SNN May 2013

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Lakewood High School - May 29, 2013

Vol. 4, No. 6

Three-time Columbia Scholastic Press Association Gold Medalist

Dress code distress?

here’s how to stand out in the crowd ... pages 12-13

Drama in Drama: Lakewood program to shrink dramatically

... page 4

The Wright Awards: Find out SNN’s sports picks for the year

... pages 22 and 23

the hub

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A word from


The end of the school year marks new beginnings for Lakewood. While seniors say their goodbyes to the underclassmen, underclassmen say goodbye to their ripped jeans and unique t-shirts. Seniors say hello to their futures, and underclassmen say hello to a modified dress code. Students will have a lot to adjust to next year: the end of short Wednesdays, the loss of much of the drama program (see page 4) and of course, the modified dress code – but check out how to spice it up on pages 12 and 13. With all these changes SNN has changes to make, too. A new year comes with a new staff: DOMONIC EAVES | SNN

Junior Kaylee Polk sits on junior Killian O’Brien’s shoulders as they try to attract people to the swim team car wash on April 20. The swim team raised about $500 to put toward paying for meets and swimsuits. “I like washing cars and trying to get people to come (to the car wash),” O’Brien said.

Correction In the April addition of SNN Alie Dangar and Paige McAuliffe’s names were spelled wrong in a photo caption.

On the web... Check out the following news and multimedia stories on the Spartan News Network’s website. Go to

• Freshman artist: Look into freshman Zaylon Cunningham’s talent as an anime artist. By Tasina Taylor and Maggie Verdino

• Jalissa’s Closet episode 6: Lisa Ha gives pointers on how to braid hair. By Jalissa Jorden, MeKell Phillips and Monica Scruggs

• Chemistry class: Look into George Garbutt’s AP Chemistry class. By Atiera Hopkins and Danielle Gaddy

• Pregnant in high school: Senior Cierra Champagne talks about what it’s like to be pregnant in high school. By Leon Tomlinson

• Making mouse traps: A physics class creates unpredictable mouse traps, check out the results. By Julie Christiansen and D’Quarious Williams



• Behind-the-scenes: Watch a behind-thescenes video of the making of the spring play, Dearly Departed. By Nia Cumberlander

Page 1 design by MeKell Phillips. Sophomores Brandon Sweat and Jahnique Brown - who are NOT dressed according to the new policy - stand out in the crowd among Lakewood students.

Editor in Chief: Scotty Schenck Photo Editor: Rachelle Gaddy News Editor: Zoe Blair-Andrews Chief Photographer: Atiera Hopkins Multimedia Co-editors: Quin Mitchell and Naudia McDaniel Design Editor: Kahil Holmes Opinion Editor: Nia Cumberlander Entertainment Co-editors: Quindon Nolton and Jakob Barker Fashion Editor: Daijha Wimberly Feature Editor: Bobbie Wright Web Master: Mariah Watts Copy Chief: Caroline Dunning Copy Editors: Akela Harris and Victoria Bischoff Advertising Manager: Deme Davis My time here as editor in chief has come to an end, but it has been a time I will always remember. This year has been full of stress, laughs and even tears. The position taught me three important skills on a new level: leadership, timeliness and responsibility. My team of editors worked hard to put out the most accurate, important and interesting news to the Lakewood community and I guarantee next year’s team will be doing the same. Good luck to the 2013-2014 editors!

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Different diplomas for different futures By DRE WALKER SNN Staff Writer

Gov. Rick Scott signed a bill April 22 that put into law a total of three different diplomas that a student can earn while in high school. There will be a standard diploma, a technical training diploma and a diploma for students who take college-level courses in high school. In previous years, the legislature put graduation requirements into law that made it more challenging for high school students to graduate. Principal Bob Vicari said the Florida Department of Education made the changes because it was very difficult for some students to graduate. “I do believe that the DOE realized that one size does not fit all,” he said. The three different diplomas include the following requirements: • A scholar designation diploma will ensure that a student took at least one college level course in high school, took algebra 2 and took at least two years of a foreign language and passed the end-of-course exams for algebra 2, biology and history. • A merit designation diploma will give students the chance to take industry certification courses of their choice rather than taking traditional courses in math and science while meeting the requirements for a standard diploma. • The requirement for a standard diploma is to complete at least 24 credit hours and pass standardized test exams in algebra 1 and language arts. Freshman Naadirah Davis said she likes the different options because if she doesn’t meet requirements for one diploma, she can probably still graduate with a different one. “(The new requirements) will make me more successful and give me more opportunities and advantages,” Davis said. Junior Aaron Heron said with the new requirements, the incoming freshman “got it easy.”

Grad update By JAMES LEONARD and CHAVEZ DAVIS SNN Staff Writers

The graduation for the Class of 2013 will take place on the football field on June 6 at 7 p.m, while graduation practice will be on June 4 at 1 p.m. in the Lakewood Auditorium. The rain date is June 7 at 8 a.m. “The last time it rained was 26 years ago,” economics teacher Sharyn Jacob said. This year for the first time, the boys are wearing black gowns and the girls are wearing gold gowns. The reason for the change of color is so parents will know where to sit to see their children, assistant principal Harriett Davis said. Family members and guests do not need tickets to come. “I’m going to give a message about my great time at Lakewood,” traditional valedictorian Malachi Johnson said. Johnson said she is going to attend Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University to major in pharmacy. Center for Advanced Technologies valedictorian Alex Voce will also speak at the graduation. He said he plans to go to the University of Central Florida. Both of the valedictorians said they are very excited to walk across the stage for graduation, and are somewhat nervous about giving their speeches.


“They won’t have to pass everything. I’m going to have to pass everything,” he said. Sophomore Emily Williams said she would pick the scholar option. “I don’t think it’s asking too much of a student who wants to go to college,” she said. Vicari said the new requirements will allow students to be successful “who take a variety of paths.” “To me success comes to those who work hard at whatever career goal they choose,” he said.

Summer program bridges gaps About 240 kids can sign up for Lakewood’s summer courses.


Lakewood High School will be holding two new summer school programs for six weeks, beginning June 10. While schools have always had summer programs, this summer the school system will be focusing on extending its services to about 10 percent of the student population, or more than 12,000 students, according to a letter from Superintendent Michael Grego to the school district’s teachers. The first program – called Summer Bridge - will be for kids struggling with algebra, geometry and biology end-ofcourse assessments and for incoming freshmen, principal Bob Vicari said. Biology will be taught by Fawnia Schultz and algebra by Jonathan Crouch and Syreta Snead. There will be another teacher coming from a different school to teach geometry. There are 160 seats available for algebra and 40 seats for biology and geometry. Students said the Summer Bridge program should help struggling students. “I think it’s a good idea,” junior Marina Martinez said. “It’ll help further their education.” Junior Danny Hernandez said that he sees his friends struggle in their classes. “It would be great to see them have an opportunity to get help,” Hernandez said. The second summer program deals with enrichment. The

enrichment program has seven different classes: structure and mechanics, sensors and programming, robotics, environmental and ocean sciences, aquaculture, fishing and submersible remotely operated vehicles. “It gives students a place to channel their energy,” said Peter Oberg, coordinator for the Center for Advanced Technologies. These classes will be taught by James Kostka and Jason Ness and assistant teachers Megan Geidner and Schultz. Both programs are free and funded by Pinellas County schools. There will be different sessions each day Monday through Thursday at various times, depending on the program. Sessions are at 8 a.m.-10 a.m., 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. or 9 a.m.-12 p.m. The program may return next summer if it is successful this summer. Vicari said he is looking forward to the enrichment part of Summer Bridge. “I think it’s good that the enrichment program is open to every student,” Vicari said. “I see that as the opportunity to get kids excited (about their various interests).”




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Drama students furious about shrinking program By ZOE BLAIR-ANDREWS SNN Staff Writer

Cuts are being made at Lakewood, and it looks like most of the drama classes may be first to go, but not without a fight. The school board has notified the Lakewood administration that eight teaching units must be cut, and principal Bob Vicari has said drama will be one of the eight. Vicari said that not enough students signed up for the drama electives for next year.“You have X amount of money, and you have to satisfy the most people you can and at the end of the day you have to stay in the budget.” Sophomore and drama club treasurer Gianna Sheppard said she is really upset about the changes. “Drama is the one thing that I’m really involved in and it’s my passion. It’s the one thing that I honestly completely care about in school and the kids in drama club are like my family,” she said. Drama teacher and club sponsor Colleen Coughenour is stepping down from teaching drama after seven years and will be moving back to teaching English classes at Lakewood. “I loved doing that, but I’m at a point in my life where I need to devote time to my family. … I have an elderly mother and father-in-law who have both lost a spouse and I need to spend time with them. It’s a change I’m making for myself,” Coughenour said. When Coughenour started teaching at Lakewood, two-thirds of the classes she taught were English classes and the other ones were drama. Two years ago, when Lakewood shifted to the eight-period day, the school had enough money to expand the drama program and for Coughenour to become the full-time drama teacher. Now drama will go from a full six periods, to one musical theater class taught by Jacob Merrett. The drama program is losing four theater classes and one stagecraft class. “We knew that Ms. Coughenour was leaving (drama). When we found out that they weren’t filling her position, we said we wanted to keep drama alive somehow,” Merrett said. Merrett said he has some musical theater experience but he will “have to rely on others as well as the experienced students.” He said a total of 60 students signed up to take drama classes - including 17 who signed up specifically for musical theater. The others will be given a choice on whether to switch to musical theater or choose another elective, Merrett said. The students of the drama club have heard about this cut in the program and say they will refuse to be silent about it. Amanda Dodge and Sheppard, along with some other drama club students started a petition, and plan to attend a school board meeting on June 11. They are encouraging anyone who loves drama to write letters to the school board. “I think it’s important because you have to stand up for something you really believe in and we believe this is completely wrong. Drama is more than just an acting class, you gain a lot of confidence from it and it benefits you academically as well,” Sheppard said. Dodge, the drama club president, is a senior this year and won’t be affected by the loss of drama at Lakewood,



but she said she still wants to be involved in the protest. “It wouldn’t be right for the underclassmen to be denied the same opportunities I had because drama really changed my life and helped me get through high school,” Dodge said Coughenour said she is glad the students are standing up for what they believe in. “I’m incredibly proud of them because that’s how things change. They’re actually taking very positive action. There’s no guarantee, but at least they know that they tried. … I’d love it if they succeeded. That would be amazing,” she said. However, Coughenour said she NIA CUMBERLANDER | SNN also sees the administration and The cast of Dearly Departed waits in the dressing room before the show school board’s side to the story. opens on April 18. This was drama teacher Colleen Coughenour’s last time “I think it’s a money issue. … I do believe that the school board directing a show at Lakewood. and the administration want to do the best they can and these are hard choices,” she said. Supervisor of Performing Arts for Pinellas County schools Jeanne Reynolds said all high schools have some drama presence in their schools, ranging from drama clubs to several classes a day, to more than one drama teacher at certain schools. Q. We know that cuts need to be made at Lakewood. Are “Mr. Vicari and I have been communicating regularany teachers being laid off? Which teachers are leaving? ly and Lakewood will not be without a drama program A. No teachers are being laid off. Ms. Stambaugh, CAT next year. ... The current plan is to make sure musical guidance counselor, is retiring. (English teacher) Ms. Scictheater is offered as a class, and to make sure that the chitano is taking a job at another school closer to her home drama club continues,” Reynolds said. and (computer science teacher) Ms. Heeren is taking a job at However, continuing the drama club is easier said Seminole Middle. than done. Lakewood has yet to find a sponsor for the drama club. “Hopefully I can convince a teacher to do Q. What kind of response do you think students will have to an after-school club,” Vicari said. cutting the drama classes? Merrett said if no other teacher steps up to be the A. The kids who are in Mrs. Coughenour’s class … they just sponsor, he will do it. “I volunteered to be the sponsor love her, they love that class, they love everything about it… if I must ... with the hope that numbers will go up and So I can understand students being really emotional about they might be able justify a new position.” it…like, ‘Hold on a second I was looking forward to taking Reynolds said being involved in drama has many drama next year.’ I’m hoping that we can satisfy, between the positive outcomes for students. club and other outlets. The reaction they are going to have “Drama students typically outperform their peers is upset. No one really likes change when things are already on many language arts related standardized tests. This going well. The drama numbers were pretty low, so we had to is most dramatically seen in SAT scores. Additionally, make some decisions. Those decisions aren’t always ones we drama students have a great advantage in public speakwant to make. ing, job interviews, etc.,” Reynolds said. Drama is also said to provide students many skills Q. How do you feel about these classes going away? for the future. “Drama serves several purposes in the A. It’s kind of like a vending machine…if no one is buyschool. For one, it’s one of the most collaborative art ing the Hot Cheetos you’re going to want to replace it with forms there is; it involves history, research and math, something else. Do I want to put it back? Absolutely I want critical thinking and problem solving. It involves creatto put it back…but numbers have to go up. Money dictates ing, reading, analyzing and writing,” Coughenour said. decisions. The drama program at Lakewood puts on a show ev- SNN Staff Writers KRYSTAL IVY ery year, and Coughenour said the reaction to the show and AMELIA ALBERTS this year was a good one. “People were watching, they’re just taking it in, because for some of them it’s all new, they’ve never seen To see Nia Cumberlander’s behind-the-scenes video of the making live theater…That saddens me to think we wouldn’t be of Dearly Departed, go to able to provide that,” she said.


with principal Bob Vicari

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Class will turn students into CSI pros By QUIN’TAVIUS MITCHELL SNN Staff Writer

Students in next year’s new forensic science class will be using simulated crime scenes to learn how to find and identify evidence - whether it’s a bloodstain or a fingerprint. They will then learn how to process the evidence and find its origin. Science teacher Brandy Noonan, who recently got a degree in crime scene technology, will be teaching the new course next year at Lakewood High School. “It will be a fun senior class to take,” said Noonan, who has been pushing to have this elective for a few years now and is very excited that it is finally happening. Noonan said she may visit St. Petersburg College, where the crime scene degree is offered, because they have “a lot of large expensive equipment that we could never afford.” Most of the work will be hands-on projects, Noonan said. The class will be a great opportunity for students who have an

interest in this field, because they can get a little head start before going to college and majoring in it. Guidance counselor Veronica Pruitt said Noonan came up with the idea for the class years ago. “A lot of her students talked to her in her anatomy and physiology class. Her students wanted more hands-on science to keep up with the new CSI TV shows. So she looked into it and it was a go,” Pruitt said. The class is an elective and not a core science class and Noonan will be the only teacher teaching this course, Pruitt said. There will be two classes with about 50 students total each semester. “If students like it and the course becomes booming, then they will be opening more units for the next year coming,” she said. “I think it’s good to offer … (especially) if someone wanted to be in that career,” sophomore Dajah Curry said.


Lakewood science teacher Brandy Noonan holds up a forensic science lab kit on May 22. Noonan is now taking on a forensic science class for the 2013-2014 school year.

Reaching back to their roots Many students look at the new African-American history class as an opportunity to learn about their heritage. By NIA CUMBERLANDER SNN Staff Writer

Among several of the new classes coming to Lakewood in the 2013-2014 school year is African-American history taught by current world history teacher Harry Glover. This course is already being offered at Pinellas County high schools, but will be brand new to Lakewood. The course would be a semester long and count for a half-year elective credit. Glover said that because there is such a high population of African-American students at Lakewood, he was concerned that the class was not being offered. “There is a lacking sense of pride of this younger generation in regards to their culture that needs to be reintegrated in their lives,” Glover said. “The students are so far removed from their culture and I thought that we, the older generation, have shirked our responsibilities on educating our younger generation about their past.” Some key points that will be covered include ancient African civilizations, the Harlem Renaissance, the Civil Rights Movement, modern day slavery and notable African-American individuals.

Assistant principal Susan Alvaro said she was glad to see this course introduced. She said it was as simple as going to the county and getting the course code to make the course available. “The only thing students learn about (regarding African-Americans) is the slave trade,” Alvaro said. “This is a chance to expand knowledge.” Sophomore Dennisha Pugh is ready to learn about her roots. “(Students) should know about what blacks had to go through and understand history,” she said. Sophomore Erica Lemon shares some of those sentiments. “I want to know about my heritage and about what my ancestors had to go through to get to where I am today,” she said. This course has been one of the most requested at Lakewood for next year and only time will tell if it becomes a permanent part of the Lakewood course list, over 100 students have signed up to take this class so far. “I am excited to see where it goes from next year,” Alvaro said.



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Turnaround student is moving forward By KRYSTAL IVY and AMELIA ALBERTS SNN Staff Writers

With a GPA of 1.7, she did not care where her future was going. School was the least of her concerns because trouble at home and a negative attitude preoccupied her energy. Clemmeisha “Meme” Flowers, who came to Lakewood during her sophomore year from Boca Ciega High School, said she felt no one cared. She had no reason to work toward a future. In just two years, however, Flowers, now a senior, improved her grades and overall attitude. This spring, assistant principal Deb Fabrizio chose Flowers as her nominee for the 28th Turnaround Achievement Award. The award is granted to one student every year who has shown the most significant change in behavior, attitude, academics or substance dependence. Flowers said it means a lot to receive an award highlighting her massive improvement. “It’s letting me know that somebody cares. I’m going to keep moving forward,” Flowers said. Upon transferring to Lakewood, Flowers wanted to play basketball as she had previously done at Boca Ciega, despite her below satisfactory grades. “She wanted to come to Lakewood as a fresh start. She wanted to be a basketball player, and there were a lot of things that had to happen before

that. One, stay out of the office on referrals, two, bring your grades up to a 2.0, and three represent Lakewood High like athletes do,” Fabrizio said. With the guidance of reading teacher and girls’ basketball coach Necole Tunsil, along with Flowers’ desire to play basketball, she was motivated to improve not only her grades, but her overall attitude toward life. “She had this belly of anger inside of her, so we tried to use basketball as a way to keep her grounded and we used basketball to give her a reason to be successful academically as well as athletically,” Tunsil said. Now with nearly a 3.0 GPA, Flowers has transformed herself and has plans for the future. “(Her) grades are great, (she’s) on track to graduate, and we’re looking to find her a college to play basketball. She’s remarkable,” Fabrizio said. Flowers, Tunsil, principal Bob Vicari and assistant principal Harriet Davis attended a breakfast and award presentation on May 6 at Banquet Masters, where Flowers received the award. Fabrizio described Flowers’ future as “limitless.” “She can do anything she wants,” she said.


Senior Clemmiesha Flowers reads in Rayford Waters’ fourth period English class. Flowers has been selected as Lakewood’s turnaround student. “I definitely am a leader; I try to influence people by keeping them out of trouble,” Flowers said.

Jarvis to leave Lakewood for teaching job in Cambodia


Next year, you won’t find chemistry teacher Dana Jarvis in A203. Instead, she’ll be about 8,600 miles away in Cambodia teaching science to poor students. Jarvis is moving to Siem Reap, Cambodia, which is about 145 miles from the capital, Phnom Penh. Jarvis will be working with underprivileged kids at a school teaching physics, biology and chemistry. To get the job she had to contact the International School Agency and was interviewed by different countries. The salary is a little bit more than what she makes here in Pinellas County, she said, though it differs based on experience. “Honestly, it’s the life-changing experience that makes it worth it,” Jarvis said, “not the pay.” She will be staying in Cambodia for at least two years, and when she returns she doesn’t plan on returning to Lakewood. The only person who will be joining her is her husband. Jarvis said they will rent a house in Siem Reap. She and her husband would like to have some property for gardening. “I could live without air conditioning for two years, but it would really be nice having hot water,” she said. Jarvis said her husband is excited about this opportunity, because he feels that the mission of the school is suited to their beliefs. Although he has no job waiting for him there, Jarvis is confident that he’ll find one. Jarvis said she doesn’t know any of the students she will be teaching. All she knows is that they come from small villages outside of Siem Reap. Jarvis thinks that the students will be eager to learn, but the biggest problem



may be the language. Although the students have been speaking English since they were very young, it isn’t their first language. The students would most likely use English only in class. That means she would have to adjust her “New Jersey speed” of talking. “If (the program) wasn’t available, the children would be working at a young age without a solid education,” she said. Jarvis began teaching at Lakewood in August 2010. She said it will be hard to leave her students and the friends she has made. “I’ve learned a lot through the students,” Jarvis said. “I’ve watched many of them grow up.” Principal Bob Vicari said he isn’t too thrilled about Jarvis’ adventure to Cambodia, because he said he has concerns about her safety. “It’s a great sacrifice and I give her a lot of credit. It takes a special person,” Vicari said. Biology teacher Megan Geidner said this is a great opportunity for her friend to get experience, but “I’m going to curl up in the fetal position and cry myself to sleep” when she leaves. Junior Kim McEntegart said she is extremely proud of Jarvis’ decision to travel to Cambodia. “She’s a phenomenal teacher,” McEntegart said. Although she’s sad, McEntegart said she knows that where Jarvis is going she will be more effective. Jarvis, 25, travels every summer. Last summer after that she traveled to Indonesia and two summers ago she traveled to Italy. She said she likes “figuring out what I wanted to do once I got there. It was all up to me.” She hiked a


Chemistry teacher Dana Jarvis explains a formula to her chemistry 1 class on May 6. Next year she will be in Cambodia teaching underprivileged kids physics, biology and chemistry. volcano for three days and then woke up at 3 a.m. to watch the sun rise. Jarvis said traveling offers a different perspective on people and cultures. “It makes you grateful,” Jarvis said. She described the kids in the country she’s moving to as “dirt poor.” “Traveling is a big part of who I am, and I can share that with my students,” Jarvis said.

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Super kicking Schnells

Caitlin Schnell and her father, Ronald, have been practicing karate for years, but now they see each other in the hallways of Lakewood.


For 13 years, Caitlin Schnell, 17, has practiced the art of American Tae Kwon Do and is currently a third-degree black belt. For her, karate runs in the family: She is taught by her father, Ronald Schnell, 46, who began teaching at Lakewood as a substitute this year. “I couldn’t imagine my life without it,” the junior Center for Advanced Technologies student said. “I was surrounded by it as a kid.” Their family runs Ron Schnell’s Superkicks, a karate studio in South Pasadena. Caitlin gained her first-degree black belt seven years ago and has been taught at the same karate studio for her entire martial arts career. Black belts take an additional year to gain for each degree (i.e. firstdegree takes one year, second-degree takes two more years, and third-degree takes an additional three years, a total of six). Caitlin received her third-degree on May 25, 2012. “It’s a core of hers. I don’t ever expect she’ll stop,” Ronald said. Now, both Caitlin Schnell and her sister, CAT alumnus Rebecca Schnell, teach at the family studio. Rebecca, 19, currently attends the University of Central Florida. She also has a third-degree black belt and when she comes home from school, she teaches for her father at Superkicks. She said her teaching style is “more laid back” than her sister’s. “I try to teach the students something, but keep it fun and let them enjoy it so they don’t get burned out,” Rebecca said. Alfred Adler Elementary School second grader Jack Cosper, 8, has been taught by all of the Schnell family. He currently has his orange belt and has been taking classes for almost a year. “(Ronald Schnell is) a really good teacher and I’m happy he made this karate school,” Cosper said. “He’s the master in


Junior Caitlin Schnell does a side kick with her father, Ronald Schnell, who is also a substitute teacher at Lakewood. Ronald Schnell has been practicing martial arts for 27 years and has a studio in Pasadena. my karate class.” Paul Jensen, 44, also has been taught by all three Schnells and has been taking lessons with his family for a year and a half. He has a green belt, his son, Joshua, 6, has his yellow belt, his other son, Andrew, 8, has a blue belt, and his wife, Laurie, 40, has an orange belt. “They all obviously have an appreciation, if not a love, for martial arts,” Jensen said. He said that Caitlin is a “serious instructor,” Rebecca is a “relaxed but very confident teacher” and Ronald is “very technical, but he’s also relaxed.” Ronald Schnell has been practicing martial arts for 27 years, starting in junior college. Because Ronald is a sixth-degree black belt, he is taught by famous kickboxer Bill “Superfoot” Wallace, who has worked with movie stars such as Chuck Norris and Jackie Chan and appeared on Walker Texas Ranger. Ronald not only teaches higher-level courses for black belts at his studio, he teaches reading at Lakewood as well. He said that teaching in a school is very different from the teaching done in the karate studio. “I’ve earned the respect in martial arts,” said Ronald, “but one has to make a personal connection to gain the respect of high schoolers.”


Junior Caitlin Schnell practices her high kicks with her father Ronald Schnell at Ron Schnell’s Superkicks. Caitlin said she doesn’t mind her faher life. “It’s taught me the basic skills of ther’s presence at the school. life; how to be a hard worker, commitment, “I love it. … I’m a daddy’s girl,” Caitlin leadership, determination, persistence ... said. (and) definitely confidence,” she said. Both Caitlin and her father said they believe she will continue karate for the rest of



features W e d n e s d a y, M a y 2 9 , 2 0 1 3

Teachers’ recall their favorite reads


We know the current generation’s favorite books were the Dr. Seuss books and the Harry Potter series, but what were your teachers’ favorite novels when they were children? SNN interviewed a few of your teachers to find out their favorite childhood books. “Where the Wild Things Are because I enjoyed reading; I was well-read.” – George Garbutt, AP chemistry teacher “A Time to Kill because of what a father does for his children … it was a little dark. I like all John Grisham books.” – Chris Borg, technology teacher “I didn’t like (reading) as a kid, but I like it now. I read a book called Scar Tissue about the lead singer of the Red Hot Chili Peppers. There was lots of heroin, sex ... that’s all you need in a book, right? I also liked The Giving Tree and A Light in the Attic.” – Raymond Bauer, biology and marine science teacher “I liked Curious George as a kid. I started reading and understanding the book. It had illustration and pictures and it was fun to find out what Curious George was up to.” – Anthony Snead, technology teacher


Technology teacher Anthony Snead lies on the ground while he reads Curious George, his favorite book as a child.

Science teacher Raymond Bauer laughs at his favorite childhood book. Bauer said he enjoyed books by Shel Silverstein because his poems were funny and visually entertaining.

“I liked The Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler because it was about a kid who ran away from home and lived in a museum in New York City. I mean, if I can still remember that title now, then what does that tell you about the book?” – Deb Fabrizio, athletic director and assistant principal “(I liked) The Hardy Boys or Encyclopedia Brown because of the mystery and problem-solving aspect of it.” – John Toronski, history teacher “I liked Charlotte’s Web because I love animals and it was a sweet story. It had lots of impact: it would make you laugh or cry. I also liked Runaway Slave because my teacher read it to me with expression. It made such an impression on me. It was so moving. It was my first exposure to injustice.” – Andrea McDougal, librarian CAROLINE DUNNING | SNN


Some tips to impress during your summer job interview


As summer approaches, more and more teens will be looking for jobs and the job market will be competitive - so you need to put your best self forward. Preparing yourself for an interview is important. You have to know the do’s and don’ts before going into an interview so you can be ready. The first thing to know when going to an interview is always dress up. No matter what kind of job it is, dress up. For a female, a nice dress and some flats or a blouse with a pencil skirt or slacks would work. For a male, they should wear a button down shirt with slacks and dress shoes. A suit may be too much depending on what job you’re being interviewed for, but if that fits the job then wear a suit. Never wear jeans, shorts, graphic tees, shirts that are too revealing or sandals. What you wear tells a lot about you and what type of person you are. During the interview, always sit up straight and speak loudly



and clearly. The interviewer won’t be able to hear you when you’re whispering. They won’t be impressed by your appearance if you’re slouching in the chair and sitting inappropriately. They might think you don’t know how to be assertive. That should not be their first impression of you. You should also make sure you don’t speak too loudly. You should speak calmly but in a medium toned firm voice. That lets them know that you are confident and know how to communicate well with others. When going to an interview you should bring a pen, preferably black, and maybe a mini notepad in case you need to write down some important things to remember in the future. Another important tip is to do a little research on the company you are interviewing with. If you’ve done your research, then you won’t be caught with surprise questions. You would be surprising them. Finally, look up commonly asked interview questions and answers so you can be prepared for anything. Accord-

ing to, here are some possible questions that may be asked: •Why are you the best person for this job? •Describe a difficult experience you’ve had at work and how you handled it. •What can you do for this company? •How can you contribute to this company? •What do you know about this company? •Why do you want this job? •Why should we hire you? If you’ve done your research, you should expect a call back and should be working within a week.

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I Tried It: Hot tempered over bad wings By SYMONE BROWN SNN Staff Writer

Deep-fried animal carcass piled on a plate slobbered down in spicy sauce is the last thing a vegetarian wants to eat. After driving from Lakewood to Tampa, I discovered that American Pie Pizza Company, which offered a 29-inch pizza challenge, closed down. With deadline rapidly approaching, we had to settle for Hooters down the street. Eating meat was not something I would have signed up for, but for the love of journalism, I reluctantly accepted the challenge of eating 50 Hooters chicken wings in 30 minutes with the help of junior Rachelle Gaddy. With 30 minutes on the clock, we began gobbling away at 25 mild wings and 25 “hot” wings. The first thing that came to mind upon sinking my teeth into the wings: “Disgusting.” Then memories, far from nostalgic, of why I became a vegetarian in the first place began to flood my head. Four months ago, I caught a bad case of food poisoning after eating Beef O’ Brady’s hot wings, and I have never eaten meat since. Irony and nausea sunk in as I chomped on one of the Hooters’ delicacies. Judging from the prepubescent bodies of the scantily clad waitresses, I knew that if this Hooters’ restaurant couldn’t live up to

the promise of voluptuous Hooters Girls then the wings weren’t going to be so hot either. Just like the waitresses, the “hot” wings needed some spicing up. It was already a task to get the hot wings down. Just when I thought the tough got going, it got worse: I tasted the mild wings. They were flavorless and nearly vomit-inducing to say the least. I thought eating 50 wings could be easily accomplished, considering how Rachelle was a meat lover. Despite her love of chicken, even she found this challenge hard to beat. With every wing, the repulsive grub grew more and more difficult to get down and keep down. Even Mountain Dew and curly fries couldn’t banish the taste from our mouths. After 26 minutes, we had enough of this self-inflicted torture. Together we ate 32 wings out of 50. We managed to scarf down 16 wings each. After all that we had been through, the ticking timer meant nothing to us anymore. We snatched the menu and began browsing for desserts. Chocolate layer mousse cake was just what we needed to rid ourselves of pain and suffering.


Juniors Symone Brown, left, and Rachelle Gaddy dread the Hooters’ 50 wing challenge on May 15 with only four minutes and 53 seconds left. The goal was to eat 50 hot wings in 30 minutes; Brown and Gaddy only ate 16 each.

Back when I was in high school... Teachers reflect on their high school days and the differences they see today. By LINDA CORBETT SNN Staff Writer

Years ago, Lakewood teachers were students just like the ones they teach today. They too once worried about grades, whether they’d make the team or who was going to ask them to prom. Here are a few of their stories: English teacher Beth Brubaker graduated in 1983 from Apopka High School just outside of Courtesy of Beth Brubaker Orlando. Brubaker was an all-around, solid B student who enjoyed sports. She was part of the swim and tennis teams and was also part of the Spanish Honor Society. She owned a red 1978 Firebird Trans Am, one of many cars she had in high school. Her job at that time was picking up cars for a car lot for her father who was a used car dealer. The biggest difference from when she was in high school and high school now is “lack of manners, politeness.” English teacher Barbara (Bates) Palmer graduated in 1968 from North Royalton High School in North Royal-

ton, Ohio. She was part of the cheerleading, basketball and softball teams. She was also in the National Honor Society, Girls Athletic Society and French club. Outside of all the school activities she played the clarinet and danced modern, jazz and tap. She was a “very motivated” student who wanted an education and graduated 10th in her class. She didn’t have a car, but had a job over the summer as a lifeguard and managing pools. The biggest difference from when she was in high school and high school now is that “kids were more self-motivated and wanted to learn; they were activist,” Palmer said. Center for Advanced Technologies secretary Beverly Mitchell-Brown graduated in 1983 from Dixie M. Hollins. She was a part of the ROTC and drill team. With an above 2.5 GPA she worked at Wildwood Recreational Center as a clerk, but had no car. During her time at Dixie her class had the first black homecoming queen. MitchellBrown said the biggest difference from when she was in high school and high school now is “more kids have their own cars and the dress code wasn’t as strict.” Principal Bob Vicari graduated in 1977 from William Floyd High School in Mastic Beach, New York. The biggest difference from when he was in high school and high school now is “high school is a lot better (in regards to)

the relationships with teachers and students.” “Teachers and administration didn’t know my name. There was no support,” Vicari said. History teacher Harry Glover graduated in 1989 from Leon High School in Tallahassee. He was a part of the basketball team and ran the 800 for track his senior year. Outside of Courtesy of Barbara Palmer school Glover was a part of a chorus and was a beat boxer for a rap group. They performed in many different talent shows around Tallahassee. He managed to graduate with a 3.0 GPA and had a job at McDonald’s starting in 11th grade and worked all the way through college where he later got promoted to manager. The biggest difference from when he was in high school and high school now is “the respect that students have for adults,” Glover said.




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Leader takes criticism with spotlight As president of the National Honor Society, senior Victor Noriega faces the responsibilities of being a Lakewood leader. With his position, he has to accept the recognition and the negativity that comes with it.

Victor Noriega sits outside of Spartan Field on May 10. Noriega is the leader of the National Honor Society, a participant in FBLA and Debate Club and is an overall activist in the school. ALEX BRACKX | SNN


As he stands in the front of the auditorium, senior Victor Noriega takes control of the members of the National Honor Society. “This is not FBLA,” he said, referring to the Lakewood chapter of the Future Business Leaders of America, and a murmur comes over the crowd. Some object, while some laugh hysterically. This is the reaction that typically greets Noriega, the president of the National Honor Society. “Either you hate him right off the bat and you want nothing to do with the guy, or you take your time, actually get to know him and like the guy,” senior Alex Voce said. Despite the controversy that sometimes surrounds him, Noriega is a vital part of many Lakewood communities. In addition to being the president of NHS, Noriega is a member of the Debate Team, where he placed third in a senate debate competition. He has also placed first in districts in impromptu speaking for FBLA while in ninth, 10th and 12th grades. This year, he names one of his biggest accomplishments as getting a $150 scholarship at Conferencia, the state Spanish conference, which came as a result of his membership in the Spanish Honor Society. Lastly, while he admits he did not see the field much, he was a member of the Spartan soccer team this year. “I was the bench hero. It was my place, but I enjoyed the few minutes I played and the practices and the team,” Noriega said. Noriega cites his upbringing from Cuban parents as what has been a big part of his success in high school. “I have always had all my ideals from my parents and working hard and doing everything that I need to do to have a successful future,” Noriega said. His siblings have also played large roles in his life. Noriega’s brother, who is 11 years older than him, is a computer engineer who graduated from the University of Florida. He also has an older sister who attends the University of Central Florida. “I really want to follow in my siblings’ footsteps, be successful and make my parents proud. … I am always thoughtful and aware of where I came from and my parents came from and all those factors are prevalent in my daily life,” Noriega said.



Noriega’s brother has inspired him to become a better citizen in the community. “My brother had Crohn’s disease and was bleeding out of ulcers in his colon and needed a lot of blood transfusions. I have always given blood to help people in those situations, too, because without that blood my brother would not be here today.” It is this strong upbringing that makes Noriega a natural-born leader. “He’s meant to be in a leadership position,” said senior Aswin Sembu, who played on the Lakewood soccer team with Noriega. Noriega hasn’t always been the great speaker he is now, however. “In middle school I was not always so confident or ready to speak out in front of the people. It started in ninth grade with a project from (ninth grade teachers) Mr. Ness and Mr. Borg where one day they said you have to get up there and present your PowerPoint. I went up there and spoke well and I’ve always had a thing for speaking,” he said. Being a great speaker has turned Noriega into a leader in the school community, but he understands that criticism comes from being in the spotlight. “I don’t have a problem with people looking at me and criticizing me. I take it constructively, and I love to speak and I love to communicate with the people and convey messages and ideas,” Noriega said. Voce, admittedly one of Noriega’s closest friends, is not afraid to offer up some of this criticism. “The way he leads is by being the one with the loudest voice,” Voce said. In the future, Noriega hopes to continue being a leader while attending the University of Florida. As for his studies, he will be working toward a degree that will allow him to become a lawyer, probably political science. “Being accepted into the University of Florida was definitely where I saw my hard work and everything I’ve done accumulate into one final hurrah,” Noriega said. “My whole life is based on making sure that I can do the best not only for me, but for my world and for the community and a lot of the things I do in the name of my parents. I do that to honor them and to show them that they did not come to this country in vain and that their son is doing great stuff.”

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Rough road to the GED By SYMONE BROWN SNN Staff Writer

The sound of test book pages flipping fills the classroom. Students sit aligned in rows, scribbling on their Scantron slips. In the wooden-top desks sit middle-aged balding men, anxious 20-somethings and a couple of babyfaced teenagers. These people, all from different walks of life, share the same objective: to earn a General Educational Development (GED) diploma. Among the test takers is Wisteria Schneider, 17. On March 27 and 28, Schneider took the GED test at Tomlinson Adult Learning Center, 296 Mirror Lake Drive N. in St. Petersburg. The certification exam was composed of science, math, reading, social studies and writing. “Going into it, I was a wreck,” Schneider said. “I was so nervous.” The test was split into two hour-and-a-half sessions. The first session assessed social studies and science comprehension. The second session was made up of math, reading and writing. You need to pass all the sections with over a 70 percent in order to get the GED diploma. Schneider said after the final test session was over, she walked to her mother’s car feeling relieved. “All I had to do from there was wait and see,” Schneider said. Six months earlier: September 2012 It was only the second month of school and her junior year at Lakewood High School. Schneider’s attendance record noted nearly 20 absences. Her first six weeks report card had straight D’s on it. She said she had lost all motivation. “I keep thinking, ‘What’s the point of going to school if I’m not even trying?’” Schneider said. Her mom took notice of Schneider’s lack of effort in her academics. She let her know alternatives to the high school diploma. “She realized that I was missing school, my grades were dropping and I would complain about school every day,” Schneider said. The first week of September 2012, Schneider went to her guidance counselor and requested a drop-out form. She said she knew from the beginning of the school year that she was going to drop out. “I tried to prolong it and talk myself out of it,” Schneider said. “I kept thinking I would get back in the groove of school again, but I never did.” Schneider joined the 8.1 percent of students who drop out annually in America, according to She went through the standard drop-out process, which includes student counseling and parent conferences with school administration. Lakewood assistant principal Dr. Harriet Davis said that though Lakewood tries to prevent dropouts - for example, by using the NovaNet program for high school credit recovery and counseling - the school tries to make sure the students that do drop out have plans to be successful. “We let them know about all the different paths they can take after dropping out, like learning a trade or attending St. Petersburg College, so they can still be successful,” Davis said. “We don’t want them to drop out but if they do, we want to make sure they have a plan.” Davis also said that fewer than 15 percent of students at Lakewood drop out. Common causes are issues at home and lack of motivation. In early fall, Schneider signed the drop-out permission form and was no longer a student at Lakewood. “The messed up part was that the paper I signed to drop

out said: ‘By signing this paper you understand you have less of a chance of being successful and have less opportunities in life’ right above the signature line,” Scneider said. “But no matter what that little piece of paper says, I’m going to be successful. Believe that.” A new beginning The day after dropping out, Schneider went to the Pinellas Technical Education Centers (PTEC) on 901 34th St. S. in St. Petersburg and enrolled in the GED program. She started her journey to getting a GED by taking the TABE (Test of Adult Basic Education) to get accepted into the program. Schneider passed the test, scoring over a 9.0 and joining the 14 other students who were also getting their GED. Schneider said the program isn’t run like a traditional high school but more like a study hall. A computer lab is available with book resources and tutors Monday through Thursday from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Schneider went to PTEC every Tuesday and Thursday from 4 p.m. - 6 p.m. The students in the program must pass the five preGED tests with a score of 500 or above in order to sit to take the GED test for a diploma. On Oct. 9, Schneider went to the PTEC bookkeeper to schedule a date to take the GED test in March. She said she was worried about the math portion but other than that she was confident about the test. “I’m going to do something to my life. I have a game plan,” Schneider said. The highs and the lows Rather than block schedule classes, extracurricular activities and homework, most of Schneider’s days consisted of sleeping in until noon and studying. Schneider said she battled with boredom after dropping out of school. “In school, I was always doing something, whether it be class or hanging out with friends,” Schneider said. “I’m always bored.” She said the downside of dropping out was losing her social life. Her friends could now be counted on one hand, which is the polar opposite of when she was in school. “I had a lot of friends. I was texting people 24/7. I knew everybody. Everybody knew me,” Schneider said. “But now, I lost all my friends.” She said that once she stopped seeing her “friends” every day, they started to treat her like a stranger. Some of the friends she has left started to drop out, too. Schneider said that she doesn’t want to set a bad example. “It’s bittersweet. It’s nice having someone in the same boat as me, someone I can talk to about it. Since we’re in the same position, we can relate,” Schneider said. “But on the other side it’s bitter because I don’t want to start a trend and have people thinking that dropping out is cool.” She may not have many friends, but the people in her life still support her. Schneider said her family, her mother and her aunt back her in her decision. “My family was cool about it and thought it was the best option. They are happy I’m taking initiative and actually went to PTEC the next day,” she said. Her friends are also in agreement. Schneider’s best friend Allie House, a junior at Lake-


Wisteria Schneider dropped out of high school in the beginning of this school year. Since then, she has struggled to complete her GED. wood said she is happy for her. “It’s her life. She has to do whatever makes her happy,” House said. Moment of truth The results of the GED test take three to eight weeks to come back. The first indicator of passing is a big manila envelope in the mail, which will contain a GED diploma. If a student doesn’t pass, they will receive a plain envelope from PTEC. “Even though I knew my results would take weeks to come back, I ran to the mailbox every day since I took the test,” Schneider said. Three weeks after taking the test, Schneider ran to the mailbox as usual. Inside the mailbox: a plain envelope from PTEC. Schneider passed all the sections except math. She failed the math portion by scoring only 5 percent. She said she was saddened and shocked by her math score. “I wanted to break down and cry, but I didn’t,” Schneider said. Schneider then went to Dixie Hollins High to take a refresher course in math and plans to re-take the GED this summer. Currently she is enrolled at the Aveda Institute in St. Petersburg in the 18-month cosmetology school. Schneider plans to become a hair stylist and a makeup artist. Still, Schneider doesn’t regret her decision of dropping out of Lakewood. “I made the best decision for me. … I had my junior year and senior year ahead of me. I only had two more years, but I just couldn’t do it,” Schneider said. “I didn’t want to prolong the inevitable.”.



Dressing up the dress c

Many think that next year’s modified dress code will threaten students’ individuality and fa new policy, fashion choices will be limited, but the individuality remains plentiful. SNN show still show off their style, whether it’s preppy or alternative, while still being within the ne

Owen Dyches as Skater

Sophomore Owen Dyches puts a surfer twist on the modified dress code. His puka shell necklace, Quiksilver polo, white Vans and longboard give the uniform a laidback feel. “The collar shirt kind of throws it off, but you have to work with it,” Dyches said.


KC She

Kimberly McEntegart as Trendy Junior Kimberly McEntegart shows off her trendy side by rocking a sky blue American Eagle polo, skinny jeans, braided chestnut sandals, topped with boho chic chandelier earrings. “I chose the outfit because it worked for the school (dress code policy) and my taste,” McEntegart said. “It was laid back yet in style.”



How are you going to dress up the dress code?

“To accessorize my uniform I’ll probably change the colors of my shirts and how I mix and match my uniforms Also I will add more accessories like watches.” -Vincent Iacone, 10th Grade

“(I’m) gonna wear every single polo shirt with polo shoes to go with it.” - Jordan Luckett, 10th grade


ashion sense. With the ws that Spartans can ew dress code.

Rachelle Gaddy as sporty The new modified dress code allows students to show their school spirit, and junior Rachelle Gaddy shows hers by sporting her softball jersey and blue jeans with gold trim. “Before game night I love representing my team, whether it’s volleyball or softball,” Gaddy said. “I’m glad that next year the school will still allow us athletes to represent and sort of advertise our game.”

Nia Cumberlander as modern grunge Cuffed denim, Doc Marten combat boots and a skinny black tie over a white button-down gives next year’s dress code an edge. Junior Nia Cumberlander puts an alternative take on the new policy. “As hard as it can be with the dress code. I’ll give it a shot,” Cumberlander said. “Alternative styling can be achieved with a few statement pieces, like Doc Martens.”


elton as Preppy Preppy style can make the modified dress code stylish. Junior KC Shelton spruces up the new dress code policy by adding a Vera Bradley floral bag, glitter boat shoes, pearls and gold accessories. “To be preppy is to be classy and stylish,” Shelton said. “Pearls are key.”


“I’m going to wear a bow tie, a belt, and nice shoes to go with it.” - Noah Harasz, 11th grade

“(I’m going to) Wear colorful shoes, socks, cargos, especially Levi’s, and longsleeve polo and vest.” - Raulan Boyd, 10th grade


Vicari answers your questions about the modified dress code The moans and groans about next year’s modified dress code are mainly due to misconceptions and rumors. There are many myths about the new policy and SNN clarifies the confusion. Principal Bob Vicari sits down in an interview to help clear it up.

Q. Are buttoned-down shirts allowed? A. “Yeah oxford shirts… long sleeve, plain colors.” Q. What kind of leg garments can we wear? A. “It can be cargo shorts below the knee, jeans and khaki pants.” Q. What about striped polo’s, are they allowed? A. “No (the committee is) going with plain colors.” Q. Can we wear cardigans, jackets, polo vests or hoodies? A. “It’s more that whatever’s underneath is dress code compliant, so if you have a jacket on or a sweater on that’s fine.” Q. What will happen during homecoming/spirit week? A. “We’re going to get together as an administrative team and you know the days were we have ‘wear your class color’ day.” Q. Can we wear slides and boots? (footwear) A. “(There are) no regulations on footwear.” Q. Will the dress code have anything to do with color or style of hair? A. “No, someone comes in here with red hair, green hair, yellow hair - it doesn’t matter - no hair.” Q. Do we have to wear a belt? A. “If you’re wearing pants, yeah.” Q. Can we wear non-prescription glasses – also called fashion glasses? A. “Yeah they’re fine; you wouldn’t be able to tell. Sunglasses are not permitted.” Q. Can we wear undershirts? A. “I don’t care what is under your clothes.” Q. What about accessories, are there any you can’t wear? A. “It’s the same as now. If someone has a big marijuana leaf on the chain, then no you can’t wear it, but if someone has a big cross then absolutely, yes (you can wear it).” Q. Does the dress code say anything about body jewelry, belly-button rings, tongue rings, etc. ? A. “No, there’s no way I should be able to see if you have a belly-button ring or not. If I can then you’re obviously out of dress code.” Q. Can we wear colored socks and tights? “Colored socks, yeah. Tights - I’m not going to see tights because they’re under the clothes. As long as they are wearing the dress code compliant stuff whatever’s underneath doesn’t matter.” Q. Why are girls not allowed to wear dresses? A. “The committee just decided that there’s going to be certain things that are dress code compliant, and that is what they made a decision on.” Q. Does the dress code say anything about makeup and nail polish? A. “No, it’s the same thing as the county dress code says: ‘You can’t do anything to disguise your face.’ So I mean somebody can’t face paint, but that has nothing to do with makeup.” Q. Why can we wear blue polos if we can’t wear red? A. “The School Resource officer did mention that the red color is associated with some of the community groups that may not be doing the right thing.” - KAHIL HOLMES, SNN Staff Writer

“I’m going to wear blazers and khakis with cute flats.” - Carson Schlather, 10th grade

“I’m just going to step out in Lakewood with a polo shirt on maybe with the vest, and khakis and shoes.” - Dorian Smith, 9th grade



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Life on a ‘harder road’ The reality of having a baby at 18 matures a Lakewood senior.


At first, 17-year-old Cierra Champagne wasn’t sure, so she took three tests. Two were positive and one, with very faint lines, was negative. So she decided to go to a healthcare clinic. On July 18, 2012, it was confirmed: She was having a baby. The news would change her life forever. Champagne immediately spoke with her boyfriend, Idrish Lanier, who almost cried when he was told. “Honestly, I was like, ‘What?’ and just stared at her stomach as if she were already about to drop,” Lanier said. After the initial shock the couple talked about what to do next, and they decided to keep the baby. “I think it hasn’t hit him yet; he’s happy, but I know deep down he is nervous,” Champagne said in October about Lanier. Lanier then told his mom the news. Champagne’s parents, however, found out from a Facebook post. Champagne, a senior, said they didn’t agree with the couple’s choice to keep the baby and told her she should have an abortion. “They didn’t want my life to be hard,” Champagne said last October. “I’m scared. I know a baby will be hard to take care of at first, but after a while I’ll get used to it, because I raised my baby sisters.”

The gender

In October, Champagne had a doctor’s appointment to find out the sex of the baby. “I was kind of upset because I wanted a girl,” she said, after finding out she was having a boy. “But at least I know my baby is healthy and I can start preparing.” Along with the changes in her body, Champagne began craving rice cakes. “The plain ones were disgusting, but chocolate and caramel are amazing.” When Lanier saw his girlfriend growing, it dawned on him that he really was going to be a father. Champagne began having pains in her chest from the baby kicking. “Sometimes when I’m lying down you can see the baby poke out and move,” she said in January. Champagne’s due date was March 14, and she said she was scared about the pain of labor. She did not want to have a Caesarian section unless she had to, but if she has to, she said she will get a tattoo to cover the scars. She walked a lot out of hope it might make labor easier. During an appointment in January, doctors told Champagne she appeared to be two weeks ahead of schedule. She was told she may have early labor, but also told



not to worry. All she knew was that she was beginning to feel tired and lazy. “Walking up the stairs, that’s terrible,” she said. Champagne fit into most of her clothes throughout pregnancy. When she felt uncomfortable, she wore a dress or yoga pants. “Sometimes my dad will joke with me, ‘Stick your stomach back in,’” she said. Despite the tiredness, Champagne started shopping for the baby. She purchased onesies, towels, bottles and even a bathrobe. Her grandmother, Connie Champagne, bought her two weeks’ worth of baby clothes from Target. Though things were getting better with her parents, Champagne decided to live with her grandmother once she turned 18 in January.

The shower

Champagne tried to keep up a social life despite being pregnant, but she said most of her plans usually fell through. She did get to see her friends, however, when she had her baby shower on Feb. 8. When it started, she was upset because Lanier was late, but as the night went on she enjoyed herself. During the shower, they played games, opened presents and shared laughs. At one point, a bow that was wrapped around a present was guessed to fit around Champagne’s stomach. She insisted it would be too big, but when it was placed around her, it was too small. Lanier helped her open the gifts. She said him being next to her helped a lot. “I don’t like being the center of attention. I couldn’t breathe really well,” she said. Unwrapped gifts cluttered the table. There were teething rings, lotion, pillows, clothes, tiny boots that made everyone say “awwww” and a bottle of wine, courtesy of Lanier’s mother. “I think the baby shower was all right; it wasn’t what I expected, but it was still fun toward the end,” she said. Though keeping up her social life was hard, one thing Champagne did not fall behind on was her grades. She said she made only one bad grade in the grading period before she was put on bed rest, and that was a D in anatomy and physiology honors. Champagne went to the hospital for minor contractions in February. She was supposed to be out of school for a week on bed rest, but that week turned into several. “I just couldn’t go back,” she said. As her due date got closer, her feet swelled, her back ached and she couldn’t sit in the same spot for long.

Special to SNN

Senior Cierra Champagne holds her baby boy, Cameron Adrian Lanier, shortly after his birth on March 21. He weighed 7 pounds, 8 ounces.

Then, Champagne’s due date passed without a birth. Doctors gave her until the 41-week mark before they would induce labor. Two days before that the pains started

The birth

Champagne went to the hospital around 11 p.m. on March 20 but had to sit in a waiting room until she was four centimeters dilated to be admitted. Her grandmother, grandfather and uncle were with her while she waited. Champagne said the contractions were horrible, but once she had an epidural she couldn’t feel anything from the chest down. During birth, her grandmother and mother each held one of her hands. Lanier was behind the doctors. Cameron Adrian Lanier was born March 21 at 9:03 a.m. He got the family tradition of a name starting with ‘C’ and the middle and last name of his father. Champagne was in the hospital for three nights after delivering the baby. Lanier stayed with her until they were released. Then Champagne took Cameron back to her grandmother’s house.

The future

“From the beginning he was good; he didn’t cry unless he needed something,” Champagne said. “The hardest thing is getting up at night when Cameron cried and then trying to go to school in the morning and then work in the afternoon.” On weekends, Lanier and Champagne get together, but during the week, they see little of each other. Lanier, however, sees Cameron everyday, regardless of his schedule. They even take turns keeping Cameron overnight so each of them has alone time. The first time Lanier took Cameron, he said, “I was like, ‘There goes my sleep,’ but I didn’t mind it.” During school, Lanier’s brother watches Cameron. When Champagne has to work, Lanier watches Cameron until 6 p.m. when Champagne’s grandmother comes home. Champagne works as a hostess at the Ev-


Cierra Champagne does school work at Lakewood on March 11. erglade’s BBQ Smokehouse at Tropicana field when there are Ray’s games. Champagne is currently trying to find daycare. The county or state, she said, will pay for most of it. She said Cameron has changed her. “I’m more responsible and mature. I do what I have to do for the baby,” she said. Lanier and Champagne don’t plan on letting early parenthood stop them from having future careers. Lanier is going to cosmetology school to become a barber. Champagne plans to go to St. Petersburg College in the fall for early childhood education and may also attend cosmetology school. “I’m graduating and going to college still,” she said. “It’s just going to be a harder road.”

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Sophomore tunes his talents into music By MARIAH WATTS SNN Staff Writer

Jamaal Chaney creates a variety of beats for his clientele and fan base.

The tips of his fingers pounce on the keys of his studio set as he creates yet another beat. Sophomore Jamaal Chaney is tucked in the corner of his mother’s home office as lyrical tunes ranging from smooth to hard translate from his thoughts onto a hard drive and into his client’s hands. “He must be doing something right, because the demands for his beats are definitely there,” said Donovan Pink, a close friend of Chaney and a sophomore at Lakewood. “And a lot of people very into music at Lakewood know about him and his talents.” Chaney was not inspired by any other artists but was motivated by a competitive push to outshine the beats on the radio. With a few hundred dollars’ worth of equipment and a blend of tunes strumming through his thoughts, Chaney orchestrates an urban mix of beats with a dash of old school. “It’s kind of like a do-it-yourself and figure-it-out kind of thing,” Chaney said when asked how he learned to produce. “No one taught me how to produce anything. I’m still teaching myself actually, it’s a learning thing.” Although he may lack the experience that other producers hold, Chaney’s talents are known through the local area. Chaney sells his beats to local rappers Crown Marquiss and James Goodwin for them to create a complete song. “He hit me up through a searching network site and told me about his beat making,” Marquiss said. Chaney and Marquiss have known each other for a year now, and Marquiss said he buys beats from Chaney because he knows him personally. Pink describes Chaney as a “hardworking, determined and strive-for-the-best type.” The two friends spend their time together in Chaney’s home studio critiquing the melodic tunes. “If he makes a bad beat, he’ll look at it and throw it away, start over,” Pink said. Pink said Chaney has a variety of beats. “He can do different genres of beats, not dub-step but almost like that, and then the


Sophomore Jamaal Chaney works on his beats in his home studio on March 2. Chaney started producing beats about a year and a half ago after teaching himself how. Sophomore Donovan Pink, a close friend, said Chaney is a “hardworking, determined and strive-for-the-best type.” regular conventional hip-hop,” Pink said. To help inspire Chaney’s creations, the two listen to a diverse group of rappers. Whatever their mood summons, the boys will listen to The Weeknd, Drake or even his own beats - “whatever is on shuffle.” “It’s better to have a variety of music from all different eras,” Chaney said. The variation of beats and tunes aids Chaney in his producing and attracts multiple clients. Chaney’s support staff is composed of close friends and family. While he has his constructive and critical friends in one corner, his mother and father lie in the other. “My parents are pretty supportive. I mean they go with it,” Chaney said. His parents financially assisted his home studio, which consists of a keyboard, Beats by Dre headphones and two Yamaha monitor speakers. While his parents are readily available

financially, they are available for support as well. There are other musical talents in the Chaney family. His mother is skilled at the piano, and his aunts and uncles sing. Although he isn’t the only musical talent in his family, he is the only one who became a producer. He said being a student in the Center for Advanced Technologies program has helped Chaney become a better problem solver when dealing with his beats. “It makes you think more on your feet,” Chaney said. Although Chaney is your typical wellrounded student, involved with the junior varsity football team, varsity baseball team, a student in the CAT program and a respected producer, he admits to having trouble managing them all. “Producing does distract me from school. I don’t really

manage it, I just do it,” Chaney said. Chaney doesn’t see producing in his future; if anything he sees it as it is now - a hobby. “Maybe when I’m older I might become a producer. Maybe as a side thing, nothing big,” Chaney said. While Chaney does have a passion for expressing himself through a strum of tunes, he has other ideas in mind. He aspires to be an attorney because his mother is a lawyer. Though these goals are in his future, Chaney wants to give today’s generation an urban flare that our parents can relate to. “I would describe myself as a producer as good, I guess. I’m not the best, but I’m not the worst, I’m not mediocre. It’s really not about what I think, it’s about what everyone else thinks,” Chaney said.




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Don’t cripple drama program The Pinellas County School district requires a minimum of one fine arts credit to graduate from high school. Next year, there will be fewer classes to choose from for that credit. Most of the drama classes at Lakewood High School are scheduled to be cut. While this may seem minor, it undermines the importance of the arts in a high school education. Drama teacher Colleen Coughenour teaches six drama classes currently. Only one class is scheduled to remain next year and that class will not even be taught by Coughenour. It will be a musical theater class taught by Jacob Merrett. Coughenour is also unable to sponsor the after-school drama program any longer; however, Merett has agreed to take over the drama club if no other teacher steps up. Principal Bob Vicari said that drama is the least chosen elective at Lakewood. However, there are other schools in Pinellas County that also have small drama programs. Those schools are somehow able to keep their drama programs alive. Shouldn’t Lakewood be able to do the same? The importance of fine arts in the public

school system has long been debated, and it’s currently losing the battle. Fine arts in public schools has slowly, but surely been losing respect and, therefore, funding. As the United States falls behind globally in science, technology, engineering and math, it is investing more and more money in these STEM classes, leaving the fine arts behind. While it is necessary and is certainly helping us progress in those areas, it won’t give us the balance that is necessary. The benefits of the fine arts in education have been proven time and time again. According to a study by Florida State University, GPA, FCAT and SAT scores increase as the number of fine arts courses being taken by the student increases. High school dropout rates significantly decrease from 30 percent to 6 percent when students take fine arts. Colleges also take an interest in applicants taking fine art courses. It’s another way of showing the admissions board a well-rounded student. While fine arts may not be viewed as applicable and necessary as STEM classes, arts remain relevant and crucial to our society. Art is everywhere we turn - the clothes

we wear, the buildings all around us, the music playing on our speakers, the food we eat, the movies we watch and the advertising we are bombarded with. It is impossible to get through a single day without art influencing you in some fashion. Art is the very essence of our culture. To remove that kind of education from our public school system is simple ignorance and folly. Art produces creativity. Art produces ingenuity. Art produces perspective. These are all qualities needed for everyone - including students looking to go into STEM areas of study. Losing most of the drama program at Lakewood High School is just another small step toward further removal of the fine arts. The drama classes need to stay in place. The education system has made many mistakes in the past; don’t let this be one of them. Keep the drama at Lakewood alive. -This editorial reflects the opinion of the SNN staff and was written by opinion editor Chelsea Helt.

Your voice - Senior Memories

What is your favorite high school memory? Darius Evans | Senior “When the band jumped off the stage during the pep rally it made me feel like all eyes were on me, like it was my time.”

Rebecca Halfast | Senior “Senior night for the swim team my dad couldn’t make the meet but he sent me a cut out of himself holding up two thumbs saying ‘Great job boo-girl,’ Now I can bring my dad to college with me.”

Spartan News Network Staff Editor-in-Chief: Kayla Garcia Managing Editor: Katie Blevins Chief Photographer: Leon Tomlinson Chief Sports Photographer: Rachelle Gaddy Sports Editor: Devon Rogers Opinion Editor: Chelsea Helt Entertainment Editor: Tristan Shuler Design Chief: Scotty Schenck Online Editors: Molinseai Elcius, Jessica Thornton Copy Editors: Zoe Blair-Andrews, Caroline Dunning

Code of Ethics As journalists for the Spartan News Network, we work together as a community with respect, professionalism, accuracy and curiosity. We collect information and dig deep to get to the bottom of the most current events to produce and distribute hard-hitting and honest news to the Lakewood community in a timely manner. SNN is an open forum that strives to accurately report a balanced and truthful depiction of the news while remaining objective. Our main goal at SNN is to build and maintain trust with the people, to give a voice to the voiceless and to succeed at not just painting the picture, but telling the story behind the art. SNN is produced by the students of Lakewood High School. 1400 54th Ave. S St. Petersburg, FL (727) 893-2916, ext. 2163 SNN is printed by Lakewood’s business partner, the Tampa Bay Times.

Ericka Murphy | Senior “I planned everything for Lakewood’s first tailgating party. I sold tickets and raised $150. Being SGA president has been the best time of my life.”



Marquez Valdes | Senior "I was MVP (at the Jesuit game) and it was the best game of my high school career, it was the first time Jesuit ever lost to Lakewood."

For more news, go to the SNN web site:

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You are more than a score NIA CUMBERLANDER SNN Staff Writer

Sometimes it can be overwhelming to me and other college-bound high school students to think that arbitrary pieces of data such as GPA, SAT/ACT scores and sports statistics can determine the direction of your early adulthood and consequently your entire life. But they do. This can be especially overwhelming if you’re not where you want to be academically. Even though these pieces of “data” do have a heavy impact on your college options, none of them in isolation are likely to keep you from going at least in the general direction of where you want to go. To put it simply, you are more than a score. Yes, I know this may be shocking to you, but there is more to being successful, and to be being a whole human being, than just being a perfect student. This isn’t to

say that these stats aren’t important, but it is to say that one should never define oneself by numbers, especially because young adults are still trying to find out who they are. Instead of stressing about your future, find out what you can do to change it. Never compare yourself to others who have what you’re lacking. It doesn’t serve you and it’ll just leave you feeling worse. Even if you don’t have it all together at the moment, working day by day to make your situation better will be so empowering that you won’t care nearly as much about what others are doing. If your GPA is a little lower than you need to get into your top choice school, work to achieve the GPA you want, but know that having really good SAT/ACT scores and a good application essay can help. If you aren’t super successful on the SAT, you might do better on the ACT or vice-versa. Find extracurricular activities

that match your interests and do well in them. Write a spectacular application letter. Don’t be afraid to open up your college choices to include accredited schools that may be smaller or not as well known. There may be a gem waiting that you’ve yet to discover. Also, don’t discount going to a community college for a year or two and then transferring to a bigger university. It is a good option for those who want to save money, want or need to stay at home for a while or need time to repair their GPA so they can move on to a university. One last piece of advice for everyone, regardless of how well you’re doing right now: Be true to you. Don’t be ashamed of admitting your mistakes and fixing them and always be helpful and empathetic to others around you. Treating yourself and others with respect is key in making your success story.

Depression takes a toll on the whole family BRIANNA JOHNSON SNN Staff Writer

Depression is a disease that not only affects one person but that person’s family, friends and surroundings. I know this for a fact. Ever since I could remember, my mother has had depression and has also been diagnosed with bipolar disorder; a condition she refused to believe was true. Depression, from what I’ve experienced, is where the person feels as if they’re in a dark, deep, cold hole that you cannot pull yourself out of, no matter how much you try, or how many people try to help you. You’re misunderstood and alone. Bipolar disorder causes severe mood swings from extreme manic to extreme depression, with a little normality mixed in. You never know exactly what will trigger those mood swings, and sometimes, nothing triggers them. You have to constantly walk on eggshells. These disorders took my mommy away from me and changed me in many ways. I couldn’t grow up as a carefree child and have teenage years that I’ll cherish forever.

Reality slapped me in the face and made me grow up quickly. For the majority of time, my mother spent her day locked in her room, not really communicating with the outside world, leaving me to watch after my younger siblings all the time. There were many times when I felt as if I was more of their mother than their actual mother was. I felt like a teenager who had two kids. Over time, I’ve grown to resent my mother for taking away my freedom, my childhood and tarnishing my memories. I’ve always felt as if my mother did not take the right precautions to control her disorders. I feel as if she should have tried more to make sure she could be there for her three children, as much as possible. But that didn’t happen. Not one day went by where I didn’t have a fight with her. At times, this escalated farther than a verbal argument. For years, my siblings and I were scolded for things we shouldn’t have. Especially me. I could have been the most perfect thing on earth, and that still wouldn’t be enough. This caused me to have many anxiety attacks. I find myself constantly stressing over things that a normal person wouldn’t even bat an eye at. I also find myself getting angry at the simplest things. There

were many times where I think I was depressed. I wanted nothing to do with anyone or anything. I shut people out, just like my mother had. The simple fact that I could find myself turning into her was very scary, I knew I had to drop those ways, and drop them fast. When I turned 18, I wanted to cut off all ties with my mother and start a whole new stress free life. The first chance I got I moved in with my father, my biggest supporter. But along with that, I lost a brother and sister. Despite everything happening, I’m about to graduate and start a completely new life the way I want it to be. I can now be in charge of my own happiness. It’s an amazing feeling. I plan on going off and enlisting in the military and going along with whatever life gives me. I want there to be more awareness to what depression can do to a family. And I want more help for those dealing with this like me, my siblings and the many other people in the world. When living with someone who has depression and other disorders, it’s very important to not let everything get you down. You can’t allow that person’s mood swings or actions turn you into a person you don’t want to be.


Things I learned (or didn’t) in high school TRISTAN SHULER SNN Staff Writer

There’s a famous book called, All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten. As an adult in my (thankfully) last few weeks in the public school system I’m able to say that I think this is false. In fact, I never even learned everything I needed to know in preparation for the adult world in high school, let alone kindergarten. I’ve made a list of the top 10 things I learned both in the public school system and what I wish I did. Things I was taught in school: 1. Pythagorean theorem 2. Balancing chemical equation 3. How to take Cornell notes 4. Cursive writing 5. The names of the popes and what they did 6. The water cycle 7. How to analyze literature 8. How to fill out a standardized test 9. Long division 10. The difference between the Harlem and Italian Renaissance Things I wish I were taught in school: 1. How to file taxes 2. How to register to vote 3. How to get a loan 4. How to have a successful job interview 5. How to pay your bills 6. The college basics 7. How to get insurance 8. What credit scores mean 9. What to look for in a job 10. How to do basic home repair The point of this list is not to showcase life skills, but rather make you think about whether you’re getting the most out of your education and whether school prepares you for adult life. After four years, I have come to the conclusion that I learned a lot of stuff from a book that some bureaucrat wanted me to learn but not enough that would help me when I’m living on my own.




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No fault to be seen here


The Fault in Our Stars is a brilliant novel. While the story is slightly cliché, it remains a wonderful book. The plot is realistic, the characters are lovable and the romance isn’t smothering. The Fault in Our Stars by John Green follows 16year-old Hazel Grace Lancaster. Hazel was diagnosed with thyroid cancer when she was 13 years old and nearly died of it. She now has problems with her lungs and has to have breathing assistance from an oxygen tank. While she narrowly escaped death, she still is considered terminal and is not expected to live a long life. Hazel attends a cancer support group weekly where she meets the charismatic amputee, Augustus Waters. Osteosarcoma, a cancerous bone tumor, left Augustus with only one leg. Hazel and Augustus are easy friends, and Hazel’s favorite book, An Imperial Affliction, becomes a central part of their relationship. As the story advances, Hazel and Augustus find themselves falling for each other. The couple has their share of adventures they work through as times become rough, such as when Hazel unexpectedly has to go to the

hospital because of extreme fluid buildup in her lungs. Green truly has a mastery of the English language. This story flows beautifully, smoothly and feels extremely natural. Dutton Books Reading the book barely feels like reading. The story has an advanced vocabulary and yet stays down-to-Earth. Even though the story is emotional, there is plenty of laugh-out-load comic relief. There will be moments when you will be both laughing and crying at the same time. On top of the over-all fluidity of the work, there are specific quotes that are especially remarkable, such as, “My thoughts are stars I cannot fathom into constellations.” This metaphor is beautiful and perfectly articulated. Everyone has likely felt this way but has not been able to verbalize it in such a manner. Green’s English abilities are astounding. Plain and simple, this is a great novel.

Downey Jr. impresses in ‘Iron Man 3’ By KATIE BLEVINS SNN Staff Writer

The newest movie in Marvel’s Iron Man franchise has grossed over $1 billion worldwide, and it isn’t hard to see why. Director Shane Black and cowriter Drew Pearce crafted a must-see movie that had me biting my nails for a large portion of the film. Comic book enthusiasts and fangirls alike flocked to the theaters to see Robert Downey Jr. reprise his role as Iron Man/Tony Stark, with Gwyneth Paltrow, Marvel Studios Don Cheadle and Jon Favreau returning as Pepper Potts, Col. James Rhodes and Happy Hogan, respectively. Ben Kingsley plays new villain The Mandarin, along with Guy Pearce as Aldrich Killian, a nerdy scientist with a grudge. The movie, which was released May 3, starts with Stark reflecting on how seemingly unimportant moments in our life come back to affect us in the end. In short, the egotistical Stark from the past blew off a crippled and



eager Killian. Killian then goes on to create Extremis, a virus that can regrow limbs and give super-human strength. In the meantime, since the events in Iron Man 2 and The Avengers, Stark has been restlessly building several new Iron Man suits, a majority of which are featured in a cool fight scene between Stark, Killian and the Extremisaltered humans toward the end of the movie. The showcase of the suits Stark has built is one that he can call with a flourish of his hands and it will fly to wherever he is and reassemble itself, piece by piece, on his body. This suit can also become a walking shell that Stark can command from anywhere by using remote controlled technology. Once again, Iron Man features some pretty cool ideas, special effects and technology while balancing it with comic relief, action and that tiny bit of romance between Stark and Potts. The only negative thing that can be said about Iron Man 3 is that you needed to have seen The Avengers, another Marvel movie that came out in May of last year, to understand the source of Stark’s anxiety attacks and some references that are made. The movie does feature a major twist that some see as a negative, but I actually enjoyed it because it was purely comical. All in all, I would recommend this movie. It’s a step up from the sub-par Iron Man 2. Downey Jr. is really attractive and gave a great performance. Go watch the film because Robert Downey Jr.’s muscles are perfection.

Retro Review: Legend of Zelda By JAKOB W. BARKER SNN Staff Writer

It has been nearly 26 years since the Legend of Zelda came to American shores, and despite the franchise only selling about 60 million copies over the series’ existence, it has managed to ingrain itself into both gaming and pop culture. The game has evolved much since its early days: from an overhead Nintendo perspective of the early 2D games, to the side-scrolling nature of the second game, to the modern third-person perspective of the 3D games. None of this, however, could have happened without the first step being made: the original Legend of Zelda. Released in America on Aug. 22, 1987, the game was a surprising hit, becoming the first Nintendo Entertainment System game to sell over one million copies. The Legend of Zelda has been a major influence on the role-playing game genre. While early games like Dragon Slayer existed, it took the Legend of Zelda to make the sub-genre popular. It was also one of the first games to feature non-linear gameplay and the first to have battery-powered saving. (Previous games used a password system to start at a certain point instead of actually saving a player’s progress.) Despite being so old, the game manages to play surprisingly well. Unlike many games over 15 years old, picking it up and playing on a whim comes easily, with minimal time spent getting used to the controls. Movement is simple with a Direction-pad, while the A button uses your sword and the B button uses the item equipped. While it is slightly bothersome to have to keep going to the pause menu to switch which item is equipped, it is a minor complaint in the end. The game overall can be rather tough for those who aren’t expecting it, especially when it comes to actually finding the dungeons without a guide. However, once you settle into the flow of the game, it does get slightly easier while still remaining a good challenge throughout. Of course, if you ever wanted to up the challenge, you could always do the “Second Quest,” which is basically an alternative version of the game with different dungeon locations and layouts, and is overall a tougher game. The Legend of Zelda has helped to define a generation. Those of you who grew up playing it know this, while those of you who never played it missed out on something great.

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Daft Punk album worth the ‘W8’ By TRISTAN SHULER SNN Staff Writer

Imagine an android in love. Now imagine that android discovering his lover was cheating on him with his best friend who also happened to be his boss, so now he’s fired. Then imagine that android going to a bar, getting a very attractive other android’s number. Now elated on his somewhat fortunate turn of events, he locks himself in a friend’s recording studio that just so happens to be stocked with session musicians. That’s what Daft Punk’s new album, Random Access Memories, released May 21, sounds like. With more guest musicians than any of their other past albums and a revitalized sound, the album is more than worth the eight-year wait since the last full studio album, Human After All. The sound of the album has a significant funk/pop rock feel to it but retains Daft Punk’s signature EDM (Electronic Dance Music) feel. This is due to the live band present on the album that has never been featured on any of Daft Punk’s other works. The album never delves into electronica or techno as one might

expect with a live band, but remains firmly, if questionably, in the house music genre. The track, Get Lucky, also the single for the album, stands out for its ridiculously catchy hook and grooving vocals by Pharrell Williams. It is also one of the songs that is close to the iconic Daft Punk sound, while it also displays the variety of the sound on the album. A key element of the song is that it does not feature vocals run through a voice modulator, which Daft Punk is also famous for. The album in its entirety seems to be calling out modern EDM artists as if reminding them of the potential of the genre while also flexing the muscles of Daft Punk as the musicians they are, Columbia Records in an era where the EDM chart toppers are an artist famous for his haircut and another who has ripped off Daft Punk’s signature mask idea. If this album took eight of Daft Punk’s years to come up with, then the next eight will doubtlessly be just as rewarding for the wait.

Retro Review: Get lost inside the Labyrinth By CAROLINE DUNNING SNN Staff Writer

Although siblings may be irritating and bothersome at times, most people wouldn’t dream of sending them away, especially not to a strange world of goblins, unusual beasts and difficult riddles. But in Labyrinth, which came out in 1986, Sarah (Jennifer Connelly) banishes her brother, Toby, to the land of the goblin king, Jareth (David Bowie), by making one wish that she didn’t mean: “I wish the goblins would come and take you away...RIGHT NOW!” Throughout the film, Sarah is attempting to escape the complex labyrinth that Jareth created. Sarah’s goal is to reach the castle at the center that is within the goblin city, where Jareth is holding her brother, Toby, as somewhat of a hostage. The final battle between Sarah and Jareth is unique though, in a sense that it is entirely verbal rather than physical, as are most movie battles. The most memorable piece of the film though, other than the fabulous David Bowie soundtrack, would be the Muppets. Not the famous Muppets like Kermit the Frog or Miss Piggy, but characters, including Hoggle, Sir Didymus and all of the other goblins, which were created specifically for Labyrinth. The puppets were

TriStar Pictures

extremely intricate and detailed. The puppeteers made them seem as if they had come to life. Labyrinth was greatly enjoyable, although it may drag on for a bit. It is interesting to see Bowie in an acting role rather than a singing role, but he performs phenomenally. Connolly also did a fantastic job as Sarah, especially during scenes when she was emotionally distraught, such as at her home with her stepmother or the scene when her markings on the floor of the labyrinth that would help her exit were moved. All in all Labyrinth has survived the test of time well, unlike most films of its age which are not nearly as energetic and do not display as large an amount of weirdness. People of all ages enjoy the film and its odd concepts, although the effects are a little unbelievable compared with new technologies.

Warner Bros.

This Gatsby truly is great By JACOB PHILLIPS SNN Staff Writer

The Great Gatsby, directed by Baz Luhrmann, is a splendid movie that captures the party scene of the 1920s and provides a deep and meaningful love story to live through the ages. It goes from intense action to calm waters and covers everything in between. Nick Carraway, played by Tobey Maguire, plays more of a narrator role in the movie rather than a main character. He is an alcoholic World War I veteran who is advised to write down his thoughts by his psychiatrist. This leads into the writing of The Great Gatsby. This narrative device is the only part of the movie that departs from the novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald. Gatsby, played by Leonardo DiCaprio, is a multi-millionaire who is known by very few people despite having frequent lavish parties. Carraway figures out that Gatsby has such lavish parties in hopes of seeing his old love from before the war, Daisy Buchanan, played by Carey Mulligan. With the help of Carraway, Gatsby and Mulligan meet and then fall deeply in love again, despite her already being married. Gatsby is eventually confronted by Daisy’s husband - and the rest you’ll have to see in theaters. Cinematically, this movie is superb. The exquisite ballroom scenes, the beautiful landscapes, the classic cars, all transport the audience into the realm of the ‘20s. DiCaprio steals the show with his superb performance, encapsulating all that is Gatsby. On the other hand, scenes that did not have DiCaprio in them fell flat. The movie fluctuates between the depiction of parties and the vivid love story between Gatsby and Buchanan, making a vast contrast between scenes. I would recommend this movie to anyone – whether you have read the book or not.




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Accessorize the dress code By SYMONE BROWN SNN Staff Writer

Collared solids and khaki Bermuda shorts aren’t exactly the most fashionable ensemble. But you don’t need to let the new policy put a damper on your fabulous fashion. Next year’s modified dress code can be personalized and accessorized with the latest trends and personal style pieces. SNN gives you tips and ideas for dressing up the dress code:


Time pieces, from rose gold to sterling silver, can add a classic touch to an outfit. For both guys and girls, watches can be the perfect way to add flare to the dress code. You can buy stylish watches anywhere from websites like, searching thrift stores or browsing Tyrone Square Mall.


Step in style next year with fancy footwear, from sporty Jordans to sequined Sperry’s. With the right shoes, it’s possible to look fashion forward from head to toe while still upholding the dress code policy. The perfect pair of shoes can be found at affordable prices online at, trendy thrift stores like Revolve Clothing Exchange or mall outlet stores like Charlotte Russe and Foot Locker.

Jewelry and hair accessories:

Next year, be bold and in dress code with statement jewelry and hair accessories. These are the elements of our outfits that we have complete control over, so take advantage. Bib necklaces, hair scarves, chandelier earrings and metallic arm candy can add personality to any ensemble. These eye-catching accessories can make your outfit stand out in a sea of uniforms. Fabulous finds can be bought at thrift stores or

Icing Ear rings

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2013 Sports Year in Review Breaking Records


Once a high school sport record is set, it’s hard to break again. Sometimes it takes years to set another record in a sporting event. Spartan athletes, however, are no strangers to breaking records. This year alone, numerous records have been broken, from swimming to track and field. Swimming Senior and all-star swimmer Rebecca Halfast has been breaking records since her junior year at Lakewood High. “I know to train hard and good things come,” said Halfast. She holds the school record for the 100-yard backstroke (59.47) and the 200-yard freestyle (154.87). When she realized she broke the record she said she felt accomplished and excited, but she knew she could do better. “I’ve always wanted to represent Lakewood High and to be honored in the record book,” she said. “Everyone is supposed to accomplish a goal in life.” Track Seniors Timothy Holmes and Shaquill Griffin broke numerous records on the track. These track standouts all have scholar-

ships: Griffin is committed to the University of Central Florida and Holmes is committed to Baylor University. Shaquill broke the school triple jump record by jumping 49 feet 10 inches. It is currently the third-best jump in the nation, track coach Anthony Snead said. “I was excited, when I figured out I was going to break a record and my name is going down in the book,” Shaquill said. Holmes has the school record for the 400 with a time of 48.6 seconds and in the 300 hurdles running a 37.04 which was the fastest time in the nation. He is now fourth in the nation along with coming in first in states in this event. “I think my record will be there for a while; no middle school kids have yet to break my middle school record,” Holmes said. Griffin also contributed to the record of the 4x1 being broken, along with his brother, Shaquem, Deandre Boykins and Jahaven Haye, running a nationally ranked time at 41.01. In addition, Holmes anchored the fastest 4x4 in the nation, with Rodney Adams (first leg) Shaquill (second) and Shaquem (third) running a 3.13. That time was the fastest in the nation for about a month and is now the second fastest, Snead said.

Illustration by JAQUIRA DARLING

2014 Preview: Spartans with potential By OWEN DYCHES and DEVON ROGERS SNN Staff Writers

With stars like Exavier Jones, Rodney Adams and Haley Michalski leaving, younger Spartan athletes are eager to make their mark on their respective programs.


Football Expect some excitement next year on Friday nights. The new Lakewood football team’s offense will feature a wildcat style attack, led by upcoming senior Tyrell Hubbard-Smith. “He’s learning the offense very well, and I think he will do just fine,” wideout junior Jocqui Ellison said. The EllisonSmith combo, along with other players on offense, like lineman Isaiah Wynn, will be looking to fill the void left by Tracy Johnson and Rodney Adams. Ellison will be switching between wideout and quarterback, and vice versa for Smith. “There will be fireworks,” Ellison said.



Softball As a junior on the softball team, Mariah Watts is a standout on the mound. Watts pitched to a 13-5 record, and appeared in every game the Lady Spartans played. She pitched a complete game in 17 of the 18 games, and pitched to a 0.63 ERA. Watts’ stats on the diamond have led to her receiving eight offers for college, and she is committed to play at the University of Wisconsin. The accolades have led Watts to be one to watch for next season as the Lady Spartan softball team tries to replicate a 13-5 record from last season that was one of the best seasons in recent memory.

Boys Soccer With Za Jones graduating this June, next year’s boys soccer team will be looking to carry on their impressive play from last year. Quam Salami, a junior next year, said he missed this season due to grades, but he plans to play next years. “Quam is that type of player that can singlehandly change a game,” manager Jonathon Crouch said. Salami will be looking to bring the same midfield flare Jones brought to the team. “I think I can help more with buildup play, instead of just kicking the ball. I think next year we’ll be better than last season,” he said.


Girls Basketball Last year was a great one for the girls basketball team. They were the state runners up, losing in the state championship to Dillard High School. Freshman Siyana Allen, a shooting guard, had a breakout first season on varsity. She helped the Lady Spartans to their third straight state final four. “I wasn’t surprised on her skill level, but she lacked experience at a higher level,” Tunsil said about Allen.




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2013 Sports: Wright Awards Male Player of the Year

As the year draws to a close, most of the Spartan sports teams have finished their seasons. This year, SNN takes a look back at the year in sports by giving out the first Wright Awards.Our awards are named in honor of former Lakewood basketball coach Dan Wright, who coached at Lakewood for 35 years before retiring at the end of 2011 as the winningest coach in Pinellas County history. It felt only fitting to name the awards after him. All awards were chosen by SNN reporters and photojournalists.

Underclassmen of the year

Marquez Valdes The 2012 season marked a breakout year for senior Marquez Valdes, as he shot up recruiting boards to land a scholarship with North Carolina State. Valdes, as a tall receiver, manhandled opposing defenses, earning the MVP award in the 2012 Mayor’s Cup against St. Petersburg along the way. Valdes had an outstanding year for the Spartans, and picked up the slack through numerous injuries. RACHELLE GADDY | SNN

Female Player of the Year Tianah Alvarado


Austin Copeland

Alvarado led the injury-riddled Lady Spartans to a state championship game in a year where expectations were low, especially following an injury to herself and fellow highly-touted recruit Kasey Drayton. Alvarado took control of the team and led them through some close games, and exceeded many expectations. Alvarado will take her talents to Mississippi for college ball after a successful career at Lakewood.


As a freshman diver with the swim and dive team, Hessinger was a standout. Hessinger is extremely focused, according to coach James Kostka. “She tries to be perfect and takes it very seriously,” Kostka said.

Anthony Lawrence Jr.


As a sophomore, Lawrence was a standout for the Spartan basketball team. Lawrence scored 546 points in the 28 games, for an average of 19.5 points per game to lead the team in scoring. Lawrence is already an imposing force on the court, and still has two more years of eligibility.

Comeback Players of the Year

Due to eligibility restrictions, Copeland was held out of his junior season. Copeland was a transfer player, and was caught up in a mini-controversy when the FHSAA opened an investigation into whether Copeland was recruited by a Lakewood coach. Despite the lost season, Copeland became a force as a middle linebacker for the football team. Copeland said he is a leader, and that has helped in the success of the defense. “Other’s feed off my energy,” Copeland said.


Eden Hessinger


Haley Michalski

Before taking the softball field this year, Michalski had a tough mountain to climb. She tore her meniscus before the end of last season, and had to go through surgery and rehab in order to be able to play at all this season. Although the year was a struggle, Michalski was still a star defensively and on the basepaths, and was a big leader for the softball team.

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Coaches of the Year Coach Necole Tunsil

Coach Anthony Snead


Coach Snead accomplished what Pinellas County had not been able to since 1970: lead his team to a state track championship. That accomplishment alone makes Snead the coach of the year at Lakewood. Snead’s track team led the way at just about every meet they attended, blowing away the competition and sprinting to the finals. They may have won by a slim margin at the finals, but the victory just capped off an incredible season.

Game of the Year


In a year that did not hold high expectations from the beginning, Coach Necole Tunsil still led the Lady Spartans basketball team to the state championship game, where they lost to Dillard High School. The team fought through many injuries, including one to star player Kasey Drayton, but Tunsil kept the team together to have a successful year. “Coach Tunsil is more than a coach to me personally. She is a big mentor and coach. I will miss her,” senior Tianah Alvarado said.

Team of the Year Boys Track

Lakewood vs. Jesuit Oct. 19, 2012


The Spartans’ matchup with Jesuit was one of the biggest ever, with a playoff berth on the line, and pride for both teams. The game was fought down to the wire, ending on one of the more exciting plays in football, a blocked field goal by Shaquill Griffin. With the block, the Spartans rode across the bridge with a playoff spot after the 20-17 victory. The game was also big for Pinellas County, as the Spartans were the first team to beat Jesuit in their stadium. “It was the win that got us over the hump. … We beat them in their house and on TV,” coach Cory Moore said.

Moment of the Year Shaquem Griffin on SportCenter Top 10 The best moment of the year did not come from a Lakewood game, but from a national All-Star game. Lakewood standout Shaquem Griffin was in the secondary for this year’s USA Football International Bowl when Griffin made an outstanding interception. Griffin made a diving, one-handed catch to save the ball from hitting the turf. The next day, Shaquem was in the national spotlight, landing the fifth spot on that day’s SportCenter Top 10.

Hosea Durant


As the first team since 1970 to bring a state track title to Pinellas County, saying that the boys track team had a successful year would be an understatement. The team was filled with many standout athletes, like TJ Holmes, Shaquill and Shaquem Griffin, DeVontae Persha and Lidell Golden, Jr. In addition to taking the state title, the team broke many records along the way, with the 4x100 meter relay breaking a state record at the Florida Relays in Gainsville, among many other successes. “I’m very blessed to have a team like this. … They’re very talented, and I couldn’t ask for anything better,” coach Anthony Snead said after the state finals.

Most Improved Team Softball

In 2012, the softball team had a 6-8 record, a less-than-stellar finish. With new coach Edie Shankel and improved play, the 2013 softball team had the best year in recent memory, bringing in a 13-5 record. The team started the year hot and had many recognitions, including rising to the Pinellas County Super Seven from the Tampa Bay Times. “There was more motivation and drive on this year’s team. Confidence extended throughout the team, making us want to play and excited for another win,” junior Mariah Watts said about the season.

Leadership Award

Durant may not be one of the bigger names on the Spartan football team, but he has been a leader on and off the field. Durant is the player who keeps the team going in the worst of times, making him the perfect choice for the Leadership Award. “He is the spark plug for our team, because of that it spreads,” Lakewood football coach Cory Moore said.

Leigh Buttner/Samantha Roberts These two volleyball standouts both had a big part in their team’s success in the last four years. “They both completed each other,” junior Rachelle Gaddy said. They were both vocal on and off the court and stepped up when the team needed it most.










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