The Journey - Summer 2022

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Journey The

Ben Cox Co-Owner Distribution Manager Connie Cox Graphic Designer Ashley Poore Editor & Social Media Director Maggie Watts Accounts Manager Heather Cotten Owner & Publisher

Ben Cox | Don Cox | Maggie Watts | Hannah Westergren Deanna Ballard | Nate Roten | Carolyn Clement | Cameron & Judy Current Contributing Writers

© 2022 High Country 365

Online flip-through version, distribution locations, and other inspirational content available at: JOURNEYNC.COM 828.263.0095 | 324 HWY 105 Ext. Suite 14 • Boone, NC 28607


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Learning to Live and Work to Glorify God By Don Cox


A Journey of Discovering the Truth and Glory of the Gospel By Maggie Watts


From Mom & Dad’s House, to the White House, to a Cabin in Boone - The Journey of a Stateswoman By Hannah Westergren with Deanna Ballard


The Restoration of an Unforgiving Heart How Finding the Grace to Forgive gave me freedom from anger By Carolyn Clement


Using a God-given Talent to Honor the Lord By Nate Roten with Cameron & Judy Current


This magazine is intended to present people’s stories about their personal relationships with God from their point of view. We endeavor to have a diversity of perspectives in the testimonies we share from people who identify themselves as followers of Christ. Furthermore, we carefully and prayerfully consider the content of the stories we tell, as well as the character of those who tell them. People who share their testimonies with us have experienced God’s love in real ways, and our encouragement for you, is that you also can experience His love wherever your journey takes you. Cover Photo: Deanna Ballard on the streets of West Jefferson, NC in Ashe County. Photo by Carolina Gypsy CO.

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stories about their personal relationships with God from their point of view. We endeavor to have a diversity of

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In Light of What’s Happening in our World Today:

How are We to Think? How are We to Live?


‘m alone in my office writing this article on June 9, 2022 as the last thing that needs to happen before we send this edition to the printer. It’s important for you to know the date that I’m writing this article for several reasons. One is, that it’s increasingly evident that we’re on the verge of total anarchy in our nation because our governing authorities seem helpless to do anything to protect its citizens from evil. Our whole political system seems hopelessly broken because many of our leaders, in both parties, are corrupted by the love of money. Our idolatrous cultural pursuits of our own pleasures and comforts have fostered a “my will be done” stubbornness no matter what God’s higher ways could teach us if we’d have ears to hear. However, this would require humility and a willingness to repent and change when needed. That seems to be in short supply in our land. The second reason it’s important for you to know is because the stories we’ve told in this magazine for over 15 years are all about how God’s light and love can shine into the deepest darkness of our lives through Jesus Christ our Lord. Then, we can be used by God to bring His light and love and wisdom into a world that desperately needs it. Through the website we created right before COVID hit in 2020, you can read every story we’ve written since 2007 (at journeync.


By Ben Cox com.) And now, we’re excited to announce that you can also view interviews that accompany some of our stories, with many more to come in the future as the Lord leads. These video interviews will help you understand and appreciate the people who share their testimonies in a deeper way. The third reason it’s important for you to know the date I’m writing this is because, since we first started hearing about COVID in February 2020, the changes that have rocked our world and our nation on every front are escalating at a frightening pace. Who would have guessed the toll this pandemic would have on the whole world? And that it’s still a major thing going into year three? In light of all this, paired with the political, religious and cultural upheavals we’re seeing, along with the breath-taking natural disasters in our nation and world, and now the debacle in Ukraine, I have two questions for us to consider. 1. What are we, as God’s people, to think about what’s happening in our nation and world? 2. And, more importantly, how are we to live in light of all this?

What are we to think? This is a unique time in world history where an intense transition is taking place. Though anarchy and chaos are on the rise, those

of us who know the Lord can rest in the assurance that God’s Sovereign hand is at work over the affairs of men and nations. And for us, as God’s people, I believe He’s bringing strong discipline to our lives to align us with His purposes for what’s yet to come. You see, in spite of the heinous loss of lives and the pain and suffering that we humans have always inflicted upon each other, I believe that our Lord, who “knit each of us together in our mother’s wombs” has a good, redemptive plan in all the shaking we’re seeing. In spite of rising demonic activity being manifest in the affairs of humans in our nation and throughout the world, I believe that our Savior and Messiah Jesus, is NOT sleeping! Many in His Church may be sleeping, but He’s not. He’s moving by His Spirit to awaken everyone who proclaims Jesus as Lord to join Him in His sovereign plan and purpose for the nations. As we approach the last days, the Holy Scriptures tell us there will be a great falling away AND a great ingathering before Jesus returns to establish His Kingdom on earth. Therefore, I also believe, in the midst of the chaos, God is going to unleash revival and spiritual awakening in the world like we’ve never seen in our lifetimes.

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Will our nation experience revival and spiritual awakening that can stem the tide of evil, which is rising at an alarming rate, or is God’s judgment imminent? Have we passed the point of no return? What about our region, our state, the High Country? I don’t know, but I do know that if God could bring repentance to Nineveh, which was so despicable that Jonah did not want to go there, He can do it for us. So I’m praying, along with many of you, for God to send revival and spiritual awakening in the NC High Country, and that it will spread in such a way that no one but the Lord Himself can take credit for it. If we’re sincere about that, we can draw a circle around ourselves and pray for revival and spiritual awakening to come in that circle and spread in concentric circles.

I will declare the decree: The Lord has said to Me, ‘You are My Son, Today I have begotten You. Ask of Me, and I will give You The nations for Your inheritance, And the ends of the earth for Your possession. You shall break them with a rod of iron; You shall dash them to pieces like a potter’s vessel.’”


Now therefore, be wise, O kings; Be instructed, you judges of the earth. Serve the Lord with fear, And rejoice with Ben Cox, owner of High Country 365 trembling. Kiss the & publisher of The Journey Son, lest He be angry, “Therefore, with minds that are alert and And you perish in the way, When His wrath is kindled but fully sober, set your hope on the grace a little. Blessed are all those who put to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at his coming. As obedient their trust in Him.’ “ children, do not conform to the evil desires If we’re to think right, we must learn you had when you lived in ignorance. But to view everything through the lens of just as he who called you is holy, so be holy Jesus. So, let’s take some time to think in all you do; for it is written: “Be holy, about Jesus and meditate on who He is. because I am holy.”

In light of this, I would like to consider two prophetic passages that should help us think right and align our thoughts and thus our actions with God’s. The first is found in Isaiah 55: 8-9: “ ‘For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts.’” The second is found in Psalm 2: “Why do the nations rage, And the people plot a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, And the rulers take counsel together, Against the Lord and against His Anointed, saying, ‘Let us break Their bonds in pieces And cast away Their cords from us.’ He who sits in the heavens shall laugh; The Lord shall hold them in derision. Then He shall speak to them in His wrath, And distress them in His deep displeasure: ‘Yet I have set My King On My holy hill of Zion.’ “

John the Baptist introduced Jesus as “The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.” (John 1:29) And the Apostle John referred to Him in Rev. 13:8 as “the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.” The Apostle Peter described Jesus as “chosen before the creation of the world foreordained before the foundation of the world.” With that and Psalm 2 in mind, let’s read the full context of 1 Peter 1:13-21 to transition from how we think to how it should affect the way we live!

Since you call on a Father who judges each person’s work impartially, live out your time as foreigners here in reverent fear. For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your ancestors, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect. He was chosen before the creation of the world, but was revealed in these last times for your sake. Through Him you believe in God, who raised Him from the dead and glorified Him, and so your faith and hope are in God.”

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To put this back into context of how we, as God’s people, should think and act in relation to the chaos that’s rising in the world today, let me remind you that the Bible, is also a history book. In it we’re reminded of many intense times in the history of God’s chosen people where He brings discipline to them out of chaos to get them back into proper alignment. Though our Sovereign Lord and Creator, looks with compassion on a suffering world, His ultimate purpose is to purchase from every tribe, tongue and nation a people for His Kingdom that will live in righteous submission to His holy and just and loving rule!! And He wants those of us who know this to GET ON WITH HIS BUSINESS of helping to populate His eternal heavenly Kingdom. Many times, when God deals with His people, He teaches us to separate the holy from the profane. This causes that sense for the sacred to be a governor to our souls. We must remember that, as God’s people, we are to “be in the world but not of the world” as Jesus prayed for us in John 17: 1419. I believe that the shaking in our nation has revealed a lot about the worldliness, shallowness, immaturity, and insecurity of the church. From my perspective, many Christians spend more time on social media and news outlets than they do in reading the Bible for themselves and praying with their families and other believers. Besides this, many Christians spend time listening to and promoting the teachings of false prophets and teachers that are not in harmony with God’s


Word. As a result of that, and our infatuation with leaders who sound convincing, but have a shallow understanding of God’s word and Holy Spirit, many people are being deceived to buy into a Christian nationalism that is not in harmony with our King or Kingdom. For a while now, God has been reminding me that I must get the log out of my own eyes before I can see clearly and help others get the splinters out of their eyes. I want you to understand that I am not saying these things from a high place of having my act together, but from a low place and a season of continual, liberating repentance. The firm but gentle hand of the Lord is bringing lots of things to my attention about my own character, disposition and habits that need to align with the Lord’s holy purposes for my life. In closing, as we have been considering how we as God’s people are to think and live in light of these times, let me summarize: ● We are to acknowledge that God’s ways and thoughts are higher than ours and humbly seek to align our thoughts and wills with His by spending time studying His Word and praying with other believers. ● We are to walk in holy reverence and awe of God. ● We are to be in the world but not of the world by discerning what’s holy and what’s profane, and by making sure we “save ourselves from this corrupt generation.” ● At this point, it would be good to highlight something I did not specifically mention but

is extremely important as we emerge from the isolation that we experienced due to COVID: Hebrews 10:24–25 “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” ● Finally, we must do an honest spiritual inventory of our lives to consider what we spend our money on, what we spend our time doing, and how we can be intentional about gearing our lives to spread God’s love and light in our personal spheres of influence. Rather than reacting to the culture, we must seek to influence the culture in righteous, powerful and courageous ways, as the Holy Spirit leads us both individually and corporately. That’s going to mean different things for different people, but the point is we’re meant to do more than just offer thoughts and prayers. We’re meant to be salt and light in the world to bring glory to the Lord. ______________________________

Introduction to The Journey Please join me in rejoicing over how God puts these stories together to reveal His Glory. In this edition, three of these stories take me down memory lane to the 80s, 90s, and early 2000s, when I was in full-time pastoral ministry. I remember Don Cox in 1990 as a newly saved, “on fire” college student who sometimes brought his youth group to our church. All of us Boonies know him as the Bald Guy Brew guy, but I bet most of you never knew he was once an

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Anglican priest. Then there’s Carolyn Clement, who also visited our church back in the day. She went to the same church Don Cox did and was instrumental in steering him to his call to Anglican ministry. Also in this edition is Maggie Watts, whose parents were an integral part of our church from 1988 to 1998. Maggie has also been hired as a journalism intern for our company. Maggie’s testimony was a big part of the reason I hired her. Besides their inspirational stories, I’m also thrilled that we were able to connect with Dr. Cameron Current and his wife, Judy, who I have known for years in the Ashe County business community. And, finally, there’s Deanna Ballard, who I have grown to have the utmost respect for as I’ve gotten to know her through her powerful story. Both the Currents and Deanna’s stories are augmented by video interviews that you can view on our website ( after the magazine is published. As we move forward into the rest of 2022, my prayer for us all is that we will come to know the love of Christ and His Presence, Peace and Provision in deeper ways than ever before.

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For the Purpose of God's Glory LEARNING TO LIVE AND WORK TO GLORIFY GOD By Don Cox


efore we dive in, I wanted to thank Ben Cox, my “brother from another mother,” for not letting me off the hook over the years to write an article for the “The Journey.” It has created a space for me to reflect, and as John Bunyan wrote, it is “profitable for Christians to be often calling to mind the very beginnings of grace with their souls” (Bunyan, Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners) (Bunyan’s most famous work is Pilgrim’s Progress).

What a Long Strange Trip it’s Been I never thought my life would turn out like it has. The last thing on my mind was following Jesus, let alone committing my daily activities to build His Kingdom. Nope, I was a flat-out paganhedonist, and I liked it like that. I had nothing against Christians or any other world religion. Growing up as a child of the early 60s and 70s, my worldview was influenced by a massive counterculture revolution, the Cuban Missile Crisis, the first man on the moon, and of course, Woodstock. Fast forward to the mid-80s, and now I’m living in Boone as a student at App State. Of course, it was a different Boone back then - the county was dry, you couldn’t give away a ticket to a football game, 421 was a two-lane road, and there was a huge electric generating windmill on Howard’s


Knob. In addition to that, ASU’s tuition was cheap and Watauga County’s fishing was great! Again, I wasn’t too interested in “religion.” Over the years, I developed a worldview that didn’t have room for a savior. I was more wrapped up in myself until I met my soon-to-be wife. Our relationship blossomed so fast, the next thing I knew, we were church shopping because we needed to get married in a church, as Shannon’s family were churchgoers. We ended up getting married at Holy Cross Episcopal Church in Valle Crucis on a warm January day in 1989. That is when my worldview started to change. Thanks to a very persistent couple in the church, who invited us to their home for Bible study…every week…for a year…we finally decided to go to the Bible study.

An Old Rugged Cross All I can say is it was at that moment I finally met a group of people who let us “belong before we believed.” It was eye-opening and heartwarming. Every week my wife and I would go to the study, not as followers, but more as explorers… looking for something we didn’t even know we needed.

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« Don Cox is the owner of Bald Guy Brew, a coffee roasting business with locations in Boone and Blowing Rock

cost us everything.” That evening, in February of 1990, we both gave our lives to the Lord, and we have been serving Him for the last 30 plus years. To be fair, the wayward ways of my youth were not an act of rebellion against my parent’s religion. For that matter, the Lord gave me the wonderful privilege of leading my mother to the Lord after I came to saving faith. In that same time frame, I clearly remember my father looking at me and saying, “I know there is a God if He got hold of you.” Thankfully, my father also decided to follow Jesus after realizing an undeniable change in my character and lifestyle.

It wasn’t until some nice people from that Bible study gave us an all expenses paid trip to an Episcopal Church conference that it all clicked. Until that conference, we had never been in an atmosphere where the Holy Spirit was moving like we witnessed there. We heard the gospel preached in a way we never had before and it challenged us to our core. Over dinner at the conference, Shannon and I were talking about what we learned. I remember saying to her, “If there is a God, we need to follow Jesus or quit going to church.” Her reply: “It will

From the Cup of Christ to a Cup a Joe You see, though people in the High Country know me as the bald guy of Bald Guy Brew, I didn’t always do coffee. The idea of being “bought at a price,” really changed how I viewed life. (1 Cor. 6:19-20, “Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy

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move in power at different events and places all over the world. I was ordained Anglican and served in various capacities as a youth minister, assistant pastor, church planter, and coach.

Spirit who is in you, who you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price.”) Sensing a call to the ministry, I began to explore how to pursue that. My mentors at Holy Cross encouraged us to “bloom where you were planted,”so we enrolled in an Episcopalian related seminary in Pittsburgh, PA. It was at a Reformed Anglican seminary where I received my Master of Divinity degree to become an Anglican priest. After seminary, as part of my field training with the Anglican church, we served with Youth With A Mission (YWAM) and the South American Missionary Society (SAMS) in Mexico. In those contexts, I have been blessed to see the hand of God

The transition to coffee was my side job to pay the bills for my international coaching job which sprung from my street ministry experiences in Pittsburgh, PA. You see, we planted Bible studies that sometimes became churches in bars, tattoo parlors and coffee shops. People in other countries wanted to be taught how to do that. Thus, when I traveled abroad, I was invited to partner with indigenous ministries as green coffee bean buyers. This proved to be an excellent cover for the real reason I was there, which was to plant churches. Plus, it enabled us to make more income, which we needed. Shannon and I were totally amazed and energized by how far God had brought us from our first meeting in the late 1980s. That’s why it was such a shock to us when I had a fall in 2004 and received a traumatic brain injury that caused me to have to retire because I was in no shape to continue in ministry. So we decided to move back to Boone in 2005 and grow the coffee business I had already started. In 2007 I rolled up to the Watauga County Farmers Market in my Bald Guy Brew Truck, and we’ve been there ever since. We also have storefront coffee shops in East Boone on Old 421 where Hollar and Greene’s first location was. We also have a shop in Blowing Rock at the Martin House on Main Street.

« Don and his wife, Shannon, hiking on the Blue Ridge Parkway.

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Don preparing for a water baptism at Youghiogheny River in McKeesport, PA

Out of the Ashes Little did I know that in 2016 I would have the chance to start over. An arsonist made short work of a building that housed our company and four other businesses in Valle Crucis. As I walked away from the painful scene of a completely destroyed building where people had died and my truck was incinerated as well, I remember thinking, “God’s best is whatever is next.” That response was definitely a takeaway from my traumatic brain injury days. Yes, I was very upset and traumatized by it all, but I had learned the hard way that my identity wasn’t in what I did as a person or business or in what I owned, but it was hidden in Christ.

The “next best thing” has been the rebirth of our business. I am incredibly grateful to the many individuals who gave their time, treasure, and talent to help us rebuild. Has it been easy? No. Have we encountered obstacles, speed bumps, and hurdles along the way? You bet. Oswald Chambers sums up the Christian walk like this: “To be certain of God, means that we are uncertain in all our ways, not knowing what tomorrow may bring. This is generally expressed with a sigh of sadness, but it should be an expression of breathless expectation. We are uncertain of the next step, but we are certain of God.”

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« Abby Hauser, Dom Bakeries’ newest cake decorator, poses with one of her delicious creations.

“ The very nature of God is

If I had to sum up the “so what” of my walk with the Lord and our business, I can boil it down to one word: “Advocacy.” I can’t help but think that our work and life should reflect the result of “advocacy” in our lives. From the “Work of Christ” on the Cross (1 John 2:1) to the call of the prophet Micah (Micah 6:8), biblical advocacy is at the heart of the Gospel Story.


John 2:1 “My little children, these things I write to you, so that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.”


Same Song Second Verse

Bald Guy Brew’s Blowing Rock location on Main Street


as an advocate. He comes alongside the guilty and intercedes on our behalf

Micah 6:8 “He has shown you, O man, what is good;

And what does the Lord require of you But to do justly, To love mercy, And to walk humbly with your God?” The very nature of God is as an advocate. He comes alongside the guilty and “intercedes” on our behalf. This advocacy is not for selfish gain for the church, but for working with God to bring about His Kingdom. Matthew 24:14 “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.” The truth of the matter be known, it is a lot like work... more like two steps forward and five steps back.

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Do we get that right at Bald Guy Brew? Sometimes. Do I often fail to stay focused and fall prey to the trials of “javaprenuership” (yes, I just made up a word)? You bet. However, my old friend and mentor, who was the male half of the persistent couple who invited us to their home Bible study years ago, once told me you always follow the last order first. That’s what he learned in his years in the military and that’s what he imparted to me as important advice for obeying God. Thirty-plus years and counting, this still is wise advice and helps to refocus us on the task at hand: to live and run a business for the purpose of His Glory.


The “Bald Guy’s Bike,” used to pedal 5,000 pounds of coffee beans to places across the High Country and the Watauga County Farmers’ Market

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hen I’m serving at church, giving students rides to college ministry, or walking with friends on campus at App State, people sometimes tell me they can clearly see my joy for the Lord. I love hearing that because it means God has given me the honor of being a vessel of His glory. I also love hearing that because it reminds me of my testimony.

I grew up in a Christian home, with parents who were on fire for the Lord. My little brother and I were loved so well and so fully. Truly, I don’t think I could have asked for a better childhood home. My parents taught me about Jesus from an early age. There are even pictures of me as a baby propped up on my mother’s shoulder as she led worship at church.

Yes, I am very joyful now. I often feel like my heart is overflowing with love for King Jesus. Sometimes all I can do is sit in awe at how good He is.

I believed in God. He was always an active part of my life — I believed all the Bible stories to be true. I decided I believed in Jesus at the age of three, and I was baptized when I was eight. As I grew up, I was constantly filled with questions about who God is. But despite all this, I didn’t

But I haven’t always felt like this. I have not always had such joy.


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« Maggie Watts, a student at Appalachian State University, is joyfully living for the Lord

understand grace. I didn’t understand what baptism truly meant, and I didn’t understand what Jesus did for me on the cross. My eyes had not yet been opened to the glorious truth of salvation through Jesus Christ. Without that understanding of salvation, my hopes and desires were focused on things of the world. Nothing ever satisfied me. I thought having a boyfriend would make me happy, but every guy I dated mistreated me. I thought having friends would fulfill me, but they left me feeling lonely and longing for something deeper. I was praised for my good grades and career aspirations, but it didn’t make me feel better. I was involved at a local church, but I constantly felt judged. All the things I once thought would bring me joy were leaving me tired, worn, and hurting.

Maggie and her dog, Cocoa, on spring break in the Great Smokey Mountains


As I journeyed through middle and high school, I battled with depression and anxiety. I felt like I was sinking in a black and bottomless ocean, void of all hope and purpose. Every worldly solution I looked to pushed me further into this dark chasm. The relationships, the busyness, the academic success — none of it worked. I remember laying on my bedroom floor when I was 17 and feeling completely numb to the pain. I thought it would never end.

The conference was held over the 2020 new year’s holiday. A total of 65,000 18-25 year old’s from all over the world gathered in Mercedez Benz Stadium to worship King Jesus and to hear teachings from speakers like John Piper and Sadie Robertson.

As painful as this was, I was beginning to realize my heart could not be fulfilled by anything the world has to offer. Every sadness and hurt was pushing me to desire something more. I didn’t realize it at the time, but every night when I lay on my floor — feeling numb and wondering why I felt so broken — God was gently pulling my heart towards His own. As an 18-year-old beginning my senior year of high school, my heart was slowly but surely being turned toward Him. During this time, a college student at my church began reaching out to me and showing me Godly love. One morning when we were getting breakfast together, she invited me to attend the upcoming Passion Conference with her in Atlanta. I am so glad I said yes to this invitation.

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Maggie attends worhsip at a college » ministry at Alliance Bible Fellowship called College Connection.

I felt God’s presence in the room like I never had never before. And suddenly, it made sense. All the nights spent feeling numb, wondering why I felt so broken, were leading to this. God started a good work in me, and He was seeing it to completion. One night at the conference, during worship, the crowd was invited to commit their lives to Jesus. And at that moment, the Holy Spirit prompted me. I turned from the darkness and surrendered to God. It was a moment of total commitment to King Jesus. I didn’t realize the significance of this decision until later — I didn’t even tell anyone after it happened. But that commitment to God was the moment everything changed. When I returned to North Carolina after the conference, I returned with God’s breath of true life in me. The heaviness was gone, replaced by a joyful longing to abide in God’s presence for all my days. I began fasting to know God more deeply, and I decided to read through the whole Bible for the first time. I bought an NIV study Bible from Passion City Church (not to be mistaken with the controversial Passion Translation Bible). The study Bible I bought, titled “The Jesus Bible,” includes commentary throughout each book that points everything to Jesus Christ. As I read the stories through this Gospel lense, my mind was blown by the way the

entire Bible points to Jesus. The stories that I’d grown up hearing were suddenly brought to life. It was as if I once saw them in black and white, and I now saw them in color. As I studied the Passover in Exodus, I realized for the first time how Jesus is truly our perfect Passover Lamb, through which the judgment we are so deserving of passes over us. My eyes were opened to the glory and the beauty of the Gospel.

In September of 2021, Maggie was » baptised by college pastor Josh Hayes at Alliance Bible Fellowship


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As somebody who previously looked for my purpose in all the temporary pleasures of the world, the realization that my purpose is to live for God alone was groundbreaking

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On summer vacation in 2021, Maggie visited Grand Teton National Park

During this time, I also read “Don’t Waste Your Life” by John Piper, which was given to every Passion attendee for free. Piper’s explanation of the Gospel and his commentary on a Christian life absolutely shook me. As somebody who previously looked for my purpose in all the temporary pleasures of the world, the realization that my purpose is to live for God alone was groundbreaking. As Piper wrote in the book regarding his call to seminary, “I lay there feeling as if I had awakened from a dream, and knew, now that I was awake, what I was to do.” As God continued to show me new aspects of His rich love and glory, and as I entered into this new, joyful life, there was a moment where I felt wrecked by the darkness of my former life. The enemy was using my past to make me feel insecure and ashamed all over again. I wondered, “How could King Jesus ever love a sinner like me?” I was so broken before, trapped in such darkness. And God loved me anyway. How could it be? I began praying about this, and the Holy Spirit led me to Luke 7:36-15: “A Sinful Woman Forgiven.”


In this story, a sinful woman comes to the table where Jesus is sitting, and she just pours out her love for Him. Jesus doesn’t stop her from interacting with Him, even though He fully knows the extent of her sins. He loves her. The Pharisee at the table scoffs. How could holy God love such a sinful woman? He says “If He were a prophet, He would have known who and what sort of woman this is who is touching Him, for she is a sinner.” Jesus fully knew how sinful she was — even more so than this Pharisee knew. But He loved her. Jesus explained that she had been forgiven much, so she loved Him much. And, speaking to the woman, He said these beautiful words: “Your faith has saved you; go in peace.” That single verse — “Your faith has saved you; go in peace” brought me to tears. It quickly became my life verse and my story. Reading this verse was God’s gentle way of

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reminding me that when I surrendered my life to Him, He redeemed me from that former darkness. By grace, through faith, He rescued me. Ever since then, I have been joyfully living for Jesus, confident that my faith has saved me, and, because I’ve been forgiven much, I can now love Him much. God, in His mercy, completely transformed my life and gave me the privilege of being His disciple.

me. Even though I was completely broken and filled with hopelessness. Jesus loved me. Jesus came after me. Jesus rescued me. And all I had to do was put my faith in Him. While I once struggled to find the motivation to even get out of bed in the morning, I now see each day as an opportunity to know God in a new, beautiful way. He is constantly moving me to love Him more. I long to serve Him all my days.

I was rebaptized last year, a symbol of the redemption I found in Christ and a sign of the miraculous way He opened my eyes to His glory. This is my story. I do not deserve to have such a joyful relationship with Jesus. I should still be in that ocean of darkness, without hope. But Jesus loves

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O God,

Strengthen My Hands


By Hannah Westergren with Deanna Ballard

Deanna on the streets of West Jefferson in Ashe County, NC.



ost people do not have the opportunity to participate in politics as an elected official. Working in the political arena requires hours away from home, knowledge of public policy, skills in public engagement, and the foundation of support from their community. Deanna Ballard, Senator for North Carolina’s 45th District, is privileged to step into this microcosm of government as both an elected official and as a committed follower of Jesus Christ. Deanna’s testimony reflects God’s abundant provision and sovereignty as each step from Lincoln County, to college, to the White House, to Boone, is marked by God’s fingerprints. As Deanna actively serves the Alleghany, Ashe, Surry, Watauga, and Wilkes


Photo by Carolina Gypsy CO.

communities, she continues to display the genuine marks of a Christian stateswoman in all aspects of her Senate position and involvement within the community, while encouraging those around her to do the same. Deanna grew up in Lincoln County, North Carolina, which is roughly an hour and a half south of Watauga County. Lincoln County’s southern charms—classic southern hospitality and tight-knit communities— and the influence of the local church greatly shaped Deanna and the woman she would become. Deanna

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This way of life, instilled in Deanna by her parents and other Christian leaders in her Lincoln County community, afforded Deanna the opportunity to fully understand the depths and truths of the Gospel. At the age of six, Deanna decided to accept Christ as her personal Savior. This was just the start of a lifelong adventure and calling of obedience that Deanna would soon embark on. The Godly leadership present in Deanna’s childhood, through the example of her parents, grandparents, and other friends and family, would become the building blocks added to Deanna’s cornerstone, Jesus Christ, as she started to make her own decisions after high school.

When praying through post-high school decisions, Deanna explained that deciding to choose a college that was over 400 miles away from home was a huge, independent leap of faith. Deanna was the first one in her family to attend a four-year university and received her bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and Management. This act of faith was one of many yet to come as Deanna continued to seek God’s will for her life. While attending college in Nashville, Deanna became interested in politics. Her roommate was the daughter of a political candidate in South Carolina, which afforded the two friends with several opportunities to volunteer and support «

grew up with two supportive and faithful Christian parents and was their only daughter, sandwiched in between two brothers. Deanna’s family regularly attended church and her parents were active members within the church family. Her mom served as a Worship Director in church and her dad served in multiple positions, including Custodian, Deacon, and Sunday School teacher. Deanna and her brothers were also active in Vacation Bible Schools, various youth mission trips, and retreats, including to North Carolina’s notable coastal summer camp at Fort Caswell.

TheGodlyleadershippresentinDeanna’schildhood,throughtheexample ofherparents,grandparents,andotherfriendsandfamily,wouldbecome the building blocks added to Deanna’s cornerstone, Jesus Christ...

On a trip with Mrs. Bush to the Bamiyan province in Afghanistan in 2007, Deanna had the chance to talk with young Afghan school girls

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a congressional campaign. When asked about this early political engagement, Deanna reflected, “It was the first time I had gotten the chance to see what it means to actually run for office and to see, upclose, a strong Christian running for office. It was my first experience ever being involved in politics.” No matter what the opportunity was, whether planned or not, Deanna remained open to the Lord’s guidance. “As I took steps of faith, God continued to open doors.”

January of 2009; Deanna and her parents with President Bush and Mrs. Bush - This would be Deanna’s final time in the Oval Office


Deanna’s early political interest, mixed with the Lord’s provision of opportunities, did not stop after college. After graduation, Deanna faced the daunting challenge of finding her first post-graduate job. When President George Bush was running for office, his campaign came to Charlotte, North Carolina. Deanna volunteered as part of the advance team that prepared for the visit, and after this initial campaign involvement, doors continued to open wide. “Two weeks after I had volunteered, I ended up getting a call from Vice-President Cheney’s office asking for me to go to a political event in Oklahoma.

Things just kept evolving from there with the Bush administration.” In 2003, Deanna traveled on her first international advance trip supporting President Bush at the NATO summit in Istanbul, Turkey. The college decision, leading Deanna 400 miles from home, no longer seemed like such a long distance. Deanna spent a total of 7.5 years in the Bush administration but her last four years were in the White House serving as Director of Advance and Operations for the First Lady, and occasionally advance lead for the President. This meant she had an office in the East Wing and was responsible for strategizing, directing, negotiating, and

I had to be intentional and really disciplined in spending time with the Lord through Scripture and prayer. This simply can’t be replaced and had to be a priority despite the demanding work schedule.


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Deanna moved back into her parents’ home in Lincoln County. As she humorously explains it, “I went from the White House to my mom and dad’s house.” It was a time of rest and provided Deanna with a moment to pivot to the next task God would place in her path. While searching for a new job, a mutual contact connected her with Samaritan’s Purse. After exploring the new opportunity, Deanna decided to accept the position of Director Deanna with her East Wing Colleagues standing on “Pebble Beach” at the White House where television news organizations broadcast their reports


executing domestic and international trips in preparation for the First Lady or President’s visits. Deanna explained that her role was similar to a football quarterback, making things happen on the field. On an average day, she could be responsible for managing up to 125-150 people in as many as seven different countries all at the same time while collaborating and communicating with the White House Military Affairs office, the Press Shop, Ambassadors, Foreign Ministers, United States Secret Service, National Security Council and the White House Communications Agency. With the large scale of work, an ever-changing environment, and the nature of working in the White House, Deanna learned invaluable lessons of flexibility, trust, honesty, integrity, and the importance of building strong community and relationships. Overall, “remaining calm under pressure and being decisive” were integral skills for Deanna to master while working in this environment at such a young age. Most importantly, she stated, “I had to be intentional and really disciplined in spending time with the Lord through Scripture and prayer. This simply can’t be replaced and had to be a priority despite the demanding work schedule. God promises He is always with you and you need to embrace that - whether it’s in D.C., Boone, or Raleigh.” Despite the incredible opportunity and position with the Bush Administration, Deanna’s time in Washington D.C. would not extend past the administration’s eight years of service. In 2009,

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“Everyone told me I would lose - I was the underdog. But, I ended up winning!” Deanna shared when reflecting on her first election. This most recent calling in Deanna’s life is truly a testimony to what God can do with those who are obedient to Him and His call on one’s life. “My calling to public service really has been all about God showing me that He


can use whoever He wants. I am just a country girl from Lincoln County - the daughter of a logger and schoolteacher. My parents really had no consistent involvement with politics.” When Christians give God their whole lives, including their dreams, their plans, their families, and their jobs, God moves in mighty ways. God has shown us in scripture that He can use a doctor, a fisherman, or even a tax collector, to do the unexpected through the ordinary. All God asks is to first, believe in Him, accept Him as your Lord and Savior, and ultimately obey His truths. Deanna loves the book of Nehemiah where we find a rich example of obedience and dedication to the work of Jesus Christ. As Nehemiah oversaw the rebuilding of Jerusalem in mid-5th century B.C., he was often opposed and criticized, but cried out “O God, strengthen my hands” (Nehemiah 6:9 ESV).

Deanna with her mom and dad back home on Ingleside Farm Road in Lincoln County


of the Office of the President, working closely with Franklin Graham. As with her prior job in the White House, God continued to open the right doors, using the skills and experiences she had developed in Washington D.C. to support an international nonprofit organization in Boone, North Carolina. While working at Samaritan’s Purse, God called Deanna to consider an opportunity of public service. Through a series of events, including the timing of the Decision America Tour with Franklin Graham, and the reading of the scriptural stories of Gideon and Nehemiah, Deanna determined it was time to take on a new challenge: she would run for office herself.

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«Following Hurrican Matthew, Deanna joined Samaritan’s Purse in Pinetops, NC to rebuild homes

Deanna has asked God for the same thing thousands of years after Nehemiah prayed this original prayer“O God, strengthen my hands.” As a State Senator, Deanna needs strengthened hands to continue, both metaphorically and literally, building the towns and communities in the 45th District. There are schools to strengthen, farms to protect, cities and businesses to encourage, opposition to overcome and citizens to represent. The work that Deanna completes as State Senator would be lacking without God’s strength. Public service is demanding and requires difficult decisions and conversations with persons holding opposing views. In today’s society, Americans are torn between party platforms, opinions, gas prices, war, vaccines, etc. Therefore, it is crucial to seek peace in and through Jesus Christ. When serving in the district and across the state, Deanna strives to be reasonable, approachable, honest, and works hard to deliver results.

with less pre-determined conclusions about what people are going to say or think, and to be intentional in building community. You can be truthful, firm, and also gentle in your speech, as well as loving.” To young professionals and Appalachian State University students, Deanna encourages them to be “proactive in sitting down with people, even those that think differently than you. Get involved locally in professional networking groups, a church; or volunteer for one of our many local community organizations like Hospitality House, Valle Crucis Community Park, or our local schools. You have a lot to offer no matter your background, skillset or interests. Appreciate what is here and those who have made Boone what it is. Work together and be intentional in conversations to keep this community strong.” Our Appalachian Mountains are full of opportunities to rest, strengthen, and serve one another. In conclusion, Deanna shared: “[Where we live] is such a beautiful part of the state! … I really do love the people in the High Country. Honestly, it was a challenge when I first moved here — I had no

Deanna’s work does not stop here. Society does not simply rest on the decisions of one person, including the decisions of State Senators, Federal Representatives, Judges, the President, professors, and pastors. It is the calling of the Christian community, to effect change and impact culture and persons for the greater glory of Jesus Christ. Deanna exhorts her constituents “to approach conversations

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One of Deanna’s favorite activities is supporting small business owners across the district. Here she is visiting a women-owned business in West Jefferson, NC, Sweet & Savory Bakery. Photo by Carolina Gypsy CO. friends, no family, and was uncertain about it all. But, I moved on faith, and God honored that step. It’s hard to imagine that I now represent the very people and communities who were at first skeptical, but now graciously embrace me. What a blessing it all is.” This passion for the 45th District is fueled by the story of a stateswoman who was and is faithful to answering the call of service throughout her life. Whether it was climbing trees or riding four-wheelers at her Lincoln County home, or pursuing college ambitions, or traveling to over 60 countries with the President of the United States, or packing and distributing shoeboxes with Operation Christmas Child, all have shaped Deanna’s attitude and her work ethic in executing her service as a State Senator to nearly 200,000 people. She values good people and civil discussions, and the potential and success of others while remaining purposed in her heart to obey God’s direction and next steps. Deanna’s journey may look different than yours. But God clearly reveals that His promise, “He is with us,” is true no matter where your path takes you. God continues to use Deanna’s testimony and


Biblical values to shape a positive culture here at home in the heart of the Appalachian Mountains and in other spheres of influence. Let’s be encouraged to take action, step out in faith, in boldness, and in sincerity of heart so that God will strengthen our hands in building our homes and our communities. May we seek to remain obedient to the tasks and opportunities God provides each and every one of us. * Before this article was written, a new district formed due to updated NC population figures, resulting in Ballard running against another Republican in the primary election. Alleghany, Ashe, Watauga, Avery, Mitchell, Madison, Yancey, and portions of Caldwell and Haywood counties comprise the new district. While Ballard narrowly lost the election, she plans to continue working with Samaritan’s Purse and with educational partners across the state. She is unsure if she will run for office again.* * Be on the lookout for our video interview with Deanna Ballard on, coming in late July!

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The Restoration of an Unforgiving Heart HOW FINDING THE GRACE TO FORGIVE GAVE ME FREEDOM FROM ANGER By Carolyn Clement

“‘For I know the plans and thoughts that I have for you,’ says the Lord, ‘plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.’”

which I grew up. The Carolyn that I presented had two faces: the “social butterfly,” a spontaneous, fun loving party girl, and the “church lady.” These two personas masked a woman bound by the fear of rejection and abandonment.

Jeremiah 29:11 AMP

My worst nightmare came to pass in 1987 when my marriage broke apart. I was devastated. How would I survive? I had always had a man to look after me. First my father and then my husband. After a long period of self-diagnosed manic depression, I threw myself into the arms of the Lord. During this time, my Abba Father, knowing all my needs as a “people person” arranged many divine appointments. I wish I could name each one of these saints, some of whom are in heaven now. They walked alongside me, loved me, comforted me and prayed with me for the healing and restoration of my marriage.

My story is one of reconciliation and restoration — a true miracle. In 1969 I married a wonderful man who grew up in a family much like mine — pillars of the community, faithful church members, leaders and givers. It was a marriage made in heaven. We moved to the High Country in 1972. My husband gave up his aspirations in politics and began a new career as a true “country lawyer.“ We were blessed with two beautiful daughters and a delightful new home on Dutch Creek Falls in Valle Crucis. As an extrovert, I easily made friends and loved our new community, much like the small town in


One divine appointment came when the Lord led me to a women’s conference sponsored by Christian Believers United. I wandered into a session and

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Carolyn and her husband, Charlie Clement, have been married for 53 years!


heard Dr. Fuschia Pickett for the first time. I was in awe! I had never heard of such revelation knowledge. When I returned home I was so hungry for the Word. I began to devour it. I wandered with the Israelites every step through the wilderness. My mantra during these early days was “Hope deferred makes the heart sick” (Proverbs 13:12 AMP.) After many months in the wilderness, I focused on the book of Ruth. I really identified with her loss and her choice to follow the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and to leave behind all that she had known. Like Ruth finding Boaz, I realized Jesus was my Kinsman– Redeemer and He truly husbanded me. Through God‘s love, I realized that my fear of rejection and abandonment had caused me to put a mighty wall around my heart and not to trust anyone to come inside. I took my anger and bitterness toward my husband and gave God permission to perform heart surgery on me. I asked the Lord to show me

my part in this mess of a broken marriage. I knew that as strongly as my husband loved his family, he would have never left if I had not somehow driven him away. What a revelation!

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Carolyn & Charlie’s pride and joy, their grandkids. From left to right; Haines, Tessa, Clement, & Anna Brooks

I have a very thankful heart for God‘s grace and mercy in arranging these precious appointments at such crucial points in my life. Another early one was a Christ-centered 12-step program. In this program, my journey toward finding wholeness in Christ Jesus got a jumpstart! I learned my deep need to forgive those who had wounded me and to make amends to those whom I had wronged. My list went on and on. I had not realized how many resentments I carried. Many went back to my early school years with teachers and classmates. I learned that time passed doesn’t heal anything. Many of these were forgotten trivialities, but they were still buried in my deep heart — weeds that were choking out the flowers which were trying to grow there. Of course, the deepest taproot was my anger, bitterness and unforgiveness toward my husband. During the confession every Sunday, I “forgave”


my husband and set my bag of garbage down, and I went to the altar to receive communion. Then as I walked back to my seat, I would pick up my bag of garbage again and the bitterness and anger never went away. This went on for quite a while until I finally surrendered. One night in my bedroom, I cried out in desperation,”Lord I can’t do this! You’re going to have to show me how.” He put the scripture from Matthew 18:21-35 on my heart, which is the parable of the unforgiving servant. In the story, Peter asked Jesus how many times he should forgive his brother who sinned against him – seven times? Jesus answered 70×7, meaning each time again and again. He then tells a story of a man forgiven a huge debt by his king who immediately goes and finds another servant who owes him pennies and throws him in prison because he cannot pay. When the king learned of this, he was furious and threw the man in prison. Jesus concludes by saying “So my heavenly Father also will do to you if each of you, from his heart, does not forgive his brother his trespasses.”

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What a profound impact this scripture had on me! My unforgiveness had my husband in prison and I was also there, bound by anger and bitterness. I had taken my bag of garbage to the altar each Sunday, set it down at the cross on which Jesus had died for me, yet I did not accept His free gift. I had picked up my bag and slung it over my shoulder one more time. This evening, the Lord led me to the window and, as I shut my eyes, I pictured my husband before me who was bound in a huge heavy chain with a gigantic padlock. In my hand was the key. I sensed in my heart that I was to put the key into the padlock and unlock the chains. When I did this I saw the chains drop off and I then asked the Lord, “what next?” Then, I sensed Him telling me to throw the key out the window and over the waterfall! When I did this, I experienced an amazing lightness and freedom. I could breathe more deeply and easily. I had totally forgiven my husband and we were both free! The peace of God flooded my heart and my mind from that moment forward. In 1990 I had the most impactful divine appointment of my life. Clay McLean, who refers to himself as a “wounded healer,” was in the area for a speaking engagement at a Banner Elk church. I saw him for a counseling session and he invited me to be on his ministry team. In retrospect that was so amusing, since I needed more healing than anyone! God has a sense of humor. I joined his team when his ministry, His Healing Presence, was just beginning, having been mentored by author and minister Leanne Payne. I learned that the three barriers to wholeness in Christ are the failure to forgive, the failure to receive forgiveness and the failure to come

into self-acceptance. I thought that I had learned and broken through the first two barriers, but I had overlooked a huge mountain of unforgiveness — my parents! At one ministry conference, God gave me the revelation that my parents wanted me, their first child, to be a boy. So right off the bat, though never verbalized, I was a disappointment. That went deep into my spirit —“it’s not okay to be who I am, I must try to become what others want me to be.” On

I learned that the three barriers to wholeness in Christ are the failure to forgive, the failure to receive forgivenessandthefailuretocomeintoself-acceptance. THE JOURNEY | Summer 2022

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my little legs were switched. I did serious business with the Lord on this one. I made a confession of the vow that I had made “I will never be like my mother“ and broke its power over me. Once I forgave Mother, I told everyone how she had changed. It was not my mother who had changed, but God had changed my heart of stone into a heart of flesh. My dear mom would die three years later, but I rejoice in the Lord that we had three glorious years together! Everyone in my family knows how precious Daddy was and how beloved he was by everyone who knew him, especially his four daughters. Of course, I had shifted the blame for that early childhood punishment to Mother. This forgiveness came several years after my mom had died. I woke up in the middle of the night screaming, “I hate you, I hate you. Why did you do this to me?” I was more surprised than anyone that this was inside me, but God once again was rewriting my DNA, uprooting the weeds to make room for more flowers. No matter how much I adored my father and was thankful to God for him, I did still need to forgive him.

There were many times of wavering when I was ready to throw in the towel, but it was by God’s grace and provision that I held on.

The Lord reminded me of the commandment “Honor your father and mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you” (Exodus 20:12 ESV). This commandment is immediately followed by “you shall not commit murder.” How many times in my heart had I wanted to “disappear” my mother? Probably every time

another occasion, my father punished me for the first and only time in my life — he left the discipline to my mother. On this occasion, I had gone home with my best friend after school to play without permission. I was in first grade and my mom located me in one phone call in our small town. But after dinner that night, my daddy picked me up in his arms and told me he was taking me to my friend’s house to live with them! I can still remember the terror in my heart and holding onto the door frame screaming and wondering if my little white knuckles could hold on tightly enough. Of course, I was not given away, but the fear was implanted and pushed down deep into my heart. This was the ultimate fear of rejection and abandonment. Of course I rationalized this and blamed my mother since she was the one who ruled with an iron rod, better known as a switch from the chinaberry tree.

Remember that I had given God the rights to do heart surgery, to search me and know me and make me into the woman that He had created me to be. I say this journey is the process of being made into the image of Jesus. I knew I was born again but the sanctification process seemed like a very long labor. It takes a lifetime! The Holy Spirit began to reveal things to me through dreams and scriptures, through other people and sometimes through His still small voice.


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These revelations helped me gain an understanding of the false self that I became while moving me toward acceptance of my real self. I like what Leanne Payne calls us, “becoming ones.” God hates religion but loves and longs for a relationship. My false self was the result of the “good girl syndrome,“ which was acceptable as a young girl — look pretty, smile, don’t hit your sisters, don’t be angry, make good grades and behave. Later, add to this what your friends want you to be — party girl, rule breaker, sneak and daredevil. Then add on the expectations of husband and children, and you see why some people have mental breakdowns. I’m sure I would have been one of these had my denial system not been so strong . Again, another miracle from God.

In about 1993, I listened to a minister from Florida, Dr. Peter Lord, teach the scripture from Matthew 22:37–39; “you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind, and you shall love your neighbor as yourself.” After the teaching I prayed, “Oh Lord, I do want to love you and my neighbor. Please show me how.“ Then I distinctly heard the words “Your marriage is restored“. Now, this was about four or five more years before my husband and I renewed our marriage vows, but I held onto that word from the Lord in my

Carolyn’s love of flowers led to a business of making wedding dreams come true for many brides


The “church lady” persona was that religious whitewashed tomb, God’s label for the Pharisees. I knew that I was not a “good girl” but I had played the role so long, I even fooled myself.

heart. There were many times of wavering when I was ready to throw in the towel, but it was by God’s grace and provision that I held on. I am so very grateful to the Lord, and I bless my dear husband for choosing to forgive and love me. We both held hands and made that choice to come back together. It was a second chance that all are given but so few choose. In our golden years now at ages 78 and 82, our love

still grows deeper and deeper. Remember, when God restores something, it’s better than it was in the beginning!

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When The Pain Hits We've Got Your Back

For online appointments and to learn more


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This story is a testament to God’s grace in the life of an individual in our small mountain community. It testifies to the change, calling, and effect that this grace produces. That is why we call it a testimony. Usually, when we think of a person leaving a life of sin, repenting, and turning to Jesus for true life, we think of a roller-coaster ride. Maybe it is because we live in a culture that is addicted to thriller novels, action & adventure movies, and traveling adventures. We love the ups and downs of an exciting story and a tumultuous character arc. We tend to think the most powerful conversion stories are ones where God pulls back a person from the crumbling edge of the cliffs of self-destruction. I know that sounds like I’m being a bit too dramatic, but I’m willing to bet you still resonate with what I’m saying.

grace has to be dramatic. Furthermore, we can subtly buy into the idea that if our testimony doesn’t involve coming to the brink of ruin, then it isn’t truly impactful.

What if, instead of a dramatic swing, a story of God’s grace was woven through a life of simple obedience? What would it look like for God to work through a life that didn’t have to rebel to the point of moral bankruptcy, but instead, demonstrated a consistent fidelity and obedience to a call and a desire to please the One who gave the call? What would that look like?

Cameron and Judy Current are residents of Ashe County, where Cameron has a chiropractic business, which is aptly named Current Chiropractic. Day in and day out, he helps patients get back to a normal life with every alignment, adjustment, and stretching routine. He uses his gift of medical knowledge, anatomy, and skeletal structures to relieve pain and re-center the parts that are out of joint. But that is not all he does. He also uses another gift both inside and outside of

That is why this testimony you’re about to read is such a breath of fresh air. We can all fall into the trap of thinking our personal testimony of God’s


Praise God, we don’t have to walk to the cliff’s edge and nearly dash our lives against the rocky crags of sin to have a meaningful witness to the love of Christ. In reality, each story of a liberated soul is a powerful one, and this one is no exception.

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« Cameron proudly sits as the pianist at the First Baptist Church of West Jefferson it. They were deeply involved with their church community; always connecting with others, serving, and playing music. Seeing their level of dedication rubbed off on their young child. The faithfulness of his parents became a sort of cornerstone in his own life that he built his spiritual life on, even at a young age. He was also heavily influenced by the pianist that played every Sunday. The music impacted him, and little did he know that this person was planting a seed in him that would grow into a fruitful tree for years to come; nor could his young mind comprehend the magnitude of that influence and how God was going to use it to bless others. As Cameron grew, he wanted to learn to play the piano, so he started taking lessons as a youth and took any and every opportunity that came his way. Because Cameron was impacted by the power of music (and the piano in particular), he knew he wanted to make the same impact in the church himself one day. Church life and service were in his DNA.

the office. Instead of realigning bones and joints, he helps others realign their hearts and mind toward God as a pianist. His love of music started at an early age. Cameron grew up in church at Fletcher Memorial Baptist Church as a child and First Baptist Church of West Jefferson as a teenager. His parents made sure of

He had always believed in God, but like everyone else, he had to make a personal, intentional choice to fully put his faith and trust in Jesus as his Savior. Because of faithful parents, he grew up in Christian community. But it was at the end of a full week of Bible School at the age of twelve where he fully gave his heart to the Lord, because he felt God’s draw on his life. It wasn’t an overtly supernatural moment. Angels didn’t appear. A beam of light didn’t shine on him

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Dr. Current with his wife Judy and their two children, Camden and Caroline

from heaven at that moment. He simply confessed what the twelve years of his life had built up to and continued to serve through music. As he continued through high school and into college, practicing music and taking classes illustrated how the love of the piano had him firmly in its grasp. Eventually, Cameron had to leave home to attend chiropractic school. This would be the first time he had left his community, being separated from his church home. It was unfamiliar territory and he quickly began to notice his difficulty connecting with campus or church communities. As a result, his spiritual life began to dry up. He quickly felt the

void of a wholesome connection to a church body. However, by the grace of God, he didn’t take the low road of filling this void by sowing his wild oats as some do. Instead, this deprivation led to a yearning which slowly fueled his desire to use his gift even more. Though it was a difficult season of life, it produced a desire to be filled spiritually through the gift of music which, in turn, would eventually ensure others around him were spiritually fed. Cameron’s biggest desire has not been to make a name for himself or be a professional artist. His desire is to simply serve Jesus Christ and His people with his gift. His story is one of simple obedience. Once his schooling was finished, God provided an opportunity for Cameron to share with his church family by playing piano selections for worship service and eventually taking on the role of the church pianist. This is where he has faithfully served since the mid-90’s. Ironically, in doing so, he had come full circle from being that small child who was impacted by the pianist to becoming the pianist who was making the same impact on others. He also played an important role in maintaining worship for the church throughout the COVID pandemic. He doesn’t just play exclusively for his church, though. He also plays the keyboard as a volunteer at Camp New Hope in Ashe County, which is a


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Cameron’sbiggestdesirehasnotbeentomakeaname for himself or to be a professional artist. His desire is to simply serve Jesus Christ and His people with his gift.

Even though Cameron serves in these many capacities, the outpour of his musical talent doesn’t stop there. It also spills into the chiropractic office. As his own cup is filled through serving, it naturally affects the way he interacts with his patients. He has noticed that his musical gift makes him a better doctor. It grounds him, making him more patient and compassionate. Music fuels his sense of purpose in his professional life as well as in his Christian witness.

This is what a steadfast life of simple obedience looks like. The world needs to hear more testimonies like this one. Not every story needs radical changes in personality and attitude. Sometimes all we need is to know that there are faithful believers around us that have a simplistic obedience to their life that is attractive and winsome. We need rocks that provide stability. We need devoted friends that know what their gifts are and how to use them. We need dependable members of our community that we know we can lean on and not break. Don’t you want someone like that in your life? That is the power of a life of simple and faithful obedience. * Be on the lookout for our video interview with Cameron Current on, coming in early August!

Dr. Current at the entrance to Camp New Hope, where he volunteers to play piano for the visiting kids «

camp for special needs children. Here, terminal children and their families are given the opportunity to get away from the stresses of their everyday life and be catered to by the Camp New Hope staff as if it were a family vacation. Time after time, it has been a wonderful experience of fellowship between Cameron and the kids, as his piano music calms their minds and souls while the interaction fills his own.

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T H A N K & S U P P O RT


17 | Alliance Insurance Group

38 | Cookies & Cream

26 | McDonald’s - Boone


43 | Current Chiropractic

36 | Melanie’s Food Fantasy

44 | Appalachian Furniture

25 | Dacchille Construction Company

36 | Morris Hatton Ministries

51 | Appalachian Health Care

18 | Dan’l Boone Inn

44 | Mountain Advantage Tree & Landscape

10 | Appalachian Legacy Funeral Services

20 | Dom Bakeries - Wilkesboro

35 | New River Building Supply

32 | Arete Engineers

16 | Dougnet

34 | Old Barn Winery

34 | Ashe County Department of Social Services

09 | Frosty’s Choose & Cut

18 | Peak Insurance

17 | Austin & Barnes Funeral Home

18 | Goodman & Boston, CPAs, PA

40 | Precision Cabinets

08 | B3 Therapy

34 | Greene Construction Inc.

30 | Precision Printing

26 | Bare’s Tire and Auto Repair

24 | High Country Insurance Services

10 | Safe Harbor

02 | The Bee & The Boxwood

26 | High Mountain Creekside Cabins

01 | Samaritan’s Purse

25 | Blue Ridge Insurance Service

36 | Jason Cornett - Farm Bureau

44 | Scott Brothers

44 | Bojangles

10 | Jeff’s Plumbing

09 | Skyline/Skybest

24 | Boone Rent-All

25 | Jefferson Drug

24 | Stick Boy Bread Company

43 | Budget Blinds

47 | Jefferson Rent-All

43 | Top Notch Hearing

09 | Carolina BBQ

13 | Johnny Carson - Farm Bureau

26 | Town Of Boone Public Works

21 | Castle Auto Repair

16 | Legacy Pre-Finishing

41 | Wall to Wall Construction

49 | Chandler Concrete

09 | Lifestore

36 | Watsonatta Western World

50 | Chetola Resort

17 | Linville Caverns

08 | Wendy’s

03 | Chick-Fil-A Boone

25 | Los Arcoiris Mexican Restaurant

26 | Church of Jesus Christ

17 | Margate Health & Rehab

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