The Joy to Life Foundation was not only THE FIRST AND LARGEST PRIVATE PROVIDER for the Alabama Department of Public Health and its Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program, and since 2012, it has provided MORE THAN $1.4 MILLION to the Alabama Department of Public Health.
J oy t o Life Giving that equals lives saved
“We wanted to see SOMETHING POSITIVE come from my personal experience with breast cancer, and we saw a need in our community for better access to preventative care. Now, almost two decades later, WE FEEL THAT OUR IMPACT WITH THE ABCCEDP HAS BEEN MONUMENTAL.” -Joy Blondheim, CO-FOUNDER, JOY TO LIFE FOUNDATION
After battling breast cancer and win-
When it comes to the foundation’s record
ning, Joy Blondheim formed The Joy to
in practicing what it preaches, the num-
Life Foundation in Montgomery with her
bers speak for themselves. The founda-
husband Dickie in 2001. The non-profit
tion was not only the first and largest
raises funds to ensure that un- and un-
private provider for the ABCCEDP, since
der-insured women in Alabama have ac-
2012, it has provided more than $1.4
cess to mammograms and other screen-
million to the Alabama Department of
ings to detect breast cancer earlier and
Public Health. In 2001, the ADPH was
therefore, greatly increase their chances
providing approximately 1,500 mammo-
of survival. It also raises awareness about
grams per year. Today, they provide more
breast cancer in general and has become
than 17,000 per year, in large part due to
a shining symbol of hope and support for
the foundation’s consistent financial sup-
people of all ages and walks of life who
port and Breast Cancer Awareness Pro-
are facing and fighting breast cancer.
grams. Since 2007, the foundation has directly and indirectly been responsible
The vehicle through which JTL Foun-
for more than 91,000 mammograms,
dation provides mammograms is the
meaning thousands of lives have been
Alabama Department of Public Health
saved because of its work.
and its Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program (ABCCEDP). Money
It’s a fact that Nancy Wright, Director
that the foundation brings in from sales
of the Cancer Prevention and Control
of its car tags, money raised at its Walk
Division at ADPH can't stress enough.
of Life 5k event, donations and other
“Without funding from Joy to Life, the
avenues are given to ADPH, which in
program would be unable to offer its free
turn “pays” for mammograms and other
screenings and diagnostic services to
breast screenings for women who cannot
women across the state in their 40s who
afford these lifesaving services.
have no insurance and a low income,” she said. “We would only have the funds to