Joanna Machowska
Animal cruelity- puppet project
La Damnation de Faust, Op. 24 is a
La Da i t mn a De F s t au
kaa ws
Design Centre Enmore
aM nn
La Damnation De Faust
Joanna Machowska finished Fine Art College in Poland and did her Diploma in metal sculpture. A few years ago she decided move to Australia and continue illustration study at Enmore Design Institute.She use traditional techniques and she is experimenting on the computer. La Damantion de Faust is contemporary interrpretation of Hector Berlioz opera. Main character is a women and she makes a pact with Mefisto...
work for solo voices, full seven-part chorus, large children’s chorus and orchestra by French composer Hector Berlioz. He called it a‘legende dramatique. It was first performed at the Opera-Comique in Paris on 6 Desember 1846. The French composer was inspired by a translation Goethe’s dramatic poem Faust and produced a musical work that, like the masterpiece on which it is based,defies easy categorization.
‘’Love cannot express the idea of music, while music may give an idea of love’’ Hector Berlioz
Concertina book
Perspective drawing
Tropical booklet map
1 . Weipa 2. 3 . Cape FlATtERy 4 . ChiLLagoe 5 . Cairns 6 . Mt GARnet 7 . KidSTONe 8 . CENTury MINe 9 . HilTOne MINe 10 . MOUNT ISa 11 . PhosHAte HiLL 12 . OsbORne 13 . ClONcuRRy 14 . CHARTERs TOwER 15 . CoLLINsviLLe 16 . GOOnyeLLa 17 . PEAk Downs 18 . GERmAN CREek 19 . Blair AThol 20 . ANakLE 21 . BlackwATER
22 . Mt MORgAN 23 . GladSTONe 24 . MOUra 25 . Quipie 26 . JacksON Oil Field 27 . WATERl 28 . Roma 29 . Gympie 30 . TARONg 31 . Ipswich 32 . NORth STrANbroke ISlAND
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8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 19 18 20
24 25 26
21 22 23 28 29 30 31 32 fINISh
Tropical booklet
sed to hrase u p A – ck a six pa ort of h s ht. y ig n r to b One tin ne not o e se m o s e ee phra describ ock – S d d a p p o in the t o loose o r a g n A ka above. st aroo. e at mo or kang f t r o of choic h S d – o o o f o R ge. The ... A sausa similarly Snag – d); and bies. il r h a b (c l id a n or k traditio r wife. slang f lang fo s Rhyming g – in id m l Rhy Billy trife – scribe e and s Troubl ed to de s u e iv t ec ssie adj it?” urite Au o v fa ay, ain’t A d – r e r z e n z o n Bo sing. “B ing plea someth
Ocker – Aus tralia redn ’s equ eck s t ivalen e r eotyp at th t of t e–a eir h he Am a s p imple piest and h erica breed when is mat of me n es. Th surro n wh ink Ho unde o are d by mer S Sheila b im eer, s pson – The p in ort an Ak word a mem ubra used ber o h b at! f the y an ocker oppo site s to de Back ex. scrib o’bey e ond every – thing A my thica t outb l pla ack t raditiona ce t l o l y w back hat id ns. If a s s ociat o’bey some ealise e d w o n t s d, the hing you! ith r is said n you emot have e to re a lon side o g wa ut lk ah ead o f
Having met your first dinki-di, true blue Down Under ocker, you realise that Berlitz didn’t really cover the most essential aspect of the Australian vernacular – slang. So if you don’t want to look like a galah, take a geek at the following introduction to our colourful Australian language. While not extensive enough to have you earbashing like Dad ‘n’ Dave, this should at least teach you the difference between cobber and clobber, sheila and blue heeler, budgie and bodgie. Here’s a few of our faves....
“G’day Cobber. Welcome to God’zone. Got a little trimmer of a cab for ya; she goes like the clappers and turns on a threepence. Once I’ve got your Oscar you can go for your life, ‘course yer won’t want ta push ‘er tack flat with yer better half sitting shotgun.”
She ll be right, Mate
any et m e m is!). e to that r d u s n e sla cribe You’r ueen o des t der – North Q n d e e b us r na Q (Fa e phrase Bana in FN t a e s n e of th n affectio nder. a is a ensl This ll, e Que iv t ic do d cooked a t s n a e l th oo yp k awn ing f chuc a scr ic featur can t o u N o n y – ic p g ie Barb outdoor e thin st th n u a J . t bu eque barb o. cribe on a o des hat nt t o d e n s t w eal. U eone a pra eal d ribe som r e h –T desc inkum en to Fair d ing or ev th e. some ly genuin l a t is to
Nigel Kennedy biography book
Winter illustrations
Fashion illustration
Magazine cover illustration
log o y th
For Karl Kerenyi mythology is ‘’ a body of material contained in tales about gods and god -like beings, heroic battles and journeys to the underworld mytthologem is the best greek word for them - tales already well - known but not amenableto further reshaping”” Demeter is intimately associated with the seasons. Her daughter persephone was abducted by hades to be his wife in the underworld. In her anger at her daughter’s loss demeter laid a cuirse on the world that caused plants to wither and die, the land become desolate...
writen by
edith hamiltone
How this story end? you can find in illustrated Greek mythology for everyone...
Mythology book cover
K ba uk d u em
Ther in th e is no c o is P ersia mplex s pice n re Saff mix c i p e. r Kuk on has u com -ye bad plenty o p e but ared to mjan is f flavor t ! this he tech an Itali sometim a reci n pe a iques u n fritt es a re d iffe sed to m ta, You rent c ake . or a an use a The cassero small ca cast le iron dish to st iron s skill et m make th killet etho i d is s recipe . mor e au then tic.
thi S slice La Sp Le minu t tes Rinse unde r col
K ba
Persian food
ater in w d n a on d saffr e k a o s he Place t wl. g bo a mixin eggs. flour. . f o s n Add 2 o powder spo g e l n i b k a t a fb Add 2 spoon o k pepper. a e t 2 / Add 1 er in a d blac t n a a w t l d a s an Add sea ked saffron Heat a so e h t e c W Pla wl. o b g n i mix rem eggs. flour. . f r o e s d n Add 2 w o o o tablesp n of baking p Add 2 o . o ho teasp pepper 2 k / 1 c a l d d b A d . n c a salt rmeri Add sea easpoon of tu ed Italian ov t nc Add 1/4 lespoon of mi ab Add 1 t ime s fresh l . f y o e l s n d r o pa b ablespo fron an Add 1 t he soaked saf ace t l. e. juicePl ing bow mixtur ed. x i n m o i a n o in combin water lic and r a e r g a , t y he lan e eggp dients, till t h olive oil. h t d d e A P. let wit e ingr l i h k t s r i n t S iro a cast h s u r B
Clothed figure
teatr pacynka
teatr pacynkaa
teatr pacynkaa
Self portrait project
Kids book illustration
Joanna Machowska 0415 308 369