Joy to Life Magazine--Winter 2020

Page 14

the dish

Eating Made Easy

Elaine Gordon

• Introducing

Joy to Life magazine is thrilled to announce a new

dim lights and a glass of wine as he started the cooking

collaboration with food blogger and healthy eating expert

process. It was a ritual and part of his self care (I’m

Elaine Gordon, whose blog, Eating by Elaine, features

convinced). Seeing the love both of my parents had for

tons of delicious, easy-to-make dishes that are nutritious,

being in the kitchen and entertaining definitely rubbed

plant-based and free of common allergens including

off on me. I find that not only do I think about food

gluten, dairy, soy and peanuts.

constantly, but I find myself happiest when I’m in my kitchen creating dishes for my loved ones.

We’re posting some of Elaine’s personal favorite recipes — complete with nutritional content —on the magazine’s

When I was a teenager, my mom was diagnosed with

website every month, and here, we’d like to introduce

breast cancer. At that time, she started to change many

Elaine, and let her explain her background and passion

aspects of her lifestyle including her diet. I was so

for healthy eating and wellness. She also shared her

intrigued by the idea that what we put in our bodies can

thoughts on the Joy to Life Foundation and the personal

make a difference in our overall health. Since then, I

connection that inspired her to work with us.

have always strived to eat nutritious foods that nourish my body and contribute to a positive healthy lifestyle.

Where are you originally from and where do you live now? I am originally from Rockville,

Over the years, I discovered that not everyone knows the health impact of their eating choices. I have grown to love

Maryland, and now I live in Baltimore, Maryland, with

nutrition education as a way to help others live healthier.

my husband and three young children. How did you get into cooking and into healthy eating?

Give us a little bit of your healthy cooking background and “credentials.”

I attribute my love for cooking to my mom and dad and

Although I was originally an actuarial mathematics

my appreciation for healthy eating to my mom. Growing

major in college, I quickly realized my true passion lies

up, my parents were always in the kitchen together and

in helping others live healthier. I never stop thinking

they both were incredible cooks. My dad always created

about food and dreaming about what my next meal

a special dinnertime ambiance with relaxing music,

will be. So, naturally, I started to pursue an interest in



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