Journey Magazine | Love & Relationships 2016

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I’ve reached the point in my time as editor-in-chief where the love is no longer fresh and new. It’s no longer the “staying up talking about nothing all night but satisfied more than I’ve ever been” kind of love. I’ve been on many levels of love with Journey: the “screaming but still feeling like I’m not being heard” kind of love, the “suffocating” kind of love, the “seeing me without makeup at 4 a.m. and you love me anyway” kind of love and, most recently, a “comfortable and passionate”kind of love. I mean, if your love isn’t passionate, should you even do it? The key to anything in life is passion and that is what I have, and have always had, for Journey. It takes a special kind of passion to stay up all night perfecting layouts, reading stories 15 times and looking at the same photographs for hours to bring you a hard-copy magazine. It was all passion. My passion for Journey runs deep, but that’s probably an editor-in-chief thing. It seems that all EICs before me have, or have had the same passionate love affair. A love affair that causes us to leave our beds, boyfriends and balance behind, at least for me. The best thing about love is knowing that after everything, all of the character-building fights, late night talks, awkward moments and unforgettable memories, you wouldn’t change any of it; and I’m proud to say that’s where I am with Journey. A perfect love. TYLISA C. JOHNSON Editor In Chief






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ex is full of opportunities for the human body. It is a place where imagination and experience collide. From oral sex, to whips, chains, and everything in between, everyone has sexual limits.

The average person will spend some time testing their own sexual limits. Kevin Sousa, graduate of Wake Forest University is one of many who tests his sexual limits. “Yes, I have [tested my sexual limits],” Sousa said. Movies and books, such as “Fifty Shades of Grey” by E. L. James, which has more than 100 million books sold worldwide, have inspired a new wave of sexual exploration, creating new fantasies and limits for people. From new sex toys, to an app named Whiplr, in recent years, sexual limits have expanded tremendously, but there are many who still have hard limits. Raquel Roundtree, a junior engineering student from Brooklyn, N.Y., said anal sex is a hard limit. “You want to put that [penis] where? No, that is not going in there. Wasn’t going to fit that [penis] inside of me anyway,” Roundtree said. Heterosexual males like Terry Anderson, a junior engineering student from Brooklyn, N.Y. also feel like anal penetration is a “no-go.” “Anything that penetrates me, is off limits,” Anderson said. “There’s no point in trying to do all that freaky stuff with me. Keep your hands where they are meant to be and I will do the same with mine.” Brittany Ruffin, senior business administration student from Tallahassee, Fla., has experienced anal sex and doesn’t believe anal sex is a big deal. “I experienced anal sex before vaginal and thought that was normal,” Ruffin said. “It feels different, but in a good way. I got just as much pleasure out of it and don’t see what’s the big deal about doing it.” Oral sex is much more common than anal sex for both men and women. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s national health statistics report, 81 percent of females and 80 percent of males from ages 20-24 have taken part in oral sex. Jermaine Archer, a senior engineering student from West Park, Fla., believes that oral sex is a privilege.

“Giving someone oral sex is not just given, it is earned,” Archer said.


“But he gotta eat the booty like groceries,” according to Jhene Aiko, right? Students likes Quinesha O’Neal, a junior criminal justice student from Tampa, Fla., does not support this statement, nor anal indulgence.“That is off limits,” O’Neal said. “Anything that has to deal with my rear end is off limits. I don’t know why, I just feel like something in that area will hurt me.” Shaun Johnson, senior political science student from Atlanta, Ga. is willing to have anal sex, but under conditions. “My wife, when I get married,” Johnson said. “The lady that I spend the next however many years with, yeah.” Though BDSM and people who participate in it are often seen as odd, a study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine in May 2013, revealed that BDSM practitioners are not that different from the general public. “The new results reveal that on a basic level, BDSM practitioners don’t appear to be more troubled than the general population,” the study stated. A study by the American Journal of Sexuality Education from 2012, surveyed Americans and found that people that are interested in BDSM, their interest starts early. “Most respondents reported their BDSM interests starting before age 15, sometimes creating a phase of anxiety and shame in the absence of reassuring information,” the study says. The study goes on to say that adults who consider BDSM “central to their sexuality” feel as though disclosure of this information when dating is mandatory. But just like with everything else, bondage is a hard limit for some. Being tied down in bondage can be scary for some men. “I don’t know what she will do while I am tied down. She can do anything, and if she is mad at me what can I do if she wanted to violate me,” Archer said. O’Neal explains why she enjoys bondage. “Men have to realize that they are usually aggressive and place us in awkward positions,” O’Neal said. “So the only thing we can do is tie them down and show them how it feels.” Sousa believes a major part of BDSM acts, such as tying someone up, is trust.“Yes [I would let a girl tie me up],” Sousa said. “If I let anybody tie me down, I trust them, they won’t do anything crazy.” Pushing someone’s limits during sex, without consent, can end viciously, if people aren’t careful. “One time my partner decided to stick his thumb in my anus and that was the last time we spoke,” said Roundtree. “It’s too late for ‘Pineapples.’ No boy, you have to go!”

The Exploration of Sexual Limits

Words by: Jason Maxwell Design By: Kyle Graham




hen students hear the word “courting”, some students may think of old-fashioned ways of dating or they might not even know what it means. According to Merriam-Webster, courtship is “the activities that occur when people are developing a romantic relationship that could lead to marriage or the period of time when such activities occur.” Back in the day, the man and woman in this “courtship” would usually be a part of the same community and would spend time together under the watchful eye of the woman’s family. According to, time went on, courting became dating. A man would ask a woman out on a few dates, they would get to know one another and would eventually form a relationship. Although that still happens today, it so rarely happens within our generation. Adrianna Johnson, a junior theatre student at Clark Atlanta University said that not many of her peers court their potential mates. “Courting a woman means dating them and taking the time out to show them you care and that you are invested and interested in them,” Johnson said.


Words By: Marissa Weaver

A Dying Art?

Some might say that the new school’s version of courting is “talking.” According to, “‘We’re just talking’ is a common phrase in your vocabulary because that’s what you’re doing. You’re getting to know the other person but you haven’t put all your eggs in his or her basket.” Because of the “talking” stage, Johnson believes that courting is slowly becoming obsolete. “I don’t believe that our generation knows how what courting is because women in this generation expect so little from men,” Johnson said. “Courting for our generation is dead because what men believe is courting is now considered ‘Netflix and chill’.”

As a result of “not putting your eggs in one basket,” If you are “talking” to a person, can it honestly be said that you know them? Do you know where they’re from? A little family history? What they’re goals are in life? There are probably many students who couldn’t answer those questions. But, those are things that men and women knew when in a courtship. They knew each other’s families and the kinds of people they came from and who they truly were as a person. It is rare to find young men like Quinn St. John, a sophomore pre-physical therapy student from Tampa, Fla. who still believes in courting a woman. “When I court a woman, I ask her out on dates and get to know her on a spiritual and psychological level,” St. John said. “I believe courting is only dying because of what we see on social media and what females now expect from males and vice versa.” The statistics of men like St. John could be low, or non existent. Could it be that men aren’t taught? Or are women’s standards lower?

Design By: Brion Eason

Words By: TyLisa C. Johnson & ChazrĂŠ Hill Design by: Braxton White 10

Brailon Miles, 20 - Sophomore, Information Technology student from Orlando, Fla., The man with the plan, Brailon Miles is an entrepreneur who is always on the go. If the freckles won’t win you over, the sense of humor and bright red hair will. He is a barber for Campus Cutz and his fashion sense has led him to own a clothing line. As a single man who’s never been in an relationship, Brailon was eager and ready to find his equal: a beautiful, outgoing woman with fashion sense who’s ready for an adventurous time with him. Morgan Danford, 20 - Junior Broadcast Journalism student from Jacksonville, Fla. Jacksonville native Morgan Danford is the total package: beautiful, funny and passionate about everything that she does. Being passionate has led Morgan to join numerous organizations. She serves as the president of the FAMU Association of Black Journalists, and is a member of SISTUHS, Inc. and the Beta Alpha Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. to name a few. When Morgan first applied for super singles, she was looking for a driven and outgoing man who wasn’t afraid to take a joke. From the interview it was plain to see the chemistry that would unfold between Morgan and Brailon, from fashion to mannerisms, these two are both involved, and ambitious.

Hervey Gilbert, Jr.,19 Sophomore Mechanical Engineering, Orlando, Fla. The gentleman with a winning smile, Hervey has big aspirations of working with airplanes and engineering in his future. Known as “Junior” by his friends, Hervey is a flirtatious ladies-man with a quiet demeanor. The athletic sophomore has been out of the game for a while - citing that he has been single for over a year. He was on the search for a committed relationship with a confident, classy woman that he can take home to his family and can accompany his straight-forward personality. Haileé Morris,19 - Junior Agronomy student from St. Louis, MO With sweetheart eyes and a personality that could shined through her application. Haileé was adamant about being a super single. The Missouri-born student had no physical expectations when applying for super singles, but was looking for a man who could balance out her quirky personality. With an energetic Hailee and a soft-spoken Hervey, it was interesting to see how the opposites collided.


Donovan Harrell, 22 - Senior Broadcast Journalism student from Daytona Beach, Fla. As a self-proclaimed “nerd”, Donovan enjoys reading manga and japanese comic books. He maintains a positive attitude in any situation and is always willing to offer a hand to anyone in need. Donovan loves to travel having been to Japan, South Africa and Dubai. He manages to be a soft-spoken yet conversational individual. The intuitive journalism student enjoys healthy conversation about current events. As a super single, Donovan was looking for a patient and understanding woman with a great personality. Mary Chestang, 22 - Senior Broadcast Journalism student from San Francisco, Ca San Francisco born, Mary is as bubbly as she is ambitious. She is a goal chasing graduating senior that is serious about Journalism and improving her craft. An independent young woman who is not afraid to express her mind, Mary’s quest for super singles was to find her open and expressive match. She was looking for a man who she can have healthy debates with but also knows how to respect her as a woman. Her fellow journalism peer was a great match to keep her on her toes. They were able to discuss the hottest topics and keep the debate intriguing.

Ricardo Brown, 20 (affectionately known as “Ricky”) - Junior Student Public Relations from Miramar Fla. With a shining smile and tall stature, Ricky is hard to miss. His sarcastic personality, bound to make you laugh, also makes him a standout in a crowd. This public relations student and photographer on the rise sought out super singles to find his muse. Ricky is an old-fashioned kind of guy who loves a woman with positive personality and “thick skin” who is not afraid to take a joke or two. Kaitlyn Jones,19 - Freshman Business Administration student from St. Paul, MN Eager for her date, Kaitlyn’s personality illuminated the room as she entered. As an ambitious freshman, she hit the ground running participating in community service. She is also very sociable young lady with a bright future ahead of her. With a woman who loves to laugh and her tall stature, Kaitlyn made a great match for Ricky - having qualities that Ricky wanted.



t was Tuesday night, and the Journey office was buzzing. Most of the super singles began trickling in shortly after 7 p.m. Anxious to know who their dates were, they seemed hesitant to make conversation or eye contact. After explaining the week and provoking openness through icebreakers, the time had come to reveal the couples, and after dramatic staff-created drum rolls, there was a sweeping feeling of relief throughout room 3078. The super singles eventually left, with their rules and romance. Wednesday, at Sky Zone Trampoline Park, was when true personalities shined through; all adventurous, all real. Some were late, some were dripping in style, some were anxious, but all were ready. They raced together, laughed together and it seemed as though they’d forgotten this Super Singles edition was a competition. We’d given them thirty minutes of unlimited jumping to see how comfortable the group could get with each other and their dates. Throughout the week, it was easy to see with a bird'seye-view the couples with true potential. They texted everyday, went out without persuasion, and seemed ready for love. The others avoided each other, cancelled dates and found “other” priorities. From horseback riding to skating and a missed “art gallery and chill” opportunity, this experience was truly what each couple made it. For some, that meant going out everyday and for others, their love fell to the wayside, remaining a distant fantasy.


On Thursday, Mary and Donovan rolled and bounced at the Tallahassee Skate Inn. Beneath the colorful strobe lights and pop music, the couple swiftly laced up their skates and headed for the ring. Excited as he was, Donovan, on his four wheels sped off without his date, leaving Mary barely balancing. However, they eventually both used each other as props to keep rolling, and spent a lot of time talking as the DJ roared ‘90s R&B jams. On a breezy Friday afternoon, Haileé and Hervey went Horseback Riding at Grace’s Stables. The date involved a mini-road trip with the couple getting lost along the way. The 40-minute ride to Grace’s Stable was filled with laughs and endless opportunities to learn more about each other. Being involved as they are, Brailon and Morgan were ripping and running all week. With Morgan’s demanding roles and Brailon’s on-call job, the time was limited between them, but the time they did have together was well-spent. Due to unforeseen circumstances, Ricky and Kaitlyn could not have their moments of solitude. The time spent was limited to the group date at Sky Zone and By Saturday, photoshoot day, all of the super singles were a group of good friends, rather than strangers or lovers. Taking selfies and Snapchats, then planning a group lunch, it was apparent that the week of blind dating had brought these people together as one.



The winning couple, Haileé and Hervey, proved themselves to be the winning couple through genuine concern for each other entire week. This couple seemingly had the most chemistry, going on multiple dates beyond the requirements. Hervey, the gentleman that he’s known to be, kept up with good morning texts, conversation and courting, even buying her Sky Zone socks and Haileé revealed herself to be a great blind date throughout the entire week, proposing new date ideas all the time. Together, this couple went unmatched. Congrats Haileé and Hervey!

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“YES” by Amanda Jean-Mary Since the dawn of time it has been known among the secret female network, known as the “girl code,” that dating your friend’s exes is a big no-no. But could this rule, maybe, be a bit too harsh? I believe that in life everyone has someone they are meant to be with. You can call it destiny, but I think that there is someone special for every person and it just depends on you to find “the one.” If the relationship was brief, or the friend and their ex haven't dated in years, it’s selfish of them to think badly of you for falling for your ex. If they only dated a few months, then the relationship really wasn’t much in the first place. If they dated for a long time, but it’s been years since the end of the relationship, they probably moved on a long time ago. Unless your friend was really hung up on that person, (and in that case she really needs to let it go) then I can understand the tension, but it honestly shouldn’t be an issue. You are going to be put into situations where attraction and love can be a result. You may have to look at what happened in the perspective of both parties, but you should give love a chance. I wouldn’t want to get in the way of someones happily ever after just for my two-second happiness. Especially if I’m never going to think about that guy again once the break up blues are over.



Is dating your friends ex ever okay?

“No” by Kiara Whitehead While in a relationship, most people divulge intimate details about their relationship to their circle of friends. As a friend you get the good, the bad and the ugly of each relationship your friends are involved in. As a friend, you’re called on to be a listening ear, a fountain of wisdom and a doctor to breakup scars. So as a friend, i believe it’s always going to be wrong to date your friend’s significant other. I recall one of my close friends in high school dating the ex boyfriend of one of our other friends and it destroyed our group of friends. I watched as she flirted with him, texted him more regularly and eventually dating. More importantly, it destroyed the trio that I had been apart of since grade school. The final and most poignant reason one shouldn’t a friend’s ex, is that it would cause so much discomfort. Imagine breaking up with someone and then having to see them on the arm of one of your friends. Discomfort in this situation is inevitable, and for this reason, most students said they couldn’t allow an ex and a friend to date. No amount of time or space can make dating someone your friend truly cared for okay. Not wanting your friends to date your exes is not standing in the way of another person’s happiness. It instead a request that person to show loyalty, common decency and, above all, empathy. Next time you find yourself attracted to a friend’s ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend, take a step back and ask yourself “Is it worth me losing a friend?”






need sex. Sex is a part of being a living, breathing human. According to psychologist Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, air, food, water, shelter and sex are the most essential. We need it to survive, but how much is too much? For some, those sexual thoughts become intrusive, and eventually, sex is all they think about.

Dougla-Khan Stancil, M.Ed., coordinator and licensed mental health counselor at Florida A&M University’s Sunshine Manor, said sexual addiction is a real addiction with real consequences. “Sex addiction is the process of where a person loses control of their ability to not engage in certain things related to that addiction,” Stancil said. “They’re not fully in control of their actions. Most addictions are obsessive and compulsive in nature. It begins in thinking of the act and then when the person thinks about it, they become anxious about doing it. That’s where the compulsiveness comes in.” According to the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, nearly 12 million Americans suffer from sex addiction. This addiction is neither gender-biased nor age-biased. 22-year-old Jessie* said her addiction to sex led her into a BDSM relationship. BDSM is an overlapping abbreviation of Bondage and Discipline [BD], Dominance and Submission [DS], and Sadism and Masochism [SM]. .


Model: Asia Johnson

“At that point in my life, pretty much every second of my day was revolved around trying to get my sexual fantasy fulfilled,” Jessie said. “My sexual fantasy was to be in the BDSM lifestyle, specifically to be a slave to a master.” Although there are no studies that link BDSM to sex addiction, Jessie said she was consumed with sex. “I was constantly, even in class, texting random people that I met off I was just trying to get a guy to fulfill my sexual fantasies,” Jessie said.

Both Lisa and Jessie recognized the possible causes of their addictions. “I was molested … I was between four and six,” Lisa said. “When kids are young, you can’t handle those situations. Your mind tells you to block it. Your mind isn’t that mature to think about it at that time.” Jessie thinks the cause of her addiction could have been the absence of her father growing up.

“Every time someone came into my life and acted like a dad, Through this website, Jessie posted an ad explaining her I loved it,” Jessie said. “So of course as I neared adulthood and desire to be a sexual slave. Within days Joe* and his wife reached an understanding of my sexuality … those two things responded. collided.” “[Joe’s] “[Joe wife sent me a message on there and let me know, Jessie tied her sexual addiction to her relationship by looking for ‘Hey, exactly what you’re looking for is exactly what we’re something more sexually adventurous that she could do. looking for. I’m [a sex slave] to my husband and we want “I used to want to please [Joe] and I knew pleasing him meant, a third person in our relationship.’ That’s how it started,” for lack of better terms, I would act like a slut and treat him like Jessie said. a cuckold,” Jessie said. “That’s what I aimed to do. Not only because I thought I was in love with him, but because I didn’t During her first semester of college, Jessie said she stopped want to make him mad.” going to class and moved into Joe’s apartment with him and his wife. “He said that the only way that he could continue to train According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, a “cuckold” is a me to be his slave was for me to move in with him,” Jessie man whose wife has sex with someone else. Although “Jessie” said. Jessie was 18 years old at the time, and lived “in hell” and “Joe” were not married, he demanded she slept with other with them for seven months. men. “I would put ads on craigslist and go to hotels with random “At first it seemed enjoyable. Being in a guys. I went to a glory hole, twice,” Jessie said. relationship, nobody understands the parameters. Obviously A glory hole is sexual slang for a room in which a wall with a they were married, so they slept in the bed together and I slept hole in it separates two people. This allows the two people to in my own room. That was really hard for me,” Jessie explained. engage in fellatio or copulation without revealing their identities. There were rules and expectations Jessie had to follow and live by. Some of which she wasn’t prepared for. Not all sex addictions lead to situations like this, but it has the same roots: craving and dependence. “I moved in with him three hours away from my home. I “There’s usually craving that goes along with it there’s a didn’t know anybody in that town. I didn’t have a job in that dependency there. When they’re feeling stressed out, they may town,” Jessie said. “He made me and his wife work as go to sex or pornography to help them cope,” Stancil said. webcam models online.” Jessie explained they would perform sexual acts on camera Jessie admitted she was using this relationship as a coping mechanism. for money. Her mother was diagnosed with cancer and she said the relationship kept her mind off of the reality of potentially losing her mother. I remember the first time I got alarmed. [Joe] broke a door and “I regret it now, having lost her. But [I] had the mindset of ‘Well I’m just started throwing things at me,” Jessie said. “He punched here living my own life. I’m set, like I don’t have to worry about me in the back and left a giant bruise on my back. Things that,’” Jessie said. like that made me think like this isn’t BDSM, this is abuse.” It seemed as though Jessie’s life was spiraling out of control, when Jessie said pornography played a huge role in introducing she met her husband. She was still with Joe at the time. her into the BDSM lifestyle. “I met him through work, nothing BDSM related … at the time he was my best friend. I confided in him about everything. I didn’t tell “ I don’t think people realize how dangerous porn is,” Jessie him about the abuse. I didn’t tell him he [Joe] was married,” Jessie said. “All through high school I would read these stories, said. “He was just there for me. He was a friend for me. He would like slaves and masters, babygirls and daddies. It’s what come and pick me up and take me somewhere just to get me out of aroused me.” there.” Lisa*, 21, had a similar struggle. Lisa was addicted to pornography. Five years later Jessie and her husband married July 2014 and haven’t looked back. Jessie has certainly lived through more than most She said there were times pornography would come 22-year-olds from the suburbs, but she’s thankful for what has before anything. happened. “There have been times I should have been doing “Everything that’s happened to me has made me a stronger person,” something else. Like doing my work, and I wasn’t. I Jessie said. was watching porn,” Lisa said. “There have been times She hasn’t been in contact with the couple since the passing of where I have put porn first over doing something else, her mother and no charges were filed. or doing work.”



Being a gentleman is like being a leader; if you have to say that you are, then you are not. Take a look at a few of FAMU’s finest as they show the versatility of a true gentlemen. P h o to g r ap h er : B r ax t o n W h i te • S tyl i ng By: As i a J ohns on • G rap hi c Des i g ner: Braxton Whi te


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fever V E N O M

Words by: Joanne Maxwell Design By: Zoe Powell

There are people who get married and there are people who stay married. Decades after meeting at Florida A&M University and saying “I do,” these couples and their love continue to strike, strike and strike again. Through wedding bliss and blisters, these alumni know much about a love that lasts forever. GeorGia and Willie GaineS - Married 29 YearS

Georgia and Willie Gaines, both from West Palm Beach, Fla., married on Sept. 25, 1987. It was not love at first sight. It took three encounters to bring them together. Their first encounter was at a college fraternity pool party. Georgia attended the pool party with her line sister, who introduced her to Willie. What Georgia didn’t know was that she was already on Willie’s radar. “I’ve seen her before, but you know, we never really talked to each other,” At the time, Willie said that the women of FAMU’s School of Business and Industry, Georgia’s school, were notorious for their snobby attitudes. “Back then, we wasn’t really messing with girls from SBI because they were really stuck up,” Willie said. Georgia and Willie’s attraction for one another may have been evident, but it was not enough to bring them together at the time. Six months after their official introduction, Willie and Georgia ran into one another at the end of spring as Georgia was walking out of SBI. “He was like, ‘Oh hey! I was like, ‘hey, where you been at?’” Georgia said. Eventually, Willie and Georgia went their separate ways. Willie moved back to West Palm Beach and continued his life there. He already had four children from a previous relationships while he was in college and was engaged to another woman. He called Georgia to invite her to his wedding and that hurt her. A year after graduation, Georgia moved on with her life and accepted a job in West Palm Beach. She was also dating someone else.

Willie and Georgia ran back into each other at a grocery store. They happened to be in the same aisle when their shopping carts collided. Willie looked at Georgia and they began to converse. Willie was already divorced and they picked back up where they had left off. Willie and Georgia knew they wanted to be together, but Willie was hesitant to get married again. Georgia wanted to get married and was willing to leave if they were not going to move on with their relationship. Willie and Georgia have been married for 29 years and their love continues to grow strong.


ShirleY and Clifford - Married 43 YearS

Shirley met Clifford her senior year of high school in 1968. They both knew one another because Shirley was dating one of Clifford’s friends. Clifford liked her at the time and she was completely unaware of it. “I remember riding in the car with his friend - my boyfriend- and Clifford will be in the back seat. I guess he had a thing for me then, but I did not know,” Shirley said. After Shirley and her boyfriend broke up, one of Clifford’s friends approached her while they were at Fort Lauderdale Beach, Fla. What he told her made Shirley chuckle in disbelief. “Another one of his friend’s came over to me at the beach and said, ‘You see that guy over there, he really want to talk to you,’ Shirley said. “I thought it was funny because he was the clown of the group of friends and I did not take him seriously.” Shirley knew that Clifford was the one when he saved her from being terrorized by one of her ex boyfriends. “It was love at second sight,” Shirley said. Shirley went off attended Florida A&M University and Clifford moved to Tallahassee in 1971 . The couple dated for five years before they got married. They tied the knot Aug. 26, 1972. Shirley and Clifford grew through trials, prayer and wisdom. They continue to remain by each other’s side.

Keith and Belinda Shannon - Married 24 YearS

For these two, it was no surprise that they were brought together on the yard of FAMU. In their family, over three generations of Rattler love has sparked over the years. Keith and Belinda met their first year at FAMU, Keith was 17 and Belinda was 18. “We met our first week as a freshmen on the set,” Keith said. I was a political science major and Belinda was an SBI student.” Despite their differing majors, Belinda and Keith shared common interests. For one, they were both out of state students. Keith, a native of Alexandria, Va. and Belinda was from Pennsylvania. In the late 70s, FAMU was not as big in population as it is today. “You know, 5,000 students and then there was a certain population of us who was from out of state,” Belinda said. They spent their entire time at FAMU as friends. When Belinda graduated in 1983, she left and moved off into her career while Keith finished up his last year at FAMU. “We didn’t communicate or anything until 1990 when the U.S. Army sent Keith to Detroit and I was already there in law school,” Belinda said. Mutual friends connected them by phone. Two months later, they were face to face with one another. Nine months after their initial meeting, they got married on May 1, 1991. Keith and Belinda are passionate about uplifting society. They are the founder and co-founder of Preparing America’s Tomorrow Today (PATT). They currently live a fulfilling life through Christ, their families and the cultivation of FAMU.



Words by: Chantal Gainous

Design by: Brion Eason

Things get steamy, clothes drop, we trip over shoes, slam into beds, and fall into pure bliss. But as many times as it happens -- or doesn't -- there is no reason that your sexcapades shouldn’t give you that unforgettable big "O". According to ABC News, about 75 percent of women do not reach orgasm from intercourse alone, and 10 to 15 percent never reach climax at all. The reasoning filters down to a combination of lack of knowledge and comfortableness. Women don’t know what they’re looking for and their partners don’t know how to give it. But, orgasms are nothing to be ashamed about and area vital component to a happy, healthy sex life. Sex, like relationships, is a give-and-take process that should ultimately satisfy everyone involved. These sextimonials are snippets into the good time we’re all looking for.

*Names have been changed to protect identities.

The Tasty Lover The best orgasm I’ve ever had was unforgettable. I had an adrenaline rush like no other. I’m the kind of woman who likes the man to be in control while I enjoy every pleasure. The way he threw me on the bed and gripped my wrist while he kissed me all over my neck and breast was exciting. He then precedes to swirl his tongue in me, not too fast, not too slow, tasting me.


So much was going through my mind. I’ve done this with previous partners but this was a different experience. I couldn’t hold it any longer after being aroused for so long. When I couldn’t hold it in any longer, I just released it all and was left with the most beautiful, unexplainable and speechless feeling on earth. Kimberly*, Florida A&M University

The Sexy Ex Is it bad that my best orgasm came from my ex? I remember we just broke up and it was the type of ending that was permanent. He came over to say ‘hi’ and talk about things. We did. Then we hugged and I remember his smell being so attractive. I missed it, but didn’t want to. We hesitated for a bit but went in for the kiss. Always too in sync. To say we ripped each others clothes off are is an understatement. I was so close to [my orgasm] when he got up and straddled me. His lips were so wet once he came down. Quite an eventful Monday afternoon. Henry G*, Loyola University The Office Quickie It lasted about five minutes, so I guess we’ll call this the quickie. The risk of getting caught... I was at work and had my lunch break with my girlfriend at the time. She came back into the office after lunch to borrow a cable, and no one was there. I turned her around, bent her over, spat on my fingers and put them inside her. She kept saying ‘no, we’ll get caught,’ but at the same time moaning in absolute delight. I came so hard I was dizzy. It was quite a cliche office sex story, but it was so hot. It was the summer and she had this white dress on that day. She looked so beautiful and I remember that orgasm being really intense. Ben, London U.K. Dirty Dancing So get this, I’m checkin’ out this really cute chick, right? We were making eyes at each other on the dance floor, so naturally, I grab her and start grinding with her. Before I know it, we were frenching each other. She got up and grabbed my hand and walked me to her room down the hall. She gave me the bedroom eyes and it was on. I struggled a little bit with her bra. I was just getting out of this two month dry spell and I’m busting her good and hard. I couldn’t keep it in. I went about another half round before she finally finished me. Cameron, Georgia State University An Unforgettable Spring Break “It was spring break ‘14. I visited my girlfriend in California. I vividly remember her back against the wall and her thighs soaking wet before her panties came off. The hall was barely big enough to accommodate me pounding her into the wall. When our bodies wrapped and time warped, it was an intense eternity. Her sweaty forehead, her grimace, her soft ass. The ending fit the episode. Extraordinary. Euphoric. Unforgettable. David*, Howard University



Passion P L A Y L I S T

A wise person once said, “If you stay ready, you won’t have to get ready,” so the Journey staff compiled a list of the best songs for your library that’ll set the mood and keep the mood going for a seductive and satisfying night of passion. 1. Easy to Love x Natalie Lauren 2. Made for Me x Sebastian Mikael feat. Teyana Taylor 3. Come Live With Me Angel x Marvin Gaye 4. Fire and Desire x Rick James and Teena Marie 5. Crown Royal x Jill Scott 6. Jupiter Love x Trey Songz 7. Naked x Marques Houston 8. Meeting In my Bedroom x Silk 9. Say yes x Lil Corey 10. Would You Mind x Janet Jackson 11. All The Time x Jeremih 12. I’m in It x Kanye West 13. Pussy Is Mine x Miguel 14. Do Not Disturb x Teyana Taylor feat. Chris Brown 15. Rich $ex x Future 16. Do I Wanna Know? x Arctic Monkeys 17. Slob On My Knob x 36 Mafia 18. Come Thru x Jacquees 19. Blind Man x SPZRKT 20. Love x Musiq Soulchild


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