO SERVED AT ST. VINCENT INFIRMARY\ LITTLE ROCK Rebecca Ginger SCNs\DECEASED\WHO TAUGHT MY CHILDREN Josephine M. Wood SCN\As\RELATIVES AND FRIENDS\ DECEASED S. Mary Loretto Krimple S. Carol Rogers S. Bridgid Clifford S. Marietta Putzig MARTHA BELL SCOTT Logan Scott BERNICE SEMSINI-AMBROSE Geneva Ellington S. CAMILLE SERAFINI James E. Corey Louise A. Keefe Joan Keefe S. Ann Susan Villa Thomas L. Keefe CORINE B. SHAUGHNESSY S. Mary Angela Shaughnessy EDWARD SHEEHY Edward Sheehy EDNA K. SHEERAN Elizabeth H. Sheeran S. HELEN FRANCES SHEERAN Elizabeth H. Sheeran SICCO FAMILY\DECEASED MEMBERS S. Maria Cecilia Emanuelli JANET WISE SIEBOLD-KNIES Annette Skees S. HELEN ANN SIENER Addile Martin S. ANNETTA SIMONEAU James E. Corey JANE SIMONS Mary Wearne SKEES FAMILY\DECEASED MEMBERS Roger\Anne S. Baird S. CARMELINA SMITH Sharon L. Stevens ANITA SNYDER John\Margaret Thompson JACK SOMERVILLE S. Mildred McGovern Ruth\Wallace Quinn S. TRINITA MARIA SPANYER J. Carroll\Toby Ann Spanyer MILDRED STANIEC S. Grace Mackin S. Celeste Reedy Anonymous S. Mary Dullea S. Phyllis Dullea S. Barbara MacDonald S. Judith Ann Wilson S. Margaret Maria Coon S. Anna Catherine Coon S. Irene Satory S. Brenda Anderson S. Theresa Cash

S. Mary Burns HELEN STOCKWELL S. Marietta Putzig DOROTHY SULLIVAN S. Phyllis Dullea S. Barbara MacDonald S. Mary Dullea S. Mary Burns Suzanne Barnett S. Mary Foeckler Nazareth Home Staff2nd Floor Daniel\Nancy McCarthy Dorothy Leon Bizak S. Brenda Gonzales S. Ann Victoria Cruz S. Antoinette Magistro S. Pat Worley Marilyn Schuler S. Celeste Reedy S. Marie J. Kelley S. Joan Robishaw S. Margaret Rodericks S. Anna Marie Canary S. Dorothy MacDougall S. Clare McNeil S. Gwen McMahon S. Shirley Nugent SCNs\Russell Hall Maureen\George Harris S. Mary Elizabeth Miller S. Shalini D’Souza Pat Hennessy Gertrude Wilson S. Mary Ninette Manning S. Mary Michelle Naber DONALD SWIFT SCN Associates Janet MacLean S. Brenda Gonzales Mary T. Wimsatt Joan Pike MRS. LETTY SYKES S. Brenda Gonzales EDWARD THOMPSON Anonymous S. MARGARET MARY THOMPSON John\Margaret Thompson ROBERT (BOB) THOMPSON S. Louise Smith S. Celeste Reedy Anonymous SCNs\Russell Hall S. Mary Dullea S. Phyllis Dullea S. Barbara MacDonald S. Alice Marita Kern Al\Mary Ann Bowling S. Margaret Spalding Wathen BETTY JANE THORNSBURY S. Mary Naomi Elder MARY AGNES TUFTE Jim\Anne Tennison BISHOP EDWARD L. TULLIS William N. Offutt, MD NORMAN TURNER S. Mary Burns WILBUR TURNEY Susan Willett Neyer DOUGLAS VALLORIC Anna Marie Valloric PAUL VARLEY Edwin Varley S. MARGARET MARY VESSELS Margaret Mills DANNY VISH S. Miriam Corcoran MARGARET VOLPERT Jim Volpert EUGENE R. WAIZ S. William Marian Meany S. MARY VICTOR WALLER, OSU S. Mary Burns Agnes Marie Hagan, SL Marie Underwood S. June Monaghan S. Ruth Ann Humphrey S. Susan Kilb DONALD WARD Judith Hardesty ROSE WASHINGTON S. John Loretto Mueller S. Mary Monica Boll DOUGLAS WATSON S. Marietta Putzig ERMA WATSON S. Mary Burns

Reed\Carla Sanderlin S. Margaret Meisner Barbara\Bill Bowen S. Theresa Knabel S. Mary Foeckler Memorial Health Care System S. Mary Monica Boll

Members of the SCN Family decorated this bunny with the theme “Care for our Earth.” The bunny was displayed along with dozens of other bunnies at Heaven Hill Bourbon Heritage Center in Bardstown, Ky. S. John Loretto Mueller S. Mary Elizabeth Miller S. Shalini D’Souza FRANCES WEBB S. Maria Cecilia Emanuelli JOSEPHINE WETHINGTON S. Sharen Baldy BEN WHEATLEY Clara J. Wheatley S. CATHERINE ROSE WHEATLEY Clara J. Wheatley S. ANN WHITEHEAD Mary Wilkinson Dr. Robert B. Scripko CHARLES\AGNES\SHIRLEY WILEY S. Juanita Wiley WILEY\JORDAN\HARTLEY FAMILIES\DECEASED MEMBERS S. Juanita Wiley FAYE WILSON S. Kitty Wilson MARY WILSON S. Kitty Wilson MARY\ALAN WILSON H.H.\Catherine C. Barrett EDWIN WIMPSETT S. Grace Mackin S. Mary Dullea S. Phyllis Dullea S. Barbara Mc Donald S. Brenda Anderson Nazareth Campus Service S. Ann Victoria Cruz S. Antoinette Magistro S. Judy Raley S. Marie Celine Osbourn S. Chris Kunze S. Theresa Cash Fran\Pappy Cecil NORA MILLS WIMSATT Joan Mills Dening ROBERT WINHORST S. Janet Dougherty S. Evelyn Hurley

Memorial/Honorary Donations 1/1/06 - 3/31/06 S. Agnes Ann Fuhs S. CLAUDIA WIRTZ John\Lisa Rotunni Corinne Bertoniere RITA WOODELL SCNAs of St. Mary’s\ Leonardtown, MD PEGGY WYMAN S. Mary Dullea S. Phyllis Dullea S. Barbara MacDonald JOAN DOYLE YOAKUM Mary Ellen Doyle YOUNG FAMILY\ DECEASED MEMBERS Maureen Meyers S. AGATHA YOUNG Maureen Meyers HENRY J. “HANK” ZAMBIE, JR. Gordon\Virginia Butler HONORARIES S. SARA ANN ABELL Quintin\Mary Wood Louis\Dolores Barber MARGARET ARTHUR S. Kitty Wilson S. ELLEN MARIA BALLEW S. Grace M. Saia S. CHRIS BECKETT S. Ann Victoria Cruz S. Antoinette Magistro S. Mary Jane Rhodes S. Regina Atkins S. Grace M. Saia S. Mary Dullea S. Phyllis Dullea S. Barbara MacDonald S. Mary Joyce Kernen S. Ann Kernen S. Evelyn Hurley S. Susan Kilb S. Barbara Peterson S. Marian Stenken Lynne E. Wrocklage SCNs\Russell Hall CONNIE ROTTERS BLAKE Mary Wimsatt S. ANN MARGARET BOONE Charles\Rosemary Brauch S. GABRIELLE BRANSCOME\ BIRTHDAY Catherine B. Cox S. Celeste Reedy

Girl Scouts in Lexington, Ky., can now earn the Mother Catherine Spalding Troop Award, which recognizes involvement in the religious, vocational and educational aspects of scouting under Catholic auspices.

S. Mary Austin Donovan S. PAT CALDWELL William\Inge Caldwell S. THELMA CAMBRON\BIRTHDAY Connie Lusher Don Cambron S. DOROTHY CANARY\BIRTHDAY S. Anna Marie Canary EDWARD CASEY\BIRTHDAY S. Evelyn Hurley S. Agnes Ann Fuhs S. Janet Dougherty S. CAROL CLASGENS Pat\Robin\Abigail Burns Frances O’Toole S. BRIDGID CLIFFORD Marcia Chapin S. MARY CONROY S.C. S. Evelyn Hurley S. ANNA CATHARINE COON S. Mary Austin Donovan S. MAUREEN COUGHLIN Mary A. Masterson ANGELA CRABTREE Agnes Richardson JEANNE DEVITO\BIRTHDAY Ruth DeSantis S. ANGELINE DRISCOLL Patty Boarman Blair S. MARY ASSUMPTA DWYER S. Mary Braley S. MARY NAOMI ELDER James\Cynthia Satterwhite EMANUELLI FAMILY S. Maria Cecilia Emanuelli S. MARIA CECILIA EMANUELLI\ BIRTHDAY S. Elizabeth Ann Webb JEAN FECTEAU S. Evelyn Hurley S. Agnes Ann Fuhs S. Janet Dougherty S. MARY FEDLER\75TH JUBILEE S. Carmelita Dunn REV. WILLIAM FICHTEMAN S. Sharen Baldy S. MARY FOECKLER S. Celeste Reedy S. Frances Barber Janet MacLean James\Jeanine Thornberry S. Ann Victoria Cruz S. Antoinette Magistro JAMES FOWKES S. Evelyn Hurley S. Agnes Ann Fuhs S. Janet Dougherty S. Mary Braley REV. RICK GANTERT Sharon L. Stevens MAREA GARDNER Eady Lillquist S. SUSAN GATZ S. Grace Saia FRANCES GEARHEART S. Kitty Wilson S. ROSE MARY GERLICA S. Mary Braley GOLDEN JUBILARIANS S. Ann Susan Villa S. Gabrielle Branscome S. Joseph Marita Wheatley S. Theresa Cash S. Carmelita Dunn Anonymous SCNs\Nativity Hall S. Eileen Mary Meyer S. Kathleen Mary Bohan S. Margaret Maginnis S. Alice Marita Kern S. Margaret Maria Coon S. Anna Catharine Coon S. Virginia Bauer S. Anne Rita Mauck SCNs\Russell Hall S. Molly Thompson S. Mary Ninette Manning S. Elaine Zehnder S. Lucille Phipps S. Patricia A. Norton S. Clare McNeil S. Dorothy MacDougall



Nearly 50 young women from high schools across the country came to Nazareth, Ky., to attend the Youth Gathering on March1-April 2. This year’s theme was REBEL WITH A CAUSE. The teens took part in presentations, prayer, discussions, bonfire, journaling, reflection time, skits and a visit to the Motherhouse. ANGELA HICKS\BIRTHDAY Agnes Marie Hagan, SL Roseanne Dillon ANITA HILLIKER S. Kitty Wilson DONNA HOLT S. Evelyn Hurley S. Agnes Ann Fuhs S. Janet Dougherty PAULA HORBIN S. Elizabeth Ann Webb DOROTHY MAGUIRE JARBOE, PhD Margaret Jarboe Petrenka JUBILARIANS\55 YEARS S. Carmelita Dunn JUBILARIANS\2006 S. Rose Mary Gerlica S. Mary Loretto Krimple S. Margaret Lillian Davenport S. Rose Andrew Waller S. Irene Satory S. Rachel Willett S. Clara Willett S. Therese Arru S. Carolyn Wilson S. Maureen Taaffe S. Celeste Reedy S. June Monaghan S. Ruth Ann Humphrey S. Susan Kilb S. Regina Atkins S. Mary Jane Rhodes S. Kitty Hanrahan S. Mary Margaret Reid S. Loretta Weller S. Dorothy Thomas S. Alice Adams S. Emily Nabholz S. Pat Hill S. BRIDGET KAPPALUMACKAL Mary Gene Frank S. MARIE JOHN KELLEY S. Mary Braley S. MARYLEE KING Linda Zralek MATT\SHAWN KNABEL Marie “Sue” Knabel S. THERESA KNABEL S. Grace Saia S. MARY DESALES KOLHOVEN

Mariam M. Cappers TAMMY MATTINGLY Nora Ballard RICK\CATHY MATTIONI S. Anna Marie Canary S. ANNE RITA MAUCK Philly Herlein Rains S. ELLEN PAUL MCGOVERN S. Mary Braley HELEN MCNULTY S. Mary Braley PATRICIA\MICHAEL MONTANINO S. Evelyn Hurley S. MICHAEL LEO MULLANEY S. Mary Dullea S. Phyllis Dullea S. Barbara MacDonald Naomi Leach S. Mary Burns Connie K. Lusher LOUISE MURPHY\BIRTHDAY S. Evelyn Hurley S. Agnes Ann Fuhs S. Janet Dougherty S. THERESA MURPHY Vicki Hess S. EMILY NABHOLZ Greg Nabholz Edith A. Laughlin S. TERESA ROSE NABHOLZ Greg Nabholz SUE NOLTEMEYER\BIRTHDAY S. Mary Burns S. MARIE CELINE OSBOURN Gloria Holub REV. WILLIAM PENTIS Donn Sinclair S. MARY IMOGENE PERRIN Sharon L. Stevens S. BARBARA PETERSON Sue Blakeley S. MARY JO PFEFFERMAN\ 50th JUBILEE S. Frances Barber S. Ann Victoria Cruz S. Antoinette Magistro DOROTHY PHILLIPS\BIRTHDAY S. Regina Atkins

DR. ARTHUR\ANNETTA PLOUFF S. Joan Robishaw DOLORES PRICE Margaret Jarboe Petrenka S. JUDY RALEY Dr.\Mrs. Brian H. Negus Barbara\Bill Bowen S. CELESTE REEDY Rita Hudepohl Stevie S. MARY REISZ Charles\Rosemary Brauch MARGARET\MORRELL RICHARDSON\MARRIAGE Jo Ann Kaelin Jones SCNs\LIVING Kay\Byron Corbett SCOTT & BEN Mary T. Wimsatt S. GERALDINE SHEA, CSJ Jim Fowkes S. MARY LUCINA SHEEHAN S. Laurine Dichtel SICCO FAMILY S. Maria Cecilia Emanuelli SITA Patricia L. Sitter S. BLANCHE SMITH Peter W. Smith Peter\Kathleen Smith S. CECILIA CLARE SPALDING\ BIRTHDAY S. Sheila Madden S. JAMES MARIA SPILLANE S. Ann Susan Villa Cynthia Maroon S. MARIAN STENKEN Ann Marie Sullivan S. ROSE SULLIVAN Mary M. Sullivan S. Frances Barber S. Ann Victoria Cruz S. Antoinette Magistro S. TERESA CATHERINE SULLIVAN Mary M. Sullivan S. MICHAEL MARY SWEENEY Mary Jane McKenzie S. MAUREEN TAAFFE S. Celeste Reedy S. Mary Braley ST. THERESE OF LISIEUX Vicki Hess UNIVERSITY OF MEMPHIS TIGERS BASKETBALL TEAM Loyce\John\S. Kay Winfield S. ANN SUSAN VILLA S. Mary Braley HELEN WANNER S. Kitty Wilson S. ELIZABETH ANN WEBB Sharon L. Stevens ALAN WILSON, JR. S. Kitty Wilson S. CAROLYN WILSON Mary Tolusso Black S. Kitty Wilson DOUGLAS WILSON S. Kitty Wilson ESTELLE WILSON S. Kitty Wilson HARRY WILSON S. Kitty Wilson S. JOAN WILSON Mary Tolusso Black S. Kitty Wilson JOE WILSON S. Kitty Wilson S. KITTY WILSON Mary Tolusso Black LOIS WILSON S. Kitty Wilson S. ALICE TERESA WOOD Ruby Shull Mabel C. Hayden S. PAT WORLEY\5OTH JUBILEE S. Elaine McCarron S. Edna Fabre S. Mary Kathleen Sheehan Patsy O’Toole S. Celeste Reedy John M. Egan Barbara\Alan Johnson S. Frances Barber Janet MacLean Frances O’Toole S. Ann Victoria Cruz S. Antoinette Magistro S. PATRICIA WRIGHT Anonymous

Memorials to SCN Family members may be made through the website at or by sending to the Office of Congregational Advancement, P.O. Box 9, Nazareth, KY 40048

Sisters of Charity of Nazareth

Spring 2006


Nazareth Picnic

Capital prize winner uses money for ministry The Nazareth Picnic will be here before you know it. Thousands attended last year’s event. They enjoyed a day of delicious food, games, entertainment and lots of prizes. The picnic even helped to make one woman’s dream come true. Shirley Thomas, a native of Bardstown, Ky., for years had wanted to work with Native Americans as a volunteer. Last fall she was able to travel to the Crow Creek Reservation, South Dakota. The Sisters of Charity of Nazareth’s unusual connection to the mission trip -- Shirley paid for her plane ticket to South Dakota with the money she won from the Nazareth Picnic Capital Prize. Shirley’s winning ticket was pulled from among thousands. “God was certainly working there – because I had just made the plane reservation the night before the picnic,” she recounted. Shirley stayed with the Benedictine Sisters at Mother of God Monastery and worked closely with two Sisters who live and work on a reservation near Fort Thompson. “There are a lot of people who think about it, but anybody can do it,” she said of her trip. Shirley visited Native Americans in their homes, delivered food to the elderly and played with the children. She was stunned by the poverty. Shirley hopes to return some day to South Dakota, “I would love to go back and do something more with the children.”

Mark your calendar for the annual Nazareth Picnic 2-8 p.m. Saturday, August 26, on the Nazareth Campus. Tents and booths will line the lawn in front of the Motherhouse. Dinner will be served in the air-conditioned Motherhouse dining room and additional serving lines have been added. Come enjoy the games, raffles, live entertainment, children’s activities, and of course the drawing for a capital prize. For more information call Leslie Wilson at (502) 348-1551.

We Sisters of Charity of Nazareth are an international Congregation in a multicultural world. Impelled by the love of Christ, in the tradition of Vincent de Paul and the pioneer spirit of Catherine Spalding, we and our Associates are committed to work for justice in solidarity with oppressed peoples, especially the economically poor and women, and to care for the earth. We risk our lives and resources, both personally and corporately, as we engage in diverse ministries in carrying out this mission.

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