Survey Design Mock-Up

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Green Buildings Attitude and Engagement Survey According to the 2014-2015 UBC Sustainability Report, building operations make up the largest contributor to the university’s carbon footprint. This study is designed to measure student engagement with UBC green buildings and other sustainability initiatives for the purpose of gaining understanding of how informed undergraduates are on the topic of sustainability on the Point Grey campus. Results from this survey will serve to guide future marketing efforts aimed at growing student understanding and fuelling participation in campus sustainability efforts. This survey will take 5-10 minutes to complete. All responses will be strictly confidential and anonymous. Thank you for your interest in participation.


Section I — Education Information This section serves to build a pro3ile of UBC undergraduate students. The following questions pertain to your education at UBC Point Grey. Please choose the answers that best apply to you.

1. What is the faculty/school of your major? ☐ Faculty of Arts

☐ Faculty of Applied Science

☐ Faculty of Science

☐ Sauder School of Business

☐ Faculty of Forestry

☐ Faculty of Land and Food Systems

☐ School of Kinesiology

☐ School of Music

☐ Vancouver School of Economics

2. What year are you in at UBC? ☐1




☐ 5+

3. What is your student status? ☐ DomesEc

☐ InternaEonal

☐ Exchange (primary affiliaEon is with another university)

4. Do you live on campus? ☐ Yes

☐ No

5. If you live on campus, which residence do you live in? ☐ Place Vanier

☐ Totem Park

☐ Orchard Commons

☐ Ritsumeikan UBC House

☐ Marine Drive

☐ Ponderosa Commons

☐ Fraser Hall

☐ Fairview Crescent

☐ Thunderbird

☐ Walter Gage

☐ South campus (Wesbrook, University Village)

☐ Other (please specify): _________________

6. If you live off campus, how much time have you spent on campus on average per week this term? ☐ Under 10 hours

☐ 10-­‐20 hours

☐ 21-­‐30 hours

☐ 31-­‐40 hours

☐ Over 40 hours

7. How often have you done the following activities on campus this term? Never

1-­‐2 )mes 1-­‐2 )mes this term per month

1-­‐2 )mes per week

 3+ )mes (excluding per week weekends)

A. Studied outside of class time

B. Worked at a UBC-owned business/organization

C. Dined at or bought food from a UBC-owned restaurant, cafe or store

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1-­‐2 )mes 1-­‐2 )mes this term per month

1-­‐2 )mes per week

 3+ )mes (excluding per week weekends)

E. Athletics (varsity sports, athletic clubs, on-campus gyms…)

F. Used an AMS service (Safewalk, advocacy, tutoring, Speakeasy…)

G. Socialized

8. Which buildings do you visit on an average week on campus? (Please list any buildings you attend classes in and where you usually study, work, socialize, etc., recalled to the best of your ability) __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________

9. How often have you connected with your campus community in the following ways this term?

1-­‐2 )mes 1-­‐2 )mes this term per month

1-­‐2 )mes per week

 3+ )mes (excluding per week weekends)

A. Clubs (student societies, fraternities/sororities, social clubs…)

B. Campus media (The Ubyssey, CITR…)

C. Social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram…)

D. Social events (parties, concerts. Pit nights…)

E. UBC housing (events and socializing at residences, collegia)

F. Professional events (galas, lectures, conferences, networking…)

G. AMS membership (student government, volunteering…)

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Section II — Environmental Attitudes Index 1 Support for Interventionist Conservation Policies: This section addresses attitudes towards sustainability to gauge the general opinions of UBC undergraduates.

10. Please indicate to what extent you agree or disagree with the following statements. Strongly Disagree



Strongly Agree

A. Industry should be required to use recycled materials even when this costs more than making the same products from new raw materials.

B. Governments should control the rate at which raw materials are used to ensure that they last as long as possible.

C. Controls should be placed on industry to protect the environment from pollution, even if it means things will cost more.

D. People in developed societies are going to have to adopt a more conserving life-style in the future.

E. The government should give generous financial support to research related to the development of alternative energy sources, such as solar energy.

F. I don’t think people in developed societies are going to have to adopt a more conserving life-style in the future.

G. Industries should be able to use raw materials rather than recycled ones if this leads to lower prices and costs, even if it means the raw materials will eventually be used up.

H. It is wrong for governments to try and compel business and industry to put conservation before producing goods in the most efficient and cost effective manner.

I am completely opposed to measures that would force industry to use recycled materials if this would make products more expensive.

J. I am opposed to governments controlling and regulating the way raw materials are used in order to try and make them last longer.


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Somewhat Somewhat Disagree Agree

Section III — Environmental Attitudes Index 2 Environmental Movement Activism: This section addresses attitudes towards sustainability to gauge the general opinions of UBC undergraduates.

11. Please indicate to what extent you agree or disagree with the following statements. Strongly Disagree



Strongly Agree

A. If I ever get extra income I will donate some money to an environmental organization.

B. I would like to join and actively participate in an environmentalist group.

C. I don’t think I would help to raise funds for environmental protection.

D. I would NOT get involved in an environmentalist organization.

E. Environmental protection costs a lot of money. I am prepared to help out in a fund-raising effort.

F. I would not want to donate money to support an environmentalist cause.

G. I would NOT go out of my way to help recycling campaigns.

H. I often try to persuade others that the environment is important.


I would like to support an environmental organization.

J. I would never try to persuade others that environmental protection is important.

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Somewhat Somewhat Disagree Agree

Section IV — Campus Sustainability This section addresses attitudes on campus sustainability, green building initiatives, and promotion of sustainability efforts.

12. Please indicate to what extent you agree or disagree with the following statements: Strongly Disagree



Strongly Agree

A. Campus sustainability is important for students to understand.

B. UBC is responsible for ensuring students are actively participating in reducing the carbon footprint of our campus.

C. Students are well informed about UBC’s sustainability initiatives.

D. I am familiar with sustainable building operations on campus.

E. I fully understand what it means for a building on campus to be “green.”

F. UBC effectively publicizes its green building initiatives.

G. Students are well informed about the projects under construction on campus.

H. It is necessary for UBC to update all current campus buildings to make sure they are all operating sustainably.

J. UBC’s sustainability efforts add value to the university as a whole.

K. UBC is a global leader in sustainability.

L. Water and energy conservation are crucial steps to minimizing UBC’s environmental and carbon footprints.

M. Students should actively engage in campus sustainability efforts.


It is NOT important for students to understand campus sustainability.

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Somewhat Somewhat Disagree Agree

13. Please indicate how important you think the following aspects are in a green building: Not Slightly Fairly Very Important Important Important Important Important

A. Water (conservation, stormwater management)

B. Energy (alternative energy, conservation)

C. Waste (reduction and recycling)

D. Infrastructure (sustainable materials, appliances…)

E. Technology (energy and water consumption monitors)

14. In which of the following ways have you heard about UBC sustainability initiatives? ☐ In class

☐ Clubs (student socieEes, social clubs, athleEc clubs…)

☐ UBC broadcast emails

☐ On-­‐campus adverEsement (posters, signage, fliers…)

☐ Campus media (The Ubyssey, CITR…)

☐ Social media (Facebook, Twi`er, Instagram…)

☐ AMS outreach

☐ Residence programs

☐ Word of mouth

☐ Personal research

☐ Special events and/or lectures

☐ Other (please specify): __________________________

15. Please rank the following platforms for outreach from 1 (least effective) to 10 (most effective).

__ In class

__ Clubs (student socieEes, social clubs, athleEc clubs…)

__ UBC broadcast emails

__ On-­‐campus adverEsement (posters, signage, fliers…)

__ Campus media (The Ubyssey, CITR…)

__ Social media (Facebook, Twi`er, Instagram…)

__ AMS outreach

__ Residence programs

__ Special events and/or lectures

__ Accessibility of materials on sustainability (reports, staEsEcs…)

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Section V — Demographics Information This section serves to build a pro3ile of our respondents. Please choose the answer that best applies to you.

16. Which gender do you identify as? ☐ Female

☐ Male

☐ Other

17. Which of the following ethnicities describes you the best? ☐ Middle Eastern

☐ LaEno/a

☐ White

☐ Black

☐ Asian

☐ First NaEon

☐ French-­‐Canadian

18. How old are you? ___________ 19. What is the highest level of education completed by your mother? ☐ Less than high school

☐ High school diploma

☐ Degree or cerEficate from vocaEonal or trade school

☐ Associate/Diploma

☐ Bachelor’s Degree

☐ Master’s Degree

☐ PhD/ Doctorate/Law Degree 20. What is your father’s occupation? ____________________ 21. Are you (or your siblings) the first in your family to attend university? ☐ Yes

☐ No

22. How much annual income did you earn in the past year? ☐ $0-­‐$10,000

☐ $10,001-­‐$20,000

☐ $20,001-­‐$30,000

☐ $30,001 and above

23. How much money do you spend a month on things besides rent, basic food, and utilities? $________ /month 24. What is the primary way you pay your tuition? ☐ Student loans

☐ Family support

☐ Full-­‐Eme job

☐ Part-­‐Eme job

☐ Scholarship/Grant

☐ Line of credit

☐ Savings

☐ Other (please specify): _________________________

Thank you for your participation.

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