Important Nutrients For Your Aging Parents

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NutritioNist’ advice



Important Protein more protein from lean nutrients Eating meat and fish will help our aging to maintain for your parents muscles. aging parents As our parents age, they go through a variety of changes which affects their quality of life. They experience loss of muscle & strength, nutrient deficiencies, thinner skin and other age-related changes. Eating healthy is especially important during this time; but we have to take into consideration that their caloric needs decreases as they age too. Hence the quality of food becomes more important, rather than the quantity of food. They should eat a variety of whole foods such as wholegrains, vegetables, fruits, lean meat, fish and healthy fats to ensure they get sufficient nutrients daily. Among the many beneficial nutrients, these are 3 highlighted nutrients essential for your aging parents.

Dietitian Jowynna Yeo Bsc (Hons) Dietetics with Nutrition

Growing up in a Baba Nyonya family, Jowynna has always been a foodie at heart. She incorporates her love for food and her nutrition knowledge to bring you delicious, wholesome and nutritious recipes, along with tips & tricks!

2. FIBER It’s common to hear older adults experiencing constipation, hence fiber is a crucial nutrient in our aging parents’ diet. As fiber moves through the body, it helps to slow digestion and makes stools softer and easier to pass. Besides maintaining digestive health, fiber helps lower the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

3. Calcium & Vitamin D As our parents age, bone health becomes very important Calcium improves bone density and lowers the risk of fractures during old age. You need both calcium & vitamin D as they work together to maintain bone health. Calcium helps to build and maintain healthy bones, while vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium.

Tips 1. During meals, encourage your parents to eat protein first. It helps to ensure they feel full and keep blood sugar and insulin levels from rising too high. 2. Encourage your parents to snack on high protein food items. 3. Encourage your parents to have a handful of nuts a day. It’s good for their heart too. AnimAl-bAsed proTein food sources: Eggs, lean meat, fish, seafood, milk, cheese, yogurt and other dairy food products. VegAn proTein food sources: Tofu, tempeh, soya chunks, soymilk and other plant-based milk, all kinds of nuts and seeds, edamame, hemp seeds, beans, peas, lentils, quinoa, nutritional yeast and peanut butter or other nut butters.

Tips 1. Encourage your parents to choose wholemeal or wholegrain bread over white bread. 2. Add wholegrains into family meals such as brown rice, wholewheat pasta, oat groats, buckwheat, millet, quinoa and more. 3. Include plenty of vegetables during family meals. 4. Try adding pulses such as beans, lentils or chickpeas to family dishes such as curry, salad, soup or stews. 5. Encourage your parents to snack on wholegrain crackers, vegetable sticks, fruits and unsalted nuts or seeds. fiber food sources: Fruits & vegetables, sweet potato, wholegrains – oats, brown rice, millet, quinoa, buckwheat, popcorn, wholemeal bread, wholegrain crackers, wholewheat pasta; nuts & seeds, chia seeds, psyllium husk, lentils and beans such as kidney beans, chickpeas, split peas and more.

Tips 1. Ensure your parents spend some time under sunlight to get some Vitamin D – the sunshine vitamin. 2. Include milk and other food items which are high in calcium and vitamin D in family meals. cAlcium food sources: Milk, cheese, yogurt & other dairy products, dark leafy green vegetables, sardines, almonds, tofu, edamame and more. ViTAmin d food sources: Fatty fish and seafood such as tuna, mackerel, sardines, shrimp and anchovies; mushrooms, egg yolks and fortified food items such as milk, soymilk, cereal and juice.

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