Enrich your Joyce Theater experience with these special discounts, offers, and Joyce Artist perks!
For more information about our neighborhood partners, please visit joyce org/visiting-chelsea
175 Eighth Avenue 212-242-0800 | joyceorg
176 Eighth Avenue 917-597-8332 | loulounyccom
196 Eighth Avenue 212-242-4551 | lasagnarestaurantchelseacom
175 Eighth Avenue 212-242-0800 | joyceorg
108 Eighth Avenue 212-924-7786 | chrnyccom
g 848-359-5989 | rangoonnyc
184 Ninth Avenue 212-647-9406 | billysbakerynyccom
155 Seventh Avenue 917-388-3399 | coffeeprojectnycom
215 West 23rd Street 646-410-2858 | gymunyccom
233 Eighth Avenue 646-726-4614 | marsannenyccom
Billy’s Bakery cordially invites you to enjoy 10% off your total purchase.
Valid only at Billy’s Bakery – Chelsea location Valid with mention of The Joyce Theater affiliation
Joyce Bar & Merchandise 1. Billy's Bakery 2. Bourke Street Bakery 3. Chelsea Ristorante 4. Coffee Project NY 5. The Commons 6. Da Andrea - Chelsea 7. Gym U NYC 8. Milk & Hops 9. Rangoon 10 Twist Bar 11
The Joyce concessions stand offers you 20% off our merchandise. Valid only for The Joyce Theater's merchandise
Coffee Project NY offers you a 10% discount off your order + one-time discount of 30% off any beverage.
Valid only at Coffee Project NY - Chelsea location Must present this coupon with Joyce Member Card business card, or artist lanyard
ValidpresentationofthiscouponandSubscriberCard, Joycestaffbusinesscard orartistlanyard Cannotbecombinedwithanyotherpromotional offersOfferalsoexcludespre-fixemenu andhappyhour
Rangoon cordially invites you to enjoy 15% off a pre- and postshow dinner check.
The Joyce bar offers you 50% off most items. Valid only at The Joyce Theater bar in the lower lobby Noexpirationdate
Louloucordiallyinvitesyouto enjoy10%offyour totalpurchase.
MustpresentthiscouponwithJoyceSubscriberCard, staffbusinesscard,orartistlanyard
LasagnaRistorantecordially invitesyoutoenjoy10%offyour totalpurchase
MustpresentthiscouponwithJoyceSubscriberCard staffbusinesscardorartistlanyard.
Marsannecordiallyinvitesyouto enjoy10%offyour totalpurchase.
Mustpresentthiscouponwithticketstub,Joyce SubscriberCard,staffbusinesscard,orartistlanyard