Understanding chi and how to use it in your kung fu training

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Understanding Chi And how to use it in your Kung Fu training All my life I searched for Chi which means energy or life force. Chi is an integral part of Kung Fu. Taoist philosophies and Taoist Martial arts are intertwined with Chi and it’s impossible to practice one without the other. With the help of Kung Fu practice you can learn to channel and feel your Chi.

Chi is the life force or energy present in all things. The earth has it, you have it, I have it...even Luke Skywalker had it. Chi is literally translated as "Breath or "Air", but is alternatively used to describe the energy or life force, the immaterial force that permeates all living things. Over 12 years ago I began on a journey to discover if Chi really did exist. I had been told about Chi, I had grown up hearing stories about chi and energy. I mean... I certainly had heard of acupuncture, yet I had never tried it. I had martial art teachers who would talk about Chi, yet could not teach me any techniques on how to become aware of it or use it. So naturally, as an analytical westerner, I thought it was all a load of BS, make believe. If you have read any of my other writings you would know, that I was given a book (thanks Darren) of Master Mantak Chia. It was through this book that I started systematically practicing the techniques to awaken and grow my own internal energy. The further I went down the path the more I realised how wrong I was. Of course along the way I would question myself and what I was feeling. I would even ask myself if I was imagining what I was feeling, or purely creating the sensations with the power of the mind. In the end the truth was undeniable. I had too many physical manifestations and occurrences, which were impossible to create with the mind, for me to continue to question the existence of Chi. Sometimes to find out if something is real, you don't need to watch an experiment, or be told about the science behind it, you need to be the experiment. Chi and Kung Fu are inseparable. Jow Gar Kung Fu has its roots in the Shaolin Temple where Chan Buddhism, Martial arts and Chi Kung became a tool for the monks to attain enlightenment. Just so the Taoist Martial arts and Taoist philosophies on Chi are intertwined and to practice one without the other is impossible. In Kung Fu, Chi Kung begins with correct breath control and breathing techniques, and ends with mastery of controlling and combining physical technique, breath and energy into one unified purpose.

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