“If you teach a person what to learn, you are preparing that person for the past. If you teach a person HOW TO LEARN, you are preparing for the future.” – Cyril Houle
Graphic Organizers provides visual representations as a means of organizing & presenting information Make visible the thinking of the students. Display relationships between pieces of information, connect new learning to prior learning & generally organize information into amore useful form.
Bubble Quotes ď‚— Allows the students to write their feelings/ideas
into a bubble quote
Student 1 Student 2 topic
Student 3
Chain of Events ď‚— Allows the steps in a chain of events to be constructed in a logical fashion. Fourth Step
topic Third Step Second Step First Step
Concept Web
ď‚— A set of linked bubbles of associated ideas.
Sub-topic Sub - Topic
Topic Sub-topic
Sub - topic
Flow Charts ď‚— Show a step by step flow of information.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 4
Step 3
Playoffs ď‚— A set of ideas or options from which an ultimate
choice is to be made. Option 1 Option 2
Best Option Option 3 Option 4
Concept Web
ď‚— A set of linked bubbles of associated ideas.
Venn Diagram ď‚— Illustrates the relationship between or among two
or more sets of information, comparing similarities and differences.
Issues Circle WHAT IS IT? Group Strategy to explore values conflicts of the issues by considering as many aspects of their responses as possible HOW CAN I USE IT? Students consider as many responses as possible. Students take it in turns to share their responses with others in the group. USEFUL FOR THE FOLLOWING STAGES OF LEARNING * Practice and Application * Closure
Decision Tree What is it? Small Group or individual exercise that uses pictorial presentation. How can I use it? Students consider alternative ways forward in regard to a problem or question. Represent the decisions in a line form as a tree. The trunk is the problem to be resolved and the branches form a decision points. Useful for the following Stages of Learning •
Decision Tree
The Problem
Starburst What is it? A Strategy to generate different perspectives on a given topic. How can I use it? For a defined set of perspectives, a star with that number is drawn or provided – 6 perspectives requires a 6 pointed stars. Each point on the star provides a space for details relating to each perspective to be written.
Star Burst Useful for the following stages of Learning Activating Prior Learning Setting the Context Closure
Star Burst ď‚— A strategy to generate different perspective on a topic.
Idea 1 Idea 6
Idea 2 Topic
Idea 5
Idea 3 Idea 4
Network Tree Organizing a hierarchical set of information, reflecting superordinate or subordinate elements, is made easier by constructing a network.
Network Tree
Problem and Solution Map Influence
Fishbone Map When cause-effect relationships are complex and nonredundant a Fishbone Map may be particularly useful.
Fishbone Map Detail Cause 1
Cause 3
Cause 2
Cause 4 Detail
Cycle Useful for organizing information that is circular or cyclical, with no absolute beginning or ending.
Cycle 1
KWL Chart ď‚—
A chart to ascertain what students KNOW about a topic, what they WANT to know and what they have LEARNED about a topic. What you KNOW?
What you WANT to know?
What have you LEARNED?
Effects Wheel
(Aban, Garcia and Morocco 1992)
ď‚— A strategy used to show the possible effects of a
certain phenomenon or event in a continuum.
Third Order Effects Second Order Effects First Order Effects Event
The Effects Wheel