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How to strike a work-life balance that keeps you centered .
AN APPLE A DAY It may or may not keep the doctor away, but regular routines and taking time for self-care are two habits beneficial to maintaining a healthy work/life balance.
With technology where it is today, striking a work-life balance is tough, especially if you love your job. We are almost always plugged in and quickly monopolized by email, phone calls and even social media. Although in the past, many people lived by the “work hard now, play hard later” mentality, with advances in technology, many people—especially millennials—aim to do both simultaneously. They seek work-life integration through careers that are adaptable to change. They want flexibly with schedules and freedom to travel, have kids or become a triathlete now, not later. Work-life balance. Work-life integration. However you refer to it, it becomes a concentrated effort to achieve successful boundaries. With the lines between work life and real life now constantly blurred, the inability to separate the two can slowly sneak up on us. Without any priorities defined, too much is crammed into a daily routine, and nothing gets done well. Career burnout is often the result, or worse yet, mental and physical fatigue induced by stress, poor health and lack of sleep. BY MELISSA TATE WITT