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The Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on e-Learning Grecian Bay Hotel, Agia Napa, Cyprus 6-7 November 2008

Edited by Dr Dan Remenyi Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Copyright The Authors, 2008. All Rights Reserved.

No reproduction, copy or transmission may be made without written permission from the individual authors.

Papers have been double-blind peer reviewed before final submission to the conference. Initially, paper abstracts were read and selected by the conference panel for submission as possible papers for the conference. Many thanks to the reviewers who helped ensure the quality of the full papers. Further copies of this book and previous year’s proceedings can be purchased from http://academic-conferences.org/2-proceedings.htm

ISBN: 978-1-906638-22-1 Book

Published by Academic Publishing Limited Reading UK 44-118-972-4148 www.academic-publishing.org

ECEL 2008 Contents Paper Title

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Biographies of Conference Chairs, Programme Chair, Keynote Speaker and Mini-track Chairs


Biographies of contributing authors

xx BOOK 1

An Ontological Model for Learning Content Design

Giovanni Adorni, Mauro Coccoli, Gianni Vercelli and Giuliano Vivanet University of Genoa, Italy


e-Accessibility of Higher Education Websites

Liaqat Ali1, Hamid Jahankhani2 and Hossein Jahankhani1 1 University of East London, UK 2 Middlesex University, London, UK


Artificial Intelligence Tools for Student Learning Assessment in Professional Schools

Paulo Almeida1, Paulo Novais2, Eduardo Costa1, Manuel Rodrigues3 and José Neves2 1 Centro de Formação Profissional da Indústria de Calçado, São João da Madeira, Portugal 2 Universidade do Minho, Braga, Portugal 3 Escola Secundária Martins Sarmento, Guimarães, Portugal


Letters from the Field: e-Learning Students Change of Learning Behaviour in Sri Lanka and Bangladesh

Annika Andersson Swedish Business School, Örebro, Sweden


Learner’s Support in the Concept map Based Knowledge Assessment System

Alla Anohina and Janis Grundspenkis Riga Technical University, Latvia


e-Pioneering: A Mentoring Approach to Institutional Technology Adoption

Elaine Arici University of Nottingham, UK


Prediction of Reading Performance Using the MAPS (Mental Attributes Profiling System) Multimodal Interactive ICT Application

Elena Aristodemou1, Tatjana Taraszow1, Yiannis Laouris1, Timotheos Papadopoulos2 and Pantelis Makris3 1 Cyprus Neuroscience and Technology Institute, Nicosia, Cyprus 2 University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus 3 Ministry of Education, Nicosia, Cyprus


The Skillsoft Growth Model

Lelia Ataliani Infotrend Innovations Co. Ltd, Nicosia, Cyprus


PebblePAD: Big Splashes or Mini Ripples? Reflections on Electronic Portfolio Usage on a Blended Learning Course

Darren Awang Coventry University, UK



Paper Title


Patterns of ICT use in Australian Schools by Beginning Teachers: The three Rs

Frank Bate and Dorit Maor Murdoch University, Australia


Using e-Learning Tools to Build a Community of Distance Learners: A Progress Review and Call for Collaboration

Martin Belgrove, Julia Griffin and Brian Makepeace University of East London, UK


Learning to hit the Ground Running – The Online Way

Adriana Beylefeld and Alwyn Hugo University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa


Evolution of the Roles of the Actors in the Context of the Implementation of an "Environnement Numérique de Travail" in a University

Delphine Billouard and Laïd Bouzidi Université Lyon 3, France


Mobile City and Language Guides - New Links Between Formal and Informal Learning Environments

Mads Bo-Kristensen¹, Niels Ole Ankerstjerne¹, Chresteria NeutzskyWulff² and Herluf Schelde³ ¹Resource Centre for Integration, Vejle, Denmark ²University of Aarhus, Denmark ³Lærdansk, Aarhus, Denmark


Some Factors to Consider When Designing Semi-Autonomous Learning Environments

Paul Bouchard Concordia University, Montreal, Canada


Integrating Web 2.0 Features into a Learning Management System

Salim Boulakfouf and Denis Zampunieris University of Luxembourg, GrandDuchy of Luxembourg


“Here Comes Trouble”: A Positive Architecture of Disruptive Education

Stephen Bowman Ravensbourne College of Design and Communication, Chislehurst, UK


Two-fold Learning: Learning by Developing and Learning By Playing

Cristina Bralia1 and Nadia Catenazzi2 1 ICT Tosi, Busto Arsizio, Italy 2 Università degli Studi dell'Insubria, Varese, Italy


i-learn – Complete Online Delivery for Arts and Crafts: A Case Study

Maggie Carr Gorseinon College, Wales, UK


Sowing the Seeds of Learner Autonomy: Transforming the VLE into a Third Place Through the use of Web 2.0 Tools

Fiona Carroll, Rita Kop and Clare Woodward Swansea University, UK


From Hype to Reality: E-Portfolios in Nursing

Maggie Carson and Anne Robertson University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK


e-Learning and e-Citizenship Between PKM and PST

Antonio Cartelli University of Cassino, Italy


Syllabus Flexibility and Adaptation to the new European Higher Education Area Through the Inclusion of e-Learning

Montserrat Casalprim Ramonet, Virginia Larraz Rada, Miquel Nicolau Vila, Betlem Sabrià Bernadó and Alexandra Saz Peñamaría University of Andorra, Sant Julià de Lòria, Principality of Andorra



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Paper Title


Game Inspired Tool Support for e-Learning Processes

Marie-Thérèse Charles, David Bustard and Michaela Black University of Ulster, Coleraine, Northern Ireland


Unified Course Design for European Production Engineers

Sami Chatti1, Erman Tekkaya1, Ove Bayard2 and Mihai Nicolescu2 1 Technische Universität Dortmund, Germany 2 Royal Institute of Technology KTH, Stockholm, Sweden


Web-Based Learning Using a `Library of Activities’ to Assist and Support Students and Mentors

Carol Clark and Christine Stevens UWE, Bristol, UK


Enhancing the Student Experience Using Web 2.0 Technologies (Wikis, Blogs and Webcam Recordings) to Encourage Student Engagement and to Develop Collaborative Learning: a Case Study

June Clarke, Jayne Hunter and Marc Wells Sheffield Hallam University, England, UK


The net Generation’s Engagement With and Expectations of Web 2.0 Technologies During HE Studies - Case Studies at Undergraduate Level in the Faculty of Organisation and Management

June Clarke and Marc Wells Sheffield Hallam University, UK


Making Technology Work for you: Why Might Academic Staff Want to Engage With and Promote e-Learning? A Case Study

June Clarke and Marc Wells Sheffield Hallam University, UK


Computer vs. Textbook: Effects on Motivation and Gain in Knowledge

Cathérine Conradty and Franz Bogner University of Bayreuth, Germany


Web 2.0 tools in pre-Service Teacher Education Programs: An Example From Portugal

Clara Pereira Coutinho Universidade do Minho, Braga, Portugal


Exploring a Professional Social Network Environment for Learning and Development

Paul Coyne1, Anthony, Basiel2 and Pauline Armsby2 1 Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Bingley, UK 2 Middlesex University, London, UK


A Best Practice Approach to the Enhancement of the Learning Experience

Maja Ćukušić1, Andrina Granić1, Charles Mifsud2 and Marjes Zammit2 1 University of Split, Croatia 2 University of Malta, Msida, Malta


Distance Reflective Learning in Lithuanian Young Programmers School

Valentina Dagiene Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Vilnius, Lithuania


A Typology for Web 2.0

Christian Dalsgaard and Elsebeth Korsgaard Sorensen University of Aarhus, Aarhus, Denmark



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Web Based Interactive Models for Science Education and Collaboration

Valentas Daniūnas, Vygintas Gontis, Artūras Acus, Vytautas Fokas and Gintaras Valiauga Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy of Vilnius University, Lithuania


Bringing Digital Multimedia in Mathematics Education

Ioannis Deliyiannis1, Andreas Floros1, Panayiotis Vlamos 1 Michael Arvanitis2 and Tsiridou Tania1 1 Ionian University, Corfu, Greece 2 Euroscience Greek Regional Section, Athens Greece


e-Learning as an Opportunity for Virtual Mobility and Competence Development Within European Universities

Jana Dlouhá and Laura Macháčková Henderson Charles University Environment Center, Prague, Czech Republic


Web 2.0-Mediated Competence – Implicit Educational Demands on Learners

Nina Bonderup Dohn University of Southern Denmark, Kolding, Denmark


The COSMOS Approach for Teaching Science: An Architecture That Combines IEEE LOM Compatible Content With MultiLingual Science Educational Vocabularies and Rights

Nikolaos Doulamis1, Christodoulos Psaltis1, Andreas Georgopoulos1, Menelaos Sotiriou2 Sofoklis Sotiriou3 and Ioannis Doxaras2 1 National Technical University of Athens, Greece 2 I-Know-How, Athens, Greece 3 Research and Development Department, Ellinogermaniki Agogi, Greece


Providing for Autonomous Hands-on Learning and Learner Mobility Using Virtual Computer Technologies

Sean Duignan1 and Tony Hall2 1 Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology, Ireland 2 National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland


Information Seeking for Lifelong Learning: One Size Doesn’t fit all

Barry Eaglestone, Nigel Ford, Andrew Madden and Martin Whittle The University of Sheffield, England, UK


Developing Knowledge Together: Involving People With Disabilities in Education Using Webcam

Laraine Epstein, Gill Ward, and Darren Awang Coventry University, UK


Enhancing Business Support to SME's Through Continuous Work-Based eLearning for Business Advisory Professionals

Lorna Everall1, 2, Robert Sanders2 and Canice Hamill3 1 Coventry University, UK 2 European Business Innovation Centre Network, Brussels, Belgium 3 Canice Consulting, County Antrim, Northern Ireland


Web 2.0: Engaging Those with Learning Disabilities

Sotiris Fanou University of the West of England, Bristol, UK


Youngsters and Industrial Literacy: Why the m-Learning Approach?

Cláudia Fernandes and Luís Rocha CATIM, Porto, Portugal



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Business Students’ Perceptions of Computer-Assisted Learning and Simulations

Nadine Fry and Nia Love Bristol Business School, Bristol, UK


Smart e-NoteBook: An Adaptive Hypermedia Learning Material Management Environment

Shehab Gamalel-Din and Farida AL-Saad King AbdulAziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia


Smart Assistant for Adaptive Course Preparation and Delivery in e-Learning Environments

Shehab Gamalel-Din and Reem AlOtaibi King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia Alex Gerdes1, Bastiaan Heeren1, Johan Jeuring1, 2 and Sylvia Stuurman1 1 Open Universiteit Nederland, Heerlen, The Netherlands 2 Universiteit Utrecht, The Netherlands Juvy Lizette Gervacio University of the Philippines Open University, Philippines


To Podcast or not to Podcast? Students’ Feedback on a Different Learning Experience in Histology

Hendrik Geyer, Adriana Beylefeld and Alwyn Hugo University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa


ELDO: An Ontology for the Cataloguing of e-Learning Design

Marcello Giacomantonio CERTE Omniacom, Argenta, Italy


Student Vision Regarding an Ideal e-Tutor in Romania

Maria Goga1 and Nicolae Goga2 1University of Bucharest, Romania 2 University of Groningen, The Netherlands


The Role of Meta-Cognition in web Searching to Support Inquiry-Based Learning

Genevieve Gorrell, Andrew Madden, Peter Holdridge, Nigel Ford, Barry Eaglestone Sheffield University, UK


E-mbedding E-nhancing E-valuating Students' Perspective on the use of eLearning to Develop Study/Information Literacy Skills

Susan Graves, Julie Bostock and Ruth Wilson Edge Hill University, Ormskirk, UK


Identity Crisis: Who is Teaching Whom Online?

Susan Greener University of Brighton Business School, England, UK


e-Learning and Web 2.0 in the Humanities – Development, Testing and Evaluation of Didactic Models Beyond the Distribution of Online-Material

Brigitte Grote, Harriet Hoffmann and Jeelka Reinhardt Center for Digital Systems, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany


Use of Internet Resources to Improve Education Delivery - A Case Study in Bangladesh

Mathias Hatakka Swedish Business School at Örebro University, Sweden


Feedback Services for Exercise Assistants

Developing the Capacities of Public Servants Through e-Learning: Profile and Interactive Experiences of Public Management Students


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Author(s) 1

Use of International Internet Discussion Boards to Promote Health and Technology Knowledge and Skills in Nursing Education

Elaine Haycock-Stuart , Bobbe Ann Gray2 and Donna Curry2 1 The University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK 2 Wright State University College of Nursing and Health, Dayton, Ohio, USA


Developing Information Literacy Skills by Using e-Learning Environments in Higher Education

Nina Heinze and Jan-Mathis Schnurr Institute for Media und Educational Technology, Augsburg, Germany Claude Houssemand1, Pierre Valois2, Belkacem Abdous2 and Stéphane Germain2 1 Université du Luxembourg, Luxenbourg 2 Université Laval, Québec, Canada Juan Huerta1 and Despina Stylianou2 1 IBM T.J Watson Research Center, New York, USA 2 The City College of The City University of New York, New York, USA


Listening to the Learners’ Voices in HEHow do Students Reflect on Their use of Technology for Learning?

Ruth Hyde and Amanda Jefferies STROLL, University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, UK


Humanistic Approach to Technology Domination in Technology Enhanced Learning

Marko Ivanišin University of Maribor, Slovenia


The Development of Formal and Informal Learning Online Through Online Communities of Practice and Social Networking

Jean Johnson and Jonny Dyer Inclusion Trust, Bishops Stortford, UK


A Learning Metronome! An Experience in Vodcasting

Richard Jones Buckinghamshire New University, High Wycombe, UK Radu Jugureanu¹, Olimpius Istrate² and Ilinca Georgescu¹ ¹SIVECO Romania, Bucharest, Romania ²University of Bucharest, Romania Andrea Kelz University of Applied Sciences Burgenland, Campus Pinkafeld, Austria


Alexandros Kofteros1, Avraam Triantafillidis2, Antonis Skellas2 and Anna Krassa3 1 Apoplous Learning, Nicosia, Cyprus 2 Kalyvia Primary School, Athens, Greece 3 University of Macedonia, Τhessaloniki, Greece


A new Open Source web Statistical Tool

The Teaching Buddy: Speech and Language Technologies for Assisting and Assessing Instructional Practice

Implementing Nationwide e-Learning Projects - A Guarantee of a Better Future

e-Learning Strategies in Technical PartTime Studies – Constructivist and Collaborative Approaches to Learning and Teaching Redesigning the Moodle Interface for use in Primary Schools With a Ratio of one Computer per Student






Paper Title


Introducing Adaptivity to e-Lessons to Enhance Student Learning

Zivana Komlenov, Zoran Budimac and Mirjana Ivanovic Faculty of Science, Novi Sad, Serbia


Design of an e-Learning System for Accreditation of non-Formal Learning

Eugenia Kovatcheva and Roumen Nikolov University of Sofia, Bulgaria

BOOK 2 1

A User Interface for Simultaneous Moderation of e-Discussions

Matthias Krauß Fraunhofer Gesellschaft IAIS, Sankt Augustin, Germany


Kansei Colour Aesthetics in an Interactive Learning Environment

Tharangie Kumburuhena, Chandrajith Ashuboda Marasinghe and Koichi Yamada Nagaoka university of Technology, Niigata, Japan


Learning Objects and Virtual Learning Environments Technical Evaluation Tools

Eugenijus Kurilovas and Valentina Dagiene Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Vilnius, Lithuania


The Teaching and Learning of Pronunciation in the Language Classroom and the use of Modern Technology

Marianna Kyprianou University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus


Promises, Challenges, and Realities of a Design-based Approach to e-Portfolios

Eleni Kyza Cyprus University of Technology, Limassol, Cyprus


Knowledge Ticket System – A Knowledge Broker for Universities

Steffi Lämmle, Stefan Klink, Florian Bernstein, Sabine Rathmayer and Max Walter Technische Universität München, Munich, Germany

Handling Large Classes Using Computer Aided Assessment in Blackboard

Elizabeth Laws and Gordon Laws University of Salford, UK


Learner Profile Supports Interaction Between Objects in e-Learning System

Duc-Long Le1, An-Te Nguyen2, Dinh-Thuc Nguyen2 and Axel Hunger3 1 University of Pedagogy, HCM city, Vietnam 2 University of Natural Sciences, HCM city, Vietnam 3 University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany


Enhancing Design Pedagogy Through eLearning Strategies

Keelin Leahy and William Gaughran University of Limerick, Ireland


Integration of e-Learning Systems With Repositories of Learning Objects

José Paulo Leal1 and Ricardo Queirós2 1 University of Porto, Portugal 2 Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Portugal


The Enhancement of Reusability of Course Content and Scenarios in Unified eLearning Environment for Schools

Virginija Limanauskiene and Vytautas Stuikys Kaunas University of technology, Lithuania



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Paper Title


Automatic Student Coaching and Monitoring Thanks to AUTOMATON. The Case of Writing a Compiler

Isabelle Linden, Hubert Toussaint, Andreas Classen and Pierre-Yves Schobbens University of Namur, Belgium


Integrating the in-Classroom use of Mobile Technologies Within a blended Learning Model

Tim Linsey, Andreas Panayiotidis and Ann Ooms Kingston University, UK


e-Accounting at the University of Vienna – Developing Applicable e-Learning Tools for Large-Scale Accounting Classes

Michaela Schaffhauser-Linzatti, Silvia Pernsteiner, Regina Michalski-Karl and Isabella Hinterleitner University of Vienna, Austria


What is Your Response? It’s Time to get Personal

Jenny Lorimer and Alan Hilliard University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, UK


Strategies for Embedding eLearning in Traditional Universities: Drivers and Barriers

Kay Mac Keogh and Seamus Fox Dublin City University, Ireland


Teaching Internet Search Skills: Some Evidence-Based Lessons

Andrew Madden, Barry Eaglestone, Nigel Ford, Genevieve Gorrell and Martin Whittle University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK


e-Learning in Greece: Application in the Area of e-Marketing

Eleonora Ioulia Malama, Fotini Patsioura, Vicky Manthou and Maro Vlachopoulou University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece


Using a Blended-Learning Approach to Support Parent Education in Math and Science

Maria Meletiou-Mavrotheris1, Efstathios Mavrotheris2 and Efi Paparistodemou1 1 European University Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus 2 Open University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus


Web-Based Discussion as a Supervision Method in Nursing Students’ Clinical Training

Sari Mettiäinen and Kristiina Vähämaa Pirkanmaa University of Applied Sciences, Tampere, Finland


Learning English Through Game-Based Design – Reflections on Performance and Teacher/Learner Roles

Bente Meyer University of Aarhus, Denmark


Applying Internet-Based tele-operation Technologies to Remote Engineering Experimentation in Solar Energy Engineering

Ionnis Michaelides and Polyvios Eleftheriou Cyprus University of Technology, Lemesos, Cyprus


e-Learning: Strengths and Weaknesses Pros and Cons in a Global Education and Training Methodology

George Mouzakitis Educational Organization E-DEKA, Korinthos, Greece


Conversion and Delivery of Courses via a Course Management System

Ezra Mugisa and Carl Beckford University of the West Indies, Jamaica, West Indies



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The Challenges in the Secondary School eLearning Process

Nikolina Nikolova, Atanas Georgiev and George Gachev Sofia University, Bulgaria


Evaluating the Impact of Video-Based Versus Traditional Lectures on Student Learning

Panagiota Nikopoulou-Smyrni and Christos Nikopoulos Brunel University, West London, UK


Demand Led e-learning to Support Small Businesses

Shamima Nooruddin and John Heap Grimsby Institute of Further and Higher Education, Grimsby, UK


Education in your Face(Book)!

Annette Odell, Peter Nevin and Hedley Roberts The University of East London, UK


Case Study – Using a Wiki to Teach Information Decision Science

Timothy Olson University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA


Introducing a Model for Creative e-Learning Pedagogy - Case Craftopolis

Tanja Oraviita¹ and Satu Lautamäki² ¹University of Art and Design, University of Vaasa, Finland ²University of Applied Sciences, Vaasa, Finland Yiola Papadopoulou1, Elena Aristodemou2 and Yiannis Laouris2 1 Cyprus University of Technology, Nicosia, Cyprus 2 Cyprus Neuroscience and Technology Institute, Nicosia, Cyprus Efi Paparistodemou1, Maria Meletiou-Mavrotheris1 and Efstathios Mavrotheris2 1 European University Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus 2 Open University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus


Harrie Passier Open Universiteit Nederland, Heerlen, The Netherlands Andriani Piki1, Guido Kuehn2, Mirja Lievonen1, Duska Rosenberg1 and Ralf Doerner3 1 Royal Holloway, University of London, UK 2 Electronic Arts GmbH, Cologne, Germany 3 Wiesbaden University of Applied Sciences, Germany


The Use of e-Learning in Adult Learning: A Comparative Study Between Six European Countries

Supporting Teachers’ Pedagogical and Content Knowledge of Statistics through Distance Learning

Specifying and Analyzing Strategies using Petri Nets An Empirical Investigation of User Experience in e-Learning Environments


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Paper Title The “Living Museums” project

DZEMUj: A Tool for Mining in e-Learning Tests. Description and Experience

Author(s) Alfredo Pina1, Lore Huizi1, Jon Legarrea1, Jose Miguel Correa2, Lorea Fernández2, Alex Ibañez2, Estibaliz Jiménez de Aberasturi2, Margari León2, Elia Fernández2, Luis Gutierrez2, Sandra Baldassarri3, Eva Cerezo3 and Pablo Orensanz 3 1 Public University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain 2 University of the Basque Country, San Sebastian, Spain 3 University of Zaragoza, Spain Luboš Popelínský, Mária Briatková and Zdeněk Kedaj Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic

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Who Supports the Support Workers? eLearning for Support Workers of Students With Disabilities

Christopher Power, Helen Petrie, David Swallow and Monia Sannia University of York, UK


School Transfer from Primary to Secondary Education

Iacovos Psaltis Middlesex University Institute of Work Based Learning, Nicosia, Cyprus


Enhancing English Language Learning Through ICT

Stella Psaroudaki and Anne McKay Technical University of Crete, Chania, Greece


Blended Learning in Teaching Operating Systems

Lucyna Pyzik University of Information Technology and Management, Rzeszow, Poland


IT Competence Perfection Applying the Applying Distance Teaching System

Janina Radvilaviciute Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania


Effective e-Learning Tricks or Strategies in Online and Hybrid Courses

Prakash Ranganathan University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, USA


Practically-Oriented e-Learning Quality Assurance. Empirical Findings and Making use of These for the Promotion of eLearning Quality in Everyday University Teaching

Jeelka Reinhardt and Marc Heinitz Freie Universitaet Berlin, Germany


Information Literate Through Blended Learning

Inge Reubzaet and Frans van Hoek CINOP, Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands


Developing a Screen-Capture Reusable Learning Object for Undergraduates

Julian Robinson University College Birmingham, UK


Learners’ Preferences on Visual Elements in Web-Based Instruction: An Individual Approach

Rishi Ruttun1 and Sabah Khalid2 1 Brunel University, Uxbridge, UK 2 Queen Mary School of Medicine, London, UK



Paper Title


Experts on e-Learning: Insights Gained From Listening to the Student Voice!

Malcolm Ryan, Wendy Cealey Harrison and Rita Headington University of Greenwich, London, UK


Enhancing Blended Learning – Developing a Community Based Methopedia

Thomas Ryberg1, Elke Brenstein2, Lehti Pilt3, Rafal Moczadlo4, Christian Niemczik2 and Lone Dirckinck-Holmfeld1 1 Aalborg University, Denmark 2 University of Applied Sciences, Wildau, Germany 3 University of Tartu, Estonia 4 Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Lublin, Poland


Automatic Verbalization of Mathematical Formulae for web-Based Learning Resources

Teresa Sancho-Vinuesa1, César Córcoles1, Antònia Huertas1, Antoni Pérez-Navarro1, Daniel Marquès2 and Joana Villalonga2 1 Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain 2 Maths for More, Barcelona, Spain


e-Learning Network for Language Training

Tom Savu1 and Judit Vitai2 1 Politehnica University, Bucharest, Romania 2 Supra Vita Language School, Eger, Hungary


Tagging Electronic Resources for Modules – A Case Study in Web 2.0 People and Technology

Guy Saward and Lynette Pye University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, UK Dominique Schirmer1, Peter Bruestle2, Dominik Haubner2, Matthias Holthaus1, Bernd Remmele1, Britta Schinzel1 1 Center for Applied Further Education Research Lahr, Germany 2 University Freiburg Germany Kathy Seddon1, Keith Postlethwaite2 and Geoff Lee 1 NCSL, Nottingham, UK 2 Exeter University, UK


Modelling of Qualitative Technology Based e-learning Course Development

Maija Sedleniece and Sarma Cakula Vidzeme University College, Valmiera, Latvia


Structural Steel Design e-Learning Portal

Miguel Serrano1, Carlos LópezColina1, Sue Armstrong2, Jörg Lange3 and Fernando González3 1 University of Oviedo, Gijón, Spain 2 University of Sheffield, UK 3 Fachgebiet Stahlbau T. U. Darmstadt, Germany


Motivations and Perceived Usefulness of Technology in Higher Education

Munacinga Simatele University Of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, UK


Learning-by-Doing Gender

Understanding the Experience of non Contributory Online Participants (Readers) in NCSL Communities


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Author(s) 1

Improving the Matching Process of eMentoring in Luxury Hotels

David Simmonds and Anne Marie Zammit Lupi2 1 University of Westminster, London, UK 2 Starwood Hotels and Resorts, London, UK


e-Academy for International Development of Transfusion Medicine – A Unique Institution

Cees Smit Sibinga1 and Ron de Gunst2 1 Academic Institute IDTM, Groningen, the Netherlands 2 Exencia Ltd, Gouda, the Netherlands


Blended Learning in Action

Lorenzo Sommaruga1 and Kylene De Angelis2 1 University of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzerland, Manno, Switzerland 2 Training 2000, Mondavio, Italy


e-Learning and Digital Dialogue – From Speech Acts to Collaborative Knowledge Building

Elsebeth Korsgaard Sorensen and Bo Fibiger University of Aarhus, Denmark


e-Portfolio in Primary School: Children’s Self-Awareness Through Digital Tools

Laura Spinsanti1 and Elisabetta Bertini2 1 ISTI CNR, Pisa, Italy 2 University of Pisa, Italy


The art of Learning in a Virtual World: Sculpting Zeros and Ones

Ioana Andreea Stănescu and Antoniu Ştefan Advanced Technology Systems, Targoviste, Romania


The Development of Models for Identifying and Promoting Best Practice in e-Learning and Virtual Campuses

Mark Stansfield1, Thomas Connolly1, Antonio Cartelli2, Athanassios Jimoyiannis3, Hugo Magalhães4 and Katherine Maillet5 1 School of Computing University of the West of Scotland, UK 2 University of Cassino, Italy 3 University of Peloponnese, Greece 4 Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação, Portugal 5 Institut National des Telecommunications, France


Teaching the Content “Globalization” Evaluation of an Established e-Learning Course

Christopher Stehr University of Ulm, Germany


“But surely it’s harmless?” Developing a Multimedia Ethical Misadventure for web Delivery

Terry Mark Stewart and Mark Brown Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand


Ontology Based Cross-Sectorial and SocioCultural Transfer of Proven e-Learning Solutions

Dragan Stokic and Ljubiša Urošević Institute for Applied Systems Technology, Bremen, Germany


Employing Web 2.0 Tools to Enhance Active Learning in Courses Requiring Group Projects

Vasso Stylianou and Angelika Kokkinaki University of Nicosia, Cyprus



Paper Title


Cooperation Models for National eLearning Development in Estonia (Example of the Estonian e-Learning Development Centre)

Ene Tammeoru, Jüri Lõssenko, Kerli Kusnets and Marit Dremljuga Estonian e-Learning Development Centre; Tallinn; Estonia


How much Personal and Sensitive Information do Cypriot Teenagers Reveal in Facebook?

Tatjana Taraszow, Aysu Arsoy, Georgina Shitta, and Yiannis Laouris Cyprus Neuroscience and Technology Institute, Nicosia, Cyprus Nikos Tsianos1, Panagiotis Germanakos1, 2, Zacharias Lekkas1, Constantinos Mourlas1, Mario Belk2, Eleni Christodoulou2, George Spanoudis2 and George Samaras2 1 National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Hellas 2 University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus Nazime Tuncay and Hüseyin Uzunboylu Near East University, Nicosia, North Cyprus Michaela Tureckiová1, Jaroslav Veteška2 and Alena Vališová1 1 Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic 2 Jan Amos Komensky University, Prague, Czech Republic Aimilia Tzanavari1, Elena Papanastasiou1 and George Papadopoulos2 1 University of Nicosia, Cyprus 2 University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus Henri Verhaaren Ghent University, Belgium


e-Learning in a Course on Animal Welfare

Morris Villarroel Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain


How can a Blind Engineer Access the Curriculum?

Sue Walmsley and Jennifer Bottom University of Reading, UK


Adoption of Web 2.0 Technologies in Education for Health Professionals in the UK: Where are we and why?

Rod Ward, Pam Moule and Lesley Lockyer University of the West of England, Bristol, UK


WELL: Web-Based Learner Library for eLearning 2.0

Hadas Weinberger Holon Institute of Technology, ISRAEL


How Reproducible Research Leads to nonRote Learning Within a Socially Constructivist e-Learning Environment

Patrick Wessa K.U.Leuven Association, Belgium


Narratives of Student Experience

Roy Williams University of Portsmouth, UK


Enhancing e-Learning Environments with Users’ Cognitive Factors: The Case of EKPAIDEION

A Research Study About “e-Learning Training Needs” of Vocational High School Teachers in North Cyprus Blended Learning as a Means to Differentiate and Optimise Corporate Training

Content Development within a European eLearning Project: Guidelines, Results and Reflections

Content and Intense Cooperation, not Technology, are Essential for Quality Outcomes in e-Learning


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The Implications of SCORM Conformance for Workplace e-Learning

Gabrielle Witthaus New Leaf Training Network Ltd, Paphos, Cyprus


Assessment of the Growth of Knowledge in Collaborative Learning Networks

Andras Benedek Information Technology Learning Center for Culture of Application of Microelectronics and Institute for Philosophical Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary

Abstract Only


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Preface The 7th European Conference on e-Learning, ECEL 2008, hosted by the University of Cyprus once again demonstrates the interest in this important subject. More than a hundred and fifty papers have been chose for presentation from nearly three hundred submissions. As usual the papers range across a very wide spectrum of issues, all of which are pertinent to the successful use of e-Learning applications. It is clear that the role being played by e-Learning in the pedagogical process is considerable and that there is still ample scope for further development in this area. One might says that in this field of study we have only just begun to realise its potential and we are still scratching the surface. The range of researchers from various universities and institutions in different countries is impressive. It is clear from the research being done all over the world that the role which e-Learning plays today and may play in the future is truly global. The really important outcome of this global reach is that research and new ideas may easily be shared among both the academic community and those practitioners in other organisations who wish to be informed of the most recent thinking in the field. ECEL 2008 promises to be a special event and the University of Cyprus have arranged for this conference to be held at Agia Napa which is one of the many outstanding locations in Cyprus. I look forward to exchanging ideas with you there. Dr Dan Remenyi Trinity College Dublin Ireland

Conference Executive: Dr Joan Ballantine, Queen’s University Belfast, UK Dr Ann Brown, CASS Business School, London, UK Dr Mike Hart, University of Winchester, UK Roz Graham, University of Winchester, UK Misha Hebel, CASS Business School, London, UK Dr Pam Moule, University of West England, UK Professor Julian Newman, Glasgow Caledonian University, UK Dr Rikke Orngreen, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark Dr George Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus Professor Dan Remenyi, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland Professor Chris Turner, University of Winchester, UK Karin Tweddell Levinsen, Danish University of Education, Denmark Dr Roy Williams, University of Portsmouth, UK,

Conference Committee:

The conference programme committee consists of key people in the e-learning community around the world. The following people have confirmed their participation: Ariffin Abdul Mutalib (University Utara Malaysia); Shafqat Ali (University of Western Sydney, Australia); Abdallah Al-Zoubi (Princess Sumaya University for Technology, Jordan); Jane Ardus (Stevenson College, Edinburgh, UK); Mohamed Arteimi (7th of April University, Tripoli, Libya); William Ashraf (University of Sussex, UK); Anders Avdic (Orebro University, Sweden); Simon Bachelor (Gamos, Reading, UK); Joan Ballantine (Queen's University Belfast, UK); Trevor Barker (University of Hertfordshire, UK); Orlando Belo (University of Minho Campus de Gualtar, Portugal); David Benito (Public University of Navarre, Pamplona Spain); Yongmei Bentley (University of Luton, UK); Daniel Biella (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany); Radu Bilba (George Bacovia University, Romania); Eric Bodger (University of Winchester, UK); Stephen Bowman (Ravensbourne College of Design and Communication, UK); Willem-Paul Brinkman (Delft University of Technology Netherlands); Ann Brown (CASS Business School, London UK); Norrie Brown (Napier University, UK); Mark Brown (Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand); Joan Burgess (University of Winchester, UK); Elizabeth Campbell-Page (Equinexus LLC, Washington, DC, USA); Jose-Raul Canay Pazos (Universidade de Santiago de Compestela, Spain); Giuseppe Cannavina (University of Sheffield, UK); Sven Carlsson (Lund University, Sweden); James Carr (University of Newcastle, UK); Maggie Carson (Edinburgh University, UK); Antonio Cartelli (University of Cassino, Italy); Maria Celentano (University of Lecce, Italy); Satyadhyan Chickerur Sona College of Technology, Salem, India); Barbara Class (University of Geneva, Switzerland); Lynn Clouder (Coventry University, UK); Thomas Connolly (University of West of Scotland, UK); Ken Currie (Edinburgh University, UK); Valentina Dagiene (Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Vilnius, Lithuania); Christopher Douce Institute of Educational Technology, Walton Hall, UK); Yanqing Duan (University of Luton, UK); Colin Egan (University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, UK); Bulent Gursel Emiroglu (Başkent Üniversitesi,Turkey); Ariwa Ezendu (London Metropolitan University, UK);Bekim Fetaji (South East European University, Tetovo, Macedonia); Andrea Flora, (Ionian University, Corfu, Greece); Tim Friesner (University College, Chichester, UK); Martin Graff University of Glamorgan, UK); Roz Graham (University of Winchester, UK); David Guralnick (Kaleidoscope Learning, New York, USA); Richard Hall (De Monfort University, Leicester, UK); Martin Harrison (Loughborough University, UK); Mike Hart (University of Winchester, UK); Patricia Harvey (Greenwich University, London, UK); Paul Haslam (University of Winchester, UK); Misha Hebel (Dogwhistle Ltd, London and Cass Business School, UK); Alan Hilliard (University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, UK) Uwe Hoppe (Bildungswerk der Sächsischen Wirtschaft, Germany); Cathy Horricks (University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand); Stefan Hrastinski (Uppsala University, Sweden); Akbar Ali Jaffar Ali (Majan College, University College, Muscat, Oman); Amanda Jefferies (University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, UK); Noraini Jones (University of Nottingham, Malaysia Campus, UK); Paul Jones (University of Glamorgan, UK); Michail Kalogiannakis (School of Pegadogical and Technicological Education, Crete); Jana Kapounova (University of Ostrava, Czech Republic); Harald Kjellin (Stockholm University, Sweden); Jasna Kuljis (Brunel University, UK); Sunaina Kumar (Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi, India); Eleni Kyza (Cyprus University of Technology, Lemesos, Cyprus); Maria Lambrou (University of the Aegean Business School, Greece); Andy Lapham (Thames Valley University, UK); Mona Laroussi (Institut National des Sciences, Appliquées et de la Technologie, Tnis and Lille, Tunisia); Fotis Lazarinis (Applied Informatics in Management and Finance, Greece); Denise Leahy (Trinity College, Dublin,


Ireland); Kate Lennon (Glasgow Caledonian University, UK); Karin Levinsen (Danish University of Education, Denmark); Mariana Lilley (University of Hertfordshire, UK); Henrik Linderoth (Umeå School of Buinsess and Economics, Sweden); Jorgen Lindh (Jonkoping International Business School, Sweden); Lorna Lines (Brunel University, UK); Ying Liu (Cambridge University, UK); Sam Lubbe (University of South Africa); Francis Maietta (Real Thinking Company, UK); Christina Mainka (University of Napier, Edinburgh, UK); Chittaranjan Mandal (School of IT, Kharagpur, India); Stan Marek (Napier University, Edinburgh, UK); Augostino Marengo (University of Bari, Italy); Sephanos Mavromoustakos (Cyprus College); Erika Mechlova (University of Ostrava, Czech Republic); Jaroslava Mikulecka (University of Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic); Peter Mikulecky (University of Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic); Mike Mimirinis (Middlesex University, London, UK); Ali Moeini (University of Tehran, Iran); Peter Monthienvichienchai (Insitute of Education, London, UK); Suzie Moon (Henley Management College, UK); Pam Moule (University of the West of England, Bristol, UK); Radouane Mrabet (ENSIA, Morocco); Mirjan Nadrljanski (Universtiy of Novi Sad, Sombor, Serbia); Minoru Nakayama (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan); Julian Newman (Glasgow Caledonian University, UK); Abel Nyamapfene, (University of Exeter, United Kingdom); Sinead O’Neill (Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland); Rikke Orngreen (Copenhagen Business School, Frederiksberg, Denmark); Kutluk Ozguven (Dogus University, Turkey); Ecaterina Pacurar Giacomini (Louis Pasteur University, France); George Papadopoulos (University of Cyprus); Stefanie Panke (Knowledge Media Research Center, Tuebingen, Germany); Vivien Paraskevi (University of Geneva, Switzerland); Paul Peachey University of Glamorgan, UK); Arna Peretz (Ben Gurion Univeristy of the Negev, Omer, Israel); Christine Perry (University of the West of England, Bristol, UK); Pit Pichappan (Annamalai University, India); Selwyn Piramuthu (University of Florida, Gainesville, USA); Michel Plaisent (University of Quebec in Montreal, Canada); Muhammad Abdul Qadir (Mohammad Ali Jinnah University, Islamabad, Pakistan); Susannah Quinsee (City University, London, UK); Liana Razmerita (Copenhagen Business School, Denmark); Christopher Reade (Kingston University, UK); Vivien Rolfe (De Monfort University, Leicester, UK); David Rush (University of Winchester, UK); Florin Salajan (University of Toronto, Canada); Gilly Salmon (University of Leicester, UK); David Sammon (Univesity College Cork, Ireland); Venkat Sastry (Defence College of Management and Technology, Cranfield University, UK); Brian Sayer (University of London, UK); Jeanne schreurs (Hasselt University, Diepenbeek, Belgium); Jane Secker (London School of Economics, UK); Aileen Sibbald (Napier University, Edinburgh, UK); Petia Sice (University of Northumbria, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK); Gurmeet Singh (The University of The South Pacific, Suva , Fiji); Keith Smyth (Napier University, Edinburgh, UK); Bent Soelberg (Copenhagen Business School, Denmark); Yeong-Tae Song (Towson University, Maryland, USA); Michael Sonntag (FIM, Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria); Rumen Stainov (University of Applied Sciences, Fulda, Germany); John Stav (Sor-Trondelag University College, Norway); Chris Stokes (University of Sheffield, UK); Roxana Taddei (Université Clermont Ferrand 2, Montpellier, France); Yana Tainsh (University of Greenwich, UK); Heiman Tali (The Open University, Israel); Bénédicte Talon (Université du Littoral, France); Bryan Temple (Glasgow Caledonian University, UK); John Thompson (Buffalo State College, USA); Claudine Toffolon (University of Lemans, France); Saba Khalil Toor (Virtual University of Pakistan, Lahore, Pakistan); Chris Turner (University of Winchester, UK); Aimilia Tzanavari (University of Nicosia, Cyprus); Huseyin Uzunboylu (Near East University, Cyprus); Linda Van Ryneveld (Tshwane University of Technology, Pretoria, South Africa); Carlos Vaz de Carvalho (Porto Polytechnic, Portugal); Andreas Veglis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece); Bruno Warin (Université du Littoral, Calais, France); Fahad Waseem (University of Northumbria, Middlesbrough, UK); Garry Watkins (University of Central Lancashire, UK); Mike Webb (Big World, UK); Peter Westerkamp (University of Muenster, Germany); Nicola Whitton (Manchester Metropolitan University, UK); Pauline Wilcox (University of Manchester, UK); Roy Williams (University of Portsmouth, UK); Shirley Williams (University of Reading, UK); Panagiotis Zaharias (University of the Aegean, Greece); Peter Zentel (Knowledge Media Research Center, Germany); Chris Zielinski (World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland); Anna Zoakou (Ellinogermaniki Agogi, Greece)


Biographies of Conference Chairs, Programme Chair and Keynote Speaker Conference Chair Dr George Papadopoulos (Ph.D.) holds the (tenured) rank of Professor in the Department of Computer Science, University of Cyprus. Professor Papadopoulos' research interests include component-based systems, mobile computing, multimedia systems, open and distance learning, parallel programming and high performance computing, GRID technologies, cooperative information systems and service oriented computing. He has published more than 100 papers as book chapters or in internationally refereed journals and conferences. Furthermore, he serves in the Editorial Board of 5 international journals and has served as a Co-Chairman, Steering or Program Committee member in more than 70 international conferences and workshops. Professor Papadopoulos is a recipient of an 1995 ERCIM-HCM scholarship award. He has been involved or is currently participating, as coordinator or partner, in over 30 internationally and nationally funded projects (total budget for his participation more than 4 MEURO), including 9 FP5 and FP6 IST (in the areas of tele-medicine, component-based systems, bioinformatics, e-learning and Internet technologies), 3 EUMEDIS (in Open and Distance Learning), 1 INCO-DC, 1 eTen (in tele-medicine) and 7 LEONARDO ones (in vocational training). He is the Director of the Software Engineering and Internet Technologies Laboratory

Programme Chair Dr Roy Williams designs learning spaces and knowledge management applications at the Flexible Learning Studio in the Faculty of Technology at the University of Portsmouth, and he is also the e-learning coordinator for the Faculty. He researches and published widely on e-learning, knowledge management, both on the practical design and application, and on the theory of learning and knowledge management. He currently has a grant from the Higher Education Academy in the UK to apply the theories of complex adaptive systems and ecological affordances to learning. He is actively involved in the European and International Conferences on e-learning, knowledge management, and business research methods and has edited the Electronic Journal of e-learning. He has held posts of Professor and Chair of Communication, Visiting Professor of Education, Visiting Examiner, Executive Board member of the IBA, the South African Broadcast regulator, and set up the jointventure publishing company, Sached Books Pty Ltd


The “Living Museums” project Alfredo Pina1, Lore Huizi1, Jon Legarrea1, Jose Miguel Correa2, Lorea Fernández2, Alex Ibañez2, Estibaliz Jiménez de Aberasturi2, Margari León2, Elia Fernández2, Luis Gutierrez2, Sandra Baldassarri3, Eva Cerezo3 and Pablo Orensanz 3 1 Public University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain 2 University of the Basque Country, San Sebastian, Spain 3 University of Zaragoza, Spain {pina, lore.huizi, jon.legarrea}@unavarra.es {jcorrea}@ehu.es {sandra, ecerezo}@unizar.es Abstract: We present the characteristics of an ongoing project “Living Museums”, which involves nontechnological and technological researchers; we propose to use different Web 2.0 tools with an open methodology which assures social participation, reduces digital divide and invite people to think about what could be a “Living Museum” for a citizen. The development of learning projects based on the heritage capital from the different communities of the members that participate and the possibilities of learning in social networks. The main conclusions focus on participants´ satisfaction, the learning of technological competencies and the discovery of the social network as a learning environment. Keywords: Web 2.0, social networks, digital life, museums, education

1. Introduction This project is based on the development of technological and educative proposals which can promote the collaboration and participation through social networks in the construction and recovery of heritage collections. We see a “Living Museum” as an open digital repository of stories based on a topic and constructed through a technological platform in a socially & collaboratively way. We propose to use technologies integrated within the Web 2.0 as framework support, as the way to communicate and to induce social and digital interaction. Using the technological support the users may organise snippets of information, digital stories, narratives or other significant objects for them. “Living museums” is also an open program based on the shared construction of knowledge, memories and meanings. For us a long term target is the technical literacy, it means to decrease the information gap between the elite and the technical poor. But our main objective until now has been to combine technology possibilities (in particular those related with building social networks), with the development of the personal and social creativity, the implication in social networks and communities; and this avoiding the social exclusion of the less favoured culturally and technologically. “Living Museums” mission should be to invite communities to collect pieces from past times or daily livings nowadays, to digitise them, allowing historic memory recovery (spoken word, written word, pictures, movies) and searching the heritage meanings of these communities. A digital narrative is the basic item used to build a “Living Museum” is. A digital narrative is a meaningful digital construct which can be a fixed image, a video, a sound, a text, a combination of them, etc….We try to recover a past stories or one from the present time, real or animated, with fixed images or with movies, past or present snippets with meaning for the users. The “Living Museum” provides a set of technological resources (maybe integrated in one single platform) that allow the construction of the digital narratives and the access to them; the minimum available features should allow the users:

To organise themselves creating groups if necessary, with different criteria like subject or location

To upload their productions in one web platform,

To share their materials,

To see materials of other users, to interpret them, to make comments, to improve the digital creations of others

To organize all the uploaded materials with tags and taking into account spatio-temporal information

This project (http://www.museosvivos.es/) is being funded by the Pyrenees Work Community and the different partners are the Basque Country University (San Sebastian), the Public University of Navarra (Pamplona), the University of Zaragoza (Zaragoza), the museum of History & Art of Zarauz (Gipuzkoa), the Sciences Society “Aranzadi” (San Sebastian) and the Planetarium of Pamplona, all, of them in the north of Spain. The rest of this paper is organised as follows. To the end of this first section we describe the main ideas around technology, museums and education. We outline also some experiences that can help the reader to understand our idea of “Living museums”. The second section explains what the “Living museums” project is. Section 3 gives details about the methodological approach. Section 4 presents some experiences carried out. Section 5 describes the evaluation tools needed and designed for the project and section 6 gives some conclusions.

1.1 Technology and museums 1.1.1 Digital technologies and museums In the short time tour of the narrow relation between technology and museums, several and different designs and tools have been used to organise virtual museums, in parallel to the face-to-face ones, trying to create a support to the undertaken activities in museums. The presence and use of the digital Technologies in museums and heritage collections spaces is more and more intensive; we see three fundamental functions behind this, communication, information and support for teaching-learning processes. The work done by Hawkey (Hawkey 2002) shows how this kind of functions are implemented in museums and what technologies are used for that. Technology (in museums) promotes scientific attitudes; systematic enquiry-based activities about related questions with objects and collections from expositions of museums or meaningful learning through different pathways that help in reconstructing scientific knowledge are two clear examples. But another key question in mixing off technology and museums is that we bring close to the citizens a very important question which is the extension and social presence of technology. Many authors about technology and museums are coincident in this fact (Falk and Dierking 2000) (Hein 1998) (Hooper-Greenhill 1999) (Marsick and Watkins 2001) (Brooks, Nolan and Gallagher 2000). In any case since the appearance of the first museum Web sites, most museums have established some presence on the World Wide Web. Museums have much to learn from each other, and from developers using the Web for other applications. To facilitate this exchange of information, Archives & Museum Informatics organises an annual international conference devoted exclusively to Museums and the Web (http://www.archimuse.com/). 1.1.2 Museums for educational purposes If we have to define what a museum is, we could say that it is an entity that tries to explain us things, showing us selections of products with a clear cultural value; but above all, a museum is an institution that holds means to promote experiences, to transmit multiple sense messages, to relive sensations or feelings, to produce perplexity or contradictions, to nag at the conscience; we do not have to forget also, that small and local museums are quite near from the museums nearby citizens. The contents of a museum, objects, pictures, experiments, technical presentations, demos or expositions, are resources with we can develop learning experiences, some times within a regular curriculum, some times not, and the most important: these experiences are implemented as activities that will be carried out (successfully) and that could be the finally responsible of the success of the “Meaning of the life” of a museum. According to the curricular (or not curricular) arguments we can state that a museum and such heritage presentation spaces are in a different context that the scholastic ones, different, with different characteristics, but also with similarities. Asensio (Asensio 2001) (Asensio 2002) tell us that museums

and expositions gather conceptual information, put forward interpretations, transmit theories or explanatory models, sometimes more adjusted to the referred disciplines, sometimes not; this fact reproduces the dilemmas of the scholastic knowledge, dilemmas that are between the dichotomy between the unrevealed curricula and the explicit one, like the intended table of contents, the compromise with concrete perspectives, given scientific or technological selections, etc….. 1.1.3 Social networks and museums Social networks can help us to reach some educational and social objectives of the so-called “Information society”; the 3 C’s, “Communication” (help us in sharing knowledge), “Community” (help us to detect/find/integrate communities) and “Cooperation” (help us to make things together). There is an increasing demand to promote social participation and collaboration with digital technologies among the “normal” citizens building bridges between them and “the innovation” an at the same time trying to go beyond the digital divide. Enjoying and valuing heritage is related with diffusion, creation and expression of the inside subjective values it contains. Some concrete technologies (like a Wiki for example) allow to share this legacy, to express and build meanings. One of the most powerful features of the digital technology is the easiness to make possible collaboration. Learners benefit from an open access to the resources and ideas of other learners, even from other geographical areas, from different conceptual schemas or from different subjects. The collaborative aspects in learning get priority attention in a museum context. In (Brown et al 2002) they present one study of one collaboration between real learners (face to face exposition), virtual learners (on line) and a third group in a 3D Virtual Reality ambiance. The system allows visitors to share their location and orientation, communicate over a voice channel, and jointly navigate around a shared information space. Their work explores the social context for learning, in such a way that it makes the bridge or minimises the limits between close and far visitors, and between digital and real artefacts. The main purpose is to make possible for the learners to create associations in a museum collection, converting them in resources for later visitors or visits.

1.2 Similar approaches There are many similar approaches within this subject area, museums and technology. We outline some of them which shows different features exposed in the previous sections. The understanding of these approaches will help the reader to understand what a “Living Museum” is (or could be). The experience carried out by Elisa Giaccardi (http://www.thesilence.org/) which enables participants to map and annotate the soundscape of urban and natural environments. The project promotes a model of virtuality that empowers the active and constructive role of local communities in the interpretation, preservation, and renewal of natural quiet as an important element of the natural heritage. The project combines multiple technologies and social practices in a cross-media interaction comprising: (a) data catching (i.e., capturing sounds from the natural environment); (b) data description (i.e., mapping the soundscape on the Web); and (c) data interpretation (i.e., creating a shared ideal soundscape in the public space). Culture Online (http://www.cultureonline.gov.uk/) has been set out to build a digital bridge between learning and culture. The project “Every Object Tells a Story”, is a good example (http://www.cultureonline.gov.uk/projects/in_production/every_object_tells_a_story/index.html). Everyone has a particular object which means something special to them. Every Object Tells A Story allows people to share their stories and to explore the stories of others on an easy-to-use website. We may find some more specific Websites and experiences. For example in http://nomada.blogs.com/jfreire/2008/05/canal-accesible.html the reader can find a very interesting example of collaborative art and urban denunciation. The main purpose is to give a “digital” voice to all the citizens in different European and Latin-American cities: courier workers, cab drivers, handicapped people, prostitutes, gipsy communities, etc….. Another nice example is a Spanish experience (http://www.archivodelaexperiencia.es/) which the main purpose in this case is to get together young and elder people, through the living experiences of elder people.

The next section tries to give to the reader a more precise idea of what is a “Living Museum”, but the reader can already imagine what for us, a “Living museum” is.

2. The “Living Museums” project The “Living Museums” project (http://www.museosvivos.es/, Web site in progress, still in Spanish) is an open program based on the shared construction of knowledge, stories and meanings. Apart from offering a multidisciplinary approach, among its main objectives are the Digital alphabetisation and the Social participation.

Figure 1: Current layout of the “Living Museums” CMS The main purpose is to merge Technologies (more precisely all the social network related technology) and the possibilities which arise with the use of them, to develop personal and social creativity, to promote participation in networks and communities, and this avoiding hierarchies & social exclusion due to economic, cultural or Digital Divide matters. The project has three main stages; the first one leads to a first definition of “Living Museums” and their potential “end users”; in the second one we provide them with the necessary means to tell things and to share them through the Web (making some real experiences); during the third one, we have to evaluate the “product”, the experiences and the sustainability of such kind of community beyond the lifespan of the project. The main features of our project we would like to point out are:

To work on the existing gap between Technologies and citizens

To try to involve and integrate when possible, young and elder people (elder people have stories to tell, young people know how to digitise them….)

To work on the combination Museums and Education

To promote Social participation

To obtain Community work starting form individual works

To show the importance of local territory with such social technologies (it is important to share with people far from us, but it is as well as important, or more, to interact through the net with local people about local problems or thoughts)

To be Aware of working to diminish the digital divide

The evolution in the time of all these features

3. Methodological approach In this section we outline the most important methodological aspects, divided in three main blocks. First of all we define the pedagogical characteristics, then we give some details of the used technology, and at the end we describe the activities a user may (and should) make.

3.1 Pedagogical approach “Living Museums” as it has been stated is based on a social participation strategy. It allows us a special and decisive role: to share a valuable thing (from our point of view). For that we propose to construct a “Living Museum” from two points of view or two axes:

On one side we have a historic scenario: how we have evolved and changed, and how our environment has evolved until present time: our habits and customs (for example markets), our institutions (for example the school), our leisure time (for example sport clubs, entertainment possibilities), jobs and professions (fishing, agriculture, industry, etc….). We can imagine ourselves gathering (historical) pictures from our town, quarter, city, or from our school, and then we can try to find the real “key players” of these pictures and to ask to them about the stories behind this pictures…..

But there is another possible scenario, the environmental one, which locates us at the present time, and that shows us the reality as we can see, touch and understand it. This is a multiple scenario, not limited, versatile….it can be a natural landscape, a historic monument, a social event, a cultural custom, a social mobilisation, etc….

The digital creations of individuals starting from one of these two scenarios, the social interaction between them, the exchange of points of views and the evolution in time, gives us two kind of itineraries, one individual of every person and one collective. The last one, the collective, with all the obtained productions, the different kinds of interactions, etc….is a “Living museum”. The first one, the individual one, is the personal learning pathway, which can be of different type for everyone (from technological or communication skills to historical or self-aware consciousness). We try as well to articulate every (possible) experience following a Project Based Learning (PBL) paradigm. This means we are using enquiry based techniques like Web quests and we share the responsibility within the teaching-learning process. This is particularly applied to the experiences carried out with students (of different educational levels).

3.2 Technological support Our main interest was not to develop “yet another platform” to support our project. Maybe in a future it could be possible, but for the moment we do not see the need. The main purpose behind the choice of the technological tools is to choose open and free licence software, and not to be conditioned by the choice in our pedagogical approach (which is not always so evident….) We may distinguish at this stage two important set of tools.

First of all we (the users) need to create, produce, capture, etc…our digital pieces that will make our digital narratives. For that we are using normally different Web 2.0 tools, and in general, depending of the profile of the end-users we may choose one set of tools or another, of course taking into account what kind of digital piece we need.

Then we need to allow the users to “upload” their productions somewhere, to show them, to share them, and to allow others to talk about them, and if possible to make them evolve.

At this stage we see clearly that two approaches should be taken into account. The first one is to use already existing on-line platforms, based on Web 2.0 tools, with no need of administration. The second one is to set up a server with some Content Management System (CMS) and to adapt it to the needs of the experience. Both approaches have advantages and disadvantages; in the first case it is much easier to start working than in the second case, whereas in the first case the size, format or publicity limitations can be annoying whereas in the second case they can be easily solved.

Figure 2: Designing of a main entrance to the different “Living Museums

Figure 3: Current layout of one of the “Living Museums” experiences, based on the “Drupal” platform We are experimenting with several current options; platforms Elgg or Ning have been used for some of the experiences; we use the CMS Drupal for other experiences.

We believe that the right combination of such approaches would be the right set of tools needed for creating “Living museums”. We relieve that we have to organise the “Living museums” Project in a way that the user can make a clear difference between these 3 main things:

the general portal (Web site) of “Living museums” (possibly with forums and other tools to discuss at this level),

the “factory” site, which is the workshop where every user can construct his digital narratives,

The different experiences carried out (for the moment we are “inducing” them, but in the future it would be desirable to study how they can be triggered by users initiative and how such a kind of system is sustainable)

Figure 2 shows a draft design of the main entrance to the project, while Figure 3 shows the current layout of one of the experiences we are carrying out (in this case, the factory and the CMS, Drupal, are integrated).

3.3 Users tools and activities to be carried out To finish this section we summarize what the users should be able to make with what tools; depending on the profile of the end-users (computer confident or not, individual or group, academic or not, younger or older, etc….) they need some support in order to (actively) participate in a Living Museum. In the experiences described in the next section, we have tried to organise activities well adapted to the profiles. For that the experimental final users have been provided of:

An adequate set of tools, tutorials and training courses program to coach them in their own narrations construction (made of text, images, videos, links, etc…)

Some recommendations on methodological issues in order to give them some clues to start working

A technological platform (in fact we are experimenting with Ning-http://museobiziak.ning.com-, Elgg-http://pirinet.i2bask.es/ and Drupal: http://nada.cps.unizar.es/museosvivos) to allow them to store and share their narrations.

A specific tutoring system (blended learning) to advice and help the users to set up their ideas and also to follow and support them, once they have started.

4. The experiences Actually, we have organised several experiences with at least four kinds of communities.

About 250 undergraduate students (from Education related degrees) at the Basque Country University are working in order to express what a “Living Museum” is for them.

A group of postgraduate students are working with the Sciences Society “Aranzadi” (http://www.aranzadi-zientziak.org/) to construct a “Living Museum” about the Spanish Civil War.

A reduced group of 14 selected elderly citizens are working on a “Blended” project at the local Museum of Zarautz (http://www.menosca.com/), with the aim of constructing a “Living Museum” about how was the life at the town at the beginning of the century; this experience uses Face-toFace sessions at the museum (open to the citizenship) and with the selected 14 citizens, where the goal is to make “Jam sessions” starting from several pictures of the beginning of the century; the project uses as well the Web to upload and share the results of the “Jam sessions” and to construct in this way the “Living Museums”.

Finally a group of school-age children in a small town of the Basque Country (Bergara) are working on a “Living Museum” (based on the perception they have of their own town) which relates two subjects, English language and Arts & Crafts. In the next section we give some details about one of the experiences, the one with the 250 undergraduate students.

4.1 A “Living Museum” to understand what is/could be a “Living Museum” The main explicit idea we tried to transmit to our students with this experience (About 250 undergraduate students, from Education related degrees, at the Basque Country University working in

order to express what is a “Living Museum” for them) is that all of us are active participants in “Living museums”…all of us have something to tell, something that others will find interesting. To focus the task orientation and to try to have some tools to gather together the future different experiences we propose to the students several guidelines to choose among:

Change, social and/or cultural innovation.

The woman identity (with an historical perspective); this offers an opportunity to make a reflection about the constitutive keys of the feminine role and to understand the woman of the XXI century.

Nature itineraries

Day to day Cultural heritage

The result of this experience is a set of deliverables that have been uploaded to one of our “Living museums” platform (http://museobiziak.ning.com) as it can be seen in figure 4.

Figure 4: Current layout of one of the “Living Museums” experiences, based on the Web 2.0 platform “Ning” For three main groups the main task has been to produce a digital movie (between 3 & 5 minutes) about one of the community-interested subjects presented previously. For the fourth group the deliverable was either a movie either an artefact developed with different materials (2D or 3D): posters, t-shirts, installations, collages, etc…..all these artefacts were digitised to upload them into the platform.

Most of the chosen subjects have been related with historic aspects or with environmental problems. Participants have used several devices like digital cameras, mobile phones, video cameras, etc…and different software programs to work on the captured materials (Movie maker, photo story or Kaltura). Most of the people have participated in the forums, making interesting comments, have customised their personal spaces, etc….. The feelings behind the stories are quite different; some are hard stories with a strong social compromise and protest, others are sad ones, others are romantic, etc….. Our feeling (the teachers) is that we appreciate a lot and we are so very satisfied because they have conclude, presented and shared their video or object; and as well they have accessed to a community where we “see each other” (personal pictures and real names) and where we are capable of “reading” and comment (always positively) the work of our colleagues.

5. Evaluation tools At this moment we are carrying out all these experiences and we are preparing a set of tools and assessment criteria to evaluate the “Living Museums” (analytical tools, individual and Group feedback of the different level users, etc…). For the moment we are designing two kinds of assessment tools. From the end-user point of view, we are interested in developing a usability set of tests. This should help us in defining what a user (individual or group) needs to build the “living Museum” (kind of platform, type of interface, etc…). But the main point is to be able to evaluate what happened with a “Living Museum”; in fact we may need to answer to questions like: From whom the initiative to create a “Living Museum” starts? How long lasts a “Living Museum”? How should be the social participation in a “living Museum”, etc….and for that we need to make quantitative and qualitative analysis of the different experiences in order to have some arguments to answer to these questions?

Figure 5: Quantitative results from Google analytics for http://museobiziak.ning.com

6. Conclusions Beyond that the fact that we believe that all the work we are doing is interesting to understand what is behind this concept of “Living museums” and thus justifies our project, we would like to present in these section several reflections about our experience. The first reflection we can make is to point out is that the created contents that arise of such build “Living museums” are interesting for two main reasons. In some cases, the contents are new ones, as they were not “reachable” through the web; this is the case of the fourteen selected elderly citizens

working on a project at the local Museum of Zarautz (of course the pictures were there, but all the inter-related comments of the elderly citizens were not anywhere). In other cases, the comments on diary aspects made by young people in scholastic contents are quite interesting, as we do not make this kind of activity in such contexts; and therefore is a kind of “new content” (and also an interesting new activity for them, that in most of the cases involves the collaboration of more people like parents, grand-parents and so on) . Other reflections are on the educational possibilities of such experiences. The approach we are using is related with our teaching strategies as we are using a project based learning methodology, specially in the experiences with students we are carrying out. It seems also very important to make educational experiences out of the normal curricula; this is true for our students, but it is also true for the citizens, in the called “Life Long Learning” panorama. From a social point of view we see that the “Social Learning Environments” that have been created for the experiences enable us to practice the 3 C’s learning pointed out at the beginning of this paper. In the next months we should be able to give a complete definition of what “Living Museums” is and to answer to questions like, is it useful? Is it sustainable? Etc….

Acknowledgements This paper was partly based on work done in the frame of the project “Museos Vivos” funded by the “Comunidad de Trabajo de los Pirineos” (CTP, http://www.ctp.org/), (Pyrenees Work Community), agreements CTP-06-P1.A (Basque Country), CTP-P02/2006 (Aragon) and CTP-06-P3 (Navarra).

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