Joy to Life Magazine--Fall 2018

Page 44




The practice of yoga has been

around for millennia, but if it’s still a bit of a mystery to you, read on to discover its multiple mental and physical health benefits. Take a breath. Clear your mind. Stretch your core. Re-center and repeat. Busy women know that this is a clever and easy way to be still and find the calm in an ever-moving world, even if just for a few minutes. Would you be surprised to learn that busy women (and men) in the fifth century BC thought so, too? Deep breathing, contemplation and physical discipline are all part of the practice of yoga, a classic exercise combining the strengthening of spiritual, emotional and physical well-being that is thought to go back nearly 5,000 years.

Take a breath. Clear your mind. Stretch your core. Yoga classes typically consist of stretching, practice breathing and warm-up stretches. The instructor then takes class members through the yoga positions ensuring each one is made correctly and held for the appropriate amount of time. A cool down further relaxes the muscles and brings the heart rate down; the final relaxation time of a yoga class is not to be missed.

HowDeveloped to strike a work-life balance that keeps you centered . in India to unite physical and spiritual progression and enlightenment, yoga is one of six schools of Hinduism. It continues to play an important role in Hinduism and Buddhism today, but most people practicing yoga in this century do it for the mental and physical benefits rather than its religious underpinnings. Taking part in yoga regularly can help to relax and strengthen both the mind and body. Each style of yoga brings its own specific benefits, but participants in every style can expect to reap a host of rewards including improved flexibility, strength, balance and stamina; improved body alignment (and in some cases a relief of joint pain); a reduction of stress and insomnia; relaxation; and a boost in selfconfidence as new poses and techniques are mastered and muscles are strengthened.


Yoga is usually done barefoot in comfortable clothes that allow you to move freely. A yoga mat provides a non-slip surface and, when appropriate, props can help hold and maximize poses. It’s a versatile practice and can be done outside, at home, in a gym or in a studio. Yoga studios and classes are gaining in popularity and a simple Google search can help find one nearby. YouTube channels and exercise apps are also great places to look for instructional videos. The age-old practice of meditation and discipline couldn’t be more accessible than it is today. So, take a breath, stretch and say, “ommmm.” BY CHEYENNE MARTIN


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